The Ithacan, 1992-04-09

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The Ithacan, 1992-04-09 Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1991-92 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 4-9-1992 The thI acan, 1992-04-09 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1992-04-09" (1992). The Ithacan, 1991-92. 27. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1991-92 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. .PreJudlce In the news media: ABC Journallstlc Integrity: the tricky Five commissioned works premiere at aJ1chor.dellberates Its long history challenges facing student Journallsts New York City's Lincoln Center •• pages ... page 10 ... page 13 The ITHACAN The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community Vol. 59, No. 26 Thursday, April 9, 1992 28 pages Free Low turnout keys landslide election wins By Sabina Rogers sion, the only official party on the which came in second place with 14 for the students of IC. sify the library's resources by ask­ On Wednesday, April 8, Jane ballot, to the Executive Board of votes, had presidential candidate Kolp said one of the goals the ing for more materials about gays, White '92, Chair of the Elections Student Government. Jerry Brown on the ballot for presi­ Board has is to help set up a schol­ blacks and other subject matters for Committee, ·read the results of the The Executive Board for '92- dent of the Executive Board. arship for IC students. He said the which the library has insufficient Student Government Executive '93 consists of Samantha Stein Stein said she feels proud that the scholarship would be based on com­ materials, she said. Board and Senior Class elections to '93, president, Ben Lawrence '94, college is entering its second cen­ munity service and is important be­ Kolp said the Board would like an anxiously awaiting group of stu­ vice president, business and fi­ tury with a woman as president. The cause the tuition increase creates a to see the library with computer­ dents. nance, Pete Kolp '94, vice presi­ presidential office was last held by a need for more available funds for ized card catalogs for easier student Out of the approximately 5,000 dent, communications, Victoria woman in 1986, she said. the students. access. eligible student voters, 456 ballots Sadowski '94, vice president, Lawrence said next year's Board Hunsicker said, "I have a lot of The idea of student-to-student were casL Of these votes, 12 were campus affairs, and Lore won't "be focusing on petty issues." good ideas fornext year," and spoke t?<>ok buybacks in the Emerson invalid, 26 were for minor write-ins, Hunsicker '94 vice president, aca~ He said the Board wants to focus its of a book list submitted and created Suites, which has been attempted 14 went to one major write-in, and demics. attention on more important issues by the students to the library. The by the Board before, is also a goal the 404 remaining votes elected Vi- The major write-in party, that will have more long term effects list would hopefully further diver- See "Election," page 4 Musically, a New On the march York state of mind Ithacans voice By Kelly Rohrer the School of Music, 175 stu­ abortion stances in NEW YORK--Although IC stu- dents and about 20 faculty mem­ Washington dents may be hearing about it for bers perfonned in the concert. the first time, the Ithaca College According to Mary Reynolds, By Jeff Selingo Premieres Festival has been along college relations, 400 invitations WASHINGTON--Abortion-rights time in the making. were sent out to alumni, parents, marchers, including approximate! y Saturday, April 4, the orches- students and administrators and 100 IC students, converged here tra, Ithaca -Brass, the Wind En- double that amount attended. Sunday, April 4 to voice their opin­ ions, as the Supreme Court gets set selJlble,theChoiJ:andtheFa~ulty <?.~~4er sa~~ th_at thi_~J~!!:.. ·chamber Orchestra represented · val paid-tribute to· the past and · to hear a Pennsylvania case that IthacaCollegeinNewYorkCity present members of the music may reverse the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. as part of the four-day event. school. The Washington Metropolitan "I keep thinking 'wow, New "It's recognizing the contri- Police estimated the crowd at York City.' I ·never thought I butions of the Ithaca School of 500,000, while the National Orga­ would get here. I don't think I'm Music that the college has made nization for Women (NOW) esti­ going to make here again," over the last 100 years. It's basi­ it' mated the crowd at 750,000, which Carrie Finney, orchestra, said. cally acknowledging the efforts would make it the largest march "The concert