BE THE FIRST TO THE PARTY: Lancaster kicks off midstate's 2018 Pride season PRIDE GUIDE PGS. 11-14 REAL GAY NEWS. WE GIVE IT TO YOU STRAIGHT. THECENTRALVOICE.COM | MAY & JUNE 2018 | FREE FIGHTING FOR OUR LIVES “I fear for my life in one of the places I should feel safest.” Spoken by Central Dauphin High School Junior Eamonn Wrightstone (pictured left) at Harrisburg's March For Our Lives rally

By Frank Pizzoli

The March 24 Harrisburg March for Our Lives rally, one of 800+ events held worldwide, drew several hundred gun-control advocates, including one whose home-made sign said “Gays Against Guns”. When it happened, the Pulse nighclub shooting had been the worst active-shooter incident on record. (See Pulse Owner: “Within a few weeks I knew” on p. 5.) After speaking on the steps of the State Capitol, 17-year old Eamonn Wrightstone tells The Central Voice his future plans include studying cinema and filmmaking. But right now he’s focused on social justice. “I do a lot of social justice work at my school and in the community. I work with the Community Responders Network and the YWCA, two great and incredible organizations,” he says. He also works on because it affects his life. “School shootings are no longer a rarity, they are common-place. We currently average 1.5 a week,” Wrightstone explains. Although he has never expe- rienced a shooting, and is grateful he hasn’t, “that Please see FIGHTING, page 21

s 24 people and a panel of six speakers community?” Notario asked. Same as it does outside the LGBT community was the panel’s consensus. Aassembled for Queering Racial Justice, One panelist talked about attending a Harrisburg Queering Amanda Arbour, executive director of the rally celebrating marriage equality. No people of color had been invited to speak. “Let’s just be happy with LGBT Center of Central PA, and Heidi No- what we’ve achieved,” is what she was told by one tario, the center board’s president, looked rally attendee. He really meant “We’ll get to you later.” racial justice This exclusionary scenario – repeated via comments out at a group that ranged in age from – is perhaps why Arbour prefaced the discussion by Panel asked to consider the ways we oppress 20-something to well over 60. asking the audience to consider “the ways we oppress each other within the LGBT community each other” within the LGBT community. Three simple questions with no simple but achiev- “We must open ourselves up to some discomfort so able answers had been prepared. By Frank Pizzoli Please see , page “What does racism look like inside our own LGBT QUEERING 20 We give it to you straight. is more than a

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PANAMA: INTERNATIONAL Lawyer Iván Chanis Barahona, head of Panama’s mar- NATIONAL riage-equality group, La Fundación Iguales Panamá, WATCH LIST: says the January 2018 Inter-American Court of Human AIDS RESEARCHER NEXT CDC HEAD A pioneering AIDS re- by Rex Wockner Rights marriage-equality ruling is “totally binding” on MARRIAGE EQUALITY Panama. “Case closed.” A Panama Supreme Court of searcher who’s also an Justice draft opinion rejecting marriage equality that expert on treating heroin CHILE: had been circulating at the court was withdrawn on Feb. addiction may become the A marriage-equality bill is pending in Congress and 15, 2018, because of the Inter-American Court ruling. new director of the Centers come March 11 both houses will have majority support On Jan. 16, 2018, Panamanian Vice President Isabel for Disease Control and for marriage equality, even as a new president takes De Saint Malo said the Inter-American court ruling is Prevention, reports Ron office who has little interest in the matter. Chile is indeed binding ("vinculante”) on Panama. Johnson. Dr. Robert R. required to bring in marriage equality to comply with a Redfield, 66, founded the In- stitute for Human Virology 2016 settlement with the Inter-American Commission PARAGUAY: on Human Rights. The nation is also bound by the with Dr. Robert C. Gallo, Jan. 9, 2018, Inter-American Court of Human Rights According to activists, there’s nothing in Paraguay’s who co-discovered the HIV retrovirus and developed the marriage-equality ruling, which created binding constitution that stands in the way of marriage equal- blood test for HIV. Redfield now oversees a Maryland precedent for 16 nations without marriage equality ity. In the wake of the January 2018 marriage-equality program providing HIV care and treatment to more than that are signatories to the American Convention on ruling by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 6,000 patients in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C., area. Human Rights. See the "Sixteen Americas nations" activist group SomosGay announced two new lawsuits It also combats HIV/AIDS in several African nations. item in the "Final rulings issued" section at Wockner. at the nation›s Supreme Court of Justice. As a first step, Redfield would replace Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, President com for background. the suits seek recognition of two marriages of same-sex Trump’s first CDC appointment, who resigned in Janu- couples who married abroad. ary amid complaints about her investments in tobacco and health-care companies. Fitzgerald was appointed COSTA RICA: PERU: by Tom Price, Trump’s first secretary of Health and Human Services, who resigned in September after Six marriage-equality cases are pending in the Consti- In the wake of the Inter-American Court of Human criticism for lavish travel spending. tutional Chamber of Costa Rica›s Supreme Court of Rights’ January 2018 marriage-equality ruling, the Justice — four of them filed since the Inter-American president of the Supreme Court of Justice, Duberlí Court of Human Rights marriage-equality ruling in Rodríguez, said, “Peru is part of the Inter-American IVANKA ROLLBACK January 2018. The cases include actions of unconsti- system, and the organism that defends and protects Bilerico Project’s John tutionality against the nation›s Family Code, which these rights is called the Inter-American Court of Hu- Gallagher asks: Remem- prohibits marriage equality, as well as amparos — in- man Rights and ... if the court has taken a decision, I ber when Ivanka Trump dividuals› demands for protection from discriminatory believe that all the parties are called to respect that was going to be the fire- government action. The amparos target the government decision.” A legal case is on appeal in the Fourth Civil wall between us and the for not complying with the Inter-American Court rul- Chamber of the Lima Superior Court of Justice in crazies in her dad’s ad- ing, the Superior Notary Council for blocking couples› which veteran LGBT activist Óscar Ugarteche is trying ministration? In a profile marriages after the Inter-American Court ruling, and to get the national registry to recognize his Mexican in the Washington Post, the Constitutional Chamber justices themselves, for marriage to Fidel Aroche. Ugarteche and Aroche won Ivanka acknowledges that not having ruled on the two older cases. in a lower court, and constitutional experts say the ap- she doesn’t see her role peal is one path for Peru to move toward compliance as advocating publicly ECUADOR: with the Inter-American Court ruling. Meanwhile, a against policies she dis- marriage-equality bill was introduced in Congress in agrees with. “When people say, ‘Where is Ivanka and A marriage-equality case (an “extraordinary protection 2017 and is awaiting action by the Justice Committee. why is she silent on X, Y, Z?,’ they don’t understand action”) is pending before Ecuador›s Constitutional how any White House works,” Ivanka told the paper. Court and the ruling is, by law, years overdue. In the In Ivanka’s opinion, her duty is to get behind the White wake of the January 2018 Inter-American Court of Hu- PHILIPPINES: House, no matter what. “No West Wing staffer should man Rights marriage-equality ruling, if the Ecuador The Supreme Court will hear a marriage-equality tweet things that are inconsistent with the policy of decision doesn›t come soon, plaintiffs say they will case June 19, 2018. President Rodrigo Duterte has ex- the White House,” she said. National Press Club photo advance to the Inter-American system. On Jan. 15, pressed support for marriage equality. 2018, the Ecuadorian Federation of LGBTI Organiza- JUDGE LEARNS HARD WAY tions called on President Lenín Moreno to recognize VENEZUELA: marriage equality immediately. Alex Bollinger reports Two marriage-equality lawsuits are in their final that Marion County Cir- cuit Judge Vance Day was NORTHERN IRELAND: stage in the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice, reportsVenezuela Igualitaria. suspened by the Oregon Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, The group said it expects rulings soon and expects to Supreme Court for three doesn’t have a government because the Democratic win. One lawsuit targets Civil Code Article 44, which years without pay for six Unionist Party and Sinn Féin power-sharing agreement says: “Marriage cannot be contracted except between misconduct charges, in- collapsed in January 2017 and hasn’t been restored due one man and one woman.” (“El matrimonio no puede cluding several about his to disagreement about marriage equality and local lan- contraerse sino entre un solo hombre y una sola mu- refusal to marry same-sex guage rights. It is possible any resolution to the impasse jer.”) The other lawsuit alleges a «legislative omission» couples. This is the longest could see introduction of equal marriage in the last resulting from the National Assembly›s failure to take suspension for judicial major area of the United Kingdom that doesn›t have it. up the Equal Civil Marriage Bill (Proyecto de Ley de misconduct that the court It is also increasingly possible that, in the absence of a Matrimonio Civil Igualitario). “2018 looks to be a year has ever handed down. Northern Ireland government, marriage equality will with favorable judicial decisions on our ... cases for the Judge Day got the attention of the state’s supreme court be imposed by the UK Parliament in London. Mean- rights of LGBTI people,” Venezuela Igualitaria said. in 2015 when multiple complaints were filed about him, while, a failed attempt to achieve marriage equality including several about his refusal to perform same-sex via the courts is on appeal. marriages. Marriage equality was legalized in Oregon in 2014, and at first Day just refused to marry same-sex couples. He told his staff to send same-sex couples to other judges but did not refuse to hear heterosexual couples. The next year, he said that he wouldn’t marry anyone at all. Source: Facebook MAY & JUNE 2018 3 Real gay news – we give it to readers straight The legacy Barbara Poma will repre- • Socialists. Right here in the region! sent love for all who are different. Owner Some of them Gay Socialists! Last Publisher's of Pulse nightclub when the killings issue we broached the subject (not occurred, Poma talks with The Central for the first time). Now we continue Voice Voice about her current mission. the dialogue by having an individual Harrisburg City’s Human Relations talk about her beliefs. As the national Commission is back on its mission. Republican Party crumbles and the Recently reconstituted and at full national Democratic Party contin- complement, Chairman Russ Boggs, ues to fumble, voters are looking for well-respected member of the region’s alternatives. By Frank LGBT community, gives readers the inside scoop. Pizzoli Finally, when Salman Rushdie told The Central Voice the children may save us, PUBLISHER & EDITOR he may have been referring to local gun- Frank Pizzoli control advocate Eamonn Wrightstone. [email protected] Publishing is difficult. Social change He spoke at the March 24 rally on the is more difficult. steps of the State Capitol. ART DIRECTOR In this issue, you will read about We hope our coverage of issues and Louise Sukle “queering” racial justice. The story is events represents real gay news. Some based on a local panel discussion that things are better straight. GRAPHIC DESIGNER began with the question: What does Voice Julianna Sukle racism look like inside our own LGBT community? Same as it does outside the CARTOONIST LGBT community was the consensus. THECENTRALVOICE.COM Brad Gebhart Yes, that’s correct. Being “gay” doesn’t SPECIAL FEATURES: Box automatically imbue anyone with love for Notes from our readers CONTRIBUTING WRITERS anyone who’s not “gay like I am gay”. We Yvonne Carmichael • The Central Voice asks locally-based all live and learn. Hopefully, the discus- nationally-known author Mike Long E-mail your thoughts to Louie Marven sion recently begun by the local panel if Billy Graham’s anti-LGBTQ legacy [email protected] Trum Simmons will be continued by others. will live on. Terry Drew Karanen Amanda Arbour Laurie Baulig, Esq. NEWS TO ME

