File No. 19136 · Item No.


Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Date: March 3, 2021

D Petition/Complaint Page:_ D Memorandum - Deputy City Attorney Page:_ D Petitioner/Complainant Supporting DocumentS Page:_ D RespondenfsResponse Page:_ D Public Correspondence Page:_·_ D Order of Determination Page:_ D Minutes Page:_ D Administrator's Report Page:_ D No Attachments


Completed by: __C_. _L~eg~e_r______Date 2/25/21

* An asterisked item represents the cover sheet to a document that exceeds 25 pages. The complete document is in the file on a disk

P299 Leger, Cheryl (BOS)

From: Google Forms Sent: Friday, December 13, 2019 9:22 PM To: SOTF, (BOS) Subject: New Response Complaint Form

This message is from outside the City email system. Do not open links or attachments from untrusted sources.

Your form has a new entry.

Here are the results.

Complaint against which Department of Emergency Management, Municipal Transportation Agency, City Hall Department or Building Management, Sheriff's Department, Office of the City Administrator, Fine Arts Commission Museums of

. . Name of individual dept heads: Mary Ellen Carroll (DEM), Tom Maguire.{MTA), Rob Reiter {City Hall), contacted at Department Andrico Penick (Director, Real. Estate), Vicki Hennessy {Sheriff), Naomi M. Kelly {ADM), or Commission P. Campbell {FAMSF)

Alleged Violation Public Records

Sunshine Ordinance 67.21, 67.25 (and also 67.34 for FAMSF only) Section:

Please describe alleged See attachment in email. violation

Name Anonymous

P3bO Email [email protected]

If anonymous, please let us know how to contact [email protected] you. Thank you.

Sent via Google Forms Email

P301 Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Complaint Summary

File No. 19136

Anonymous v. Office of the City Administrator, Naomi M. Kelly

Date filed with SOTF: 12/16/19

Contacts information (Complainant information listed first): Anonymous ([email protected]) (Complainant) Office of the City Administrator ([email protected]), Naomi Kelly. (naomi.kelly@sf gov. org) (Respondents)

File No. 19136: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Naomi Kelly and the Office of the City Administrator for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21 and 67.25 by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

Administrative Summary if applicable:

Complaint Attached.



v. Sunshine Ordinance Department of Emergency Petition and Complaint Management, Mary Ellen Carroll (DEM), Municipal Transportation Dec. 13, 2019 Agency, Tom Maguire (MTA), City SOTF No .. Hall Building Management, Rob . Reiter (City Hall), And+ico Penick, (Director, Real Estate), Sheriffs Department, Vicki Hennessy (Sheriff), Office of the City Administrator, Naomi M. Kelly (ADM), Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Thomas P. Campbell (FAMSF)

COMPLAINT [SFAC 67.21, 67.25, 67.34]

I allege Respondents failed to respond to an immediate disclosure request in a timely and complete manner. I made on Dec 7, 2019 the following IDRs for the Department Head's1 (per SF Charter 2A.30) 1 week of past calendars, 1 week of lists Reiter· as "Principal Real Property Ofc;' in 2018. lists Penick as Director of Real Estate Division, of which City Hall Building Management is a subsidiary. Whether Reiter, Penick, neither, or both are Department Heads under SF Charter 2A.30 is unknown. A Deputy City Attorney memo on this would be useful to know whether either has to maintain a Prop G calendar. Regardless, that doesn't excuse not even providing a 'no records' response. lists Campbell as a · "Dept Head Ilr' in San Francisco in 2018. lists Kelly as "Dept Head V'' in San Francisco .in 2018. lists Hennessy as a "Sheriff (SFERS)" in San Francisco in 2018, so she qualifies as Department Head as an elected official. (footnote continues on next page)

Anonymous v. Six Agencies and their Department Heads P303 PG1 future calendars, 10 govt emails, and 10 emails about public business from personal . . accounts (if any, subject to City of San Jose). I also requested rolling responses and exact copies on the same day. O~t of 25 City agencies receiving substantially identical ID Rs, these six are the only agencies who have failed to respond as of Dec. 13, which is a full business week. Response was due Dec. 10 (Tuesday) as all IDRs were deemed received no later than Dec. 9 (Monday).

Furthermore, I ask that the Task Force investigate an intentional or willful violation (SFAC 67.34) against the .Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and its department head to the extent permitted by the Sunshine Ordinance (see below).

From To

[email protected] marvellen. [email protected] (DEM)

[email protected] [email protected] (MTA)

[email protected] City.HalLBuilding.Management@sfgov. org (City Hall)

84168-39742724@reg, [email protected] (Sheriff)

[email protected] :[email protected] (FAMSF)

[email protected] [email protected] (ADM) [email protected] 2

(footnote continues from previous page) lists Maguire as .Interim Director of Transportation, Director of Transportation (assumed that an interim head must fulfill all dept head responsibilities).' lists · Carroll as "Dept Head IV' in San Francisco in 2018. 2 Each of these email addresses gives automatic responders instructing me to use the other email, so I sent the request to both. Both automatic responders say: "Due to the large number of email this office receives, for all other requests, please allow at least three business days for a response." I do not believe this instant automatic responder qualifies as a response under SFAC 67.25(a). Regardless, three business days was no later than Dec 12. This complaint was filed after close of business Dec 13 ..

Anonymous v. Six Agencies and their Department Heads P304 PG2 . ALLEGATIONS

1. Violations of SF Admin Code 67.21, 67.25 - failure to respond in a timely and complete manner (against all respondents)

· An immediate disclosure request was made Dec 7 (Saturday), deemed received Dec 9 (Monday). No response was received by Dec. 10 (Tuesday). No response has been received by Dec. 13, either.

2. Violations of SF Adinin Code 67.34 - intentional or willful violation of the Sunshine Ordinance (against FAMSF only)

F AMSF appears to have 9imply stopped responding to public records requests from me, or to provide any follow-up on my older records requests, none of which have received any replies since mid-October.

FAMSF appears to have refused to cooperate in the Task Force's investigation of my existing complaint SOTF 19113. SOTF administration served FAMSF with the complaint 19113 via email on Oct 30, stating, inter alia:

Jason: Moment, Thomas Campbell and the Fine Arts Museum have been named as Respondents in the attached complaint filed with the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force. Please respond to the following complaint/request within five business days.

The Respondent is :required to submit a written response to the allegations including any and all supporting documents, recordings, electronic media, etc., to the Task Force within five (5) business days of receipt of. this notice. This is your opportunity to provide a full explanation to allow the Task Force to be fully informed in considering your response prior its meeting.

As of Dec. 8, SOTF administration ·did not have a response from FAMSF respondents, long after the 5-business day deadline.

Anonymous v. Six Agencies and their D~partment Heads .P305 PG3 REQUEST FOR RELIEF

Please find that the Respondents violated SF Admin Code sections 67.21, 67.25 and investigate FAMSF under 67.34, determine that some or all of the records or portions thereof· withheld or not yet disclosed are public, issue all appropriate orders, and refer F AMSF to all appropriate authorities as needed.

NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- 1. viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be ! instantly and automatically available to. the public online via the FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). The author is an adversarial party against the City. Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind, and the City should consult its own advisors. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer;· it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, .as I intend that these communications with the City all be disclosable public records.

Respectfully submitted,

ANONYMOUS ·Complainant/Petitioner (exhibits include all email threads)

·Anonymous u. Six At;encies and their Department Heads P306 PG4 EXHIBIT D - City Admin

Anonymous v. Six Agencies and their Department Heads P307 PG23 Subject: P~blic Records Act Reqpest: Calendars and Emails - Immediate Disclosure Request ( ... To the Department Head (Naomi M. Kelly),

. Attached is an Immediate Disclosure Request (SF Admin Code 67.25(a)). . Your response is· required by Dec. 10, 2019. Rolling records responses are requested (67.25(d)).

NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or·professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature; if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be public records.




0 View ~Embed U Download

Subject: Automatic reply: California Public Records Act Request: Calendars and Emails - Immediate Dis ...

Thank you for contacting the Office of the City Administra.tor.

If you are inquiring about a Sunshine or media request, please contact: [email protected].

If this is regarding marriage certificates or City ID program, please contact: [email protected].

Due to the large number of email this office receives, for all other requests, please allow at least three business days for a response.

Office of the City Administrator San Francisco City Hall 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 362 San Francisco, CA 94102 415-554"-4852 (Main) 415-554-4849(Fa~ [email protected] Subject: RE: California Public Records Act Request: Calendars and Emails - Immediate Disclosure Requ ... To the Department Head (Naomi M. Kelly),

Attached is an Immediate Disclosure Request (SF Admin Code 67.25(a)). Your response is required by Dec. 10, 2019. Rolling records responses are requested (67.25(d)).

NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be public records.




<9 View ~Embed CT Download

Subject: Automatic reply: California Public Record;; Act Request: Calendars and Emails - Immediate Dis ... Thank you for contacting the Office of the City Administrator.

For general inquiries, plec;ise contact: [email protected].

For media inquiries, please contact: [email protected].

If this is regarding marriage certificates or City ID program, please contact:

[email protected].

Due to the large number of email this office receives, for all other requests, please allow at least three business days for a response.

Office of the City Administrator

San Francisco City Hall

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 362

San Francisco, CA 94102

P309 PG25 415-554-4852 (Main)

415-554-4849 (Fa~

[email protected] ·

. Subject: RE: California Public Records Act Request: Calendars and Emails - Immediate Disclo?ure Requ ... RE: the DEC 7 IMMEDIATE DISCLOSURE REQUEST from this email address

Please note: "Exact copies" are requested for all records pursuant to CPRA Gov Code 6253(c). Please email all records, or publish them to your. own website/portal (as long as the URL is accessible without any login), or uplOad them and publish them to directly using the auto-generated link in the footer below. Do not physically mail any records. Provide only those copies available without fees - if you believe certain copies require fees, instead provide the required notice of which records are available for in-person inspection.

Your response is still required by Dec. 10, 2019. Rolling records responses were requested · (67.25(d)).

NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically av;;iilable to the public online via the FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRoGk). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates.the sender. Please do not include any confidential Information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be public records.



Subject: RE: California Public Records Act Request: Calend.ars and Emails - Immediate Disclosure Requ ... RE: the DEC 7 IMMEDIATE DISCLOSURE REQUEST from this email address

Please note: "Exact copies" are requested for all records pursuant to CPRA Gov Code 6253{c). Please email all records, or publish them to your own website/portal (as long as the URL is accessible without any login), or upload them and publish them to directly using the auto-generated link in the footer below. Do 11ot physically mail any records. Provide only those copies available without fees - if you believe certain copies require fees, instead provide the .required notice of which records are available for in-person inspection.

Your response is still required by Dec. 10, 2019. Rolling records responses were requested (67.25(d)). . . .

P310 PG26 t\JOTE:. Please bB certain you have properly redacted cill Of your responses. once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records') may be instantly and automatically available to the public on line via the FOIA service use,d to issue this· request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representativ~ of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express

. or implied. I including but not limited to. all warranties. of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, cir any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any; inthis email is not ah indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please· do not include any confidential information, as I intend thatthese communications with the City all be public records. ·



P311 PG27 IDR-2019-12-07-AA3985034. 93059-SF PUBLI.C RECORDS AUDIT 1

IMMEDIATE DISCLOSURE REQUEST - DEC. 7, 2019 Pursuant to the CPRA and SF Sunshine Ordinance

This is an Immediate Disclosure Request (SFAC 67.25(a)) for the records numbered below. Your response is required by Dec. 10, 2019. Rolling records responses are requested (67.25(d)). Please provide only copies not requiring fees ~ and a required notic~ of in-person inspection of fee-based records. r.==~""""'""""""""~=n====~""""""""'~"-"="""'-'~""""==""""'""""""""'====~"'-"""'a5S"""'2""""'""'"'·~~-~-·=-""'5~~='-'"-"=""""~-=:il. NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send r them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request'is a publicly- I viewable mailbox. All ofyou:r'responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative ofMuckRock).

Please read carefully the exact wording of my request and follow the Sunshine Ordinance and CPRA precisely. Every violation will be appealed, including but not limited to: • any untimely or inconip1ete response (SF Admin Code 67.21, 67.25), • failure to provide records in a rolling fashion as soon as each is available (SF Admin Code 67.25), • failing to indicate whether you have responsive records or not for each request below and whether or not you withheld any records for each request below (Gov Code 6253(c)) • withholding more than the minimum exempt portion of any record or withholding an entire record if any portion at all is non-exempt (SF. Admin Code 67 .26), • failure to justify with a footnote or "other clear reference" to an exemption statute or case law for each and every redaction or withholding (SF Admin Code 67.26, 67.27), including any so-called 'metadata', e failure to provide "exact copies" ofrecords (Gov Code 6253(b)), for example, by physically printing electronic records and scanning them back in, which degrades th.eir · content and causes loss of colors, hyperlinks, metadata, and searchable text content • failure to provide the "electronic format in which [you] holdD the information" (Gov Code 6253.9), • failure to provide any "easily generated" format that we request below (SF Admin Code 67.21(1)),. • redacting or withholding information whose exemption you have already waived by producing it to the public before (Gov Code 6254.5), • refusing to use email (SF Admin Code 67.21(b)), or requiring me to use a third-party service which imposes on me any terms and conditions beyond those of the CPRA. If you publish records using a web portal, please prov~de public URLs without login.

Requests: 1. the specific calendar required to be kept by SF Admin Code 67.29-5 (aka "Prop G calendar") for your· Department Head (whether an employee or elected official, defined

P312 PG28 IDR-2019-12-07~AA3985034.93059-SF PUBLIC RECORDS AUDIT 2

pursuant to SF Charter 2A.30 para 1), with each and every meeting/item for Nov 10 - Nov- 17, 2019 (inclusive). Since these dates are more than 3 business days prior to this request, you must immediately provide them. You may use any format to provide this calendar as long as it provides at least the location, exact _start and end times, general description of topics, and (as required by 67.29-5) identity of meeting participants for every meeting. If all 67.29-5 information is not visible in a summary view, you must print out the individual meeting entries.

2. every meeting/entry on every calendar for your Department Head for Nov 10-17, 2019 (inclusive). This specifically includes both the SFAC 67.29-5/Prop G calendar, and all other calendar records (aka "non~Prop G" calendars) prepared, owned, retained, or used by your Department Head or agency staff (see SOTF Order 19047). Calendars and meeting entries are requested in their original electronic format or in .ICS format, with all non-exempt headers.and metad~ta~ and you must preserve all attachments, exhibits, formatting, hyperlinks, images, colors, email addresses, invitees and their attendance status, recurrences, exact start/end times, locations, titles, and descriptions. Daily, weekly, or monthly summary views are non-responsive - each individual meeting entry is requested.

3. every meeting/entry on every cale~dar for your Department Head fo~ future dates Dec 16-23 (inclusive). This specifically includes both the SFAC 67.29-5/Prop G calendar, and all other calendar records (aka "non-Prop G" calendars) prepared, owned, retained, or used by your Department Head or agency staff (see SOTF Order 19047). Calendars and meeting entries are requested in their original electronic format or in JCS format, with all non-exempt headers and metadata, and you must preserve all attachments, exhibits, formatting, hyperlinks, images, colors, email addresses, invitees and their attendance status, recurrences, exact start/end times, locations, titles, and descriptions. Dai~y, weekly, or monthly summary views are non-responsive - each individual meeting entry is requested.

4. the most recent 5 emails sent by your Department Head via their government email account. Emails are requested in their original electronic format, or in .EML or .MSG format, with all non-exempt headers and metadata, and you must preserve all attachments, exhibits, formatting, hyperlinks, images, colors, and From/To/Cc/Bee email addresses.

5. the most recent 5 emails received by your Department Head via their government email account. Emails are requested in their original electronic format, or in .EML or .MSG format, with all non-exempt headers and metadata, and you must preserve all attachments, exhibits, formatting, hyperlinks, images, colors, and From/To/Cc/Bee email addresses.

P313 PG29 IDR-2019-12-07-AA3985034.9~059-SF PUBLIC RECORDS AUDIT 3

6. the most recent 5 emails relating _to the conduct of public business, subject to City of San Jose v Superior Court (Smith, 2017); sent by your Department Head. via their personal email account, Emails are requested. in their original electronic format, or in .EML or .MSG format, with all non-exempt headers and. metad.ata, and. you must preserve all attachments, exhibits, formatting, hyperlinks, images, colors, and. From/To/Cc/Bee email ad.dresses.

7. the most recent 5 emails relating to the conduct of public business, subject to City of San Jose v Superior Court (Smith, 2017), received. by your Department Head.via their personal email account. Emails are requested in their original electronic format, or in .EML or .MSG format, with all non-exempt headers and metadata, and you must preserve all attachments, exhibits, formatting, hyperlinks, images, colors, and From/To/Cc/Bee email addresses.

P314 PG30 FILE 19136 - Anonymous vs Naomi Kelly and the Office of the City Administrator

~ Dec 7, 2019 - Immediate Disclosure Request filed by email to · [email protected] and to [email protected] for: Prop G, and non-Prop G calendars (future and past), and business emails and City of San Jose emails, all with metadata, of the Department Head Naomi Kelly

• No material responses to this request were ever received in ~1 year since the complaint was filed. We did receive two auto-responses saying they were busy and would not respond in a timely manner.

• It appears that the Respondents also refused to reply to the SOTF complaint in writing, violating the Task Force's rules.

This is an untimely IDR response (67.25) and also an incomplete records response (67.21 ). If and when the Respondents provide the records, they may be in violation of other parts of the Sunshine Ordinance about withholding, electronic formats, justification, etc. But at the time of filing the complaint, and writing this letter in Nov 2020, no records have ever been produced. If the Respondents failed to preserve the records as of the date I requested them one year ago, they will also have violated other parts of the CPRA and Sunshine Ordinance.

According to Bill Barnes, an advisor to Kelly, Naomi Kelly is the department head for City Hall Building Management because it is as part of the department called the Office of the City Administrator. Therefore, I ask that you combine this case with Case 19136, which is the essentially identical complaint against City Hall Building Management.

Request for relief at Committee Level: - Find that the requested records are public. - Schedule a hearing before the full SOTF. - Combine, under Rule C10, Case 19136 with Case 19134, under combined caption 19134 Anonymous v. Naomi Kelly, Office of the City Administrator, and City Hall Building Management

P315 Leger, Cheryl (BOS)

From: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 2:01 AM To: SOTF, (BOS) Cc: BAUMGARTNER, MARGARET (CAT); Bastian, Alex (DAT); Buick, Jeanne (HRD); [email protected]; Voong, Henry (HRD); Boudin, Chesa (DAT); Andraychak, Michael (POL); De Jesus, Peterkent (POL); BUTA, ODAYA (CAT); [email protected]; MINTY, SCOTT (CAT); ZAREFSKY, PAUL (CAT); CABRERA, ALICIA (CAT); RIES, DAVID (CAT); SHEN, ANDREW (CAT); McHale, Maggie (HRD); CLARK, JANA (CAT); WALSH, MOIRA (CAT); Kelly, Naomi (ADM); Miyamoto, Paul (SHF); Krell, Rebekah (ART); Cisneros, Jose (TTX); Scott, William (POL); Rodriguez, Bi-ian (POL); Campbell, Jayme (POL); Cox, Andrew (POL); Steinberg, David (DPW); Lambert, Michael (LIB); Brookter, Dion-Jay (POL); Elias, Cindy (POL); Hamasaki, John (POL); Taylor, Damali (POL); Hirsch, Bob (POL); Makstman, Michael (TIS); [email protected]; Youngblood, Stacy (POL); Licudine-Barker, Arlene (TIS); [email protected]; [email protected]; RUSSI, BRAD (CAT); Scott, William (POL); COTE, JOHN (CAT); Patterson, Kate (LIB); [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Buell, Mark (REC); GIVNER, JON (CAT); Cityattorney; COOLBRITH, ELIZABETH (CAT); Gerull, Linda (TIS); [email protected];, ADMSunshinerequests (ADM); SNODGRASS, WAYNE (CAT) Subject: RE: California Public Records Act Request: Calendars and Emails - Immediate Disclosure Request (SF ADM)

This message is from outside the City email system. Do not open links or attachments from untrusted sources.

Office of the City Administrator PRA Office Room 362 City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Fransisco, CA 94102

September 3, 2020

This is a follow up to a previous request:

To Whom It May Concern:

I wanted to follow up on the following California Public Records Act request, copied below, and originally submitted on Dec. 7, 2019. Please let me know when I can expect to receive a response.

Thanks for your help, and let me know if further clarification is needed.

Filed via E-mail (Preferred): [email protected] Upload documents directly: %3Fnext%3D%252Faccounts%252Fagency_login%252Fsan-fransisco-311-18636%252Fcalendars-and-emails-immediate-

P:l16 disclosure-request-sf-adm- 3AjLMk_qHftxopUgRvelJD-9hEhNO Is this email coming to the wrong contact? Something else wrong? Use the above link to let us know.

For mailed responses, please address (see note): MuckRock News DEPT MR 84182 411A Highland Ave Somerville, MA 02144-2516

PLEASE NOTE: This request is not filed by a MuckRock staff member, but is being sent through MuckRock by the above in order to better track, share, and manage public records requests. Also note that improperly addressed (i.e., with the requester's name rather than "MuckRock News" and the department number) requests might be returned as undeliverable.

On Aug. 18, 2020: Subject: SOTF - Waiver of the 45-Day Rule Dear SOTF Petitioners, Respondents and other Stakeholders: As you most likely know SOTF operations have been delayed over the last few months due to the Covid-19 emergency. The SOTF have started to conduct remote meetings via videoconference and are working to establish procedures to resume all operations including the processing of complaints. While the Sunshine Ordinance requires that certain actions betaken within 45 days, the Covid-19 emergency has forced delays and immense new backlogs for complaint hearings. We write today to ask if you are willing to waive the 45 day rule for your complaint. The SOTF intends to resume hearing complaints on a limited basis and complaints will be queued to be heard in the near future. We continue to work to address technical issues posed by remote meetings. We are aware of the time sensitivity of your records requests. Please be assured that the SOTF appreciates the urgency of your matters and the importance of handling them in a timely manner. If you have further questions about your files or have other issues, please feel free to email the SOTF Administrator at the email below. Cheryl Leger Assistant Clerk, Board of Supervisors [email protected] Tel: 415-554-7724 Fax: 415-554-5163

[ Custome rSatisfa ctio n Ico n] Click here to complete a Board of Supervisors Customer Service Satisfaction form.

