Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179 DOI 10.1007/s00204-015-1536-3


Activation of the Nrf2 response by intrinsic hepatotoxic drugs correlates with suppression of NF‑κB activation and sensitizes toward TNFα‑induced cytotoxicity

Bram Herpers1 · Steven Wink1 · Lisa Fredriksson1 · Zi Di1 · Giel Hendriks2 · Harry Vrieling2 · Hans de Bont1 · Bob van de Water1

Received: 27 January 2015 / Accepted: 12 May 2015 / Published online: 31 May 2015 © The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is an impor- toward TNFα-mediated cytotoxicity. This was related to an tant problem both in the clinic and in the development of adaptive primary protective response of Nrf2, since loss of new safer medicines. Two pivotal adaptation and survival Nrf2 enhanced this cytotoxic synergy with TNFα, while responses to adverse drug reactions are oxidative stress and KEAP1 downregulation was cytoprotective. These data indi- cytokine signaling based on the activation of the transcrip- cate that both Nrf2 and NF-κB signaling may be pivotal in tion factors Nrf2 and NF-κB, respectively. Here, we system- the regulation of DILI. We propose that the NF-κB-inhibiting atically investigated Nrf2 and NF-κB signaling upon DILI- effects that coincide with a strong Nrf2 stress response likely related drug exposure. Transcriptomics analyses of 90 DILI sensitize liver cells to pro-apoptotic signaling cascades compounds in primary human hepatocytes revealed that a induced by intrinsic cytotoxic pro-inflammatory cytokines. strong Nrf2 activation is associated with a suppression of endogenous NF-κB activity. These responses were translated Keywords Drug-induced liver injury · Live-cell into quantitative high-content live-cell imaging of induction imaging · Nrf2 activation · Oxidative stress · NF-κB of a selective Nrf2 target, GFP-tagged Srxn1, and the altered signaling nuclear translocation dynamics of a subunit of NF-κB, GFP- tagged p65, upon TNFR signaling induced by TNFα using Abbreviations HepG2 cells. Strong activation of GFP-Srxn1 expression BHA Butylated hydroxyanisole by DILI compounds typically correlated with suppression DILI Drug-induced liver injury of NF-κB nuclear translocation, yet reversely, activation PHH Primary human hepatocytes of NF-κB by TNFα did not affect the Nrf2 response. DILI siRNA Small interfering RNA compounds that provided strong Nrf2 activation, includ- ROS Reactive oxygen species ing diclofenac, carbamazepine and ketoconazole, sensitized APAP Acetaminophen/paracetamol AMAP 3′-Hydroxyacetanilide Bram Herpers, Steven Wink and Lisa Fredriksson have AMI Amiodarone contributed equally to this work. CBZ Carbamazepine CLZ Clozapine Electronic supplementary material The online version of this DCF Diclofenac article (doi:10.1007/s00204-015-1536-3) contains supplementary DEM Di-ethyl maleate material, which is available to authorized users. INH Isoniazid * Bob van de Water KTZ Ketoconazole [email protected] MEN Menadione MTX Methotrexate 1 Division of Toxicology, Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research, Leiden University, Einsteinweg 55, NFZ Nefazodone 2333 CC Leiden, The Netherlands NPX Naproxen 2 Department of Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical NTF Nitrofurantoin Center, Leiden, The Netherlands OFX Ofloxacin

1 3 1164 Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179

SN Simvastatin would suggest that Nrf2 could be involved in NF-κB sup- TGZ Troglitazone pression in certain situations including DILI. So far, there is no systematic evaluation on the relationship between Nrf2 and NF-κB activation in DILI. Introduction Here, we investigated whether drugs with known risk of DILI invoke specific cellular stress and defense pathways Drug safety issues that lead to drug-induced liver injury (NF-κB and Nrf2) and if these can aid in predicting the (DILI) are the major reason for drug-related hospitaliza- degree of drug toxicity and whether associations between tions and drug withdrawals. Often with no overt changes in these pathways exist. We investigated the transcriptional hepatocellular toxicity parameters (e.g., rise in alanine or response to 90 DILI-associated drugs as well as several aspartate aminotransferase (ALT/AST) levels or increased cytokines/growth factors in primary human hepatocytes total bilirubin) found in preclinical settings, drugs are (PHH) at multiple concentrations and time points, based (unknowingly) safely marketed until more than 1 in 10,000 on publicly available data (Uehara et al. 2010). To translate drug users demonstrate signs of liver failure (Kaplowitz these findings to high-throughput approaches, we established 2005). Novel, predictive systems for DILI based on mecha- novel GFP-based reporter cell lines amenable for high- nistic understanding will be essential to pave the way for- content high-throughput live-cell imaging to quantitatively ward for improved drug safety assessment. assess Nrf2 and NF-κB activation on a cell-to-cell basis. The common notion around DILI is that drugs affect the Our combined data indicate that the degree of oxidative intracellular biochemistry of liver cells, elicited by either stress in liver cells negatively correlates with NF-κB activ- the parent drug, its metabolites, or the metabolic shift ity and that the inability to adequately respond to inflamma- the drug conveys upon uptake (Han et al. 2013; Kaplow- tory responses upon drug exposure predisposes liver cells itz 2005). Although often idiosyncratic, there is a need to toward cell death. We propose that our integration of live-cell understand the key events that are critical mechanistic high-content imaging models to determine Nrf2 and NF-κB determinants of human DILI. Perturbations of immune- activation as well as cytotoxicity is likely to contribute to mediated signaling seem an important event in DILI (Steu- improving the discrimination of novel drug entities that are erwald et al. 2013). In particular, TNFα-mediated signaling intrinsically at risk of DILI. seems an important contributor to sensitize liver cells to drug-induced hepatocyte toxicity both in vitro (Cosgrove et al. 2009) and in vivo (Shaw et al. 2007). TNFα mediates Materials and methods intracellular signaling through activation of NF-κB tran- scription factor (Mercurio et al. 1997). NF-κB transiently Reagents translocates to the nucleus to activate downstream (cyto- protective) target including chemokines, inhibitor of All drugs were acquired from Sigma-Aldrich and freshly apoptosis family members (IAPs) and anti-apop- dissolved in DMSO, except for menadione (MEN) and totic Bcl2 family members (Liu et al. 1996). We demon- naproxen (NPX) (in PBS). Human TNFα was purchased strated that for diclofenac (DCF), the synergy with TNFα from R&D systems and stored as 10 μg/mL in 0.1 % BSA to kill hepatocytes is directly related to inhibition of NF-κB in PBS aliquots. nuclear translocation and activation and that inhibition of NF-κB signaling sensitizes toward cytotoxicity caused by Cell culture DCF (Fredriksson et al. 2011). Bioactivation of drugs contributes to the formation Human hepatoma HepG2 cells were acquired from ATCC of reactive metabolites which is shown to be a risk fac- (clone HB8065) and maintained and exposed to drugs in tor in DILI (Leung et al. 2012). These reactive metabo- DMEM high glucose supplemented with 10 % (v/v) FBS, lites typically provoke a cellular oxidative stress environ- 25 U/mL penicillin and 25 μg/mL streptomycin. The cells ment, thereby initiating the stabilization and activation of were used between passage 5 and 20. For live-cell imag- the transcription factor Nrf2 (Li et al. 2005). Subsequent ing, the cells were seeded in Greiner black μ-clear 96-well downstream target activation by Nrf2 contributes to plates, at 20,000 cells per well. adaptation and protection of cells against oxidative stress. Likewise, Nrf2 deletion in the liver severely increases the Gene expression analysis sensitivity toward drug-induced liver failure (Liu et al. 2010, 2013). In some studies, it has been shown that Nrf2 CEL files were downloaded from the Open TG-GATEs activation can act to suppress NF-κB-based immune signal- database for all DILI-related compounds (see Sup- ing responses (Chen et al. 2006), which is interesting as this plementary Table 1): “Toxicogenomics Project and

