September 6, 1979
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23414 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 6, 1979 for the College of Micronesia, which was re new paragraph and renumber succeeding any such facility, the standards relating to ferred to the Committee on Appropriations. paragraphs accordingly: location established under subparagraph "(3) Notwithstanding any other provision (1) (A) of this subsection shall require such of this section, the Secretary shall determine location to be in a remote area in order to AMENDMENTS whether the siting and construction of any minimize the dangers to persons and prop LNG facility are in compliance with stand erty from discharge, explosion, or other mal Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, pro ards prescribed under paragraph (1) of this function. If the Secretary determines that posed amendments were submitted as subsection if such facility is one for which follows: initial construction was completed at least the facility is not in compliance with such H .R. 51 four years prior to the date of enactment standards, no application for the operation By Mr. MURPHY of New York : of tb:is Act but which has not been placed of such facil'ity shall be approved by the -Page 66, after line 8, insert the following in operation by such date. With respect to Department of Energy." EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A REPORTER'S VISIT TO VIETNAM the aid issue in meetings last fall. Washing "sanctuaries" needed to sustain their guer ton's subsequent decision to slow normaliza rilla operations against the Heng Samrin tion, Mr. Holbrooke added, was solely in re government. Vietnam does not consider the HON. BENJAMIN S. ROSENTHAL sponse to questions involving Cambodia, the action of the Thai Government to be "wise." OF NEW YORK refugee exodus and a Soviet-Vietnamese Vietnam's economy has suffered severe set economic accord, and had nothing to do with backs because of the border wars with China IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Washington decision to recognize Peking, as and the flghting with the Pol Pot forces in Wednesday, September 5, 1979 Mr. Thach charged.) Cambodia, and the Government needs to im Once the Vietnamese demand for an Amer port three million tons of food this year, a e Mr. ROSENTHAL. Mr. Speaker, dur ican aid commitment was dropped, Mr. figure it does not expect to achieve. ing the recent congressional recess the Thach said, "everything was agreed upon, As for renewed warfare with China, Viet New York Times ran a series of articles except for the writing down." He and the nam is "prepared for the worst" and the on present-day Vietnam by the noted American side had settled such matters as Chinese "must think it over before they investigative reporter Seymour Hersh. the size of the diplomatic missions in Wash launch another invasion." ington and Hanoi and had even begun dis CARTER POLICIES CRITICIZED Having visited Vietnam last month, I cussions over who would be assigned as applaud the tone of these articles and heads of mission, he said. The extended interviews with Mr. Thach request unanimous consent to insert The Vietnamese official said, however, that took place in a simply furnished living room them in the RECORD. he left New York after waiting in vain for a in the Government's guest house in the cen Mr. Hersh, who spent 10 days in Viet final meeting to conclude and sign the agree ter of Hanoi. Throughout the interview Mr. ment. Thach, dressed casually, as everyone is in hot nam speaking with top government of and humid Hanoi in midsummer, repeatedly ficials, United Nations and other relief "THE CHINA CARD PREVAILED" criticized the foreign policies of the Carter officials, and Vietnamese citizens he had Instead, he said, the United States ex Administration, but he distinguished be known as a war correspondent, depicts tended diplomatic recognition to China and tween what he called the Government and a Vietnam in severe economic need, and later accused Vietnam of making normaliza t he American people. a political leadership angered by the U.S. tion impossible because of its position on the "It is very bitter for the Government to outflow of refugees, its pending military in swallow the defeat" in the Vietnam War, he commitment to the "China card" of in volvement in Cambodia and its signing of said, "but for the American people it is an ternational politics-which apparently a long-term economic aid agreement with other thing. They are proud of their support precluded normalization of relations be the Soviet Union. of Vietnam during an unjust war." tween our two countries last fall. He also "I think they would like to arrange normal He accused China and the United States reports that over 2 million Cambodians