1986 ACL Membership List
1986 ACL MEMBERSHIPLIST Following is a listing of the 1986 Raja Noor Ainon Art Altman Peter Anick members of the Association for 230 Persiaran Zaaba Computer Science Digital Equipment Corporation Computational Linguistics as of the Taman Tun Dr. Ismalil Hylan Hall 77 Reed Road, HL02-3/E9 end of the year. The 1949 personal 60000 Kuala Lurnpur University of Rochester Hudson, MA 01749 members are listed first, ordered MALAYSIA Rochester, NY 14627 Evan Antworth alphabetically by last name. The 419 Teruaki Aizawa Rosemary Altoft Summer Inst. of Linguistics institutional members follow, begin- ATR International Academic Press Box 2270 ning with those from the United Twin 21 MID Tower 24-28 Oval Road Manila 2801, PHILIPPINES States, ordered by ZIP-code, and 2-1-61 Shiromi, Higashi-ku London NW1 7DX, ENGLAND Paul K, Aoki then the rest ordered alphabetically Osaka 540 JAPAN Sergio J. Alvarado 2305 Broadway East by country, province (for Canada), J. C. Akbari 16820 Chatsworth St. No.102 Seattle, WA 98102 city, and then institutional name. 380 Riverside Drive, No.7D Granada Hills, CA 91344 Wanted: Addresses for the Chinatsu Aone New York, NY 10025 members whose names appear Shin-ya Amano 3115 Torn Green, No.405 below. Information should be Glenn Akers Information Systems Lab. Austin, TX 78705 forwarded to the ACL Secretary- 211 Washington Street Toshiba R&D Center Lisette Appelo Treasurer. Belmont, MA 02178 1, Komukai-Toshiba-cho Philips Research Laboratories Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki 210 JAPAN PO Box 80000, WB3 Anannya Rhattacharjee Dorothea G. Akhand Kurt Ammon NL-5600 JA Eindhoven Luanne Burns 1696 Lynn Court Fibigerstr 163 NETHERLANDS Clinton Fein Merrick, NY 11566 D-2000 Hamburg 12 Heidi Johnson Yuiko Sasaki Alam Alena Appelova WEST GERMANY Brett Kessler 2504 Burly Oak Drive Slovenska technic, kniznica Randall Sharp Austin, TX 78745 Leland R.
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