Letter of Recommendation Requests Instructions I have to limit the number of recommendation letters that I can provide on behalf of any student during a single semester to THREE total, one of which may be the Common Ap. Please consider carefully before submitting your requests. I need to receive all your materials no less than 2 weeks before the earliest deadline. I will not accept requests during and after Pre-Finals week. If your deadline is January 1, request your letter before Thanksgiving Break. I do not have an “office” this semester, nor a phone, and I must stay within state guidelines for how many hours I can spend on campus – so this is the procedure that all of us must follow to insure I receive your requests and materials in a timely, secure manner: 1. Email me at
[email protected] to request recommendations. I will reply with a yes or a no. 2. Put the materials I will need in a letter-sized manila folder with your name and the EARLIEST deadline on the outside of the folder (see below for materials that I need). 3. Take the folder to the English Office, Auditorium Building 112 and ask the Receptionist to put the folder in my mailbox. The receptionist will date-stamp the folder, and I will pick up the materials either M or W. This is the only way such confidential material can be handled securely. So, what goes in the folder? I need the following from you when you request a recommendation: A completed request form (my own design – see below) showing the institutions and their deadlines so that I can get the letters out on time.