/. ••• , ',,1^;, -r.' .V-' .' .>'• ' r'. ■■' ■' . (■; , (I i ■ V . - . 'AvfnMr* Daily Net'Pr«u"Run ' » r* r tlw tI'Mk Kndvd •' ' V; Tkt Wuathcr iM iakry B, IM t . ; at B. S. WaatiMr.BeckB tTUtudjrt little dioata la lam nN - 12,328^ .tara toalKht. 1«w a§-S5.'Cla«a!r. wlndjr. roMer ThMdajr, flui^ Member of-the .Audit riea a \w klcher eB^’attoiu. inch la Bureau »t drenlatlon Ma.*^ Manchester^A City of VillagmjChorm •N yO L. LXXVI, NO. 82 (FOURTEEN PAGES) , (CHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1957 (OaMlfM AdTertMag aa Baga U) PRICE FIVE CENTS DO y o D KNOW- \ I. That a' notorious gunman was the first to call FBI agents "(5-Men"? ■ By THE ASSOCIATED PRK8S Mad d o E ffunmen, who'”rob'>>y »*cuoh of the city,-two men » d kill bruflb- for .mall j “ * ." '" r K r S?" Read . suns of Itioney tha\e l^Kun ju^iall sum of money and killed. their fourth arid fifth Colt Both were shot through the back necticut victims—a man and of the head. The FBI Story \ his wife who were customers On the lame niglil In Hartford — about eight miles from New \jn a shoe atqre. Britain • a gunman entered a Page 13 Sees M ove Boosting 'ITte latest of the' killings oc- lonely tailor shop, fired a hullet eu^d tn North Haven Saturday Into the face of the tailor and fled -iB lg h t, with'a small sum of money. The Polled said the oouple, Mr. and tailor lived, ho\vc\'er. The bullet,' Mra. Berhgrd Speyer, appiarently police said, deflected Into his. Single Fatality Tension with Soviet walked In oft the guninen aa they shoulder. - , ! robbed the anpa atore owmer. They were forced to kneel on On Dec. 26. a liquor atore pro- !On Highway W ibt through th e prielor In East Hartford waa « Wuhington. Jan. 7 (/P>—-Secretarj' of Stata Dulles aaid the floor . and- ah< today the United States would not.invade any Middle East back of tha head.. 1\e proprietor. ® ^ SnOWf^U Frank Adlnolfl, 44, Wa* pistol- b e ^ . country to overthrow an already-installed irovemnieiit-<i-«o yhipped Into unconaclousneas. shot twice iiv the back of the head. matter how that government got there, His cash register was cleaned of nipney, but police did not know of Hartfo)^, Jan. 7 iJPi—Connecti­ A UJI. guarantee against overt Red aggression plus cco- Potoe aald the holdup netteJlrthe presumed cut awoke under a one-to-four nomic nid, Dulles^ told Congress, is hPw President EImh- bandits S50 frorn the cash re^H- relatively llUle. ter, S12 from Adlnolfl 8 wallet andb ’ Inch artow blanket this morning bower's■ Middle. ................................. East manifesto...... counts 5J*on meeting‘ the threat an undetiermtried. athounl of mon-, the bullets u.sed In that slowed traffic and caused a of Communist subversion. ay ^ presumablV^small - from the number of highway accidents. In- i th« dead couple. Spifyer was a fac- Ks-’t Hart/ord kll^g were not of eluding one fatality. | Washington, Jan. 7 (A»)—Secretary of State Dulles teati- tory worker and his wife a aecre-1 r«l>bcr.-They did not dis- I close, however, the caliber of b«l- Travelers Weather Service pro- . fied today President Eisenhower's Middle< East manifesto The outbreak of brutal slayipga Ift-ellher of the holdup.s. dieted more snow for today. Just t would increase tensions with Rlussianuaam butout tvouinwould “stopSlop Worldworio flurries, the forecaster said, with- ; .— all Of which seem to follow^'*,1 ^cverthelesa they did not rule War III before it starts.” llmllar pattern — started Dec. l.l^out the. posslbHlty the killings o\H any real accum ulation. | Dulles appeared before a ..^m-1 Ttie one fatal accident reported ; New'Brilain. : parked hearing of the House For- TTiere, In a gas atatlon in a lone-. (€!pntinue<l on Page Nine) by State Police took the life of 17- , elgn Affairs committee. He spokejlke | Plan Given year-old Bernice Arnesta of Tor- ' from a prepared statement and | rington late Sunday. , then submitted to qiiestiorii from ! \ The car in which she was riding, committee members. Gk>1 Reception police said collided with a vehicle operated by the Rev. Jolin J. The Secretary appealedppeau for con-' gyesslonal approval of "a roimded By Most Arabs Senators Map Push i Zihala. pastor of the Sacred Heart program of economic and military Church in TOrrington. Ksistance" including advance \ Critically Injured ' ithority for the PrealdenL to use B>- THB ASSOCIATED PRESS I On the VVilhiir Cross Highway In IT^. mliltary forces aninst anv . President Elsenhower's plan for Filibustei^ ! Milford, ^Irs. Theresa D’Ungcr, 26, "ovih-tOvi arm ed aggreaaion" spawft- Mi*”*^t” ***7 To Fall River, Mass., was critically In .ed b\^ communism in the Mldd^ \ Inif* today in m ost of th a A rab \ " jured when the car in which slie Sen.,,change would be referred to the i was’ a pn.