Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Mina's Pussy Cat Club by Aalexxa Aarows Mina's Pussy Cat Club by Aalexxa Aarows. Farrah has only one wish for Christmas. A romp in the sack with her boss’s son. Who happens to also be a senator. He’s single, good looking, masculine, and hunky in all the right places. Was she insane to actually wish for him under the mistletoe? Was fucking Eddy worth losing the respect of her co-workers? Eddy, is a senator who gives his all to his public. He’s single, and the most eligible bachelor around. However, his sights are set on his father’s assistant Farrah, and by dammed, he’d do anything to fuck her. Little did he know, she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. How could he get her under his mistletoe this Christmas without the rest of his staff knowing? Was Farrah worth the risk? Soon, he would know. Red Riding Mina (Special Cat) Red Riding Mina is a Special Cat that can be unlocked when beating Learned to Love. In the Version 6.7 Update, her range was increased. True Form added in the Version 7.0 Update grants a chance to weaken Relic enemies in addition to Curse Immunity and increased health/attack power. Red Riding Mina. Contents. Evolution. Evolves into Crimson Mina at level 10. Evolves into Awakened Mina at level 30 using Catfruit after completing Eldritch Forces. Performance. + 50% chance to weaken Relic enemies [True] + Immune to curse [True] attacks Good attack power [True] Decent survivability [True] Low attack power [Normal, Evolved] Has a blindspot Mediocre attack rate Mediocre health [Normal, Evolved] Class Class Normal Sniper Evolved >> True >> Strategy/Usage. Normal/Evolved Form. Red Riding Mina is a very useful long-range attacker. However, do note that in her Normal and Evolved forms, her damage is surprisingly low. This means that you will mostly only use her in 4 Star Stories of Legend, unless you happen to encounter a stage where you are able to stack long range units; most specifically, you will stack her behind your own Cat Base, usually with the support of Crowd-Controller-class Cats like Thaumaturge Cat or Professor Cat Jobs. Furthermore, should you be using those crowd-controllers, it is recommended to use weaken up Cat Combos like Power of Darkness or Cat High in order to ensure Mina's safety. While she does have low base stats in Normal and Evolved Form, when stacked, her damage can be comparable to that of some nukers. True Form. Awakened Mina gains a higher effective range, higher base stats, and on top of that, the ability to weaken Relic enemies, albeit with a 50% chance. As specifically anti-Relic abilities are rare, the niche in and of itself is important, as it allows her to counter dangerous enemies like Othom and M. Ost. So, whenever she does weaken, it can change the tide of the battle, as it helps Primordial Cat and your other meatshields survive for longer. However, if you have Slapstick Cats's Talents, you'll likely rely on them for weaken instead of Mina. Her increased base stats allow her to be relevant in Uncanny Legends, as well as increasing her nuking effectiveness. Overall, she is a good use of your Elder Catfruit, and is useful and relevant lategame. With all this being said, do not let any enemies enter Mina’s blindspot, as she is very sensitive late-game, and has no abundance of health to safely tank any dangerous hits. Specialty Cats: Dwarf, Miniature and Teacup Cats. These rare and unusual cats are becoming very popular. But not all are genuine "minis" so be careful! Reading time: 6 minutes. What are the Different Types of Miniature Cats? The three types of small breeds cats are dwarf, miniature and teacup cats. There are subtle differences between them, but basically these have the common trait of being very small when fully grown. Those seeking miniature cats should be warned that not all petite cats are true miniatures. The normal size range for cats is 5 - 12 lbs. and cats at the lower end of this spectrum are not necessarily miniatures, but may simply be runts that are being sold as miniatures. Miniature Cats. The modern trend for miniature cats means that less scrupulous breeders charge high prices for runty or under-sized cats and some "breeding programs" are little more than kitten mills. Genuine miniature cats come from breeding lines where the size trait has literally been, or is being, controlled or manipulated by selective breeding, and where the cats are a consistently small size due to genetic mutation or to progressive downsizing. Genuine breeders pay strict attention to health, hygiene and to the homes their cats are adopted into. Reputable breeders limit the number of litters produced each year to ensure the health of the female cats and will take great care to avoid excessive inbreeding (damaging to the immune system) and to continually widen their gene pools. Dwarf Cats. Dwarf cats are domestic cat breeds which have the condition of dwarfism due to a genetic