1 3 Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179 1165

Toxicogenomics Informatics Project under CC Attribution- From Reactome (version 48) (Croft et al. 2014) the path- Share Alike 2.1 Japan” http://dbarchive.biosciencedbc. ways innate immune system and detoxification of reactive oxy- jp/en/open-tggates/desc.html. Probe annotation was per- gen species (ROS) were used for inflammatory signaling and formed using the hthgu133pluspmhsentrezg.db package oxidative stress signaling, respectively. From “TRANSFAC® version 17.1.0, and probe mapping was performed with ( hthgu133pluspmhsentrezgcdf downloaded from NuGO sites) from BIOBASE Corporation” (Qian et al. 2006), the ( Probe- genes bound by factor NFE2L2 and RELA were used for oxi- wise background correction (robust multi-array average dative stress and inflammatory signaling, respectively. expression measure), between-array normalization within From all databases, a total of 490 and 175 unique genes each treatment group (quantile normalization) and probe were obtained for inflammatory and oxidative stress signaling, set summaries (median polish algorithm) were calculated respectively. As a next step to determine whether the selected with the rma function of the Affy package (Affy package, genes are actively transcribed in PHH of the TG-GATEs data- version 1.38.1) (Irizarry et al. 2003). The normalized data set, another selection step was performed using the oxidative were statistically analyzed for differential gene expression stress model compounds: di-ethyl maleate (DEM) and butyl- using a linear model with coefficients for each experimen- ated hydroxyanisole (BHA), and inflammatory model treat- tal group within a treatment group (Wolfinger et al. 2001). ments: TNFα, LPS and interleukin-1β; both for the high-dose A contrast analysis was applied to compare each expo- 8- and 24-h data. The oxidative stress gene set was filtered sure with the corresponding vehicle control. For hypoth- based on a multiple-testing-corrected p value of 0.05, minimum esis testing, the empirical Bayes statistics for differential average expression of 5 (log2) and a minimum absolute log2- expression was used followed by an implementation of fold change of 1.5 within the oxidative stress model compound the multiple testing correction of Benjamini and Hochberg subset resulting in 55 genes. The inflammatory signaling gene (1990) using the LIMMA package (Smyth et al. 2005). set was filtered based on a multiple-testing-corrected p value of 0.05, minimum average expression of 5 (log2) and a minimum Cluster analysis of oxidative stress absolute log2-fold change of 2 within the inflammatory signal- and inflammation‑regulated gene sets ing model treatment subset resulting in 82 genes. The log2-fold change values for all DILI treatments and controls were gath- A gene set for oxidative stress and a gene set for inflam- ered followed by Manhattan distance measure and ward clus- matory signaling were generated using several databases tering using the NMF package (version 0.20.5) (Gaujoux and (see Supplementary Fig 1). From Ingenuity Pathway Analy- Seoighe 2010). Different log2-fold change threshold values sis (version 18841524), the genes present in the following were used to obtain more similar gene set sizes. pathways were extracted: NRF2-mediated oxidative stress The DILI score annotation was adapted from the manual response, death receptor signaling, NF-κB signaling, TNFR1 literature survey performed by Astrazeneca (Garside et al. signaling, TNFR2 signaling and Toll-like receptor signaling. 2014). The DILI concern and SeverityScore were largely From the Project (Ashburner et al. 2000), based on a text mining study of FDA labels (Chen et al. genes associated with the following terms were obtained 2011). using AmiGO 2 version 2.2.0 (Carbon et al. 2009): response to oxidative stress (GO:0006979) for oxidative stress and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis regulation of inflammatory response (GO:0050727) for inflammatory signaling. Both queries were performed with Differentially expressed genes for all DILI compounds in filters evidence-type closure set to “experimental evidence” the TG-GATEs dataset were selected based on a minimal and taxon closure label set to “Homo sapiens.” log2-fold change of 1.3 (fold change of 2.5 with respect × From the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB) to matched control), a maximum multiple-testing-corrected (Liberzon et al. 2011), for oxidative stress the following p value of 0.05 and a minimum average log2 expression of gene sets from BioCarta were used: BIOCARTA NRF2 7 within the treatment groups (Supplementary Fig 1). Clas- PATHWAY and for inflammatory signaling BIOCARTA sification of the selected genes according to their biologi- NFKB PATHWAY, BIOCARTA DEATH PATHWAY, BIO- cal and toxicological functions was generated through the CARTA TNFR1 PATHWAY, BIOCARTA TNFR2 PATH- use of QIAGEN’s Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA®, QIA- WAY and BIOCARTA TOLL PATHWAY. GEN Redwood City,, which From Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG finds associated canonical pathways based on the selected Release 71.0, July 1, 2014): (Kanehisa et al. 2014) the path- gene sets. p values are calculated using right-tailed Fisher ways NF-κ B signaling pathway, TNF signaling pathway and exact test and represented as log10 (p values). The p val- − Toll-like receptor signaling pathway were used for inflamma- ues were extracted for the “Nrf2-mediated oxidative stress tory signaling. No entry for Nrf2 or oxidative stress was found. response” pathway representing oxidative stress, and as

1 3 1166 Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179

NRF2−mediated Oxidative Stress Response A 1 6 -1 DILI Concern 4 inflammation less−DILI−concern 2 most−DILI−concern oxidative stress

al 0 Number of Genes pV Inflammatory Signaling (arrows) 10 60 Fold change -log 6 1 10

4 -1


0 l e e e e e n n n e e e e e e e n e e e e n n e e F B A to en rine LPS iram TN ytoi ibrat e ve astati adapi tacrine xiletine spirone uprofen danazol utamid sulindac labetalol enalapril captopril tioproni isoniazid diltiazem quinidine ranitidine flutamid acarbos ib naprox clozapine disulf rifampicin nifedipine lomustine phen tamoxife diazepam etoposid bu colchicine ticlopidine me diclofenac lproic acid cimetidine enlafaxin allopurinol famotidin fenof meloxicam imipramine papa etham bu furosemide simv propranolol v griseofulvin thioridazin tolb methyldopa nefazodone omeprazol amitriptylin ethionamid azathioprin va methimazol fluphenazin nitrofurantoi ketoconazole disopyramide indomethacin yclosporine phenobarbital promethazin trimethadione glibenclamide c amphotericin propylthiouracil diethyl maleat chlorpromazine carbamazepine acetaminophen chlorpropamid mefenamic acid yclophosphamid c etine hydrochlorid tylated hydroxyanisole rosiglitazone maleat e bu interleukin 1 beta, human fluox B

AB C D E log2 FC DILI Concern 8 Severity Class 6 MAFG_O MAFF CDC34_O GCLC_O 4 PLK3_O SRXN1 SIRT1_B CD55_I A` CHI3L1_I TXNRD1 2 MAFF_O SRXN1_O TXNRD1_O GCLM GCLM_O 0 SQSTM1_O G6PD_O SQSTM1 B` FOS_B MMP1_I −2 HMOX1_O G6PD RELA_B GSR_O GLRX2_O FOS −4 APTX_O NQO2_O MMP1 MAFK_O ZNF622_O KEAP1_O HMOX1 VCP_O STIP1_O NFKB2_I RELB_I PPIF_O C` CYP2A6_O EPHX1_O DHRS2_O ETV5_O NFE2L2_O AZI2_I FTH1_O LONP1_O DILI Concern VIMP_B SELK_O less−DILI−concern MMP3_I CBR3_O most−DILI−concern F3_I IRAK2_I oxidative stress NOD2_I PELI1_I IL15_I inflammation MICB_O WNT5A_I MAP3K8_I Severity Class IL1RN_I ELF3_I fatal hepatotoxicity LY 96_I CCL20_I hyperbilirubinemia IL18R1_I MAP2K6_I oxidative stress ICAM1_I TLR2_I TNFAIP3_I liver aminotr. increase LBP_I NAMPT_I jaundice BLNK_I SPP1_I cholestasis CCL5_I IL1B_I PI3_I acute liver failure SELE_I CTSS_I inflammation D` CSF1_I SDC4_I liver necrosis PIGR_I JUNB_I SOCS3_I IL23A_I Gene Type CD40_I VCAM1_I inflammatory CSF2_I PLAU_I oxidative IRF1_I NFKBIA_I both CCL4_I IFNAR2_I TNIP1_I NFKB1_I TAP1_I IFNGR2_I LCN2_I ZC3H12A_I IL6_B CXCL3_I CXCL5_I CREB3L3_I FABP1_O ABCC2_O TNFRSF1B_I LIPG_I ABCG2_O CDK1 SLC25A24_O MAP3K5_B CX3CL1_I CXCL1 DUSP6_I RHOB_O FKBP5_O CCL2 E` PNKP_O CYCS_B LMNB1 HYAL1_O TNFRSF21_I AOX1_O BCL2A1 ADSL_O PNPT1_O PRDX3_O HERPUD1 TXN2_O CDK1_I CXCL1_I CXCL11 CCL2_I LMNB1_I F` BCL2A1_I LTB HERPUD1_O CXCL11_I LTB_I CXCL10 CXCL10_I CXCL2_I TNFSF10_I CXCL2 IL8_I STAT4_I TLR3_I TNFSF10 BIRC3_I G` IER3_I LIF_I IL8 TPM1_O TRAF1_I STAT4 OXTR_I GAS2_I IL18_I TLR3 COCH_O S100A6_O IKBKAP_I BIRC3 H` ECT2_O l l l l l e e e n e e e n e e e e e n e e e e n e e n e e e e e e e F B S A le ri ri m m m to en en ne id zo ol in in ol dol IER3 fe inol la toin ri zo ze LP ri TN xi ox enac

