
Clinical Review

Treatment of Advanced John H. Lynch, MD Washington, DC

Many patients with present with ad­ chiectomy has been the traditional approach, but most vanced disease (stage C or D). For these patients, patients prefer equally effective drug therapies that in­ treatment is palliative and is aimed at reducing serum clude the administration of , luteinizing hor­ levels. Since the growth of prostate cancer mone-releasing hormone (LHRH) , and anti­ is testosterone-dependent (approximately 95% of tes­ . tosterone is produced by the testes, with the remainder Key words. Prostate; treatment outcome; disease man­ coming from the adrenals), hormonal manipulation has agement; drug therapy; orchiectomy. (/ Fam Pm been the mainstay of palliative treatment. Bilateral or­ 1993; 37:488-494)

Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy in the improve the results seen with LHRH analogs; also, flare male population of the United States. Unfortunately, reactions diminish with concurrent treatment. prostate cancer is not diagnosed in many patients until Current research indicates that many patients with the tumor has progressed to an advanced stage with prostate cancer want to take a more active role in deci­ involvement beyond the prostate (stage C or D). The sion-making with regard to their treatment.4 Thus, pri­ etiology of prostate cancer is not well understood, but mary care physicians may become more involved in coun­ there is a clear association between serum testosterone seling these patients on treatment options. levels and prostate tissue growth. This paper discusses the treatment options for pa­ The treatment of advanced prostate cancer is primar­ tients with advanced stage prostate cancer, and highlights ily palliative, as cures are rare. Bilateral orchiectomy some of the new therapeutic strategies for dealing with results in castrate levels of testosterone within a few intractable pain. hours of surgery. Modern drug therapy is as effective as surgery, however, and is more acceptable to most pa­ tients.1 Estrogens such as (DES) are Diagnosis and Staging effective, but are associated with an increased risk of thromboembolism and cardiovascular complications.2’3 Historically, the “gold standard” for screening for pros­ -releasing hormone (LHRH) ana­ tate cancer has been digital rectal examination. Despite logs produce response rates that are comparable to those its almost universal use, however, it has a sensitivity (the seen with DES and orchiectomy but without the cardio­ likelihood of identifying a condition) of only 69% to vascular complications or potential psychological dis­ 86% and a positive predictive value of only 22% to tress. However, as a result of an initial stimulation of 31%.5 Because of the high incidence of advanced disease serum testosterone, a “flare reaction” sometimes occurs. on initial diagnosis of prostate cancer (40% to 50% ol Concurrent use of such as may patients have metastatic disease at diagnosis),1-6 there is great interest in the development of a screening tool for earlier diagnosis. Most research has focused on serum Submitted, revised, July 15, 1993. markers used in conjunction with the physical examina­ From the Division o f Urology, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, DC. tion. In 1979, Wang et al7 first identified prostate-specift Requests for reprints should be sent to John H . Lynch, M D , Division o f Urology, antigen (PSA),7 a glycoprotein that appears to be mors Georgetown University Hospital, 3800 Reservoir Rd, N W , PHC Bldg, Washington, D C 20007. specific than prostatic acid phosphatase as a tumoi

© 1993 Appleton & Lange ISSN 0094-3509 488 The Journal of Family Practice, Vol. 37, No. 5, 199; Advanced Prostate Cancer Lynch

