Chrlevoix Co. Fair Dafes Sept. 14-15-16
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^^•p Mi -JZ VOLUME 36 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, FRIBAYl JULY 22, 1932. NUMBER 30 CANNING DEMON DISTINGUISHED MIN MANY IMPROVEMENTS 47 FARM ACCOUNT PACKERS TIE Chrlevoix Co. STRATIONS WELL ISTERS TO PREACH HAVE BEEN MADE BOOKS TO BE JORDAN FOR Fair Dafes ATTENDED IN EAST JORDAN AT TOURIST PARK INSPECTED LEAGUE LEAD The Canning Demonstrations con It was feared that on account of The Tourist rPark Committee The 47 Farm Account books being The Ellsworth Packers went into Sept. 14-15-16 ducted in the County July 14, 16, and there being fewer resorterg than wishes to extend a vote of thanks to kept by Charlevoix County farmers a triple tie for first place in the An 16 by Miss Roberta Hershey, Exten usual in northern Michigan this sum the Charlevoix County Nursery, will be inspected by H. A. Berg, trim-Charlevoix Baseball .—-League when they stopped the highly touted- COUNTY AGR'L SOCIETY RE- sion Nutrition Specialist of the Col mer that the people' of East Jordan Boyne City Greenhouse, Al Frieberg, Farm Management Specialist, the en lege, proved to be very interesting might not have the opportunity to Mesdames' Jessie Hiatt, Eva Votruba, tire week of July 25th,. These ac East Jordan nine 9-8 on the Jordan CENTLY RE-ORGANIZED. and helpful to the 100 ladieB and hear the fine talent of ministers that Chas, Brabant, Sarah Rogers, Geo. count books include all-of--the-bu'sP' groundj. last Sunday. The result, wras Canning Club girls who attended. they did last summer. It Is therefore Carr, G. W. Bechtold, Glen Bulo_w.,- _noss—transactions that happen on a a complete surprise to the Jordtfn At a meeting of the Executive At each demonstration Miss Her a keen'pleasure to be_ an and-M. J. Williams.'for "contributing farm during the year and reflect very aggregation who expected to take the' Committee of the Charlevoix County shey canned, two_veg«tables, using nounce that a group of ministers will bulbs, shrubbery, and plants for the accurately the labor and manage Packers without much trouble. Agricultural jLociety—held— atr-"TKe ITS-pressure cooker. One was can- preach in the East Jordan Presby flower garden at our Tourist Park, ment wage being maintained. In ad Yeager, East Jordan's star pitcher, • *PJb"lic Library in East Jordan, Wed ned in glass and the other in tin. terian Church the following few Sun which has added much towards beau dition the book includes a wealth of started the game' but was chased in nesday night, it was decided to hold Contrary to general belief Hiss Her days equal to any group to be heard tifying the grounds. information concerning the various the 6th inning when the Packers the Fair on the 14, 1G, and 16th of shey stated that canned goods in tin in any church in the country during Much work has been donated by farm departments.. .In.spite of the slammed across 4 runs. Peck finish September, 1932. The Fair will be were fully as satisfactory as in glass the vacation season. The manner in the local people this year toward im discouraging situation the- farm ac ed the game and pitched very nice held both day and night. ""* and in fact were somewhat cheaper. which the people of East Jordan have proving the park, the grading and count co-operators are still deeply ball. H. Peebles went the entire rout She very carefully dicussed all the shown their appreciation in years laying out'the local baseball diamond interested in securing" all the facts for Ellsworth and hurled a splendid . At' a meeting herd some time ago concerning their farm operations. the Fair Association was re-organized precautions necessary and described past for the privilege of hearing out on; the east end of the park was en game allowing -the hard hitting Jor- and a complete new group of officers in detail the various steps in canning. standing ministers has been the in tirely donated by local ball fans. The Over a thousand of these records danites but 9 hits-and had^them well elected. These men are from all Miss Hershey emphasized in particu centive for forming the plans for the ball ground has attracted many peo ;ive being kept by farmers through in hand at all times with the excep- • sections of the county and feel that lar the following precaution: Always present season. ple from surrounding cities, and is out the State of Michigan, and the tion of the 5th inning. Charlevoix County should preserve cook non-acid fruits and vegetables The following is the schedule of the best ball diamond in this locality. surprising fact is that the farmers