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■■' ■' . (■; , (I i ■ V . - . 'AvfnMr* Daily Net'Pr«u"Run ' » r* r tlw tI'Mk Kndvd •' ' V; Tkt Wuathcr iM iakry B, IM t . ; at B. S. WaatiMr.BeckB tTUtudjrt little dioata la lam nN - 12,328^ .tara toalKht. 1«w a§-S5.'Cla«a!r. wlndjr. roMer ThMdajr, flui^ Member of-the .Audit riea a \w klcher eB^’attoiu. inch la Bureau »t drenlatlon Ma.*^ Manchester^A City of VillagmjChorm •N

yO L. LXXVI, NO. 82 (FOURTEEN PAGES) , (CHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1957 (OaMlfM AdTertMag aa Baga U) PRICE FIVE CENTS DO y o D KNOW- \ I. That a' notorious gunman was the first to call FBI agents "(5-Men"? ■ By THE ASSOCIATED PRK8S Mad d o E ffunmen, who'”rob'>>y »*cuoh of the city,-two men » d kill bruflb- for .mall j “ * ." '" r K r S?" Read . suns of Itioney tha\e l^Kun ju^iall sum of money and killed. their fourth arid fifth Colt Both were shot through the back necticut victims—a man and of the head. The FBI Story \ his wife who were customers On the lame niglil In Hartford — about eight miles from New \jn a shoe atqre. Britain • a gunman entered a Page 13 Sees M ove Boosting 'ITte latest of the' killings oc- lonely tailor shop, fired a hullet eu^d tn North Haven Saturday Into the face of the tailor and fled -iB lg h t, with'a small sum of money. The Polled said the oouple, Mr. and tailor lived, ho\vc\'er. The bullet,' Mra. Berhgrd Speyer, appiarently police said, deflected Into his. Single Fatality Tension with Soviet walked In oft the guninen aa they shoulder. - , ! robbed the anpa atore owmer. They were forced to kneel on On Dec. 26. a liquor atore pro- !On Highway W ibt through th e prielor In East Hartford waa « Wuhington. Jan. 7 (/P>—-Secretarj' of Stata Dulles aaid the floor . and- ah< today the United States would not.invade any Middle East back of tha head.. 1\e proprietor. ® ^ SnOWf^U Frank Adlnolfl, 44, Wa* pistol- b e ^ . country to overthrow an already-installed irovemnieiit-bcr.-They did not dis- I close, however, the caliber of b«l- Travelers Weather Service pro- . fied today President Eisenhower's Middle< East manifesto The outbreak of brutal slayipga Ift-ellher of the holdup.s. dieted more snow for today. Just t would increase tensions with Rlussianuaam butout tvouinwould “stop Slop World worio flurries, the forecaster said, with- ; .— all Of which seem to follow^'*,1 ^cverthelesa they did not rule War III before it starts.” llmllar pattern — started Dec. l.l^out the. posslbHlty the killings o\H any real accum ulation. | Dulles appeared before a ..^m-1 Ttie one fatal accident reported ; New'Brilain. : parked hearing of the House For- TTiere, In a gas atatlon in a lone-. (€!pntinue1 Reception police said collided with a vehicle operated by the Rev. Jolin J. The Secretary appealedppeau for con-' gyesslonal approval of "a roimded By Most Arabs Senators Map Push i Zihala. pastor of the Sacred Heart program of economic and military Church in TOrrington. Ksistance" including advance \ Critically Injured ' ithority for the PrealdenL to use B>- THB ASSOCIATED PRESS I On the VVilhiir Cross Highway In IT^. mliltary forces aninst anv . President Elsenhower's plan for Filibustei^ ! Milford, ^Irs. Theresa D’Ungcr, 26, "ovih-tOvi arm ed aggreaaion" spawft- Mi*”*^t” ***7 To Fall River, Mass., was critically In .ed b\^ communism in the Mldd^ \ Inif* today in m ost of th a A rab \ " jured when the car in which slie Sen.,,change would be referred to the i was’ a pn.>i. J w ^ m Douglas (D- . 111) said today he and Senate Rules committee before the stniok a tree. ' admlnlstTatjon witnesses Vailed to Senate had a chance to act on it. Officer Frank Dowling of the detail the peppoeal whiim Presi­ erRhuaiaam in some weatarn Eu­ eth er Senators interested in ropean rountriea to cries of "rude “meanlngfvr’ Ovll Rights legis­ The Senate Friday night reject­ S tate rolice Traffic diVi.sinn said dent EisenhO^r prese ited- at a ed, 55-38. a m otion by'Sen. Adder- a number of lesser skidding acci- Ual jo in t‘s w io n of Conpress Interferenca” ftom Moscow. Non- lation will launch by nightfall a Arab \mies off tha United SUtea aew move to curb filibusters. son iD-NMt and others to pioceetf' denls were reported, hut that roads Saturday. at once to the adoption of New this morning were tn fairly good In the Esmt welcomed the Douglas said the group would ‘.Area of thiH^iteiioe*- program . Introduce a re.solutlon whlcli would Senate rules. Ander.son had been, condition. an exchange wit)i Chairman chosen by Dougl.as and others as State Highway Department The Eisenhower, doctrine — allow a majority of the- Senate s Gordon iD-III). Dulles'mjd the So- aim e^ a t pD-evehtlng Com m unist elected members to impose ^a time their floor leader in this move, the triK'ks and many town-owned Viet Union is seeking to (hake ‘ an main announced objective of which ancroarhrnent on tiw Middle Bast limit on debate, and thus kVll off trucks spent part of the night area of turbulence" out of theiMM- M --couples the. promlaa of Idrga a filibuster, on any matter-whleh was to get a new rule 22. plfiwing and spreading sand to die East,'and he added: Southern Senators have used the scale economic help to the area has been under dlacusalon fot 15 clear the highways for morning "I think, Mr. . Chairmen, we with a threat to use U.S. armed Riindavs snd holl-»ri>l*>uster, or endless debate, tot traffii-x Injured Driver Gets Assistance 'must recognlae that thla acri^ state Police lift Leroy G. Crockett. 32. Larksvilte. Pa., onto stretcher after he wap pinned in hie forces against overt Communlat days would not be counted _ "MotoHat.s can go anywhere, may temporarily at leaat tneraase' resaion there. The President , , ,, , H oiim- R attle l^ooms hut- they .should (Irivc .slower.” auto on Route 6, Andover, early Sunnay morning. At Manchester Memorial Hospital, Where he tehsiona with the Soviet Union.’’ He said the resoluUon would al- Rights legislu was taken, officials said Crockett suffered several fractures, lacerations. . contusions and abrasions. Wned it to Congreaa Saturday, low the debate limit, known as O fficer bow ling advi.sed. ‘T here's ■But he aald fhe purpose o^\ the ‘'acted Support for Naaaer tlon al.Ho seemed likely' to break very IlUie ice on the roads." They said he spent a ’'comfortable night." Police said the car left the highway after Crock^ Rrosidgnt'a proposal is "to i^op cloture, to be Imposed by two- out In the House within about two fell asleep at the wheel. A wrecker was called to'pry open the car door so th# injured m^n could^M- airo. the reception was chil­ thirds of the Senators present "''’d U -ee^ Chalrman^CcUftr iD-NYI ntL KMl-boddd^East-bound iraflF. traffic on the two ..removed. iBuckamp Photo. - ■ -Wnild \V«' n i bafpta It atartal’*\ ly’ buLgnild. Sbnie* JCgypUans who votingv o lln r i f kUy* lim e She nfOllIICMdeclined to AU UUIllllirni.comment when had just returned to Peipiiig from ment is planning talks with vari­ committee ae a rnsolal asslatant «n AOIl. BANK USE DEFINED f«ne, aay. two swarth>^en kiri-r^oier asked her If she had been the task of Investigating the the adminiatration’a Middle East Hungarian situation. He had ap. a .tour. of India. Pakistan and ous public figures and nonpartisan .W’aahlngton, Jan. 7 (A*> Sec- News Tidbits experts aimed at their participa­ program. Ric arda will heed up a retaiy of Agiioutture -sRcnson price they" " w(ould ask for her rt- ot h.i do thus, but they had reported their I TPP leader.s bf the Soviet govern- tion in leading state affairs with missibn to that area. told Congrves today the sell turn., Brand, said; inabllity to get sufflclent reliable : ment and party were on hand to Culled from AP Wire* the government ". This indicated The .South Carolina Dentocrat, hank program -la hot a farm **i»- "Maiie. you already have given who retired from Congress .last The glamorous blonde actress, information.''' j welcome Chou and his party at : some sort of coalition government lief measure” and rejected sag* th a t statem ent to )>olice," Ha.mmarskjold's recommenda- ] Ntikovo Airfield, outside Moscow, but did not mention any nOh-Cbm- week, will serve wi£h the rank of gesHons to extend Iwneflt pi^- wearing a white nightgown, burst After she was found on the personal ambassador, the. White Into tears twice as she told a- news nn the contained in a. report I Hi.s fast-flying Soviet jet pjane Army’s 280- millimeter atom ”*“"‘** parties. - meiits to aoy purpose except desert near indm Friday night j - .’1 could not land at Central Airfield Houae announced. acreage reduction. conferenceirt her «r. .r mu..., cannon to firo conventional .shell j police questioned her at an Indio | view of ttie refusal of the within the capital where dighitarv maxlhnup dlstam o at field artil- (tinuation of "ethe swializatlonsocialization • of - Selection of Richards marks the dey that hoiqn Detectives at the scene ( ies are ■ usually welcomed lery range al^Fl. Sill. Okla. Po- “Kriculture ^ __userted that second tlrpe in recent weeka t)i< POUCE NAB BSA^PEER to ransom her for J20,0b0 each New Britain, Jan. 7 (Jn —f . .: from theae four persons: (Coptiniied on Page. Sev'en) Soviet President Klementi 'Voro- lice in Sikeston, 'Mo.- arreot twb T ((’ontliiiieil mi I'avr Sc^e.nli Shilov, P rem ier Nikolai Bulganin ' Xp(fr,M,s and sp irit them aw ay for (CpnHniied on Page ‘Thlrteea) (ConHnuod an Pngo Two) Three aacsvpeca from the lastH Actor Michael Wilding, es­ tote of Juvenile Ouldnnee nt tranged husband of iwtress Ellxa-1 and party boss Nikita Khrushchev qnestii.ning about slaying of 19- r were waiting to gra.sp Chou's out-j year-old high, school football play South Bridgownter, Mnaa., nl- betk Taylor, and Miss McDonsId’s j legedly Invetv'ed .In n boldup- escort In recent weeks. stretched hand as he emerged from , e^ and rape of girl friend. (he Plane E(cplo*ion'in Rldway. Colo, kills Spring, Fashion Preview stnbbWg In W’ejmouth, Mhea.. Shoe Manufacturer Hary Karl, | Saturdny nt 1:05 a-m, were cap­ twice married and twice divorced I : Also on hand were Deputy Pre- three men nnd injured 18 others:*1^ ' * E' ' * nilers V. M. . Molotov, A nastas among crowd of: more than 150 tured by New Britain poHce' from Misa McDonald. \ this morning when they 'Ped Mrs. Marie Tuboni, her mother. i Mikoyan. Lazar Kaganovich and curious spectators watching fire Foreign Minister Dmitrji Shepilov. county highway garage.. .An­ from their enr ktter n minor Harold Plant. Miss McDonald'S; “iWomen’s Styles Swing traffic accident. Being heM as butlneM manager. . . ' In a speech at the southern Si­ other proposed "BH'cker Amend­ berian, city of Irkutsk en route, fugitive# from Justice, wtthoat The two men called Karl and her i ment’’ offered to Senate aa aut'hipr! boada. sue William Hmly, W'al- ntother, she said, and dialed the j Chqu de.scrlbed the unity of Com­ Sen. Bricker j R-Ohio’l says it, munist China and Ru’ssla, as “the would not Impair Constitutional To Comfortable Clothes ter EUlol and John Belftore, all telephone so she could Ulk toj main giiarontee of. u'ntversal 18 yearn o t age. Wilding and Plant. Ransom wasn't j authority of President tq conduct peace.” bountry’s foreign affairs. mentioned in an.v of the calls. j In an airr>ort speech here, Chou By DOROTHY ROE ^the ftt of the new suits and dresses DYNAMITE PLANT EXPLODES “They wanted to build lip worry Reip, Bentley (R-M ichl says he (AP 'Women’s Editor) i while msintsinihg the slim line. has learned "from reliable sources" Emporium, Pn., Jaa. 7 (AVe with each call so that, they would ‘ (Continued on Page Seven) New York, Jan. 7 (AP —. TtiisiOne of these peg-top skirt, still An explo^oa' tore through n pay the rgnsom," Miss McDonald, that "there ha* been cpnslderable spring it will be smart to be com- j narrow at ths hemline, but with dj'uamlte manufacturing plan( flanked by two attorneys, told .oncern recently lest Soviet Mill- fortable. | alight-fullness at the top, making In thiB northern Pennaytvnnte newsmen in the same bedroom Police H int‘Leads’ tarv" forces' might vade Austria” This Is the big news New York.; it possible for a woman to eat a community enrly todny. d a-' from whl^h ahe said she waa ab-; New York Times reports from designers are passing along ' to square naeal and still fit into her mollahlng at Iwsst two biilldlngn ducted. , - . .'—4 —n i------1— ^——tJ ------^S—i-Pja^gue-. th a t Czech wwriter riter a says long-suffering American women,; skirt. Front or back- panels sISo and setting fire to » doam After she disappeared Thursday m B p in b e r a e a rc h western mommy Is superior to on the first day of a week ot give the illusion of longer lines to nthors. Throo men were re'pprtad night male callera phoned Karl and .(’omniiinist morality and is re­ spring fashion, previews for the the .new suit sktris, while con- mtaelng smd beUeved dend. Nome "VV*: l MrS 'Tuboni and Misa McDonald New York. Jan. 7 (Ab - Police buked by leading CzechCommunist nation’s visiting fashion press. casting bulges snd adding: free- of the. vtcUmo waa Imnsedintaly phoned Wilding.: Plartt and moyie. Combniiasioner Stephen P. Ken-** news)>aper, , As. the flrat showings pointed dom of. movement. The tiintc- skirt Mentlfled. columnist Hsn-Uon Garroll. ' nedy. says tli^pubhcityiiicity (surround Two hooded ;guhmen hold up up the trend.'lt became apparent is seen in both suite and dreeaes, She said the men forced heV to ; ipg-the hunt , for the “Mad Bomb­ Miami’s prominent beach' night ths't .the hew clothes are designed slender and proportioned to the EXPRESS RAMS LOGAl, leave with them by thi-eatenlng; er" is paying, off with a "num ber spot. Cotton Club, and e«mpe with to c((mform to the n atu ral lines of height of th e w earer, Welwyn Garden City, her sleeping children with ,s gun, j of .leads.” $85,000 in caah . . ...Pakistan For­ the body, to fit loosely and easily jackets o( ths new suiU sra Jan . .7 (Ab-wAa exptaaa She ssid she was taken to s house ■ Kenpddy, apjwsring yesterday eign Minister Firoz Khan Noon and to require no cohtortiffhe of short, ranging from Just below the mimaed Into tha rear of n In th e L « Angeles area w here Shs. on WRCA-TWs "Citizens Union confers with British Foreign 8«ere- waiat, bust or hips. bust to Just above the " hipbone. ed jocnl train1 today, aonding ehin was held most of BViday. 'The men Spotlight.” did not explain the' na­ tary Selwyn Uoyc on Pakistan’s Slender Silhouette . Some are loosn end'boxy, some spmwHng.over the righVot-wnp. gave her whiskey and pilla, - she ture of the “leads” but sbld they longstanding dispute with India You won’t - pave to *• e 4 r a bloused In 'back, aom# semi-fltted. Pollco o ^ nt least oae psmnmr. "are being, checked. ovec Kashmir. ■ / strangling waist. cincher to - J l t none tiiditly fitted. w$s klUed and S4 othis^a M gaiq^ “I hid them In the hollow of Jn any case. 'sai(j the commis­ Retired assistant' postnaaster into' your new spring suit' or dfeoa. ;n>» cape is sn iippbrtant- new mv cheek and latar got rid of sioner, he felt his. department had James J. Grapam 'becomes flrat w on't have to i>sd your bust; trend, haing used Instead of a suit PLANES E n t e r R E R B U n # ^ , them." she said. •'They apparently sufficient informstion on hand to Democrat in Plalnrille's $8'-year line or-'Slruggle to. eliminate your jacket, aomstimea na a part of ths ' Aden, Jaa. 1 >((va) do v((lth ftaetf, many ingenious antnods to esse (OseUwl.wFiiB eiainwiet sold ,A' A. r- Si’S* s ■

1^- St' •,v .)• ICANGHBSTEB MAKCHESTBB. €X>m« MONDAY, JAl^UARY 7, 1»67 PA G E TW O “A MAKCHEStER EVENING HERALDr MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY,, JANUARY 7, PAOM TH idEi M onciie^ter Mi^n Rabbi Reviews Indov^r the Andover,, Hebron and Mtrl- E v e n t s of 1956 SheinW C)ld OH EASTWOOD borough Bchoole. The summary will ^ake-Home Pay Bolton Hirg Hearty Injury Severely Silk Tbiviv Notesy Quotes list not only the sfmtlsritieS' but Science Shiinks Piles anSit. WS1W t ttthlBf utnaUnM '«r 3— AUrjy Slwiba I^aaUag Pastor Resigns also Individual 'differences of cur- Hike UAW Aim 79lli Birthday l i t Vernon Crash In Sermon Here Asa SbetMoa ; t- riculuma_of' the 4 l^ e elementary t By EARL YOST MUST LOSE ACK KeDeaal4^^r systems. School Custodian Resigns ___ *nif East'dMlee ;■ Congregational Milwaukee,, Jan. 7 (iP)r7.Walt!Br Flat Rock, N. C., Jan. 7 UP) —- New Way WitJiout Surgery __ . back tnu* / Vernon, Jati.. 7 (8peciaU--“TVfO "19M waa an eventful year,' , \ TO SET CONTRACT This Ihforination will then be re- Isipran. By Alfrod SbeinwoM )(ortlHto«Ui * O d o ii9 ^ > layed to the staff of thehe ReiRegional Reuther,' presidept of ,thci United Carl'Sandburg, poet and Lincoln Finds HMling Substaoc* That Do(m Both— Manchester men received multiple Oldest officer in point of servtee^sre taking this opportunity to im Rabbi Leon Wind of Temple Beth KORTH OPPOSITE i Church Position Auto' Workers, . told fellow union / injuries at .niltK p.ip. last n l ^ t "I'd better take this tricky schooL Background InformaU'Informatitm .on. To Accept Better Paying fob biographer, said on his 79th birth­ m the Manchester kiwsnls a u b troduce them to you." Sholom said in his sermon Friday Miss Win SEX" previousivious education of students'stuc ep- leaders yesterday that higher t . RoIK^ , m Fain—Shrinks_____ HonuNrrkoids when their 1955 convertible' overr is. Russell Paul of 22 Pine St. Last fora the mice get at tC sai<^ take-home pay will be the NO' I day yesterday that he is still work- New S. \fX (»,otUp-Tor the ' MteniyhiBf itatemtnti like "PUas turned several times'on Route 8?; night reviewing the events of the Hasty, as she won the flr^l 4 A K 0 I T 4 OaeauSeeae aad Caler . Andover, Jan. 7 (Special)—The .ering the new school will'give a Boltnn, Jah. 7 (Special)—' ►Julian Newtoq and Mrs. > Karl 6rat time actenoc has found a new week Russ Was elected to- his \Actiiig Pqstmsster Alden ksll- a A 16 9 Sa4 Celar basis for smooth transition from objective of the UAW in 1958 Jpg hard aiid fueling hearty despite have ceaied to t>s • problem!" Taken to M anchest^ Memorial ey. announced the appointment of year that has passed. with the ace of dubs. SitSStlS ''i;4M:SS-l4)iM Rev. Stephen R. (Jhamberlain pre- Eldrldge Buckland, school cus­ Nlck.se; Thursday. Mrs. Jerome healing rtbatanre with the astonish­ The kecret-i* a new healing aob- eighth term as. secretary-treasurer ♦ A 16 6 one level to another. negotiations. *. a throat infectlan. ing ability to ahrink hemorrhoida Ft m piek*up Hospital Was DonaldX Zlemak. of the orginisatlon. Previously,"In six men (o the Post Office staff in "Many things have happened all HeiC jibxt step was to return tha tented his resignation of his paa- "Top' emphasis - ought to be todian since last August, has, sub­ Melrose, and Friday, Mral Norman atanre (Bio-Dyne*)—diicovery of s Cooper Hill St., a passen^r, who Manchester. Herbert' Crandall of king of hearts to dummy’s see. ♦ » -■V' Science will be the subject <)f the mitted hIs reslgnatiori effective Preuss., A ‘‘hotiaeful" -pf close friends and to relieve, pain—without aurgtry. worle leaving MaEch 1 to accept a this-week. Tlie Board hopes to meet Hoste.sses include Mrs. Thomas He said he is, working hard on left wrist, arid "whip lash" Injuries Rabbi Wind deplored the fact shd queen of clubs. CONT. FROM 5 PJW. call to the pastbrilte of the United pating are under the Supervision of He ■ said that. Jn addition to Bentley. Mias Jeanette Sumner, another volume of his auto­ 4 J 16 6 t Andrew p. Manges. pressing for higher take-home on Friday night (o consider any biography,. and on other writing. UNDERQOATED to the neck. He wss released from Two new members of the 35- that tdo many people are com­ This left dummy with two losing 4 6 1 1 Church of West ^qrwalk, Conp., applications for the Job. Mi.ss Helen Berry, Mrs. Jack Early the hospital after ' treatment. placent about the evils and wrongs diamonds, but Mr. Best could well hewly organized wltlt the asslat- Parents of elementary students pay, the UAW will seek improved and' Mrs. Alfred Barrett. The first volume, "Always the Year Club at the Manchester Post 4 6 4 8 DO RIS DAY have been not-ified that school will fringe benefits and contract terms "The regular meeting of .the Young Strangers," told of his life SPECIAL State ^llce this morning, said Office during 1956 were Philip that exist in the world, and he afford to give up two tricks. One 4 K Q S hnee of the Connecticut Confer­ Board of Education will be held to Piiblie Res-nrds - the car skidded on snow, went out cited aa an example the indiffer­ club and tWo diamonds gave the de­ LOUIS JOUROAN ence and the Board of -thb.-Congre-; close at 12:30 (in the dates of the to assui-e that increased produe- Applications for marriage through his '20s. ^95 OVABANTEED Shaw of 165 Hackmatack St. add Boat South West North conferences. Lunch viMll be served tivity, resulting from aiitomation night ol 8 o'clock. Among items of of control, went over the left side, Chester Morgan of 376 Woodland ence of the average American td fenders only three tricks, allowing 1 4 Pass pass Dbl. BARRY SULLIVAN. galional Christian Churches. ■ llcynsea: FVed Stewart, Ea.sl $ 1 8 WORKMAKSHtF Mr. Best to score game and nit^ , 'The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. (3ham-’ to the children before they ^re and atomic energy, will raise biisine.ss to be con.sidcicd will be of the road overturning in a field, ■St. Shaw Is In charge of the the human carnage oh the Amer­ Pass 1 4 Pass 4 4 FRANK LOVEJOYf brought home on their bus routes; acceptance of the new 6-room Orange, N. J„ and Helen A. Col­ coming to rest on its-top. Crocket ican highways which destroyed bar. y {lerlain will, live in a parsohilge living .standards and give workers mar, Manchester; Jerry VVa.yne TURNPIKE stamii window and box rents and Pass Pass Pass Which will be pui-chased shortly By Hungarians Dria.vcd shorter work weeks. addition to -the school paving tlic Third Quint Dies, * was warned for driving too fast Morgan is foreman o f letter car­ 40.000 lives in the past year. Diamonds No.Better' wa,V for occupancy by the Upper Lee. Troutville. Va„- and Beatrice .for conditions. His car was towed "The world has b e e'o m e too "I felt sure I was going to set OpealDg load—4 their new chi^rch. ; No definite word has been re­ "We want to gear these things Ruth Saragf, Manchester. AUTO SERVICE riers. .. Two letter carriers, who \ The congregation of 100 liierr)- ceived concerning the Hungarian Ic the kind of .piugram and poli­ grodes. tw o ‘Doing Weir IM W. APDDLE TPKE. away. completed 25 years of service last small,” he said, "to' be able to that bid," sighed MTsshdsB Hasty.Ha FLus Use of the new clns.-frooms will year were Evan Nyquist of 40 isolate ourselves from1 Ku and to "Could I have done better by lead­ bera is currently, holding services (ioiigle e.xpected to ai riverin town cies in a. fix'B Bocietv that will Manchester E v e n t n r Herald TEL. MI S^lOO . In a school building. last \7Tiursday. excepj 'that ral.se iTTi standard, of living o f all, eliiriinate tire— three— ba.seuienl Madrira, Imlla, Jan. 7 (Ah—The » LOOMS FOR AFGHANISTAN' Church St. and Carroll McGuire of live petty and selfish lives. It is ing back the king of diamonds in­ Longest Span Opened rooms In which clo.sses have, been Bolton correspondent, .Mrs. Joseph Kabul, Afghanistan—Handlobm 381, Summit S t otir duty to keep alert to the stead of the king of hesrls?" * One of the, Rev. Mr. Chamber­ local dbrnmittee WilLbe given ap­ to perrhif them to grow, to de­ D’ltalia, telephone Mltehell 3-554.7. third of India's quintuplets has lain's new duties will b; leadcr-i proximately three ' hours notice velop sociall.v and culttirally held the past two or three years. died. Authorities at Pondlchery weaving machinery donated hy tragedies and the- dangers that "Not, a bit brtter,'’ replied Mr. Kristiansand, Norway—North­ It will jil.so pave the way for es­ the International Lebor Organisa­ - Ormand West Jr.. Bolton s<*> beset humanity and concentrate Best. "It would still be possible to ern Europe’s longest suspension Ship in planning and raising' funds prior to tbeir arrival. Hospital said the other two week- discard two losers from dummy on tor a new church unit. Officials Si the State Hungar­ tablishment of a health loom and old girls are "getting on well.' tion is being installed in Kabul by of Mr. and Mrs. Ormand West, our efforts on their ellminstton bridge, a 1,950-foot span' across, make it possible to house the an I.L.O. handicrafts expert. recently helped produce one of from the world.’ the king and queen of clubs. It U.e'ToppdalSfJorden miles east' ’ Action was' also taken at yes­ ian .Relief Co'mmisaion have been Curley Making -Tlie mother is a 29-year-old In­ makes ho difference whether I dis­ 2% informed that difficulties have New Piinislimeiit school., library in one of (he va; dian servant woman 'whose .hus­ the Wide, 'Wide World produc­ He cBncluded with the hope that of Kristiansand In aouthern ..Nor-, terday’s congregational 'xmeetlng cated room.*. ONE OF THE MOST CO H PLm SHOPS tions from Miami. Young Orm Is 1957 would see a lessening of world card’two hearts, two diamonds, or way, boa Just been opened. Instructing the chinch council to been encountered at the camp in Steady Recovery band la unemployed and who al­ tensions, and also a greater inter­ one of each. The result Is the appoint a Pastoral Calling Com­ gathering together tpe group of For Wet Drivers Mother’s .March ('hairmsn ready has three older daughters to ARTHRITIS-RHEUMATISM a Junior at the University. of same.’’ , ^ ' OF ITS KIND IN NEW ENGLAND FUEL RUSS PAUL Miami. . . Mr. and Mrs. Scott est on the part of each individual mittee, Consisting of at least five people destined for the Hartford Mrs. Allan Ro.se Df Clider MMl Boston. .Ian. 7 (Ah—Former Gov support. When told that a third in the woes and tribulations of "Then the contract was unbeat­ members, to secure a candidate area. Denver. Jan. 7 i/P) — A Colo­ Rtf. will be chairman^ of, the James .M. Curley, 82. continued his • babies had died, she mur- V i t a l p a c t s e x p l a i n e d Simon of 417 S. Main St. are able?" A foriner president of the Little spending the winter in S t Peters­ humanity. tor the church's ministry., Thf; (?hasse Heads Funds rado State Senator came up today | Mothers March to be conduoted a.a daily walking exei>oise today, 10 i __ "God has lightened my FREE DESCRIPTIVE BOOK League program in Man­ "It was, after youUook the ace of Pouncil will meet Wednesday with a new idea for punishment | a part of the local polio drive this burg. . Aldo Paganl, local In- clubs. But if you’d let the mice get Andover residents who wi.sh to days after he- was operated on for j burden." FREE ...AND chester, Paul has been associsted suranceman who resides at 38 evening at 8 o’clock at the home contribute to the Rotahy-sponSored of persons .serving jail sentences.; year. She will be a.«sistcd bv Mrs. a bleeding stomach ulcer. As a public Service to sit read­ that first, trick you’d have beaten of Mrs. Johii Shepherd, Hebron for driving while, intoxicated. | Harry Goodwin .Ir.. Mrs (iharlc.s OIL ers' of this paper, a new 36-page with the G. E. WillU A Son, Inc,, Locust St. oted another birth­ the contract. Arthur Vinton FuiTd. offering a re-- A Bulletin by Dr. James V. 'Copier lo A id Search Store Schedules fed. "I'd like to see them be re-1 Zeppa and Mrs. .'Ituart Reopcil. It INSTRUCTIONS highly Illustrated book on Arthri­ coal and lumber dealers at 2 Main day on Jan. 2. He’s the same age Sacrifice Play Wins ward for information leading to Sacchotti of Boston City Hospital DON'T FORG SL. since 1942. A graduate of Dart­ The meeting- alao voted to re­ arrest and conviction of the men qtilred to pick .(iJT^the whiske.v Is expected the march will take said yeste:-day Curley is "now up RANGE OIL tis and Rheumatism will be mailed as Jack ^nny. . . Jay Rand and vMr. Best was, of course, quite bpUles and beer cans along oiiri place during the latter part of the Guilford, Jan. 7 (Ah -Mrs. George Full line of yarpo' and ABSOLUTELY FREE to all who mouth, Class of 1917, Paul is sales Carl ■ Furey, two members of the Painting Exhibits quest the Tolland Association of who beat and robbed, the North twice a daVfor an hour. He is per­ Sessions Perry said Saturday that with toeh SS.OO purw manager at the Willis Co. . . right. If he had been allowed to Congregational, Churches and >f 'n- highways.” said Sen. - A. Woody; rnonth. knitting nuppllpsr needle­ write for It. Manchester Rotary Club, are win the first trick, he would have Coventry couple, arc asked to con­ Hewett, a Boulder Republican. mitted to \yalk a little about his as .soon as iveather eonditioiis per­ This FREE PnOK fully ex­ Radio for Harold Binks at Mans­ building homes in Florlds accord An exhibition of paintings by the isters. at the .*ugge.stion of the tact Percy Chassc. old State Road. Mrs. R. Knceland Jones Sr. of room. He continue.*! to cat well. Is mit a State Poll.ee helicopter will point and atotnped good*. chos* $1.00 wortli of field Training School for Christmas lost two tricks in each of the red P«v. Mr.- Cha.nberialn, to meet as HeWett said he would have a the local polio conirhittee has plains the MUL ill-effects and Ing to word from Fred Nassiff. pupils of Louis 'Fusari, well known suits. Chasse. the only local member bill drafted if there are no legal more cheerful, Wert and coopera- he used'In a continuing search for You’ll like Voiir Yarn danger In neglect of these painful wss provided by a number of North R Disinls.sal CJonference for the pur­ to date of the group which includes drawn the. attention of Grange HsrtfoKd artist, will be held at Miss Hasty could see eight tricks pose of dismissing his pastorate obstacles to the plan. members to an article b.v. Helen Gve ' ; her author-husband who dissap- Shop’s eaay, FREE park­ ih^rehondlM without m * BOLAND and crippling conditions. It also End men, headed by Dr. Arthur Spending the winter in Holly­ —six trumps and two aces—as soon both Andover and Coventry in its Curlev was opera\ed on Dec, 28, ndkred without trace from his ing at all time*. describes a successfully proven Moran and Stillman Keith, Watkins Bros, beginning Jan. 10 4>f the local church. territory, is publicity chairrhsn. He Hayes In the current issue of the He ‘. Don't delay. Send for 34 Victoria Rd. will complete 15 oil painting on Thursday from 2 to The next player passes. You hold': Rev. Mr. Chanjberlaln spoke pf his theme for this month’s prbject, Thespians will be held tonight a t' It has been auggeated that I your FREE BOOK today. Address years with the State Police oh Jan. 4 in the afternoon; that evening. Spades A 6 2, Hearts K S 2, Dia­ fepir and one half j-ears' pastde^te astronomy. 6:30 in - Woodruf' hall. Center] grangers read it and pass It on to] r»-r I^urn* r Unl\ The Ball ainic, Dept. 5409, Excel­ 15 . . . Francis Mshom^y of 19 Ham­ as a "wonderful experience, full of others who do not receive the ( Al.l. Ml •< Mrs. Eleanor VIbbert will do an monds 9 T 8 4 2, Clubs J 5. What , Brownie Troop No. 8 is in need Church, in the form of a buffet sup- sior Springs, Mo. lin St. was chairman of the fourth oil painting demons't'-ation begin­ do you do? surprises by the Holy Spirit and of an assistant leader. Any mother per. I magazine. YEAR-ROUND flIR CONDITIONING annual Knlghta of Columbus New ning at 7 o’clock;' Friday after­ TELEVISION enriched by the shariiig of life and \Vishtng to a.ssist should contact ITA to Meet 4££ f/mF PW/yr 7» . ir* Answer: Bid one .diamond: Keep Following the meal and a brief Year’s Eve Dance which again noon, Mrs. Hazel Finlay will work the bidding low with one of your Jove in the church and community.” ; Mrs, J 7 l’ansley Hohmann Jr business meeting led bv Peter I Miss...... Viola Lar.son. elementary. proved to be l success at the with pastels; and Saturday after­ suits rather than one no trump. Install (Jffieers | Menus fo.r the week at the ele- Brouwer, president, members o f' s>'Pervi.sor for the school district COMPETENT SER\TltE Armory. Uahoney will now turn noon, Mrs. Kenneth Cloutier will PROGRAMS The installation of officers of the ; m e n ta l sdhool are as follows: the Manchester Community Play-I a"** I'’®' faculty will present IN TIME OF STRESS his attention to the.big Job of head­ work on an oil porf-slt. (Copyright 1S57, General Fea- Andover Grange will be preceded Today, ebrned beef hash, ketchup. ers will present a 1-act play. The a prograili on the teaching of : > SPECIALIZING IN ing the 1957 Red Cross drive In - A section of the exhibit will turee Corp.) tonigh,t by a pot-luck supper at the diced butt'ered beet.s, fruit com- Community Players have also been reading at the PTA meeting- to-i . .. relieve* the,-family from the burden Manbhester. show some paintings of the- chil­ Video Everyday — Town Hall at 7 p.m. | pole, bread, butter an,d milk: Tue.s- Invited for poffec and dessert. morrow night at 8 o'clock al the | of worr.v. The.,-(Iulah staff Dinctiona com­ CUSTOM BUILT HOMES dren in Mrs. Esther Welles Cot­ Mrs. John Yeomans, who will be I day, Spanish rice with iheat. car- Any person Interested in drama­ school. Thir-prog;-am has heendnitll I pletely to ei-riito dignity and order. ton’s classes. ' . _ - All Rights R ^ rv e d — ‘We Supply Everything but thg H. T. Dtcktnson * Co., Ine. installed as.lecturer, is. acting as; rot sticks, baked custard; bread tics is invited to attend. around questions a.sked from the i GENERAL CONTRACTING ^ Appetite" Is -the slogan carried In The classes of Fusari and Mi*. general chairman of the program ; and butter, and muk: Wedruiaday. parents in a recent survey, and; s ^ of Klein’s ' Delicatessen and Cotton are conducted locally under which will open with a roil call by macaroni and cheeXe. cabbage question.s moat commonly encoun­ Fui\eral William P. Quish REMODELING AND REPAIRING food store at 161 Center St. . . . the program of the Msnehester the officers, and requests for sug-|salad, peanut butter Sandwiches, Prieitl to Be ISoniinaled tered by the staff members. Raymond T. (^ulah Richard Lata, son of Mr. and Mrs, YWCA. New. classes will begin In gestiona for the good of the order, ra.spberry snow pudding with Mothers .AHsistlng Paul R. t>aBrre FREE ESTIMATES<-MORXGAGES ARRANGED John Lata S:-., of 539 Woodbridge mid-January. AVL IS cinemascope : A quiz on "Facts and Figures" .sauce, and milk; T^ur.sA . Sharon, Jan. 7 -i/P) State Sen. Molliers Who assisted at the co­ iH o m € Members of the committee for JoAR r>alllaa Theodore .S. Ryan iR) said Satur­ St., is on the honor roll at the Alijrtpa will be followed by violin solos by ‘'‘•y- scalloped ham and polaJ,oes. operative, kindergarten and Ml 3-594^ State Technical Institute in Hart­ the exhibition are Mrs* Robert L. | Elwood Hudson. After a mock sreeb beans, prunes and apriedU, day he will nominate the Rev. John i n'ursel'y today were Mrs. F ERNEST A. RITCHIE ford . . ; The Rev. Geohge Hughes, Cooper and Mrs. W. J. Dobson, co- "Opposita 'O d e ii9 a ' bingo game, the program will con- - *ud butter and milk; Friday,,^ J. Bennett, pastor of St. Ann's Ro-i Weldon Miper and Mrs'. Raymond 16 LIBERTY ST. — TEL^ MI 3^8172, MANCHESTER former ssaiytant pastor at St. chairmen; Mrs. Simone Zollo, S a x " elude with group singing i buodl* »”up. tuna U.sh sandwiches. nian'Cathotlc Church in Avon to be i Morin. Serving tomorrow will be James' Church in Manchester, is YWCA chairman of ants and S:tS S:SS-IS;I» Mrs. Yeomans will be assisted j " frosting, and Senate chaplain when the State | Mrs. Paul Nelson and Mrs. Robert 225 MAIN bT how assistant pastor at St. Pat- crafts; Mrs.. Charles Lesperance, with the program by Harmon _,, u . Legi-slature con\wnes Wednesday. Morten,*!en; on Wednesday] Mrs. rick’a Church in Hartford which Mrs, Wilfred Lisk, O^lrs. Sidney W. clinic BODY greeting card to residents on the Grandview St. . . Ronnie Seavey RADIO TELEVISION The meeting, planned aa a work'; rMt thm eeiiio sco street.is the practice of the Clif­ of 165 Bn .cfield Bt. and Don An­ Hertford. Jah. 7 (jp)—Harjtford’s session on the group's layette proj-; 3lanrhe*trr Evening Herald An­ ford Hansen A Co., realtors, of S3 derson of 25 Durkin St. are both- shoeshine boys a rt up against It.' l u n c h e o n ; CliUBel a if4w Hftvaii, Comb* SiU !5TffORLDNBW8l3bAT ect. turned into a birthday party th* host and buy E. Center St. The ' cards used, by enjoying 30-«;ay furloughs from Should they raise the price of a ChBBNoI la lliirlford. C^be. (tt) NEWS dover correspondent, Mr*. Paul D. REPAIR THEY ARE TASTY CbBBBol XX SptlB cn^M . Mbss. (tl) BIO PICTURE and luncheon at the home of Mrs. Pfanstiehl, telephone Pilgrim th* host of M a resume will be prepared de-,a prank. The bomb acare brought As Aide on Mideast <»i>^HEKirP OF CJ)CRI8E ing exactly4Vnr«Mv \l*VlO»what la!■ toiisrh*taught inIn ji evacuation ot al..the school._I____ * r OPEN TILL 4 — TEL. Ml 4.S23E - A resident Of Lancaster, S. C., TOWN and COUNTRY 7:4 (M-M) KF-WS (ContiBued from P*ige One^ Richards served in the House from DRAINAGE CO. ( t) DANNY THOMAS SHOW .the 73rd through the 84 th C»;ongres- 8cli*«l Trsekrr" X PHONE MI 9-4148 <*W*»JtUHN8 AND ALLEN President has reached into the (M) THIS IS YOUR LIFE (M) FRODUCER’S SHW CASE ranks of Democrats in Congrw RAIL8 SPENT OVER CAVEY’S U;M « S) NEWS (Otior) "Call T . Preed.m*' (1S> VAUANT LADT (it) DRA.MA for a special assistant on foreign 8H BILLION (22-M> TIC TAR UOroH t:M (.t-M).HOWARD BARLOW OB, l^llcy, Walter F. George of Georgia New York—ifSlnce- the end of IT COCLH BK YOt’ t:M ( t) I lAIVE I.I'CY coipralttee, now is serring as Ei­ 1S:41 < S) OL'IDING LIGHT (U) T.V. PREVIEWS An Oil Well senhower's'repcesentstive, with the imprevlng plants and equipment. l:ir ( S> HOLLYWOOD BEST (M) HIRAM BOLUDAY ' Good AT ROME WITH KITTY (IS) TV THEATER dealing with the North Atlantic (Ml OL'EST CORKER t;M ( S) UWRIWCE WELK SHOW Treaty Organization and coordina­ lilt tit) STAND OP AND BE (ISAS)_ - DKCKMBr------;mber bridb in Your Anytim e... . . COUNTED (U) BOXING » tion of bipartisan foreign policy. t;U (M> "VOIIR CHIID’S FAITH" (tt-M) ROBERT HDNTOIOMRBT- Appointment of Richards, who 1:M (It) AS THE WOBLD TURNS PRE8TNTS- (CUr) «Tlw did not seek , selection to the (M) ONK-THIBTY PLAYHOUSE Uer” Own Backyard! ACUFOFOUR (tt> ABTHUa GODFREY It;tt (IM t) STUDIO ONH *• House last year, came Just 48 S:M (ItAS) q u a MI8S BROOKS hours after EisenhoWer had laid DELICIOUS COFFEE (It) MV UTTLE MARGIE Iflli X:M ( t) HEN t o w a r d t h e L io a t before Congress his program de-' BREWED TO (ISASk ROUSE PARTY signed to- thwai-t any Co|tnmunist (n-M> TENNEtMKE ERNIE aggression in the Middle East. . PERFECTION PORn'BRHOW S ;tt (it) CARTOONLAND r i i n i : \ In his special me.ssage to a joint ( t) HOUSE PARTY- session on Saturday, the President ( t) LIVE COPY /<’/ A/A ///f/Z// announced that..he .shortly wrbuld (IM t) BIG PAYOFF *..and the FAMILY send a United Stales mission, to For A Tasty Meal Visit Our (M-M) MATINEE THEATER , I I i : \ r the Middle East to explain to gov­ 3:M MICKEY NOI'AP C L » East ares."' (It) AMOK , AND ANDY you t ^ y appreciate the joys of family THE <«) THE PIR8T SHOW „ „ —"L.** Al F.artk SlshP* A Whith House ceremony wss NEW ENGLANDER IV TIME ItiM ( t> CALK STORM SHOW life. And it is then, too, that thoughts turn With MOBILHBAt you'll always^havo a set up later in the day to swear French Onion Soup, Cheeoo UNIVnSITY of CONNEcheUT EATVRB naturally to the protecdon of your lOved RIcliards in. (U ) OUT ,t8T )l.r sresresi) (M) 8 c ie n 6 S " f i % o n t h e a ­ Croutons, New Englmnd Clam (It) THE „ lO SHOW t e r ones. We are proud to make ourconiri- fesOfvo MUppiy of fuol fight on tho pro/nltos t The White House said that In his Chowder or Chilled Juice. PRESENTS (M) SUSIE AV (M) STATE TROOPER new assignment Richards will head (U> UTTLET iABCAIR ll-.tS ( t> NEWS REPORTER buuon in that direnion through serving SiM ( t) STAGE t Call us for Mobilheat From then on, we’ll watch your a special group of State Depart­ F«anut Butter end' (tt-M) NEWS )-our hpusehoTd faithfully in matters fe- (M) P.ARLY SHOW IM) PINAL EDITION supply, kef^ your tank filled. And that ment, Defense Department and In­ Chopped Boeen o« ULLETS tUQUES 4 BIARRITZ (tt> TWIUORT THEATCR (It) BADGE 714 isting to-family health, including the automatically ternational Cooperation Admints- «;M i t) SPOBTS4(OPK llilt ( t-It-M-M) WEATHER tankful-right on the pretpisee-givee you seourity IraUon officials in Implementing Whole Wheot Bread •;49 ( t) WEATHER. l l i U ( I) WORLD’S BEST MOVIES ‘ careful compounding of prescriptions. Tea, Coffee, Orange Drink - nSST AMEtICAN TOW . (It) MILUON DOLLAR MOVIE you get with no othei^ fuel. It’s a supply no one can Veertsih aspects of government UNDER p At RONAGE OF THE FRENCH OOVEgNMENT policies in relation to Uie Middle or Milk Nlehok : ;g{ *^ yg g S « a»R ' Free prescription -pick-up draw on but yoiil East, particularly as,they may' de­ 11:W (M-M) TONIGHT rnd delivery or' have yonr TIRE , _ (it) NEWS a n d PREVUB6 velop pursuant to the President’s Monehosttr Inc. litS ( I) NEWS - doctor call In your pre­ Now’s the time toyder twin-action Mobilheatt^tiia request to the Congress for s' Joint I UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM scription. h ie li^ that cleans M it Aeofs/ 5 declaration of policy." In his Saturday message to the SUBURBilNITE PICKUP and DEUVERY lawmaken BiseAhower urged Obn- Monday Fvening 24 Hour Rerviee en Beqaest gresa to. join w-ith hi.^i in serving HEA0QUARTERS FISHER notice - OB Hiissla and its puppet governments tl -: this country i^ll I January 14 At 8 F^ M* ■tore RBd F laat ■66 n n « 4 8 t DRY CLEANSERS (I4#4#448 #*»f*»*******^ not tolerate any Red aggression j HIAL Ml 6-71U in the Mides^.. T I L MI 3.S17T 628 BllOAD Wjt. Richards' asalgrraent to head up RESERVED SEATS AVAILABLE NORTH the administration group which Floor $1.06—iBt Balcony |i;50—2nd Balcony $1.00 will work with Congress is in sdil- CALL MltchoH 3-5l|S F^R TQP'QUALITY tien ' to his rolp as chief of the For ragervattons write or phone Willard M. Slstara, Ifgr. So v€ Money American mission to the Middle X university Anditorlum, Stem , Cenn. , ' SILENT GLOW-pIL BURNERS B ^ t. ✓ Phehh OArReNI 468SI E x t 441 . } Asked whether. kUenhower 'A Mila off Pskland IBelffep V ofuei HORNUN’S picked RichariU to '^cement l ^ r •J'' Usah iioi^tgn ri- llcy." White Ho«>se eirsat bn TOUaadl TonpUu Mahs W ch s pRjahle te URlverslty e( OoR»ecflenL 445 HARTFORD RD. T E L Ml 3-1S24 —PRESCllIPTIONS FIRST”| presd iscrstsry JaniM G Hagerty MORIARTY 4 uEP(xr . i' 31S em n t ST.

