Goalkeepers Gloves
CLOTHING & EQUIPMENT CATALOGUE GOALKEEPERS2019 GLOVES Next Level Soft Starter Roll Finger Soft Sizes: Sizes: 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 6, 7, 8, 9 Code: 1107 Code: 1075 Soft TensionGreen Supersoft Resist Soft Supportframe Supportframe Supportframe Sizes: Sizes: Sizes: 7, 8, 8½, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 8½, 9, 9½, 10 9, 9½, 10, 11 Code: 1077 Code: 1059 Code: 1068 TensionGreen Comfort Next Level Supersoft Absolutgrip Absolutgrip HN HN Sizes: 7,8, 8½, Sizes: 9, 9½, 10,11 Sizes: 7,8, 8½, 7, 8 , 8½, 9, 9½,10 9, 9½, 10,11 Code: 1093 Code: 1082 Code: 1091 Nitrotec Nitrotec Player’s Glove Fieldplayer Sizes: 5, 6, 7, 8, Sizes: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 9, 10, 11 Code: 0967 Code: 0969 Next Level Uhlsport Next Level Absolutgrip Aquasoft Supergrip HN Reflex HN Sizes: 8, 8½, Sizes: 7, 8, 8½, Sizes: 7,8,8½, 9, 9½, 10, 11 9, 9½, 10, 11 9, 9½, 10, 11 INDENT GLOVE INDENT INDENT GLOVE INDENT INDENT GLOVE Code: Code: 1089 Code: 1072 1087 Clean Keeper Glove Wash & Glove Glu Glove Fresh Prepare 50ml Washes and Enhances grip Antibacterial Code: 1304 prepares latex & performance and deodorising 250ml for enhanced for all keepers formula for all Code: 1305 longevity & gloves. keepers gloves. performance THE PROFESSIONALS CHOICE ADD PRINTED NAME Keeper’s name, number or nickname can be printed onto glove flap 2 FOOTBALLS Konzept Team Sizes: 5, 4, 3 Code: 1503 Training and individual skills ball, new Konzept construction and design. Colours: Yellow/Cyan, White/Blue, Orange/Silver and NEW Cyan/Silver Equipe Sizes: 5, 4 Soccer Pro Code: 1611 Sizes: 5, 4, 3 5 layer training/match ball, (HAR) high air retention bladder.
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