The Legislative Research Center provides 24-hciur access to Board of Supervisors legislation, and archived matters since August 1998.

Disclosures: Persona I information that is provided in communications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance. Personal information provided will not be redacted. Members of the public are not required to provide personal identifying information when they communicate with the Board of Supervisors and its committees. All written or oral communications that members of the public submit to the Clerk's Office regarding pending legislation or hearings will be made available to all members of the P117 public for inspection and copying. The Clerk's Office does not redact any information from these submissions. This means that personal information-including names, phone numbers, addresses and similar information that a member of the public elects to submit to the Board and its committees-may appear on the Board of Supervisors website or in other public documents that members of the public may inspect or copy.

On Feb. 11, 2020: Subject: RE: California Public Records Act Request: Calendars and Emails - Immediate Disclosure Request (SF ADM) What happened to my Dec 7, 2019 request, subject to SOTF Complaint 19136?

On Feb. 11, 2020: Subject: RE: California Public Records Act Request: Calendars and Emails - Immediate Disclosure Request (SF ADM) Dear Requester:

We are in receipt of your request regarding e-mails containing BCC fields sent by the City Administrator sent on Saturday, February 8. They were received as Immediate Disclosure Requests on Monday, February 10. We are responding today Tuesday, February 11.

The City Administrator's Office conducted a diligent search and has no records.responsive to your request. City Administrator Naomi Kelly does not use the BCC field in communications she sends from her account. Thank you for your Immediate Disclosure Request.


Bill Barnes Senior Advisor, Policy and Communications Office of the City Administrator

On Feb. 11, 2020: Subject: ~E: C;ilifornia Public Records Act Request: Calendars and Emails - Immediate Disclosure Request (SF ADM) Naomi Kelly,

I have been trying to Sunshine your office for months now without response. See below ...

To the Department Head (Naomi M. Kelly),

Attached is an Immediate Disclosure Request (SF Admin Code 67.25(a)). Your response was required by Dec. 10, 2019. Rolling records responses are requested (67.25(d)):

Please note: "Exact copies" are requested for all records pursuant to CPRA Gov Code 6253(c). Please email all records, or publish them to your own website/portal (as long as the URL is accessible without any login), or upload them and publish them to directly using the auto-generated link in the footer below. Do not physically mail any records. Provide only those copies available without fees - if you believe certain copies require fees, instead provide the required notice of which records are available for in-person inspection.

NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all PS18 responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be public records.



On Feb. 8, 2020: Subject: Automatic reply: California Public Records Act Request: Calendars and Emails - Immediate Disclosure Request (SF ADM) Thank you for contacting the Office of the City Administrator.

For general inquiries, please contact: [email protected].

For media inquiries, please contact: [email protected].

If this is regarding marriage certificates or City ID program, please contact: [email protected].

Due to the large number of email this office receives, for all other requests, please allow at least three business days for a response.

Office of the City Administrator

San Francisco City Hall

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 362

San Francisco, CA 94102

415-554-4852 (Main)

415-554-4849 (Fax)

[email protected]

On Dec. 7, 2019: Subject: California Public Records Act Request: Calendars and Emails - Immediate Disclosure Request (SF ADM) To the Department Head (Naomi M. Kelly),

Attached is an Immediate Disclosure Request (SF Admin Code 67.25(a)). Your response is required by Dec. 10, 2019. Rolling records responses are requested (67.25(d)).

p:j\1 9 NOTE: Please be certain you have properly redacted all of your responses. Once you send them to us, there is no going back. The email address sending this request is a publicly- viewable mailbox. All of your responses (including all responsive records) may be instantly and automatically available to the public online via the FOIA service used to issue this request (though the requester is an anonymous user, not a representative of MuckRock). Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. lhe digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be public records.



Filed via E-mail (Preferred): [email protected] Upload documents directly: %3Fnext%3D%252Faccounts%252Fageni::y_login%252Fsan-fransisco-311-18636%252Fcalendars-and-emails-immediate­ d isclosu re-request-sf-ad m- 8~182 %252 F%253Femai1%253 Dsotf%252540sfgov .o rg&url_a uth_ toke n=AABkDe bgsG Fi Lu8Qdvt4DSvhzVM %3AlkD 16m % ·3AjLMk_qHftxopUgRvelJD-9hEhNO Is this email coming to the wrong contact? Something else wrong? Use the above link to let us know.

For mailed responses, please address (see note): MuckRock News DEPT MR 84182 411A Highland Ave Somerville, MA 02144-2516

PLEASE NOTE: This request is not filed by a MuckRock staff member, but is being sent through MuckRock by the above in order to better track, share, and manage public records requests. Also note that improperly addressed (i.e., with the requester's name rather than "MuckRock News" and the department number) requests might be returned as undeliverable. Leger, Cheryl (BOS)

From: Anonymous Sent: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 3:22 PM To: SOTF, (BOS) Subject: RE: SOTF - November availability Attachments: signature.asc

Perfect thank you - and I will indeed make the formal request to the Complaint Committee to combine 19134 and 19136 under rule ClO, if you would like to note that on the Agenda; here is what Bill Barries sent to me about the City Hall Building Management and the Office of Contract Administration: "These agencies are divisions under the Office of the City Administrator. City Administrator Naomi Kelly is the Department Head for these divisions."

Are there responses or memos for 19134, 19136, or 19124? Thanks, and hope you have not too long a meeting tonight.

NOTE: Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature (signature.asc attachment), if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the government all be disc/osab/e public records.



------Original Message ------On Wednesday, November 4th, 2020 at 3:15 PM, SOTF, (BOS) wrote:

Anonymous: What I can do for you re the two matters outlined below is schedule them both to be heard before the Complaint Committee so that they can make a decision on whether or not to combine the matters. I do not have authority to do so. Thank you.

Cheryl Leger

Assistant Clerk, Board of Supervisors

[email protected]

Tel: 415-554-7724

Fax: 415-554-5163

https://avanan.url­ zExNDIOZmQ4NjRhZDU4NjdmOTRjZjAyMmVIZDIOYjRIYjl!YmU1MzQwZTdiYjkyM2U4Ng==&p=YXAzOnNm PJ21 ZHQyOmF2YWShbjpvZmZpY2UzNjVfZWlhaWxzX2VtYWlsOjESYzczNmFjNjY3ZmYyMjdhZGU4NDVhMDM lODUwZjUSOnYx

l/,O• Click here to complete a Board of Supervisors Customer Service Satisfaction form.

The Legislative Research Center provides 24-hour access to Board of Supervisors legislation, and archived matters since August 1998.

Disclosures: Personal information that is provided in communications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance. Personal information provided will not be redacted. Members of the public are not required to provide personal identifying information when they communicate with the Board of Supervisors and its committees. All written·or oral communications that members of the public submit to the Clerk's Office regarding pending legislation or hearings will be made available to all members of the public for inspection and copying. The Clerk's Office does not redact any informatio·n from these submissions. This means that personal information-including names, phone numbers, addresses and similar information that a member of the public elects to submit to the Board and its committees-may appear on the Board of Supervisors website or in other public documents that members of the public may inspect or copy.

From: Anonymous <·[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 1:02 PM To: Leger, Cheryl (BOS) Subject: Re: SOTF - November availability

My sincerest gratitude for your concern - thank you.

Yes, I am expected to be in better health by that time, and should be able to attend remotely.

On 19134: I would like to note that apparently "City Hall Building Management" I've been told is not a separate department and is subpart of the Office of the City Administrator, which has a nearly identical case 19136. If SOTF & and the Respondents are ok with it, I'm ok merging 19134 + 19136 into just 19134 captioned as Anonymous vs Naomi Kelley, Rob Reiter, Office of the City Administrator, and City Hall Building Management for fewer hearings. In fact, I would formally request that the Complaint Committee consider such merger under Rule ClO.

NOTE: Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature (signature.asc attachment), if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the government all be disclosable public records.



------Original Message------

On Wednesday, November 4th, 2020 at 11:16 AM, Leger, Cheryl (BOS} wrote: '

Anonymous: We all at SOTF hope that you have a speedy recovery. I write to you ask if you will be up and running by November 17 for the Complaint Committee hearing? If so, I would like to include the file nos. shown below. Just let me know what you think. Be well.

File No. 19124: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Chief William Scott and Lt. R. Andrew Cox and the Police Department for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21, 67.25, 67.26, 67.27, by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner, failing to respond to a public records request in a timely and/or complete manner, failing to justify withholding of records and failing to maintain a Proposition G calendar.

File No. 19134: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Rob Reiter and City Hall Building Management for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance}, Sections 67.21 and 67.25 by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

Cheryl Leger

Assistant Clerk, Board of Supervisors

[email protected]

Tel: 415-554-7724

Fax: 415-554-5163 https://avanan.url­ kMGNmYzQzOWVmMmQwZjZhMDdjYzE4NzExMWExMTNiODNmODUxMGUxYmNmZDB kYzg4NGZjMzQ1ZjMOOA==&p=YXAzOnNmZHQyOmF2YW5hbjpvZmZpY2UzNjVfZWlhaW xzX2VtYWls0jg5MjVhODUzZmUxMjkzMT15NTJjNzU2Zjl5NDM1MmNiOnYx

l!f.11!)• Click here to complete a Board of Supervisors Customer Service Satisfaction form.

The Legislative Research Center provides 24-hour access to Board of Supervisors legislation, and archived matters since August 1998.

Disclosures: Personal information that is provided in communications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance. Personal information provided will not be redacted. Members of the public are not required to provide personal identifying information when they communicate with the Board of Supervisors and its committees. All written or oral communications that members of the public submit to the Clerk's Office regarding pending legislation or hearings will be made available to all members of the public for inspection and copying. The Clerk's Office does not redact any information from these submissions. This means that personal information-including names, phone numbers; addresses and similar information that a member of the public elects to submit to · the Board and its committees-may appear on the Board of Supervisors website or in other public documents that members of the public may inspect or copy. le er, Cheryl (BOS)

From: Anonymous Sent: Friday, December 13, 2019 8:41 PM To: SOTF, (BOS) Subject: New SOTF Complaint Attachments: Six-Agencies-No-Responses-F1_pagenumber.pdf; signature.asc

Respondent Agencies: Department of Emergency Management, Municipal Transportation Agency, City Hall Building Management, Sheriff's Department, Office of the City Administrator, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Respondent Persons: Mary Ellen Carroll (DEM), Tom Maguire (MTA), Rob Reiter (City Hall), Andrico Penick (Director, Real Estate), Vicki Hennessy (Sheriff), Naomi M. Kelly (ADM), Thomas P. Campbell (FAMSF) Complainant: Anonymous ([email protected])

Of the 25 agencies getting our calendar/email IDR, the above six agencies appear simply to not have responded after a full business week.

Attached is the complaint. I assume the Complaint committee can divide up this complaint if it wishes to. Will submit a form too.

NOTE: Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature, if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the City all be public records.



PS25 Fl LE 19136 - Anonymous vs Naomi Kelly and the Office of the City Administrator

• Dec 7, 2019 - Immediate Disclosure Request filed by email to [email protected] and to [email protected] for: Prop G, and non-Prop G calendars (future and past), and business emails and City of San Jose emails, all with metadata, of the Department Head Naomi Kelly

• No material responses to this request were ever received in "'1 year since the complaint was filed. We did receive two auto-responses saying they were busy and would not respond in a timely manner.

• It appears that the Respondents also refused to reply to the SOTF complaint in writing, violating the Task Force's rules.

This is an untimely IDR response (67.25) and also an incomplete records response (67.21 ). If and when the Respondents provide the records, they may be in violation of other parts of the Sunshine Ordinance about withholding, electronic formats, justification, etc. But at the time of filing the complaint, and writing this letter in Nov · 2020, no records have ever been produced. If the Respondents failed to preserve the records as of the date I requested them one year ago, they will also have violated other parts of the CPRA and Sunshine Ordinance.

According to Bill Barnes, an advisor to Kelly, Naomi Kelly is the department head for City Hall Building Management because it is as part of the department called the Office of the City Administrator. Therefore, I ask that you combine this case with Case 19136, which is the essentially identical complaint against City Hall Building Management.

Request for relief at Committee Level: - Find that the requested records are public. - Schedule a hearing before the full SOTF. - Combine, under Rule C10, Case 19136 with Case 19134, under combined caption 19134 Anonymous v. Naomi Kelly, Office of the City Administrator, and City Hall Building Management

P326 I (BOS)

From: Anonymous < [email protected] > Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 4:57 PM To: SOTF, (BOS); Leger, Cheryl (BOS) Subject: 19136 - Presentation Attachments: 19136-Preso-F.pdf; R - 120619 1039 Mtg Fwd N Permit Ctr Exec Mtg.pdf; S - 120619 1504 Marriage Licenses Redacted.pdf; S - 120619 1415 Emergency Planning Nguyen.pdf; R - 120619 1511 Centers, Shelters, Care, Lindler.pdf; R- 120619 1548 SFCIF Board Mtg, Katz.pdf; R- 120619 1254 MOD Event 12-15.pdf; Responses.pdf; R - 120619 1801 MRR.pdf; S - 120619 0926 John Caldon.pdf; S - 120619 1017 Special Events Steering Comm, #5.pdf; S - 120619 1551 Centers, Shelters, Care All Hands.pdf; Naomi Kelly's Calendar Dec 16-23, 2019.pdf; Naomi Kelly's Calendar Nov, 10-17, 2019.pdf; signature.asc

Attached is my presentation, and the responsive records City Admin sent one year after the request. All for the agenda packet.

NOTE: 1. If you are a public official: I intend that these communications all be disclosable public records, and I will not hold in confidence any of your messages, notwithstanding any notices to the contrary. 2. Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. 3. In no event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. 4. The digital signature (signature.asc attachment), if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the sender.



PS27 ATIORNE'~ CLIENT PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL 19136 Anonymous vs Naomi Kelly, Office of City Admin, et al. • Dec 7, 2019 - Immediate Disclosure Request filed by email to [email protected] and to [email protected] for: Prop G, non-Prop G, future, and past calendars, and certain business emails and City of San Jose v Superior Ct (2017) personal account emails, all with metadata, of the Department Head Naomi Kelly. No one-business..:day response provided. • Dec 16, 2019 - SOTF Complaint filed. • Dec 19, 2019 - SOTF Admin formally notices Naomi Kelly and assistant of complaint. Respondents failed to follow SOTF rules and provide written response within 5 business days. • · No response whatsoever and no records until almost 1 year later. • Nov 17, 2020 - First response and records provided (immediately prior to the SOTF committee hearing). Deficiencies identified in next slides.

This request and complaint pre-dates all purported Mayoral suspensions of the Ordinance supposedly due to COVID. Naomi Kelly was a City employee and department head at all times relevant to this complaint.

PHORNEY CLIDIT PRIVILEGED At18 cmlFIDENTIAL Calendar and email records provided 1 year late are deficient (note as of the complaint they gave me nothing) 1. 67.25 - Untimely and incomplete response to an Immediate Disclosure Request. 2. 67.29-5 - Failing to record the statement of issues discussed at every meeting in the Prop G calendar 3. 67.21 - Electronic records are printed and scanned back in (does not constitute· a copy, as it does not preserve all information). And FYI - we can read the redactions because a Sharpie on a laser printer is useless. 4. 67.27 - No written justification for withholding all electronic metadata (must cite Gov Code 6254.19 information security exemption) 5. 67.26 - No calendar ICS metadata or email headers provided (must redact only security-exempt portions) 6. 67 .26 - Withholding in entirety of then-future City Administrator calendars until after the event dates had passed instead of redacting only security rocedures

P328 ATTORllEY CLIENT PRMLEGEG Mm GONFIGGITJAL Request for Relief 1. Find Respondents violated each section on prior slide. 2. Order Respondents to disclose exact electronic copies of requested email and calendar records with metadata while withholding only the minimal portions that constitute exempt information security threats pursuant to Gov Code 6254.19. 3. Refer to Compliance.


Appendix - Prior history, rulings, arguments


• 19047 - Mayor Breed violated 67.21 by not providing her additional business calendars that did exist, but were not associated with Section 67.29-5 (aka "non-Prop G" calendars) • 19103 - Mayor Breed violated 67.26 by withholding in entirety her future · calendars instead of redacting only exempt police security procedures • 19108 - City Attorney Herrera violated 67 .29-5 by not recording the locations and issues discussed at all business meetings in his Prop G calendar. (Adding required detail only after a complaint was filed was not deemed legal). • 19112 - Police Chief Scott violated 67 .27 by citing Prop G to withhold non-Prop G calendars (Prop G is not an exemption - it adds to the requirements of state law); violated 67.26 by withholding in entirety future calendars instead of redacting only exempt police security procedures

P.TTDRNEY GLIDIT PRIVILEGED AND GONFIDENTIAL SOTF's Recent Rulings on Electronic Copies & Metadata

• 19044 - City Attorney violated 67.26 minimal withholding by not providing all non-exempt email headers (City has complied) • 19047 - Mayor violated 67.26 minimal withholding by not providing all non-exempt Outlook calendar metadata (City has complied) • 19097 - Police Dept violated 67.21 by printing/scanning electronic records which does not constitute a "copy;" and 67.26 minimal withholding by not disclosing text message and emaif metadata (City has not complied) • 19098 - Public Works violated 67.26 for not providing hyperlink urls, email addresses, and images in emails; and was also ordered to produce remaining email headers (City has complied) • 19119 - Dept of Tech violated 67.21 by providing the email and calendar metadata in an untimely fashion (City has complied) • 19121 - Police Commission violated 67.21 by forwarding emails (which destroys parts of the email) instead of providing copies of original emails (City has not complied)

P330 1 History of electronic metadata in San Franc lscoGEDMIDGONFIDENTlf.L

• 2006: the Bos unanimously passed Motion M06-134 requiring the Clerk to "provide public access to records in the format requested by the requester''. BoS explicitly amended the policy from PDF-only production to this new policy, even though the City Attorney advised them to disclose in PDF only - due in fact to SOTF complaints made at the time. The law has always required this, but City agencies did not necessarily follow through.

• 2019-2021: In all of my own complaints considering the issue, SOTF determined that metadata was disclosable in emails, text messages, and calendars and SOTF ordered disclosure thereof and/or found violations for non-disclosure. SOTF Chair asked the City to create a "baseline" of disclosable metadata, and SOTF motioned to request Dept of Tech document their guidelines.

• 2020-2021: Dept of Technology created automated tools to redact the IT-security-exempt portions of metadata and release the remainder. CIO and CISO have worked with me on which fields to release and they accept informal petitions from me to add more. SOTF has not reviewed DT's guidelines and I have not formally challenged them in a subsequent complaint.

ATTOR~IEY GLIE~IT PRl'JILEGED AND GONFIDENTIAL Metadata is public and disclosable (see Appendix) o SOTF conducted multiple public hearings in 2019 researching the general issue of metadata, with input from public and multiple City departments. You concluded (SOTF File 19105, Re: metadata): o Electronic metadata in general is not blanket exempt by any provision of law, and o Must be treated no different than any other part of a public record, o Must have minimal redactions and footnoted justifications for the exempt portions. o Reasoning: o City could not cite any court case or law that exempts this information in its entirety. o Difficulty, effort, or cost of redaction is not a cognizable defense against minimal redaction requirement of SFAC 67.26. o Metadata is part and parcel of the record as retained by the City and must be provided or redacted _with justification. • Natl Lawyers Guild v City of Hayward - Supreme Court ruled in May 2020 even under the weaker CPRA that redaction of electronic records - even when costly - cannot be charged to the requester; it is not creation of a new record. (Same as SFAC 67.26 locally)

P331 MTOmlEY GLIENT PRIVILEGED MID GONFIDEMTIAL What do other California jurisdictions do? • At least , , West Sacramento, Sacramento County, Port of Oakland, Vallejo, City of Fort Bragg, City of Oakland, Placer County, Marin County, & San Mateo, release public records online on NextRequest with fully unredacted email headers (.MSG), calendar .ICS records, or both. • The League of California Cities' 2017 CPRA guide The People's Business, written jointly by the attorneys for numerous California cities, states: ''.Agencies that receive requests for metadata or requests for records that include metadata should treat the requests the same way they treat all other requests for electronic information and disclose nonexempt" • Other jurisdictions are mostly under weaker CPRA. Sunshine Ordinance guarantees at least as strong access as CPRA, never less. • Some San Francisco agencies in fact disclosed full email and calendar data for years without any redactions, until I started filing complaints against the Mayor and City Attorney in 2019.


• NOTE: The City has not disputed the status of metadata as a "public record," but only disputed its disclosability pursuant to exemptions. You don't have to reach this issue. • Public records are writings prepared, owned, used, or retained by the City about public business. • Metadata is simply one part of the underlying computer database, which is the record "retained" by the City. The body of an email or calendar invite is another part of the underlying database. Computer databases are a "writing": • San Gabriel Tribune v Sup Ct (1983, City of West Covina), Court of Appeals cited the Attorney General for a broadly interpret~d definition "intended to cover every conceivable kind of record that is involved in the governmental process and will pe.rtain to any new form of record-keeping instrument as it is developed. Only purely personal information unrelated to "the conduct of the public's business" could be considered exempt from this definition, ... "

P332 Are computer-generated records/datab'a0s 1 es0 1TPRIVILEGEDANDGONFIDDIH~L disclosable as public records? Yes. • Closest case: v Superior Court (Orange County, 2013) - Supreme Court ruled that OC's mapping system must be provided as a database. Note that Orange Country argued they could merely "provide such records in Adobe PDF electronic format or as printed paper copies. However, the County took the position that the PRA did not require it to disclose the same records in a GIS file format and that it would provide the records in that format only if Sierra Club paid a licensing fee and agreed to the license's restrictions on disclosure and distribution." OC lost. • The database in GIS file format had a tremendous amount of information that is purely computer-generated and not visible in the PDF or print-out. That doesn't make that information exempt. • As technology progresses, an ever-increasing portion of records will be generated by a computer on behalf of a human being instead of manually entered by that human. That doesn't make that information exempt. GMail can use Al to write your emails for you - are they not public records?

PHORNEY GLIENT PRl'JILEGE8 MIO GONFIDDITIAL Is metadata blanket exempt from disclosure under any law or court case? No.