Gene ine xaci n axin icin epine epam anisol e xica zo ny ve odone mpicin ptylin e y astati yldopa dazin adapi n tacr xiletine edipine z

spirone LIF uprof ia dana olamid ri yramide lsuccinat e utamid sulindac fa labetalol ox motidine enalap captop tioproni nofibrat isoniazid diltia quinidine clofibrate ranitidine tr flutamid l maleat fa napr acarbos romazine ib ropamid iseofulvi asalazin Type clozapine nif ri disulfiram lomustine tamo diaz phe etoposid bu hy colchicine ticlopidine dr drochlor me diclof lproic acid cimetidine enlaf allopur fa terbinafin fe ylthiouracil dantrolene melo namic acid tocona gemfibrozil imipramine halope papa etham bu furosemide simv propranolol v rp tetracyclin gr rp thio meth tolb ne omepraz TPM1 hy amiodarone amit ri hy ethionamid imethadione azathiopr one maleat ciproflo va fe methimaz fluphenazin nicotinic acid sulf penicillamine nitrofurantoi ke disop clomipramin indomethacin xamethasone promethazin phenobarbita tr glibenclamide yltestosterone acetaz cyclospor amphoter prop ycin et diet hy carbamaz acetaminophen chlo chlo me

de TRAF1 leukin 1 beta, human etine tylated x cyclophosphamid meth bu inter ythrom fluo rosiglitaz er

1 3 Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179 1167

◂ Fig. 1 Gene expression analysis of 24-h highest concentration primary (Polyplus) as described previously (Fredriksson et al. human hepatocyte subset of the TG-GATEs dataset. a Differentially 2011). expressed genes were analyzed with Ingenuity Pathway Analysis as described in detail in the “Materials and methods” section. In the top panel, the log10 p values for the corresponding pathways are displayed Western blotting for the Nrf2-mediated− oxidative stress response. The top panel dis- plays the mean of the p values for the inflammatory-related pathways. Samples were collected by direct cell lysis (including pel- Compounds are ordered according to highest significance of the Nrf2- leted apoptotic cells) in 1 sample buffer supplemented mediated oxidative stress response. The compound labels in red are the × compounds chosen in this study. The color of the bars corresponds to with 5 % v/v β-mercaptoethanol and heat-denatured at DILI severity type or to the oxidative stress/inflammatory model com- 95 °C for 10 min. The separated were blotted onto pounds (model compound type). The length of the arrows corresponds PVDF membranes before antibody incubation in 1 % BSA to the mean fold change of the genes which are responsible for the sig- nificance of the corresponding pathways. The direction of the arrow in TBS–Tween 20. The following antibodies were used: corresponds to either mean up- or downregulation of these genes. The mouse-anti-GFP (Roche); rabbit-anti-IκBα (Cell Signal- color of the arrows corresponds to the number of these genes rang- ing); rabbit-anti-Nrf2 (H300, Santa-Cruz); mouse-anti- ing from 10 to 60 genes. b Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of all Cleaved Caspase-8 (Cell Signaling); rabbit-anti-PARP DILI compounds and a selected gene set as described in detail in the “Materials and methods” section. Blue corresponds to downregulated (Cell Signaling); mouse-anti-Tubulin (Sigma); mouse-anti- genes, and orange, to upregulated genes; the brightness corresponds to actin (Santa-Cruz). the magnitude of the fold changes. The top color-coded bar corresponds to the DILI concern or model compound type. The second top color- Microscopy coded bar corresponds to the severity class or model compound type. The left color-coded bar corresponds to the gene type—either inflamma- tory genes, oxidative genes or both. Important clusters on gene level are Real-time cell death induction was determined by moni- represented from A′ to H′, and important compound-level clusters with toring the accumulation of Annexin-V-Alexa633-labeled A–E for easy reference from the text. Compounds used in this study are cells over a 24-h time period (Puigvert et al. 2010). For color-coded in red (color figure online) this, transmission and Alexa633 images of the same area with cells were taken automatically every 30 min using a representation for “inflammatory signaling,” the average BD Pathway™ 855 bioimager with CCD camera and a 10x of the p values of pathways “Toll-like receptor signaling,” objective with an image resolution of 608 456 (binning × “death receptor signaling,” “TNFR1 signaling,” “TNFR2 2). signaling” and “NF-κB signaling” was calculated. For each Accumulation of Srxn1-GFP or nuclear oscillation of treatment, the average magnitude of the log2-fold change GFP-p65 was monitored using a Nikon Eclipse Ti confo- values of the genes responsible for the significance of the cal microscope (lasers: 488 and 408 nm), equipped with oxidative stress and inflammatory pathways was calculated an automated stage, Nikon 20x Dry PlanApo VC NA 0.75 and displayed as an arrow vector above the log10 p value objective and perfect focus system. Images were acquired − bars of the bar graph. The number of genes responsible for at 512 512 pixels. Prior to imaging at >20 magnifica- × × the significance of the individual pathways is color-coded tion, HepG2 cells were loaded for 45 min with 100 ng/mL

from blue (low number of genes) to pink (high number of Hoechst33342 to visualize the nuclei, upon which the Hoe- genes). chst-containing medium was washed away to avoid Hoe- chst phototoxicity (Purschke et al. 2010). Srxn1-GFP cells Generation of GFP‑tagged cell lines were imaged every 30 min across a 24-h time span, and GFP-p65 cells every 6 min for 6 h. HepG2 cells stably expressing human GFP-p65 as described in (Fredriksson et al. 2011). Mouse sulfiredoxin Image quantification (Srxn1) was tagged with GFP at the C-terminus using BAC recombineering (Hendriks et al. 2012) and stably intro- To quantify the total pixel area occupied by cells or the duced into HepG2 cells by transfection and 500 μg/mL number of cells per field imaged, transmission images and G-418 selection. Hoechst images, respectively, were analyzed using Image- Pro 7.0 (Media Cybernetics). The accumulation of dead RNA interference cells or the appearance of Srxn1-GFP-positive cells was quantified as the total number of pixels above background. siRNAs against human NFE2L2 (Nrf2) and KEAP1 were The Annexin-V-positive pixel total was normalized for the acquired from Dharmacon (ThermoFisher Scientific) as total cell area. The number of adjacent fluorescent Srxn1- siGENOME SMARTpool reagents, as well as in the form GFP pixels above background (with a minimum size of of four individual siRNAs. HepG2 cells were transiently 45 pixels, which is about one-fourth of average cell size) transfected with the siRNAs (50nM) using INTERFERin was multiplied by the average density of those pixels as a

