CENSUS OF , 1981









The District Census Handbook (DCH), compiled by the Census Organisation on behalf of the State Governments, is one of the most valuable products of the Census. The DCH is constantly referred to by planners, administrators, academi­ cians and researchers. It is inter alia used for delimitation of constituencies, formulation of local level and regional plans and as an aid to District administration. The District Census Handbook is the only publication which provides Primary Census Abstract (PCA) data upto village level for the rural areas and wardwise for each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns etc.

The District Census Handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important census tables and PCA for each village and town of the district. During 1961 Census the scope of the DCH was enlarged and it contained .i descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a. village and town directory, including PCA. The 1971 DCH series was planned in three parts. Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. However, in some States it was confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printing.

While designing the format of 1981 DCH series some new features alongwith the restructuring of the formats of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time, comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in views. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought together in the village directory with the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the format of the village_ directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infrastructure aspect parti cularly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expected to further meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only in local area planning but regulating the provision of goods and services as well so as to minimise the regional imbalances in the process of development. A few new items of information have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items of information as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and community health workers in the village have been introduced in the village directory with this objective in mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have an idea about the villages in the district which are inaccessible. A new column, "tota1 population and number of households" has been introduced to examine the corelation of the amenities [vi]

with the population and number of hOlJseholds they serve. Addition of two more appendices listing the villages where no amenities are available and accordingly to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population to the total population has also been made with· this view in mind. The formats of the town directory have also been modified to meet the _requirement of the Minimum Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. A new statement on civic and other amenities in slums in Cla5s-1 and Class-II towns (Statement IV-A) has been introduced with this objective in mind· "It is expected that this will help the planners to chalk out prog rammes on provision of civic amenities for the improvement of slums. The columns on Scheduled Castes­ al)d Scheduled Tribes population in Statement-IV relating to civic and other ameni­ ties and adult literacy classes/centres under educational facilities .in Statement-V are also added inter alia with this view. A significant addition is class of town in all the seven statements of the town direc tory. The infrastructure of amenities in mban areas of the country can be best analysed by taking the class of towns into consideration. The addition of the column on civic administration status and population in a few statements also serves this purpose. T,ne format of the primar¥ census abstract for the villages and towns has been fqrmulated in the light of changes in the economic and other questions canvassed through ·the individual slip of 1981 Census. In 'order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DCH series it has been' so .designed that Part-A o,f tbe volume contains village and town directory and Part-B the PCA of villages and towns including the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PCA upto Tahasil/Town levels. At the beginning of the DCH a detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset tables based on PCA and non-census data .in relation to the infrastructure has been introduced to enhance its value. The District and TahasilfPolice Station/C. D.Block etc., level maps d~pi~ting the bQunda­ :ries and other important fe)ltures have beer ioserted at appropr!ate places, to 'further enhance the value of the publication. " This publication is a joint. venture of the State Government and the Ce~su5 Organisation. The data have be,en ,collected and comp,iled in the State under the direction of Sliri A. R. Nanda, I. A. S., the Director of Census Oper~tions, Orissa on behalf of the State Government which has bo~ne the cost of printing. Tbe task ,of 'planning, ldesigning and· co-ordination of this publication was carried .out. py 'Shri N.C. Nag, Deputy Registrar GenE;ral (Social Studies) of my office .. Dr. B.. ~ .. Roy. Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical gui.dance in. the pre..r,aration of the maps. Data received from Census Directorates ,have beenj;;cr~tiris~d in the Social Studies Division at the headquarter.s, under the guidance of Shri,M. M. Dua , " Senior Research Officer. Ilam thankful tOraH whp ha\le contributed in this prQject. , 1 J P. PADMi"iNABHA ;Registrar Gerrerctl, .india New D'ithf" the 20th Aprit, 1982 FREFAOE

It has been the tradition of Indian'Census to present demographic data in as detailed a man~er as possible,so as to serve effectively the interests df the users of Census da'ta. 1981 Census has been completed leaving behind a vast mass'of data collected carefull) and meticulou'sl):' of.! a 'country-wide basis' by an army of trained, enumerators. 1t is need­ less to mention thjlt '!l9qern 'Census ,is no more c~Jnfinea to me,re counting of heads. I t" is a kind of stock,-taking"as it wen~/ of the 1H.·t~Orl'~ human we:lIth. It ha~ collected, infor­ mation of every individual, besides a host of other activities~ institutions, estabrishments , • I services and so on., Thus, it hIS becom(:;-l an indispensable instrument of poOcy fot 'development' planning-referr~d to by planners, data users, scholars ~nd people from different disciplines and aims at presenting a complete picture of miln in' socio-economiy and cultural settings.

... \ • '1 I ~ "'I" District Census t-tandboo~ was first introduced as an auxilliary to 1951 Census and appeare~ as a St;lte Government.publication)n !!lore co~prehensive and ambitious form in subsequent censuses. Under trye existing instruction, t~_e Director of Census has the resp·onsibility of providing ~he C~nsus data: a's well as non-census socio-,:c~nomic and 'a9ministrat,ive statistics, for. this pub)icati~n which !s the responsibility bf the St'!:te Govern­ ment. In '1951 and 1~61, it WIS published, in one volu,,,e. During 1971, this pub1ication was proposed to be presented in three parts. Part-A incorpora'ted ~he Town >and Village Directories, Part-B incorporated the Primuy Census Abstract and provided data upto village level for the rural area and upto enumeration block level for the urban area.

Part-C incorporated oth'er ,<::ens'uSltcrbles and~administrativ~ statistics. t,

1 ! According to the publicJ.tion programme of 1981 Census,' it has to be pubilshed in two parts. Part-A will comprise the Village and Town Directory whereas Par't-B will contain Village and Town-wise Primary Census Abstract. The first Part_ Part-A consists of imp:ortant statistical inforl1'lation r~la~ing to each town besides an array 'of statistical data relating to land uJe"and various otHer amenities availab(e In each village. Par'1:-B of tne presen't p~blication contains the essentiql censu's data known as Primary 'Census Abstract wl-lieh provides dembgnphic det111s of elch district, tlhlSil, police station"and down to elch village and town and within the town, each ward. The aforesaid statistical information is enriched by the administrative mlp of the administrative units viz., district, tahasihand police station,' avail-abe inlthe.p,ublication. These maps h~ve been prepared in the Directorate of Census· on the basis of maps obtained from th~, competept loca) authoriti~s",. In the Police St~l."tion maps,' villages 01 ve been presente~ by their loca tipn cocfe number for want of space. For the nallieS of vil!ages, one would have to tefer to the alplHbetical' list· of villa:ge of .each. tahlsi~, which 'are ,jlvailable bot!} in, Part-J,'\ and Part-B for facili ty of the readers. '

With the object of avoiding delay and als:=> to make each volume nandy and not-too­ ,bulky, it h 15 'been 'de'cided' to bring out 1981 District Census H"andbooJ( in two parts: 1 ,~,._ (1 1 f • \ \ Irq)l,Irs4ance of'the scheme for pLiblit:atio{l of the District CeQsuslfHandbook, qn analy.ticatt note has be!'!n provided'explaining the census' cor1cepts'a.dopt~·d. ipl{he op~ra tion for e'\sy appreciltbn.of. the 'subje'cts covered in the ... direct6r,y~ rMl' '~tfminist~9-.loi)'Je ~a;p of the district is given at the beginning of the volume. Brief history of the district has [viiil been provided for introducing the district to the reader. The scope of Village Directory, Town Directory, Statements and Primary Census Abstract has been explained with reference to the contents of statements available in the publication.

The geographical aspect of the district including decadal jurisdictional chaRges available in the publication i~ intended to make it IlWre informative. Another venture of 1981 is presentation of major characteristics of the district particularly in relation to the ~conpmic res?lfrces as fwnished by th~ district authorities iry the vario~~ fields of admini­ stration. This is qir~ct~d to provide an intere~ting erofile of the district to the reader as ~elf a~ )'!P.pre<:iat'ion of devf!,1opme..,tal activity in tfle di~trict ~uring the decade. Note"s on qiff~r.tllt cod~s 4sed in tl'}is directory have beer provided rOf th~ ~~>nvenience of t~ rea~er in understand;'!g the dat~. No~e 9n places of r1~igious/historic~1 itlt>err~t has bE!~n proyid~d to Ill~l<.e t,qr.eJt~jicat.ion more int.ere~ting. The an~lysi~ of ce~sus results of th~ district ,i).t the end ..will be of some interest to the readers and data users. , " "-', r.l ~; ~ • ('" """"\ '" ~

Jnformation on ~m~nit!~s in the Village Dire1=tory has bee,n collected fr9m the T~ha~ildars anc1 Bl04 D.Ervf1qpment Officers. A yElry few s~lected. items were c611ected t~rough th\'! censl{s eQu~era~or durin,g his c!oor-to-i1Qor viS!t. The ~~ecutiv~ Officers of Municipalitie,s and No~.ified ~rea t;_quncils ptovi~ed ~uch 'data or to~ns. The collection anq .compilatjon of suc~ !l1assiv~ ~at~ of eacr vil~a?e ~n~ t,oym was ~ sJ,!-' pc:mdous ta~~. qespit~ f" possiq)e c.ale ta'ken through intensive check atr~ re-c.heck to re~ove ,1is­ crepanqi~~ in f~tts a'1~ figur~s, poS~ibility of errots still creeping in cai'l hot be alto,gether r",l~d out.

I must express my deep gratitude to 6hr'i P. Padm~nabh(l, I. A. S., Registrar General anq Census Commissioner, India and Shri N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social Stl,:ldieS)' for the timely guidan~ and adVice through circulars.

1 must place on f1¢COp:) rJ?y /~e~p (lppJeciatj9Jl apd than~s to ~h~ Depart':'jent? 0 f GOl1ernment of .ori~~~, l1e~~~ jof DepartfTlents, loc~l qodies, 1?is;r,i,_ct 9Jticers, Tahfl~ildars, Block Developm~nt qtfJcers, ~xecp"tive QHifers of Iv\unic,s;>alitie,s a,n,d Noti,fied Ar~~ G:oun~ils fQr -.yhqse active co-operatiorJ and ,help the volurmj_nolls cq"?pil~tiQn has bee,.. possib.l,e.

For providil'lg aCfditiOnal informltion on genetal characteristics of the disUiGt as economit activity, detadlll cha~e..s (1971...... a1) of sp~tial note, I am grateful to ~hl'i K. C. Mbhapatra, l:A~~t, alld Shl'i +1.5. sark ,n, I,A.S., Dfsttict Magistr',H~§ aNd Shri Sk. I. Bciksh, O.A.S.(I), Additiona:f DiStriCt 'Magi'Strat~-eufn-Disttid t:enslls Officers, 8,r(fi1~ir wh~ had taken !keen int~rest in making' tlUs tOn1pilatil)ri more informative. ,. For timely jcrUtjpy, iCP,rrp'il~ip,ll cpJd tph~atiqn Qf ,Q_is,trkt .Cf)~~lJ~ H~n

I n my office, 1 am specially thankful to Shri S. K. Swain, Deputy Director, Shri Madan Mohan Das, O. A. 5., Deputy Director, Shri C. R. Mohanty, Asst. Director and the staff of District Census Handbook, Map and Printing branches of the Census Directorate for diligence and zeal shown in this important assignment. Its expeditious preparation has placed a heavy burden on all officers and staff of this office. To each of them I am deeply obliged. The Deputy Director of Survey & Map Publication, Orissa, has ensured printing and to him I offer my thanks.

Bhubanesw(Jl, A. R.-NANDA

Septemberl 1982.


ORISSA BAlANGrR STATE "rilStf:ltCT.. POPULATION Total Persons 26.370,271 1,459.113 Ml!les 13t309,~ 732;43, Females 13,060.485 726,675 :> Rural Persons 23.259,984 1,325,888 Males 11;36,..404 66~/4~9 Females 11,6~3.S86 662,469

~- Urban Persons 3,110,287 133,225 Males ;:;, 1!'~~~3~~ 69",ql~ Females li436,905 64,206 DECENNIAL POPULATION +20'17 GROWTH RATE 1971-81 +'!5'47

AREA {Sq! :Kms.) 155,707-0 8,913'0 OENSITY OFGPOPUlA TION (Per Sq. Km.) 169 164

SEX RATIO (Number of Females per 1,000 Males) 981 992

LJT~R~CV RATE P~rsons 34"23 25-63 "'ales 47-10 39:84 Females 21-12 11-31 PERCENTAGE OF URBAN POPUB 11'79 LATION TO TOTAL POPULATION !J'13

.. ~ , ~ , ,( . PEi~NTAGE TO To.~'_ POPULATION:

[i] Main work~rs Persons 32'75 34<·9& ! Males 54'38 58'87 Females 10-70 10'37 [i1] Marginal workers Persons 5'26 6'20 Males 1'48 1'10 Females 9'11 11'35 [iii] Non-workers Persons 61'99 58-90 Males 44'14 40-03 Fema.es 80-19 77'92 Lxii ~



[ i ] Cultivators Persons 46'94 51·00 ,Males 51'27 56·92 Females 24'50 18·29

[ ii ] Agricultural tab0lh:drs Persons 27·76 30'84 Males 22'65 25·74 Females 54'24 59·01

[ iif-) Household Industry Persons 3·30 4'25 Males 2'84 3·53 Females 5'69 8·21

£iv] Other workers Persons 22'00' -1~'91 Males 23'24 1381 Females 15-57 14'49

PERCENTAGE OF: SCHEDULED Persons 141-66 1.5"64 CASTES POPULATION TO Males 14·60 15,72. TOTAL POPULATION Females 14·71 15'57

PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED Persons 22'43 19'2~ TRIBES POPULATION rO Males 22'09 18·9:1 TOTAL POPULATION Females 22·78 19:53


NUMBER OF VILLAGES Total 50,887 2.741 Inhabited 46,553 2.537 Uninhabited -4,334 204


Foreword v Preface vii Important Statistics xi

Analytical Notes; (i) Census Concepts 1 (ii) Brief History of the District 11 (iii) District Census Handbooks 12 (iv) Scope of Village Directory 14 (v) Scope of Town Directory 16- (vi) Physical aspects of the District 18 (vii) Major characteristics of the District 2(} (viii) Places of Tourist and J,istorical importance 29' (ix) Analysis of Village and Town Directory Data 31


Codes used in the Village Directory 41

Patnagarh Tahasil 1. Khaprakhol P. S. (a) Alphabetical list of villages 48: (b) Amenities and land use 50. 2. P. S. (a) Alphabetical list of villages 63- (b) Amenities and land use 6& 3. Belapara P. S. (a) Alphabetical list of villages 82 (b) Amenities and land use 84

Titlagarh Tahasil 4. P. S. (a) Alphabetical list of villages 9& (b) Amenities and land use 98 5. P. S. (a) Alphabetical list of villages 111

(b) Amenities and Land USe 112 [xiv]

PAG. 6. Sir.dhekela P. S. (a) Alphabetical list of villages 122 (b) Amenities and land use 124 .7. P. S.

(a) Alphabetical list of villages 134 (b) Amenities and Land use 136 8. P. S.

(a) Alphabetical list of villages ... 151 (b) Amenities and land use 154

BBIBngir Tahasil

9. Tushura P. S. (a) Alphabetical list of villages 173 (b) Amenities and land use 176 10. Balangir P. S.

(a) Alphabetical list of villages 196 (b) Amenities and land use 200 11. P. S. (a) Alphabetical list of villages 222 (b) Amenities and land use 224

RBmpur Tahasil

12. Dunguripali, P. S. (Portion) (a) Alphabetical list of villages 240 (b) Amenities and land use 242 13. P. S. (a) Alphabetical jist of villages 255 (b) Amenities and land use 256

Birmaharajpur TahasiJ

14. Sindhol P. S. r (a) Alphabetical list of villa~es _ 268 (b) Ame'nities and land use '" 270 15. P. S. (a) Alphabetical list of villages 280 (b) Ame~ities and land use , '" 284 If [xv]

Sonapur Tahasil

16. Sonapur P. S. Ca) Alphabetical list of villages 311 (b) Amenities and' land use 312

17. Dunguripali P. S. (Portion) . .;. (a) Alphabetical list of villages 321 (b) Amenities ana land use 322

15. P. S. (a) Alphabetical list of villages 329 (b) Amenities anal-and use 332

Appendices Appendix 1_Tahasilwise abS'ttact of Educational, Medical and other Amenitip,s 350

Appendix II-land utilisation'data in re.~pect of non-mtlnlcipat. \I towns (Cenc~~ Towns) 354

Appendix 111-TahasiI/Police:Stationwis~ list of villagS1itwb~r.e.Tlo amellity other than t~~('drinking ~ater facility is .available 355

Appendix IV-List of village's'.according tQ.1:tie1pfQpt>ftic1n of:9cheduled Castes and Sf~eduled Tr~bes to the total ~9I?u!~,~!~Q by rg.,nges 358-

Codes used in the Town Directory 413- Statement_I 418- Statement_II 420 Sta temen t_I" 421 Statement_IV 422 Statement_V 424 Statement_ VI 426

Annexure 431 liST OF MAPS

Facing Page 1 1 " 2 Patnagarh Tahasil '45 " 3 Khaprakhol P.S. 47 " 4 Patnagarh P.S. .61 " 5 Belpara P .5. -81 " 6 Titlagarh Tahasil 93 " 7 Kantaban ji P .5. 95 " 8 Bangomunda ·P.S. 109 " 9 Sindhekela P.S. 121 " 10 Titlagarh P.S. 133 "

11 5aintala P.S. 1" 149 12 Balangir Tahasil 169 " 13 Tushura P.S. t' 171 14 Balangir P.S. 195 " 15 lOisinga P.S. 221 " 16 Rampur Tahasil i37 " 17 Duhguripali P.S. (Portion) " 239 18 Binika P.S. 253 " 19 Birmaharajpur TahasiJ " ~6S._ 20 5hindhol P.S. 267 " 21 Birmaharajpur P.S. 279 " 22 SC'napur TahasiJ 307 " 23 Sonapur P.S. 309 " 24 Dunguripali P.S. (Portion) " 319 25 Tarbha P.S. 327 " ~RAATA 8ALANCIR

Page SI. No.1 Col. No· For Read Page 51· No I Col· No· For Read No. l. C. No} No. L C· NO'1 line No· line No· 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

3S 51. No. 4 5 99 54 90·54 209 Line 5 13 EAe. EAg (Table 7) 3rd line from 19 35·36 35.61 ]6 Line 2 2 25·32 25.39 below (Table 10) 211 Line 18 17 102·29 102.79 SO L. C. No. 11 9 - (-4) - (--5) 212 L C· 204 3 109.57 109.67 51 Line 9 15 56·06 57.06 213 5th line from 16 57.04 !;7·06 below 52 L. C· No· 59 4 609 (203) 960 (203) 214 L C 206 2 Ghusramunda Ghusradungri 63 51.No.79 2 Gangydar Gangasagar 224 L· C. 23 4 171 (34) 179 (34) 51. No. 80 2 Ganjasagar Ganjaudar 228 l· C. 74 4 512 (97) 519 (97) 7G l· C No· 90 1&2 K90alan8a- 9O-Kalanga- 229 line 2 17 229.87 299.87 pall pali Line 10 17 247'6& 247.67 73 line 2 15 0'94 80.94 233 line 16 19 15.28 15.78 51. No· 112 3 61 71 243 LIne 4 17 113·54 133.54 102 l·e· 73 2 ~ahakhanda ~ahakhans~ 246 t· C. 61 3 312.23 313.23 " 2nd line from 18 8'21 18·21 257 Line 13 19 133'33 132·33 .;'. below 272 l· C 45 7 W,Tk,O W,Tk 104 l. C. 114 4 824 (216) 824 (217) l· C· 46 7 W,Tk,TW,R w,n, 113 line 13 13 ED TW,R,O Line 15 13 ED t· C. 55 3 4349 42.49 116 l.C. 83 7 W,TW,R W,Tk,R 311 51. No. 64 3 3 8 124 L C 21 2 Malkaada ~a'kasada 313 Line 6 17 365.53 365·43 127 Line 15 17 19.38 19.83 342 L C·168 3 44.37 49,37 16 19.38 19·83 343 Line 15 18 8.53 8·50 141 lq.e 3 19 14.14 14·16 2nd line from 19 850'24 850.25 142 l. C is 3 460.131 460 13 below 166 l. C.M 4 236 (84) 436 (84) 365 L· C· 55 3 Kurlabhata Kurlubhata 167 Line 9 16 46.35 47.35 (21-30) 182 l· C· 112 4 931 (193) 931 (192) 385 LIne 2 2 47 55 L. C. 113 4 541 (103) 541 (102) Khaprakhol P.s· (0-5) 181 1St line 15 37.53 376~ 189 line 12 18 386 t· C. 4 (16-25) 3 Not clear Gavara 26.40 26·30 403 L. C· 22 (&·15) 3 3rd line from 13 ED EA Zudukipeda ludukipeda below 419 line 4 15 ( +34.32) (+34.82) 2nd line from 12 Balanglr (32) 8alanglr (37) (Patnagarh N.A.C) below 443 9th from below 5 185 158 458 4th from below 4 44 43 202 L C. 45 3 105.05 108·05 (51. No· 43)

.•.• __ •• " ••• _ ~~_~ .... "_•• _,_. ____ ••• __ .. d_'_~ ... _ .. ___ . - __ o ___ ._"" • _ .--~-,-- ---