Table 1. Prostate Cancer Staging Table 2. Probability' of Progression of Prostate Cancer at One Year, by Percent Decrease in PSA Description Stage Incidental finding on tissue examination following prostate Decrease in PSA A removal Variables <80% 80%-89% 90%-94% £95% Number of 23 5 8 4 B Palpable tumor on rectal examination confined to the prostate patients Percent of patients 91 80 25 25 progressing C Local tumor extension beyond the prostatic capsule involving the seminal vesicles or other tissue PSA denotes prostate-specific antigen. From Matzkin H, Eber P, Van der Zwaag R, Soloway MS. Prognostic value ofpre and Metastatic tumor post treatment prostatic specific markers (PSA + PAP) in hormonal withdrawal D treatment of stage D2 prostate cancer. J Urol 1992; 147:389A . Reprinted mth permission. Regional nodes involved D i Bone, lvmph nodes above the aortic bifurcation, or other d 2 organs involved Testosterone is converted to its active form, dihy­ Adapted from Crawford ED, Dawkins CA. Diagnosis and management of prostate drotestosterone (DHT), peripherally or in the prostate cancer. Hosp Proa (O ff Ed) 1986; 21(3) :159-74. or seminal vesicles through the enzymatic action of 5- alpha-reductase.11’12 The usual peripheral serum concen­ marker, and more accurate for monitoring disease pro­ tration of DHT is 56 ± 20 ng/dL.11 gression.8 PSA is also a more sensitive index of disease Testosterone production by the Leydig cells is under than either digital rectal examination or transrectal ultra­ control of luteinizing hormone (LH), a glycoprotein secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. The production sonography.9 Patients with malignancy confined to the prostate of LH, in turn, is stimulated by -releasing hormone (GnRH), a hypothalamic decapeptide.1-12 gland are classified as having stage A or stage B prostate To a lesser degree, DHT also derives from the cancer, depending on the histology and whether the adrenal androgens and dehydroepi- finding is made incidentally or clinically. Patients with androsterone.6 The controversial role of adrenal-gland- disseminated disease confined to the periprostatic area derived androgens provides the basis for total are classified as having stage C disease. Those with met­ ablation regimens, discussed below. astatic disease outside the periprostatic area are classified as having stage D disease. If only pelvic lymph nodes are involved, it is classified as stage Lb disease, and if , , or other organ systems are involved, the disease is Treatment of Advanced classified as D 2 (Table l) .10 Investigations useful in the Prostate Cancer staging process include a chest radiograph, bone scan Because of the close relation between prostate cancer and (including radiographs of suspect areas), and on occa­ androgens, hormonal therapy has a major role in the sion, an intravenous pyelogram. Computed tomography treatment of this malignancy. The use of hormonal ma­ of the pelvis is useful in assessing pelvic and periaortic nipulation in the treatment of prostate cancer was first lymph nodes, although lymphadenectomy may be evaluated by Huggins ct al13 over 50 years ago. Overall, needed. Magnetic resonance imaging can distinguish be­ subjective and objective response rates with hormonal tween benign prostatic hypertrophy and carcinoma, and therapy arc in the range of 60% to 80%, and last for 18 show the degree of local periprostatic spread. to 24 months.1-14 In patients with prostate cancer who had moderately to markedly elevated PSA values (>10 ng/mL) before hormonal therapy, those with a >80% Endocrine Control of Prostatic Growth reduction in PSA within the first month ot treatment had a significantly (P < .001) longer period before disease The growth of prostate tissue is dependent on andro­ progression than those with lesser reductions in 1 SA. genic stimulation. The major circulating androgen in a In another study, 57 patients with stage D2 prostate- man is testosterone, approximately 95% of which is cancer were treated with hormonal therapy. A >90% produced in the Leydig cells of the testes. The average reduction in PSA at 3 and 6 months correlated with a production rate of testosterone is 6 to 7 mg/dav.11 The prolonged progression-free survival (P < 001, Table usual peripheral serum concentration of testosterone is 2).16 Similar results were found in another trial after approximately 600 ng/dL, decreasing to 500 ng/dL after orchiectomy.17 Thus, hormonal therapy must be re­ 70 years of age.11 Bilateral orchiectomy reduces serum garded as palliative rather than curative, since ultimately, testosterone levels to an average of 43 ± 32 ng/dL.2

