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The Label on your Our Subscription paper shows the Date list grows steadily to which you are with each issue. Are Paid. Look you on it? HE CAJifiOLL RECORD. MP" JUNE 1, 1901. EB1.00 Per Year. Vol. '7., No. 48. TA_NRYTOWN, MA_ITYLA_ND,SATURDAY ., New Windsor.-Mary Watson (col- Circuit Court Proceedings. Watson, died at Brief Items of General Interest. C. E. Entertainment. CASES. WEEKLY CORRESPONDENCE. ored), wife of Wm. LUTHERAN GENERAL SYNOD. THE PORTO RICO the home of her daughter,Ida Holton FIRE IN TANEYTOWN. State of Md. vs Byron Butler; burg- Annan, daughter of Mr. The entertainment, under the au- in • furnished by near New Windsor, on Tuesday night Miss Emily Act Sustained lary and larceny; plea of guilty The Latest Items of News of about Isaac S. Annan, will be married to effected, W. S. Freas, LI, D., spices of the Lutheran C. E. Society The Legality of the Foraker of lar- 21st. inst., after an illness Stock of the People's Bargain House, and Organization successfully render- third count in the indictment cramp colic, aged 49 Mr. Walter Rodney Burton at the of this place, was by prisoner; sentenced Regular Contributors. three days of ed Thursday night before a large and by the U. S. Supreme Court. ceny confessed years. Burial at Mt. Olive on Friday, Damaged. residence of her parents, Craggystone Elected President, confined in the RECORD must Eckenrode's Store-room, appreciative audience, in accord with by the court to be All communications for the after services conducted by Rev. Emmitsburg, Md., on Tuesday after- The following is the Baltimore Her- Maryland Penitentiary, for the peri- be signed by the writer's own name; not nec- were start- o'clock. Des Moines, Iowa, May 29.-Perfect the program published in last week's essarily for publication, but as an evidence Walker. of Westminster. The citizens of the town noon, June 11th., at 3.30 ald's summary of the decision of the od of three years. Weant for state, transmitted are led by the cry of fire, about 2 o'clock weather greeted the arrival of the issue. The character of the exercises Ri- that the matters and facts Miss Louie Utz, daughter of Henry Luther- innocent, U. S. Supreme Court in the Porto Steele for prisoner. legitimate and correct. Items of a mischiev- the home of the latter on morning, which very members of the Evangelical were just as represented; are not wanted. Utz, died at Wednesday It is said that when Mr. John K. co cases, handed down on Monday State of Md. vs Artie Thomas; lar- ous character con- fortunately had been seen in the an General Synod here this morning, pure, piquant and humorous,and the verdict of Wednesday night, 22nd. inst., of Cowan retires from the presidency of by St. numbers of the program last; ceny. Tried before jury; 20 years. Funeral store-room of the Eckenrode building and the welcome extended different has not been, discharged.Weant Union Bridge.-Rev. J. H. Brunges, sumption, aged the B. & 0. R. R., he is to be appoint- John's Lutheran church, Rev. Dr. were well received and highly enjoy- "(1) that Porto Rico not guilty;prisoner last Saturday morning. Interment at at the public square, by Dr. Chas. W. ed general counsel for the Pennsyl- since the treaty of Paris, a foreign for state, Henning and Steele for pastor of the M. E. church, delivered as he was returning from a Wirt pastor, and the community was ed, if we dare be guided by the loud very fine and instructive sermon Pipe Creek te. B. cemetery. Weaver, vania, and the B. Ss 0. companies, refreshing. country, but territory of the United prisoner. a repairs professional call in the country. This likewise most cordial and applause of the assembly. duties burglary; Sunday eyening, May 26th.,to a large Mr. L. Diehlinau is making and that his present salary of $30,000 delegates came with Tambourine Drill was pretty States, and that consequently State of Md. vs Levi Hall, for the better accommo- room had been lately rented and op- A majority of the The Dingley act apply- confessed by state. attentive and appreciative audience. to his house a year is to be continued. the morning trains, those from Mary- and very well performed; the recita- levied under the plea of not guilty dation of their summer boarders, ened as a clothing and dry goods ing specifically to the products of Weant for state,and Steele for prison- His theme was "The Spirit of God's store under the name and style of land and Washington coming here by tions were in a light happy vein, but Workman." who will 60011 be making their ap- In an interview in the Balthnore of good training in the foreign countries were illegally collect- er. "The People's Bargain House." Mr. the