!I I. I. .I 1. .I , I_ ..... < ..... zu ~a: 1 z ..... @ ~ ...XC \ C /

C ]

e: CJ Z oS' ....I< -< on < a:on a::I z 0 t- u ii: L A t- '"Q


Census Concepts

Some of the important concepts and defi­ try to country and it has not been po~sible to nitions used in 1981 Census and, frequently formulate a uniform definition which can be mentioned in this publication are briefly applicable to all places. explained below: ViUage For the purpose of 1981 Census in India an It has been the Census tradition to present urban area has been defined as : statistics by rural-urban break-up. Villages and (a) all places with a Municipality, .Corpo­ Towns ar'e universally accepted as the basic ration or Cantonment Board or Notified units of human habita tion. A "Village" refers Town Area, and to any' fract of land recognis~d as a vjJJage by the'local administration in> the revenue record. (b) all other places satisfying the follow:­ The revenue village may have a definite surveyed ing criteria: boundary or not.' The, revenue .vmage may (i) a minimum population at 5, 000, comprise several hamlets which do not hqve definite boundary or areas distinctly marked. The (ii) atleast <75 per cent of tre ",ale working reve'nue village is. inclusive, of the sites Df populatien engaged in non':agricultui~1 residence'of th'e inhabitants and the .entire area (and allied) ~ctivity, including hills, nal'as, cultivable ,land and village (iii) a population den'sity Df atleast 400: per torest, but excluding reserve forest. An un­ Sq. Km. (or 1, 000 per Sq. Mile). inhabited village is one which does not have any

residential population in the entire tract" A . Similar criteria were also adopted dur~n'g 1971 revenue village may comprise several. hamlets Census. with a b:)undary in case of a surveyed villa_ge or a notio,nal boundary in case of unsurveyed 'village; Thus the area sta tutoriiy notified by,the Sta fe but the entire village is one unit for prese'nta ':iol1 Government as' '''Municipalities'' and, "No'tifi~,j nf census da tao Area Councils" have been brought under the There are some forest .villages located inside ur~an frame of Census. BeSides, "there are Sdh'le reserve forests and recogn~ised by the State marginal cases having distinct urban charetteri­ Government, which have been taken as villages stic which as such do not qualify·to be town ,by for the purpose of census. ~imilarrY, inside the the State Government. Such cases-13 in number reserve forest, some clusters of habitation were thr~ughout the State were finalised by the bire­ located, which are sometimes' unauthorised in the ctor of Census in consultation with tti~ District eye of law. Such cases were also re~.ognised as Magistrate-5, whic~ have been presented, under Villages by way of treating clusters inside the the nomencla ture of 'non-statutory census town, jurisdiction of a forester's beat as' one village. satisfying the following conditions: In course of the decade, several areas in the State remaining unsurveyed' upto the previous (a) a'minimum pppulation of 5, 000 as projected census, have been surveyed in the meanwhile and in 1981 ; such vill~ge~ were included in the frame of atleast per cent of the male .,working current census. (b) 75 population" engaged ,in nO(l-ag~'icultural Town pursuits; No SOciety can be strictly termed as fully urban or completely ,rura I. ;The,dividing line-·is a ,(c) .a de.nsity·of population .of at [ea$t 400 oer far from .sna,r-p, since candi{L>n varies. fr9,rJJi CO!-lI1- Sq, Km. (.or. 1, 000 per Sq. Mile). 2

Classification of Towns -~tandard Urban Area During the 1971 Census <1 neW concept o( It has been customary for the census to classify "Starea includes all areas nuous urban sprecrd of a recognised urban area. wllichl1<1\f'e ally or aU of the following characteri­ Very oftert, I.. rge railway cQlonies, I,miversity sticS 1b) to (e), lwhile charact~ri~tic (a) should be campuses, port areas and military camps etc the -basic minimum : come up around the statutory boundary limit of the city or town ha:ving distinct .urban chara­ (a) COre, town e -treated as urban. (c) -intensive interaction with urban S~cl) town{s) together with :their out-growths centres as reflected in communica tion h,:lVe been trea ted as urb~n units 4nd are' calle_d for the ,purposes of work and secondary "Urban Agglomera t;ons". Thus an Urban educational facilities; 'extension of city

I Agglomeration (pay comprise I .bus service, sale of commodities like milk, dairy products, vegetables t?ther (al a city, with continuous urQan out-growth, th~n thos~ tran'sported by rail or truck (the part of the out-growth being outside haul) apd purchase of fob? grains, clothes, the stC\tutpry-limits Qut falling witnin t~e general provislcns etc. by the consumers bpundaries of the adjQining village or dirfi!ctly; villages) or (d) Anticipated urban growth as a result of (b) one town with similar out-growth or two futur.~ lotation of industry,.market, transport or 'more adjolG!rtg t6.Wr:lS 'with lh"eir out­ and co rflf'T1Unica tion; administra tive and growths as in (a) or servic'iflg facilities;

(C) a city and dne br 'more adjoihing. t~wns (e) Existence of big villages with large popu­ 'with'their out-growths all'Of 'Which form a la tion of working force engaged in non­ continuous spread. agricultural and industrial categories.

Accordll1g1y.. eight f Urpa!l Agglomeratibns Taking the-se 'factors into aGcQunt the have be~n formed'in the'1981'C'E!l'tsus 'throughout fbllowing standard urb-an areas w~re fprme~ the State. during the 1971 Census; 1. 3

2. RaurkeLl, 3. Baleshwar, 4. Cuttack, Household 5 Jeypur, 6. Brahmapur, 7. A 'Hous~hol<;f' il~ a f;r~up. of "perspns ,,~ho and 8. . The standard urban. areas of .commonly Ijve together and wo"ut,d t~~e ~"elr these towns were finalised in consultatioh With meals· from' a cqmmo'1 kitchen unle~s 'th~ ,e)5j­ the Town and Country Planning Organisation of gencies of work prevented any of the.rn Jrp'm Government of India and To\vn PJanntng doing so. There may be a household of persons Organisation of Government p( Orissf,l and are related by blood or a household of "n-relat~d continued in 1981 Census. persons or having a mix of both. Example of unrelated hou~eholds are boarding houses, There is subtle difference between th~ stan­ messes, hotels, residential hotel~, reSCue dard urban area and urban agglo.neration. for homes, jails and .iShrams etc. These a'fe talled the urban agglomeration out-growths should be "institutional households". lhere :may be Dne cC? a production abd[or diS;fribution 'of g.o.ops and/or combination of purposes ~u~ as ~shop-oum­ services: not 'for 1he sole lpI:I~poS~ of owtr residence, workshop-cum-residence, offic~-cum­ consumption. The ~6rk~r.S !in an enterptis~ ~y residence etc. Usually, a strutture will have 4 consist of members of the household or hired walls and a roof. However, there are' some work~rs br bbbh. An '¢J11~PJis.e rtray he :owned areas where the very na ture of constru,dion' of and operated by one hotlsehold ,~r by ~everal house is such that there may not,be any ~all. households jointly- (on a partnership baSis) or A typical example of this may be found in .the by an institutional body. The ,activitieS', of an Nolia habitation at Puri, where the house does enterprise may be carried on in a si~sle .cel]su$ not have wall, but an entrance and the ~onl~al house or in more than one census llQu~~ or in roof which almost touches the ground. Such the open i.e. without prem~ses. The a'ctivity structures are also trea ted as buildingS: of the enterprise may also be carried on only Census House for a part of the year but on a fairly.tegular A 'Census house' is a building or patt of a basis. It may also be possible that rQp,r,e tQan building having a separate main entr.anc;.e from one enterpreneurial activity can be Fa.r(i~d .out in one census house. However, the results of the road or common courtyard or staircase ~tc. ... . h (' used or recognised as a separate unit. 'It may such economic census after tabofation are be occupied or vacant. It may be 1 used for- a being brought out by the 'Central 'Stlttistical residential or non-residential purpose OT bo't.n. Organisa tion separately. _ThiS exceCO!je' "Yi1S extended to provide data for th!,.:,p~~n'1.~~ An "occupied residential house" js oil /G:ensus­ regarding categories of agricultural

type of own'ership, social group of owner, 17 Chachati power/fuel used for the activity and the total 18 Chakali nurqbet c;>f usually working in the ~irec pers~ns 19 Cha,mar, Mochi, Muchi, Satnami enterpri~e., 20 Chandala

L~t,erate 21 Chandhai Maru A person is considered to be literate if he is 22 Cherua, Chhelia able to read and· write in any -language with 23 Dandasi understan,ding. A person who can merely read 24 Dewar but can not write is not litera~e. It is not 25 Dhanwar necessart that a person who is literate should Dhoba, haye received any brmll education or should 26 .fnve passed any ,mmlmtJ n educational 27 Dom, Dombo, Duria Dum standard. All children of th~ .age of 4 years 28 Dosadha or less have been treated as illiterate, even if 29 Ganda 'the child Is going to school and m"ay have Ghantarghadl, Ghlntra picked up reading and wrWn'g a ,few odd words. 30 ~ ...... r 31 Ghasi, G~asia tSchGdated C8s~e 32 Gbogia 'The' , ' Sched~led' Castes are specified' In 33 Chusuria' the Covernment of India (modification) Order 34 Godc1gali of 1956. 93 castes have been notified as. 35 'Godari Scheduled Castes in this State. 36 Godra One caste, viz., 'Kuli' in 37 Gokha Iha-s-been dropped from the Schedul~d Caste :Iist, 38 Go~ait, Korait a'S per th~ Amendment'Order, 1976. 39 liaddi, H.adi" Hari 40 Irika SCH~DULED CASTES LIST ,F-OR ORISSA 41 Jaggali 1 Adi Apdhra 42 Kandra, Kandara 2 Amant, ·t.\mat 43 Karua' 13 Audhelia 44 Katia 4 Bada:ik 45 Kela ,5 Bag~eti, Baghutl 46 Khadala ~ Baiikar 47 Kodalo, Khodalo 7 lf111'; 48 Kori '" '*' '"' rJ; 8 Bar!ki , 49 Kummari 9' -Basa~, 'S,urud 50 Kurunga 10 'Bauri . 51 Lapan fl1' Bauti 52 ~ab,ef;j ~ , 12 'Bllvuri 53 Madari ·1

t 1,3. ~edia, Bejia 54 Madiga 14 ({elda1 55 Mahuria 56 Ma'la, Jhala,' Malo;:Z~la , 15· Bhata' , .' . ' .. 19 Bhpi 57 ManS" ~ 5

SCHEDULED TRIBES LIST FOR ORISSA 58 Mangan 59 Mehra, Mahar 1 Bagata 60 Mehtar, Bhangi 2 Baiga 61 Mewar' 3 Banjara, Banjari Mtindap'otta 62 4 Bathudi 63 Musahar 5 Bhottada, Ohotada 64 Nagarchi 6 Bhuiya, Bhuyan 65 Namasudra 7 Bhumia 66 Paidi 8 Bhumij Painda 67 9 Pamidi 68 10 Binjhal 69 Pan, Pan~ 11 Binjhia, Binjhoa 70 Panchama 12 Birhor 71 Panika 13 Bondo Poraja 72 Panka 14 Chenchu 73 Pantanti 15 Oal 74 Pap 16 Desua Bhumij 7S 'pasi 17 Dharua 76 Patial, htil

40 fcotia tile expressions used w'ere "Workers" and 41 Koya "Dependents". In 1931, the concepts used were 'earner', "working dependent" and "noh~working 42 Kulis dependent". In 1951, th~ categories, were 43 lodha 'self supporting persons", "earning .dependents', 44 Madia and "non-earning dependents". In 1961 and 1971, 45 Mahali however, there was a shift to the labour-force approach, according to which a person was tre­ 46 Mankidi ated as "worker" if his activity during the refer­ 47 Mankirdia ence period was productive one. :rhus, from 1961 48 Matya the concept of worker and non-worker came into 49 Mirdhas being. The difference in the concepts in 1961, 1971 and 1981 Censuses is summarised below; 50 Munda, Munda lohara, Munda Mahdlis 51 Mundari (a) 1961 CENSUS 52 Omanatya "Workers" = main workers, + margina I 53 Oraon workers of 1981 54 Parenga "Non-wprkers" = non-workers o'f 1981 55 Paroja (b)' 1971 CENSUS 56 Pentia IIWorkers" = ma'in workers of 1981. 57 Rajuar "Non-workers" = marginal workers + 58 Santal non-workers of. 1981. 59 Saara, Savar, Saura, Sahara The questions which were canva'Ssed in the 60 Shabar, lodha individual slips during 1981 Census to e1rcit 61 Sounti information on the characteristic'S of the 62 Tharua population were as follows; r. Q. 14A Worked any time at all last yea.r? Worker and Working Population . Yes Th~ population of a country can be divided No (H/ST/D/R/BflJO) into economically active and inactive. The econo­ II. Q. 14B If yes in 14A, did you work mical active group is generally referred to as the for major part of last year? working population. What proportiON 'of our Yes (l)/No. (2) population are engaged in work or are economi­ cally active and what .job they do for ):~eir living, Ill. Q. 15A Main activity last year? these are the issues which the Census proposed Yes in 148 (CfAl/HHlfOW) to obtain through its massive opera tion ih crder No in 148 (H/ST/D/R/BII/O) to provide a broad dimMsional .pi£lure of the IV. Q. 158 148 Yes_Any other work any time labour-force. The Censuses conducted so far !ast year? Yes (CjAl/HHI/dW)/No contain a wealth of econo,mic data. lher~ have 148 No_Work done any lime last been experimentations with the definiti,?ns from year! (CfAl/HHlfOW) , Census to Census and ,as a result, the definition of working force his rarelY 'rem:iir1ed ftfnth&ngecf V. Q. 16 If no in 14A or 1jJB, seeking/ between t~o Censuses as would be e\lid8J1'f fr.mn available for work.7 :(.es (l)/No (2) the paragraphs to follow. . Sasfcally, :dtirihg 1981 Census the -questions

"The means of livelihood" appfoach > ~~s ",ve-Ibhn 1tMmulue.d -&t> u to .Qi~)de the-PQpu:. adobted from 1001 upto 1951. "rom 190i,ltb" 19~1 ,~, int() thd$f> wM:bilve"worke<# ~f1" timft ~ JA cf 7 all during the last year and those who have not If the number of main workers, marginal worked at all. Having classified the population workers and mm-w6rkers ar~ added,up, one into these two broad streams, the next attempt would arrive at the total pqpu!ation, itself. In was to divide those who have worked any time other- wor,ds, these fire pc}usive categories. into two sub-streams viz., those who have Main activity 'of workers·has. been classified worked in some economic activity over a period into the following four broad tategories : of 6 months or more or in both the agricultural seasons and those whose work can be considered (i) Cultivator as marginal or secondary (i.e. less than 6 months). A person,1 s reg,arded as cultivator if he or she Finally an attempt has also been made to deter­ is engaged either as employer, single worker or mine whether those who are non-workers or family worker in cultiva tioll of land owned or those who are marginal workers are either­ held from Government or held i'rom private seeking or are available for work. persons or institutions .for p~yment in money, kind or share. Cultivation i'1c1udes supervision or direction of cultivation. Cultivation involves "Work" has been d~fined as partic;ipation in ploughing, '"Sowing, harv~stif1g and pr9d~ctio!l of any economically ·productive activity. .sucb cereals ..and millet crops viz., w~e<\l, paddy, participation may be physical or mental in nature. jawar, bajra and oth~r (:r9p~, {;I,ICr ~s sugarcane, Work involves not only actual work but also groundnut etc. and pulses, ra,w jute find kindred effective supervision ana direction of work. In all fibre crops, cotton, etc. and does not include these questions the referen(:e period is one yeFir fruit, growing of vegetabl~s pr keepin.s orchard preceding the da te of enumera tion. Som,e work or gr'ove~ pr working of plan~a tion like tea, viz., agriculture and household industry are carried coffee, rupber et.c. on either throughout the year or dvrinB a p~rtl­ cular season or part .of the year depending on (ii)_ .t1gric~ltfJral La~9urtr local. circumstances. 111 such ca~es ~he reference A.persqn who w9r~s in ~nothtr person's land period has been the broad time span of the for wages in money, kind or share is regarded as agricultural season precedin.s the enumeration An, agriculturGlI labourer. He or she has'no risk in has been kept. the ,cultivation, but merely works in another person's land for wages. An agricl:flural labourer An attempt has been made in this publication has n9 (ight of lea~e or contJact on land 011> to present data relating to "main workers", which he/she works. "marginal workers" and' ,inon-workers'; separa­ tely. In case 9£ !!lain workers the distribution of (iii) Household Industry such workers among cultiva tors and agricultur:tl "Household Industry" is defined as an industry labourers, those engaged i n household industry conducted by the head of household himsE:!lf/her­ and other workers have also been give'n. ihe self and lor by '.::he me'mbers of -the f:lo!Jsehold at main workers are those who have worke'd tor a home or within the village in rural areas and only major part of the year preceding the witHin fhe precincts of 'the h::>use when the enumeration. household lives in 'urban areas. It shoilJd involve production, processing, servicing or repeyir of "Marginal workers" are those who have 'articles or goods, not on the scale of a registered worked 'any time at all in the'year preceding the factory. The larger proportion of workers in a enumeration but have ,not !Worked .for a mqjor hous~hQld industry should consist of members, part of the year. The 'type Qf wOlk in which ot. the nousepold Jncluding the he'ad, marginal worker were engaged have been elicited through question 15B. The main characteristics of the "Household; industries" are the following:

"Non-work~r~" 'are th::>se who have not a) One or more members bf the household' worked any tim~ at all in the year preceding the must participate. Participation by hired! enumeration. labour must be minimum. 8

b) The activity should relate to some iii) Dependents productiqn, processing, servicing, repairing iv) Retired persons or ren tiers or making and selling of goods. v) Beggars etc. c) The goods produced should not be for vi) Inmates of institutions consumption by the hOllsehold itself but vii) Other non-workers should be wholly or partly for sell.

d) In an urban area the industry must be (i) Household duties carried on in the precincts nf the house in This covers all p~rsons wh::> are engaged in which the household lives. In the rural un-paid home duties and who do no otl.er work, areas, the industry may be anywhere or have not done any work at all 9uring the last Within the limits of the village. nne year. If a person who normally attends to e) The activity should not be 'On the 'scale of household duties is also engaged in some econo­ a registered factory. mic activity, then he or she is a worker. For example, a housewife may help in family culti­ f) Professions such as those pra!=tised. QY, vation' or agriculture'or make and sell cowdung­ Pleader, Doqor, ~arbar, MUSician, Q~c.er, cakes etc. at odd times. Sh~ i,s treated as w::>rker. _ Dhobi, A-strologer etc. will. not- be House, hold Industry. 'Ni) ~tudents This' wilJ cover all full-time students and (iv) Other Workers c,hil:9re~ attending s'chdoi. 'If a student partid- • ., • . I All workers i.e. those who have been engaged .pa.tes in sOf!1e economi,cally ,p'roductive w'ork, like in some economic activity during the fa'st 'one helpi'lg sOl)1e,tirnes as all un-p~fd family' worker year, but are not cultivators. pr agricultural in fa~i1y cultivation etc. such students should be ~abourers or engaged, in 'hou,sehplcf industry. are t~eated ,as a worker and ;,ot as student. ,Very !'Other Workers". This incIutJes factory w6rkers, often the ,daughter i~ the. family helps in the planta tiol'l worker~, those fn trade, commerce, household work. though she is studying full time, business transp'ort', mining, cons truction, 'pdlitic1{1 , 1) .... in which case she is trea ted as student. or 'social work, all Government servants, teach::!rs, priests and artists etc. In effect, all .th9se whq (iii) lJependent ~ork in any field of economic actiyity other than This includes.all dependents such as infants

cultivator, agricultural lab::>urer or household or children 1 not attending school or a person indu'stry are other workers. I permanently disablE'd .from work because of ill­ 'ness or old age. DependentsJnclude even able­ Other particulars, viz., name of the establish­ >Jbodied persons who can not be categorised in ment, description -of work, nature -pf'industry, any other category of ,non-worker but are trade br service and class' of worker were also dependent on others. obtain~d in respect of tho se who returned "household industry" or "Other work" as their (iu) Retired persons or rentiers activity. A person who has retired from service and is doing no other work and is not employed again Non-worker in some'full time work or engaged in some other In case of pers::>ns whj are non-wor'<~rs, work such as, cul'tiva tion, business, trade etc. cr through~ut, informa tlon rela ting' to them ha?' a person who is a rentier or living on agridutural been obtained thrpugh ca~egories, as mentioned or non-agricul'tura:1 royalty, rent or dividend or below: any other person of independent me'ans far securing which he/she does not have to work i} Household duties com~~,u,"!ger rhis category. If a retired person 'is ii) Students doing ,~a'?1~ »,pr~,in suc!], ca~,e ~~/ she i,s a worker" 9