mutation. The Munchkin is the founding breed of the chondrodysplastic (short-legged) dwarf cat. Through outcrossing the Munchkin with a variety of normally proportioned cats a substantial number of dwarf breeds have been developed. The major dwarf breeds as set by the Dwarf Cat Association are as follows: Bambino - A cross between a Munchkin and a Sphynx cat Dwelf - A cross between a Munchkin and an American Curl Napoleon - A cross between a Munchkin and Persian cat Skookum - A cross between the Munchkin and LaPerm cat Kinkalow - A cross between the Munchkin and the American Curl Lambkin - A cross between a Munchkin and Selkirk Rex Genetta - A cross between Munchkin, Bengal cat, Savannah cat, Domestic Short Hair cat and Oriental SH - exotic, spotted/marbled cat like a wild African Genet Minskin - A cross between Munchkin and Shynx cat, Devon Rex cat and Burmese cat. The development of dwarf cats is at a fairly early stage (since the mid 1980s) and dwarf cat breeders are currently striving for recognition with the major cat registries. Dwarf cats are not widely accepted outside of the USA. Dwarf cats are potentially banned under the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals (European legislation) and have been condemned in the British Magazine Cat World . Teacup Cats. In addition to chondrodysplastic dwarf cats, there are a number of normally proportioned dwarfed breeds. These are usually termed "mini" or "teacup" to differentiate them from the short-legged dwarf cats. Some may be due to a condition similar to primordial dwarfism found in humans. There are several lines of Teacup and Toy Persians currently being bred, with some due to a spontaneous mutation and others due to consistently selecting and breeding the smallest individuals from each generation to progressively downsize the breed. Teacup cats are simply small "miniature" cats (meaning a size smaller than the category of cat called "miniature cats"). Smaller than usual cats occur for several reasons - some genetic, some hormonal and some environmental. Miniature cats are usually about one third to one half the size of normal size cats of the same breed. A genuine Teacup Cat however, is born with a genetic dwarfism that, instead of making just the legs short, causes the cat to be proportionally small all over. The discovery of this genetic mutation has caused popularity of the teacup cat to spread like wildfire. Many breeders will agree that most "teacup" cats are, in fact, scams. Usually these cats were runts, born too early, or severely emaciated when they were a kitten. When buying "teacups" of any animal, take caution, as most primordial dwarf cats are born with severe health problems. Some common health problems of "teacup" cats include: Severe growth retardation causing bones to become misshapen and soft Slowing rate of muscle mass growth, causing weakness of the cat and a possibility of decreased use of limbs Heart murmurs and enlarged heart Seizures and other neurological problems, possibly causing blindness Soft spot in top of skull, leaving cat susceptible to major head trauma Misshapen jaw and bowed legs Shortened lifespans Reproductive organs never growing or growing in a malformed way. Due to their very, very small size it is impractical to take them home before they are at least five months old. Cat experts encourage you to take care when acquiring these very small cats, as miniature kittens are much more vulnerable than normal sized kittens. Choose Wisely. Be careful when choosing a miniature, because not all teacup cats are in fact miniature cats or dwarf cats. In some cases, a cat's normal size is around 7-12 pounds; therefore some normal cats at the bottom end of this scale may have the appearance of a miniature cat, but will not be an actual "miniature or teacup" because the cat's genetic make up is that of a normal sized cat. Some unscrupulous breeders (and remember for many breeders their primary concern is ultimately commercial gain) will pass off normal/small cats as miniature cats, since miniature cats can fetch higher prices. A good breeder will limit the number of litters to ensure that the queen stays healthy and to help make sure the gene pool is wide to avoid inbreeding (damaging the immune system) which could result in health problems and defects in offspring. Things to Remember When Purchasing a Miniature: Teacup cats are great pets but ensure that you get the following when you buy: Puss Moth Caterpillar: It’s Cute, Furry, and Venomous. An internet friend of mine regaled me with a tale of a buddy of his that looked like he got whacked in the face with a 2 x 4. Did he owe money to a bookie? Girlfriend beat him up? No, he got his ass handed to him by a one inch long fluffy little caterpillar. The hell you say? Yeah, a caterpillar. What’s the world coming to? Every day that I step outside I feel like I’m in Nature’s Thunderdome with Tina Turner as ringmaster. Puss moth caterpillar by