
skill 2 level free SUPPLIES & TOOLS: • 3¼ yds calico Fabric A • 3¼ yds cotton calico Fabric B • Batting • Chalk pencil • Matching thread • Sewing machine • Basic sewing supplies • Iron, pressing surface

DIRECTIONS: 1/2" seam allowance throughout. RS = Right side(s) WS = Wrong side(s) CUTTING: Fabric A: Two 57"x36" pieces Fabric B: Two 57"x36" pieces Batting: 57"x71" piece

ASSEMBLY: 1. Sew front and back pieces together into two 57"x71" pieces. 2. Using a chalk pencil, draw 7" grid onto back for quilting. 3. Baste batting to WS of blanket front. Trim batting. 4. With RS together, sew outer edges of front and back; leave opening for turning. 5. Clip corners and turn blanket RS out. Close opening with slip stitching. 6. Lay blanket flat, smooth out wrinkles. Pin or baste front to back. Stitch on back through all thicknesses on marked chalk lines to . Finished size 56"x70".

calico blanket &

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PILLOW SUPPLIES & TOOLS: • 20" pillow form • 3/4 yd Fabric A • 3/4 yd Fabric B • 2 yds cording • Sewing machine • Basic sewing supplies • Iron, pressing surface

DIRECTIONS: CUTTING: Fabric A: 21" square for front Fabric B: 21" square for back Fabric A OR Fabric B: 90" of 1¾" bias strips

ASSEMBLY: 1. Sew bias strips together to cover cording. 2. Sew covered cording to front, pivoting at corners. 3. Sew front and back pieces together; leave opening in the side for inserting the pillow form. 4. Clip corners, turn RS out and insert pillow form. 5. Slip stitch opening closed.

Skill Level 2: Some experience necessary Approximate Crafting Time: 3-4 hrs.

Please read and follow all manufacturers’ instructions for all tools and materials used. Provide adult supervision if children participate in this project. ©2010 Jo-Ann Stores, Inc. All rights reserved.

P461-976 • 461-021