37Th European Conference on Visual Perception Belgrade, Serbia 24 – 28 August 2014

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37Th European Conference on Visual Perception Belgrade, Serbia 24 – 28 August 2014 Perception, 2014, volume 43, supplement, page 1 – 183 37th European Conference on Visual Perception Belgrade, Serbia 24 – 28 August 2014 Abstracts Sunday Talks: Visual Search 63 Invited Talk: Perception Lecture 1 Talks: Motion 65 Talks: Colour 67 Monday Talks: Biological Motion 69 Symposium: A celebration of the life 2 Posters: Face Perception II 71 and scientific work of Ian Howard Posters: Illusions II 77 Symposium: Advances in studying the 4 perception of surface properties Posters: Brain Mechanisms II 79 Talks: Attention 6 Posters: Attention II 82 Talks: Art and Vision 9 Posters: Perception and Action II 84 Talks: Eye Movements 11 Posters: Eye Movements II 86 Talks: Lightness 13 Posters: Colour and Illumination II 88 Posters: Face Perception I 15 Posters: Clinical II 90 Posters: Illusions I 20 Posters: Multisensory Processing II 91 Posters: Brain Mechanisms I 22 Posters: Sensory Development and 93 Aging II Posters: Attention I 25 Posters: Visual Search 94 Posters: Perception and Action I 27 Posters: Visual Memory 98 Posters: Eye Movements I 30 Posters: Biological Motion 102 Posters: Colour and Illumination I 32 Posters: Applications 105 Posters: Clinical I 33 Posters: Object Recognition and 107 Posters: Multisensory Processing I 35 Categorization Posters: Sensory Development and 37 Posters: Spatial Vision 109 Aging I Posters: Rivalry 111 Posters: Motion 39 Posters: Grouping Principles 43 Wednesday Posters: Depth, 3D, Stereo 47 Invited Talk: Rank Prize Lecture 113 Posters: Aftereffects 50 Symposium: Amodal completion: 113 Posters: Surface, Texture and Material 53 Michotte’s legacy and new Perception directions fifty years after ‘Les compléments amodaux’ Posters: Perceptual Learning 54 Symposium: Measuring visual 116 Posters: Scene Perception 56 awareness - approaches, Tuesday applications, recommendations Symposium: Putting Vision into 58 Talks: Multisensory Processing 118 Context: a fresh look at contextual Talks: Learning 120 modulation Talks: Face Perception 122 Symposium: Motion processing in 60 Talks: Development 124 typical and atypical development: symposium in memory of John Posters: Face Perception III 126 Wattam-Bell Posters: Illusions III 131 Posters: Brain Mechanisms III 134 Posters: Attention III 137 Posters: Perception and Action III 140 Posters: Eye Movements III 142 Posters: Colour and Illumination III 145 Posters: Clinical III 147 Posters: Multisensory Processing III 149 Posters: Sensory Development and 151 Aging III Posters: Visual Cognition 152 Posters: Art and Vision 157 Posters: Computational Neuroscience 160 Posters: Lightness and Brightness 163 Posters: New Methods 165 Posters: Binocular Vision 167 Thursday Talks: Perceptual Mechanisms 169 Talks: Clinical 171 Talks: Perception and Action 173 Talks: Grouping Principles 175 Publisher’s note. In the interests of efficiency, these abstracts have been reproduced as supplied by the Conference with little or no copy editing by Pion. Thus, the English and style may not match those of regular Perception articles. Organizers Sunčica Zdravković Dejan Todorović Ian Thornton Slobodan Marković Oliver Tošković Scientific Committee Tiziano Agostini Walter Gerbino Christoph Redies David Alais Alan Gilchrist Caterina Ripamonti Ulrich Ansorge Barbara Gillam Michele Rucci Hiroshi Ashida Andrei Gorea Michael Rudd Michael Bach Frouke Hermens Dov Sagi Marco Bertamini Michael Herzog Thomas Schmidt Eli Brenner Todd Horowitz Kenneth Scott-Brown Nicola Bruno Johan Hulleman Nick Scott-Samuel David Burr Astrid Kappers David Simmons Gideon Caplovitz Akiyoshi Kitaoka Alessandro Soranzo Claus-Christian Carbon Susana Martinez-Conde Simon Thorpe Marisa Carrasco George Mather David Tolhurst Patrick Cavanagh David Melcher Rob Van Lier Lee de-Wit Ming Meng Johan Wagemans Birgitta Dresp-Langley John Mollon Katsumi Watanabe Manfred Fahle Shin’ya Nishida Sophie Wuerger József Fiser Galina Paramei Mark Georgeson Marina Pavlova Management and technical assistance Natalija Jurošević Zorica Tornjanski Predrag Stojiljković Nikoleta Željković Branko Kljajić Cvetko Jovanović Janko Tejić Milica Vujačić Logo design Milan Vukelić Sponsors City of Belgrade http://www.beograd.rs/cms/view.php?id=220 Center for the Promotion of Science http://www.cpn.rs/?lang=en Pion Ltd http://www.pion.co.uk The Rank Prize Funds http://www.rankprize.org ECVP 2008 ECVP 2011 Vision Science http://www.visionscience.com The European Conference on Visual Perception is an annual event. Previous conferences took place in: 1978 Marburg (D) 1990 Paris (F) 2002 Glasgow (GB) 1979 Noordwijkerhout (NL) 1991 Vilnius (LT) 2003 Paris (F) 1980 Brighton (GB) 1992 Pisa (I) 2004 Budapest (H) 1981 Gouvieux (F) 1993 Edinburgh (GB) 