ISSN 1334-854X design skala

Ruđer Bošković Institute Annual Report 2005

Ruđer Bošković Institute

Annual Report 2005

Zagreb, 2006. Editorial Board: Editor: Nela Pivac

Members: Stjepko Fazinić Bogumil Obelić Karolj Skala David Smith Kata Majerski Jadranka Stojanovski Mladen Žinić

Technical Support: Photographer: Josip Uhrl Graphic Design and Technical Processing: Faculty of Graphic Arts, University of Zagreb Print run of 850 copies Web edition:

Address: Ruđer Bošković Institute Bijenička cesta 54, P.O.Box 180 HR-10002 Zagreb, Croatia

Contact: URL: e-mail: [email protected] tel: +385 1 45 61 111 fax: +385 1 46 80 084

Copyright © 2006 by RBI ISSN 1334-854X Contents

Introduction ...... 1

Theoretical Physics Division ...... 11

Division of Experimental Physics ...... 15

Division of Materials Physics ...... 23

Division of Laser and Atomic Research and Development ...... 29

Division of Electronics ...... 33

Division of Physical Chemistry ...... 37

Division of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ...... 43

Division of Materials Chemistry ...... 49

Division of Molecular Biology ...... 55

Division of Molecular Medicine ...... 59

Division of Marine and Environmental Research ...... 69

Center for Marine Research ...... 77

Center for Informatics and Computing ...... 79

Center for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ...... 85

Library ...... 89 Welcome to the Ruđer Bošković Institute These tasks may seem difficult and too ambi- Annual report 2005. The report presents selected tious, but the ongoing changes in almost all information and examples of the main achieve- segments of the society including systems of ments that illustrate the activity of the RBI education, economy, legal system, science and in its main areas of work. Rudjer Bošković the technology sector are all aimed to approach Institute, as the largest Croatian research institu- the EU standards in the near future. tion, occupies a special position in the society, being on one side the most promising place for The following pages of the report show the scientific carriers of many young Croatians, and fruits of the honest efforts and devoted work of on the other side it is perceived as the guarantor our scientists, and also to which extent the mis- for faster development of Croatian society based sion of the Institute was fulfilled in 2005. To them on knowledge. Hence, to fulfil these expectations and all staff goes my sincere thanks, and further the consensual mission of the Institute incorpo- to the Croatian Ministry of Science, Eduaction rates three main tasks: and Sport, as our main funding institution. We sincerely hope that in the future we will do even - to sustain and further develop the high better. quality of basic research in domains of physics, chemistry, biology, biomedicine and marine and environmental research, - to contribute to higher education at Croatian Director of Ruđer Bošković Institute universities particularly at the postgraduate level, and Professor Mladen Žinić, PhD - to create intellectual property, commer- cialize knowledge and collaborate with domes- tic industry and contribute to further economic development of Croatia. Introduction

INTRODUCTION were described by researchers of Division of Materials Physics who successfully pre- The overall performance of the Rudjer pared silicon nanostructures. New inorganic Bošković Institute in 2005 continued at the materials including solid solutions, zeolites, high levels attained in 2004. This year also new hydrogen storage materials (Division saw the initiation of some new activities, of Materials Chemistry) and supramolecu- such as increased efforts toward collabo- lar gels as new controllable soft materials ration with domestic industry and regional (Division of Organic Chemistry) were pre- Universities as well as partial reorganisa- pared. Photo-induced conversion of DNA tion. Despite these new efforts, the level of non-binding to DNA-binding molecules was achievement in basic research in chemistry, reported which provides new concept of physics, biology, oceanography and biomed- photodynamic cancer therapy. The synthe- icine remained unchanged. The best results, sis of a new superbase HMPN, being the achievements and activities of each of the most basic “proton sponge” synthesized so RBI Divisions and Centres are highlighted in far was also achieved (Division of Organic the following pages of this report. Chemistry). In addition to their research activities, the Centre for Information and Of the many important results realized Computing Sciences and the Library provid- in 2005, a select few rate specific mention. ed most valuable contributions in the infor- For example, the AFM imaging of the giant mation and communication sectors, being of gel formed in the Northern Adriatic was the highest importance for the functioning of performed for the very first time (Division the entire Institute. of Marine and Environmental Research). Three young researchers of the Theoretical The majority of the scientific results pro- Physics Division developed a new approach duced in 2005 were published in high rank- to the numerical calculation of problems in ing international Journals. These scientific electrostatics; their “Robin Hood” method achievements should be considered with shows excellent properties, surpassing the pride, particularly in the context of the con- R B I

currently used methods in terms of both siderable time and effort that was devoted A n

speed and accuracy. New important results to the first and usually most difficult steps n u a

were achieved in molecular medicine where towards reorganizing the Institute and rede- l


DNA analysis of patients revealed a total of 5 fining its goals and tasks. New tasks were e p o

different as yet uncharacterized point muta- defined in order to fulfil the needs of the r t


tions in the SAHH gene, which causes seri- developing Croatian economy and higher 0 0 ous health problems with a possible lethal education system and to contribute to gen- 5 .

outcome (Division of Molecular Medicine). eral development of the society in order to Also the first steps toward nano-science comply with the standards necessary for

1 the EU membership. On January 31, the Mainz and, Prof. Helmut Schwartz from the new Statute and several other new docu- Institut für Chemie,Technische Universität, ments were put into power which brought Berlin. During the visit of Prof.Lehn, the important novelties in the organisational collaboration with the Embassy of France structure and functioning of the Institute and in Zagreb was initiated. In November the also implemented new, higher standards Memorandum on Collaboration between for (scientific) professional promotion. The the RBI and the Embassy of France in changes were designed to increase the effi- Zagreb was signed by the ambassador, his ciency of administration and management, Excellency Mr. Francois Saint-Paul. By this to increase the quality and productivity of agreement, the most generous financial scientific research, to stimulate international support provided by the Embassy shall be scientific collaboration (particularly partici- used to cover the short visits to RBI of up pation of RBI scientists in the networks to 3 eminent French scientists per year. constituting the European Research Area), Undoubtedly, such visits will contribute to to increase the contribution of RBI sci- further improvement of RBI science and also entists in higher education and last but strengthen the collaboration between RBI not least to enhance commercialisation of and French scientists in various fields. knowledge, innovations and intensify the In 2005, the Institute continued with orga- collaboration with domestic industry. The nization of the “Open Days” aimed to fully changes included restructuring of the large inform public on RBI activities and achieve- and inoperative Scientific Council consist- ments. From the 21st to the 23rd of ing of close to 130 scientists to a more May, more than 4200 visitors entered the operative body of only 29 members. By the Institute’s facilities, attended lectures on Statute, the establishment of the Agency for scientific activities and witnessed interest- innovations, an RBI owned company for the ing experiments and use of sophisticated commercialization of knowledge, was insti- scientific equipment. It is highly encouraging gated. In accordance with the goal of further that the vast majority of the visitors were RBI internationalisation, the International young people; this fact reveals the high level Scientific Board (ISB) was established in of interest for science amongst the younger 2005 consisting of 5 eminent scientists generation and suggests a rather safe future


5 from each field (chemistry, physics, molecu- for Croatian science. 0 0

2 lar biology, biomedicine and oceanology) In March, the Institute hosted a delega-

t r

o constituting a Board of 25 members alto- tion from the Netherlands headed by her p

e gether. Four distinguished members of the Excellency Ms Maria van der Hoeven, Minister R


a Board visited the Institute already in 2005: of Education, Culture and Science. In May, u

n the Nobel Prize winner and the founder of the Institute was visited by the Minister of n A

I supramolecular chemistry Prof. Jean-Marie State for Science and Technology of Japan, B

R Lehn, Prof. Egon Matijević from Clarkson his Excellency Yasufumi Tanahashi and later University, Potsdam, USA; Prof. Werner the same month by a high level delegation Müller-a from Institut für Physiologische from the Ministry of Science of India, headed Chemie, Johannes Gutemberg-Universität by Mr. Y. P. Kumar, Head of International 2 Cooperation and Mr. S.K. Varshney, a sci- leagues and experts from the Max Planck entist from the International Division. On that Geselschaft, Dr. Berthold Neizert, Head of occasion the bilateral India-Croatia agree- the Division of International Relations and ment on scientific cooperation and financial Dr. Stefan Echinger, Head of the Division of support for collaborative research projects Strategic Planning, who shared their experi- was announced. It is noteworthy and impres- ence with us during their short visit to the sive that the first call for the bilateral projects Institute, was most valuable. was announced already in September of In 2005 the RBI was endowed with valu- 2005. In addition to those outlined above, able new equipment. Through the combined the Institute hosted many other distinguished support of the Ministry of Science Education foreign guests during 2005. These included and Sports and IAEA, the Department of Walter Truett Anderson, the president of the Experimental Physics became the owner of World Academy of Art and Sciences, San new Tandetron Accelerator. The small open- Francisco; Prof. Frank Gannon, executive ing ceremony was witnessed by the Deputy director of EMBO and Mr. Iain W. Mattaj, Director General of the IAEA, Dr. Werner FRS, director general of EMBL, Dr. Viktor Burkhardt. Stefov, Head of Department of Science, A number of foreign scientists have vis- Ministry of Education and Science of the ited the Institute during 2005 and delivered Republic of Macedonia, the directors or interesting lectures. Traditionally, the RBI high representatives of the INRIA, Austrian has organized the Institute’s Colloquia for Research Promotion Agency, European many years and in 2005 more than 30 lec- Commission Joint Research Centre, IC2 tures were delivered including more than Institute of the University of Texas at Austin, 20 delivered by foreign scientists or by NIH and NSF. In general, strengthening of Croatian scientists working abroad. The the international collaboration particularly by member of the RBI International Scientific active participation in the collaborative proj- Board (ISB), Jean-Marie Lehn gave a lec- ects of EU networks was defined as one of ture on “Supramolecular Chemistry and Self- the Institute’s primary goals. In this context Organisation by Design and By Selection” in the meeting of the COST D27 action on the a fully crowded lecture hall. Also the lectures Prebiotic Chemistry and Early Evolution held of three other distinguished members of the in May at RBI, with participating group from ISB, Egon Matijević, Helmut Schwarz and R B I the Department of Physical Chemistry and Miroslav Radman were extremely interest- A n

the acceptance of new COST B35 Action ing and very well attended. n u

“Lipid Peroxidation Associated Disorders” To strengthen the collaboration with a l


proposed by RBI’s Division of Molecular regional Universities and increase its contri- e p

Medicine as the only COST action coordi- bution in higher education in natural science o r t nated by Croatia should be mentioned here and biomedicine, the RBI signed agree- 2 0 0 as two very encouraging examples. ments of cooperation with Universities of 5 .

In 2005 the Institute also started with Split, Dubrovnik and Zadar. Shortly after, the first steps of the preparation of the first ever preparations for the organization of joint post- international evaluation of scientific perfor- graduate studies in Molecular Biosciences in mance. In this regard the help of the col- collaboration with the Universities of Osijek 3 and Dubrovnik, on the Biology of Tumours collaboration with Alpe Adria Venture Fund, in collaboration with the Universities of Split Vienna. The Company was established with and Dubrovnik and on Biophysics in col- the task to further develop the potential of laboration with the University of Split were compounds with anticancer activity discov- begun. Also, a Letter of Intent concerning ered at the RBI. For the first time the RBI collaboration in scientific research, educa- participated in ARCA – The International tion and partnership in commercialization of Exhibition of Innovations, Zagreb, 2005. The knowledge was signed with the University RBI innovations won two gold and two silver of Zagreb. The activities of RBI in the medals together with the special prize of the sector of education were also extended Association of Hungarian Inventors and the to encompass collaboration with the High special prize of the International Salon des School of Business and Administration Inventions, Geneva, 2005. located in Zaprešić near Zagreb, where the biannual studies of project manage- OVERVIEW ment in science and commercialization of knowledge were organized with the par- The Ruđer Bošković Institute is the larg- ticipation of the RBI experts. In September est Croatian research centre for basic sci- and December, two general contracts con- ences, participating also in science applica- cerning collaboration in applied research tions and higher education. The multidisci- with two major Croatian companies, namely plinary character of the Institute is reflect- Podravka Food Industries, Koprivnica and ed through the different research fields in PLIVA Pharmaceutical Company, Zagreb, physics, chemistry, oceanography (including were signed and the first projects started. marine and environmental research and And last but not least, the first RBI spin-off geosciences), biology, biomedicine, com- company BioZyne was launched in 2005 in puter science and electronics/engineering. With an academic staff of 513, including 296 research- ers, 189 Ph.D. students and 28 postdoctoral fellows, the RBI collaborates worldwide


5 with many research institu- 0 0

2 tions and universities.

t r

o The Ruđer Bošković p

e Institute consists of twelve R


a divisions, two centres, a u

n library, as well as sections n A

I for maintenance, technical B

R services and administra-

Figure 1. Composition of the academic staff at the RBI tion. The main bodies of the

4 Institute are the Board of Governors and the ACTIVITIES Scientific Council. Their organizational inte- Fundamental research gration with the remainder of the Institute is displayed below (Figure 2). The total number of research articles published in 2004 was 578. Amongst these, ORGANIZATION OF THE 391 were published in journals cited by INSTITUTE Current Contents. With less than 5% of the total number of scientists in the country Director: Mladen Žinić working at the Institute, it is worthy of note Head of the Scientific Council: that 27% of all Croatian articles in Current Maja Osmak Contents journals originated from the RBI. A considerable proportion of these articles Chairman of the Board of Governors: were published in high ranking journals. Janko Herak Projects

The RBI has 125 projects in basic research which are funded by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport (MZOŠ). In August 2005 the three year project term ended. MZOŠ performed an evalu- ation of all the proj- ects and, according to the results thereof, the financial support was continued at an increased, dimin- R

ished or unchanged B I


rate. A minority of n n

unsuccessful proj- u a l

ects were termi- R e

nated. In addition p o r t

to the fundamen- 2 0

tal projects, the 0 5 .

Institute is involved

Figure 2. The organisational structure of the RBI in 65 international

5 projects (38 bilateral, 2 FP5, 10 FP6, 11 IAEA, 2 COST, 1 INTERREG III, 1 UNESCO), as well as 11 applied and techno- logical projects.

Higher education

In 2005, scientists from the Institute contrib- Figure 3. Distribution of the RBI held undergraduate courses (80) by domicile uted 80 undergraduate University. courses and 180 gradu- ate courses to the program of higher educa- theses were completed under the supervi- tion in Croatia. Their respective distributions sion of the RBI academic staff in 2005. amongst the five universities at which they were conducted, as well as by the divisions New instrumentation and centres that contributed them are shown in Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6. In addition to the In 2005 new high resolution Scanning coursework, 48 B.Sc., 33 M.Sc. and Ph.D. Electron Microscope JEOL1 JSM-7000F was installed in Division of Materials Chemistry and put in operation. This high performance and high sensitivity equipment, together with already avail- able AFM and TEM, provide the basis for a more intensive

approach to materials . 5

0 and nano-science at 0 2

the RBI. In addition, t r

o the proteomic and p e

R genomic analysing

l a system Bio Rad and u n

n Applied Biosystems A

I R e a l T i m e P C R B

R System arrived in the Figure 4. Distribution of the RBI-held undergraduate courses (80) by Divisions and Division of Molecular Centres.

6 Medicine. Thanks to the combined finan- Tandetron Accelerator was installed in the cial support from the Ministry of Science Department of Experimental Physics. Education and Sports and IAEA the new

Figure 5. Distribution of the RBI held graduate courses (180) by domicile University R B I

A n n u a l

R e p o r t

2 0 0 5 .

Figure 6. Distribution of the RBI held graduate courses (180) by Divisions and Centres

7 TABLE 1 (next page): Publication results of RBI fundamental research projects ranked among the top 10 Croatian projects in their respective field of science. The list was prepared according to the final status of the 2002-2005 project term using data from the National Bibliography database (web address: eriod=2002) - only research articles published in journals indexed in Currents Contents were counted. The rank of the projects describes the rank of the particular project among the projects from 2002-2005, and the number of articles is the total number of scientific published in this particular project in 2005. The limitation of the table is that it does not include an average journal impact factor, the number of researchers/students working on the project, and the financial support of the projects. . Rank of the Project Number of Field of Science - Number of Project Title Principal Investigator in the National CC Articles National Projects in the Field Bibliography Published in 2005 Study of genes and genomes of evolutionary preserved Vera Gamulin 4 2 and economically important organisms BIOLOGY - 60 Structure and function of plastids and cytoskeleton Nikola Ljubešić 5 7 Dynamics and genetics of bioactive molecules Volker Magnus 6 3

Cellular responses to physical, chemical and biological Maja Osmak 9 4 noxis Regulation of recombinant and recombinational repair Mirjana Petranović 10 1 BIOMEDICINE - Neuropharmacology of serotonin system Dorotea Mück-Šeler 1 3 Neuroscience - 58 Molecular pathophysiology of serotonergic transmission Branimir Jernej 4 4

Oxidative/antioxidative status after treatment with Tatjana Marotti 8 2 opoids/opiates Influence of gene/protein transduction on signalling path- Krešimir Pavelić 1 14 ways of transformed cells BIOMEDICINE - Gene therapy of tumours by correction of tumour-sup- Jasminka Pavelić 2 10 Oncology - 73 pressor genes Oxidative stress and malignant disease Neven Žarković 3 10

Regulation of ectopeptidases and opoid receptors expres- Jelka Gabrilovac 8 5 sion

Modulation of immunologicalresponse bybioactive pep- Biserka Pokrić 10 5 tides Molecular genetics of gastrointestinal tumours Sanja Kapitanović 10 4 Proton affinity and proton transfer reaction in chemistry Zvonimir Maksić 1 14 Reactivity and reaction mechanisms Dunja Srzić 2 12 Supramolecular organization in gels, molecular recogni- CHEMISTRY - 75 Mladen Žinić 3 13 tion and catalysis Synthesis and microstructure of metal oxides and oxide Svetozar Musić 4 12 glasses Structure and dynamics of (bio)molecules Biserka Kojić-Prodić 5 4 Development and application of models in chemistry and Nenad Trinajstić 6 5 bioinformatics Reactive intermediates in resting and excited state Mirjana Maksić 7 5

Electron spin resonance in systems with paramagnetic Boris Rakvin 8 9 particles Stereoselective synthesis and catalysis Zdenko Hameršak 10 3 Mechanism of long-term changes of the Adriatic-sea Danilo Degobbis 1 13 ecosystem GEOLOGY & Programmed biosynthesis and genotoxic risk Renato Batel 3 6 OCEANOLOGY - 56 Physics and biogeo-chemistry of trace metals in aquatic Ivanka Pižeta 4 7 systems Nature and reactivity of organic compounds in seawater Božena Ćosović 5 7 and environment Geochemistry of recent and ancient sedimentation sys- Goran Kniewald 6 7 tems of the Adriatic platform Research of the ebb and long-periodical dynamics of Milivoj Kuzmić 7 4 northern Adriatic Multidisciplinary sedimentological studies Halka Bilinski 8 2 Fundamental interactions in physics of elementary parti- Branko Guberina 2 19 cles and in cosmology Influence of defects and nanostructures on characteristics Branko Pivac 3 10 PHYSICS - 88 of semiconductors

Heavy ion physics Zoran Basrak 4 14

Light atomic nuclei: clusters, nuclear molecules, reac- Đuro Miljanić 5 7 tions... Study of nanophase layers and nanocomposite hard Aleksandra Turković 6 8 electrolytes Quantum field theory, noncommulative spaces, and sym- Stjepan Meljanac 8 13 metries Hadronic physics and QCD Ivan Supek 9 9 Physics and applications of nanostructures Krešimir Furić 10 15 INFORMATION & COMPUTER Automated knowledge discovery and reasoning Nikola Bogunović 1 2 TECHNOLOGY - 16

Theoretical Physics ZTF Division

DIVISIONAL ORGANISATION number of students completed their B. Sc., M. Sc. and Ph. D. theses. Head: Branko Guberina

Theoretical Physics Division (ZTF) TOP ACHIEVEMENTS consists of the following laboratories: Holographic dark energy Solid State Physics Group, Radovan Brako The generalized holographic dark ener- gy model, in which the cosmological con- Particle Physics and Cosmology Λ Group, Neven Bilić stant and Newton's constant GN are scale-dependent, has been used to set Theoretical and Mathematical constraints on the renormalization-group Physics Group, Stjepan Meljanac (RG) evolution of both Λ and GN. Assuming Group for Linear and Nonlinear that ordinary matter scales canonically, it Dynamics, Mladen Martinis has been shown that the continuity equa- tion fixes the infra-red (IR) cutoff, provided OVERVIEW OF THE DIVISION a law of variation for either Λ or GN is known. Bringing a renormalization group The research performed in the Division running CC model, with a low energy scal- is mainly concerned with the theoretical ing of CC given by quantum effects of par- investigation of high-energy physics, such ticles with masses near the Planck mass, R

as particle physics, general and math- B in full accordance with holography amounts I

ematical physics, astroparticle physics and A to having an IR cutoff which scales as a n cosmology. In addition, there is a substan- n square root of the Hubble parameter. It has u a tial research activity in condensed matter l

been found that such a setup, in which the R physics. A special activity in the Division is e only undetermined input is the true ground p o the application of nonlinear dynamical anal- r t

state of the vacuum, yields a transient 2 ysis in biomedicine. In 2005, the members 0

acceleration (B. Guberina et al., Phys Rev 0 5

of the Division continued to be involved in .

D 2005: 72: 125011). Furthermore, from lecturing at the University of Zagreb and a the holographic dark energy requirement it

11 has been shown that, within quantum field solutions, localized at the same point, have theory in a curved background, the RG laws been found (V. Bardek and S. Meljanac,

for Λ and GN are completely determined in Europhys Lett 2005: 72: 14). Duality between

ZTF terms of the lowest part of the particle spec- the real-symmetric and the quaternionic-real trum of an underlying field theory. One can matrix model has been established using the then infer that the lowest-mass fields should collective-field approach. The su(1,1) alge- have a Compton wavelength comparable bra, which generates dynamical symmetry with the size of the current Hubble hori- of the matrix model, has made possible zon and, hence, holography actually brings the construction of the master Hamiltonian us back to the quintessence proposal (B. in a conformally invariant way. This master Guberina et al., JCAP 2005: 0505: 001). Hamiltonian describes the dynamics of two collective fields, thus enabling the descrip- Noncommutative space-time tion of specific excitations of the hermitean matrix model (I. Andrić and D. Jurman, J Gauge field theory on the kappa-deformed High Energy Phys 2005: 0501: 039). Minkowski spacetime has been analyzed using an expansion in a deformation param- The van der Waals interaction and eter. It has been shown that the resulting Density Functional Theory effective action for U(1) gauge theory with fermionic matter expanded in ordinary fields The van der Waals attractive interaction is is invariant under the action of the unde- of great importance for a wide class of “soft formed Poincare group (M. Dimitrijević et al., matter” systems, including the physisorption J High Energy Phys 2005: 0509: 068). of atoms on solid surfaces. Yet, because Two decay modes that are strictly forbidden of its non-local character, it is difficult to in standard model (quarkonia decays integrate it into the Density Functional into two photons and kaon decay into Theory calculations of the electronic pion and photon) have been proposed structure, where the commonly used as possible signatures of the space-time approximations are based on local and semi- noncommutativity. An experimental discovery local functionals (LDA and GGA). We have of K→πγ would indicate the violation of the applied some recently developed schemes Lorentz invariance, whereas a discovery for incorporating the vdW interaction into the of J/ψ→γγ and/or Y→γγ would indicate a DFT on xenon atom monolayers adsorbed

. violation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Yang on Cu(111) and Pt(111) surfaces. We have 5

0 theorem and a definitive appearance of new found that the approach which treats the 0 2

t physics (B. Melić et al., Phys Rev D 2005: system as nearly isolated fragments gives r o

p 72: 057502; Phys Rev D 2005: 72: 054004). excellent agreement with the observed e

R structural and vibrational properties of the

l a Xe adlayers, thus providing a first principles

u Solitons in the two-family Calogero n

n model and matrix-model dualities interpretation of the systems (P. Lazić et al., A

I Phys Rev B 2005: 72: 245407).

B The two-family Calogero model has been R examined by using the large-N collective field theory. The new paired soliton-antisoliton

12 in electrostatics, based on the concept of nonlocal charge transfer. Their “Robin Hood” method has shown excellent properties in

the calculations where it has been tested, ZTF surpassing the currently used methods in speed and accuracy (P. Lazić et al., J Comput Phys 2006: 213: 117).

