Jessica Lang
FROM: AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE 890 Broadway New York, New York 10003 (212) 477-3030 Kelly Ryan JESSICA LANG Since 1999, AmeriCan ChoreoGrapher JessiCa Lang has Created more than 100 works on companies worldwide including American Ballet Theatre, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Pacific Northwest Ballet, BirminGham Royal Ballet (2013 ManChester Theatre Award nominee), the National Ballet of Japan and Joffrey Ballet, and her eponymous company Jessica LanG DanCe, amonG many others. Lang’s additional commissions include works for the Kennedy Center with the National Symphony OrChestra, Harris Theater and the ChiCaGo ArChiteCture Biennial (in collaboration with architeCt Steven Holl), the Dallas Museum of Art, and the Guggenheim Museum for its Works and Process series. For opera, Lang made her directorial debut creating Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater at the 2013 Glimmerglass Opera Festival, whiCh was presented at LinColn Center’s White Light Festival in 2017 performed by Jessica Lang Dance. In 2016, she choreoGraphed San Francisco Opera’s production of Aida, direCted by Francesca Zambello, which was presented at WashinGton National Opera and Seattle Opera during the 2017-18 season. Lang was ArtistiC DireCtor of JessiCa LanG DanCe from 2011 to 2019. Founded in 2011, the company had tremendous success touring and performing for audiences in more than 85 cities, presented by major venues including Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Los Angeles Music Center, The Kennedy Center, Harris Theater, New York City Center, Northrop Auditorium, Winspear Opera House, Tel Aviv Opera House, JaCob’s Pillow Dance Festival, BAM Fisher and Helikon Opera, amonG others. LanG is the reCipient of a 2018 Martha Hill Mid-Career Award, the 2017 Arison Award and a 2014 (more) LANG – Page 2 Bessie Award.
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