Great work on your interview with Daniel SALES MANAGER Mendelsohn in The Gay and Lesbian Dave Brown 717-944-4628 Review / Worldwide! All new stuff to me! [email protected]

Dr. Michael Long, Elizabethtown ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE . College (Read his comments on Rev. Billy Chris Thomas 717-919-1394 Graham’s LGBT legacy @ thecentralvoice. [email protected] com) NATIONAL ADVERTISING: Local Human Relations Commissions and/or Ordinances that protect Rivendell Media LGBT people from discrimination in housing, employment, and public FEATURED 212-242-6863 accommodations are duplicative because there is the state-level PA I would like to thank Central Voice for . Human Relations Commission where people can file claims. the opportunity to be featured in your OWNED BY publication. I look forward to working PRESS & JOURNAL INC. Local Human Relations Commissions and/or Ordinances that protect with y’all in the future. Love and 20 South Union Street LGBT people from discrimination in housing, employment, and public Solidarity! Middletown, PA 17057

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Human Relations Commission where people can file claims. CAPTURES The story reads really well and captures PROUD MEMBER OF: the essence of the evening’s discussions.

The Central Voice Rosemary Browne, CEO, Alder Health Services (participant in Queering Racial Justice panel discussion hosted by The LGBT The Central Voice Center of Central PA.) REAL GAY NEWS THANKS Thank you for all you do Frank! WE GIVE IT TO YOU STRAIGHT. Keisha McToy, Director of Operations, Yes,REAL there is a PA Human Relations GAY Commission. Unfortunately,NEWS state law Alder Health Services (participant in Queering Racial Justice panel discussion does notW Einclude GI LGBTVE protections.IT TO The Y commissionOU STR cannotAIG protectHT. civil hosted by The LGBT Center of Central PA.) Be sure to visit rights not mentioned in its enabling legislation. Yes, there is a PA Human Relations Commission. Unfortunately, state law does not include LGBT protections. The commission cannot protect civil GREAT rights not mentioned in its enabling legislation. Your new online site is great! Adrian Shanker, Founder & Executive Director, Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Art: Brad Gebhart Concept: Frank Pizzoli Community Center

