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POST OFFICE Wiltsl:Tire 186 POST OFFICE WILTSl:tiRE SHOPKEEPERS-continued. Collins C. New road, Chippenham Ferris J. Westbury Leigb, Westhury Bath R. Ashton strPet, Trowbridge Comley R. Moreden, Swindon Ferris R. Goatacre, Hillmarton, Calne Rtth T. Atworth, l\'Ielksham Compton J. Bi~hopstone, Salisbury Few T. Lit.rleton, Devizes Bath T. Box, Chippenham Conduit J. M 1dd le Wood ford, Salisbury Fidler M. R.Codford St.Mary ,Heytesbry Batt W. Boreham, ·warminster Cook W. Causeway, Chippenham Field J. Melksham Baver~toek A. Corton, Heyte~bury Cool 8. West Dean, Homsey Fielder J. Plaitford, Romsey Beems Mr8. A. Holt, Chippenham Coombs 1\lrR. E. Sidmouth st. D~vizes Fielding J. Wine street~ Bradford Bell T. West Winterslow, Salisbury Cor11ish '1'. High ~treet, Warminster Filford 1'. St. Martin's, Marlhorough Belsher J. Warminster road, Westbury Coulhurn W.Caroline bldn!!'s.Melk•ham Fisher H. Beartield, Bradford Bence J. Colerne, Chippenham Couzens J. Berwick Bassett, Swindon Flay C. Hi~h street, Calne Bennet J. Stratt.on, Swindon Cove H. Somerforcl Keynes, Cirencester Fleming J. Stockton, Heytesbury Bernard J. High street, Marlhorougl1 Coward C. Mere, Bath Flower W. Semington, Chlppenham Bernard R. London road, Marlborou~b Coward W. Crockerton, Warminstrr Foot F. Mere, Bath Berry N. Sher~torr Magna, Malmesbury CowleyJ. Lydiard Millicent, Swindon Foot H. Mere, Bath Besant .J. Christian M alford,Chippenham Cox A. Bridge road, New Swindon Ford J. Teft'ont Ma~na, Salisbury Bevan J. Little Cheverell, Devizes Critchell C. EhhesborneWake,'5alisbury Ford Mrs. M. Mere, Bath Biggs J. Ramshury, H tlll~erford Crook R. Westbury Leigh, Wcstbury Ford W. West Tbbury, Hindon Biggs Miss R. Seerrd, Mdksbam Cross J. Bratton, West bury Fowle Mrs .•r. Stanton St. Bernard, Bigwood W. King street, Melksham Crouch G. Chisbury, Marlborongh Pew~ry Bizley W. Cricklade street, Swindon Crouch R. Colliflgbourn Kingston, Fowler J. sen. High st. Malme~bury Bodman .Mrs. M. Box, Chippenham 1\Iarlborough Fowler~- Wintfc>rbourlle Monkton Eolter S. Little Chevt'rell, Devizes Cumner E. Milton, Pewsey Fowles Mi~s A. Littlecott, Pew~ey Bond Mrs. S. Bower Chalke, Salisbury Curtis 1\Irs.J. Horningsham,Warminster Foyle T. Bratton, Westbury Bosher J. Church street, Calne Cuzner S. Chalford, We~tbury Francis H. Ham, Hurrgerford Buucher J. Timhrell ~t. Trowbridge Dance F. Hl!.!h street, Marlborough Francis J. Shrewton, Devizel'l Boulton Mrs. A. Broad Blunsde11,S wind on Dangertielcl 1'. Sheep street, Devizes Franci;~ Mrs. R. West t!t. Warminster Bovy J. Ca~tle Comhe, Chippenham Daniell J. Conrts, Trowhrid:.!e Franklin J. King street, M elk~ ham Buwley W.Somerf:1rd Keynes,Cirencestr Daniells J.UptnnScuriamore,Warminstr Fret'th R. Rodhorne, Maltne~hur.v Bracher J. Eaiit Tishury, Hindon Danlds R. Littleton Drew, Badmington Frimhy E. King~ton Deveriii,Warminstr Bracher H.Od~tock, Botieuham,Salisbry Dash J. Cornpton Bassett, Calne FroomeE.OgbourrrSt.Andrew,Marlboro' Br~in W. Ashton Keyne~, Cirenceiiter Davies H. Wilton, Marlborough Fry E. Foghamshire, Cilippenham Brasington J. Poole Keynes, Cirencester Davis B. Caroline building~, Melksham Fry J. West ~trcet, Wilton Brind W. Bay don, Hungerford Davis G. Staverton, Trowbridge Fry T. Codford St. Mary, Heytesbury Britton F. Salt. lane, Salrsbury Davi8 W. Forel't, Melksham Fullaway J. Old Market pi. Malrneshry Brockway G. DonheadSt.Mary,Sali;bry Dawis W. Lo11don road, Marlborough Gainey G.Kingtor1St.Michael,Chrppnbm Brooks Mrs. H. West !'