• The law exempts information by its content not what you label it or where the information is stored. • Whether a particular piece of information is available by clicking one Outlook button (Print) vs another (View Source) has no bearing on which part is disclosable. "View Source" is showing the actual record as retained by City. • Information that is an information security threat is exempt whether it is in the headers or in the body. But just because for example 3 lines of a record are exempt, the other 20 lines which are not a security threat are not exempt. • Natl Lawyers Guild v City of Hayward - Supreme Court ruled in May 2020 even under the weaker CPRA that redaction of electronic records - even when costly - cannot be charged to the requester because redaction is not creation of a new record. (SFAC 67.26 locally already required this)

P333 ATTOmlEY CUBIT PRIVILEGED MIEl GOMFIDEMTl~.L What harm would come if SOTF invented a metadata exemption? • If you deem metadata exempt because it is allegedly difficult t.o produce: o City employees would have a perverse incentive to store incriminating evidence in hard-to-disclose records so as to not produce them. City of San Jose v Superior Court (Smith, 2017) rejects creating categorical. exemptions that cause such incentives. o Metadata can be edited by beings to store whatever they want - in fact much metadata is in fact written by a human anyway. o If the City lacked a video-tape redactor would bodycam footage now be exempt? Lack of tooling does not create exemptions. • If you deem metadata exempt because it is computer-generated: o Accounting records, bodycam footage, spreadsheets with equations, etc. are then also all exempt because computers generate them - they are not manually created by humans

P334 SFCIF Board Meeting l Fri 12/6/2019 3:48 PM To: Phan, Kay (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM)

P335 Declined: Special Events Steering Committee Meeting #5

Bohn, Nicole (ADM) Fri 12/6/2019 10:17 AM To: Phan, Kay (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM)· < [email protected] > Hi, Joaquin: I won't be able to attend today, but by way of update, since the last Events Steering Committee meeting, MOD has had a meeting with Dana's team in REC to talk about improving. accessibility for REC sponsored events, and we've also put in a proposal through the (short term) DHR Fellows Project program to develop a toolkit for the City for providing and maintaining accessible public events (in response to this directive). We have yet to hear if the proposal has been accepted. Fingers crossed! -N

P336 Meeting Forward Notification: Permit Center Executive Meetings

Microsoft Outlook <> on behalf of Whitehouse, Melissa (ADM) Fri 12/6/2019 10:39 AM To: Phan, Kay (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) < [email protected] > Your meeting was forwarded

Whitehouse, Melissa (ADM). has forwarded your meeting request to additional recipients.

Meeting Permit Center Executive Meetings

Meeting Time Wednesday, February 12, 2020 2:00 PM-3:00 PM.

Recipients Stegon, Caroly.n

All times listed are in the following time zone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Sent by Microsoft Exchange Server

P337 Please Join us Sunday, December 15 for "About Us: Essays from the Disability Series of the NY Times"

MOD,~DM) Fri 12/6/2019 12:54 PM To: MOD, (ADM) Dear Disability Community Members and Colleagues,

Please gather in community with us next weekend as the San Francisco Public Library presents ''About Us: Essay_s from the Disability_ Series of the NY Times."

About Us: Essav.s from the DisabilitY. Series of the New York Times is a new anthology co­ edited by Rosemarie Garland-Thomson and Peter Catapano. Learn more about this· groundbreaking book featuring all disabled writers and meet some of the contributors from the San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to a moderated discussion and Q&A, copies of About Us will be available for purchase.

This event is co-sponsored by the Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability at San Francisco State University, the Disability Visability Project, the Robert and Colleen Hass Distinguished Chair in Disability Studies at the University of California Berkeley, and the San Francisco Mayor's Office on Disability.

We hope to see you there!

Details: Sunday, December 15, 2019 2:00 - 5:00 p. m. San Francisco Public Library 100 Larkin Street. Latino/Hispanic Community Rooms, Level

The main Library is accessible for wheelchair users. American Sign Language interpreters and Real-time Captioning will be provided. To request other accommodations, please contact [email protected] or call (415) 557-4557. Requesting accommodations at least 3 business days in advance will help to ensure availability. All programs at the Library are free.

Mayor's Office on Disability 1155 Market Street 1st Floor Office: (415) 554-6789 The Mayor's Office on Disability is a Scent-Free workplace. Please refrain from wearing any scented products when visiting our office. Thank you for helping us provide access to all people with disabilities.

P338 P339 Accepted: Centers/Shelters/Care - All Hands Meeting

Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Fri 12/6/2019 3:51 PM To: Lindler, Nicole (MYR)

P340 Marriage licenses

Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Fri 12/6/2019 3:04 PM To: Rea, Diane (ADM) Hello Diane,

Senator John Burton would like to go to get the one day license to marry his daughter Kim and Stephen this coming Monday at 11 at the County Clerk's office.

Does this time work, and what does he need to bring other than his licenses?

Naomi Sent from my iPhone

P341 To: Anonymous

From: Bill Barnes Office of the City Administrator

Date: November 17, 2020

Re: Response to Request of December 7, 2019

We regret the delay in providing these documents responsive to your December 7th request. You have asked for seven specific categories of records. This memo provides responses and, where appropriate, attachments, to these requests.

1. Request: Please provide the specific calendar required to be kept by Administrative Code Section 67 .29-5 (aka "Prop G calendar") for your Department Head (whether an employee or elected official, defined pursuant to Charter 2A.30 para 1), with each and every meeting/item for November 10 - November 19 (inclusive). Since these dates are more than 3 business days prior to this request, you must immediately provide them. You may use any format to provide this calendar as long as it provides at least the location, exact start and end times, general description of topics, and (as required by 67.29-5) identity of meeting participants for every meeting. If all 67.29-5 information is not visible in a summary view, you must print out the individual meeting entries.

Response: This information is provided below.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

8:00 - 9:00 AM Treasure Island Power Outage Incident Management Team Call Discussion of power outage on Treasure Island Conducted via conference call More than 10 participants were on this call

Monday, November 11, 2019

No meetings regarding official business

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

8:15 - 8:30 AM Senior Staff Conference Call Discussion of daily office operations Conducted via conference call All participants are employees of the City Administrator

10:00 -10:30 AM Meeting to discuss pending legislation Discussion of legislative items of concern to the City Administrator

P342 City Hall, Room 362 All participants are employees of the City Administrator

10:30 -11:00 AM Weekly Administrative Check-In City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of administrative items of concern to the City Administrator All participants are employees ofthe City Administrator

11:00 AM - Noon Special Events Co-Chair Check In City Hall, Room 370 ·Discussion of plans to simplify special events More than 10 participants were in this meeting

1:00 - 2:00 PM Winter Wonderland Check-In City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of plans to celebrate Winter holidays in City Hall and Civic Center Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Marjan Philhour, Office of the Mayor; Special Events Director Martha Cohen; Sandra Zuniga, Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services

2:00 - 2:30 PM Meeting with Arts Commission & Grants for the Arts City Hall, Room 362 Discussion regarding the Arts Impact Endowment Fund and release offunds from Board of Supervisors Finance Committee Reserve Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Deputy City Administrator Jennifer Johnston; Matthew Goudeau, Director, Grants for the Arts; Jason Blackwell, Deputy Director, Grants for the Arts; Tom Decaigny, Director of Cultural Affairs; Rebekah Krell, Deputy Director, San Francisco Arts Commission

2:30 - 3:00 PM Meeting to discuss Emergency Text Alerts City Hall, Room 362 Discussion regarding Emergency Text Alerts All participants are employees of the City Administrator

3:00-4:00 PM Meeting to discuss Inaugural Planning City Hall, Room 200 Discussion regarding planning for the mayoral inaugural

4:00-5:00 PM Meeting with Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru City Hall, Room 348

P343 Discussion regarding matters of concern to Public Works Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

8:15 - 8:30 AM Senior Staff Conference Call Discussion of daily office operations Conducted via conference call All participants are employees of the City Administrator

9:30 -10:30 AM Mayor's Department Head Meeting More than 10 participants

11:30 AM -12:30 PM Attend naming of International Terminal Departures Hall San Francisco International Airport, Edwin M. Lee Departures Hall More than 10 participants

3:10-3:20 PM Call regarding employee safety City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of employee safety All participants are employees of the City Administrator

3:20- 3:30 PM Call regarding City Administrator division operations City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of division operations All participants are employees of the City Administrator

3:30-4:00 PM . Meeting with Starwood Capital City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of real estate issues between the City and Starwood Capital Participants: City Administrat.or Naomi Kelly; Deputy City Administrator Ken Bukowski; Karin Johnston, HMS Associates; Jeffrey Shuster, Vincent Corna, Jeremiah Gregory, Starwood Capital

4:00 - 4:10 PM Call regarding human resources City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of human resources matters All participants are employees of the City Administrator

6:30 - 8:30 PM · Celebration of Mayor Edwin M. Lee Dinner Harborview Restaurant, 4 Embarcadero Center

P344 Social event to celebrate Mayor Edwin M. Lee's contributions to the City More than 10 participants

Thursday, November 14, 2019

8:00- 9:00 AM Girls on the Run of the Bay Area's "Limitless Potential" Breakfast Women's Building Auditorium, 3543 13th Street Brief remarks about women's empowerment More than 10 participants

11:00 AM -12:30 PM Healthy Streets Operation Center Meeting 1011 Turk Street Discussion related to improving street conditions More than 10 participants

1:00 - 2:00 PM Planning Meeting for the 2020 Women's Summit City Hall, Room 370 Discussion of plans for the 2020 Women's Summit More than 10 participants

2:05 - 2:15 PM Call related to the 2020 Women's Summit City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of possible employment to assist in planning Participants: Withheld pursuant to [find exemption re: hiring]

2:30 - 3:00 PM Meeting with Mayor's Budget Director City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of City Administrator Budget Priorities Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Mayor's Budget Director Kelly Kirkpatrick

3:00-3:30 PM Meeting to discuss Capital Planning Budget Priorities City Hall, Room 201 Discussion of Capital Planning Budget Priorities Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Mayor's Chief of Staff ; Mayor's Budget Director Kelly Kirkpatrick; Capital Planning Director Heather Green; Mayor's Budget Deputy Ashley Groffenberger; Mayor's Budget Analyst Lillian Patil; Controller Ben Rosenfield; Public Finance Director Anna Van Degna; Real Estate Director Andrico Penick

3:30 ~ 4:00 PM Meeting to discuss City Hall recognition of Mayor Edwin M. Lee City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of appropriate City Hall recognition for Mayor Edwin M. Lee

P345 Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Cultural Affairs Director Tom Decaigny; Grants for the Arts Director Matthew Goudeau; Tania Lee; Steve Kawa

5:00 -·7:00 PM Black Catholic History Month University of San Francisco, Lone Mountain Campus Discussion of the Black Catholic community's contributions More than 10 participants

Friday, November 15, 2019

8:15 - 8:30 AM Senior Staff Conference Call Discussion of daily office operations Con.ducted via conference call All participants are employees of the City Administrator

9:30-10:00 AM Meeting to discuss capital planning budget priorities City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of capital planning budget priorities All participants are employees of the City Administrator

11:00 AM -12:00 Noon Meeting to discuss potential program for Inaugural City Hall, Room 200 Discussion of potential speakers and format for mayoral inaugural Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Chief of Protocol Charlotte Maillard Schultz; Mayor's Deputy Chief of Staff Andrea Bruss; Anthony Morin, Mayor's Office of Protocol; Natalie Waugh, Mayor's Office of Protocol

1:00-2:00 PM Meeting with senior staff City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of bupget, program and human resources matters All participants are employees of the City Administrator

2:00-3:00 PM Meeting regarding construction of 49 South Van Ness City Hall, Room 370 Discussion of progress toward constructing new City Office Building More than 10 participants

3:15-4:15 PM Meeting regarding the Committee on Information Technology City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of agenda for the Committee on Information Technology meeting All participants are employees of the City Administrator

P346 4:15 -5:00 PM Preparation for speech at Manny's City Hall, Room 362 Preparation for public speaking engagement All participants are employees of the City Administrator

6:00 - 7:30 PM Town Hall Community Meeting Manny's Restaurant, 3092 15th Street Discussion of City Administrator's role and community priorities More than 10 participants

Saturday, November 16, 2019

8:00 - 8:30 AM Public Works Community Clean Team Event Lowell High School, 1101 Eucalyptus Drive Brief Remarks regarding community clean-ups More than 10 participants

8:30 -10:30 AM Public Works Community Clean Team Event Lowell High School, 1101 Eucalyptus Drive Participated in community cleaning More than 10 participants

Sunday, November 17, 2019

No meetings on official business

2. Request: Every meeting/entry on every calendar for your Department Head for November 10- 17, 2019 (inclusive). This specifically includes both the SFAC 67.29-5/Prop G calendar, and all other calendar records (aka "non-Prop G calendars) prepared, owned, retained or used by your Department Heqd or agency staff (see SOTF Order 19047). Calendars and meeting entries are requested in their original electronic format or in .ics format with all non-exempt headers and metadata and you must preserve all attachments, exhibits, formatting, hyperlinks, images, colors, email addresses, invitees and their attendance status, recurrences, exact start/end times, locations, titles and descriptions. Daily, weekly or monthly summary reviews are non-responsive - each individual meeting entry is requested.

Response: Provided as Attachrnent Two

3. Request: Every meeting/entry on every calendar for your DepartlT]ent Head for future dates December 16 - 23 (inclusive). This specifically includes both the SFAC 67.29-5/Prop G calendar, and all other calendar records {aka "non-Prop G calendars) prepared, owned, retained or used by your Department Head or agency staff (see SOTF Order 19047). Calendars and meeting entries are requested in their original electronic format or in .ics format with all non-exempt headers and metadata and you must preserve all attachments, exhibits, formatting, hyperlinks,

P347 images, colors, email addresses, invitees and their attendance status, recurrences, exact start/end times, locations, titles and descriptions. Daily, weekly or monthly summary reviews are non-responsive - each individual meeting entry is requested.

Response: This information is provided below

Monday, December 16, 2019

No meetings on official business

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

8:15 - 8:30 AM Senior Staff Conference Call Discussion of daily office operations Conducted via conference call All participants are employees of the City Administrator

9:30 -10:30 AM Meeting to discuss homeless services and shelters City Hall, Room 201 Discussion of plans to provide services to homeless residents More than 10 partic_ipants

11:00 -11:30 AM Meeting to discuss Treasure Island Operations City Hall, Room 362 ·Discussion of Treasure Island Operations including power outages Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Treasure Island Director Bob Beck

Noon -1:00 PM Meeting to discuss real estate transactions City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of real estate transactions Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Deputy City Administrator Ken Bukowski; Real Estate Director Andrico Penick; Ken Rich, Office of Economic and Workforce Development

1:00 - 2:00 PM Meeting with Department of Technology City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of technology matters Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Department of Technology Director Linda Gerull

3:00-3:30 PM Meeting with Mayor London Breed City Hall, Room 200 Discussion regarding state grant for cannabis equity programs Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Mayor London Breed; Deputy City Administrator

P348 Jennifer Johnston, Deputy City Administrator Ken Bukowski; Mayor's Budget Director Kelly Kirkpatrick

3 :35 - 4:00 PM Call regarding Citywide Project Labor Agreements City Hall Room 362 Discussion related to labor negotiations Participants withheld to protect attorney-client priviiege

4:00 - 5:00 PM Meeting regarding Public Works City Hall, Room 348 Discussion of matters related to Public Works Participants: Mohammed Nuru, Public Works Director; City Administrator Naomi Kelly

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

8:15 - 8:30 AM Senior Staff Conference Call Discussion of daily office operations Conducted via conference call All participants are employees of the City Administrator

10:00 -10:30 AM Coffee with Elaine Forbes and Andrea Shorter Cc;ife Valor, 401 Van Ness Avenue Discussion of City contracting laws Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Port Director Elaine Forbes; Commission on the Status of Women member Andrea Shorter

11:30 AM -12:30 PM Holiday Gathering with City Administrator's Contract Monitoring Division 30 Van Ness, Suite 200 Holiday gathering to thank City employees More than 10 participants

1:00 - 2:00 PM Holiday Gathering with 311 Call Center operators 1 South Van Ness . Holiday gathering to thank City employees More than 10 participants

2:00-3:00 PM Meeting to discuss the Mexican Museum City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of Mexican Museum Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Real Estate Director Andrico Penick; Nadia Sesay, James Morales, Hilde Myall, Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure

P349 3:30-4:00 PM Meeting to discuss space planning for Adult Probation City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of Adult Probation move from 850 Bryant Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Adult Probation Chief Karen Fletcher

4:00-5:00 PM Meeting to discuss transgender initiatives City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of policies and programs to benefit transgender San Franciscans Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Clair Farley, Director of the Office ofTransgender Initiatives

5:00 - 6:00 PM

Happy Hour with John Caldon Corridor, 100 Van Ness Avenue Discussion of Civic Center interests Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; War Memorial Director John Caldon

Thursday, December 19, 2019

8:15 - 8:30 AM Senior Staff Conference Call Discussion of daily office operations Conducted via conference call All participants are employees of the City Administrator

10:00-10:30 AM Call related to affordable housing in the Capital Plan Conducted via conference call Discussion of affordable housing priorities for the 10-Year Capital Plan Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development policy analyst Amy Chan, Capital Planning Director Heather Green

10:35 -11:20 AM Meeting to discuss plans related to the 2020 Census City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of outreach and efforts for the 2020 Census Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Director of the Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs Adrienne Pon; Edward Mccaffrey, Mason Lee, Victor Ruiz-Cornejo, Office of the Mayor; Deputy City Administrator Jennifer Johnston, Bill Barnes, Office of the City Administrator

Noon -1:00 PM Signing of Legislation to Create the Office of Emerging Technology Mayor's Balcony, City Hall

P350 Attended legislative signing More than 10 participants

1:00 - 1:30 PM Meeting with the San Francisco Ethics Commission City Hall, Room 370 Discussion of training for City Administrator managers on ethics laws Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Ethics Commission Director LeeAnn Pelham; City Purchaser Alaric Degrafinried; Bill Barnes, Office of the City Administrator; Gayathri Thaikkendiyil, San Francisco Ethics Commission

1:45-2:45 PM Meeting with Animal Care and Control Director Virginia Donohue City Hall, Room 362 Discussion on animal welfare Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Deputy City Administrator Ken Bukowski; Animal Care and Control Director Virginia Donohue

3:00 - 4:00 PM Meeting with Public Works regarding Infrastructure City Hall, Room 362 Discussion regarding Public Works project management Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Ron Alameida, Public Works; Deputy City Administrator Jennifer Johnston; Erik Rapaport, City Attorney's Office; Carol lsen, Department of Human Resources

4:00 - 5:00 PM Meeting with senior staff City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of budget, program and human resources matters All participants are employees of the City Administrator

Friday, December 20, 2019

8:15-8:30 AM Senior Staff Conference Call Discussion of daily office operations Conducted via conference call All participants are employees of the City Administrator

10:30 - 10:55 AM Meeting regarding Office of Cannabis City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of cannabis related matters Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Office of Cannabis Director Marisa Rodriguez

11:00 - 11:30 AM Holiday Celebration

P351 City Hall, Room 421 Holiday celebration with Office of Labor Standards Enforcement More than 10 participants

Noon -1:00 PM Holiday Celebration Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, One Newhall Street Holiday celebration with OCME employees More than 10 participants

1:30 - 2:00 PM Holiday Celebration Don Ramon's Restaurant, 225 111h Street Holiday celebration with OCEIA employees More than 10 participants

2:30-3:00 PM Meeting with Mayor's Budget Director City Hall, Room 362 Discussion of City Administrator Budget Priorities Participants: City Administrator Naomi Kelly; Mayor's Budget Director Kelly Kirkpatrick

6:00 - 8:00 PM Holiday Celebration Pier 27 Holiday celebration with Public Works and City Administrator employees More than 10 participants

Saturday, December 21, 2019

No meetings related to City business.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

No meetings related to City business.

Monday, December 23, 2019

4:00-5:30 PM

Meeting related to mayoral inaugural City Hall, Room 200 Discussion of plans for mayoral inaugural Participants: [Confirm with Selina]

4. The most recent five emails sent by your Department Head via their government email account. Emails are requested in the original electronic format, or in .eml or .msg format, with all non­ exempt headers and metadata, and you must preserve all attachments, exhibits, formatting, hyperlinks, images, colors, and from/to/bee email addresses.

P352 Response: This information is provided as Attachment Three

5. The most recent five emails sent to your Department Head via their government email account. Emails are requested in the original electronic format, or in .eml or .msg format, with all non­ exempt headers and metadata, and you must preserve all attachments, exhibits, formatting, hyperlinks, images, colors, and from/to/bee email addresses.

Response: This information is provided as Attachment Four

6. The most recent five emails relating to the conduct of public business, subject to City of San Jose v. Superior Court (Smith, 2017), sent by your Department Head via their personal email account. Emails are requested in their original electronic format, or in .eml or .msg format, with all non­ exempt headers and metadata, and you must preserve all attachments, exhibits, formatting, hyperlinks, images, colors, and From/To/BCC email addresses.

Response: The City Administrator does not use personal email accounts to conduct public business, so there are no records responsive to this request.

7. The most recent five emails relating to the conduct of public business, subject to City of San Jose v. Superior Court (Smith, 2017), received by your Department Head via their personal email account. Emails are requested in their original electronic format, or in .eml or .msg format, with all non-exempt headers and metadata, and you must preserve all attachments, exhibits, formatting, hyperlinks, images, colors, and From/To/BCC email addresses.

Response: The City Administrator does not use personal email accounts to conduct public business, so there are no records responsive to this request.

