Liverpool Institute Magazine
LIVERPOOL INSTITUTE MAGAZINE VOLUME LXII umber 1 JANUARY, 1954 P. L. TAYLOR Editor { T. P. MATHESO LIVERPOOL INSTITUTE VOL. LXII JACK SHARP LTD. JANUARY, 1954 No. 1 EXPERT SCHOOL CALENDAR THE $cllOOL PLAY: "She Stoops to Conquer"-Fcb. 10th, l Ith, 12th & 13th. MUSIC CLUB Cor« ERT Friday. March 26th. SPORTS OUTFITTERS EAslER TERM ENo,-Mc,nday. April 5th. UMMER TERM BEGINS-Monday, April 26th, THE ScllOOL Seonrx+Sarurday, May 15th. 36 & 38, WHITECHAPEL LIVERPOOL I EDITORIAL AND AT Phone ROYal 3222 Once more we find ourvelves in a quandary. Editors like after-dinner THE ALBANY, OLD HALL STREET, LIVERPOOL 3 peakers, have been <aying the same things from time imn'iemorial so what is left for us? The .clich~ tends to slip more smoothly from the nib and our Phone CENtral 4120 very function 1~ disadvantageous. We boast no large circulation and our competence to discuss affairs of national or international significance has yet to be proved. onsequently the reader must reconcile himself lo the commonplace in his Magazine Editorials. We may moralise or philosophise, but there we run the risk of pedantry, and who is more unsuited to such a task than the stolid Editor-of necessity a realist! By tradition several courses are still left open to an Editor. He can praise, or he can censure; he may exhort. or he may encourage complacency. Every one of us, however, likes to feel that he is establishing a new "norm," so perhaps we shall be excused, if for once we do congratulate the latent literary talent of the School, which, after a lapse of ~everal RAVENSCROFT & WILLIS ye~rs, is again beginning to reveal itself.
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