!t \VarruirnHt'r Day J. Corsham, Chippenham Gale Mrs. M. Alton Priors, Pewsey Brooks W. East Harnham, Salisbury Day W. Pewsey, M~rlborough Gale Mr~. S. High street, Devizes Broom S. Castle Corn he, Chippenham Deacon J. Market place, We8tlmry Gane A. A mesbury, Salisbury Brown J. Wl'stbury LE'igh, Westhury Deverell J. Bolt, Chippenham Gantlett R. High st. Wootton Bas9ett Brown J. Brown ~treet, ::lalisbury D,;w J. Dilton'"' marsh, We~tbury Gardner C. Purton, Swindon Brown J. Brixton Deverill, ·warminster Dicker,;on Mrs. E. Sherston Magna, Gurdner F. White Parish, Salisbury Brown J. W:umin~ter road, Westbury Malmesbury Garrett A. Hill Dever1ll, Warminster Brown M isAM. EastouGrev, Malrne~bury Dimmock J. Rams bury, Hungerford Gibbon J. Colerne, Chipperrham Brown S. Brook 11treet, Westbury Dismore W. Ramsbury, Hungerford Gibbons Mrs. H. Amesbur:v, Salisbury Browne Mr:~. C. Fc>re street, Westbury Dix J. E11st Grafton, Marlborough Gibb~ Mrs. A. Nettleton, Chippenham Bryant D. Atworth, Melksham Dixon B. Oghourn St. George, Marlhoro' Giddi11gs G. Urchfont Buck land J. King ~meet, Melksham Doel W. South wick, Trowbridge GiddlngsJ .Chitterne AllSaints,Heytsbry Bugg Mrs. C. Teffont Evias, Salisbury Doman M. Maiden Bradley, Frome Giddin:.!s J. West Lavington, Devizes Bugg Mrs. M. Broad ChalkP, Sali~bury Doughty Mr~. A. Hanging Langford, Gillet J. Urcbfont Bull B. Warmlrrster road, \V est bury Salisbury Glass J. New Park street, Devizes Bullock W. South Wraxall, Bradford Down H. Corsley, Warminster Gleed H. Lydiard Tregoz, Wootton Bundy ·w. Quidhampton, Salisbury Down J. Mere, Bath Bassett Burbidge C. Mere, Bath Downer M. Britford, Sali8bury Goddard J. Sidmouth street, Devizes Burbidge G. Keevill, Trowbridge Dowse J. Hilcott, Pewsey Godd!.lrd Mrs. M. R!.lmsbury, Hungerfrd Burbidge J. Littletou, Devizes Dowty R. Chilmark, Salisbury Good J. Quidbampton, Salisbury Burchell G. Corsham, Cbippenham Dredge '1'. Chapmanslade, Warminster Good fellow F. Wishford, Wilton Burden H. We~t Tisbury, Hindon Drewett J. Upavon, :Mar! borough Gore G. Slade's brook, Bradford Bur~ess Mrs. H. High st. Marlborough Duck W. Curzon strPet, Calne Gore J. Broughton Gifford, :1\Ielk~ham Burgess J. Oaksey, Cireuce:;ter Dukes J. Hindon, Sali~bury Goulding Mr~. M. A. Castle st. Salisbry Burgess 1\Irs. M. Brir ford, Salisbury Dunford J. Wilsford, Pewsey Goulter W. Hul!avirrgton, Chippenham Btunert J. Heyte•bury, Warminster Dyer J. C. l\I ark et place, W estbury Grant 1'. Chitterne All S;~ ints, Heytesbry BurtiHis~es 1\I.&M.Swallowclifl',Salisbry Dyer J. Kington St. Micbael, Ctrippnhm Gray J. Semle.v, Shafte~bury Burton J. Tollard Royal, Salisbnry E<~ue!! Miss J. Sheep Mtr~et, Devizes Gray S. East Grim~tead, Romsey Br1rtt S. Sedghill, Shaftesbury Earl 1\lr~. A. Forest, Melk~ham Gray 1'. Redlynch, Downton, Salisbury Bushel] T. Enford, PewsP.y Eatwell J. Broad Hinton, Swindon Greatwood C. Westbury Leigh,Westbry Butcher M. Potterne · Edmoncls Mrs. A. Hilperton,Trowbridgt~ Greutwood L. We-ltbury Leigh, Westbry Butler J. Colerne, Cl1ippenham Edmond!l G. Purton, Swindon Green E. East Tisbury, Hindon Bye W. Bishopstone, Faringdon Ed monds J k!Coh, Lydiard Tregoz, Woot- Green Mi"s M. To !lard Royal, Salisbury Car'e W. High ~treet, Marlborough ton Bassett Green R. Mortimer streer, Trowbridge Carpenter W. Bromham Edmond~ John, Lydiard Tregoz, Woot- Green W. Rollstone street, Salisbury Chandler D. Fosbury, Hungerford ton Bas~ett Greenway H. Old road, Chippenham Chandler '1'. 