Masterton District Council

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Masterton District Council MASTERTON DISTRICT COUNCIL COUNCIL AGENDA MEMBERSHIP Her Worship (Chairperson) Cr G Caffell Cr B Johnson Cr J Dalziell Cr G McClymont Cr D Davidson Cr F Mailman Cr B Goodwin Cr S O’Donoghue Cr J Hooker Cr C Peterson Noce is given that an Extraordinary Meeng of the Masterton District Council will be held at REAP House, 340 Queen St, Masterton on Wednesday 15 May 2019 at 2.00pm. RECOMMENDATIONS IN REPORTS ARE NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS COUNCIL POLICY UNTIL ADOPTED 10 May 2019 Values 1. Public interest: members will serve the best interests of the people within the Masterton district and discharge their duties conscientiously, to the best of their ability. 2. Public trust: members, in order to foster community confidence and trust in their Council, will work together constructively and uphold the values of honesty, integrity, accountability and transparency. 3. Ethical behaviour: members will not place themselves in situations where their honesty and integrity may be questioned, will not behave improperly and will avoid the appearance of any such behaviour. 4. Objectivity: members will make decisions on merit; including appointments, awarding contracts, and recommending individuals for rewards or benefits. 5. Respect for others: will treat people, including other members, with respect and courtesy, regardless of their ethnicity, age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. Members will respect the impartiality and integrity of Council staff. 6. Duty to uphold the law: members will comply with all legislative requirements applying to their role, abide by this Code, and act in accordance with the trust placed in them by the public. 7. Equitable contribution: members will take all reasonable steps to ensure they fulfil the duties and responsibilities of office, including attending meetings and workshops, preparing for meetings, attending civic events, and participating in relevant training seminars. 8. Leadership: members will actively promote and support these principles and ensure they are reflected in the way in which MDC operates, including a regular review and assessment of MDC’s collective performance. These values complement, and work in conjunction with, the principles of section 14 of the LGA 2002; the governance principles of section 39 of the LGA 2002; and our MDC governance principles: Whakamana Tangata Respecting the mandate of each member, and ensuring the integrity of the committee as a whole by acknowledging the principle of collective responsibility and decision‐making. Manaakitanga Recognising and embracing the mana of others. Rangatiratanga Demonstrating effective leadership with integrity, humility, honesty and transparency. Whanaungatanga Building and sustaining effective and efficient relationships. Kotahitanga Working collectively. 1 AGENDA: The Order Paper is as follows:- 1. Conflicts of Interest (Members to declare conflicts, if any) 2. Apologies 3. Public Forum: Councillor Adrienne Staples, re the Greater Wellington Regional Council Annual Plan Carys Gibbs, Students for Climate Action and Jeremy Logan, Extinction Rebellion Wairarapa, re the climate and ecological threat we are facing and the urgent local government leadership we require. 4. Late items for inclusion under Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 5. Items to be considered under Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987: Minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held with the public excluded 3 April 2019 Minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held with the public excluded 17 April 2019 Report of the Audit and Risk Committee Meeting held with the public excluded 8 May 2019 QE Park Grandstand 6. Confirmation of Minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held on 3 April 2019 (058/19) Pages 101-108 7. Confirmation of Minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 17 April 2019 (065/19) Pages 101-102 8. Report of the Infrastructural Services Committee Meeting held on 1 May 2019 (079/19) Pages 301-302 9. Report of the Strategic Planning and Policy Committee Meeting held on 1 May 2019 (080/19) Pages 501-504 10. Report of the Community Wellbeing Committee Meeting held on 8 May 2019 (091/19) Pages 201-203 11. Report of the Audit and Risk Committee Meeting held on 8 May 2019 (092/19) Pages 401-406 DECISION 12. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE MASTERTON DISTRICT RESTRICTED PARKING AREA SCHEDULE (093/19) Pages 121-135 13. DOG REGISTRATION AND ASSOCIATED FEES 2019/20 (095/19) Pages 136-142 14. LGNZ RULES REVIEW (094/19) Pages 143-152 2 15. TE ĀWHINA COMMUNITY HUB (098/19) Pages 153-155 16. POSITIVE AGEING STRATEGY To be circulated separately INFORMATION 17. CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT (096/19) Pages 195-203 18. MAYOR’S REPORT A verbal report will be provided 3 MATTERS TO BE CONSIDERED WITH THE PUBLIC EXCLUDED COUNCIL MEETING – WEDNESDAY 15 MAY 2019 MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of the meeting of the Masterton District Council:- Confirmation of Minutes 19. Minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held with the public excluded 3 April 2019 20. Minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held with the public excluded 17 April 2019 21. Report of the Audit and Risk Committee meeting held with the public excluded 8 May 2019 General Business 22. QE Park Cricket Grandstand The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:- General subject of Reason for passing Ground(s) under each matter to be this resolution in section 48(1) for considered relation to each the passing of this matter resolution Confirmation of Minutes of Council meeting held 4 April 2019 Refer to page 109-110 Refer to page 109-110 Confirmation of Minutes of Refer to page 102 Refer to page 102 Extraordinary Council meeting held 17 April 2019 Confirmation of Minutes of Refer to page 405 Refer to page 405 Audit and Risk Meeting held 8 May 2019 QE Park Cricket Grandstand 7(2)(i) The withholding of the s48(1)(a) information is necessary to enable That the public conduct the local authority to carry on, of this item would be without prejudice or disadvantage, likely to result in the negotiations (including disclosure of information commercial and industrial for which good reason negotiations); for withholding would exist under Section 7. 101 058/19 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF THE MASTERTON DISTRICT COUNCIL HELD AT REAP HOUSE, 340 QUEEN ST, MASTERTON ON WEDNESDAY 3 APRIL 2019 AT 2.00PM PRESENT Mayor Lyn Patterson (Chair), Councillors G Caffell, J Dalziell, D Davidson, B Goodwin, J Hooker, B Johnson, G McClymont, F Mailman, C Peterson and iwi representatives Tiraumaera Te Tau (from 2.22pm) and Ra Smith (from 2.50pm). IN ATTENDANCE Chief Executive, Manager Assets and Operations, Manager Finance, Manager Community Facilities and Activities, Manager Strategic Planning, Communications and Marketing Manager, Properties and Facilities Manager, Policy Advisor, Governance Advisor and one media representative. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Councillor Goodwin declared a conflict of interest, in relation to the item on the Proposed Wairarapa Class 4 Gambling and Standalone Tab Venues Policy, as a member of the Masterton Community Trust who have gambling and TAB venues. APOLOGIES Moved by Councillor B Johnson That the apologies received from Tiraumaera Te Tau for lateness and from Councillor S O’Donoghue for non-attendance be received. Seconded by Councillor G Caffell and CARRIED PUBLIC FORUM Cathy Cameron and Tiff North from WeConnect Neighbourhood Support project gave a presentation on the initiative which supports and welcomes migrants to the Wairarapa. LATE ITEMS FOR INCLUSION UNDER SECTION 46A(7) OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL INFORMATION AND MEETINGS ACT 1987 The meeting was advised of late items for inclusion in the public excluded agenda: Request to Purchase Land Sale of Land These items had not been available for inclusion with the agenda and could not be held over until a later meeting. Moved by Councillor G McClymont That in terms of section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the items be dealt with at this meeting. Seconded by Councillor D Davidson and CARRIED. 102 ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED UNDER SECTION 48(1)(A) OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL INFORMATION AND MEETINGS ACT 1987 Minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held with the public excluded 27 February 2019 Homebush Farm Lease Solway Crescent Tender Recommendation Hood Lease Tender Process Request to Purchase Land Sale of Land. Moved by Councillor F Mailman That in terms of section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the items be dealt with at this meeting. Seconded by Councillor B Johnson and CARRIED CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 27 FEBRUARY 2019 (031/19) Moved by Councillor J Hooker that the minutes of the meeting of the Masterton District Council held on 27 February 2019 be confirmed. Seconded by Councillor F Mailman and CARRIED REPORT OF THE INFRASTRUCTURAL SERVICES COMMITTEE MEETING HELD 20 MARCH 2019 (043/19) The report of the Infrastructural Services Committee meeting held 20 March 2019 was taken as read, noting that the following items had been considered Water Metering Installation Procedures Petition
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