l; ,, : _ L k ■Ft.: ■■'■fix f '■■' M' >'■ s ■v;.' ■'i'- \; ' “I ' .

PACE FOUjCt HANbHKS'iEE EVENING HERAI4), MANCHESTER CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 7y 196T V. MANCHESTE ^7,1957 V*'06^:111* In from n^W-G.thoUc, in clu ^ g *50ft from th d ^ t. -^ v, e Spring Fashion Preview W K N a - M WXIO-7 IOM ZonersHear / St.J< ih’s . Valter H. Orayi ’.PRrteirtant I Skywatch" Schedule I$l8copaI Blahc^ of Connecticut. _ way Hea d Gi tes vrailfo—isao Daily Radio »W liA V —»10 ELrVEIt^ BidsTpnight RebilU ti a : w o o d —ItM £Mteni DayUfbt , \ ..w p o p —u i a .Womett’s Styles Swing '’\ ' Toeaiby, Jon. 8 T Sixteen applications involying- .Midnight -, 2 a.m. ■ . . . . ’.■.,X...Vohiiiteer* Needed artfonl, Jain. 7 id*!—St. Joseph's PRESCRIPTIONS . Arthur Dmi; Stores^ Repair lX[ork , 7 b t roU9wUi% p to g n m K hed «v> WHAYw-eUCoiin vA SyraruM sign* -and fpur applications in­ ‘A a. m. - 4 a.m...... ,,.. Volunteers Needed' hedraJ, destroyed by fire a week ulM ar« mippUed 'by the radio /iVTlC-rO^htraat lnMUi>ic ; ...... Volunteers Needed •“FBEE nCK-PP volving aervice stattoni are among 4 ar.m. • 6 a.m...... dgb today, will be' rebuilt on the ■ AND'DEUVEBlpy To'Gom fortaBie Clothes Hartford, Jan. 7 ^(/P)X^tat€4Ptirfe in a, special session late In; W DRCr-RuM Kaujthton 6 8 VbUiBteers Needed maitacenienu and are aubject to WPOP—Modern Sounds a.m, - aTm. .... site where its. skeleton now stands. Highway Commissioner Newingn 1055f ' ' • t t f - the 22 requests to be heard by the 8 a.m. - 10 a:m . ,...... Volunteers Needed Archbishop' Henry J. O’Brien of vT'^'chanee vrttnout nbuee. PINE PHARMACY E. Argravea his department / i .June Completion Slated '* WHAY—UConn'vs. S y r^ e w t Zoning Board of Appeals . (2SBA) 10 a.m!'- Noon ..at.* »'a,A-a i Joseilh Carlin the Roman Catholic Archdiocese (Continved from Page One) As of now $12,500,000 worth Of . ' f^ea-*' W TIC— Contrast In MuMc '... i'i .-ir.'. . . Am ct lean ,1 .cgipn uxillai; 6«4 G ENtER 8 T.—Ml S-MM Bishop Se«8 Decision .'' WHAV—Open llouee WDRC—Russ Naujthton ^ in the Municipal Building, tonight N oon'^ 2 p.m. . . .. of Hartford.said Saturday the mil­ AUTO . has made remarkable progress in work has been finished, and by; i WOOC—Record. B«Tue e WPOP-Modi?m Sounds * \ 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. , . .. .-i vr • Joseph Carlhf lions of dollars needed above .re­ capelet, never extending .below the ,Dn Change in June rebuilding and repairing. - the a t 8 o’clock. -VI.. Jam es Oalehek Jqme^ Waist. But llill-length capes also June 30 the whole program will be; 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. .... coverable insurance wUt be 'fSiaed State’s flood damaged roads'- and completed or under construction,; S^ WHAY—UConn vs. Syrsnisr The four aervice station .appli­ 6 p.m. - 8 p.m',j..,...... Wayne Garland in a fund campaign among cbm-, R ^ A I R S ; are shown’ with spring dresseJi.r decision /\» expected- »!:*k WOKO-Cal Holbr WTIC—Robm McCormick cations are also State h'earinga, .bridges. said Argraves. . \ * ■ WPOP—Wa* WoA« W DRC— Russ Nntqchtoii 8 p.ni. - 10 p.m, ...... David Janssen Dpiikld Sylv^ter municants.' , '. . . often teaming print dress and cape ,-”sonietime in June” on whether He told Gov. A braham A. Ribi- * tlU<- W POP— Mod^^rti Souhds . for which certiffcates of approval 10 p.m."'* M idnight ...... John Ltnnfll Jiy He said, however, funds already SAFECO n i g h t M EC H A N IC lining to form a costume. ,, Thoilgh he( coinW this ”a 2 WHAYr-Opcn Hou»e 19:U— must be granted, ’ \ or not' Manchester will be head­ coff Saturday the X l ^ markable accomplishment, " he said 2 * • WCCO—Record K«*ue WUAY—l-Conn vs. SymruSf Skywatch Post locAted oh top of Manchester Police St'atioh ' Auto Insurance Nostalgic Note ., y human task of rebuilding after. . . 2 WKNB—M Swrol W TIC— (*harll8» Applrwhlte ' ■Three ,o,f the ' appeals \a r e for Voluqteera-may register M Ci'Jil Defense Headquarters.-MuAicipaf There’s a slight nbsta'igis about quarters of w hat la now the would have been done WTIO—IWW Redio l.ane WDR<’— Naughlftn ’* variances the. -xoning ^gula- The BEST x n W D R t> ^ aolby .Building, on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday from 1 to 5 p.rn, Wrought Iron Roilings TURNFH the.new fashions, which haVe pro-. Nonvlch District - the Meth-, 1955 "dwarfs shy thing ever under-j li‘Lry®'i^(’^*teel"and*'me c a rt'e o r WPOP—Modern Sounds tiona to- permit erectlori of service gre.saeil from the “my fair lady” odl.st Church. Bishop John Wes­ WPOP— Work! lt:M - stations.- They include: John B. For LESS H Uken during such a short cr^ti^^membeTa * ' f0, . AtM^ W HAY— NiRht Watch Porch Columns 1912 look of last 'apting to the ley Lord said in Boston today, - in Connecticut -Highway ■ Depart­ <<*a WHAS—Betty KimoaU • WTIC*—Rosr Bo«'l Liinrhcon and Bettina H. Baynini. south aide addition of about nine feet to thq ce to erect enclosed stairway oh AUTdSERVl a w e l d i n g RAY C O O P ER 1930 "Auntie mam e” look. One ment history.” The commissioner also said in his WOC(>-Record Revue W DRC— Russ NaitChtpn of Tolland Tpke.. weal of No. 408.' rear of an e.xiatlng building for, Street side of building 6.6 feet from V U E Y C O . .164 W, MIDDLE TFK ^ In a story published In Tqe re p o rt:. WKNB-rBk8Cb»ll Mettnee W PO P—Modorn Sounds indication of the latter trend is Argraves' report to the Gover­ in Business Stone Ii;, Gulf OH business uaed a t 435 Main S t IS^nNa ITBUC a v e . Crockett Ins. Agency Herald Saturday, Bishop Lord ^ WTJC—1080 Radio Lane IttU - street line, which is 3.4, feet less For F i^ Estimate Call TEL. MI 9-4100 the appearance in several cojlec.r; nor was released by the latter, a ”U will help to comprehend the WDRO-Cal Kolby . ■ WHAY-.Nialii Watch Corp. and or Wilbur (?. . Brown, Residence Zone B. / S44 MAIN ST.—MI S-157’1 incHcaled that lhere..is a- "good than regulations allow, a t 186 W. O faM to n b ^ ME S-9118 tions of a modern' version of the Democrat, four hays before the enormity of the burden novv shoul­ WPOP— Work* WTIC—R8»s<* Bowl laUnrhson , south east' corner of W. 'Middle Bruno Dubaldo is seeking a'vari Middle Tpke., in Btisine.sa Zone II. possibility • thaX-lt tthe’ new dered by the Highway Department' *: WDRC— Rus.s Kau|(hton hobble-akirt. achieved by cuffed or 1 headquarters )> w U l^e in -Man­ convening of the new. Republican- WHAf—Betty Ktmball WPOP-Mtnlrrn Sounds Tpke., and Broad St„. in Bualngas banded hemlines. These, however, dominated State Legislature. to note that the normal highway; WCOO—Record Review II ’ Zone II; and C.- Li. Hale. Inc., and. chester.” y/7 - ' ' A ' building program in Connecticut in WKNB—Matinee WHAY—N;eW Watch are modified enough to allow eaae Probe Rumored , Tidew ater Oil Co., com er Green ! However,' the Bislmp sta,ted 'the past has run to about $32,000,-! WTlC—10«| Radio Lana WTIC—Nsm-s in walking. ' ! the ciecision must be made by a T.horo has been talk that the Re-, WDRT'i-CaJ Koibv WDRC—Ni*ws. Weather Rd. and Wbodbridge SI., in Busi- .The ankle-ldngth dinner and j, publicans intend to look into com­ 000 a biennium, in the present bi­ WPOP—Wax Worka WPOP—eVews ■neija Zone I. Permission for signs DORSET FURNlTimE theater costume continues Impor­ special committee appointed for ennium, by comparison, a stagger-! U :I^^ , ‘ ' .y.'. r ■ L that purpose. plaints that progress had not been * WHAY—Record Rodeo ''-!»AV-NlBht Watch are sought for by the last appli­ tant in all collections, with full-' satisfactory...... ing total of $460,000,000 is being | WCCC—Record Review WTIC—Sports cant. ' ' length evening gowns much more : iTie Rb'l’. H arvey K. Mousley WKNB—PM. ^ , WDRC—Kuss Nhughton But Argravea in .*0 many words - Placed under contract.” | WPOP—>fodern Sounds » In another request involving a numerous than the shorter • of Providence will take office The $460,000,000 includes $281,-! WTIC—1080 Radio Lane service .station\PHrker St. Motor ns new District sxiperlnlendent rejects thi.s. He said: WDRC—New* Reporter varieties, except in junior collec­ "In explaining the flood restora- ^ 000.000 of construction for the' ■ WPOP—Bob and ...Ra y W IIAY—Svm nhonv in the Ki|tht Sales is seeking a special excep­ tions. The elegance and formality Feb. 1, and It is expected that $445,000,000 Connecticut Turnpike, tiU — WTIC—Top Banns tion to have repairer’s licfcnse and his Bucressor at the Washlng- tion program to the Legislature WHAY—Record Rodeo W DRC— Russ Nau'ichlon launched la.st .spring continues, and toHhe public, we cannot stress $66,000,000 for an expanded in WOCC—Record Review Wl'OP— Sounds to sell u.ied cars at 775 Parker with definite demarcation between ,ton Park Methodist Cliurch in too often the fact that bridges are 1 i^rior road program. $61,000,000 WKNB—Baaeball Matinee 11:4^ St. in Industrial Zone. daytime, cocktail and evening! Providence will be named at WTIC—1080 Radio Lana WDRC—Niaht not built ovci-night. There are for acquisition of rights of way and , WDRt>-Cal Kolby_ WHAV-N‘»hl...... Vntr.. Wntrh Bkla for .HlgnS- clothes., I th a t time. $18:000,000 to private engineering WPOP—Bob and Ray WTlG^lartlme Serenade ‘ many time-consunilng steps which Twelve applications to mainMin There’s also a covered-up The Rev. Har\‘ey K. Mousley. center, Providence! R. I., new superintendent of the Norwich District cannot be avoided. Each bridge con.siritants. modesty in moat of the new *'wHAY—iSetne EaaV advertising signs at the following no help or insDiratiOii from the •'*'® Methodist Church, is introduced to Herbert J. McKinney of Manchester, lay leader of the Norwich 1 presents an individual problem and WCCC—Record Review locations- have been made hy the fashions, extending from bathing suits to evening gowns. Many of Paris hiah fashion houses which District, by the Rev. Fred Edgar, pastor of the South Methodist Church. The occasion was open house! it takes almost as much work to Torrington Girl Killed WKNB—Requeat MaUnee Man, 9i, Plans General Outdoor Advertising Co,: will onU- show theic of th. yesterday’.at the South Church parsonage in celebration of Dr. Edgar’s eighth year here. Present j plan and design a small bridge as WTIC—KWO Radio Lane TVo -at south aide of W. Middle the new swirn suits' have high W D R O ^ I Kolby necks and even sleeves, while eve­ end of Ihlt montli among the 200 persons were Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Bums of Providence. Dr. Burns is superintendent j a big bridge.” Torrington. Jan. 7 Bernice ; WPOP—Bob and Ray To Laui\ch Parly Tpke., west of the Hockanu'm ■ ■ 'of the Providence District.. Argraves said lh‘4r yood repair i Arnista, 17. Torrington. was killed ! tl U - River in Re.sideqpe Zone AA: one ning gowns tend to cover the Although a fledgling industry in ' ______WHAY—Swin* Eaay dCcollctage with varimis forms of comparison to their rich cousins' program gave his department 302: last night when the car In wlilch . ■ WCCC—Record Review LoriK Beach, C alif.,-Jan.'’7 i^h -- a t W. Middle Tpke... west of No, projects in 109 of Connecticut’s 169 I she was riding collided with one i WKNB—l^ y In Sporta 847, in Business Zone II; two a t W. STARTINC TONICHT - IIMITED TIME ONLY .drapery, or with necklines high in .in Paris high fashion, the Cote ” 1 ^ V Philadelphia, who took a home­ the arrest of any so-callcd "Mad WTIC—1080 Radio Lane With hia 91at birthday.'b^tninR tip front, low in back. id Azur manufacturrjtTi say thgy c.\- * -a I llllle lll W rt IIv< . made homi) into a movie theater Bombers.” I towns. X,, , driven by a Roman Catholic priest,; WDRC—Gal Kolby ^ ^ Middle Tpke,. east of No. 951. in Before.the end of this month, the-joollce said. They said the car car-' WPOP—Lea Paul and Mary Ford say» he's Kolng to launchnew Business 2tone II; on.e at New State.I Fabrics, from woolens to silks,' $400,000 worth of clothes , HM.r lc.nM Ir'r-snt containing some TOO children.JHie Dc.sniond said iip.statc comniu- sre soft, light weight and drapabte. lesl ye®’’- ■ , , \ ,Xl«S orOKCH A OOl bomb did not explode. nilies were not empowered to post department expects to have com-jlyifig the girl was’driven by Allen political pai.ty in California^. Rd., east side, north of Hockanum pleted. uhded constructloii or aef-1 SardgvX*- Torrington. The priest **?teAY—Newa , River, in Rural Residence Zone; 'Your Old LiYiho Room Suite Is Worth $100.00 In Trade The chirtoh shirtwaist drc.ss is a| — ----- In Albany. State .Sen, Thomas such rewards. New York City's V ' weexi—Ctood Bventna Good Muaio iown.send .says it will he known new favorite, being shown usually 1 'BABY DOLL’^),OOK? C. Desmond (R-;Ncwburgh) pro­ Police Commissioner can offer re­ vcrtt.sed foT'blds 284 projects cost-1 was identified as the Rev. John WKNB—Evenlnj Serenade as the Women's Anti-Povert>' one at New State Rd„ east side, in Independence, Mo,. Jan. 7 i>Pi— Ing $24,700,000, or 72 per cent of Zahala. pa>tpr of Sacred H e a rt w ine—Newa . 1 Residence Zone A; one at north in pastel tones, with floating skirl -Los Angeles, Jan. 7 '.*Pi —Milad.v posed that all municipalilio.s in wards for such pcr.Hon,s in the case WBRO—Now* Reporter P arty. and shirtwaist top. Sleeves usual-1 "ill have the "Baby Dolt' look H arry S. Trum an is hack the stale he permitted to post of felonies. There la a $26,000 re­ the $34,100,000 appropriated for Church here. -TTie accident ^oc- WPOP-eNow* “It will be a party spearheaded side of Demlng St., west of Avery Qn Any ring Room Suite In Qur Store flood rehabilitation by the Leglala-i rtirred during a'S row storm. St., in Residence Zone A. • I ly are long and cuffed, often with ’ !*’■* , and summer—If Cali- home after three days in the hos- reward.* for information leading to ward on the "Bomber." •lU — by women, but of course we’ll- let jcweled cufflinks. fornia fashion designers and man-- pital for treatment of a broken ^ WHAY-Sporta ^ ' One at north side of Tolland WCCC—Good Kvenina Good Hueld the men in,” '^•.0 says. 1 It should be very easy fm-' have th^^ , bone in her left foot. WKNB—Bvenlna; Serenade ^ "We need a new political party," Tpke., between Parker and Oak-1 rne look .made its appearance WTIO—Strictly Sporu FAMOUS MAKE V. women to look their best this . j , , I Mrs. T rum an fell la.st Thursday. 1TORO—J. Balman , he continued. "The Republican and land Sts., in Residence Zone AA': j spring, because the new f a s h i o n s ! y®,®‘®''““y a c c e n t s and trim one at south side of Toliand Tpke.. gPO P—Lawrence weik Democratic parties nre -not con­ are designed for comfort as well as mings " on all type------of ------ensembles. |’^*'® j” .® cerned with the general welfare of adjacent to Vernon town line, in Silhouettes varied from the slim! Soon after relatives drove her * WHAT—Dhmdr Date _ . ^ FOAM RUBBER and NYLON flattery. w cc.i—Oo«t Rvenin* Good Hutle the people. Political campaigns Busines.S Zone II; one at New B0I-, I sheath dress to billowing bouf-; >i<’"’® Y-isterday, the former Pres- WKNB—BiawninB Serenade are. financecl by Industries and the ton Rd.. opposite >fo. 117, in Resi-1 fancy. i idenY rcturned-from a weekend in WTIC—cote Glee Club REGULAR VA LU E ...... $289 WDRC—G. Lombardo people are forgotten.” dence Zone AA; oiu at -New Bol­ J "Girls .will be dressing like girls ' wkcre he met with WPOI*—Mel Allen : v ton Rd., opposite No. 63, in Resi­ this year, ’ said Abe Blum and : Democratic party s Nalioal Ad- dence Zone AA; one south of W. TRADE-IN ...... •X' $ i 0 0 Paris Unveils Harry Leedver. co-chairmen of the ' '"*®°''y Committee. •t**-WRAY—Dinner ~ Data WCCC—pd Lvenliit Good Muele Center St., west of Hop Brook, in California Fashion Creators Show.- WKNB—Evenl__ reiilnx Serenade Residence Zone A A and Business attended by more than 1,000 o f , WTIC—Three Star atatra ./■ Bathing Suits WDRC—Lowell .Thnmaa Grange Notes- Zone II; two at south .side of W. j the nation's style e.vperts. iPolice Hint ‘Leads’ W PO ^M eet the Artist Center St., east of No. 512, in / at— . Business Zone.. II. , By N.ADEANE Vi’ALKER | Most glarnorous car in a generation WHAY—Knetire Theater Special In Bomber Search WCCC—Evenlna Music M anchester Orange, No. 31, en­ Other applications. Involving Paris. Jan 7 hD-Bathlng j ^he|*|Q (.|j J\a in e d WKNB—Eveninc Serenade joyed a New 'year’s party at its signs include: Strathmore Inc., beauties paraded brief beachwear WTIC-^News (Continued from Page One) WDRC—.8...... -Anios and Andy / first . meeting In January, with permission to erect 6 by 8 feet ZIPPER CUSHION in chilly Paris this morniag, as, _ WPOP—Fulton Lc'eil* / single-faced free standing grobnd Cote d’Azur designers put on their Warrant Officer ------V______^ Thomas Dunbar and Bradford sign at Avery and Demlng Sts., in- big fashion show of the year. the whole'lhe puBItc tears the un-" *’wilAY-Encrre Theater Palmer repreaentin„' the New and CHOICE COLORS^ WCCC—EvciilnE MueiC Residence Zone A; Joseph Morl- The French version of California Peter J. Sherlock, 36, of 244 Mc­ known. They can cope with a sit­ ■ -'S, WKNB—Allen Brown . Old Year. coni. request for variance to erect style was represented by 25 mem­ Kee st., has been promoted from uation' if they know about it.” WTIC—Music '• A tableau portraying mother- WDRC—Amo* and Andy free standing ground sign about ip bers of the Union of Fashion master sergeant to warrant officer Bomb scare calls led police yes­ WPOP—Ed. p, Morsan hobd, religion, our country and feet from street line, which is 20 Creators of the French Riviera, in the U. S, Air Force. ItM— youth, all wanting peace in the I feet closer than rbgulationa allow, banded together-for their third an­ terday to .search, without finding WHAY—Save a Lite His most recent as.signment was WCCC—Evening Music world the coming year, was weU ! at 588 Center St.. In Business Zone | : ; p » nual combined showing. Although as a supervisor of the 42nd Opera­ anything, St. John s dormitory of ' WKNB—Evening Serenade received. Mrs. Yvonne Contois was H ; Ruben Levttt.>iqueat for the group claims growing Ameri­ tions Squadron i;adio communica­ Fordham University and public, WnC-vNewe the mother; Richard Unea, Brad-1 variance to erect y f t t t standing ..WDRC—AmOn and Andy FOAM RUBBER SEATS and BACKS can and other foreign exports, they tions shop at Loring Air Force lockers in the Pennsylvania Sta­ w f w —Gabriel BeaUcr ford Palmer and Douglas Me-; ground sign 15 Y^et .from street' l i f seemed to preseht little threat to Base, Maine. , tion. liw — Brlerty, all three sons of Grange Une. which la^ 5 feet closer than Police did find, however, a fake ■ WHAY—DConh v*. Syracuse BEAUTIFTL DOCl’MENTARV PRINTS and PLEATED RUFFLpS the stylists of California. A veteran of 15 years service WCCC—Good tiventng Good Muelo members, represented religion, our I regulations allow, Bathing suits, mostly one-piece this- month. Sherlock was inducted bomb in a tra.sh can on Stafen WKNB—Evening Serenade country and youth, reauectively. >l|j)br Uquor Request and strapless, have minimum into the Army at Fort Devens. Island, also in an.w cr to, a scare WTIC—One Man's Family W'DRO-B. R. Murrow The program for the meeting | Mlllef^Pharmacy,, Inc,, la seek- REGULAR VALUE ...... $439 coverage in the best tradition of | Maas,, in 1942. when he was im- call. WPOP—rSoy It■ \yith...... Music Jam. 16 wiU .uUe the .form of old-; lng ''a variance to.' sell alcoholic naughty-French postcards, and one mediately assigned to the 772nd Another bogu.s ob'jcct was foun«l ita a - time vtudevlile.’ X I liquors solely in cbimectibn with 2-piece creation cb’nsi.stcd of a bra hanging beneath the seat of an WHAY- UComt vs. S.vrocuse Battalion. Ho served, with the WCCC—Good Bventna Good Miiale Past Mi-ster Wilber T. Little a'ndj operation of drug store at 299 TRADE-IN ...... SlOO and only two ruffles across the hip. Seventh Army during World War IRT .*ubwa.” -train as it pulled into WKNB—Evening Serenade his Installing team will aeat,^e | Green Rd.. in Business Zone I. Shorts were just that. II and participated in the Berlin the Bowlin." Green Station. Police W’TIC—Boe|on S^n»J WDRC- ______jOWi* officers of Wapping Qrapge to-: The Blake Corp. of Connecticut Skin-tight Corsair pants, usual­ A irlift in 1948. He returned to the ordA'ed the l r emptied. Th^ con­ WPOP- Detective Vyeiery / uorrow evening. j is seeking a variance to permit ly mid-calf length and slit at the United States In 1952 and two trivance contained two electrical •:1* - ^ side, added nothing new to fa.sh- years later was assigned to Adak, i^rtridge.*, It wa.* noncxplosive. WHAY—L'Conn -v*. Syracuse ( Bomb .scares ' continued, mean­ WCCC—Good Eventna Good Hnata lona of recent j’cars. Daytime and Aleutians Islands. ■ WKNB—Evenliig Serenade cocktail dres.,es. nearly all with His citations.include; European while, ih other p^ls of the 'coun­ WTIC—Boston Symphony Orchestra Special ballooning skirts and stiffened Tticater of Operation.* medal with try. Police seized three 13-vcar-old WDRC—Eddv Arnold WPOP—DMecUve MVetory petticoats in the romantic Iradi- two battle stars, Berlin Airlift de­ boys at Glenside, Pa., a .nfburh of • iia - MIRRORS tlon, baret.v gave a nod fo ciirrertt vice, Army of Occupation Medal. WHAY—DCohn vs. Syracuse WTIC—Boston Symphony Orchestra CUSTOM BUILT high-style Un_*s. He is m arried to the- forrher WDRC—Robert Q. Lewi* . The dress prices ranged from Marion Rose Raismutc and has two •4T ▼ '’4F '4T WPOP—Voice ol Firestone \ . AUTO GLASS HANDTIED 15,000 francs ($4;.50) to 30,000 daughters, Pamela, 8. and Claudia, it**- . - X'. COSMETICS 1, .‘WHAY—UConn v*. Syracuse franca '($£2.50 >. MnriC-^Bnslon Symphony Orchgatra EASY CREDIT Many Flower Print* ^ All the top lines m ' . WDRC—Robert Q. LewU : t FURNITURE TOFS Living Room Pieces of Charm Big flo’ver prints filled the ■X WPOP—Voice of Flrcston#''^ .scene. In glazed cottons and nylons, fid#- / / Skywatch Alert Arthur Drug Stores j WHAY—UConn v*;JSyracuie, iShinwr Stall Uobn • • Slats Tub Eaeloturat| A' orangy shade was a favored WnC—Telephone .Mour color. Loud-colored, wide-striped "We deliver" WDRC—World ThntghI 3 PC. SECTIONAL GROUPING Slated Thursday | 1 WPOP—Modern Sounds myri's shirts cove'ed some of the ▲ sik ^ ALL FOAM RUBBER—3ELF DECKS briefest feminine setiside fashlori.s. WHAY-^Conn v*. Syracuse WTlp4Tetepbone Hour . JAWHITEPSSCO. A'blonde male mannequin parad, The Skywatch Post atop the po­ wpfiC—World Tonight REGULAR VALUE . • • • • $390.^5 ed a larji!e-f]owered .multi-colored lice statioi will be fully -manned ap—Modern Sound* OPEN OAILV 8 A .*Lt^ pit* 'during, “Exercise" Sky- T rain ” nylon shirt and" shorts set that “LET THERE BE INCLVDINa SATTRDAY TRADE-IN ...... $10d.D0 should leave- the French with' noth­ Thursday, Mrs. Leta -Waldron, su­ Television Proerams $1 BISSELL ST. ing elsb to sav about American- pervisor of the 'roup, said today.] LIGHT; AND THERE / Ml 9-73221 tles and resort shirts. He also The Air Force will fly various ; WAS LIGHT” ... On Page Two- slouched across the stage in! red. type of plane.^ over town.' and the X and black striped Jacket ovir tlght- skywatchers will test their- capac­ ‘ (Author’s name below) Special Ic.gged white slacks, a lemon-arrtf- ity to identify: and report the craft. a whlte acml-transparent .sweatshirt Mrs. tValdron said that although It appears that the time La r g e SCREEN r c a EASY with sky blue, pants, and a stilt of tliq post will be manned fully be- ! ordained for u.s lo learn the /. Color TV $525 a n d U|) cotton trepics. twetfn the ho':rs of -8 a.m. and 7 ’ secrets of how to live a long­ BARLOW'S CREDIT The 90 models shown In P aris p.m. during tne te-

J^NDOW oml PLATE GUSS r--’x JAL0 U9 IK9 >. laatollatioii la 4iq|cfc. Eaqr aad EcoaomlroL Prescription Pharmacy BEAUPRE MOTORS/ Inc! • 358 East Cenler St 0 Mi 3.I ISR 1 O gim iO X V R Sr WE HAVE IN STUCK- , j 90J Main Street ' ■fe''” i- IMEDICIHE CABINET^ ^ond SHOWER DOORS ^ TEL. Ml 9-7578 *QUotation from the Bible \ jsLl Satardojra — IhundaY Etwaiags (Genesis 1 :3 ) , , I > ESTIMATEO QLAOLT lOlVdM , ' Copyright 1957 (lW 2 ) »' ;y/;|/xkv'S ■ r ( . ■ ” l ' ” m x X 'i ' , , ’ ■ I .V 1/ , . y \ ' ' ■’ '■ ■ . ' v V : -

