Methylmercury Poisoning in High-End Fish Consumers

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Methylmercury Poisoning in High-End Fish Consumers MethylmercuryMethylmercury PoisoningPoisoning inin HighHigh--EndEnd FishFish Consumers:Consumers: AA RiskRisk CommunicationCommunication ChallengeChallenge EdwardEdward GrothGroth III,III, PhDPhD GrothGroth ConsultingConsulting ServicesServices Pelham,Pelham, NYNY 1080310803 USAUSA May,May, 20092009 TopicsTopics toto bebe covered:covered: ¾ BackgroundBackground && contextcontext ¾ MercuryMercury inin USUS fishfish andand seafoodseafood ¾ SummarySummary ofof 2424 casecase historieshistories ¾ IsIs itit reallyreally methylmercurymethylmercury poisoning?poisoning? ¾ DoseDose--responseresponse issuesissues ¾ FishFish involvedinvolved inin thesethese casescases ¾ HowHow prevalentprevalent aa problem?problem? ¾ ResearchResearch needsneeds ¾ RiskRisk communicationcommunication aspectsaspects ContextContext ¾ AmericansAmericans areare eatingeating moremore fish,fish, whichwhich benefitsbenefits publicpublic healthhealth significantly,significantly, overalloverall ¾ ButBut itit alsoalso increasesincreases thethe likelihoodlikelihood ofof exposureexposure toto methylmercury,methylmercury, fromfrom eatingeating fishfish ¾ RiskRisk isis greatergreater forfor peoplepeople whowho eateat aa lotlot ofof fishfish ¾ TheThe type(stype(s)) ofof fishfish consumedconsumed alsoalso mattermatter ¾ MethylmercuryMethylmercury exposureexposure inin generalgeneral andand extremeextreme highhigh--endend exposureexposure areare eacheach likelylikely toto increaseincrease ifif moremore AmericansAmericans eateat moremore fishfish ConventionalConventional HgHg Wisdom:Wisdom: ¾¾ CriticalCritical effecteffect == developmentaldevelopmental neurotoxicityneurotoxicity ¾¾ PopulationsPopulations atat riskrisk == fetusesfetuses (i.e.(i.e. womenwomen ofof childbearingchildbearing age)age) andand youngyoung childrenchildren ¾¾ NoNo appreciableappreciable riskrisk toto otherother populationspopulations ¾¾ BenefitsBenefits (lower(lower risksrisks ofof CHDCHD && stroke)stroke) farfar outweighoutweigh HgHg risksrisks forfor generalgeneral populationpopulation ThisThis perspectiveperspective isis reflectedreflected asas recentlyrecently asas inin thethe 20062006 NAS/IOMNAS/IOM reportreport onon benefitsbenefits andand risksrisks ofof fishfish && seafoodseafood consumptionconsumption BasisBasis forfor C.W.:C.W.: ¾¾ EpidemiologyEpidemiology fromfrom incidentsincidents inin JapanJapan andand Iraq,Iraq, mostmost studiesstudies 3030--4040 yearsyears agoago ¾¾ FoundFound clearclear--cutcut neurotoxicneurotoxic effectseffects inin adultsadults onlyonly atat highhigh dosesdoses (blood(blood HgHg >> ~200~200 ppb)ppb) ¾¾ SomeSome effectseffects inin childrenchildren @@ >> 5050 ppbppb ¾¾ AmountsAmounts ofof MeHgMeHg fromfrom fishfish inin ““normalnormal dietdiet”” believedbelieved toto bebe belowbelow thethe levellevel ofof concern,concern, exceptexcept forfor potentialpotential forfor fetalfetal exposureexposure KeyKey questions:questions: ¾¾ DoDo wewe needneed toto revisitrevisit andand updateupdate thisthis riskrisk assessment?assessment? ¾¾ IfIf so,so, howhow mightmight wewe approachapproach thatthat task?task? ¾¾ WhatWhat aboutabout ““abnormalabnormal”” (high(high--fish)fish) diets?diets? ¾¾ OnOn whatwhat issuesissues dodo wewe needneed betterbetter data?data? ¾¾ GivenGiven whatwhat wewe knowknow andand dondon’’tt know,know, whatwhat adviceadvice shouldshould wewe givegive consumers?consumers? AA FewFew BasicBasic PrinciplesPrinciples ofof EnvironmentalEnvironmental HealthHealth RiskRisk isis aa ContinuumContinuum SensitivitySensitivity toto toxictoxic effectseffects variesvaries alongalong aa distributiondistribution Number of individuals affected Dose SensitiveSensitive subpopulationsubpopulation NumberNumber affectedaffected DoseDose FishFish consumptionconsumption andand methylmercurymethylmercury exposureexposure FishFish consumptionconsumption ¾¾ LongLong--termterm trendtrend ofof increasingincreasing perper capitacapita consumptionconsumption inin USUS ¾¾ RecentRecent yearsyears at/nearat/near allall--timetime highhigh ¾¾ PatternsPatterns ofof consumptionconsumption alsoalso changingchanging ¾¾ MoreMore freshfresh andand frozenfrozen steakssteaks andand filletsfillets ¾¾ MoreMore (mostly(mostly imported)imported) shrimpshrimp ¾¾ LessLess cannedcanned andand breaded/processedbreaded/processed fishfish USUS PerPer capitacapita fishfish consumption,consumption, pounds/year,pounds/year, 19901990--20062006 (NMFS)(NMFS) 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 ConsumptionConsumption ofof selectedselected items,items, pounds/person/year,pounds/person/year, 19901990--20062006 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 PerPer capitacapita consumption,consumption, cannedcanned fish,fish, pounds/year,pounds/year, 19901990--20062006 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 TopTop 1010 SeafoodsSeafoods,, 20052005--20072007 USUS consumptionconsumption inin poundspounds perper capitacapita perper yearyear (NFI)(NFI) Rank 2005 2006 2007 . Species Lbs Species Lbs Species Lbs 1 Shrimp 4.10 Shrimp 4.40 Shrimp 4.10 2 Tuna, can 3.10 Tuna, can 2.90 Tuna, can 2.70 3 Salmon 2.43 Salmon 2.03 Salmon 2.36 4 Pollock 1.47 Pollock 1.64 Pollock 1.73 5 Catfish 1.03 Tilapia 1.00 Tilapia 1.14 6 Tilapia 0.85 Catfish 0.97 Catfish 0.88 7 Crab 0.64 Crab 0.66 Crab 0.68 8 Cod 0.57 Cod 0.51 Cod 0.47 9 Clams 0.44 Clams 0.44 Clams 0.45 10 Flatfish 0.37 Scallops 0.31 Flatfish 0.32 Total, Top 10 15.0 14.9 14.8 WhereWhere’’ss thethe mercury?mercury? ¾¾ AmongAmong popularpopular fishfish andand seafoodseafood choices,choices, howhow muchmuch doesdoes eacheach varietyvariety contributecontribute toto potentialpotential methylmercurymethylmercury exposure?exposure? ¾¾ WhichWhich fishfish areare likelylikely toto contributecontribute mostmost toto methylmercurymethylmercury intake,intake, amongamong peoplepeople whowho eateat aa greatgreat dealdeal ofof fish?fish? MethylmercuryMethylmercury Exposure:Exposure: SourceSource StrengthsStrengths ¾¾ ContributionsContributions ofof differentdifferent fishfish andand seafoodseafood itemsitems toto totaltotal amountamount ofof mercurymercury inin thethe USUS fish/seafoodfish/seafood supply,supply, calculatedcalculated using:using: A:A: 20062006 USUS marketmarket datadata fromfrom NMFSNMFS B:B: MercuryMercury contentcontent fromfrom FDAFDA databasedatabase HgHg InputInput == (%(% ofof