Editorial is published two times a year by The GAUSS Centre Editorial for Supercomputing (HLRS, LRZ, JSC) Welcome to this new issue of inside, tive of the German Research Society the journal on Innovative Supercomput- (DFG) start to create interesting re- Publishers ing in Germany published by the Gauss sults as is shown in our project section. Centre for Supercomputing (GCS). In Prof. Dr. A. Bode | Prof. Dr. Dr. Th. Lippert | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. M. M. Resch this issue, there is a clear focus on With respect to hardware GCS is con- Editor applications. While the race for ever tinuously following its roadmap. New faster systems is accelerated by the systems will become available at HLRS F. Rainer Klank, HLRS
[email protected] challenge to build an Exascale system in 2014 and at LRZ in 2015. System within a reasonable power budget, the shipment for HLRS is planned to start Design increased sustained performance allows on August 8 with a chance to start Linda Weinmann, HLRS
[email protected] for the solution of ever more complex general operation as early as October Sebastian Zeeden, HLRS
[email protected] problems. The range of applications 2014. We will report on further Pia Heusel, HLRS
[email protected] presented is impressive covering a progress. variety of different fields. As usual, this issue includes informa- GCS has been a strong player in PRACE tion about events in supercomputing over the last years. In 2015 will con- in Germany over the last months and tinue to provide access to leading edge gives an outlook of workshops in the systems for all European researchers field.