>i.<icngcr skidded and W’ashington, Ja n . 7 He the flret of a parade of > J w ^ m Douglas (D-. 111) said today he and Senate Rules committee before the stniok a tree. ' admlnlstTatjon witnesses Vailed to Senate had a chance to act on it. Officer Frank Dowling of the detail the peppoeal whiim Presi­ erRhuaiaam in some weatarn Eu­ eth er Senators interested in ropean rountriea to cries of "rude “meanlngfvr’ Ovll Rights legis­ The Senate Friday night reject­ S tate rolice Traffic diVi.sinn said dent EisenhO^r prese ited- at a ed, 55-38. a m otion by'Sen. Adder- a number of lesser skidding acci- Ual jo in t‘s w io n of Conpress Interferenca” ftom Moscow. Non- lation will launch by nightfall a Arab \mies off tha United SUtea aew move to curb filibusters. son iD-NMt and others to pioceetf' denls were reported, hut that roads Saturday. at once to the adoption of New this morning were tn fairly good In the Esmt welcomed the Douglas said the group would ‘.Area of thiH^iteiioe*- program . Introduce a re.solutlon whlcli would Senate rules. Ander.son had been, condition. an exchange wit)i Chairman chosen by Dougl.as and others as State Highway Department The Eisenhower, doctrine — allow a majority of the- Senate s Gordon iD-III). Dulles'mjd the So- aim e^ a t pD-evehtlng Com m unist elected members to impose ^a time their floor leader in this move, the triK'ks and many town-owned Viet Union is seeking to (hake ‘ an main announced objective of which ancroarhrnent on tiw Middle Bast limit on debate, and thus kVll off trucks spent part of the night area of turbulence" out of theiMM- M --couples the. promlaa of Idrga a filibuster, on any matter-whleh was to get a new rule 22. plfiwing and spreading sand to die East,'and he added: Southern Senators have used the scale economic help to the area has been under dlacusalon fot 15 clear the highways for morning "I think, Mr. Chairmen, we with a threat to use U.S. armed Riindavs snd holl-»ri>l*>uster, or endless debate, tot traffii-x Injured Driver Gets Assistance 'must recognlae that thla acri^ state Police lift Leroy G. Crockett. 32. Larksvilte. Pa., onto stretcher after he wap pinned in hie forces against overt Communlat days would not be counted _ "MotoHat.s can go anywhere, may temporarily at leaat tneraase' resaion there. The President , , ,, , H oiim- R attle l^ooms hut- they .should (Irivc .slower.” auto on Route 6, Andover, early Sunnay morning. At Manchester Memorial Hospital, Where he tehsiona with the Soviet Union.’’ He said the resoluUon would al- Rights legislu was taken, officials said Crockett suffered several fractures, lacerations. contusions and abrasions. Wned it to Congreaa Saturday, low the debate limit, known as O fficer bow ling advi.sed. ‘T here's ■But he aald fhe purpose o^\ the ‘'acted Support for Naaaer tlon al.Ho seemed likely' to break very IlUie ice on the roads." They said he spent a ’'comfortable night." Police said the car left the highway after Crock^ Rrosidgnt'a proposal is "to i^op cloture, to be Imposed by two- out In the House within about two fell asleep at the wheel. A wrecker was called to'pry open the car door so th# injured m^n could^M- airo. the reception was chil­ thirds of the Senators present "''’d U -ee^ Chalrman^CcUftr iD-NYI ntL KMl-boddd^East-bound iraflF.traffic on the two ..removed. iBuckamp Photo. - ■ -Wnild \V«' n i bafpta It atartal’*\ ly’ buLgnild. Sbnie* JCgypUans who votingv o lln r i f kUy* lim e <hVl«lf thoi«' the House JVidiclary committee\ ^ ’bHdAM into « a m d r < w a s _11ned up RefarVIng to the proposal'a had hopbd the United State* W** first 15 daya. said in an interview that--such bills bumboi'-to-bumper for almost a flght-if-we-rhust proviao, Dulles ■fpady to onv-eil a new policy of Under the controversial Rule have “No. 1 priority” with that mile at 8:30 a.ni. Normally, the said ha haa no doubt what' Coh- anpport. for Rieaident Naaaer ware 22. debate cannot be limited now group. bridge-crossing rush .siib-side.s be­ Chou Stopping] gress . would do "K International dlaappotnted! , without the votes of at least 64 Speed is the keynote of strategy fore this tinie, a r ’s coipniuniam set out on a piecemeal there waa also the' feeling that Senators, o r tw'O-thlftds of the worked out by Celler and other A T rayeleis wentberiuan .said conqueat of the world by war." the doctrine would make It mere body’s pntlre membership.
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