Art: Brad Gebhart Concept: Frank Pizzoli

4 MAY & JUNE 2018 Community Voices Pulse owner: “Within a few weeks I knew” By Frank Pizzoli sounded like someone who knew trag- those students and families to have their calm, level-headed sincerity of Barbara edy but decided not to succumb. She is space. We deferred,” Poma said. Poma as she pursues her noble mission “Within a few a survivor. to properly remember the victims, weeks I knew “It’s been 20 months, a long time, from Grieving regardless of the reasons their killer I’d be doing Los Angeles to New York City, other loca- “Grieving after the massacre was a acted. It may mean the massacre was something,” tions. Our original idea has evolved as human ebb and flow among the 49 sets not a crime against LGBT people. Barbara Poma we have travelled around the country,” of families, friends, lovers,” Poma says Salman’s prosecutors noted in their said over the she explained. “I’ve had a very positive softly about her immediate contact as closing statement that Pulse was not telephone. reception everywhere. We’ve been doing club owner after the tragic episode. Mateen’s first choice of target. His first That some- fundraising, community events, educa- “All grieving is personal and unique thing is one- tional programs, researching our ideas and so is my involvement with survivors, choice was Disney Springs, a shopping PULSE Foun- for the foundation.” some more than others, some not at all. I and entertainment complex. Mateen, dation. The foundation is in the process of respect everyone as they cope,” she said. according to prosecutor’s evidence, Poma was the establishing a memorial at the nightclub “Contrary to what many people think, chose Pulse about one hour before the owner of Pulse, site. A museum is also underway, hope- the foundation does not have a ‘list’ of attack and that it was not clear to them Orlando, Flori- fully adjacent or nearby the site of the contacts who are survivors or family he knew it was a gay bar. He asked a da’s gay night- massacre. and friends, no lists,” Poma said. “Our security guard where all the women Barbara Poma club on June “We also have a scholarship program contact has been ‘organic’ not formal or were. 12, 2016, when we’re establishing that has a unique programmatic,” she said. Although the Pulse narrative is Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old security feature. In return for receiving the funds, Encouraging people to finish the work evolving, hate is hate, same as love is guard, killed 49 people and wounded recipients must have a plan to give back the foundation has started is paramount. love. 58 others in a terrorist attack and hate through community work,” Poma said. “We’ve started the foundation and The Federal Bureau of Investigation crime inside the club. If successful, victims will have a scholar- we’re working on a memorial and mu- Mateen was shot and killed by Orlando ship named after each of them. noted that for 2016, 6,121 hate crime seum. They need to be completed,” Poma incidents were reported --an increase Police Department (OPD) officers after a Scholarships will be further “personal- said. “We need to preserve for after we of 5% from 2015. Of the 6,121 incidents three-hour standoff. Pulse was hosting a ized” to repent dashed aspirations and are gone all the lessons learned from so careers with the names of the victims. reported, 1,076 were based on sexual "Latin Night" and thus most of the vic- many gun tragedies.” Her voice strong tims were Latinx. It is the deadliest inci- “If a victim was or always wanted to be and direct, “These shootings shouldn’t orientation bias and 124 were based on dent of violence against LGBT people in a fire fighter, we will have a fire fighter happen anywhere. Not in schools, gender identity bias. These numbers U.S. history, and the deadliest terrorist scholarship. Their lives were cut short churches, concerts, or casinos. That’s reflect a 2% and a 9% increase, attack in the U.S. since the September 11 so the scholarship will honor them by enough,” Poma said. respectively. Of the 124 incidents based attacks in 2001. aspiration and name,” Poma explained. on gender identity, 19 targeted gender At the time, it was the deadliest mass “There are hair salons and cosmetology With the recent acquittal non-conforming people, a decrease of shooting by a single shooter in the U.S., schools coming on board soon, too,” Poma EDITOR’S NOTE: 54 percent from 2015. Yet, of those same being surpassed the following year by said. “We never want these people forgot- of Noor Salman, wife of Pulse shooter the Las Vegas shooting. It remains the ten. They were children in families. They Omar Mateen, a new narrative is 124 incidents,105 targeted transgender deadliest U.S. in which were loved by others.” shaping around why Mateen committed people, an increase of 44 percent from the perpetrator did not commit suicide. The foundation is also engaged in his ugly act. Anti-LGBT hatred does 2015. However, these numbers likely “Events like the Pulse massacre ‘you Community Town Halls, “although we re- not figure into the new perspective on represent only a fraction of such cases, cannot prepare for’’’, Poma said in a arranged one when Parkland happened. the case. This does not diminish the given that reporting hate crimes to the medium-volume, resolute voice that We didn’t want to interfere, we wanted meaning of Pulse victims’ death or the FBI is not mandatory. Lawsuit pits gay rights against religious freedom By Julie Moreau to a gay student. The group, which was beliefs and would not follow them. Ask- through religious exemptions to declare founded three years ago at the school’s ing the government to subsidize your who they are to the world, and if they Local response to the Tippie College of Business, rejects the religious gathering is a novel and aggres- determine they are not inclusive to the university’s claim. sive reframing of what religious liberty LGBT community, that is their legal legal battle brewing at the Allatt, who himself is a practicing has been understood to be in the past.” right.” But he also points out that “This University of Iowa pitting Christian and son of an ordained minis- “This is 2017, not 1984,” Jacob Estell, group is not a church, it is a group operat- ter told The Central Voice,” Many within the student president of BLinC, said in ing within a university and is subject to gay rights against religious the religious community fail to see that a statement. “Our beliefs weren’t made the policies set forth by the university.” simply being gay does not disqualify by us, and they can’t be changed by us The Becket Fund for Religious Lib- freedom. someone from being religious. The group either — certainly not just to satisfy erty is representing BLinC in court. The says its membership is open to everyone Orwellian government rules.” Becket Fund has developed a track record “This situation certainly brings to but says its leaders must affirm a state- Allatt hopes there several things con- of successfully litigating religious liberty light a manufactured conflict between ment of faith that rejects homosexuality. sidered in this particular case. religious communities and the LGBT “It is a shame that a student who “One this group on campus is not a cases, including the landmark 2014 case community,” says Ben Allatt, Harrisburg identifies as gay and Christian would church, and without knowing the specific Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores. In a split City Council member. be barred from participating in a group details regarding the group’s make-up, decision, the Supreme Court sided with Business Leaders in Christ (BLinC) that identifies as Christian, Allatt says, one can assume that the group is nonde- Hobby Lobby to find that the government is suing the University of Iowa for reli- adding “this is the height of hypocrisy.” nominational in an attempt to appeal to a could not compel the company to provide gious discrimination after it revoked the The lawsuit claims “BLinC declined the wide group of Christians to participate, contraception for female employees group’s campus registration in Novem- student’s request because he expressly Allatt says. when to do so would violate the religious ber for denying a leadership position stated that he rejected BLinC’s religious Second, “churches have the ability beliefs of the owners. MAY & JUNE 2018 5 Creating community eople often ask me, “What Pdoes the LGBT Center DO?” LGBT I tell folks about our mission and Center of our programs and the services that we offer. When it comes Central PA down to it, though, we are a community center - and at the By Amanda core of what we do is creating Recently appointed Harrisburg Human Relations Commission members: From left: Chair community for LGBTQ+ people Arbour Russ Boggs, Kia Hansard, Amanda Carter, Gretchen Little, Vice Chair; Theo Brady, Valarie Carelock, Amanda Arbour, Joshua Grubbs, Christi’an Yellowdy in central Pennsylvania. Simply being a queer or trans person in a society that actively tries to deny developed and facilitated by them. Harrisburg city reconstitutes our identities and our existence can be Sometimes people ask, “Why all of incredibly isolating, and we need to be these different groups? Why can’t we connected with others who have shared just all come together?” Having specific Human Relations Commission identities and experiences in order to groups based on age or identity is vital survive. By Frank Pizzoli The first meeting allowed newly ap- For me, that is the power of what we because we do not all share the same pointed commission members to meet do at the LGBT Center - being a place lived experiences, and some of us hold “We’re taking all the steps necessary and greet; the second to establish officers; where LGBTQ+ people can create com- more power and privilege than others. and the third for Boggs to call the com- My lived experiences, as a cisgender to bring back the Capitol city’s Hu- munity together, with all of the mul- mission to order with their first formal tiplicity of identities and experiences white queer woman who was born man Relations Commission,” Russ agenda. The commission must meet 10 that we bring. in the U.S., are very different from a times annually. All meeting dates are Boggs tells The Central Voice. He was I saw this in March, when the Center transgender women of color who is published on the city’s web site. held its 11th annual GSA Leadership an immigrant. Based on my identities, recently appointed to chair the entity Now starts the public process whereby Summit at Dickinson College, bringing most queer spaces are accepting of me now that the commission is being city council considers the commission’s together nearly 400 high school students reconstitution for three consecutive - but those same spaces may be hostile from across central Pennsylvania to formally reconstituted. meetings. Public comments can be made towards someone with a different set participate in a day of workshops. The “What we are now doing is creating at any of the three meetings at the ap- of identities. excitement in the air was palpable, the policies and procedures needed to propriate time during the meeting. After Marginalized groups, in particular, and you could feel function, as well as updating some of the the process is completed, a vote is taken need dedicated spaces where they are how thrilled all of language of the original ordinance with by council. not under the constant pressure of Having specific the students were current terminology,” Boggs explains. “We want to bring the commission and to be there and to responding to microaggressions or For example, replacing “disabled per- the ordinance under which it operates, groups based meet other LG- speaking for their entire group. It is sons” with “persons with disabilities”, what it enforces, into the 21st century,” on age or BTQ+ students. vital to have spaces where people can and similar language changes. Boggs says. “So far we have one 'inquiry' At the end of simply BE, and having dedicated spaces “Any changes will then need to be regarding the process of filing a formal identity is vital the day during is an important part of that. approved by City Council,” Boggs says. complaint. We have no filed complaints,” because we do When we do come together - over History Boggs says. the open mic potlucks or film screenings or panel Long story short – the commission was Commission members are, in addition not all share time, they shared established in the 80s and charged with to Boggs as chair: Gretchen Little, vice the same lived what this experi- discussions - we must approach those protecting the civil rights of what are chair; and members Josh Grubbs, Kia ence meant to spaces conscious of the privileges and called “protected classes” in human rela- Hansard, Amanda Arbour, Amanda experiences, them. One stu- power that we hold, and seeking how we tions language. In 2010, the commission Carter, Valerie Carelock, Christi’an Yel- and some of dent said, “Com- can stand in solidarity with one another. ing here was find- was defunded and consequently phased lowdy, and Theo Brady. us hold more As a white person, how can I make out under then-Mayor Linda Thompson’s The commission’s meeting dates are ing a place where sure I am not taking up too much space, I don’t feel alone tumultuous one term in office, 2010-2014. posted on its website, as are the meeting power and answering for or talking over people of and where I feel The commission’s closure was not a Minutes, as they are approved by the color? As a cisgender person, how can I privilege than safe. Don’t take nefarious plot to limit civil rights in the commission. “All meetings (with limited not only make sure that I am using the others. this for granted. Keystone State’s capitol city which has exceptions as provided for in established correct pronouns for people, but also a rich history of civil rights advocacy. It I learned so much law governing the process) are open to change the assumptions that I make was a reflection of the incisively disrup- the public, which may comment during a today and it’s about people’s gender in the first place? tive financial quagmire in which the city time set aside for comments,” Boggs says. very emotional, this is like the first found itself at the time. Since then, major Why is reconstitution important? time I feel like I have a big family.” Sometimes it means being quiet and progress has been made in restoring the A common misconception when it In addition to events like the GSA Sum- listening to someone else, even if I have city’s financial stability. comes to sexual orientation is that local mit, I also see the power of community something to say. Sometimes it means On Feb. 22, 1983 Harrisburg City Coun- ordinance protections are a duplication through our regular programs - wheth- speaking up to interrupt a microag- cil member Jane Perkins moved that the of what already exists at the state-level er it’s the Common Roads youth sharing gression. Sometimes it means taking Capitol city establish a Human Relations with the Pennsylvania Human Relations their “high” of the week as coming to correction and owning a mistake. Some- Commission. Commission. the center, the young adults checking times it means correcting someone else. As envisioned, the commission would That’s fake news. in with each other and offering support, Sometimes it means asking a question. administer the city’s Human Relations The state-level commission does not or the Aging with Pride folks enjoying Sometimes it means making a mental Ordinance, established simultaneously have the legislative authority to review conversation over a game of cards. note to Google something later. Now that we have dedicated spaces with the commission. Along with other claims of discrimination based on sexual Creating community is messy - be- classes of individuals, the ordinance for LGBTQ-identified people of color orientation and/or gender expression. cause we are all human beings who would protect “sexual preference/ori- Yes, the state-level human relations through our Queer & Trans People of bring our own unique set of identities entation” in the provision of what are commission does have the power to ad- Color group, and for transgender and called “public accommodations”. For dress other forms of alleged discrimi- non-binary people through our Pas- and experiences, privileges and precon- example, housing, employment, hotels, nation other than sexual orientation sageways group, these groups function ceptions, traumas and triggers. We must restaurants are public accommodations. and/or gender expression. Only local as an important and unique way of cre- navigate this complexity as we seek to With Boggs now leading the reconsti- municipalities with human relations ating community. Both were created in create a safe and brave space for ALL tuted commission, he has already chaired commissions that also include language response to needs expressed by people of our communities - while prioritizing a series of “organizational meetings”. Please see HUMAN RELATIONS, page 22 who hold those identities, and have been those who are most marginalized. 6 MAY & JUNE 2018 Health & Wellness HACC's Medical Assisting Program gets financial boost from UPMC Over the next two years, students contact Susan Biggs, HACC director of from the Medical Assisting Certificate healthcare education. Program at HACC, Central Pennsylva- To contribute to the HACC Founda- IMPROVING nia’s Community College, will have the tion, please visit opportunity to apply for a UPMC Pin- The HACC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non- nacle Workforce Development Medical profit organization that was established YOUR HEALTH Assisting Scholarship established by in 1985 to raise private and corporate UPMC Pinnacle. revenues in support of HACC, Central The donation will provide up to 20 Pennsylvania’s Community College. scholarships per academic year at $4,000 . . . . WELCOMING ALL Alder Health Services improves the health per scholarship. Students may use the HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Com- and well-being of individuals living with HIV/AIDS and members of the munity College, is the first and largest of funds for tuition, fees, books and/or LGBTQ community by providing a culturally competent and affirming program expenses. Pennsylvania’s 14 community colleges. UPMC Pinnacle is donating up to HACC offers over 100 career and transfer environment that empowers the people we serve. $80,000 per year for two years to the HACC associate degree, certificate and diploma Foundation. The HACC Foundation is a programs to approximately 19,000 stu- dents. Also, the College serves students nonprofit educational trust established OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: in 1985 to raise private and corporate at its Gettysburg, Harrisburg, Lancaster, revenues in support of HACC. Lebanon and York campuses; through • Case Management • Primary Care To be eligible for the scholarship, stu- virtual learning; and via workforce • Health Education • HIV/STD Screening dents must be enrolled in the College’s development and continuing education • Mental Health and Treatment Medical Assisting Certificate Program training. For more information on how and participate in a mandatory career HACC is uniquely YOURS, visit For more information or to volunteer, please call preparation workshop before completing Also, follow us on Twitter (@HACCinfo), 717-233-7190 or visit the program. like us on Facebook ( If you are interested in applying for HACC64) and use #HACCNews. the program or scholarship, please