1 3 1168 Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179

HMOX1 4 2 0 −2 −4 SRXN1 4 2 0 −2 −4 GCLM 4 2 0 −2

FC −4 2 CXCL1

log 4 2 0 −2 −4 CCL2 4 2 0 −2 −4 BCL2A1 4 2 0 −2 −4 l l l l l l c e e n e e n e e e n e e e A B m m LPS TN F tacrine adapin danazo sulinda labetalo captopri enalapril tiopronin isoniazid diltiaze quinidine flutamid e ranitidine acarbose ibuprofen naproxen clozapin disulfiram rifampicin lomustine nifedipine phenytoi tamoxife n diazepam etoposide buspiron colchicine ticlopidin mexiletine cimetidine diclofenac allopurino famotidine fenofibrat e meloxica imipramine papaverine ethambutol furosemide simvastatin propranolo venlafaxin griseofulvin thioridazine tolbutamide methyldopa nefazodone omeprazole amitriptyline ethionamide azathioprin valproic acid methimazole fluphenazine nitrofurantoin ketoconazole disopyramide indomethaci trimethadione promethazine phenobarbita glibenclamid cyclosporine amphotericin propylthiouracil diethyl maleat chlorpromazine carbamazepine acetaminophen chlorpropamide mefenamic acid cyclophosphamid

rosiglitazone maleat DILI Concern: inflammation less−DILI−concern most−DILI−concern oxidative stress fluoxetine hydrochloride butylated hydroxyanisol interleukin 1 beta, huma

Fig. 2 Fold changes of example genes from the two prominent clus- Fig. 1b and inflammatory genes CXCL1, CCL2, BCL2A1 (purple) ters from the unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis. Oxidative from clusters F′ and G′. Color codes are as in Fig. 1 (color figure stress genes HMOX, SRXN1, GCLM (blue) from cluster B′ from online) measure for the GFP signal intensity increase and normal- Fig. 3 Srxn1-GFP BAC HepG2 reporter cell line is dependent ▸ ized for the amount of nuclei. on Nrf2/KEAP1 signaling. a Cell injury assay using Annexin-V- To quantify the nuclear translocation of GFP-p65, Alexa-633 staining after 24-h exposure to our compound set. b West- ern blot of Nrf2 expression in HepG2 cells exposed for 8 or 16 h nuclei (Hoechst) masks are segmented and tracked in to MEN, di-ethyl maleate (DEM), diclofenac (DCF) or KTZ. Den- ImageJ to define the GFP-p65 nuclear intensity, followed sity quantification is relative to actin levels, normalized to DMSO. by cytoplasm segmentation. The normalized nuclear/cyto- c Western blot of GFP expression in HepG2 Srxn1-GFP cells as in plasmic intensity ratio for each cell is recorded and fur- b. Density quantification below is relative to tubulin levels. d Stills of time-lapse imaging of HepG2 Srxn1-GFP cells exposed to Nrf2 ther analyzed for different oscillation features, also using inducers. e Quantification of the Srxn1-GFP reporter response kinet- ImageJ, including the number of translocations, time ics. f siRNA-mediated knockdown of Nrf2 ( siNrf2) or KEAP1 period of each individual peak, intensity of the peaks, (siKEAP1) or mock treatment ( ) in HepG2+ Srxn1-GFP cells − delay between peaks, and nuclear entry and exit rates (Di exposed to DMSO, MEN, DEM, DCF or KTZ for 24 h et al. 2012). Results Statistics Enhanced Nrf2 activation is associated All experiments are performed at least in triplicate. Error with suppression of endogenous NF‑κB activity in PHH bars indicate standard error. Statistical comparisons were made using a one-way ANOVA. The following p values The Japanese Toxicogenomics Project has generated the were considered significant:p < 0.05 (*); p < 0.01 (**); Open TG-GATEs data repository of gene expression pro- p < 0.001 (***). files in PHH upon exposure to 157 compounds, of which

1 3 Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179 1169

A troglitazone isoniazid ofloxacin simvastatin naproxen

ll s 30 (TGZ) 30 (INH) 30 (OFX) 30 (SN) 30 (NPX) ce

c 20 20

ti 20 20 20 ** to **** op 10 10 10 10 10 * ap

% 0 0 0 0 0 M M M M μM μM μM μM μM μM 0μM 0μ 0 0μM 0 10μM25μ 50μM75μM 0mM1m 5mM 10μM50 75μM 10μM20μM40 60μM 2.5mM 7.5mM 10 250 500μM750 1000μ methotrexate amiodarone acetaminophen 3'-hydroxyacetanilide nitrofurantoin ***

ll s 30 (MTX) 30 (AMI) 30 (APAP) 30 (AMAP) 30 (NTF) ce

c 20 20 20 20 20

ti *** *** *** *** to * *** *** op 10 10 * 10 10 10 ** *** ** ** ap 0 0 0 0 0 % M M M M M M M μM μM μM μM μM μM μM 0μM 0μM 0μM 25 50 25 50μM 0mM1m 2m 5m 0mM1m 2m 5m 10 50μM75 12.5 37.5μM 12.5 37.5μM 7.5mM 7.5mM 100μ nefazodone clozapine carbamazepine diclofenac ketoconazole 30 30 ll s 30 (NFZ) (CLZ) 30 (CBZ) 30 (DCF) (KTZ)

ce ***

c 20 *** 20 20 20 20 ti *** *** *** to ** *** * ****** *** 10 10 *** 10 10 10 *** op

ap 0 0 0 0 0 % M M M M M μM μM μM μM μM μM μM μM μM μM 0μ 0 0μ 0μM 0 25μM30 35μM40 25μ 50μM75μM 25μM50μM75 100 250 500 750 250μM500μ750 100μ 1000μM 1000μM concentration

B DMSO MENDEM DCF KTZ C DMSO MEN DEMDCF KTZ 8h 16h 8h 16h 8h 16h 8h 16h 8h 16h 8h 16h 8h 16h8h16h 8h 16h 8h 16h Srxn1- NRF2 GFP Actin Tubulin Density 1.01.1 1.41.8 4.22.6 1.41.4 1.11.4 Density 1.01.7 2.02.3 4.52.8 1.54.0 3.06.7