2005 A Coruña (E) 1982 Leuven (B) 1994 Eindhoven (NL) 2006 St Petersburg (RU) 1983 Lucca (I) 1995 Tübingen (D) 2007 Arezzo (I) 1984 Cambridge (GB) 1996 Strasbourg (F) 2008 Utrecht (NL) 1985 Peñiscola (E) 1997 Helsinki (FI) 2009 Regensburg (D) 1986 Bad Nauheim (D) 1998 Oxford (GB) 2010 Lausanne (CH) 1987 Varna (BG) 1999 Trieste (I) 2011 Toulouse (F) 1988 Bristol (GB) 2000 Groningen (NL) 2012 Alghero (I) 1989 Zichron Yaakov (IL) 2001 Kuşadasi (TR) 2013 Bremen (D) Invited Talk: Perception Lecture 1 Sunday ECVP 2014 Abstracts Sunday INVITED TALK: PERCEPTION LECTURE ◆ Theoretical approaches to lightness and perception A L Gilchrist (Psychology Department, Newark Campus, Rutgers University, USA; e-mail: [email protected]) Theories of lightness, like theories of perception in general, can be categorized as high-level, low-level and mid-level. However I will argue that in practice there are only two categories: one-stage mid-level theories, and two-stage low-high theories. Low-level theories usually include a high-level component and high-level theories include a low-level component, the distinction being mainly one of emphasis. Two stage theories are the modern incarnation of the persistent sensation/perception dichotomy according to which an early experience of raw sensations, faithful to the proximal stimulus, is followed by a process of cognitive interpretation, typically based on past experience. Like phlogiston or the ether, raw sensations seem like they must exist, but there is no clear evidence for them. Proximal stimulus matches are post-perceptual, not read off an early sensory stage. Visual angle matches are achieved by a cognitive process of flattening the visual world. Likewise, brightness (luminance) matches depend on a cognitive process of flattening the illumination. Brightness is not the input to lightness; brightness is slower than lightness. Evidence for an early (< 200 msec) mosaic stage is shaky. As for cognitive influences on perception, the many claims tend to fall apart upon close inspection of the evidence. Much of the evidence for the current revival of the new look is probably better explained by (1) a natural desire of (some) subjects to please the experimenter, and (2) the ease of intuiting an experimental hypothesis. High level theories of lightness are overkill. The visual system doesn’t need to know the amount of illumination, merely which surfaces share the same illumination. This leaves mid-level theories derived from the gestalt school. Here the debate seems to revolve around layer models and framework models. Layer models fit our visual experience of a pattern of illumination projected onto a pattern of reflectance, while framework models provide a better account of illusions and failures of constancy. Evidence for and against these approaches will be reviewed. 2 Symposium: A celebration of the life and scientific work of Ian Howard Monday Monday SYMPOSIUM: A CELEBRATION OF THE LIFE AND SCIENTIFIC WORK OF IAN HOWARD ◆ A celebration of the life and scientific work of Ian Howard B J Rogers1, R Allison2, S Palmisano3 (1Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK; 2Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, York University, Canada; 3School of Psychology, University of Wollongong, Australia; e-mail: [email protected]) Ian Porteus Howard (1927-2013) had a remarkable academic career spanning over 60 years that started with his appointment at the University of Durham in 1952. He is probably best known for his outstanding books – “Human Spatial Orientation” (1966) (with Brian Templeton), through “Human Visual Orientation” (1982), “Binocular Vision and Stereopsis” (1995), the 2 volumes of “Seeing in Depth” (2002) and finally the 3 volumes of “Perceiving in Depth” (2012). Ian was also a talented experimentalist and the creator and builder of many novel pieces of experimental equipment including his rotating sphere and rotating room. Over the six decades he worked on a wide variety of research topics together with many graduate students, post-docs and researchers from Canada, USA, UK, Japan and Australia. ◆ Howard in Depth B J Rogers (Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK; e-mail: [email protected]) Ian’s interests in 2-D spatial vision are very evident from the titles of his first two books - "Human Spatial Orientation" (1966 with Brian Templeton) and "Human Visual Orientation" (1982). In the early ’90’s, Ian’s interest in torsional eye movements and my own interest in binocular stereopsis brought us together to carry out a series of experiments on the role of horizontal and vertical shear transformations of binocular disparity in driving cyclovergent eye movements. This in turn led us to organise the 1993 York Conference on "Binocular stereopsis and optic flow" as well as Ian’s decision to write a third book on "Binocular
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