Changes in multifractal properties for stable angina pectoris (SAP) The multifractal approach has been

Figure 1: The redistribution of electronic density applied to temporal fluctuations of heartbeat in an unsupported hexagonal xenon layer, (RR) intervals, measured in various regimes calculated using the Density Functional Theory. of physical activity (ergometric data), taken Compared with isolated atoms, the charge accumulates in the plane of the atoms (red) at from healthy subjects and those having the expense of the outer regions (blue). stable angina pectoris (SAP). The problem we address here is whether SAP changes The Robin Hood approach to multifractality observed in healthy subjects. electrostatics The G-moment method is used to analyse Embarking on a research project beyond the multifractal spectrum. It is observed that their primary fields of interest, three young both sets of data characterize multifractality, researchers have developed a new approach but a different trend in multifractal behavior to the numerical calculation of problems is found for the SAP disease, under pro- nounced physical activity (A. Knežević et al., Physica A 2005: 358: 505).


Projects supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport: R

1. Physics of surfaces, microstructures and B I

strongly correlated systems, Radovan A n

Brako n u

2. Fundamental interactions in elementary a l

particle physics and cosmology, Branko R e p

Guberina o r t

3. Quantum field theory, noncommutative 2 0

spaces, and symmetries, Stjepan 0

Figure 2: The potential inside the electrostatic 5 .


Tandem Accelerator, calculated using the Robin Hood method. The maximum value of 1 MV is 4. Structure of dynamical fluctuations in attained in the region denoted by red. nonlinear systems, Mladen Martinis

13 Collaborative projects: SELECTED PUBLICATIONS

1. Anđelka Andraši: Fundamental ques- 1. Bilić N, Tupper G B, Viollier R D. Transient

ZTF tions of nonabelian quantum gauge acceleration from a hybrid Chaplygin gas. theories and cosmology, collaboration JCAP 2005: 10: 003. between the Ruđer Bošković Institute, 2. Guberina B, Horvat R, Nikolić H. Generalized Theoretical Physics Division and Eötvös holographic dark energy and the IR cutoff Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary problem. Phys. Rev. D 2005: 72: 125011. 2. Neven Bilić, Scientific Joint Project: 3. Guberina B, Horvat R, Štefančić H. Hint for Investigations on the nature of Dark Quintessence-like scalars from holographic Matter and Dark Energy (DMDE) between dark energy. JCAP 2005: 0505: 001. the Particle Physics and Cosmology 4. Melić B, Passek-Kumerički K, Trampetić J. K- Group, Theoretical Physics Division of > Pi gamma decays and space-time noncom- the Ruđer Bošković Institute and the mutativity. Phys. Rev. D 2005: 72: 054004. Astrophysics Sector of the International 5. Dimitrijević M, Jonke L, Möller L. U(1) gauge School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), field theory on kappa-Minkowski space. J. Trieste, Italy. High Energy Phys. 2005: 09: 068. 3. Branko Guberina, collaboration between 6. Bardek V, Meljanac S. Solitons in the the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Theoretical Calogero model for distinguishable particles. Physics Division and the Jozef Štefan Europhys. Lett. 2005: 72: 14. Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Hard- 7. Andrić I, Jurman D. Matrix-model dualities hadron physics in the standard model in the collective field formulation. J. High and beyond. Energy Phys. 2005: 0501: 039. 4. Kornelija Passek-Kumerički, collaboration 8. Lazić P, Crljen Ž, Brako R, Gumhalter B. between the Ruđer Bošković Institute, The role of van der Waals interactions in Theoretical Physics Division and the adsorption of Xe on Cu(111) and Pt(111). Institut für Theoretische Physik II, Ruhr- Phys. Rev. B 2005: 72: 245407. Universität Bochum, Germany, DFG 9. Tomaš M S. Screened Casimir forces. Phys. project “Higher-order QCD corrections Rev. A 2005: 71: 060101(R). in exclusive processes-mesons and 10. Lazić P, Štefančić H, Abraham H. The Robin baryons”. Hood method - a novel numerical method for 5. Kornelija Passek-Kumerički, collaboration electrostatic problems based on a non-local between the Ruđer Bošković Institute, charge transfer. J. Comput. Phys. 2006: 213: Theoretical Physics Division and Institut 117. für Theoretische Physik, Karl-Franzens 11. Knežević A, Martinis M, Krstačić G, Vargović Universität Graz, Austria, “Hard exclusive E. Changes in multifractal properties for photo- and electroproduction of heavy stable angina pectoris. Physica A 2005: 358: quarkonia”. 505-515. Division of Experimental ZEF Physics

DIVISIONAL ORGANISATION OVERVIEW OF THE DIVISION IN 2005 Head: Alfred Švarc The high intensity of basic research dem- onstrated in 2004 has been intensified in The Division of Experimental Physics 2005 in all existing research projects. In (ZEF) consists of the following addition to pushing forward old projects a laboratories: number of new ones have been initiated. The high quality of research and a healthy Laboratory for nuclear reactions, and creative working atmosphere has stimu- lated the efforts of writing and submitting Đuro Miljanić new proposals, and that has resulted in Laboratory for heavy-ion physics, acquiring an enviable number of financially Roman Čaplar significant international research contracts. Laboratory for electromagnetic Applying the acquired knowledge to other and weak interactions, areas has flourished and obligations taken Raul Horvat in signing important international contracts Laboratory for ion-beam interactions, have been realized according to the fore- Milko Jakšić seen schedule.  Laboratory for measurement of low- TOP ACHIEVEMENTS level activities, Bogomil Obelić

Measurement of forbidden eta decays R  B

Laboratory for high-energy physics, I

We have obtained two new and one A Krešo Kadija n

improved upper limits on two rare and one n u

Group for the development and the forbidden η decays. At the 90% confidence a l

use of analytical methods, Γ η R

level, we have obtained branching ratio ( e

Vladivoj Valković p → 3γ) < 4×10-5 . This decay mode is forbid- o r t

den by charge-conjugation invariance. We 2 0

have also set the first upper limit on the dou- 0 5 .

0 0 0 bly radiative, double π decay Γ(η → π π γγ)

< 1.2×10-3.

15 candidates for the π0γ decay of the η have been identified. This decay mode is abso- lutely forbidden by conservation of angular momentum. Our result is Γ(η → π0γ → 3γ) < ZEF 9×10-5. The results were obtained by using the Crystal Ball high-precision segmented calorimeter at the AGS and are based on the analysis of 28 million η mesons produced in the π–p → ηn reaction close to threshold.

Molecular states of 10Be nucleus Figure 1: Crystal Ball segmented calorimeter The 6He+6Li and 6He+7Li reactions with This decay is of interest as a special test of three or more particles in the exit channel Chiral Perturbation Theory (χPT) because have been studied using a 18 MeV 6He of interesting mixture of anomaly-driven beam. Only the results on 10Be nucleus are and G-parity violating amplitudes involved. presented here as an illustration of all those We have not yet reached the level needed obtained in the study. A very strong popula- to test the theoretical models. Finally, no tion and α- decay of the 10Be state at 10.2 MeV have been observed, as well as the rare α- decay of the 2+ state at 7.5 MeV. The most likely assignment for the 10.2 MeV state of 4+ has been obtained from an angular correlation analysis of the data. All these results confirm our earlier suggestion that these two states together with the 0+ state at 6.18 MeV are members of the same rotational band. Their large moments of inertia indicate a very special, molecular structure of

10 . Be nucleus at the higher excita- 5

0 tions (M. Milin et al., Nucl Phys A 0 2

t 2005: 753: 263). r o p

e R

l a u n n A


B Figure 2 : Experimental data and the Monte Carlo simulations for R the 6He+ decay of the 10Be 10.2 MeV excited state populated in the 6He+6Li reaction

16 Search for solar axions canonically. Application of this procedure to the case where the RG evolution of the Axions, which are pseudoscalars that cosmological constant (CC) and Newton’s arise in models resolving the strong CP constant is phrased within ordinary problem in quantum chromodynamics by ZEF quantum field theory, shows remarkable the Peccei-Quinn mechanism, could also consequences after merging with the concept explain the mystery of dark matter in the of holographic dark energy. It is shown that Universe. At CERN, a group of scientists such cosmological setup prefers two different from the RBI Laboratory for Electromagnetic contributions to the vacuum energy. Namely, and Weak Interactions is involved in the besides a variable CC we show that an ultra- CAST experiment, designed to search for light scalar (“quintessence”) is inevitable part solar axions. CAST has recently reported of the particle spectrum. an upper limit on the axion-photon coupling of 1.16 x 10-10 GeV-1. This limit is compara- ble to the limit from energy-loss arguments Early energy transformation in heavy- on globular cluster stars and considerably ion reactions more restrictive than any previous experi- A semi classical transport model study of ment over a broad range of axion masses. the early reaction phase of nucleus-nucleus (K. Zioutas et al., Phys Rev Lett 2005: 94: collisions has been carried out for a variety 121301). of system masses, asymmetries, and cen- tralities at energies below 100 MeV/nucleon. It has been found that the maxima of the main forms of energy in the early com- pact reaction phase, namely, compression energy and heat (see Fig. 4), closely follow

Figure 3 : he CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) experiment at CERN, which is looking for axions from the Sun. It uses a prototype magnet for the

Large Hadron Collider combined with particle- R physics detectors and X-ray techniques from B I space-born experiments. A n n u a l

Renormalization-group (Rg) running R e

cosmologies and holographic dark p o

energy r t

2 0

The procedure for phenomenological fixing 0 5

Figure 4: Time evolution of the energy components . of the RG scale is derived for cosmologies

for the Ar + Ag reaction at 75 MeV/nucleon and where the dark-matter component dilutes an intermediate impact parameter.

17 the reaction geometry in the spirit of the par- should achieve depth resolution close to ticipant–spectator picture with regard to the 1 nm near the sample surface. Sampling dependence on both reaction centrality and depth and depth resolution are determined asymmetry. The role of elementary nucleon- by the choice of incident ions and energies ZEF nucleon collisions explains the apparent and could be up to 1µm. controversy of the quickly established local equilibrium throughout the compact system Isotopic processes in environmental and complete lack of global equilibration. studies and radiocarbon dating

Water cycle and carbon exchange in New TOF ERDA/RBS beam line nature have been investigated by monito- A new Elastic Recoil Detection (ERDA) ring of 14C and 3H isotopes in atmosphere, system based on micro channel plate (MCP) water and carbonate sediments. These stu- detectors and time-of-flight (TOF) detec- dies were performed within the EU project tion set-up has been constructed in the ICA2-CT-2002-10009, a project signed with Laboratory for ion beam interactions. The Plitvice Lakes National Park and a technical system is installed at the central beam co-operation program with IAEA (CRO/8/ line with a new spherical scattering cham- 006). The project has a special emphasis on ber. This system will be dedicated for thin the assessment of the anthropogenic influ- film characterization and depth profiling of ence on water resources in Lika, Dalmatia light elements by forward scattering using and Bihać region and eutrophication pro- heavy ion beams from a 6.0 MV tandem cess in Plitvice Lakes. Absolute dating of accelerator. Alternatively, the same detec- artefacts from particular cultures and impor- tion system will be used at later stages with tant historical objects, from Paleolithic to low energy ions from 1.0 MV tandem for the Middle Ages in Croatia and Slovenia low energy RBS analysis. Both techniques were performed within the co-operation with archaeological, paleontological and other scientific and cultural institutions.

. 5 0 0 2

t r o p e R

l a u n

n Figure 6: Vacuum rig for benzene preparation for

A 14 C measurement by liquid scintillation counter I B

R Figure 5: TOF ERDA system at the central beam line of the Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator

18 integrated with the electronics sys- tem of the LHC experiment ALICE. Our group has also developed an intelligent software package AFFAIR ZEF needed for the efficient perform- ance monitoring of simultaneous running of thousands of computers and applications.

FP6 Project: EURopean Illicit TRAfficking Countermeasures Kit (Euritrack)

Ten institutions from five countries have joined their efforts to devel- op, construct and test a European illicit trafficking countermeasures Figure 7: Experimental ratios of , , <φ>, and <Λ> to kit to non-intrusively detect explo- ± <π > plotted as a function of number of participants . sives in shipping containers as well as other threatening or con- traband materials such as drugs, Ultra-relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions chemical weapons and nuclear materials. The Neutron Laboratory of the Ruđer Long range pseudo-rapidity correlations Bošković Institute has been chosen by all of oppositely charged particles were studied participants for the performance of laborato- for p+p, C+C, and centrality selected Pb+Pb ry tests that are needed for the project. This √ collisions at sNN =17.2 GeV with the NA49 three year project is now in its second year large acceptance detector at the CERN-SPS. and meeting all the milestones on time. A decrease of the Balance function with increasing system size and centrality could be related to an increasing delay of hadronization in central Pb+Pb colli- sions. Results are obtained on Ω and R

anti-Ω production in central Pb+Pb colli- B I

sions at 40 and 158 AGeV beam energy. A n

The yields are strongly under predicted n u by the string-hadronic UrQMD model a l


and are in the better agreement with e p predictions from a hadron gas model. o r t

In collaboration with "Mikrotrend", 2 0 a Croatian electronics company, 130 0 5 .

pulsers were produced for the opera- tion of the ALICE–TPC, and they will be Figure 8: EURITRACK experimental set-up

19 PROJECTS methods, bilateral project with Hungary Projects supported by the Ministry of 6. Measurements of differential cross sections 1 4 Science, Education and Sport: for elastic scattering of H and He ions from selected light elements (Ivančica Bogdanović ZEF 1. Hadronic physics and QCD, Ivan Supek Radović), IAEA Research project 2. Light atomic nuclei: clusters, nuclear 7. Utilisation of ion beam analysis and nuclear molecules, reactions ..., Đuro Miljanić spectroscopy techniques in environmental 3. Interactions in subatomic and medical and industrial applications (Milko Jakšić physics, Alfred Švarc and Bogomil Obelić), IAEA Technical Co- 4. Heavy-ion physics, Zoran Basrak operation project 5. Massive neutrinos and astro-particles, Ante 8. Heavy ion acceleration in 1.0 and 6.0 MV Ljubičić electrostatic accelerators (Milko Jakšić), 6. Photon-atom interactions and correlations, IAEA Research project Tihomir Surić 9. Upgrade of PIXE and STIM Imaging 7. Processes of fast ion interactions with matter, capabilities at Zagreb nuclear microprobe Milko Jakšić (Mladen Bogovac), IAEA Research project 8. Natural isotopes of weak activities and 10. Characterization of inorganic pigments used development of instrumentation, Bogomil by selected painter(s) by nuclear microprobe Obelić (Stjepko Fazinić), IAEA Research project 9. High-energy experimental physics, Krešo 11. Modification of electronic properties in Kadija insulators using nuclear microprobe (Zvonko 10. Methods of explosive, chemical and nuclear Medunić), IAEA Research project material detection, Vladivoj Valković 12. Study of anthropogenic pollution after the war 11. Invariant special relativity and and establishing the measures for protection electrodynamics, Tomislav Ivezić of Plitvice National Park and Bihać region at the border area of Croatia and Bosnia- Other projects: Herzegovina”, European Commission, 5th 1. Remote experiments on accelerator (Milko Framework Programme, (Bogomil Obelić) Jakšić), MZOS Information Technology ICA2-CT-2002-10009 Project 13. Isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 as 2. Automatization of PIXE/RBS measurements an indicator of atmospheric contamination (Ivančica Bogdanović Radović), MZOS (Ines Krajcar Bronić), Croatian-Slovenian


5 Information Technology Project joint research project 0

0 14. Investigation of influence of forest ecosys-

2 3. EUROpean Nuclear Structure Integrated


r tems of National Park Plitvice to the qual-

o Infrastructure Initiative (EURONS) (Zoran p ity of water and lakes (Nada Horvatinčić), e Basrak), FP6 EU Project R

l National Park Plitvice

a 4. Depth profiling of hydrogen and other

u 15. Application of isotope techniques in inves- n light elements in thin films using ERDA n tigation of water resources and water pro- A

spectroscopy (Ivančica Bogdanović Radović), I tection in the Karst area of Croatia. (Nada B bilateral project with Slovenia R 5. Study of advantages and limitations of Si pin Horvatinčić), IAEA Technical co-operation diodes as radiation detectors by ion beam programme

20 16. Inspection of shipping containers for undis- INVITED LECTURES AT INTERNATIONAL closed radioactive materials (Vladivoj CONFERENCES Valković), IAEA Research contract 17. Control of illicit trafficking in threat materi- 1. T. Antičić, AFFAIR: a fast cluster and application ZEF als and humans (Vladivoj Valković), NATO monitoring software package, ROOT 2005 project Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland. 18. EURITRACK, European illicit trafficking coun- 2. Z. Basrak, The early-reaction-phase dynam- termeasures kit (Vladivoj Valković), EU FP6 ics of heavy-ion collisions below 100 MeV/u Specific Targeted Research or Innovation International Workshop on Multifragmentation Project and Related Topics, Catania, Italy 19. International collaboration between RBI and 3. N. Horvatinčić (with A. Gokgoz, M. Akgun), MAMI, University of Mainz, Germany on Yenice travertines, Kamara hot spring fissure development of frozen spin polarization tar- ridge and Guney waterfall tufa, International get (Ivan Supek). Travertines Symposium, Travertines of 20. International collaboration between RBI and Denizli basin, Western Turkey University of Virginia, USA on PIBETA exper- 4. K. Kadija, Exotic Cascades at NA49, iment (Ivan Supek) Cracow Epiphany Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy, Cracow, Poland EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES 5. S. Szilner, Multinucleon transfer reactions studied with the PRISMA magnetic spectrom- A number of scientists from Division of eter, International Conference on Frontiers Experimental Physics have continued to in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and maintain a significant educational activity Reactions, Aegean island of Kos, Greece. at undergraduate and graduate studies of 6. T. Surić, Correlation effects in high energy University of Zagreb ad University of Rijeka; photoabsorption and in Compton scattering, the detailed list of courses is given else- 20th International Conference, X-Ray and where. Inner-Shell Processes, Melbourne, Australia 7. A. Švarc, The importance of inelastic channels CONFERENCES ORGANIZED BY in eliminating continuum ambiguities in pion- SCIENTISTS OF THE DIVISION nucleon partial wave analyses, Plenary talk at International Workshop on the Physics of 1. International Symposium on Utilization of Excited Baryons (NSTAR 05), Tallahassee, Accelerators Florida, 10-15 Oct 2005. R

Dubrovnik from 5th to 9th June 2005 B


2. International Workshop on Relativistic A

8. V. Valković, Applications of nuclear tech- n Heavy-Ion Physics/Physics with RPCs in n niques relevant for civil security, Europhysics u th th a FOPI Split at Adriatic coast from 25 to 29 l

Conference on New Trends in Nuclear R

May, 2005. e Physics, Applications and Technologies, p o

3. The 2nd International Workshop on Partial r t

NPDC19 Pavia, Italy. Wave Analysis ZAGREB2005 2 0

th nd 0 Zagreb, from 27 June to 2 July. 5 .

21 ZEF . Babi 3. . Androni 1. 2. Alt C, et al. (NA49 Collaboration-IRB: Collaboration-IRB: (NA49 al. et C, Alt 2. . ii M ar M hrbn S Davinson S, Cherubini M, Zadro M, Milin 5. Bogdanovi 4. SELECTED PUBLICATIONSSELECTED . eomlzto-ru running procedure. scale-setting Renormalization-group a cosmologies: H. Phys A 2005: 753: 263. Phys 753: A2005: ark Z, Basrak Anticic T, Kadija K, T,Kadija Anticic 173. 612: 2005: B Lett Phys state. of tion , i ito , iur P Miljani P, Figuera A, Pietro Di T, 123. 231: 2005: B Meth Instr Nucl nuclear microprobe. a with ERDA emission electron Siketić M, Phys RevD2005:71:124041. a 18 MeV 18 a by induced reactions decay Sequential C. 192301. 94: 2005: Lett 158 and 40 Aat collisions GeV. Rev Phys Pb+Pb central in production anti-Omega+ Pellegriti MG, Shotter AC, Soi AN, Ostrowski A, Ninane A, Musumarra ) Ectto fnto o elpi fo in Au+Au collisions flow and nuclear matter equa elliptic of function Excitation M). ć A, Guberina B, Horvat R. Stefan R. Horvat B, Guberina A, ć A, etal.(RBI-FOPI collaboration: 6 ć pa R Ga R, Čaplar He beam on beam He Radovi , kkn . Ion-induced N. Skukan Z, ć Š u I, Meduni I, a T). Omega- and Omega- T). ša 6 š Li and Li pari ć ć ć N, Spitaleri , Korolija I, 7 Z, Jak Z, Li. Nucl ć , š č Đ i i ć ć - , B, rmr M., Krčmar B., (Lakić al. et K, Zioutas 9. 6. Nefkens B.M.K., et al. (Maru al. et B.M.K., Nefkens 6. . Suri 7. 8. Viesti G, Pesente S, Nebbia G, Lunardon G, Nebbia S, Pesente G, Viesti 8. Broni Phys RevLett2005:94:041601. 94: 121301. 94: axion solar telescope. Phys Rev Lett 2005: CERN the from results First A.). Ljubičić 748. 241: 2005: B Res Phys Meth Instr Nucl perspectives. by and status explosives beams: neutron tagged hidden using of Detection V. inundation - records from submerged spe submerged from records - inundation karst coastal of pattern the and rise level , ua D Na D, Sudac M, 163. 214 2005: Geology Marine (Croatia). Eastern Coast the Adriatic along leothems . Ts o cag cnuain invariance. conjugation charge of Test I.) ć ć M, Jura M, I. Late Pleistocene - Holocene sea- Holocene - Pleistocene Late I. č i ć M, Horvatin M, đ , lgs , Valkovi S, Blagus K, č š i i ć ć N, Krajcar N, A., Supek A., ć - Division of Materials ZFM Physics

DEPARTMENT ORGANISATION phous alloys, and a-Si and a-Si1-xCx:H films. Various types of nanostructured mate- Head: Nikola Radić rials have been produced and examined by different methods: nanolaminates of semi- The Division of Materials Physics (ZFM) conductor (Ge, Si)/ dielectric (SiO ) bilayers consists of the following laboratories: 2 - as precursors for nanoparticles, multilayer ά-W/β-W, and nanocrystalline metals (nc-  Laboratory for semiconductors, Ni). The Division is also involved in funda- Branko Pivac mental research in the field of molecular and  Laboratory for thin films, Nikola Radić solid state physics with special emphasis on vibrational spectroscopy. The systems  Laboratory for molecular physics, under investigation vary in their origin and Krešimir Furić composition from metals, semiconductors, and ceramics on one side, to molecular OVERVIEW OF THE DIVISION IN 2005 crystals and biological samples on the other. Finally, optical interactions in matter as well The research in the Division of Materials as spontaneous and induced self organiza- Physics is focused on fundamental and tion in condensed systems are the subject of applied studies of physical parameters and intensive research. In 2005, scientists from processes which describe and connect the the Division published 41 papers in journals microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic listed in Current Contents with an average properties of condensed matter and mol- impact factor of 1.41.

ecules. Certain aspects, such as the mutual R B

interactions of defects, their impact on the I


relation between microscopic and macro- n n scopic properties of materials, as well as u

Nanosciences a l

nanophase and glassy material charac- R

Nanoscience and/or nanotechnology e teristics, prove particularly important. The p o

has been the most active direction of r methods of investigation include the study t

2 of amorphous and nanocrystalline thin films both fundamental scientific research and 0 0

developments in technology for the Division of 5 produced by thermodynamically non-equilib- .

rium processing (magnetron sputtering, ion Materials Physics. The Croatian implantation), particularly Al-based amor- “Nanosciences: a road to new technologies”,

23 coordinated by M. Milun (Institute of Physics) pair (VO), and the divacancy (V2). It is sug- has successfully completed a two-year term gested that some of the defects contributing by submitting a Final Report at the end of to the E(0.42) peak are related to the small 2005. From 22 domestic projects, those from vacancy clusters (I. Kovačević et al., J Phys ZFM the Division of Material Physics, lead by B. Cond Matter 2005: 17: S2229). Pivac, N. Radić, D. Gracin and A. Turković, showed the greatest extent of cooperation Structural properties of vanadium/ resulting in the CC publications cerium oxide thin films

It is shown that the particle scattering Selected results in the study of radia- model, used in analyzing the data from tion defects in semiconductors GISAXS measurements, can be applied for Electrically active defects induced by estimation of the structural properties of the neutron irradiation in n-type Czochralski- vanadium/cerium oxide thin films as well as grown (Cz) Si crystals have been studied by for following their structural modifications in means of capacitance transient techniques. the process of lithium intercalation. Since Four electron traps were observed after the SAXS analysis is model-dependent and neutron irradiation in phosphorus-doped Cz suffers from the influence of various material Si crystals. One of the most interesting properties, two-dimensional detection of the features is a dominating asymmetric peak scattering signal is applied and the results with its maximum at around 220 K and an are compared to those of the AFM surface activation energy for electron emission of imaging. It was concluded that the observed 0.42 eV. From the annealing behaviour, aspects of the GISAXS intensity maps sup- by use of high-resolution Laplace DLTS, ported by the AFM analysis provide a con- it was revealed that while some of these tribution to the modelling of nanostructured defects anneal out, others act as sources intercalation electrodes (M. Lučić-Lavčević of vacancies as evidenced by an increase et al., J Chem Inf Mode 2005: 45: 1553). in the concentration of vacancy–oxygen

. 5 0 0 2

t r o p e R

l a u n n A

I Figure 1: Development of DLTS spectra for a Figure 2: AFM micrographs for V O , V/Ce B 2 5

R neutron irradiated Cz Si:P sample upon 60 min oxide at 38% of V (samples A and B) and the isochronal annealing with temperature incre- same ones Li+ intercalated (samples C and D). ments of 50°C from 100°C (1 > 4).