(v) Beggar P?Jice statiolJ, towm..bave,be~n ,gh;~n in sq. klJl. This covers bfilggats, vrgrants or" persons T~e Tahasil,dars IDad.r~ported the area f~r.es)n \\ ithout' indicatibn 'of source of income and those acres in respect of the units)n the rllral area, without 'specified soL1rce 'of subsistence, who are whereas the Executive Olticers of tre urban not engaged' in ~conomically pr,.1ductive work. bodies have reported the area figuers for the urban units. The area, report in acres by slJch function­ (vi) Inmates of institutions ifi~s were con,verted into sq. km: ~egarding the a'r:ea of the' villages, the safl1e were also furnished This covers convicts in ,Jails otjnmates of a by the Tahlsildars. The total area of all tahasils penal, -mental or charitablf! instittltion, even of the district qoes not add upto the ,area of the if such persons are compelled to.do some work distriCt because the fOfIT)er represE?nts the land­ such as carpentry, carpet weaving, vegetable us~ area and is derived from the figures supplied growing etc., in suth institl1tion. However, 'all by the local revenue 'a(Jtborit~e's. Similarly the under-trial prisoner enumer.a ted in a jail is 'reCQ­ -total of the vill,age <1rea may not tally with t~e rded for the work he/she was doingrbefore he'/$he rural areas of ~he tahasil. The ,differeT!ce may be was-apprehended. 5imiLatly aJ person temlJ

persons all ·over the country. Physically handi­ either one arm and/or leg did not classify a person capped persons were broadly recorded under as totally crippled. There are other situations three categories, viz., totally blind, totally cripp­ where a person unf9r~una tely suffers from more led and totally dumb. than one of the aforesaid disabilities. In such cases, the intention was to record the persons by greater disability. For example, a person may The term ~iTotally crippled" refers to such be both blind and dumb or blind and crippled. In persons who have not lost their arms or limbs. such cases the intention was to find out the The loss of arms or legs or all the 4 limbs refers greater disability, whether blindness is considered to loss of both the arms or loss of both the legs. as greafer disability than either dumbness or It is not necessary that the disabled should have being crippled. Similarly being crippled is greater lost both arms and legs. The loss of either of disability than being dumb. In the extreme these i.e., both arms or both legs would be suffi­ caiies, where a person suffered from all the 1 cient for classification as totally crippled. The disabilities, it was recorded under the category loss here refers to the inability to use and not 'blind' which is certainly the most unfortunate necessarily physical absence. Thus a paralytic disability. It was usual to find a person blind or who has lost use of both the legs or both the crippled due to old age and such cases were als() .arms was taken as totally crippled, though the taken note of and categorised .under appropriate Jimbs are physically available. However, the fosso . classification since he suffered from disabilities. ./ Brief History of the District

The princely State of Patna was an separated and together formed a new district important State in western Orissa under the presently known as 8alangir with 4 sub-dIvisions Chauhans since 14th century A. D. Sonapur, viz., 8alangir, Pa tnagarh, Titlagarh and Sonapur. which was formerly a chiefship sub-ofdinate to Patna was constituted as a separate State about the middle of 17th century A. D. The Sta tes of For administrative convenience the district Patna and Sonapur were under the occupati0n has been divided into 4 Sub-divisions, 6 Tahasils of Marathas of Nagpur since 1755, whi.ch were and 20 "Blocks. The revenue administration is occupied by the East India Company during the headed by the Collector of the district and run I second Maratha war early in 1804. These through the 4 Sub-divisional Officers and 6 States were again restored to the Raja of Tahasildars, and 58 number of Revenue Nagpur in 1806. After the third Maratha war Inspector circles. The developmental admini­ these States came under the permanent stration is also headed by the Collector of the pos5ession of the British. When the central district through the Sub-divisional Officers and province was constituted in November, 1861, twenty Block Development Officers. The these States formed a part of new province. district has 212 number of Grampanchayats for From 1877 onwards feudatory chief of P,atna developmental administration. The "general and Sonapur administered their own States. In administration of this district is also vested 1905 these Sta tes were transferred to Bt'ngal with the Collector, who functions as District alongwith the district of Sambalpur to form a Magistrate. The District Magistrate is also part of Orissa division. After the merger of responsible far maintenance of law and order feudatory States of Orissa on 1st January, 1948 in his area, for which the district has been the ex-State of Kalahandi, Patna and Sonapur divided into 17 police stations. There are were combined together to form a new district however, 7 urban areas in the district, called Balangir-Patna. Subsequently on 1-11-49, statutorily known as Municipality and Notified the ex-States of Patna and Sonapur 'were Area Council. District Census Hand Books

Among the traditional documentation of tbe According to the 1951 publication programme Census, the fairly comprehensive and uniform the District Census Handbook was published in publication of District Ce'nsus Handbbok (D. C: H.) one' volume and did not contain information consisting' of town antf villager, directory and given in the village and town directory. Apart town and viii ag~wise' Primary C-er'lsus Abstract from this the brief introduction of the district, (P.C.A.) has been found to be very useful and are general features, density map, prescribed tables­ constantly referred to by the planners and data for g~nera1 popula'tion, economic tables, socia­ users. The District Census' Hantfljook'is the' only and'cultural tables and village statistics were( publitation that incorpotcHes the data down to a provided in the District Census Handbook. The. village level in rural area and upto ward level in Primary Census Abstract was given under the the urban area. The data p"Ublished in these heading,/lYillage sta tistics". However, the infor­ volumes are of immense'value tb the plariners, mation on villagewise list of disp,laced p,ersons, schol us and administrator~ for the purpose of and information on small scale industries were village level, block level and distritt level presented in the 1951 District Census Handbook pllnning and studies. It is a publication of the volume. Sta te Govertlment. The cost thereof is O'orne by' the State Government. Howeyer" the Director· of Census of the State is responsible to tHe Similarly, 1961" Census, pUblication was extent·of provitting necessary data which are presented in one volurrre.· T,t)iSl volume was obtained through Census. divided ,into 3 parts. First pa'tf contained the introduction of the di'Strit:t, second part This ddaIl'liMt was first pubJished as an contained1 that census' tables and the official auxilfliry to 1951 CEftfsus, consequent up.on tHe statiStiC5'was7'given imtne third part. The informa­ request' of the Govern-ment of India to State tion given in the V.iHa·~· Directory and Town Government to publish District Census Hand­ Direotory far 19.81 CerfSlls was not given in the books containing s ta tistiCal information rela ting 1961 District Census.Handboo~. Tfie vlllagewise to villa'g'es~ toWns arid police stations etc. ~f the Primary. CensuS( Abstl'la'C~ was given'in the second: districts. The Slate' GoVer-nment agreed to t~is part under the,heading- ofl "Villa'ge Directory". and decided to bring out District Census flandb.oo~ The information on villagewise list of as a priced publication to be published in the industries and tables on fairs and festivals were State Government Press. This publication since presented in 1961 District Census Handbook then is continuing with unbroken chain. Apart publication. from giving the rural statistical information, it readily gives a complete list of villages contained within a Police Station and District. It will not, According to the 1971 Census publica tion however, be out of place to mention here that programme, the District Census Handbooks were in many districts, complete list of villages is not to be published in 3 volumes; Part-A containing maintained properly and the present list is the the data on amenities, Part-B incorporating result of extensive enquiries and contacts with Primary Census Abstract (P. C. A.) and Part-C dlfferen t agencies and can be regarded as giving administrative statistics and census tables. exhaustive. District Census Handbooks, part-A and part-B for the 1971 Census could be published quickly. To make the data component more illustrative Both these volumes were in great demand by the maps of the district, tahasil and police station data users, as they contained a vast mass of are also published in the publication. The Police data on amenities available in the Village/Town Station maps showing the villages as per the alongwith demographic features. In regard to population size, having different amenities the District Census Handbook Part-C, we faced represented in approved legend will help the difficulties in collecting administrative statistics readers in easy appreciation. from various Offices and our progress in 13 publish'ng the report was considerabl) delayed. The new feature. of 1981 format is having.. After obtaining necessary statistics, much. prOVision of the distance range of the particular difficulty had to be encountered in printing of amenities to a village where it is not present. A the part-C, which was pending in the State few items of information like adult literacy Government Press at Cuttack for a pretty long centres: hav~ been introduced in the village time. Under compelling circumstances tHe' directory to mee't some requirement of the manuscript could be printed in the Private Minimum Needs Programme. Presses located at Cuttack and elsewHere. In Another introduction viz., "total population view of the inordinate delay in collecting administrative statistics,which would in any casE;) and number of households" for each village has·. been shown in the village directory to ascertain be available to, the data users in the'publications the co-relation of the amenities with population· of the respective Sta tistlcal bureaus/departments of the State ,Government there was re-thinking and- number of household they serve. Since current day planning has been initiated .from ·the' in the matter ·to drop the publication of part-C Communlty Development, Block level, villages. of the [Jistrict Census Handbook for the 1981 Census. comirg under each Community D.e\lelopment Block ,has been furnished in the ar:lOexure of the' village directory for the' fa'dlity of the admini­ However, it has been decided to publish the straters. and planners, which is a departure· 198'1 District Census Handbook in two parts. from'the,earlier Censuses. Part I A' would be con fined to village and town directory, \\fhereas p~r~ '8' w041,d j b~ confined Similarly in the TOWfl Directory, information. to village.and townwjse Prir~lary <:;ensus Ahstract on Scheduled Castes and, Scheduled Tribes­ including Scheduled C~stes and 5ch~dul~d r.ribes population in statemen~-IV and' availanility 01" Primilry Census Abstract upto Police Station/, adult literaH~,centre5' in sta tement-Vr 9-re innova­ Town leyeis. Despit,e t~e fa~t that pubUcation, tions- keeping, in view the requi~ement ot of both the, parts in one volum~ \¥Quld have, MinimUl;n Needs Programme. enhanced. the value,. it c;ould not be. helped in resRe<;t of the bigge,r gis~rj(:;ts comprising large The signifi!=ant char;ge in t,h,e Town Directo.r:r number of villjiges., and tow,n~. Therefqr,e, the is the provision of class of town in all state~ brp~en publica,tiqn hils,been up-into, tWo. vQlyme_s. ments f.or analysis, ofl the i,!1fra~t.r~cture of' (Par,t I A' ard 'B'J. amenities., 1

By and lar.g~", ~be:contents of: toe VWage and B9th the \(illa;s.~ ~P'9 T QW? Dir~~~ory, a.n~ ToWfi Dir~ct.ory are a.JmoSJ:r similar\ to. tJmse' obje,~~ives of v~"io~Sr colHlTjnS. the,.eur:'c:fer:_ alo,ns.-' adopted for. 197.;) Census, barring a f.ew cbcrngE!S1 with, t~~ COI)'?otp. tip,\ of ViJ,rio,.,~ abi?revi~liQrys. necessi~"lted' by tbe' requir:ements of tfm: used. therei,f.\ ha'XEi bee" explaine_d in t~. planRer.~ and. da ta U~r...sl' reI ev~nt sectioQs, Scope of Village Directory

The data on village directory have been important institutions such as High SchoolS, presented Tahasil/P.S.-wise and Village-wise. Colleges, Medical Institutions, Post & Telegraph The village includes revenue vi lJage and the Offices etc. have been shown in the Tahasil clusters of habitation located in any tract map. An administrative m"p of the Police mentioned thereunder. The names of villagf's Station has also been presented in the have not been arranged alphabetically since beginning of the village directory of that location code thereof have 'been provided in Police Station giving the boundaries of the ascending order. However, for facility of the villages in location codes and tC'wns located (eaders, a~ alphabetical list of villages under within it and other details similar to the Tahasil -each Police Station with its location code map. Besides, villages have also been shown 'numbers has been provided at the beginning through symbolic representation by different -of the village directory. In case of 'a village population sizes. The uninhabited villages have treated as an out-growth of an urban agglo­ been shown by cross marks (X). The shaded meration, the code number and name have portion of the map represents the area of bee~ pr-.ovided minus data thereof which has the towns. been shown against such core town. In case of part-village forming a portion of an out­ The informa tion on Village Directory has growth, the corresponding data has been been provided in the statement containing shown in the village directory. In case of 20 columns giving areas of the village in census towns, such villages have beert listed hectares, population and number of households, in the village directory without any data amenities viz., educational, medical, drinking on amenities, for which the town directory water, power supply, post and telegraph has to be referred to. However, the land and communica tion etc. available in the utilisation data for such census town has Village. In case of non-:wailability of any been made available in App,endix-ll of the amenities the distance range of its availability has been provided in the directory. It has been the tradition of census to Similarly, the land uses pattern of the pr esent maps of constituent administrative village providing the extent of forest area, units beginning with the district, followed by area under irrigation, un-irrigated area, Tahasils, and Police 'Stations thereunder. All culturable waste and area not available for the maps so p'resented in this volume have cultivation have been indicated in the been authe'nticated by the concerned revenue directory in hectares. Places of religious, authorities in so far as the boun~ary . and historical/archaeological interest have been spellings and locations are concerned. In shown for reference of the readers. case of the units adjacent to the coast land of the State, such maps hdve been cleared by the Survey of India through the COLUMN 14_ Staple Food :_ Staple food office of the Registar General, India. refers to grain and only relates to the majority population of the village using for In addition to the district map, _the major portion of the year, Combination of administrative map of each Tahasil/Police grains in staple food viz., rice, wheat and Station has been given in the beginning of maize et<=. have been indicated. the village directory of that Tahasil/police Sta tion. rhe boundaries of Police Sta tions COLUMN 15 to 19_L8nd Use: _ The land use in tile Tahclsil, location of towns, large villages, pattern given in the village directory rivers, roads, railways, hills. forests and conforms to the pattern of classification of 15

land use as recommended by the Ministry situations where patches of land have been put of Agriculture, Goverllment of India. The to agricultural use within the statutory notified guidelines in this regard are as follows.': forest and have been considered as forest by the revenue administration. These areas have 1. Forests been treated as forest. In Orissa, forest is. 2. Not available for cultivation: broadly known under two categories, viz.,. village forest, known in local parlance as khesra (a) lands put to non-agricultural uses forest and reserved or protected forest. The (b) Barren and un-culturable lands village forest constitutes an integral part of the village area unlike the reserve or protected 3. Other un-cultivated lands excluding forest. This is because communal right in land fallow lands: is n<)t exercisable in the areas known as reserve (a) Permanent pastures and other forest under the Orissa Forest Act. grazing lands (b) lands under miscellane('us tree leaving aside this, 4 Appendices in the­ crops and groves not included in village directory have been presented in this. the net area sown publication, which is a distinct feature of the current census publication. (c) Culturable wastes 4. Fallow lands: These are: (a) Fallow lands other than current i) T ahasil/Police sta tion-wise abstract: fallows of educational, medical and other (b) Current fallows amenities. 5. Net area sown. Ii) land utilisation data in respect of non-municipal townsCCensus Towns). In the village directory Column.15 (forest) iii) Tahasil/Police Station-wis.e list of represents, the category one above. Column-16 villages where no amenities are· ( Irrigated) and column-17 (un-irrigated) available' and given break-up of agricultural land, which are a combination of categories-4 (a+ b) and iv) Tahasil/Police Station-wi'ie list of 5 above. Column-18 (culturable waste) villages indicating the proportion of corresponds to category-3 (a + b+ c) above. Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe­ Column-19 (area not available for cultivation) population to the total populatioll> corresponds to category-2 (a+ b). Area figures by ranges. of the village have been shown in hectares. These appendices are new to the present' The total of figures under columns 15 to 19 census which provides Tahasil-wise abstract­ will not necessarily tally always with the of villages on different priorities. The­ total area of the village as indicated in intention is that the abstract will be helpfut column-3 of the directbry, as there are for planning inputs in areas/villages where­ waterways and hills etc. which may not be the basic infrastructure is lacking. Similarly­ included in the land use statistics of the the Appendix-IV will be helpful for planning village. of welfare programmes, for Schedul~d Castesf Forests ma y mean either state owned or Scheduled Tribes at micro-level, as it provides. private forest and whether wooded or data by ranges of Scheduled Caste/Scheduleof;' maintained as potential forest land. There are Tribe population. Scope of Town Directory

The town directory is intended to cover all The number of households including the house­ lhe towns in the district statutorily notified less household has been .shown in coltlmn b. as such as also the non-municipal census towns. In columns 7 to 15 the population alongwith The towns have been arranged in the town the growth rate of town from 1901 to 1981 directory in the alphabetical order and do not have been shown, for easy comparability. In cover strictly the military areas. The data column 16 density i.e. population per sq. km. on amenities and othe~ aspects presented in has been furnished. In columns 17 to 19 the codes has been explained in detail in s~para te sex ratios (females for 1,000 males) as recorded chapters. Regarding .the urban .aggJomf'ration -from the 1961 census onwards have been the conventional creation of census the names furnished. clf such agglomerations howe been indicated which is similar to the name of the main town Statement II-It provides the physical aspects -of the agglomeration. The particulars for such and location o'f the town. In columns 3 to 5 constituents of the agglomeration !:lave been the average rainfall and temperature have been furnished separately. Such presentation was furn,ished. Distance of the town in kilometers from the State Headquartersl Drstrict Head­ -operationally found to be convenient to have an .idea of the particulars of the city or town quartersl Sub-divisional- Headquarters/Tahasil ,!!gglomeratio'1 in tot\> and also severally. Headquarters, the nearest city with population In the instant case, there is no such of one lakh or more, railway station, agglomer.ltion at all in . bus route, navigable riversfcanars within 10 kms. It have also been indicated in column 6 to 12 re"pectively. ':fo sum up the earlier forrllat of1971 D.C.H. ·P-art-A has.b1?en restructured for 1981 census, Statement III~The statement r~alS' a keeping in view the obj~ctives of the Planning Ilicture of .the municipal finance fot fhe y~ar "Commission for the Minimum N~eds Programme 1978-79. The receipts· of the urbatr Idtal b«dy and the revised 6th Five Years Pljn. Mure :from •.y_arious· SQurces have 'been pr6videt1 interest has' been taken to know' the over-all under colurons '4' to 10 wher~as the exp~ndi­ infrastructure In terms of aJ'rlenities, however, tures< under .various items have been"Cfi'scto'Sed .mbcikst or fh)m whatever 'sotlFce it may !'ave under columns 11- to 17 . .been provided. S"?fate'ment IV_I t.giv.es jnformat.ion (elat.ing \0 Information on town director.y haS! been 'civic' and other amci!Ojties~as it stood in 197.9. furnisb~d in"6.?eparate.5fatef.ll~nts', T~e s.Gope ~'chtld[Jled'Castes,and .~cheduled Tribes ha've ,a'1d the F.0ntent .qf the sta temen~ .agopt~d b~en' given under colur;r..os 5{a) and ..5(b) for the t.9wns is bf~eUy explained. below,: r o~ tWe sta~ement. Jhe road length in J

_ 1'/ - f,een snown under column. 6. The system of S~,a~e~n~ ,I-This Statement ~ives the, s~a~us s)werage~ number and ,type of la·trines .~nd .grqwth ,histor¥ @t the town. In colUl;nns, 1 av~ilable in the town in addition to the method .and 2: )serial, No. ?_oj th~ towas in ;.aJpb~b~!iCflt of disposal of night soil have been shown under orroier ~nd. names ~@f the toyvns with claos .,alld ~GlllmnS 7. to 11. CdJumns 12 ~fld 13 di the civ'ic ,adr.nj.nis~rative ~ta tus h~:ve .been fU[~is~'eeb statem~()t·.peals withr thEr 'source of wat~r 1n columns 3 and 4 location code of. the tOM suppl~'

Balangir district is situated in the western the district. The river entering part of Orissa between 20· 9'N and 21° 11'N from Sambalpur district cuts a nearly semi latitudes and 8:t 41'E and 84°' 16'E longitudes. It circular area with the block Ullunda and is bounded by Sambalpur district on the North, Birmaflardjpur inside. The flows across district on the East and by Kalahandi the eastern boundary and joins the river district on the South and West. The area of the Mahanadi. The Suktel river originating from district is 8,913 Sq. Kms, according to the the hill ranges on the western side flow!> Surveyor General, India as against 1,55,707 Sq. through Patnagarh, Balangir and loisingha Kms. of the State. Area-wise the distr:ct ranks Blocks before meeting the river Tel. The Ong 11th in the State. The current census has recor­ river enters the district at , passes ded the district population as 14,59,113 which through Binika, Sonapur Blocks and joins the includes 2,28,260 Scheduled Caste and 2,80,381 river Mahanadi. Except the river Tel which Scheeuled Tribe popuJa tion. Population-wise flows along the east~rn boundary of the district, the district ranks 9th in the Sta teo rhe the flow of other rivers is confined to the Scheduled Caste and~ Tribe population of the northern and north eastern parts of the district. district accounts for 15'64 and 19'22 percentage to the total population of the district. The The soil of the Mahanadi, Tel, Ong basins district hds two distinct physiographical regions is alluvhl in r,ature and is very fertile. The ~oil namely rolling plains and hilly arf'as of western in the remaining part of the eastern side varies and southern par ~ of the district. The plain from light sandy type to sandy loam, similar area can be further sub.divided in to irrigated soil, but with patches of block earth is found in plains and non irrigated plains adjacent to the central parts at the district. The soil of Sambalpur district. This region enjoys irrigation the southern and western fringers is mostly facilities frt')m the canal system and the laterite in character. Starting from hill ranges Ong Medium Irrigation Project. The non­ on the western and southern fringes, the terrain irrigated plains comprise 12 Blocks spread over is undulating in character. While in the river the entire district. The hilly area have basin the soil is suitable for raising paddy, undulating terrain with isolated hill ranges with wheat, and cash crops, the soil of the central height of abollt 3S00rr.ts. The famous and eastern blocks is suitable for paddy, millets Gandhamardan hill range lies in the western and pulses. On the hill slopes, oil sheeds like til, side of the district. mustard and niger are extensively grown. Forest occupies sizeable portion of the total geographical area of the district and The climate of the district is of extreme found mostly in western and southern parts of type, hot and dry in summer, hot and humid the district. Kendu leaves, Sabai grass, in rainy Season and cold and dry in winter. Timber, Hill brooms, Mahua flowers, The hot season from March to May is followed Sal seeds, Bamboos are collected by MIS by the south west monsoon and lasting up to Bengal Paper Mills and MIS Orient Paper Mills. the end of September. The, cold season .Many tribal families of the district earn their usually is the months traIT' December to February• ~ivelihood by selling minor forest pmduct. In Summer the temperature rises up to as high The Orissa Forest Corporatiun Ltd. is the sale as 410°C and in winter the temperature falls to agent for collecting Kendu leaves in the as low as 70°C. Oistrict. The average annual rain fall is 1,423'5 MM. The river Mahanadi and its tributaries viz. Due to wide veriation in precipitation and its. Tel, Suktel and Ong are the principal rivers of erratic distribution often whh long dry spells, 19 crop failures are frequent. Barring the canal the district l