0h 12h 24h D E HepG2 Srxn1-GFP reporter kinetics 4

DMSO y DEM 100μM

3 DCF 500μM KTZ 50μM MEN 20μM MEN 2 signal intensit DMSO

1 Srxn1-GFP DEM 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Time (hours)


siNRF2 - + - + - + - + - + siKEAP1 NRF2 KTZ Srxn1- GFP Tubulin

1 3 1170 Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179 many are DILI-related, at 1–3 different concentrations genes that were mostly upregulated by DILI compounds and 1–3 time points (2, 8 and 24 h), including a few pro- but hardly affected by cytokines, including Maff, Srxn1, inflammatory cytokines, TNFα, IL1β and LPS (Uehara Txnrd1, GCLM, SQSTM1, G6PD, FOS, MMP1 and et al. 2010). We focused on the NF-κB and Nrf2 signaling- HMOX1, mostly prototypical Nrf2 target genes (see Fig. 2 related gene sets extracted from several key databases as for examples), and a second cluster (clusters F′ and G′) described in detail in the “Materials and methods” section. with inflammatory genes that were strongly upregulated by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) for oxidative stress and the cytokines and LPS, but were strongly downregulated inflammatory signaling was performed for all DILI com- by the same DILI compounds that caused upregulation of pounds in the dataset. Typically, a significant modulation of Nrf2 targets, which included CXCL1, CCL2, BCL2A1, these pathways was observed. A major modulation of the CXCL11, CXCL2 (see Fig. 2 for examples). To deter- “Nrf2-mediated oxidative stress response” overall related mine the correlation with the DILI severity, we performed to upregulation of genes linked to this pathway. Interest- a similar cluster analysis for only severe DILI compounds ingly, DILI compounds that showed a strong oxidative and non-severe DILI compounds based on the FDA drug stress response also showed a modulation of “inflamma- labeling classification (Chen et al. 2011) (Supplementary tory signaling” related to NF-κB activity (26 compounds, Figs. 3 and 4). Severe DILI compounds mostly mimicked p < 0.05) although this was typically associated with down- the overall DILI hierarchical cluster analysis showing the regulation of genes (Fig. 1a). This effect was strongest after strongest inverse relationship between Nrf2 activity and 24-h treatment, although a similar association was already NF-κB suppression and included DCF, sulindac, ketocona- observed at 8-h treatment (Supplementary Fig. 2A). zole (KTZ) and acetaminophen (APAP). The above observation indicated an opposite direction of Altogether, these findings indicate a strong correlation Nrf2-mediated signaling versus NF-κB-related inflamma- between the ability of DILI compounds to induce an adap- tory signaling by DILI compounds in PHH. Indeed, Nrf2 tive Nrf2 response and the suppression of NF-κB activity. can negatively affect NF-κB activity (Liu et al. 2008; Yu et al. 2011). Therefore, we next performed a more detailed A BAC‑Srxn1‑GFP HepG2 cell line reports hierarchical clustering analysis of the altered gene expres- xenobiotic‑mediated Nrf2 activation sion induced by all DILI compounds associated with both signaling pathways. As a first step, based on different The most prominent differences between NF-κB and annotation databases, we systematically selected a set of Nrf2 responses in the PHH dataset were observed at Nrf2 signaling-related genes as well as a set of inflamma- high concentrations and at 24 h of drug exposure. Like tory signaling-related genes. To determine which genes are all signaling events, the transcriptional activities of Nrf2 responsive to oxidative stress and inflammatory stimuli in and NF-κB are dynamic in nature and may show differ- PHH, we included a stringent filtering procedure based on ential activity over time. Therefore, we sought to moni- the exposures of PHH in the TG-GATEs data to DEM and tor the activity of these two transcription factors in liv- BHA for Nrf2 signaling, and TNFα, IL-1β and LPS for ing cells using GFP-tagging technology allowing their inflammatory signaling. We then extracted the differential dynamic analysis. As PHH dedifferentiate within 24 h expression levels for all DILI compounds for the selected in vitro when grown in 2D cultures (Boess et al. 2003) 55 and 82 genes related to Nrf2 signaling and inflamma- and are not amenable for stable expression of GFP tory signaling, respectively. Using an unsupervised hier- reporter constructs, we chose the liver model cell line archical clustering for all genes and DILI compounds at HepG2 to generate stable fluorescent reporters for both 24 h, we could clearly distinguish Nrf2 clusters (A′, B′, C′ NF-κB and Nrf2 signaling. As a first step, to enable reli- and E′) and NF-κB gene clusters (D′, F′ and G′) (Fig. 1b). able quantitative measurements of the dynamic effect Moreover, cytokines and LPS (cluster A) clearly induced a of drug exposure on Nrf2 activity using live-cell imag- different response compared to all DILI compounds (clus- ing, we generated a HepG2 reporter cell line based on ters B–E). DILI compound cluster C gave the strongest bacterial artificial (BAC) recombineering overall response at the level of both Nrf2 target gene acti- (Poser et al. 2008) of the Nrf2 target gene sulfiredoxin vation and inflammation signaling target gene downregula- (Srxn1) (Hendriks et al. 2012), which was part of the tion; this cluster was slightly enriched in compounds that predictive DILI cluster. We tagged the Srxn1 gene with demonstrate “fatal hepatotoxicity”. These effects were not GFP at its C-terminus and established a stably express- as prominent at 8-h treatment conditions (Supplementary ing HepG2 Srxn1-GFP cell line under control of its own Fig. 2B). entire promoter region. To monitor for its functionality Within the hierarchical cluster analysis, two strong as an Nrf2 reporter, we exposed the HepG2 cells to MEN gene clusters were prominent in their response to DILI (20 μM) and DEM (100 μM) as proto-typical model acti- compounds: a first cluster (cluster ′B ) with Nrf2 target vators of Nrf2, as well as DCF and KTZ, of which the

1 3 Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179 1171

A B TGZ INH OFX 4h 14h 24h 4h 14h24h 15 0 15 0 15 0 10 10µM 10 1mM 10 10µM 50µM 2.5mM 50µM TGZ

DMS O 5 75µM 5 7.5mM 5 75µM 0 0 0 0 8 16 24 0 8 16 24 0 8 16 24 N I OFX SN NPX MTX 15 0 15 0 15 0 10 10µM 10 100µM 10 10µM 30µM 500µM 50µM y 60µM 750µM 75µM X 5 5 5 P SN N 0 0 0 0 8 16 24 0 8 16 24 0 8 16 24 AMI APAP AMAP signal intensit 15 0 15 0 15 0 P AM I MT X 10 12.5µM 10 1mM 10 1mM 25µM 2.5mM 2.5mM 5 37.5µM 5 7.5mM 5 7.5mM 0 0 0 AP 0 8 16 24 0 8 16 24 0 8 16 24 AP AMAP NTF NFZ CLZ 15 0 15 0 20 0 10µM Normalized Srxn1-GF 10 10 12.5µM 15 10µM Z 50µM 25µM 50µM F 10

NT F N 75µM 37.5µM 75µM 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 8 16 24 0 8 16 24 0 8 16 24 CL ZH CB Z CBZ DCF KTZ 15 0 15 0 15 0 10 100µM 10 100µM 10 10µM 500µM 500µM 50µM 750µM 750µM 75µM F 5 5 5 C KT Z D 0 0 0 0 8 16 24 0 8 16 24 0 8 16 24 Time (hours) C DMSO AMI CBZ CLZ DCF KTZ DMSO D Nrf2 no TNFα TNFα - + - + - + - + - + - + - + 10ng/ml TNFα Nrf2 3 Srxn1- 2 GFP Tubulin 1

relative Nrf2 protein levels 0 DMSOAPAPAMAP NFZ NTFMTX DMSO SN AP

TNFα IN H + + + + + + + AMI KT Z ------CL Z NT F NF Z TG Z CBZ OF X DC F NPX MT X AP AMA P

Nrf2 DMSO Srxn1- GFP Srxn1-GFP no TNFα Tubulin 10ng/ml TNFα 10

s 8 DMSO NPXINH OFXSN TGZ DMSO 6 TNFα - + - + - + - + - + - + - + 4 Nrf2 2 Srxn1- protein level

GFP relative Srxn1-GFP 0


Fig. 4 Drug exposure induces dynamically divergent Nrf2 responses. Nrf2 and GFP expression after 24-h drug exposure in HepG2 Srxn1- a Stills of confocal live-cell imaging in HepG2 Srxn1-GFP cells upon GFP cells, either with or without co-exposure to 10 ng/mL TNFα. d drug exposure (shown are 4, 14 and 24 h). b Quantification of the Quantification of the Nrf2 and Srxn1-GFP protein levels, 24 h after Srxn1-GFP signal appearing upon exposure to increasing drug doses drug TNFα exposure (averages of three replicates) (averages shown of four independent replicates). c Western blots for ±

