West Point Association of Graduates
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ckner Hi Bu ll Rd S WEST POINT WOMEN'S CLUB to D Lot TO ny GIFT SHOP Lo 9 Stony Lonesome Gate neso me Roa K LOT Post Exchange d 49er FIVE SUBWAY High Elevation LODGE STAR Route 9W INN E Lot GROSS FIRE Low Elevation C Lot OLYMPIC CENTER STATION Delafield CEMETERY B Lot G Lot d OLD V i l l a g e a Pond CADET F Lot o CHAPEL R ad d o A Lot l R e itt o f LICHTENBERG i err f M TENNIS CENTER a HOLLEDER l CENTER e UNIFORM D H i g h l a n d FACTORY RANDALL HOFFMAN ANDERSON d RUGBY HALL PRESS BOX a FOLEY o ns MICHIE Tow ley Road F a l l s INDOOR STADIUM S R t PRACTICE n o TRUXTUN FACILITY o BOWLING ALLEY & KIMSEY n t ARVIN y LIL' SKEETERS LACROSSE g ANNEX SHEA H CENTER FT PUTNAM Shea M Howze L n STADIUM ai CENTER i n d S MILITARY o o Field tre Field h et w MOST a POLICE n s z e HOLY o STATION Swift Ro d e s a R West Point ad a o JEWISH TRINITY o P m W r d W l e CHAPEL CHAPEL e Museum es R . t P a d oi n R w a Parking nt H Buffalo o o o i t o g J Lot o hw Soldier n d R R a a T y e a o Field R r n F Lusk d e TRONSRUE o m e t o g MARKSMANSHIP p THAYER GATE es U on u CENTER SOFTBALL VISITORS Buffalo Soldier HERBERT ALUMNI Reservoir L R Hotel POST ny COMPLEX CENTER Field Parking CENTER (AOG) Sto T Thayer OFFICE Arvin Ike Hall FIVE STAR h WEST POINT a Parking Parking Lot INN y I * Parking GILLIS MUSEUM & e Stewart Road r ! FIELD HOUSE DUSA THAYER ! ! ! ! GIFT SHOP HOTEL ! ! ARVIN R ! ! ! ! ! o GYM ! ! ! ! a ! d ! ! EISENHOWER ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (IKE) ! Central f 1 CADET ! ! HALL r ! CHAPEL Area ! ! o ! ! ! ! ! ! ! m ! G! ate P 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i ! t / W ! ! FIRST CLASS c ! ! 4 CLUBCLUB h ! ! e a Beat ! WASHINGTON r ! ! Navy f 1 R ! s ! ! r ! ODIA M HALL Tunnel ! o ! ! h N o ! O ! R a T ! i ! P m h a d n M W y ! CENTRAL AREA i i e A lli r ! Washington g a ! l m H s ! W North Dock e R ! t o CADET STORE Statue T o ! i a R o d ! r o ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! E w Parking l ! o a f 3 n a ! a e p r NININGER d H ! T h e r s ! o Battle h d HALL ! S / T ! h GRANT m P l a i n Monument y ! R 4 ! ! ! t ! i ADMISSIONS ! HALL o ! n a ! ! ! a ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! d ! ! C P W g t u u M t l lu o o a e m i n s TAYLOR i BARTLETT R n h Great HALL l MAHAN C o S u HALL Chain e JEFFERSON f 1 t i HALL ll Daly a n r um NORTH WING t HALL d o R Field a g o / CLASS OF '47 Williams R ad m oad t 2 t OLD TRAIN STATION u o Clinton e n SOUTH W THAYER Doubleday Field k M DOCK HALL Field Malek l S Parking a Tennis a f 1 Thayer Roof t s r WEST POINT Center a i o W h Parking l / CLUB Doubleday t m e i u 4 CULLUM n Field Clinton e n HALL East g Soccer W Parking CAUFIELD CREW & o t s M Field Parking i West Point o West Point SAILING CENTER LINCOLN t a ahy & n HALL s a i h t S ing l e i r t Southeast n E ice, DPW Southeast a r ns i g t Ro t ad l u t o F e PPaarrkkiinngg aanndd RReeffeerreennccee MMaapp n S H t a Map Designed by 0 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 t U u COL Michael D. Hendricks Kilometers e D The Department of Geography & 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 S Environmental Engineering Feet O Data provided by GIS Office, DPW N 0 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 R I March 19, 2013 Miles V E R Hayes Gymnasium Cadet Chapel Jewish Chapel with several quotes Hayes Gymnasium, formerly the Built in the “military Gothic” style, the Cadet Chapel The completion of the Jewish from history on the East Gym, is named in honor of was dedicated on June 12, 1910. The stained glass Chapel in 1984 culminated a importance of honor CPT Thomas J. Hayes IV ’66, windows were dedicated to graduating classes, ranging 20-year undertaking. The and ethics to West who was the Brigade Adjutant, from 1803 to 1976. While serving the needs of several organization responsible for the Point graduates and Chairman of the Honor Protestant religions, project was the West Point Jewish the Army profession. Committee, and a player on the the chapel is also Chapel Fund, a private, non-profit Corps Squad Soccer and Fencing Teams. CPT Hayes noted for having the civilian organization. In 1986, the Jewish Chapel was Distinguished Visitors Quarters (DVQ) Arvin Cadet Physical Development