Mining_During the Darbar administration writing paper, graphite crUCibles, A. C. cement there was no mining activity in the district until sheets, aluminium sheets and explosives are 1917 when graphite mining were operated. likely to come up in the near future and on Similarly manganese ore was found to the small completion it will provide employment opportu­ scale during 1940. During 1980-81, 24 mines nity to the local people besides promotion of were working in the district which included 23 ancillary industries around. numbers on graphite only. The mineral revenue and cess of royalty to tht:: tune of Rs.2.23 lakhs Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Develop­ and Rs.1.04 lakhs were realised during the ment Corporation (lOCO) a State Government year 1980,81. undertaking assists in the rapid and orderly establishment of organisation of industry, trade Mining operation is being carried through and commerce in designated industrial ~states private sector, both by manual and mechanical and industrial areas in the State. This corpora­ process. Transportation of minerals is mostly done by road transport. Mineral based industry tion has provided .buildings and sht.ds in industrial estate at tlalangir and undertaking like crucible factory with benefication plant at Titlagarh is working. Another six such plants construction of additional sheds for location of small and medium industries. They are also for upgrading the....._ graphite are in.progress. providing vacant·land for location of industries . Industry_In earlier days, cottage inpust.­ ries on agricultural implements like Sickles, axe, District Industry Centre was set up in swords, daggers were in existance. The 1978 to bring about a rapid development of existing ruins of brick structure of temple small and cottage industries in towns, villages available at Titlagarh and Tushura conform that and backward areas, provide additional ;rawbricks were burnt in earlier days. Similary the image of deities of brass and bale metal are avenues of employment and reduction ill' found in old temples. The Textile product of regional imbalance with regard to industrial cotton and tussore silk at Balangir had a high development. The objective of this centre constitutes appraisal of projects and recommen­ standard of excellence. Other Industries like dation to the lending institution for timely :bamboo mat, basket, rope making from sabai­ availability of loan, providing technical assis­ grass, clay pottery were available in the earlier tance, organising training programme for man days. In the ex dubar administration few small scale industries also existed like tannery at power development and helping the entre­ Titlagarh in 1943. preneur by assuring market and better information centre besides availabiJity of raw The district is one of the backward materials. By 1980-81, 593 were set up includ­ districts of the State, hence emphasis was laid ing 91 5.S.1. units under different categories. In the post independent period for rapid rulling 1980-81 out of which 22 were Agro­ "ndustrialis~ tion. One spinning mill at S(')napur based, 3 chemical based, one electrical based, and edible/refined oil mill at China juri are in 17 engineering and 10 forest based industries. progress and will s,art production in the near Besides the S. S. I. units, 4,709 artisans were future. With the collaboration of Industrial identified in 1980-81 and provided witll' Promotion and Investment CorporatiCln of financial assistance for setting up their Orissa ltd, State Government undertaking# industries. Entrepreneurs have been identified' medium industries like refined oil have come up and are being trained for taking up industries~ I 4n Dunguripali at an investment of Rs.130 la~hs. Six numher of Panchayat Samiti Industries. further additional Industries like printing an are oper,ding In the district. 21

Power_ Electricity was first made under pulses 43,783 hectres, under oil seeds,. available to the Balangir town in 1911 from 32,522 hectres. There has been appreciable a station. Diesel power house was also coverage under high yielding varieties of paddy­ working in ~onapur town during the premerger in canal irrigated area of Binika ana period. However, electricity from Hirakud DunguripaJi blocks. Hydro Electricity Pro jeet was made available Out of the total cultivated land of 4,69,177 to the district and all towns have been hectres of the district, 2,47,4~2 hectres are­ electrified. The·.power supply and distribution highland, 99,247 hectres are medium land' is controlled by the Orissa 5ta te Electricity 1,22,508 hectres are low land. Board, a State Government undertaking. Under the rural electrification 'scheme by Co-operation_During 1980-81 the district March, 1981. 1,170 number of villages were had 322 number of co-operative societies which· electrified. The consumption of power under include 219 primary co-operative societies, 11 different catagories are 2,025 for agriculture milk supply co-operative societies, 26 conjumers. 639 for industrial, 2,855 for commercial and co opera tive societies, 5 housing co-operative· 11,304 for domestic purposes. Under energi­ so.cieties,18 thrift co-operative societies. The· sation scheme 3, 126 number of dug-wE'lIs and total membership under co-operative stood at lift-irrigation points have been energised up 2,56,453 in 1981. A co-operative bank was. to March, 1981. established in 1934 during the Darbar administration, which-in 1956 was cunverted to· Forest_Forest plans an important role district cen tral co-operative bank by way of in the economy of the district. The total amalgamating the co-operative banks tuctioning. forest area of the district is 2,175.15 Sqr. at Balangir and Sonepur. Be~ides thiS, Kms. as on 1-4·81 Out of this area, 1,450'97 4 land development banks are functioning in Sqr. Kms. comes under reserve forest alone, the district at all sub-divisional headquarters_ and tbe rest comes under other ca tagorres. These banks provide short term and medium The forest produce are moS{ly timber, bamboo, term 10dns to the needy farmers. kendu leaf, sabai grass, mahua flowers, sal seeds etc. Products like kendu leaf and bamboo Other tYlJes of assistance are available· are the two principal raw-materials for bidi through the regional co-opera tive marketing. and paper industries respectively. The State societies which has established 5 branches Government realised a revenue of Rs. 60'19 located at Balangir, Sonapur, Titlagarh,. lakhs during 1980-81 on account of forest Dunguripali and Birmaharajpur. These societies­ produce alone. distribute fartitiser, agricultural implements.. In the recent past, the trade on kendu to the farmers through the primary co-operative· leaf has been taken over by the State societies and procure paddy from the rural. Government, through,which additional revenue area. are being collected. Animal Husbandry_According to 1977' Agriculture-The main crops of the livestock census, the distric had the following. district are paddy, maize,·ragi ,mung, biri, arhar, cattle population. ground nut and til in khariff and wheet high­ Cattle 7,08,771 yielding paddy, Mung, biri, kulthi, sugarcane, Ducks 5.916 Mustard, groundnut, and til in rabi Season. ,Mole & Donkey 9 Paddy is the principal crop and coverage Buffaloes 1,30,924 thereunder is the highest. The total cultivated Sheep ... 1,71,618 area of the district during the year 1980-81 was Goat 1,95,482 4.69 lakh hectres, out of which paddy crop was Pig "2,473 raised in 3.29 lakh hectres during khariff of 1981. Poultry 4,53,409 The coverage under millet was 30,756 hectres, Horse & Pony 218 22

As regards veterinary institutions one improvement of irrigation facilities in the veterinary hospital, 30 veterinary dispensaries, district, which has a potential of 98,344 hectres <>ne key village block, 133 live-stock aid as per the following details. centres, one live-stock breeding-cum-dairy Major and medium 43.47, farm, one district poultry farm, one sheep Minor flow 3341 breeding farm, two " ANP (Poultry) units, Minor lift (Public) 1.06 besides onp. live-stock inspector tralmng Minor Lift (Private) 20'40 centre were in the district on March, 1981. Total 98'34

The institutions implement the A. H. The Hirakud Multi Purpose Project provide programme of the district. irriga tion to some areas of Binika and DunguripaJi blocks of the district. Activities under animal husbandry have gained momentum in the recent plan period as a In addition to above, few ungoing medium supplement measure to aggression income as projects will provide additional potential. Ong well as employment generatiAg scheme. Irrigation Projects undertaken with World Bank Livestock farming are' being encouraged through assistance is likely to be cl'mpleted by 1ge4-B5 'Various media and schemes of the government. and will provide irrigation for 24,680 hectres. These include dairy farming, poultry farming On completion, these projects will benefit 133 'Sheep/ goa t rearing, duck rearing Potc. These villages of Agalpur, Sonapur blocks of the schemes are being implemented through various district along with Gaisilet block of Sambalpur .programmes like ERRP, IRDP etc. By 1981 district. The other proj~ct Upper Suktel March, 416 units of dairy, 1,450 units of goat, irrigation Project envisages the' construction 1,143 units of sheep, 2 units of pig and 15 units of a earth dam across the river Suktel near ·of poultry is the reported achivement in the village Mahurandi of Khaprakhol block. On -district. There are 11 milk supply societies completion, this project will irrigate an area of besides 5 sheep breeding societies in the 1,350 hectres of land. The 3rd project "Harihar­ district. jore Project" envisages the construction of a earth dam across the river Hariharjore near Due to reduction of grazing ground in the village Durjantaila of Birmaharajpur block. On district fodder development and pasture completion, this will irrigate an area of 1,350 development has -assumed imRortance in the hectres. The minor irrigation projects having recent days. There ha5 been achievement of -ayacut of more than 60 acre are being 227 acres under fodder cui tivation, duritlg administered by the minor irriga tion division of 1980-81 required sheeps are also being supplied Irrigation Depurtment. Where as such pro jects to the individual farmer. During the said having less· than 60 acres of ayacut are period 30.25 acres were covered under pasture administered th~ough panchayat samity. d~velopment programme which has benefitted 130 farmers. To tap the ground water resources, .other irrigation measures like Lift Irrigation and dug wells have been taken up in the Idst decade. Irrigati'on_ T-he Darbar administration Ori~sa lift Irrigation Corpora tion Ltd. have ~ncouraged tenants to dig more tanks and conaueted a datailed. hydrological survey of develop other water resources with the the ground water potential of the district cind ~ermission of the auth.Jrities and to utiHse Wd ter '~sti.ma(ed that 37,605 dug wellS :are feasible fr(>.~ (of rent during the period of settlement. in .the district. 'Each well is expecte'd to "A.ft'er set! lernent opera tion, such lands were provide irrigation for'J'2 hectres in Khariff and ,de~lared as jalchar lands. In the post 0'6 ih'~dre in Raoi' and fdr 4 hectres when ,iJ;lgependence era, there hils been marked fitted wjth m6tor and pump sets'. The district _I .... ! 23

Rural Development Agency has taken up execu­ by adopting modern techniques on fish produc­ tion of dug well and l. I. Projects with priority tion. This agency provides necessary training to for small farmers and marginal farmers already the fish farmers by providing institutional. fina­ identified. By March, 1981, 34,644 dug wells ance to ensure production of quality of fry and hav~ been sunk in the district out of which finger lings. Under this progress, tanks have 3,126 wells were energised. The lift Irrigation been surveyed and 63 Gram Panchayat tanks Deparment has also energised another 23 were leased out on long tetm basis with a projects. water area of 278'34 a·cres. By 1980-81, 272 tanks with an area of 408·00 acres were deve­ Pisciculture_ T he fishery activity in the loped in the district. Two fishery co-oper a tive district is of considerable significance due to societies are functioning in the district for flow of rivers like Mahanadi and its tributaries promotion of pisciculture. like Tel and Suktel. District does not have any potential for marine fishery. The inland Communication-In the eariler days con­ resources mainly relate to tank, reservoir struction and maintenance of communication and rivers to a limited extent. system were vested With the respcetive rulers. Towards the last part of 18th century there was Due to emphasis laid in the post a regular road from Cuttack passing through independence era there has been marked Banki, Baideswar, Baudh and Sonapur etc. to improvement in pisciculture particularly during Nagpur. The Darbar administration had taken the last decade as given below. interest by providing better communication Source 1971 1981 facility for administrative convenience. ,----"---"" r---~--""'_ No. Area No. Area In t"'e post independence are, there hilS covered - covered been a spectacular achievement under commu­ Tank 5200 1,003 hcts. 5956 2,433.6 hcts. nication and total road length of the district as in 1980-81 is mentioned below. Reservoir 800 N. A. 1662 N. A. National high Way Nil Fish 5'70 tons 70'25 tons. Production State High Way 249.0 Kms. 300.8 Kms. Various schemes. initiated by the Major district road Government have been oriented to provide Other district road 110.0 Kms. gainful employment to the people. Under the R. E. O. Road 294.0 Kms. fish seed production programme, by way of Panchayat Samiti road 1,189.2 Kms. hatchery production method,.quality spawn of 3,158 Kms. 121.25 lakhs were raised in the district during Grampanchayat road the year 1980-81. During the said year Classified village road 296.3 Kms. 147250 lakhs of spawn were stocked and were Due to availability of better communication distributed to the Grampanchayats and private \ tanks for pisciculture. Intensive fish facility vehicular traffic have increased consi- production programme is also being undertaken derably. All the route~ of the district have been in private individual tanks under this Nationalised'and State Transp.or~ Corporation programme, ,and water ·area of 13'58 acres, are playing buses for passenger traffic. Despite were covered.Quring 1980-81. thiS, Muribahal blocks of the district is not approachable by all weather route. Birmaharaj­ Fish farmer development agency:were esta­ pur, Ullunda apd Tentelkhunti blocks remain blished by the Government in the year 1978-79 In accessable for want Of bridges over the river with the object-ive of promoting pond fish cul­ Mahanadi and Tel. The district headctuarters has ture in selected areas in an integrated manner got all wea ther-communica tion by road to the 24

State headquarter and to other district head­ With a view to make available direct quarters and important places of the State. Inter family benefit programme to the tribals more State bus services connecting important places and more, the Government have extended the -of the adjoining States are also available for benefit of special schemes to select pockets the people. outside the sub-plan areas where tribal concen­ tration is 50 or more and the population is During the Darbar administration in 1896 10,000 or more. In this modified area develop­ -survey of railway line from Raipur to Viziana­ ment approach, Khaprakhol and Turekela :garam was taken-up and railway communic,ation blocks of the district have been selected where inside the district connecting places like Kanta­ various programmes under core economic banji, Titlagarh etc., were available in 1890. sectors like agriculture, animal husbandry, Subsequently in the post independence era, irrigation, communication, education, Sanitation .railway communication was available connect- etc. are being implemented. By March, 198', ing the main route, Calcutta, Bombay. The 254 families have been benefited under this total rail route length in the district is 169 Kms programme . .and the routes are Vizianagaram-Raipur and the Raurkela-Tit lagarh. For rehabilitation of the tribals, colo :.­ sation scheme is being implemented. 30 families I Regarding water ways river Mahanadi and in Balangir Sub-division, 27 in Tililagarh Sub­ its tributaries viz., Tel, Suktel and Ong are the division and 40 families in Pa tnagarh Sub~divisio,n principal rivers of the district. The type of have been settled ~nder this programme. Besides .boats used for ferries are called Dangas, which this 51 houses constructed at the cost of are dug out due to danger in rapids and the Rs. 20001 each have been given to 51 S. C. ·entire belt being streamed with rock. Naviga­ families under Jayanti village -scheme. Under tion is possible with difficulty, the intergrated housing scheme financial assis"tance is being provided to the selected beneficiaries for construction of their residential Harijan and Tribal Welfare_Upliftment houses. Under this programme during 1980-81, -of living condition of harijan and tribal people 286 S. C. and 210 S. T. persons -have been ,has received momentum during the plan period benefited• .as a measure of State policy. For increasing the living standard of the caste and tribal Under legal aid scheme 71 S. C. and 63 people, number of institutions have. extended S. T. persons were benefited relating to the -in course of time and various schemes are land disputes . .being implemented. The district had 3 residen:-' -tial High Schools, two residential Ashram Housing_Apart from providing house sites Schools, one Kanyaashram (for girls) 39 Seva­ for the houseless persons for construction of -ashrams by March, 1981 f1aving total student houses, Government are constructing houses -strength of 4,506. In High Schools and Ashram for the economica lIy weaker section and Schools training are being imparted to the providing necessary financial assistance. 'students on different trades. As a measure of Under integra ted housing scheme, 729 houses ~ncentive, supply of text books, reading and have been constructed in the district by writing materials are being made available to March, 1981 which has benefited 286 S. C. and the students free of cost besides supply of 210 S. T. persons. For rehabilitation of the '(Jniform to the students of Sebashram. Pre-matric persons in the flood affected area, 370 houses and post matric scholarships are being awarded were constructed during 1978-79 and possession to the caste and tribe students for encorage­ _ d~livered to such ben~ficiaries. In addition to ment of their education which h~s cqvered -above, lands, are available by the State 5,350 students in pre-matric and 285 students in Government for construction of houses to the post matric stage during 1980-81. '1'" in~ividuals coming under low income and 25

'middle income group. So far financial assistane Recently emphasis has been laid on the for 180 houses for low income group and 40 r.emoval of adult illiteracy and therefore the houses under middle income group have been adult literacy centres have been functioning given in the district. througho.ut the district. Outing 1980-81,300 such centres were functioning in the district and 9,000 Education_The spread ot' educa tion was adults were made literate. 'however, not remarkable during the Darbar Land Tanura_The present district came administration particularly in 18th, and 19th into existence .in 1948 and was carved out by Century A. D. The village "pathasalas" were combining two former States viz., Patna and maintained by the villagers' where the Sonapur. land revenue administration in the "abadhanas" were being engaged for teaching. earlier period wafl carried out by leasing out the Western education came in -1894 when an villages to the highest bidder who were later english school was started by the-then, known as Gauntias and such lease was for a Maharaja. By 1907 _there, were, however, period of four years. There was uncertainty of three Middle English Schools besides two tenure; no right was conferred on the rayat Middle Vernacular Schools in the ex-states over the land and he could be rejected at the of Balangir and Sonapur. Both Sonapur and will of the Gountia. There was no alternation Balangir had the previlege of High School of land from one lease to another but an -education in 1912 and 1916 respectively. increase was affected on the nazarans paid by Due to emphasis on education in the post the Gauntia. The assessment on all rayati lands 'independence era there has been appreciable including this .free hold by the Gauntia. The advancement in the field of education. By t~nants land were classified and accordingly 1944-45, there .were 126 schools in Patna malguzari was determined. The Gauntia enjoyed ·ex-state and 81 schools in Sonapur ex-state. all the bhogra lands rent free in return for the By 1947-48, there are only 3 High Schools and nazarana paid by him. The tenant wa..s ignorant .206 Primary Schools in the ·distrlct. By March, about the rent and for this he had to rely on the 1981 the district had 102 High Schools with il word of the Gauntia. Such State of affairs student strength of 17,517; 388 M. E. Schools continued up to 1871 when the next settlement with a streng,h of 28,279; 2,293 Primary Schools was taken up under the British Administration. with a strength of 1,32,831. B.esides above, According to this settlement a summery' enquiry there were 5 Training S<;:hools with a strength was made and leases were given to the Gauntia, ·of 600. who in turn had to sign a Kabuliyat. Education cess was imposed. The next settlement was In the recent plan period, various incentives' conducted in 1885 and provided a liberal 'in the shape of free supply of uniforR], text approach for the tenant. A regular settlement. :book, award of scholarship iT! pre-matric and WdS taken up in 1895-96 when the remuneration .r-ost matric stage, award on attendance to of Gauntia was changed and he was given a encourage the students have been adopted. "draw back" of 20% and in some cases more of 80 NRT S, 40 NRT matching and 116 of scholar­ the whole village assets. The next settlement ships for Middle English .standard under 500, was taken up in 1903 when the survey was 300 and ,652 )chemes were available to the conducted on regular basis. The subsequent students during 1980-81. settlement of 1932-37 was a revisional one where lands were classified anti a rent policy There were however, 5 M. E. Scbools and could be evolved. J31 Primary Schools going without build{ng of its own on March, 1981. The teacher, student In Sonapur State, several revenue laws of'a-tio by the same period was 1:13 in High were enacted like and rayats were 5.,hooI5, 1:17 in M. {. 5cl1001s and 1:30 in given some concession par ticularly after 1932 . .primary Schools. The previous code F Bnumibidihi document" of 26

