Pa N O R a M a O F S O U T H C I N E M a Vol 1 Issue 1 October 2009 Rs.50 01
Pa n o r a m a o f s o u t h c i n e m a Vol 1 issue 1 october 2009 rs.50 01 01 siddharth’s intoxicating signature style i am a technique in myself -Balakrishna Why sizzler ileana’s story unfolded follow us on shraddha das will never do that? Panorama of south cinema Publisher Chief Executive Officer Executive Director Editor- in- Chief Assistant Editor Features Editor Features Writer Editorial Coordinators Tamil Nadu & Kerala Karnataka Mumbai Creative Director Visualiser Senior Graphic Designers Graphic Designers Production Head Creative Consultant Branding & Marketing Director Marketing Managers Moorthy Sreenivasulu Allu Sirish Ramakanth T Vanaja Banagiri Mona Ramavat Karthik Pasupulate Vrinda Prasad Sridevi Sreedhar Aravind G Anil Merani Raj Shekar B Jaya Prakash K P Suresh K Palvai, Suresh CH Ravi Kumar K V, Vamshi Vulavapati Krishna P Priya Gazdar Ayyar S, Tvishi Zaveri, Raja Reddy M, Saroj Kumar Biswal, Raghu Kumar Gorthy, Sanjay Kumar S, Mohan Manoharan, Ravanam Swaminaidu Vishnuvardhan Induri, Radhakrishna G or SMS SCOPE to 56263 Circulation National Manager Deputy Manager Regional Manager (Chennai) Consultant- Distribution Board of Advisors Subscriptions: Enquiries: Southscope takes no responsibility for unsolicited photographs or material. ALL PHOTOGRAPHS, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, ARE USED FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY Registered Office: #202, Shiva Sai Sannidhi, Dwarakapuri Colony, Punjagutta, Hyderabad 500 034. All rights reserved. Reproducing in any manner without permission prohibited.
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