IPWEA NZ CONFERENCE 2017 DUNEDIN An Integrated Approach to Managing Auckland's Coast Paul Klinac Team Manager: Coastal and Geotechnical Services Engineering and Technical Services Unit Auckland Council.
[email protected] IPWEAIPWEA NZ NZ CONFERENCE CONFERENCE 2017 DUNEDIN 2017 DUNEDIN Presentation Outline 1. Auckland's coastal environment 2. Coastal hazard context (and related issues) 3. Regulatory framework 4. Valuing the coast (assets and related uses) 5. Development of a coastal management framework & management tools • 3,100km of coastline (multiple harbours and offshore islands). • 21,000km of inland waterways. • 26 Regional Parks (~200km of undeveloped coastline). • Characterised by extensive reclamation & modification in response to urbanisation and varying degrees and types of coastal hazards. Parks Coastal Assets: Coastal defence and public access Coastal Assets Asset Count Area size (m2) Replacement Value Boat Ramps 284 38,309 $8,044,997 Jetties 3 351 $983,796 Pontoons 22 853 $1,844,510 Seawalls 796 122,067 $183,378,249 Wharves 95 13,455 $27,494,696 Grand Total 1200 175,037 ~$222 M (300M) Note: The above is confined to Parks structural assets and does not include green assets or assets under the jurisdiction of Stormwater, Auckland Transport or related CCO’s. Coastal Hazard Context: • Predominance of development immediately landward of eroding soft sedimentary cliffs or within low-lying areas. • Climate change (1m SLR by 2115) and future growth will exacerbate existing hazards. • Impacts will vary but will include: - Increased erosion and land instability; - More extensive inundation and more frequent storm surges; - Reduced performance and failure of infrastructure; and - Increased infrastructure maintenance costs.