Locality updates

Co-optee representing Young People with their own tenancy: April 2011

1. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans for the Co-optee representing Young People with their own tenancy across .

2. Update


Jess has worked through her induction materials.

Jess has been meeting on a fortnightly basis to develop her skills and knowledge and is now ready to begin campaigning.

Jess has met with Susan Greenwood, Young Peoples Support Officer at Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing (KNH) and SHAP to introduce herself and make links.

Jess will now work with the KNH team on a weekly basis to help organise a celebration event that will reward young people for maintaining their tenancy agreement and living independently. Jess will meet lots of her constituents through this event and will possibly look at setting up a networking group following it.

3. What next?

Jess will also attend an up and coming SHAP course to observe the services on offer to young people who live independently. Jess will hopefully gain confidence and become an ambassador, speaking to young people about how to be a successful young tenant.

4. Contact Officer

Kay Parry Tel: 01484 223603 E-mail: [email protected]

Locality updates

Spen Valley, April 2011

1. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans in the Spen Valley locality

2. Update

• We have been attending locality meetings fortnightly and working through induction sessions. To date we have attended seven locality meetings and an Area Committee meeting. • We have all completed our induction programme and are now feeling much more confident about our role. • We are continuing to put together our introductory pack to be sent out to schools and youth settings and have now created a Powerpoint presentation and a poster. We are also working on our first newsletter which will also be included in the pack. We will practise delivering our presentation to an audience and carry out our first assembly at Gomersal Middle School. • We have all individually chosen to take part in various projects within KYC which will enable us to get involved in pieces work such as the Children & Young People’s Plan, KYC Website etc. • In the very near future we plan to write to local based MP Mike Wood to invite him to one of our meetings so that we can introduce ourselves and explain more about Kirklees Youth Council.

3. What next?

Over the next few weeks/months we plan to…

• Begin to promote KYC throughout the locality • Gather the views of our constituents

4. Contact Officer

Susan Adams Tel: 01484 223348 E-mail: [email protected]

Locality updates

Batley, Birstall & Birkenshaw, April 2011

1. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans in the Batley, Birstall & Birkenshaw locality

2. Update

• Regular meetings have been arranged to meet with the Youth Councillors who have been set the task of producing publicity resources which will be used to promote the work of KYC within the locality. • Three young people put themselves forward as candidates for the BB&B bi-election. Votes were held in schools and the results will be announced shortly. The successful candidate(s) will be inducted into their new role as Youth Councillor.

3. What next?

Over the next few weeks / months we plan to…

• Finish the Induction programme • Elect a new representative for BB&B • Begin to promote KYC throughout the locality

4. Contact Officer

Susan Adams Tel: 01484 223348 E-mail: [email protected]

Campaign Group Updates

Kirklees Youth Council Colleges Network-Transport Campaign April 2011

1. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans in the Colleges Network Group

2. Update

The College Network Group have completed their exams and are resuming their campaigning. They have arranged a day in the Easter holidays to compile their survey results and make a report/summarised version to present to decision makers.

They have also drafted a letter inviting key decision makers to a meeting, where they will present their findings.

They have 850 responses so far!

Huddersfield New College, , St John Fishers Catholic High School, The Mirfield Free Grammar, and Whitcliffe Mount have all contributed. Communication with the other Colleges and Sixth forms in Kirklees is happening to encourage collaborative work on the project.

Please ask young people in your constituencies who attend college or sixth form to complete the survey at… surveymonkey.com/s/pscx5xt

3. What next? The group are forging a link with Gateshead Youth Assembly who have also worked on a transport campaign. They have proposed a meeting date of 21st May 2011and will concentrate on planning this alongside the completion of the survey report.