489 The Journal of Family Practice, Vol. 37, No. 5, 1993 Advanced Prostate Cancer

all patients with advanced prostatic carcinoma treated Table 3. Treatment Response to Leuprolide vs with hormonal therapy will have progressive disease Diethylstilbestrol while undergoing therapy. Percent of Patients Bilateral orchiectomy promptly reduces androgen Leuprolide concentrations, with castration levels reached within 3 Diethylstilbestrol Response (n = 92) (n = 94) hours.18 However, impotence is universal following this Complete response 1 2 " procedure, and the psychological trauma of castration Partial response 37 44 should not be underestimated.1 Indeed, it is important to No change 48 39 note that given the choice, most patients (78%) will opt Progressive disease 11 11 Actuarial one-year 87 78 for equally effective medical alternatives to orchiectomy.4 survival* Such therapies include estrogens, LHRH analogs, and Side effectst 3 13 antiandrogens. *The difference between treatments was not statistically significant, fNecessitating withdrawal from study. Adapted from The Leuprolide Study Group. Leuprolide versus diethylstilbestrol for metastatic prostate cancer. N Engl J M ed 1984; 311:1281-6. Estrogens Estrogens block testosterone binding at the hypotha­ days of the start of therapy.1 Major benefits of LHRH lamic level, resulting in a reduction in GnRH release and analogs include their safety and ease of administration. LH secretion. These drugs also directly inhibit testicular For example, depot intramuscular injections can be given production of testosterone, and reduce the fraction of safely in the office setting, generally on a monthly basis, free circulating testosterone by increasing its protein The first commercially available LH R H analog was binding.1 In the 1960s, the first Veterans Administration leuprolide acetate. In a comparative trial, leuprolide and Cooperative Urologic Research Group study concluded DES, 3 mg/day, had similar therapeutic effects (Table 3), that hormonal therapy, namely, DES, 5 mg/day, reduced but leuprolide had fewer cardiovascular adverse effects.25 mortality resulting from prostate cancer, but this benefit Congestive heart failure, angina, myocardial infarction, was attenuated by an increase in mortality from cardio­ or thromboembolic disease occurred in 13% of those vascular disease.19 Since a 1-mg dose of DES does not receiving DES but in only 4% of those receiving leupro- reliably suppress testosterone concentrations to castrate lide. Peripheral edema and were reported levels,20’21 3 mg is the preferred dose.1 Even given in this in 17% and 50%, respectively, o f the patients in the DES amount, however, DES produces cardiovascular side ef­ group, compared with 2% and 30%, respectively, of the fects in 34% of patients, which is markedly greater than patients receiving leuprolide.25 Similar objective re­ with alternative hormonal therapy.3’22-23 In one trial, 13 sponse rates (such as a decrease in tumor size or me- of 53 patients receiving therapy vs none of 47 tastases or both) are achieved with the daily subcutane­ undergoing orchiectomy suffered major cardiovascular ous formulation of leuprolide and the monthly depot complications (P < .001).24 Patients receiving DES may formulation (86% and 81%, respectively).26 also experience water retention, nausea, vomiting, gy­ Similar results were obtained by the British Prostate necomastia, loss of , impotence, infertility, and an Group in their comparison of DES, 3 mg/day, orchiec­ increased incidence of thrombotic disorders.2 Impor­ tomy, and (Zoladex). Goserelin was compara­ tantly, orchiectomy has been shown to be as effective as ble to orchiectomy in response rate, survival (115 and DES, with no additive benefit in combining the two 104 weeks, respectively), and the incidence of impotence. modalities of therapy.14 As a result, DES is no longer Although response rates and survival were comparable recommended by most urologists as primary therapy for between goserelin and DES, the response to treatment metastatic disease. was faster in the goserelin group. However, 21% of patients randomized to receive DES withdrew from the trial because of side effects, whereas none of those who Luteinizing Hormone-Releusing received goserelin withdrew.27 Comparable results were Hormone Analogs reported by the Zoladex Prostate Study Group, in which objective response rates were between 77% and 84% for The introduction of the LHRH analogs has provided an combined goserelin and DES therapy, and combined alternative to estrogens and orchiectomy in the treatment goserelin therapy and orchiectomy, with no significant of advanced prostate cancer. These agents initially stim­ differences among the groups.28 ulate and then suppress pituitary release of LH through Side effects seen with LH R H analogs include hot a process called “receptor desensitization.” As a result, flashes, resulting from the profound hypoestrogcnic state testosterone levels fall to castrate levels within 7 to 10 caused by these agents, and an early flare phenomenon.