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IMPORTANT PATIENT INFORMATION This is only a summary. See complete Prescribing Information at or by calling 1-844-722-8256. This does not take the place of talking with your doctor about your medical condition or treatment. What Is Mytesi? Mytesi is a prescription medicine used to improve symptoms of noninfectious diarrhea (diarrhea not caused by a bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection) in adults living with HIV/AIDS on ART. Do Not Take Mytesi if you have diarrhea caused by an infection. Before you start Mytesi, your doctor and you should make sure your diarrhea is not caused by an infection (such as bacteria, virus, or parasite). Possible Side Effects of Mytesi Include: • Upper respiratory tract infection (sinus, nose, and throat infection) • Bronchitis (swelling in the tubes that carry air to and from your lungs) • Cough • Flatulence (gas) • Increased bilirubin (a waste product when red blood cells break down) For a full list of side effects, please talk to your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or does not go away. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit or Tired of planning your life around diarrhea? call 1-800-FDA-1088. Should I Take Mytesi If I Am: Pregnant or Planning to Become Pregnant? • Studies in animals show that Mytesi could harm an unborn baby or affect the ability to become pregnant Enough is Enough • There are no studies in pregnant women taking Mytesi • This drug should only be used during pregnancy if clearly needed Get relief. Pure and simple. Ask your doctor about Mytesi. A Nursing Mother? • It is not known whether Mytesi is passed through human breast Mytesi (crofelemer): • If you are nursing, you should tell your doctor before starting Mytesi • Is the only medicine FDA-approved to relieve diarrhea in people with HIV • Your doctor will help you to decide whether to stop nursing or to stop taking Mytesi • Treats diarrhea differently by normalizing the flow of water in the GI tract Under 18 or Over 65 Years of Age? • Has the same or fewer side effects as placebo in clinical studies • Mytesi has not been studied in children under 18 years of age • Mytesi studies did not include many people over the age of 65. So it is • Comes from a tree sustainably harvested in the Amazon Rainforest not clear if this age group will respond differently. Talk to your doctor to find out if Mytesi is right for you What is Mytesi? What Should I Know About Taking Mytesi Mytesi is a prescription medicine that helps relieve symptoms of diarrhea not caused by With Other Medicines? an infection (noninfectious) in adults living with HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy (ART). If you are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medicine, herbal supplements, or vitamins, tell your doctor before starting Mytesi. Important Safety Information What If I Have More Questions About Mytesi? Mytesi is not approved to treat infectious diarrhea (diarrhea caused by bacteria, a virus, For more information, please see the full Prescribing Information at or a parasite). Before starting you on Mytesi, your healthcare provider will first be sure that or speak to your doctor or pharmacist. you do not have infectious diarrhea. Otherwise, there is a risk you would not receive the right To report side effects or make a product complaint or for additional medicine and your infection could get worse. In clinical studies, the most common side effects information, call 1-844-722-8256. that occurred more often than with placebo were upper respiratory tract (sinus, nose, and throat) infection (5.7%), bronchitis (3.9%), cough (3.5%), flatulence (3.1%), and increased Rx Only bilirubin (3.1%). Manufactured by Patheon, Inc. for Napo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. San Francisco, CA 94105 For Copay Savings Card and Copyright © Napo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Patient Assistance, see Mytesi comes from the Croton lechleri tree harvested in South America.

Please see complete Prescribing Information at


8 MAY & JUNE 2018 Health & Wellness

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PA State Senator Art Haywood (D, Montgomery/Philadelphia) has introduced 31 S. Commerce Way, Suite 100 comprehensive single payer legislation into the state Senate in SB 1014, a companion Bethlehem, PA 18017 to HB 1688, the Pennsylvania Healthcare Plan. According to HealthCare4All PA, (484) 821- 0821 or (877) DIAL- AWC Haywood’s introduction of the bill now means Pennsylvania has Single Payer legislation in both chambers of the legislature. The next step in the process is to hold public hearings on the merits of the bills. T:10.25” T:6.25”

Let’s remember that being healthy isn’t a goal, it’s a lifestyle. So let’s run a little faster, eat a little better, sleep a little longer, aim a little higher, love a little more, and day by day, get a little happier. And let’s take pride in our health. Highmark is proud to support the LGBTQ community. Let’s do it all for health.

Highmark Blue Shield is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. MAY & JUNE 2018 9 HMK6-595 CENTRAL VOICE

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10 MAY & JUNE 2018 Lancaster Pride and 2018 The Central Voice are proud to celebrate the diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, questioning, and ally communities This outdoor in Lancaster County festival will through building feature an array community of talented and pride in entertainment, who we are. varied vendor offerings from STOP BY THE PRIDE arts and crafts TABLE FOR INFORMA- to Pride regalia, June 24th, 2018 TION, LANCASTER PRIDE and a full T-SHIRTS, PRIDE GUIDES AND MORE! menu of food 12-6 pm offerings. The PRIDE Board would like to thank our talented FREE Admission entertainers, varied vendors, dedicated volunteers, and all of our supporters.Lancaster Open to the Public PA PRIDE is only possible because of you! LOCATION: Water Street from Culliton Park to Mayor Janice. P. Stork Park FESTIVAL GUIDELINES: • Please do your part to keep the area clean and safe—pick up trash and recyclables and deposit in their proper receptacles located throughout the park for an up-to-date list of entertainers, vendors, and sponsors • Ignore any protesters • Report problems quickly to Pride workers or security personnel • No Smoking

LANCASTER PRIDE •Pinnacle Health •Market Square Presbyterian GUIDE IS MADE •Members First •Double Tree by Hilton POSSIBLE BY •Bedford St. Antiques •Ephrata Performing Arts THE FOLLOWING •JA Sharp Custom Jeweler •Spice & Tea Exchange of Lancaster SPONSORS: •Lemon St. Market •The Tally Ho


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(1)APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Home Equity Freedom Line of Credit (Line of Credit) introductory rate of 1.99% available through September 30, 2018. Introductory APR is available for all new lines of credit for a 6-month period of time from the date of the Line of Credit account opening. Refinancing of existing Members 1st equity loans and lines of credit are excluded from introductory APR. The introductory APR will automatically terminate at the end of the 6-month introductory period. No notice to borrower required. Upon expiration of the introductory rate, the advertised regular rate applies to credit worthy borrowers with property values equal to 70% loan to value (LTV) and below. The advertised regular Line of Credit rate is based on Prime Rates published in the Wall Street Journal on the last business day of the month plus or minus a margin with a floor of 3.00%. Maximum rate of 18%. The Line of Credit permits borrowing up to 100% of the available equity in a primary residence (excludes rental properties); other terms and conditions may apply. Your APR may vary. Minimum $5,000 line amount to open. (2)Fixed Term Option: You may lock in all or a portion of your line as a fixed term loan up to three fixed terms at one time. Terms available from 1 year to 15 year maximum. Your first fixed term lock option is free and subsequent lock options are subject to a $100 processing fee. Balances you choose to lock in at the fixed rate of interest must be repaid in substantially equal monthly payments of both principal and interest. The total monthly payment under the Line of Credit will include repayment of the total of all advances under the Line of Credit to date, in addition to and including the advance(s) for fixed term lock option(s).(3)Fees: Members 1st FCU will pay all closing cost in conjunction with the Line of Credit agreement, excludes properties deeded in a trust. Trust review fee $175.00 is paid by borrower, if applicable. If your Line of Credit is paid in full and closed within 36 months, you may be required to reimburse all third party fees paid on your behalf upon closing your account. Other restrictions or conditions may apply. This offer may be withdrawn at any time. Ask an associate for details. We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law and Equal Credit Opportunity Act. We put our members first.

