Juhan Maiste the Concept of Russian Architecture in the Baltic Provinces 87
85 Juhan Maiste THE CONCEPT OF RUSSIAN ARCHITECTURE IN THE BALTIC PROVINCES BETWEEN THE GREAT NORTHERN WAR AND THE COSMOPOLITANISM OF THE 19TH CENTURY The source of inspiration for this article comes from materials by Segey Androsov and Georgy Smirnov that appear in this issue, and his son-in law Giuseppe Trezzini by Georgy Smirnov that appear in this issue, and which provide a new opportunity to re-examine the problems of Russian impact in Estonia that Heinz Pirang1, Voldemar Vaga 2, Helmi Üprus3, Mai Lumiste4 have dealt with, and which has most recently been given a new direction the third volume of the History of Estonian Art.5 DOI: https://doi.org/10.12697/BJAH.2019.17.05 Translated by Juta Ristsoo. 1 Heinz Pirang, Das Baltische Herrenhaus, Teil II, Die Blütezeit um 1800 (Riga: Jonck & Poliewsky, 1928). 2 Voldemar Vaga, Vene arhitektide ja skulptorite teoseid baroki- ja klassitsismi-ajajärgust Eestis (Tartu: Teaduslik Kirjandus, 1947). 3 Helmi Üprus, ʻXIX sajandi esimese poole ehitusmälestisedʼ, Eesti arhitektuuri ajalugu (Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1965), 333ff. 4 Mai Lumiste, ʻKunst Eestis 17. sajandi 30-ndatest aastatest kuni 18. sajandi 80-ndate aastateniʼ, Eesti kunsti ajalugu, 1 (Tallinn: Kunst, 1975), 105ff. 5 Eesti kunsti ajalugu, 3 (1770–1840), ed. by Juhan Maiste (Tallinn: Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, 2017). 86 JUHAN MAISTE THE CONCEPT OF RUSSIAN ArcHITEctURE IN THE BALTIC PROVINCES 87 In the broadest sense, the goal of this article is to examine the role to play as the rhetorical messenger of the changes that had mission of the new power related to cultural policy in the Baltic taken place.
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