24 properties of silicon nanocrystals, prepared by the LPCVD and PVD methods and by HF electrochemical etching, were investigated by the Raman, IR and SEM techniques, as ZFM well as electrical measurements. The pos- sibility of optical gain was examined by the so called VSL technique.

Figure 3: GISAXS 2-D patterns from V oxides (left samples A and C) and V/Ce oxides (right, samples B and D), non-intercalated (top) and Li intercalated (bottom). Installation of a new cryostat Figure 5: The effects of the LPCVD reactor temperature on the morphology of the silicon The new CCS 350 cryostat (Figure 4) nanoparticles. enables cooling of the sample to tempera- tures as low as 8 K. Presently matrix isola- tion of acetylacetone in argon is under way.

Figure 4: New optical cryostat from JANIS installed in Molecular Physics Laboratory. R B I

Silicon nanostructures A n n u

Nanocrystalline silicon exhibits a strong a l emission in the visible spectral region R e p

depending on the size of nanocrystals. o r t

Figure 6: A low frequency Raman scattering

Moreover, the recent discovery of optical 2

technique as a tool for determination of size 0 gain in silicon nanocrystals embedded in sil- 0 distribution of silicon nanoparticles prepared by 5 .

ica matrix promises the imminent fabrication

PVD. of a silicon laser. The structural and optical

25 Generation of nonlinear surface The holes following the largest crests of the waves by nanosecond laser pulse breaking waves are very deep and clearly seen. The corresponding diagram (Figure The evolution of nonlinear waves in 7: lower right) shows the amplitude A and ZFM nanosecond laser-matter interaction with an the wavelength λ of the capillary waves as indium target was studied as a function of the function of the energy density; the wave- the laser energy density (E ) of a Nd:YAG s length λ is almost constant in the range of Es laser. The illustrations in Figure 7 from a) from 3.75J/cm2 to 5J/cm2, while the ampli- (3.75 J/cm2) to f) (5 J/cm2) are evidence that tude A grows exponentially from 0.8 mm (at the evolution of deep nonlinear waves on 3.75J/cm2) to ~ 2.2 mm (at 4.25J/cm2), as the melted In layer starts by the formation of the maximal value (S. Lugomer and J.N. shallow capillary waves, which play the role Zabusky, Appl Phys Lett 2005: 87: 204101). of a precursor at 3.75 J/cm2. At Es ~ 5 J/cm2 the strength of deep fluid waves grows to Conference organized by the DMP a critical stage, when the break-up occurs. scientists

The 12th International Meeting “Vacuum Science and Technique”, Trakošćan, May 18, 2005, was organized by the Division members N. Radić, B. Pivac, I. Kovačević and T. Car on behalf of the Croatian Vacuum Society. The attendance was 63 participants and several exhibitors, and the Book of Abstracts was published.

. 5 0 0 2

t r o p e R

l a

u Figure 7: Evolution of the nonlinear waves with n

n energy density from small capillary waves (a) to A

I the deep nonlinear waves (d), which transform into B breaking waves (f). Lower right: Corresponding R diagram of the amplitude and the wavelength with energy density. Material: Indium.

26 PROJECTS 5. Hybrid photovoltaic module, D.Gracin (Ministry of Science, Education and Projects supported by the Ministry of Sport-HITRA-STIRP Project TP- Science, Education and Sport 02/0098-35) ZFM 6. LPMAS, D.Gracin (EU- FW6 -INCO- 1. Impact of Defects and Nanostructures Project No FP6-509178) on Semiconductor Properties. B. Pivac 7. RISE, U.V. Desnica (EU-FW6-INCO- 2. Magnetron Deposition of Thin Films. N. Project No FP6-509161) Radić 8. Istraživanje silicijevih i germanijevih 3. Physics and Application of nanostruktura, B. Pivac (COGITO - Nanostructures. K. Furić Bilateral collaboration with France) 4. Multiphase Amorphous Silicon Alloys as Thin Films. D. Gracin Invited lectures 5. Sugar Hydratation Dynamics. V. Mohaček-Grošev Dubček, Pavo: Structure of ion beam syn- 6. Nanophase Films and Nanocomposite thesized II-VI nanocrystals. Semiconductor Solid Electrolytes Research. A. Nanocrystals 2005, Budapest, Hungary, 10- Turković 12 September 2005 7. Structure and Electrical Relaxation in Glasses and Glass-Ceramics. A. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Moguš-Milanković 8. Static and Dynamics of Molecular 1. 1. Lugomer S, Zabusky JN.: Nonlinear Solids. D. Kirin and breaking micron waves at the edge 9. Optical Interactions and Organizational of laser-liquefied metal pool. Appl Phys Processes in Matter. S. Lugomer Lett 2005: 87: 204101 10. Semiconductor Materials for 2. Lučić-Lavčević M, Dubček P, Crnjak- Optoelectronics. B. Šantić Orel Z, Turković A.: GISAXS View of Vanadium Cerium Oxide Thin Films Research and development projects and Influence of Lithium Intercalation. J Chem Inf Mode 2005: 45: 1553 1. Stress in thin films, N. Radić, (Bilateral 3. Kozarac Z, Risović D, Frka S, Möbius collaboration with Slovenia) D.: Reflection of light from the air/water 2. Study of nanocomposite polymer R interface covered with sea-surface B I

electrolytes, A. Turković, (Bilateral microlayers. Marine Chem 2005: 96: A collaboration with Slovenia) n n

99 u

3. Study of disordered materials, nano- a l

4. Lugomer S, Mihaljević B, Peto G, optical layers, M. Ivanda, (Bilateral R Toth A, Horvath E.: Sponge-like Metal e p

collaboration with Slovenia) o

Surface Generated by Laser in the r t

4. Chemically durable iron phosphate 2

Semiconfined Configuration. J Appl 0

glasses for vitrifying stimulated nuclear 0 Phys 2005: 97: 073305 5 .

waste, A. Moguš-Milanković, (IAEA)

27 28 RBI Annual Report 2005. ZFM 7. Mohaček Grošev V.: Spectroscopic Spectroscopic V.: Grošev Mohaček 7. Kovačević I, Markevich VP, Hawkins ID, 6. Slaoui, J.L.; Rehspringer, V.; Švrček, 5. J Phys Cond Matter 2005: 17: S2229 17: 2005: Matter Cond Phys J silicon. neutron-irradiated in complexes Vacancy-related AR.: Peaker B, Pivac Tech314 20: 2005: Sci Semicond solutions. glass spin-on in nanocrystals silicon of declustering Clustering/ J.-C.: Muller, B; Pivac, A.; 8. Risović D, Furić K.: Comparison of of Comparison K.: Furić D, Risović 8. 2005: 36: 771 36: 2005: uid water temperature. J Raman Spectr Raman spectroscopy methods for for liq and super-cooled methods of determination spectroscopy Raman 453 36: 2005: Spectr Raman J glycolaldehyde. of phase crystal new a for arguments - Division of Laser and Atomic Research and LAIR Development

tation in a clinical setting. This activity, in DIVISIONAL ORGANISATION co-operation with clinics, results in interac- Head: Hrvoje Zorc tive development as well as in optimization of diagnostics and therapy instrumentation The Division of Laser and Atomic and procedures. Research and Development (LAIR) The second field of application is direct- consists of the following laboratories: ed to the development of instruments for  Laboratory for Optics and Thin Films, visualization in low visibility conditions. In Mladen Pavlović that sense, we continued the research and development of devices which will be used  Multipurpose workshops, Eduard Švegel in night conditions, for needs of national defence as well as in the context of state border monitoring.


The activity of the Division is focused on TOP ACHIEVEMENTS imaging and non-imaging optics as well as on the fundamental aspects of optical thin Design of optical filters films. In addition, significant effort is directed In the field of thin film optics, reversed toward the application of these basic disci- design of optical parameters for single, plines in the fields of medicine and national double and multilayer as well as for the R B I

security. “rugate” nanostructures was obtained. This A

In the medical field, emphasis is placed n was combined with ellipsometry and trans- n u upon the development of new instrumen- a mission measurements on many different l

R tation, in particular that relevant to tech- thin-layer systems. The new designs of opti- e p nologies and techniques for photodynamic o cal filters were obtained in co-operation with r t diagnostics and therapy of skin malignant 2 Fraunhofer Institute from Jena, Germany. 0 0 diseases. Considerable attention is also 5 .

paid to the implementation of our instrumen-

29 MediLED 5 Night vision The major achievement in 2005 was Besides the optical and medical program, development and testing of an advanced the division continued with a project for the

LAIR apparatus for photodynamic diagnosis and development of devices for night and/or low therapy (PDT and PDD) of skin malignant visibility monitoring. The new apparatus is diseases under the brand name - “MediLED based on the last (IV) generation of image 5”. This device will soon be installed in intensifier tube. Preliminary testing in night the “Clinical hospital Centre Zagreb” (“CHC conditions has been performed. Zagreb”) where the pre-clinical testing will be performed followed by its further clinical PROJECTS implementation and diagnosis/therapy pro- tocol optimization, according to the contract Basic research project supported by signed between “Ruđer Bošković Institute” the Ministry of Science, Education and and the “CHC Zagreb” authorities. Sport

1. Photonics of imaging and non-imaging optical systems, Hrvoje Zorc (0098140)

Research and development projects supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport

1. Detection of skin tumours by fluorescence of egzogenic protoporphyrin IX (PcIX), Anton Peršin (HITRA-TEST)

Own research and development projects

1. Development of night monitoring sys- tems


5 2. Contract with the Ministry of defence - 0

0 final phase 2

t r o

p Figure 1: “MediLED 5” illuminator for PDT/PDD e Patents R

will be soon implemented in the “CHC Zagreb” l

a and «CH Split».

u In 2005, international patent submissions n

n (initially submitted in 2004.) were advanced A

I to the next phase in the patent recognition B

R process.

30 1. PCT/HR2004/000035 Mobile device for Selected publications: photodynamic diagnosis, therapy and methods 1. Janicki V, Wilbrandt S, Stenzel O, Gabler 2. PCT/HR2004/000036 Portable illumina- D, Kaiser N, Tikhonravov A, Trubetskov LAIR tor for photodynamic diagnosis M, Amotchkina T. Hybrid optical coating 3. PCT/HR2004/000037 Portable illumina- design for omnidirectional antireflection tor for photodynamic therapy purposes. J Optics A: Pure Appl Optics 2005:7: L9. Awards 2. Kovačević I, Dubček P, Zorc H, Radić N, Pivac B, Bernstorff S. In 2005, the Division received the award GISAXS characterization of Ge islands for the new device developed through on Si (100) substrates. Vacuum 2005: Ministry of Science Education and Sports 80: 69. project - HITRA-TEST. At the ARCA - inter- 3. Janicki V, Lappschies M, Gortz B, Ristau national exhibition of inventions, held in D, Schallenberg U, Stenzel O, Kaiser N. Zagreb, our apparatus “MediLED 5” received Comparison of gradient index and classi- the Silver Arca award for the most inventive cal designs of a narrow band notch filter. products. Proceedings of SPIE 2005: 5963: 60.

4. Janicki V, Leitel R, Wilbrandt S, Stenzel

O, Gabler D, Kaiser N. Design of hybrid coatings composed of homogeneous layers and refractive index gradients. Proceedings of SPIE 2005: 5963: 49. 5. Pivac B, Kovačević I, Dubček P, Zorc H, Radić N, Bernstorff S. Grazing- incident small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) study of SiO/SiO2 superlattice. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Semiconductor

Nanocrystals, SEMINANO 2005: 1 In: R B I

Podor B, Horvath ZJ, Basa P (eds.). A n

Budapest : Hungarian Academy of n u

Sciences, 2005. 144. a l

R e

Figure 2: Received Silver Arca award for the p o

“MediLED 5” apparatus, at 3rd ARCA inventions r t

exhibition, held in Zagreb in September 2005. 2 0 0 5 .


Division of Electronics ZEL

scientists from different bio-science fields DIVISIONAL ORGANISATION in focusing on challenging inter-disciplinary Head: Tomislav Šmuc problems.

The Division of Electronics (ZEL) TOP ACHIEVEMENTS consists of the following laboratories: Machine learning and data mining  Laboratory for information systems, research and applications Dragan Gamberger A new approach for insightful data analy-  Laboratory for stochastic signals and sis, based on iterative application of subgroup processes research, Ivan Michieli discovery methodology enables detection of the general properties of the target concept, its characteristic subpopulations, and gen- OVERVIEW OF THE DIVISION eration of classification descriptions of the target class. The methodology has been The Division of Electronics continues to successfully applied in the brain ischemia work on research and development of novel domain and for the analysis of the political intelligent data and signals analysis tech- instability concepts from the state failure niques and algorithms for applications in dataset. areas of high scientific interest. In particular, A novel classification tool MIFS/SVM, priority is given to the fields of biomedicine, coupling an advanced feature selection tech- computational biology and bioinformatics, nique with a support vector machine classifi- as well as on applications in the field of real-

cation algorithm was successfully applied to R world signal measurements and processing. B

gene micro-array expression data related to I

With new data acquisition equipment and A

the problem of discriminating between two n information processing tools, the division n different leukemia types. u a

continued to develop common infrastructure l

In collaboration with Centre for Informatics R

for tackling complex scientific and techno- e

and Computing, a well known machine p logical problems related to knowledge dis- o r

learning algorithm Random ForestTM, was t covery, pattern recognition and modeling of 2 completely rewritten and enhanced with a 0 0

different sources of data and signals. This 5

number of new features, and enabled to .

was also a year of intense collaboration with work on parallel computing platforms.

33 Applications in bioinformatics and Complex measurement systems: computational biology Research and development of short time Work on sequence indexing, data retriev- interval measurement methods have been ZEL al and data compression algorithms is continued with application to measurements extended to include free text compression and statistical analysis of stochastic pulse and DNA sequences indexing algorithms. Adaptive features of previously developed algo- rithms are used in the com- pact indexing structures devel- opment (S. Ristov, Software: Practice & Experience 2005: 35: 445). Preliminary research was done on classification of unknown proteins to gene ontology functional groups using a novel amino-acid sequence feature representa- Figure 2: Human jaw kinematics measured with G-LINK wireless tion. Application of machine acceleration measurement system. learning techniques for in-silico screening generator timing characteristics. One of the and quantitative structure activity relation- main applications of such generator is in the ship modeling was also tackled in coopera- research and development of new meth- tion with collaborators from molecular medi- ods for random bit generation. This work is cine and physical chemistry laboratories also important for generation of information of the Institute (F. al, Period Biol impulse carrier in “Ultra-Wide Band” com- 2005: 107: 451). munication systems. Highly accurate measurements of natural gas flow require implementation of complex mathematical model for isentropic expan-

. sion of gas. The corresponding analytical 5 0

0 procedure for the calculation of the isentro- 2


r pic exponent, based on natural gas extend- o p

e ed virial type characterization equation, was R

l derived. Simulated measurements show a u

n considerable effect of the isentropic expan- n

A sion to the accuracy of flow-rate measure- Figure 1: Self-organizing-map graph of 10000 I

B drug-like compounds based on 50 molecu- ments (I. Marić et al., Flow Measur Instrum R lar descriptors. Distinct colours of ‘compound 2005: 16: 13). islands’ on the map reflect their cytostatic activity (GI50 values) on SW-620 colon cancer cell line.

34 . Joint Croatian-French project: Intelligent 3. Time Signals, Stochastic of Analysis 2. and Discovery Knowledge Automated of 1. Ministry the by supported Projects 2. Joint Croatian-Slovenian project: project: Croatian-Slovenian Joint 2. . AO euiy hog Sine proj Science Through Security NATO 1. num random non-deterministic generator,fast a 3: Figure ber generator with bit rate of 12Mb/s. The proto The 12Mb/s. of rate bit with generator ber Salon des Inventions, Geneve, 2005. Geneve, Inventions, des Salon International by medal gold a awarded was type in ih .tfn nttt, Ljubljana, Institute, J.Stefan with tion Data Analysis for Decision with with Decision collabora in Medicine, for in Applications Analysis Data Slovenia. Božidar Vojnović Structures, Data and Series Bogunović Nikola Reasoning, (MZOS) Sport and Education Science PROJECTS nelgn Dt Aayi, n collabora in Analysis, Data Intelligent and University of Seville, Spain. Seville, of Kingdom University and with United Ulster, of collaboration University in Assessment, Risk Failure State for Methods Driven Knowledge- and Data- Advanced ect: multilateral collaborations multilateral and bilateral projects, International in ih nvriy f yn France, Lyon, of University with tion QRBG121 – Quantum random number random Quantum – QRBG121 - - - - - and the award for innovations in 2005); in innovations for award the and medals gold international two by awarded was generator” number random “Quantum prototype and Invention 12Mb/s. of rate bit non- fast deterministic random number generator with one of construction which in resulted Physics) Experimental of Division Stipčević, Mario TAL-2, leader project 2004-2005, program Assistance Technology Bank, World the by (funded research” and simulations Carlo applications Monte cryptography, for in Generator Bit “Quantum Random project Bank World Mario Stipčević) leader project Rogina, Medved (B. eerh ciiis ne W4 (work-pack WP4 under activities research lead will Gamberger D. 2006. in early start to scheduled is which population”, elderly within failure heart of management clinical medical- supporting for services of platform based knowledge “A – HEARTFAID project STREP the of preparation in engaged been ery and management” and ery g 4:Kolde ersnain discov representation, 4):”Knowledge age ERFI – U it framework sixth EU – HEARTFAID Laboratory for information systems has systems information for Laboratory project of Zagreb, Croatia. Zagreb, of University and France, Rennes, IRISA, “Quantum Random Bit Generator”, Generator”, Bit Random “Quantum activities Technologicaland projects project HEARTFAID the of Logo

- -

. 5 0 0 2 t r o p e R l a u n n A I B 35 R ZEL CRO-GRID, - technology project 2. Topić G, Šmuc T, Šojat Z, Skala K. financed by Croatian Ministry of Science, Reimplementation of the Random Forest Education and Sport - collaboration on Algorithm, Proceedings of Parallel

ZEL development of grid applications; Numerics, Theory and Applications, Laboratory for stochastic signals Vajtersic M. et al. (ed.). Salzburg, 2005: and processes collaborates with Faculty 119. of Kinesiology and with School of Dental 3. Ristov S. LZ trie and dictionary compres- Medicine from University of Zagreb on devel- sion, Software: Practice & Experience. opment of measurement methodology and 2005: 35: 445. data acquisition protocols for human loco- 4. Supek F, Šmuc T, Lučić B. A prototype motion and human jaw kinematics analysis. structure-activity relationship model based on National Cancer Institute EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES cell line screening data. Period Biol 2005:107: 451. 1. Knowledge Discovery in Medical 5. Marić I, Galović A, Šmuc T. Calculation Domains, Dragan Gamberger, PhD of Natural Gas Isentropic Exponent. Program at the Medical School, Flow Measur Instrum 2005: 16: 13. University of Zagreb. 6. Vojnović B, Medved Rogina B. Optimum 2. Optical communication networks, Processing for Precise Ultra-Wide- Lectures ( B. Medved Rogina), Faculty of Band Pulse Carrier-Signal Timing, Electrical Engineering and Computing, Proceedings of the 28th International (FER) Zagreb, Convention MIPRO’05, Opatija, 2005: 3. Police operational techniques, Lectures 153. ( B. Medved Rogina), Police Academy, 7. Medved Rogina B, Michieli I. Meta- Zagreb, stability parameters evaluation by 4. Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Lectures DSO data acquisition. Proceedings of (S. Ristov), postgraduate study, Faculty the International Conference IWSSIP of Electrical Engineering and Computing, 2005, 12th International Workshop on (FER) Zagreb Systems, Signals & Image Processing, Greece, 2005: 397.


1. Gamberger D, Krstačić A, Krstačić G, t r

o Lavrač N, Sebag, M. Data analysis based p e

R on subgroup discovery: Experiments in

l a brain ischemia domain. Proceedings u n

n of IDAMAP 2005 Workshop at 10th A

I European Conference on Artificial B

R Intelligence in Medicine (AIME-05) 2005:52.

36 Division of Physical ZFK Chemistry

in the highest ranking journals in chemistry, DIVISIONAL ORGANISATION such as Chemistry-A European Journal, Head: Aleksandar Sabljić Inorganic Chemistry, the Journal of Physical Chemistry, and the Journal of the American The Division of Physical Chemistry (ZFK) Society for Mass Spectrometry. Division consists of the following laboratories: members contribute extensively (36 courses)  Laboratory for Chemical Kinetics and to undergraduate and graduate education Atmospheric Chemistry, Dunja Srzić and have organized highly regarded scien- tific conferences. All this is achieved within  Laboratory of Radiochemistry, Nada Filipović-Vinceković the framework of traditional international collaboration with Harvard University, Rice  Theoretical Chemistry Group, University, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Tomislav Živković Free University Berlin, Hebrew University of  Laboratory of Chemical and Biological Jerusalem, to mention but a few. Crystallography, Marija Luić

 Laboratory for Magnetic Resonances, TOP ACHIVEMENTS Boris Rakvin  Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry, Novel cyclopalladated complexes Ivan Habuš Palladocycles are one of the most popu- lar and investigated classes of cyclometa-

lated compounds due to their extensive R OVERVIEW OF THE DIVISION B I

application in organic synthesis, catalysis, A n

photochemistry and in the design of new n

In 2005, members of the Division pub- u a

metallomesogenes. We have prepared the l lished 55 contributions in atmospheric chem- R

first examples of doubly cyclopalladated e istry, chemical kinetics, structural chemistry, p o

azobenzenes and structures were deter- r theoretical chemistry, modelling of physi- t

2 cal and chemical processes, structural and mined by X-ray analysis and NMR spectros- 0 0

copy. Quantum-chemical calculations indi- 5 .

chemical analyses, and in biosciences. A significant part of these works was published cated that these structures are indeed the

37 most stable among all isomers conceivable by varying the solvent heteroatoms coor- dinated to the palladium atom and relative

ZFK positions of solvent molecules and chlorine atom. (M. Ćurić et al., Inorg Chem 2005: 44: 5975). Two metalated phenyl rings and two easily replaceable solvent ligands make these complexes excellent building blocks for designing a wide variety of metallome- Figure 2: 2D-HYSCORE spectra of the γ- sogenes, organometallic polymers and even irradiated L-alanine more elaborate supramolecular systems. for description of the environment of the first stable L-alanine radical in the crystal lattice (B. Rakvin and N. Maltar-Strmečki, Chem Phys Lett 2005: 415: 161).

Control of surfactants self-assembly

The self-assembly process of amphiphilic molecules in water results in the forma- tion of a wide range of supramolecules. To design micelles, vesicles and tubules of Figure 1: Dipalladated azobenzene complex, optimal performance for specific applica- {PdCl(dmf)}2(µ-C6H4N=NC6H4) tion two approaches have been used: (i) Irradiative degradation of L-alanine synthesis of new surfactants by altering their structural elements and (ii) modifi- The two-dimensional hyperfine sub- cation of conditions in aqueous solution. level correlation (2D-HYSCORE) spectra The second approach enables formation of of the L-alanine γ-irradiated crystal were giant vesicles and tubules at proper molar measured to detect possible contribution ratio of the cationic surfactant and oppo- of 14N hyperfine splitting to the spectrum sitely charged biopolymers or oppositely

of stable radical centres. .