1 3 1172 Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179

PHH data revealed their capacity to strongly activate an Fig. 5 DILI compounds affect the TNFα-mediated nuclear transloca- ▸ Nrf2 response. DEM, MEN, DCF and KTZ all stabilized tion response of NF-κB. a Time-lapse images of one cell that illus- trates NF-κB oscillation upon 10 ng/mL TNFα stimulation after an Nrf2 levels in our cells (Fig. 3b, c). Live-cell imaging 8-h drug pre-incubation period. Arrowheads point at the local nuclear by confocal microscopy followed by automated image translocation maxima (“peaks”). Quantified average of the GFP-p65 quantification showed that the Srxn1-GFP reporter is nuclear/cytoplasmic intensity ratio (average of three experiments, activated with different kinetics by different compounds totaling 800–1200 cells), normalized between 0 and 1 to focus on the appearance of the nuclear translocation maxima. b Analysis of with MEN and DEM being fast inducers, likely related the NF-κB response: time between peaks 1 and 2. c Analysis of the to their direct mode-of-action, and DCF and KTZ show- NF-κB response: assessment of the number of peaks. d Distribution ing a delayed response, possibly related to bioactivation of the TNFα-stimulated, drug pre-exposed cell population, classified (Fig. 3b–e); this effect was directly related to the expres- for showing 0–5 peaks within the 6-h imaging period sion of the GFP-Srxn1 fusion product. Finally, to con- firm that our Srxn1-GFP reporter is under direct control of the KEAP1/Nrf2 pathway, we transiently transfected DILI compounds activate the Nrf2 stress response the HepG2 Srxn1-GFP cells with siRNA oligos target- independent of TNFR activation ing Nrf2 or KEAP1. siRNA targeting Nrf2 prevented the stabilization of Nrf2 and consequently inhibited the The PHH dataset predicted that APAP, CBZ, CLZ, DCF, Srxn1-GFP induction for all compounds. In contrast, as KTZ and NTF potently activate the Nrf2 response; that expected, KEAP1 knockdown itself stimulated Srxn1- INH, NFZ and NPX mildly induce Nrf2; and that AMI GFP expression (Fig. 3f). These data show that the and SN weakly activate it (Supplementary Fig. 6). Srxn1-GFP signal intensity depends on the functional Using live-cell imaging, we tested whether these same KEAP1/Nrf2 pathway. drugs activated the Srxn1-GFP response in HepG2 cells (Fig. 4a, b). We observed that APAP induced the oxida- Drug‑induced cell death of human HepG2 cells tive stress reporter as soon as 4 h after compound expo- sure, which is remarkable considering the low CYP2E1 Next, we selected a set of DILI compounds for further levels in HepG2 cells; however, this does indicate that the characterization. Since the opposite regulation of Nrf2 HepG2 is sensitive to oxidative stress adaptation sign- versus NF-κB by DILI compounds was largely seen for aling. Possibly, APAP induces oxidative stress through severe DILI compounds that often require bioactivation, other means than CYP2E1-mediated bioactivation, pos- we selected a small panel of compounds that was con- sibly involving direct modulation of the mitochondrial tained within the TG-GATEs dataset [APAP, carbamaz- respiratory chain. NTF, DCF, KTZ, CLZ, CBZ and NFZ epine (CBZ), clozapine (CLZ), DCF, KTZ, nitrofurantoin strongly induced the Srxn1-GFP reporter as early as 8 h (NTF) and nefazadone (NFZ)] as well as some DILI com- after compound exposure. AMI, MTX and NPX showed pounds that do not require bioactivation and do not acti- weak Srxn1-GFP induction with delayed kinetics, around vate the Nrf2 pathway much in PHH [amiodarone (AMI), 16 h after compound exposure. INH, OFX, SN and TGZ NPX and simvastatin (SN)]; we further complemented did not lead to oxidative stress induction within the 24-h our compound set with a few additional drugs that fit in imaging period in our cell system. These findings indi- these categories but were not included in the TG-GATEs cate that the PHH results on the Nrf2 pathway activation [ofloxacin (OFX), isoniazid (INH), methotrexate (MTX), correlate well with the HepG2 Srxn1-GFP reporter cell 3′-hydroxyacetanilide (AMAP) and troglitazone (TGZ)] observations. (Supplementary Table 2). We first tested whether these TNFα promotes NF-κB target gene activation through compounds induced sufficient cell injury that resulted in binding to TNFRSF1A. TNFα binding to its receptor has cell death at similar concentrations as used for the PHH been suggested to promote Nrf2 activation (Rushworth dataset (Fig. 3a). Based on automated live-cell imaging et al. 2011), while the PHH dataset predicted no effect of Annexin-V-positive cells, we identified concentration- of TNFα on Nrf2 responses. To confirm this, we tested dependent HepG2 cell death for AMI, APAP, AMAP, CBZ, whether drug exposure in combination with 10 ng/mL CLZ, DCF, KTZ, NFZ, NTF and SN. Little cell death was TNFα influenced the drug-induced Nrf2 response (Fig. 4c, observed for INH, MTX, NPX, OFX and TGZ. For fur- d). We observed neither a significant rise nor a decrease in ther experiments, we continued with a mildly cytotoxic Nrf2 stabilization or Srxn1-GFP expression at 24 h when concentration (<10 % apoptosis onset) for each compound the HepG2 Srxn1-GFP cells were exposed to TNFα alone (indicated in Supplementary Fig. 5) to establish the effect or in combination with an 8-h drug pre-exposure. This sug- on Nrf2 activation, NF-κB signaling and the cytotoxic gests that TNFα-mediated NF-κB signaling does not influ- interaction between DILI compounds and the pro-inflam- ence Nrf2 target gene activation caused by deleterious DILI matory cytokine TNFα. compounds.

1 3 Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179 1173

A GFP-p65 oscillation B Time (minutes) 0 60 120 180 240 300 Time between peaks 1 and 2 DMSO 180 TGZ *** *** *** *** ** ** INH ) OFX 160

0.8 troglitazone 0.8 isoniazid 0.8 ofloxacin 0.2% DMSO 0.2% DMSO 0.2% DMSO 0.6 25µM TGZ 0.6 5mM INH 0.6 50µM OFX 140 Time (minutes 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 Nuc/Cyt rati o 120

Normalized GFP-p65 0 120 240 360 0 120 240 360 0 120 240 360 SN IN H AMI CL Z KT Z NF Z NT F TG Z CB Z DCF OF X NP X SN MT X APAP AMAP DMSO NPX MTX C 0.8 simvastatin 0.8 naproxen 0.8 methotrexate 0.2% DMSO 0.2% DMSO 0.2% DMSO Number of peaks 0.6 40µM SN 0.6 500µM NPX 0.6 25µM MTX 0.4 0.4 0.4 2.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 Nuc/Cyt rati o 2.2 ** ***

Normalized GFP-p65 0 120 240 360 0 120 240 360 0 120 240 360 *** AMI 2.0 *** *** *** APAP 1.8 count AMAP 1.6

0.8 amiodarone 0.8acetaminophen 0.8 AMAP 1.4 0.2% DMSO 0.2% DMSO 0.2% DMSO 25µM AMI 0.6 0.6 2mM APAP 0.6 2mM AMAP 1.2 0.4 0.4 0.4 SN IN H AM I KT Z CLZ NF Z NT F TG Z CB Z DC F OF X NP X MT X APAP AMAP

0.2 0.2 0.2 DMSO Nuc/Cyt rati o

Normalized GFP-p65 0 120 240 360 0 120 240 360 0 120 240 360 NTF NFZ CLZ D nitrofurantoin nefazodone clozapine 0.8 0.8 0.8 Population distribution 0.2% DMSO 0.2% DMSO 0.2% DMSO 0.6 75µM NTF 0.6 40µM NFZ 0.6 50µM CLZ 0.4 0.4 0.4 100

Nuc/Cyt rati o 0.2 0.2 0.2 80

Normalized GFP-p65 0 120 240 360 0 120 240 360 0 120 240 360 60 CBZ 40 DCF percent 20 KTZ 0 carbamazepine diclofenac ketoconazole

0.8 0.8 0.8 SN o IN H KT Z CLZ NT F AM I CB Z NF Z TG Z DC F OF X NP X 0.2% DMSO MT X 0.2% DMSO APAP AMAP 0.6 0.2% DMSO 0.6 0.6 25µM KTZ DMSO 500µM CBZ 500µM DCF 0.4 0.4 0.4 0 peaks 3 peaks 1 peak 4 peaks 0.2 0.2 0.2 2 peaks 5 peaks Nuc/Cyt rati

Normalized GFP-p65 0 120 240 360 0 120 240 360 0 120 240 360 Time (minutes after 10 ng/mL TNFα stimulation)

1 3 1174 Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179

A Annexin-V-Alexa633 C 8h 24h8h 24h 8h 24h DMSO AMICBZ CLZ DCF KTZ DMSO TNFα - + - + - + - + - + - + - + AP

AMI Caspase-8 AP AMAP Cleaved Caspase-8 Cleaved CLZ CB Z DCF PARP Tubulin IN H KT Z MT X DMSO APAP AMAP NFZNTF MTX DMSO TNFα - + - + - + - + - + - + - + Caspase-8 NT F NF Z NP X Cleaved Caspase-8 Cleaved SN TGZ

OFX PARP Tubulin Drug + TNFα DMSO NPX INHOFX SN TGZ DMSO B TNFα - + - + - + - + - + - + - + Live apoptosis Drug + TNFα Drug only Caspase-8 DMSO + TNFα DMSO Cleaved Caspase-8 30 25µM TGZ 30 5mM INH 30 50µM OFX Cleaved 20 20 20 PARP 10 10 10 Tubulin 0 0 0 9 14 19 24 9 14 19 24 9 14 19 24 D Apoptosis 30 40µM SN 30 500µM NPX 30 25µM MTX 2.0 20 20 20 no TNFα *** *** 1.5 10 10 10 10ng/ml TNFα 0 0 0 1.0 9 14 19 24 9 14 19 24 9 14 19 24 AU C 30 25µM AMI 30 2mM APAP 30 2mM AMAP 0.5 20 20 20 0.0 10 10 10 SN AP IN H 0 AMI KT Z 0 0 CL Z NT F NF Z TG Z CB Z NP X OF X DCF MT X