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12 MAY & JUNE 2018 COLOR




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Gardening, travel, enlighted reading

LUNCH, DINNER & inally, it’s spring, and your li- SUNDAY BRUNCH Fbrary has a wide range of titles to Dauphin get you prepared for outdoor garden- County ing, travel preparations, or where to Library find great reads while you bask in the warm sun. Book Reviews

Niki Jabbour’s Veggie Garden Remix: 224 New Plants to Shake Up Your Garden and By Yvonne Add Variety, Flavor & Fun by Niki Jabbour This bestselling author “invites Carmichael you to shake up your vegetable garden with an intriguing array of 224 plants from around the world. . . Jabbour presents detailed growing information for each plant, along with fun facts and plant history. Be prepared to have your mind expanded and catch her contagious enthusiasm Big Ideas for Small Spaces: Creative for experimentation and fun in the garden.” (From Ideas and 30 Projects for Balconies, Roof the Publisher) Gardens, Windowsills and Terraces by Kay Maguire and Tony Williams Love, Ellen: A Mother/Daughter Journey “Instructions and photographs by Betty DeGeneres show [how] to make 30 easy “In a touching and wise memoir, projects for the garden using 3320 EAST MARKET STREET, YORK • 717 8461100 the mother of comedienne Ellen inexpensive or found materials. DeGeneres describes her struggle Provides practical solutions to to cope with her daughter’s rev- greening a small and otherwise elation about her homosexuality barren area including outer walls, and to reconcile it with her own tiny patios, balconies, courtyards, conservative values and explores terraces, windowsills and rooftops. Also includes the growth of her acceptance instructions on the basics of gardening.” (From and friendship with her daugh- the publisher) ter.” (From the Publisher) [This is an OverDrive e-book selection.] Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin by John D’Emilio Timeless Journeys: Travels to the World’s “One of the most important fig- Legendary Places by Natiional Geographic ures of the American civil rights “Pack your bags for an extraor- movement, Bayard Rustin taught dinary adventure with National Martin Luther King Jr. the meth- Geographic to more than 50 ods of Gandhi, spearheaded the places that have captivated our 1963 March on Washington, and We are glad you are here. imagination for centuries.” This helped bring the struggle of Afri- title contains stunning photog- can Americans to the forefront raphy from National Geographic of a nation’s consciousness. But We are a Christ-centered church that is and also includes travel tips to help despite his incontrovertibly integral role in the move- open to everyone – no exceptions. readers get started planning their journey. (Portions ment, the openly gay Rustin is not the household from the Publisher) name that many of his activist contemporaries are. In exploring history’s Lost Prophet, acclaimed histo- Radical Inclusivity & Golden Boy by Abigail Tarttelin rian John D’Emilio explains why Rustin’s influence “Presenting themselves to the was minimized by his peers and why his brilliant Transformational Love world as an effortlessly excellent strategies were not followed or were followed by Whoever you are and family, successful criminal lawyer those he never meant to help.” Karen, her Parliament candidate wherever you come from husband and her intelligent on your life’s journey, athlete son, Max, find their world crumbing in the wake of a friend’s there is a place for you. betrayal and the secret about Our congregation is Max’s intersexual identity.” (From the publisher)

alive and relevant in the community. Rev. Angela T. Jones-Ramirez & Our Sunday Service is at 10 am Rev. James Snyder every Sunday; Prayer & Praise legal dining HERE FOR 2018: health Service is every 2nd & 4th the fashion essential jewelers LGBT nightlife Wednesday from 7 to 8 pm resource galleries Vision of Hope antiques for activities central recreation PA real estate Metropolitan Community Church pride events arts & culture A PUBLICATION BY: pet resources 130 EAST MAIN STREET (717) 285-9070 entertainment congregations LGBT GUIDE accommodations MOUNTVILLE, PA [email protected] CENTRAL PA'S COMPLETE LGBT DIRECTORY youth organizations

16 MAY & JUNE 2018 Through May 10th: From the trailer park to the Upcoming Events “Dimensions: Photorealism through Abstraction” Exhibition pulpit: Grandma Esther speaks May 18th-June 21st: 90th Annual Juried Exhibition Book Review By Central Voice torically unclear, know it was probably Reception Friday, May 18th, 5-8 pm explained or elaborated on in an earlier Central Voice section.” May 26-28th: columnist Terry When he uses the term “God”, Artsfest Weekend Drew Karanen's Karanen means a power that he feels Wednesday Club Concerts at AAH recently pub- “is greater than me, but that I and all lished collection other humans are expressions of. God is June 10th, 5-8 pm: of sayings by his the ocean; we and all else we see, and don’t SECOND STREET SOIRÉE I maternal grand- see, are the drops of water,” he explains. Hosted by David Skerpon & Chris mother Esther, He believes in a “user friendly” and Baldrige. Feat.: Photos, sculptures & born in 1909, show non-judgmental universal order that paintings. the wisdom that responds to us. Other terms for this $45 in advance, $50 at door helped create a might be, “Divine Love,” “Universal life and career in Consciousness,” “Goddess,” or anything June 29th-July 19th: helping others. else that might fit into your spirituality “Free For All” From the Trailer or religious upbringing. AAH Student/Member Exhibition; Park to the Pulpit: Reflections on the wise “A power greater than us could mean reception Friday, June 29th, 5-8 pm and wacky sayings of Grandma Esther science or a group of people that is held are lessons for the reader to assist in in esteem or revered,” Karanen says. June 30th, 5-8 pm: working through self-doubt, finding Gramda Esther must have been a SECOND STREET SOIRÉE II personal power, and communicating greater power in the lives of many oth- Hosted by Mark & Sheri Bennington. effectively with others, says Karanen. ers. Her sayings will remind you of your Feat.: Photos & paintings. own life experiences. Over 20 photos are also included. $45 in advance, $50 at door Karanen tells Central Voice the book “builds on the history of Grandma Es- From the Trailer Park to the Pulpit: ther, our family, and me. However, the Reflections on the wise and wacky say- Visit for more information & Soirée reservations order in which you choose to read the ings of Grandma Esther by Terry Drew chapters should be inconsequential. If Karanen, published by Teiwaz Publish- you find yourself drawn to a particular ing, Carlisle, PA. Cover photo is of Esther chapter, go with it. If something is his- in Cincinnati, OH (1946) TheThe Arts & Entertainment for May & June PaperPaper KAYLA KEATING & THE TWO-BEAT DAMES Art Association of Harrisburg Lion Gamut Theatre Main Gallery April 8, 2-4 p.m. Lion $10 donation at the door is encouraged. Gallery

MILLION DOLLAR QUARTER Fulton Theatre Gallery Now through May 20 ■ Framing Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, a historic quartet, ■ Artworkn brought together by an extraordinary Framing twist of fate on a December evening in ■ 1956. Relive the era through the Billboard Photographyn genres of rock ‘n’ roll, gospel, R&B and Artwork country, with an unbelievable score ■ Gifts and unforgettable numbers that every n Photography generation knows, including “Blue Suede Shoes,” “Fever,” “Walk the Line,” “Great n Balls of Fire,” “Folsom Prison Blues,” Gifts “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On,” “Hound Dog,” and many more. 717.612.9950717.612.9950 1217 Hummel Ave. SHAKESPEARE’S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION 1217 Hummel Ave. Gamut Theatre Lemoyne, PA April 22, 4 – 7 p.m. Lemoyne, PA An annual Spring Fling to Support Gamut Theatre. Tickets are $100 each or Tues.-Fri. 10 am-6 pm Tues.–Fri. 10 am–6 pm $150 per couple. Open Bar. Silent & Live Sat. 10 am-4 pm Auctions. Entertainment. Tasty Food. www.thepaperlion.netSat. 10 am–4 pm FrameFrame youryour MAY & JUNE 2018 17 When it comes to Pocono Mountains towns, Milford is a must-see "the prettiest county seat in America" - Atlantic Magazine FOREST HALL ANTIQUES 214 Broad Street, Milford “a spot filled with natural beauty,” Open Sat – Sun 10 am – 5 pm - The Wall Street Journal

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"Nestled near the beauty of the Pocono Mountain region, Milford, Pennsylvania, European & Chinese furniture 401 Broad Street, Milford, PA 18337 is a small community close to outdoor Oil Paintings adventures, wildlife sanctuaries and shopping day trips." Collectibles - USA Today Vintage Clothing

Take a leisurely stroll through the Historic District of Milford. In just 20 blocks, you’ll discover Proudly serving Milford & more than 50 Victorian the Tristate area for 54 years buildings of architectural and historic significance.

