Far East Reporter Lack of Degrading Consumerism Which Is So Exploitative of Women Some People, She Said, but the Is a Welcome' Change
(- A ' ,i ',-- ~~:~\eeUI' ,Jij_ ~(J) · .,]JIt~J' , e; ~. BreakthroUg,~ .~ '~ ~~ ,-,. -- ~ oE ~ u ~ ..,- ~>:-, ~~".~ .•,~"_/c'':, ~-d ' ~~" 0~~,~ <- "'/~/~ -> • .i-, -~." '-,f:_.)-r, !/~:'/\..fy /'<"'\'-:~'~~~~"::':""""/~c~ ( (\.'. , '\.'~...';" , . - ~--/.?:?'/'.5;C~:'~~a· ../-: ,.?/ ... , fl ,. j b..J/ ., / . ..' , 7r~~ •• ., ".///.' .> / 'Qed" .' ~"\ .. / '/'/..J.,/-"1i' / 170 ' . .\~',:c~4 / ,If, ~ \- ..•..... 'O~ew < //. - -" - ' , Honoring Subscribers, Contributors, Advertisers and Award-Winners Breakthrough's Woman ofthe Year Award Dr. Nikki van Hightower City of Houston Women's Advocate Breakthrough's Media Awards presented by Mercedes Valdivieso, Sara Lowery, KPRC-TV Jan Carson, KTRK~TV author of "La Brecha." for her series on battered women for her reporting on the dissolution of "The Crime Nobody Reports'! the University of Texas System School of Nursing by the UT Board of Regents JoAnn Valli~ Rush of KYOK-Radio and The Forward Times Elma Barrera & Phyllis Deter of KTRK-TV A for her reporting on the three el~erly sis~ers for their news reports from Guatemala ~n~ the documentary ~ who were living in poverty and received assistance, "Return to Guatemala JIll'' after he r.reports on their plight, , Houston Breakthrough • January 1977 • Pale 1 ); ~ancuso unmanned " ! ./ -Adver--- justice counsel DREY Teagu Woman-of.the.year Adv. ~ PROD ~';;l ~.~~~~~~t " ~ "~ '~~ :)-~.; J:i?' ,~:t,;:~.: Friend The Bicentennial. ¥ear pas);~d,,~withQu(. mehtion".,frQ)n:,.this Donna women's press: As·'MS ...~a:id'on·'rtsTu'lY'cove'r:'The~first2b6 years are the hardest." _ --'.~.. , Antiq~ But the year 1976 did hold·,.one,m'e:morable breakthrough for.the women in this city - the'mfd-v.e?,(llppointment of Dr. Nikki :V.ln GREA Hightower as the city's new Women's Advocate.
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