Milnrow – Newhey & Districts Carnival 2012 RAISING FUNDS FOR LOCAL CAUSES



This year will be our 44th Carnival.

The parade will take place on Saturday 2nd June 2012 starting at 1:00pm from Haugh Lane, Newhey, OL16 3RB and finishing at Hollingworth BEC, Cornfield Street, Milnrow, OL16 3DR.

Parade Theme

To celebrate The Queen’s 60th coronation jubilee, this year we would like participants to adhere to a red, white and blue theme.

Regulations and Safety Guidelines


It is advisable that all entries have their own insurance cover. Please forward or bring a copy of the cover note with you if applicable. However the event will be insured for public liability.

Smoking is not permitted throughout the duration of the parade by anyone taking part in the parade.

Under no circumstances will the consumption of alcohol be permitted immediately before or during the procession by drivers or any other participants in the parade.

Fire, Flames and flammable goods including sparklers are prohibited from the parade.


Floats /Vehicles

The vehicle and any trailer must be insured, taxed and have a valid MOT to ensure that it is roadworthy and conforms to all legal requirements.

All drivers should hold a suitable licence which should be carried with them on the day. Please ensure the vehicle has enough fuel to reach the end of the parade. The driver must remain with the vehicle at all times before, during and after the parade.

A tool kit should be carried, along with water in case your radiator overheats.

Number plates, both front and rear, must be clearly visible at all times during the parade.

Any float, or equipment carried on the vehicle or trailer should be secured and appropriate for the purpose.

The vehicle and/or trailer must be suitable to perform the job for which it was intended.

Every float should carry a suitable fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.

If anyone in your party is injured, this may be classed as a Road Traffic Accident and those involved may be subject to a breathalyser test at hospital if necessary.

No passengers may be carried on a carnival float unless the float is proceeding in the carnival procession, with exception to large floats where an attendant may be required to assist the driver.

When the parade is underway, vehicles should only proceed at walking pace.

It is essential that your float/group be marshalled by two responsible adults wearing fluorescent tabards or jackets.


A distance of at least five metres should be kept between each entry.

No missiles of any description should be thrown from any float.

Advertising material may only be distributed by walkers, not by people on the floats.

A means of communicating with the driver and passengers must be maintained at all times, either by radio of verbally.

No one must climb on or off the floats whilst in the procession, unless the vehicle is stationary and one of the marshals is in contact with the driver who will be told when it is safe to proceed.

Children must be seated securely or if standing, be provided with restraints. Adults should be provided with hand holds if standing.

Loose ropes or decorations must not hang down from any entry and should be secure and safe. There must be a two foot distance between the bottom of any decoration and the road.

Ensure that any music equipment is secure and stable and has been set up correctly and safely.

Do not cover up generators as this poses a great risk of fire.

Foot entries

Ensure that appropriate footwear is worn by all participants.

Ensure that enough water is available for your group.

Two marshals wearing fluorescent tabards or jackets should walk alongside each walking group. If the group comprises young children under the age of ten, extra marshals should

4 attend.

A distance of at least five metres should be kept between each entry.


All participants should ensure that they have adequate waterproof clothing and appropriate footwear.

Likewise, all participants should ensure that they have an adequate supply of sunscreen or sunblock where required.

Your Entry

Please feel free to be as creative as you please. Original ideas and lots of imagination is all that is required. The use of banners, routines and props can make entries very effective.

Groups with people scattered here, there and everywhere do not create a good impact as those who are evenly spaced and close together.

Parents or guardians who wish to enter the parade alongside their children are advised to position themselves towards the centre of their group so as not to hinder the view of the smaller children and where possible to wear appropriate clothing to suit the group’s theme.

Dancing and Marching groups should be aware that they may need to be flexible and allow for changes in pace or speed to prevent gaps in the parade.

Take time to think how props and equipment will be transported and ensure that items to be carried are not too heavy or uncomfortable to be carried the full length of the parade.


The judges will be watching from secret locations throughout the parade. Individual children’s costumes/fancy dress will be judged at the location of our fête at Hollingworth

Business and Enterprise College, Milnrow.


It is the intention of the Carnival Committee to ensure that all children and young persons are assured of a safe and happy carnival day.

Groups of children should always be accompanied by an appropriate number of responsible adults.

If a child is lost then the matter should be reported to the Police who will be attending both the parade and field event.


The parade and fete (held afterwards) will be covered by the carnival committee’s public liability insurance.


We are here to have fun and be proud of our community.


Carnival Parade Entry Form

No fee will be payable to enter the parade.

nd The parade will take place on Saturday 2 June 2012 starting at 1:00pm from Haugh Lane, Newhey, OL16 3RB and finishing at Cornfield Street, Milnrow, OL16 3DR. (Please assemble from 12:00pm, vehicles should enter via Two Bridges Road OL16 3SR (at Shaw Road end)

To celebrate The Queen’s diamond jubilee, this year we would like participants to adhere to a red, white and blue theme.

1) Name of organisation: …………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………….

2) Person to contact: …………………………………………………………………………………………….

3) Email address: …………………………………………………......

4) Website: ......

5) Tel. no …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

6) Postal address including postcode:

7) Type of entry (walking or float) ………………………………………………………………………………………

If float, approximate length of vehicle: ……………………………………………………….

Please ensure 2 adult marshals per entry, wearing high visibility vests/jackets.

All monies collected on the parade are the property of the Carnival Collection Fund.

Continued overleaf


8) Your entry will be confirmed by email, otherwise please include a stamped addressed envelope.

9) Your position in the parade and assembly details will be mailed out in the week before the Carnival Day.

10) Please retain the Rules of Play for your records.

11) All entry applications must be received on or before 19th May 2012.

12) Please return this form, (or photocopy of pages 7 & 8) to arrive by 19th May 2012 to: Carnival Booking Secretary, 16 Equitable Street, Milnrow, , OL16 4HD. Or copied and emailed to [email protected]


Chairman, Milnrow- Newhey & Districts Carnival Committee.

For our insurance records please sign below that you have read and understood the rules of play and health and safety guidelines and are willing to abide by them and will also pass the given information onto members of your group.

13) Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

14) Position within your group: ………………………………………………………………………………


If you would like to apply for pitch at our after parade fête at Hollingworth BEC and one is not included with this application then please ask for a Stallholder Application Form from the address given in point 12 above.