in The Packers jumped into the lead -its Fair and are giving their time and 10 minutes after the can is opened. ministers and of dates: The new log cabin for the Care the varioust sections all 'show about at the start, running in 2 runs on two the same progress. Many people be effort toward making it a success. The ladies expressed a hope that July 24—Dr. John Gardner, for taker, Jos. Cummins, the new rose errors and two hits. Jordan put lieve that the farmers in .northern across one run in their half on a sin- ' Harry Behling of Wilson Township Miss Hershey could again be secured many years pastor of the First Con arbor, a new ventilated roof on the Michigan are making less money than glo by Swafford and two- errors. A >s the new President of the Society for similar demonstrations. gregational Church of Riverside, Cal. bath house, and the overnight cabins and urges all farmers and others who B. C. MELLENCAMP, built by Carl Shedina have all added elsewhere but that is not the .case as run in the 3rd and 2 in the 5th frames July 31—Dr. Selby Vance, Pro have products to exhibit to join with County Agr'l Agent. to making our's a better park for the actually during the last three years put Ellsworth 4n the lead 5-1. In the officers of the Society in making fessor in the Theological School of tourist and also the home people. northern Michigan has shown better their half of the 5th Jordan chased 4 the Fair a success. Pittsburg, Penn. Dr. Vance is one of results, than any other section. runs across the plate on a walk and . the most honored Christian teachers The home folks, those in the coun In addition to the regular farm ac four successive hits followed'by an It is the hope of the officers of the HAGENBECK-WALLACE in the country. try and neighboring cities are invited Society to eliminate all unnessary ex to enjoy their picnic dinners and count book there are 8 farmers keep error, thus tieing the score. pense and run the Fair with very CIRCUS AT PETOSKEY August 7—Dr. Carl Glover, Pastor bathing at the East Jordan Tourist ing special account records on pota The Packers came hack in the 6th little overhead and make it pay its NEXT MONDAY of the First Congregational Church Park. toes. with blood in their eye. Five hits own. way. of Quincy, 111. B. C. MELLENCAMP, oupled with an error and a hit bats Premiums will be paid pro-rata out August 14—-Dr. George Buttrick, • County Agr'l Agent. man and 4 runs trickled in which was LEWIS G. CORNEIL of the gate receipts but of course will Cantankerous tigers, liotns gifted Pastor of the Madison Ave., Presby enough to wjn the game. With the Republican Candidate for Office of be paid in full if funds are available. with marvelous bass voices, perni terian Church of l£ey£_ York City. bases loaded and' two'out, Peck came COUNTY TREASURER Admission will be 25c for adults, cious pumas, polar bears, and herds This is the largest Presbyterian COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS in to relieve Yeag%r. He got Out of a Your support will be appreciated. 1 'and 10c for children, arid a charge of of ponderous pachyderms, clowns Church of New York. Dr. Buttrick bad hole when Wilson grounded, out 10c will be made for all cars entering and stars bespangled—all these, to is author of "The Parables of Jesus" retiring the side. the grounds. This is less than has gether with bands and calliopes, side and of the Yale University book oh Regular meeting of the eqmmoTl A run in the 6th, 7th and 9th mark ever been charged for admission. shows, and hundreds of blooded track preaehirig, "Jesus Came Preaching." Treasure Hunters Still council of the City of East Jordan ed East Jordan's unsuccessful efforts and ring steeds, are coming to Petos- August 21—Dr. Wm. Lampe, Pas Seeking Gold in Mexico held at the council ragms, Monday to tie the score; key for the Great Hagenbeck-Wallace tor of the West Side Presbyterian "Ever since the days of the Spanish evening, July .18, 1932™ . ' By virtue of this victory Ellsworth \ OLSON—BRETZ Circus, one of the {argest in the Church of St. Louis, Mo. • This is the conquest legends of gold hidden in Meeting was called to order by the goes into a tie for first place in "the world, is scheduled for afternoon and largest Presbyterian Church in St. the hills of Mexico have survived. Mayor. Present: Mayor Watson, League with East Jordan and Bel- night performances on Monday, July Louis. Fortune hunters have dreamed of com and . Aldermen Strehl,'' Mayvilie, laire. The Packers play Bellaire on 25th. Miss Helen Louise Bretz, daughter ing upon, sudden riches in hidden Taylor, Kenny and Williams.