The Descent of the Dove
Charles Williams The Descent of the Dove A short history of the Holy pirit in the church (First published 1939 by Longmans Green & Company) 4 1 Preface My first intention for the title of this book was A History of Chris- tendom : it was changed lest any reader should be misled. It is open to any reader to complain that many names, of persons and events, which have been of immense importance to Christendom, have been omitted. THE DESCENT OF THE DOVE But though they have been important their omission here is unimportant. It was inevitable that this particular book should talk about Dante and not Charles Williams, who was born in 1886 and died in about Descartes, since its special themes are found much more in Dante 1945, was a writer of unusual genius in several than in Descartes. Nevertheless, I hope the curve of history has been literary forms, as well as a brilliant conversationalist justly followed, as I hope and believe that all the dates and details are and lecturer, recognised at Oxford by an honorary accurate. If I have made a mistake anywhere, it is not for want of refer- M.A. in 1943. Educated at St. Alban’s School and ence to the specialists, but from the mere stupidity of human nature. An University College, London, he was for most of his effort has been made to keep proportion; the final modern chapter has not life a reader and literary adviser to the Oxford been allowed to run away with the book. A motto which might have been University Press; during these years he also produced set on the title-page but has been, less ostentatiously, put here instead, is a over thirty volumes of poems, plays, literary phrase which I once supposed to come from Augustine, but I am in- criticism, fiction, biography and theological argument.
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