1907 and modified in 1915 and 1939 contained to 4 9ahal Ari operate so far as land revenue administration of Sonapur is concerned. like Patna State, here 5 Bahal Pani also prior to 1887 the bhogra laflds were put to 6 Bahal Sadharan quinqueniliaJ aucrion and the thikadar deposited the amount in the State treasury. By this 7 Berna Ari Pani process, the Gauntias repaid heavy ben,efit. 8 Bera Ari In 1883; 1910 settlement operations were taken 9 Bena Pani up when traverse survey was done and maps . "'I were prepared. The last settlement operatio,; 10 Berna Sadharan was initiated·.in 1954 -under the provision of , 'Pant Bengal Survey Act, 1875 and the records were 11 Mal Art up·dated. 12 Mal Ari I After the independence, due to 13 Mal Pani ~ , ," \, rationalisation of land structure and tenLJr:es, 14 Mal Saman the survey and settlement operation . were taken up in the district during 1963-74 15 Mal Tikira reducing classification of lands as well as 16 Ata Ari Pani rationalising the statuses existing under different named.. hitherto. The operation has 17 Ata Ari b.een completed in the entire district !lnd the 18 At'a Panf record of rights.has been finalised. The present f :: ~ settlement has recorded the following 19 Ata Sadharan classifica tion of land in the district. 20 Barcha (For J;iaJangir:, Titlagarh, p'atnagarh 21 Bari Ad Pani Sub-divisiops) Sari Ad 1 Bahal Bahal Pani-I 22, Bahal Mahali 23 Bari Pan) 2 Berna Berna Pani-I 24 Bari Sadharan Berna Mahali . ~ _I : ii, 25 Bagayat I, II, III 3 Mal Mal Pani·) Mal Mahali 2(> Panbaraj Ghar 4 Ata 27 28 Puratan Patita 5 Kachhar , 0 Nutan Patita 6 Pitita 29 c 7 Anyanya (Bandha, Kata, Adi etc.) Tenaney_(lGnsequent upon abolition' :of es-tates; aoo agrarian reforms brought out by Gharbari 8 legislative measures in the,~cent oo9s ~re mostly taken up. The Civil Supply the statuses as fol.ows as- it exists under ~orporation as w~1I as the Civil Supply branch· different local names:_ of tpe distriq r~I?~lates the receipt and distrl­ (a) Ray~ti ~ution of e~ser.~ial commodities in the district ,t)uougp P!!ce shops for of (b) Bebandobastl tai~ facili~y t~r consu{l1ers. £;luring the year 1980-81 the qistru:t Trade and Commerce-Trade activities !~~~jv:ecfj, 157:~ tonnes of wheat, 3,181 litres of in the district' increl'lse(f consequent upon '-the ~wosene oil lor cQnsu'TIption purpo.~e a~d tr~ same was· distributed through 758 ~umper of -construction of R'f/pur-Vizianagram Railway ;'< scattered throug,hout the line in 1933. Bu~lne~s;;'en t lrom out- 'Sid~ the i~,ajI .ceryH~? rlistrict. ~f~t~ had t~~!r eS!~plf~.rnen!~.t differttnt r.ail­ jlolt I treads of the disuiC!# viz .. TitiJagarh, Kantabanji Trust Fund_On september, 1925 the-then etc. to avail of the rural market centres. In Mahara ja of Sonapur crea ted 23 trust funds with the earlier days the export from the district an original corpus with Rupees Ten lakhs which was confined to procurement of agricultural was intended to be utilised for various develop­ commodities like paddy, rice, oil seed, kendu­ ment and humaniterian works. In course of leaf, bamboo, timber and other minor forest time additional funds were also created and the produce. The imported items incllJded original corpus was increasd from time to time. -consumer goods, petrol and lubricants, kerosene After merger of the State the Dtstrict oil, machinaries etc. The impact of money Magistrate is functioning as the administrator lenders in the earlier days was more on the of the fund. petty traders and producers who were forced to pay high rate of interest. Command Area Development Authority Consequent upon establishment of (CAOA)_ The CADA, Sambarpur constituted in -Co-operative Bank in mid 1934, liberal credit Ihe year 1976-77 also looks after a very facility was available to the traders. There was selected portion of Balangir district. The no other bank in the district till 1943. In the objective is to ensure optimum use of irrigation post-independence era, there has been potential already created for maximisation of increased activity of trade and commerce agricultural production in the command area -consequent upon availablility of better and close the gap between irrigation potential communication and transport facilities by road created and actual utilisation. CADA has been and rail besides decentralisation of banking giving stress on the development of field' facilities in the rural . areas. The Central channel/field training, land levelling, consoli­ Co-operative Bank and land Development Banks dation of holding and ground water exploi­ besides 52 branches of different Commercial tation. The jurisdiction of CADA comprises 8anks operating In the district provide neces­ two blocks, viz., Binik~ and Dunguripali. sary finance to the traders on easy terms. Five Under drainage-cum-recycling scheme, 181 Regional Co-operative Marketing Societies in acres have been covered in Dunguripali Bloc:k the district deal with procurement and Supply of benefiting 00 farmers. Under mul ticrop' agricultural implements, fertilisers, etc. demonstration, coverage of 61.25 hectres has through the primary societies and service been reported in khariff along with coverage

.emphasis are high yielding paddy, mung, During 1980-81, 78 persons were benefitec:f'1 mustard, wheat, pulses, cotton etc. Community under homestead land and 143 persons were nursery has been .taken up to educate the benefited under waste 'land, as given below. interested farmers, 675 minikit packets contain­ ing paddy, oil seed and pulses have been Category of Agricultural Home-stead supplied in the afores~id blocks. beneficiary r--...::A.---~ r---A---","" No. of Area in, Distribution of Government Waste No. of Area in i- Land for Agricultural, and Homestead benefici.: acres benefic acres Purposes_This scheme is in operation from ary ary the year 1972. Persons indentified as landless 1 2 3 4 5 by the Tahasildars are given two acres of Government waste land for agricultural pur­ S. T. 18 33'100 17 0'680 poses, free of salami. Similarly four decimals of land are made available to the houseless S. C. 37 70~140 18 0'720 persons for homestead purpose. The intention is to utilise the Government waste land for Others 88 166'709 43 the-- community on priority for the weaker Totar 143'" 269'949 78 3'120 sections. Places of Tourist and Historical Importance

A district of ever green forests throughed charms and for the presence of Hari and Sankar.... with colourful wildlife and the cradle for the dual deity of the Vaisnavism and the­ humanity from its infancy from paleolithic and C;aivism. A perennial stream bursting ihto· neolithic period of history. Balangir hils its own droplets rushes on its hard gianite bed forming appeal for the nature-loving tourists. cascades at different stages. The murmuring. sound resounds all around mingled with the­ Known as South-kosal from the time of the occasional chirp of jungle birds and the jaydus Ramayan, its soil has been swept by the cross shout of the happy bathers in the natural poo~ currents of culture giving rise to Saha)ayana of formed on the descending bed of the stream. laxmikara and the seven maidens who excelled As a cool resort in the lap of nature, Harisankar in esoteric practices. The unspoilt antiquities is a panacea for the heat of the summer with their mystery and enchantment as in seasons. Ranipur-}haria', the limitless panorama of scenic splendour of the be The Gandhamardan hill enshrines Hari­ jewelled with waterfalls as in Harisankar and sankar on its southern slope in the Balangir­ the ravishing beauty of the river Mahanadi at district and Nrusinghanath on the northern dawn and dusk especially in winter have carved slope in the Sambalpur dist'rict. Both the out a niche for Balangir district in the grand haJJ places are connected by a rough road of of Orissa Tourism •. 16 kms. long across the hill top which the­ Sonapur _Situated on the confluence of pilgrims cover in a day on foot. The hill abounds in medicinal herbes and justifice its. the river Mahanadi and Tel, Sonapur otherwise name, the Gandhamardan. Nearest rail head is known as Suvarnpura or the city of .glJld, has a rich antiquity. A number of Kalachuri gold at Harisankar Road on South-Eastern Railway coins and Ganga gold.tanams have been collec­ Raipur-Titilagarh lines 45 kms. Harisankar is ted from the different parts of the sky line of 83 kms. from Balangir and is connected with sonapur, verily justifying its name as meru a good motorable road. lingam is held in high esteem.. As legend holds Patnagarh_The ancient capital of the it, on the occasion of Suvaranamarus first kingdom of Patna, the place is known as. appearance at Sonapur, there was a shower of Kuanri Pa tna, the lep.endary sea t of tantrism gold pieces for more than half of it day. The and :,ahajayan cult. The SeVen maidens of temple of Narasinghana th is the tallest among Kuanripatna, with profound occult power belon­ ti,e temples and measures 34'37 metres in hight. ging to 9th century were great teachers of Sana pur known as Paschima Lanka enshrines tantrism. T~ntra, as it were. had its base at Goddess Lankeswari on a hillock in the bed of and around Patnagarh during early christian era. the river Mahanadi forming the gorge known as The temples of pa tneswari and samaleswari in lankeswari Ohara. Crusing and fishing with chalukyan style and tha~ of Someswar Siva local boat men in the gorge afford a pleasant belonging to 12 century are the monuments, experience. The doorless temples of Sonapur those have survived the worth of time, Patna­ be speak the tantric occultism which once garh is a nice little town which combLnes in flourished in this land. Nearest rail head at happy synthesis its mythic past and the moder­ Balangir on South-Eastern Railway. Sonapur is nity of the present. The nearest rail head is at 48 kms. from Balangir and is connected with Balangir. Patnagarh is 38 kms. from Balangir by good motor able road. road. .

Narishankar_On the southern sJope of Ran;pur-Jhar;a'_Ranipur-}harial known Gandharmardan hill stands Harisankar a place of as 'Soma Tirtha' in scriptures is a popular pilgrimage favours for its unq:)mmon scenic centre of pilgrimage for the peole of Ori~~ 30

.and Madhya Pradesh alike. The circular open Nearest rail head is at Titlagarh on vault enclosure (the Hypeeth~ral temple) of Soutp-Ea~t~rn Raily.cay and 42 kms. from the sixty four Yoginis is one of the major attraction pl~ce. Ranipur-Jharial is 108 kms. from Balangir of the place. Aniong many more shrines &tend by:rgad. tile majestic brick temple 'Indra·lath' the- highest britk temple of Orissa. The shrine of Som~swar ~ppr~~ch_T~e nearest airpor~ for aeproa­ -Siva -is the :honl:>ured shrine of the Somatirtha, ching the pla'ces 6#' interest in the distr1ct of "Raniptlr-Jharial. The rich archa~ological Balangir is at -Bhubanes'w~r, -'which is ~onn~cted -treasures of Ranipur-Jharial reveal that the With Galcutta and VishaRhapatham by :daily Saivistn, Budhism, .yai~hnal'ism and Tantrlsm flights. Tourists office~at 'Balangir 'is 627 kml;l. ~ce flourished as an integral- part f of the from' the airport 'at Bn,ubaneswar:" '1

lntrodiJction of new table in District Census publication, The content of each table is t1~ndbook i~ . a novel fea t~re of 1981 Census explained below in brief. which is aimed at providins a brief analy.sis of Table_1 depicts the di~trlbution of villages. results for facility of the planners, da ta users. according to th~ amenities under each tahasil of 13 inset tables have been provided in this Balangir District.

TA8L£-1, , Distribution of villages according to the availability of dltferent amenities.

S1. Name of No. of . N(). (with percentage) o-fvH1ages havIng one or more of the following amenities No, Tahasil inhabited r------__ Jt,.._. ______~_ ------...... villages Education Medical Drinli:lng Post Marketl Communl- ~proac::h !?ower Water & Hat cation by Pucea Supply Telegraph Road 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 Patnagarh 414 398 27 414 60 42 51 114 257 (96'14) (6'52) (100'00) (14·49) (10.14) (12'32) (27·54) (6208)

2 Tltlagarh 659 6()It 95 6gg 84 77 76 1a1 10f, (9165) (14"42) (100·00) (12,75) (11'M) (11,53) (19·8&) (16,OB)

361 3 Balanglr 681 645 40 681 ".n. ~74 : 66 ,12,4 (94'71) (5'87) (100'00) (16·59) (10'87) (969) (1& 21) (5301)

4 Rampur 192 , 183 ;10 192 27: 16; 36- 36 6~ (95'31) (5·21) (100·00) (14·06) (S'l3) (18'75) (1875 (3l3:3)

5 Blrmanara jpur 318 243 18 317 31 14 55 59 161 (16~42) (5'66) (99·69) (9·75) (4,40) (17.30) (1855) (50·63)

6 Sonapur 273 224 9 271 26 19 13 39 18 (82'05) (3'30) (99·27) (9·52) (6'96) (476) (1429) (2857)

Total District 2,537 . 11(297 199 :l!.SS4 341 .242 291 503 1.027 (90.54) (7·'4) (9988) (U·44) (9,54) (11'11) (19·13) (40·48)

Out of 2,537 inhabited villages in the viJIages are appoached by pucca road. It is district 2,297 villages are having Educational clear from the table about the ba ckwardness fa~ility, 199 Villages are enjoying Medical faci­ of the district. lity, Drinking Water facility is avaiJabJe in 2,534 villages, Post & Telegraph facility . in 341 villages, Market & Hat facihty in 242 vIllages, Proportion of rural population served by Communication facility in 297 villages, Power different amenties in different tahasils of 1 he· Supply facility in 1,027 villages and only 503 district is shown in Table-2. 32

TABLE-2 Proportion ot Iturll' Popul ation served by different ,amenities

SI. Name Total Proportion of Rural Population served by the amenity of- No. of the Population ,------~------~------~-~ Tahasil of Education Medical Drinking Post Market, Communi- Approa~h Power inhabited Water & Hat cation by Pucea Supply villages In Telegraph Road the·.Tahasil

1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 -'0 11

1 Patnagarh 2,37,175 99.07 15.93 100.00 30.93 21·62 22·85 39·13 70·12 2 Titilagarh 3,45,530 97.66 25.34 -100.00'- . 27·04 22.62 -19.30 26.86 29.15

f 3 Balangir 3,74,178 9887 14·96 100·00 34·92 19·15 17.66 22·97 66·87

-4 Rampur 1,55,790 99.49 11·57 10000 29.55 16·83 28·48 29·54 49·12

5- Birmaharajpur 1,08,703 9~·21- 16·95 99-99 26.23 13.91 2508 22·73 72·46

6 _ Sonapur 1,04,511- 95'35 9.03 99·99 24·97 15·11 10.54 18.43 44.95

Total distri ct 13,25;888 97'92 17.14 100.00 30·03 19.48 20.33 27.27 5U7

Out of 13,25,888 rural popul1J.tion or the a few .in Birmaharajpur and Sonapur Tahasil district 97.92 per cent of the population are where 99.99 per cent of the rural population served by Educational facility,'17.14 per cent are enjoying drinking water facilit)( in. the by Medical facility, 30.03 per cent by Pos1: & village. Telegraph facility, 19..48 per cent by Market & Hat facility, 20.33 per cent by Communi­ cation facility.' 54.27 per cent by 'Power Supply Table_3 depicts the distribution of villages facility. 27.27 per cent of pucca road facility, not having certain amenities arranged by dri[lking w~ter facility is availabl~ to- the distance range from the places where these are­ entire rural population -of the distr1ct except available.


Dilftrlbutlon of villages nol having ,certain ~menities, arranqed by distance ranges from tb~ places where these are available.

Village not having the Nu~ber of vilJ.ages where the ameni ty is Dot available and . amennyof 'available at distance of ,------~--,------~ -5 Krns. 5-10 Kms. 10+Kms. Total (Co Is. 2 to 4) 1 2 3 4 5

1 -Educa tiorr: 232 8 .... ·240

2 Medical 905 829 604 2,338

3 Drinikng wa ter 3' 3 ... Post & Telegraph 1,576 521 99 2,19&

5 M~rketlHat 1,198 821 276 ·2,295 c 6 Communica tion 995 717 528. 2.2.40 33

Out of 2,537 inhabited villages in the district are enjoying these facilities within a distance the educational facility is not available in 240 of less than 5Kms. villages, Medical' fadlity in 2,338 - villages, Drinking Water facilitY in' 3 viUages, pbst & Table_4 depicts the distrit?u~ion of villages _Telegraph- facility in 2~196 villag~s, Market and ~ccording '9 the (Ji~~~ncC! fn)m t~~ nearest town &fld availability of different. ~menlties in the ~t- facility- in 2,295 villages. ~nd Communicatio~ faCility in 2',240 villages. Most of the villa8er~ .' district.

Pistributiq.n, of villag.es "ccor41~q. .. to the. t4i.,~nce frpm the n~\l!~.t town and availability of different amenities.

Dtstance No. of No. (with percentage-) of villages having the.amenity of"":"'. la.from Inhabited ~.o;.;...~ _____ -'''_ ___ ''':' ____ ----.A.--,------~~~------~ Approach power the nearest villages in Education Medical Drinking Post Market/ Communl~ by Pucca Supply town each range Water and Hat cation Road Uti Kms.) Telegraph, 9 '0 1 2 3 4 5 I) 7 8

23 58 1.o.~ 0-5 163 1~1 6 .163 ·33 9 (35·58) (62.58) (92'64) (3·68) (100.00) (20.25) (5·52) (14·11)

l'J' 13tr 92 6"4 76 158 361 (48.85) (528) (99·86) (12·45) (8·66) (10.28) (21.38)

1,508 146 1,506 M 163 (968) (99.87) ('O'2Ot) ,,",0"':)

1-7 6 13 10 M 51+ 127 108 8 127 , (8S'04) (6·30) (1OO •.QO) (1~·~~ (4:7» (1) 2,.) (7t:ftJ) n~'Q?,\

,";0 .,~. Unspec~l'-9 .. ~~ ~A· '~.~

Total 1,537 2,2." n, 2,534 Mt Itt ..• :B'J ..,. •. 81 ("·S4~ r~.I") ("~I) (t""~ (t~), n'~1'~ ttW) 44q.·,t~

Out 9'f ~S37lnhabited villq'f",~,368 vi1la'~5 u.at ...... 0"816 ...a,. -to .me . tow.. · are are coming under the distance range of '6~.50 enjoying more facility than those whiEh.,e Jar ICms. from the nearest town, 670 villages are away from the town~ coming under the distance range of 6-15 Kms., 108 villages are coming undElr, ;M:{flslW1Ge rj\~4~ qf WQr~ fthMl.~~!~f!lS1 f'l-c;t ,~,,~ ~re~t 151 , vi~J'8f' D,,~ritt.~t!g~. ~ .vUlaA!!? ~ccgrdlq~ .to the are undedhedistance range of b~S'«ms. from population range and amenities ,v~l.l.WI!,!s the nearest town. It 15 revealed from the table shown in Table-S. . 34


Oi3trib!llion of village; a;;;o:dJng t;, Population Range ilnd Amenities available

Population No. of No. (with percentage) of villages having the amenity of- range inpabited ~------~------~ villages in Education Medical Drinking Post Marketl Communi- Approach Power each Water at Hat cation by Pucca Supply range Telegraph Road

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

-499 1,548 1,312 45 1,545 44 62 110 243 470 (84'75) (2:91) (99'81) (2:84) (4·01) (7'11) (15'70) (30'36)

500-1,999 949- 945 129 949 258 153 160 234 521 (9958) (13'59) (100·00) (27'19) (16'12) (16'86) (2466) (54·90)

2,000-4,999 40 40 25 40 39 27 27 26 36 (100'00) (62'50) (100..Q() (97'50) (67,50) (67'50) (65'00) (90'00)


Total 2,537 2,297 199 2,534 341 242 297 503 1,027 (90·54) (7·84) (99'88) (13'44) (9·54) (11·71) (19·83) (40·48)

Most o~ the villages of the district are TABLE-6 <:oming under the lowes~ 'population range of Main Staple Food in the majority of villages less than 500 population. It is seen that villages in each Tahasil having more popUlation are enjoying better fa<:i1ity than the villages'coming under the lower SI. Name of the Main Staple population range. There i~ no village coming N;J. Tahasit Food under the highest population range i.e. 5,000 and 1 2 3 above. The villages coming under the higher population range i.e, 2,000-4,999 are enjoying 1 Patnagarh Rice educational facility, drinking water facility fully Titlagarh Rice and -other facilities are also available in more 2. than ~O per 'cent'of the vilfages coming under 3 'B'alanglr Rice

this range. 4 Rampur Rice I Main staple food in the majority of the 5 Birmaharajpur Rice

-villages in ea..ch dilha.~il of tbe dis.ttiq' i~ shown I ~, 6 Sotaapur Riee in; TaQ.I~:-"6.

J~ice_,is_reckoned a~, th,e ~ain stapJe food in all the thasUs',6fthe' district. Tal::Sle_7..t .depicts· distribution of villages according 'to tile. lana use pattern of aiffe;ehi 'taha·sil df • J I, ~ , • r the district. 35

TABlE-7 Distribution of villages according to land use

51. Name of the No. of lotal area Percentage of Percentage of irrigated No, Tahasil inhab'i ted (in hectares) cultivable area area to total villages to total area cultivable area

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Patnagarh 414 '1,53,491'30 82·78 7,53 2 Titlagarh 659 1,86,574'90 8069 826 3 Balanglr 681 1,96,578'52 79·22 12'80 4 Rampur 192 56,728'93 99.54 78'62 5 Birmaharajpur 318 59,199·17 86·04 19·13

6 Sonapur 173 53,565-96 8~9.6 26·05

Total District 2,537 7,96,138'~O a.z-68 17'92

Note :-The area figures fo uninhabited villages and villages for which the land use data are not available are excluded from the total.

It is revealed from the table that Table-8 shows the growth, density and sex percentage of irrigated area to total cultivable ratio of urban population in the district in area is only 17- 92 per cent which indicates that relation to the State. the irrigation facility is not sufficient for the district.

