Name of Deceased (Surname First)
Date before which Name of Deceased Address, description and date of death of Name, addresses and descriptions of Persons to whom notices of claims are notices of claims (Surname first) Deceased to be given and names, in parenthesis of Personal Representatives to be given NORTON, Marjorie Isabel... 2 Broomhill Close, Great Barr, Birmingham, Reece Davis & Cox, 20a Temple Street, Birmingham B2 5BQ, Solicitors. Lloyds Bank 16th December 1974 Widow. 30th June 1974. Limited.) (073) HARDING, Richard 126 Marsh Hill, Erdington, Birmingham, Chemical Atkins & Selkirk, 50 Great Charles Street, Birmingham B3 2LS, Solicitors. (Arthur John 16th December 1974 Mixer (Retired). 11th June 1974. Hackney.) (074) COLE, Archibald 4 Eastham Road, Billesley, Birmingham 13, Tool- Southall & Company, 503 Coventry Road, Small Heath, Birmingham BIO OLN, Solici- 16th December 1974 maker Retired, llth May 1974. tors. (Ernest Frank Crook and Anthony John Harper.) (075) SALISBURY, Agnes 16 Warwick Grove, Olton, Solihull, West Mid- Barclays Bank Trust Company Limited, Birmingham Trustee Office, P.O. No. 34, 63 16th December 1974 Genevieve lands, Widow. 7th July 1974. Colmore Row, Birmingham B32BY, or Sydney Mitchell & Company, 6 Herbert Road, (076) Solihull, West Midlands, Solicitors. WILLIAMS, Ludovic Nanney 121 Bushmore Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, Lloyds Bank Limited, P.O. Box 70,123 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3AE. 16th December 1974 Transport Engineer (Retired). 6th July 1974. Q (077) WINSTON, Helen 87 Westfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, Reece Davis & Cox, 20a Temple Street, Birmingham B2 5BQ, Solicitors. (Barclays Bank 16th December 1974 Widow. 18th June 1974. Trust Company Limited.) (078) N WOLFSON, Millicent 87 Westfield Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, Reece Davis & Cox, 20a Temple Street, Birmingham B2 5BQ, Solicitors.
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