P353 12/15/2019 to 12/21/2019 !ill!J Keliy, Naomi (ADM)

Sunday, December 15, 2019

: Rob Reiter will be out on leave, Lori Mazzola and Eric Nelson are Acting) Thu 12/12/2019 to Fri 1/3/2020

Monday, December 16, 2019

: Rob Reiter will be out on leave, Lori Mazzola and Eric Nelson are Acting) Thu 12/12/2019 to Fri 1/3/2020

0 Daily AM Conf. Call w/ Naomi for 10-15 rninutes: Adam, Alaric, Andrico, Bill, Caitlin, Chanda, Ken, Lihmeei, Lynn, Jennifer, and John Mon 12/16/2019 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM O

Location: Conf. No. Enter Participant Code: ••• Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Nguyen, Adam (ADM) ; Degrafinried, Alaric (ADM) ; Penick, Andrico ; Barnes, Bill (ADM} ; Ikeda, Chanda (ADM) . ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Gavin, John (ECN) ; Phan, Kay (ADM) ;

10-18-18: If this schedule falls on a holiday, the call is being cancelled with or without a cancellation notice. Thanks. Lynn (415) 554- 6296

0 Mayor Breed's Monthly Department Head Meeting Mon 12/16/2019 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Location: City Hall, Room 201 Organizer: Sun, Selina (MYR). Required Attendees:· Sun, Selina (MYR) ; Jenica Bedford-Pugh ; MYR-ALL Department Heads ; MYR­ All Department Head Assistant ; MYR-ALL. Staff List ; Schedule, Room201 (MYR) ; Rich, Ken (ECN) ; Jones, Alexander (ECN) ; . Optional Attendees: Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Xu, Jay (MYR) ; Kelly, Jr, Harlan (PUC) ; Ma, Annie (HOM) ; Nicholson, Jeanine (FIR) ; Zuniga, Sandra (DPW) ; Rosenberg, Julie (BOA) ; Collins, Robert (RNT) ; Elsbernd, Sean (MYR) ; DeCaigny, Tom (ART) ; Murray, Ashley (MYR) ; Kositsky, Jeff (HOM) ; Lambert, Michael (LIB) ; Zighera, Theresa (CFC) ; Huish, Jay (RET) ; Penick, Andrico ; Lindler, Nicole (MYR) ; Mullan, Andrew (BOS) ; Callahan, Micki (HRD) ; Noguchi, John (ADM) ; Keener, Christine (REC)

~~~~~~~~~~e;~~~~:~~~~~r~::~:u; ~~~:a,};~~0 ,<~~:i~.~~~!~~f./~:~~~0~~}1 ~~~ ~~~:~~ tree\ - - . - . - - ; Scott, William (POL) ; Roiz, Teresa (PUC) ; Chu, Carmen (ASR) ; Karunaratne, Kanishka (MYR) ; Seifer, Jason (FAM) ; [email protected] ; Tonia Lediju ; Ginsburg, Phil (REC) ; Tooke, Daphne (MYR) ; Rahaim, John (CPC) ; Badasow, Bridget (HSA) ; Lazar, Alex (MYR) ; Dasilva, Christina (MYR) ; Pereira.Tully, Marisa (MYR) ; Gordillo, Isabella (ASR) ; Power, Andres (MYR) ; Buckley, Jeff (MYR) ; Alfaro, Nancy (ADM) ; Brown, Michael. (CSC) · ; Hartley, Kate (MYR) ; Dick-Endrizzi, Regina (ECN) ; Mcspadden, Shireen (HSA) ; White, Staci (REC) ; Davis, Sheryl (HRC) ; Smith, Barbara (SFHA) ; Cretan, Jeff (MYR) ; Murase, Emily (WOM) ; Henderson, Paul (DPA) ; Carroll, Maryellen (DEM) ; Gerull, Linda (TIS) ; Legaspi, Doris (TIS) ; Corvino, Denise (HSA) ; Mccaffrey, Edward (MYR) ; Mezquita, Ingrid (HSA) ; Cukierman, Rachel (ASR) ; [email protected] ; Fletcher, Karen (ADP) ; Murray, Elizabeth (WAR) ; Peacock, Rebecca (MYR) ; Yant, Abbie (HSS) ; Rhorer, Trent (HSA) ; Raphael, Deborah (ENV) ; DeBerry, Cristine (DAT) ; Nuru, Mohammed (DPW) ; DeGuzman, Faye (DPH) ; Beck, Bob (MYR) ; Roye, Karen (CSS) ; Forbes, Elaine (PRT) ; Quesada, Amy (PRT) ; Pon, Adrienne (ADM) ; Lee, Mason (MYR) ; Auyong, Angela (PDR) ; Luong, Susanna (HRD) ; Hayes-White, Joanne (FIR) ; Shah, Tajel ; Gascon, George (DAT) ; Supawanich, Paul (MYR) ; Donohue, Virginia (ADM) ; Cohen, Emily (MYR) ; Johnson, Jillian (ADM) ; Heiken, Emma (MYR) ; Fiore, Nina (ADM) ; Burke, Robyn (DAD ; Groffenberger, Ashley (MYR) ; Fay, Abigail (MYR) ; Bohn, Nicole (ADM) ; Kirkpatrick, Kelly (MYR) ; Busch, Laura (MYR) ; Lam, Jenny (MYR) ; Valdez, Marie (MYR) ; Jackson, Jocelyne (MYR) ; Ivar Satero (AIR) ; Duning, Anna (MYR) ; Wong, Phillip (ECN) ; Summers, Ashley (MYR) ; Mattias, Daniella (MYR) ; True, Judson (DPW) ; Rea, Diane (ADM) ; Bell, Marcia (LLB) ; Ekberg, Natalie (HSS) ; Patil, Lillian (MYR) ; Lane, Maura (CON) ; Farley, Clair (ADM) ; Goudeau, Matthew (ADM) ; Smith, Jasmine (CSS) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Griggs, Mitchell (HSS) ; Howard, Kate (HRD) ; Colfax, Grant (DPH).; Raju, Manohar (PDR) ; Finkel, Jessica (MYR) ; Owens, Sarah (MYR) ; Rodriguez, Marisa (ADM) ; Gosiengfiao, Rachel (ADM) ; Barnes, Maximilian (MYR) ; Rosenfield, Ben (CON) ; Jacobson, Caitlin (ADM) ; Lediju, Tonia (CON) ; Philhour, Marjan (MYR) ; Gordon, Rachel (DPW) ; Chris Arrigale (AIR) ; Thomas, Kenya (DPH) ; CSC_Purge_michael.brown_ 11122019 ; Lynch, Andy (MYR) ; Morin, Anthony (ADM) ; Owens, Morgan (MYR) ; Bruss, Andrea (MYR) ; Lynn, Andrea (MYR) ; Bangcaya, Matthew (MYR) ; Jones, De'Anthony (MYR) ; Hennessy, Vicki . (SHF) ; Ludwig, Theresa (FIR) ; Hernandez, Paula (JUV) ; Rana, Shalini (PPH) ; Eng, Sandra (CSC) ; Alfaro, Leonard (MYR) ; La Barre, Elizabeth (HSA) ; Mccormick, Mary Ann (DPA) ; Maguire, Tom (MTA) ; Ma, Sally (MYR) ; Degrafinried, Alaric (ADM) . - - - - ..... ~ · ; Hui, Tom (DBI) ; Weiland, Maggie (ADM) ; Robbins, Susannah (ECN) ; Wagner, Greg (DPH) ; Geithman, Kyra (MYR) ; Pelham, Leeann (ETH) ;

D Mayor Breed's Monthly Department Head Meeting Mon 12/16/2019 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM D

Location: City Hall, Room 201 Organizer: Sun, Selina (MYR) Required Attendees: Sun, Selina (MYR) ; Jenica Bedford-Pugh ; MYR-ALL Department Heads ; MYR­ All Department Head Assistant ; MYR-ALL Staff List ; Schedule,· Room201 (MYR) ; Rich, Ken (ECN) ; Jones, Alexander (ECN) ; Optional Attendees: Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Xu, Jay (MYR) ;. Kelly, Jr, Harlan (PUC) ; Ma, Annie (HOM) ; Nicholson, Jeanine (FIR) ; Zuniga, Sandra (DPW) ; Rosenberg, Julie (BOA) ; Collins, Robert (RNT) ; Elsbernd, Sean (MYR) ; DeCaigny, Tom (ART) ; Murray, Ashley (MYR) ; Kositsky, Jeff (HOM) ; Lambert, Michael (LIB) ; Zighera, Theresa (CFC) ; Huish, Jay (RET) ; Penick, Andrico ; Lindler, Nicole (MYR) ; Mullan, Andrew (BOS) ; Callahan, Micki (HRD) ; Noguchi, John (ADM) ; Keener, Christine (REC) ; Su, Maria (CHF) ; Caldon, John (WAR) ; Adams, Daniel (MYR) ; Beckett, Caroline (CSS) ; Torres, Joaquin (ECN) ; Caldwell, James (MYR) ; Scott, William (POL) ; Roiz, Teresa (PUC) ; Chu, Carmen (ASR) ; Karunaratne, Kanishka (MYR) ; Seifer, Jason (FAM) ; [email protected] ; Tonia Lediju ; Ginsburg, Phil (REC) ; Tooke, Daphne (MYR) ; Rahaim, John (CPC) ; Badasow, Bridget (HSA) ; Lazar, Alex (MYR) ; DaSilva, Christina (MYR) ; Pereira.Tully, Marisa (MYR) ; Gordillo, Isabella (ASR) ; Power, Andres (MYR) ; Buckley, Jeff (MYR) ; Alfaro, Nancy (ADM) ; Brown, Michael (CSC) ; Hartley, Kate (MYR) ; Dick-Endrizzi, Regina (ECN) ; Mcspadden, Shireen (HSA) ; White, Staci (REC) ; Davis, Sheryl (HRC) ; Smith, Barbara (SFHA) ; Cretan, Jeff (MYR) ; Murase, Emily (WOM) ; Henderson, Paul '(DPA) ; Carroll, Maryellen (DEM) ; Gerull, Linda (TIS) ; Legaspi, Doris (TIS) ; Corvino, Denise (HSA) ; Mccaffrey, Edward (MYR) ; Mezquita, Ingrid (HSA) ; Cukierman, Rachel (ASR) ; [email protected] ; Fletcher, Karen (ADP) ; Murray, Elizabeth (WAR) ; Peacock, Rebecca (MYR) ; Yant, Abbie (HSS) ; Rhorer, Trent (HSA) ; Raphael, Deborah (ENV) ; DeBerry, Cristine (DAT) ; Nuru, Mohammed (DPW) ; DeGuzman, Faye (DPH) ; Beck, Bob (MYR) ; Roye, Karen (CSS) ; Forbes, Elaine (PRT) ; Quesada, Amy (PRT) ; Pon, Adrienne (ADM) ; Lee, Mason (MYR) ; Auyong, Angela (PDR) ; Luong, Susanna (HRD) ; Hayes-White, Joanne (FIR) ; Shah, Tajel ; Gascon, George (DAT) ; Supawanich, Paul (MYR) 0 ; Donohue, Virginia (ADM) ; Cohen, Emily (MYR) ; Johnson, Jillian (ADM) ; Heiken, Emma (MYR) : Fiore. Nina fADM) :. Burke. Robvn ; Bohn, Nicole (ADM) ; Kirkpatrick, Kelly (MVR) ; Busch, Laura (MVR) ; Lam, Jenny (MYR) ; Valdez, Marie (MYR) ; Jackson, Jocelyne (MYR) ; Ivar Satero (AIR) ; Duning, Anna (MYR) ; Wong, Phillip (ECN) ; Summers, Ashley (MYR) ; Mattias, Daniella (MYR) ; True, Judson (DPW) ; Rea, Diane (ADM) ; Bell, Marcia (LLB) ; Ekberg, Natalie (HSS) ; Patil, Lillian (MYR) ; Lane, rylaura (CON) ; Farley, Clair (ADM) ; Goudeau, Matthew (ADM) · ; Smith, Jasmine (CSS) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Griggs, Mitchell (HSS) ; Howard, Kate (HRD) ; Colfax, Grant (DPH) ; Raju, Manohar (PDR) ; Finkel, Jessica (MYR) ; Owens, Sarah (MVR) ; Rodriguez, Marisa (ADM) ; Gosiengfiao, Rachel (ADM) ; Barnes, Maximilian (MYR) ; Rosenfield, Ben (CON) ; Jacobson, Caitlin (ADM) ; Lediju, Tonia (CON) ; Philhour, Marjan (MYR) ; Gordon, Rachel (DPW) ; Chris Arrigale (AIR) i Thomas, Kenya (DPH) ; csc_purge_michael.brown_ 11122019 ; Lynch, Andy (MYR) ; Morin, Anthony (ADM) ; Owens, Morgan (MYR) ; Bruss, Andrea (MYR) ; Lynn, Andrea (MYR) ; Bangcaya, Matthew (MYR) ; Jones, De'Anthony (MYR) ; Hennessy, Vicki (SHF) ; Ludwig, Theresa (FIR) ; Hernandez, Paula (JUV) ; Rana, Shalini (DPH) ; Eng, Sandra (CSC) ; Alfaro, Leonard (MYR) ; LaBarre, Elizabeth (HSA) ; Mccormick, MaryAnn (DPA) ; Maguire, Tom (MTA) ; Ma, Sally (MYR) ; Degrafinried, Alaric (ADM) ; Sanders, Deborah (CPC) < [email protected] >; Cisneros, Jose (TTX) ; Augustine, David (TTX) ; Hunter, Michael (ADM) ; Hui, Tom (DBI) ; Weiland, Maggie (ADM) ; Robbins, Susannah (ECN) ; Wagner, Greg (DPH) ; Geithman, Kyra (MYR) ; Pelham, Leeann (ETH) < [email protected] >;

D Weekly Admin Check-In Mon 12/16/2019 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM o

Location: Admin team to call Naomi's cell phone from her office Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Shurelds, Akiera (ADM) ; Optional Attendees: Phan, Kay (ADM) ;

Let's gather In Naomi's office and will call her cell phone together.

Thank you.

Kay Phan City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 kay,[email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Monthly Mtg w/Alaric Degrafinried Mon 12/16/2019 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM D P357 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) · ·; · Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Degrafinried, Alaric (ADM) ;

Good morning Alaric,

Naomi will call you at the office.

Thank you for your understanding, Alaric.

Kay Phan City Admlnistrator?s Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Attorney-Client Communication: 301 Mission Permits Mon 12/16/2019 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM o

Location: City Hall, RM 370 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Ho, Gary (DBI) ; Cushing, Stephanie (DPH) ; MALAMUT, JOHN (CAT) ; Hallisey, Jeremy (ECN) ; Sanguinetti, Jerry (DPW) ; Falvey, Christine (DPW) ; Sweeney, Edward (DBI) ; Cohen, Brent (DPW) ; Lutske, Debra (DPW) ; Zhan, James (DBI) ; Gibson, Lisa (CPC) ; Thomas, John (DPW) ; Lubamersky, Joan (ADM) ; Sider, Dan (CPC) ; Liu, Lena (DPW) ; Schedule, Room370 (ADM) ; Jain, Devyani (CPC) ; Tam, Richard (DBI) ; Scarpulla, John (PUC) ; PARENT, RANDY (CAT) < [email protected] >; Optional Attendees: Dusseault, Brian (MTA) ; DPW_Purge_brent.cohen_03242019 ; Patt, Mike (FIR) ; Lam, Eric (DPW) ; Tang, Eleanor (DPW) ; Suskind, Suzanne (DPW) ; Rivera, Javier (DPW) ; Balan, Kannu (MTA) ;

-Randy will chair the meeting. -kay (12/16)

SFPD's Captains Holiday Reception Mon 12/16/2019 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Location: Water Tavern - 295 Terry A. Francios Blvd., SF

P358 CAPTAINS HOLIDAY RECEPTION 2019 Monday, December 16th at 6:00 PM ATWaterTavern 295Terry A Francois Blvd, San Francisco, CA View the card .


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

: Rob Reiter will be out on leave, Lori Mazzola and Eric Nelson are Acting) Thu 12/12/2019 to Fri 1/3/2020

[J DBl's Building inspection exercise Tue 12/17/2019 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: Mascone Center, North Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Majeski, Nick (ADM) ; Phall, Kay (ADM) ; · P359 Kay Phan City Adminlstrator?s Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Or. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax415.554.4849

O Daily AM Conf. Call w/ Naomi for 10~15 minutes: Adam, Alaric, Andrico, Bill, Caitlin, Chanda, Ken, Lihmeei, Lynn, Jennifer, and John Tue 12/17/2019 8:1 S AM - 8:30 AM a

Location: Conf. No. Enter Participant Code: I Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Nguyen, Adam (ADM) ; Degrafinried, Alaric (ADM) ; Penick, Andrico ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Ikeda, Chanda (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeel (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Gavin, John (ECN) ; Phan, Kay (ADM) ;

10-18-18: ff this schedule falls on a holiday, the call ls being cancelled wtth or wlthout a cancellatton notice. Thanks. Lynn (415) 554- 6296

O Centers/Shelters/Care ~ All Hands Meeting Tue 12/17/2019 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM o Location: City Hall - RM 201 Organizer: Lindler, Nicole (MYR) Required Attendees: Lindler, Nicole (MYR) ; Kirkpatrick, Kelly (MYR) ; Penick, Andrico ; Kositsky, Jeff (HOM) ; Groffenberger, Ashley (MYR) ; Hiramoto, Kelly (DPH) ; Colfax, Grant (DPH) ; Alonso, Rachel (DPW) ; Power, Andres (MYR) ; Patil, Sneha (DPH) ; Bobba, Naveena (DPH) ; Cohen, Emily (MYR) ; Patil, Lillian (MYR) ; Whitley, Gigi (HOM) ; Alameida, Ronald (DPW) ; Nuru, Mohammed (DPW) ; Black, Dedria (HOM) ; Rana, Shalini (DPH) ; Adams, Daniel (MYR) ; Green, Heather (ADM) ; Optional Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Elsbernd, Sean (MYR) ; Keene, Joshua (ADM) ; ·

Bl-Monthly discussion of sites, needs, and planning around the following topics:

• Drop In centers + HSOCshelter • 1000 shelter beds • Meth sobering center • Board and careacqulsltlons

O Monthly meeting with Bob Beck Tue 12/17/2019 11:00 AM -11:30 AM o

Location: Naomi's office, City Hall - Room 362 Organizer: Kelly,. Naomi ..(ADM) P360 Thank you for being flexible, Naomi will meet with you in her office tomorrow.

Thank you.

Kay Phan Office of the City Administrator City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Bi-weekly Meeting w/ Andrico Penick Tue 12/17/2019 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM o

Location: Naomi's office, Room 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Penick, Andrico ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Gosiengfiao, Rachel (ADM) ; Rich, Ken (ECN) ;

Meeting extended per Andrico's request to also discuss about Public Works space (room 348).

Kay Phan City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Monthly check-in with Linda Gerull & Naomi Kelly Tue 12/17/2019 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM o

Location: City Hall, Room 362 Organizer: Legaspi, Doris (TIS) Required Attendees: Legaspi, Doris (TIS) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Gerull, Linda (TIS) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Optional Attendees: Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Castiglia, Rob (TIS) ; Makstman, Michael (TIS) ;

11/8/16 Hello, Nk requested these be changed to bi-monthly. Thank you -Caitlin

hold to prepare for the next meeting -kay Tue 12/17/2019 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

O Naomi's Bi-Weekly Mtg w/ Mayor Breed Tue 12/17/2019 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM @o

Location: Mayor's Office - City Hall, Room 200 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Sun, Selina (MYR) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Kirkpatrick, Kelly (MYR) ;

Adding Kelly per Selina's request. P361 offi(e.of'.tiie'<.':1tyliciminisfrator City and County of San Francisco City Hall, RM 362, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax415.554.4849

0 PLA Negotiation Tu.e 12/17/2019 3:35 PM - 4:00 PM

Location: Naomi's office, Room 362. Conf line is also set up. Details below Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; RAPOPORT, ERIK (CAD ; !sen, Carol (HRD) ;

Hello all,

Meeting per Jennlfer?s request.

Carol, Jennifer mentioned that you might not be able to meet In. person. Please note that a conference line Is also set up.

Confno:••••I Access code (host& participants):! Host(Jennlfer) password: ..

Jen, please be the host for the line if Carol is unable to join in person.

Kay Phan City Admlnistrator?s Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel, 415.554.6272 I Fax415.554.4849

0 Mohammed + Naomi Kelly Weekly Meeting Tue 12/17/2019 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM o .

Location: Mohammed's office Organizer: Nuru, Mohammed (DPW) Required Attendees: Nuru, Mohammed (DPW) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ;

Digital Services Holiday Party Tue 12/17/2019 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Location: 1231 Stevenson Street Organizer: Bishop, Carrie (ADM) Required Attendees: Bishop, Carrie (ADM) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Whitehouse, Melissa (ADM) ; Silva, Christine (CPC) ; Wallner, Mori (ADM) ; Johnson, Amanda (ADM) ; Bojorquez, Gustavo (ADM) ; Lo, Wilson (DBI) ; Lakhmani, Sunny (TIS) ; Makstrnan, Michael (TIS) ; Acosta, Linda (DPH) ; Reed, Amber (DPH) ; Shah, Tajel ; Gerull, Linda (TIS) ; Rice, Dylan (ADM) ; True, Judson (DPW) ; Chapman, Nick (MTA) ; Mills, Nicholas (ADM) ; McMahon, Trisha ; Meyers, Natalie (TIS) ...... ,~.f~Hi"on...... ,,,..,i.-#"; Johnson, Jillian (ADM) ; Lally, Jason (ADM) ; Valenta, Blake (ADM} ; Jogesh, Tania (ADM) ; Prasad, Amardeep (TIS} ; Rodriguez, Marisa (ADM) ; Hillsman, Eugene (ADM) ; Law, Ray (ADM) ; Roeder, Barry (MYR) ; Benjamin, Maria (MYR) ; Farley, Clair (ADM) ; Persson, Maceo (ADM) ; Torres, Joaquin (ECN) ; VanHouten, Ben (ECN) ; Rea, Diane (ADM) ; Pon, Adrienne (ADM) ; Solomon, Michael (MYR) ; Fernandez, Emma (ADM) ; Coplon, Dovid (MTA) ; Geithman, Kyra (MYR) ; Richardson, Jamie (ADM) ; Whipple, Richard (ADM) ; Sykes, Isis (ADM) ; Rudnick, Tessa (DPA) ; Duning, Anna (MYR) ; Everroad, Jocelyn (HSA) ; Hebert,· Marc (HSA) ; Kwiatkowska, Natalia (CPC) ; Villareal-Mayer, Rebecca (ADM) ; Cabreros, Glenn (CPC) ; Landis, Deborah (CPC) ; Martinez, Maria (DPH) ; Weiland, Maggie (ADM) ; Ketcham, Dana (REC) ; Hamilton, Jeff (ADM) ; Mccloskey, Benjamin (MYR) ; Alfaro, Nancy (ADM) ; Maimoni, · Andy (ADM) ; Bohn, Nicole (ADM} ; Boudreaux, Marcelle (CPC) ; Optional Attendees: Lerums, Helen (HSA) ; Jimenez, Natasha (HSA) ; Meyer, Allen (HSA) ;

Hello everyone I

Please Join Digital Services tomorrow for our holiday party. There will be drinks, nibbles, and festive cheer!

Let us know If you can make It with an RSVP to this Invitation, so we know how much eggnog to get. Please do forward to others on your team, just let me know how many of you can make it.

Hope to see you there!

Carrie's Annual Holiday Reception with Mayor Breed Tue 12/17/2019 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Location: 250 Howard Street, SF


Hope you're well.

Wanted to connect with you to formally invite you to's Annual Holiday Reception with Mayor Breed which will take place on Tuesday, December 17th at 5:30PM - 7:30PM. Completely understand how busy schedules can be during the holiday season, but we'd simply like to extend the invitation to raise a glass in collaborative spirit ahead of entering 2020.

Speakers will include Mayor Breed and Executive Director, Jennifer Stojkovic. As such, we'd love to have you in attendance and celebrating alongside member companies and invitees.

Please let me know if you'd be available to attend the event which will take place at 250 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA from 5:30PM 7:30PM.

Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions.


Alex Tourk, Principal

Ground Floor Public Affairs P363 58 2nd SL 4th Floor I SF, CA 94105


Barbary Coast's Holiday Party Tue 12/17/2019 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM ®

Location: Pier 23 - 23 The Embarcadero. SF

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Rob Reiter will be out on leave, Lori Mazzola and Eric Nelson are Acting) Thu 12/12/2019 to Fri 1/3/2020

D Daily AM Conf. Call w/ Naomi for 10-15 minutes: Adam, Alaric, Andrico, Bill, Caitlin, Chanda, Ken, Lihmeei, Lynn, Jennifer, and John Wed 12/18/2019 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM o Location: Conf. No. Enter Participant Code: I Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Nguyen, Adam (ADM) ; Degraflnried, Alaric (ADM) ; Penick, Andrico ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Ikeda, Chanda (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth. (ADM)· ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Gavin, John (ECN) ; Phan, Kay (ADM) ;

10-18-18: If this schedule falls on a holiday, the call ls being cancelled with or without a cancellation notice. Thanks. Lynn (415) 554- 6296

D Coffee with Elaine Forbes and Andrea 'Shorter Wed 12/18/2019 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Location: Cafe Valor .:. Inside War Memorial Veterans Building Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Forbes, Elaine (PRT) ; ••••••••• •••••••••• HI Elaine and Andrea,

Nao ml asked to meet with you over coffee. Thank you.

Kay Phan City Admlnistrator?s Office City and County of San Fra nclsco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D DWG Meeting Wed 12/18/2019 11:00 AM -1:00 PM ®o

Location: 401 Van Ness, Room 125 P364 - - - r ; DeCaigny, Tom (ART) ; Krell, Rebekah (ART) ; Rosenfield, Ben (CON) ; Strong, Brian (ADM) ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; Hui, Tom (DBI) ; Lowrey, Daniel (DBI) ; Garcia, Barbara (DPH) ; Bobba, Naveena (DPH) ; Kositsky, Jeff (HOM) ; Davis, Sheryl (HRC) ; Polk, Zoe (HRC) ; Rhorer, Trent (HSA) ; Howard, Kate (HRD) ; Gillett, Gillian (DPW) ; Mendoza, Hydra (MYR) ; Jue, Tyrone (MYR) ; Bohn, Nicole (ADM) ; Hartley, Kate (MYR) ; Maguire, Tom (MTA) ; Oerth, Sally (Cll) ; Rufo, Todd (ECN) ; Rich, Ken (ECN) ; Rodgers, AnMarie (CPC) ; Varat, Adam (CPC) ; Forbes, Elaine (PRT) ; Rhett, Byron (PRT) ; Oshima, Diane (PRT) ; Nuru, Mohammed (DPW) ; Thomas, John (DPW) ; Kelly, Jr, Harlan (PUC) ; Carlin, Michael (PUC) ; Petrick, Molly (PUC) ; Ginsburg, Phil (REC) ; Bradley, Stacy (REC) ; Raphael, Deborah (ENV) ; Kass, Jennifer (ENV) ; Rivera, Anthony (FIR) ; Dodge, Sam (DPW) ; Wier, Megan (DPH) ; Wong, Phillip (ECN) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Torres, Joaquin (ECN) ; Ma, Annie (HOM) ; Ludwig, Theresa (FIR) ; Nicholson, Jeanine (FIR) ; Yee, Greg (POL) ; Wise, Viktoriya (MTA) ; Tabak, Steven (MTA) ; Kirschbaum, Julie (MTA) ; Sesay, Nadia (Cll) ; Nguyen, Lucinda (Cll) ; Comerford, Cyndy (ENV) ; Bechelli, Adrienne (DEM) ; Optional Attendees: Gosiengfiao, Rachel (ADM) ; Roiz, Teresa (PUC) ; Page_Ritchie, Sharon (ART) ; Lane, Maura (CON) < [email protected] >; [email protected] ; Ebarle, David (DPH) · ; DeGuzman, Faye (DPH) ; Tucker, John (FIR) ; Corteza, Florence (CHF) ; Simpliciano, Sophia (MTA) ; Hervey, Myisha (DPW) ; White, Staci (REC) ; Deepak, Lavanya (ENV) ; Carr, Rowena (POL) ; Wong, Nora (POL) ; Cruz, Jaimila (Cll) ; Knight, Nicholas (DPH) ; Quesada, Amy (PRT) ; Zhan, James (DBI) ; Harrison, Jordan (REC) · ; Scanlon, Olivia (FIR) ; Goodfriend, Wendy (ENV) ; Lapka, Joe (CON) ; Haddadan, Kimia (CPC) ; lkezoe, Paolo (CPC) ; Penick, Andrico ; Jacobson, Caitlin (ADM) ; Rivera, Patrick (DPW) ; Carroll, Maryellen (DEM) ; Smuts, Robert (DEM) ; Doherty, Timothy (MTA) ; Lowe, Lindy (PRT) ; Khambatta, Arfaraz (DPW) ; Arvanitidis, Laurel (ECN) ; DPH_LitHold_cyndy.comerford_08192019 · < [email protected]>; Angsuco, Charlene (REC) ; Stokle, Brian (REC) ; Adams, Daniel (MYR) ; Chan, Amy (MYR) ; Nickolopoulos, Sheila (CPC) ; Bintliff, Jacob (CPC) ; Conner, Kate (CPC) ;