THE DELMONICO ROOM at the Hotel Fauchère Getting There Milford is a 2 1/2-hour drive from Harrisburg, Follow I-81 N and I-84 E to US-6 E. Take exit 46 from I-84 E. Follow US-6 E • (570) 296-7717 to Blackberry Alley in Milford 106 East Harford Street, Milford, PA 18337

18 MAY & JUNE 2018 Where do I begin? o one could have imagined that Na decade ago a mini-conference envisioned as an opportunity to Trans educate a small segment of Pennsyl- Central vania, would grow to be a conference PA Topics that in ten years the premier trans- gender event in North America and perhaps the world. KS 2018, in a word used by so many at- By Joanne tendees as they checked out of the Shera- Carroll ton on Sunday, March 11, 2018, fabulous. Other words…”wow, I can’t remember ever having this good a time in my life”… “the last few years have been great, but to assist. These obviously are the many this year was the best yet”…I cannot wait members of TCPA, the Vanity Club, to be back in 2019”. These are just a small friends, and the Harrisburg Office of New sample of the excitement this conference York Life insurance Company. generates. We cannot leave out our Sponsors, If you have never given yourself a chance to experience four days of au- Vendors and Advertisers; these entities thenticity, friendship, great food, sense truly allow us to conduct the Keystone of community, a multitude of learning Conference. Their more than generous experiences…and of course “fun”; then financial contributions have allowed us you have denied yourself one heck of an over the years to make the conference experience. affordable for all of you that attend. I To make it a success it requires a lot do not have enough words to express of hard work by a number of people the gratitude of a grateful organization. and I will extend my gratitude to them I hope that the conference will prove to in a moment, but first I must thank and be a successful experience. congratulate all who attended. This To those that gave of their time and wis- conference could never be a success if it dom to conduct a workshop, thank you. was never attended. The idiom…”if you Finally, in the thank you department… build it they will come” is a good theme thank you to the Staff and Management for a movie, but it takes so many of you of the Sheraton Harrisburg/Hershey. that may read this column to allow us to Ten years have gone by so fast; it only Pride Festival presents be successful. seems like yesterday that we descended You risk leaving someone out when upon you, but your exemplary service you begin naming names of those that standards, the quality of your products, Alaska step up to work on the conference, and and certainly your friendship cannot be the first people I must recognize are my accurately measured in words…thank The 26th annual Pride Festival of notoriety from appearing in the Drag two Co-Chairs, Dr. Jeanine Ruhsam and you. Central PA presents Drag Queen Alaska Race shows, Alaska has toured and Kristy Snow, the founders of the Keystone Keystone 2019 is already in the planning as Headliner on Sat., July 28, River- performed all over the world appear- Conference You will never know how stages, in a few days, we will be meeting front Park, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. ing in RuPaul’s Battle of hard the three of us work before the with the hotel staff to work on the details Admission is $10. 12 and under is free. the Seasons shows, the Drag Stars at doors even swing open. Kristy as most of for next year, which by the way will be The popular event is themed Cour- Sea cruises, custom one-woman shows, you know is the Vice-President of Tran- March 19-24, 2019. We look forward ea- age - It’s What It’s About. cabarets and holiday shows. sCentralPA and even as the conference gerly to working together toward another Raised in Erie, PA, Alaska is an Billboard Magazine listed Alaska as winds down she is already working on successful conference. internationally renowned American the 7th most-active drag queen on social Drag performer, recording artist and KS 2019. Jeanine, I must thank you for As I bring this column to a close, let me media in August 2015. crowned winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race our over twenty years of friendship, your say this. If you have never experienced Alaska has released a string of All Stars season 2, as the 2018 Festival commitment and efforts and for includ- the Keystone Conference, I wholeheart- singles, “Ru Girl”, “Your Makeup Is headliner at the 26th Pride Festival of ing me in the “triumvirate”. Kristy, all I edly suggest you plan to attend next Terrible”, and “ This is My Hair” and Central PA. can say is that your make me look good, year. It is a transformative experience two albums, “Anus” in 2015 and “Pound- She studied theater at the University both as a Co-Chair and as my left brain for so many… cake” in 2016. This will be Alaska’s first in the day to day operations of TCPA of Pittsburgh and then moved to Los By the way, for any of you that are time performing at the Pride Festival (TransCentralPA). Angeles to pursue a career in acting. interested, identifying as a transgender of Central PA. Next I cannot say enough about Katie Frustrated with the auditioning pro- person or residence in the Common- Other scheduled first time perform- Ward, as the Secretary/Treasurer, “the cess, Alaska turned to drag; perform- wealth of Pennsylvania is not a require- ers at the 2018 festival include: Hostess” of TransCentralPA, and the ing in clubs and pride celebrations all ment for membership…dues are only Singer Songwriter and Central PA Registrar and Volunteer Coordinator… over Southern California and went on $20.00 per calendar year for everyone, native Suzi Brown what an outstanding job! Then there is to release, “Glamtron,” a mixtape of Bumbada!, a women’s drumming Deanne Canfield (the Special Assistant and anyone, especially allies can join. recordings. troupe from southern Pennsylvania. to the President of TransCentralPA), It is easy to become a member. Just find Alaska returned to Pittsburgh and Pop Singer, Jaremi Caray, better you did it again girl, your oversight and the tab marked “Membership Info” on working with and known as drag queen, Phi Phi O’Hara. management of the check-in process our website ( and Cherri Baum, formed the band ‘Haus was again exemplary. Jenny Jensen (the follow the link. of Haunt” which evolved into a drag New Jersey native and multi-instru- Bingo Queen and the Director of the First See you next time and all your footsteps troupe, helping to launch the career of mentalist, Dani Fiore. timers Program) we thank you for your lead you to your best life! fellow drag queen and recording artist Free Reign, a local all women four- efforts. Nic Miller, our TCPA Family and For more information, visit www. Christeene Vale. piece rock and blues band and transgen- Youth Program Director as well as Karen In 2013, Alaska competed on the 5th der rock and country artist Brody Ray. Lehman, TCPA Spouse and Significant season of RuPaul’s Drag Race and Pride Festival of Central PA is a Joanne Carroll is the President of Tran- project of The Foundation for Enhanc- Other Program Director …thank you sCentral PA. TransCentral PA is com- shared runner up status with fellow ing Communities. Central Voice is a ladies for a job well done. mitted to providing advocacy and caring contestant, Roxxxy Andrews. Certainly, we could not have had suc- support for transgender individuals, their In 2016, Alaska was crowned the win- Festival Sponsor. cess without the dedication and contri- significant others, families, friends and ner of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars INFO - www.centralpapridefestival. bution by the volunteers that stepped up allies. TransCentralPA. Season 2. Since obtaining world- wide com MAY & JUNE 2018 19 QUEERING RACIAL JUSTICE: from page 1 hurtful to us. Hurt doesn’t promote com- yourself how you feel about what was munication when groups want to discuss said in the one hour, 15-minute panel “What does racism look like inside our discussion. own LGBT community?” It’s not about winning or being right. It’s about being in the moment, open to new ideas. Schulman’s view is in stark contrast Explanation of to, for example, trends on college cam- puses where administrators and student "queering racial governance structures have returned to in loco parentis mode dismantled dur- justice" ing the turbulent 60s. The kind of ‘safe discussion’ I’m describing to readers in “Everyone’s lived experience is dif- my analysis here is an example of how ferent,” says Keisha McToy, Manager we can come together to ‘queer racial of Operations, Alder Health Services. Keisha McToy is a Harrisburg native. Heidi Notario, left, opened a discussion on Queering Racial Justice Feb. 20 at the LGBT justice’ in ways that aren’t hurtful. We Center of Central PA. Notario is president of the center board. Panelists from the left are all speak to the best in one another. She is Manager of Operations for Alder Dre Ceja, ARTS of PA; Keisha McToy, Alder Health Services; Adanjesus Marin, Make the Eventually, with enough safe space Health Services, the only LGBT focused Road/PA organizer; Angela Kirkland, local activist; and Tadi Betancourt, local activist. discussions in which all our assumptions health center in a 120-mile radius of Har- Twenty-four people attended the discussion. A live-stream of the discussion is available on are challenged we’ll find ways to move risburg. She has been with the agency for the center’s Facebook page. forward together. over three years. Keisha lives in Lower CENTRAL VOICE PHOTO Moving forward is what Alder CEO Paxton Township with her wife and child. Rosemary Browne had in mind when Central Voice: What exactly does ‘queer- she accepted the offer to administer ing racial justice’ mean? we can learn,” Notario said as she began and women. Perhaps they identified with the multi-service agency serving the Keisha McToy: Acknowledging the moderating, asking all assembled to act economic issues rather than civil rights HIV, transgnender and sexual minority intersectionality of being a member of respectfully towards one another. issues less threatening to them in their communties. Adanjesus Marin, Make the Road/ daily routines than in the lives of poor, “I lost friends when I came to Alder,” the LGBT community while also being PA organizer, and the center’s keynote queer, people of color. she shared, feeling stigma’s sting.“They a person of color and making sure that speaker at the 2018 Trans & Queer Youth Marin added a comment prompting thought ‘Oh, I see, you’re divorced, that’s discussions and advocacy around race Conference last March, used the word audience laughter, although the effects a gay place, HIV and all that too. So you and racism is part of the LBGT equal- “disposable” to describe how was treated of his observation on others isn’t the must be a lesbian!’” she said. “I learned ity movement. as a young person venturing forth into least bit funny. “They want us around first hand what it’s like to go through that queer quarters. to decorate their events so they can feel kind of social rejection,” she said. “But CV: What is ‘Intersectionality’? “Trashy was a word I heard a lot,” good about themselves.” A once and as friends physically backed away from KM: The term coined by Kim- Marin said, saying the word neutralized done gesture that doesn’t change any me I encouraged each one to be more berle Williams Crenshaw means “the him and other Latinx, a gender-neutral institutional structures around issues open minded and not make ridiculous complex and cumulative manner in word alternative to Latino and Latina of inclusion. Event invitations do not statements about LGBTQ folks that were which the effects of different forms of (pronounced La-teen-ex). empower people of color. Rather, they based in ignorance and intolerance.” discrimination combine, overlap or It’s also easy for the mainstream gay offer a token ‘walk on’ for an annual Browne has a keen sense of history. intersect.” Different forms of discrimi- community to “trade away transgender meeting or fundraiser. “The Voting Rights Act was adopted in nation cannot be examined separately issues in order to achieve their specific Refining her first question, Notario my lifetime,” she said, underscoring the from one another since they are all goal,” Marin noted. He’s not pushing asked panelists to dissect racism and profound circumstance. The importance interconnected. Fake News on that one. indifference that arises from bigotry of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 being In 2011, after gay marriage became within the larger LGBT community. Al- signed into law “was to outlaw discrimi- legal in New York, Pauline Park, New der Health Service’s Keisha McToy said CV: Is it automatic that a white lesbian natory voting practices and legal barriers will naturally understand a black lesbian? York Association for Gender Rights acknowledging sub-communities within targeting blacks, including literacy tests Will a college educated black man auto- Advocacy told New Yorker writer Em- our precincts is key to understanding as a prerequisite to voting.” The parallels matically understand his Latinx waiter at ily Greenhouse: “The more privileged intergroup degradations. are clear. Pennsylvania has been trying gay white men who live in Manhattan “When I came out as a teenager, I was for more than 15 years to pass basic civil brunch? are more likely to open up their check- not black enough for some black lesbians. rights protections for LGBT taxpayers. KM:: It is not about a natural or books” for same-sex marriage than for I didn’t fit in with the white lesbians,” she By the time Notario asked Why is it automatic understanding because ev- transgender rights. And that’s what explained. McToy’s deep sharing under- important to focus on racism? the unspo- eryone’s lived experience is different. happened. Once marriage equality was scored the need for what Notario stressed ken energy in the room had edged up in One black lesbian may not understand achieved, donations fell by an estimated early into the discussion. Create a safe a positive way. another black lesbian but the point 20% to those mainstream national orga- atmosphere for what may be a difficult “I don’t know how to convince you is to try to learn from others’ unique nizations pushing for marriage but not discussion, one in which particpants feel should care about other people,” Angela experiences and realize the challenges necessarily transgender or racial justice they can be honest. And, in the process, Kirkland offered. She noted that “there they may face as a result of those and economic issues. address each other with respect. are other experiences besides your own” experiences. Urvashi Vaid wrote in The Nation Dre Ceja said ‘racism infilatrates” ev- and “not everyone is able to be vocal about magazine right after marriage equality erything at all levels of local, national, their oppressions, so ask what they need CV: Does a shared ‘non-heterosexual’ was achieved: “The queer movement international organizations. “People to feel valued,” she suggested. sexuality automatically mean we come is focused on formal legal gay/lesbian belittle us,” Dre lamented. Notario finshed the evening with ask- ready-made with empathy for our queer equality only and still does not address If the racism within LGBT segments ing What can people do to schieve social environment? the economic, racial and gender-based of the community are to be addressed, I justice in their own spaces? KM: Not at all. Again, we have all inequities affecting low-income LGBT think we must be wise to first differen- Local activist Tadi Betancourt said, had different lived experiences and folks, transgender people, people of tiate between what is conflict and what “Getting down to work is difficult. Enact color (POC), women and others in queer is abuse. therefore have different levels of a plan.” privilege. Unless we make an inten- communities.” As Sarah Schulman points out in Con- What will your plan be? Ironically, transgender women of color flict Is Not Abuse – Overstating Harm, tional effort to learn from those who do not have the same privilege we do, led the iconic Stonewall Riots in 1969, Community Responsibility, and the Duty The analysis presented EDITOR’S NOTE: we likely have some of the same biases signaling the birth of the modern civil of Repair, creating safe space in her view here is not a ‘transcript’ of the that those outside our queer commu- rights movement for sexual minorities. (and mine) is not about creating space in discussion. Not many people would read Enter the Trump Administration which one never hears an idea or thought something like that. There is, however, nity do. and its roller coaster of policy and pro- that may upset or challenge them. Rather, a live-stream of the event at the LGBT grammatic reversals on all things gay. a safe space is one in which we can all Center of PA’s Facebook page which CV: If people from as many categories of Estimates indicate 20-25% of Trump’s hear our dearly held assumptions chal- we encourage you to visit. Decide for Identity Politics as we can name came vote came from cis-gendered white men lenged, or affirmed, in a way that isn’t together to solve the problem of hunger >