5 14 0 The N hyperfine and 0 2 quadrupole tensors are t r

o evaluated and assigned p e

R to abstracted NH mol- 3 l a

u ecule, which is a product n

n of the first stable radical A

I formation. The obtained B

R results can be used as Figure 3: Representative polarization microphotographs of (a) giant vesicles from surfactants/biopolymer mixtures and (b) tubules from gemini potential new elements surfactant/bile salt mixtures

38 charged surfactants in catanionic mixtures Structural analysis of hydrolases (V. Tomašić et al., J Colloid Interf Sci with a novel α/β/α fold 2005: 285: 342). Investigated structures A large family of hydrolases (770 pro- are promising novel systems for drug ZFK teins sequences) with low sequence and gene delivery, cosmetic formulations, similarity revealed four conserved blocks templates for microscale metal tubules for including characteristic amino acids electronic and magnetic materials, etc. SGNH in each of them. However, for only 10 of those proteins sequences the 3D Proton transfer in macrocycles structures are known. Bioinformatics was The chemistry of mixed-donor used to characterize them (B. Kojić-Prodić macrocycles has attracted continuous et al., Acta Cryst A 2005: 61: C42). The attention due to their ability to bind analysis shows a new characteristic α/β/ selectively different chemical species. α fold with a well preserved topology of Diffusion of proton in the dioxa-diaza the catalytic site. The striking fact is that heteromacrocyclic compound was among these hydrolases, multifunction- investigated by crystallographic and al enzymes were recognized. Our novel spectroscopic studies. Transfer of proton lipase from Streptomyces rimosus also either inside or outside the macrocyclic belongs to this family. cavity imposes different hydrogen bond networks which stabilize the binding site of EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES the proton in the protonated macrocyclic Division provides annually nearly 40 species (Lj. Tušek-Božić, Polyhedron undergraduate and graduate courses at 2005: 24: 97). Universities in Zagreb, Split, Rijeka and Osijek.


Marko Rožman, Annual award for young scientist of The Society of University

Teachers and Scientists R B I

A n


1. Investigations of calcium phosphate R Figure 4: The crystal packing of [H(L)2]PF6 e

(L=5,6,14,15-dibenzo-1,4-dioxa-8,12- p

based biomaterials, FP6 Specific o r

diazacyclopentadeca-5,14-diene) t

Support Action - Creating international 2 0

cooperation teams of excellence in the 0 5 .

field of emerging biomaterial surface

research, Maja Dutour Sikirić

39 2. Origin of Life and Early Evolution, Vesna CONFERENCES ORGANIZED BY Noethig-Laslo (COST chemistry D-27 SCIENTISTS OF THE DIVISION action) th ZFK 3. Protein-Lipid Interactions, Greta Pifat- 1. 20 MATH/CHEM/COMP, Dubrovnik, Mrzljak (COST chemistry D-22 action) 20-25 June 2005 4. Advanced Paramagnetic Resonance 2. 1st South-Eastern European Workshop Methods in Molecular Biophysics, Boris on Practical Approaches to Computational Rakvin (COST physics P-15 action) Biology, Opatija, 1-4 September 2005 3. Workshop: Preparation and properties SELECTED INVITED LECTURES of functionalized vesicles as protocell models, COST D 27 Action: Origin of Life 1. L. Klasinc, Atmospheric transport of pol- and Early Evolution, Zagreb, 20-21 May lutants from urban areas, 40th IUPAC 2005 Congress-Innovation in Chemistry, Beijing, 14-19 August 2005. PROJECTS 2. I. Habuš, Diels-Alder reactions on imines derived from 3-amino-β-lactams, Stony Basic research projects supported Brook Symposium on New Horizons in by the Ministry of Science, Education Organic Chemistry: Stony Brook Alumni and Sport: Symposium, State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY, USA, 2005. 1. Properties and behaviour of atmospheric 3. B. Kojić-Prodić, Bioinformatics approach microconstituents, Tomislav Cvitaš to characterisation of SGNH hydrolases, 2. Surfactants, processes in solution and at XX Congress of the International Union interfaces, Nada Filipović-Vinceković of Crystallography, Florence, Italy, 26 3. Reactivity and reaction mechanism, Leo August 2005. Klasinc 4. T.P. Živković, Einstein: In a search of 4. Investigation on chemical reactivity and quantum meaning – from the EPR ultrafast processes, Aleksandar Sabljić (1935) through Bells unequalities (1964) 5. Development and application of models to the Aspect experiment (1980), 20th in chemistry and bioinformatics, Nenad

. MATH/CHEM/COMP, Dubrovnik, 20-25 Trinajstić 5

0 June 2005. 6. Structural and biological investigation of 0 2

t 5. N. Došlić, Hydrogen-bonded prototype new complex compounds, Ljerka Tušek- r o

p systems: A computational approach Božić e R

to spectroscopy, Graduiertenkolleg 7. Structure and dynamics of (bio)molecules, l a

u “Hydrogen Bonding and Hydrogen Biserka Kojić-Prodić n n Transfer”, Frei Universität Berlin, Berlin, 8. Biophysics of liporotein interactions with A


B Germany, 29 June 2005. active substances, Greta Pifat-Mrzljak R 9. Electron spin resonance in systems with paramagnetic particles, Boris Rakvin

40 10. Modelling of novel carbon materials, with Slovenia) Ante Graovac 9. Electronic structure of halogenated 11. Interactions of biomembranes with amino diphenylmethanones and diphenyleth-

acids and peptides, Vesna Nöthig-Laslo anones, B. Kovač (Bilateral project with ZFK 12. Multidisciplinary sedimentological inves- Slovenia) tigations, Halka Bilinski 10. Cyclopalladated complexes of azoben- 13. Matter under extreme conditions, zenes, M. Ćurić (Bilateral project with Slobodan Bosanac Slovenia) 14. Description and behavior of quantum sys- 11. Formation, transport and degradation tems in interaction, Tomislav Živković of photooxidants in the Mediterranean 15. Custom DNA synthesis, Ivan Habuš area, N. Kezele (Bilateral project with Slovenia) Other projects 12. Research of new materials based on carbon, A. Graovac (Bilateral project with 1. Combined quantum mechanical and force Slovenia) field approaches in study of molecules of biological and biotechnical interest, S. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Tomić (Bilateral project with Austria) 2. Functional organisation of noncovalent 1. Bosanac SD: Dynamics of particles complexes of bacterial lipases, B. Kojić- and the electromagnetic field, World Prodić (Bilateral project with Austria) Scientific, Singapore, 2005: pp 496. 3. Structure and dynamics of biomolecules, 2. Ćurić M, Babić D, Višnjevac A, Molčanov M. Luić (Bilateral project with Slovenia) K: Simple route to the doubly ortho- 4. Interactions of liposomes with aminoacids palladated azobenzenes: Building and peptides for targeted incorporation blocks for organometallic polymers and into organism studied by Electron Spin metallomesogenes. Inorg Chem 2005: Resonance, V. Noethig-Laslo (Bilateral 44: 5975. project with Slovenia) 3. Škorić I, Basarić N, Marinić Ž, Višnjevac 5. Cell membranes and oxidative stress, A, Kojić-Prodić B, Šindler-Kulyk M: G. Pifat-Mrzljak (Bilateral project with Synthesis and photochemistry of β,β'-

Slovenia) di(2-furyl) substituted o-divinylbenzenes. R B

Intra- and/or intermolecular cycloaddition I

6. Synthesis of organometalic compounds A

as an effect of annelation. Chemistry-A n

in mass spectrometer, D. Srzić, (Bilateral n u

Eur J 2005: 11: 543. a

project with Slovenia) l

4. Ljubić I, Sabljić A: Ozonolysis of fluor- R 7. Investigation of structure and dynamics e p

oethene. Theoretical study of unimolecu- o

of proteins with numerical methods, S. r t

lar decomposition paths of primary and 2

Tomić, (Bilateral project with Slovenia) 0 0

8. Microbial lipases - search for new bio- secondary fluorozonide. J Phys Chem A 5 .

catalysts, A. Višnjevac (Bilateral project 2005: 109: 2381. 5. Novak I, Kovač B: Halogens in com-

41 ZFK . Cvita 9. . Ljubi 6. . Vuki 8. . Ro 7. 39: 4607. 39: 2005: Environ Atmos ozone? is gerous 2005: 416: 212. 416: 2005: Lett Phys Chem molecules. water in ing fcet ehd o nmrt topologi enumerate to method eficient π 3318. 109: 2005: A Chem Phys J mixed dihalobenzenes. of structure Electronic petition: SP,WA:Pryor dan How directions: New 1846. 16: 2005: Spectr Mass Soc Am J acids. amino protonated of mechanism cally distinct clusters of hydrogen-bond of clusters distinct cally ab initio CASSCF/CASPT2 study of the of study CASSCF/CASPT2 initio ab Phys Chem A 2005: 109: 8209. Chem 109: APhys 2005: - * and n- and π* žman M: The gas-phase H/D exchange č ć š evi I, Sablji I, T, Klasinc L, Kezele N, McGlynn N, Kezele L, Klasinc T, ć D, Grube D, * valence excited states. J states. excited valence π* ć A: Dibenzo-p-dioxin. An Dibenzo-p-dioxin. A: a T, Graovac A: An A: Graovac T,ša - - - 10.Sikiri Vincekovi f ismerc eii ufcat. J surfactants. gemini dissymmetric of behavior adsorption and association the Colloid InterfSci2005:281:473. ć M, Primo M, ć N: Effect of the spacer length on ž i č I, TalmonI, Y, Filipovi ć - Division of Organic

Chemistry and ZOKB Biochemistry

DIVISIONAL ORGANISATION OVERVIEW OF THE DIVISION Head: Kata Majerski (acting head until Research activities in the Division of 10.06.2005), Mirjana Eckert-Maksić (from Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry dur- 10.06.2005) ing 2005 encompassed a wide spectrum of topics including modern organic synthe- The Division of Organic Chemistry and ses, physical organic and supramolecu- Biochemistry (ZOKB) consists of the fol- lar chemistry, spectroscopic and quantum lowing laboratories: mechanical studies of organic systems, and experimental and theoretical investigations of biologically important peptides, glycopep-  Laboratory for stereoselective tides and proteins. It should be emphasized catalysis and biocatalysis, that this research is multifaceted, since it Zdenko Hameršak covers aspects of materials science as well  Laboratory for synthetic organic as environmental and medicinal chemistry. chemistry, Kata Majerski Another characteristic feature of the work  Laboratory for supramolecular and is a good blend of fundamental and applied nucleoside chemistry, Mladen Žinić research. The main body of the results was  Laboratory for carbohydrate, peptide published in 44 scientific papers, which and glycopeptide chemistry, appeared mostly in renowned scientific jour- Štefica Horvat nals. Concerning the applicable aspects R

 Laboratory for cellular biochemistry, of the research, it is noteworthy that new B I

Marija Abramić approaches have been developed in the A n n

 synthesis of novel compounds potentially u

Laboratory for physical organic a l

useful in anticancer chemo- and photody- chemistry, Mirjana Eckert-Maksić R e

namic therapy. Furthermore, a new class of p  Laboratory for molecular o r

the environmentally friendly organocatalysts t

spectroscopy, Goran Baranović 2 0

has been designed and prepared. Last but 0

 Group for quantum organic chemistry, 5 .

not least, the first spin-off company of the

Borislav Kovačević Institute “Biozyne” was started.

43 The Division fosters intramural and extra- 131: 829), as well as a variety of new pep- mural collaboration including Universities tides containing different unnatural adaman- in Zagreb and Osijek, and a number of tane amino acids were synthesized and research centres abroad, as evidenced by a tested against several tumour lines. Some significant number of joint papers. Members of these compounds showed anticancer ZOKB of Division have made significant contribu- activities (Š. Horvat et al., Patent Appl. P tions to higher education by providing 9 20050242A, PCT/HR05/0031). The synthe- courses at undergraduate and postgraduate sis of new photoinduced gelation systems levels and by supervising a number of B.Sc. starting from stilbene-containing oxalamide (7), M.Sc. (1) and Ph.D. (3) thesis. They gelators was also reported (S. Miljanić et al., are also active in a number of national and Langmuir 2005: 21: 2754). international societies (bodies) and serve in Finally, the synthesis and analysis of the journal editorial boards, as well as referees separation efficacy of six new chiral packing for leading scientific journals. materials for high performance liquid chro- matography, consisting of 4- or 2-chloro-3,5- TOP ACHIEVEMENTS dinitrobenzoic acid, L-alanine and different π-donor units, was published (I. Gazić et al., New achievements in organic Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2005: 16: 1175). synthesis

A facile and efficient one-pot synthesis Computational design of superacids of a variety of alicyclic and aliphatic nitriles and superbases by treatment of carboxylic acids with MeCN It was shown that a combination of and sulfuric acid has been reported (K. Schwesinger’s phosphazene concept and Mlinarić-Majerski et al., Synlett 2005: 13: Alder’s idea of a disubstituted 1,8-naph- 2089). Highly efficient high-pressure synthe- thalene spacer provided a new superbase sis of new rod-like and U-shaped polycyclic HMPN, which represents the most basic compounds containing two 7-sila- or 7- “proton sponge” synthesized so far for this germanorbornene units fused to 7-oxanor- type of compounds (V. Raab et al., J Am bornene rings is reported. These are the first Chem Soc 2005: 127: 15738). Further, an

examples of homonuclear bis-metallated

. efficient strategy in tailoring neutral organic 5

0 polycyclic compounds reported in literature superacids of unprecedented strength has 0 2

t (M. Eckert-Maksić et al., Eur J Org Chem been developed. It includes a selection r o

p 2005:21:4612). Synthesis of a novel type of suitable molecular skeletons and their e

R of guanidine superbases involving multiple careful dressing by CN groups. In this way l a

u intramolecular hydrogen bonding has been powerful superacids are obtained, which n n also described (Z. Glasovac et al., Tetr Lett surpassed the acidity of sulfuric acid by 40- A

I 2005: 46: 8733).

B 50 orders of magnitude (R. Vianello and Z. R A series of new N-sulfonylpirimidines (M. B. Maksić, Chem Commun 2005: 3412). Pavlak et al., Cancer Res Clin Onc 2005:

44 Calculation of optical-rotatory Understanding the suicide dispersion inactivation of EAL

In collaboration with research groups of K. Ethanolamine ammonia lyase (EAL) is a

Nakanishi (Columbia University, New York, coenzyme B12-dependent enzyme that cata- USA) and C. Rosini (University Basilicata, lyzes the deamination of amino alcohols. ZOKB Potenza, Italy), members of the research Certain analogues of the natural substrate group of Z. Hameršak reported ab initio have, however, been found to inactivate the calculations of optical rotations (OR). It was enzyme after initial binding. By studying the demonstrated that ab initio calculations of mechanism of these reactions with ab initio ORD curves provide a reliable method for molecular orbital calculations, it was found the assignment of absolute configuration of that the most common driving force of the these conformationally flexible molecules (E. suicide inactivation was the formation of Giorgio et al., J Org Chem 2005: 70: 6557). a radical intermediate that is too stable to The illustration describing this work (Figure undergo further reaction (G. Sandala et al., 1) was chosen to appear on the front cover J Am Chem Soc 2005: 127: 8856) of volume 70, number 17 of the Journal of Organic Chemistry as well as on the front New approach to photodynamic cover of the 2006 wall calendar produced by therapy the same journal. In collaboration with the research group of G. Karminski-Zamola from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology a photo-induced switching of DNA inactive sub-

stances into DNA intercalators was discov-

ered. The method enables a new approach to photodynamic therapy (S. Starčević et al., J Am Chem Soc 2005: 127: 1074; I. Jarak et al., J Med Chem 2005: 48: 2346).

Towards understanding a mechanism

of tissue damage in diabetes R B I


Humoral MG level in patients with diabe- n n

tes having good and poor disease control u a l

was analysed using HPLC assay, based on R e

methylglyoxal derivatization. The study indi- p o r t

cated that an increased production of toxic 2 0

Figure 1: The front cover of volume 70, number aldehydes may be a part of mechanisms 0 5 .

17 of the Journal of Organic Chemistry. The illus-

that promote tissue damage in diabetes (I. tration pertains to research detailed in E Giorgio Nemet et al., Clin Biochem 2005: 38: 379). et al., J Org Chem 2005: 70: 6557.


Figure 2: Two dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) gel images of a bacterial lysate of E.coliBL21 (A) and of cerebrospinal fluid proteins (B) of patients suffering of non-inflammatory neurological disorders (left) and multiple sclerosis (right); 2-DE was performed by isoelectric focusing in non-linear pH gradient 3 – 10 as the 1st dimension, followed by electrophoresis in a 12% homogeneous polyacrylamide gel under denaturating conditions as the 2nd dimension. Protein spots were visualized by silver staining. Žinić On the way to finding new disease 5. Design and Synthesis of Bioactive Peptides, markers Glycopeptides and Biomarkers, Štefica Horvat The control of overexpression of human 6. Reactive Intermediates in Ground and dipeptidyl peptidase III in bacteria E. coli has Excited State, Mirjana Eckert-Maksić been performed by using a new high-reso- 7. Hydrolases – from Isolation to Function, lution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis Marija Abramić technique. The method was also applied 8. Extended π-Systems and Molecular in order to check protein homogeneity of Spectroscopies, Goran Baranović several purified enzymes and to search for 9. Proton Affinity and Proton Tansfer Reactions in Chemistry, Zvonimir Maksić differentially expressed proteins in cerebro- 10. Germanium, Silicon and Tin Contained spinal fluids obtained from patients suffering Polycyclic Structures, Davor Margetić neurological disorders. The latter exercise 11. Computational Studies of Protein Structure is expected to lead to new disease markers and Function (from April 22nd), David Smith (Figure 2). International and collaborative projects



0 1. Photoinduced Proton Transfer in Biologically 0 2

Projects supported by the Ministry of Active Molecules – Theoretical Investigation, t r

o Science, Education and Sport Bilateral Croatian-Austria project, M. Eckert- p

e Maksić R

1. Stereoselective Synthesis and Catalysis, l 2. Lipide crystals of bent-core mesogens, a

u Zdenko Hameršak

n Bilateral collaboration with UK (till August n 2. New Optically Active Materials, Vladimir 31), A. Lesac A

I Vinković 3. Simulation of Proton Dynamics in Systems of B

R 3. Synthesis, Molecular Structure and Function Biological Interest, Bilateral Croatia-Slovenia of Polycyclic Molecules, Kata Majerski project, Z. Maksić 4. Supramolecular Organization of Gels, 4. Thermally Processed Foods: Possible Health Molecular Recognition and Catalysis, Mladen Implication, COST Action, working group 46 D927, Š. Horvat 2005, 7th Congress of the World Association 5. Intrinsic Reactivity of New Materials COST of Theoretically Oriented Chemists. Cape Action, working group D26/0014/03, M. Town, South Africa, 16.-21. 1. 2005. Eckert-Maksić 2. Smith D.: Investigation of the Structure and 6. Intrinsic Reactivity of New Materials COST Function of Biologically Important Molecules:

Action, working group D26/0014/03, Z. What Can Computers Tell Us?, DFG-Priority ZOKB Maksić Programme Workshop: Radical in Enzymatic 7. Transcription of Bioinspired and Designed Catalysis. Schloss Rauischholzhausen, Functional Modules into Nanostructured Germany, 11.-13. 4. 2005. Smart Gels, COST Action, working group 3. Kovačević B.: Computational Design of D31, M. Žinić Neutral Organic Superbases in the Gas Phase and in Acetonitrile. XIX Croatian Meeting of Research and development projects Chemists and Chemical Engineers. Opatija, Croatia, 24.-27. 4. 2005. 1. Design and Synthesis of Steroids and 4. Basarić N.:Pyrrole compounds in the excited Steroid-like Derivatives (TECNA s.r.l. state, useful synthetic tools and analytical Area di Ricerca, Padriciano, Trieste, reagents. XIX Croatian Meeting of Chemists Italy), K. Majerski and Chemical Engineers. Opatija, Croatia, 2. Modelling and Simulation of Protein 24.-27. 4. 2005. Folding and the Catalytic Role of 5. Smith D.: The Integrated Molecular Orbital Enzymes, (subproject under CRO-GRID Approach to Accurate Calculations of Large MZOŠ-HITRA project), Z. B. Maksić Molecular Systems. 1st South Eastern European Workshop on Practical Approaches AWARDS to Computational Biology. Opatija, Croatia, Award to Kata Majerski: Croatian state annu- 1.-4. 9. 2005. al award for science in the field of natural sci- 6. Žinić M.: Supramolecular Chemistry and ences. Stereochemistry of Gel Assemblies. ESF Award to Mirjana Eckert-Maksić: Annual Research Conference Supramolecular award of the City of Zagreb for scientific achieve- Chemistry. Molecular Architectures and ments in physical-organic chemsitry. Systems. Obernai, Strasbourg, France, 14.- Awards to Nikola Basarić: Croatian state 19. 10. 2005. annual award for young scientists in the field of 7. Smith D.: Theoretical Study of the Mechanism natural sciences, as well as the “Vladimir Prelog” of Pyruvate Formate-Lyase. Pacifichem, award for young scientists of Croatian Chemical 2005 International Chemical Congress of

Society and PLIVA d.d. and award for young sci- Pacific Basin Chemical Societies. Honolulu, R Hawaii, USA, 15.-20. 12. 2005. B entists from The Society of University Teachers I


and Scientists, Zagreb. n n

Award to Borislav Kovačević: Leopold PATENT APPLICATIONS u a l

Ružička award for young scientists of the R

Croatian Chemical Society. 1. Horvat Š., Majerski K., Glavaš-Obrovac Lj., e p

Jakas A., Veljković J., Roščić M., Kragol o r t

G., Karner I., Synthetic peptides containing 2


unnatural adamantane-related amino acids 0 5 .

