Global Strategy Amidst the Globe's Cultures
Global strategy amidst the globe’s cultures: Cultures in individual cognition, states and the global system Nicholas D. Wright – v1 September 2019 – The research described in this report was sponsored by the United States Department of Defense Joint Staff Strategic Multilayer Assessment Group, and requested by the Joint Staff J-39 in collaboration with USEUCOM, USINDOPACOM, USCENTCOM, USSOCOM, the Services, Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Further information may be obtained from Intelligent Biology ( A FAMILY OF PRODUCTS TO CREATE INFLUENCE This report is part of a coherent family of products that together provide a framework for successful influence across the spectrum of competition, including the Grey Zone. All are available from include: Principles of Grey Zone influence: • Wright, ND (2019) From Control to Influence: Cognition in the Grey Zone, Intelligent Biology. Outer space competition: • Wright, ND (2019) MindSpace: Cognition in space operations, Intelligent Biology. • Ed. Wright, ND (2018) Outer Space; Earthly Escalation? Chinese Perspectives on Space Operations and Escalation, U.S. Dept. of Defense Joint Staff. North Korea and Grey Zone competition: • Wright, ND (2018) Getting Messages Through: The cognition of influence with North Korea and East Asia, Intelligent Biology. Artificial Intelligence in the global competition for influence: • Ed. Wright ND, (2018) AI, China, Russia and the Global Order: Technological, Political, Global, and Creative Perspectives, U.S. Dept. of Defense Joint Staff. About the author Dr Nicholas Wright is affiliated with Georgetown University, University College London (UCL), Intelligent Biology and New America.
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