20 MAY & JUNE 2018 FIGHTING FOR LIFE: from page 1 doesn’t mean school shootings don’t using their white privilege to further negatively impact students’ sense of amplify their outcry for social justice, security in their own schools.” to speak for those who cannot speak or He says walking into school the day who are simply just ignored,” he says. after a shooting prompts students to “I also recognize it is likely I am listened wonder Am I next? “It’s time we protect to more in my social justice work because the students and children of this country. I appear white, but I want to use that to People are dying on the streets, kids are help speak for those who are ignored being shot in school, this is an issue,” or who are paid less attention to due to Wrightstone says. the color of their skin,” Wrightstone For him, gun control is not a Demo- explains. crat or Republican issue, rather “a life Social justice work is part of my ethos, or death issue”. When he saw Parkland Wrightstone says, “so it is incredibly students speaking out and fighting back, important for me to get out there and he wanted to “get involved myself. It felt speak for what I believe in.” as a student, it was my responsibility to get involved.” EDITOR’S NOTE: Since the March Wrightstone understands the tensions 24 rallies, the YouTube Campus “When I came out as a that can lead to social justice tensions. in California was the scene of an “As a bi-racial person (African-Amer- active, female shooter who, armed with a pistol, shot her boyfriend, two teenager, I was not black ican), who appears white, I benefit from other people, and then killed herself. enough for some black white privilege just as much as I have Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey responded experienced racism,” Wrightstone says. to President ’s use of lesbians. I didn’t fit in with Racial disparity definitely exists, he Twitter to offer his “thoughts and the white lesbians,” insists. If the Parkland shooting hap- prayers” as being “reactive”. “We can’t pened at an all-black school, how would keep being reactive to this, thinking Keisha McToy, Manager of Operations, the story change, he asks. and praying it won’t happen again at Alder Health Services “Parkland has a very high percentage our schools, jobs, or our community of white students. I recognize there has spots. It’s beyond time to evolve our been quite a lot of debate surrounding policies,” Dorsey tweeted to Trump. Proposals receiving attention are to why a group of white teenagers is listened in their community, is that a legitimate fund gun-violence research; eliminate way of using their resources to solve a to when black teenagers, who have been “absurd” restrictions on the Bureau problem all groups have? fighting for “Black Lives Matter” and gun of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms reform for years, are ignored and given KM: Absolutely. Anytime many and Explosives; impose universal way less attention,” Wrightstone posits. different subsets of people can come background checks; ban high-capacity “I am grateful Parkland students rec- magazines, and limit firing power on together for one cause, it is a tre- ognize racial disparity exists and are the streets. mendous accomplishment.

CV: Is that a better use of resources than debating who’s the hungriest? KM: Of course, it is. Time spent debating who is the hungriest could be the difference between life and death for someone.

CV: If an individual comes from a privileged background (and recogniz- ing that ‘privilege' is a relative term, i.e. I went to a state university, some- one else went to Yale), do they have to apologize for being born into a family of means? KM: There is absolutely no reason to apologize for your privilege. We all have some or another form of Now Hiring! privilege. The key is to acknowledge Get involved in empowering, that privilege and the power that inspiring and educating people in it gives you and, in turn, use it to your community! elevate those who do not share your privilege and subsequent power.

