Answers to Questions on Notice

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Answers to Questions on Notice \, <,? ,^. Z>. r ^, EC^WED 13' @, 61 ^ co Co E~ I 8 Nov 1/11 to ,P $1 ^, > *^, a I:, ESTIMAT"S AND FINANCIAL OPERATIONS COMMITTEE NY I\a SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTIONS Main Roads Western Australia HDn Tjorn Sibma asked: Bl. I refer to page 616 of budget paper N0 2, volume 2 "Significant Issue I I' the Agency". My first line of questions is in relation to the third dot ' t d I' ' I congestion and related matters. Iflnfrastructure Australia predicts that con est' 11 cost $16 billion a year in lost productivity by 2031, I am interested to know wh Ih government decided to cancel projects to widen the southbound lanes on Mitchell Freeway bctween I{odges Drive-Hepburn Avenue and Reid Hi hwa -Er' d I R d. How would the widening of those two sections have contributed in term f d peak travelling times for individual commuters? Answer: As the member is aware, there are finite funds. If the fomier Governme t h d th h that these pro. jects were a priority, they should have completed or coinmenc d Ih projects during their term. B2. Is the incidence of congestion or time spent effectiveI in ridlock I'k I t increase or decrease as a consequence of the Goverirrnent's decision not to fund th project? Answer: As part of Main Roads' overall strategy to transform Perth's freewa s, th h' h t priority sections now form part of the Governnient's $2.3 billion investment acka in Toad and rail infrastructure projects. We will continue to promote and attern t I secure funds for further projects. Public/Internet 22/11/2017 B12. Where there any projects considered by Main Roads offered u f G consideration that had a BCR of 1.6 or higher and did not a ear as norit t this year's budget? Answer: The following projects with a BCR greater 111an 1.6 were included in M ' R d ' 20/7/18 Asset Investment Program advice to Government and were t f 11 f d d in this year's budget: Toodyay Road Upgrade - Dryandra $2,2m in project developinent funding has to Toodyay been provided for design and pre- construction activities. Tonkin Highway - Great Eastern The pro. jeer was submitted for Highway to Collier Road - Gap consideration as an Unfunded Pro^Ct Commonwealtli Pro OSal. Mitchell Freeway Extension - He The project was submitted for Aveilue to Romeo Road consideration as an Unfunded Commonwealth Pro sal. Great Northern Highway - Bindoon The project was submitted for Bypass consideration as an Unfunded Commonwealth Pro OSal. ESTIMATES AND FINANCIAL OPERATIONS COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTIONS Main Roads Western Australia Horn Aaro" Stonehouse asked: B31 refer to pages 616 and 617. At the bottom of page 616 there is a dot point about road pavements and bridges, and at the top of page 617 there is a dot point about bridges being crucial pieces of infrastructore. What is the expected replacement cost for road pavements and bridges that are coming to the end of their designlives? miswer: The detennination of replacement needs is based on the remaining useful life of an asset rather than its original design life. All asset has remaining useful life if it can be cost effective Iy maintained whilst providing an adequate level of service to the user. Many factors affect the remaining useful life of an asset and as such, apart from the short-tenn, it is difficult to predict this time period. Main Roads has an Asset Management Plan for state managed road pavement and bridge assets. The plan involves a comprehensive inspection process including annual visual inspections* specialist collection and review of pavement condition data and periodic structural inspections of bridges. This identifies and prioritises maintenance requirements and the agency allocates funding for these activities on an armual basis during the nonnal budgetary processes. Main Roads forecasts these maintenance needs, strategically, over a 10 plus year period. This process includes consideration of holding treatments to maintain an adequate level of service when rehabilitation or replacement is riot possible within available budgets. Main Roads has connnissioned the collection of comprehensive pavement strength data using the latest high speed collection technology, This data is due in late 2018 and, combined with further visual inspections, will enable a more accurate prediction of the remaining useful life for road pavement assets. Main Roads has also undertaken a review of the condition of its bridge assets and affect a number of key replacements as part of the Bridge Renewal Program. B4 Can you provide the cost-benefit analysis for each of the projects listed under New Works on pages 624 to 626? Answer: New Pro^Ct Works BCR A1bany Ring Road Platming BCR is being developed as pluming To esses Armadale Road Bridge - North Lake 4.05 Road Flyover Bunbury Outer Ring Road - Pluming for BCR is being developed as pluming Sta es 2 and 3 To reSses Coolgardie