/ X j . X' ItANCBEST&ft EVENING HERALD. MANCHBRnBR. OONML >fONDAV, JANUARY 7. 1957 f Ji A G g a t IcJCn CHBSTEB gVEKlKO HEja^^tP. M ANC^STElt. OONK^ MONDAY^ JANb^RY t) 19S7 PAGE SEVlM: iaiiiiii ,rr" -J.'--"'' thla ceuntt^scan gat back arid charcMl AsN -RATCS ment program. Because of their Other appropriations sought by coming gradually but peraistently British and French (In tha MiddU f u n e r a l h o m e tha nations the area, remain hoAM Sunday itidrning. through ths'nigbc. It let up to meat But detcctivee in Lee Angeiea (|nMatie«a fYmiabed-By Aria by Premier Bulganin and Sb- ii« in A«T«ae* the only safe an^ peniianent fill­ accuracy held at that time, the the selectmen are for school police lu a t) hat already aroueed tha dia- vtot Communist party boss 21# WEST CENTER ST. rockets were considered to be bet­ lire. Kernan Was sssistant clerk ’ within city li.mits, formerly paid places at about S a.m. today. eaid that she had infemad offi­ U etan * Mtgdiabreek. Ige. approval of all peaccrlovlng atatak TEL. Ml S-1223 ing for the so-called power vacu­ Book Mecka ' / Khrushchev last' yesr, for a titoq I •••••tv******'********* ^ n>T2'! ter for military use than the crude Of Tolland Coriity Superior Court, • by the - city slid for snow removal Raowbftw f cers ' that she had been raped. and peppiet.” put in doubt. ttiM ••••••••••••*••••••* um in the area. The Pi-fesident him­ artillery. The German, 'Von Etch- a position -which she held 'since | to town schoolyards formerly in- An ‘ oddity concerning the' When another reporter akked. Bid AalM He added that ':th«. furioua at- Ftrat National Bank tacka by tha ImperialitU on our self labels all this as our ev^tual atadt, described three types of 10AI.. Prior to the Superior Court eluded in the Board of .Education weather waa' rerorted by Nicholas her i yeeu"day kt there pma aa'y Of klanchtater 28 $6 _#«*««**«***»»«4«*«***« rockets In ‘‘Bellifortis" In 1406. sippointment, Mrs. Kernan waS the budg;et. L. Vignona of Wllaon, who was ice Soelaliat condtriei art doomad to Oopjr goal, but wants us to bolt' the "vindictiverfeaa” in tin -k^naplng, Hartford National failure. The friandahip between Pair to Adless '• They were: vertically rising sky­ aeoond woman Cit.v Clerk (n the -' Married Couples to Meet Ashing Sunday afternoon bn Cadar Bank and ‘Trust Oo. 81% $$>,« door fiis't. The sooner we get rockets, floating rockets, and rock­ history of RockyiUe. Elected in The Married Couples Club of Lake in Colchester with several h4r eecohd attorn.y, Jerry, Oieaier, eountrias eternal and unbraak- y^'bonut for Dieters' Conn. Bank and ahfa." m t - __ u •»ei«i»i»ni> through with that preliminary, ets running along taut.st g Vgs. The IM*, she .resigned the post in Mh}-, ‘Union Congregational Church will friends. warned her: Trust Co...... 36 SO Fellowship Here •I^r^^tenttM at and get to the real work that ^^msde up this Droodle as sort .Italian, Fontana-, in his work ‘‘Bel- IM l. While Q ty Clerk, Mrs. Ker-'.hold its annual dinner n^estlng in "I looked up,” he said, “and saw "It woirid I beet net to «ey any­ He apokp, with gylm eamestneaa.'' m crnotM to ^ «r Manchester Trus^ . . ; 62 67 SnowfUkea gathered on hu fur iUM la tu i Mp*r needs to be done, tha better. ■ a tribute to the latesC failure of licorum Instrumentorum Liber” de­ nan was also the first woman to fill' the church social rooms Wednes- a rainbow in the sky. Who ever thing on thia matter., aa it might Mrs. KtnncUi G. Clark of |!ast Mwa paMlnhntf MM. my two colleagues, Dr. Schwlnc scribed rockets on -wheels and- tke office of clerk of the day at 6i30 p.m. heard of seeing a rainbow during be mialnter( .atied.” fire Inenranoe CompMiee hat and tha fur collar of hit long -All ttglNa'n^MaSSSMtiM e(~«p*^ those disguised as pigeons, fish, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Gibson, a show storm?" Her -newa conference waa her Aetna Eire ...... 60 68 blank overcoat aa he spoke. Hartford and Mrs. Carl Hansen of ^OnpnMlina Mmla am nine rt—rttA. and Dr. Kitsenger. Several months Court. ago they started a reducing salon and hares to be used as incentflary Mrs. Kernan was bom in M tn' co-chairmen of the event, have “ Not 1.” said Travelers first meeting with newsmen lince Hartford Fira 133 143 Hartford will addrtaa tha Woman's Always The iPirst Casuaji weapons. cheater May 16, 1906, daughter of planned entertainment to follow meteorologist Robert L. Hendrick her disappearance. She covered her National Flra ____ 82 82 Obaervera in Hong Kong oon- Fellowship of Center Conjgrega- 468 Hartford Rd., Gor. MeKoo aarrtea eaaat a( N. C. A. for pets And yesterday they went when told of the unusual observa­ Phoenix ...... 72 77 A BritUh newspaper editor on bankrupt. Actually It wasn't any In the .early part of the ,lSth the late James J. and Margaret the dinner. (ace with a veil and dark glaeeea tidered that Ctoou'a extension of ttonal Church Wednesday evening. TEL. MI 9-B94S nan JUpraaaauUMa: TM Reservations may bs made by tion. "It must have been aoma kind aa. her mother and. actor Wilding 4ifa and indamnitjr ina. Oea. his tour to rebellion-tom Hungary Their subject will be "The Wider hawa IpaeiaJ Ataiwy — Mac the Island of Cyprus h a s .,^ t been fault of theirs because they w-ere century a' Chinese Inventor, named Brssn Haasett. She waa educated in 'Wan-Hoo, attempted the first hu­ WeVe passed Manchester schools. calling Mrs. Oibson-. i>t a sunlight refraction through eacorted her from the Indio hospi­ did not, mean any potalble change Fellowahip." or plagued by a series of mishaps TworCar Crash the snow. How could it have been Aetna Life ...... 173 183 Mrs. Clark ia pfaaldent of the YOU CAN convlcte'd and fined $Sd6 because, fromstart. Thqjr first'cuatomer, . a man rocket flight- He attached 47 / , She leaves a daughter, ' Miss tal yeatetday to a waiting ambu­ Aetna Casualty ...... i i 6- 126 in Peiping's support for the re­ beck In November, his newspaper large rockets to his sedan chair, Catherine Kernan. Rockville; three A two-car head-on crash result- a rainbow? It wasn’t raining." lance, which returned her to her gime of pre-Russian Premier Connectocut Stats Fallowahlp, and COUNT ON IT 23-pmmd Parakeet, got stuck in judgment and HoW abo\lt a ''snmvhQw?" “r>wr Conn. General ...... 245 260 Mrs. Hansen la chalrtnan of Chris- Tka BaraM. FitoUai Oowpmt, lac^ secured two large kites to '^ e elsters, Mrs. John T. Hayes, Mrs. e*.' in both vehicles being towed Hartford Steam Boiler 74------ta_ Janos Kadar. carried factual nt^ w h ic h showed the. Steam Cabinet and was fricas­ away Sunday morning. heard of su c lrn h ln g ," said the Tmteur tian stewardship for-the Hartford AT THIS I .an . . flnanelal ------ratiKWalblllty._ iji ^ (M seed before they could get tt out. sides and - strapped himself in. Henry Murphy and Miss Grace auburb. .Travelers 68>4 724 Thwi Sources Believed that the Cypfl,Ot terrorists had Forty-seven coolies lighted the PARKING! Haasett, all 6t Manchester; a A 1966 Ford convertible driven meteorologist, the vlalt to Budapest is timed at District. PHARMACY nu aaSTn3u?*raSs^ A flabby GoldOsh ws.s accidentally here's the verdict! - A dentiat called yeaterday prior Pnblle UtUNiee tr Eraalat Haiald. 'killed IS peoM in one week. rockets' simultaneously. Wan-Hoo brother, Chief Deputy' Sheriff by Charles Oonnors, 17, of t l Web­ The forecast is light snow flur­ to her' press conference and tem­ gathering more ammunition to Tha meeting wlU be held in the sucked down the drain of the ster St.. : Rockville, and s 1956 ries under a partly cloudy aky to­ Ctonn. Light Power 19 21 ■upport the current Red Chinese Fellowahip room at 8 o'clock. ‘TTie gi^test retponslbility," swimming pool and a Marmoset disappeared in-a cloud of smoke James G. Haasett, BoltOn. A ..son, porarily repaired two caps broken Conn. Power ...... • ACCU RACY I ammi and flame. Nothing has been seen Arthur J. Kernah, died suddenly Bulck driven'by Roger Burke, 22, day, with -he temperature this 40 42 line that Soviet military interven­ Mrs. Hansen formerly lived in said the p r^ c u te r, ‘'rests on gen­ they had been treating for a gland of Talcott-ville Rd. Vernon were afternoon ranging between 26 and I from upper teeth, apparently from Hartford Elec. Lt. 57 36 tion was necessary to keep Hun­ Manchester. She smd her hus­ • PROMPTNESS condition turned out to lie a full nor heard of him stoce, and the . last Monday at home. a blow. Mspite makeup her left eye _ laaday tlemen M the preks not to publish first attempt at human rocket -involved in a collision oh Mountain 39. ■ - ■ Hartford Gas Co. . 36 80 gary from tumbling out of the band were active membere of Cen­ grown Gorilla with a nasty temper, Mrs. Kernan is the sister-in-law waa visibly blackehed, and the left So. New England ter (Thurch. end the was a super­ • FAIR PRICES artlc]sB likely to cause despon- Right must be called a failure. OVER PARKING of Alderman Thomas J, Kernan, Ave. in Ellington at 11:46 a.m. ,A d ro ^ o a low of about 20 la side of her (ace- waa awollen. ‘Communist orbit. ph well, maybe they'll have better ' According to State Police, predicted fb^ tonight, wUh higher Tel...... 38 4 . 40% intendent in the church echool. TRY US ON YOUR dei. luck wlVn their next venture—a By 1650 rockets had fallen into president pro-tempore of Rockville Also with her during the Inter­ Th«. Chinese Radio said Chou, Lattera of invitation have been AaAdfiaa: 15:ID ■'■■«■ disfavor as a military weapon be­ City Cbuncfl. Charles .(Tbnnors waa treated by winds end coider temperature mov­ view were he- personal physician, tlanolaeturlng Conpaalee ■who also la foreign minister, waa NiatT PRESCRIPTION ' ' anant Sahirw , '^'gtate^entapf fact are of them- Drtverin Tatoo Parlor. Dr. Francis Burke in Rockville for ing in ’i^Je$day^ V Arrow. Hart, mailed to all women of Center cause of the increased range and 'ITie funeral will be held Wednes­ her mother, and Plant. Heg. .. 524 554 accompanied by Vice Premier Church. ,, .Mlvet of no defense. Some facts accuracy of artillery. Their only day at 8:16 a-.m. at the Bwke Fu­ lacerations of the upper lip and Aaao. Spring .. 34 37 Marthel Ho Lung and Vice Fbrei|m WE DELIVER MonilAy, JAnuaiy 7 7 Jerome Conners, also of the same Of the call to -Plant, she said: Bristol Brsss ...... Refreahmenta will be aeWed by are of public benefit, but others use was'ss a seaborne weapon for neral Home With a solemn requiem' "I guess, in having me call Har­ .. 264 274 Mlnleter Wang Chlah-aiang. After Mra. Emaet Bengaton and her hoe- are not- , firing at ships because of the large Mass at 9 o'clock at St. Bernard's address al Charles, for' lacerations, ]Han, BoyHfeld Collins ...... 110 120 hie vlalta to Moscow, Waraaw and of the lower lip. Burke was unin­ old, they wanted me tO pay pert of Dunham Bush ___ pltallty committee. OPEN ALL DAY ‘Tt is not ths duty of riews- Nike News target area and sails. Rockets Church. Bu-.ial wili be in St. i.'v ov.to ransom.” . 12 134 Budapest, Chou will complete hla Stun QuMtionable/ were, however, being, widel.v pro­ Bernard's Cpmatery. jured. Em-Hart ...... 35 38 Interrupted Asian tour with visits SUNDAY papers to publish all the they For Bridgep^ Karl, speaking to newsmen later Fafnlr Bearing ... The beat pictures of health are duced for fireworks displays. The Friends m i^ call at the funeral Connors was warned for speed­ . 51 54 to Nepal and Afghanistan. not ncccaaaarily the hand-painted Praaldant Biaanhowar.yfa j^ A t could lay their hands^oh. It is the ing. at hla Bel-Air home, said that Landers-Frary Clk. . 174 194 EARLY ISTORY Ol^' Ot'IDf manner of construction of the fire­ home todsy -from 7 to 9 p.m. and. A u to B o miibmg b i "Thia ia the first kidnap 1 ever Chou’s visit to Poland and Hun­ brand. Mama to ba hia fln t nrally quas- effect on the islei|d''thst'counts.’'. MISSILES works used in the late .16th cen­ tomorrow from 2 to 5 and 7 to Police off.cials stated Oonnora N. B. Machine Co. . , . 35 38 gary so soon afUr the upsurge of began to pass another vehicle when heard of where ransom money was N. Eastern Steel .. tloaAbla atioka in tlMaiald of for* It ia alwAy^tke same. 4n big Previous to this., there IK" ap. tury remaina the same today, ex­ 9 p.m. • . 2 4 8 4 the wave of anti-Sovietism In those cept for minor details. he saw the oncoming Buick. Con­ Bridgeport, Jan. 7 fjp)—Police toot mentioned when the kidnsp- North and Judd ... . 374 flfn policy, haa A raquaat of wars or l l t ^ ones, ths first cas­ peared g series of articlpS in this - City Coiihrll to Men elw phoned." 404 two countries was viewed both in WESTOWN This furniture, bedding . . nors applied his brakes and skidded have accused a map and a l 6-yesr; Russell Mfg...... 9 4 114 Hong Kong and Moscow aa evi­ Oonfraaa which Umt body cannot ualty is Always the truth. column concerning the develop­ Jtfayor Herman G. Ol.son will into the pith of the other car. bid boy with blowing up a car with He said he wanted to know "If Stanley Works ___ .. 44 47 FALSE TEETH !■ PHARMACY l l turn down without aaaminK to ,/reaent his annual toport to the this is a kidnaping" or not and dence that the (Chinese regime is / It hds to be, because if people ment and history of the Antiair­ these floor coverings, lamps, pnirrors, Recent Births a homemade bomb. Terry Steam ...... 150 playing an increasingly Influential ThatLBesBB' rapudlAta n ^ e n ly him. but tha Thought for Today City , Council tonight at 7:30 Mr. and MrMs.'Gilbert C. Weber, Taken into custody yesterday declared; Torrlngton ...... 264 458 Hartford Rd., Co*. MoKeo Itosw the truth, they might not craft Artillery, and illustrating A. decorative accessories . . have parked foo O'clock at its first nr)eeting of the "I am Sure I am expressing the 284 an^ independent role in world com­ CAuaa of Mtlare a at tonight's meeting. Committee cause a boiler once exploded to his car. another automobile crash- impoie lie ideological will on the SINUmONNTS iOST LtSS! Houm ^ knowladga and Its showers tured looped pile .. x ...... 59 .9 5 striped satin. 5 pieces, regularly $149.30 !> Dobaonville School.' Whalen's home. Lyddy said Whal­ adopted children and $3,000 a they scaled down the number of thing of recent date wjthpm much chairmanships and msjoritie.s are - „ . ^ *0 iotb it. smaller Communist nations. ■tratagy, and noW w'e have P)—Funeral pile cotton ...... / . 2 9 .9 5 tiple xoning.,' regulations, which to hqr story." He said he was in­ Ha haa allowad tha character of Heroic Parallel $47.50 Carpet Remnant. 3.5 x 7.9 Grav cut-and-uncut will be presented to . the City' 5-SIS6. The explosion shattered the Win­ rocKets as early as 3000 BC;*' I service's were held yssterdsy for $68.15 Carpet Remnant? 4,8 x 12 Brown-and-Green dows in the car. tore the upholstery formed of the kidnaping in ad­ Rki* sffbrdiiJM bI rfoyoMia toebeie bB rhams. Tkt •nrcaitTn, u « tuv. Ruaaia’a interaat in tha Near Kaat However, at that time it was'onlyi Nathan Cherman. a ictired poultry Wilton ...... 2 9 .9 5 Council at its meeting Jan. IS. A vance of preat atoriea, b u t Tbsy BfB boiBltO yfomyl moBlWy ysymsBrs. Before the Russians tent, their looped pile Tweed; Nylon,.rayon and wool . -49.00 public hearing will'he held on the and caused the roof to puff iip. to apur ua to a raaponaa in kind, in a plaything; But 4200 years later. i dealer who died Friday at his $46.00 (Xi'pet Remnant. 4.7 x 6.2 Green uncut scroll­ wouldn't say by whom. tanka craving back into ^tungary in.1232 AD. the Chinese uspd "ar-|home at the age of 108 years, recommendations befdi-e final ap­ Dag Bids UN Study Lyddy said a passerby who ssa* m m o N i« wKin • f visit which wa ouratlvaa tiim to the $95.00 R x 10 ft. Hand Hooked Rugs. (3) One each: ed Wilton ...... 2 9 .5 0 proval by the Council. : '' I the pair near the car before the ex­ He aaid he had not yet been rulea and practicea of power poli last fall, Die Co^^unlat Russians rows of flying fire" in thslr defense I Gherman, a realdent :of INew Light Green floral oblong; Eggshell oval floral: Dark plosion occurred, gave a descrip­ permitted to see his daughter. He YDMRCC €Dep and HungoiWit used^o share cer­ of the city of Plen-King. In this j Ijaven slncb 1908. outlived an In-^ * •$74:'^ Carpet Remnant! 7.11 x 12 Charcoal cut pile Among several city C h»a-y ^ ^ tsetie r1 Hungary Situation and her mother; were divorced 26 . ilea. green bordered oval floral...... • 5 9 .0 0 ' Changes to be submitted tion that .led to the arrest of Whal­ MANCHESTER tain common kerou. rocket, they used three parts salt- surance policy issued to him in Cotton ...... :2 9 .9 5 to Mh« en, then GiUeo. years ago. Tha Ruarian brand of power peter itod one part mixed sulphur 1914. ■ $49.00 4 x 6 Rag Rugs. (5) Ha'nd Loomed hit-or-mis.s General Assembly this month ai'e. egglSAmmin • • te^ ■ tlon tha aincarlty of President nicu'e is always some'mtaaure .yp'. 6 <)P Women to Meet $39.95 9 X 12 Rugs. Reversi^'^rugs as above; choice $99.50 All foam couch bn wrought iron legs, two rub­ hearings. Eiaanhower as he deelaraa, p f his of this, when,_ an authoritarian Stokers and Oil Bumera Sold and The Vernon Women's Republican "The Secretary General,” he $ 2 . 2 5 a a a ttr i plan: of 1 each Sandalwood or (2) greens , .29.50 berized hair bolsters ...... 6 9 .9 5 Club will hold its annual meeting government sends., It-j armies to Serviced'Promptly and Efficiently. any: tomorrow ait the VFW home, to said, "has felt that this might be "Wa seek not violence, but snuff out the fight ^or freedom $190.00 Carpet RemnanJ/l2 x 12 Sandalwood all wool $62.00 Mantel Mirror, narrow Ijeaded "frame, urn hear yearly reports and elect offi­ the proper time for a reconsidera­ peace.” being waged by another people. looped pile . . . ,,4';...... 13 9 .0 0 and drape ornamented top, 36 x 37 inche.s over all, cers.-.:------tion of the fo. to be given to the 'T eenj investigatory activities." We accept also, the guarantee There_ were these . Russian de-! a. E .jd u . ^ t SON, lie. $119.50 Carpet Remfiant. 9 jc 10 Sandalwood all wool gold leaf finish ...... ,...... ’ . - 3 I.OO The meeting will follow a' pot- 1 luck supper at 6:30 p.m. Mrs "In view of the active and con­ I ^ TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Implicit in his own record that ■erters, back in 1949, to Vhom 1 S/MAIN STf. — TEL. 3U 8-5126 looped pile . . . .^7...... _____ 89.00 $59.95 Mantel’ Mirror, 45 x 35-inch deep, heavy Charles H. Weber, chairman..asks tinued concern of the General Aa- COAST tha power he seeks would never the memories, of Hungarian demo­ / ' • $35.00 C^arpe^-^emnant. 6.2'X 3.11 Sandalwood all molded gold leaf frame, as is ...... 2 9 .9 5 members to bring a salad or hot jiembly for the development; the Assembly may how wish to aatab- be lightly or carelessly used. He crats have ever since been grate wool loopeg- fnle • • ...... ;.. 19.95 $188.95 3 Pc. Modern Bedroom Limed oak chest, bar dish and a plate and silverware. TRIPLi-S STAMPS GIVEN WITH CASH SALiS / has done too much for peace to fto. Dessert will b* furnished by the lish a special: “ad hoc"; commit­ 956 MAIN ST. MUMS $16.50 (TAtpet Remnant. 2.3. x 10 Candy fStriped cut bed and bedside table: brass hardware...... 9 9 .5 0 committee. tee which would take over the be accused of filrUUon with war. And 'there ..were Russian de, lUY DIRECT FROR^ pile '^ • e t . V . .9 .9 5 $678.00 3 Pc. Modern Bedroom. Johnson of Grand Miss Ruth Corbin, president, in­ activities of the group of investi­ MANUFACTURER AND Our reservation and quarrel is Mrters, again, in 1956, when a ^ Rapids casualtone '-gibige. Large 70-inch dreS.ser vites a ir interested women to at­ gators established by the Secre­ I with the method by which he con­ other, totalitarian Russia ,^ain $9^.,00 Cai*pet Rempaht. 6.10 x 12 Brown-green-ahd- tend the supper and meeting. tary General, and follow theni up Cotton Knit Sletptrs Boys' Flannel Shirts SAVE UF TO $ 2 .7 9 . ^ ite uncut Tweed; solution-dyed Rayon. .-69.00 ' . with smart ebony framed mirror, chest-on-che.st with Pliuinoe Board to Meet linder somewhat broader terms tinues to seek ^ia goal, which is sent' Its armies to snuff* out a Famous make. 2 piece style. I Cotton • sanforized • prints. peace. "^$112.00 Carpet Reninant. 6.3 x 12 Gray high-pile 6 drawers, 6 ft. 6 inch swing twin carved headboard. Several requests of the select­ of reference. fight' for freedom being waged by Ask your .X Finest quality with hand workmanship through- men for additional appropriations "Such a committee should ob- In our view; the posiUon of the Hungarian demotrats. No one chehille-type Axminste.r i. 39.95 W’lll be considered by the Vernon \’lous!y serve aa an organ of the Vnited States with regard to the knows how rhaiiy. but tome esti­ $159.50 Carpet Remnant. 8.4 x 12 Green uncut acroll- ...... 4 5 9 .0 0 Board of Education when it meets General Assembly for a continued i NOriq. spread of Cohuntiniam in the Near mates run into the thousands, and Doctor About e^ Wilton,,-^'...... ;. -98.00 $64.50 Full Size Paneled Bed, l)ell-top posts 4 9 .9 5 Yamorrow night for the first time observation of developments in 2.S0 VflI. 1.49 to 1.91 "East reached a aenith of power say that these Russian troops took '$59.50 Full Size Bed, -spindle head and foot* 4 4 ,9 5 In several weeks. . relation to Hungary in all these 1.00 $135.00 Carjiet Remnant. 12 x 15 Gray and Aqua- Mbit interests centers around a respects which 'may be of rele­ and Influence before, npt’ afUr, their own- arms over to the Hun­ loop pile Tweed all rayon-...... 8 9 .0 0 $59.50 (4) Twin Size spindle heaii and foot $10.0a $54.25 Carpet Remnant. 4.9 x 12 Rose tone-on-itone $110.00 Trundle Bed, .sleeps tw o 7 ...... • • • ..7 9 ,9 5 as the New Year! Boys' Polo Shirts Axminster ... __ ...... • .2 5 .0 0 PREPANEIED FOR EASY lieutral naUons of Asia. They time whfn there is s Russia which $39.95 Bedside Table, drawer and 2 shelves, 7 Size 4 to 6x, 8 to 12. Long sleevez, fambus make. DO-IT YOURSELF CONSTRUC­ stood ready to make common Wllf'1|(onor them too. $52.20 Carpet Remnant. 5.7 x '12 Charcoal cut pile ™ap'e ...... 2 9 .5 0 TION! i cause with ua in leadership to­ cotton ...... I ...... 19.95 i $99.50 (2) Chests with 5 drawers, knotty pine 79,50 CONSTIPATED? ^ L O rig .4 .9 9 4^ Orif. 5.98 | ward a solution of the basic $60.50 Cariiet Remnant. 5.4 x 12 Dar]( Green looped Ji$lli9.00 Chest on Chest, knqtty pine . .94,50 >I|TAL 8LAT , Orl«.1.29. f A A pmblems of the Near East re- Relatively Quiet pile rayon*-...... : ...... •••.•• 39 .9 5 j $139.00 (2) Double Dresser Ba.ses, 8 drawers l\iis( l\ TRAVtaSE gibn, on w'hich Russia feeds, but The distinguished junior sena­ He knows best about your surgi­ $126.0() Carpet Remnant. 7.6 x 12 Grav all wool now laxative discovery which Russia dpes not cause. We P*"® ...... - .1 0 8 .0 0 tor from Wisconsin had a pretty cal medical core needs. And he Tivist ...... 89.50 2.99 3.99 I W® COAST seemed about to reap the harvest busy opening day of pongresa. He $69.50 (2) Cannon-ball Poster Beds," blanket-iail '•knows that CMS is the finest low $109.00 Carpet Remnant. 6.9 x 12.10 Green wool and iin-locks boWBl blocks 7 of our own opposition to any foot; 1 full, 1 twin size, pine ...... • 5 3 .5 0 • Special group. Not entire stock,- | Size* 8 to 12. Crew necks, jacquards. ctade a speech in wkich he at- rayon Tw ist...... • 5 9 i)0 big power big stick ir the Npar iaoked A "ao-ralled Republican cost plof) you con buy for ossistonce • $85.00 (3) Twin size ball-top beds with spindle fw t- , without gag, bloat or grtpo 6 A U 6 M ' -East ■ ■ ■ In the poyment of doctor, bills.' $85.50 Caniet Remn6nt. 5.6 x 12 Green scroll-pat­ boafds, pine ...... j ...... , .gg.OQ • MAIN FLOOR I # BOYS’ TOWN—LOWER FLOOR M E LOADED WITH EXTRAS* President’' for "purging,'' in the terned Wiltbn Cohgtipation Ig caugad .by amasing naw loxativo ^iaeew Now wo reach-sfor a big stick November elecUwi. that eminent 'That is why 3,720 surgical and ■...... • *39.95 $243.M Welsh Cupboard. 60-inch Drexel American- what dpetqra call a " th ^ ^ ary is ao offoetivo that H Here’s- the blind that makes your home de­ AT NO EXTRA COST! Of our own. At the least, oils is Republican atateaman, former medical specialists and ' general eelon. A "thrifty” colon is ona rafitvta avon ehronie consti* Traditional knotty pine with open top; silver draiver that, iaataad of rataining pation ovarnighL yat is so cidedly diffei^nt from ofherfl. Slats are ver­ an inUrrupUon of the kind of Senator Herman Welker, of Idaho, in base ..... ----- ...... 1 4 9 .0 0 Flannel Lined Slacks | Boys' Corduroy Slocks practitioners (90% of all thejjoc'j nolatura aa it should, doos tha smooth, 10 gonisUo it haa beas tical insteid of horizontal. We can make them COAST LUMBER CORP. leaderahip we might have of- who waa often such a perfect-soul tors Inactive pro.ctice in Connecticut) $38.00 Consol^ Mirror, narrow, beautiful spiral- oppoaUe: robt tha colon of to rdvod safo avaa for womm up in a combination of ttvo or more colors. All Corduroy or Poplin | .. 'Famous "Billy the Kid’’ -fared in the solution of the basic msts for the Junior .senator from Much moiatura that ita con> I tha most critical stegot at UlUSEr, COUAGE SHEUS, ere CMS Participoting Physicians. turned spindle I frame in gold leaf, 14 x 24 inches, gpragnancy. you need do is call Mitchell 3-4865. Our rep­ .problems of the region. At the Wisconsin. On the same day, to tsnts becoose dahydratad, ao O rif. S.50, im un luiLoiNGs, as IS ...... _ . ;2 5 .0 0 dry thstthay block tha bowri: SUPERIOR TO OLD STYLE resentative will demonstrate-in your Hornet eOA$T NE-IUILT HOMES i worst, it may destroy that re­ an- interview, this Junior 'Mnator ■o-’shriinkan tbat thay fail to bulk, salt or drug laxativaa, 5.95. 4.95 spect and trust we had so recent­ NO NEED FOR $44.50 Console Mirror, 22 x 28 Oblong molded frame' from Wisconsin announced that he ■V '''S'-VgLL With ring at top fc>r hanging; gold leaf, as is 2 9 9 5 oxcitg or Btiqiulata u a urga coLONam naiUisr g an , Ueate .' f M titw 1,99 • 3.99 ly won. At the worst, it may make would oppose the SenaU conflr- to pntga that prCpalg and ah« nor griptti doas notIntoHaronotlnt ■ A W y j CHit- $4.98 Pin'Ui Lamp. Brass with milk hobnail • ’ Sizes 4 to 16, regular and husky the nations of the region fear i.'iation of Supreme Court Justice YOU TO BE TAGGED fols waste from your body^' with your absorption of vita* Klrsch Vorticala tra» Sizes S to 6x. • fully lined • toxer.' FREE CATALOG PUisala leas, Mcause we have also Special Individual inrellmani chimney mint and othar valuable food . varso like draperiao. fiizes, tweeds, splash, solids. William 8. Brennan, on the ground Group Inrollmenf ' 2 ,4 9 TO REGAIN NORMAL RECU< nutriento; and in clinical ^ Cah ba elooad tightly C ailaiai tangiata talaaiiaaI al) put on the armor and the mien *. if you ore under 61 years of $16,50 Desk-^Pin-up Larip. Modern brasa and char- UUUTY two things arc necao- • MAIN FLOOR a BOYS’ TOWN—LOWER FLOOR taraga Baiali, littr .(an, 4ai that that Hhsenhower choice for the * If you ^ work for a firm Drive into Purnell Parking Lot at the rear' tho dry, ahrimken teats, did not eaitab rash or (or • privikcy; or slate WM — na. uffirtliaa aa ml Of Mtg poamr influence in the suoa, Supreme Court is ‘'supremely un- . age and do not. %vork for a . with tan or mere employees, with tubular si ••••..:..•.:...... 7 .9 8 Biiry. First, othar Bids reactions, will tilt to provlda ta a*aa ytar karaga - . . ka« of* our store. Shop leisurely a t Watkins. Rontenta of your colon which ■aSa tka aiaal a l a itra agaaa. ' Perhaps the best hope \ we can fltt for the . Job.'It seemed that ,/ firm with ten or mors am- you may join regordleM of TV Lamp. ,Spu copper planter; spun brasa r r s A PHYSIOLOGICAL FACTi Juat the air or ii^t We redeem your parking ticket. ROW block your bowal must bo Exarciaa tones your bodyl you daaira] Girls' Flannel Pojamos ' | Girls' Knit Hots tSesnulsie U that Oils phaii of our Justice Brennan, at one ttpie or . I ployeei, «vr!(e for full dstoils. age. Ask your empleyerl ro-moiatenad. Stoand, bulk COAST LUMBER CORP. 4,98 moat ba brought to your colon And COLONAm ogarciaas. your poO ^ in the Near East will not other, had said, or done things Table Lamp. Decorated china, white taffeta colon totonaitngainatconatf> 1041 IIXWMt AVENHE to g.y.a-ic-T^-B tnuutATB it 1 oUhar the headunea or the unfriendly -to the particular scho^ L V.;' ...... , ... i.,.. .7.9 8 Mid w« terite its ttuaclas to. potion; overniggrnigntt Whether______OroMB, Orig. I IIAMOEN, C0NNECT1GUT SsilW i attsntloit, toe Idhg; that oceosioiul, fmqnont or ckron* of thought symbolised by .tke $13.75 Pin-up Lamp. Black horseshoe, brass hunter’s •etten; W • aonoal u rn to . UNiTMiily I*I1$1 ||ia.OM|»iUMksaal approval which JiuUor eenator from Wisconr^h.' ie, whatevor your dwreo at. I horn, hexagonal print shade ...... 5 8 5 porSri ■ • ' ■ constipation, got cot4sAiD,iia ?» LOO •M r be denied, once the Having' demolished a PiMident ONLY A BULK LAXATlVB oasy-te-teko tablet form at f/a , f^nasC'siif $3.98 Pin-up Lamp.'\B1ack cupid trivet, plain yellow FINDELL M FC .C < I leHeiHMlh GiraiMa ^ a n 'p i^ ,-w ill be as and a Supreme Court Justice, the shad^ I . . ------can I) re-meisten thin dry. drug counter, todayl Tbo Sizes 5, 10, 12 only. Ski styles* and that,, this Junior senator <1 from ' Wisconsin ■ 1.99 •hruMian waste and 2) supply r 88c for Um ocoMm- 4 IS E. MIDDLE TPKE.t butcher boy,^ j^oua make. | Group, all colors, clip style. ai has hither- $28.50 Table ^ m p . Modem tall white china base, vital ku9* to ro^rqate n ndr- M tMlotpackago, bringn • \> 'ke^ed .to jun qut of targets for, C o n n e c t i c u t I S e d i c a l ^ S e r v i c e , in c w mri ucgatoparga.'And,af.aU on poritivn iriiaf at loaa tiOm tlM true eourea of irossMctkir ta booster decoration; taffeta shade ...... 9 M the day. Or perhapa, ha was Just cssstcricuT tttu msiut stein* laxattvse, colonad, tho MANCHESTER. CONN. ■r- 0 MAJEN FUIOR I \ ■-b* jW W \plitlB.the ^•dag Uauelf. ^ iH trttttt ate ss«ts «- $36.00 Juniw Floor Ump. Golden b ro w •1; • ■ : A . - base; new shallow beige taffeta shade . . . i , . 19,75 ift-iS'l ■ : VJ 'iS-ife'.-!’ 1. ■X- ..V -'. (V-"'v-v ’