Valerie Bugh (c) ( This cute little fella, Megalopyge opercularis (left) , goes by the name puss, tree asp, or southern flannel moth caterpillar. Their habitat starts in Maryland and sweeps down south to Florida and west into Texas and Missouri, inhabiting all the states in-between. It resembles a Tribble, and if you’re an original Star Trek fan, you’ll notice the resemblance, too. But while Tribbles were relatively harmless, save for the exponential reproduction, the puss caterpillar is venomous. Buried beneath its hairs, our furry friend has 6 rows of urticating hairs. These specialized hairs are like mini-hypodermic needles hooked up to glands full of venom that inject upon contact. The caterpillars emerge from their cocoons in the spring, and grow and darken in color as they consume the foliage around them. As the spring- time caterpillars turn into moths, those too will lay eggs, giving rise to a second generation. Thus the prime time for envenomations is the early summer and early fall (1). Historically, the puss moth caterpillar has been an ongoing problem in many areas, and particularly Texas. A 1923 circular from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (2) reported that thousands of stings have occurred in a single season, and that “in some cases the fear of the caterpillars became almost a mania.” And in 1921 schools in San Antonio were shut down until they could get the caterpillar population under control. The best quote from the circular, however, is: In Dallas and Fort Worth, Tex., and other cities the forestry departments were deluged with requests that something be done to eliminate the pest, and the street trees were sprayed with arsenicals on an extensive scale. The saying “if you can’t beat them, join them” obviously doesn’t apply in Texas, instead it’s arsenic warfare. I shouldn’t be so hard on Texas, it was the ’20s after all, and arsenic was a popular and common pesticide….and murder weapon, but we’ll leave that for a later date. The most common places to be stung are the hands, arms, and feet, with symptoms of envenomation ranging from painful to severe. Pain is obviously the first and most common symptom, but can also include swelling, nausea, headache, chest pain, and shortness of breath (3). In more serious cases, shock-like symptoms and seizures occur, requiring hospitalization (3). Treatment of non-life threatening stings is usually just supportive, with anti-histamines, such as cimetidine (Tagamet) (4), and/or methylprednisone for inflammation, pain relievers for the pain, and benzodiazepines to calm the nerves (5). If you’re in shock or having a seizure, you should probably stop reading now and get some real help. The unfortunate part, at least for me, is that not a lot of study has gone into identifying the exact nature of the puss moth caterpillar venom. But this is typical for many venomous species. The fact is, venom is not just one chemical substance, it is usually made up of dozens of compounds. These can range from acetylcholinesterases to paralyze, to disintigrens to prevent blood coagulation, to toxins causing death. Puss moth caterpillar by Valerie Bugh (c) ( Death? Not likely from this furry creature, but it will hurt. A lot. The best way to prevent being stung by one is to avoid it, which is easier said than done. My girls love caterpillars – my oldest even kept one as a pet in her room, until her mother found out. So it’s the kids I worry about. Who wouldn’t want to pick up and pet a furry caterpillar? But if you do get stung the best course of action – in a non-emergency – is to make sure you remove the hairs, as they can be transferred to other parts of your body. Scotch tape would work well for removing the hairs, followed by a dose of anti-histamine and some topical hydrocortisone . . . followed by some real Scotch. So be safe, be smart, and for goodness sake, don’t go petting any strange caterpillars. Cats. Base by :… You can adopt them if you want, or use these designs! All are 6 points each. ADOPTION LIST (If willing to adopt) COAST TO COAST / THE SHOW: Space Ghost - OPEN - OPEN Brak - OPEN Moltar - OPEN Brak's Mom - OPEN Brak's Father - OPEN. Brendon Small - OPEN Melissa Robbins - OPEN Jason Penopolis - OPEN. : Master Shake - CLOSED (Owner: ) Frylock - OPEN Meatwad - OPEN Ignignokt - OPEN Err - OPEN Oglethorpe - OPEN Emory - OPEN. HARVEY BIRDMAN: ATTORNEY AT LAW: Harvey Birdman - OPEN. Bob Oblong - OPEN Pickles Oblong - OPEN Biff and Chip Oblong - OPEN Beth Oblong - OPEN Milo Oblong - OPEN. Assy McGee - OPEN. The Chicken - OPEN. Warden - CLOSED (Owner: ) Jailbot - OPEN. XAVIER: RENEGADE ANGEL: Xavier - CLOSED (Owner: ) Mouse Fitzgerald - CLOSED (Owner: ) THE DRINKY CROW SHOW: Crow - OPEN Gabby - OPEN. LUCY, THE DAUGHTER OF THE DEVIL: Mr. Pickles - OPEN. Baby Ball - OPEN. - CLOSED (Owner: ) Early Curler - CLOSED (Owner: ) Little Cato - OPEN. Rick Sanchez - OPEN Morty Smith - OPEN Mr. Meeseeks - OPEN Mr. Meeseeks (Again?) - OPEN.