ization with China and normalization with of conspiring to manipulate the refugee issue are threatened in the immediate future Vietnam," Mr. Thach said, "and the Ohina for international political reasons. "They with massive starvation. card prevailed above the normalization of would like, through the bias of the refugees, Vietnam. This is my assessment." to solve the question of Cambodia," he as While our visit was not as long as that Mr. Thach has emerged in the last six serted. "That is the biggest reason behind of Mr. Hersh, my observation is that the months as one o'f his nation's leading spokes the noise about refugees." Hersh articles and vignettes portray the men to the outside world, and Western and "Who is criticizing Vietnam?" Mr. Thach country well-its politics, its economy, nonaligned diplomats here believe that he asked. "First it is China and secondly the its security concerns, and the flavor of exerts great influence on Vietnam's foreign U.S.A. They are the most critical. The other the daily life. I commend the articles to policies. Handsome and self-assured, the nations are honestly very emotional about 56-year-old official made himself available the refugees, but it is a realistic emotion. my colleagues. for more than six hours of interviewing over But, you see, the United States and China As a member of Members of Congress two days in what seemed to be a major at have encouraged these emotion~." for Peace through Law, I think the series tempt to explain his country's policies The non-Communist countries in South will be of special interest to MCPL mem directly to the American people. Mr. Thach east Asia-principally Thailand, Singapore, bers. speaks excellent English. Indonesia and Malaysia---"have a right to [From the New York Times, Aug. 7, 1979) Among the other key points stressed by the be sensitive" a.bout the refugee issue, Mr. Secretary of State during the interview were Thach said. "It is a very great burden for HANOI SAYS U.S. DIDN'T FOLLOW THROUGH these: them," he acknowledged. "But you see, no AFTER REACHING ACCORD ON TIES Vietnam "has stopped and will continue body is excited about the fate of the four (By Seymour M. Hersh) to stop" the unauthorized flow of refugees million Cambodian people who are starving HANOI, VIETNAM, August 3.-Vietnam's from its shores. and the three million Cambodians who were Acting Foreign Minister said in an interview Hanoi "categorically" rejects any assertion killed by Pol Pot with the help of China." this week that his Government and the that the central Government has profited, "DOUBLE STANDARD" ON REFUGEES directly or indirectly, from the illegal exodus United States reached full agreement on The Vietnamese minister repeatedly com normalizing their relations during secret of refugees, many of whom paid enormous amounts to be allowed to flee. plained during the interviews about what talks in New York last fall, but that the Car he termed the double standard applied by ter Administration did not follow through Vietnam is opposed to any international the United States against his Government. on the agreement. conference on the neutrality of Cambodia "We have stopped the exit of refugees since Nguyen Co Thach, who holds the title of because the new Cambodian government 1975," he said, "but we were criticized be Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, said headed by Heng Samrin "has its own destiny cause we hg.d not given the people freedom that the breakthrough in the negotiations in its hand." No role for Prince Norodom to go away. Then we decided to let them go came last Sept. 28 when Vietnam dropped Sihanouk, the former Cambodian head of freely and we are criticized by the West for its demand that the United States agree to state, is possible. exporting refugees. a major aid commitment before normaliza Cambodia is now facing a desperate famine "And now we have agreed to channel them tion. that threatens the life of its four million through legal ext ts in part through the [In Washington, Richard C. Holbrooke, an people. United Nations High Commissioner on Ref Assistant Secretary of State who led the Thailand has been permitting troops of ugees and to stop all illegal exits. But now American team, confirmed subsequently that the former regime headed by Pol Pot to oper the Seventh Fleet is coming in and encour the United States and Vietnam had settled ate within its borders and to maintain the aging the people to go illegally." • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. September 6, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 23415 Repeatedly turning to the refugee issue, views here and in Ho Chi Minh City this while working in the fields in the last four he said there were two broad categories of week that 2.25 million Cambodians were fac years.