Here's the Agenda for Wednesday's meeting:

D HSH HR Wed 12/18/2019 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM P365 Organizer: Elsbernd, Sean (MYR) Required Attendees: Elsbernd, Sean (MYR) ; Kositsky, Jeff (HOM) · ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Kirkpatrick, Kelly (MYR) ; Callahan, Micki (HRD) ; Rosenfield, Ben (CON) < [email protected] >; Optional Attendees: Whitley,. Gigi (HOM) ;

0 County Clerk's Staff Holiday Luncheon Wed 12/18/2019 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Location: County Clerk's office, City Hall, Room 168 .backroom) .

Diane Rea 11 County Clerk 11 San Francisco City Hall, Room 168 11 (415) 554-4957 11 [email protected] 11


*note-jen will attend this meeting.

CMD Holiday Gathering Wed 12/18/2019 11 :30 AM - 2:00 PM

Location: 30 Van Ness, Suite 200

From: Fretty, Rochelle (ADM) Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 8:24 AM To: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ;Johnston,Jennifer(ADM) Subject: CMD Holiday Gathering- NEW VENUE

Subject: HolldayGathering-NEWVENUE


It is with great disappointment to inform you that Lefty's Ballpark Buffet Is temporarily closed until December 23th. Reservations were made back in October; however, the venue failed to Inform me of the closure.

Instead of buffet, I will order Chinese food and our Gathering will be in the large conference room at 12:00pm.

Thank you,

Rochelle Pretty, Clerk

Contract Monitoring Division (CMD) 30 Van Ness Avenue I Suite 200 I San Francisco I CA I 94102 Direct 415-581-2314 I Main 415-581-2310 [email protected]

311's Holiday Party+ travel time Wed 12/18/2019 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Location: 311 Office

Hi Kay,

Please hold December 18th at noon for 311's Holiday Celebration at 311 at NOON.

Hoping Naomi, Jennifer and Ken will be able to make It.

RPrrnrrk P366 :Nancy .:zJ.!faro Director, 311 Customer Service Center City and County of San Francisco Direct: 415-701-3137 Cell:····


D Monthly DOC Radio test Wed 12/18/2019 2:00 PM - 2:05 PM o

Location: Virtual Organizer: Majeski, Nick (ADM) Required Attendees: Majeski, Nick (ADM) ; Goldwyn, Norman (ADM) ; Degrafinried, Alaric (ADM) ; Noguchi, John (ADM) ; DEM - Bob Sauter ; Summerville, Peter (ADM) ; Reiter, Rob (ADM) ; Fung, Tom (ADM) ; Jones, Don (ADM) ; Maimoni, Andy (ADM) ; Garant, Amy (ADM) ; Damion Ellis ; $rett Stricker ; O'Neill, Shari (ADM) ; Yoshida, Keigo (ADM) ; Corso, Amy (ADM) ; Kent, Jason {ADM) · ; Penick, Andrico ; Gorham, Claudia (ADM) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Cravens, Don (ADM) ; McDonald, Thomas (ADM) ; Bohn, Nicole (ADM) ; Kittel, Heather (ADM) ; Optional Attendees: Webb, Nathan (ADM) ;

Division Reps:

We will conduct a monthly radio roll call drill on the thlrd Wednesday of every month at 2:00pm. At that time, please turn on your radio and tune to the "GSA command 1" channel, located for most of us on channel C7. DOC staff will initiate the roll call test.

Monthly Roll-Call TestScript:

1. (DOC staff): "Attention GSA divisions, this is the monthly DOC radio roll call test. When you hear your division's name, please respond with your name, division, building you are in and the radio number." Once you turn on your radio, you can find radio number on the screen. It will start with the number 7 and have five following digits. ·

2. When your division is announced, please reply with: "This is [YOUR NAME] with [YOUR DIVISION] at [YOUR BUILDING]. I have radio 7XXXXX and I read you loud and cfear."

3. DOC staff will respond with: "Thank you (DIVISION NAME)."

4. Once all divisions have been announced and staff have replied, DOC staff will say: "This concludes our monthly test. Thank you for your time."

Please forward this invite to any other staff you would like to participate- everyone should know how to use these radios prior to a disaster.

Nick Majeski, CEM Emergency Response Manager Office of the City Administrator City and County of San Francisco 415-554-4940

P367 Wea 12/18/2019 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Location: Naomi's office, City Hall, Room 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Penick, Andrico ; Sesay, Nadia (Cll) ; Myall, Hilde (Cll) ; Optional Attendees: Morales, James (Cll) ; Hello all,

I'm sorry to move the meeting. Naomi would like to Increase the meeting time. I've already confirmed with Nadia's assistant-Lucinda that it's ok to move It to later date.


Kay Phan City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D 850 Bryant with Keren F. Wed 12/18/2019 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Location; Naomi's office, City Hall, Room 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Fletcher, Karen (ADP) ; ·

Movingthe meetlngto 3:30pm per Karen7s request.

Hi Karen,

I went over Naomi?s schedule with the team. l?m sorry that l?m unable to schedule a meeting for you sooner. Please let me know if you?d prefer to have Naomi calf you instead of meeting In person. If so; shall she call you atJ •

Kay Phan City Admlnistrator?s Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 kay,[email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6?72 I Fax415.554.4849

D Monthly Check in with Clair Farley Wed 12/18/2019 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM ~ o

Location: City Hall, Room 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Farley, Clair (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Hi Clair,

I'm sorry to move your meetlngfrorn the week prior. Naomi has an unavoidable meeting on Wed, 12/11.1 hope this date/time will work for you.

Thank you.

P368 City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Ha ii, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax41S.554.4849

D Happy Hour: Naomi & John Wed 12/18/2019 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Location: Corridor - 100 Van Ness Ave Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Caldon, John (WAR) ;

Thank you for being up to our attention on the raln, John. Have a good day.

Kay Phan City Administrator?s Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Rob Reiter will be out on leave, Lori Mazzola and Eric Nelson are Acting) Thu 12/12/2019 to Fri 1/3/2020

D Daily AM Conf. Call w/ Naomi for 10-15 minutes: Adam, Alaric, Andrico, Bill, Caitlin, Chanda, Ken, Uhmeei, Lynn, Jennifer, and John Thu 12/19/2019 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM D

Location: Conf. Enter Participant Code:! Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Nguyen, Adam (ADM) ; Degrafinried, Alaric (ADM) ; Penick, Andrico ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Ikeda, Chanda (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Gavin, John (ECN) ; Phan, Kay (ADM) ;

10-18-18: If this schedule falls on a hollday, the call is being cancelled with or without a cancellation notice. Thanks. Lynn (415) 554- 6296

travle time -kay Thu 12/19/2019 9:30 AM • 10:00 AM

O Affordable Housing Update with Heather & Dan Thu 12/19/2019 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM D

location: Heather to call call Na~69 . . ; Adams, Daniel (MYR) ; Optional Attendees: Chan, Amy (MYR) ; Joshi, Nishad (ADM) ; Updated: for Heather to call Amy, then call Naomi.

Nish ad and Dan will not be Joining the call.

Thank you for belngflex!ble everyone.

Kay Phan Office of the City Administrator City and County of San Fra nclsco City Hall, RM 362, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Census Thu 12/19/2019 10:35 AM - 11:20 AM

Location: Naomi's Office, Room 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Pon, Adrienne (ADM) ; Mccaffrey, Edward (MYR) ; Ruiz-Cornejo, Victor (MYR) ; Lee, Mason (MYR) ; Optional Attendees; Chan, Melissa (ADM) ;

Hello All,

Meeting to discuss Census 2020 kick-off event.

Kay Phan City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel. 415.554,6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

[] Fleet Management's holiday lunch Thu 12/19/2019 11:30 AM -12;30 PM

Location: Central Shops - 555 Selby St., SF

Staff plan to· hold a holiday luncheon Dec 19, 11:30am, Central Shops at 555 Selby St. Thanks.

Tom Fung Director of Fleet Management City and County of San Francisco Office of the City Administrator Fleet Management-Central Shops ••••[email protected]

D Emerging Technology Signing with Mayor Breed & Supervisor Yee Thu 12/19/2019 12:00 PM - 1:OO PM

Location: Mayor's Balcony

Message from Bill: Kay,

Please add to Naomi's calendar. It can be called "Emerging Technology Sirn311V't'.Jth Mayor Breed & Supervisor Yee" Office of the City Administrator City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room :l62 San Francisco, CA94102 415.554.7554 (direct) 415.554.4148 {main)

From: Maybaum, Erica (BOS) Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2019 10:11 AM To: Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Quetone, Tai (ADM) ; Jaime, Matthias (adm) ; Gerull, Linda (TIS} Subject: 0-ET signing with Mayor Breed

Hello I Please mark your calendars for the official signing of the Office of Emerging Technology. Thursday, December 19th at 12:00. I know there were many more people working behind the scenes on this so please feel free to Invite them as we would love to have them join us.

Tai and Bill- I'll clrcle back with you next week so we can target some Invites. Also, please flag for Naomi of course!

Thank you all again for all your work, dedication and countless hours conceptually designing the process and the office.

Cheers and happy gobbles to you and your family, Erica

[J RePro's holiday lunch Thu 12/19/2019 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Location: RePro - 101 So. Van Ness Ave.

Salla Vaerma-Jadlos Manager ReproMail City & County of San Francisco 101South Van Ness Ave San Francisco, CA 94103-2518

Ph: 415.554.6432 Cell:··· Fax: 415.554.4801 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http:l/


0 ETH Refresher Training discussion Thu 12/19/2019 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Location: City Hall, Room 370 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Thaikkendiyil, Gayathri (ETH} ; Pelham, Leeann (ETH) ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Degraflnried, Alaric (ADM) ; Schedule, Room370 (ADM) ;

LeeAnn & Gayathrl, 1spoke with Naomi on this. I'm sorry that she is unable to meet sooner. However, our dept head meeting will probably not going to happen until the end of Jan or Feb. She Is also asking to Invite some of our dept head to th ls meeting as well,

All, meeting to discuss about ETH refresher training per LeeAnn's request.

Alaric, I see that you have something at this hour. Please let me know if I shall look for a different time.

Thank you.

Kay Phan City Administrator's Office P371 City f-lall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Monthly wNirginia Donohue & Naomi Kelly Thu 12/19/2019 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM D

Location: City Hall, 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Donohue, Virginia (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Bingham, Anne (ADM) ;

Here are the subjects I'd like to discuss with Naomi:

1) Update on the ACO shortage and Captain pay 2) Licensing . 3) Friends of SFACC 4) Emergency Veterinary Services 5) Anitnal services for homeless, low-income 6) New shelter update


~New Shelter Logo 30%

Virginia Donohue, Executive Director San Francisco Animal Care and Control 1200 15th Street San Francisco, CA 94103 415-554-9411 415-557-9950 (fax)

Emergency Dispatch: 415-554-9400


D Monthly meeting with Ron Alameida Thu 12/19/2019 3:00 PM. - 4:00 PM D

Location: Naomi's office - City Hall, RM 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Alameida, Ronald (DPW) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ;

Jen &Ron, I spoke with Mylsha. Sorry that Mohammed Is unable to join. However he has touched base with Rqn and they're both on the same page. Ron will represent PW.

Ron, Please note that Erik Rand Carol I will also join the meeting on PLA Negotiation.

Thank you.

Kay Phan City Administrator's Office P372 City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel.415.554.6272 I Fax415.554.4849

D Ken, Jennifer, and Chanda: Weekly Check In w/ Naomi Thu 12/19/2019 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM o

Location: RM 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Ath:mdees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Ikeda, Chanda (ADM) ;

5·2-18: I am inviting Chanda to this meeting in place ofTammyfrom now on. Thanks. Lynn

2-13-18: Tammy Is being added to this meeting. Lynn

4-26-16: This ls a weekly check In with Ken, Jennifer, and Vitus Individually or In group starting with Vitus If individually. It Is a recurring calendar entry-if it falls on a holiday, staff are unavailable, or it has a conflict with other schedules, it will be cancelled. Thanks. Lynn (415)554-6293 .

TIDA Staff Holiday Party Thu 12/19/2019 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Location: Woods lsaland Club - 422 Clipper Cove Way, SF

Treasure Island Director Bob Beck & TIDA Staff invites you to the

TIDA Staff Holiday Party

Thursday, December 19, 2019 6:00 PM

~woods Island Club- 422 Clipper Cove Way Treasure Island, SF, CA 94130 . woodsbeer. com/island-club

Please bring one wrapped gift valued between $10 and $25 for the Nint/1 Annual TIDA White Elephant G8me -kay

Friday, December 20, 2019

Rob Reiter will be out on leave, Lori Mazzola and Eric Nelson are Acting) Thu 12/12/2019 to Fri 1/3/2020

O Daily AM Conf. Call w/ Naomi for 10-15 minutes: Adam, Alaric, Andrieo, Bill, Caitlin, Chanda, Ken, Lihmeei, Lynn, Jennifer, and John Fri 12/20/2019 8:15 AM.- 8:30 AM o

Location: Conf. Enter Participant Code: Organizer: Kelly, Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Nguyen, Adam (ADM) ; Degrafinried, Alaric (ADM) ; Penick, Andrico ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Ikeda, Chanda (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ;

10-18-18: If this schedule falls on a holiday, the call ls being cancelled with or without a cancellation notice. Thanks. Lynn (415) 554- 6296

0 Call with Eddie McCaffrey and Bob Beck to discuss Treasure Island State & Federal Coordination Fri 12/20/2019 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Location: Call in number to be provided Organizer: Barnes, Bill (ADM) Required Attendees: Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; McCaffrey, Edward (MYR) ; Beck, Bob (MYR) ; Optional Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ;

0 Weekly w/Marisa Rodriguez Fri 12/20/2019 10:30 AM - 10:55 AM o

Location: Naomi's office, City Hall, Room 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Rodriguez, Marisa (ADM) ;

Sorry, Marisa. Naomi is asked to meet at 10:30am Instead, please. Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you,

Kay Phan Office of the City Administrator City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax415.SS4.4849

OLSE's Holiday Lunch Fri 12/20/2019 11 :OO AM - 1:00 PM

Location: City Hall, Room 421

OLSE will be having a Holiday Lunch on December 20th from 11:00AM-1:00PM.

Thanks I

Angela Chiu Office of Labor Standards Enforcement (415) 554-6274

O CONFIRMED: December Disaster Council Fri 12/20/2019 11 :00 AM - 1:OO PM

Location: City Hall, Room 201 Organizer: Carroll, Maryellen (DEM) Required Attendees: Carroll, Maryellen (DEM) ; Bechelli, Adrienne (DEM) ; Alfaro, Nancy (ADM) ; [email protected] ; Yee, Norman (BOS) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) · ; FEITELBERG, BRITTANY (CAT) ; Calvillo, Angela (BOS) ; Hui, Tom (DBI) ; Callahan, Micki (HRD) ; Wagner, Greg (DPH) ; Gerull, Linda (TIS) - - ; Bohn, Nicole (ADM) ; [email protected] ; Fong, Jaci (ADM) ; Strong, Brian (ADM) ; DEM - Matt KIOLBASSA ; Nuru, Mohammed (DPW) ; Kelly, Jr, Harlan (PUC) ; [email protected] ; Raphael, Deborah (ENV) ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; Forbes, Elaine (PRT) ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; Ivar Satero (AIR) ; Scott, William (POL) ; [email protected] ; Hennessy, Vicki (SHF) ; Beck, Bob (MYR) ; Dziedzic, Craig (DEM) ; [email protected] ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Mchugh, Eileen (BOS) ; Lane, Maura (CON) ; Tyson, Pamela (DEM) ; Buick, Jeanne (HRD) ; Burke, Robyn (DAn ; Varisto, Michaela (DPH) ; Legaspi, Doris (TIS) ; La Barre, Elizabeth (HSA) ; [email protected] ; Sun, Selina (MYR) ; Fiore, Nina (ADM) ; DEM - Donna Boyd ; Hervey, Myisha (DPW) ; Roiz, Teresa (PUC) ; [email protected] ; Deepak, Lavanya (ENV) ; Smith, Barbara (SFHA) ; Lacroix, Leah (PRT) ; [email protected] ; Alves, Kelly (FIR) ; Simpliciano, Sophia (MTA) ; Chris Arrigale (AIR) ; Carr, Rowena (POL) ; Desanti, Cheryl (MYR) ; Saenz, Johanna (SHF) ; Austin, Kate (ADM) ; Perez, Anthony (DEM) ; Maimoni, Andy (ADM) ; CLARK, JANA (CAT) ; Nevin, Peggy (BOS) ; Rydstrom, Todd (CON) ; Sweeney, Edward (DBI) ; Hart, Ian (HRD) ; Bobba, Naveena (DPH) ; Barone, Doris (HSA) ; Elsbernd, Sean (MYR) ; Wirowek, Christopher (ADM) ; Kurella, Sailaja (ADM) ; Carlin, Michael (PUC) ; Kern, Dennis (REC) ; Kass, Jennifer (ENV) ; Martinez, Linda (UCSF) ; Green, Heather (ADM) ; Biddinger, Alliso·n ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Quesada, Amy (PRT) ; Makstman, Michael (TIS) ; Wyrsch, Victor (FIR) ; Jeff Littlefield (AIR) ; Freeman, Matthew (SHF) ; Summerville, Peter (ADM) ; Myhre, Janell (DEM) ; Miyamoto, Paul (SHF) ; Donnelly, Edward (DBI) ; Luong, Susanna (HRD) ; Walsh, Douglas (DPH) ; Mohideenbasha, Kamroonbanu (TIS) ; Marcaida! Michelle (MYR) ; Leslie, Jessica (ADM) ; Higbee, Melissa (ADM) ; Chono, Cynthia (DPW) ; Gale, Josh (PUC) ; Bramlett, Jeffrey (REC) ; Slattery, James (ENV) ; Jason Castleberry ; Reilly, Joseph (PRT) ; Larry Mares (AIR) ; Kane, Gregory (POL) ; Krol, Christopher (SHF) ; Landers, Mary (DEM) ; Cochrane, Michael (FIR) ; Karimi, Bijan (DEM) ; Starliper, Lisa (DEM) ; Zamora, Francis (DEM) ; Hogan, Kristin (DEM) ; Lim, Victor (DEM) ; Higueras, Charles (DPW) ; Alameida, Ronald (DPW) ; Maybaum, Erica (BOS) ; DEM - John Bozeman ; Rosenfield, Ben (CON) ; Breed, Mayor London (MYR) ; [email protected] ; Ginsburg, Phil (REC) ; [email protected] < [email protected] >; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; Nicholson, Jeanine (FIR) ; Maguire, Tom (MTA) ; Gage, Rachel (ETH) ; White, Staci (REC) ; Redmond, Michael (POL) ; Colfax, Grant (DPH) ; Mendoza, Nubia (DEM) ; Optional Attendees: Aragon, Tomas (DPH) ; Salem, Joseph (ENV) ; Savage, Ezra F ; Mclean, Mark (CON) - - - - ; Nelson, Eric (ADM) ; Kim, David (ADM) ; Wiseman, Scott (TIS) ; Loftus, Thomas (TIS) ; De Asis, Leonardo (TIS) ; DEM-Anna Sop (USD) ; Conn, Sebastian ; Cline, Darin ; Dawson, Julia (DPW) ; otwell, Clinton (DPW) ; Gurley, Jan (DPH) ; Hehn, Logan (DPW) ; Navarrete, Dave Raul (REC) ; Lee, Ivy (BOS) ; low, Jen (BOS) ; Bennett, Samuel (BOS) ; Mullan, Andrew (BOS) ; Herzstein, Daniel (BOS) ; Siador, Christine (DPH) ; [email protected] ;

Quarterly Disaster Council Meeting Friday, December 20, 2019 11:00 a.m. City Hall, Room 201


1. Call to Order

2. Report: Preparedness • Public Safety Power Shutoffs Lessons Learned from 2019

3. Report: Emergency Response • San Francisco's Response to Kincade Fire

4. Report: Resilient San Francisco and Recovery Initiatives • ESER Bond Overview

5. Report: Emergency Planning • Emergency Support Function 18-Cybersecurity

6. Special Presentation

7. Disaster Council Member Roundtable

8. General Public Comment

9. Adjournment

Please contact [email protected] if you have questions or need to adjust your Department's distribution listforthese meetings.

[J OCME Holiday. Party Fri 12/20/2019 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Location: OCME Multipurpose Room, 1 Newhall, Conf Room 2nd Floor Organizer: Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) Required Attendees: Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Optional Attendees: Phan, Kay (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Ikeda, Chanda (ADM) ;

Kay- H~'.~ Is :he ~.:ME. Holiday party Invite to add to Naomi's calendar. I PS

n,_.;cla,f, /Jeee,;KbM•· 2°' 2019

!VoM-2: 001If( a¢6/"el({JC- fi""Jr .?r1 ~""/" ;/k?& af;/i?;~ It?;~(/

OCEIA Staff Party Fri 12/20/2019 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Location: Don Ramon's - 225 11th St, SF

Just a heads up-the flyer is in production but OCEIA's holiday celebration will be Friday, Dec. 20, 2019 at Don Ramon's, starting at 12:30p, following the graduation ceremony for the DreamSF Fellows. We're letting the staff bring their kids so it's a family-friendly event with a Photo Booth, lots of food and games.

Details to follow, Hope you can join us!


Adrienne Pon I ilii*l~ I I.1 !'' 1) I. ::,-.I.If~ I Executive Director I Pronouns: She, Her, Hers (What's this?) Office of Civic Engagement & Immigrant Affairs I City & County of San Francisco [email protected] I OCEIA I immigrant Rights Commission p ~ 7-, rlnrl,./111i::\c::o1 "'}'.217 I -.r ... lr+.-.n+~ /ll.1t:.\C:.Q1 '1~C::O lt:ri\/ .... nl\lr.rrAHr.~111"11"!"' .... nt""!rrn rAOA1f\'1 ·kay

D Naomi+Kelly Weekly Fri 12/20/2019 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM o

Location: Room 362 Organizer: Kirkpatrick, Kelly (MYR) Required Attendees: Kirkpatrick, Kelly (MYR) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; . Optional Attendees: Phan, Kay (ADM) ;