4. Contact Officer

Kay Parry Tel: 01484 223348 E-mail: [email protected]

Locality update for , Kirkburton & Mirfield April 2011

1. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans in the Denby Dale & Kirkburton locality

2. Update Resignation/Bi-elections/KYC support • Harry Wood has tendered his resignation. • Welcome to new KYC’s Georgina Hanley from Lepton (King James School) and Megan Carpenter from ( Middle School) Georgina is a regular attendee of Lepton youth Club and is an active member of the Youth 4’Em there. She has been involved in the recently successful application to Kirkburton Parish for Lepton Youth club to be funded for another year.

Locality meetings/assemblies DDK : • Bi-election information for new applicants was sent to all schools and youth clubs in the area and drop-in sessions have been held at Shelley College which were also advertised in the school bulletin. • Chris Gordge and George Lane did two assemblies at Scissett Middle to promote KYC and the vacancies. • Chris has conducted another survey about the Skelmanthorpe Youth Club minibus service online - also planning a paper, one for Shelley College and this has been emailed to the youth clubs and put on Twitter and Facebook too. Results to be discussed in the meeting with Cllrs on 14th April. • Chris has devised a Powerpoint presentation which is being used in assemblies. Will be doing assemblies at Shelley College and hopefully Kirkburton Middle after Easter.

Mirfield: • Elle is now being supported by Conor Mitchell and Luke Bowkett who have all met twice at Mirfield Free Grammar for locality meetings. • After consulting young people at school, the group are not finding any issues to work with. We have therefore been talking to YPS Mobile Unit team and are in the process of arranging an after school meeting on the bus with a group of young people from the London Park Estate who have plenty of issue. The group are also looking at the Mirfield ward profile to get a better understanding of their area which will inspire areas of work and consultation. • The supporting IYCE worker is encouraging the group to consult with a wider range of young people and will facilitate this through local youth workers/groups. The group feel it would be useful to meet with Mirfield Cllrs to discuss local issues to help identify possible areas of work with young people. • The group have designed a poster to promote KYC in the area and will put this up in schools, local shops and take-aways with permission. • An assembly at MFG has been booked and Elle has finished the powerpoint presentation to use. • The group have created a survey which will also go online.

3. What next?

• Chris Gordge to be involved in the Children and Young People’s plan consultation • DDK Cllrs meeting on 14th April at Shelley College • All KYC’s to keep consulting with young people in the area to find out their issues. • Surgeries to be booked at MFG and Shelley College • London Park consultation to happen within the next 8 weeks • To continue booking/doing assembly presentations

4. Contact Officer Julia Ingram Tel: 01484 223603 E-mail: [email protected]

Locality updates

Youth Councillors representing the Dewsbury Locality: April 2011.

1. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans in the Dewsbury locality

2. Update

A bi-election is currently being organised to fill the vacant seat in the Dewsbury locality.

Chantelle has completed the induction pack and worked on developing a campaign based on her manifesto. This aims to promote young peoples positive achievements in Dewsbury.

Chantelle has made contact with the Dewsbury Reporter who have offered to support and the Kirklees Communications and Marketing Team. Meetings are arranged to further develop the campaign in the next month.

A ‘Main Priority’ consultation sheet has also been distributed to all youth clubs in the Dewsbury locality to feed into the Children & Young People’s Plan.

3. What next?

The Youth Councillors will continue their fortnightly meetings Chantelle & Jess currently meet together.

The campaigns will continue to develop.

A meeting with some of the Dewsbury Ward Councillors has been proposed and will be organised in the coming months.

4. Contact Officer

Kay Parry Tel: 01484 223348 E-mail: [email protected]

Locality update for Holme & Colne Valleys April 2011

1. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans in the Holme & Colne Valley locality

2. Update

Meetings • Daisy and Laura attended the young People’s Portfolio meeting on 8th March at Honley High. This has generated some work during the summer around health provision in schools and promoting local events and information on the forthcoming KYC website. • KYCs agreed at the YP Portfolio meeting that the “Spectrum” health provision at Holmfirth High is popular and successful. This is a worthy example of good provision which will be used to encourage GP’s to roll out in other schools. • KYCs have had 5 locality meetings and are in the process of making a DVD to show in schools and youth clubs to “provoke” young people into telling them about issues – areas highlighted on the DVD will be things to do, transport and health provision.

