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> Blockchain > Cryptocurrency > Digital Transformation > Internet of Things JANUARY 2020 Keep Your Career Options Open Upload Your Resume Today! Whether your enjoy your current position or you are ready for change, the IEEE Computer Society Jobs Board is a valuable resource tool. Take advantage of these special resources for job seekers: JOB ALERTS TEMPLATES CAREER RESUMES VIEWED ADVICE BY TOP EMPLOYERS No matter your career WEBINARS level, the IEEE Computer Society Jobs Board keeps you connected to workplace trends and exciting new career prospects. IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY • +1 714 821 8380 STAFF Editor Publications Portfolio Managers Cathy Martin Carrie Clark, Kimberly Sperka Publications Operations Project Specialist Publisher Christine Anthony Robin Baldwin Production & Design Senior Advertising Coordinator Carmen Flores-Garvey Debbie Sims Circulation: ComputingEdge (ISSN 2469-7087) is published monthly by the IEEE Computer Society. 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For more information, visit IEEE Computer Society Magazine Editors in Chief Computer IEEE Intelligent Systems IEEE Pervasive Computing Jeff Voas, NIST V.S. Subrahmanian, Dartmouth Marc Langheinrich, Università College della Svizzera italiana Computing in Science & Engineering IEEE Internet Computing IEEE Security & Privacy Lorena A. Barba (Interim), George Pallis, University David Nicol, University of Illinois George Washington University of Cyprus at Urbana-Champaign IEEE Annals of the History IEEE Micro IEEE Software of Computing Lizy Kurian John, University Ipek Ozkaya, Software Gerardo Con Diaz, University of of Texas at Austin Engineering Institute California, Davis IEEE MultiMedia IT Professional IEEE Computer Graphics Shu-Ching Chen, Florida Irena Bojanova, NIST and Applications International University Torsten Möller, Universität Wien 1 JANUARY 2020 • VOLUME 6, NUMBER 1 From Geographic From Dealing With One Collocation Domain at a Time To Worldwide RE Distribution To Dealing With Everywhere Multiple Domains THEME HERE From Wishing for Experienced End Cross- RE With Users Domain RE Everyone To Empowering Newbies Ubiquitous RE From Focusing on From Wishing for Software Well-Understood To Holistically Taking Processes RE for Open RE Into Consideration Everything To Accepting People, Things, and 27Openness 36Services 41 Automated RE From Direct Interaction With Legend: Cryptocurrencies: UbiquitousRepresentative End Users The IoT Gray Rectangles: Barriers Colored Boxes: Required Transformations To Indirect Interaction With a TransparencyCircles: Dimensions of Ubiquity RequirementsCrowd and Digital versus Privacy Engineering: A Transformation: Paradigm Shift that Toward the Data- Aff ects Everyone Driven Enterprise Blockchain 8 On the Origins and Variations of Blockchain Technologies ALAN T. SHERMAN, FARID JAVANI, HAIBIN ZHANG, AND ENIS GOLASZEWSKI 15 BLOCKCHAIN GEORGE STRAWN Cryptocurrency 18 A Service-Oriented Perspective on Blockchain Smart Contracts FLORIAN DANIEL AND LUCA GUIDA 27 Cryptocurrencies: Transparency versus Privacy NIR KSHETRI Digital Transformation 31 Skills and Competencies for Digital Transformation STEPHEN J. ANDRIOLE 36 Ubiquitous Requirements Engineering: A Paradigm Shift that Aff ects Everyone KARINA VILLELA, EDUARD C. GROEN, AND JOERG DOERR Internet of Things 41 The IoT and Digital Transformation: Toward the Data-Driven Enterprise ALEXANDER A. PFLAUM AND PHILIPP GOLZER 46 Extending Patient-Chatbot Experience with Internet of Things and Background Knowledge: Case Studies with Healthcare Applications AMIT SHETH, HONG YUNG YIP, AND SAEEDEH SHEKARPOUR Departments 4 Magazine Roundup 7 Editor’s Note: Blockchain to the Rescue 46 Conference Calendar 72 Extending Patient-Chatbot Experience with Internet of Things and Background Subscribe to ComputingEdge for free at Knowledge CS FOCUS Magazine Roundup of this article from the Septem- ber/October 2019 issue of Com- puting in Science & Engineering eliminate the speed-limiting charge iteration in MD with a novel extended-Lagrangian scheme. The extended-Lagrang- ian reactive MD (XRMD) code drastically improves energy con- he IEEE Computer furry friends. The authors of this servation while substantially Society’s lineup of 12 article from the September 2019 reducing time-to-solution. Fur- T peer-reviewed tech- issue of Computer report on an thermore, the authors introduce nical magazines covers cut- empirical study investigating a new polarizable charge equili- ting-edge topics ranging from the user perceptions of a popu- bration (PQEq) model to accu- software design and computer lar dog activity tracker. Results rately predict atomic charges and graphics to Internet comput- show that these trackers have a polarization. ing and security, from scien- positive impact on owners’ moti- tifi c applications and machine vation to increase their physical IEEE Annals of the intelligence to visualization activities with their dogs. History of Computing and microchip design. Here are highlights from recent issues. Computing in Science & Founding and Growing Engineering Adobe Systems, Inc. Computer Founded in 1982, Adobe Sys- Scalable Reactive tems heralded several of the Log My Dog: Perceived Molecular Dynamics technological innovations nec- Impact of Dog Activity Simulations for essary to precipitate the emer- Tracking Computational Synthesis gence of desktop publishing as The pet industry is catching up Reactive molecular dynamics well as many features of modern in the wearables market, and (MD) simulation is a power- offi ce computing, digital media, pet activity and location track- ful research tool for describing and graphic arts. In this article ers are increasingly worn by our chemical reactions. The authors from the July–September 2019 4 January 2020 Published by the IEEE Computer Society 2469-7087/20 © 2020 IEEE issue of IEEE Annals of the His- to tune two algorithms for char- posing signifi cant complications tory of Computing, Adobe found- acterizing satellite detections of for system and algorithm design. ers Charles Geschke and John wildfi res. In this article from the May/June Warnock cover their professional 2019 issue of IEEE Internet Com- history, the conception of Adobe IEEE Intelligent Systems puting, the authors present a Systems, and its growth. They also dynamic global manager selection explain the technology behind the Using Social Media to Detect algorithm to minimize energy con- advances in computer printing, Socio-Economic Disaster sumption cost by fully exploiting electronic fi le transfer, and digital Recovery the system diversities in geogra- art and photography. Adobe, its There has been growing interest phy and variation over time. The products, and its engineers played in harnessing