490 The Journal of Family Practice, Vol. 37, No. 5, 1993 Advanced Prostate Cancer Lynch

The latter is characterized by worsening of symptoms effects of androgens beyond the suppression of testicular and is caused by the acute increase in serum testosterone production has led to the concept of total androgen concentrations.29 For example, 3% to 17% of patients blockade. receiving an LH R H analog have reported worsening In 1985, a randomized, double-blind trial, spon­ bone pain during the first week of treatment.25-27-29-32 sored by the National Cancer Institute, compared leu- This flare reaction can be ameliorated by prior and con­ prolide alone w ith leuprolide plus flutamide in the treat­ current therapy with DES or flutamide (a ment of previously untreated patients with stage D2 ), which blocks adrenal androgen produc­ prostate cancer. Six hundred three patients were eligible. tion.30-31 It is not known how long flare blockade treat­ Although there were no significant differences in the ment needs to be administered, but as several deaths have complete or partial response rates between the two been reported coincident with unblocked flare reactions, groups, combination therapy was associated with a sig­ use of a blocking agent should be considered.32 nificantly greater median progression-free survival time Hot flashes have reportedly occurred in 52% to 76% (16.5 months vs 13.9 months, respectively) and overall of men receiving an LH R H analog for prostate can- survival time (35.6 months vs 28.3 months, respective­ cer 25,28,33 H ot flashes can be ameliorated with concur­ ly). Flare reactions were also reduced in frequency with rent transdermal estrogen34 or clonidine therapy.35-36 combination therapy. Among subgroups, it was clear Other common side effects include decreased libido and that the greatest benefit of combination therapy was in decreased erectile , as expected with any hor­ patients with good performance status and minimal dis­ monal therapy.29 ease.39 Recently, the median time to disease progression (58.3 months for combination therapy vs 19.1 months Antiandrogens for leuprolide alone) and the median survival time (61 Antiandrogens fall into two categories: nonsteroidal and months for combination therapy vs 41 months for leu­ steroidal. The nonsteroidal antiandrogen flutamide has prolide alone) were reported for patients with minimal been approved for use in combination with LHRH disease.40 These data support the use of combination analogs in the treatment of prostate cancer. Its usual dose therapy in patients with stage D2 prostate cancer and is 250 mg orally, three times daily. Steroidal antiandro­ minimal disease (ie, mctastascs limited to axial skeleton gens include , which is not currently plus pelvic and soft tissue nodal disease).40 available in the United States but is used widely in The International Prostate Cancer Study Group re­ Europe, and megestrol, which is available but not indi­ cently reported an analysis of its study comparing gose- cated for the treatment of prostate cancer in the United relin, 3.6 mg by depot injection monthly, given alone States. and given with flutamide in 547 evaluable patients with The use of flutamide as monotherapy has not been advanced prostate cancer. Although there was no signif­ extensively studied. In one trial, it was shown to be icant difference in complete or partial response rates, the equivalent to DES, 3 mg/day, with fewer side effects.3 group receiving goserelin alone had a significantly longer More recently, the Eastern Cooperative Study Group time to treatment failure (437 vs 351 days). 1 umor flare reported their results with 92 patients with stage D2 reactions were again reduced in frequency with combi­ prostate cancer randomized to receive DES, 1 mg, or nation therapy 41 Although concomitant use of flutamide flutamide, 250 mg, three times daily. Although overall does reduce the incidence and severity of the flare reac­ tion seen with LHRH analog monotherapy, it is unclear response rates were similar (62% and 50%, respectively), median survival was greater in the DES group (43.2 vs how long flutamide therapy must be given. 23.2 months, respectively, P = .007).23 It appears that the optimal role of flutamide is in combination with Treatment of Hormone-Refractory LHRH analogs, in a strategy known as “total androgen Prostate Cancer blockade.” Unfortunately, hormonal therapy of advanced prostate- cancer is palliative since virtually all patients ultimately Total Androgen Blockade die of their disease unless there is an intervening cause of death. New treatments for patients whose disease recurs As noted previously, the testes produce approximately are desperately needed. Chemotherapeutic agents, in­ 95% of the total testosterone in circulation. The adrenal cluding , , 5-, glands arc responsible for the balance as well as sen ing as dacarbazine, , , and streptozocin, the source of androstenedione and dehydroepiandroster- alone or in combination, have produced disappointing one.38 The possibility of further reducing the stimulator)'

