Cellular Respiration: The breakdown of to release to make ATP's.

Cellular Respiration

C6H12O6 + O2 ------> ATP + CO2 + H2O (energy) (energy)


Sunlight + CO2 + H2O ------> C6H12O6 + O2 (energy) (energy)

A = B = Glucose

C = CO2

D = H2O Cellular Respiration Overview Aerobic Respiration: The complete breakdown of glucose with oxygen resulting

in lots of ATP's, CO2, H20. Phase 1: Reactions Reactions take place in the of cells. Reactants Products Glucose 4 ATP's 2 ATP's 2 NADH's 2 Pyruvic Phase 2: The Kreb's Cycle Reactions. Gets rid of . Reactions take place in the fluid filled Matrix in a mitochondria. Reactant Products Total for 2 Pyruvic Acid Molecules Pyruvic Acid 4 NADH's 8 NADH's 1 FADH 2 FADH's 1 ATP 2 ATP'S

CO2 Phase 3: The Transport System (ETS) Reactions. Gets rid of NADH & FADH Reactions take place in the inner membrane Cristae of a mitochondria. Reactants Products


O2 Aerobic Respiration totals for 1 Glucose : From Glycolysis and Krebs 10 NADH's ----ETS------> 30 ATP's 2 FADH's ----ETS------> 4 ATP's ATP's from Glycolysis and Kreb's ------> 6 ATP's Total ATP production for one molecule of glucose: 40 ATP (gross) Activiation energy needed for Glycolysis: -2 ATP Grand Total/Glucose: 38 ATP *Overall yield is probably around 36 ATP due to the of Glycolysis' NADH into the mitochondria.

Anaerobic Respiration: The incomplete breakdown of glucose WITHOUT OXYGEN resulting in a few ATP's and other high energy molecules. Two types of ; Alcoholic ( cells) and Fermentation (higher during heavy activity). Alcoholic Fermentation: yeast cells Glycolysis Reactions + an additional step (in cytoplasm). Reactants Products Glucose 4 ATP's (gross) 2 ATP's 2 NADH's 2 Pyruvic Acid molecules additional step Reactants Products 2 Pyruvic Acid molecule Ethyl

2 NADH's CO2 : your muscles cells can do this during heavy exertion. Glycolysis Reactions + an additional step (in cytoplasm). Reactants Products Glucose 4 ATP's (gross) 2 ATP's 2 NADH's 2 Pyruvic Acid molecules additional step Reactants Products 2 Pyruvic Acid molecule Lactic Acid (produces and burn) 2 NADH's

In both types of anaerobic respiration, the net yield per glucose molecule is 2 ATP. This is considerable less than aerobic respiration's yield (~ 38 ATP).