ESPeranCG Highway - 1.76 Widenin , overlay and reconstruction Great Eastern Highway - Annac Drive to 0.26 Gatacre Drive Kanatha Tom Price Road - Extend BCR is being developed as planiing current sealin To resseS Leach Highway - Canington Street to 1.3 Stirlin Hi way Outback Wa - Seal nority sections 1.18 Reld Highway - Altone Road to West 7.9 Swan Road construction of dual carria eway Roe Highway - Kalamunda Road grade 4.2 se arated interchan e South Coast Highway - Upgrade BCR is being developed as plumiing between A1bany and Ierramungup - progresses Sta e I Warmero0 Road - loondalup Drive BCR is being developed as PIaming grade se arated interchari e To resses Kwinana Freeway Muming Road on- 1.4 ram construction Kwinana Freeway Russell Road to Roe 4.85 Hi wa widenin northbound lanes Smart Freeways - Roe Highway to 10 Narrows Brid e Mitchell Freeway - CGdric Street to 9.13 Vincent Street southbound widenin Marble Bar Road - Coongan Gorge 1.04 realigirrnent ESTIMATES AND FINANCIAL OPERATIONS COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTIONS Main Roads Western Australia Hon Jim Chown asked: BS. Minister, my question is in relation to southern suburbs congestion. I am sure the members of the department are aware that in 2015, the City of Cockbum commissioned Arup Consulting Engineers to conduct a survey around the Perth Freight Link and Roe 8, Now that Roe 8 is no longer being built, how is the government going to address the congestion on these roads, including Leach Highway? Answer: The report coriumissioned by the City of Cockbum has been noted. The Govennnent has commenced the WestPort project which will review the future port needs, including both rail and road access requirements in the area. With regard to the Leach Highway, funding of $1 18 million has been allocated for the upgrade of the High Street section, including the intersection of Stirling Highway and High Street. All assessment of Leach Highway is currently being undertaken to identify other short~ term initiatives to alleviate congestion including further signalling, signage and line marking improvements, ITS treatments, and civil works. B6. What will be the cost of mitigating congestion in the Southern suburbs now that Roe 8 is no longer being constructed, and where in the budget are these costs identified? Answer: The GoverTnnent is committed to a number of projects which will improve congestion in the southern suburbs, including upgrading the High Street section of Leach Highway and the intersection of Stirling Highway and High Street, the duplication of Armadale Road, the Armadale Road to North Lake Road Bridge, Kwinana Freeway Northbound widening, installation of Smart Freeway technology on Kwinana Freeway, the Murdoch Drive Connection project, the Karel Avenue upgrade and the construction of Manning Road southbound on-ramp. All of these projects are fully funded and included in the budget, with their respective costings. ESTIMATES AND FINANCIAL OPERATIONS COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTIONS Main Roads Western Australia Hon Martin A1dridge asked: B7. The Minister would probably be aware that I have asked questions in the last few weeks in relation to the condition of the section of Great Eastern Highway from Northam to Southern Cross. It is in very poor condition. I drove it a couple of weeks ago and I was surprised that there was no warning signage on the road or speed reductions in place-it is that the dangerous in my view, In ternis of the maintenance allocations for 2017-18 and the responses previously provided to Parliament about repairs to the road, which I believe have arisen from the SUITuner rains, could the Minister advise what appropriations are in place and when we will see some rectification of the condition of Great Eastern Highway? Answer: Main Roads has been undertaking increased maintenance activities to repair pot holes and pavement defects, Signage has been placed at affected locations warning motorists of the uneven road surfaces and speed reductions were put in place at the Goldfields Road intersection, reducing the speed to 80knVh. In addition, regular maintenance crews were supplemented with additional resources following the late winter rains. The 2017-18 estimate for maintenance along Great Eastern Higliwayis $8.74 million, a substantial increase from the $3.3 million spent in 2016-17 A contract to undertake penmanent pavement repairs is pending and is anticipated to commence in November 2017 when ground conditions improve and the temperature rises. ESTIMATES AND FINANCIAL OF"RATIONS COMMITTEE SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTIONS Main Roads Western Australia Horn Donna Faragher asked: B8. My first question relates to page 615, specifically around Stephenson Avenue Scarborough Beach Road to Mitchell Freeway. a) Can you confinn that the Stephenson Avenue project is designed to connect to KaiTinyup Road? Answer: No. it is not.
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