Consultation • Tim has created a Facebook poll survey and has messaged people he has links with to complete. Issues arising are that young people need cheaper more reliable buses and new parks. • KYC business cards with the Facebook page and Twitter link have been handed out at Colne Valley High and to encourage more young people to get in touch about their issues.

3. What next? • To edit DVD and send copies to all relevant groups in the area. These will be shown in assemblies and during presentations. • KYCs to reach a wider audience with their surveys/consultations – book surgeries at school to begin with. • Tim and Daisy to attend next YPP meeting at CV High in May. • IYCE worker to visit “Spectrum” at Holmfirth High to investigate success of the provision and assist KYC’s in promoting to GPs and YP from other areas.

4. Contact Officer Julia Ingram Tel: 01484 223348 E-mail: [email protected]

Locality updates

Huddersfield Locality , April 2011

1. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans in the Huddersfield Locality.

2. Update

• We went on the KYC residential to Eshton Grange near Skipton. We all got to know each other, did team building activities, worked with Krishna Maroo from Children’s Rights Alliance for England and began to look at areas of work that we need to concentrate on. • All members are part of the Children and Young People Plan Consultation group. We have designed a consultation questionnaire which is ready for distribution. The results will be given to Matthew Holland, Head of Children's Trust Management & Development . • We attended an International Women’s Day event at Netherton Village hall, where we collected the views of our constituents. This information will be fed in to the Children and Young People’s Plan consultation. • We have started to make a short viral DVD to promote KYC and the Huddersfield locality. • We were asked to help design a commemorative badge for Elected Members and Kirklees Youth Councillors. We have shared our designs with Angie Aspinall, Councillor Development Officer. • We have arranged to attend a local event run by Fresh Horizons • We have changed the day we meet from Tuesdays to Thursdays to accommodate all members of the group.

3. What next?

• To finish our DVD • Continue the work on the Children and Young People Plan Consultation • To continue to gather the views of constituents and feed them back to decision makers.

4. Contact Officer

Michelle Ross Tel: 01484 223603 E-mail: [email protected]

Locality updates

Youth Councillors representing Colleges and Sixth Forms: April 2011

1. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans for the Youth Councillors representing Colleges and Sixth Forms across Kirklees

2. Update

The Youth Councillors representing Colleges and Sixth Forms across Kirklees are continuing their induction training for Kirklees Youth Council.

Chloe has attended the Town and Valley Committee Meeting.

They have been supporting the College Network in their transport campaign and creating networks within the student unions to gain the views of their constituents.

Two applications have been received for the bi-election. The successful candidate will be taking up their seat following the Easter Holidays.

3. What next?

The Youth Councillors will continue to meet on a fortnightly basis and work through their induction.

A meeting with some of the Dewsbury Ward Councillors has been proposed and will be organised in the coming months .

4. Contact Officer

Kay Parry Tel: 01484 223348 E-mail: [email protected]

Locality updates

Youth Councillors representing Young People with Disabilities: April 2011

1. Purpose of this summary To update Youth Councillors on developments and plans for the Youth Councillors representing Young People with Disabilities across Kirklees

2. Update


The Youth Councillors are still working through their induction materials. They have also consulted with young people in their school about the Children and Young People’s plan. Here is their feedback…

Kyle: “We did a campaign quiz. We also did the Children and Young Peoples Plan consultation”.

Cameron: “We have contacted the NUS officer who represents young people with disabilities to see what campaigns they have running”.

Matthew: “We are learning about different campaigns and projects.”

The consultations work has shown that the young people in Ravenshall think the environment, transport, health and accessible activities are important.

3. What next?

Kyle: “I will help with the website”.

Cameron: “I will look at National campaigns and how KYC can be involved”.

Matthew: “I will help with the Children and Young People’s Plan work”.

4. Contact Officer

Kay Parry Tel: 01484 223603 E-mail: [email protected]