9 14 19 24 AP 9 14 19 24 9 14 19 24 AMAP DMSO 30 75µM NTF 30 30µM NFZ 30 50µM CLZ Percentage apoptotic cells Cleaved Caspase-8 20 20 20 20 no TNFα 10 10 10 *** *** 10ng/ml TNFα 0 0 0 15 9 14 19 24 9 14 19 24 9 14 19 24 10 30 500µM CBZ 30 500µM DCF 30 75µM KTZ 20 20 20 5 protein levels

10 10 10 Cleaved Caspase-8 0 0 0 0 AP SN IN H KT Z CL Z NT F AMI CB Z TG Z NF Z DCF OF X

9 14 19 24 9 14 19 24 9 14 19 24 NP X MT X AP AMAP Time (hours) DMSO

Fig. 6 Adverse DILI compound and TNFα synergy for the onset substrate PARP, induced by 24-h drug alone or drug–TNFα co-treat- of cell death. a Still images of time-lapse movies of HepG2 cells ment. d Comparison of the quantified percentage of dead cells 24 h exposed to the drugs in the co-presence of Annexin-V-Alexa-633, after drug ( TNFα) exposure: the appearance of dead cells in live- taken at 8 h (before 10 ng/mL TNFα addition) and at 24 h (16 h cell imaging+ as area under the curve (AUC) (as in b) and quantifica- TNFα). b Quantification of the percentage dead cells appearing upon tion of cleaved caspase-8 protein levels (relative density as in c, aver- drug only exposure, or in combination with TNFα. Average of 3–6 age of three experiments) experiments. c Western blot for cleaved caspase-8 and the caspase

1 3 Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179 1175

DILI compounds cause a perturbation of NF‑κB genes such as the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member A1 signaling (BCL2A1), activation of the TNFR may in parallel initi- ate activation of caspase-8 and therefore switch on apop- To test whether Nrf2 activation by DILI compounds is tosis (Hsu et al. 1996). Since DILI compounds did affect associated with modulation of NF-κB signaling, we made the NF-κB signaling and therefore possibly suppressed use of a previously established HepG2 cell line express- survival signaling, we next investigated whether DILI ing GFP-tagged p65/RelA, a subunit of the dimeric tran- compounds would also predispose to the onset of TNFα- scription factor NF-κB (Fredriksson et al. 2011). As mediated apoptosis. To address this issue, we monitored reported (Fredriksson et al. 2011), an 8-h DCF pre-expo- the rate of HepG2 cell apoptosis by live-cell imaging with sure delays the second translocation event (peaking 26 min Annexin-V-Alexa633 after 8-h drug pre-exposure and later than vehicle pre-incubated cells) (Fig. 5a). Also tested whether TNFα co-exposure enhanced the apoptotic NTF ( 29 min), KTZ ( 26 min), AMI ( 22 min), NFZ response at 24 h. TNFα enhanced the apoptosis induction + + + ( 22 min) and CBZ ( 20 min) delayed the oscillation to upon CBZ and DCF exposure by 18.6 and 9.7 %, respec- + + a similar extent as DCF. Pre-treatment with CLZ and MTX tively. A smaller increase of 3–4 % in cell death upon only weakly perturbed the appearance of the second trans- TNFα co-stimulation was found for KTZ, AMI, NFZ and location response with a delay of 12 and 9 min, respec- CLZ (Fig. 6a, b). Since TNFα-mediated death signaling tively. Neither AMAP, APAP, INH, OFX, SN nor TGZ acts through caspase-8 activation, we anticipated that the significantly influenced the translocation maximum of the synergy for the onset of apoptosis would also be associated second nuclear translocation event. with enhanced caspase-8 cleavage. Caspase-8 was mark- Our live-cell imaging approach allowed detailed cell edly increased by TNFα combined with CBZ and DCF, population-based quantitative analysis of the translocation yet for other DILI compounds tested, such a caspase-8 response to extract various relevant parameters that describe activation was not observed, as was expected based on the the NF-κB oscillation pattern invoked by TNFα at the sin- limited onset of apoptosis (Fig. 6c, d). The enhanced cas- gle cell as well as the cell population level (Di et al. 2012). pase-8 cleavage was associated with cleavage of PARP, a This analysis revealed that pre-treatment with AMI, CBZ, well-established caspase substrate which serves as a pivotal DCF, KTZ, NFZ or NTF significantly delayed the time marker of onset of apoptosis. This indicates that primarily between the first and second NF-κB nuclear translocation under CBZ and DCF pre-treatment conditions, co-treat- maxima that normally occur at 30 and 150 min after TNFα ment with TNFα turns on apoptosis. exposure, respectively (Fig. 5b). This effect limits the aver- age number of translocation events observed within the 6-h imaging window (Fig. 5c). Importantly, by evaluating on Discussion average ~1000 cells per condition, we identified that AMI, CBZ, DCF, KTZ, NFZ and NTF induced a sharp decrease Here, we focused on the interplay of two pivotal cellu- in the percentage of cells that undergo three or more NF-κB lar stress response signaling pathways in DILI: TNFα- nuclear translocation events (Fig. 5d). Together, the results mediated NF-κB signaling and chemical stress-induced indicate that various DILI compounds affect the TNFα- Nrf2 activation. Extensive transcriptomics data from pri- induced NF-κB activation response by modulating its mary human hepatocyte revealed that the Nrf2 transcrip- nuclear translocation dynamics. For the compounds with tional program is activated by a majority of different DILI this delayed translocation event, the NF-κB target genes compounds, in particular those that are associated with are downregulated (Fig. 1a) and all compounds except AMI severe DILI. This strong Nrf2 activation correlates with fall within inhibited NF-κB/activated Nrf2 signaling clus- a major downregulation of genes that are under the direct ters (clusters B–C, and CBZ cluster D, Fig. 1b), suggesting control of NF-κB. We successfully transferred this inverse that the delayed translocation could be indicative of lower relationship between Nrf2 activation and NF-κB signaling NF-κB target gene expression. into a panel of GFP-reporter-based high-content imaging assays, which now allows the high-throughput assessment The inhibitory effect of Nrf2 activity on NF‑κB of their dynamic activation (Wink et al. 2014). Using live- signaling promotes the pro‑apoptotic role of TNFα cell imaging, we established the time profiles of the acti- in drug‑exposed HepG2 cells vation of these transcription factors and established that various DILI compounds activate Nrf2 activity as well TNFα-mediated signaling seems important in DILI (Cos- as negatively modulate the NF-κB nuclear oscillation grove et al. 2009; Steuerwald et al. 2013). While TNFα- response induced by TNFα. Although no cause and effect receptor-mediated NF-κB signaling may provide sur- relationship between these two signaling pathways has vival signaling through the upregulation of anti-apoptosis been proved in our study, our data do support an overall