market)market) xx (Hg(Hg ppm)ppm) RelativeRelative HgHg ContributionsContributions ¾ HgHg inputsinputs calculatedcalculated forfor 5151 typestypes ofof fishfish andand shellfishshellfish forfor whichwhich therethere areare bothboth NMFSNMFS marketmarket datadata andand FDAFDA HgHg datadata ¾ ResultsResults areare notnot preciseprecise indicatorsindicators ofof exposure,exposure, butbut provideprovide relativerelative comparisonscomparisons ¾ ResultsResults cancan bebe rankedranked andand comparedcompared variousvarious waysways (e.g.,(e.g., percentpercent ofof totaltotal Hg)Hg) AA KeyKey Fact:Fact: ¾The weighted average methylmercury concentration in the US seafood supply is 0.086 ppm ColorColor--codingcoding fishfish forfor methylmercurymethylmercury contentcontent ¾ GREENGREEN == veryvery lowlow == << 0.0430.043 ppmppm ¾ BLUEBLUE == belowbelow averageaverage == 0.0440.044 -- 0.0860.086 ppmppm ¾ BLACKBLACK == aboveabove averageaverage == 0.0870.087 -- 0.1720.172 ppmppm ¾ ORANGEORANGE == moderatelymoderately highhigh == 0.1730.173 -- 0.3440.344 ppmppm ¾ REDRED == highhigh == 0.3450.345 -- 0.6880.688 ppmppm ¾ VIOLETVIOLET == veryvery highhigh == >> 0.6880.688 ppmppm Note:Note: DifferentDifferent breakpointsbreakpoints thanthan FDAFDA hashas usedused TopTop 1010 SeafoodsSeafoods,, 20052005--20072007 USUS consumptionconsumption inin poundspounds perper capitacapita perper yearyear (NFI)(NFI) Rank 2005 2006 2007 . Species Lbs Species Lbs Species Lbs 1 Shrimp 4.10 Shrimp 4.40 Shrimp 4.10 2 Tuna, can 3.10 Tuna, can 2.90 Tuna, can 2.70 3 Salmon 2.43 Salmon 2.03 Salmon 2.36 4 Pollock 1.47 Pollock 1.64 Pollock 1.73 5 Catfish 1.03 Tilapia 1.00 Tilapia 1.14 6 Tilapia 0.85 Catfish 0.97 Catfish 0.88 7 Crab 0.64 Crab 0.66 Crab 0.68 8 Cod 0.57 Cod 0.51 Cod 0.47 9 Clams 0.44 Clams 0.44 Clams 0.45 10 Flatfish 0.37 Scallops 0.31 Flatfish 0.32 Total, Top 10 15.0 14.9 14.8 TopTop 1010 HgHg SourcesSources Market Fish Share (%) ppm Hg Percent Hg Tuna, all types 16.44 next slide 37.37 Haddock & Hake 4.86 0.170 9.73 Swordfish 0.44 0.976 5.06 Catfish 5.71 0.068 4.66 Cod 3.36 0.115 4.55 American lobster 1.22 0.310 4.46 Pollock 7.32 0.049 4.23 Shrimp 22.21 0.012 3.14 Salmon 6.83 0.028 2.25 Sea Bass 0.51 0.301 1.81 Total 77.26 Tuna,Tuna, byby typetype Type Market % ppm Hg % Hg Canned albacore 3.81 0.353 15.85 Canned light 11.41 0.118 15.86 Fresh/Frozen 1.22 0.384 5.66 Totals 16.44 37.37 (Insufficient supply data to specify contributions by tuna type to fresh/frozen category, e.g., bluefin, albacore, bigeye, etc.) CommentsComments onon TopTop 1010 ¾ SwordfishSwordfish isis thethe onlyonly VioletViolet (very(very highhigh Hg)Hg) fishfish amongamong thethe TopTop 1010 sourcessources ¾ TwoTwo GreenGreen (very(very lowlow Hg)Hg) andand twotwo BlueBlue (below(below averageaverage Hg)Hg) itemsitems unlikelyunlikely toto bebe hazards;hazards; inin TopTop 1010 duedue toto hugehuge volumevolume consumedconsumed ¾ TwoTwo BlackBlack andand twotwo OrangeOrange itemsitems couldcould leadlead toto excessiveexcessive exposureexposure ifif eateneaten frequentlyfrequently ¾ TunaTuna (two(two RedRed,, oneone BlackBlack)) isis overwhelminglyoverwhelmingly thethe largestlargest sourcesource ¾ TopTop 1010 accountaccount
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