Problem of Idleness Now up to Industry

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Problem of Idleness Now up to Industry Alive? Or Dead In Island Mystery? FREE ELECTRIC U. S. HOUSING PLAN PROBLEM OF IDLENESS SERVICE WITH STARTS DISCUSSION INCR^ED USE NOW UP TO INDUSTRY CoiflidiDf Opbioiis on Ickes JAPAN GRANTS President Samuel Ferguson DonaU Richberg Says Tine Proposal to Hare Got- Explams Basis for Offer A r t h u r Pinero D ies; HUGE SUM FOR Is Ripe to Step In To Take omment Sopply Funds for to Customers for Adding F a m ous Playw righ t Up Slack of Unemploj* WARmSES Homes. S ' to Current Usage. V. 23<— (AP) —SlrAappearlng first as an actor at the ment; Otherwise Govern- London, Nov. Arthur Pinero,I, 79, famous play-j Theater Royal in Edinburgh. Washington, Nov. 33 — (A P ) — Nearly 300 Millions to Oo Samuel Ferguson, president of the Wright, died today in a nursing He came to London in 1876 to ap- Clashing viewpHnts within the ment Must Take Further Manchester Electric Company, an- home following on operation. pear as Mr. Barch In "M ijs Gwllt” government and^ilside emphasised at the Globe theater and later tour- for National Defense in today the prospect o f momentous nounced today that beginning De- pInero started on his road to ed England in Shakespeare. Steps. cember 1, 25 kilowatt hours o f In- In 1881 he turned to writing, struggles in which the winners will fame as an author by Writing plays ha dadded by Praaidant Rooaevelt, One Year— Victory for creased use will be given free to for himself.—and every actor who turning out his first one-act piece each customer of the company for “Daisy’s Escape." Thereafter he by Congresa and perhapa by the di- pl-syed any part In Pinero’s plays Boston, Nov. 23.— (A P )—Donald each five kilowatt hours of increased was prolific in playwriting, turning rection of the business curve. played them Just as he would have, the Military. out scores of works among which R. Richberg, executive director at For the moment at least, housing use purchased up to a limit o f 50 to the smallest gesture, the slight- were the famed "The Second Mrs. la the rock on which waves o f opin- free kilowatt hours per month. est Inflection. • the National Emergency (^unctl Tanqueray", "The Amazons", "His ion break most sharply. Secretary The basis for computing the free Born in London, May 24, '1855, said today "the time is ripe” for .pri- Tokyo, Nov. 38.— (A P )— Japan House in Order" and others. lekes, PW A chief has just outlined kilowatt hours will be the usage in Pinero started stud3ln g law in his The late King Edward knighted vate Industry to step in and help the poosibUitiea for a bousing cam- met the Intematipn * situation to- the corresponding month of the pre- father’s office but gave that up at | the age. of 19 to enter the theater, him in 1900. take up the slack o f unemployment. paign, which in several respects is day by the Orieiltal Empire grant- vious year subject to such necea.sary strikingly different from the drive ing its army and navy the. moat adjustments qs may be required to Richberg came to Boston to ad- being conducted by James A .-M of- meet the intent of the offer. money ever allotted its military dress the New England conference fett, bousing administrator. Must Increase Use __ and the statement was made in SB machines. Ickss, speaking of potentialities Under thlc new plan a customer, Interview between speeches. and not of a sure thing, indicated More than one billion yen (about purchasing 5 kilowatt hours over DEMOCRATS ARE SCORED He said there was no question that bis bq^'ef that P W A could hasten 3290.000. 000) will go to the nation- his base use. Is then entIUeu to use busineas conditions had improved in employment and help exercise the al defense in one year. This is 48 up to 25 additional kilowatt hours recent months. He said also that mortg^e bugaboo by pouriug out per cent of the total budget of 2,- without charge. Also, a. customer many business men had come to ths large sums on new and inexpensive 210.000. 000 yen (approximately who purchases 10 kilowatt hours FOR OPPOSING CUTTING belief that decentralization of indus- houses. 