CV: If a person with more of some- thing – money, education, a car, an extra room – helps someone with less, is that a legitimate way for a person of ‘privilege’ to help someone less fortunate? KM: If that is what the person The Arc of Cumberland & Perry Counties (CPARC) is needs. We must ask what the needs of that person who is less fortunate hiring Direct Support Sta to work with individuals are. We meet them where they are as with intellectual and developmental disabilities. much as we can. If you give someone STARTING AT .HOUR GREAT BENEFIT PACKAGES a car and they don’t have money to Full-time & part-time positions available | Receive extensive, paid trainings put gas in it, what was the point? If Opportunities for advancement - with or without a degree | Paid time oŒ you give someone a sofa or a bed and EOE AA M/F/Vet/Disability they have no home in which to place it, it defeats the purpose. MAY & JUNE 2018 21 HUMAN RELATIONS: from page 6 Lehigh County strengthens LGBT protections Lehigh County Executive Phil Arm- crimination protections in the county. of Allentown or Bethlehem, the need protecting sexual orientation and/or gender strong has signed two administrative The first notification clarified the for these administrative notifications expression are able to review those types of notifications enhancing LGBT non-dis- county’s own employment policy. The is great. 70% of Pennsylvanians live in claims. Local municipalities under state law second mandates that county contrac- municipalities with no protections on are allowed to expand coverage to include tors and grantees also comply with the the job or in housing related to their LGBT claims. non-discrimination requirement. sexual orientation or gender identity,” As of November 2017, 45 of the 2,562 Armstrong worked with the Brad- Shanker said. For example, Shanker Pennsylvania municipalities have passed bury-Sullivan LGBT Community points out “Here in Lehigh County, a local non-discrimination ordinances since Center on the critical civil rights pro- business in Whitehall could legally put 1982, according to the PA Youth Congress. tections. a sign on their front door that says “now That’s about one-third of the state’s popula- “As one of his first policy actions hiring, except for transgender people”. tion. The remaining two-thirds of the state’s as County Executive, Phil Armstrong Another example Shanker used is LGBT population is out of luck with making has moved to clarify the non-discrim- that “a non-profit in Fogelsville could claims of the local and/or state level. That ination policy for county employees legally fire an employee after learning option simply does not exist for them. and expanded these protections to of their same-sex marriage.” Arm- In the last 20 years, Pennsylvania state employees of all county contractors strong’s action would bar discrimina- legislators have unsuccessfully introduced Adrian Shanker, Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT and grantees,”says center executive tion if an entity accepts funds from amendments more than a dozen times to the Community Center Executive Director, director Adrian Shanker. Lehigh County. Commonwealth’s human relations law that left, and Lehigh County Executive Phil “While the good news is that non- INFO- www.bradburysullivancenter. would protect individuals against discrimi- Armstrong. discrimination is the law in the Cities org nation on the basis of sexual orientation and/or gender identity. No serious action has ever been taken legislative leaders with oversight into such measures. Passing such RUN YOUR AD ALL ACROSS PENNSYLVANIA FOR ONLY $475 Call 717-703-3020 an amendment to the state commission’s classifieds oversight duties would provide protections for the two-thirds of the state’s LGBT popu- EDUCATION OR TRAINING: Serving our The lation now with such protection. AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Get FAA approved hands on Aviation training. Customers for PA Gov. Tom Wolf last October 23 urged Financial aid for qualified students – Career placement assistance. CALL PolePA Lisc. #129608 Building 35 Years the General Assembly to pass the PA Fair- Aviation Institute of Maintenance 877-207-0345 specialists 24’ x 36’ x 10’ ness Act, bipartisan legislation that extends HELP WANTED SALES: $9,995 2 - 9’ x 7’ Garage Doors non-discrimination provisions in state law EARN $500 A DAY: Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Wants Insurance Agents 1 - 3’ Entry Door to protect against discrimination based on *Leads, No Cold Calls *Commissions Paid Daily *Agency Training *Life $ 23,995 sexual orientation, and gender expression License Required. Call 1-888-713-6020 40’ x 60’ x 16’ or identity. Pennsylvania is the only state MISCELLANEOUS: Opportunities for 1 - 12’ x 16’ Sliding Door in the northeastern U.S. without a law SAWMILLS from only $4397.00 – MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own Building Installers 1 - 3’ Entry Door & Concreters protecting individuals from this form of bandmill – Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship! FREE Info/ discrimination. DVD: 800-567-0404 Ext.300N (800) 275-8245 In lieu of state-level protections, the Penn- WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE: sylvania Human Relations commission FREON R12 WANTED: CERTIFIED BUYER will PAY CA$H for R12 cylinders has begun to collect alleged complaints of or cases of cans. (312) 291-9169; discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. That is not fake news. Serving our The The step was taken so that the commission Customers for PolePA Lisc. #129608 Building 35 Years can rely on what is actually reported to it specialists rather than guessing at levels of discrimi- 24’ x 24’ x 10’ nation. Specifically, the state commission 2 - 9’ x 7’ Garage Doors is collecting information and, after a 1 - 3’ Service Door $ case-by-case analysis, actually investigat- 10,995 ing LGBTQ-related claims in the areas of $7,995 employment, housing, public accommoda- Opportunities for 30’ x 40’ x 10’ tions, commercial property and education. Building Installers 1 - 10’ x 10’ Sliding Door & Concreters 1 - 3’ Service Door The “regulatory” term for such steps by an agency of state government is “proposed (800) 275-8245 guidance”. In other words, in the absence of a law or regulation, individuals, other Considering Cremation? agencies and entities, employers, and other ESTATE SALE - LOG HOMES interested parties with lives at stake ask for PAY THE BALANCE OWED ONLY!!! Save Thousands On Cremation Expenses or need guidance in how to proceed. The proposed guidance states: "Federal AMERICAN LOG HOMES IS ASSISTING FINAL RELEASE courts and federal administrative agen- OF ESTATE & ACCOUNT SETTLEMENT ON HOUSES. Simple cies have held that discrimination claims Cremation filed by LGBT individuals may be taken, investigated and analyzed as sex-discrim- $ ination claims. The gist of these claims is 1) Model # 305 Biloxi $36,825…BALANCE OWED $15,000 1395 that LGBTQ individuals do not comply or payments as low as with sexual stereotypes and that adverse 2) Model # 403 Augusta $42,450…BALANCE OWED $16,500 $16.00 a month action(s) against an LGBTQ individual Serving all of PA All Inclusive, No Hidden Fees due to that person’s failure to comply with 3) Model # 502 Santa Fe $44,950…BALANCE OWED $17,500 Tyler J. Currie, Supervisor sexual stereotypes amounts to discrimina- We accept ALL prearrangements made at other cremation providers tion based on sex. Accordingly, it is the posi- tion of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Preplan and prepay For a FREE no obligation Commission that it will take and investigate NEW - HOMES HAVE NOT BEEN MANUFACTURED brochure and information, • Make any plan design changes you desire! today and receive a sex-stereotyping claims filed by LGBTQ please call us toll free at individuals." • Comes with Complete Building Blueprints & Construction Manual The guidance also notes the commission’s $200 844-427-3672 • Windows, Doors, and Roofing not included continuing support of legislation that would • NO TIME LIMIT FOR DELIVERY! BBB DISCOUNT or visit us on-line at expand the state's Human Relations Act to A+ Rating specifically cover anti-LGBTQ discrimina- For a limited time, so Act NOW! 88533-1409-4 tion. 728 Main Street • Avoca, PA 18641

22 MAY & JUNE 2018

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Organized by Capital Region Stonewall Democrats and moderated by Andrew Sedgwick Guth, candidates for Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District on courted the region’s LGBT voters. From left: Shavonnia Corbin-Johnson, George Scott, Eric Ding, Alan Howe, and Laura Quick. We offer FREE pickup and delivery Candidates court LGBT vote in most neighborhoods throughout the Candidates running for Congress, the members, both LGBT identifying and Greater Harrisburg area! Pennsylvania state House and Senate, allies because it highlights which can- and Lieutenant Governor gathered April didates are committed to our continued 9 in Harrisburg to court the LGBT vote. fight for equality. " said, Andrew Guth, "Currently we are living in a political chair, Capital Region Stonewall Demo- Why choose us? climate which has become more openly crats, organizers of the event. hostile toward our communities. That's Capital Region Stonewall Democrats  Hassle-free why it is important for our community is a Political Action Committee that members to learn where candidates includes Harrisburg, Lancaster, York,  Save TWO trips ... save gas and time! stand on issues impacting us. Meet the and nearby communities.  No need to be home Candidates Night is so important for our INFO –  No order too small  Twice a week service Netflix destroys homophobe with 3 simple words  Locally owned, operated and trusted Christina Aguilera’s surprise appear- Responding to a photo of Christina ance on the premiere of RuPaul‘s Drag on Facebook, someone wrote: “F*cking for over 45 years Race season 10 may be old news by now, World we live in today where men dress but this succinct clap-back from Net- like that”. flix about Christina’s appearance is a Then the official Netflix account took timeless classic to be savored in perpetu- a swing at this near-perfect setup. Sign up online or call 920-5500. ity by generations to come. Here’s what they said: Just to recap: In the episode, RuPaul announced that another queen, Farrah Moan, was joining the runway. Out walked Farrah, and she looked good. So good in fact that it was Christina. But at least one troll didn’t get this memo (they rarely do). OuR PrOmIsE: YoUr Susan L. Thornsley MD ViSiOn Is ADOLESCENT AND ADULT PSYCHIATRY OuR #1 EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE IN LGBTQ ISSUES is now accepting patients PrIoRiTy. at her new office in Harrisburg. MEDICARE AND MEDICAID ACCEPTED Telephone: (717) 710-3646

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