serves as a key- and hard work of many faculty ever at Washington, according to note event for the Ithaca College andstudentsoveralongperiodof NOW. Performing Symposium II. It is time . .It's a lot of hard work," For those students who traveled very significant," Arthur John Covert, professorofFrench by bus with about 400 other Ithaca Ostrander, dean of the School of horn and Ithaca Brass member, residents, the day began at 1 a.m. Music said. It is the first of many said. Sunday. Among those students were events occurring in Jhe School of "I was very proud of all stu­ many first time pro-choice march­ Music this year for the Centen- dent and faculty perfonners. All ers, includingNicole Marabella '95. nial celebration. their hard work paid off and they "The crowd is excellent We are Alice Tully Hall in Lincoln gave the best possible perfor­ here and we are not leaving until Center was the sight of this his- mance for each ~f their pieces. It they listen to us," Marabella said. toric celebration. "This one is spe- was a greatevemng for the School "I'm here because I believe in pro­ cial since it takes place outside of of Music and Ithaca," Ostrander choice. In being a woman it means Ithaca, that's what makes it'dif- said. more to me than a man because it ferent," Ostrander said. Thursday, April 9, a repeat affects my body." For this large event, many stu- perfonnance of the New York Participants met for a pre-march dents, faculty, administrators, City concert will be held in Ford rally at the ellipse across from the alumni, parents and friends of Hall at 8:15 p.m. White House. With many in the Ithaca College contributed to This concert ":111 begm the Ithacan/ Tor Seemann crowd carrying signs reading make it such a success. four day Centenmal School of Kate Healey '92 [front] and Mary Ann Stewart '92 with the "George Bush Read My Lips: We According to Gary Bracken, Music festival that extends until Ithaca College Choir participate In last weekend's music Won't Go Back" and .. We Will music admissions coordinator of Sunday, April 12. activities at Lincoln Center. See "March," page 5 College rejects AT&T telephone proposal -By Chris Lewis thethreephonecompaniesthecol- talion, the wiring scheme, machine monthly room phone service rates At the request of several student The search continues. Iege originally accepted proposals configuration and several other con- below $18 a month. congress members, Lepsch drafted After deliberating with AT&T from in October 1991. tract details, according to Fuller. But the actual costs of imple­ a letter and mailed it to AT&T, forthelastsix months in an effort to Fuller said the cost implica- "This is a very comprehensive mentation proved to be significantly expressing Ithaca College's .. dis­ provide the campus withanewcost­ tionsoftheAT&Tcontract would project. There was a set of pricing more expensive than what the appointment" about "time and ef­ efficient phone system, Ithaca Col­ have significantly raised the ser- p~.rameters advertised. to students." AT&T sales representatives had fort" that was expended to no avail. lege has terminated negotiations vice charge to students. However,Fullersaid that the AT&T originally quoted, according to Pe­ Lepsch, Randy Zagorin, Resi­ with the company. "There was a set of goals is- system would have violated a cost ter Lepsch '92, student body presi­ dence Hall Association president The college is now considering sued when the proposal process ceiling established by the college. dent. and Fuller were the initial contacts a proposal fromtheACCLong Dis­ began last fall. AT&T misinter- The AT&T package was origi­ "A lot of people put in a lot of with AT&T last fall. Lepsch said tance Corporation (not as59eiated preted these goals, which was an nally proposed Oct. 22, 1991 at a hard work, but when their sales that problems arose in early Fe.bru­ ·with the local American Commer- erroneous decision on their part," Student Government Association representatives and technical people ruy, when Fuller and Thomas Salm, .. cial·Cablevision) according to Ed Fuller said. meeting, in which a lowered $30 came through with the contract, it the vice president of business af­ Fuller, director of the Office of In­ Toe goal areas IC had in mind installationchargeperacademicyear was obvious that their cost figures fairs, received an AT&T contract formation Technology. ACC, that conflicted with AT &T's plan..--- was to replace the current $67.25 fee were not what we had been expect­ that differed from the company's . ~ong with Mq and AT&T, were included cost, system implemen- The package included a plan to keep ing," he said.
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