D City Administrator/Public Works Holiday Party Fri 12/20/2019 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Location: Pier 27, San Francisco Organizer: Administrator, City (ADM) Required Attendees: Administrator, City (ADM) ; Optional Attendees: Lisa Fazendin ; scheduling, Mayor's (MYR) ; John Gavin ; Hamlat, Sandra (ADM) ; Viterbo-Martinez, Domenic (ADM) ;

You are cordially Invited to join City Administrator Naomi M. Kellyforthe 2019 City Administrator Holiday Party. This Invitation ls for you and one guest and Is non-transferable.

If you have any questions, please contact the Main Office at 415-554-4148.


Office of the City Administrator

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Rob Reiter will be out on leave, Lori Mazzola and Eric Nelson are Acting) Thu 12/12/2019 to Fri 1/3/2020

Sunday, December 22, 2019 till1J Kelly, Naomi (ADM)

Sunday, December 22, 2019

·Rob Reiter will be out on leave, Lori Mazzola and Eric Nelson are Acting) Thu 12/12/2019 to Fri 1/3/2020

Monday, December 23, 2019 P378 Monday, December 23, 2019

Rob Reiter will be out on leave, Lori Mazzola and Eric Nelson are Acting) Thu 12/12/2019 to Fri 1/3/2020

GSA HR using conference call line {4734) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 9:30 am ~ 10:30 am Mon 12/23/2019 (All !'.iaY) D

Nancy Alfaro VA (Kevin Dyer & Andy Maimoni M Acting) Mon 12/23/2019 to Mon 1/6/2020 @

Naomi VA Mon 12/23/2019 to Fri 1/3/2020

D Daily AM Conf. Call w/ Naomi for 10-15 mfnutes: Adam, Alaric, Andric'o, Bill, Caitlin, Chanda, Ken, Lihmeei, Lynn, Jennifer, and John Mon 12/23/2019 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM o

Location: Conf. Enter Participant Code Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM} ; Nguyen, Adam (ADM) ; Degrafinried, Alaric (ADM} ; Penick, Andrico ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Ikeda, Chanda (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Gavin, John (ECN) ; Phan, Kay (ADM) ;

10-18-18: If this schedule falls on a holiday, the call is being cancelled with or without a cancellation notice. Thanks. Lynn (415) 554- 6296

P379 Accepted: Emergency planning (3 of 3)

Nguyen, Adam (ADM) Fri 12/6/2019 2:15 PM To: Phan, Kay (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM)


Press Office, Mayor (MYR) Fri 12/6/2019 6:01 PM To: Press Office, Mayor (MYR)

@ 1 attachments (152 KB) 12.07-08.19 Public Schedule Media Advisory.pdf;

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, December 6, 2019 Contact: Mayor's Office of Communications, 415-554-6131


Saturday, December 7 Mayor London Breed has no public events.

Sunday, December 8 Mayor London Breed has no public events.

Note: Mayor's schedule is subjectto change.


P381 11/10/2019 to 11/16/2019 filEI Kelly, Naomi (ADM)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

D Treasure Island Power Outage IMT Call Sun 11/10/2019 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Location: DEM-DES Teletonferente LinEli.·••••••••••111111' Organizer: DutyOfficer, DEM (DEM) Required Attendees: DutyOfficer, DEM (DEM) ; Jorgensen, Andrea (DEM) ; Zamora, Francis (DEM) ; Mendoza, Nubia (DEM) ; Maimoni, Andy (ADM) ; Garant, Amy (ADM) ; Beck, Bob (MYR) ; Hale, Barbara (PUC} ; Barone, Doris (HSA) ; Amyes, Benjamin (HSA) ; Rivera, Tiffany (DPH) ; Molica, Joe (HSA) ; Johnson, Chandra (HSA) ; Barrera, Kira (HSA) ; Kaplan, Daniel (HSA) ; Doan, Hieu (PUC) ; [email protected] ; Scarpulla, John (PUC) ; Summerville, Peter (ADM) ; Gale, Josh (PUC) ; Reisman, Will (PUC} ; Gamble, Tyler (PUC} ; Carroll, Maryellen (DEM) ; Bechelli, Adrienne (DEM) ; Cuenca, Joanne (ADM) ; 311, Supvcsc ; Chin, Thomas (DEM) ; Gabriszeski, Stanley (ADM) ; Gilman, Steven (ADM) ; Mcdonald, Courtney (BOS) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Starliper, Lisa (DEM) ; Karimi, Bijan (DEM) ; Degrafinried, Alaric (ADM) ; Kurella, Sailaja (ADM) ; Moayed, Taraneh (ADM) ; Majeski, Nick (ADM) ; Optiorial Attendees: Bessniai\ Elizabeth (DEM) ; Suber, Yahmiriah (ADM) ; Muin, Gerilyn (ADM) ; Dyer, Kevin (ADM) ;

Please attend the Incident Management Team call to discuss next steps for the current Treasure Island power outage .. Please forward to other key participants as needed.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

D Daily AM Conf. Call w/ Naomi for 10-15 minutes: Adam, Alaric, Andrico, Bill, Caitlin, Chanda, Ken, Lihmeei, Lynn, Jennifer, and John Tue 11/12/2019 8:1 S AM - 8:30 AM ~

Location: Conf. No." a a I Jiiii "' Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Nguyen, Adam (ADM) ; Degrafinried, Alaric (ADM) ; Penick, Andrico ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Ikeda, Chanda (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Gavin, John (ECN) ; Phan, Kay (ADM) ; P382 10-18-18: If this schedule falls on a holiday, the call is being cancelled with or without a cancellation notice. Thanks. Lynn (415} 554- 6296

D Weekly Updates on Legislations Tue 11/12/201910:00 AM -10:30 AM is;

Location: Naomi's office, Room 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Nguyen, Adam (ADM) ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Quetone, Tai (ADM) . ; Optional Attendees: Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ;

Hello all, I need to move Naomi's meeting around on this day. I hope this time will work for you.

Thank you.

Kay Phan Office of the City Administrator City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 .1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 !@yJ; I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Weekly Ad min Check-In Tue 11/12/2019 10:30 AM - 11 :00 AM ~

Location: City Hall, 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Shurelds, Akiera (ADM) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Quetone, Tai (ADM) ; Optional Attendees: Phan, Kay (ADM) ;

Sorry to the meeting around. I'm trying to rearrange Naomi's schedule.

Jennifer, you have something at this hour. Please let me know if you need me to look at a different time.

Thank you.

Kay Phan Office of the City Administrator City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 kay"i:ihan@_filgQY,Qig I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Special Events Co-Chair Check-in Tue 11/12/2019 11 :00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: City Hall, Room 370 Organizer: Weiland, Maggie (ADM) Required Attendees: Weiland, Maggie (ADM) ; Ketcham, Dana (REC) ; Phan, Kay (ADM) ; Whitehouse, Melissa (ADM) ; Arvanitidis, Laurel (ECN) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Vaughan, J'Wel (ECN) ; Smith, Dylan (ECN) ; Johnson, Jillian (ADM) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; [email protected] ; Chapman, Nick (MTA) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) [email protected]>; Torres, Joaquin (ECN) ; VanHouten, Ben (ECN) ; Cohen, Martha (ADM) ;

D Winter Wonderland Check-in Tue 11/12/2019 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Location: Noami's office, Room 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Cohen, Martha (ADM) ; Philhour, Marjan (MYR) ; Zuniga, Sandra (DPW) ;

Hi Martha, Marjan, and Sandra,

Naomi would like to have a check-in on Winter Wonderland. I can see that your schedule shows as busy, but I hope this date/time will work for you.

Thank you.

Kay Phan City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 kay_,r:[email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Meeting re: Arts Impact Endowment/Arts Commission+ GFTA Tue 11/12/2019 2:00 PM - 2.:30 PM

Location: City Hall, Room 362 Organizer: Goudeau, Matthew (ADM) Required Attendees: Goudeau, Matthew (ADM) ; DeCaigny, Tom (ART) ; Blackwell, Jason (ADM) ; Krell, Rebekah (ART) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) . ;

D Nick to check Naomi's cell - not getting emergency text Tue 11/12/2019 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Location: Naomi's office Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Majeski, Nick (ADM) ;

Nick to check out Naomi's cell phone because she hasn't been getting emergency texts.

Kay Phan City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 kay_,i:[email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 1· Fax 415.554.4849

D Inauguration Planning Meeting Tue 11 /12/2019 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM ®

Location: Mayor's office, Room 200

P384 O Mohammed + Naomi Kelly Weekly Meeting Tue 11/12/2019 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM C

Location: Mohammed's office Organizer: Nuru, Mohammed (DPW) Required Attendees: Nuru, Mohammed (DPW) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ;

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

O Daily AM Conf. Call w/ Naomi for 10-15 minutes: Adam, Alaric, Andrico, Bill, Caitlin, Chanda, Ken, Lihmeei, Lynn, Jennifer, and John Wed 11 /13/2019 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM C

Location: Conf. No. nter Participant Code!mllla•f Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Nguyen, Adam (ADM) ; Degrafinried, Alaric (ADM) ; Penick, Andrico ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Ikeda, Chanda (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Gavin, John (ECN) ; Phan, Kay (ADM) ;

10-18-18: If this schedule falls on a holiday, the call is being cancelled with or without a cancellation notice. Thanks. Lynn (415) 554- 6296

O Mayor Breed's Monthly Department Head Meeting Wed 11 /13/2019 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM :S':

Location: City Hall, Room 201 Organizer: Sun, Selina (MYR) Required Attendees: Rich, Ken (ECN) ; Jones, Alexander (ECN) ; Sun, Selina (MYR) ; MYR-ALL Department Heads ; MYR-All Department Head Assistant ; MYR-ALL Staff List ; Schedule, Room201 (MYR) ; Jenica Bedford-Pugh ; Optional Attendees: Power, Andres (MYR) ; Chu, Carmen (ASR) ; Supawanich, Paul (MYR) ; Cohen, Emily (MYR) ; Lynch, Andy (MYR) ; Caldwell, James (MYR) ; Morin, Anthony (ADM) ; Owens, Morgan (MYR) ; Bruss, Andrea (MYR) ; Lynn, Andrea (MYR) ; Bangcaya, Matthew (MYR) ; Seifer, Jason (FAM) ; [email protected] ; Legg, Douglas (ASR) ; HOM_Purge_annie.ma_01082020 ; Krell, Rebekah (ART) ; Tumlin, Jeffrey (MTA) ; Alice Duncan-Graves ; Miyamoto, Paul (SHF) ; Jones, De' Anthony (MYR) ; Ginsburg, Phil (REC) ; Tooke, Daphne (MYR) ; Badasow, Bridget (HSA) ; Lazar, Alex (MYR) ; DaSilva, Christina (MYR) ; Pereira.Tully, Marisa (MYR) ; Gordillo, Isabella (ASR) ; Buckley, Jeff (MYR) ; Alfaro, Nancy (ADM) ; Brown, Michael (CSC) ; Hartley, Kate (MYR) ; Dick-Endrizzi, Regina (ECN) ; Mcspadden, Shireen (HSA) ; White, Staci (REC) ; Davis, Sheryl (HRC) ; Smith, Barbara (SFHA) ; Cretan, Jeff (MYR) ; Murase, Emily (WOM) ; Weiland, Maggie (ADM) ; Roiz, Teresa (PUC) ; Mullan, Andrew (MYR) ; Henderson, Paul (DPA) P385 ; Carroll, Maryellen (DEM) ; Gerull, Linda (TIS) ; Legaspi, Doris (TIS) ; McCaffrey, Edward (MYR) · ; Mezquita, Ingrid (HSA) ; [email protected] ; Fletcher, Karen (ADP) ; Murray, Elizabeth (WAR) ; Karunaratne, Kanishka (MYR) ; Peacock, Rebecca (MYR) ; Yant, Abbie (HSS) ; Rhorer, Trent (HSA) ; Keener, Christine (HOM) ; Raphael, Deborah (ENV) ; DeBerry, Cristine (DAT) ; Nuru, Mohammed (DPW) ; DeGuzman, Faye (DPH) ; Beck, Bob (MYR) ; Roye, Karen (CSS) ; Forbes, Elaine (PRT) ; Quesada, Amy (PRT) ; Pon, Adrienne (ADM) ; Lee, Mason (MYR) ; Luong, Susanna (HRD) ; Gascon, George (DAT) <[email protected]>; Donohue, Virginia (ADM) ; Cohen, Emily (DPH) ; Johnson, Jillian (MYR) ; Heiken, Emma (MYR) ; Fiore, Nina (ADM) ; Burke, Robyn (DAT) ; Groffenberger, Ashley (MYR) ; Fay, Abigail (MYR) ; Bohn, Nicole (ADM) ;Kirkpatrick, Kelly (MYR) ; Busch, Laura (MYR) ; Lam, Jenny (MYR) ; Jackson, Jocelyne (MYR) ; Ivar Satero (AIR) ; Duning, Anna (MYR) ; Wong, Phillip (ECN) ; Huish, Jay (RET) ; Summers, Ashley (MYR) ; Mattias, Daniella (MYR) ; True, Judson (DPW) ; Rea, Diane (ADM) ; Ekberg, Natalie (HSS) ; Patil, Lillian (MYR) ; Lane, Maura (CON) ; Farley, Clair (ADM) ; Goudeau, Matthew (ADM) ; Smith, Jasmine (CSS) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Griggs, Mitchell (HSS) ; Howard, Kate (HRD) ; Colfax, Grant (DPH) ; Raju, Manohar (PDR) ; Finkel, Jessica (MYR) ; Owens, Sarah (MYR) ; Rodriguez, Marisa (ADM) ; Barnes, Maximilian (MYR) ; Rosenfield, Ben (CON) ; Jacobson, Caitlin (ADM) ; Adams, Daniel (MYR) ; Lediju, Tonia (CON) ; Philhour, Madan (MYR) ; Gordori, Rachel (DPW) ; Chris Arrigale (AIR) ; Tonia Lediju ; Xu, Jay (MYR) ; Kelly, Jr, Harlan (PUC) ; Ma, Annie (HOM) ; Nicholson, Jeanine (FIR) ; Zuniga, Sandra (DPW) ; Rosenberg, Julie (BOA) ; Collins, Robert (RNT) ; Scott, William (POL) ; Elsbernd, Sean (MYR) ; DeCaigny, Tom (ART) ; Murray, Ashley (MYR) ; Kositsky, Jeff (HOM) ; Lambert, Michael (LIB) ; Zighera, Theresa (CFC) ; Penick, Andrico ; Lindler, Nicole (MYR) ; Hui, Tom (DBI) ; Noguchi, John (ADM) ; Su, Maria (CHF) ; Caldon, John (WAR) ; Shah, Tajel ; Beckett, Caroline (CSS) ; Torres, Joaquin (ECN) ; Eng, Sandra (CSC) ; Tugbenyoh, Mawuli (HRD) ; Rahaim, John (CPC) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Callahan, Micki (HRD) ; Cukierman, Rachel (ASR) ; Rich, Ken (ECN) ; CSC_Purge_michael.brown_ 11122019 ; Southey, Kirsten (PRT) ; Corvino, Denise (HSA) ; Chu, Carmen (ASR) ; Auyong, Angela (PDR) ; Wagner, Greg (DPH) ; Hayes-White, Joanne (FIR) ; Geithman, Kyra (MYR) ; Supawanich, Paul (MYR) ; Valdez, Marie (MYR) ; Bell, Marcia (LLB) ; Gosiengfiao, Rachel (ADM) ; Thomas, Kenya (DPH) ; Robbins, Susannah (ECN) ; Hunter, Michael (ADM) ; Mullan, Andrew (BOS) ; Keener, Christine (REC) ; Power, Andres (MYR) < [email protected] >;

P386 D Mayor Edwin M; Lee International Terminal Departures Hall Dedication Ceremony Wed 11/13/2019 11 :30 AM - 12:30 PM ®

Loc.ation: International Terminal - Departures Level - Departures Hall between Aisles 6 & 7 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Quetone, Tai (ADM) ;

Bill &Tai,

Please see attached PDF for more info. I've RSVP'd for you both.

Reception to follow in the SFO Aviation Museum, adjacent to the International A-conco·urse security checkpoint. We recommend taking public transit (BART, , SamTrans) to SFO. However, if you are driving to SFO, please park in the International Garage "A" and bring your ticket for validation.

Kay Phan Office of the City Administrator City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 kay"[email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Call: Nancy & Naomi Wed 11/13/2019 3:10 PM - 3:20 PM

Location: Naomi to call Nancy George 415.559.9556 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; George, Nancy (ADM) ;

Call per Naomi's request.

Thank you, Nancy.

Kay Phan City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 llilY"[email protected].\!,Qfg I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Call: Carrie & Naomi Wed 11/13/2019 3:20 PM - 3:30 PM

Location: Naomi to call Carrie 415.886.5434 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Bishop, Carrie (ADM) ;

Call per Naomi's request.

Thank you, Carrie.

Kay Phan City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 MYJ/[email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Meeting with Starwood Capital P387 Wed 11 /13/2019 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Location: City Hall, Room 362 Organizer: Elsie Burke Required Attendees: Elsie Burke ; Karin C. Johnston ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ;

This message is from outside the City email system. Do not open links or attachments from untrusted sources.

Attendees: Naomi Kelly Ken Bukowski Karin Johnston Jeffrey Shuster Vincent Corna Jeremiah Gregory

D Call: Svetlana & Naomi Wed 11/13/2019 4:00 PM - 4:10 PM

Location: Naomi to call Svetlana 415.554.6008 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Vaksberg, Svetlana (ADM) ; ·

Call per Naomi's request.

Thank you, Svetlana.

Kay Phan City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 gy, I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Art Exhibit for City Hall Wed 11/13/2019 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM @

Location: Naomi's office, Room 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Schumer, Ellen (ART) ; Reiter, Rob (ADM) ;

Hi Ellen and Rob,

I'm sorry to move your meeting. Naomi has a request to join an unavoidable meeting on Tue. Thank you for understanding.

Kay Phan City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 !@y, I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Mayor Edwin M Lee celebration dinner Wed 11/13/2019 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Location: Harborview Restaurant & Bar 4 Embarcadero Center, Street Leave!, SF

P388 Kay Phan City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 kay,J:[email protected]!&fg [ Tel. 415.554.6272 [ Fax 415.554.4849

Thursday, November 14, 2019

D Girls on the Run of the Bay Area's Limitless Potential Breakfast Thu 11/14/2019 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Entered by Lynn

From: Conine-Nakano, Susanna (MYR) Sent: Thursday, September 26, 201910:57 AM To: Khaw, Lynn (ADM) Cc: Sun, Selina (MYR) Subject: RE: Question re Mayor Breed

Hi Lynn,

I am emailing to follow up on my previous email about the Girls on the Run of the Bay Area's Limitless Potential Breakfast on 14. Can Naomi please attend the breakfast on behalf of the Mayor? Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

Sincerely, Susanna Conine-Nakano

Susanna Conine-Nakano Scheduling Aide Office of Mayor London N. Breed City Hall Room 200 1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Place San Francisco; CA 94102 415~554~6147 Scheduling Office: 415-554-6601 www.sfgQl1,Q(g I [email protected]

From: Conine-Nakano, Susanna (MYR) Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 12:49 PM To: Khaw, Lynn (ADM) Cc: Sun, Selina (MYR) Subject: FW: Question re Mayor Breed

Hello Lynn,

Hope you're doing well I The Mayor received an invitation to the Girls on the Run of the Bay Area's Limitless Potential Breakfast on November 14. Mayor Breed is unable to go to the breakfast, but has asked if Naomi could attend on her behalf. I attached the form they submitted. with more information on the event If Naomi agrees to attend, we will put you in contact with the organizers. Thank you!

Sincerely, Susanna Conine-Nakano

Susanna Conine-Nakano Scheduling Aide Office of Mayor London N. Breed City Hall Room 200 1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102 415-554-6147 Scheduling Office: 415-554-6601 I [email protected]

From: Catherine Muriel [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 1:54 PM To: Conine-Nakano, Susanna (MYR) Cc: scheduling, Mayor's (MYR) ; Sun, Selina (~§[email protected]!&J:g>; Christine Harder Subject: Re: Question re Mayor Breed

This message is from outside the City email system. Do not open links or attachments from untrusted sources.

Hello Susanna:

Attached, per your request, is our Mayor scheduling request form. We do hope Mayor1London Breed will be available for a brief visit and "speech" at The Women's Building to recognize girls limitless potential and the importance of supporting youth programs.

Thank you so much for your attention in this matter.

Regards, Catherine

Building Confident, Healthy Girls

Catherine Muriel I Executive Director Girls on the Run of the Bay Area 3543 18th Street #31 I San Francisco, CA 94110 415.863.8942 ext 1 I cmuriel@gotrbayl!.@lhQ(g

The Girls on the Run curriculum is one of only 3 programs recognized by the Harvard Graduate School of Education as a top social­ emotional learning (SEL) experience for kids.

On Tue, Sep 10, 2019at10:21 AM Conine-Nakano, Susanna {MYR) wrote: Good Morning Catherine,

Thank yqu for reaching out to our office. The scheduling Office asks that all individuals and organizations fill out the attached form in order for us to review your request with efficiency. If you could kindly send back this request form at your earliest convenience, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Sincerely, Susanna, Conine-Nakano

Susanna Conine-Nakano Scheduling Aide Office of Mayor London N. Breed City Hall Room 200 1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102 415-554-6147 Scheduling Office: 415-554-6601 I [email protected](llifilg

From: Fay, Abigail {MYR} Sent: Monday, September 09, 2019 8:45 PM To: cmuriel@gotrbay, Cc: scheduling, Mayor's {MYR) Subject: Question re Mayor Breed

Hi Catherine, P390 Thank you for your email. I have copied our scheduling team to further assist you with your request. They will be able to best advise you on Mayor Breed's ability.

Please do not hesitate to reach out should I be of further assistance.

Best, Abby

Abby Fay

Assistant to the Chief of Staff

Office of the Mayor


From: Catherine Muriel Subject: Question re Mayor Breed Date: September 9, 2019 at 5:51:33 PM PDT To: [email protected]

Hello Abby:

I hope you are doing well.

I wanted to ask how feasible it is to ask if Mayor London Breed would be open to attending our annual breakfast to speak for literally 5 - 7 minutes. the event is on November 14th and would be featuring donors, teachers, and some of our girls.

If she had time sometime between 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. we would be so honored if she could come and speak. The theme is Limitless Potential and focuses, on girls potential to do anything they do.

If you have access to her busy schedule I thought I would ask. And if there is a free time slot between 8 - 9:00 a.m. I can send a more formal invitation with details.

Thank you for checking. And if she is busy, do you have other people who might be suitable for this event? Seriously-5- 7 minutes I

Best, Catherine

Building Confident, Healthy Girts

Catherine Muriel I Executive Director Girls on the Run of the Bay Area 3543 18th Street #31 I San Francisco, CA 94110 415.863.8942 ext 1 ~gotrbaY, I cmuriel@go!rbaY,

The Girls on the Run curriculum is one of only 3 programs recognized by the Harvard Graduate School of Education as a top social­ emotional learning (SEL) experience for kids.

P391 D Daily AM Conf. Call w/ Naomi for 10-15 minutes: Adam, Alaric, Andrico, Bill, Caitlin, Chanda, Ken, Lihmeei, Lynn, Jennifer, and John Thu 11/14/2019 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM :0 Location: Conf. No. M ] I\ Enter Participant Code:••• Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Nguyen, Adam (ADM) ; Degrafinried, Alaric (ADM) ; Penick, Andrico ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Ikeda, Chanda (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Gavin, John (ECN) ; Phan, Kay (ADM) ;