. ' f ■.;■.■ 1^, / ■ y \t ' ‘• e V , • ' . - • d» • \ EIGHT ||ANCHgaTEjt,CVEf?lJJC^ MAMcinMrap. ly iira f 0: i m Flnanoe-^’Thia la'the aecond time Vlaltor—>.Ia' your boy Jonh- am- BUNNY ■t i tJU BT Do.'you Oitllk li’k' M a d G u n m e n , YcesHOvet S fettse' aiid , N on^eiw se • jj^dWtr i ? s ike Pliitl .Givc^n that. so C rew a IMMEX Beat Man— Kdt if you Aeep bn hft* c»ior combiW foM . •.'■as-sssaiisi'ija? T l o a K m M a h , W i f e Only an.«mbitter«d and vcn|«ful ^t'-yery-gioilefAjhda of -Hie 'affek sortrt o’ jKior . relation. "v ■ • F I- .. . mind WciHld Aavk thourbt up any­ ;iiian aaked. why he wanted them x>C / , ,, thing like that 'She waa juit angry to be pallbearera. 1 Shade of pink' 1 Teerg B y M | ^ enough Jii do it. She wrapped, the Sick -Man—They’ye m y credl ;»djpdg i tMa main- Sato' Ton ahe haiVeeweAceUtlona A^ith. WOtatury plant '»Pou<« thb Breatifefat wiu be reppdtatag ta lpirttoaf%«toi>nihiM ho getov to 'lk e «Rf>te. a'^ i^ ele toghapt piMaa huay nhd dramlsaa XaiMt W Q a h to S ^ ; Mrs. a Aver 'thtA'afattaf.’' • ,apa'V tody, irare.eiillootod to the C. .U'MnW. Bfe., and ateto^^bm to naa tftdt R ight.next\^ the addreea •!>« A problem child Waa beconting H ph^utiV* TN^ativavetca if.' ^to keep m lib ii RdpWa-UWtoaln — paated a label ttMn which waa in- too well acquainted with, the aufBxX Ibfowlliid eatd OfngNea gkay ilFto ef.athier rdbgtwpeifdeo wke ‘woH^ iw iattJ water OH CU., are peetpenttg I gaaath eommittae. (KlQOi r 18 Site 8 Vrithif. tablae have todea mdOr i%« rola of A' . And to* atarto brayght-hapa ta toOfr plana to. RBild, i Tbs. Haum begins today.thp acrlbcd In large tad Icttera, "Glaaa principa'’a office. One day, . the 9 Constguctlop want to put a U|m . Hmit on emy M r s l aiwi e Rwp’to u MMtod''to- .—Handle wlUi Cai principal, ahowed. her,annoyance. 17 Edge 10 Medley .MStor*____ 47MuaieaI athaiatie, materialMe '.iMN leedT'aWacB arithaat putttor toe I g a e t^ M egiaj^iUHi jt o 18 Icy rain. ataadky airthMty H gruita the atratot, aaykig mnhy^^ftone eC Bm akateca at * diaadvantaga. This ndudlly takad .10 Principal—Thla' makea the.flfthi z 6 U Jewela. M Nautical term , _ pa****< - ■. P reaidewt tp um Amartead traope. ana af toe hantoto na bptog toB,' A' fever had left eke time have puniahed you thla ’ O ^ ‘ ^ lONortbemen lASlantSi t » e laSqunder ■•- ' plea - to he davon aoTf warn mvalvad to Bra wito a tong naaa and * t O Ol. And ha ata€ it alaa may want trwauiar of C. U Mate, artg- ^ ad aatorad tha time hie wife had had anVexperl- for youraelfi • 13MU.IC.1 ' n S ^ h 'S J . w . oral Senators ndoAreA to ae "hUtok Arehn tRtougReut the Ttw'aC toe aaeidadto aqeiwW atdc* fM t aadi a*kW Mr a hair taaRy usn aiatod to ban* Ma nbla taM aat: otllar aaida* wadk t t taeHgh did hinda in the ‘area ,df "aquartotto phaa* Mas it.* egR#qatteik, tor an woaptttn to ohdriM bd dnodgh to boTaR Ctvn ence with, people talking at -Student—rm glad-it*a.-Prlday, * tanelmmiaure 40Leaded . 1 J^*'***^*?^,;, ar giving the ymaidant .’iMjek* antoorlty to nea Mgdlr%«ld iMtopfaintoient twain d pjn. and didd-pon. Runday. ^ RATUmOuLT: A gaiMh- S^jl^OUw U A»pCT-^^*‘ ahe waa quite glarmed and ae^for . 14 Toward the . .property- • im deond to what gen^^aHMepii that the rraaMiiit.tnpead guiakly The HitiHrdy atom a ta c ^ y ^ w ttc '« a j^ ami Mi*. R M m W f i- - Than'dRatoar handk antarod. Ha 'to e . aentag ragntetipns . ptO* Mghte iwtetetteity The gnqp'a ______‘,PUt»sy,lA«6HT*’1 .ahUMrity to appraoe pral- waa Mtortar. AdlpaW anid. Sato Bonidr intarriow that only a ndnf- .the doctor. She explained all the Mra. Jonea—Bothered with time t w Aate^ 4S Senior 53 Eaeenlla^ there. ' dh-AMl eeBad'to affect daetortog enr. tha ttndf-AtoR Maputo, leav toil ijiratiid a mt T ajn. taRey.toth 9thT>.l,1. fd- MctoRi,- a' daeghtor aantofi ' %ptora ..too- Rmung «i!ANNA ^pera^'CM.AfiiAW.'* aymptoma to the doctor, and cbnr n S« l^ ln lA «oert|48 More uwiadal . ~ v . war. dp "a delayed .heeii phead af i^ « * w tto Itohene tonnynue too M l .jeampMMdnt af mm and: to iR . and l i k OOBtot Wahar. l * wapa haewidn 9d. and 9# and had BaaiW'iae Appaate tt- n ta m if hoiriago .’would bs uni*da& waatlng callera are you? Why /peanhoYrer called far oRerhig d*rk,^. , ■ , . But any .Outt apasdno aip aM d eluded, ‘fWhat really frlghUna me^ don’t you try my plan? .... M 30FemlituM ggHqly pereon .48Staln/X ,, 88Foot (piellx)^, twO mtlHaei in epecial aeonemie Me se far tnieka add WMd TiRMiae EMdn R t, fUatoitlto. nlgbt X *. said today. heW«yar> la the way hia mind teenia to be appelletion • A * • » Xeitainor (D-TiimK de- thMr scMiala halMd far.aandteg B I R T J t R TMRTMRDATl A Hach wara armad. Adto hia ptona tor tod aatoias aU* eecttta to most dstormtaadtoalsD' \Nelimbor—What la your plan, , aid over a 9-yaar period. Ha -wnnta aerihlng l anas Dmm the mlnartty of Ssettla- wandering." Jonea? •9STurning point. ■eeeaeerert .apaniMaqa toia anamaaa. f h * m«t danghter to Mr', nad Mho. ftotok said tow aant hut an ttan ate itaaamplaw. 17m ap* MTelevIsite • r r f ] r r r r ? r broad h o th d ^ th diatrllMtd-the cmaca. on-ths eemndtt#*—and th* ■ "Don’t worry about .thqt" conr . Mre. Jonea—Why, when the bell, r r Money. . -mwan sMth' dtoNnuto,'’ teid a Reniaitog • ef .netoten Ja Bewut wM ^ew Mato R t . bagiaalat Itoya* Wtot Rnutoghln; p. aan to ^^^aafSto”}^ ^ ^ a Iktoy. Mack pUcaMan wCl ba subtalttod a t ’■ pert quaetomar than la a ehaado Oea. ahaut d am . tomartow whUa.toart IbV di^M ie. Hugaiaa Mto, to Dak- Jlidr'i ) wMth toay ae,'totiudidatt.' * ' lio r HaoM Rght on Ctafl Righto aoled th e doctor. "It can’t go very ringa X,j)ut on my hat and glovaa * r r «* ‘ A ■ M t . ManMIaM a( Montana, the Hiein t -ginmM : ■ ■ei i ilatmanl to. -fat." 96 Edit f grooe win vale them down. > the dtoMae. But % auMmr af ia aa tiraffie- . jnodJng away Xd atea « * » b* bqliaydd M; niUht: btoak out etgki thoiu. before ^preea the button If lit ' 37 Shoe part -.- aaMatant Deepocratie leader, naid from ‘tha af tiw slapiiMa nt 'R **;- MoCornidck (D-Mto*). • - . provea toHM aomeone I don't want . t* I ' KnowUnd'r etatamtat eneoufiagad toit HMuah hath Pomeeratlc and Arahrleimd awn* 'M*ed tHtoga" In. Maanwhili, Main R t h*a haaa ^ MMaRARtUBP RATlIROAS’: wduU im .unfain ta tts. uoopte 98PatadiaS ■topubdeen lagMetoto.raMad guem anitad to ijovant a ftpaaa hafaro ^ Oatod Aiaato and dan. tRay aeeam d (7 ta th* affsptod Mghbaiimsq if tto HsuM htajsrfty loader, mid on Sick Man (to lawyer who waa to aee, I «mply aay, "So aorry, P ■ 7 Mm tn baHeve . there mpy ha a i t each as hn-hngiieaRdn at ' ' a telam on prograhi -(NBC—MMt gfOiqpatcbcd • • ' -' Itoae- eheut Oto plea, thoro ema •r UB. aupperf d*. ' .pHun attefc tod Miaw in a wl4d- initop Br.;_]Rra. Ruth RntoR id ha «A wat anpldta'to toam 'writing but the will)—Oh,' yea, but I’m Juat^rolng out.” > 41 Bom larga meaeure eC Mpartiaaa agree­ gunnton the Rrom) yesterday ha looks for there^k one more thing, I want , Neighbor — euppoce'. It’i f e ment en changee te ho mhde. M the general egreemW that OHigton meramanto. -caqr to tha cantor 'at toe' rm iJ- mdto 'Rt..^R*Mnr|Be: Mrs.Ira. Via- n a ti^ .’M tta I ‘ 49 Tiny B ^-i veirtupBy #ia i^gcovo aapee.] ' gfpWRMl|it..apag»RBar- '^'^^TWardy; Ttd ^TWMnd ^ M to ‘a th*^^;puHiq , ’’a OIril.Rights nmOTani to nom theae men tq be my pallbearera. aomeone you. wi^t to eee? ' 44 MU' ProMdenk’a eionoeala. ' gotomay.'oar. -the House ttia yoar. wlUiwith a raa- *nie lawyer looked at the Hat of Mra. Jonee—Oh^^en I say, ’-'So DiiBee noted Uuitta .the Middla txhm with the gananl evtbae . ar M- tofra' was. aaly aim nnaU aqidp- M r* laalda Rehaltor and daagh IhapeaRdety te ta ' 4 nanditten . ... Ron. Andertan (D^NM), a teador NESOTlAT&f 6 0 MOMi, 8aiblck dark. ' •*■ I But. ho .addod. Um admiaietra- disafpatotad...... that-a to* apaaeh did Rptyof. dd, was a. granutetor af ttd narthern-wagtor* group th it IN AMERICA. AND FOUR STROMS Hon plan w e ^ Tlrat oC aU nuke ahly IMS plMa drawp tor meat een net affar a rama’gy to ^ IqraoH- gha anow:fdlBed to ppt'a dpiiiil^ I. R h ^ R o ; H ikct:X. Btickland, thooehvou y' liquid . K a . da ^ e t o ^ 's 4e* akatiiig pragtam ^Koanoy Rt: Joha X. Wright taotarta a plawttao toototy ie Amf' •smtht ttd riiida shang* said Rat- ME^» LitsiJALtv Pen n ed in,tni$.' . . .^ . r ■ y / i t • • UBMietakabiy etafr that H la. the ttogoMiaa: It la itoMimed Omt Atah.prahl***- toH tiuy wulaomed irntm WAt-WlNe // dogmta I lOHoUow r pkme to eevar pOmlMe eparattaae __ Dapartmant offiMato an RFO 9. Ceventry; Mr*. Betty Mer­ ly WaMmpard. H* kOd hla w if* urtWy Wght tta btptffttaafi ooall- TiNv eooN^!-^ vwv ? — BBCAusey DRAW OPA . . X', ■ ■' ^A Vea-r^ak. ‘ . stasuned T a IV pMiey dr the UMtod ■totoe. de- to* , atop aa aa aatrenea 'a# the dd, Mvod ta MoridOB.'. MA has net gtaaa up th* fight ViE CSiNSE eSfOlZE. • i'l » y% ,m >> mU,'Unkm.>m. ■ 1' a . dared by the Cbagreee and the nadw-the repelntlea are avaOaMe, Udltod Rthtoa to the. Middlb Heat. naitoead too Canter tetiags Annas ita and -daughtar. Coysntry; Mr*- r ’TREARV'^ K .' I » -graai' M / ^ to aaaea aatont, American and- Charter Oak'.Aerk pkattog Vlrgtala StockR, 7T Boulder Xd.: Tha/r 19-year-old son ta astudent . O b i t i u u T ' *. AndanoH aald tha edalition win APC0KIED:0ICTAT0K6 !■ ■^ROOWOOli' 91 Garden - - 7 T i PreMdant, te coopwato- with the to, Ruria.'whard * -ptoNtotlaC •THE H(XXf HD STRIKE POZ j “ Lst-m s put this wayMbths pictui^nd a i>ag of pop- ■ f ». ■ ' natiehe of-th e Middle Kaat te firepawer t o . the Middle Heat al- -araaa ware heiag^ elaarad and Mia, X n M D O ^ 94t X at Now Mnglaiid COmin vataty - af ■mkirk an a ’’piaeanaal" attack on implement p ■ L ■ 7 cHqua is in dawar. afflaial mnuttoni ka; Mchard ______note «n Rratin-. tha .unUmitod dittato nila. Ra aaid FREEDOM, OPrn xloh't hold a cindls tp ths b^oR and Apeanut butt.frb u tttr < maintalh their’tndapendence.” raadp }me toilit up, aadsr ipland pdt aaRad tito toctolnd a-*Tonaal foc- wauld he span tediy from' i:a t “ rdGutotteh,R99'Waod- T h e' toto eftoet mentha hetoro Hteaa- pn>. to Id Sdg* S t : Mra."Dorothy b d ^ u d . Th* R u t* Meiie* RneotarServie*' ■Yf Re-’bwatad tha new drive "has an 14 AT HeAD.fy . sand He hotod that the United HuratiMi af Oald W ar." A apdkos- Nr------■ HANO.f^ Btatea would commit ita treopo hewar atartod diafttag hi* toguast And work to being dwu to jHit t t Nbrman flti Mrs. Rotfonato aqued, whom omOibafatavaatigatod anaoRont ebanea of aueoea*'" man said the MlddidiHaat dam net ■raamaltoa. as North Sto* - MM toa NawBritata and Baat.Hiitfbnd J h t d k M AO Andaraaa eKplataod i t th* only en the invitation of. a BMien ‘ to Chagraea. '' want toh* tavMvad In gh* atonggl* Center Rpringa. Rend•" *. lUM ehapp ^ SSi. PRISCILLA'S W)P Giii Of Lsttera BY’AL VERMEER under attack. And he eenphaaihad for’ afcattog 'tomecrow. M t a ^ dhelqi^ 9 Carter R t; Guy sUyinga. set up' M idnnaftaw ta r group 'srin after a rasohition da» hatwaan Mdat and W a it Taitoaran* 99 Haryard Rd Norto Haven'/ 4ta^ to m TfaX 4 riaring udaanstttutional that part that any U.8( uto of fores wsaM . PaitttdM aifMaato Iraq. wMch to r ene persen was toJurad to ' itom'AaMi'.ir;..,. he eeiuenant with the eotioae. aiid tha Ato eeddanta, hnPRMy toafc a DfiK»ARQBD . TXSTBRDAT: tola' new .tavaettehtten. •af-th* rulw whMh han any Hmt- aRgiwd Witt tha West to tha Bagh- Mrs.', Starr laitaan-, TM. -Mata >Rt; T**ta Rahra ouef jlom t . b « -Mm !inni*RTOM»''J*rdan.. M. ;*f tottan af ddbata on ehaagenta the wcommandatlona at the United RaM, thaught toa daetrln’e tali la preperty damaRe. Nation*. UMd Jana,Rrodhutw. M9 Mata R t; atera tateemaptod a nsvM a vaca- ffivate. diad .at Man* rate* 'Thie Is' in Hna with an Apin- Rockville ‘ to tondt. tlia . dlMaaa to. ths TrOalad at Meaidtol Loiub Mtaar, Tunnal Xd., 'Fanmn; ttan’ahdMb antira b*partiaen» ian mpraiMd by Vito Rtositont Dulles said any. use- of armto Hitot withsut trying,to Bnd dd-y*ari*ld Tarttogton toaa toouton -Mwaditoi - Noapitol .yoator- torca would -be subject to the 'UJN. Laanatai ROrratt, 99 nowar f t ; euta'manad to duty- - Ntaan'during Friday'a oenridarn- was treated eocly test night at Mra. Rarah CoMioUt, I t RuntaUt fteM fer Chiiptag tota day,>waipRtly''to*. sf .Rdto- *f tha original rulat 'change /' atfrter artide recognising th e ....'to- City Court Madchestor M so M ^ Haapital far fit; Jahn ROmaaawiesi 99 Wfllaiie entagbya dimiMi>.tam*teMd*.. herant right of eoUeettve a»U-4»n^ ahrdetoMr of th* lafFlag av3r*tto ta fn Anaeta*-' ptafim topatoed Rw ■srr .'SSJ'S- it ,; Ratftcta Hubbard. M Cam- arrast of Haiiy MeOuqn, 91.^ New M ites and Dr. Hdborb'X.Xsanay, this aaetton I’ie fonde if an armed attadr ooepra,'" Raif toantodr. gava tha its a 9»car crash at B. M|iIdMe ‘Ppke. bridgd St;,M ra. .Rabrieia n tiw hut prevt^ng that the authority, ftoekvaM, Jan. T /Bpaaialj— —i——* m toa^Mlddl* aad f.»ka Rt. JHayta* *u 'a ; eharg*. -9F .caintog * thd meat vutnerabte point of .the M l Tnn. .aun faund. guilty to OlUr and son, 'R rD 9, Aadovar; Ram- t and raepOnaibiUty of tha U Jf. ge- Inaa - Mandares Rdward O. Magyar waa taken tie eoneealag weapew aftar a J t eaX- ■enhto rite *" adding: ‘Tf our ■1 p t n r t tUa aearfUir if driving M A. Rtoyonaon, RRD * ; Man- her; .rordhrar 'm ar fagpd ,ta U * Kaondy- eata an nudapay ag- raaehrtion te appravad, it would curity Council coatinue. aaM: th*vhaopital aftor hetog talUtod ohoator; M r* Raootaarto Mali and Dujios told tha comaeittao. the while undpr thh -iMtoeneo of to- whan hia -ear was U t to tod rear pairhad tor early today. p aiH 'to ’-aaiMMt.~ ' twtot bHtof'thdt«W *f' elaar th* way for other ehangoi to toMeating Htaard V m Aud dt that to * hHddls Haqt aon. ttorra; Mto. Mhreia KdRy and goegraphi^ area to h* aebred hy 93 eftt net ha ahanianad to its tots to a n ^ a r vtoiete, frivan by Ruptahumeraiy Reheeman RTma- SfaTJasRsh ,dteRRwte.Rjff.tahdtal- aaeh hyw JJudged INahcia - T. ito«todte ’* admlnie- P j the IWee9ttidwer plan had heaa da- to alaariy waderatiag, Ranaa aMd Rrahk W. ReMahafar. 1.1, ClMpUn. Jc„ RFD X AndSver; bbp.;i.Jaan llberataiy kept vague to puhUe dia- Up, V. ■tobillty may pMvall to the ra- -VMea shM M afji*r and wMIe MieOMi TOaa R liftag ta this todha tebaratary toa<. toattM did not mak* dcUited OIril _la--v ^ . I, Jabnaon ond daughtof. & C&tai- ntotete. AwddNmad.' McCtain um Righto roeommendatlana until well 225*i^PI*2Li2^SCE£i22£!ii eusaiea of i t Ha aald he weuM he oyrir J. '^erhee, ed, Talt -Road, Rohtebafar ward trsvattig east .en S t ; Jtotoryn Qutan, 9 g ^ Graan '-ha'iSM. happy; to ten cengimlttee momhars Wapping; raeaiTag tha -tea ae . a to* tumplk* and. Magyar Mawod hreugfht to -^AniRHa R9Mc* head Xtods*. bctaR^ to th* hid* Mto tto .acooad acaaiaa of tta last ^ . ROula eiOkonfeon, RTD quaitora to r qi' to conhdenee.iHut eeuntrjta werO result of a thne-aor aectdOnt Dae. when en imidentlRed car pratodtog 9, Oayontry; M r* Mdiguorito Rico tear jRMbaaX^ObntaMg^ A L L E Y OOP B t u t ' B Y V. a v u AW l IN Id an ReUto 19 near pm a —£ £ ^ t. M ------>- .^ .ilg M la d fto- JUteCL-iaim to traatod-kttha -tNA. jrdar. tha .admtaistratton -I---1'-- ro fir snti^r^tiiirM snA awtrSR W. Gardnoi R t; Mto. COTTON WOODS BY RAY GOTTO he aaM this Informatien ehoiild ha tte toani line. X*k* R t Rriilatodqr, toUowtog ha- Metoten' tdM paUe* hd wqs am fbawemdoRMittai «R* hilt ateoady te hatora tta JuiSBiiy y «j,h O H dtoion Mtaitor,'« R r e 9. Andover; atoptaitto*itaitto* XcattagX * ' tatooducod ' one MjrTHCM> kept aoeret lest the CommuMat* . Tarhea reportodly draw up ^tod htogyar, eUanmad en hia Mm*Janc WMttoar and daugtitor, l.p.ut jrdate' 'FEdA5,iX»fTCO0NT ^ adi»iN' TO us. htad another vahielo at a high rata S k i i t i i i g p . S M d u n g hrakea. but ektddsd into to* rear ptacitaiUte idcntlcnr erith tta MENDW- OWMEFORMAN: ■ COTTON... ALL YOU GOTTA get the idea they could aafoly.take Rurnham S t ; Mira. AiMn* »c«to. MfiMK - ever a country not.iiieludod. of apaed, atruck H and baunciMl cfMagyar’a c*r. Rath vahietos ttihod aybf M ltdte *^ ^ X m n iytad d she hadhdaa i«* potat 19W mtaBur* I f provldaB for AGAINST THOSE THEIR »G .S^ *' 19M Tbltand Tpka; Waalay Mites took it to HartfotR tor study hy « aa ihyootigaUaR oonimiaslon. - a NCT.100 ,T0NIGHT/a. HAVENT TOUCHED 'TOWER/,. Tho way to keep'peace, in the acroad the. bead to atilka anathor M*ur skating ,andl dn* atodding wmi.axt*nsivMy damagad. aalle* A-., 99 Trafebs Dr. dsr. Rn.cdra. af luiteraMautot ' CCDIMON; Ifiddla.Baat, he said, ia to make it vehicle.. Proaacutor Marry H. ‘Xsigg paeldSHt vietim* wato ttaatod yaa- said. Magyar w asralaaaad_____ ftoin thW DnCNAROjRD TOOAT; ‘ IHiri- bd]DistiM eo | ^ . . b fu ; Jm dwh .WM Mwn .ta-'FTdN. OMl Rithta ftrisien U the Juatlcc YKNOW, clear '"fhat armad Communiat at­ said Perbee-commentod to ene of' oarday at Manehaator Mamarial koopita) aftar tiMtmant son XackoB. 97 . Craatwaad Dr.; . McOuan . deniad haying?:.any NpTMi. "> 5 * 9 . • ito F.. ^ *■ dapnrtmcnt authority for tho at- tack wmid hart to hemaL if haad the other drtvors, "Isn't this fun* womfta'i. Rfhjahofar nraa gtwm .a 'writtan Jtortoa Jan* Rturtovant RlT> 9, kaawMdg* - Of th* North mam motobar af Upator eangragattenal tarney general to go into todoral he. by^the artoed farces of .tke end upon arrival of a'ntatq peMee- warning far >failuM ta - ba*R a toaattag vHiU* being quaditenad. O R u ^ eoipto Witt civil sUito supporting X T m af.tkO tojund.wsra teml prefer Mahout. Manehoatar; Dtan* icaatevleh. United ttetee." c ; man greeted with, a warm hand- and.thra*. from aut at towf- RID 1. Waet WiUtagton; Lsea Tn joHo* eaupt; tM*; japtotag. bupbeML otes tea' tho right to yot* and tor. tha gov- Delay .would Aifke'doubUi grow, thakf. Sobriaty toata gtvan hy i ' Dhnbia TTHtdrllio, l.‘ son of Mr. ^ R b *cte .*ttw fdw^ ajn. today. la*aar*-9l..X Adanm f t ^ . M e fW ’f MW was conttaMd unto DaiuRfi J ; JlwRin' Jfc i; a asfimant to pcooaad againat private tbo Seentary said, and he told thh deetpr ahaiied tha. aloaRolif eon- and-Ms* Raaquate TandriUe of 9 tl ^ Alann.im 4« at Mh^ad Jan. i t and Iw 'Wna pitcad under llai^tor.- busy Aim*'Jordan; fOr . eitlaena'a* wall a* public offteUle logiatototo, aoma of wham’ha vie. wr- tanf pi Me hiood to ha .9t par sent ftekloMd R t auRarod a out tliigh Raari R t waa knaokad d to rC ^ a bond of 9to, an the hd toll an tod tee.: d—W d • * savand hondla* of ymricle without a paimit. Tniideer of I f . M * PoUe^ArreBU rteelutinn ta not war- It la peace. sanM eharg* had heen stMped hy [. MeUnda Rasa* 8, daughterdaughter. ef Howdrd GRtaud -Prtvato fttaatnl- sorvlCM 'win be n n s i . toldpobeo h* wna'puUtag hold 'a t th* Watktao-WOet Runarfil ew»»Hc<« The purpooe. aa to other aasea a poUeoman on West Mwn R t Mr., and M r*,r*,') HdRdfi. Rase*. H ^ Jtett{Riy.DaCarit. 19, xuiimtan. Onvornor RibfioH aettag at tho Ate tv where' the' KiMident-and the C*n' 'iHiwi he failad to atow dawn arid HanJ aek Rt.. rraetorad her wrist army | l ^ Rm owb whan tim roar R » pteagad guilty ik Ttoto/teuft raquadt' of Itato'a AttjrAbralHUh X4n*. HOriaf'Win ha in B ast Cfm.- Alhaft J; ogran. M MRS Drive BOOTS AND AEB BpOMEE H o n y C all BY.vE|)GAR MARTIN gresa have acted together to dp- pun around fh ahatmetian to the to a akattog mislM " andaf tte brack sHd tato ttReRfim tote ni( M larcdhy ef goods in t . 'Unman sf Now Navon O a u ^ atary. Thorb wUI ba na oaltMt X toaa arraatod Saturday night axeaaa df today auttarisod a mahimum 19.- baura. BU Z SA W Y E R BY’ ROY CRANE poto IntematlanaL eommunitm, U read at tha. poUeaaun’a diraettein- Alhhrt^iagtoT lEdt), Wapptog. wsadentoneod ta sta add charged .4tt tatonleiitten'nnd T cfe y r to stop World War m bafeto tt 'Johndrewh vShMe atruck a Rare auBored a l-lneh cut on his ten, R9m> u m m «emhs.ln JaA. t* ha auapmidad af- 000 toward for infanaatton loading In Hau -of. ftewac* Mends oca branch of p*ac* X X S T ^ Trfc ‘ >• m .^OB, ldO«\0«ni H0DOK«.X(h tota MjftoRto'tonto p a d to .^ Jail santaaea' and' waa pideed an wanting to strengthen theRtoelvta w Heenpe was under suapaneian. prabatlen tor on* yaar. daing evai-y thing paombla to Vea ■il'to. daughters, .M f* atrapad an Broad . S t agaihat^to*threat of cemmuaism.iOatoctive‘R ft George Trapp toati- Nb arraata waa e»ad*,'dnd ths ear ptahmid ttaaa wha ard guilty.’' wOMm M. .McBrid* M tt wham Riohiuriohard OrusdiM, 99. Warehouao Ratar ^ a Rr..- and Jdbn RaUa, was airoegjr atovpt Jtato ant* to* Drihart A- Raymelds. 44, af 900 Dultee said ths RraMdanfs pror did Re l^ p a d Ranimrn^tor friv- ton to Ray H.. WMto ato ■ £*• Aututan I t , waa tound guilty of With tta ataf ar eutmg dawn ta * kyod. '9 0 * .Chntoa Mieltoroen Point ama arraotod oariy Saturday a tra ^ to to* dttoar When pabM ar- an patentlat haldn]•Mum . 19 paehaga ' k ram ' recogntso* thsr* art other tog with *a naipy muRler. .RaMto to th M; WMto. prapsrty «t BldwaU ofarattag a meter vshielt wMI* af Wdaniwekat X I h Mi* WUHam narbt uAd chargM wnh dteragard- fanghrs in the rasUess anCTargely and niator vshicla depaUtoerit rec­ and KOonoy i t * rivad. Ddmago to to* vehlA star* awnara ta Beat Jhrttord Mdfpn 'and M r* Gairga Woadonq tag d traffic aljpisl a t Oentor and wtonatod a t absut lUd. , m dtr tha taduenc* «f intotaeating imdardeVelopod areas healdac the ords showed hi* lleimae was uqder , Rater Relte Rr-i AMa Reila Sr., UquOr. He was ala* praitantoR as a have voted to tboir af H a^atd, and M r* puvar Ray- Brand Ste. J E F F C O BB paaaibility of an armM communist suajpenston.. Tlia matar voMdls de­ «ad hlary Rail*, , to JRtoabsto A wire fane# at Rahartoon Dark saqond odtandor andr waa sen­ oariier efoattga. naids af Maridaii: a atator. M r* Id - ' AU four a r* riatod for court hare BY PETER HORF COUP partment mid it had acht a regl*i ««a hnaaked dawn la * skidding Xmfi* Abramacei af Marttord. Jah. 19. * ICKEYTINN" Choice I - Mayer, praparto an Xanaty Rt, tenced to #9 days In Jiiil; an the Win (Chandler af DdOp Rivar: 19 OtClWrMN, VOU KN0V4 m BY i,ANK LEONARD ‘^ e f c is th* poasiMHty of auk- tprsd tetter te Rangtim and.it 'wfa Lnwroae* Jr. Rlaa* s a l Raa* D. m Mward Rt ahaut-i Ant eaunt and 90 day* an th* aaa- praaidant of th* ClHmsetlent 'I THINK > t * m 3 x UUST ta* rog- Albert M. DaRinnao aad Otoe HJURlSTArTRAC' TO OCT MOONEY ANOTHER UNPERSTANP, aANCF Dullsa mid thara is. a. dangar nothing of tha tofuml. of th* M. DsTranad to Aim* R. Jarvis OB Bdward ttl when ho apotted aa Aienandcr J; Dann*na»tanaeant and kilKngs ta Cennaetleut W'R. Gulta Runsral Mbma^ 99R itato Rritea- Lnwonthal t was TOU S)W, ' TIONS...MSirr that economic eonditione could he tetarad tetter, H* said ha thaught unidsntiftod ear ooming to too op- g^lPEMNlr? .J09, AFTER AUP 0H.PHIL 7 . ■' J aaupMnje i; Jarvla, proerly at toUawtag' to* elaa^. aftar .Dsnnsna Main i t , foltewad by a aalataa ra- ataapad on ths WnbUr Chois Park- -PROVE MTfRESTMSj -■ tVHAT'g THE MATTER. I WHAT HAPPENED "such so 'to make communism it must hava I. a ■eaTet- paotto dttoetwn. Taft eaid he mttefaetmiiy cuplairMplainOd -tta (4reum why.. Hb pdatod ------a 990 bond- ‘ tor-M* "------aoam an attractlvO ehoico." tor. ■ U Rahwiek Rd. quipta Maas IhRt.'Jem**’ ^ureh at Jaha M. Muldaa* Harriot Rtoloy, thought to* •to*!' tot’ was iu% go- •toneas of bis caw.. IP a'oteck. Burial win ba in R t Js - paiSHuie* ta court Mara Jan. 19. • Any program to ho adequate, he CLau^Uto feund him not tag; to atop, anf whan Tbft *^U*d Dannona. traveling nsrth an mid. muet ha prepared tp meat tyrHa adrisad Mm hawavar net HRaapoto Oagnan, and Tldlat Bon- Al>oulToWn a. CsmeUry., RoquanaOk. way . to Robort MuMaan and lna>- HP. brakes; th* oor aWddod aorom Gakland R t. appraanhed and atart- tenRO aeay can at thdKumral military action, suhrorrionJa o r aeo­ O' drtv* until hia auapausiau was tha strm t into th* fartoo. Only tried. X* Muidse* prPpd/Mpale 399 Bldridga R t reoU wma mad*.. aeutiv* board of th* Manthoatof and tomanaw ftwta f to ■ and T to Me .testlAed th* danger ’’aan'not g t. plsadad not guilty to'hraaeMag John MuMaon. Harriet Riatoy, Juet. an Xtennone was paaolag, iRagua c f Wemcn Vatan wfll bo IR'pjnT'-'-V RMie* raportod a,v minor, alde- DawiUag turned left into the drive- t<>Bi 9te9 dm., toltewod tha form ef a Otrlifisd check or the Soyieto controlled the Middle Rotar ArMnault. Oavant^. M r* - A S > LMatar, 99, df *0. .oortota -rvw w w a. u> mmcamig ina aaM by . * soteih'n high M d * ’ ‘ta th* MM* X Obhr* property an Hill- nddraao, waa wntoAtod: to » days party atadgulel tor toiitght iii Tin Md bend ttoin' a suraty company ■asL - \ f*% diard H. Itwias, 49^. Raqua* MrsttyManaggM; RPD, Andover: C^rek «f thd A*-JUpUap..•juptte* Aadd- In a pfamg* apparently designed >neek[ pleaded note- Oliiatondra to a terd'Rt • ta.tha eaunty tell far tateodaation. M r RaS bacaiisa of tta RtothR*- duttariaod to d « ^ » iA 0 7 0 ) « F w iAtMrUATTHA,nilMjnO' Mifiddle ' -Kastem nattOns. but rather net guilty. • V Matter Rt -r- » Ms mator vriiiela rsgtatratten. Chaai A. HromirahL batt of Mbn- AOVMNCDCNTfURMf M aop/i/MHTRilNB toodmd J. Ruma, ■MtHarttotd: _ Mrs. tOsto. waa tta ditiw' *r a Track ehouter, on th* grauhda'af Ihtolsrr Ml Mda ;aid to waive anj infer- TO' ^'W|^fTOaltl/JogA!r to help, t/|oni safeguard their bbhm J. Mattten. 94. Rldf*' Martha Walker,. Weal MB9:..'M3QWON^UCr ri0L^iHe»O(.iceNfF ^AitwtiMrAiNr^ [ita-flfcd tpHng* wus-flnod H 'tor teJU^ltt bdekad tat* a Nght fiztuta abl* crudity. Mra, Jtoueawilti wa* mdHtte* in tha Mdding tf it bo ta M p li J. Odviaan, admtototmtor tta 'Mlteand traeka an i f . giTrii tt* ' right to usd Use to n isr RrivAto tohsral aarribco fqr B h tto public interest to do * . 1 AyiAOCAMtAK' MANT’M IC A N C m e . . i JMPTNA.IiEVliGIMrtS ___ •. Roriat pdoainr a pUto sIRb. . ' mar J ; ILAChnpbM'af 'Tarnon wsep domlnatiifti \ trauM he ^ * V, » 0r eaap af Oeoiga H. Grabiiqrr. M to * aaUto af Mbry A. Dabnar-to Mata .S~ t Dae. tr. nqnta af D*h*rty« , ' ' ■ Ths succootfu: Mddqr will bjs' W O ^ A iL m U K / XUen LtagarA pcanarty at g i Jto A iRi^ M XMridfi Rt; Mr* i r t . ’* — t-to. Satwday jo r th* taquirod. to. furnish a porformaacio dimstoi* foif tberiL". fg^Wyar'RdH'GatoAlry. chaifad Hudson-9t ' X ; . hrma Da& Reita. 99 Sente* Rt; It would b * ha eon with ’ apanittng'^ a'Zatotor valWs HIh*stor t to aiRoant n it r '1. A pelitdal dteastoir. ^ . wtthaut a. puhAe aarvlc*' Heons* ' Hatoto Of Mantot MuMaan to Mfra,. Gertrud* mr\tktrn. Gtaaton- Uy. Birrlol waa In Msneheqtor. toen thorn nation*. ttt*_.Mte Mure- waa;tofttaui dtaiui V*k. a Ndncy 1 Waaks toM^ RaataiWant tohiiht at TRO. n s s ttoA 0*0 hundrod per oont .lOOto) paan satanttoa. wouto loM^bt aa-, Jahn MM|aan. Wlttam MuMoa* buy; Wright Rertj?) T9 tanner R t: Senatere today ttO nair $99 Mi- agtatal buriha* mMttag te'baldg of th* contract'pneo, i cWariaglUM . J aaiiR lk te daelto' IK 99 W. MbM p ^ : i 6 B i y , Blaaheto Gognsh.: Mra. M u w Wm. 'mr, IdLMdrion' tiimal IndapaRdene* wMcB'they *o RL, g t o n ^ fbihir* to grioK highway prettam "ia mav- kotd'.at tta roquoat Of moniboH SUBROMiDNVASMN tolttfut porfermiancs of th* ardenUy dedr* an d ,'P rJ^ apw Xdberti 4 ^ ^ , . Ttalot Beinmy- C;.; -.TTmiua* Raters. QehimbM; wh* ,wor»..praaint at-tha ragUMr ■ ■••|»Rr.'»9X''7? toaot told tm-pi:paymtat Tf allRdr- b l .44 ■way, had Ms edaa PM* praporty OnSdridga-Rt Herhato'i OobaU Jr., 19 firhdoli tlisy'am. beginning to aaereia* to itato.B*Kt Mondiy. msatta x TRMitetay-attht Alt meta' som portormiag laborta b * {on.lholen.U prai* Dr.: LoriTpraHtato, iff Mgh Rt? d«a, mii|^ ta au sn * boY'tmdar ttia eontraiet and'fur- Ain " o«** ar Hdward O. Rawyaa, Xlehard , ^ Rirtfc R. Mai^ IharcW'iidifiteM, Rt R t 'M n 'S t f bdoauto NmwdH; ehnmM ■f ririlMC; taStoitate in eoanoettto , *to*: prii^lpal ecnnemH aaadt o f an H b ry d Rd; Mra. AimmTMnant 94Btoten Rt; Th* Amcrtaan Lagten W^^Ua-'oentaae* ,. ■ . ■ .-i- wUl hrid ltd ftrsC.maaliag i'ifM m ' o r ’’bCittNeiiBSTBX Um. area is'potrateum and RoyDba U B e A AnCtow Oflara and Teika Ofla* ftv^.netlaBa odtar an adaquato-mar- . t t - . t t * n t> o’alarit In tte - % lotaRng''9191 war* fw* J* to;R*tdf “ " ■ ------WRiRq, RFD 9, R a e k ^ : Jaaaph ^Mt*M»t^dt::itoto drtuaw ^’-MVaTwra i Horn* Mrs. Xa ^-dUMlMlr.Ad-.tfeO'l ■RtXtor' terETTk to ll to r / 52Si5Sw*ApeO ig, Ji 1*1 t ■\ ■V A. m m m T. ■/r