TABLE-8 Growth, Density and Sex-Ratio of Urban Population in the District in relation to the State

Census BAlANCIR ORISSA Year r------~------~ r------A------~--~ Total Urban Percentage Decadal Density Sex-ratio Total Urban Percentage Decadal Density Sex Popu- Popu~ of percentage (Popu- (No. of Popula- Popula- of percentage (Popu- ratio lation tat ion Urban variation lation females ticn tlon Urban variation ration (Nfi).of Population in Urban per sq. per 1,000 Population in Urban per females Population km.) males) Popula- sq. km.) per tlon ,,000 males)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1951 9,17,875 40,693 4.43 +37·26 654 957 1,46,45,946 594,070 4·06 +44.01 1,195 881

1961 10,68,686 49,659 4'65 +22-03 800 923 1,75,48,846 11,09,650 6.32 +86·79 1,078 807

1971 12,63,657 86,663 686 +74.51 862 923 2,19,44.615 18,45,~95 841 +66-30 1, '13 845

1981 14,59,113 133,225 9'13 +53.73 1,092 930 263,70,271 31,10,287 11-79 ..f= 68. 54 1,359 859

The percentage, of urban populatiori to total ~Percentage of urban population in 1951 Census population of the district during the curreht was only 4'43 which was higher than that of decade (9 13 per cent) is lower than that of the the State average. In succeeding decades. it State average 11'79 per cent This is cue to non­ flas gradual growth, but in each decade, it existence of big town/city in the district. remained below the State average. The growth 36

rate of urban population of the disstrict is 53'73 TABLE-9 per cent during the current decade, which is New towns added/de-classified in 1911 Census lower than tha,: of State growth rate of 68'54 per tent. The den'sitv of population i. e. Name of the Town Population in 1981 Census population per Sq. Km. is also less in urban areas of the district than that of the State 1 2 average. But the sex ratio i. e. number of - -females per 1.()00 males Is more than that of the (a) Added State. (I) Binika 11,004 Tabfe_9 gives the data on new· towns (b) Dl!-das'sified Nil .created/de-classified in 1981 Census. , In addition to the list of the town in 1971 Census only one new town namley Binika has been created and no town has been de..-class'ified during the decade. -Per Eapita receipt and expeudiwre in town" hav.e.been shown in _I~_b'e.,...10 TABLE-;b Per Capita Receipt and Expenditure in Towns 1978-79 Class. Per Capita Nain@ & Receipt (in 1$.5.) ,,-.-... ___ .A.-___---... civic ~_-_- __ --_---~~_A_~-~~~~-~-~~ Tota' Ge-Mtal 'E'xpen'cntare IpcibliC' status Total Receipt Receipt 'E,¢>bncWn:rte Oth~t of the Receipt through from all (>xpendl. Adminf- on public works on publlc ~~petl1 town taxes other ture strati on health and institutions sources conveniences 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

II Balangiri (M) ~.86 13·28 23'58 33·18 7.72 -9:52 2.91 0.18 12~5 IV 'einika (N:A'C,) . 25·32, 0.42 24·97 21'49 3.58 .,2.82 P'81 ,~.02 5.26 IV'· 1

• The town having outgrowth

The- financial aspects have be.en presented Goyernment grant etc._ As.r.egatds .exp.enditure' in this table for all the towns of the district. side per capita total expenditure under urban Comins t:el- t~e ... ~~~ipt., sid~~:!he: p~r .:HP,jta Clrea QJ tht:L :d~~trict ,i~ ~.S-r 32.4pt, .,o~l ~f r~hich receipt, ~at be,,·~s~$rdl :,atf~s~:.34.2,13 in the g~. 5:7.6 i5.('!tj_Jj~c;t ,uru:l.er~ Mnel;'~J apmiDi~~~~l~.n, district. Out ,'of,whi~ ~~. 8.1l:::tJ\r()~: .~xes, ls. 6.11 , ..qn~.e,-, .. g,~bliqi :q~~tt- ~s,.P..,1{id~~d~r Rs. . 26'17 •.. tilro,ugh,! lrPther,:: ~ufce5. und~r, pvbl,ic .W.Qrk$). R-s,. 1.Q4,., ~P~f¥'\P(JbIi<; ~"~*CJt~on 37

~(ld Rs ..13.39 under 'other aspect's. It is reV'e'aled It is revealed from the table that only 6 from .the table 'thlit the fiYlancial ~!!ifion 'of Primary - ScHoolS, 1 I 1lJnibr/Secehdary/Middle the urban bodies i" 1:he __ disttkt is' better. Schook and" Secondary/High ·SChools are:avail­ able for "each 10,000 p6pulation in the town Table_ll depicts the number of schools as a whole of the district. No Higher Secondary/ per 10,000 popula tbn in the towns. Intermediate/Junior College is available for TABLE-11 the 10,000 urban population of the di~trict. School per ten thousand Population in Towns Table-'12 depicts the number of beds in Class, name No. per ten thousand population Medical Institution in towns. and elvlc status r------A ------, of town Higher Seco- Junior Primary Secon- ndaryl Seco- TABLE-12 daryl Matrlcu- ndaryl Number of Beds in Medical Institutions in Towns Inter- latlon Middle medlatel No. of beds In Medical P.U.C., Class, name and Institutions per 1,000 Junior civic sta tus population College of the town 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 II Balang\r (M) 1 1 3 11 Balangir (M) , IV Blnlka (N·A·C·) 1 2 2 IV Blnika (N .A·C,) 1 IV Kantabanll (N·A·C·) ... 1 1 5 IV Kantabanji (N'A'C,) Negligible IV Patnagarh (N·A·C,) .•. 1 2 8 IV Patnagarh (N·A·C·) 5 IV Sonapur (M) 3 2 7 IV Sonapur (M) 1 V Tarbha (N.A·C·) 3 1 13 V Tarbha (N'A'C) l Tltlagarh Urban- 1 1 5 Titlagarh Urban Agglomeration Agglomeration III Titlagarh (N·NC.)· 2 III Titlagarh (N.A·C.) .... 1 1 5 Total 2 Total , 1 6 • The town having outgrowth. • The town having outgrowth- It is revealed from the Table that only 2 beds are available per 1,000 urbln pOp'ulation in the district. Table_13 depicts the most important commodities manufactured in Towns and the commodities imported and exported TABLE-13 Most important commodity manufactured, imported and exported in Towns.

Class, name and Most important Commodity ,-_____A ______~ civic sta tus of the town Manufactured Exported Imported 1 2 3 4 II Balangir (M) .Ayurvedic Medicine Kendu leaf Coal IV Binika (N.A·q Tile Paddy We.od IV Kantabanji (N. A· C) Oil Rice Oil Seed IV Patnagarh (N· A· C) Cloth Paddy Craphite IV Sonapur (M) Gudakhu Rice Sugar V Tarbha (N' 1\. C) Gudakhu Gudakhu Silver Titiagarh Urban Agglomeration See Constituent Units IJJ Tltllagarh (N· A. C) • Graphite Crucibles Graphite Edible Oils

• The town having out-grouth ( It is revealed from the table that Ayur- Graphite from the towns whereas Coal, Wood,. vedic Medicines, Tile, Oil, Croth, Gudakhu, OilseeBs, Sugar, Silver, Edible oils etc. are­ Graphite, crucibles are manufactured --and some of the main commodities imported to the exported alongwith Kendu leaf, Paddy, Rice, towns of the district. SECTION-I VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Codes used in the Village Directory

In the Village Directory various amenities In this process, the number of institutionS!> and other data have been indicated by codes have been determined and. presented under th& for want of space. The codes used in different approved code. In cases of availability of more columns· are explained below. number of-institutions of a type, the number.ha$ been indicated within bracket after the code. In case the amenity is not ava.ilable in the COL. 5_Educational Amenities: village the same has been shown by a dashC_} in the relevant column having a note of the This column is intended to provide distance rang.e regarding its availability • . availability of educational facility in the viJIase under the following codes ; COL 6_Medical Amenities: 1. Primary or Elementary School ... P Availability of such amenities has been 2. Junior Secondary or Middle School •.. M presented under the following codes. In case 3 Matriculation or Secondary ••• H of availability of more number of institutions of 4. Higher Secondary/lntermediate/ a type, such" number has been indicated within Pre-University/ Junior College .,.PUC -bracket against the abbreviation. Where the amenities are not available/it has been indicated 5. College C by a 'dash' in the relevant column with a note 6. Industrial School thereunder including distance range of its availabi lity. 7. Training School . .. Tr.

8. Adult literacy Class/Centre . •• Ac Hospital H 9. Other Educational Institutions ... 0 Maternity and Child Welfare Centre MCW Schools upto Class-V have been treated as 'N\aternity Home MH 'Primary School and have included· Nursery School, Kindergarten School, Pre-basic School, Child Welfare Centre CWC Pre-Primary School, Junior Basic School, up to HealtH "Centre' HC Class-V. Schools upto Class-VII have been PHC treated as :Junior Se.condary or Middle English Primary Health Centre

School. Schools upto Class-XI (Matriculation) Primary Health Sub-centre .10 PHS have been ~nsidered as Secondary or High School. This.also includes High Madarsa upto Dispensary D Class-X. Schools or Colleges upto Class-Xii are family Planning Centre FPC considered as High~r Secondary Sch9ols. 1'.;1 case TB of composite Schools like M. E. with Primary T. B. Clinic classes or Higher Secondary Schools with M. E. Nursing Home NH classes, those haVl!' been included in, the number Registered Private Practitioner ... RP of Primary S,chool and, Middle School respecti­ 1 ('-:1;, vely. In a viliage having two Primary Schools Subsidised Medi£al Practitiol1 er ••• SM.P and one M. E. with 'primary classes~ 'the total 'Community'Health Worker CHW number of PrimaIY Schools in the village has been recorded as three and M. E. as one. Others 42

COL. 7_Drinking water Amenities: Bus Stop - BS The types of potable drinking water supply Railway Station sources available within the village has been RS ·;indicated by the following codes. If the amenities are not available in the village it has Navigable Watar Way NW been presented by a dash (_) in the relevant (including river I canal, back­ column and the distance range of its availability watar etc.) thereunder. Tap Water T , COL 11-Approach to the Village: Well Water W This is a new introduction In the 1981 Tank Water Tk Census not covered by the 1971 series. Tubewell Water TW Approach to the village refprs to the state of road etc. leading to the village. The intention Hand Pump HP_, i 5 to see whether the village is approachable River Water R both in fair and foul weather and whether it is Fountain F i'naccessible sometime in the year. Such approach has been presented under the fo,llo­ Canal C wing codes. lake ... L pucca Road PR Spring ." S NaJlah N Kutcha Road KR Others 0 Navigable River NR Information not available NA Navigable Canal NC COL. 8_Post & Telegraph: Navigable Water Way ••• NW Availability of amenities!n the village has (other than river or canal) been presented under the following codes. In case of non-availability it has been presented Foot:Path FP by a'dash (_) in the relevant column also jndicating.~he distance range ~hereunder. COL 13_Power Supply: Post Office PO If the power is actually available In the Telegraph Office TO village in any form, then the same has been presented in this column under the following Post and Telegraph Office PTO Code~. Telephone connection Phone Electricity for domestic ED COl. 10-Communication : purpose f ~ Availability of pubtlc transport like bus, rail Electricity for Ag~iculture ••• EJ\g and water way t'O the v)lIag~ have bE'en Electricity for other purros~s like incficated by the fi>IIowing cod~s. In case of (ndustrial or commercia >etc. ••• EO ... I ~ r , ~on.-availability, it ~_as ~jee.n_, p:~s.e,':'I!~d by a dash (_) in the said column wltli tn~ distance Electricity fGr all purposes range of its availability mentioned rneretihder. listed above 43

COL. 20-Remarks including any place of M_Motor cyr!esfScooters available in trw. religious, historical or archaeo­ village. logical interest: C_CarslJeeps available in the villagE'

This column is intended to record parti­ T _ Tractors av~iJable in the village culars of any place of importance as well as the information on number of copies of news papers The information presented under this colum,.· coming to the village and motor cycles/scooters, is illustrated below. carsJjeeps and tractors available in the village. N-32, M-2 The codes used in this column are as follows. Here N-32 represents the copies of news­ N -Copies of the news papers coming to papers viz. 32 and M.. 2, the number of motor·· the village. cycles/scooters viz. 2.

.",... c z~ ~ ,... r :::D ~ l> 0 "::a !! .. IJJ CIt )0 ::I: CIt '"6 r- )0; ·1 ". ~ ~e ~ l> :::D ::I: l> oS' U) r- "I


~ ..,



C ,.

.q 5 \.

g_ &: 1>" § .. ~ -;:: I I @I© ~ + I' .0" J lr ~~H :0 a> "en




KILOMETRES .. 0 J 2 I ! / ~-=::::$;;1bt :l.tu~ 0 I 2 /






.~dary.f Pollee ~tat.on. Rillage with Location code nllmherr _L_

fieserved Forest with" name. Thura RF Jleadquadets : Polioe Sbt.ti.on Village with population si.ze Below 200ll 200-499, 500-999.&.1 QOO-4 999 r 0 • 0 O· Uninha:Jited vIllages with locahon code =Ka:.. J Important Metalled Road ••• _Unmetalled dnd nlhOl Roads RS . Railway hne wlth Stahon ; Broad"Gauge ~

River and Stream... ~

Post OHice., poot &: Tele'i'raph OffIce .•. PO, PTO High SchooL"

,Primary Health_Centre, Ilis!pcmg4ry .,mporl•• 1 vlll""olWket!Hal_ •••



51· Name of the Village l·C. S!. Name of the VlIIage L. C· No. Nil- No. No. 1 2 3 1 2 3

1 Admunda (Armunda) 117 46 Dudungdarha 23 2 Ambabahali 33 47 Gambhari '10 3 Andalmundi 52 48 Ghuchapali 50 4 Ankamara (Anakamara) 13 49 Ghumsar (Ghunsar) 78 5 8adgur jlbha ta 77 50 Godbhanga(Gorabhanga) 111

6 Badimal 97 S1 Golamunda 18 7 Ifaduden 64 52 Gundurupali 74 1 Bagdia 82 5'3 Jaliabahal 11 9 Bagjharan 24 S4 Jalpankel 88 10 Bahabal 118 S5 Jamchuan 86

11 Baijalsagar 106 56 Jamunapall 27 12 Bali~_ba~al 26 S7 Jhalpahal 48 13 BanamaJ -- 57 ~8 Jhalialiti 89 14 Bandepadar 60 59 Jhankaripali 100 1S Banjipali 47 60 Jhankarpali 7

16 Banjipali 61 61 junanibahal 25 17 Bankera 59 62 Kandeichhapar 94 18 Barbahal 116 63 Kandhenjhula 120 19 Bania 38 64 Kandrabhata 2 20 Beherapani 30 65 Kanga 67

21 Bender 96 66 Kansapala 121 22 BhaluGhuan 98 67 Kapsipali 103 23 Bhaludunguri 114 68 Karlabahali 105 24 Bhanpur 10 69 Karlakutna 115 * 25 BImmfmtJh'dll 37 - 70 'K--a r Ia rrfltl' 54

2& Bharuamunda 99 71 Karuanjhar (I(oruanjhar) 90 27 Bharuamunda 107 72 Kendubhata 14 28 Bheluakhol 75 73 Khaprakhol 76 29 Brahmani 9 74 Khuripani 28 30 Budhachhapar (Burhachhapar) 40 75 Kindrital 109

31 Budhibahal (Burhibahal) 73 76 KUlihamunda 51 32 Buromal ... 12 77 Kurlu'llal (Kurumal) 101 33 Chahakapara 95 78 Kuthurla 22 34 Chancharabhata 49 79 lachhimal 65 35 Chaulbanji (Chaulibanjid) 56 SO lahaclunguri 36

36 Chauldia 91 81 lathor 92 37 Chhanchanbahali 5 82 Maharapadar 21 38 Chitakhutna (Chltakutna) 35 83 Mahulpali 1 39 Chormunda 43 84 Mahurundi 102 40 Damnimal 58 85 Malpara 63

41 Danamal 8 86 Malpara 8S 42 Darlipali 113 87 Malpara 112 43 Dedarha 70 88 Maslna 46 44 Dhandamunda 72 89 Matiabhata 15 45 Dudukipadar 55 90 Matikhai 108 49


Sf. Name of the Village L. C. 51 Name of the Village L. (_ No. No. No. No. 2 3 1 2 3

91 Nagdera 31 106 Sal epa Ii 17 92 Nandupala 4 107 Sangor jibha ta 45 93 NuapaJi 3 108 Sanuden 66 94 Pacher 71 109 Sapmund 29 95 Padiabahal (Pariabahal) 69 110 Sareibcthal 42 111 Sargimunda 119 Patrapa Ii 41 96 112 Sargipali 20 97 Patrapali 68 113 Sindhbahali (Sindibahali) \ ... 34 98 Phuljhar 87 114 Suliabahal 83 99 Phulkimunda 81 115 Sunamudl 39 100 Pingalmunda 80 116 Tambipadar 19 101 Pipalbahal 93 117 Tankapani 44 102 Putkelchuan 79 118 Telenpali 53 103 Putlamahul 16 119 Tileibahal 62 104 Rengali 32 120 Turla 6 105 Sahajpani 84 121 UdiapaJi (Uriapali) 104 50

VlllAG£- ';\.. AMENITIES P-olice Station-KHAPRA~HOl l. C. Name of the --Total - TOl~I--- -;'menities availab1e (if not available within the village,-a dash (--) No, Village area of the p.ppulatiqn is shown in ~e column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Viilage (N:umbe,r.9 f Kms., in broa ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where 'the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- ,> tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the ,ills Stop, " Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .' f- 1 Mahulpali 169:56 ,65 (17) -:- (-5) - (5-,,\.0) W,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) ,2 Kandr abhata 76'89 152 (M~ P -(5-10) W,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) -3 Nuapali 307'~7 ~4 (20) - (-5) -(5-19) TW,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) -4 Nandupala 370'69 669-(~57) P _0 ~T_WJ-O PO - -(~} BS 5 Chhanchanbahali 125'45 120 (25) P - (-5) W,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

6 Turla 887'88 771 (171) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,F,O PO - (-5) - (-5) 7 Jhankarpali 36260 475 ('03) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,F,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 8 Danamal 126'67 342 (74) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,F,O - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 9 Brahmani 392'55 516 (121) P -(5-10) W,Tk, TW,F,O - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) ':,. 10 Bhanpur 204'37 419 (89) P,M PHS,O W,Tk,TW,R,F PO - (-5) -(10+)

11 Jaliabahal 458·91 355 (78) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-4) -(5-10) 12 6ulomal 8~2'67 1,049 (.t28)- P - (-5) W,Tk,lW,R, - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) F,O 13 Ankamara 592'87 759 (172) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R,O - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (Anakamara) 14 Kendubhata 292'99 438 (95) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 15 Matiabhata 687'56 892 (172) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Sunday -(5-10)

16 Puttarnahul 60S'62 1,065 (228) P - (-5) •. W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) Sunday - (-5) 17 Salepali 204'77 283 (55) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 18 Golamunda 151'35 2(.0 (41) P - (-5) W,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 19 Tambipadar 101'17 293 (63) P - (-5) W,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 20 Sargipall 44394 738 (154) P PHS W,Tk,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

21 Maharapadar 336'70 661 (123) P,M PHS W,Tk,TW PO Thursday BS 22 Kuthurla 290'56 249 (56) P - (-5) W,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 23 Dudungdarha 163'09 190 (34)- _ P - (-5) W,T'W,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 24 Bagjharan 428-16 589 (104) P - (-5) W,TW,O - (-5) - t-5) - (-5) 25 Junanibahal 197'49 156 (31) P - (-5) W,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

26 Baliabahal 261'43 232 (42) P PHS W,Tk,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 27 JamLlnapali 269·93 387 (74) P - (-5) W,TW,O - (-5) ...... , (-5) - (-5) 28 Khuripani 347'63 394 (78) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 29 Sapmund 159'85 162 (36) P -(~j-j0) W,Tk.O -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 30 Beherapani 177'66 221 (55) p_ --(5-10) W,Tk,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 51


I,op- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (I. e., area under different types of l.and Remarks 'oiitti Distance Supply Fooo- use.in-hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including

,...-_.;..-_~_.. _____ ...... _A ______~ to riH K~l) "1 any village !- Furest Irrj.. Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste· available religious, b"y (Including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical inte~est~

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Patnagarh (45) Rice 42'49 6'88 77'29 23·88 19'02 Temple KR Pa-t na-gar h- (:45) Rice 1·21 4:45 56·6~ 213 12·14 !~.'!lP~ KR Piitna~a-rh (48) ~i(;~ 13~,62 202 1Q4·82 33·59 27·92 l;empJe PR Patn1l'g'lrh (4!1) ED Rice 7'29 1}6'77 224'69 27'92 44'11 N-3 KR Phnagarh (47) Rite 14'97 85'3~ 1578 9'31

KR Patnagarh (48) Rice 166,33 688 566'96 84'17 63'54 PR Patnagarh (48) Rice 16,19 56'65 234·31 13'36 4209 KR Patnagarh (51) Rice 42,49 68'80 162 13% M-2 KR Painagarh (51) Rice 56·06 62,73 178'87> 5099 42'90 PR Pa trragarh (64J Rice 931 42'90 122'62 8'50 2104 Temple

