V IRGINIA Q UARTERLY MAGAZINE INSIDE Women and Leadership—page 4 Reports from the Cabinet—page 11 Importance of Women’s Political Representation—page 24 SummerSummer 2011201 What’s your passion? sports? service? Faith? Medicine? Music? Justice? teaching? Business? art? at Bluefield College, we believe passion makes life worth living, and the pursuit of passion allows for the accomplishment of goals and dreams. Whether it is to perform, compete, learn, lead, worship, serve, or simply belong, you can find your passion, nurture it, even live it at Bluefield College. Live your passion! MOBILE USERS bluefield.edu • facebook.com/bluefieldcollege • twitter.com/blfdcollege •
[email protected] To Our Readers V IRGINIA I arrived in Richmond and began contacting women in the VA Senate, asking them to write articles. I met Susan Clark Schaar, the Clerk of the Senate. A few days later, I found myself driving to meet Eva Scott, the first female member of that same Senate. In Amelia, I found a woman passionate about the well being of her Q UARTERLY MAGAZINE people. She inspired me, and that inspiration led to a story intertwined by my own. SUMMER 2011 ISSUE Emails were friendly, and I often was laughing after phone calls. Women and Leadership in the Virginia General Assembly And, thankfully, when I asked for articles from senators and delegates, (Past, Present and Future) .............................4 I was met with a positive response. Women in Virginia Politics Conference..................... 5 The articles flooded in and I saw a unified message: women dedicated to a cause they believe in. I found myself crying and laughing Together We Stand ..................................