Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infection: A Worldwide Strategy Professor Didier Pittet, University of Geneva Sponsored by Maunco Medical Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infection; a Worldwide Strategy Professor Didier Pittet, MD, MS, Infection Control Program University of Geneva Hospitals, Switzerland and Division of Investigative Science Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine, London, UK Hosted by Paul Webber Sponsored by
[email protected] Maunco Medical 1 2 3 4 Nosocomial infections Nosocomial infections Every year in the US, Every year in the US, preventable hospital-acquired diseases, preventable hospital-acquired diseases, including nosocomial infections, including nosocomial infections,/ year 9 billion are responsible for 44’000-98’000 deaths are responsible7 to US$ for2 44’000-98’000 deaths Kohn Institute of Medicine 1999 US$1 Kohn Institute of Medicine 1999 at least £ 1 b In UK, nosocomial infections may be In UK, nosocomial infectionsillio mayn / y beear responsible for > 5’000 deaths/year responsible for > 5’000 deaths/year BMJ 2.12.2000 BMJ 2.12.2000 5 6 Hosted by Paul Webber
[email protected] A Webber Training Teleclass Page 1 Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infection: A Worldwide Strategy Professor Didier Pittet, University of Geneva Sponsored by Maunco Medical Maternal mortality rates, First and Second Obstetric Clinics, GENERAL HOSPITAL OF VIENNA, 1841-1846 Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis