PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Cllr Richard Godden

Clerk: Cindy Powell, 6 Greenhill Villas, PL27 6HN Tel: 01208 813339 Email: [email protected]

A Meeting of St. Kew Parish Council will be held in St. Kew Parish Hall on Tuesday 11th October 2016 commencing at 7.30 p.m. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

The Meeting will open for discussion period between members of the Public and the Council, this period is limited to a maximum of fifteen minutes


1. PUBLIC DISCUSSION 2. Chairman’s announcements and apologies for absence. 3. County Councillor and Police Reports 4. To consider and approve the Minutes of the previous Parish Council Meeting. 5. Matters Arising. 6. Correspondence

a) CC - Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Consultation b) Any other important items of correspondence which the Chairman considers appropriate.

7. Planning Applications PA16/08231-Mr M Symons, Trevathan Farm Shop And Tea Room St Endellion

Extension to existing retail area with alteration to shop access and frontage. Extension to kitchen and storage areas as to accommodate business growth. Additional food and preserves preparation area to storage and kitchen area.

PA16/08748 – Mr G Newman, Hazel Cottage Chapel Amble Road Works to trees in a Conservation Area namely:- Cherry tree T1 - remove rotting stump and Cherry tree T2 - remove tree.

PA16/09106 Mr Steven Dally, Dally Partners, Land NW Of Lower Amble, Gutt Road Chapel Amble -Construction of an agricultural building

Planning Decisions

PA16/07785 & PA16/07500 – Mr T Chadwick Reskesen, St Kew – Notification of proposed works to beech tree within conservation area – Reduce height T1. - Decided not to make a TPO (TCA apps)

PA16/06504 –Mr & Mrs Hawkey The Olde House Penpont Farm Chapel Amble - Proposed extensions forming improved leisure facilities - APPROVED

PA16/06303 - Mr Sidney Andrews, Jays Cottage, Pendoggett Road, St Kew At the rear - an extension at the first floor to form a bedroom. At the front – bay windows at the ground and first floors - APPROVED

8 Schedule of monthly accounts September 2016 9 Report on Annual Audit 10 Yew Trees in St Kew Churchyard 11 Parish Councillors contact details and ID 12 Phone boxes and signposts 13 Remembrance Day Wreath 14 Parish Councillor reports and any other matters

ST KEW PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Cllr Richard Godden

Clerk: Cindy Powell, 6 Greenhill Villas, Wadebridge PL27 6HN Tel: 01208 813339 Email: [email protected]

15 Items for Pieces of Eight 16 Register of gifts and hospitality for Councillors and staff.

ST KEW PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: Cllr Richard Godden Clerk: Cindy Powell, 6 Greenhill Villas, Wadebridge PL27 6HN Tel: 01208 813339 Email: [email protected]

Minutes of St Kew Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 13th September 2016 at 7.30 pm in St Kew Parish Hall

Present: Chairman: Councillor R Godden, Councillors J Lethbridge, T Mott, J Rowe A Godden, S Liddiard, B Finnemore, R Hawken

County Councillors S Knightley and A Penny

Apologies: Cllr J Rickard (holiday) PCSO Drennan,

1 member of the public was present.

2041. Public Discussion

2042. Chairmans Announcements The Chairman opened the meeting

2043. County Councillor and Police Reports County Councillor S Knightley advised that the new head of Council would be at the area Network Meeting on Thursday, and hoped that St Kew would be represented. He was concerned that National Express were withdrawing the Wadebridge service due to the road works in and hoped that they were returned. There were still funds in the Community Chest and applications were invited. The proposed changes in Governance will affect larger towns rather than smaller parishes.

County Councillor Penny also urged attendance at the meeting and said that the Waste Project in Port Isaac pilot scheme was on the Agenda and could affect persons with holiday lets.

In open discussion the continuing problem of barking dogs at Lanow was raised again and CCllr Knightley said that he will investigate. Cllr Lethbridge will liaise. The negative reply re traffic calming at St Kew Highway was mentioned (2036) and the Clerk will forward the letter and details of the police reports to both Councillors..

2044. Council Meeting Minutes – To confirm and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 9th August 2016

Proposed by Cllr Mott seconded by Cllr A Godden it was AGREED that the Minutes of this meeting be a true and accurate record. All present at the meeting in favour.

2045. Matters Arising Defibrillator (2037) – Cllr Liddiard will inform Council of progress Traffic calming St Kew Highway (2036) - Clerk will forward the letter and details of the police reports to both Councillors.

2046. Correspondence a) A letter was read from BT advising that phone boxes would be removed if they have low usage. The box at St Kew Highway was identified and it was agreed to object to the proposal


on the grounds that mobile phone coverage is at best spasmodic, and this phone could be vital if there was a traffic accident. ACTION: Clerk to contact BT b) Tesco are inviting application for grants from the revenue obtained from carrier bags. Cllr R Godden will publicise in the parish magazine.

2047. Planning Notices

Planning Applications

PA16/07785 & PA16/07500 – Mr T Chadwick Reskesen, St Kew – Notification of proposed works to beech tree within conservation area – Reduce height T1. - Information only

Planning Decisions PA16/06255 - Mr Michael Alford, The Lodge, Higher Trewiggett - Certificate of lawfulness for the continued occupation of the dwelling contrary to the requirements of Condition 1 of planning permission E1/E/52/4114/3489 (Decision No.3489/E) dated 9 June 1952 - GRANTED

PA16/04716 Mr T Wellington, Land South of Hale Farm, St Kew – Proposed extensions to three livestock buildings.- APPROVED

PA16/05485 – Mr P Lethbridge, Land North East of Lanow Farm St Kew – Replacement of existing timber stables with new timber agricultural building. - APPROVED

2048. Schedule of Monthly Accounts It was proposed by Cllr A Godden and seconded by Cllr Lethbridge that the monthly accounts for August be accepted en bloc. All in favour

2049. Possible Changes to Interest Rates Cllr R Godden advised that the Bank account held by the Parish Council was paying 0% interest and this could have implications should the base rate change. It was proposed by Cllr Hawken and seconded by Cllr Lethbridge that alternative accounts be sourced. All in favour

2050. Parish Councillors contact details and ID The possibility of parish councillors having a designated email address was discussed. ACTION: Cllr Mott to investigate and report

2051. St Kew Telephone Boxes The Clerk has received notification from BT that the telephone box at St Kew Highway may be removed. It was proposed by Cllr Lethbridge and seconded by Cllr Mott that the Parish Council object as mobile reception is patchy and the box is sited near a dangerous junction so could possibly be used in an emergency. All in favour.

2052. Parish Councillor Reports and any other matters Cllr Rowe reported that noise from the “race track” (1096) was increasing. The Clerk said that this had been investigated by Planning Enforcement and was told as there is no building taking place there appeared to be no infringement. County Councillor Penny said that he would investigate. Cllr Finnemore has been getting information on affordable and local housing and reported that funds are available An article to assess interest will be placed in the parish magazine and CCllr Knightley said that he would be willing to assist with information. Cllr Liddiard reported that the new printer obtained for the magazine is not working but they are seeking help to fix the problem Cllr Mott said that a coach seemed to be permanently parked in the council car park. Cllr Lethbridge will look into the matter

2053. Items for Pieces of 8 Affordable Housing Tesco Grants


2054. Register of gifts and hospitality for Councillors and Staff None

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20.32



Payments to be agreed

Date Payment Cheque No. Amount

30/09/16 Mrs C Powell salary 1186 160.80 30/09/16 PAYE 1187 470.20 Total 201.00

Wadebridge and Community Network Panel 15.9.16


Meeting Wadebridge & Padstow Community Network Panel

Date & Time 15 September 2016 6.30 – 8.30 pm

Location Egloshayle Pavilion, Wadebridge

Cllr Stephen Knightley, Wadebridge East Panel Cllr Karen Mc Hugh, Wadebridge West Members Cllr Andy Penny, St Endellion & St Minver Attending Alan Rickard (Padstow TC) Ray Jarret (St Breock PC) Janet Pratt (St Breock PC) David Raynor (St Endellion PC) Nicola Williams (St Endellion PC) Mike Coles (St Endellion PC) Angie Martin (St Maybn PC) Victoria Darnell (St Minver Highlands PC) Marc Dingle (St Minver Highlands PC) Zoe Newland-Hodges (St Tudy PC) Amanda Pennington (Wadebridge TC) Hugh Ridgway (Wadebridge TC) Eric Gill (Wadebridge TC) Anne Minnis (Wadebridge TC) Tim Jones (Cornwall Fire Rescue Service) Anna Druce (Community Link Officer, Wadebridge & Padstow) Helen Couch (Support Officer) Kate Kennally – Chief Executive, Guests Stephanie Crocker – Contract Compliance Officer - East James Ortiz – Operational Projects & Compliance Officer Donna Latham – Contract Compliance Officer - East Verity Palk – Waste & Environment Contracts – Team Leader Craig Taylor – Parking Manager Sgt Andy Stewart – Devon & Cornwall Police Pam Starling - Wadebridge Town Council Apologies Helen Hyland – Wadebridge Town Council St Merryn Parish Council Charlotte Daniels – St Mabyn PC Cllr Jeremy Rowe CC Cllr Richard Buscombe CC 22 Number of members of the public present

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Wadebridge and Padstow Community Network Panel 15.9.16

Agenda Item Action

1 Welcome, introductions and apologies

SK welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the fire regulations. All apologies were noted.

2 Notes of last meeting – 14th July 2016

They were agreed as a true record.

3 Devon & Cornwall Police Update

SK welcomed Sergeant Andy Stewart. The Crime Statistics for the period 1.6.16 to 31.8.16 were discussed for the three areas (Copies attached).

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Wadebridge and Padstow Community Network Panel 15.9.16

The statistics are compared with the same three months last year and are similar.

Throughout the summer, the Police have been kept busy with various crimes; but have also assisted with the Royal Visit in Port Isaac.

On the 19 July, there was a collision between a pedestrian and a vehicle in St Minver, if anyone has information please do contact the police by email [email protected] or call 101, quoting reference 81 of 19 July. Rumours and speculation are not helpful and can be damaging to all concerned.

A supply of leaflets about Cold Callers and Domestic Abuse were left and if you want some please contact Helen Couch who has them.

4 Port Isaac Waste Trial Lessons Learnt

SK welcomed Stephanie Crocker, James Ortiz, Donna Latham and Verity Palk from Cornwall Council.

A detailed presentation was given by Stephanie Crocker and James Ortiz to the network which outlined the Port Isaac Waste Trial, issues encountered and lessons learnt. Presentation attached.

Cornwall Council has a statutory duty to collect household waste but do not have a duty to collect commercial waste. We have worked hard with Biffa; as a company already working in the area.

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Wadebridge and Padstow Community Network Panel 15.9.16

It was reported that residents are struggling to get hold of the specialised green bags.

Concern was raised over why this meeting was taking place in Wadebridge and not in Port Isaac? The work of the Community Network was explained. It was agreed as this was an important issue Cornwall Council will discuss with St Endellion Parish Council, a suitable time to meet so an update on the trial can be given and listen to any issues raised. Padstow Council have similar issues which they would like to be addressed.

5 Parking – How T&PCs can work with CC

SK welcomed Craig Taylor from Cornwall Council.

A detailed presentation was given – copy attached.

The current officers work within the hours of 8 am and 8 pm. There are currently discussions about providing enforcement outside of these hours.

Statistics about the visits and notices are available upon request from the network members. Please contact Craig Taylor for this information.

A meeting to discuss possible service level agreements is requested for St Minver Highlands and St Endellion Parish Councils.

6 Cornwall Council CEO Q & A Session

SK welcomed Kate Kennally, CEO from Cornwall Council.

It is important to have these kind of discussions and she will be following up the questions that she has heard raised tonight.

It is important to make Cornwall a sustainable place and that everyone thrives. One of the challenges is to get the right balance in providing the service required with the money that we receive. With government funding reducing each year, it is getting more difficult to get the scales to balance.

A resident raised an issue with regard to a slipway that historically had public access but which has recently been AD boarded up by the adjoin business. He advised that the issue had yet to be resolved by Cornwall Council, AD to follow this up urgently.

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Communication was discussed in detail, the turnaround time for all correspondence is 10 working days. KK reiterated that it is important to receive an answer and have confidence that you will be contacted.

Cornwall Council uses borrowing to make long term investments for the future, including housing, infrastructure and taking forward new schemes. We need to ensure that we are prudent in all we do and have external audit checks, who have confirmed we are acting correctly.

Currently we collect £160 million in Business Rates and only retain £80 million. When we no longer get the grants we will have more money however we will get other duties/functions with it some of which are currently being consulted with and that not primarily to do with businesses.

It is important for honest discussions to take place with Town and Parish Councils, voluntary groups and other interested parties to discuss devolution. Some services that are provided are non-statutory and some are statutory. Cornwall Council has to ensure that statutory duties are still completed, but the level may change. It is time for local choices for local communities and understanding what is important and ensuring grown up partnerships. The General Power of Competence needs tweaking so that extra volunteers can be used.

NV suggested that it would be useful to have the email AD address of the planning officer on the planning portal. The proposal would be investigated.

It was felt that the Cornwall Tourism is getting better but Cornwall is looking unloved and concern was raised over the Toilets in the network.

The Cornwall Local Plan is a key tool in going forward.

AP felt that several fundamental changes have been made when town and parish councils have not been informed and important information had been withheld.

Community Governance – is it correct for every area?

A question over transparency was raised. If an officer is requested to explain a decision, this should be done, if this is not done or the answer is unsatisfactory then the matter should be referred to the Head of Service or direct to KK.

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Wadebridge and Padstow Community Network Panel 15.9.16

Electoral & Governance Review Update

Everyone was thanked for completing the Stakeholder questionnaire and the results are now on the website. This information is helping to shape the future of the Council.

A report called Primed for Success has been released this month which is the Cornwall Council Strategic Governance Review. It was written by the Governance Review External Group (GREG). This report is going to the full council on the 6th October. Is there a case for change, will be discussed.

