Developments of Tools to Survive the Disasters –CivilEmpowermentof“ZestforLivinginDisaster”– Survey Report: Developments of Tools to Survive the Disasters – Civil Empowerment of “Zest for Living in Disaster” – Shosuke Sato∗, Fumihiko Imamura∗, Mari Yasuda∗, Motoaki Sugiura∗,∗∗,andRuiNouchi∗,∗∗,∗∗∗ ∗International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University Aoba, 468-1 Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0845, Japan E-mail:
[email protected] ∗∗Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan ∗∗∗Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan [Received September 2, 2015; accepted January 4, 2016] This paper introduces practical efforts to reduce lo- plans and enlightening tools to acquire “zest for living.” cal disasters in the “Project on civil empowerment for To summarize those activities and discuss future devel- ‘zest for life during a disaster”’ undertaken by the au- opment, the project involved the “symposium for promot- thors and the three projects that have been developed ing the project on civil empowerment for ‘zest for life and implemented thus far: “Pocket Notebook and during a disaster”’ in the third UN World Congress on Handbook for Family’s Disaster Resilience (MINNA- Disaster Reduction in March 2015. This report describes NO-BOSAI TECHO),” “Pocket Notebook and Hand- “Pocket Notebook and Handbook for Family’s Disas- book for Boys and Girls Disaster Resilience (BOKU- ter Resilience (MINNA-NO-BOSAI TECHO),” “Pocket NO-WATASHI-NO-BOSAI TECHO),” and “SENDAI Notebook and Handbook for Boys and Girls Disaster Re- CAMP (BOSAI CAMP).” These activities were re- silience (BOKU-NO-WATASHI-NO-BOSAI TECHO),” ported on a public forum in the third UN World and “SENDAI CAMP (BOSAI CAMP)” that had been ac- Congress on Disaster Reduction, where the impor- tively undertaken in the project on civil empowerment for tance of involving all citizens in disaster reduction and ‘zest for life during a disaster.’ prevention through projects was recognized in a com- prehensive discussion.