ilANCHBSTEg. EVEl^INfr gE R A;^. I|AN do Father—Yea, he a plannin’ - R ic P la it -G iven m a d G u n m e n SfenSiB ' A ild N o if^ eiifee 1 • 'S YEI?$MO\/EL AN' jriN t.' NOW to lich.an’ jaucceaafiil that alrga^ eAi^ I BoeecfittyouTOFVMy that. "C olor ^mbinotions r ^ beat Man— Not if you keep on heiaMgftiiOh*!w^l^ ^BieajiiJa C ool R im ption k U l M an, W ife iUS'VEASl ^ WAV.X’M doirtUil?.’* jj ' . ' qort o' poor relation. v . IN A Only an ambttterrd and venfaful i^ i’-yery-glidii e^Aihda of m A *alch a « ■ m mind wquld have th'puirbt up any­ man aakied why he wanted them Cleariiig New Snowfall A . h u w w ! » » "' ^ ‘ “ ■ r i ‘1 '• p d i' thing like that She waa Juat angry to be pallbearera. . . . ' 1 Shade of pink*'f Tear* B y M o s t enough to do iu She wrapped the Sick Man—The^e my credl-lAIARNlVAL BY DICK TURNER ST*nniah color Spoken wWMi bianketad Baiton: QhUto tore, •'niey'ye been Parrying, me. The- wtam by too I engagement ring very carefully, in ■ .-<> >' t Gray. m tit' tether, ' pwbg'Om V ttwy are^ M ai^eator with about fflurjnehtp Ctanto BMPi.'— at B fir tt lfl; >ini-. fn r i wade of. wadding, tupked It dn the ntoat of niy life ao they might aa 4 fat ___ „ and thalr' * o f yootarttay dod thta meim- kPto Tan Daik. eubto^U Mn. B id ' well finiah the job. . . U Rainbow* . ^ . Oaonty Opitowt box, and laddreaaed It' to Ota' one 13 Century plant gFiHieh the Preaident win bee NpuBintoiremiMatet ta il » ( r i ^ iBM rla^teiiaM ba tilev' to the charga i f a n u eta ia r kopraaBaa busy mhd ptamioM Banta Duff, n Oalway Mm Jdihdb J. Gerrigin tsM a npartor ato.dldn't have to usq tbs fOOnbiUr ahe had> eevcrcd' relationa with. 6Avi tkto; Matter." MW It HMD wqrt j ahleBtiE ta tha of ' *todMtl to kato t^M%Nway Dotot’fmsdt Bephta Utitoehue, Bemn; ho boildtod a' M Of-' gS oaUbor Li'Hnta. IdA, and TMO- aBakut'it..Tlw jneasura dTsd ik.a Right.next Xa the addfisaa' ahe ' A jirobiem child waa becoining 14 Diminutive' va vetce aufflx KMowlind •M Cewipeen W ! teWswIeawhe woritoig jtar ladg b o m ' ■trodpen -w m woOd ta' tod dtaytoso. water Oil -Ob., are paatponing Benate eemmitt**. paated a label upon which waa in- 'too weir acquainted urith, "the 3 Vrltihg. tablet * And the atarta brought.kope to rOtUbt- DtawM haM Saturday. their plahs’t * build a gasebn* Tb* Hoiiae begins today Vip acrifced in large rpi lettera, ’’Glaaa 15 Bite 9 ConilucUop want to put a Ume Hmit bn awv i 'iM a p » e p m a ia ijo im o eauttaaod ra- prlncipa<’a office.. One day, the 47 Musical • loeat aUan wuhont puttiog too .paerUBI tC; PaNea aidd AdtaaM iMltHid Oartoto'Atoliaih at G n to Bd., preceto 'to orgaAtatag its conmitr —Handle with Care,” principal ahowed her.annpyance, ITEdge ' lOMedl^x . 30 Story , •taadby atitlwrity it gruito the atntoi. aayipg mangr^pbaoto W ttw 18 icy rain paiMagq . . akatan ot a dtao'drOntogA PM 6. M a ip i, « • M. Main sL ; An­ ana of the hnndbta m batog toB.' aaid’f^MdMMIgb Bto ,tbar. TMs u r iu ^ ' takes .18 dago . Principal—Thla makea the,flftl> I I JaweU. \ , , Nautical term D w tdent ta wm Amarie«n ttbopa. Bovan earo weia tontyod in avo drew Bfabililir, ^ It Xailiot St^ with 8 tang nooo and « soft vdlat. ’ JaHn M to W , pratadent and ■ar-SA A fever had left Zeke alightly iSNorthemert ‘ I8 Slanted t W 33 Sounder 48Gie1ic. to be time P have puniahed you thia And ha anld It alee may want t o what acv- anidwta ytotorday api^ todayr H o'sale thta o*m |iad bnUvad tod trtOBunr 4if U. L: Hale, orig* , Ones tas JttdldaiT eemittlttao ta deliriou'a and aince It waa the flrat '•21P«bled 30 Roman’roaV > * mentally, • 50 Actres*. — - . natotoal. mehvme; idermimtaen. lIPBHgh week. What have you got to aay Hayworth , to ytit. aome feam ctieu ea the ate. e*«l Bena M a a “Ma .Bear of toe aeddanta oaeufiad piH' Mara flm t and aokbd for n |air toaNy wao alatM to hayo bta abto to -ktast;. Crilor aaidda weak time hia wife had had any experi­ for youraelfl ' ' 23 Moflcal 32 Bird*’ hqmen ■** bur* ad faraitn aid ftinda in A e area T R S r Araba thiaughaur the ^rectlpn « iInVmwur*, 40 Landed 51 Yellowlthr. MBBlik" aotkMlty M diaappatotmant twain 0 p.m. and d id f p.ao itotoay. M h i p i B ATU M toY: A daugh- of "oquAroHKo bboan amo 13.” ’ appHoatia*. Mr an-ontoph tai to shnild bp anoUgh to act oB . Civil ence with people talking at random -Student—I'm glad it'a-Friday. taatoad eR gietag the TYieldiwt nmda.end to wbat\Ban.' Tho inthwpy eiaw a t a i^ plow- M e.to^to aad Mtp. Bobert Barkj- Than ihotoar bandit antorod. Ho 'to a jMdhng'' ragu M B ^ pn* RigMts legtalatloii. H i* firmiD's' Sf\ 0U6HTA BE MORE ahe waa quite alarmed and aent for . brown w ow. that too BnoU wit -papood futakjy rta^*,FU t»sy-,I MIGHT* MahketiauthaHty ta abpceme praf- (IBAla) oaUagto etfeet inig ipta’OHida ot T aan. todny.rnto «'• Boebvflto; a daiMBtar WM Mtartar, AdtaaM aaid. Hath stntod boforo ' tba Boning eeuiar intsrview'tfeat only a mtiif- ,the doctor..' She explained all the Mra. Jonea—-Bothered with time' fear Aataire W Senior 92 Essential. arta there. an r tho laniP'JQmB dttpiito. leav- ^ vM nna dORiTee 'em agaw .'* 'ST Dreg* / being. , . war dp "p deiayad btoto iag thi VMtad HPttaao to toiittnua the fuB ..eemptaiAent o f maa^'.and; to BB. and Mfeo. Gilbert Wibar, to woco bi twoin 38 o«d 38 and bad Hotsta' A f -Appanta . (SHA) to­ AMun -pf haaringii 'woaid b* nsadad. eymptoma to the doctor and con­ w’aating callera," are you? Why "’88 V?rglhlA«oeit,49Hoie unusual ■teeadtemr called der aKerinff ttam." do,rlr.liali Hut any Sueii speedup aiHtarOd SSFemi^m ' 38 Hqly person 46 Stain , v 30 Foot (p p illx )i. Its aa far unoaeeeaMpi ioprta to trueho .atol kind veMetaa. Uhtan i t . BMkelllo. night JU said today, hewevar, cluded, “ What really frightena me don’ t you try my plan ? in •44M aiUHoM In apeetal eeeaeMtri Baa. KdCaaear (Ivran aK da- Tbelr iehodatabdlladfor .sapdtng BtBT*Mg TKBTBftDAt; A Ho3h w on ainnod, id in iifi aaid, kio ylkns for too m M m sto- certain to moat datamtinad raslat-' ia the way hia mind aeema' to be Neighbor—What la your plan apptHatioo ' aid over a l*year ptriad. He waata ■olea Mpa prOhtaiA. 'SeYttraing point wrtbGag BMto' 'ik to g e '' .aparntiaipi tlita aftecnooo. Tho man daaghtir to Ur. ond Mha. Bolph P8I1M said thagr oant mit An ttan are ;inaompl«to. The ap- anM fhom th* mtabrity to SaiitlK’ wandering.” Mra. Jonea? r 1 • ■ 1 r bread a u th b i^ to diaMbati 'the "taatod with dywtKtta," MU a wiH plew Moia gt. < bagtoapig ntacta taat ntakt far a totey, black pHeatlon will b c subialttod at etnecs oa the cootatiittaa—And tM« "Don't worry about .that,” con- SOTTalevlilOa r motwy. of opinion to Beirut Noyto Wtot WlUlngtM: h aan to Mra. Jonea—Why, when the bell part t BMtoWener ttwra ta a ekaaea Om about lo r n , teatarrow wMM .tfo n S ketoU m . mgapo Mia, pT Oak- slig aadan rKacquiy) wNeh toey A hittwG date. * 1807 Moum fight on CIvfl Rlgh'ta aoled the doctor. "Jt can’t go very rlnga I put on my hat and glovea A * B • ■ •• • t Beni. MaaafleM ef Montana, the ihowed goain l iBnwototmoht to break out rigkt thar*. 86 Edit gvaaawdl vata thamdawn. tita dtoWne. Bat p aumhar at le M trofae. said BagHaan ason M ioBhg away . Ha also said ha bqHovod it far.” before T .prcaa the buttom I f it p . aeaUtant Democratic laaBar, told Moanwtoio. Moto Bt. has baaa from 'too seoM af tho Moympo nt wOuld.'b* .'Unfair to th* poeplo MeOarmSck (D-MaM.l. 37 Shoe part Knewland'a etatafnant taeautogad Bat Maagli bath ttaaseeratlc and Anhrfoimd tomo ’^pod totogf' m *mMCMAliOBO BATTIBOAT provea to be aomcone I don't want 38 Paradise y fT / } BepwbBton tagtatatoto lataad guaa- saltod ta ^jravoat a fraeae baton U n . a s m Amato ond sen. M about too ttmo tpoy occunrod (T in too t^aetod ntghborheod i f . majority- toader, said on to aee. I aimply aay, ” 8o aorry, r Mm to bekeva. thera. atfiy ha a tt. oaeh hi on’inpItaMtoa o f atopng• p.m .).. a television, program ’er looked at the list' of Mra. Jonea-r-Oh. then I aay, ” So 481Ud r r r I lf. P IT JT aehlwwer..laid dd'ea. thaagh it may meat -brpi^|dn^ tl^ | ^ ^ p ia g .., tar. BE DUmint Bt.; Ostfrad Lar- Poitao spoentatod toot tho Spay* Bans L C. L. HWo alas hod sonable ikpectatien to paaring .th* nafnea ' and rtcognlxing them aa fortunate I’ve Just-comb ••In.'!- • ''J. ' ^ East "there la euepielM againat ptatnocy>’''1le aaptotoodi era were killed beeaus* they oaW Benate and boeoming law.” 48 BU1 of fare < any outalda farce leet It he a daviM •taap ptaae raatriMtaaa aa ' "Mad Mtasahowor. mentioned een. 181 Center B t; Bred Uudg- appMoattans M r .tor th* \83 It eaUcd tbe f f " 4 M bread■rmo oeusemyaatlNtaty aha aakad. JAmto MarUc, ouportotendont ett. Sunset D r„ BockvHta; Gaorgi toi* tor parked autrid* th* store ataflon. Hut Ben. Denstas paid th* fail­ to re-lmpqee eelontallam." opytoUg, obent latMk. Britoia and before they entered. ure' to- tost amrt "meant the X kettle black Than'werd aa itodtaattanawt tha ItonOh be wp«dd hon'ooored Don- of racraattan. inopoctad tha sM Oroaeh. 118 W. Main Bt. R#ck- AAotoer 'appHtotlon by-Bar- « n Thia and the -other dWCorda gnd villa; Mre. Irano Zaecaro, T1 B. Adinam WM groOOed Oj* <■*>* o f dahto knell to any meaningful OUR BOARDING HOUSE . with' MAJOR HOOR1|E 84 Window fT »• a diffleultiaa m the. area ntaba It Beatagan .yaatordytotorday that the Mid grow owoy fn lh glYlog him aUni- alopo' at Mt. Hobo, bnt'found it nM, tor ■*: anrvie* otaOan an O U T O U R ^ A Y BY J: R. WILLIAMS covcringa-. dU Baat ptan plan eantataptattoa any was not waH-dnough eovarad with Adants S t; Ralph Graanih 38 Mar- toa Oandits and boaton by tha oth- Ohrll Mghta tagiriation in this A P “ hard” for the United Btoten "to by aatoai^. One# M fata toot or. After too gpoyors wan shot toaaaoto atdoof ThltandTpka-- sasrion of <;Mgr*aa.” DeuglM alee S8 Poem ' • ( ■ 1 help In one direction wltha«it iaitaadtato ehaPga 4n tha- nattante powor. ho con do whbt po 'wanta the powdery anpw for uoo yot. ten Bd.; Jeeeph Oroua 37 GrtBih wost'af NO. 86g, HtolMio Bono' COMm^THMT . 'OOfTTEVSIt X HOORAV-'/' 6WELL 97 Italian elty L. detewt Mdeup In ton* area. HeWUe aoid be expeded another RC; Lsola MitoBmiwor, 24' Wintor Adinom was beaten again..H* w m ■pok* out m a television'interview ao II P ' ’ 1 treating auapleion In another," he aal ba w «i da wbarp irlght” heaidtaMtoi and reported in gaad a.' wnr boflTEP «UN I SAV*rH»IOS ALONa ,BUT MOW'^j SPEECH.'8e - ’ ,88 Japanese Baciauto Bm amHtniy aperalia aa ■nowfpU might put toe alope into S tr Marold Shannon. 17 Oval night. CMIhy UP AFTER l ik b -that- WITH e5AD,MEN?THlG (5 PREPb5T£I^OOS.' iVourA/rri PORE '*DU aald.. V • ■ Ifowepapan to Mb m I Lana: Mrs. iMady* Braneta. HBD oonditien. Sen. Anderson (D -NM ). a Isoder ork • < outcast* , a r r a s r s r But. .ha'^ added, the admlaiatra- leng-nagp plaaidiM. ,and pretaao- dtaMpototod that too toooch did .eonditien for ^upe* A tL OUR W / VCX/KNOW HIM A MILLIONS OP BiaJAD RXL iNO ACRES r'NEOOTlATEj 88 Thick dark. a , T V anew, foiled .to ppt' o damper 1. Bbokville; Bskal.X. Buekland, - Bpoyaf, 4d, WM a gmiratator to tho nortbarn-waatarn group toPt ' /ru.KAPU^E TVHUT , LITTLE- IN AMERICA, AND POUR STRONG 60 MOMi, nrf tion would “ flrot et all saake ably haa plana drawn far asaat aan- not offar a rfnd|y' (0 too I«raoH- ■V EVCMIM'/ WliV, MAPPENBP TOO THOuGh.VOO liquid ttnganeiaa; It ta gtoauatad Mat an the town's 4ca skating p r o g i^ 433 Kaanay B t; John .B. W right taotar in n ptaohoo faotoiyJn noar- aought the rulPa chanffA said Bat- rr MEEDS ME/i LlTERALt-V PENNED IN TMl6 6QOV* r unmlatakably claar that It la the Arab pnplom. Biit May waleamed by WamiHford.-He And bis wife. uriMy night th* biparttakA ooatl- 7HRT FOUL.TRICKV:' TO ••W MAM A bawlin’ w Ali^in o ■ OU6MTA i ■ ' [ ■ . ■ / 1 7 ; 80 Hollow- plana ta aarar poatabta aparattaaa as Park /Dtoortmsnt officials an- RBD 3, Oeventry; Mra. Betty Mar­ SNEAKIN’— WrTHOUPr ,.,Okn-NOw TiNV ROOM.'I— VWV ? — SBCAuSe, policy or the united Stataa, de­ too otep so an untrasto'bd tha lin nnd daughter. Coventry; Mrs. 48, lived in Moridon. tion hM not, griran up,to* fight. A CcSuNTRy*/] INTO'A DRAW OP A atemmed i r ■- ' fj clared by tbe Cbagreee ead the wader tha raataattan ara t'eaflabla. trntted itatoa m too MiddA Baot.'^ nauneed iha Center Springe Annas ikWTHSM/ \NE CCIN6E 6EFC?RE TI©ER'6> TREATY' - grasa < and- Charter Oak . Park pkottag Virginia BtoekaL 77 Bbulder. Rd.; Their 18-year-eld eon is a student O b i t u a r j V Andamon said the coalition will APCOMED.DICTATOR^.'—, Preeideht, to eooparato with the ~ eetont. jUBarieen IP. B n ta ,'w h a n % ’proHtovioc at 'New Bngtand OHwertotory Of tsnknrk an a “piacaniaal” attack on D 6 N '.'/ ■RUUN6001 “ Let-me put ■ft thia way—athe picture and a bag of pop­ I I Garden ** ' • «9 f 1 p. U flrtpawar In tha MIddta Beet al- arias won beiag,’ eianred. and Ml*. Bmma Doyla. 348 B. MidMo tHE h o u r CIO •STBllC€:POG \ Implement 7 nations of the Middle Kaat to oMo m ta to pawar. affletal goartem T^ka.; Mehard Qutoteh, 333 Waed- Muste 4n Btoton too ;unllmit*d dObata rule. Ha said FREtDaM LUMPS.ON corn don't hold k candle tp the book ahd-a oeanut butter maintalh their independence." ra a # liea b a lit ufL aadar plana pat O i ^ too toctotoa a ."farmal dec- wautd be apesi today from t:8B tHE . *p.m. to/10. hridg* B t; Mra. Dorothy MiehauA The State BoUe* Bpeotat'Berviea n* 'SAHotad tha.iftaw drive "hM an ■iR, « AT / eandw lch!” Ha noted that the United m i« v n tc wMiiMi w i f i t jhma* lanttan af Oald w o r " A apakec- I^EAD.' atartod dralttag hit r'uun t And work ia being dipa ta put p Norman St.; Mr*. Pstronal* aqua A whoN sMmbeniqv*otig|itod SKOSlisnt cbancA to succaas.'’ HAND.' Btatea would coMinit Ita braops man aaid the Mtddiailtoot daaa net Bmaxuskas. 88 North B t; MM. tha New Hritain and Haot.NaiCtond D m a I m AS Andsraon explained it, the only on the invitation ef a daiien t o ------want toba totairad to too otnigf** Oehtar Springs Pond toto ahapa '■ ® Gicl Of Letters BY AL VERMEER fo r’ ahafing YaihasTow. MOMjlyn Bricsen, 3 Oartor B t; Ouy atayingi. act up hoadqaniksn -to troup will offer a resolution do^ PRISCILLA’S POP under attack. And he emphaaiaed botwoea Moat and W eat Tangarane, 38 Harvard Rd. Nari*rH*v*n’,r tiny to^'haR tor daring udearistitutional that port that aiiy U.S: uae oT feree wbaM PaUtUal etrcloa to m g . wtoeh ta Only eae peraen waa injurad In ,^ V iaA>I ^AT LEASt] ITU AT SMOWS tha flta aeddepta, butrtosy took a DIBCHARGBD ■ TBBTBRDa Y: thta’ nOw inveetifa'tion. to~tho rulaa, wMeh bars Sny mnl- be cesuonant 'witb the aetinwi and augaod With tho Woat to too Bagh- Mrs. Starr Lutswr, 708 MUn ’ Bt;: Town Poll re w e ir Leno T. Bor- M r* AJiMifmiosK JeefiaK .88, to tatian to ’dabata on changes in the SME <3lV£S SM S ISI S N ’'f * rccemmandationa eC the United Baot thought tko doctcin'e ten to pri^rC y damage. .►YOU A N SO"SMAIM A R T R o c k v i l l e Mtad Jana Braabam. BU Main B t; ataro totorruptoA * BTorMa vaea- 88- tmhnwood firota. dtod .at ifiiin- roleri 'HU* ’ia in Mna With an opin- Nations. U t o toaeh toO -diaaaao to too Trsntad At HeapHnl Lebta Miliar, Tipuiel ltd., Teenon: 'A * PCX? J^ERSELF... Dulles said any use - of armad I ’ondhib antirs dl riMstor Mwaoriai Haspiitai yoitor- ian axprqsaad by Vic* Prarident lE F P O I^T .' MMdta Miat Without trytog.to find A 4i-year-old 'Iterttogton man Leonard Pirrott 33 Blowar ft.; Outamonsd to duty. Ninan 'during Briday’a eoiialdera- force attuld be subjiset to the UJT. C i t y C d ^ tho eauao. , was tin ted onrly last night at Mrs. Sarah ConnoUy, 18 SuMMhit H*M ftr.Canytag Mn Pay. oRpareiitly toe. vta«|sa. 'ef.pato- ‘tinn to toa original rutao change charter article reeognieing the "in­ iin p irt bp Tatopr Maochestar Momarial Koototal for B t; Jahn ROmanowlex; 23 T flia ^ eatag by a oataitoi f tasatolfida. / herent right of coUeettm aetf-de-f abrBaiOMr of the left leg aufterad in In Anoenla.'’ pOMpa repottod ta* pmpaaat.' - a HATO and Baghdad atm< S t: Patrieta Hubbard,. 88 Oam- •rraot o f H*riy., MeOuwi. 33.^ Mow ' MMiw aad Sir. SUbaK R. XssMy, ' -Andpraon - aaid this section "ia fenae if nn armed attack ocean,''' Bast pMtobor. gave too toaia its a tocar etPahh at K. MlMddle Tpke. bridga S t; Patrieta Biano Rockeiita, Jan. T (Bpaatan— and Iwka Bt Un. ;Haven, oh a.charg*. Of .cairykig « laaditat Aatataaor, a n , twvaaHgtt- tad moot vulnerable point to the but providing ^tbat tbe authority irt to toa- Middle and eon, RBD 2, Andover; Sam­ Benkto nUan,” adding: " t f our and responsibility xOf the U.N. Be- ■Bm taan- i gailty in City Kdward O. Magyar was taken to eeneootod weopen oftor a J3 eoM- rtB- I..' < Vli Agaan ■ Maatohu uel A . Btormiaen, RBD 2, Man- her .rovotvor w m fpfipd A* bta Toaejbtien i* aMbevaA it would eurity Council eoatlnue. Oaort thta toandag af drtotag ,the hooplU l'nftor hotag injurod KOaitay aaid an autopsy ap> while undpr thh lM i wee af la- eheotar; Mr*. ROsamariO Hall aiid parked M r early today. ^ ' prim 'to'''**a firfi. toa 'TtaMto'thdt elpor to*' way for other changes to Dugoa told tha. comRsittoo the "Ono fact, that tha bOddla BaRtl J ? * " T*o htt in toa rear son. Btorrs; M n, MOreta XaUr and bO'-ntalA” ' ' geegraphi^ area to bteNaerrad by tontaarting "Mgaarp w an Anad IlG t ...... by anotoer vtolelA drlvOn by Bupernuaserary PoMeptaan Tbe*- SiM. jardan.dtad DPtaAtta.btaseti- aato by»y Aidga Franata T . eonugh- wm nat ba abandenad to Ha fata fon. 238 Partor S t; Jonopk Novak 4«ir* A ii^ e * spotted toe^Woopen ridd.THsM.sampianbava^bm sent Prssidant Htoenhowor’s ndminls- - ’*C the BXaeaihewwr plan had tm**. de­ ta ctatiiy undaratoad. Paata and Brank w . Bahlohofar, 17. Chaplin. Jr„ RBD X Andover; Bbr*.' Jean J C»IWyiRTVVEAIjM» TOO SOON r euaaien e f it. He aaid be wouM be Oyrit J. rerb n . At, Balt Itaad. Behlahafer werO traveling east .on Itt.; JUtoxyn Qntan, 1 3 ^ Oraan- in^^lto sMd. Wapping, reealTad. the Bna aa a toe turnpike and Magyar alowed brought to AiuNnia PMta* bead- . Jordan, h rm ii^ to tho hao- Mta to* second aearion to the last V happy to tell committee membire wood Dr.; Paula Diekenion. RBD quarter* for fiitptientaf ” in conindenee erhat eountpiaa werO raault ef a tbiaa-aer aaeldant Dae. when an umdentiBed car pfaCading 3. Cavantry; Mr*. M/arguarito RieO ■ntitaday .by. bee .butaanA A L L E Y O O P B U s t: B Y V . '1. «£ l i n L'7_ 1G an'Kauta M near, the Mnncbee- Wa Mgnalad f i r a left tnm into ttaok Offieor 9ne Wtanari said Sepaid. ^Fonian' w as traatto i n ^ Thta year.. to* administration Included ’and -whnt erara i*ot. 'Bat and son, 33 W. Gardner S t; Mm. bill s ilr o ^ ta bafor* tot Judiciary he said thia informatioB ahouM be tdif tewp Una. Fonr Suffer Hiirt« Lake it . SchItaMfar, foUoWlng be-' MoOuon told poHo* h4 was Am n r .1 nai,: V/ m pEfcNELY 'WBU.n o ,. COTTON WOODS ______A Y GOTTO AWaan Mbiitor. RBD 3. Andaver; otorintttaa. Xastinir introduced one kept eecret lest the Communist* Ihrbae reparUdly drew up be­ hind Magyar, elammad on kia Mrs.‘Jan* WMtehar and dauihtar, j^ yod at Pratt a^d Wbitway's I^Sy’bsfsm^l'pAA^y^^ -fM 8EGINMIN8 , tbOMXl ABUTTHBJ ' FEOAS-OONT COONT ' LbAWE TH' SCORIN' TO US, HE'D BETTER w MCH hind Pnothar vehicle at a high n ta Skating, Sledding hrakaa. but akiddsd into tha mar North Haven 'bcMtah. tlw flki w m prpeltaaUy idantienl with tbs 4- CrvA«ECKON\lO VM0NO6R SV6R s a :. I MEN THO’- OUT - CAUSE X get.the idea thay could aafely take Burnham S t; Mrs. Arian* BroWn. ■day- ON’ME W MANY POINTS COTTON... ALL YOU GOTTA DO , ever a country not included. of apeod, atruck it and baunced o f Magyar's ear. Beth vehicle* H83 TOUand Tpke.; Waatay MDas turned ovto M Btats 'Balu* wlw.. ' Dr^Xaanay said oho bad boaatm- peint I8M mpasurA It provides for WE'IX* EVER \ IF I WANT BUCKFOpr ] BIG NZE AGAINST THOSE WILDCATS IS GUARD THEIR BIG .STAR. B * ^ COURT MAN WHO CAN I TH' DANGER ware extensively damaged. pMica took it to Hartfotil far study by a 4*r tlta.car* to a.p8yaMatrisL an ihvaatigatiag eommisrion. a . .HITFHOM W OUTSIDE.. .'/ iS THAT IM JUST The way to keep peace in the aotoiid the toad ta strike another Baur skating ,and on* etaddtog Jr„ 33 Trabba Dr. •,n^ vT3och UP w nk V ’TO. PWNTCf jNCn.TpO .TONIGHT/a . HAVEN'T TOUCHED ’A - •TREE-TOP* TOWER h vehicle. Freeecutor Marry BL’lsigg said. Magyar mas ralaaaid fidto tk'e bontaties ei9 *rt. Mra Jordan was b**n to N*w a r i l lUghts division in th* Justice ©ANT? WOW/ / c a V o N / BASKETEULLSINCE LAST SEASON,SOX Middle iSast, he aaid. ia to make It aoaident rietimo woco tnoted yes­ ' DIBCHARGBD TODAY:' Dun- aaid Borbaa ■ tomawntad to aae ef hoapital after treitmant. ean Jkekus. 8 f Craatwood Dr.; McOuen dentad having-'any Havta,'>ab. 6, m r. Ibw w m a dapartmsnt, authority fo r tb* at­ YKNOW, ^DOUBf If^TCAN EVEN^ilT TM'DAC-KBOARP clear "that armed Oommuniat nt- terday at MancheotOr Memorial knowiedge to to* North ,Mav*a torney gwidMl to go into fadoral lack wtiuld have to be met if head the other driven. "lan’t this fun* Moopltal. . . Behtahofar was g^vm a wrlttan Martha Jan* Bturtsvant RBD 3, ntariibSr to. Otator Coagr.egattaM i . and ^Tpnn erriTiil .ef a atatp paUee- warning for -faihire te keep a MBnehettor; Diane Kealevleh. ritaeting whU* bring quaittaaod. courta with civil suiU supporting be. by the armed ferees * Two e f th* jtadiilred were loeal praper lookout. In ^ i c * courts tbie, pam lng, to* right to vrita, snd for ths gov-< United Btatea." - e man greeted wItK aXwarm h'end- and toraa fmm out o f town. RBD i. West Willington; Leon HMidw lu r bupbaM. sM taavae •hake. Bobrtaty teats given by a ' DOnhta Tendritlo, S.' sen of Mr. ^BhacUy : a ^ ttoO, Am. taday. Baeanro. 7 1 A Adams B t . H en an’s oos* waa continued uam a, son. Donald J, Jaedan Jr.i. a sriunent to proceed against private lay would make doubta gibw, Mtiaana M w ril aP pubUc effidaU tho Bom tary eaM. and ko jtold the doctor ehodred the' aleehoUe con­ and Mrs. Paaqual* Tandrillo of 821 Bit# Alarm. Box 4A at Main and Jail. 16 *nir)ta"w M plaead undar daughter.' Lucy Anna' Jaodan; bar bond of $38,880 by Ji|dg* Xmita paronts, Mr. .and ,Mta. Doaald .D. vrita violate other*’ a r il Righta. legii m. some of whom' have •O'< tent at Ma biood.te be .tt pm aent ftokWnd B t auBarad a cut thigh Paari Bt wao knocked down by a •r-s^-’ K' a i ^ o f bta. brenCk .M per cent. panel i.tmek which waq; poUiiig BUverotoin. , , • * . v " ^nsoK to WbttaiPlatoa V. ?*■'' . a^cern - with the igtombB' when h* fell akaltog. Paul Tracy, nature \bf. the fight-im ecuipty Bbn ee pleaded guilty. 3A Martfard, suBired a cut which from too curb after ita oporater, MPOqtn was'riiargod sptatileally and two brotbsM, Arthur. WUlem ' authbrit; by the ' Andrew O; Jahndrow, 4l£ VH raauirqd Bra sttttoea to elooa. when Bonald L, Piorct,' 33. M a^eid . Coiirt Gises carrying a weapon in a motor, to ItilminBton. Dal.,, and- DwtaM "The of the propoeed i High Bt„ aloo. Bnad IIB I an Uta ho foil on tha ise. dsappad oB sevoral bondlaa ef el* without a 'pormit. WillMK to Bt- LadtA N A Potiee Arrests reaoluUqfi war. It ia peace, sanw eharga bad bean atraped Mettoda Baoao. 8. daughter ^af Howard Gffliiod JFrivato funoral serricss will b* j Mr. and M ra. Itehart. Basse, 88 told poKes ho Waa' pulling Anthony-DaOarii. 18, ’ HUintoh. Qo.romof Rihiaeff aetiag at tba hold’At toa Watkins-Waet Bunoral "Sr' The puipdM na in ' other a policeman an Weat Mnin S t away toa curb whifi tho roar TV # tWt.to bw. TAt fcg Bt. Fw W f« y/hare the Preaident and the Cen- when he failed to ataw dawn and Momlack Bt., fcaeturad her wrist fngn Whs plaadad guilty in TtonTOBurt roquost to itata ’s A tty; Abrtbato Rtan*. HuftaNwlH b* in Host C!*m- Albart J. Ogron. 30 ef -SA lb ^ c • A *' • and af the. truck aiid into th i alarm tMe morning to Ihreoiiy * f gaods in B. unman to New tCavea Ohuitty story. tb a r o wlU bo m calttag BOOTS AND tiE g BUDDIES ^ gmw have \icted together to op- puK oroMid dh abatrnction in the in a akattog mtahM H. PSM orraated Baturday night H u rgy C all ■ B y : e 6 g a r , m ^ t i n Albart B o ^ . KPD. Wapping, axeato Of m , WM.oentanead to sixf today autharised a aeaximum tti- kaiucs. Slid charged .'4th tatokicatlon and BY ROY CRANE poeo Intimotional eommtutlem, U road at the. poUoaaun'a ginetlon. cw vJ t toORB B U 2 S A W Y E R ouBirad a l-toeh cut On hi* laft, BMBD OMof' I f. OMford Mason manths In Jail, to ho ouspendtd af­ 800 reward for infstmation leading ki Mau t o . fiowam, friend* are btritak t o peacA’ Gibor .pelie* In- )60 to stop WorU War before it Johndrow’a nhM a struck a Bare oaM tha hot was. MCttostvaly' dam- 'WMWTL9 and the pahetapow said he blew hip lag whan he wao slaalied by an- ter 88 days- No was plated on t* "to* nrreat nnd cen.viettaa" to invltad to dsnata to to* Doaesns' vonUgPtod'ta :ton ta «ic' disput* at ■ 'VSfe.'E HCU Mr VMS OPT^eX- N ndti. Moore, « « HUSBAND'S FLYING THAT ROCKET' starta-^’ ogBl on# is Out o f Mtamtaqten. ii* probatten tor two yeOiu, T Ii* east th* North Haven WUerii. fund at OsntSr.Cbureh., COULD 1 please Adm. Arthur Radford, chairman wMatle MvonI timio before John- a t ^ akata.y his hem*. ' .B O T W >60 v c m PLANE THIS MORNING. I JUST CAN'T Dawn LadA t- daughter of Mr; siM bta daportmant win rhpi'-o u d bOen continued from Decj 18 Hita brought t* 618,838 the re­ <,>i30«bYWi«Tm» UAVE'PEPPER SIT AT HOME AND W»IT TILL ITS OVER. Af the Joint Chirfa of Staff, waa on draw atpppod; Raiph G, Brown, 48, 414 Patker t'lR 60S. 160 e*iOmi «l6M iE T»60 and Mra. toam * Ladd, Batten, Ms fhu alarm "aa . mu as poe- for pre-aentoneo. ..invaotlgation by ward money that .Km bSen posted Mt*. at'. WM ArtOetod an6'.charged with • l o c o w o m r WITH van for I'VE GOT TO GET OUT/ -hand with Dullek to back up the A blood teat an JPhndrow I KNOW waa cut wiHia bladding. olbia.” ' Piwbectlw OMoor H o n i y l ^ w ^ . in eennoetion with th* veuisuf s a T A -33 tntrictaattan at Jl:3".p.m. Baturday 'THTtOOQM iMYVl W 0 »6V . J I'VE .SOT TO DO adminiitration't prpaentatioh e f its showed .31 par cent aleohBHe DeCarii and a eompimtan, David Iff* . R ***' R. P H Knew it' JUST HOW AH Bv* warn tcaatod at to* hoe- Car'BoBo.-Hewn. hold-up. murder*. Bpring St, widaw ef aaid rrioased under |33 bond. vn SaviFTHlNA* east for authotii; to use U.B. j tenu. Me woe eleo feund guilty of pttal and dieeharged. Adotard J. UaDuc. 42, Obmpbell B.. Meyer. If, RqekviBB, admitted THEYARt YOU FEEL, forces against any sed Commu- apamifiag a motdr vehielo withido: "Tbeee are barrlbl*, doatbs and PaMn- died yaotorday at tiiA MM * Nereid A. Woeber, 18, Bloom- Av#„'ToniOfi. aocapad-bijury about taking two biM . tubas and rim* cause for alarm," Gov. Rtbiaoft waa ebargod Baturday night THKIN9IT . HONEY. . nlst aggr^Ton ih the Iddio Boot, .foetivo brtkoo and Bnad 318 aa car in a lot juM op r i chastor k^emorial Mappttol .Aftto a UPASAIN.'J ■ ^ " t b O t count. 8:48>m . yaotorday wtian hta ear _ said today, in eoainuatingsB tb* lan gillness. - with operating a motor mhicl* —T b s admlBlstratioa Fmnu Ml it.. Jurt Mitt i Ai kilMsgs. ebngrosa to authorise a\blg' - Ctaronc* Pangurn Jr., lA 1GB Ov#tllW6M iD ‘ Aid Atowto H' 0 CAM>WAI tri#d I^c* Been in Bim ic a she'had Hv*d ki witb dtoeetiva equipinan’ mx! fbU- mlliury and oconoml*anomie \aupp6ft\aupi Pmapact Bt., ptoodad hot guilty ta P ^ Iic Reebrdis \ “O ur. eompatant btats PaHe* Menohastoc far 33 .yaan^Aermsrty ur* to edrry hta oftarhter’slieenee 80 Baqt wotiona operating k motor yahlela wMl* Btops." toa Governor added, "ta Ipi-NarMerA - and auto ragtatratlon- He w m program, far MlddlO CW* M toTkytono* post*. wanting to stmngtboh^en toii^lvaa hia Hcanto waa undir euapaneiaii. WMlUkOM probation for ano yaar. dotag evarytolng. poasiMa to' ap- „ ULvas ■ft'vs, daughters, M rA Stpfqwd on Broad.8t - No arrosto w m ssade, And the car ptrabaniA toaaa wbp am gnUly.'^ • x' agatoit tk* toreat of eemmmtoto-t ,.... . D otietiv* 'BgL Qeorgt Trapp taatt- 'Pater Pella ir.; and Jbbn Paila, Delbert A. Reynolds. 44, of 388 Wiffism M. McHcidA frith whom Richard Orvwlen, 38, Warehouse DuUes said tha PreaMant’a ' Ba« ha itappad Paijgurn far drte- Brw ta lUy M. WMto and jHixa- WM akaady movbd Jta«b onto lha Aytumn St, WM feund guilty of With riip aim to euttfiig down ah*. Mt*(A MrA eUnton Hickerqen Point w m srrosted early Baturday ram recognlaa* there arc otiMr tog. w ito 'a natay muBlor. PaHe* batb M. WMto. peeper^ « t Adwall toratolw the drtoar Whan pobe* aY^ -gorin g a Motor vehicle while M patMttal hoMupe. 16 p aries to WSonssriist X. I „ Mna WiUtani nigbt and chargjed wfth dtaragtrd- uigara to the reatipas and largely and motor vfbteta deporttnant roe- rived. Obmatc to the vsMel* atom ownoriv^ln Hast Itartfard MetAn 'and Mm George-^WowtandlJag o traffic stgRpTAt Center and f and XacMy Sto. i osttmotsd at about 3188. . lar the intueaee o f intoxteattng underdeveloped area* haatdea the ordo ehowod Mta lIcaM* was updor Peter Pella.Br., Jahn PaUa Br. liquor. He was also presented ne a have voted to cUm toolr atom* to BpartforA nnd Mrs. OUvar Ray-l Hroad Bta poseibillty ef an armed eommuniai ■uattanstan. Tita motar vahMa de- A. wire foneoAt Robertson tork eeeand offender and was aon- earMer eVanihge. . nOlds to Mariden: a sistsr. Mft- M - AM f ^ are riatod For court her* J E F F COBB and M otr ^sita. to Hknabotb B Y p e t e r H O F F M A N coup. partmant said it had aent a regta- Mayor, ptuporty to Kamey ft : WM knookod down in A skidding tenced te 88 days in Jail an th* LotH* Abraniam o f Hartford, Win Otondler to D e ^ Riveir; l l Jan. I l l ' \ , MICKEY FINff BY LAi^K LEONARD “Tliere is th* poaeibiHty of aub- tprad tatter to Bangum and. It waa Istwitoea B. Btano anl'Rosb D oeridont or Bdwerd St- about 8 first eount and 88 days on th* see- prtrid*nt.*f th* Osnnaetieut Pack^ grnndehUdraA aaid eight great John|J. LoweniUl, 13, Pitta- 0KM4 BEN, YOU KNOW m nad mariiad *lr*fua*d.” Pan'; p.ta. yastmday. poHo* spid. Noel ago Stem Ownarit Asaectatisn. BUT IF THIS IS YEP...THIS. WEBKSI NEVER BEEN IN vtraten, a danger which is to- Btan* to Broderick gL Gerber Jr^ end count. Both lentone** Ar* te graridehildrsn. burgh, n . , WM eh m ad yMtarday BODY IN THE so YOU SEE/CLANCY. emaiid If there he a senaa ef In­ taatIBM ha had net haan nptt- It Tilt, 27. of to Unien Oburt be served concurrentlj’ . . end owner of a sterA said to* m*v* Bunanl serrices vriH be hrid mbrnmg with ffilhlTo to drive right HOW AaoijT / ANOTHER WHITE OEVt’S ‘ a E WASAMOl I HAVEHT ANY CHOICE* property at 18 .Oerter St. BACK UN0ER6R0UND security,” he snid. • • f th* suapwtaien and Mtaw Atbort M. DeBranso and, Gina aaid he WM apBraaeking tba curve Judge Weriay C. G ^k found WM pmmptad by a rarii to kaldupo Wadnaeday marning at 8ta8 at the and with’ MiMiag on the right by yOU'RE GOINC TO TRY THINK TOO'lL. > AMP THERE WERE 255 Dulles said there is a dnngor noUttog ot the mCuoalMeal oOf f tonto* TM- on Bdward ttl when be-spotted an and killings in OMuioetteut. TOURIST ATTRAC’ TO GET MOONEY AMOTHBt UNDERSTANP.aANCr M. DaBranaO to AtaM P. Jarvis Alexander J. Denneno. innocent to w!,P. .GulPh . Bunaral Mhma. 338 ■ thta Ponce. Lowantbal w m FOR ME, TIONS...MIGHT that economic condition* Y ^ Id . be tatotod Mttor Ho aald bo tbaught unidaotiftad tor'-ooering in the e ^ fdllawiiig to* riosely nftSr.Denneno Main Bt, followed by a aottmn re- atoppOd 8n th* Wilbut' Cyoas Park- JEFF? J08, AFTER ALLTOH.PHIL pool adtao IM- and JoiapMnq I. Jarvia proerty at peoite directiofi. Taft aaid he I X PROVE NTERESTMO/ -T WHAT'A THE MATTER "such ao to make communism tt mint have 0 11 Benwiek RA satisfactorily ehplatned tha eireum- qulpta Mass in Bt'Jamaa’ Church at vitay. M pdiPted a |38 bond, for ap- ■earn an' attractive choice.” tor. • thought the other ear w m not go- staneas to hi* ease. 18 o'cloek. Burial'vrili ba in S t Je- paariweo In eourtber* Jan. 18. Judga, O'Loughlln tound him nat J8bA M. Muldaan; Harrtat Rlriay, Any program te he adequate, he ■iM boto Gagnan. and 'Vtaiat Hen- ing; to otoy, and whan Taft appUod Dannsns,.^; traveling north an About To\m aeph'a Csm*tSry,,Poquiiiw8k. li said, must be prepared to meat gutity. NB adriaad Mm hawaver M t Ms brake*; tho ear okiadod across Oakland Bt- Approanhod and atart- - TriondP 'may can at tod funtral military action, aubvertion/or eeo^ to drive uaMI M* susponsian waa way to Robert MuidMn 'and Um - th# streot into the fmM. Only trie* L. Muldood, propertyAt 18(L cd te pass a truck driven by Ray­ Tb* January meatlng to th* *n- hem ofirsm 7 to 18 a'eiaak tonifiht nemie instability "and'any eom- minor damage rooultodrand A* ar- mond Downing, 83, to CromwaiL and tampnow front 3 to ■ and 7 to lu vitation ptontion of tham.” _ Walter Btafwk. 84. 18 ^ p a le IBt Htdrldfo St. mats wars nude.- •cutiv* beard of th* Manthaptar Jebn MuMooii. Harriet Malay, Just . aa Dtnnane w u passiRg,' Lihgue to Wernsn Vatara will be 18 p.nil' ' X . ' He tostiBM tho danger "eannot S t. pleaded not guUty to braanhing Pbliee .re^rted *• miner ride- Downing turned left into the drive­ t o B i d d e r s be 'mct nitder present' conditiona th* peace. ToeUihony by bta wlfO HMaabato Qngnon aad Violet hrid tonight Pt too home « f the way to Wtniam Muldaon aad swiping* accident at Main and wayleading t* B t Bridget's.Canie- "\.M ta '*MPr KoriHa'. unices we. make clear noW, in rala- inditoted the eeuple bad qnamiod MIddta TtekA about 4 p.m. Al- prpaidant to th* LMguA Mr*. Joe- fiaaiad proposals, fo r pointing fien to the MiMIe Bast, what we on Dec. 3 an bta altadgod drinking. HHto.khiMoon. property at 188- ttoy, nhd Dennema’if ear hit th* que* 3baw, IM A veiy St. at I MnP. Haifa Mary Jihiiaan Nav- i U HMridga Bt, hona* Rbals, 48, to 74'Ws*dland tritak. . ■;■ • ■ o'cteck. antocier light ataadaril. on the have already made clear in relattan Sb* anid bo picked wf o.palr at St. Mid h* y/M .etapi^ .an Main lUe- fiif* to fa te r Nenrita, Ansohta, grounds to to* Manchostar High te so many areas; namely, that eetaaors aad ah* acreamad. Hor aan Hartod O. D- Ggron and Wlni-' Hugb^-J; Pagvii, 38. Thompson- ito iito ly to Kpjichi'Ator. diad tata trod Ogron to Town of Monchas- B t waiting tor the tratffe Hght ta rillA rinod 313 far apest o g. iritari’ far too Town ot Mbnebas- armed' Communist. attaok wniild by a foisner marriage. awakanOd by turn green, when a cal' driven by DplegatioM e f inembem of both laturdhy afteinoon at.'Nar bota*. tar, ConnaOticdt In aceonlance have to be met, if need be, by the her sereama. antored tbe room and tor, property an B. Middio ^ k * . N* 'WM arrsstad during n radar tho fiouto and. North Methodist Bofp in Idaiuhantor, .a daughter John N. /fardnar and BtoUa C. Anna L. Amiros* of 33 W. Mid­ cheek on fiummit I t on Doe. 31. vrith to* spOeiflcation prepared armed force of the United State*.. aepnntad tba. foupt*. dle Tpke. pulled alongside hiq ear Oiorehe* Inst .night travelod to of the tats' Clara Otaon and John CAPTAIN EASY Take A 'W a lk FgEC&LES AND HIS FRIENDS No Sefviee^ Oardnor, praparty an- Durkin Bt. WilMam H. NodMlI. SO. Pitts­ Groton to attend th* ergMtantiqn by Kbbots, Brld .4 Proatico, AreM'- BY LESLIE TURNER BY MERRILL BLOSSER only thus can w* adequately serve He teatiribd b* did nat sea any on til* Ito.t Just minor paint dnm- JohhsoA. She vraa ■» eommuniaant tecta,' w illb e received on or before LADVj.*a r. .Shay BuMraL hta'bid, eecurity in the amount of Kconomieally, he aaid. tK* entir* war* travuHng at Meads a f 48 to ftatotng Be ' m eholM . Biore, 84 Hreh B t; a*H B t, WM flnad 313 for paarihg kowc, 76 ’K' CUtf fit, A M ^ . fra* world would be invelVod if 48 lAllaa per,baur, Keoney pieaSed Regor X. Mtrgaa and Lri* T. an a bill. Buiisst Osunsir, NoxMl. Degree o f triiAFY eoht (18% ) of hta bid in Morgan to .Andrew Rartusati and Adrito GagMa, ilO RMridgq Bt; WqdwNktar a.- 3fid *jn., fOUowed toa form ^ A certified check or th* Soviets controUed th* Middle Pater Aceenault. Osvsntry;' Mrs. ' B dny Uristar. M, Of no eartaia Pocohsntap. ta. .paaeo)tag toe oard by ' a petamh high 'Maso ''in ’ th* Bast Htata M Oilv*, prqporty *■ Hill- addraw, w m sontancod to 36'days party pMSdulol fo r toiMgbt iii ’Tin­ hid bend frhm 'a surety company ‘ ^'Ifitriiard Mt. Bwina. 48, Bequoi- lord Bt. terothy M ^ggto; RTD, Andover; ^ur^h to toe Aaa'jugtloh, Aapo- dittoaitaed t* do buslnaas In Ui* In a p f stag* apparently designed neek, pleaded not*'ebatondr* t* b Goetgq GUlta.. BMt Xartfetd; Ml top eaunty Jail far iatsKisattan. ker Noli beeaiua of tk* Griithw. nia at 6 e'etackl Interment vritl be to press th* administratien argfi- Vlotar iX OqUiecMo and Jean- Ma WM amatad ypstarday aftor- ttakt* of Couabctleut No hid may >• , Bpeeding tobrge tadgad agatoal eti* P. OamecMo to Aagalino Bk-, Georgs. Olds. 18 Lseust Bt.; Diane in to* tamUVpujt'in M t Bt. Pefar^i ba withdrawn for a period of Qiir- s«r»MN«,Tjis aw. B-KSM.au. mant that BtaenhoWar** progfam him an Dae. 3l whM bA stiwak a ifaon. A divtoco wa* granted ta Sup*- OepMttory'. -Dotky. > .L . MaL proporty at 133. Broad i t KevalsricA RBD I- .Wtot - WIIMiig. -Boditay L. Obta. 33. M*rtford, rtar,'Court. N d r ifi^ oh D4e. 13, t " days After tha epohing of bids. m o r t y m e e k l e H e B W ! BY. DICK CAVALU THE STORY OF MARTRA WAYNB JilL Resigns W ". " ' ;. U not designed to Impoa* outride qtiUty pota bn W. Main it . during Briehda may m M tepaerrew from ' 'The ’Town of Manchester ro- BY WILSON SCRUGGS pollriaa on the nfwly-hidependent a daiw* fog. WM flfi*6 33 for faihiro to eany 1683. to Inoa'Btuitawald Dorn Ml- • to 8 add 7 t T n p.mi. i t ADMimX.’ YHffTHRbAT: AN bis motor ►vaniel* rogistratien. ChMl A. BroaowaU, boto to Mhn- aervas to* right to reject any o r lOirr.^raXNO VOOtCAMCAliflMSfb iPTftAffbTHCwvcjureeC^ DIB m V " — 1— Middle liM tem nations, but rnthtr aat guBtSf- ▼ . i WtotatoAs. to* ' . ' 1*^ AUMr««fTm,iiiAMno Mbttnr S t frod J. Buena, HsstIRartfard; Mrs. Cato. WM th* driver to a truck eheetor, on the grounds' o f intotor- ajt bids :jid to waive Ani Infor- APMANCOeNTWMC INSOPMANllRyMiX) AOAMBAPANPqurF/Ot iV c f lo n o BBTTOBeD ...... to help, them aafeguard their MotMou. K Blaf- Martha -Walker,. West wlMlngton; ' Ntabsr jT ia fT s r iw ^ '.. ‘ tWWli/FroMlINJOBAr ebartabad Jtottaonl aaiLcultiitat in 33 tor wbirii bMkad Into a light fixtur* nbl* eruolty. Mrs, Hnwwwiilti ‘Wto nuilitles in to* biddingtf it ba in HI5F-*>OQWONYLCr rtU'Ncmoc.icDNY ‘ VCttaGEMPTYA^j-’' LEARN Y3 AU B IS H r^ lf’ UOir H Tf 5U8f TO TOUtraFTSHOP/ ;^ p k J. Odytawa admttootrntbr Mtalttie* Dowds, Boltan; igm Rato nsGr tha rallread track* an I f. Drin to* right tie twd her f^ 's r PrivAto rimpral serribaii fqr Ni<>' to* public IntarPst todo ao. MliMCMrAMCAR^ < (Hvidtiali^. Duma;' -iq lf -B oriet j f ^ n F b i Broil, Otater Rd.. Raekrinfir'ICrs. mpr J. UaChhMita 'to .vornon war* MANr-DKANOPnCe Pli3^ Jabn Mutdofin. WiUtam MuMo m . Ih-ry; Dwitot Berry. 78Tbim*f B t; Beuatare 4*d*y tk* mam 888 Ml-- sparifil businesB meeting ta bring dd toP eontract’price, l oyorlag top paan aaUlHte. wuidd lo ^ p M m - - R to tB W , — BiaabaU Gagnon, Mrs. Muriiff Wsr ior. % . Marion tiohal liidepeiideno* wkteb'toey oar Mea highway pripgman *m t - held a t th*^ request A f members BBBOHH o fV A B im f n u o * faitofut parfbrmanc* e f tho criF” W;ltb tim r * to _ t Vlblot Honwoy. Cr.; IbaniM BbtarA OWuniMb:^ ttM t 4nd tho paymont t f all pqm ■ Ardently desire andvIHlWt nkw /.wa.v, hoff Ms MM taig Gtafig vary inplHy'* and taat whs wsri prdPSht at the regular Manta* OW> 6riK.’''T tiPputlw tat H i^dgo. B t Harbsrt Gehall Jr^. 18 Bomdial* r w Ptawappat d i j $ have do- moating T>krMwr night AR mem­ ' Lb B f*«ta3 |#fi^ sou Mrforml|ig labor on Uw.|traip': they' nr* beginning to akercise to ^'IliffinMt'Mi - Dr.; Leri Tseasli^, 173 Nigh Bti; toU UtaOMEee.'^ • a ‘ I vaisps>* -no lar.T^WMiBi,. M -' ber* qr* urged ta atteaP. bet inider tbia contract ahg’ Pli^'^ Ifi-tgltotb X MaiL Bkntten Lurims, fl to.'John ifi; >«*' H * & wsMiag mstehata t a 2. Ah econoafioAtaariM’:b88toi38 toto- ’ 'H nsSrd RA. .Mrs- AnnO-TedniUMU MJMatbn t o ; ■ wtllf’toia o The principal ooonotalfe a to ll ^ DO|tai;T*0 par* An ‘TbsiAmarUan Lpgton AinriRarr ;v Mr*, Margaret ’Ttduncyk, Wdll* will hrid ita flrat meeting in l l i f f TOWN OB th* Ore* UTotrotaidb and to to p (Mtsi* s»8 Tuba Oft*, M .. Tridi&rUU; torifj, Lmcm « • - , frr- nations offer an bdeguato rn tf toto wqr* Ms* aanBta tt It at i a'elaok ia the Ampri? h€- By 1/ ; ■ - - «• ^3itoJi|H*nd f W t> 3. R o e l^ ilt; -IsMpb T 6 * ItaTo Nome. Mrs. N'anri Pso- ftoto’dlDBnj * ------AubBfiatoAi'totowM itaL. irariBMt d: Ceargd torin pto. p u t- FT- t o b t t a f M ^ '•tariPeo^F'i I ■A *’■ / A- . TV.; - -■rT' • ^ ■■ !■'

