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By Roy Schestowitz Created 16/02/2021 - 3:15pm Submitted by Roy Schestowitz on Tuesday 16th of February 2021 03:15:33 PM Filed under HowTos [1]

How to Enable HTTP/2.0 in Nginx Server: Step-by-Step Guide | UbuntuPIT[2]

As you are using a system, you probably already know that HTTP is an internet protocol that establishes your internet connection to your requested server through your web browser. It sends requests from the client?s end to the server end and conveys data from the server to the client. Well, that is enough to know about the HTTP protocol if you are a regular internet user. If you are a server administrator or a network manager or host your own website on an Nginx server, you need to know more about HTTP, HTTP/2.0, and how to enable HTTP/2.0 in the Nginx server.

How to manage Linux container registries | Enable Sysadmin [3]

If we have a close look at LEGO® products, we can see that they are all made of the same building blocks. However, the composition of these blocks is the key differentiator for whether we are building a castle or space ship. It's pretty much the same for Podman, and its sibling projects Buildah, Skopeo, and CRI-O. However, instead of recycled plastic, the building blocks for our container tools are made of open source code. Sharing these building blocks allows us to provide rock-solid, enterprise-grade container tools. Features ship faster, bugs are fixed quicker, and the code is battle-tested. And, well, instead of bringing joy into playrooms, the container tools bring joy into data centers and .

TeXstudio 3.0.5 Released, Install it via Official PPA | UbuntuHandbook[4] TeXstudio released new 3.0.5 version a few days ago with important bug-fixes. Here?s how to install or update it in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 20.10 via PPA.

Migrate To AlmaLinux From CentOS 8 Using Almalinux-deploy Script - OSTechNix[5]

Good news, Enterprise Linux users! The much anticipated AlmaLinux migration tool is released!! I guess we don't need to rely on the unofficial AlmaLinux migration method anymore. The official script named Almalinux-deploy that helps you to migrate to AlmaLinux from CentOS 8 is out. It is time to convert your CentOS machines (hopefully other Enterprise Linux systems) to AlmaLinux. The almalinux-deploy script is written in and the source code is available in GitHub.

What is PPA Purge? How to Use it in Ubuntu and other -based Distributions?[6]

PA is a popular method of installing additional applications or newer versions of a software in Ubuntu.

I have written a detailed guide on PPA so I will just quickly recall it here. PPA is a mechanism developed by Ubuntu to enable developers to provide their own repositories. When you add a PPA, you add additional repository to your system and thus you can download applications from this additional repository.


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