Converting Bohemia: Force and Persuasion in the Catholic Reformation Howard Louthan Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88929-2 - Converting Bohemia: Force and Persuasion in the Catholic Reformation Howard Louthan Index More information Index Abeles family 303, 324 asceticism, ascetics 19, 238, 259, 284 Lazar 303, 306, 308–9 Augsburg 26, 171, 231 Simon 303–16 Confession of 88 Abraham a Sancta Clara 164 Peace of (1555) 19 absolutism 18–19, 49, 293 Augusta, Jan 241 Adalbert, St. 41, 77, 159, 161, 241, 260, Augustine, Augustinianism 101, 159, 187 268, 285 Augustinians 169, 255 Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini see Pius II Augustus II the Strong 287 Albrecht, Habsburg Archduke 60 Austria 47, 54, 60, 71, 128, 135, 136, 188, 245, 265, Alexander VII 98 267, 297 Althan family 297 Avancinus, Nicolaus, S. J. 219 Michael Adolf 47–8, 188 Aventinus, Johannes 118 Michael Friedrich, card. 286 Althusius, Johannes 124 Bakhtin, Mikhail 24 Altötting 254, 267, 273 Balbín, Bohuslav, S. J. 69–71, 114, 116, 130–1, Ambrose of Milan 44, 159, 222 132–3, 135, 136–9, 141, 142–3, 144, 160, 172, Amsterdam 305 209, 230, 249, 253, 266, 270, 272, 282 Anabaptists 5, 118, 155, 180, 185, 188 Bohemia docta 137–9, 140 Andrýsek family 245–6, 252, 257 Bohemia sancta 134, 135, 282 Anna, empress 248 Epitome historica rerum Bohemicarum 133, Annales Ferdinandei 33 136, 139 Anthony, St. 224 Miscellanea historica regni Bohemiae 70, 136, Anthony of Padua, St. 175 137–9 antiquarians/antiquaries/antiquarianism 10, 75, ballads/kramářské písně 241, 244 115, 116–17, 123, 127–45, 147, 180, 198, 257, Banat 298 260, 265, 281, 287, 302, 317, 323, 324 baptism 164–5, 166, 175, 303–5, 306, 310, 314–15 Antwerp 42, 43 Barbara, St.
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