Zuari AGRO CHEMICALS Limited (Formerly Known As Zuari Holdings Limited)
PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition www.CutePDF.com ZUARI AGRO CHEMICALS LIMITED (formerly known as Zuari Holdings Limited) Registered Office : Jai Kisaan Bhawan, Zuarinagar, Goa 403 726 NOTICE “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to lines of power, fuel, steam, aerial NOTICE is hereby given that the Fourth provisions of Section 16 & 17 and communications between ports, Annual General Meeting of the Members of other applicable provisions, if any, ships and other transports and to the Company will be held at the Registered of the Companies Act, 1956, or any act as marine consultants, marine Office of the Company at “Jai Kisaan statutory enactment of re-enactment engineers and advisors. Bhawan”, Zuarinagar, Goa 403726 on thereof and subject to confirmation (83) To carry on the business of designing, Tuesday the 24 September, 2013 at 10.30 by the Company Law Board, if setting up, erecting, maintaining, A.M. to transact the following business: required, the object Clause contained repairing, improving and operating in Clause III (C) of the Memorandum Ordinary Business: or managing in India or abroad, of Association of the Company be and 1. To receive, consider and adopt pipes, pipelines, cross country is hereby amended by inserting new the audited Balance Sheet of the piping systems, jetties, single buoy sub clauses numbered (82) (83) & (84) Company, as at 31st March, 2013 moorings, all other kinds of onshore after sub clause (81). and the Profit and Loss Account for and offshore port facilities, storage the financial year ended on that date (82) To build, construct, acquire, erect, and distribution terminals, storage, together with the Reports of the install, operate, maintain, develop, loading and unloading facilities for Directors and Auditors.
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