Discourse Level Factors for Sentence Deletion in Text Simplification Yang Zhong,*1 Chao Jiang,1 Wei Xu,1 Junyi Jessy Li2 1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University 2 Department of Linguistics, The University of Texas at Austin fzhong.536, jiang.1530,
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract most prevalent, as simplified texts tend to be shorter (Pe- tersen and Ostendorf 2007; Drndarevic and Saggion 2012; This paper presents a data-driven study focusing on analyz- Woodsend and Lapata 2011). ing and predicting sentence deletion — a prevalent but under- This work aims to facilitate better understanding of sen- studied phenomenon in document simplification — on a large tence deletion in document-level text simplification. While English text simplification corpus. We inspect various docu- ment and discourse factors associated with sentence deletion, prior work analyzed sentence position and content in a cor- using a new manually annotated sentence alignment corpus pus study (Petersen and Ostendorf 2007), we hypothesize we collected. We reveal that professional editors utilize differ- and show that sentence deletion is driven partially by con- ent strategies to meet readability standards of elementary and textual, discourse-level information, in addition to the con- middle schools. To predict whether a sentence will be deleted tent within a sentence. during simplification to a certain level, we harness automat- We utilize the Newsela2 corpus (Xu, Callison-Burch, and ically aligned data to train a classification model. Evaluated Napoles 2015) which contains multiple versions of a docu- on our manually annotated data, our best models reached F1 ment rewritten by professional editors.