Center was killed in action in Vietnam and was awarded two largest church organ in deeded to the Academy. Led by a military chaplain, the Building 109-Beat Navy House The Arvin Cadet Physical Development Center is Silver Stars for valor in action. the world. The organ congregation serves the needs of the various branches Located on the corner of Stony Lonesome Road and named in honor of CPT Carl Robert Arvin ’65, who consists of more than of Judaism represented in the Armed Forces. In close Thayer Walk Washington Road, this picturesque 1875 home was was a USCC First Captain, Captain of the Wrestling Crandall Pool 23,000 pipes. connection with the Jewish Welfare Board, worship Thayer Walk converted Thayer Road into a pedestrian originally used as officer’s quarters and is now part of Team, and a Rhodes Scholarship finalist. CPT Arvin Crandall Pool is named in honor of MAJ Robert W. resources are designed to meet the broad spectrum of mall, stretching from the north end of Building 606 the IHG Army Hotels. The historic restoration of the was killed in action during his second tour in Vietnam Crandall ’39, a former Captain of the Swimming Team. Catholic Chapel the Jewish faith. The Chapel contains an extensive (Admissions) past Grant and Bartlett Hall and around building was funded through a bequest from Julianne and was awarded two Silver Stars for gallantry. The MAJ Crandall was killed in action just a week before the The Catholic Chapel of the Most Holy Trinity was Judaica collection, a fine library, and special exhibits. the corner to the east of the old library. The project S. Miller, widow of COL (Ret.) Lee C. Miller ’34, and original gymnasiums were constructed in 1910. The end of hostilities in World War II. He was awarded the designed by Heins and LaFarge in the Norman Gothic restored the roadway and sidewalks to more closely features the original fireplaces in the front parlors, Theater was added in 1935, Crandall Pool in 1971, Distinguished Service Cross for valor in action. style. It was built in 1900 and enlarged in 1959 under Constitution Corner resemble their appearance in 1913. The Classes of original crown molding, balustrades, and hardwood and Old South Wing in 1976. The latest addition to the direction of Robert Robbins, making it the oldest The monument at Constitution 1957, 1961, 1965 and 1974 joined forces to make floors. The hotel features 9 individual guest rooms, West Point’s gymnasium complex was completed in Quarters 100 house of worship in continuous use at the Academy. Corner recognizes the relationship this project a reality. Each class then memorialized its and amenities include high speed internet, guest 2005. Providing 450,000 square feet of program One of the oldest buildings on post, Quarters 100 is Its 22 stained glass windows depict soldiers and saints between our Constitution, our own section of the walk. The renovation not only laundry, conference rooms, community kitchen, and a space, the facility houses the Class of ’72 Boxing designated for the Superintendent and his family. from early, middle, and modern Christian history and three branches of government, restores the historic nature of Central Area, but it fitness center. Rooms, multiple pools, racquetball courts, combative Previous occupants memorialize Catholic graduates and our professional soldiers. It is also provides a clear separation between vehicular and sports rooms, the Class of ’79 Climbing Wall, locker include Robert E. Lee, of the Academy killed in the also a memorial to the 76 pedestrian traffic. rooms, a sports medicine suite, space for 49 1829; Douglas service of their country. The members of the Class of Jan 1943 who died in combat instructors, and other administrative spaces. The MacArthur, 1903; chapel offers a full schedule or on military duty while supporting and defending the Honor Plaza building’s main architectural feature is an interior Maxwell D. Taylor ’22; of Masses and programs for all Constitution. The memorial is located on the outside of Presented by the Class of 1957, this plaza, which atrium spine that serves as an organizing element. The William C. Westmoreland Catholic members of the Corps the southeast corner of the wall surrounding the is located at the end of Eisenhower Barracks, atrium rises 125 feet from the basement floor to the ’36; and Willard W.