8t•1uton8t.Bernard,Pewsey Edmunds G. Shambles, Chippenbam Gun~ton G. Westbury Leil!h, Westbury Chapman I. Great Cheverell, \Vestbury Edney T. Porton, Salisbury Gye Mrs. H. Heddington, Calne Chappel Mrs. U. High st. Malme~bury Elliott E. Dilron't~ m!.lrsh, Westbury Hacker B. Broad Hinton, Swindon Chard P. Westbury LPigh, Westbury Ellis R. J. High street, Calne Hucker D. Fonthill Bi~hop, Hindon Cha~e R. Bath road, DevizPs Ellison J. High street, Cricklade Hacker J. Rams bury, H ungerford Chizlett W. Bower Chalke, Salisbury Ely W. Westrop, Highworth Hale 1\'[i~s A. Church street, Calne Clack R. Strattou, Swindon Ernm Mrs. J. Bratton, Westhury Hale G. Sherston Magna, Malrnesbury Clark W. Comptou Bassett, Calne Everett H.Doubead St.Andrew,Salisbry 1-Iales Mis~ E. Tinhead, Westbury C!ark W. Slau~:htt•rford, Chrppe11bam Everett J. Warminster road, Westbury Hales L. Westbury Leigh, Westbury Clarke G. Horningshum, Warminster EverlPy J. Knuoke, Heytesbury Hall id ay J. Earl Stoke, West.lrury Clift'ord A. Baek street, Calne Eyers E. Brou~hton Gitforrl, Melk~ham Hampton T. New canal, Sali3bury Coates A. Biddestone, Chippenham Eyers G. We~tbury Leigh, Westbury Hancock \\'. Seend, Melk,ham Coat••s R. Market Lavington, Devizes Eyres R. Amcshury, 1:3alisbury Hanna.v P. High street, Marlborough Coleman J. Marston Farney W. Whitshuty, Salisbury Harding C. Hillmarton, Calne Coleman J. Marston, Chippenham Fawkes Mr~. M. High street, Cricklade Harding 'I'. East Grafton, Marlborough Coles W. Frome road, Warminster FellS. Heddington, Calne Harding T. East Tisbury, Hindon Cole~ J. Manning ford Bruce, Pewsey Feltham W. Duke street, Trowbridge Harding W. Lea, MalmeHbury Culler J. Back lane, Cbippenham Fennell W. Bromham Harding W. Wily, DPptford Collett S. Broughton Gitford, Melksbam Ferris G. Wroughton, Swindon Hardy C. Box, Chippenham .
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    Post Office Directory Extract 1867 Tisbury TISBURY is a large village and railway station and union town, consisting, for civil purposes, of three parishes, viz, EAST TISBURY, WEST TISBURY, and WARDOUR, but, for ecclesiastical purposes, forming only one parish; it is in the Southern division of the county, Dunworth hundred, Shaftesbury county court district, diocese and archdeaconry of Salisbury, rural deanery of Chalke, and Hindon petty sessions division. The church of St. John the Baptist, supposed to have been built about 1226, is a fine old building, in the Early English, Decorated, and Perpendicular styles, in the form of a cross, with a tower rising from the intersection and containing 6 bells: there was formerly a loft spire, but it was destroyed by lightning: beneath the altar are interred many of the former Lords of Arundell of Wardour, and the helmet of the first lord of that name stands over his tomb: the church contains many objects of antiquity: the font is very ancient. In the churchyard is an immense yew-tree, measuring 30 feet in circumference, which is supposed to have been planted at the building of the church. The register dates from 1560. The living is a vicarage, annual value £301, with residence, in the gift of Lord Arundell, and held by the Rev. Francis Edmund Hutchinson, B.A. Of University College, Oxford, Cambridge, is the curate. The village of Tisbury, about 3 miles south from Hindon, and 14 west from Salisbury, is situated on the sharp declivity of a hill; and in the valley below is seen the parish church; and the river Nadder, which rises in the parish of Donhead St.
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