1. Smith D.: The Substrate Mechanism of

for use as antitumor drugs (P 20050242A,

Pyruvate Formate-Lyase: The Influence PCT/HR05/0031) of the Environment on Enzyme-Catalyzed 2. Maksić M., Glasovac .Z, ‘’N,N’,N’’-Tris-(3- Reactions Involving Free Radicals, WATOC 47 dimethylaminopropyl)guanidine. The proce- A facile and efficient one-pot synthesis of dure of preparation from carbodimide and nitriles from carboxylic acids. Synlett 2005: application in reactions of oil’’, (P20040341 2089. A, 3125.07.2005; PCT/HR2005/000026). 8. Eckert-Maksić M, Margetić D, Kirin S, Milić D, Matković-Čalogović D. Synthesis of fused ZOKB PUBLICATIONS norbornenes containing two 7-metallonor- bornene units assisted by high pressure. Eur 1. Starčević K, Karminski-Zamola G, Piantanida J Org Chem 2005: 21: 4612. I, Žinić M, Šuman L, Kralj M. Photoinduced 9. Gazić I, Kontrec D, Lesac A, Vinković V. The switch of a DNA/RNA inactive molecule into enantiomeric recognition of dihydropyrimi- a classical intercalator. J Am Chem Soc donic compounds by chiral selectors derived 2005: 127: 1074. from from 4- or 2-chloro-3, 5-dinitroben- 2. Raab V, Gauchenova E, Merkoulov A, Harms zoic acid. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2005: 16: K, Sundermeyer J, Kovačević B, Maksić Z. 1175. 1, 8-Bis(hexamethyl-triamino-phosphazenyl) naphthalene, HMPN: A superbasic bisphos- Book Chapters phazene “Proton Sponge”. J Am Chem Soc 2005: 127: 15738. 1. Eckert-Maksić M, Maksić Z. Antiaromaticity 3. Sandala, GM, Smith DM, Radom L. Divergent and aromaticity in carbocyclic four- mechanisms of suicide inactivation for eth- membered rings. In: The Chemistry of anolamine ammonia-lyase. J Am Chem Soc Cyclobutanes, Rappoport Z, Liebman JF. 2005: 127: 8856. (editors); Chichester: John Wiley, 2005. 4. Vianello R, Maksić Z. Extremal acidity of 2. Fages F, Vogtle F, Žinić M. Systematic Rees polycyanated hydrocarbons in the design of amide- and urea-type gelators with gas phase and DMSO - a density functional tailored properties. In: Low molecular mass study. Chem Commun 2005: 27: 3412. gelators: design, self-assembly, function, 5. Jarak I, Kralj M, Šuman L, Pavlović G, Topics in current chemistry, Fages F. (edi- Dogan J, Piantanida I, Žinić M, Pavelić tor). Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2005. K, Karminski-Zamola G. Novel cyano- and 3. Žinić M, Vogtle F, Fage F. Cholesterol-based N-isopropylamidino-substituted derivatives gelators. In: Low molecular mass gelators: of benzo[b]thiophene- 2-carboxanilides and design, self-assembly, function, Topics in benzo[b]thieno[2, 3-c]quinolones: Synthesis, current chemistry. Fages, F. (editor). Berlin: photochemical synthesis, crystal structure Springer-Verlag, 2005. determination and antitumor evaluation. Part 4. Warrener RN, Margetić D, Mann DA, Chen

2. J Med Chem 2005: 48: 2346. Z-L, Butler DN. Novel geometry polynor- .

5 6. Giorgio E, Roje M, Tanaka K, Hameršak bornane scaffolds for chromophore linkage 0 0

2 Z, Šunjić V, Nakanishi K, Rosini C, Berova and spacing. In: Artificial Photosynthesis:

t r Nina. Determination of the absolute configu- From Basic Biology to Industrial Application, o p

e ration of flexible molecules by ab initio ORD Collings AF, Critchley C. (editors). Weinheim: R

l calculations: a case study with cytoxazones Wiley-VCH, 2005. a

u and isocytoxazones. J Org Chem 2005: 70: n n 6557. A

I 7. Mlinarić-Majerski K, Margeta R, Veljković J. B R

48 Division of Materials ZKM Chemistry

DIVISIONAL ORGANISATION and inorganic biomaterials. An important research activity is the study of the kinet- Head: Svetozar Musić ics and mechanisms of various process- es in solid/liquid heterogeneous systems. The Division of Materials Chemistry Members of the group for ichtiopathology- (ZKM) consists of the following biological materials have been very active in laboratories: the formation of the Centre for diagnostics of Fish, Shellfish and Crustaceans Diseases.  Laboratory for synthesis of new The radiation chemistry and dosimetry labo- materials, Boris Subotić ratory at the division is the only existing unit in Croatia which has been dealing  Laboratory for precipitation processes, with all aspects of the physico-chemical Damir Kralj effects of ionizing radiations. We possess  Laboratory for radiation chemistry and a strong cobalt-60 source for commercial dosimetry, Dušan Ražem irradiations. The low-dose and high dose  Laboratory for solid state chemistry, chemical dosimetry systems were devel- Želimir Blažina oped and internationally accepted. The sec- ondary standard dosimetry laboratory was  Laboratory for complex compounds established. The Division also participated chemistry, Pavica Planinić in numerous cooperative activities with dif-  Group for ichtiopathology – biological ferent industries, hospitals, state institutions materials, Rozelinda Čož-Rakovac and the University of Zagreb R B


A n

Mechanism and kinetics of zeolite n The Division of Materials Chemistry is u a l

crystal growth strongly focused on the synthesis of new R e functional materials and investigation of their p The crystal growth of zeolites was found o r chemical, microstructural and physical prop- t

to be independent of size and governed 2 erties. We are investigating magnetic and 0 by the reaction of monomeric and/or low- 0 5 nonmagnetic metal oxides, glass-ceram- .

molecular aluminate, silicate and alumi- ics, cluster compounds, organic polymers, nosilicate anions from the liquid phase on intermetallic compounds, metal hydrides the surfaces of growing zeolite crystals. In

49 contrast to strong influence of the ratio Si/Al in the liquid phase on the growth rate, and even type of zeolite formed, the crystal size distribution of the crystalline end product ZKM (pure zeolite A, mixtures of zeolites A and X, pure zeolite X) is independent on the chemical composition of the liquid phase, which represents additional evidence for the gel “memory” effect (S. Bosnar et al., Croat Figure 1. Synthesis of zeolite Chem Acta 2005: 78: 1).

Solid solutions in HfO2-Al2O3 and ZrO2- Figure 2: Microporous hematite (α-Fe2O3) syn- Al2O3 systems thesized in our division The crystallization temperature of the of both HfO2- and ZrO2-type solid solutions. amorphous precursors of the HfO2-AlO1.5 The solubility of Hf4+, and Zr4+ ions in the and ZrO2-AlO1.5 systems was found to aluminium oxides lattice appeared to be increase with increasing AlO1.5 content, from negligible. (G. Štefanić et al., J Alloys Comp o o 530 C (0 mol % AlO1.5) to 940 C (60 mol 2005: 388: 126). o % AlO1.5) and from 405 C (0 mol % AlO1.5) o to 915 C (60 mol % AlO1.5). Crystallization Multifunctional PC Controlled Bench products with AlO1.5-contents ≤ 50 mol % Scale Chemical Reactor (VIKER) were only obtained in the presence of HfO2- and ZrO2-type solid solutions. The lattice In the framework of a HITRA project, parameters of the ZrO2-type solid solutions a multi-purpose PC-controlled bench-scale decreased with increasing Al3+ content up chemical reactor (VIKER) has been con- to ~ 10 mol %, whereas above 10 mol %, structed and PID regulation implemented. further increases of the Al3+ content had a The reactor has the possibility to control very small influence on the unit-cell volume a number of technological parameters. Its

. 5 0 0 2

t r o p e R

l a u n n A

I B R Figure 1: High resolution scanning electron Figure 3: Home-made multi-purpose PC control- microscope led chemical reactor VIKER

50 adaptability is achieved by the incorporation Compatibilization of polypropylene/ of different actuators and sensors, which talc composites enable conducting the process using solid, The study of the structure-property rela- liquid or gas reactants. The chemical proc- tionships of compatibilized isotactic polypro- ZKM ess is controlled by home-made electronics, pylene (iPP)/talc composites is important for software and intuitive graphical interface. the property optimization of superior plastics (J. Kontrec et al., Coll Antropol 2005: 29: for the automotive industry. The encapsula- 289). tion extent of talc crystals (core-shell effect) and some mechanical properties as a meas- Dosimetry ure for the compatibilization effect of (iPP)/ An ethanol – chlorobenzene dosimetry talc composites with different styrene rubber system for high dose measurements was copolymers (SRBC)(SBS, SEP, SEBS, prepared for the forthcoming ICRU Report. and SEBS-g-MA) seemed to decrease along A new draft of the Standard Practice for Use the series SEBS-g-MA > SEBS > SBS > of an Ethanol–Chlorobenzene Dosimetry SEP, affected by different factors. The sig- System (ISO/ASTM Standard 51538) under- nificantly higher impact strength observed went major revision and has been accepted for iPP/talc/SEBS composites than for other by the ASTM (American Society for Testing (iPP)/talc/SRBC composites and iPP/SRBC and Materials) Subcommittee E10.01 in blends indicates a superimposing effect of 2005. Based on the received comments a additional influencing factors (M. Denac et revised draft was prepared for balloting as al. Composites A 2005: 36: 1094; M. Denac a Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) et al. Composites A 2005: 36: 1282). by the ISO/ASTM Committee in 2006. Once approved, the international standard will be New hydrogen storage materials in force for the next 5 years. (D. Ražem. In: IAEA Trends in Radiation Sterilization. IAEA New rare earth based intermetallic com- Report Vienna 2005: 135). pounds of the composition RENi3.5Al1.5 (RE = Y, Tb, Dy, and Ho) compounds were prepared and charged with hydrogen. It was found that under 1.5 MPa gas pressure, the maximum hydrogen capacity varies with the rare earth atom from 3.8, 2.8, 3.9 to R

2.42 H atoms / alloy formula unit for Tb, Dy, B I

Ho and Y, respectively. Neutron diffraction A n n

studies indicated that hydrogen (deuterium) u a l

atoms occupy only two of the five possible R

sites in the crystal structure. Magnetisation e p o

measurements of TbNi3.5Al1.5 show strong r t


ferromagnetic contribution supported by 0 0

magnetic terbium, while the exchange cou- 5

Figure 4: Work with radiophotoluminescence .

dosimetry reader plings with nickel remain rather weak. The

51 3+ 5+ TbNi3.5Al1.5 - hydride reveals a reinforce- annealing up to 550 °C, the Sb /Sb ment of the magnetic couplings, indicating content ratio decreased, indicating oxida- that nickel is magnetically polarised but in an tion of Sb3+. It was found that the Sb3+/Sb5+ opposite manner to terbium.(B. Šorgić et al. content ratio in ATO samples is proportional ZKM J Alloys Compd 2005: 404-406: 64). to the ratio of full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) for the diffraction lines 110 and New clusters of Nb and Ta 101 of these samples (B. Gržeta et al., In Cristalogafía. Fundamentos, Téchnicas The solutions of hexanuclear halide y Aplicaciones, Ed. L. Bucio, Sociedad clusters of niobium and tantalum in aliphatic Mexicana de Cristalografía A. C., México D. nitriles could be suitable media for the F. 2005: 69). preparation of cluster compounds containing two or more differently charged cluster entities Forming of the Centre for diagnostics in the same formula unit. Thus, by partial of Fish, Shellfish and Crustaceans oxidation of a solution of tantalum chloride Diseases clusters in n-butyl cyanide (n-C4H9CN, n-BuCN) the double salt of composition Research carried out in 2005 revealed 2[(Ta6Cl12)Cl3(n-BuCN)3]·[(Ta6Cl12)Cl4(n- standard values of haematological and BuCN)2]·n-BuCN has been prepared. The biochemical parameters for several coexistence of differently charged cluster fish species (Oncorhynchus kisutch, 3+ 4+ units, namely [Ta6Cl12] and [Ta6Cl12] in Dicentrarchus labrax, Mugill spp., Thunnus [(Ta6Cl12)Cl3(n-BuCN)3] and [(Ta6Cl12)Cl4(n- thynnus). The alterations of these factors in BuCN)2], respectively, makes this species response to some abiotic factors have been unique in the transition-metal cluster established. Comparison of the farmed and chemistry. The compounds of this type could wild sea bream populations in the Adriatic be interesting from the point of view of the Sea proved that the farming environment intercluster transfer of charge. Also, this is impacts the modificationof biochemical blood the first structurally characterized complex parameters, decreasing the resistance of the compound with coordinated n-BuCN (P. organisms and increasing their susceptibility Planinić et al. Comptes Rendus Chimie to bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases. The 2005: 8: 1766). results demonstrated significant differences in biochemical and histological profiles of

. Structural properties of conducting the free-living and farmed sea bass (R. 5

0 oxide Sb-doped SnO (ATO) Čož-Rakovac et al., Veterinary Research 0 2 2

t Communications 2005: 29-8: 677). r

o Antimony-doped tin oxide (ATO) samples p

e with doping level up to 14 at% Sb were R

l hydrothermally prepared and characterized a

u 121 n by X-ray diffraction and Sb Mössbauer n A

spectroscopy. The crystal structure indicat- I 3+ 5+ B ed that both Sb and Sb are substituted R 4+ 3+ for Sn in the SnO2 structure, Sb being dominant for the as-prepared samples. In


1. Maria Ranogajec-Komor: Status and Projects supported by the Ministry Perspectives of Dosimetry in Europe. of Science, Education and Sport Chiyoda Technol Corporation, Tokyo, ZKM (MZOŠ) Japan, 7.2.2005. 1. Research of the crystallization process 2. Branko Vekić: Calibration Standards for and use of zeolites, Boris Subotić Radiation in Croatia. Chiyoda Users’ 2. Kinetics and mechanisms of solid phase Conference, Mito, Japan, 8.2.2005. precipitation from electrolyte solutions, 3. M a r i a R a n o g a j e c - K o m o r : Ljerka Brečević Thermoluminescence Dosimetry.Kyoto 3. Synthesis and microstructure of metal University, Kyoto, Japan, 10.2.2005. oxides and oxide glasses, Svetozar 4. Saveta Miljanić: Research and Musić Development of Dosimetry at the Ruđer 4. Physico-chemical effects of ionizing radi- Bošković Institute. Kyoto University, ations, Dušan Ražem Kyoto, Japan, 10.2.2005. 5. Synthesis, characterization and modifi- 5. Dušan Ražem: Radiation Sterilization cation of polymers by ionizing radiation, of Pharmaceuticals. International Atomic Franjo Ranogajec Energy Agency Consultants Meeting on 6. Intermetallic compounds and metal Trends in Radiation Sterilization and hydrides, Želimir Blažina Decontamination of Pharmaceuticals, 7. Superconducting oxides and polynuclear Cairo, Egypt, 15. – 18. 5. 2005. metal complexes, Nevenka Brničević 6. Dušan Ražem: Radiation Sterilization 8. Influence of dopands on the structure of Cosmetics. International Atomic and properties of materials for technical Energy Agency Consultants Meeting on applications, Biserka Gržeta Trends in Radiation Sterilization and 9. Biochemical and Molecular Reaction of Decontamination of Pharmaceuticals, Fish to the Ecosystem Status, Rozelindra Cairo, Egypt, 15. – 18. 5. 2005. Čož-Rakovac 7. Biserka Gržeta, Structural Studies of 10. Development of an adaptable techno- Nanocrystalline Sb-Doped SnO2, plena- logical procedure for the production of ry lecture at Quinto Congreso Nacional precipitated calcium carbonate, Damir de Cristalografía, Guanajuato, Mexico,

Kralj (HITRA TP-01/0098-30) November 13-18, 2005. R B

11. Characterization of the aluminate 8. Biserka Gržeta, Structural Studies of I


cement clinker by the Rietveld method, Nanocrystalline Antimony-Doped Tin n n

Biserka Gržeta (HITRA TP-01/0098- Oxide (ATO) from RT to 550 °C, Escuela u a l

29). Superior de Física y Matemáticas, R e

Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico D. p o r

F., Mexico, 11 November 2005. t

2 0 0 5 .

53 AWARDS 5. Bououdina M, Šorgić B, Ouladdiaf B, Skryabina N, Fruchart B. Neutron Damir Kralj, Marko Ukrainczyk, Jasminka diffraction investigations and magnetic Kontrec, Vesna Babić-Ivančić and Ljerka properties of RENi3.5Al1.5 Compounds ZKM Brečević were awarded the Golden Arca and their Hydrides. J Alloys Compd (Zlatna Arca) and the Genius Cup (The 2005: 404-406: 64. Association of Hungarian Inventors) at 6. Planinić P, Rastija V, Perić B, Giester the 3rd ARCA - International Exhibition of G, Brničević N. Synthesis and Innovations, Zagreb, 2005 - for the invention crystal structure of 2[(Ta6Cl12)Cl3(n- of VIKER. BuCN)3]•[(Ta6Cl12)Cl4(n-BuCN)2]•n- BuCN, the first cluster compound SELECTED PUBLICATIONS containing [Ta6Cl12]3+ and [Ta6Cl12]4+ 1. Bosnar S, Bronić J, Krznarić I, Subotić cores. Comptes Rendus Chimie 2005: 8: B. Influence of concentrations of 1766. aluminium and silicon in the liquid phase 7. Čož-Rakovac R, Strunjak-Perović I, on the growth kinetics of zeolite A and X Hacmanjek M, Topić Popović N, Lipej microcrystals. Croat Chem Acta 2005: Z, Šoštarić B. Blood chemistry and 78: 1. histological properties of wild and cultured 2. Štefanić G, Musić S, Trojko R. The sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in the influence of thermal treatment on the North Adriatic Sea. Veterinary Research phase development in HfO2-Al2O3 and Communications, 2005: 29: 677. ZrO2-Al2O3 systems. J Alloys Comp 2005: 388: 126. 3. Kontrec J, Babić-Ivančić V, Brečević Lj. Formation and morphology of struvite and newberyite in aqueous solutions at 25 and 37 °C. Coll Antropol 2005: 29: 289. 4. Denac M, Šmit I, Musil V. Polypropylene/ talc/SEBS (SEBS-g-MA) composites. Part 1: Structure. Composites A 2005: 36: 1094; and .Denac M, Musil V, Smit


5 I. Polypropylene/talc/SEBS (SEBS-g- 0 0

2 MA) composites. Part 2: Mechanical

t r

o properties. Composites A, 2005: 36: p

e 1282. R

l a u n n A


54 Division of Molecular ZMB Biology

DIVISIONAL ORGANISATION OVERVIEW OF THE DIVISION Head: Igor Weber The research in the Division of molecular The Division of Molecular Biology (ZMB) biology is based on the methods of modern consists of the following laboratories: molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, biophotonics and bioinformatics.  Laboratory of Microbial Genetics, Model organisms used in these studies Erika Salaj-Šmic include bacteria, yeast, cellular slime moulds,  Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology, several invertebrates, plants and mammali- Mirjana Petranović an cells. The projects in our Division broadly comprise the following fields of study: 1)  Laboratory for Molecular Genetics, Vera Gamulin maintenance of genome integrity and regu- lation of genome variation (DNA replication,  Laboratory for Molecular Genetics of recombination and repair); 2) expression of Eukaryotes, Miroslav Plohl genomic information (transcription and trans-  Gene Regulation Laboratory, lation); 3) signal transduction in molecular Mary Sopta regulation of cell division, growth, differentia- tion and senescence; 4) cellular responses  Laboratory of Experimental Cancerology, Ivica Rubelj to toxic agents and resistance to cytostatics and antibiotics; 5) regulatory mechanisms  Laboratory for Genotoxic Agents, of photosynthesis; 6) dynamical processes Maja Osmak in the cytoskeleton, and finally 7) evolution R

 Laboratory for Neurochemistry and of genes and genomes. The primary pur- B I

Molecular Neurobiology, pose of these research projects is a general A

Branimir Jernej n broadening of our knowledge of biological n u

processes at the molecular level and the a  l

Laboratory for Electron Microscopy, underlying principles of life, as well as the R Nikola Ljubešić e p

training of young scientists for professional o r

 Laboratory for Chemical Biology, t

work in the field of molecular biosciences, 2

Volker Magnus 0 including biomedicine and biotechnology. 0 5 .

 Laboratory for Biocenotic In 2005, members of the Division of

Investigation, Andrija Željko Lovrić Molecular Biology participated in teaching  Secretary, Marija Kober more than 30 subjects at Croatian universi-

55 ties. During that year they also supervised more than 20 diploma, MSc, and PhD the- ses. A series of practical courses in biology and medicine was organized in our Division

ZMB by Andreja Ambriović Ristov (http://www.


DNA repair Just 10 copies of RecBCD enzyme present in Escherichia coli initiate a vast majority of homologous recombination in Figure 2: Confocal microscope at the Division of Molecular Biology that organism. We have shown that even a moderate increase in concentration of analysis of another hybrid recombination RecBCD enzyme in a cell reduces the effi- pathway which operates in the recB1080 ciency of both DNA repair and homologous recD double mutant (I. Ivančić-Baće et al., J recombination. These results suggest that Bacteriol 2005: 187: 1350). the efficient DNA recombination and repair requires balanced concentrations and fine RNA-mediated gene regulation regulation of recombination functions in the Molecular biologists have been amazed in cell (D. Đermić et al., Res Microbiol 2005: recent years by the discovery of RNA-medi- 156: 304). ated mechanisms of gene regulation. Non- coding RNAs deriving from satellite DNAs Recombination machinery have been suggested to play a fundamental Recently, we have shown that elements role in gene regulation being involved in epi- of two independent recombination machin- genetic chromatin modulation, transcription, eries in E. coli (RecBCD and RecF) can RNA maturation and translation. A review interact and together produce recombino- article addressing this new and exciting genic filament. We now present the genetic field of research was published in 2005 (Đ. Ugarković EMBO Rep 2005: 6: 1035).

Telomere shortening in . 5

0 senescent cells 0 2


r It has been suggested that senescence is o p

e regulated by telomere shortening in human R

l cells. We demonstrate that telomeres of a

u early-senescing cells are the same length, n n and must shorten at the same rate, as cycling A


B sister cells in the culture. These results sup-

R port model of abrupt telomere shortening as Figure 1: Three-dimensional reconstruction of a a cause of sudden and stochastic nature of dividing cell.

56 5. Organization of heterochromatic DNA sequences in invertebrates, Plohl M 6. Transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes, Sopta M ZMB 7. Molecular mechanisms of imortalization and cellular aging, Rubelj I 8. Structure, function and regulation of plasminogen serine proteases, Brdar B 9. Cell response to physical, chemical and biological noxa, Osmak M 10. Molecular pathophysiology of serotonergic transmission, Jernej B Figure 3: Electron microtomography of the actin 11. Hydrodynamics of the cerebrospinal fluid, cytoskeleton Orešković D cellular aging (M. Ferenac et al. J Gerontol 12. Structure and function of plastids and Biol Sci 2005: 60A: 820). cytoskeleton, Ljubešić N 13. Dynamics and genetics of bioactive Evolutionary population genetics molecules, Magnus V 14. Endemic and relict phytocenoses of A novel concept for the origin and mainte- Croatia and their mycoflora, Lovrić AŽ nance of adaptive genetic variation is intro- duced in this theoretical paper. It is based Other projects on neutral polymorphism on quantitative trait loci and on the both adaptive and neutral 1. Biodiversity in Croatia: genetic gene substitutions. This model can explain characterization of autochtonous flora the fast evolution of non-essential genes and fauna and economically important and the appearance of evolutionary innova- species and breeds. Gamulin V, tion (K. Brčić-Kostić, Genet Res 2005: 86: collaborative project (2003-). 53). 2. Biological response to damage. Osmak M, collaborative project MESS (2003-). PROJECTS 3. Usage of telomerase in revitalization of cells and tissues in vitro and in vivo. Projects supported by the Ministry of

Rubelj I, collaborative project (2003-). R

Science, Education and Sport B 4. Plant hormones – Physiology, I

Biochemistry and application. Magnus V, A 1. The role of recombination in DNA repair n n

and genome stability, Salaj-Šmic E collaborative project (2003-). u a l

5. New potental anti-cancer drugs: diazenes 2. Regulation of recombination and R e

recombinational repair, Petranović M and triazenes. Osmak M, Polanc S p o r

3. Genes and genomes of evolutionary (Faculty for Chemistry and Chemical t


conserved and economically important Technology, University of Ljubljana), 0 0

bilateral collaboration. 5 species, Gamulin V .