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN,- MONDAY, JANUARY ?) '1957 PAGE TEN KANCHESTEB EV ^IN G JIERAU), M ANCHEST^ C0>9*»< MONDAY, JARY 7, 1957 . THE 7 6 - 5 8 Herald Bi ■ .’■ Increase L^d EARL W. YOST Grosses Paths Yalp ^Bowl Signalman, Sports Editor * Bobby Hertz, Succumba Bright Ring Prospect Football Coachihg Jobs o . With KJeckner SUNDAY six inches of Ice covers the'skating With Brooklyn - New' Haven, Jan. 7 (A*)—It' Inclement weather in the form ; area. ,My sons were anxIouAIy you’ve ever g6ne to a footbali May 3e. Fill<^ Shortly of raih greeted these well rested I waiting for me to come home from game In the Yale Bowl, you’ve' Starts \^eok’s Warfare MIXED Do u b l e s - Leading Attack eyes upon ariolng tills a.m. and I work so that we could go skaUng Vice President seen Robert (Bobby) K. Hertz. 'Twa games—Olive and Joe Roa> was glad in th a t‘ I wouldn't, be I and they didn't have to ask me Tliey called him the "Human asked to go for a ride in llie af» twice as I was willing. The ice at Semaphore'* and he wore . a New York, Jan. 7 -ard loss, time out, time In. torium W'ednesday. V largest In many years, the ru- way into thif final round of the rolled a 93’8ingle Vithout a mark. their copies before the magazine Yestenla.v the Offleinl Score- Last-place Springfield defeated ' luors of who will get the jobs kre . *35.000 Los Angeles Open Golf Pros, led by Art tJim b y , reeled with the wind, ami .snow whirling play-by-plav announcer George first-place Providence 2-1 in over­ Folley, a TeXan now living In Rounding out;th’ top ,10 kcgle'rs ai-ound outside I wa.s glad I had appeared on the newsstand. keeper slgnale)! for Bobh.v. . fewest. Mpst of the deals are ex'-1 Tournament. a’fe Fran Crandall 102!i4, Helen off 13 straight points for a 13-4 Ehrllcl). .Dartmouth wpn the game, Bavasi didn’t tike that and said time laat night for the first time Chandler, Arlz.rhas a 27-2-1 record, Robin Hood Deer Kilter no eng." jcn.eiils for The p.m. 70-67. for their fourth straight • lie died at his home. He was 18 of his wins coming on knock­ pected to be rnade here althoup;h | Packed Into a spread of only five -Lichatg 99.22, Olive Rosetto 99.11, lead at the buxxer. When tha ac­ so, adding that Rohinson let down 72. in two years and 23 games. formal announcements will come „troj{e(r %-ere Dickinson and 11 Deersisyer blcif Leonard, Cider Mill Rd-, Bolton, bagged* a Edith Correntl 88.6. Marigrle Heben- tion resumed, Biirr'Carlson .and MONDAY over the UConng in a not-too-cxclt- the reporters who covered the outs. S e t h i's record is 12-8, 'in­ 130-poiind spike-homed bii'ck with a bow gnd arrow on his first ■ The Buffalo Blsons, in fifth, from the ihdltidual Institutions. . , other professionals, and, at stake sfreit 97.20, Mllliri Oliva 96M.26, Shir-: Mel Kleckner carried the offen- Last day of the y^ai- and the ing ga'me although an overtime Dodgers and thc'>New York Giants, pulled out of their six-game losing cluding six kayos. A former Army venture Into the wooda during the recent deer hunUng season. lev Jacobs 90.22 and Ma ilve as the locals ^ moved to a roads wei-e slippery en .route to was required to produce a winner.. to whom ho was ti-aded less than champion, Fclley has won seven In The Miaaouri Valiev Conference was a first,money prise of *7,000 It was a field archer's draam. for most bowmen live a lifetime sry Brown streak by beating the Hershey likely will name tonight or to -; and the prestige of .winning the 06.21. one-sided . 23-7 advantage - This town with new snow covering the De.splte the slippery traveling we a month ago. Bears 4-2. The Bears had won four a row. and flguree to be a threat to W’tthout bringing, home the venison. Leonard, standing "Hkc a Ice of Sunday's storm... Office arrived home in time to watch the SIgnwi Four Years Ago the top contene?rs if he can beat morrow a successpr to Commis-' famed L. A< Open. atatrie" for two hours, made the killing in Westchester County, HER.ALD LEAGUE first 14 minutes told the story, as In a row. aionerA. E. (Artie) Eilera. who re-j Nearest threat to the 29-yeaf- Rudy Heck cimtinues as the No. the -visitors were never able to yl.sitors were Thomas Roger.s, a last seven rounds of the Sugar Ra.v "Believe me." said Robinson, a Celtics Victors the aggressive, Bethea ^ a tn . N.Y. He had never hunted before, even with'Arearma. Leonard .S tale Repte.senr.iitivo fiom Man­ In the other AHL game, Roch­ Urea thla'spring. The top candi-*old leader from Panama City 1 bowler, witjji hi.) 110 average in 33 come closer than 11 pointa the Roblnson-Genc Fullmer boxing former UCLA all-around athlete, ester pulled into a third-place tie is employed ih the Personnel Department of Hamilton Standard, chester. who culled lo p‘ek up hUs bout which saw the latter lift the "I didn’t intend to have things Harold Carter, 22, aggressive, dates reportedly are Don Roasi, o f ; Beach. Fla,, was a seasoned rival, diviilon of United Aircraft Corp. ' games. Traiilng the leader are Joe rest of the wa.v. The acore at the with Cleveland, besting the Bar­ Dallas, football and ■ of' ■ “7 ^ * LaPorge 105.4, Willie Simpson half was 33-19, -ftith ’ Manchestsi- /ticket for the Geld Key Dinner on middleweight crown from the break this way. I signed -with But Two Men heavyweight contender from' U n­ 'J a n .'28 in Hartfoid of the Con­ ons 7-4 alter spotting them a 1-0 flda! who was Air Force 104.1, Walt Lailey 103.20 and Ai moving ahead 67-40 at the end of Sugarnian's head, Look four years ago and it waa I first-period lead. den, N. J., is a 9-5 favorite to ship , officer in Uie 1952 Olvmipica. A. J. Challenging from Just behind in Cefvlnl 100.19. Cbmpletjng the'first three quarters. necticut Sports Wrlter.s, Under- ’n n 'R 'jD A v common knowledge that when 11 hulking Bob Baker of Pittsburgh takei- John Burke al.so placed an decided to retire, I would do. the 1 Are Sidelined Scores Big Goal in a 10-rounder at New York’s (Ike) Tomlinaon. atl.leUc director i 10 are Cleve Ellington 99.24, Biirt Gplfer Doc McKee ha.s a knotty Harry Pldhi'my scored the over­ . at Arkansas SUts: Jonesboro,, apd , «ome of the grMtest ^ Harniln 99.23. Don Friedman 99!'", order for a ducal for the affair basketball play situation on his story for that magazine. Madison Square Garden Friday Giants, I^igney Hoping HtandlBga. and George Mitchell, enjoying time clincher for Springfield Norval Neve, former athleUc Walt Ferguson 98.7 and Bill Mc- W L Pet. mind and called for an answer . . . 'imagine lii.y feeling when I was ST.X.NDINGS night (NBC TV, radio, 10 p.m.,v •both his school vacation and the traced on Dec. 12. The 'coinci- ! which won it.s first over the Reds E ST). . ( rector 'at Wichlti Univer,ll.v and E^ig- Oor.igal 98.7. Manchester ...... 5 0 1.000 Last nlght'.s ftobinson-Fullmer Robinson Retires Eastern DlvlHlon J sutcess to' da'e of his Gi-een Manor deiice was all the more remarkable since their opening game of the Carter, six feet, and 194 pounds,' LaForge '3581 holds the,high Ndi^' B r ita in ...... 5 2 ,714 fight was picked apart by. a trio A pensive Jackie Robinson leans on some .souvenir bats in the w: L .Pet 195'5-56 season. Since that game, The NCAA a 61st convenliort ^ Ryder .Cup star,-.Harr.v basketball team, also checked in because I signetl for a new job - Boston ...... 22 11 .667 has won three straight in a drive opens officially Wednesday. By | Weetman Rob by Will Join Club triple tptal. Keck (152) has the Stratford ...... 6 3 .667 at the dc.sk to report hi.s weekend consisting of Arnie Step.d, Grmand den of his Slaniford. Conn , home Jari.-fi after announcing hi.s rc- Proridcnce had won 20 games and best Single game score and Bill Hartford . 4 3 .571 Wqst. anl yours Truly in a JIaIn St. which clinched my retii-ement at tiremonl from baseball. Late in 1956 he had been Traded to the Philadelphia ...... 19 16 .1M3 toward the top of the contenders', that Ume moat of thg.^work of six | Hungrier Plarers activities. . .New Year's Eve has .about 5 p.m. that da.v, and 10 min­ tied two. ■ list. His record is 21-2-2, Including aUied athleUc organizations wiU i xdd to these the names of the Dalton's TIO single Is the best Holyoke ...... 3 3 .500 rolled Riound again and I put on conversation . . . Geiicral Manager New 'Vork Giant.s by Ihe Brooklyn Dodgers, who biought him into New York ...... 16 17 .485 Oakland,. Oallf., Jan. 7 (Ah--Man-* home mmearby Walnut Creek. "We ,I , osled------by a bowler, averaging un- .429 Dick Marlin, wearing a bright red utes later Bavasi called be and Syracuse ...... 13 18 .419 Lou Jankowski, Pete Conacher 10 kayos. .His defeats -were by hava> )}een completed. The othcr.| go^sUet] hungarler players on the East Harflord .... .„3 4 - ni.\' best shirt and tie for a night the m a jo r league.s as the first Negro ball player in the modci n and Sara Bettio scored for Buffa­ ager Bill Rigney ..aid yesterday his realjy wkm him on our ball club. ' der 93. • Milford ...... 2 3 .400 winter cap, said, v.hcn asked if the told me I was traded. era. If Robin-son keep.s his decision, the Giani-Dodger trade will Western Division Satterfield and Johnny Summer­ groups are the . circuit, Doug Higgina Billv Max- out with my wife at th.- annual '.'I immediatel.v called the*Giant.s lo In the second period to over-: lin; He beat them both In return NeW' ITork Giants will do! every-' and 1 know, he has another good | ------^------— Chicopee .. t ...... 0 4 .000 Khlght-s of ColumbU.s "Dance at the hat waa for hunting,' "No fishing. be voifled. 1 AP Wirepholo). Rochester ...... 19 17 ;528 Coaches Assn., The American-As- well Billy Casper Jr. and Fred : I'm not going to take any chances and aske