Rock Island route. gave evidenc from Porto vs Levi T. Lee; assault The Sunday school of St. James' pearance here again. Herald, Mayor Hayes announces that The first assemblage took place to- art of elecution; the Peak Sisters ed upon importations State of Md. Miss Joanna Kleefisch has also been Chas. A. Elliot who lives on the op- Rico, and (2) that, while Porto Rico is and battery; tried before the court. Lutheran church will hold children's- he is out of politics and will take no night, regular public worship being were unique and conspicuous, giving evening June making extensive improvements to posite corner was the first of the fire- also territory of the United State, it is not Verdict guilty and fined $1.00 and day service, Sunday he says that the active part in the fall campaign, conducted by the officers of the body. rise to much laughter by their songs service prepared by her property, which adds greatly to men to respond, and get along better included within "the United States," costs. Weant for state and Reifsni- 9th., at 7.30; the fire originated under a counter in the that he expects to The official sermon was delivered by and antics, individually and collect- the Orphan's Home at Loysville, will its appearance. with the republican council than he Prof. S. F. Turvey Song" was as those words are used in the uni- der & Grimes for traverser. the rear of the room. With the aid of a the retiring president, ively; "Topsy of the heretofore be used. Mr. U G. Heltibridle has had did with the democratic. D. D., of Springfield, and the change from head, formity of the duties clause Frank Edwards, having paper- small hand machine he succeeded, as- Breckenridge, funny, consequently of larceny, sentenced Calantha Lodge No. 133, Knights of whole house that he occupies, Ohio. It was a strong and eloquent and apparently to foot, were surpris- Constitution, and that pleaded guilty ed. sisted by Mr. T. H. Eckenrode, the the Foraker tariff act for Porto Rico to jail for 10 days. Pythias, will give an entertainment owner of the building, in keeping the The marriage of Miss Georgia address based on the words of Holy ingly sudden and amusing; the Male in town hall, Tuesday evening, June Two young ladies, daughters of and ap- is constitutional and the duties leyied Mary C. Bush vs Margaret A. Bush fire down, although the smoke was Franklin to Mr. George R. Gehr, Scripture-I Samuel, vii, 12: Quartette afforded variety verdict for 4th. Some talent from the city will Adam Englar, of Ohio, have been vis- General Synod of the not lack appreciation on under it upon Porto Rican importa- and Warren L. Bush; cousin, Mrs. Wil- already intense, until the arrival of cashier of the 1st. National Bank of May 30.-The parently did Damages were assessed at be present to assist them. iting their aunt and Satur- Evangelical Lutheran Church effect- the part of the audience; "Timothy tions are legal. plaintiff. son Engler, and Mrs. Jessie Lambert, the fire company,which soon succeed- Westminster, will take place The duties collected under the $120. Miss Ellena Stouffer and friend, of ed in extinguishing the flames. day June 1st., 1901, at fiye-thirty ed its organization this morning with- Delano's Courtship," a two-act farce, spent Saturday and in this place. W. S. gave rise Dingley act are to be refunded; those State of Md. vs Charles M, Hamer; Walkersville, o'clock at Centenary M. E. church, out any friction. Rev. Dr. was very well executed and are Plea of Sunday with Miss Marie Senseney, on Mr. John C. Buckey, as assignee of The fortunate early discovery of the was elected pres- amusement, each character collected under the Foraker act larceny of clover seed, etc. sale, on Westminster, Md. Frees, of Baltimore, to much by prisoner. West Broadway. mortgagee, sold at public fire, the prompt and energetic action ident on the first ballot, receiving 120 performing their part in a natural un- held good. guilty confessed Wednesday 29th., the farm known as of the Fire Company and citizens,and The full power of Congress to legis- Mr. and Mrs. George battings, of has commuted the votes, and Rey. Dr. Luther E. Albert, affected manner. Miss E. S. Reindol- McKaig, spent a few days this week the Abram Hoop property, one mile an ample and ever ready supply of The Governor receive late for the territories,unembarraseed The following is the report of the sentence of Matthew Cheers, colored, of Germantown, Philadelphia, lar who impersonated the character of with their daughter, Mrs. William south of New Windsor, containing water, has again not only saved the 4 scattering and some not of "Colored Maid of all Work," acted by the constitutional limitation Grand Jury: a to Dr.