4. Evolutionary dynamics of satellite DNAs, 6. Molecular enzymology and enzyme Ugarković Đ engineering of hydrolases. Vujaklija

57 D, Schwab H (Graz University of D, Petranović M. RecBCD enzyme Technology), bilateral project. overproduction impairs DNA repair and 7. Comparative study of distribution, homologous recombination in Escherichia structure and evolution of satellite DNA coli. Res Microbiol 2005: 156: 304 ZMB sequences in the genome of root-knot 3. Ferenac M, Polančec D, Huzak M, nematodes in relation with their mode Pereira-Smith OM, Rubelj I. Early- of reproduction. Plohl M, Castagnone- senescing human skin fibroblasts do Sereno P, Cogito bilateral project. not demonstrate accelerated telomere 8. Genetic diversity and evolutionary shortening. J Gerontol Biol Sci 2005: processes of irises along the Dinaric Alps. 60A: 820. Fulgosi H, Till-Bottraud I (UJF Grenoble, 4. Fulgosi H, Lepeduš H, Cesar V, Ljubešić France), Cogito bilateral project. N. Differential accumulation of plastid 9. Serotonin and impulsive behavior. Jernej preprotein translocon components during B, Laviola G (Institute of Health, Roma, spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) needle Italy), bilateral project. development. Biol Chem 2005: 386: 10. Pathophysiology of synaptic trans- 777. mission: studies on an original animal 5. Hranilović D, Čičin-Šain L, Bordukalo- model. Jernej B, Živin M (University of Nikšić T, Jernej B. Rats with constitutionally Ljubljana, Slovenia), bilateral project. upregulated/downregulated platelet 5HT transporter: Differences in anxiety- INVITED LECTURES related behavior. Behav Brain Res 2005: 165: 271. 1. Weber I. Cryoelectron tomography: zoom- 6. Ivančić-Baće I, Salaj-Šmic E, Brčić-Kostić ing into intact cells. Regional Biophysics K. Effects of recJ, recQ and recFOR Meeting, Zreče, Slovenia. mutations on recombination in nuclease- 2. Weber I. Premature exocytosis in deficient recB recD double mutants of Dictyostelium discoideum cells that lack Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol 2005: 187: myosin II. 7th Multinational Congress on 1350. Microscopy, Portorož, Slovenia. 7. Mravinac B, Plohl M, Ugarković Đ. 3. Zahradka K. Deinococcus radiodurans: Preservation and high sequence the most efficient DNA repair involves conservation of satellite DNAs suggest coupled replication and recombination functional constraints. J Mol Evol 2005:


5 processes. 1st Central European Forum 61: 542. 0

0 8. Petrović V, Plohl M. Sequence divergence

2 for Microbiology (CEFORM), Keszthely,

t r Hungary. and conservation in organizationally o p

e distinct subfamilies of Donax trunculus R

l SELECTED PUBLICATIONS satellite DNA. Gene 2005: 362: 37. a u

n 9. Ugarković Đ. Functional elements n

A 1. Brčić-Kostić K. Neutral mutation as the residing within satellite DNAs. EMBO


B source of genetic variation in life history Rep 2005: 6: 1035. R traits. Genet Res 2005: 86: 53. 2. Đermić D, Halupecki E, Zahradka

58 Division of Molecular ZMM Medicine

DIVISIONAL ORGANISATION Head: Krešimir Pavelić OVERVIEW OF THE DIVISION The Division of Molecular Medicine (ZMM) The mission of the Division of Molecular consists of the following laboratories: Medicine is to expand and strengthen the knowledge of the nature of disease and to  Laboratory of cellular and molecular immunology, Mariastefania Antica develop and improve new strategies for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dis-  Laboratory of molecular oncology, ease. These goals are realized through the Jasminka Pavelić evaluation of the impact of genetic factors in  Laboratory of molecular pathology, disease prevention, the reduction of risk fac- Koraljka Gall-Trošelj tors, the development and evaluation of new  Laboratory of experimental drugs, the exploration of the biochemical hematology, immunology and and cellular effects of drugs on cells and liv- oncology, Jelka Gabrilovac ing organisms, the improvement of scientific  Laboratory of biological response methodology, and the education of scientists modifiers, Tatjana Marotti and students.  Laboratory of immunochemistry, The Division is currently developing sev- Biserka Pokrić eral strategic projects. These include the  Laboratory of molecular endocrinology development of molecular targeted therapy and transplantation, Mirko Hadžija for use against cancer and viral diseases, new diagnostic tools and research aimed at R  Laboratory for oxidative stress, B I

Neven Žarković deciphering the molecular basis of disease, A n

tools based on transcriptomic and proteomic n  u Laboratory of molecular a

approaches, as well as tissue engineering l

neuropharmacology, Danka Peričić R

for the purpose of therapeutic cloning. As e p

 Laboratory of functional genomics, o such, the Division is emerging as a pre- r t

Marijeta Kralj 2

eminent centre (centre of excellence), for 0 0

 Laboratory of molecular virology and research in molecular approaches to the 5 .

bacteriology, Magdalena Grce study of disease.  Animal Quarters, Ranko Stojković

59 TOP ACHIEVEMENTS IN BASIC antisense peptides coded in 3’ -5’ direction. RESEARCH The hydropathy of the complementary amino acid pairs and their frequencies in 10

ZMM peptide-receptor systems with verifiedligand- S-Adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase receptor interaction was analysed. The MRT (SAHH) deficiency in human was validated by “in vivo” experiment as DNA analysis of patients showed a total an useful method to simplify experimental of 5 different as yet uncharacterized point procedures, reduce the costs of the peptide mutations in the SAHH gene. The severity of synthesis, and improve peptide structure the disease is variable and causes serious modelling (N. Štambuk et al.,Theor Biosci health problems with a possible lethal out- 2005: 123: 265). come if some of the point mutations occur in combination. So far we have character- The role of NF1gene in the develop- ized one missense mutation in detail, which ment and progression of colon cancer represents a temperature sensitive mutation Real-time RT-PCR was used to determine as confirmed by circular dichroism analysis. NF1 mRNA expression in tumours and cor- The catalytic rates of mutant protein are responding normal mucous tissue. The ela- decreased to approximately 30% of normal. tive ratio of NF1 mRNA type I and II isoforms The reason for reduced enzyme activity is expression was examined as well. NF1 linked to the oxidation states of bound co- gene expression was significantly increased factor NAD. Thus, mutant protein contains in tumour tissue compared to correspond- mainly NADH, which means that protons ing normal tissue. There was a statistically + usually bound by NAD and obligatory for significant increase of NF1 mRNA type I iso- substrate oxidation are not retained in the form expression in tumour tissue when com- active site, i.e. causing reduced enzyme pared to corresponding normal colon tissue. activity and therefore SAHH deficiency in NF1 might play a role in the development human (I. Barić et al., J Inh Metab Dis 2005: and progression of colon cancer and this 28:885). gene could be a potential target for therapy (an extensive comment of these results was Optimization procedure for the best published in Nature Clinical Practice 2005: selection of ligand-receptor 2:542).

. An optimization procedure for the best 5 0

0 selection of ligand-receptor pairs is derived Molecular mechanisms of 2


r from the Molecular Recognition Theory immunosuppression o

p (MRT). The MRT is based on the finding that e R

peptides specified by the complementary The down regulation in interferon alpha l a

u RNAs bind to each other with higher and gamma transcription following exposure n n specificity and efficacy. The theory was to a very virulent strain of Marek’s disease A

I investigated considering the interaction virus as opposed to a vaccinal strain has B

R of the sense peptides coded by means of been observed in B(13)/B(13) chickens. messenger RNA (read in 5’ -3’ direction) and This result has implications to the disease’s

60 role in immunosuppression and the Antiviral effect of clinoptilolite virus’s oncogenicity (P. Quere et al., Arch A New approach for antiviral drug Virol 2005: 150:507). The enhanced flow testing has been proposed based on the through kynurenine pathway of tryptophan

in vitro model with human adenovirus type ZMM degradation has been proven to up regulate 5, herpesvirus type 1, coxsackie virus transcription of inducible nitric oxide synthase Coxsackievirus B5 and echovirus 7. Our in chicken macrophages. results indicate a possibility of therapeutical application of clinoptilolite either locally (skin) TOP ACHIEVEMENTS IN APPLIED against herpes virus infections, or orally in RESEARCH cases of adenovirus or enterovirus infections (M. Grce and K. Pavelić, Micropor Mesopor A novel therapeutic indication Mater 2005: 79:165). A new pharmacotherapeutic strategy for combat exposed war veterans with psychotic New analytical method PTSD, refractory to prior antidepressant In 2005 the Laboratory for Oxidative treatment, was confirmed by N. Pivac and Stress published a genuine method for the her colleauges. Atypical antipsychotic drug immuno-electronmicroscopy (immunogold) risperidone significantly reduced psychotic of 4-hydroxynonenal-histidine conjugates, and PTSD symptoms in psychotic PTSD patients, corroborating the hypothesis that atypical antipsychotics might be the drugs of choice in treatment-resistant patients with psychotic combat related PTSD (D. Kozarić- Kovačić et al., J Clin Psychiatry 2005: 66: 922). The significance of the article was shown in its brief description in Psychiatry source, Psychiatry Matters and in Doctor’s guide.

Biological markers Figure 1: Electron microscopic analysis of The hypothesis that platelet monoamine 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE)-treated peripheral

blood leukocytes of Wistar rat (marked by 10- R oxidase (MAO) is a biological marker for nm colloidal gold particles). Genuine monoclonal B I alcoholism was questioned by N. Pivac et antibodies against HNE-histidine show remark- A

able immunopositivity mostly in damaged mem- n al. (Psychopharmacology 2005: 182: 194). n brane structures and in the vicinity of cellular u They found that platelet MAO activity was a l

membranes in the cytoplasm (magnification 71 R not reduced in an ethnically homogenous 000). This proves that not only is endogenous e p group of drug-free alcoholic subjects when HNE generated during lipid peroxidation but o r t

compared to healthy controls, and that the also that exogenously added aldehyde is mostly 2 0 differences in platelet MAO activity were bound to the membranous structures acting as 0 5

a “second messenger of free radicals” and a .

related to sex and smoking status of sub- mediator of lipid peroxidation (M. Živković et al., jects. Croat Chem Acta, 2005: 78: 91).

61 which may be used as an analytical immunochemical method to study lipid peroxidation in pathological and physiological processes and for pathomorphological

ZMM diagnostic procedures. We published four invited articles in the journal Biofactors, describing genuine findings on cellular and molecular aspects of lipid peroxidation, such as the relationship between 4-hydroxynonenal and the level of differentiation (malignancy) of malignant cells as well as effects of inflammatory cells on the growth of normal and malignant cells.

Therapeutical cloning

Experiments toward therapeutic cloning of pancreatic Langerhans isslets have also been successfully conducted in 2005. Figure 3 shows five-stageprocedure of the embryoid bodies development for the cell therapy of diabetic recipients.

Figure 3: Therapeutical cloning of pancreatic Langerhans islets

Screening of newly synthesized Figure 2: Mouse oocyte fertilization in vitro anticancer compounds

New clinical studies Over 200 newly synthesized compounds Three clinical studies in the field of were screened in vitro for potential anti-

. tumor activity, such as cyano- and isopro- 5 digestive disorders were published that 0

0 described: 1) the relationship between the pylamidino-substituted derivatives of benzo- 2

t carboxanilides and benzo-quinolones, deriv- r expression of TfR1 or ferritin and the grade o

p atives of hydroxyurea and hydantoins, as

e of colorectal carcinoma, 2) the differential R

well as a novel amidino-substituted naph- l pattern of oxidative stress in patients treated a

u thofuran-methyl-carboxylate. The possible

n by open and those treated by laparoscopic

n mechanisms of action were ascertained for

A surgery and 3) the effectiveness of the

I the most effective ones.

B perioperative use of the Viscum album drug R Isorel to attenuate side effects of surgery in patients with digestive carcinomas.


Proteomic unit ZMM The Proteomics Unit has recently been additionally equipped with an imaging sys- tem – VersaDoc 4000 (BIO-RAD). VersaDoc is a quantitative imaging system capable of capturing high resolution digital images from single and multi-colour fluorescence, chemi- Figure 4B Figure 4C luminescence, chemifluorescence, white light and colorimetric samples. Its current application encompasses chemiluminescent western blots and cDNA array imaging as well as imaging of Coomassie Blue-stained Figure 4D or silver-stained 2-DE gels. VersaDoc is DNA-chip, 2-DE gel and nitrocellulose mem- directly connected with a Personal Computer brane from Western blot analysis scanned by the VersaDoc imaging system (BIO-RAD, USA) with two specialized software packages for protein analyses, namely Quantity One 1- Test for hereditary breast cancer DE analysis software and PDQuest 2-DE analysis software. Quantity one is mainly The high resolution melting approach being used for molecular weight determi- for rapid mutation (or polymorphic) screen- nation and quantitation of protein samples ing and detection was introduced recently. while PDQuest proved successful in identifi- Conventional mutation scanning methods cation of differences in protein expression. require a separation step and include single strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis, heteroduplex analysis, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis or denaturing HPLC. Subsequently, these methods require separation of PCR products on a gel or other matrix, often taking more time to perform. Taking advantage of the high resolution

melting approach, the HR-1 High resolution R B

melter apparatus from Idaho Technology was I


used. The HR-1 works in combination with n n

adapted Rapid Cycler (Thermocycler) and u a l

fluorescent dye LC Green Plus. LC Green R e

Plus during PCR reaction incorporates into p o

ds DNA, showing different melting profile r t


and fluorescence (450 nm excitation/470 nm 0 0

emission), during heating from, i.e. 60o to 5 .

95o C reflecting polymorphic or mutational Figure 4a: VersaDoc imaging system variability.

63 High-resolution melting analyses data for polymorphisms of BRCA1 gene involved in hereditary breast cancer. Results are expressed as a melting curve ZMM (fluorescence vs temperature) or it’s deriva- tive plot (-dF/dT vs. temperature) or a differ- ence plot (fluorescence vs. temperature). Every coloured curve represents an indi- vidual unique variant sample. Those sam- ples appearing in clusters need to be con- firmed by sequencing. The model of molecular diagnostic of Figure 5c: BRCA 1 exon 17 – difference plot nonsindromic hearing loss was established.

Figure 5: BRCA 1 exon 17 – four samples show- New equipment ing two patterns. • BioRobot EZ1 Workstation for low- throughput nucleic acid purification from a wide range of biologically relevant samples • Low pressure liquid chromatography system • VersaDoc imaging system • High resolution melter apparatus. The HR-1 works in combination with adapted Rapid Cycler (Thermocycler) and fluo- rescent dye LC Green Plus.

Figure 5a: BRCA 1 exon 17 – melting curve Education

The Division provides over 50 undergraduate and 5 graduate courses at Universities in Zagreb, Rijeka and Osijek

. annually. Together with Medical Faculty at the 5 0

0 University of Zagreb, ZMM continues a joint 2

t field of doctoral study in “Molecular Medicine” r o

p ( e R

l a

u AWARDS n n A

1. Award to Dorotea Muck-Šeler: The I

B Figure 5b: BRCA 1 exon 17 – derivative plot Croatian State Reward, the most R prestigious scientific recognition available in Croatia, was given to Dorotea Muck-

64 Šeler, senior research scientist at the chemoprevention and treatment of colon Division of Molecular Medicine. Dorotea tumours, Radan Spaventi Muck-Šeler was awarded for the research 11.Molecular mechanisms of immuno- in biological psychiatry, on the peripheral suppression, Renata Novak serotonergic markers of psychiatric 12.Modulation of immunological response ZMM disorders, and the role of serotonin in by bioactive peptides, Biserka Pokrić the ethiopathogenesis of psychiatric 13.Transcriptional control of lymphocyte disorders. development – its role in leukemogenesis, 2. Award to Milivoj Boranić: The Croatian Mariastefania Antica State Reward for life achievement in 14.Tumour gene therapy – correction biomedicine. Professor Milivoj Boranić of oncosuppressor genes, Jasminka was awarded for his contribution in bone Pavelić marrow transplantation and leukaemia 15.Virus antitumorous action and oncolytic research. virus vaccine, Mislav Jurin 16.Embryonic cell production of pancreatic- PROJECTS like islets, Mirko Hadžija 17.DNA chip technology in global profiling of Projects supported by the Ministry of tumours, Šime Spaventi Science and Technology (MZT) 18.Nonlinear modulation of the chronic 1. Molecular mechanisms in the lymphatic leukaemia, Branko Vitale pathogenesis of neuroendocrine tumours, 19.Regulation of ectopeptidases and opioid Koraljka Gall-Trošelj receptors expression, Jelka Gabrilovac 2. Molecular genetics of gastrointestinal 20.Oxidative/antioxidative status after tumours, Sanja Kapitanović treatment with opioids/opiates, Tatjana 3. The SHH/PTCH/SMO signalling pathway Marotti in cancer and development, Sonja 21.Neuropharmacology of serotonergic Levanat system, Dorotea Mueck-Šeler 4. Role of FHIT in neuroendocrine tumours, 22.Neurotransmitters in stress and regulation Šime Križanac of GABA-A receptors in vitro, Danka 5. Insulin-like growth factor family of genes Peričić in lung cancer, Ljubomir Pavelić 23.Assessing functions of the heat repeat in 6. New therapeutic possibilities in breast Huntington protein, Oliver Vugrek cancer, Josip Unušić 24.The effects of new drugs and hyperthermia R B I

on the growth of mouse tumours and

7. Genetic and molecular prognostic factors A

human xenografts, Marko Radačić n

of cervical cancerogenesis, Magdalena n u

Grce 25. Immune interactions and a l

8. Oxidative stress and malignant diseases, immunomodulation in genital herpes R e p

Neven Žarković infection, Zorka Mikloška o r t

9. Gene or protein transduction and 2 0

signalling pathways in transformed cells, 0 5 .

Krešimir Pavelić

10.Cycloocygenase-2: new target for

65 Research and development projects will be the only COST Action coordinated by Croatia in all COST domains. 1. Centre for integrative genomics, molecular diagnostics, cellular and gene therapy, Other projects Krešimir Pavelić (MZOŠ, JEZGRA, J-1- ZMM 2004) 1. Ecopropolis - natural antioxidant, Tanja 2. Development of new analgetic, Marotti (BICRO) antirheumatic and antioxidative sub- 2. Nutraceutics for animal use, Tanja Marotti stances from pine resin, Neven Žarković (BICRO) (MZOŠ, HITRA, TP-01/0098-28) 3. Development a new and improved SELECTED LECTURES vaccine against genital herpes, Zorka 1. Pivac N, Kozarić-Kovačić D, Mück- Mikloška (MZOŠ, HITRA, TP-03/0098- Šeler D: Biological markers in Croatian 39) war veterans with combat related 4. Molecular genetic background of Gorlin posttraumatic stress disorder, in NATO syndrome, Sonja Levanat (Bilateral programme security through science Cooperation“Cogito”, Bordeaux, France) advanced research workshop: Novel 5. Developing method for detection of Approaches to the Diagnosis and inherited predisposition to breast cancer Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress in Croatia, Sonja Levanat (MZOŠ, HITRA, Disorder, Cavtat, Croatia, June 13-16, TP-07/009840) 2005. 6. Application of macromolecular derivate 2. Pavelić K: Nanomedicine - Medicine (G-90) from Eisenia foetida in biomedicine, on a small scale. Plenary lecture. Mira Grdiša (MZOŠ, HITRA, TP-03/ Nanotechnology, Drug Delivery System. 009841) Chiang Mai, Thailand, February 21–22, 7. Involvement of the ESCRT machinery in 2005. TfR sorting towards HD3 exosomes. Mira 3. Pavelić K: Accelerating drug discovery: Grdiša (Cogito) The role of omics technology. Plenary 8. Bioactive properties of domestic pollen lecture. Free Radical School. Chiang from Salix alba and Cistus sp. Tanja Mai, Thailand, February 21–22, 2005. Marotti (HITRA , TP-05/0098-49). 4. Pavelić K: Aggressive and criminal 9. The role of cholesterol in Alzheimer’s behaviour, molecular medicine and new

disease, Silva Hećimović (Fogarty .

5 judicial system. “Medicine and Law”.

0 International Research Collaboration

0 Maribor, Slovenia, March 18-19, 2005. 2

Award- NIH, USA, 1R03TW007335-01 ) t

r 5. Pavelić K: Strategies for supporting o

p In 2005 our proposal for the new COST life sciences research in scientifically e R

l (European Cooperation in the fieldofScientific developing countries in Europe. EMBC/ a

u and Technical Research) Action B35 “Lipid EMBO Workshop on Advancing life n n Peroxidation Associated Disorders” was sciences research in Europe. Berlin, A

I accepted as the only new priority in the field Germany, April 18, 2005. B

R of Medicine and Health. The B35 Action is 6. Pavelić K: Omics revolution in medicine: scheduled to become operative in 2006 and The second generation will benefit from

66 breakthrough in science. 13th Congress of 2. Kraljević S. Pavelić K: Navigare necessere European Union for School and University est. EMBO Rep 2005: 6 : 695. Health and Medicine Dubrovnik, Croatia, 3. Pavelić K, Etra A, Gall-Trošelj K: Insights October 12-15, 2005. from the front lines of nutraceutical 7. Pavelić K: Cancer Research meets research: The Third International ZMM functional genomics – what has been Conference on Mechanisms of Action accomplished so far? Molecular of Nutraceuticals (ICMAN 3). J Altern Diagnostic in Medicine. Ljubljana, Complem Med 2005: 11: 735. Slovenia, November 30 - December 2, 4. Grce M: Cervical cancer and human 2005. papillomavirus. BJMG 2005: 8: 19. 8. Grce M: Genital HPV infection: Health Additional publications implication and diagnosis. 1st Central European Forum for Microbiology, 1. Kozarić-Kovačić D, Pivac N, Muck-Šeler Keszthely, Lake Balaton, Hungary, D, Rothbaum BO: Risperidone in psychot- October 26-28, 2005 ic combat related posttraumatic stress 9. Pavelić J: Tools for molecular diagnostics. disorder: an open trial.J Clin Psychiatry 5. Bednjaničev simpozij: Nalezljive bolest 2005: 66: 922. v otroški dobi., Maribor, Slovenija, May 2. Pivac N, Muck-Šeler D, Kozarić-Kovačić 27-28, 2005. D, Mustapić M, Nenadić-Šviglin K, 10. Levanat S: Hedgehog-Patched alterations Deželjin M: Platelet monoamine oxi- in different tumors and malformations, dase in alcoholism. Letter to the Editors. Inaugural meeting: Hedgehog – Gli Psychopharmacology 2005: 182: 194. signalling in Development and Disease 3. Jarak I, Kralj M, Šuman L, Pavlović G, European Network, Sponsored by Louis- Dogan J, Pavelić K, Karminski-Zamola G: Jeantet Foundation and the NCCR- 2-carboxanilides and benzo(b) thieno(2, Frontiers in Genetics, Geneva, July 7, 3-c)quinolones: synthesis, photochemi- 2005. cal synthesis, crystal structure determi- 11. Lavanat S: Role of the Hedgehog/Patched nation and antitumor evaluation. Part 2. signalling pathway in oncogenesis. J Med Chem 2005: 48: 2346. Alterations of PTCH are attributed to the 4. Opačić N, Barbarić M, Zorc B, Cetina pathway activation in ovarian fibromas M, Nagl A, Frković D, Kralj M, Pavelić and dermoids, 10th World Congress K, Balzarini J, Andrei G, Snoeck R, De Clercq E, Raić-Malić S, Mintas M: The on Advances in Oncology and 8th R novel L- and D-amino acid derivatives of B International Symposium on Molecular I

hydroxyurea and hydantoins: synthesis, A Medicine. Creta, October 13-15, 2005. n n

X-ray crystal structure study, cytostatic u a l

and antiviral evaluations. J Med Chem SELECTED PUBLICATIONS R e

2005: 48: 475. p o

Review articles 5. Pavelić J, Križanac Š, Kapitanović S, r t


1. Kralj M, Kraljević S, Sedić M, Kurjak A., Pavelić LJ, Samaržija M, Pavičić F, 0 0

Pavelić K: Global approach to perinatal Spaventi Š, Jakopović M, Herceg-Ivanovi 5 .

medicine: functional genomics and Z, Pavelić K: The consequences of insu- proteomics. J Perin Med 2005: 33 : 5. lin-like growth factors/receptors dysfunc-

67 tion in lung cancer. Am J Respir Cell Mol NY : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Biol 2005: 32: 65. 2005. pp. 29-53. 6. Barbarić M, Uršić S, Pilepić V, Zorc B, 2. Moll UM, Slade N: The role of p53 Hergold-Brundić A, Nagl A., Grdiša M, and p73 genes in tumor formation. In: ZMM Pavelić K, Snoeck R, Andrei G, Balzarini Handbook of Immunohistochemistry and J, DeClercq E, Mintas M: Synthesis, in situ hibridization of human carcino- X-ray cristal structure study, cytostatic mas. Vol 3: Molecular Genetics: Liver and antiviral evaluation of the novel Carcinoma and Pancreatic Carcinoma. cycloalkyl-N-aryl-hydroxamic acids. J Ed. Hayat M.A., SAD : Academic Press, Med Chem 2005: 48:884. 2005. pp 103-117. 7. Čačev T, Radošević S, Spaventi R, 3. Gabrilovac J, Čupić B, Breljak D, Kraus Pavelić K, Kapitanović S: NF1 gene loss O, Jakić-Razumović J: Expression of heterozygosity and expression analy- of membrane peptidases on cultured sis in sporadic colon cancer. Gut, 2005: human keratinocytes. In: Progress in 54:1129. Immunology Research. Ed: Veskler B.A.. 8. Čupić B, Breljak D, Gabrilovac J: New York : Nova Science Publishers, Receptor-mediated down-regulation 2005, pp.83-105. of neutral endopeptidase (NEP; EC 4. Žarković N.: Mechanismen der, CD10) on immature B lym- Tumorentstehung. In: Oxidativer Stress phocytes by dexamethasone. Int J Mol und Pharmaka Eds: Werner S, Krämer Med 2005: 15: 1023. K, Grune Tilman. Govi-Verlag, Eschborn, 9. Prutki M, Poljak-Blazi M, Jakopovic M, 2005, pp 145-158 Tomas D, Stipancic I, Zarkovic N: Altered 5. Žarković N.: Antioxidatien in der iron metabolism, transferrin receptor 1 Prävention und Chemotherapie von and ferritin in patients with colon can- Tumoren. In: Oxidativer Stress und cer. Cancer Letters 2005 Aug 16; [Epub Pharmaka. Eds: Siems Werner, Krämer ahead of print] K, Grune Tilman, Govi-Verlag, Eschborn, 2005, pp 159-174 Chapters in books

1. Muck Šeler D, Pivac N, Šagud M, Mustapić M, Jakovljević M: The effects of serotonin


5 uptake inhibitors on platelet serotonin: 0

0 From basic to clinical research. Trends 2

t r in Serotonin uptake inhibitor research. o p

e Chapter 2, Ed: Shirley A.C. Hauppauge, R

l a u n n A


68 Division of Marine and ZIMO Environmental Research

OVERVIEW OF THE DIVISION DIVISIONAL ORGANISATION Head: Tarzan Legović During 2005, scientists of the division The Division of Marine and worked on over 50 research projects con- Environmental Research (ZIMO) consists tracted by the Ministry of Science, Education of the following laboratories: and Sport and by outside clients. These projects spanned a wide range of topics in  Group for satellite oceanography, Milivoj Kuzmić marine and environmental science, rang- ing from interplanetary ecology and satellite  Group for modelling and information oceanography, on the large scale, down to systems, Ivica Ružić nanotechnology. Each project contributed to  Laboratory for aquatic physical the overall mission of the division, which is chemistry, Božena Ćosović to strive for excellence in fundamental and  Laboratory for radioecology, applied research of environmental systems, Stipe Lulić their processes, states and control. The  Laboratory for chemistry of trace research is directed toward an increase in metals, Goran Kniewald the knowledge base needed for the optimum management of environment and hence the  Laboratory for electrochemistry and benefit of our country and, indeed, the whole surface chemistry, Dunja Čukman world.  Laboratory for molecular In 2005 scientists from our Division, in col- ecotoxicology, Tvrtko Smital laboration with the Institute for Oceanography

 Laboratory for biogeochemistry of and Fisheries, the Hydrographic Institute R B

organic compounds, Marijan Ahel I and the Fritjof Nansen Institute completed A n

 Laboratory for biological effects of a proposal to the International Maritime n u

metals, Biserka Raspor Organization for declaring the Adriatic Sea a l

as a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area. The R  e

Laboratory for aquaculture and fish p

proposal is based on the uniqueness, bio- o

pathology, Emin Teskeredžić r t

diversity and fragility of the ecosystem, 2  Laboratory for ecological modelling, 0 human dependency, existing social, cultural, 0 5

Vera Žutić .

archaeological and economic values that

need to be preserved. The proclamation will

69 constitute a legal basis for the adoption of a An improved model for prediction of number of associated measures designed to the Adriatic tidal response decrease the likelihood of accidents, as well A very high resolution finite element as to regulate and monitor ship traffic.