491 The Journal of Family Practice, Vol. 37, No. 5, 1993 Advanced Prostate Cancer Lynch overall response rates of approximately 30% (in those . For these patients, pain management for with mostly stable disease, with few complete or partial bone metastases is indicated. Although 35% to 40% of responses), with median survivals of 26 to 33 weeks.42 In patients receiving hormonal therapy or chemotherapy for one European trial of 29 patients with advanced, hor­ prostate cancer report improvement in bone pain,25« mone-resistant prostate cancer, single-agent mitomycin the relief may be delayed and incomplete. Additionally, C was associated with a total objective response rate of many other patients do not experience any relief. In such 59% and an actuarial median survival time of 10.8 patients, palliative treatment with radiation therapy and months.43 The possibility of combination chemotherapy drugs is indicated. Among the radiologicals that have is a logical extension of the finding of modest activity been demonstrated to produce prompt pain relief are with several single agents. Combination therapy, how­ rhenium 186(Sn) (a tin isotope),49-50 phosphorus 32,51 ever, may offer only slight advantages over sequential and strontium 89.52 Response rates of up to 87% have attempts with single-agent therapy. In a study of 142 been reported.51 Another type of radiotherapy is hemi- patients with hormone-resistant prostate cancer, the body irradiation, cither to the upper half or to the lower combination of 5-fluorouracil, doxorubicin, and mito­ half of the body. Complete response is obtained in up to mycin C was shown to produce a significantly longer 70%, and partial or complete response can be expected in median survival time than sequential treatment with the 72% to 100% of patients, generally within 24 hours.53 same three drugs (265 vs 217 days, P = .025), but as Therapy with intravenous pamidronate54 or clod- would be expected, myelosuppression was greater.44 ronate55 can provide dramatic improvement in bone Because of the poor survival results noted with che­ pain. Such agents may exert their effect by inhibiting motherapy in patients with hormone-resistant prostate , which decreases osteolysis and facilitates cancer, the Southwest Oncology Group examined the bone healing. However, pain usually recurs when ther­ role of combination hormone and chemotherapy.45 One apy is completed. Thus, analgesics such as narcotics and hundred thirty-seven patients were randomized to re­ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated. ceive hormonal therapy (DES or orchiectomy) followed Other symptoms for which palliative hormonal therapy is by cyclophosphamide plus doxorubicin, at disease pro­ useful include anorexia and symptoms of urinary obstruc­ gression or as combined therapy at the outset. Although tion. combined modality therapy was associated with a some­ what greater response rate (63% vs 48%, respectively; P = .059), there was no difference in median survival Summary time (25.6 vs 22.0 months for the initial hormonal therapy group and the chemohormonal group, respec­ Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American tively).45 Thus, combined modality therapy cannot be men. Unfortunately, in many cases, diagnosis is not made recommended at this time. until the disease has progressed. Treatment of advanced Suramin, a synthetic polyanionic compound, has prostate cancer is primarily hormonal. Within this cate­ been used investigationally in the treatment of hormone- gory, the LHRH analogs, especially leuprolide and gos- refractive prostate cancer. Its effects may relate to a erelin, have demonstrated the greatest promise, produc­ growth factor inhibitory effect, binding to various pro­ ing survival rates that are at least comparable to those of teins (thus inhibiting their action), and to an adrenocor- DES or orchiectomy and with fewer side effects. These ticolytic effect.46 In two small clinical trials,47'48 response drugs can be administered safely in an office setting. The rates of 53% to 62% have been reported; in the trial primary care physician is in the ideal position to discuss reported by Manyak ct al,47 the median survival was 9.7 the treatment options with the patient and assist him in months. Additionally, significant pain relief occurred decision-making. in over 70% of patients with pain.46-47 Despite several The role of total androgen blockade (combining , including nephrotoxicity, hypocalcemia, hy­ orchiectomy, DES, or an LHRH analog with flutamide permagnesemia, and a neurotoxic reaction known as or another antiandrogen) is controversial, but there ap­ demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, suramin has a pears to be a role for such aggressive treatment in pa­ potentially important role in the treatment of prostate tients with stage D2 prostate cancer and minimal disease. cancer.47'48 Chemotherapy is used in hormone-resistant cases, but objective response rates are low, and median survival Palliative Care time is less than 10 months. The focus of therapy is palliative, and analgesic care is needed, especially in pa­ Unfortunately, many patients with advanced prostate tients with bone metastases. In addition to the objective cancer become resistant to hormonal therapy as well as response rates of hormonal therapy and chemotherapy,

492 The Journal of Family Practice, Vol. 37, No. 5, 1993 Advanced Prostate Cancer Lvnch

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