V/- 1 ’ V -i -. -Irt-— :''s-

- ■ W J - V' 1 "■A EV:' -'■? >■. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, JANUARY 7. 1957 W' ^ TWTBLVB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,; Mi^CHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, JANUARY t, 1^5^ 'Hoosew For Sale 72 Poultry add StlppUoi 43 Gardcn—Fmrni—-Dairy - 'Wanted-—To Buy 58 RnainaM .SonrtCM Offetfd IS THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! BY FAGALY and SHORTEN Help WaatMl—Male Help Wanted—Male 36 Situitions Waated— BROAD HRlBASTEre Bronse tur- Products .50 NEW FIVE room ranch, with base­ "Vs PlmBle S8 ](eyt;,'fnesh and frozen. Beady any' ment garage and fireplace, at re­ WANTED—Boy’s Shoe Skates, size duced price. FHA and other (Irian; DRIVERS for school buses. 7:30- TOOLMAKERS time, 10-25 lbs. Fresh eggs. 3 or 4.-Reasonable. XH. 9-3633. U ehead ClMSified QSNEIU^:L houae wiring, all klnda. 8:45 . and 3:15-3:30. MI. A N D . . : 30 YEARS varied office experience Schgub^ Turkey Farm.-188 HlUs- APPLES $1 and up; Louis BotU, cial posaibilitieS. Charles Ponti- CilllU FIPi i 3-6388 after 6 p.m. . including correspondence typing 260 Bush Hill Rd. celli. ML 9-9644. ckA j^m i nWZBNBTIPB RIDN9 9-4215. ALL-AROUND METAL. town Hfl. WANTED--Men’s ice akates, size 9. ONtMESrioar ' IN TkiS OPEN AIR JUNK ' SurONCE 7 ^ * 1 -, 'and clerical. Part time Work at MI. 9-0086 Wed. or Thurs., after A^vertittineiit '(^ C a C ‘8 RADIO and T.V. Service. HO^ re TME. WORKERS home dr centrally located. Work­ $14,400—THREE bedroom . ranch. ISl Noitli Main St. Small appU- HEAPf iirHiavouOET.A neither snow' nor. WAREHOUSE MAN wanted for Household Godds 6 p.m. . " CLASSinED ADVT. saaivNO aiMC. CAK with a hEATEB or a Sleet nor mluno Shipping and receiving. Good ing hours pcefqrable 9-3. Write Garage, hot water heat, immacu­ aitcea rejuUred. MI. 3-8517, real- TEMPERATURES Growing concern needs men Box '5(. Herald, Articles For Sale 43 late condition, near bus and shop­ DEPT. HOURS dcnce *- * CHUOSINIE OiO ,N6W OiRlPRrENOf TM working Mndttions, company familiar with standard machine HEATERS. New and used. Wood, ping. Carltoif W. Hutchinl. Ml. nOThinO But- NOT OOiNS re B8 A bothered HER benefits. Apply Goodyear Tire A Rooms Wlthuut Board 59 tools to make a variety of almple EXPBRifBNCED wbmah desires coiil, oil, gas, cook stoves, ovens, 9-5132, 9-4694. 8:15 A. M. to 4:80 P. M. DOORS. OFEN&O, Keya OtUd. dftPE ABbur' CANDIDATE P08 the OEUCATfi hide.' Rubber Co., 180 Goodwin 81., Eaat r o y a l * a n d Smith-Corona port- stove pipe, dampers, stove boards, ine parts. . ■ general housework,' Jive in. Write coptad, vacuum cieanera, irona, tHB asiQt Hartford. BU. 9-3434. abU smd standard typewriters. wicks for all stoves and heaters. 1 PNEUMONIA WASD'^ Dayahift Box H; Herald. ' . AU makes of adding machines PLEASANT; heated room with pri­ $8700 COZY TWO bedroom ranch. COPY CLOSING TIME cu n a ,/« tc ., repaired. Sbeara, THATB PNAuf Beds, mattresses, springs, roll-a- •Five years Old, copper plumbiiig. (Editor's note: Everyone Know* buvea, mowera, etc., put into con- WANTED—Young' reliable man for aokf Or rented. Repair, on aU wsy beds, chest of drawers, vani­ vate bath. Call MI. 3-4033. Clean working conditions, all jnakag, Marlow’s. Excellent condition. Nice trees, of the FBI, but surprisingly FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. dlUdn for coming needa. Braltb. part time work, handy man. Write benefits. ties, trunks, tallies, linoleum rugs, ROOM TO RENT. Inquire State Carlton W. Hutchins. 5n. 9-5132, people know how'It operates, BoBox Z, Herald. MON. THRU FRI. waite. 83 Pearl Street. All ages. ^ D o g »—Bird»*-PetB 41 sale:—88 1-8 % off on 1958-1987 linoleum by the yard. Many items Tailor Shop. 8 Blsaell St. MI. MI..h F4694. guarding national security, track­ wallpiiper. Green Paint and Wall­ too numerous to mention, ^ i s 3-5047, ML 3-7383. ' ing down criminals, protecting 10:30 A. BL GONDiat’S T.V. Service, avaUable EW AND used car salesman. See BIRD, cat and dog supplietj 'Whole­ stock is left over from, Jones $12,500—OFF EAST Center SU Six any time. Antenna conyaralona NEWTON COMPANY paper lat tlje-Green. Open dally 8-9 civil rights. For the first time the et Brunner at Fitzgerald Motors Manchester, Conn. sale and retail. Dally 9 to 8 p.m. p-m. Furniture Store, will be sold for room Cape, aluminum aiding, tile SATURDAY 9 A. M. Pbilco factory auperviaed aervice iii Talcottville'. 5(1. 8-5191. bath, aluminum storm Windows, story Is told in all Its detail by u " j. 5H. 3-5t04 'Tueaday, Thursday, Friday nights less than cost. Come in and con- ROOM FOR RENT, hot water, heat Don Whitehead In his new book, TeL MI. 9-1488. , Vince yourself. 40 Oak St., 2nd and parking. MI. 3-1406. ' . immaculate condition, wooded lot. TOini IXWPBKATION WILL 7 to 9. Porterfield’a Route 5 and FOR ^ALEi—65 gal. drums, in good fTTie FBI Story” (Random House). CLSAN AND paint tboae .guttera YOUNd MAN for light factory WANT A BIGGER'income? Ralph Chapel, South Windsor. JA 8-S391. condRUon, $2.50 each. For further floor, Saturday from 10 a. nr. to 4 Carlton W. Huichlns. MI. 9-5133, U APnEOIATED work. Apply Kaklar Toy Co., 60 Love, General Agent, Connecticut p.m. NEXT TO BATH, twin bedroom, 9-4694. ' The. Manchester Evening Herald now. Avoid coatiy repaifa inter. ooimtio The Herald, begins today a SO-pnrt .serializa­ 5U. 31883. Hilliard St. ^ Mutual Life Insurance Co. haa COCKER 8 PANIEL puppy. Black. phoi^^MI. 3-5121. TV, one or two gentlemen. MI. opening (or a ybung man with Female. Seven weeks.weeks AKC;C regis­reg FRANK’S ANTIQUE SHOP, 420 9-6801 after 6:30 p.m. $13000—Waddell Rd. Three bed­ tion of highlights from this out­ Diol Ml 3-5121 RSPRIOERATION.aalea and aerv­ DESIGN ENGINEER. Several ex: executive ability, g o ^ education tered. Family raised. Stewart, Lake St., ia buying and aelling room Colonial, excellent condition. standing book). ice. Commerdai, houaebold. air pcrienced .men wanted for design and pleasing personality who is 9-0790. LIONEL TRAINS good used furniture and antiquea. OOZY ROOM (or one or two girls $13,600—Hawthorne* -St. Vacant Shortly after midnight on July of neW producta and teat equip­ accustomed to active contact with MI. 9-6580. Hours 9 a.m.-8 p.m. All the prvlleges of home. A few Cape, (our rooms. 23. 1933, a light flashed on the cobditionera, freeiera. A. and W, AND ACCESSORIES feet from everything. CaU MI. Refrigeration CSo. MI. 9-1387,. BU. ment Usual employe benafita. The the public. The position is a per­ MANCHESTER PET Center, 995 FBI's switchboerd, signaling, a call Newton Co., 55 Elm St.,'Manches­ ANTIQUE f u r n it u r e , silver. 9-3329. $16.300—Parker St. Vacant on the special kidnap line — NA- 9-8196, 50. 9-0055. manent one, with opportunity (or Main St. S A H Green stamps.. Famsszs make electric blankets at room Colonial. ter. MI. 3-5104. coat or below. glass, china, and used furniture tional 8-7117 - set up aa part of rapid advancement. Write' stating MI. 9-4273. Frea parking. “ If you boi)ught ■ and sold. Furniture Repair LOST—Black Angora cat. Vldnlty BUYING PAPER; roagaslnea, raga, age. education, businesa exper­ .want ajiet—see us.” Open Mon.,- BUDGET CENTER $19,000—Over North, two-family an Intensive effort lb cut down the Princeton St., Baat Middle acrap-lron and metal. Will pick YOUNG MAN to manage retail Service. MI.. 3-7449. BOARD AND ROOM (or elderly ience, minimum income pequire- Sat. 9-6. Thurs. and Fri., 9-9. 91 Center St., MI. 3-4164 lady, first floor. MI. 9-6656. duplex with grocery store. alarming increase in kldnaplngs or Parker St..~ Anawera ■ to ■ the ■■ ) name up any time. Dial 113-TR 5-7631. fruit department, experience pre­ for ransom. ferred, but not necessary. Good menta, telephone number and any ATTENTION! Custom made, slip of Niggle. 50. 38103. other information which would de­ ENGUSH SETTER, thoroughbred. covers, drapes and cornices. Also He a t e d , bed-sUting room, near $21,009—Centrally located 5 and 5 The operator quickly switched FLOOR AND papering^ aervice. 75hwn*e1^ hours and pay. Give all particu­ white and black, spayed, fengle^ TELEVISION SET, 17 ’ Wcsting- flat, one vacancy, four years old, FOUND—On New Year's Eve, Floora aanded and refinlAhcd. Alao scribe yow-quallficatione. All re­ upholstery. Budget terms. CaUL-M*tn-^t. Gentleman the call to the home of Director MIKE GREEN. lars in answeringrBox P, Herald. eight months, inoculated, $50. i b houSez mahogany finish, swivel top AST ^ AAeie - — ' oFRa** t\ vm rhany extras. man’s wrist wateb.. Comer Pearl papering and painting^ TR. 5-3071 plies confidential. Ralph Love, 645 ■ ‘ )7 ^ Mrs. Tomassi. Ml. 3-8621. after 6 p.m. J. Edgar Hoover. Z2I3 lOWNOALE, Farmington Ave., Hartford. 9-4855. ~Table included,' $50. 5(1. 3-5665. Mrs. Charles F. Ur.sch^I .;,of and Main St. CaU 5 0 . 9-8188. or TR. 5-1050, PETROITB^MICH. EXPERIENCED nieat cuttei;. Alao ROOM WITH kitchen privileges. meat counter clerk. Excellent BHINISRS (or ice fishing. Camp MAHOGANY veneer dining room T. J. CROCKETT, Realtor Oklahomk City spilled out to hfrri' table with four chairs plus china centrally located. Mrs.. Dorasrsey, 14 LOST—Oreen wallet - on Hartford w;orking condijlons. Apply First MeeUng Roa^. 60c a dozen. Route MI. 3-1577 or - the story that her husband, a bus arriving in Manctaeater et Hoosottold Senieea Help Wanted— cabinet. Traditional. Phone MI. Arch St. wealthy oil man, and a friend, ‘ Food, 648 Center St. 55, Btolton. Call MI. 9-6685. 9-9711. 8:50, January 8. Valuaable papers. Offered IS-A Male or Femaie \37 ROOM TO RENT. Near Center. Residence MI. 9-7751 Walter R. Jarrett, had been kid­ Can 50. 8-7878. Pl a n s a r e being made now for W a Will naped onl.v a few minutes earlier. Bonds-4tock»— Hrip Wantdd— Female 35 Help Wanted— Female 35 the new year. One of the oldest $40 FOR G.E, pdrcelaln combina­ Gentleman preferred. 35 Foster 51ANCHESTEIR—Six room ranch. WEAVING .of burns, motb iidcs s t a t e o f CONNECTICUT. Ol BOY'S! SHOE skates. Size 4. Call tion sink and dishwasher. Dish­ St. m i; 3-8547. . Playing Bridge and tom clotbing, hoalery nihs, Mortgases .31 and largest comjianiea in this line competitive examination notice.'\ 5(1. 8-4230, evenings. Ideal location, convenient to bus SJie told Hoover that she and LOST—Dark tigci^angora cat. Re­ are increasing personnel. This will Pay You to L«am’ washer needs rebuilt motor, MI. and schools, not water oil heat, bandbage repaired, xipper re­ TYPIST Applications Accepted For: Motor vehicle ' inspector. Closing 3-8822. BEDROOM TO rent. Near Center. her Juiaband were playing bridge ward. 50. 8-6938. placement, ‘ umbrellas repaired, HOME OWNERS! Combine year- offer aggressive men an opportun­ date Jan. 34, 1957. No. 3763. Rest- { Genlleman. 37 Foster St. MI, full cellar, garage, sensibly priced with Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett on the end bills into an eaay-to-pay sec­ Opening for typist with knowledge ity to earn good money. Advance­ DRAFTING! PAIR, GIRL’S white figure skates, -Caii A. R. Wilkie k Co., 481 East FOUND—Brown moittrsL Mate, men’a abirt collara reveraSd. and ■ CJ^flvs dence required. $3120-$4S60. MedI 1957 TELEVISION. Three famous 3-5.331. . , Urschels’ screened porch when two replacad. Marlow’s LUtle Mend­ ond mortgage loan coating only a of shorthand for interesting and di­ ment ivithin the year on hia abil­ cal social work consultant. Clos sue 8 . $15. Call MI. 3-7207. makes, discount prices. No down Middle Tpke. MI, 9-4389. men, armed with a machhte gun can Lee Fgacchia, Dog Warden. penny a month for Mch dollar ity. Experience not necessary aa PLEASANT HEATED room. Cen­ 50. 9-4540. ing 8h(^. versified work. Some figure work CLERK TYPISTS ing date January 31, 1957. No. 2759.; That's right! If you can payment. $2 weekly. No payment arid a pistol, 'opened the door and owe. Call Frank Burke at training program la in effect. Car qualify, we will give you an tral. Separate kitchen. Private en­ GOODWIN ST. stepped onto the porch. 8-8897 daya or JA 6-65S3 eves. Con­ 'and posting involved. 37.hour five ' Residence waived. $4020-$S460. PAIR, SIZE 5 boy's hockey skates. until March. Budget Center. MI. ok TRY US FOR reupbolstering, slip necessarj’. Men starting will re­ intensfOed 18-week course 3-4164 trance. Gentleman. Parking. .MI. LOST—Tliree F Hounds.. One necticut Mortgage ExA'ange. KEY PUNCH OPERATORS Hospital clinical director. Closing MI. 9-7827 after 2*3Q p.ni. New si.v room Cape Cod. five ‘Which one of you is Mr. Ur 7 covert draperiea, tug cleaning. day week. Liberal benefit program. 3-4724. male, wbite, black and tan with ceive good, substantial salary date Jan. 31. 1957. No. 2760. Resi­ (40 ho'urs‘‘ of instnictioa finished, plastered walls, ceramic * *‘=*'** ^he gunmen asked ..tan tead. five months did. One Free delivery service. All work Cafeteria. Apply v plus .expenses, plus commission dence waived. $9120-$12,960. Senior I each webk..l lit drafting , , , NOT 1 YEAR-NOT 2 YEARS When neither Urachel nor- Jar­ guaranteed! Smith’s Upholstery 37 hour five .day week. Liberal tile bath, birch cabinets, formica female, wbite, black and. tan with and other benefits in effect with engineering draftsman. Closing pay'.you allyduring the train­ GIRLTS FIGURE' skates, sizes BUT 3 YEARS counters, fireplace, convenient lo­ rett replied. the kidnaper said, tan. bead, five months old. One Sb^op, 343 N. Main St. 50. 9^688. Businesa npportunities -32 benefit program. Cafeteria. Apply most large organizations. A*pply ing; period. \ Apartments— Flats^ I V . - ■ EV^nlnga 50. 37287. date Jan. 3t. 1957. No. 2761, andid 3. MI. 9-2048. TO PAY IF YOU WISH cation. "Weir we'll take both of them." female, mostly white with tan and EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 624 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford. Residence waived. $3540-$4980. Tenements 6.*! Hoover immediatel.v telephoned George (Machine Gun) Kelly, flanked by police and a G-Man with a submachine gun at tha RESTAURANT FOR SALE. Bust- 9:30 g.m.-12 noon. Upon successful completion “ SUPER” 'DELUXE'’ black spots, eight years old. Find f u r n it u r e repairing and retln- Tabulating equipment operator. TWO' PAIR boy's iCe skatc.s. good WARREN E. HOWLAND the Oklahoma City FBI office and ready, heads for plane in Memphis after his arrest In kidnaping of Charles F, Urachel. Kelly, with neas establiahed. Good location. FIRST NATIONAL STORES EMPLOYMENT OFFICE of this more-tmi-4-months conBUion. Size 2, $3. size 8. $5. Call 3 ROOMS OF FURNITURE ROCKVILLE — Three attractive his plea, 'Don't Shoot, G-Men!' gave FBI agents a name that quickly caught the publig fancy. please callU R , F. Beator, Glaa iibln^ antiquea restored. Furni­ Call Ml. 0-8365. Closing -date. January 81; 1457. NO. Realtor - Insurer ordered agents to the U r s c h e 1 tooDuiy, 5CE. 8-3353. Reward. FIRST NATIONAL STORES A & P TEA COJIPANY 3762.''' Residence waived. 43940- of drafting education, you after 4 p.m.' Ml. 9-7972. All 100% Guaranteed three room modern apartments. ture Repair Service, TaleottvlUe. PARK A OAKLAND AVES. Stoves, refrigerators .and heat fur­ home. He told his men to be sure In Kansas City. Kirkpatrick About 5:45 he heard a plane pass 50. 8-7449. $3900. Senior industrial hTyglene i will take >x)ur plSce as a ONLY $433 MI. 3-U08 the Oklahoma City police were of Mr. and . Mrs. R. G. SVianribn, FOUND —! Black, male, mongrel. TERRIFIC MONEY maker. “ Laun­ PARK k OAKLAND AVES. Applications accepted for well-paid draftsmari\in' our nished. $100 per month. Wat.son took a.cab.to the LaSalle Hotel, over the houae. But on Sunday, stepfather arid mother of Kajhfyn dry Miaa" launderette to be EAST HARTFORD chemist. ■ Closing date, Jan. 31,: $28 DelWera—$16.18 Month , alerted. Within an hour FBI spe­ Call Lee Fracchla, Dog Warden. F0R5OCA counters, ceramic wall EAST HARTFORD 1957 No. 2764." Residehce waived. ' Engineering Departm^t. Realty, Thrall Rd. Vernon. TR. Evenings - Mr. Dimock MI. 9-6003 stepped out. paid the driver and July SO, there was a downpour of Kelly. Kathryn Kelly wai the wjfe 50. 3-4540. . opened at 381 Eaat Center St.sDe- Grocery, Meat and Building Materials 47 — YOU GET — 5-7630 or MI. 9-7885. cial agents were conveing on Okla­ walked west. He had gone only A aind floor tile. Let us modernise $4440-$6380, Apply Office of the 16-PIECE BEDROOM rain and he didn't hear the morning of .the notorious “ Machine Gun" livered, inatalled, promotion, train­ > Produce Clerks MANCHESTER - Cape Cod four homa City from other points, ■short distance w h ^ a stranger ap­ plane. The next day he wga driven Kelly, who,reputedly.could knock,, FOUND—Black Cdcker Spaniel. your bathroom and kitchen. For ing, aigns, guldan'ce, complete. INTERESTING arid diversified State Personnel ' Director, Room 18-PIECE LIVING ROOM ROC7KVILLE—Five room cold flat. and two unfinished. Full price l^ t Fan^ily Decide free estlmatea call 50; 9-3658, The OFFICE CLERK position available in Columbia Interviei^ RequiremeiHs proached him and said, "Mr. Kin' to A point near Norman, Okla.i and wanuts off a fenpe with his' machlno Male. Greeq cdllar. Call Lee Frac- Nice leaae, $8750 minimum cash in Manchester 405. State Office Building, Hart-! Oapiboards *4x10 (spcciall 12-PIECE KITCHEN No car space. One child or elderly $41,900. Ecko Mountain Estates. They were under orders to co­ Tile Shop, Buckland. Record Divisidn of wholesale dis­ ford or any Connecticut Stale Em- j per M $239.00 cald. I'll lake that bag." released. gun .at 25 yards. chia; Dog Warden. 50. 8-4540. with five year flancing and no A responsible position for a Graduation, from high' — Plus — couple. $15 per week, 420 Lake St. (Off of Lake Street). Beautiful operate with the family, and to do tributors. Knbwledge of typing on full-time basis ployment Service. Office. Glendon Remarkable Memor.v • FBI special agents studied Ur- . Urschel identified the. Shannon- FINISH window paymenta until $100 weekly avail­ school, trade schhte or equiv­ IxfUNo. 1 Oak Flooring ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR new 5's roonr ranches and split | nothing that would Jeopardize the LOST—Black anad white kitten, able to purchase.' C, C. Bates, young Or njiddle-aged woman necessary. Five day 40 hour week. A. Scoboria, State Personnel Di­ WOULD LIKE to share my four Urschel arrived home the next schel's recollections and decided home. There was the w'ell gad the ahadeaea. made to measure. All j Full employe benefits. Roskin Dis­ Man.v Benefits alent. Education shpuld in­ per M $197.00 TV SET AND COMB. RANGE level homes. Full basements, ga-1 safe return of the oil man. It was nigjit; unharmed but exhausted. four months f 5000’ ...... per M $99.00 Hartford CH. 7 0358 Located in an attractive i-ural for the family to make. blindfolded. About (laylight, the AanoDnecuentJ Restaurant, 14 Depot Square." MI. Pension Plan courses msy be acceptable. After 7:00 p.m neighborhood in Vernon, Conn. Jarrett returned to the Urschel No Plane In Rain they had, helped guard Urschel. Building—Contracting 14 SHELL and will merit, close investiga­ MAKE THE JARVIS kidnap car drove into a garage, or The kidnapers were Kelly and Al­ 3-6195. , Hospitalization IRONING .. done by hand in my \ \ Nb. 1- -18’’ Perf. rebutt and CH. 6-4690 Centrally located near church home, disheveled and shaken, barn, and he wa.s transferred to a They found that on Sunday, July 1NC050S TAXES prepared in yoiir tion. No typing necessary. If you have the qualiflca- stores and bus line. Availab bert L. Bates. FOR YOUR remodeling, repaira or OIL COMPANY Group Insurance home. reSspnablc.' MI. 9-6169. ^ 1 Tcsquare shingles per sq, $21.95 See It'Day Or Night REALTY CO. YOUR REAL about two liours after the. kidnap­ larger car. He was placed in the 30, an American Alrw'sys plane on home or by appointment. E b^r- additions call William Kanehl, tions. act today. Visit our If you have no means of transpof- Feb. 1. Young business couple prie- ers drove 10 or 12 rpUcs northeast The FBI men tracked Bates to tenced tax Work';ork. Call 50. 8-4733. Vacation with pay hack on a pallet spread on the the Fort Worth-Amarillo run had Contractor and Builder. 50. Apply Employment Office Immedi­ J8’ ’ Prime Shakes per sq. $12.50 tation, I'll send my auto for you. (erred. Write Box Y, Herald, of the city, took $50 from him. put been forced to swing north from its Denver, where“ Ke was arrested::------Help Wanted— Male 36 ately. Please bring a tran­ ESTATE HEADQUARTERS floor. • 37773. / No obligation. him out of the car and then headed usual course to avoid a rainstorm. Kelly and his Wife , were traced to Coca Cola Bottling Company Application.s accepted for script of high school or Stein Grade Flush Doors from $6.50 About three hours after chang­ Memphis, Tenn. FBI special Has .available for lease an A— I^ B -^ E —R—T— 'S . FOR 1957 south with Urschel. U.S. Weather Bureau records at rcfBonalB BIDWElX Home Improvement Co. 451 Main Street ROUTEMAN for established laun­ trade school record to Inter­ FOUR ROOMS, adults onljr, Call ing automobiles their car stopped agents aqd Memphis police raided excellent three bay aervice part-time morning work. Wanted! TQSndows—(complete) 43-45 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD MI. 9-7004. Four da.vs later, a friend of the at a gasolins station.^where a Dalla.s disclosed that thia general Alterations, additions, garages. Eaat Hartford, Connecticut dry and dry cleaning route, five view. the hideaway, (jaught without a Re>sidlhg apeciallsts. Easy budg­ . station with a repairer's day week, numerous benefits. Ap­ setHip, . . : ...... from $11.20 ' SEE THESE JARVIS Urschels received a package de­ woman filled the tank without no­ area had been suffering from a "FOR 5IEN who care” — Dante’s license. Station npw open MaVING TO California. Will sell TWO ROOM furnish^ apartment livered bv a Western Union mes­ machine gun in his (lands, Kelly et terms, i n 9*8495 or TR ply in person New Model Laundry, Appl.v dail.v between 8:30 a. Ae t a i l s t o r e ticing anything unusual. drought and the com was begin­ cringed before the (officers an'd Barber Shop — Shopping PIa$a, and doing a nice volume of PRATT & Wbod^Oytler 4x5 and 4.\6 four rooms of maple furniture. with kitchen privil^e.s, central lo­ LIS.T1NGS IN senger. The package contained ning to bum until the July 30 rains 5*9109. 73 Summit St. 1 I—as is '...... u...... lin. ft, 39c "How arc crop conditions?” ong pleaded.' “Don’t shoot, G-Men! Ekut Center at . Lenox St. Quick business. Moderate Invest­ m.-6;00 p.m. at Also, small refrigerator. MI. cation, Call MI. 9;j(796 after 5 p.m. four letterk. one in Urschel's hand­ Chine. A little calculation; showed service—plenty of free parking. ment required. WANTED- Woman for houseclean­ MANAGER WHITNEY 3-7428. MANCHESTER writing. Another was a typewritten of the kidnapers asked. Don't shoot, G-Men!" TOOL MAKERS — First aass, ;.For Quality and Quantity at a TVVp THREE 7oom apartment.s. that the morning plane leaving Alumlnam Windows ing one day a week. BO. 9-3208. letter addressed to E. E. Kirkpat- "The crops around here are Fort Worth and the afternoon Kelly's nickname for the FiBI’s WANTED— Someth!ling different, overtime, top pay. Manchester J ^iice, see Main St. Cali" MI. 9-6519 after 6 burned up," she .said, "although we Tool k Design, 130 Hartford Rd. A & P SUPERMARKET APPLY IN PERSON AIRCRAFT 32 Ardmore Road A family-sized , rick of Oklahoma JJitv. This letter plane leaving A-mart|lo would psiss agents stuck with them. In news­ e na and Doors 14*A p.m. home at a fair price. Cape. Cod may make some broom corn." papers. magazines and movies and Pierce Products at WeUes Farm MI. 9-5263. ' f l NA'nONAL LUMBER. INC. IViusica) Instnintent.s 5.1 demanded $200,000 for the oil over a point hear- Paradise, Tex.', g u a r a n t e e d agalnkt alt has- Telephone PRESSER, steady work. Good pay. 11^ E. Center St., Division of United Aircraft style with full shed dormer. Three man's sAfe return. There were in­ Their next stop Was-another ga­ over the radio, FBI, or "Govern­ Wagon, Talcottvllle. MI. 9-5559. LYNN POULTRY FARMS '' 381 STATE STREET. STAFFORD SPRINGS - Four bedrooms, attached garage, I 'i at the approyim ^ times recalled ards. Aluminum screens and Corporation NORTH, HAVfSN. CONN. GULBRANSBN direct blow ma- structions to place an advertise­ rage or barn. Urschel was taken by Urschel. ment. Men.” became "G-Men” to a Manchester, Cohn. 805 5IAIN ST. rooms and garage. Heat and hot baths. Built-in dishwasher and ex­ on foot to a houae nearby where he wave of publicity. DEAR MOM: Remember nothing storm windows as well as com­ Days—BUtler 9-1521 OR 386 5Iain Street, ' _ Tel. CHcstnut 8-2147 .hogany spinet piano, $495. water furnished. $70 per month, ment in the Daily Oklahoman's cleans uiriiolstery and ruga so well, bination scieen and storm doors. JOIN A GROWING H Kemp’a, Inc. Ml. 3-5680. haust fan in kitchen. A fine lot de- spent the night. They found the hottse described Evenings—MI. 9-9067 MAID FOR full time work at the East Hartford 8, Coiin. MI. 9-1644, after 5 p.m. clas.sifled ad columns If the kid­ so quickly, so safely end for so CaU OoughUn. 5 a 37707. signe'tl for children. In Bowers Sounds of Farm by Urschel. It was the nipch home (Tomorrow-; The P31 in Action) Manchester Motel. Ml. 3-4148. COMPANY PRESSER, steady work. Good pay. Manchesfur Parkadu MUSIC instrumental, rental. (Com­ School area and close to Manches­ napers price was going to be met. little, ae Mystic Foam. Hale’s De­ Ransom Numbers Noted Next day he was taken to an­ partment Store Just got a shipment MI. 9-5559. plete line of Instruments. Rental ter High School. Selling at $16,500. WOMAN TO DO housework. Two In tha growing carbide cutting Du>monfl»-7-W alche*—- applied to purchase price. Repre Business Locations' The innocent-looking ad appear­ other house about 20 minutes' driv­ In today.. Love, Ann. Roorinc—Siding 16 daya a week (or five hour's each tool industry we need experienced For Rent fi-l 48 Arcellia Drive -Big roomy, ed: ing distance from the first. He time. MI. 3-7709. Jewelrjf 48 senting OldS; Selmer, P ed. machine operators and other types ier and Bundy. Metier’s, Music luxurious Cape Cod home. Six "FOR SALE—160 Acres , Land, heard chickens cackling, cows low­ RAY'S ROOFING GO., shlnglt and Help Wanted— Female 35 of Industrial personnel. If you want Studio, 177 McKee. Ml. 3-7500. STORE—Formerly Sears Roebuck really huge rooms, 3 or 4 bedrooms, good five room house, deep well.. ing and^hogs grunting. He heard biUlt up roofs, guttsr and con­ a good Job apply at office. LEONARD VV. YOST Jeweler, re- at the Center. Desirable Main St. 2 tiled baths (1 with stall shower). Also Cows, Tools, Tractor, Corn water being drawn b.v bucket from Antimiobnei tor Sale 4 nzlr«. adjust! watches expertly. ductor work, roof, chlmnco re-< PRESS OPERATOR, five day' FRANK J. SH^ITIMENNO. teacher location, heat furnished. Approxi­ Large landscaped lot. Picture and Hav. $3.7,50 for quick sale. . . a well he Jqdged to be northwest pairs. Ray HagenoW, Ml. 9-3214. Reasonable prices. Open daily. BBEQRE TOO BUY a used car week, numerous benefits. Apply TYPISTS of guitar. Chester Accordion Co., mately 1200 sq. ft. floor space. MI. book kitchen with dishwasher and Te r m s . . .Box H-807." of the house. He drank from a tin aee Oormao 5(otor Sales. Bulck 'Ray Jackson, ML 8-8338. Thursday evenings. 129 Sprue*. 91 Union St. Ml. 3-5709. 9-6808 or MI. 9-8521. micaiHa counters. Extras galore. Dk.-i in person New Model Laundry. 73 NKLCO TOOL CO., INC. Street. 5Q. 9-4387. Kirkpatrick left Oklahoma Cit.v cup without a- handle and the Sales and Smvlce, 385 Main Summit -St. , Here’s an opportunity to work VVifed to' lake that new Christmas carrying a hartdbag stuffed w-llh water had a mineral taste. Street 5 a S-487L (q>en evenings. ROOFING, SIDING, palnUng. Car- 366 Center. St., Pine St. entrance INDUSTRIAL AREA to rent or workshop. Being sold due to own­ pentry. Alterations and additiiiUona. In Hartford in ideal surround- lease. 3200 sq. ft. floor space, S200.000 in $20 bank notes. The , Handcuffed to a chain, Urschel Cellingi PARTY PLAN Demonstrators: Be Wearinx Apparel— Furs 57 er's transfer. This can be yours for kidnapers' orders were followed to NEED A CAR? Short on a down eilinga. Workmanahip guaran­ the first to show the newest. Our inga. We have several attrac- Fuel and Feed ground floor, heated, loading plat­ only $18:900. managed to work his blindfold paymept or had your credit turned teed. A.. A. Dion. Inc., 399 Autumn 1957 Jine ia ready for you, over 500 . tive openings available now for CHESTER Furriers. Furs remod­ form. near railroad. 760' from the letter, except that the FBI had loose enough, so that he could get St. 5U. 3-4860. a record of the serial numbers of oowsT Don’t give up! For a good itenia in houeewarea, toys,, notions typists on manual or electric ELECTRONIC MEN WANTED DRY OAK WOOD, cut fiteplace eled, repaired,- cleaned and Main St,, Manchester. MI. 9-5043-. 55 Eva Drive—A dandy spacious a glimpse of his watch. Each morn­ deal—not thru a amau Joan com- and novelties. Write or cali collect, and stove lengths. $10 pgr load. glazed. Work done' at my home. 3 bedroom ranch home just 2 years the ran.sDm bills. ing aiiout 9:45 and each, evening pany—iMe "Harry’’ at 838 Main FOR THE BEST in Bonded built typewriters. Stop in at our per- TECHNICrANS up rpofa. Shingle roofs, gutters, •the House of Rlaatica, Inc., Avon, PI. 2-7886. No overhead. Save. • Call Ml. young on large landscaped lot. Full 8L (FOrmariy Douglaa Motors). Conn. ORchard 7-1694. ■ sonncl dcpartment.for complete 9-7218 for free estimate at youri JHousm For Rent 65 basement Fireplace, ceramic tiled conductors and roof repaira call Experienced men required to as­ bath. Knotty pine kitchen with for­ 2NBXPX3$SIVE CLEAN transpor- Coughlin. 5 a 37707.' information any day from 8:10 semble, wire and test electronic home. Under no obligation. Capes ANDOVER LAKE Five room uri YOUNG WOMEN wanted for Jiand a.m.-4:20 p.m. or call General Warehouse Work Saw New Loo)(-Alikas and stolcS) $20. mica counters. Carport. Excellent tatioa. U you don't see wbat you cutting. Apply Kaklar Toy Co., 60 devices. WUl consider recently dis­ furnished, house, $90 per month. | i^aTlorT forchildren''and ThaVnVw want oh onr lot look behind our ALL TYPE2} of roofing, aiding and charged veterans with experience carpqntry work. .Materials and Hllllarif St. ^ GREEN FUR lined coat, worn tall P t 2-7653. I family pet. Priced fop quick sale at office. Cars to suit all purses. 333 CH. 9-0631, Ext; 340 in this field. Must be familiar with Exparienca in shipping room, motarials handling twice,- car lerigth, reasonable. Call 1 E-nrTn $17,300. 5(afii. fonnerly Douglas Motors. woijiraanshipa^raani guaranteed. No Job electronic test equipment. 'Excel­ 8420 between 6 and 8 p.m, M1..9-0865. ROOM single house, com: too big or too emalL For free esti­ PART 'nME girrwanted (or office work to handle- misceilaneoua lent opportunity for the right mite.' work helpful but net necessary. n.i$. pletely furnished. Automatic oil Excellent V.A. and F.H.A. financ­ 1955 5IERCURY cmivertible. Radio mate- call Manchester Rooting A CONN. :^IUTUAL LIFE heat and hot water, all electric Siding Co., Inc. 5a. 9-8933. duties, typing and filing. Apply ing available on All listings. Call to and heater. Mekeomatic. $3,898. Goodyear Tire A Rubber Co., 180 INSURANCE CO. . GRAY MANUFACTURING Ea$y-To-Croche+ kltchenXIn Bolton, five minutes L A L Motors, 684 .Canter St., Gooden St.. Eaat Hartford. BU. CO. Steady work, good bose rate plus time and from Mariehester. Adults only. MI. Inspect the home of your choice, Slanchaster, evenings tiir 9 p.m. 140 Garden St. . 9-1794. \ TODAY. 9-8424. ' HILUARD ST., MANCHESTER . ene«hiBlf for hours oVbf forty. . Yo|ir Betgward dealer. Roofing and Chimneys 16-A Hartford 15, Conn. WANTED—Full time girl, daya. “ A GOOD PLACE TO.WORK’’ 1966 FORD V9 aedan. Radio and ROOFING — BpeclallBlng tn repair­ Good Wages. Apply in person be­ SuLurban For Rent- 66 JARVIS REALTY CO. haater. ‘Ditone. Pmiplar model at ing roofs of all kinds. Also new fore 2 p.m. Hartford Rpad Drive- a low price. 8850 down. L A L roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys In, Hartford Rd. , t- TEACHBR to tutor girl In Second COVENTRY Unfurnished, four 654 Center Street Moton, 834 Center Sl ; Manches­ grade.. O n « o r . twice a week in rooms and bath, second floor cleaned, repaired, 39 years’ - ex- MI. 3-4112 ter, evenings till 9 p.m. Your penenec. Free estimates. CaU SALESLADY with alteration- ex­ own home;'call MI. 9-3046. apartment. Heat and hot water furnished. Parking area. Clean, Bergwsrd desler. Howley. 5Uncbester 50. 3-5881. perience. for specialty shop. Apply Wanted Evenings MI. 3-7847, MI. 9-1200 in person. Contact MI. 3-4879 for quiet, reliable preferred. No chil­ 1890 (XJlSMOBaE 98. Excellent interview. First Class, Machinist, dren. Day workers only. PI. SIX ROOM Cape. Excellent condi­ conditioii. Only $195 down. L A L 2-6931. tion. Five rooms completed with Motors, 884. Center St., Manches Beating—Plumbing 17 Tool dnd Mold Makars C R. BURRS CO I'.i baths, sixth, room partially tar, evenings'till 9 p.m. Your Ihterestinfi: Opportunity I FREEBURN A WATSON. Plumb­ Excellent opportunity for right T19 O A K LA N D ST.. M A N CH EST ER / Wanted To Rent 68 completed. Choice location with Botgward dealer. school very close. Beautifully ... ing and Heating Contractors. New Available for girl st least 21 men. Apply 1964 DODGE four door Coronet V-8. installations, slteratlbn wqrk and See Mr. Faulkner, Men. thru Fri., 9:30-11:00 g.m.— -2:00'3:30 p.m. BUSINESS LADY desires a three- landscaped. Owner being • trans­ years old with good educaUonal or room flat or apartment at a rea­ ferred out of state. Priced for A real lady. $895, down. L A L repair work. 50. 9-3808 or 50. businesa background. . Initiative, Motors, 884 Center' St., evenings 9-6981. '" - A sonable rent. Please write Box C, quick'sale.'"Call owner at MI. I Charles F. Urachel. wealthy Oklahoma oil man, pictured with his imagination and the ability to work AMCO TOOL Herald, 9-4144. ______r Wife, Kajhryn, alts beside George (Machine Gun) Kelly.as he con­ till 9 p.m. Y6ur Borgward dealer. on your ovti are helpful in thia un-1 I wife after his release. Urschel's amazing memory (or details led FBI fers In court with attorney (luring trial for $200,000 kldngp. i agents to isolated ’Texas ranch where he was held prisoner. 1958 CHEVROLET Bel-Air hardtop. PLUMBING and,heating—Repaira usual poaition. Benefits - include' UNFURNISHED four or five Ifooml ROLLING PARK-Six room Cape paid vacations,, five 'd ay' week, and DIE, Inc. Cod. 6 years old. Tile bath, colored Radio (Utd beater. See this today. and contract worn. Oui ML 9-9541. 95 Brooklyn St., Rockville house or apartment within ,10 $1895 full price. L A. L Motors, group insurance. For additional in­ miles of Manchester, Family of fixtures, Venetian blinds, formlea confessions . . . it does not tolerate LLCYD'S Plumbin|fi|•( 8eService as­ Hungarian" Foreign Minister Imre 984 Center St., Manchester, eve­ formation and confidential inter­ four. Will pay re'asonable renL counter. Semi-finished recreation that any of the confessions places Horvath a.s saying' that U.N. Sec­ nings till 9 p.m. Your Borgward sures satisfaction, prompt service. view • ' MI. 3-7457. room. Many extras. 1/3 sere lot. Itself at the disposal of the reac­ CH. 7-8124. 5U. 9 " Nicely landscaped. Call MI. 9-0522. Kadar’s ‘New Look’ retary Gener'al Dag Hainmar- dealer. Call tion . . .'■ skjolcl ha.1 been invited 'to rtsit Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. Housea For Sale 72 The statement said the recent rer Hungary "in the spring.” The'U.N. ' Moving—‘fruekinf volt wrought damage of nearly $1 Secretarinl .and .the' Hungarian Aoto iMvtnf School 7*A Storage 20 Manchester Mi. 3-1161 TurkiiigtoR Bros. MANCHESTER, 36 Wellington Rd. Suburban For Sale 75 billion and aald; delegation in New York Indicated '—Seven room colonial. Excellent Get-tough Stalinism "The western capitalists'stress neither had received , the invita- • LARSONB DRIVINO School, SEWING M A dtm E operators BY OWNER—Three bedroom ranch AUSTIN. A. CHA5(BER8 CO. local Roaify Co. location. Fireplace.. Oil steam s> that* Hungary cannot be cured tion. ISaiichester'B only tralnad and and long «Uatance moving, pack­ wanted. Night shift, 5 p.ni.-io p.m SEPTIC TANKS heat. Attached garage. Tastefully In North Coventry, four years old. without Western credits . . . we eertUted instructor. For yoor safe­ Apply Kaklar Toy Co., -60 HUUard SM CENTER ST. WOMEN reasonable. PI. 2-T772. (Centiniied trom t*age One). I and disregarding the interests of (Hammarskjold has been trying ing, storage. CaU 5 a S-OXi. Haru AND decorated. Immediate occupancy. accept, of course, any 'credit, even to gqt into Hungary to observe ty .wa are trained to teach proper­ ford CH. i-1438. St. • ' Phone Ml S-1S07 8eriaibly priced at $17,900. Call A. the masses." ' ly, 5 a 9Ab78. BOLTON—Many lutings ' including "steps will be taken- wjth all the j The government. asserted. that from capitalist countries, if np conditions since thp revolt. JPrav- WANTED—Girl to wait on tablet In' PLUeeED SEWER$ R. WUkie k Co., 481 E. Middle political conditions are attached. MANCHESTER - Moving and Tpke. 5n. 9-4389, 5n. 9-0649. a new ranch In a secluded spot severity of the dictatorship of the ; ‘‘the treason of the Imre . Nagy da quoted Horvath as saying Hun­ llAN;,itiisJITlEB Driving Academy tnicUng Co. Ml. 38888. Owned coffee anop. 11 ;S0-8. Apply Cavey's with basement garage; older proletariat bgains). people who ' government had paved the way W e'will ask for no credits, how­ gary opposes the admission of Restaurant, 'ANDOVER — New I bedroom ever wHich are lied to psfiitlcal guannteea qiuick rssulu. Expert and operated by Wajter B. Eter- llaohim ClMRoi ranch ready for. pccnpancy. HOLLISTER STREET — Up near home, six (or seven) rooms bn damage agricultural installations.” I for a counterrevolution." This w'as U.N- observers now beqsuse “ they uatnictioos. Dual-coatndled car. ett Jr.Jr., and WlUiam J, Pickering. 8421 Princeton Street. 6>i room Co­ live acres; split level- in Bolton AesalU Rakosl, flagy conditions. would only serve to h*lp the re­ Call Mr. Mlclette, your peluonal Septic Taakz, Dry Wells,. Sewtr Fireplace, oil heat. ..One abre 3e yn. I the most serious charge the Kadar WIRERS AND, loL Excellent view. lonial with I’ a baths, garage, fire­ Center; and a beautiful new ranch - The statement blasted Stalinat ! regime has ntade against Nagy, "Also, after the I'bei-ation. Hun­ actionary underground." Four "UN. Instractor at FL 373tf. 51ANCHE8TER Package Delivery. Uses IntUlled*-Celler Water- in (Coventry on Bolton Town Line; Light trucking and packaga deliv­ prooBng Done. place and aluminum aiding. Many leaders Matyas Rakosl and Erno ! last reported as going into exile in gary has received not a single 'dol­ officlals’ in Hungary are checking^ SOLbERERS Adorable collared frock in other extras. Bensitily priced at T. J. Crockett, Realtor, MI. 3-1577 Gero as well as Imry Nagy, who I Romania after quitting asylum in lar in credits by the capitalists bUt on the country s. economic ’and' er}. Refrigerators, washers and FOR WRAPPING ondl PROCESSING 5539 or residence^ MI. 9-7751. ' stove moving speclaity. Folding MANCHESTER—« room Cape, matching ztytes that are so wear­ $20,000. T. J. Cr.ockett, Realtor. succeeded them, and waj ousted aa j the Yugoslav embassy in Budapest. nevertheless has recovered through relief needs, but theih presence, has HBrilw s Servlecn Offered 13 chuira (or rent Id . 9-0783. Experienced in wiring and solder­ MeKINNEY BROS. centrally located. Price rednted able. Crochet zeveraJ of this pretty MI. 3-1577, reaidencq, MI. 9-?751. premier by Kadar and hU sup­ I The Kadar regime promised to the help of friendly nations, espe­ riot been announced to the Hun­ ing resistors, condensors and panel for qu i^ sale. NURSERY PLANTS No. 8420 with Patt-o-Rama in­ tgm. each in z'dlfferent color and a porters with Russian help. It said protect the “freedom of.«ach scien­ cially through the help of the So­ garians.). BILLS' TELEVISION Service boards. Ebccfllent. working condi­ Sewerage Disposal Co, cluded la In sizes 11. 12, 13, 14, 16, different version—no trimming; a 60x26 SIX ROOM ranch, 25 ft. -Wan(ed'*-Real Estate 77 Rakosi and Gero "must nevir re­ tist, author and artist withpiit con­ Th4 government statement Jacked A'vailable at all timee. Philco fac- master bedroom, excellent condi­ viet Union . . , we have received tions from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with ISO-ISS Pearl S t — Ml S-8S0S Ecmi while you leani->fun training provided. 18. Size 12, with sleeve, S1/8 yards pompom; a tassel; or rhinestone turn." blaming them for such sideration of his polltioai views aubstaiitial economic help from the up both industry 9nd agriculture, tog^aupervteed aervice. TeL 5 a Painbng-r’PBoerlng 21 cafeteria facilities. of 3S-lnch; 1/4 yard contrazt. snd pearl trim! The patters—the tion, six years old. large lot, high WANTED-t-’Fwo-fsmily houses to elevation, $10,W. Carlton W. sell. - Qualified buyers wsiting. things as the "cult of the individual with the exception of those who are Soviet Union, from CSiina snd from demanding increased output' by refinishing ceilsiUims, painting. GOOD RASE HOURLY RATE PLUS PRODUCTION RONUS. N a 8421 wiUi Patt-o-Rama In- lovely shell stitch Hutphina, 5p. 8^132, 9-4694 . enemies of freedom arid of aoclal- the socialist countries . . .” both to offset effects of the revolt. GRAY MANUFACTURING clude(I is in size.s 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Pattern -No. 5539 contains Cro­ Madeline Smith, Resdtor. w . TV' SBRVlCB, SSJK) per call. AU >r hanging, wallpaper books, 9-1642. ■ Weiited-^Rsel Estate 77 iam." It said only those worker^ The government said Hungary R called on the miners to pro­ - 7k fw an teed . Ctell Bob Webb. ly insured. Tel. EMward R. CO. STEADY WORK FROM NOW TO MID-APRIL years. Size 4', wiUi sleeve, lS/8,- chet directions; materir.: require- MODIFIED ENGLISH colonial, six peasants ■ and intellectuals who wants "peaceful and' fruitful re­ duce more coal, decreed strict MLl yards of 35-lnch; 1/4 yard con­ rtents; stUch illustrations' trim measures to sa\;e coal power, ce. 5 a 9-1008. HILUARI^ S'T., MANCHESTER large rooms and attactied garage. USTINGS WANTEEL-Single. two- W______a n t e d —R____eal "fstate____ listings. pledge' loyalty to the Commpniat lations" with "all countries with­ trast. Two pattei-na. suneations. \ ^Wee shaded lot tn center m Msp- (amity, three-famliy, business regime ■will have the right to free-- out consideration for their social declared that ‘(no wages will be lUUMO.TV Serylce. Sewing ma- (Contact I'urklngton Bros. Realty INTERIOR w a l l ' cbvertnga ex­ "A GOOD PLACE TO ^ R K “ ' > WHY COMMUtE? For these patterns, Mnd 3(5- for Send 2Sc In ~!oinz, yoiir namq, cheiter. Living room 23’6"xl4' nroMriy, Hsve hfisny cssti buytrs. Co., 351 Center 6t;, Mkncheater, dom. order, on the basis of equality And paid without correspondirig work,". .( qhhiis and atnaU anpllancea re- pertly hung. 50. 9-9S59 top free each, in coins, your name, adoreag/ address, snd the Pattern Nuteber with fireplace. Dining room, large l^ ^ a g e g arranged. PleSae call The grovernment' Algo proclaimed noninterference.'*' It claimed that arid dl8cipsed“ there are no pros­ BSirad. cut Ralpb iUdrich. 50. MU. 3-1507, evenings .MI, t-5665 or estimate, . sizez■ifcM HeairetH desired and the pattern nattern num^ to . ANNE CABOT. THE MAN­ kitchen and separate .laundry George L. Graziadio. Realtor, MI. MI. 3-7731. that It “respects the fte^ om of be­ Hungaran.-Soviet relations pects fo r ‘fiqrWier.wigre increases.” flfSURANCE ■Ty p is t —Blue cross PIONEER PARACHUTE COMPANY, INC. ber vto SUE BCENETT, THE CHESTER EVENING h e r a l d , room, Also lavatdty. Second floor/ 9-5878; 109 Henry St. bitlinf. 40 hour week, Monday-Fri lief of $JI ciUzena and coifaiderz the been ’;pletured in an unfavoraBle h also proniiJted niore machinery K V A WBATUBRanUF Cent MA>fCHESTER EVENING HERc, HM a v e . AMEMSAS. n e w three .large bedrooms and bath. WANTED—Direct from owner, 4-6 staridpoint of reUgibus questions a light by hostile etemente"' and for ggriculture. ■ Couraea end ClMsee ?? day, no SattfirdayB; one Sunday in C.R. Musj be seen to! be appreciated. ARE YOU COffSIDERINO room cape, .Desirsble 'location. I and wtadowc. custom U8 FOREST STREET— MANCHESTER. CONN. - Al4>, .1100 .AVE. .ABIER1CA8, YORK 88. N, Y. private 'inatter . .. ; it'secures, full -credited RusshI with saving Hun­ five. One week vacaUbn after six Gaston Realty, 18S School St, MI. SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? Have substantial cash fo assume T lataed. GUI ML 3UI8 R^lO -Eleotrooiu • Televlaion — NE(V VOiRK 88, N. V. ’ Now avaligble—the colorful 1958 freedom tp the churches and con- gary's national independence tier­ OLD INDUSTRY months. Air-conditioned office. Has an irtterestine and 4iversifiled openinjg; in their cost Send an extra 25 cents now fbr Needlework Album containing dos- 9-67|l. Evlmlnga/MI. 9.7468 We wil) appraise your property mortgage. Write Bm L,'; Herald. Train at Connecticut'a Oldest V CaU Mr. Seiler, 50. 8-1141, Jdan- \ 11^ OAKLAND SY, MANCHESTER / \ tree and without any oUigatimi. ifesatons . . . it rebognteea agree­ ing the recent jeyolt. It deciaMrid NUectrcBlcs. JScli^! Day course. >cha«tMrchaster M«moriklMemorial HnanifalHo^itai. and 4iayroU department.t. Applicant mlist bP'Kood typist. youp copy of the Fail k Winter '*• 'gns of lovely designs from winch to EASTpCENTOR, , ^ , JT^L. Two apart­ We alao buy property , (or cash. THIS AGENCY itesda Cape Cod, ment* concluded between auite and that all quastlona. .with cow - The smelting o f oreg- 4itUdatsa . i Evening course. Enroll how I O m s -Empkiye benefits iacfaide paid varation, paid .holidaya, /leaua of our complttte pattern book ''ohooflB more patterns in crochet, ment home, five, rooms and bath Selling. or buying coniaef" 4-5-8 and .7 rooni. tingles arid 2- church >. . ; reUgioua tUaaaea are including' ■ the, "stay - pA ovlet ■written, .history. Lsad^^jrobab^ MartlM aoan. New Englahd TbeS- ijHen. thru Pri.. 9:3l^.11 :|)D kpiy^?^3:30 BAzic Faahlon—a complete aewJng •mefqiflary ajz^ jenit—plus 8 gift NO BiiKPEiniEljcE iniceasA^ 'to group insurance and hospitalizallion phuia amt.retirement each floor, new heating system, STANLEY BRa Y. Restior family ho(ibea. .Bpyers waiting. guerariiCeed'id'tha schools . . .” troopa in Hungary .w ttled tvas' the' first metal Mcal at Ootm., Jnc., 198 'cam good income with Avon Coe-i guide for every Woman who atafs patterHs, , dtcections printed in very Urge lot. CUli Madeline BRAE-BURN REALTY Howard HB8tfng(a,' Realtor. However, "T he government ez- in friendly lysgoOiiflons.''' am«imeltod befiause 1$ vsfry etsy to / TnonhuU BL, Barttote. Conn. JA. plan. * JL R. meUes. We wOI, train yon. CdlJ 50. for berseU and her fa m ^ , .> , pupyl p* - SipIUi, R ^ to r . MI. 9-],S43. Mi. 8e27E CaU MI. 9-1107 any tiipa. pecto loyaltjnfrom the iteads of the \ (In Moscew, Pravda quoted.' mdiuce. -\- 35eOI.., \ S-MK. ,) }■: I n1 ' V'