ZIMO model of the Adriatic Sea was implemented The research results were published in with a view to improve the predictions of 39 scientific papers in journals indexed the Adriatic tidal response. A form of vari- in Current Contents. In addition to the 15 ational data assimilation was employed to invited lectures held in 2005, 8 conferences blend the data-derived harmonic constants were organized under the auspices of the and the model dynamics. A mesh of 23055 Division. Also in 2005, 3 post-graduate pro- nodes and 37200 elements enabled the grams were coordinated and 13 undergrad- resolution of 77 major islands, offering bet- uate and 40 post-graduate courses were ter recognition of basin bathymetry, lateral given at universities in Croatia and abroad. geometry, improved sea-level and tidal cur- rent response (I. Janeković and M. Kuzmić. TOP ACHIEVEMENTS Annales Geophysicae 2005: 23: 3207). AFM imaging of the giant gel forma- tion in the Northern Adriatic Formation of metal sulphide nanopar- ticles In the field of marine biophysics, we started studying the aggregation of organic An association of Cu with sulphide in matter on the nanoscale using Atomic Force aerobic natural waters has been attrib- Microscopy. We systematically followed the uted to the coexistence in clusters having sol-gel phase transition using field samples sizes intermediate between mononuclear from the Northern Adriatic. Three principal complexes and colloidal particles. Copper stages in the sol to giant gel transformation sulphide solid phases display size-related were recognized (Figure 1). The results of voltammetric behaviour at Hg electrodes. studying marine gels on the nanoscale and Titrating Cu2+ into organic-rich (mucilagi- the biophysical mechanism of its formation nous) Adriatic Sea water, which contains represent ground-breaking insights into the 10-7 M natural thiols and sulphide, produces nanoscale processes and how they influ- solid products indicating that voltammetry ence large-scale processes in the ocean might be very useful for studying the forma- (V. Svetličić et al., Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 2005: tion of semiconductor sulphide nanoparti-


5 1048: 524). cles in nature. (I Ciglenečki et al., J Marine 0 0

2 Phase I Phase II Phase III Sys 2005: 56: 29, I Ciglenečki et al.,

t r

o Environment Sci Tech 2005: 39: 7492). p e R

l Organic matter characterization in a u

n north Norwegian fjords n A

I Organic matter (OM) distribution and its B

R Figure 1: The first marine process studied at nanoscale: reactivity in the north Norwegian fjords Giant gel formation in the Northern Adriatic aquatorium were studied for the first time. General observed using recently installed AFM.

70 OM parameters, dissolved and particulate zine production wastewater was developed. organic carbon and the distribution of spe- Patent application “Mixed bacterial culture cific compounds such as folic acid and for atrazine degradation” (no. P20060076A) surface active substances, were measured submitted. using electrochemical methods developed ZIMO in our institution. The distinct OM distribu- A new, non-invasive method for deter- tion in the investigated fjords indicates the mination of the ABC proteins transport potential importance of the results in this activity in invertebrates study in carbon cycling of subarctic waters In accordance with growing requests for (B. Gašparović et al., Estuarine Coastal and alternate bio-monitoring techniques and a Shelf Sc 2005: 62: 95). more human/rational use of experimental organisms, a new method for the determina- Determination of xenobiotic chemicals tion of the expression and activity of the ABC in wastewaters and their removal by transport proteins in haemolymph of aquatic advanced wastewater treatment invertebrates was developed and standard- Highly specific methods based on high- ized in 2005. The method is non-invasive performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and allows multiple uses of the same indi- and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) viduals. were developed for the determination of several groups of environmental contami- Uranium found in Brazilian pegmatite nants, including surfactants and their endo- rock crine-disrupting degradation products and A highlight of recent research was the the main classes of antimicrobials. It was finding that uranium is present in the mineral demonstrated that advanced wastewater meta-autunite (found in a Brazilian pegmatite treatment using membrane biological reac- rock) in the form of uranium(V). Uranium’s tors in combination with nanofiltration and oxidation state 5+ is regarded as metast- advanced oxidation significantly improves able and this is only the second time that the elimination efficiency of surfactants and such an occurrence has been described in pharmaceutical chemicals from different the literature. Uranium was identified in this types of wastewaters (S. Terzić et al., Wat. oxidation state by a combined electrochemi- Sci. Technol. 2005: 51: 447). cal and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) approach. This research, done in a R Mixed bacterial culture for atrazine B I

joint effort of 3 laboratories from 3 depart- A degradation n

ments of the R. Bošković Institute and 2 n u

The growth kinetics of microbial com- other institutions in Croatia, was performed a l munities and their metabolic activities in within an international collaboration between R e p atrazine degradation was studied within Croatia and Brazil (V. Bermanec et al. Neues o r t

the scientific research project “Microbial Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie – Abhandlungen 2 0 communities as catalysts in biotransforma- 2005: 181: 27). 0 5 .

tion processes”. As a result, a conceptual model for biotechnological treatment of atra-

71 Conditions for retaining dissolved iron in aquatic solution • Raspor, B., Fifty-five years of Ruđer Bošković Institute- continuous chang- Dissolved iron has a crucial role in prima- es, Chemical Science and Technology

ZIMO ry production processes of aquatic environ- Laboratory, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, ment. Hence, numerous complexes of ionic USA, 5-9. December.2005. iron were investigated concerning their solu- • Smital, T. Ecotoxicological relevance of bility and retention in solution. A new mixed- the MultiXenobiotic Resistance (MXR) ligand complex iron(III)-glycin-NTA, stable in inhibitors – as a new class of hazardous the solution over 24 hours at seawater pH chemicals among pharmaceuticals, per- (~8), was determined with a concentration of sonal care products, pesticides and other iron several orders of magnitude higher than conventional pollutants, Swiss National in natural waters, enhancing the iron bio- Research Programme 50 Seminars, availability (V. Cuculić et al. J Electroanal University of Zürich and University of Chem 2005: 583: 140). Lausanne, Switzerland, 27.-30. April 2005 SELECTED INVITED LECTURES • Svetličić V, Žutić V, Durand-Vidal S. Marine • Ahel M. Surfactant-derived alkylphenol- Ecology at Nanoscale: Supramolecular ic compounds, Analytical Sciences in Organization of Marine Gel. Seeing Environmental and Geological Research, at the Nanoscale III, An International Duebendorf, Switzerland, 20 September Conference. Santa Barbara, California, 2005 USA. 2005. • Jusup M. Impact of aquacultures on the marine ecosystem: modelling benthic SELECTED ORGANIZED carbon loading over variable depth. 5th CONFERENCES Euro. Conf. on Ecol. Model, Pushchino, • Biomarkers, risk and environmental Russia, 22. September 2005. assessment. Cavtat, 6-10 April 2005. (B. • Klanjšček J. Is anchovy (Engraulis encra- Raspor) sicolus, L.) overfished in the Adriatic • Eutrophication in the Coastal Zone of the Sea? Eastern Adriatic Sea. Hvar, 27 April - 1 • 5th Euro. Conf. on Ecol. Model., May 2005, Pushchino, Russia, 22. September

. (B. Ćosović and P. Wassmann) 5 2005. 0 • 4th Scientific Meeting of Croatian 0

2 • Kniewald G., Oceanographic research

t Biophysicists. Zagreb, Croatia, 9 r

o in the Adriatic sea, Croatian sector. 1st

p September 2005 (V. Svetličić) e Alexander von Humboldt Research th R • 5 European Conference on Ecological

l Conference on the El Nino phenom- a •Modelling. Pushchino, Russia, 19-23 u

n enon and its global impact, Guayaquil,

n September 2005 (T. Legović) A

Ecuador, May 2005.

I • 1st International Workshop on Organic

B • Legović T. Adriatic Sea: Why exclusive

R Matter Modeling, Toulon, France, 16-18 economic zones must be proclaimed. November 2005.(G. Kniewald) University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, 19 October, 2005.

72 coastal area of Dalmatia, Mladen Picer 13. Geochemistry of recent and ancient sedimentary systems of the Adriatic platform, 14. Goran Kniewald

15. Modelling aquatic ecosystems, Tarzan ZIMO Legović 16. Microbial communities as catalysts in biotransformation processes, Dubravka Hršak 17. Multixenobiotic resistance mechanism as a biomarker of environmental quality, Tvrtko Smital Figure 2: Cover page of the 3rd SARIB Meeting at R. Bošković Institute. Other projects PROJECTS 1. Reduction of environmental risks Projects supported by the Ministry of and health risks, posed by Emerging Science, Sport and Education Contaminants, through advanced treat- ment of municipal and industrial wastes, 1. Tidal and longer-period dynamics of the Marijan Ahel (EMCO EU-FP6) northern Adriatic, Milivoj Kuzmić 2. Mitigation of environmental consequences of 2. Analysis and biogeochemistry of organic the war in Croatia – risk assessment of haz- compounds in the aquatic environment, ardous chemical contamination, Marijan Ahel Marijan Ahel and Goran Kniewald (Norwegian-Croatian 3. Physical chemistry and biogeochemistry joint project, 2002-200) of trace metals in aquatic systems, Ivanka 3. Developing of field method for total alpha, Pižeta radon and thoron activity measurement in 4. Nature and reactivity of organic substances in soil gas, Delko Barišić (Bilateral Croatian- seawater and environment, Božena Ćosović Slovenian project) 5. Electroanalytical research in liquid and solid 4. Determination of ecotoxic metals in water electrolytes, Milivoj Lovrić and sediments of NP Mljet, V. Cuculić 6. Models and info. systems for environmental 5. Geochemistry of ecotoxic metals in NP Krka, protection and navigation management, Ivica N. Cukrov Ružić 6. Croatian national monitoring programme, B. 7. Protection of biocoenotic balance in Ćosović et., al R

aquaculture receiving waters, Emin 7. Reference laboratory. Ministry of Agriculture, B I

Teskeredžić Forestry and Water Management, Water A n

8. Preparation and properties of metal surfaces 8. Management Directorate, Božena Ćosović, n u

in the environmental protection, Dunja a

Zlata Kozarac, Dubravka Hršak, Biserka l

Čukman R

Raspor e 9. Interfacial processes and eutrophication, p 9. Ecosystem dynamics, marine chemistry, o r

Vera Žutić t

aquaculture and management in the Adriatic 2 10. Radionuclides in environmental systems, 0 and 0 5

Delko Barišić . North Norwegian coastal zone, Božena Ćosović

11. Metals and cellular biomarkers, Biserka and Paul Wassmann from the University of Raspor Tromso, Norway (Cooperation programme 12. Persistent organohalogen pollutants in some

73 with South East Europe) (APOPSBAL) 10. Conceptual model for biological treatment of 23. Nano-systems and nano-tecnology: The role effluents from atrazine production, Dubravka of enzymes in the formation of inorganic Hršak (HITRA) colloids, Ivan Sondi (Croatia-Slovenia 11. Taxonomic, genetic and physiological char- Collaboration Project) ZIMO acterization of bacteria for atrazine degrada- 24. Smart Particle Analyzer, Vesna Svetličić and tion, Coordinator Dubravka Hršak (French- Vera Žutić (STP Pilot project, World Bank Croatian bilateral COGITO project, 2005- and MZOS) 2006) 25. Sava River Basin: Sustainable Use, 12. MONALISA, The role of natural organic matter Management and Protection of Resources, in speciation of bioavailable contaminants in Biserka Raspor (EU FP6-2002-INCO-WBC- coastal waters, Goran. Kniewald (French- 1) Croatian Cooperation) 26. Development of Information Systems for 13. Mediterranean Mussel Watch Program,Goran the Management of Fairways on Drava Kniewald and DelkoBarišić (CIESM, 2002 and Danube Rivers, Ivica Ružić i Jadranka – 2006) Pečar-Ilić (Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, 14. Environmental sono-electroanalysis: Transport and Development, Directorate for manganese speciation and determination, Inland Navigation, Zagreb, Croatia) Šebojka Komorsky-Lovrić and R. Compton, 27. Development of an international standard Oxford University (The Royal Society, 2003- of data warehouse for Danube waterway, 2005) Ministry of sea, tourism, transport and 15. Novel physical chemical techniques to char- development. Ivica Ružić (INTERREG III B acterize the sea surface microlayer, Zlatica CADSES cooperation) Kozarac with Andrew Nelson from the School 28. Strategic Environmental impact assessment of Chemistry, University of Leeds, UK (Royal study of fish and shellfish culture in Krka Society program) estuary, Emin Teskeredžić 16. Ecosystem Approach for Sustainable 29. Environmental impact assessment study of Aquaculture, Tarzan Legović (ECASA, EU- fish and shellfish culture in Kaldonta bay, FP6-2003) Island Lošinj, Emin Teskeredžić 17. Adriatic as a particularly sensitive sea 30. Development of new type of electrochemical area, Norwegian-Croatian project (Tarzan sensor and measurement system for reactive Legović) microparticles, Vera Žutić, (HITRA) 18. Monitoring of Dunav water quality, S. Lulić 31. Mechanism of mucilage formation in the (Croatian Water Management, 2005) Northern Adriatic Sea, Vera Žutić (Bilateral

. 19. Radiological monitoring around Krško, Cooperation project with NSF, USA, Scripps 5

0 Nuclear Power Plant Krško, Slovenija, Stipe Institution of Oceanography, UCSD) 0 2

t Lulić r

o 20. Morinje Bay ecological study. Goran EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES p e Mihelčić R

l Oceanography a 21. Ecotoxic metals in aquatic organisms in NP u

n “Plitvička jezera” , Dario Omanović Since 1971, an interdisciplinary M.Sc. study n

A in cooperation with the University of Zagreb.

22. Assessment of selected POPS in the I

B atmosphere and water ecosystems from During 2005 the study has been upgraded to the R waste materials generated by warfare in Ph.D. level. B. Ćosović. the area of former Yugoslavia, Mladen Picer

74 Environmental protection and nature AWARD conservation Pečar-Ilić J., Ružić I. Application of GIS and Since 2001 an interdisciplinary M.Sc. study in Web technologies for Danube waterway data cooperation with the University J.J. Strossmayer, management in Croatia. The best scientific paper Osijek. During 2005 the study has been upgraded in application of GIS, EnviroInfo, Brno, 2005. ZIMO to the Ph.D. level. B. Ćosović.

Environmental management (an international study) Since 2003 a Ph.D. granting study in cooperation with the University of Zagreb. T. Legović

Ph.D. thesis Begonja Kolar A., Biphenyl-degrading microbial communities as potential catalysts for aerobic degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls in marine environment. Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb, December 2005. Figure 4: A comparison of the digital map of Drava River within ETRS-89 geodetic system and the Landsat 7 satellite picture. BOOKS

1. Hackenberger B. K. and Legović T. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Alexandrina Statistica, CD, Natura Aeterna, 1. Ahel M, Tepić N, Terzić S. Spatial and Osijek, 2005. temporal variability of carbohydrates in the 2. Raspor B., Guest editor, Croatian Waters northern Adriatic – A possible link to mucilage 53 (2005), a collection of 20 reviewed events. Sci Tot Environ 2005: 353: 139. professional papers presented at the 9th 2. Ciglenečki I, Krznarić D, Helz G R. Meeting of Laboratories accredited for water Voltammetry of copper sulphide particles and quality determination, Vinkovci, 7-10-6-2005 nanoparticles; Investigation of the cluster (in Croatian). hypothesis. Environ Sci Tech 2005: 39: 7492. 3. Cuculić V, Pižeta I, Branica M. Voltammetric determination of stability constants of iron(III)

- glycine complexes in water solution. J R Electroanal Chem 2005: 583: 140. B I

4. Ćosović B. Surface-active properties of the A n n

sea surface microlayer and consequences u a

for pollution in the Mediterranean Sea. l


In: The Mediterranean Sea, Handbook of e p

Environmental Chemistry (Saliot A ed.). o r t

Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heilderberg, 2005: 2 0

15: 269. 0 5

Figure 3: Lecture notes and a collection of statis- .

5. Dragun Z, Raspor B. Direct determination tical freeware for environmental science. of Cd in NaCl containing metallothionein

75 fractions of different red mullet tissues by GF- 15. Krznarić D, Ciglenečki-Jušić I. AAS. J Anal At Spectrom 2005: 20: 1121. Electrochemical processes of sulphide 6. Erk M, Ruus A, Ingebrigsten K, Hylland K. in NaCl electrolyte solutions on mercury Cadmium accumulation and Cd-binding electrode. Electroanalysis 2005: 17: 1317.

ZIMO proteins in marine invertebrates- A radiotracer 16. Obhođaš J, Vdović N, Valković V. Dynamics study. Chemosphere 2005: 61: 1651. of soil parameters relevant for humanitarian 7. Garnier C, Pižeta I, Mounier S, Cuculić V, demining. Nucl Instr and Meth in Phys Res B. Benaim J Y. An analysis of distinguishing 2005: 241: 759. composite dissolved metal-ligand systems 17. Pižeta I, Billon G, Omanović D, Cuculić V, measurable by stripping voltammetry. Anal Garnier C, Fischer, J C. Pseudopolarography Chim Acta 2005: 538: 263. of lead (II) in sediment and in interstitial water 8. Gašparović B, Plavšić M, Ćosović B, Reigstad measured with a solid microelectrode. Anal M. Organic matter characterization and fate Chim Acta 2005: 551: 65. in the subarctic Norwegian fjords during late 18. Rožić M, Cerjan-Stefanović Š, Kurajica S, spring/summer period. Estuarine Coastal Rožmarić Mačefat M, Margeta K, Farkaš and Shelf Science 2005: 62: 95. A. Decatinisation and dealumination of 9. Giani M, Savelli F, Berto D, Zangrando V, clinoptilolite tuff and ammonium exchange Ćosović B, Vojvodić V. Temporal dynamic on acid-modified tuff. J Colloid Interface Sci of dissolved and particulate organic carbon 2005: 284: 48. in the northern Adriatic Sea. Sci Total Env 19. Rožić M, Rožmarić Mačefat M, Oreščanin V. 2005: 353: 126. Elemental analysis of ashes of office papers 10. Goodwin A, Lawrence A, Banks C, Wantz F, by EDXRF spectrometry. Nucl Instr Meth Omanović D, Komorsky-Lovrić Š, Compton Phys Res B 2005: 229: 117. R. On-site monitoring of trace levels of 20. Sondi I, Salopek-Sondi B. The influence of free manganese in sea water via sono- the primary structures of urease enzyme electroanalysis using a boron-doped diamond on the formation of CaCO3 polymorphs: A electrode. Anal Chim Acta 2005: 533: 141. comparison of plant (Canavlia ensiformis) 11. Grahek Ž, Rožmarić Mačefat M. Determination and bacterial (Bacillus pasteurii) ureases. of radioactive strontium in seawater. Langmuir 2005: 21: 8876. Anal Chim Acta 2005: 534: 271. 21. Suber L, Sondi I, Matijević E, Goia D V. 12. Ivanković D, Pavičić J, Erk M, Filipović Preparation and the mechanisms of formation Marijić V, Raspor B. Evaluation of the of silver particles of different morphologies in Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk. digestive gland homogeneous solutions. J Colloid Interface metallothionein as a biomarker in a long-term Sci. 2005: 288: 489.

. field study: seasonal and spatial variability. 22. Svetličić V, Žutić V, Hozić Zimmermann A. 5

0 Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2005: 50: 1303. Biophysical Scenario of Giant Gel Formation 0 2

t 13. Janeković I, Kuzmić M. Numerical simulation in the Northern Adriatic Sea, Ann. NY Acad. r

o of the Adriatic Sea principal tidal constituents. Sci. 2005: 1048: 524. p e Annales Geophysicae 2005: 23: 3207. 23. Zelić M. The Influence of Rhodium(+3) on R


a 14. Kozarac Z, Risović D, Frka S, Möbius D. Voltammetry of Selenium(+4) in Perchloric u

n Reflection of light from the air/water interface Acid. Electroanalysis 2005: 17: 1302. n A

covered with sea-surface microlayers. Marine I

B Chemistry 2005: 96: 99. R

76 Center for Marine CIM Research

DEPARTMENT ORGANISATION 3. Ecophysiological studies and stress Head: Nenad Smodlaka response in marine organisms, Čedomil Lucu The Center for Marine Research (CIM) 4. Systematic research of the Adriatic consists of the following laboratories: Sea as a base for sustainable develop- ment of the Republic of Croatia (Project  Laboratory for ecology and «Adriatic»), Croatian national monitoring systematics, Ana Travizi programme, Nenad Smodlaka  Laboratory for processes in the marine ecosystem, Danilo Degobbis  Laboratory for marine molecular toxicology, Renato Batel  Laboratory for ecotoxicology, Bartolo Ozretić

Basic research projects supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport: R B

1. Mechanism of long-term changes in the I


Adriatic Sea ecosystem, Danilo Degobbis n n u

Programmed biosynthesis and genotoxic a l

risk assessments, Renato Batel R e p

2. Physiological and biochemical indicators o r t

of toxicological stress in marine biota, 2 0 0

Bartolo Ozretić 5 .