3640,900,000) and a nine per cent over his base Is entitled to use up try would be a potent factor in im- Long Term Contracts increase over the current appropri- to 50 kilowatt hours free. However, ation. proving conditions. He spoke of long term contracts the free kilowatt hours must be In- A weary Cabinet which bad been First rettorts that the victims o f hunger and thirst found dead on a He pointed out that unless private directly between the government creased use and in order to receive in session 14 hours approved the barren (Jalapagos island were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wittmer, seif-exiled Senator Norris CaUs It HARTFORD LEADS industry did step Into the breach. It and the home owmera, with interest figures this morning. It was a vic- Germans, were discounted by Americans who bad visited them only a the maximum beneflt from this plan might be necessary fOr the govern- o f 3 per cent. a customer must use 30 kilowatt ment to follow some other course in Many spokesmen for business and tory for the army nnd navy which fewr days before the gha.stly discovery, adding to the mystery of the "'Awful Ingratitude” — had fought with pi paganda for identity of the luckless couple who perished. Above are shown Mr. and hours above bis base, 5 kilowatt furnishing employment. bankers oppose the govemment’i IN AUTO CRASHES months for larger and better equip- Mrs. W ittmer and their two children, as they appeared at their home on hours be pays for and 25 he receives taking such a direct part In houa. ped forces. Charles Island last February. free. In the second case a customer RHnBERO’S SPEECH Ing. Moffett is pressing the cam' Blaines Farley for the Threateaed to Quit must use 60 kilowatt hours above Boston, Nov. 23.— (A P )— Donald p d gn in which new homes are built General Sejurp Hayuhi, minister hia base, 10 o f which he purchases, R. Richberg, executive director of with money furnished by private of war. threatened to resign if his to obtain the maximum beneflt of 50 Party’s Attitude. Reports 197 for Month of the National Emergency (tounell, agencies. The government merely seta the demands were not met. He and kilowatt hours free. speaking before the Tenth N ew Ehig- basic maximum Interest rate it MIno Aaumt, minister of the navy, Mr. Ferguson announced that land Ckmference here today said the October; Bridgeport Is per cent and arranges In variance told the Cabinet "the internatlond RUSSIA TO AID FRANCE after the expiration of the free Washington, Nov. 23.— (A P )— Ideal o f economic planning is in situation must be considered.” period, Dec. 1, 1935, a ” newr and harmony with political planning for on mortgages up to 80 per cent of Senator Norris aaid today the Ad- assessed value. The navy bad contended it must materially lower ‘riectric home’ rate self government. ministration bad made a "mistake” Second With 109. dMaper Homes be built up fully to the limits of the will immediately become effective “ It Is in harmony,” he said, “ with London treaty by the end of 1936 IN CASE OF GERMAN WAR for the benefit of those customers in opposing the xe-election o f Sena- Ickes expressed the opinion the the ideals o f those who first ivrota government can build bette; and in order to be strategically prepar- wrbo wish to continue the use o f ma- tors (Siting, New Mexico, Repub- the Declaration of Independence and ed for a building race which might Hartford, Nov. 23.— (A P )—Hart- cheaper homes than private capital terially more curient in their lican-Independent and Shipstead, then the Ckmstltutlon of the United on one straight mortgage at 3 per follow a possible breakdown in the homes.” ford was far In the lead of other States. To preserve and to fortify Minnesota Farmer-Laborite. cent. He spoke of costa as low as present treaties and negotiations. Parliament Told Combma- HUNGARY DEMANDS Home Rate cities of the state in the number of our democratic institutions we are The veteran Nebraska Rcpubllc- 31800 a dwelling, possible elimina- W ar oince statement had said Under the "electric home” rate, in effect seeking to write an eco- an-Ind4pendent, hitherto a strong automobile accidents reported for tion o f down payments and perhaps the army should be prepared for Mr. Ferguson said, a customer may supporter of President Roosevelt, October, reporting 197 for the nomic constitution for the establish- an agreement whereby union labor any eventualities on the continent iamb Ooly Mem »<■ HEARING ON CHARGE obtain Bubstoatially more kilowatt added he "wa8 delighted” Senators month, acco^lng to figures obtain- ment o f self-government In indus- might cut hourly wage rates In and that Soviet Russia still men- hours for the same amount o f pay- Johnson o f (California and LaFol ed today from the State Depart- try. If we can write into that Con- return for more money per year, aces Japanese interests In the Peace in Eu- ___ ment than are now obtainable under Orient. lette of Wisconsin also backers of ment o f Motor Vehicles. Bridgeport stitution a representative form of That the state o f business will the present schedule.
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