i. fv ;• .J'.' l.f-. ■n-f: 'S r/- ■ - ■' • \ (\f - ' MONDAY, JANUARI ISBt PAGE VOt^TEEH dlanirli^Btifr lEoratng Hi^raUi _ • The Salt^atlon Army'W omen’a St, Jamee* Mothers Circle will Memorial Temple, No. 83, .Pyth-! Homo League will hold ita' flcat meet Wednesday at 8 p.m., at the ian Bisters, will meet tomorrow-at Accepts fUtckville Pastorate $3,6(M) Pledged ' Alboiit Town mMtlng'of the year tom( *+ow at 2' home of Mra. Jdargaret Molloy, 8 p.m.* in Odd Fellows Hall. Of­ p.m. In the Cftadiel. Mr*. Major 44 Weaver Rd. Co-hoatcea will be ficers, who will be installed at the MMJH Campaigfii 8t. Jude'i IKithera Circle will Sweet will lead th* de^’otionai peri­ Mrs. Barbara O’Neil. ■. ■ » ' meeting, are reminded to, wear meet WedaMda'y at 8 p.m. at the od. Hoateaae* will be Mr*., Annie' White. Mfrenhments will be serv*ed By Screw Firm*^ WATKlNl lioiiia of Mra. Roben D. Brannfii. Ruaaell, Mra. Martha Manafield ' The Kehler Circle of lhe,Sou,th after the meeting. ' , 8$ frineaton st. Co4K«teaaea wlU ___ and Miaa Eldith Jackaon. Methodtat Church, with the Stan­ ’A contribution of 33.600 to bo U n . Mary D«*ya> and Mra. ley Circle a* , guests, will hsye a The Fellowship .Circle of the -WEST Hilary Curtin. • The monthly meeting of the-Brit- Joint meeting and film yn mental South Methodist W SC S 'Will meetj Manchester Memorial Hospital'*, iah American Club will be held to- {health in Cooper Hall tomorrow tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the home 31,470.000 building fuiuj campaign FuMral Stni Tba following women’a clrclaa of morrow at 8 p.m. at the cliibhouae, at 8 p.m. The groups will hold of Mrs. Chdrles Brapte, U S' has been pledged by the Hartford liateK St. Mrs. Fred Beecher Community Baptlet Church ; 7S Maple St. abort separate businea* meetings Machine Screw' Co., division of Ormand J. West, DfijMet"' meet thla week; Aflomoon before showing >of the film. serve as co-hostqss. A progp slides will be 'pretentedj^ Standard Screw Co. 142 F4ist Center It. Cl^pla tomorrow at 2:45 p.m., at St. Bliaabeth'a Mother* Circle MltcheU »-7in« 10 of Mri. Richard Yorka. w'Ul meet at, the home of ■ Mra. Manchester Lodge, No, 73, * Asked to comment concerning S t: ButineEB and Pro* Michael Maaaaro, 57 White St., to­ and A.M,, will bold a stated com'* St. Mpriraret l^i-y's, Mothers the contribution, James A. Taylor, Circle tomorrow' at 8 morrow at 8:13 pipi. munlcation at the Masonic, Tem­ Circleyinll meej^omorrow night President- of the company said, it the homo ; of Mra. Clay- ple tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Follow­ at Axitclock At the*home*'Of Mrs. "Hartford Machine Screw Co. has; Miuichester’* Oldeijt Dominic .DiBattlsto, 21''; Scar­ >bte, 38 . Kenaington Bt: Karl Johnaton,X teacher and ing the; business meeting the En­ lonjf recognized that part of their; with Fipest Fu UhEm ___ _Me Circle Wedneaday at 8 caller of Weatem aqnare dancfa, tered Apprentice degree will b* borough'Rd.' corporate responsibility is to see [ Off-Street Parldrig; m., at\the home of Mra. Vergil w’lU be the featured caller for the conferred by Worshipful Master that proper hospital facilities arc j EsUblished 1874' artaog,\38 Brookfield St., Mra. Malcolm Robertson and the other e Buckley School Child Study S New England Intercollegiate folk ■Ylmiin proVi(led for its employes*'ln''the' A. Wlni Ballard, boateaa; and and Square Dance..Featival .at the recently installed offieera. A 8q>- Group will hold a meeting in the communities in which they live,, j Woat Jrele Wedneaday at 8 Unlveraity of Connecticut March dal hour and refreshments,will scho^ library tomorrow at 1 p.m. Mr*. William E. Taylor ^vlll ledrf Sidne.v Ellis, chairman of the ^ p.m., at th ^home of Mra. William 2. Ha works with the club, spon­ follo\v. fupd's corporation committee com­ Ollroy Jr, Whitney Rd. All sored by the Recreation Depart­ the group in a discussion entitled "When Friendship la In Flower.” mented that the Hartford Machine groupo will white croaa work. ment, which meqta at the Waddell . The Elks setbsek'-^oumampnt .Screw Co., established in 1876, has School Monday evenings. The club will reaume tomorrow night, at 8 Members of the recent conflrma-'* supported Manchester Memorial The Rogina t^'Italia Society will la invited to kttend the-featival. p.m. at the Elks Home. ..'’ Hospital in previous biillding fuild Weak, Nervajes holdlta monthly meeting tonight tion class of the North Methodist St. Margaret's Circle, No. 280, Church will be *the guests of the campaigrns. ' - at 7:30 at the Italian American Norman Kronick. soh of Mr.'and ’ He expressed his Committees Clult Daufrtitera pt laabcUa, wrill hold ita Mrs. William Kronick. 18 Stephen j official board at ths church to- Rm-Dawa Fpiks monthly buaineaa meeting tomor­ i morrow evening at 7:45. The pleasure'*at the amount of the sub- St... .who will gradusta with the scrlptioii which exceeds the mini­ row at 8 p.:.i. In the cafeteria of I church leaders will speak .to the Tall af Naw Streagtli .1957 claea from the Hartford* In­ mum called for by the formula that St- James' School. stitute of Accounting, has been on j class outlining the groups and Enaigy WHli FERRI2 I projects w hich they represSHITRe- Xhe Committee has prepared for For tho Bfaa la tJt» the Dean’s Hat for three consecu­ the consideration of corporatlona L t E. W. Kndfla. USN, hta re­ freshments will be In charge of V o n ’E tive mar)cing .periods during the in- determining their part in the Corract ToU^trtoa,/W Men ceived orders to the USB Btlckall, semeatej Mrs. James Nelson and Miss Ruth operating out -of Norfolk, Va. He Tyler. ■ program, has been cerving aa commanding ■ f ' ■ ALFRED^UN^LL Ip'' lieu of the akating party The' infant Jesua of Prague officer o f the U88 Btlah, operating ned for tomorrow evening, Hi- W bM m i Drag O b. out of Tokosauka, Japan, for the Mothers Circle will meet Wednes­ past three years. Mra. Knpfla, who lers will meet at 7 o'clock at day at 8 p.m. at. the home of WINDOW SHADES spent two year* in Japam laft via- the Covenant Congregetlonel Mra. Russell Inslnga, 195 Spruce Church for an evening of recrea­ (Herald Photo by Jackson) United Airiinea for Sari FrancU^o St. Mrs, John Franzosa will be The Rev. Rodman D. Gart today to meet her ^huabandy^t. tion. the. co-hostess. Green, White, Ecru Knofla is the son of Wlllipm A. The Reynolda Circle of the Rockville, Jan. 7 (Special) f>YMCA in'New Haven and in Clin­ ^ Washable Knofla 98 Henry St. The Motherhood of • Mary south Methodist Church will meet The Rev. Rodman D. Cart assumed ton, Conn. If you are week—heryitais and Wednesday at 8 p.m, at the home Mothers Circle will meet tonight at He .said today he considers his new HOLLAND FINISH feel KoneraMy run-down *md de­ ■ baulthters of L ib er^ No. 125, 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. E. his new pastorate at First Con­ of Mra. Robert Moran, 70 Eva pastorate to be an exciting chal­ pressed. nevause ol tired janpov- will hold Ita monMy buaineaa J. Coughlin, 43 Wellesley Rd. The gregational Church of Vernon yes­ eri.hed blood you certainly jahould meeting tomorrowy i t 8 p.m. in Drive. Oo-hosteee will be Mrs. lenge and that he believes the 'Ver­ S I 99 co-hostess w-ill be Mrs. William terday. non church has a grand futur* in • ■ with Your Rollers see what the famous FBRtwIZikX Orange Hall. A a c ^ l time will fol­ { Richard Trotter and Mra. Letitia S m ith . formula can do for you. .jji low, and refrmments will be { Heller. The program, on mlaalona This is the second pastorate to I a growing community, FI’LL LINE OF Cf.STOM To .vou we say—Try FBRijQZAX. the new faar-acrinir lodplv-lroh served by Mra/lUisabeth-WilUama, ( Will be In charge of Mrs. Percy Ever Ready Circis of Kings be held by the Rev. Mr. Cart w*ho. left a dual parish -it Wilmington ! VENETIAN BLINDS reronatructlve Tonic. Malle the chairman, and her committee. i smith. Daughters will meet tomorrow* at RANGE four weeks' test. You imtU feel 7:45 p.m. with the leader, Mrs. and Jacksonville, Vu, to come stronzer, have more pep aiW en- I Temple tJhapter, No, .13, Order George F. Borst, 82 Cambridge St. here. ■ j E. A. JOHNSON ergry, work easier, sleep aoLndtr of Ekisterh Star, will hold a.meet­ Work will be folding surgical Son of Dr. Dwight L- Cart. ; rUEL OIL or money hack'. . I ing Wednesday 8 p.nr- In the dressings for the Memorial Hos­ pastor of First Congi*egationat | Oft FEIIRIZAX today lat a Church of Winchester, Mass., he GASOLINE PAINT CO. price you ran afford. I Masonic TempIe.i.BuainesB will in­ pital. Mra. Luna Hutchinson and inh Tahfeta 31,51. 1 clude initiation of candidates. Re­ Mrs. Jan« Deveran will serve as was ordained in June 19.54 in his 723 M ain St.. Tel. MI 9-4.501 freshments will be Served by Mra. hostesses: Members , are reminded father's church. J. W, Halo Department Slior* to bring canceled, stamps. He was educated at Wilbrsham, 1 John McAllister and her commit­ Mass.. Academy, received his That Interpret The. tee. Members . are reminded to BANTLY OIL The Holy Family Mothers Circle bachelor of arts degree at the Uni­ W i^esOf The Family bring birthday boots t'o Mrs. Rus- versity of Washington in Seattle, ( ;>Mi' \\i. i\r, aeil Roberta. > will meet Wednesday at 8 p.pv at the horn* of Mr*. Geno Andreini, and his bachelor of divinity degree : ;i M \ i\ s I KKKi JOHN B. BURKE 89 Weaver Rd. , \ at Yale Divinity School in New The Immaculate Conception Hartn. TEL Mitchell 9-4595 FUNtRAL HOME Mothers Circle ■will m4et Wednea­ 1 —- ^ The Rev. Mr. Cart has TKl,. lA e-oeee day at 8 p.m. at the home of Mra. worked -with youth groups at the TEL. ROCKVIILE 5-2177 Th' the Co-Weds of the Center Con- l^egatlonsl Church Friday at 8 REG. 99e 45" CHROMESPUN p.m. Yd. For those w*h(i wish to have an PLAID TAFFETA 79^ SELF evening out-of-doors, skating, has ■Seven color combinations. been planned at Center Spring.*. Simultaneously in Woodruff hall, a program of dancing will be held ONE SMALL LOT— REG. $2.98 58" WASHABLE under the direction of the James AND Rohana for all those who do not w’lsh to -skate. BAULINB’S WOOLENS Tiny checks .md lv>'League, atripesi Table* will be set up for-apy who wish a quiet game of cards. The MEAT DEPT. Ralph Greens will be in charge. REG. $1.69 36" If the weather'Is not favorable .29 Yd. for skating, the entire evening's PRINTED CORDUROYS n TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY program wrill be held at the church. Beautiful Crompton and Julliard patterns. At 10 o’clock, both groups will get together In Woodruff hall for a business meeting and refresh­ REG. $1.19-$1.29 FINE QUALITY ments- COTTONS and GINGHAMS Crease-resistant, pi*eshrunk, little or ho ironing. REG. 59c A.B.C. PUNJAB AND PREMIER FANCY Robbed! Yd. Need another room for your srowinf HNANCING ' Light M eal Tuna 4^-<“ *‘«“ 39c >- QUADRIGA PRINTS 47 I *'family7 Want shelter, for your car? For dresses. «pi*ohs. skirts, draperies, etc. Solid pack, no oil added. We can finance up YES, your je'welry and furs V We’ll look over your house and figure to 13,500 wofth of ma-f may be stolen, burned, ac­ SHORT LENGTHS OF 59e ^ “THE SAUCE OF MANY USES” the best way to make these additions. Yd. terials and any labor cidentally lost or damaged COTTON PRINTS 3 r HUNT’S r you hire. On moderni­ Crease-resistant. 12 eons QAa* sation projects costing . . . and all your tears and Tomato Sfuce USD i If you’re handy with tools, do some over 1600, you can protests won’t help a bit. REG. 99e BEAUTIFUL of the work yourself. We’ll help plan, have 3 years to ' pay a CHASE and SANBORN ' . ^ with no cash' required. What will help, however, COTTON PRINTS and show you a choice of building materials, Yd. instant Coffee •’T $1J3 offer suggestions on building, rent you is a Jewelry-Fur Policy . . . DAN RIVER GINGHAMS M' Thla special pack saves you 25c a jar! power tools. We can recommend men to strong insurance at fiome REG. $3.98 EMBROIDERED do the masonry, carpentry or other and away, against practical .98 Yd. * 2 Specials In Veal ly any danger you can VELVETEEN technical workt^ ' I Red only. . ' . FOR CHANGE IN MENU name* REG. $2.98 S4^'WA$HABLE VEAL SHOULDER CHOPS u.. 4N Talk with us. We>e open weekdays NYLONJERSEY Yd. Cut‘from lean, tender v*eal. j ' • tintil SiOO P. M. Saturdays^iintil noon. BONELESS STEWINQ VEAL ui 49* Always atnple free parking-. . ‘ Now In Progress Clear meat—no waste. , JANUARY WHITE SALE VEAL NEAT LOAF ^ Ln 4N LOW, LOW prices on sheetp, cases, towels, blankets, Lean veal and beef ground together., bed pillows, mattress pad.s and^\'er,s. ■ . 4 ^ ------■' ...... (2 1 '!^ Grntm Stamps Given Codi Soita 336 North Main,Street Gr»M Stamps Given With Cosh Soles Tel. MI 9-5253 175 East 4 ■ " ‘ ‘ ' . ■ . 'i-' ' CenterSh I lOpen Daily 7 A. M. The eJeW. M tm R X COM to 5 P. M., Tnduding TIm BlAl^ CORE T«l. ancnistir MANCHISnn ^NN* \ 'Wedneuay Aftenioona MI 3-1126 M and Saturday Until Noon COI^N^RTdAIN and OAK STREETS ; c o r n e r MAIN and OlMK STREETS J '.I’W

V...' li' ■':i ..V- • V-. ’ ■'I •' » *• .

MOKDAY. JANUARY^ 7, 1987 ATcrtKc DaHy Nat Pr«M Run Tha WaaHitr. ' Por the $Ve^ Ended Feiaeaat « f IT. S. W entlm BcrMUi Jannary 5, 1467 3,600 Fair, colder tonight. Low, 10 td. t r i f l e ^ Pledged 12,328 IS. Wedneaday rhance of occsmAosi- Member of the Alidlt al' light snow daMng the day. Higll IVfMH Campaign Rurentt of Cirrulation in mid 80s. By Screw Firm WATKINI , Hanche$ter-~~A CHy o/ VUlagt^ Charm "A contribution of $3,600 to. -WEST VOL. LXXVI, NO. 8,1 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY. JA>^UARY 8, 1957 . 4, (Clbaallled Adrertiataig on P ig * U ) PRICE FIVE CENTS Mancheater Memorial Hdapital'a! $1,470,000 ftuilding fund eampaign i FHatral Ssni has .been pledged by the Hartford j Machine Screw Co.* division of| Onhand J. West, Dii|i«ter 141^ East Center ! East Reich Standai'd Screw Co, ^ ^ AOteheU 9-71M Ashed to comment concerning; • • ' - • the 'contribution. James A, Ta.vlor, j Gets President • of ‘ the company said, • "Hartford Machine'. Screw Co. has 1 Maneheater’a OldOM ion^ recognised that part of their j with Fineat F aclU lm corporate responsibility is to see Tax Extension Off-Street ParUngj Soviet A id that proper hospital, facilities are I Eatabtiahed 1874% provided fo r its einpIo>’es in the ' Washington, Jan. 8 (/P),—- be two or three weeks before joint Moscow. Jan; 8 '•, •,-, he an exciting chal- prcs4*d; berause Of tired pnpov- A t a news conference. Know- cupied by- goviet military units, Made to Order »rl»b«fd blood you certainly jahould land and House Republican Leader ing of fedrraly state and local gov­ cqmmUtee. Mrs. Knowles. the u.se of lines and means of com- admitted. : ,( nst*' he believes the Ver- $ 1 . 9 9 Hays denounced the "secrecy" With Vour Rollers eoe what the famous F&R,f^IZAS Martin of Mossachusetta reported ernments. 46. is a librarian. (A P munlcstion and means..of trans­ \" « ^ ‘ has Hi grand future in . formula ran d,o for you. Wirephoto). he said rvas accorded to Secretary jfr .i r i,[; 4-orumunity. that Ei.senhower and the leader.s "The President believes this is a portation.'■ FHIX LINE OF CI.’STOM To you w» say-i—Tr>" FERltQZAX. There also was no tune limit i'at of State Dulles—"especially when the new fast-actinx lodbVo.Iron drew up a proposed priority list of, field, which, does need clos^ atten- legislation. Knowland 7 a credit of New .York. Jan. 8 lAS-—Six (D -Ill.). That procedure is nor­ I ' ' ‘ W L H SHOE REPAIR SHOP run parallel with and near the riv­ .HO million rubles lAS.S nWHlon at shoe-shine boys are working' Ike s Mideast Plan mally followed when a committee er on the eaat side. Th^ approach Ru.ssia'a official rate of exchange i overtime these days to buy 'uaniBteed; USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT | to the north of this bridge -would ; in gold and free currencies for the chairman or official witnesses feel 1 ” • Mat ncr^hiL"'-.'h ip nDetails. their buddy an artificial leg to By THE A.SSOCI.ATED PRE.HS ^ vitation, the monarch \yill visit that the te.4timonv to be heard intersect with Routejuiv/u .-5 near the ' purchase of "commodities needed replace the limb he lost to can­ Face Nixon in ; Eaat Windsor t o w n e e , where the by the nstional economy" of East Egypt and her three closer Arar4toiV'*a i* "* a M . a OB<'preat- after taking a. aecond look, some ' " ‘ " a " ' dential nomination.. J Eaat Hartford north , to East i over 1956. The communique. did Young Stoddard has been on Arab voices spoke out in favor of normBll\ anti- do ne^think there (s miieh thkt crutches since last May when HALE^SOLES $2.50 Knowland. the Senate’s Republi­ \ I ! Windsor to protect 3.000 acres of ' not .say what a 30 per cent boqst some'aspects of the doctrine. western Syrian politicians. King can be accomplished in an open can leader, announced yesterda.v ” meadowland which could be u.sed ! would ,nean in hsrd figures. Last cancer forced the removal of Hussein of Jordan told the U.S. session on a matter of this kind." a carefully considered decision not for industrial purpo.ses. Said ap-,! June Rusria promise-’ the East his left leg' above the knee. A The Cairo newspaper A1 Ah f-^i • anihasaador in his capital the Z ip p ^ Replaced— Hats Cleaned iDi'" ' ■ He said that wh ile some Itemi to seek re-election to the Senate pioaches would act like a dike and Germans trade and aid worth 7 'j medical bill of $2,300 forced said Egypt, ^yria. Saudi ^Arahia welcome the recent Ameri- discussed may not have been ^ O n u o i y 3 Minute He^Service— ^All Work Gijaranteed next year. His term >x} b es • In thereby eliminate flooding in billion marks ($3,400,000,000 at the lad's father, a private and Jordan have^begun "import-Mlddle-East ques- ant conaiiltatlons" regarding the t valions secrets from a national security lOES SHINED January 1959. South W'indsor. the official rate). detective, to forego buying an standpoint, "probably taken all to­ But he declined to eliminate ‘ In supporting the petition, The Sbviet Onion said it would artificial leg for his son. Blaine new United States policy. These Eisenhower dm trino. four nations' armies are allied, in gether'' the session should have him.self a.s a possible contender Nicholson said that when the increase its escorts of -eoke, oil, is one of five children. The In Cairo, the Egyptian govern- been held in secret. He declined to for the Republican nomination foi' bridge is constructed, metropoli­ bovs hope to have the $400 by a scries of defense |>acts under sn' nient-babked French language Egyptian commander. say what had b(en discussed. FABRICS thtt California goyemprahlp in tan water, sa-nitary sewer, natural (Continued on Page Nine) fafl. newspaper Bourse Egyptienne ran Says Americans In Dark A1 -Ahram said: "It is learned 1*958. And neither would he close gas. and electricty would be a an editorial generally approving But Hays- contended that in pub­ the dopr against another bid foi- aiiort distance fronri the present that these four governments have the doctrine. Ekrlier Egyptian re­ taken a common stand regarding lic Dulles .jells "the Americnn peo­ this^ Republican presidential nomi- meadow area which is necessar.v action had been almost unlyer- ple that, everything is lovely" and to attract large, industrial con­ the future of the area, their for­ EDI *1”” nr.tibn. . The FBI Story (2) sally cool. that behind closed doors the Sec- Rignificaritly, Knowland said he cerns. ; eign relations in general and their Bouhse attacked Communlat Iti-'e; fr.r skirta, houaecoata. .relations with the United States has "no plans" to relinquish His . "This area would become the j bloc leaders for calling the Elsen­ (Continued on Page Nine)' position as Republican leader dur­ moat desirable, industrial site in • in particular. They will explain hower doctrine a "new attempt to HALE*S Connecticut thereby I’ncreasihg' their vjews frankly and unequlvo- ing the two years remaining in his enslaye the 'orient.” ' , term. That job keeps hini promi­ prosperit.v In Hartford County,"; call.v to the American mission "W e can differ, with'®laenhoW,er which President Elsenhower has Yd. nently in the public eye. l^ichoison said. 1 as to method and procedure," the Named by Warren , "The tax rale in South Windsor decided to send to the Mideast to paper said, "but . . . to conclude expound his ngw policy," S E I F S e r v e Knowland, 48, was appointed to would be .sharply reduced when that the United States is colonial- Bulletins the Senate by then Gov. Earl the industry is attracted to the The President has named James jg. imfair- area. The land would be worth $$,- of Service from the AP Wires Warren in August 1945. Me be­ P Richards former chairman of [ The Egyptian Middle East news I came Senate GOP leader in 1953 000 to $10,000 1>er acre- bsserton the House Foreign A ffzirs com- agency in a dispatch from sr« WASHABLE !F « - AWD following tile death -of Sen. Robert the present cost of land in the mlttee. to head a. team 'to ejcpiain Damascus summed up the - official Taft, o) Ohio, Hartford North Meadow area," he The Federal Bureau of Invest!-• ates. Few realize that in the the Middle Eaat doctrine^ to the POLITICAL WRITER .INDICTED SEN. .WILUAM KNOWlJLND 'I attitude In,Syria thiur: •RNS After first inforpiing President contimied. - gallon is almost half a century old, 1 tec^lon of the country the FBI[ alsn affected nations. Most Arab gov­ "Official circles here leceivcd the Wnshiagt4>n. 'J»n. 8 (/P>—The Eisenhower and his OOP col­ Nicholson4WI1.-IIU1SUU vaiu said henc ieei!l feels (,n«Lthat ... . ,.-M1 toa* Ig i ^^*^^**^*' * Tlgia •rouna-tn®- ; ernments»muv»*v*» ».« havevw Pl The IfiKhtn «nd the security of Die na- The control ayitem works In this and the other that he rauseitlt tq t 6 questions about whether'he will Army is conducting a fornial In tion. [fashion. The* special agenta In Assembly Facing 'be transported In Interstate eom- (Contimied on Page Nine) vestigation of a leported leak to Few know how the FBI oper- charge of (he F3I'a 52 field divi­ , mercTe. P R U M IE ^ F A ’N C Y "unauthorized persons" of a docu­ sions are considered to be Hoover's ment dealing with limits put on personal representatives. They are ' PLAN HfNOABY PROBE For Shame ! No Camels ? the Arm y’s development and use responsible directly to hini-for the j Money Prohlems l-nitcd Nations, N. 'V., Jan. 8 Light Meat Tuna 4^ '« ‘-“89c of new missileii. 5york within the geographic area ' (/Pv—The U.N. announced today ■f. A brief announcement yesterday News Tidbits Solid pack, no oil added. of their aaalgnmenta. Each special' that the 80-nation General As- said a'd.ocument which "apparently Culled from AP Wires agent in charged has an assistant semhiy will meet tomdrrow to Marie Gets Top Billing contained seti'et infoi-matlori" \yas, -a naaitiOn regarded as a train- | Hartford, Jan. 8 (JV- The Con-• cates outside the iegislatu're ap- istnsidrr a new proposal to In­ “THE SAUCE OF MANY USES” found ■'in the hands of unauthor­ Ing (?Tound for the. development of . General Assembly, will j pears to be greater than ever. vestigate the Himgkrian-^ sltua^ ized jpersona.” '-The document per- open Its -lUSI session at 10 a.m. 1 Before tackling these or any; Yd. HUNT’S Lo'well, ilass., police seek man • Hiture FBI executives. tion. The st^sinn was railed for tained to the_Nov. 26 decision by „ j^ey Inveati- FBI offices, such as in New York. | tomorrow, beset by persistent and other problems, the legislature I )0:S0 a.m. (E ST). 1 2 c o n n ^ 0 0 In,‘The Body Snatchers’ Chicago *oerH, Is devoting full Hoi^lcide Chief Robert Lohr- j some Army ]^op"e dTa^^ted'^ae^^ resume full membership of Gov. Ribicoff, the only Demo­ time to the fatal shooting here, ^ "«'■«»■ Rive I era! papera that criticized the de-' World Health .Organization... working on them since the 1955. He’ll Take Holiday crat holding high office in the session adjourned In such confusion' Netv Britain and East Hartford, esAirv.. a.ruu ColmaB sfiy competlUon. cisloii. Some of these papers wer^! Danish scientist beHeves he has all within a short |>erlod. In an all-taiwe, nini with announfced at the outset: ' made' abailabie to interested’ Con- found live speclinefia of aaimal State, has said that control of the that a special se.«sion had to be legislature by the 'opposition party Special,s In Veal policeJiee esmersmen.cameramen, the .hanelvshapely "W e now have Miss McDonald's greasmen. ' considered - - extinct...... more than ..... 800 New York, Jan. 8 (/Ft—Police! called to straighten out the mess ..actress re-enactei^ted whatwh she says wo . • .pfc *erer’‘hid“II^ ** “» ^ ^ A n t i- R r it is b Minister Eden leaves bjr train tivities ' state. Scept camel" Sre were four ourthe'* i - ‘ * 011100 Ssf WMaxiv* ?inixxix,x xc ; stniction on the*$445,000,000 Con-K as top admlnistnitar. from London for Sandringham for 'The madman, sought since 1940, | The .^udRrt. financing j Yu.of theV i' necticut ' Turnpike rimning front i!"''**."." scenes requiring aix takes; a bed-, ' Robert J- Oirfstie (3airo, Jan. 8 OTV'-The political I'audlente with Queen Eliznbeth H has BONELESS STEWIND VEAL room shot and an outdoor !« :« - x tion: a producer , and director? That a the end of scene one. A contmlttee of the Arab League ‘ for the first time' since Dec. .18. public ' Clear, meat— no wagte. exploded (both policemen),--- and. . of - course, ' pixtfessional movie man would have has -pledged support jo Yemen in , Color photography has been yelled "cut” but the Idea got aerpsa Its latest fight with British forces i adopted by Philadelphia police Theater Against set coverage by a small Army of persons have been injured b y ! anyhow. , . in Aden, ' la new menns of i>btalnlng eom'ic- The budget problem poses the lem it* first order of business. Hollywood press. bombs whic'D have exploded. - ' VEAL MEAT LOAF 4 9 e One policeman gave it a tUle 'A reporter asked , Capt. Ed The little Arab kingdom' on „the | tidns in drug' cnaes In order to see question of how to keep the state 4% Interest Top for Ittate J'ttt'eia. bUnketa, Lean veal and beef ground together. Tt'BNCO.ATK SUE r ,». (already used by Hollywood)-"The Walker.; handling the walkie talkie Arabian peninsula Ills 1 accuied more clearly hypodermic needle ' James B. Leggett, chief o f de­ on in even financial -keel without The problem is that al present Washington, Jan. 8 fn’>—rTkrm Body Snatcher!." on the Qiitslide, for a deacripUdn of Pritain o f using force to put over I puncture marka . .Rev. Ralph E. tectives, said last night that he increasing taxes, something' no no financial "jiousea are willing to turncoat sqMler*' have sued the And one neighborhood boy the set; LoHrman came back; a plan to federate the states o f j Hentrd of Ehtst Hartford appointed is convinced the letter was written legislator wants to -vote for, espe­ -purchase turnpike bonds at 4 per government for almost .818.000 GrtMi $rcmpa Ghron With Cooh Solos scored ..it with an incessant hum­ "Well, it’ll so fancy.that you’ll the ueighboring western Aden pnstor of Wnshlngton Park 3lrtho- by the "Bomber." cially with a state election coming ctbnt interest, the , top- limit the pay and allowances from the ming o f the "Ta te dum dupi take one look at it and then go Protectorete, and of launching at- f dist Chufch in Providence. "The paper that received. It is up next year., . Mate la willing t ^ a y under pces- Umc they tiere taken''prisoner theme .from "dragnet." It was) back to your house in Eagle Rock tacka bn Yemen. Yemen claim*; Warsaw radio coniplains “ hos-1 trj-ing to make contact agj|iin.‘’ A sudden and unexpected drying 4nt IqgisiaUon. / ia Korea until the nhn.r gum' . tx _s__.J A ai'nH xaeanf ^Isam 4en 14 M .quits a show. . / and want to set fire to it.” sovereignty over 30 aheikhdoma In t Hie elementa" are spreadliig “ fiH Leggett Mid. The paper is thg New up of the bond market ta reaponsi- I f the legislature plungSa'inime- them dishnnorabie dlsehnrgott About ;tba only thing missing All this reenactment was tq il­ the protectorate.:' mora and olanders" againqt Oont' York/Journal American. bfe fi^ the turnpike' financing diately into a diacussibn 6(.. turn­ The nCUon was hrougkt hy The aPeYVe B IP IK G CORE was ctnemasdope., lustrate Miss McpJn'atd's account The British in Aden say Yeiuen niuniat candidates in Jan, 20 pai'- ‘ 'Actual rontenU of, the letter problem. pike flnanclng,i It should give those former CTIs. Lewis W . Otfggk, . \r An elsborate , walkie-tqllde of her ordeal. She-Kad told authbri- authorities have been aaaembling Uamentary elections. . , ..Fed' weiV not disclosed by ipcdlce, >viio Past legislatureii bave avoided members who 'were here in lOr JacksohxUte. Fla.;' W ilM m -A . AdANCHimil , system, manned by two police cap- ties that .two awarthy-men abduct- i tribesmen . tor attacks 'bn; die. gos’ernment spent more ttMa ( I t haid It W e (he diatlnctivc'pHnted revamping the state’s court' sys- ^ "this ia where /we came in" fi rowart, - MontfcellO, Ai C O R N K MAIN oad OAK ita B E T i < Uins, gave the waiting reporters s, ed taer.frqpi her hbuM ahortly be-.i'Bei)iah,Emirpte, oiie of the snnall mllUoa I dollars . for land - jn laf lettera of the "Bomber." They ‘tBid tern ..lyithout either party openly | ing. Early in the last sessioi). M Dtko O. Bell, HWahara. btow-I^-blow: account of what took largetyi because of j i t plane anUj --t-- -' ■■ , opposing atich aVniove, but this r ...... thrzmgk-Atty, Bahect-Kr ' >lac« Inside. Ths oIBcers, playing ’ (OMtkiaati (M'BBga Mtoe), ' (Oohltaaed on Page MIim ) ^ guidod missilje needs. . , i ! <

L 1 \. I \ S’ i M W '•