Center for Informatics CIR and Computing

phase. CIC is the leader of the CRO-GRID ORGANISATION OF THE CENTER Applications project and member of the Head: Karolj Skala CRO-GRID Infrastructure project. CIR is also developing a Grid Portal through which The Center for Informatics and Computing scientists will be able to access the grid (CIR) consists of the following sections: computing resources and submit complex compute-intensive jobs.  The optoelectronics and hypermedia A further important realisation of CIR in laboratory, Karolj Skala 2005 was successful development work on  Information and Computer the EU FP6 project SEE-GRID. We organ- Technology research and ised the meeting of project reviewers after development, Zorislav Šojat the first project year in Opatija, getting a  Information systems, Neven Kmetić high reviewers mark for the whole project. CIR successfully submitted the application  Service and maintenance, as a member of the Croatian Joint Research Ratko Mileta Unit to become established as a permanent participant in the EU F6 EGEE II e-Science OVERVIEW OF THE CENTER programme. CIC established a collabora- tive contract with CERN enabling one of our Scientific Research and Development young assistants to become an associated CIR successfully finalised scientific work member of the grid project at CERN. We organised the First Virtual Grid

on the detection of non-stationary sources R and distributed information processing. CIR Christmas Party between RBI and CERN B I continues the eScience program based on using our new teleconferencing facilities. A n n

ICST (Information Communication Science At the end of the year we started with u a l

Technology) on Grid platforms, concerning the Scientific Visualisation Programme. The R

new Grid paradigm in sciences imposes e the realisation of the National Grid Initiative p o

new great possibilities of processing huge r

poly-project CRO-GRID with 11 institutions t

2 and over 50 explorers. The goal of the quantities of natural (measured) or gener- 0 0

ated (simulated) data. The processing is 5

project is to establish a national computing .

grid, and is presently in a very advanced conducted in an organized infrastructure

79 with access through the Grid portal to clus- ters of computers. Systematic and well- established continuous scientific research

CIR is initiated in several vital areas of the field; scientific visualization methods are set up in the areas where biggest scientific activ- ity is present, i.e. in the area of complex problem solving by using distributed pro- cessing systems. This causes new focused development, which changes scientific and technical intelligence, resulting in pragmatic Figure 1: The CIR eScience both at the MIPRO changes in the area of data processing and conference visualization by introducing methodologies for everyday practical application in relevant INFORMATION SYSTEMS scientific disciplines. DEVELOPMENT AND SERVICES The research aim within the eScience New improvements that CIC implemented programme is to contribute to and upgrade in the RBI information infrastructure in 2005 the contemporary scientific work technology are Milter and Greylisting on the mail , with advanced methods, procedures and load balancing and failover of the DHCP new representation of complex data with a server, NetDISCO for network maintenance, certain degree of interaction in parallel and OTRS ticketing system for end users and distributed processing environments. Bacula system for servers. All of Successful reimplementation and par- these innovations are open source software allelisation the random forests algorithm that is modified to meet our needs. (PARF) was done. The random forests algo- Milter is a module for Sendmail that has rithm is one of the best among known clas- an Application Programming Interface (API) sification algorithms, able to classify large so that programmers can add their own, new quantities of data with great accuracy. The functionality to mail processing. In addition original algorithm is adapted to structured to it, MIMEDefand is also installed, a frame- programming language Fortran 90. PARF’s work that uses Miter API for e-mail filtering. source code can be found at http://parf.irb. On top of that Greylisting uses this frame- hr.

work to process e-mails during the process .

5 Remote IR temperature measurement

0 of delivery to our system. Greylisting is a 0 through the web (ThermoWEB) was devel- 2

new method of blocking significant amount t r oped, using a NEC Thermo tracer TH7102WL o of spam at the Mail server level, but without p

e camera with full control and remote function- resorting to heavyweight statistical analysis R

l ality. The result is an improved remote ther-

a or other heuristic approaches. This pack- u

n movision system using web communication age of tools sped up our Mail server by 50 n

A protocols. percent. I

B PARF and ThermoWeb were both devel- The DHCP server is a very important R oped with the financial support of the Ministry service because it provides IP addresses to of Science, Technology and Sports of the many clients on RBI’s network. To avoid sin- Republic of Croatia.

80 gle point of failure we implemented failover TCR (TeleConference Room), both in terms functionality on our two DHCP servers, as of acquiring professional TCR equipment well as load balancing, so clients can always and proceeding with necessary construction

get their IP addresses due to redundant works. CIR server services. NetDISCO is a network maintenance package that has a web interface, so that all network administrators can use a common browser and see what is happening on the network from wherever they are. The OTRS ticketing system for end users is an upgrade of the existing OTRS system for administrators and helpdesk employees. This new system allows every single user to add new tickets (their problems) to system, Figure 2: Teleconferencing IRB-CERN, Virtual see the status of their ticket, the person Christmas Party responsible for their ticket, as well as other useful information about their tickets (prob- TOP ACHIVEMENTS OR HIGHLIGHTS lems). IN 2005 The Bacula backup system is installed Development of new technology and on a backup server as well as on all servers software that are maintained by IS department. This system is an automated backup system that • Established Grid Cluster node in EGEE makes of all servers incrementally. environment. All backups are performed using hard disks, • Excellent results after the first year of so the data recovery is very fast and reli- SEE GRID EU FP6 project. able. • Debian Cluster Components, a Linux The web CMS system entered the second Cluster Distribution was finalized as Open- year of usage and continues to function with- Source, and is available on http://dcc.irb. out any major problems with steady usage hr/. Additionally DCC/Live, a ‘Cluster on increase in all major categories (, a CD’ was developed for educational and unique visitors, number of visits etc.) research purposes. The Services department continued to • Parallel Random Forest Algorithm, avail- R B I

offer its service activities, i.e. printing and

able on A plotting for the needs of the whole of RBI, n n u which has become a standard and much Infrastructure support improvements a l appreciated service for many RBI employ- R e

• Within the framework of CRO-GRID, p

ees. The printing/plotting service offers col- o r

a new Network Storage System was t our poster printing as well as many forms of 2

installed. 0

A4 and A3 colour or B/W printing. 0 5

• Installation of TCR equipment and imple- .

By the end of 2005, full blown telecon-

ferencing services were introduced by the mentation new teleconferencing serv- adaptation of an existing lecture room into a ices.


• The Centre provides 4 under- graduate and 3 graduate courses at

CIR Faculty of Electrical Engineering and computing and Faculty of Graphical Arts at the University of Zagreb. • Attendance at the International Grid Summer School on Grid Computing, Budapest, Hungary. • Workshop on Parallel Programming and Cluster Computing, MIPRO Opatija. Figure 3: Web server statistics • System on chip, hands-on work- shop, RBI, Zagreb. • PADS electronic Design, telecon- ferencing workshop eCAD, RBI Zagreb . • As a Grid dissemination activity, CIC started the “GridVision” initia- tive (, and pro- duced the first “GridVision” promo- tional film, downloadable at The “GridVision” initiative was very well received by the EGEE II consortium and its further Figure 4: Summary of print and plot. Glossy paper plot length development is planned inside EGEE and A4 printed pages total II NA3. Project initiatives ORGANISATION OF CONFERENCES AND CIR submitted 3 new EU F6 project SPORTING EVENTS

. proposals inside the ICT, LIFE and INCO 5

0 programmes. CIR organized the annual Conference 0 2

t • Mobile Broadband Wireless Network for Hypermedia and Grid Systems as part of the r

o Grid Services, MOBiWaN, FET Project

p International Convention MIPRO in Opatija, e

R proposal. and a traditional yearly gathering of the sail-

l a • Forest Fire Monitoring on Ecological ors from Universities and scientific institutes u n

n Grid, LIFE Third Countries 2005. at the University Sailing Regatta in Zadar. A

I • Centre for Scientific visualisation, FP6- B

R 2005-INCO-WBC/SSA-3, project pro- posal.

82 SCOPE OF THE PROJECTS Other Internal self-financing IT projects Applied scientific project 1. Enhancements of the internal WLAN Detection of non-stationary sources and (wireless ). distributed information processing (2002- 2. Server park improvement. 2005), Karolj Skala. 3. Development of Cluster computing Technological projects resources. 1. CRO GRID Infrastructure, STRIP, Karolj 4. LDAP data base implementation. Skala. 5. Server monitoring system improvement. 2. CRO GRID Applications, STRIP, Karolj 6. Development DHCP and NAT services. Skala. 7. New mail server improvement. 8. implementation. Information technology projects SOFTWARE PRODUCTS 1. Parallel Random Forest algorithm, Goran Topić. • PARF, Parallel Random Forest Algorithm, 2. Remote control and temperature measurement over WEB, Darko Kolarić. • ThermoWeb, Remote control and tem- perature measurement over WEB, International projects moweb/. 1. COST#276 Information and Knowledge • DCC Live and Debian Cluster Management for Integrated Media Components, Linux Cluster Distribution Communication, national coordinator, software package announced as an Karolj Skala. Open-Source product, and is available 2. Grid enabled Infrastructure Development, on SEE-GRID, EU FP6, con. no. 002356, Karolj Skala. CONTRACT BASED COLLABORATION 3. SEE-GRID-2, EU FP6, Karolj Skala WITH OTHER INSTITUTIONS 4. eScience project EGEE II, EU FP6, JRU member coordinator Karolj Skala. • Institute for Software Science of the 5. Inter institutional testbed for e-Science University of Vienna, Austria.

applications, Jožef Štefan Institute, • CERN-RBI collaboration contract. R B

• Jožef Štefan Institute, Ljubljana, I

Ljubljana CRO-SLO bilateral project, A

Karolj Skala. Slovenia n n

• Hungarian Academy of Science Institute u

6. Parallel Application Development on a l

Grid, SZTAKI, Budapest, HUN-CRO SZTAKI, Budapest, Hungary. R e

• Contract for collaboration in the field p

bilateral project, Karolj Skala. o r

of GRID technology, Ericsson - Nikola t 7. Debian LCG porting, Svannah project, 2

Tesla, Zagreb. 0 CERN. 0 5

• Memorandum of Joint ICT development, .

SRCE, Zagreb.

83 • EU F6 Consortium members SEE-GRID 3. Topić G, Šmuc T, Šojat Z, Skala K. • CRO-GRID Consortium member. Reimplementation of the Random Forest • EU F6, EGEE II JRU Consortium mem- Algorithm in Parallel Numerics, Theory

CIR ber. and Applications, Vajtersic, Marian et al. • Mentor Graphics/Wedasoft, Vienna, (eds). Salzburg : University of Salzburg, Austria. 2005. 119-128. 4. Pavković N, Skala K, Vidić V, Šojat Z. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Bioinformatics Application Oriented IT Deployment Model in Parallel Numerics, 1. Skala K, Šojat Z. Image Programming Theory and Application, Vajtesic, Marian for Scientific Visualization by Cluster et al. (eds). Salzburg : University of Computing. ICAS/ICNS, Tahiti, 2005, 93- Salzburg Austria, 2005. 217-222. 97. 2. Skala K, Pavković N, Šojat, Z. Parallel Programming and Scientific Visualization Applications, 8th COST 276 Workshop, NTNU Trondheim, Norway, May 26 - 28, 2005, 99-102.

. 5 0 0 2

t r o p e R

l a u n n A


84 Center for Nuclear NMR Magnetic Resonance

the Universities of Zagreb and Osijek. The Head: Dražen Vikić-Topić until July 21st Centre’s equipment at RBI includes Bruker Replacement: Željko Marinić Avance 300 and 600 MHz NMR spectrom- eters, purchased in 2002. The subsidiary of NMR Centre, located at the Faculty of OVERVIEW OF THE CENTRE Pharmacy and Biochemistry of the University The Centre for Nuclear Magnetic of Zagreb, is using a Varian Gemini 300 MHz Resonance (NMR), the only academic NMR spectrometer. NMR facility in Croatia, was founded in November 2003 as an independent unit of TOP ACHIEVEMENTS the Ruđer Bošković Institute. The Centre To optimize the use of expensive physical performs scientific research and scientific measurements, first the properties of model services as well as providing educational molecules were calculated using sophis- and professional support for the scientists ticated quantum mechanical approaches. and researchers of the Ruđer Bošković Measurement methodology optimized for the Institute (RBI). In addition, similar support target molecules was developed and imple- is given to scientists and students from the mented on the NMR spectrometers. Based Universities of Zagreb, Rijeka, Split and on the results from the previous steps, the Osijek, as well as to scientists and research- structure of a phosphorous-containing bac- ers from governmental institutions and the terial carbohydrate was determined. pharmaceutical industry. Research work at NMR and IR spectroscopic investigations R the NMR Centre includes different topics in B I

of interactions of pharmaceutically active A organic, inorganic, bioorganic, pharmaceuti- n

molecules were carried out as well. In this n

cal chemistry and biotechnology. Theoretical u a

respect, the antimicrobial peptides are of l calculations of molecular structures and R

interest since, in some cases, small frag- e

NMR spectral parameters are carried out p o

ments can mimic and even supersede the r in order to support the experimental mea- t


activity of the whole molecule. The structure, 0 surements. Investigations of natural com- 0

bioactivity and sense anti-sense interactions 5 .

pounds and photochemistry products are

of short peptide fragments, with five to thir- also in progress. The Centre is also involved teen amino acids, were investigated. in undergraduate and graduate studies at

85 INVITED LECTURES AT INTERNATIONAL Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia CONFERENCES 6. Vladimir Sklenar, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, The Czech Republic 1. Smrečki V. Theoretical Simulation of Conformational Influence on NMR Chemical NMR Shielding Anisotropy. 14th International Symposium “Spectroscopy in Theory and Practice”, Nova Gorica Polytechnic, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, 2005


1. The 20th Dubrovnik International Course & Conference on the Interfaces among Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer Sciences, Dubrovnik (IUC), July 20-25, 2005

Figure 1. The NMR operators room with a view PROJECTS on a 7T magnet (300 MHz frequency for 1H NMR) Projects supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (MZOŠ) and collaborative projects

1. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Calculations of Bioorganic Molecules, Dražen Vikić-Topić (MZOŠ) 2. Spectroscopic and Quantum Chemical Study of Models for Biomolecular Interactions, Vilko Smrečki (bilateral collaboration with Austria)

Contracts with industry

1. Collaboration Contract with PLIVA d. d. Figure 2. The instrumental room with a 14T mag- net (600 MHz frequency for 1H NMR) Pharmaceutical Industry 2. Collaboration Contract with BELUPO d. d. Pharmaceutical Industry TEACHING

. 1. Chemical Toxicology: School of Health 5

0 International collaborations Studies, University of Zagreb, Dražen Vikić- 0 2

Topić t 1. Nenad Juranić, Mayo Clinic and Foundation, r

o 2. Spectroscopic Methods in Structural Analysis:

p Rochester, MN, USA e 2. Norbert Mueller, Institute of Chemistry, Graduate Studies in Analytical Chemistry, R

l Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb,

a Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria

u Dražen Vikić-Topić n 3. Ljupče Pejov, Faculty of Natural Sciences n 3. Application of NMR Spectroscopy in

A and Mathematics, Skopje, Republic of

I Macedonia Determination of Structure and Dynamics of B

R 4. Janez Plavec, National Institute of Chemistry, Organic and Bioorganic Molecules: Graduate Hajdrihova 19, Ljubljana, Slovenia Studies in Organic Chemistry, Faculty of 5. Nicolay Sergeeyev, Department of Chemistry, Science, University of Zagreb, Dražen Vikić-

86 Topić annelation. Chem Eur J, 2005: 11: 543.

4. Modeling of Protein Structure and Function 4. Steindl C, Schäffer C, Smrečki V, Messner - Applications in Biomedicine: Graduate P, Müller N. The secondary cell wall polymer Studies at School of Medicine, University of of Geobacillus tepidamans GS5-97(T): struc- Zagreb, Dražen Vikić-Topić ture of different glycoforms. Carbohydr Res 5. Spectroscopic Methods: Graduate Studies 2005: 340: 2290. in Environmental Protection, University of 5. Tješić Drinković Du, Tješić Drinković Do, Osijek, Dražen Vikić-Topić Štambuk N, Konjevoda P, Votava Raić A, Vinković M, Vikić-Topić D. Alpha-melanocyte SELECTED PUBLICATIONS stimulating hormone reduces colonic damage in rat model of inflammatory bowel disease. 1. Diudea MV, Nagy CL, Silaghi-Dumitrescu I, Croat Chem Acta 2005: 78: 535. Graovac A, Janežić D, Vikić-Topić D. Periodic Cages. J Chem Inf Model 2005: 45: 293. 2. Sychrovsky V, Mueller N, Schneider B, Smrečki V, Špirko V, Šponer J, Trantirek L. Sugar Pucker Modulates the Cross-Correlated Relaxation Rates across the Glycosidic Bond in DNA. J Am Chem Soc 2005: 127: 14663. 3. Škorić I, Basarić N, Marinić Ž, Višnjevac A, Kojić-Prodić B, Šindler-Kulyk M. Synthesis and photochemistry of b, b’-di(2-furyl) sub- stituted o-divinylbenzenes. Intra- and/or intermolecular cycloaddition as an effect of R B I

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Figure 1: The building of the NMR Centre 5 .


Library LIB

Head of Library: Jadranka Stojanovski repository for Ruđer Bošković Institute is a clear priority for the Library. Two leading OVERVIEW OF LIBRARY ACTIVITIES programmes for digital repositories, EPrints and DSpace were installed and preliminary In 2005 RBI Library remains focused on testing had been undertaken in order to follow its mission to support the research and edu- the new demands of storing and preserving cational activities of the RBI scientific com- digital content for archival timeframes. One munity. The Library provided reliable access of our goals is to make our digital document to scientific content in print and electronic repositories interoperable with other emerging format, ensuring that the selection, acquisi- technologies and work practices. tion, cataloguing, storage and preservation The Library is working hard to maintain of scholarly information is according present the stability and reliability of its hardware and requirements and needs. software, and to provide continuing education and training for the Library staff in a range of Goals and Priorities information technology tools and topics. One of the greatest ongoing challenge is finding the The RBI Library continues to innovate with balance between supporting local initiatives information technology not only at RBI, but also and the larger centralized projects on national in the larger context of the Croatian academic level, encouraging creativity throughout our and research community. The Library continues system without compromising support to the to exist both as a physical and an online entity.

many existing services. R

In 2005 the average number of visits of our B I library web site is more than 3000 daily. A Library collections n n

The way in which scholarly information is u a l published and made accessible is changing The Library’s book collection amounts to R e constantly and Library tried to respond to some 34000 volumes, 300 of which were newly p o r these changes. Nationally and internationally acquired in 2005. E-books were acquired and t

2 digital repositories are beginning to change added to the collection through the Centre for 0 0 5 .

the way the results of the scholarly activity online databases (42 e-books). The journal reach scientists and researchers. Promotion acquisition model for 2005 was simpler then and development of and institutional online previous years and turned toward big publish-

89 ers. This resulted in some discontinuity in RBI. The connection between good network subscription for some very important titles security and user convenience continues to published by smaller publishers. 11230 e- be a challenging and time-consuming task.

LIB journal titles were purchased by the Ministry Together with existing computing equipment, of Science, Education and Sport (MSES) via the Library’s computing infrastructure consortia agreements with major scientific consists of following: publishers (Springer & Kluwer 1328, Wiley • PowerEdge 2800 #1 220, EBSCO 6800, Elsevier 1750, Oxford (Debian GNU Linux) University Press 180, Cambridge University Press 135, Blackwell 817), and 9360 e-jour- • DELL PowerEdge 2800 #2 nal titles were available free of charge and (Debian GNU Linux) accessible through EJOL (Electronic Journal • DELL PoverEdge 1500sc Online Library at and EZB (FreeBSD) (Elektronische Zeitschriften-bibliothek at • SUN ENTERPRISE 250 The (Solaris 7) access to the relevant bibliographic and • SUNFire 280R full-text databases was provided through (Solaris 7) the Centre for online databases (http://, maintained by the RBI • SUNFire V880 Library in cooperation with the Croatian (Solaris 8) Academic and Research Network CARNet • PC (AMD700) for the academic and research community (FreeBSD) in Croatia. The RBI Library has a well-estab- • PC (AMD700) lished interlibrary loan service with Croatian (Debian GNU Linux) and foreign libraries. In 2005 it fulfilled 1066 requests for documents made by members • 13 personal computers for Library staff of the RBI, and over 1145 requests from and 5 personal computers for Library other libraries. patrons

Computing Infrastructure Ongoing services

. 5

0 The RBI Library has this year acquired The Library is working systematically 0 2

on an extension of the network services t two new Dell servers with the support of r

o made available to users. There were numer- p the Ministry of Science, Education and e

R ous other efforts to give our patrons better Sport. As the most visible part of RBI, the l a

u Library’ computer systems are continually tools for accessing information and using n n under threat from network intruders, and the library, requiring less effort from them A

I and allowing much of the basic library staff

B we must also uphold increasingly complex R rules about access control and security for assistance to be given indirectly. This assist- the networked digital material we license for ance included:

90 • PRESKOK – federated search of the Initiative (OAI) and supports harvesting of Croatian academic and research librar- the metadata according to the Metadata ies online catalogues (http://preskok.irb. Harvesting Protocol (MHP).

hr) LIB • Union online catalogue for sciences - 27 CENTRE FOR ONLINE DATABASES libraries included ( In cooperation with the Croatian Academic • SEND - Interlibrary Loan service (http:// and Research Network CARNet we are working on the project Centre for online databases for ten years now trying to provide • CROSBI – Croatian Scientific Bibliography Croatian academic and research community ( with the access to the most important online • Who’s Who in Croatian Science (http:// databases and e-journal collections. In 2005 the complete redesign of the web site was • CMS for web academic and research done in order to provide more transparent libraries ( access to all available resources. • RBI Annual Report site (https://godisnji- • Centre for online databases (http://www.



Together with University Computing Centre SRCE (project leader) and Croatian Information and Documentation Association, we were working on the central portal of SELECTED LECTURES Croatian scholarly journals. HRČAK offers • Mayer, M.; Vodopijevec, A. SEND - ILL access to journals following the Open Access service online. 9th IFLA Interlending and R B I

Document Supply (ILDS) International A n

Conference; September 20-23, 2005, n u a

Tallinn, Estonia. l


• Stojanovski, J.; Melinščak Zlodi, I. e p o

Roadmap to Open Access in Croatia. r t


11th Biennial Conference of the European 0 0

Association of Aquatic Sciences Libraries 5 .

and Information Centres; May 4-6, 2005, Split, Croatia.

91 • Stojanovski, J.; Škvarč, G. Open access CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION initiatives in Croatia. CUC 2005: Meeting • 11th Biennial Conference of the European users needs - How to fulfill users needs; Association of Aquatic Science Libraries LIB November 21-23, 2005, Zagreb, Croatia. and Information Centres (EURASLIC 11): • Stojanovski, Jadranka. Scientific infor- «Open Waters – Open Sources», Split, mation on demand - the Croatian expe- Croatia, 4-6 May, 2005. rience. Arbeitsgemeinschaft für medi- zinisches Bibliothekswesen (AGMB); RUĐER BOŠKOVIĆ INSTITUTE September 26-28, 2005, Graz, Austria. LIBRARY COLLOQUIA

SELECTED PUBLICATIONS In 2005 we continue to organize popu- lar and well visited RBI Library Colloquia. • Erman, D. Knjižnica centra za istraživan- Through regular monthly lectures and pres- je mora. Kemija u industriji, 54 (2005) 1; entations we hosted librarians and infor- 20-21. mation specialists from different academic, • Konjević, S. EURASLIC 11 : Open Waters special and public libraries, as scientists - Open Sources. Kemija u industriji. 54 and teachers from RBI and other institutions (2005) 10; 430. to share their experiences with others. The • Pažur, I. Access to electronic journals most interesting topics from the field of infor- in the Croatian libraries. Master Thesis. mation sciences were included: University of Zagreb ; Zagreb, 2005. • Pažur, I. “From our libraries” yes or no? 14 December 2005., dr. sc. Branko Kemija u industriji, 54 (2005) 3; 157- Šantić (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb): 158. Authors and co-authors of the scholarly articles.

24 October 2005., Bruce Rosenblum (Inera Incorporated): Quality Management for Electronic Journal Production and Archiving (PDF).

5 October 2005., dr. sc. Jelka Petrak


5 (Central Medical Library, Zagreb) i 0 0 2

mr. sc. Jadranka Stojanovski (Ruđer t r

o Bošković Insitute Library, Zagreb): p e Subject portal for scientific information – R


a challenge for cooperation. u n n , Jasna Tingle, CARNet:

A 29 June 2005.


B E-learning and what can we do with it in R Croatia.

92 27 May 2005., Richard E. Stern, PROJECTS Seton Hall University Libraries, SAD: 1.Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI, Scholarship in the Promotion & Tenure Jadranka Stojanovski Review Process: Challenges for Librarians LIB 3.Centre for online databases, Jadranka as Applicants & Reviewers. Stojanovski 27 April 2005., Daniel Glavan, Biblos, Zagreb: 4.Who’s Who in Science in Croatia, Jadranka Literary work of Josip Ruđer Bošković. Stojanovski 22 March 2005., prof. dr. sc. Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić, Department for information sciences, Faculty of philosophy, University J. J. Strossmayer, Osijek: Academic education of the information specialists and Bologna process.

23 February 2005., Sandra Čar, European Documentation Centre, Zagreb: Government publications and other information resources about EU.


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93 Notes Notes Notes Notes The Ruđer Bošković Institute (RBI) is the largest Croatian research centre in sciences and science applications. In the multi-disciplinary environment of the Institute more than 500 academic staff and gradu- ate students work on problems in experimental and theoretical phys- ics, chemistry and physics of materials, organic and physical chem- istry, biochemistry, molecular biology and medicine, environmental and marine research, electronics, informatics and computer science. Within Croatia, the RBI is a national institution dedicated to research, higher education and provision of support to the academic commu- nity, to state and local governments and to technology-based industry. Within the European Union, the RBI forms a part of the European Research Area. Worldwide, the RBI collaborates with many research institutions and universities upholding the same values and vision.