1 3 1176 Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179 Nrf2 tran - scripts up and NF- κ B tran - scripts down N.A 2–9 N.A 2–19 2–4 N.A 0–0 12–29 N.A 15–23 13–20 1–12 4–9 12–23 9–17 Apoptosis of effect TNF α (% increase) 1.5 0.5 0.9 1.1 0.2 0 3.2 0 0.3 0.7 3.3 3.7 18.6 9.7 3.1 Apoptosis assay ( + last 16 h TNF α ) 1.1 % (2.6 %) 2.8 % (3.3 %) 2.3 % (3.2 %) 2.5 % (3.6 %) 2.1 % (2.3 %) 1.9 % (1.9 %) 5.8 % (9.0 %) 2.5 % (2.5 %) 3.1 % (3.4 %) 2.9 % (3.6 %) 3.5 % (6.8 %) 4.0 % (7.7 %) 3.9 % (22.5 %) 4.5 % (14.2 %) 5.0 % (8.1 %) NF- κ B oscilla - tion delay upon TNF α 2 min 2 min 8 min 2 min 4 min 9 min 22 min 4 min 4 min 29 min 22 min 12 min 20 min 26 min 26 min Nrf2 response assay (fold induction) 1.3 × 1.0 × 1.1 × 1.1 × 1.8 × 3.3 × 1.9 × 4.0 × 4.0 × 4.6 × 4.8 × 4.6 × 4.1 × 6.7 × 8.3 × DILI concern Most Most Less Less Less Less Most Most Less Most Most Most Most Most Most tatic injury cellular injury cellular injury cellular injury tatic injury microvesicular microvesicular steatosis hepatitis cellular injury autoimmune hepatitis cellular injury tatic injury tatic injury cellular injury cellular injury DILI type Acute—choles - Acute—hepato - Acute—hepato - Acute—hepato - Acute—choles - Chronic— Chronic—steato - Acute—hepato - N.A. Chronic— Acute—hepato - Acute—choles - Acute—choles - Acute—hepato - Acute—hepato - icity notransferases increase notransferases increase notransferases increase icity icity icity steatohepatitis Failure icity icity DILI classifica - tion N.A. Fatal hepatotox - Fatal N.A. Liver ami - Liver Liver ami - Liver Liver ami - Liver Fatal hepatotox - Fatal Jaundice N.A. Fatal hepatotox - Fatal Fatal hepatotox - Fatal Cholestasis; Acute Liver Acute Liver Fatal hepatotox - Fatal Fatal hepatotox - Fatal DILI label/ score N.A. B.W. 8 B.W. N.A. W/P 3 W/P 3 B.W. 3 B.W. B.W. 8 B.W. W/P 5 N.A. W/P 8 B.W. 8 B.W. W/P 25 W/P 7 W/P 8 B.W. 8 B.W. rial drug demic agent agent antipyretic paracetamol drug drug antibiotic Function Antidiabetic Antimycobacte - Antibiotic - Antihyperlipi NSAID Antineoplastic Antiarrhythmic Antiarrhythmic Analgesic and Regioisomer of Regioisomer Antibacterial Antidepressant Antipsychotic Antiepileptic NSAID Antifungal Antifungal Abbreviation TGZ INH OFX SN NPX MTX AMI APAP AMAP NTF NFZ CLZ CBZ DCF KTZ cytotoxic synergy Summary of DILI compound modulation Nrf2 and NF- κ B signaling onset compound/TNF α cytotoxic anilide Drug name 1 Table results from the current study are summarized The overall from Chen et al. ( 2011 ). was derived The DILI classification and function of the drugs chosen for this study. Full names, abbreviations TNF α upon focusing on the delay in second nuclear translocation event as fold induction of the Srxn1-GFP intensity compared to control (Nrf2 response), timing GFP-p65 assay, TNF α -enhanced cell death) assay (including live Annexin-V by the (NF- κ B response) and percentage of dead cells as observed exposure Troglitazone Isoniazid Ofloxacin Simvastatin Naproxen Methotrexate Amiodarone Acetaminophen 3 ′ -Hydroxyacet - Nitrofurantoin Nefazodone Clozapine Carbamazepine Diclofenac Ketoconazole

1 3 Arch Toxicol (2016) 90:1163–1179 1177 working model whereby DILI compounds that strongly later oscillations are less intense and less synchronized affect the Nrf2 response as well as modulate the NF-κB due to induction of a second negative feedback regulator, oscillatory response (either directly or indirectly) act in A20. Interestingly, several, but not all, DILI compounds synergy with TNFα to cause a cytotoxic response. An inte- affect the expression of IkBα and A20 in PHH, which often grated automated high-throughput microscopy-based plat- occur in parallel, supporting a similar mechanism of acti- form that simultaneously measures drug-induced Nrf2 acti- vation (see Supplementary Fig. 7). We therefore turned to vation, TNFα-induced NF-κB activation and cytotoxicity our GFP-p65 reporter and tested whether the test drugs can will likely contribute to the exclusion or de-prioritization of induce NF-κB oscillations on their own. In line with this, novel drug entities for further development. we found that DCF, CBZ, NFZ, CLZ and KTZ induced a Our data indicate a differential regulation of Nrf2 and limited NF-κB transition in 2–6 % of a given cell popu- NF-κB signaling pathways in PHH. From the Japanese lation within the first 2 h after exposure which was not Toxicogenomics Project, a total of 90 DILI compounds apparently different from control conditions (Supplemen- have been evaluated. While several DILI compounds tary Fig. 8). This suggests that drug pre-exposure does not caused a strong modulation of most Nrf2 and NF-κB tar- directly change the initial balance of NF-κB and its cyto- get genes, e.g., NTF, DCF and KTZ, the effect of AMI plasmic inhibitor, IκBα, but rather may influence the tran- was only modest. Despite the fact that HepG2 cells are scriptional and translational responses required for normal notorious for their low level expression of CYP enzymes execution of the timing of the NF-κB response after the (Westerink and Schoonen 2007), an enhanced formation first nuclear translocation event. of reactive intermediates during drug metabolism may be The rationale for the choice of drugs was to investi- causative for the activation of the Nrf2 response. However, gate whether our live-cell imaging systems were able to we cannot exclude the role of other stress response path- discriminate between drugs that are often linked to DILI ways that are intricately linked to the modulation of the (TGZ, AMI, INH, KTZ, NFZ, MTX, NTF, CBZ and DCF) Nrf2 response and by themselves are activated by chemi- and relatively safe drugs (NPX, SN, OFX and CLZ). We cal-induced cell injury, including the perturbation of the have focused on NF-κB signaling, Nrf2 activation and cell mitochondria, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the death induction, and a summary of the different responses autophagosomes which may result in a secondary source is provided in Table 1. As APAP and AMAP induce hepato- of ROS that may initiate an adaptive Nrf2 response (Sano cellular death through necrosis at high levels of drug con- and Reed 2013). Although the role of these other programs centrations (an EC50 in PHH of ~25 mM), and not apopto- will require further mechanistic investigations, our previ- sis, these are considered as relatively safe drugs (Hadi et al. ous investigations demonstrate that suppression of the Nrf2 2013). Based on our results, NPX, SN and OFX are safe adaptive stress response strongly sensitizes cells toward a (no massive cell death induction, no gross effect on Nrf2 synergistic toxicity with TNFα, indicating that enhanced or NF-κB signaling), but CLZ should be re-evaluated: Its oxidative stress predisposes for TNFα sensitization (Fre- profile of strong Srxn1-GFP induction, NF-κB delay and driksson et al. 2014). slightly higher cell death induced by TNFα co-exposure The PHH transcriptomics data indicated that many DILI shows more resemblance to drugs that are more often asso- compounds themselves suppress the activity of NF-κB ciated with DILI, such as DCF, CBZ, KTZ, NFZ and NTF. target genes. In addition, our imaging data indicate that Our assays have not been able to pick up any mecha- various DILI compounds suppress the NF-κB oscillatory nistic signs for toxicity for INH and TGZ, two typical idi- response. Together, this suggests that also under control sit- osyncratic DILI-related drugs (Table 1). The hepatotoxic uations, the overall nuclear localization of NF-κB may be effect of these two drugs, however, could partly depend on limited, thereby precluding the activation of NF-κB target their inhibitory effect on bile acid transport (Cheng et al. genes. Alternatively, a limited activation of NF-κB by DILI 2013; Foster et al. 2012), which might only emerge from compounds possibly influences the expression of modu- advanced (3D) hepatocyte culture models (Malinen et al. lators that act as feedback suppressors of NF-κB activ- 2012). Moreover, lack of strong bioactivation capacity ity, such as IkBα/NFKBIA or A20/TNFAIP3 (Hutti et al. in HepG2 cells could also be a reason why we could not 2007). Indeed, NF-κB signals through an auto-regulatory observe any effect for these compounds. negative feedback mechanism that essentially desensitizes In conclusion, we demonstrate an association between Nrf2 a cell for a limited time period against re-activation of the signaling and NF-κB responses in two distinct liver models: response by an active NF-κB-inducing kinase complex PHH and HepG2. Using the live-cell imaging of our GFP- (IKK) (Hinz and Scheidereit 2014). Although drug expo- based reporter models for Nrf2 and NF-κB signaling, we sure alone may elicit NF-κB oscillations, this does not limit established the inverse relationship between these signaling the primary nuclear translocation event upon TNFα expo- pathways in relation to DILI compound and TNFα-mediated sure, only the subsequent nuclear translocation events. The synergistic toxicity. This was only feasible by assessing the

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