On the same date, the Electoral Review 2021 Elections will be discussed. This will influence how many councillors will be needed for Cornwall in the future. The first figure will be sent in October, the second figure in December, with the final figure being released in March 2017.


The Get Active Challenge is a free six-week online challenge for teams of three that logs weekly activity. So, whether you decide to walk a little more every day, cycle with the kids or get out in Cornwall’s exceptional outdoor environment, the Challenge will convert all your activity into miles and plot your progress as you try to make your way around the Cornish Coastline. Information is available at the back and a free pedometer for those who register.

BT Phone Box consultation – If you have comments, it is important that it is back urgently.

KK was thanked for coming along to our network meeting and for having honest discussions.

The next meeting is on Thursday 1st December 6.30pm at Egloshayle Pavilion.

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How Cornwall Council can work with Town and Parish Councils

Craig Taylor Parking Manager – Cornwall Council


• Parking Team comprises of 62 Staff

• Serving Cornwall to:

 Enforce parking restrictions on and off-street  Manage over 200 Council car parks  Promote parking products (Permits / Season & Rover Tickets)  Process Penalty Charges Notices (PCN’s) and Appeals  Work with T&P Councils on potential devolution projects  Provide advice and guidance to the public and Elected Members Content

1. Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) – What does it mean? 2. The Traffic Management Act. 3. Current core enforcement. 4. Increasing enforcement hours through Service Level Agreements (SLA). 5. SLA – Things to consider. 6. Questions. Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) – What does it mean?

• Traffic Management Act introduced 2004 • Enabled the transfer of enforcement powers from the Police to Local Authorities for Parking related offences • Parking contraventions no longer a criminal offence • Dealt with through civil action • Civil Enforcement Officers, instead of Traffic Wardens • CPE introduced in Cornwall in May 2008 • Applied throughout Cornwall following the creation of Cornwall Council from 2009

The Traffic Management Act 2004

Enforcement Authorities should design their parking policies with particular regard to:

• Managing the expeditious movement of traffic • Improving road safety • Improving the local environment • Improving the quality & accessibility of public transport • Increasing compliance with parking restrictions through clear, well designed parking controls • Meeting the needs of people with disabilities • Managing and reconciling the competing demands for kerbside space The Traffic Management Act 2004

Enforcement Authorities should not:

• View enforcement as a way of raising revenue.

The enforcement operation should seek to operate on a cost neutral basis. Current Core Enforcement - Padstow

Padstow Ad Hoc routes: Broad Street Dennis Road Church Lane High Street Church Street Ruthy's Lane Cross Street Sarah's Lane Duke Street St Edmunds Lane Fentonluna Lane St Saviour's Lane Hill Street Tregirls Lane Lanadwell Street Market Place Total Patrol Time: Market Strand Middle Street Minimum of 130 Minutes per visit Mill Road New Street Up to 350 if Ad Hoc routes included North Quay Riverside 4 Visits per week South Quay Station Road Strand Street 78 PCNs issued 16/17 The Strand

Current Core Enforcement – Wadebridge

Priority Routes: Total Patrol Time: Eddystone Road Minimum of 135 Minutes per visit Egloshayle Road Goldsworthy Way Gonvena Hill 4 Visits per week Molesworth Street The Platt Trevanion Road 87 PCNs Issued 16/17 West Hill Increasing enforcement hours through SLA’s

If Town and Parish Councils think more enforcement time is required we can develop an SLA to:

• Increase visits to towns • Increase numbers of streets patrolled • Provide additional enforcement hours

Current Costs: • £35 per hour SLA – Things to Consider

• Are there parking issues at certain times of day / days of the week? • Are the issues seasonal? • Can the enforcement officers issue penalties for the types of offences happening? • Are there lines and signs in place? • Who will pay for the additional enforcement? • What happens to the revenue received?

Current SLAs with: Rame Cluster of Parishes St. Mawes and Penryn Harbours Thank You.

Any Questions? Port Isaac Waste Trial

James Ortiz, Waste & Environmental Contracts Officer (Operational Projects)

Stephanie Crocker, Assistant Contracts Officer (Operations)

Verity Palk, Waste and Environmental Contracts – Team Leader

Cornwall Council 15 September 2016 Overview

• Outline of the trial

• Why Port Isaac

• Why now?

• What are the issues? Operational Issues

• Vehicular access/Zone 1

• Enabling commercial waste collections

• Separating waste Project Delivery

• Communications

• Local presence – Cornwall Council Waste Team and Contractors

• Environmental Crime Team Lessons Learnt/Successes

• Cornwall Council webpage for project

• Identifying self-catering/commercial properties

• Successes Next Steps

• Evaluation

• Report to CC Members

• Business Case development

• Consultation

• Decision Q&A

Cornwall Council County Hall TR1 3AY

Tel: 0300 1234 100