10-18-18: If this schedule falls on a holiday, the call is being cancelled with or without a cancellation notice. Thanks. Lynn (415) 554- 6296

HSOC Policy Group Thu 11/14/2019 11 :00 AM - 11 :45 AM ~ Location: 1011 Turk Street -- HSOC Organizer: Carroll, Maryellen (DEM) Required Attendees: Keener, Christine (REC) ; Ginsburg, Phil (REC) ; Carroll, Maryellen (DEM) ; Alfaro, Nancy (ADM) ; Alves, Kelly (FIR) ; Bobba, Naveena (DPH) ; Carr, Rowena (POL) ; Hervey, Myisha (DPW) ; Karimi, Bijan (DEM) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Knight, Nicholas (DPH) ; Kositsky; Jeff (HOM) ; Leung, Sally (POL) ; Nguyen, Adam (ADM) ; Nuru, Mohammed (DPW) ; Hennessy, Vicki (SHF) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Lloyd, Kayleigh (DPW) ; Executive, DEM (DEM) ; Cherniss, Jason (POL) ; Oliva-Aroche, Diana (DPH) ; Elsbernd, Sean (MYR) ; Lane, Maura (CON) ; Rosenfield, Ben (CON) ; Hussey, Deirdre (POL) ; Stevenson, Peg (CON) ; Marshall, Laura (CON) ; Maimoni, Andy (ADM) ; Simpliciano, Sophia (MTA) ; Raycroft, Jill (DEM) ; Fay, Abigail (MYR) ; Saenz, Johanna (SHF) ; Zuniga, Sandra (DPW) ; Lynch, Andy (MYR) ; Fletcher, Karen (ADP) · ; Redmond, Michael (POL) ; Garcia, Maria (POL) . ; Maguire, Tom (MTA) ; Cohen, Emily (DPH) ; Schneider, Ian (DPW) ; Jorgensen, Andrea (DEM) ; Zamora, Francis (DEM) ; Chin, Thomas (DEM) ; Nicholson, Jeanine (FIR) ; Forbes, Elaine (PRT) ; Bechelli, Adrienne (DEM) ; HaleyNelson, Lony (DEM) ; Scott; William (POL) ; Pang, Simon (FIR) ; Colfax, Grant (DPH) ; Keener, Christine (REC) ; DeGuzman, Faye (DPH) ;' Optional Attendees: Scott, William (POL) ; Kern, Dennis (REC) ; Mullins, Leslie (MYR) ; Tong, Sandra (FIR) ; Carter, Tom (PRT) ; Reilly, Joseph (PRT) ; Tangherlini, Niels (FIR) ; Peoples, Samuel (DPW) ; Cannariato, Umecke (HOM) ; Fong, Daryl (POL) ; Penick, Andrico ; Thompson, Cordell (HOM) ; Black, Dedria (HOM) ; Gray, Marquez (MYR) ; P3 9 2 Hello Policy Group members, Please note due to space considerations at City Hall, the November 14 Policy Group and Principals meetings will take place at HSOC- 1011 Turk Street. Thank you.

HSOC Policy Group Members,

Please note that this meeting invitation is for the larger Policy Group Meeting from 11:00am -11:4Sam that includes HSOC Operations representatives and additional staff.

A separate calendar invitation will be sent directly to Principals for the HSOC Principals Policy Group Meeting that will directly follow _this meeting from 11:4Sam -12:30pm.

Thank you, Mary Ellen

Mai.y Ellen Carroll Executive Director City and County of San Francisco Depa1tment of Emergency Management 1011 Turk Street San Francisco, CA 94102 Tel.: 415-558-2745 Fax: 415-558-3892

Confirmed HSOC PolicY. Groug Meeting§...(MaY. 2019 - December 2019}.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thursday, May 30, _2019

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thursday, November 14, 2019

No Meeting on November 28 - Thanksgiving Break

Thursday, December 12, 2019

No Meeting on December 26 - Christmas Break

D HSOC Principals Policy Group Thu 11/14/201911:45 AM -12:30 PMS< P393 Location: HSOC -- 1011 Turk Street Organizer: Carroll, Maryellen (DEM) Required Attendees: Carroll, Maryellen (DEM) ; Elsbernd, Sean (MYR) ; Tyson, Pamela (DEM) ; Thomas, Kenya (DPH) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Scott, William (POL) ; Simpliciano, Sophia (MTA) ; Rydstrom, Todd (CON) ; Rosenfield, Ben (CON) ; Nuru, Mohammed (DPW) ; Nicholson, Jeanine (FIR) ; DeGuzman, Faye (DPH) ; Marcaida, Michelle (MYR) ; Hennessy, Vicki (SHF) ; Executive, DEM (DEM) ; Forbes, Elaine (PRT) ; Alfaro, Nancy (ADM) ; Kositsky, Jeff (HOM) ; Carr, Rowena (POL) ; Lane, Maura (CON) · ; Maguire, Tom (MTA) ; Saenz, Johanna (SHF) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Hervey, Myisha (DPW) ; Ma, Annie (HOM) ; Colfax, Grant (DPH) ; Wagner, Greg (DPH) ; Optional Attendees: Carter, Tom (PRT) ; Reilly, Joseph (PRT) ; Penick, Andrico ;

Hello HSOC Principals, Please note due to space considerations at City Hall, the November 14 Policy Group and Principa[s·meetings will take place at HSOC- 1011 Turk Street. Thank you.

HSOC Principals,

This calendar invitation is for the HSOC Principals Policy Group. This smaller group is intended to provide space for candid conversation between principals regarding HSOC. If you are unable to attend, please send a designated representative in your place that is able to speak on behalf of your agency. Otherwise, this meeting will remain principals only.

Thank you, Mary Ellen

HSOC PrinciQals PolicY. GrouP. Meeting§...(2018 - December 2019) Thursday November 29, 2018 Thursday December 13, 2018 Thursday December 27, 2018 Thursday January 10, 2019 Thursday January 24, 2019 Thursday February 7, 2019 · Thursday February 21, 2019 Thursday March 7, 2019 Thursday March 21, ;/.019 Thursday April 4, 2019 Thursday April 18, 2019 Thursday May 2, 2019 Thursday May 16, 2019 Thursday May 30, 2019 Thursday, June 13, 2019 Thursday, June 27, 2019 Thursday, July 11, 2019 Thursday, July 25, 2019 Thursday, August 8, 2019 Thursday, August 22, 2019 Thursday, Septembers, 2019 Thursday, September 19, 2019 Thursday, October 3, 2019 Thursday, October 17, 2019 Thursday, October 31, 2019 Thursday, November 14, 2019 :rhuf5day, NeJember 28, 2019 CANCELLED DUE TOTHANKSGIVING HOLIDAY Thursday, December 12, 2019 Thuf5day, Decer!'lber 26, 2019 CANCELLED DUE TO CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY

D 2020 Women's Summit P394 Thu 11/14/20191:00 PM - 2:00 PM fill

Location: City Hall, Room 370 I Also Conference Call Option Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Phan, Kay (ADM) ; 'Catherine Schreiber' ; 'Alana Kutinsky' ; Geithman, Kyra (MYR) ; 'Stefanie Roumeliotes' ; Quetone, Tai (ADM) ; 'monique zmuda' ; [email protected] ; Davis, Sheryl (HRC) ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Schedule, Room370 (ADM) ;

Hello all,

Please see attached agenda from Kathy. If you haven't accepted/declined the invitation, please do so. Thank you.

If you're unable to attend in person, please call to join. Conference 2 JFll Participate code:\'111111111111!1•

Kay Phan Office of the City Administrator City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San, CA 94102 [email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D 2020 Women's Summit Thu 11/14/2019 2:05 PM - 2:15 PM

u • r


I'm sorry that Naomi wasn't able to call you on Fri. Please accept the invitation ifthe timing works for you.

Thank you.

Kay Phan City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.5S4.4849

D Naomi+Kelly Weekly Thu 11 /14/2019 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM ~

Location: Room 362 Organizer: Kirkpatrick, Kelly (MYR) Required Attendees: Kirkpatrick, Kelly (MYR) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Optional Attendees: Phan, Kay (ADM) ;

D capital planning prep meeting Thu 11/14/2019 3:00 PM 3:30 PM

Location: City Hall, Room 201 Organizer: Rivoire, Heidi (ADM) P395 Required Attendees: Rivoire, Heidi (ADM) ; Elsbernd, Sean (MYR) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Kirkpatrick, Kelly (MYR) ; Groffenberger, Ashley (MYR) ; Green, Heather (ADM) ; Phan, Kay (ADM) ; Optional Attendees: Patil, Lillian (MYR) ; Rosenfield, Ben (CON) ; Van Degna, Anna (CON) ; Penick, Andrico < [email protected]>;

. Hello, relocating to Room 201. Please moke note. Thank you, Heidi

Heidi Rivoire, Office Manager Office of Resilience and Capital Planning Office of the City Administrator City and County of San Francisco 415.554.4925 [email protected]

D Ed Lei; Bust Thu 11/14/2019 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Location: Naomi's office, City Hall, Room 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ;llillill•••••••I ; Wt l C j l ; Goudeau, Matthew (ADM) ; DeCaigny, Tom (ART) ;

Hello Tonia and Steve,

Naomi would like to invite you to meet regarding Bust. Please accept the invitation ifthe date/time is good with you.

Thank you.

Kay Phan Office of the City Administrator City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 kay,[email protected]'l&(g I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Black Live Matter - Black Catholic History Month Thu 11 /14/2019 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Location: Lone Mountain (LM) 270 - Del Santo Reading Room

Speaking engagement at USF on Black Lives Matter event.

Kay Phan City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 kay"[email protected].,Q(g I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

Friday, November 15, 2019

D Daily AM Conf. Call w/Naomi for 10-15 minutes: Adam, Alaric, Andrk:o, Bill, Caitlin, . P396 Chanda, Ken, Lihmeei, Lynn, Jennifer, and John Fri 11/15/2019 8:15 AM - 8:30 AM C

Location: Conf. Participant Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Nguyen, Adam (ADM) ; Degrafinried, Alaric (ADM) ; Penick, Andrico ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Ikeda, Chanda (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Gavin, John (ECN) ; Phan, Kay (ADM) ;

10-18-18: If this schedule falls on a holiday, the call is being cancelled with or without a cancellation notice. Thanks. Lynn {415) 554- 6296 .

D Weekly meeting .with Heather Green Fri 11 /15/2019 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM !Si

Location: Naomi's office, City Hall, Room 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Green, Heather (ADM) < heather.g [email protected] >; Optional Attendees: Joshi, Nishad (ADM) ;

Hi Heather,

I'm sorry to move this meeting to Fri. I see that you have CPC on Mon. But Naomi's schedule is double booked on Thurs. I hope the morning time is helping a little bit.

Thank yoµ for your understanding, Heather.

Kay Phan Office of the City Administrator City and County of San Francisco City Hall, RM 362, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102 kay, I Tel. 415:554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D Inauguration Program Meeting with Charlotte Shultz Fri 11/15/201911:00AM -12:00 PM

Location: lnternational Room Organizer: Morin, Anthony (ADM) Required Attendees: Morin, Anthony (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Waugh, Natalie (ADM) ; Bruss, Andrea (MYR) ; Phan, Kay (ADM) ; Optional Attendees: Fay, Abigail (MYR) ;

Dear All,

Following our meeting today concerning the 2020 Inauguration -please join us at 11am Friday 11/15 to discuss a potential program.

Kind regards,

Anthony Morin

SF - New Courthouse call Fri 11/15/201911:15 AM -12:15 PM @

Location: SYA 1 Line - Dial: 1-800-867-2581 I Access Code: 1006105 I Leader: 5200 Organizer: Erica Smith P397 Required Attendees: Erica Smith ; Karen Lange ; Paul Yoder k ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ; Greeh, Heather (ADM) ; McCaffrey, Edward (MYR) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ;

This message is from outside the City email system. Do not open links or attachments from untrusted sources.

D Ken, Jennifer, and Chanda: Weekly Check In'with Naomi Fri 11/15/2019 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ~ Location: Naomi's office, Room 362 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Johnston, Jennifer (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Ikeda, Chanda (ADM) ;

Hi Jennifer, l(en and Chanda,

I'm sorry to move your meeting again.


I'm sorry for taking up your spot. Please let me know if you need me to set up a separate meeting for you with Naomi this week.

Thank you.

Kay Phan Office of the City Administrator City and County of San Francisco City Hall, RM 362, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102 . kaY~P-han@_fil' I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

D 49 SVN - Executive Meeting: City+ Related Fri 11 /15/2019 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Location: City Hall Room 370 Organizer: Chui, Samuel (DPW) Required Attendees: Chui, Samuel (DPW) ; Zabarte, Joie (DPW) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Phan, Kay (ADM) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Walsh, Joseph [email protected]) ; Satt, Zachary ([email protected]) ; Dahl, Jeffrey (DPW) ; Labutan, Andrea (ADM) ; Lucas, Jeff ; Andrico Penick ([email protected]) ; Optional Attendees: Alameida, Ronald (DPW) ; Higueras, Charles (DPW) ;

Quarterly meeting among representatives from Related and City on 49 South Van Ness.

P398 Samuel Chui, PE, AIA, LEED AP, CCM, PMP Project Manager

Building Design and Construction I San Francisco Public Works I City and County of San Francisco 30 Van Ness Avenue, #4100 I San Francisco, CA 94102 I (415) 558-4082 I

0 Planning for COIT Fri 11/15/2019 3:15 PM -4:15 PM~

Location: Naomi's Office Organizer: Jaime, Matthias (adm) Required Attendees: Jaime, Matthias (adm) ; Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Bukowski, Kenneth (ADM) ; Gerull, Linda (TIS) ; Legaspi, Doris (TIS) ;

Standard meeting to review COIT meeting materials

O Prep for speech at Manny's Fri 11/15/2019 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM

Location: Naomi's office Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Barnes, Bill (ADM) ;

Hold time for Naomi to prep for her speech at Manny's this afternoon.

Kay Phan City Administrator's Office City and County of San Francisco City Hall, Room 362 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 k£y,[email protected] I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

O Speaking at Manny's Fri 11/15/2019 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Location: Manny's Restaurant: 3092 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94103 Organizer: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Required Attendees: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) ; Quetone, Tai (ADM) ;

From: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2019 12:16. PM To: Manny Yekutiel Cc: Khaw, Lynn (ADM) Subject: RE: Nice to meet you

Manny, I am still interested. I am copying Lynn Khaw to schedule. P399 From: Manny Yekutiel Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2019 11:42 AM To: Kelly, Naomi (ADM). Cc: Jacobson, Caitlin (ADM) Subject: Re: Nice to meet you

Hi Naomi,

I wondered if we could resuscitate this thread? Would you be interested in coming to Manny's, maybe with Had an, to talk about what your roles in the City? Perhaps November or December? The two of you together would be such a powerful night. The purpose is to spotlight local civic leaders, tell their stories; and help explain hovv the City works, for the public. So far we've had:

Mayor Breed Phil Ting Phil Ginsburg Ted Egan Ben Rosenfield Katie Forbes Maiy Ellen Carroll Debbie Raphael and a few more I'm sure I'm forgetting.

On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 4:36 PM Kelly, Naomi (ADM) wrote: Hello Manny,

Thank you for inviting me to speak. I copied my assistant, Caitlin, to help schedule. It was great meeting you.


From: Manny Yekutiel. Date: Saturday, Februa1y 23, 2019 at 4;37 PM To: "Kelly, Naomi (ADM)" Subject: Nice to meet you This message is from outside the City email system. Do not open links or attachments from untrusted sources.

Hey Naomi, It's Manny - we met and chatted briefly at the Hamilton afterparty. I also spoke with Harlan for a bit while you were away. You are both so great! I wanted to follow up on coming to speak at Manny's as a pait of our local leaders series in April? We have· April 29th and 30th available if you're J:l'ee? So far vve've had Supervisor Ronen and Mandelman, Ben Rosel).field, and Phil Ginsburg come and speak and have a few more scheduled. I would be honored to have you featured in April if you're free! Timing would be 6:30-8:00 PM with 45 minutes be convei·sation and 45 minute be Q&A about your work.

Manny Yekutiel Founder Manny's 415-203-7122

Manny Yekutiel Founder, Manny's 415-203-7122 Pronouns:He/Him

P400 Saturday1 November 16 1 2019

Public Works Community Clean Team event - District 7 Sat 11/16/2019 8:30 AM - 11 :30 AM

Location: Lowell High School, 1101 Eucalyptus Dr., SF

•Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and the speaking program begins at 9 a.m. •A complimentary lunch will be served at 12 p.m ..after the neighborhood improvements are complete. •Remember to bring your reusable water bottle to help us reduce waste. •Make sure to wear closed-toe shoes and appropriate work clothes. Kay Phan Office of the City Administ.rator City and County of San Francisco City Hall, RM 362, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place San Francisco, CA 94102 kayJ1han@..§.fgQY&Ig I Tel. 415.554.6272 I Fax 415.554.4849

P401 Sunday, November 17, 2019 !ill1l Kelly, Naomi (ADM)

P402 Centers/Shelters/Care - All Hands Meeting

Lindler, Nicole (MYR) Fri 12/6/2019 3:11 PM To: Phan, Kay (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM) < [email protected] > Bi-Monthly discussion of sites, needs, and planning around the following topics:

• Drop in centers • Central shelter • 1000 shelter beds • Meth sobering center " Board and Care acquisitions

P403 Accepted: Happy Hour: Naomi & John

Caldon, John (WAR) Wed 11/20/2019 5:37 PM To: Phan, Kay (ADM) ; Leu, Lihmeei (ADM) ; Khaw, Lynn (ADM)

P404 Leger, Cheryl (BOS)

From: SOTF, (BOS) Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2019 3:17 PM To: Kelly, Naomi (ADM) Cc: [email protected] Subject: SOTF - Complaint Filed with the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force - File No. 19136 Attachments: SOTF - Complaint Procedure 2019-10-02 FINAL.pdf; 19136 Complaint.pdf

Good Afternoon:

Naomi Kelly and the Office of the City Administrator have been named as Respondents in the attached complaint filed with the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force. Please respond to the following complaint/request within five business days. ·

The Respondent is required to submit a written response to the allegations including any and all . supporting documents, recordings, electronic media, etc., to the Task Force within five (5) business days of receipt of this notice. This is your opportunity to provide a full explanation to allow the Task Force to be fully informed in considering your response prior its meeting.

Please include the following information in your response if applicable:

1. List all relevant records with descriptions that have been provided pursuant to the Complainant request. 2. Date the relevant records were provided to the Complainant. 3. Description of the method used, along with any relevant search terms used, to search for the relevant records. 4. Statement/declaration that all relevant documents have been provided, does not exist, or has been excluded. 5. Copy of the original request for records (if applicable).

Please refer to the File Number when submitting any new information and/or supporting documents pertaining to this complaint.

The Complainant alleges: Complaint Attached.

Cheryl Leger Assistant Clerk, Board of Supervisors Tel: 415-554-7724

Click here to complete a Board of Supervisors Customer Service Satisfaction form.

The Legislative Research Center provides 24-hour access to Board of Supervisors legislation, and archived matters since August 1998.

Disclosures: Personal information that is provided in communications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco.Sunshine Ordinance. Personal information provided will not be redacted. Members of the public are not required to provide personal identifying information when they communicate with the Board ofSupervisors and its committees. All written or oral communications that members of the public submit to the Clerk's Office regarding pending legislation or hearings will be made available to all members of the public for inspection and copying. The Clerk's Office does not redact any information from these submissions. This means that personal information-including names, phone numbers, addresses and similar information that a member of the public elects to submit to

1 P405 Leger, Cheryl (BOS)

From: SOTF, (BOS) Sent: Monday, January 13, 2020 3:22 PM To: '[email protected]'; Heckel, Hank (MYR); '79182-05441065'; Gerull, Linda (TIS); 'D'Amato, Nina (TIS)'; '79356-20639593'; Nuru, Mohammed (DPW); Steinberg, David (DPW); 'S'; Vien, Veronica (DPH); Ludwig, Theresa (FIR); 'Con Rad'; Peters, Michelle (PUC); [email protected]; Cox, Andrew (POL); Makstman, Michael (TIS); Licudine­ Barker, Arlene (TIS); 'Anonymous'; '[email protected]'; 'Cote, John (CAT)'; '[email protected]'; Hirsch, Bob (POL); Taylor, Damali (POL); Mazzucco, Thomas (POL); Hamasaki, John (POL); Elias, Cindy (POL); Brookter, Dion-Jay (POL); Campbell, Jayme (POL); Blackman, Sue (LIB); 'Kniha, Paul'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Rosenfield, Ben (CON); '[email protected]'; Krell, Rebekah (ART); '84031-44127205'; 'Scott, William (POL)'; Cox, Andrew (POL); Rodriguez, Brian (POL); Andraychak, Michael (POL); Bastian, Alex (DAT); '84162-44435865'; Cisneros, Jose (TTX); Buckley, Theresa (TTX); '[email protected]'; '84168-39742724'; Carroll, Maryellen (DEM); 84164-62563184; Maguire, Tom (MTA); 'Celaya, Caroline'; '84166-59035583'; Reiter, Rob (ADM); Mazzola, Lori (ADM); Miyamoto, Paul (SHF); Kelleher, William (SHF); '[email protected]'; Kelly, Naomi (ADM);, ADMSunshinerequests (ADM); '[email protected]'; 'Megan Bourne'; Campbell, Thomas (FAM); '[email protected]'; Buick, Jeanne (HRD); Voong, Henry (HRD); Gard, Susan (HRD); Voong, Henry (HRD); '[email protected]'; '84168-39742724'; Wilson, James (SHF); '83876-31149286'; Henderson, Paul (DPA); Rosenstein, Diana (DPA); Polk, Mary (DPA); Wargo-Wilson, Stephanie (DPA); Campbell, Jayme (POL); 'cjkohrs' Subject: SOTF - Notice of Appearance to Determine Jurisdiction - Compliance and Amendments Committee; January 28, 2020 •

Good Afternoon:

Notice is hereby given that the Compliance and Amendments Committee of the S:unshine· Ordinance Task Force shall hold hearings on complaints listed below to determine if the Task Force has jurisdiction pursuant to Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Section 67.2l(e). A hearing to review the merits of the complaint will be scheduled on a future date. ·

The Complainant and Respondent are NOT REQUIRED to attend the January 28, 2020, Committee meeting but may attend to provide testimony related to the above listed determinations only.

Date: January 28, 2020

Location: City Hall, Room 408

Time: 4:30 p.m.


P406 File No. 19091: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Mayor London Breed, the Office of the Mayor, Hank Heckel, Sean Eisbemd, Andres Power, Andrea Bruss, Marj on Philhour, Jeff Cretan, Sophia Kittler for allegedly violating Administrative Code, (Sunshine Ordinance) Sections 67.21, 67.26, 67.27 and 67.29-7, by failing to respond to a request for public records in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19094: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Linda Gerull and the Department of Technology for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21, 67.25, 67.26 and 67.27 by failing to respond to a public records request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19097: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Public Works for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21, 67.26 and 67.27, by failing to respond to a public records request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19109: Complaint filed by Stephen Malloy against Dept. of Public Health for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.24, 67.25, 67.26 and 67.27 by failing to respond to a public records request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19110: Complaint filed by Stephen Malloy against the Fire Department for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.24, 67.25, 67.26 and 67.27 by failing to respond to a public records request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No:19117: Complaint filed by Comad Wu against the Public Utilities Commission for allegedly violating Administrative Code, (Sunshine Ordinance) Sections 67 .25 by failing to respond to a public records request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19118: Complaint filed by Paul Ondik against the Police Department for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67 .21 (b ), by failing to respond to a records request. in a timely and/or complete mann~r. ,

File No. 19119: Complaint filed by Anonymous against the Department of Technology for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21 (b ), 67.26 and 67 .27 by failing to respond to a public records request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19120: Complaint filed by Anonymous against the Office of the City Attorney for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67 .21 (b )(c ), 67 .26, 67.27, by failing to respond to a request for public records in a timely and/or complete manner; failing to justify withholding of records and failing to provide assistance.

File No. 19121: Complaint filed by Anonymous against the Police Commission for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.2l(b)(k), 67.26 and 67.27, by failing to respond to a public records request in a timely and/or complete manner; withholding more than the minimum and failing to justify withholding.

File No. 19122: Complaint filed by Anonymous aga\nst City Librarian Michael Lambert and the Public Library for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Section 67.25, by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19123: Complaint filed by Paul Kniha against the San Francisco Municipal Executive Association for allegedly violating Administrative Code, (Sunshine Ordinance), Section 67 .21, by failing to respond to a public records request in a timely and/or complete manner.

2 P407 File No. 19125: Complaint filed by Anonymous against the Controller's Office for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21(b)(c)(k), 67.26, 67.27, by failing to respond to a request for records in a timely and/or complete manner, failing to assist, withheld more than the minimally exempt portion of a public record, failing to justify withholdings with clear reference to exemption statute or case law and failing to provide an exact copy of records.

File No. 19126: Complaint filed by Ann Treboux against the San Francisco Arts Commission for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Section 67.25, by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19128: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Chief William Scott, Sgt. Brian Rodriguez, Michael Andraychak and the Police Department for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21, 67.25, 67.26, 67.27 and 67.29-7(a), by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner. ·

File No. 19130: Complaint filed by Stephen Malloy against and the District Attorney's Office for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Section 67 .21, by failing to respond to a public records request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19131: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Jose Cisneros, Theresa Buckley and the Treasurer's Office for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67 .21, 67.24, 67.26, 67.27, by failing to respond to a request for records in a timely and/or complete manner, failing to assist, withheld more than the minimally exemp.t portion of a public record.

File No. 19132: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Mary Ellen Carroll and the Department of Emergency Management for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21 and 67.25, by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or compli;te manner.

File No. 19133: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Tom Maguire and the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21and67.25, by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19134: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Rob Reiter and City Hall Building Management for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67 .21 and 67.25 by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19135: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Vicki Hennessy and the Sheriffs Department for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21 and 67.25 by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19136: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Naomi Kelly and the Office of the City Administrator for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67 .21 and 67.25 by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19137: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Thomas P. Campbell and the Fine Arts Museum for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21, 67.25 and 67.34 by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

P4oa File No. 19138: Complaint filed by Stephen Malloy against the University of California, Regents of the University of California, for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67 .21, by failing to respond to a public records request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19139: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Jeanne Buick, Henry Voong and the Department of Human Resources for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.24, 67.26 and 67.27(a), by withholding public records.

File No. 19140: Complaint filed by Stephen Malloy againsUhe Department of Human Resources for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21and 67.25, by failing to respond to a request for public records in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19141: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Chief William Scott and the Police Department for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21 and 67.25, by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19143: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Sheriff Vicki Hennessy, James Wilson and the Sheriffs Department for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67 .24, 67.25 and 67.27, by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19144: Complaint filed by Anonymous against the Department of Police Accountability for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections, 67.21, 67.24, 67.26 and 67.27, by failing to respond to a public records request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19145: Complaint filed by Anonymous against the Police Commission for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.5 and 67.21, by failing to respond to a public records request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19146: Complaint filed by Anonymous against City Librarian Michael Lambert and the Public Library for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Section 67.21, by failing to request for public records in a timely and/or complete manner.

The agenda and packet material for the meeting is available online at the following link:

Cheryl Leger Assistant Clerk, Board ofSupervisors Tel: 415-554-7724

Click here to complete a Board of Supervisors Customer Service Satisfaction fo1m.

The Legislative Research Center provides 24-hour access to Board of Supervisors legislation, and archived matters since August 1998.

Disclosures: Personal information that is provided in communications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance. Personal information provided will not be redacted. Members of the public are not required to provide personal identifying information when they

P409 Leger, Cheryl (BOS)

From: Anonymous < [email protected] > Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2020 12:51 PM To: SOTF, (BOS) Subject: Status of files - Mar 5, 2020 Attachments: signature.asc

• 19044, 19091, 19108 - 3 Cases won at full SOTF awaiting Order of Determination • 19047 - 1 Case won with OD, needs Compliance Committee review due to Mayor's non-compliance • 19103, 19112 - 2 Waiting Full SOTF (Committee completed) • >60 cases waiting Committee - 19097, 19098 (continued), 19113, 19119 (next), 19120, 19121, 19124, 19125, 19127,19128, 19131,19132, 19133,19134, 19136,19137,19139,19141,19143,19144,20005,20006,20009, 20014,20015, 20016,20017,20018,20019,20020,20021,20022,20024,20025,20026,20027,20028,20030, 20031,20032,20033,20036,20037,20039,20040,20041,20042,20043,20044,20045,20046,20047,20048, 20049,20050,20051,20052,20053,20054,20057,20059


NOTE: Nothing herein is legal, IT, or professional advice of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to all warranties of merchantability or fitness. In no' event shall the author be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever. The digital signature (signature.asc attachment), if any, in this email is not an indication of a binding agreement or offer; it merely authenticates the. sender. Please do not include any confidential information, as I intend that these communications with the government all be disclosable public records.



P410 Leger, Che I (BOS)

From: SOTF, (BOS) Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 12:33 PM To: Steinberg, David (DPW); [email protected]; 76435-93915115; Cox, Andrew (POL); [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Buell, Mark (REC); [email protected]; Cote, John (CAT); BAUMGARTNER, MARGARET (CAT); CityAttorney (CAT); Licudine-Barker, Arlene (TIS); Gerull, Linda (TIS); Makstman, Michael (TIS); [email protected]; [email protected]; Cote, John (CAT); CityAttorney (CAT); WALSH, MOIRA (CAT); CLARK, JANA (CAT); SNODGRASS, WAYNE (CAT); SHEN, ANDREW (CAT); RUSSI, BRAD (CAT); RIES, DAVID (CAT); CABRERA, ALICIA (CAT); ZAREFSKY, PAUL (CAT); MINTY, SCOTT (CAT); GIVNER, JON (CAT); COOLBRITH, ELIZABETH (CAT); BUT A, ODAY A (CAT); 80239-52834911 ®; Hirsch, Bob (POL); Taylor, Damali (POL); De Jesus, Peterkent (POL); Hamasaki, John (POL); [email protected]; Brookter, Dion-Jay (POL); Campbell, Jayme (POL); Patterson, Kate (LIB); Lambert, Michael (LIB); Krell, Rebekah (ART); 84031-44127205; Cox, Andrew (POL); Scott, William (POL); Rodriguez, Brian (POL); Andraychak, Michael (POL); SGM; Bastian, Alex (DAT); Boudin, Chesa (DAT); [email protected]; Cisneros, Jose (TTX); 84182-48147675;,ADMSunshinerequests (ADM); Kelly, Naomi (ADM); [email protected]; [email protected]; Voong, Henry (HRD); Buick, Jeanne (HRD); McHale, Maggie (HRD); [email protected]; Scott, William (POL); [email protected]; Miyamoto, Paul (SHF); [email protected]; Youngblood, Stacy (POL); [email protected] Subject: SOTF - Waiver of the 45-Day Rule

Dear SOTF Petitioners, Respondents and other Stakeholders:

As you most likely know SOTF operations have been delayed over the last few months due to the Covid-19 emergency. The SOTF have started to conduct remote meetings via videoconference and are working to establish procedures to resume all operations including the processing of complaints.

While the Sunshine Ordinance requires that certain actions be taken within 45 days, the Covid-19 emergency has forced delays and immense new backlogs for complaint hearings. We write today to ask if you are willing to waive the 45 day rule for your complaint.

The SOTF intends to resume hearing complaints on a limited basis and complaints will be queued to be heard in the near future. We continue to work tQ address technical issues posed by remote meetings. We are aware of the time sensitivity of your records requests. Please be assured that the SOTF appreciates the urgency of your matters and the importance of handling them in a timely manner.

If you have further questions about your files or have other issues, please feel free to email the SOTF Administrator at the email below.

Cheryl Leger Assistant Clerk, Board of Supervisors [email protected] Tel: 415-554-7724 Fax: 415-554-5163

1 P411 Leger, Cheryl (BOS)

From:. SOTF, (BOS) Sent: Friday, November 6, 2020 9:18 AM To: [email protected]; Reiter, Rob (ADM); Mazzola, Lori (ADM); [email protected];,ADMSunshinerequests (ADM); Kelly, Naomi (ADM); Patterson, Kate (LIB); Lambert, Michael(LIB) Subject: SOTF - Notice of Appearance - Complaint Committee: November 17, 2020, 5:30 p.m. ·

Good Afternoon:

Notice is hereby given that the Complaint Committee (Committee) of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force (Task Force) shall hold hearings on complaints listed below to: 1) determine if the Task Force has jurisdiction; 2) review the merits of the complaints; and/or 3) issue a report and/or recommendation to the Task Force ..

Date: November 17, 2020

Location: Remote Meeting

Time: 5:30 p.m.

Complainants: Your attendance is required for this meeting/hearing.

Respondents/Departments: Pursuant to Section 67.21 ( e) of the Ordinance, the custodian of records or a representative of your department, who can speak to the matter~ is required at the meeting/hearing.


File No. 19134: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Rob Reiter and City Hall Building Management for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21 and 67.25 by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19136: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Naomi Kelly.and the Office of the City Administrator for allegedly violating Administrative. Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21 and 67.25 by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely .and/or complete manner.

File No. 19122: Complaint filed by Anonymous against City Librarian Michael Lambert and the Public Library for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Section 67.25, by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19146: Complaint filed by Anonymous against City Librarian Michael Lambert and the Public Library for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Section 67.21, by failing to request for public records in a timely and/or complete manner.

Documentation (evidence supporting/disputing ~om plaint)

For a document to be considered, it must be received at least five (4) working days before the hearing. For inclusion into the agenda packet, supplemental/supporting documents must be received by 5:00 pm, November12, 2020;

P412 Chery 1 Leger Assistant Clerk, Board of Supervisors Tel: 415-554-7724

Click here to complete a Board of Supervisors Customer Service Satisfaction form.

The Legislative Research Center provides 24-hour access to Board of Supervisors legislation, and archived matters since August 1998.

Disclosures: Personal information that is provided in c01nmunications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance. Personal information provided will not be redacted. Members ofthe public are not required to provide personal identifying information when they communicate with the Board ofSupervisors and its committees. All written or oral communications that members of the public submit to the Clerk's Office regarding pending legislation or hearings will be made available to all members of the public for inspection and copying. The Clerk's Office does not redact any information from these submissions. This means that personal information-including names, phone numbers, addresses and similar information that a member ofthe public elects to submit to the Board and its committees-may appear on the Board ofSupervisors website or in other public documents that members ofthe public may inspect or copy.

P413 Leger, Cheryl (BOS)

From: SOTF, (BOS) Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 4:12 PM To: Maria Schulman; Donohue, Virginia (ADM); '[email protected]'; Cisneros, Jose (TTX); Fried, Amanda (TTX); Chu, Carmen (ADM); Reiter, Rob (ADM); Mazzola, Lori (ADM); '[email protected]'; 'SGM'; McHale, Maggie (HRD); Voong, Henry (HRD); '[email protected]'; Buick, Jeanne (HRD) Subject:· SOTF - Notice of Appearance, March 3, 2021 - Sunshine Ordinance Task Force; 4:00 PM; Remote Meeting Attachments: SOTF - Complaint Procedure 2019-10-02 FINAL.pdf

Good Afternoon:

You are receiving this notice because you are named as a Complainant or Respondent in the following complaints scheduled before the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force to: 1) hear the merits of the complaint; 2) issue a determination; and/or 3) consider referrals from a Task Force Committee.

Date: March 3, 2021

Location: Remote Meeting

Time: 4:00 p.m.

Complainants: Your attendance is required for this meeting/hearing. Remote meeting information can be found on the cover page of the Agenda.

Respondents/Departments: Pursuant to Section 67.21 (e) of the Ordinance, the custodian ofrecords or a representative of your department, who can speak to the matter, is required at the meeting/hearing.


File No. 19076: Reconsideration of SOTF findings and Order of Determination - Complaint filed by Maria Schulman against Animal Care and Control, for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Section 67.21, by failing to respond to a request for public records in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19131: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Jose Cisneros, Theresa Buckley and the Treasurer's Office for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21, 67.24, 67.26, 67.27, by failing to respond to a request for records in a timely and/or complete manner, failing to assist, withheld more than the minimally exempt portion of a public record.

File No. 19134: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Rob Reiter and City Hall Building Management for . allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21 and 67.25 by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19136: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Naomi Kelly and the Office of the City Administrator for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21and67.25 by failing to respond to an Immediate Disclosure Request in a timely and/or complete manner.

1 P414 File No. 19140: Complaint filed by Stephen Malloy against the Department of Human Resources for violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67.21, 67.24(h), 67.26, 67.27 and 67.25, by failing to respond to a request for public records in a timely and/or complete manner.

File No. 19139: Complaint filed by Anonymous against Jeanne Buick, Henry Voong and the Department of Human Resources for allegedly violating Administrative Code (Sunshine Ordinance), Sections 67 .24(h), by failing to cite a prohibited deliberative process exemption, 67.26 for failing to keep withholding to a minimum and (67.27), for failing to provide justification of withholding a document.

Documentation (evidence supporting/disputing complaint)

For a document to be considered, it must be received at least three (4) working days before the hearing (see attached Public Complaint Procedure).

For inclusion in the agenda packet, supplemental/supporting documents must be received by 5:00 pm, February 25, 2021.

Cheryl Leger Assistant Clerk, Board of Supervisors Tel: 415-554-7724

Click here to complete a Board of Supervisors Customer Service Satisfaction form.

The Legislative Research Center provides 24-hour access to Board of Supervisors legislation, and archived matters since August 1998.

Disclosures: Personal information that is provided in communications to the Board of Supervisors is subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act and the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance. Personal information provided will not be redacted. Members ofthe public are not required to provide personal identifying information when they communicate with the Board ofSupervisors and its committees. All written or oral commimications that members ofthe public submit to the Clerk's Office regarding pending legislation or hearings will be made available to all members of the public for inspection and copying. The Clerk's Office does not redact any informationfi·om these submissions. This means

that personal iriformation-including. names, phone. numbers, addresses and similar information that a member of the public elects to submit to the Board and its committees-may appear on the Board of Supervisors website or in other public documents that members of the public may inspect or copy.

Chery 1 Leger Assistant Clerk, Board of Supervisors Tel: 415-554-7724

Click here to complete a Board of Supervisors Customer Service Satisfaction form.

The Legislative Research Center provides 24-hour access to Board of Supervisors legislation, and archived matters since August 1998.

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