PR. , Patnagarh (4~) Rice 10'12 3480 358'96 19'42 35·61 KR Patnagarh (80) Rice n'76 6556 636'16 30'35 106'84 Temple

KR Patnagarh (60) Rice 1'21 38'04 460'94 1£.. 60 7608

KR Patnagarh (60) Rice 12'14 1~'33 231-411 11·33 26'71 KR Pathagrah (65) Rice 13,,35 23'47 56697 081 8296 Temple

KR Balangir (61) ~ice 27'11 28'73 469·44 34·40 4614 KR Patnagarh (48) Rice 1'21 1740 154'18 18'62 13'30 KR Pa tnagarh (40) Rice 405 12302 8'5b 1578 KR Patnagam (40) Rice 2,02 79'72 o !f8 12'55 ' ' KR p;1tna~arh (40) ED Rice 11133 2468 342·77 17·00 48,16 N-2

PR Patnagarh (38) ED Rice 5·26 280'04 14,57 3683 N~1 KR Patnagarh (38) ED Rice 25·09 17'81 212'46. . 22'66 1154 KR Patnagarh ( 42.J ED I{ice 2307 34'40 69-60 2u'B4 1.5 38 \ d> PR Patnagarh (40) ED Rice 2'02 95'10 ~63' 5 2~90 4209 N 2,C~1,T-2 KR Patnag~h (4~') ED Ric~. 10'12 283 149·73 23'8~ 10'93 -

KR Patnagarh (48) ED Rice 12,95 3,64 194·65 37'64 12'55 KR I'a£nagarh (46) ED. ~i(;El 6-88 12,55 105·18 23''.'17 21-85 .,' KR Patnagarh (4~) ED Rice 14,57 "62 273'57 43-30 14 57 KR Pat"n!iiA'rh (48) ED 'Rice T 4()1)6 ab'22 19,:6 12 14 KR PA!nakarn (50)' ED 486 'kt~~ 3:64 1..ih'.52L ____18·62 l' 2'02 52

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police Station-KHAPRAKHOl ... l~:C. Name of the Tota:l Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown In the column and next·to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms·, in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms· and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility Is available is given) r------~------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

31 Nagdera 197·89 233 (55) P - (-5) W,Tk, TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 32 Rengali 290·56 526 (108) P,M 0 W,Tk,TW PO Friday - (-5) 33 Amoabahali 43544 446 (95) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 34 Sindhbahali 286'92 453 (91) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Sindlbahali) 35 Chitakhutna 100·~6 54 (13) - (-5) -(5-10) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Chitakutna)

36 lahadunguri 260·62 337 (57) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 37 Bharuamunda 33&'29 554 (113) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 38 Bartia 370'69 549(115) P -(5-10) W.Tk.TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 39 Sunamudl 379·19 684 (115) P PHS W,Tk,TW,R PO Saturday -(5-10) 40 Buclhachhapar 273'16 562 (86) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (Burhachhapar)

41 Patrapali 434.23 835 (139) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 42 Sareibahal 504·24 616 (100) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 43 Chormunda 315'66 258 (53) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 44 Tankapani 564'94 671 (101) P 0 W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) -(5-10) 45 Sangur jibhata 323'75 482 (90) P PHS W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

46 Masina 377·98 639 (123) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -,(-5) 47: BanjipaJi 74.87 1.38 -(29) P - (-5) W.Tk,TW -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 48 Jhalbahal 144·07 218 (45) P - (-5) W,Tk.rW -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 49 Chancharabhata 38769 537 (97) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) '50 Ghuchapali 350.46 507 (101) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

51 Kulihamunda 167'54 279 (58) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) '52 Andalmundl 50·18 83 (19) P -(5-10) W,D - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 53 Telenpali 766'88 1;165 (237) P,M 0 W,Tk,TW,O PO - (-5) - (-5) 54 Karlamal 405·09 536 (75) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,D - (-5) .- (-5) - (-51 55 Duduklpadar 226.62 407 (72) P - (-5) \IV,Tk,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5}

56 Chaulbanjl 316 Zl6 755 (142) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) BS (Chaulbanlid) 57 Banamal 200.32 356 (60) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) Thursday BS 58 Damnimal 152'16 289 (61) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) S9 Bankera 801·28 609 (203) P - (-5) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 6C' Bandepadar 347.22 607 (96) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 53


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use·(i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places including to (in Kms.) I"""------.A.------~ any village Forest Irri- U~- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (iuclud~ng for historical source gauchar cult iva t ion or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

',1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q

KR Patnagarh (42) Rice 23·07 4'45 130·71 31·57 8'09 "0 KR Patnagarh (42) Rice 21·04 2·43 208'82 49·37 8·90 N-3,Temple KR Patnagarh (45) Rice 71·22 286'11 54'23 23.88 . KR Patnagarh (42) Rice 22·66 220'55 29.95 13.76

KR Patnagarh (57) Rice 11·33 6192 22.26 4'85

KR Patnagarh (57) Rice 14'16 0'81 231'08 931 5'26 KR Patnagarh (41) Rice 31'16 22460 51'39 29.14 Temple KR Patnagarh (48) Rice 3399 26871 46'54 21'45 KR Kantabanij (45) - Rice 34·40 23'87 258'19 3966 23.07 KR Kantabanjl (43) Rice 11,33 364 229'86 19·43 8.90 M-1

KR Kantabanji (35) Rice 34'80 345'20 38'85 15'38 Temple KR Kantabanji (45) Rice 132'33 21'85 231·89 10684 )1'33 KR Kantabanji (43) Rice 15945 3.64 75'68 5989 17'00 KR Kantabanji (40) Rice 165·11 11'73 284.90 89.44 1376 PR,KR Kantabanji (38) Rice 18'21 4'45 246.05 44.92 10.12 M-l,Temple

KR Kantabunjl (24) Rice 34.40 2'02 275.19 5544 10·93 KR Kantabanji (33) Rice 203 52'61 10'52 971 KR Kantabanjl (35) Rice 10,12 14'17 90'65 21.85 7'28 KR Patnagarh (40) Rice 6·88 67.99 272'76 2307 1699 KR Patnagarh (42) Rice 8,50 12,95 243'62 46'13 39,26

KR Patnaga rh (42) RicE; 2.02 9,71 125'46 21'45 8'90 KR Patnagarh (48) Rice 36.42 10'93 2.83 KR Patnagarh (40) Rice " 45 649.52 52'61 60.30 KR Patnag:uh (32) Rice 14'97 27'11 259.81 4209 61'11 KR Patnagarh (30) ED Rice 4.05 4.05 183.32 11·73 234!

KR Kantabanjl (32) ED Rice 24'28 19'83 225.00 8·50 38'85 Church

PR,KR Patnagarh (35) ED Rice 10'93 10'52 142.86 8.90 27'11 KR Patnagarh (35) ED Rice 124.64 8'09 19.43 KR Patnagarh (30) ED Rice 18.21 6'47 648'31 5949 6880. N~l,M-l KR Patnagarh (45) Rice 7·28 37.64 247'26 12:1~ 42'9~ Temple __. 54

VillAGE AMENru~~ Police Station-KHAPRAKHOL

L.-C. Name of the -Total­ TotaL_ Amenltles axailabLe_Of...!:!o!_ !t~,!il~~ wit~!I ~ vili~~, ~ ~s~ (..-::~ No· Village area.of the populati_on i~ shown in the column and next to it In brackets, the distance in Village (N)Jmber of !),ms. in I?r;a:d' ranges, Vi~. -5 ~ms:,_ 5-10 Kms. ~na, 19'+K'ms. of the (in h&tares) households) nearest place where thf' lacility is available is given) " ~! l I ~------~------~ Equc;:a,- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communl- tionaf Water and days of cation (Pot able) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Markett Railway Hat, Station, If any Water- way)

1 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 f

61 8anjipali -429·37 1,058 (194) e,M - (-51 - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) f~t Iileibahal 130.31 Uninhahl'ied' 63 M.w>a~a 279.64 524':{if4) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) BS g4 Baduden 645,di 812 (lsj1 P,M - (-5J W,'(k, TW,R - (-!?) - (-~~ - (-5) 65 Lachhimal 161-87 299 "(611) P - (-5) W.,TW,R - (-5) - (-?) - (-5)

66 Sanuden 34803 705(156) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) BS p 67 Kanga 246,45 412 (86) - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 209·63 49~ (95) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) 68 Patrapall ,~ , - (-~~ " 61J Padiabahal 299'47 546 (112) P - (-5) W,W,TW PO - (-~) - (-5) (Pariabahal) I I 636·1~ 1,192 (249) P,M - ~-5) W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) - (-5) 7.0 Dedarha o A

71 Pacher 607·43 830 (174) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

Zl- ph,andamunda 989.86 .2,671 (4.57) P,M,H PHS,D,RP,O W,Tk,TW,R PO Wednesday - (-5) P " -1-5) W;Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) ~~ Budhibahal 450-01 820 (179) (Burhibahal) 74 Gundurupali 371-50 404-- (83Y P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 25 Bheluakhol 102·19 207 t48) P - (-5) W,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) II

76 Khaprakhol 480.36 1,374 (291) P,M,H PHC,FPC W,Tk,TW PTO,Phone Saturday - (-5) 71 Badgurjibhata 377·'7 556 ('11) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 7EJ Ghumsar(GhJnsdr) 317.68 512 (105) P.,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO - (-s) - (-5) 7!J Putkelchuan < 334.66 344 (69) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -- (-5) - (-5) 80 Pingalmunda 417.23 652 (m} P - (-5) W_, Tk,TW - (-?) - (-5) - (-5) "

81 Phulkimunda 472-67 767 (134) P - (-5) W,TW PO - (- 5) - (-5) 82 Bagdia 328·61 335 (75) J' - (-5) W,Tk;TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 83 Suliabahal 13636 207 (46) P ~(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -l-5) 821 Sahajpani 296.23 602 (119) P -'(-5) W.Tk,lW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 85 Malpara 211·2S 529 (87.) P,M~t:I 'PHS WrTk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5)

54!; (109) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW 86 Jamchuan 265·07 - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) -!~-10) W,Tk ~ !'flOlihar 320·11 282 (~l f ., - (-~) - (-5) - (-5) 142-85 629 (120) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 88' Jalpankel .p 89 Jhalialitj 208'41' 230~ tll~) -(5-10! W~T~TW - (-5) -'(-5) - ('-!l) 394·f6 800 (159} P -:-(5-10) W;TI(:TW - (-5'· - '(-5) - t-5) gO' Karuanjhar (,' r· t-lt~uanjhar) " 55


.~ App-'. Nearest town and Power Stapfe Land use (i. e., area.under different types of land Remarks roach distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including ,..-______A • ______---, to (in !

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~o:: I .) .f II' ., . PR Patnagarh (27) ED Rice 14'17 :!9:~4 562'30 27.92 5544 N-l0,M-2 2(,'23 0522 0'81 243 • I , «"62 1 ~ Patnagarh (26) ED .Rice 6.07 14·57 ~~~.io 1~·38 27'92 Terrif)'le eR Pat,nagarh .(59) Rice 2995 23'86 515.57 10.92 64'75 TemPle ",' KR Patnagarh (27) Rice 0'81 140:83 8'09 12·14

PR Patnagarh (26) ED Rice 2.43 15·78 271.14 22'26 36.42 Temple PR Patnagarh (26) Rice 081 15'38 2,01- 13 17,80 1133 PR Patnagarh ( 29) .Rice 5.26 ,J83,73 9.31 11'33 PoR Patnagarh (27) Rice 11.33 2509 229.05 14.17 19.83

PR Patnagarh (19) Rice 29·95 14.16 521.23 4007 30.76 M-2

KR Patnagarh (24) Rice 4330 13·36 446.77 29.54 74·46

PR ~?tnagarh (29) Ep Rice 4-45 4976 777.00 56·25 10236 N-2,M-3 PR ~antabanji (42) ED Rice 3·64 17.81 356:5'3 t'f.85 50·16

PR ~aniabanJi (48) ED Rice 31'16 17·40 219'34 50'99 52'61 PR Patnagarh (32) Rice 0.40 7527 13.76 13.36

PR Patnagarh (30) ED Rice 1012 26'71 330.22 32.37 6094 N-1O,M-8,C-3, T-l, Temple PR Patnagarh (40) ED Rice 0.40 7932 197·49 3804 61·92 Temple PK Patnagarh (43) ED Rice 5·26 19·02 235.53 25 Q9 32.78 1-··-, PR l Patnagarh (42) Rice 3.24 0.41 272.76 :6.!lO 49,~7 TelTlP'e KR Patnagarh (40) ED Rice 4.86 5301 315.25 22-66 21.45 M-l

• I PR ,Patnagarh (40) Eb Rice 9.71 1-62 402:26 48,96 10.12 .,:Temple PR Kantabanji (30) ED Rice 10.12 2.43 258.59 33.59 23·86 Temple PR Kantabanji (29) ED Rice 5·67 3·24 9834 1659 12.54 PR Kantabdnji (24) ED Rice 12·95 8·90 218·13 3116 2509 N-1,M-2,Temple PR Kalltabanjl_"(2~) ED Rice 18.62 728 1~8.00 3(1 ~5 8.90 N-1, Mosque

~ PR "Kantaban j i 121) ell ~k'e 12.14 28.33 176."44 32·78 15·38 'Temple PR . Kantabanji ,('17) EO 'lice 3035 7.69 ~25·01 39.66 17.40 PR l


LC. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the t>opulation is shown in the column and next to It in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of kms., In broad ranges, Viz, -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (In hectares) households) nearest place where the faCility is available is given) r------~------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

91 Chauldia 110'48 271 (47) P (-5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) '92 Lathor 816·25 3,003 (565) P,M,H 0,0 W,Tk,TW PO,Phone Sunday BS,RS

93 -Pipalbahal 275,19 923 (192) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW -.(-5) - (-5) - (-5) ~4 Kandeichhapar 1BG'9i 374 (92) P ~ (-5) W,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) q5 Chahakapara 30068 229 (46) P,M "":(5-10) W,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)


96 Bender 412·38 790 (162) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R PO - (-5) - (-5) 97 Badimal 126'26 173 (32) P -(5-10) -W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) '~8 Bhaluchuan 133'14 117 (27) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) ~ Bharuamunda 184·94 401 (84) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 100 Jhankaripali 318'89 605 (104) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

484 (.93) P -(5-10) W,Tk ..101 Kurlumal (Kurumal) 250'91 , - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 102 Mahurundi 405'90 595 (118) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 103 Kapsipali 850'65 1,269 (265) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Monday - (-5) 104 Udiapali (Uria~ali) 460'13 676 (1211) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 105 Karlabahali 350'86 357 (65) P - (-5) W~Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

106 Baijalsagar' 66651' 959 (195) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 107 Bharuamunda 173.61 292. (57) P _- (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 108 Mdtikhai 545'52 685 (148) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 109 Kindrital 273·16 668(136) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) Friday - (-5) 110 Gambhari 808'~7 1,619 (348) P,M 0 W,Tk,TW PO Friday - (-5)

111 Godbhanga 370'89 507 (92) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Gorabhanga) 112 Malpara 21t1'94 465 (90) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 113 Darlipali 448·80 641 (112) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5) r 114 Bhaludc.mgLlri 537 42_ 920 (170) P - (-5) W,TIc,TW: - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 115 Karlakutna 471·86. 557·(122) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) .... (-5) 57


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in,Kms,) ~------~------~ any lIilIage Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (Including for historical source gaucher cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical Interest

'1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Kantabanji (38) ,., Rice, 567 1'21 80·13 20'23 3·24 PR Kantabanji (22) ED Rice, Wheat 170·78 12·95 492·50 111·29 28'73 N-21,M-16,C-2~ T-3, Temple PR Kantabanji (22) ED Rice,Wheat 1659 16'59 199'11 33·19 9'71 N-4,M-l,C-2 KR Kantabanji (24) Rlce,Wheat 19'43 98·74 48'56 2024 KR Kantabanji (24) Rice 114"93 119'09 26'71 2995


KR Kantabanji (24). Rice . 22'66 27·92 265·48 54.23 4209 Temple KR Kantabanjl (26) Rke 6,07 931 66'39 2954 12'95 KR Kantabanji (26) Rice 27·92 60'30 33·99 10'93 KR Kantabanji (32) Rice 15.78 324 12181 34.40 971 KR Kantabanji (35) ED Rice 3'64 8,09 272'76 23'07 11·3)

KR Patnagarh (37) ED Rice 2'02 211·25 6,48 31'16 PR Patnagarh (32) ED Rice 850 61 ,51 26790 33·99 34'00 C-l,T-2,Temple PR Patnagarh (30) ED Rice 32'78 56'25 579'11 80·13 1C2·38N-1,M-2, Temple , PR Patnagarh (26) ED Rice 32·38 19·02 325'77 28·73 54.23 Temple PR,KR Patnagarh (22) Rice 19·02 18'21 245'24 21'45 46'94

PR Patnagarh (19) Rice 48'16 10'83 441.92 62·72 9389 KR Patnagarh (19) Rice 11'74 10'52 125·45 19'83 6'07 PR,KR Patnagarh (16) Rice 19·02 8·10 442'32 61·11 1497 KR Patnagarh (21) Rice 14'97 25'90 191,01 16'59 24'69 KR Patnagarh (22) Rice 2671 5:l'61 615'53 38·04 76.08 N-3,M-1,C-1, Temple

KR Patnagarh (27) Rice 29'95 7'28 242'00 4087 5059

KR Patnagarh (29) Rice 9·71 2'83 164'71 8,Sq 33'19 Temple KR Patnagarh (26) Rice 18'62 6'07 342'36 1943 62'32 PR Patnagarh (30) ED Rice 27·52 16·18 358'15 67'18 68·39 N-l KR Patnagarh (35) Rice 28·~3 28571 106'43 51'39 ,...... - 58


L. C, Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) No, Vlllage area of the population is'Sliown in the column and nexE to it in brackets, the olstance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad Tanges, Viz, -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the

(in hectares) households) ,-----______nearest place where theA.- facility______is available is given) ...... ,

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Markett Railway Hat, Station, if-any Water­ way) 2 3 4 5 :. 6 7 a 9 10

116 Barbahal 106'03 94 (20) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 222·98 240 (47) P - (-5)- W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (":'5} - (-5) 111 'f1~u~da) 118 Bjlhab'aI 559'68 328 (62) .p -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) .) , . 119 Sargimunda 318.08 419- ~6) P -(5-10)- W;Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 120 Kandhenjhula 452'~> 639 (123) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -' (-5) 12' Kansapala 596'10 823 (188) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) (-5)

Total 42,456,42 67,118 P-117, 0-3, (t3,3?1) M-19, rt-4 PI1C/t:IC-1, - FPC-1 PHS.;:8,0-8 59


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (I. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use In.hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places including ,...______.A. ______~ to (in Kms.) any village Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated -waste available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20

KR Patnagarh (27) Rice 4'05 65.15 850 28'33 KR Palnagarh (29) Rice 8·50 5'26 156·21 17'80 35'21

KR Patnagarh (29) Rice 74,46 5·66 341'96 107·65 29'95 KR Patnagarh (26) Rice 69'61 2'43 166'73 5&27 21'04 'KR Patnagarh (27) Rice 36,42 12'54 317·68 50·99 34'40 KR Patnagarh (24) Rice 42'08 9'31 439'49 47-35 57'87 - 2,942,87 1,931'11 29,949'60 3,923'85 3,708,99 N.61,M-46, e.9, T·

\ ..

H' -,. .



ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES OF PATNAGARH POLICE STATION ------~I Name of the Village L.c. Sl. Name of the Village L. C. 'l(,. No. No. No. 2 3 2 3 ------1 Ainlapali 74 46 Chhelkhai 133 2 Ainlatunga 46 47 Chhualiudar 5 3 Amdarha 189 48 Chingerbandh 155 4 Apursagar 125 49 Chitadunguri 119 5 Babejuri 149 50 Chitikamal 79

6 Babejuri 167 51 Chuladarh 160 7 Bagbahali 57 52 Dabkani 58 8 Baghalabandh 175 53 Dabmal 66 9 Bagmunda 40 54 Daitarimunda 61 10 Baliabhata 73 55 D

11 Balipata 113 56 Dameipali 36 12 Bandhanbhadi (Bandhanbahari) 136 57 DamkipaJi 1 13 Bandhanmal(Bandanmal) 25 58 Dandarabahal 188- 14 Baneimunda 87 59 Dangbahal 11 "\5 Banjari 116 60 Dangiabahal 68

16 Banjijhal 80 61 Debhuin 26- 17 Bankabianr 104 62 Deulgaon 95 18 Bankibahal 108 63 Dhatuk 166 19 Barabhaga 50 64 Dhodmahul 59 20 Barbahal 165 65 Dhubalpara 135

21 Barhamara 97 66 Dhunradadar (Dhauradadar) 78- 22 Barhamunda 84 67 Diadumer 131 106 23 Barjhula 53 68 Dumerpadar 63 24 Barpadar 124 69 Dundel 25 Barpita 130 70 Fandakupara 186- 47 26 Batharla (Batarla) 117 71 Fatamunda 27 Beherabandh 118 72 Cadiajor 13 28 Bhainsa 144 73 Cadiajor 174 29 Bhaludarh 153 74 CahlrpaJl 91 30 Bhalujuri( Bhalujori) 139 75 Cailmara 179

31 Bhalupita U8 76 Gailpita (Gaelplta) 42 32 Bhar a tbaha I 54 71 Cailpita 158- 33 Bhatall 33 78 Gandamel 4+ 34 Bhatpali 93 79 Gangudar 15& 35 Bichhi libahai 159 80 Canjasagar 99' 36 Blchhllibahal 10S' 81 Cargadchhapar 89 37 Bljamagur 96 82 Gaonbhatall (Canbhatll) 31 38 Bilelsathi 115' 8} Cavara 4 39 Bindhanpathar 182 84 Gerda 41.. 40 Brahmanipall(Bramhanipali) 9 85 Chagara 32 41 Burdabahal 18 86 Chasian 21 42 Chakamal 170 87 Chikundl (Ghlkundhl) 145 43 Champasar 55 88 Ghuchepali 176 44 Changharla 83" 69 Chumer 45: 45 Chandanjorl(Chandanjuri) 8 90 Chunghutlpali 94 64


SI· ~ame of the Village t.·c.. 51. Name;of the Village l. C. No. No. No. No. 2 3 2 3

91 Goudpall 70 136 Luhuret 27 92 Guhiramunda 173 137 Maghamara 187 93 Gunchadihi 14· 138 Malikmunda (Nallkmunda) 164 94 Guniabahal 52 139 Manaipad 177 95 Hirl! 39 140 Maral 43

96 Indpur 23 141 Maruan 100 97 Jalpali 20 142 Maslnachhapar 143 98 Jambahal 163 143 Mudalsar 56 JhankarpaJr 148 144 Mudghat 140 9'9: ,'. 100 Jhankarpali 152 145 Mundapala 142

101 jhaptupali 141 146 Mundomahul 178 102 112 14"Z Nage{lmal 30 103 jhulenbar 102 148 Naktasar 131 104 jogimunda 110 149 Nehenabandha 111 105 juria 37 150 Niljibahal 168

106. Kadalijharan 67 151 Padhel 81 107 Kadalimuntla 180 lsi Pandamunda 107 108 Kadopani 29 153 Pandesara 49 109 Kalangapali 90 154 Pandripani 3 110 Kalangapali 161 155 Pandripani 103 85 111. Kanheital (Kandeital) 6 156 Phulmunda 1 , 164 112. Karlamal 183 157 Podhachhapar 113 Kaudia 123, 158 Porhamund(Porhmund) 147 /114. Kechhobahal 35, 159' Pudapadar 51 115' Kendumundi 181 160 Puti~hbahal 77 172 116 Kerbeda 76 161 Rahenmal 9a 117 Khalia 162 162 Rakhiudar 154 1\8 Khola 21!. 163 Ranidarh Ratctkhandi 150 119: Khuntsamalai 60 164 22 120 Khuripanl 7 165 Rengali

121 KhUl"5el 24 166 Rengaljurj(Rengalguri) 82 112 Khutnapani" (i{huntnapani) 66 167 Rengata5il 137 Kirabahal 6' 168 RuglIdimunda 129 12t 71 124- Kuhabaunsa (Kuabauns) 75_ 169 SalepaJi 171 125 Kusabahali 62 170 Salepali

171 ~amalaisar 126 126 Kusamkani 72 Sarathimunda 2 127. Kusumkani 121 172 173 Sarmuhan 146 128 Kutmunda _•. 127 I Semelmunda 19q 129 Kuturla 19 174 17S Sialbandh '51 130" Ladangabha.ta 48 176 Sidhimunda 17 131 Laherjuri 16 177 Slletpara 157 132 Laksimimunda (larshjmu~l:lar: ,1 h.· 6S 178 So\bandh 114 133 10 64 179 Suliamal 12 134' Luhakhan 128 38 180_ Sunamudi ... 115 luhasingha'C,Luasinha) -~ 65


SI. Name or the Vi!l.Jge l..~. 51. Name of the Villa~e l.c. No. No. No. Np. 2 3 1 2 3

181 Talpadar 101 186 Thakpara 109 152 Tamian 92 187 Thelkochhapar 15 183 Tendapadar 120 188 Tulasidunguri 185 184 Tengrapathar 34 189 Turlamal 169 185 Tentelkhunti 134 190 Ulba 122 66


LC. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the ¥illage, a dash (-) No ViiJage area of the p6pulation is mown i1'l tin! column ana next to it in brackets the distance in -_ Village (Numoer of ~Kms. in broad f~nges, Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms_ and 10+Kms. of the

,_ Oamkipali 1,521,21 1.202 (239) P,M -(10+ ) W,Tk,TW PO Tuesday BS 2 Sarathimunda 276-81 106 (26) P -(10+) W,TW -(5-10) -(,';-'0) -(5·10) 3 Pandripani 86967 259 (57) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(S-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 4 Gavara 146-50 197 (44) P -(10+ ) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 5 Chhualiudar 398'62 333 (68) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5..) - (-5) - (-5)

6 Kanheital 386,09 384 (77) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Kandeital) 7 Khuripani 28773 250 (59) P -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) Saturday -(5-10) 8 Chandan jori 35\'67 261 (55) P -(10+) W.Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Chandanjuri) 9 Brahmanipall 115'74 113 (37) P -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)' (Bramhanipali) 10 larambha 8B262 1,054 (208) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R PO Saturday BS

11 Dangbahal 62564 982 (55) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 12 Suliamal 388'90 291 (44) P -(10+) W,TK,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 13 Gadiajor 479'55 115 (25) P -(10+) W,rk -(10+ ) Saturday -(10+) 14 Gunchadihi 256,'57 142 (27) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk.TW -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 15 Thelkochhapar 276·81 169 (39) P -(10+ ) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

16 laherjurl 134·76 57 (13) \- (-5) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 17 Sidhimunda 91-46 156 (24) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 18 Burdabahal 157·02 368 (74) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS 19 Kuturla 438'68 659 (142) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 20 Ja1pali 118·17 130 (28) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10;.

21 Ghasian 1 ,212'84 2,308 (481) P,M,H PHC,FPC W,Tk,TW;R PO Monday BS

22 Rengali 698-08 825 (165) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) Saturday - (-5) 23 Indpur 671·78 S72{13..5) P(2) - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-S) 24 Khursel 292·59 303 (62) - ~ P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) Tuesday - (-5) 25 Bandhanmal 157,83 104 (24) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (Bandanmal)

26 Debhuln 316'46 516 (111) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 27 Luhuret 303'92 413 (90) P -(5-10) W,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 28 Khola 145·69 106 (25) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+) 29 Kadopani 24403 309 (71) P -(5-10) W,TW,R -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 30 Nagenmal 220,55 205 (52) P .-(5-10) W.TW -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-'10) 67


App- Nearest town_and Power Staple -lang l,Ise (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Supply Food use in hectares·rounded up to 2 decimal places) including DJstance ,.-______A ______--., to (in K~s.) any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious by (including for historical source, gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical Intp.rest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Pil Patnagarh (27) EA Rice 263'86 70·41 SOl-81 334'27 350·86 N-3,Temple KR Patnagarh (29) EA R,ice 153'78 47'75 25·50 49'78 .. , KR Patnagarh (24) EA Rice 596'91 3'64 111.29 56:66 101'11 KR Pa'tnagarh (24) EA Rite 24-28 19·83 48.56 31'S7 22-26 KR- Patnagarh (24) EA Rice 123·(13 8'09 109'27 117'36 4067

KR Patnagarh (21) EA Rice 48'56 19'02 253'74 26'30 40'47

KR Patnagarh (22) EA Rice 16'19 6'48 232'69 '12·14 2023 KR PatnagiHh (21) EX Rice 64-75 0'81 233'10 20'64 32,37

KR Patnagarh {2l) EA Rice 8'50 7'b9 8660 6·88 6'07

PR Patna!arh (16) lOA Rice 141'64 106-84 487'24 29·14 11776 N-1,Temp+e ~

KR Patnagarh (19) Rice 60·70 50'18 445·56 32·37 36·83 TempJe KR Patnagarh (21) EA Rice 101'17 25,49 157'83 43'71 60·70 M-l KR Patnagarh (22) EA Rice 30351 58·26 68,79 48>97 KR Patnagarh (.27) £A Rice '89·94 60'30 72-84 42.49 KR Patnagarh (30) EA Rice 121'41 52·20 61·11 42'09

KR Patnagarh (24) EA Rice 36·42 42'49 28'33 27·52 M-7 KR Patnagarh (22) EA Rice 8·50 15.38 45'32 12·95 9'31 PR Patnagarh f21) EA Rice 10,52 3116 95·10 12'14 8·10 KR Patnagarh (16) EA Rice 35·21 60·70 302"30 10'23 20,24 M-l KR Patnagarh (14) EA Rice 8'10 11'33 70·82 12'14 15·78

PR Patnagarh (13) EA Rice 101·17 110'07 831·23 6515 105'ZZ N-3,M-5,C-4, T-"Temple KR Patnagarh ( 14) EA Rice 15'37 &"30 439'49 123'43 59'49 KR Patnagarh (16) EA Rice 121-41 79'72 307.97 101'17 61'51 Temple KR Patnagarh (19) EA Rice 4047 19·83 167.13 40·47 24,69 Temple 1

I(R Patnagarh (19) EA Rice 6'07 11-74 245,64 21,85 3116 K,R Patnagarh ( 16) ~ice 4007 201.13 29.54 33.18 Temple KR Patndgarh (24) Rice 67'56 12'55 40,S7 lnS 9.31 KR patnagarh (24) Rice 26.30 15,38 14124 38'45 22'66 KR Patnagarh (22) Rice 12.14 154.18 40'07 14'16 68

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police Station-PATNAGARH l· C Name of the Total Total Amenities.available (if not avallable'wlthin the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Klns" In broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms· and 10+Kms. of the (in hect~res) households) ,._. ______nearest place where the --A- facility______is available is given) ___._

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Market! Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 2 3 j 5 6 7 8 9 10

31 Gaonbhatall 284·90 274 (58) P -(5-10) W,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5·10) (Ganbhatli) 32 Ghagara 175:63 308 (52) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) 85 ·33 Bhatali 287·73 324 (73) P - (-5) W,Tko - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 14 Tengrapathar 467.41 626 (129) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-·5) - (-5) -(5-10) 35 Kechhobaha~ 338'72 403 (87) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R. - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

36 Dameipali 684.32 1,183 (251) P,M PHS W,Tk,TW,R PO - (. ·5) - (-5)

37 Juria 24888 787 (153) P,M - (-5) W,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 38 Luhasingha 37676 1.315 (279) P(2),M,H PHS,D W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) - (-5) (Luasinha) 39 Hirli 43261 614 (126) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 40 Bagmunda 583·15 888 (194) P,M PHS,O W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) -(5-10)

41 Gerda 412·38 832 (16~) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 42 Gailpita (Gaelpita) 273.57 275 (64) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,O -(5-10) -(5-10) - (5-10) 43 Marai 254.14 282 (66) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) Thursday - (-51 44 Gandamel 14447 165 (38) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) Thursday - (-5) 45 Ghumer 369.07 487 (103) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) Friday -(5-10)

46 Ainlatunga 673.80 8B6 (184) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 47 Fatamunda 211'65 448 (96) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 48 ladangabhata 123.02 161 (32) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 49 Pandesara 271.95 375 (69) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) '50 Barabhaga 84.58 99 (24) P -(10+) W,R,N -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

"'St Pudapadar 129.50 322 (64) p -(10+ ) W,TW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10} '52 Guniabahal 138.81 146 (29) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) '53 Barjhula 269'~2 115 (32) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -[5·"0) "34 ahara tbahal 418.85 831 (162) P -(1(1+ ) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) '55 Champasar 92.27 226 (48) P -(10+) W,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

56 Mudalsar 33:':.25 446 (92) P -(10+' W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 57 8agbahali 160.26 267 (SO) P - (-5) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 58 Dabkani 34~·84 272 (67) p -(lO+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) 85 59 Dhodmahul 118·17 ~22 (45) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 60 Khuntsal'Qalal 518.40 1,223 (253f P,M - (-5)._ W,Tk,TW PO Tuesday BS 69

DIRECTORY AND LANOUSE Tahasll-PATNAGARH , App- Nearest t:lwn and Power Staple Land use n. e., area under different types of land Remarks roch Distance Supplv Food lise in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including ".-______..... A-______--.. to (in Kms.) anY village Forf-st Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious bv (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical Interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Patnagarh (21) 'Rice 7.69 234·31 21'05 21'1,5

PR Patnagarh (19) Rice %7 364 141'23 13.36 11.73 KR Patnagarh (18) Rice 12·95 17.80 223·39 15·38 18·21 , KR Patnagarh (23) Rice 2266 14'97 392·54 11·74 25.50 Temple KR Patnagarh (21) Rice 6.48 25'49 276.80 14'57 15,38

PR Patnagarh (19) ED Rice 8:90 53·01 517'59 58'28 46.54 N-l,M-1,T-1~ Temple PR PatnaJlarh (16) ED Rice 2,83 23.07 171·99 16'19 3480 N-1,M-2 PR Patnagarh (18) ED Rice 3·64 26'71 26709 14.17 65·15 N-12,M-10, Temple KR Pa tnagarh (19) Rice 16.5'9 2.43 339')3 28'73 45·33 PR Patnagarh (16) Rice 17·80 20·64 376'36 16.59 151·76 Temple

KR Patnagarh (16) EA Rice 40·47 32·38 284·90 32·37 22'26 Temple KR Patnagarh (13) EA Rice 28·33 24·28 191·82 16'19 12.95 KR Patnagarh (11) EA Rice 36'42 11.33 163,09 20·23 2307 KR Patnagarh (10) EA Rice 80Q 26·71 100'77 4.45 4.45 KR Patnagarh (11) EA Rice 28·33 17·80 29259 16·59 1376 Temple

KR Patnagarh (19) EA Rke 6556 26·71 432.61 104·00 44.92 Temple KR Patnagarh (18) EA Rice 14,16 3885 131.93 12.14 14·57 M·', Temple KR Patnagarh (19) EA Rice 24.28 13.76 56.25 12.54 16.19 KR Patnagarh (24) EA Rice 16.19 25.09 192-22 18.21 20·24 KR Patnagarh (26) EA Rice 4.05 3.64 63·54 8·09 5.26

KR Patnagarh (25) EA Rice 8·09 84.58 1011 26·71 KR Patnagarh ('29) EA Rice 20.23 11·33 74.06 16.19 17.00 KR Patnagarh (30) EA Rice 80·94 9348 60·70 34.40 KR Patnagarh (26) fA Rice 21.85 4897 287·33 22-26 3844 - M-2, Temple KR Patnagarh (18) EA Rice 6.07 69.61 8.09 850

KR Pa tnagarh (18) EA Rice 20·23 31·97 197.49 40.47 42.09 Temple KR Patnagarh (18) EA Rice 20,24 'J7·9Z 84.18 12.14 15'78 PR Patnagarh (14) EA Rice 40 47 29.54 182.11 40·47 56.25 KR Patnagarh (10) EA Rice 8·09 33·19 64·75 4.05 8.09 Temple PR Patnagarh (10) EA Rice 20·24 97·93 352.08 20.23 27.92 N-9,M-7,Temple --- 70


Le. Name·of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms. in broad ranges. Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households} nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A-----~------~ Educa- Medica' Drinking Post Day or Communl- tiol'al Water and days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, If any Water- way)

1 2 3 .. ~ 5 b 7 8 9 10

-or DiirtarTmundr -196:27 349"' (76)" p- ..... (5-16)- W,n,TW- P.o - k5)- -(5--10). 62 Kusabahall 152·57 195' (40°1 P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 63 Dandel 354-5) 629 p30~. P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 64 Luhakhan 377·98 193 (44) P - ~-5) W,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 65 Laksimimunda 146.90 153 (33)" P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Lakshimun~a)

66 Dabmal 197·89 141 (24) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) &r l(atl~Ii'lharah 363·81 46 (9) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 6s~, 'Dangiabahal 170·78 223 (52) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(5-10) BS t.9 Rirabahal 283.69 182 (35) P - (-5) W,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) fA 70 GouCipaJi 538"64 544 (113) P - (-5) W,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) ~

71 5alepali 184·94 361- (&-7) P - (-5) W,TW,R - (~5) - (-I) - (-5) 72 Kusamkani 100·77 87 (14) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R -(S-10) - (-5) -(10+) 73 B_aliabhata 254·95 439 (68) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(S-10) 74" Ainlapali 171·59 244 (44) p -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 75 Kuhabaunsa 456'08 600'(123) -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Kuabauns) Ii

76 Kerbeda 439.89 603 (138) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 77 Putishbahal 233·50 340 (78) P -(~-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 78 Qhunradadar 509.90 261 {59) P -(10+) W,Tk,T\N -(10+) --(10+ ) BS .(Dhal!radadar)" 79 Chitikamal 211·65 173 (48) - (-5) -(10+) W,TW -(5-10) - (5-10) - ( 5) '''SO Banjijhal 424,52 545 (118) P -(10+) W,Tk.TW -(5-10) -(5-10) B5

81 Padhel 708·20 730 (137) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Saturday B5 82 Rengaljuri 205'18 324 164) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Ilengalguri) ._83 Changharia 587'60 714 (142) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) _84 Barhamunda 352·08 221 (49) P -(5-10) W,Tk"R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) _ 85 PhtJlmunda 323.75 287 (60) p -(10+) W,Tk,R - (5-10) -.(5-10' -(10+)

86 Khutnapani 533.78 781 (166) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) (Khuntnapani) '87 Baneimunda i18.32 1,108'('200) p,~. CHW W,rk,TW,R .PO - (-5) -(5-10) 88 Daldali 51176 t>16 (136) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 89 Gargadchhapar 140'83 195 "(41) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - ~-5) 'K9 ;'alangap~)i 613'(130) ... p -(10+) Win -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10 ...... 219'74 - : 71


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area·under;·.different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use In hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------""------, any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious. by (including tor historical source gaucher cultivation or and archaeo· groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20

KR Pnnagarh (11) fA Rice 20·24 8.90 144.47 14.57 8·09 Temple KR Patnagarh ( 6) EA Rice 1.02 3·64 j3B.al : 4'05 4.05 PR Patnagarh ( 8) Rice 7.29 34·80 871.14 2792 13·36 KR Patnagarh (11) Rice 121.41 117.76 7.8·11,. 60·70 KR Patnagarh (18) EA Rice 21-85 2.43 9955' 14.17 8'90

KR Patnagarn (18) EA Rice 90.24 1.62 83.77 19.02 3.24 KR Patnagarh (19) Rice 140·83 165.1.1 44·92 12·95 .... PR Patnagarh (18j EA Rice -850 137.1~: 12.55 12.54 PR,KR Patnagarh (19) Rice 567 227·43 26·7-1 23.88 PR Patnagarh (13) ED Rice 56.25 30"76 326'99 53'42 71.22 M-1~Temple

PR Patnagarh (18) ED Rice 8'09 12·14 129.50 22.66 12.55 M-1 KR Pa tnagarh (16) Rice 14'97 64·75 13'36 7·69 KR Patnagarn (16) EA Rice 8·09 218.53 12.14 16'19 KR Patnagarn ,(18) EA Rice ~43'26 12']4 16·19 KR Puna s::arh (18) EA Rice 40'47 5·26 346·41 36'42 27'52

KR Patnagarh (21) EA Rice 40'47 30·35 300·68 43·71 24'68 KR Patnagarh (21) EA Rice 23,07 283 165'51 21·45 20·64 PR Patnagarh (24) EA Rice 101'17 278'42 93'08 37.23

KR Patnagarh (14) Rice 55'85 3'24 101.17 5'26 46·13 PR Patnagarh (16) EA Rice 48'56 12'55 295'83 36·42 31'16

PR Patnagarh / (13) EA Rice 60,70 44'11 514'36 46·94 42'09 Temple KR Patnagarh (11) Rice 17-00 8-09 155·80 11.74 12'55 'Temple

PR,KR Patnagarh (10) .... Rice 30'35 21'45 448'39 4978 37'63 Temple KR Patnagarh (16) EA Rice 194'25 11291 2914 '15'78. KR Patnagarh (13) EA Rice 94·30 2'02 172-80 33'59 21·04

KR Patnegarh (13) EA' Rice .19·43 52·20 373·93 35·il 5301

KR Patnagarh (8) EA. Rice 31'57 80·53 525·28 40'87 4007 Temple KR Patn

VillAGE AMENITIES Police 5tatlon-PATr,jAGARH t. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) '<1o. Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., In broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (Inihec tares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) ,..-______.A.. ____ .______.....,

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (8us Stop, Marketl Railway tlat, Station, if any Water way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . 91 Gahirplli 133'55 156 (27) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)- ~ 92 Tamian 730·05 1,694 (349) P,M,H CHW W,Tk,TW,R PO Friday BS 93 .~hatpali 159·04 368 (75) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 94 Ghunghutipali 430·99 643 (126) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 95 Deulgaon 581·13 911 (219) P,M -t10+) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) - t-5)

96 Bljamagur 268'71 325 (69) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 97 Barhamara 100'77 39 (9) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 98 Rakhiudar 441'51 785 (148) P,M...., -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 99 Ganjaudar 432·61 853 (187) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS '100 Maruan 385'67 1,161 (258) P(2),M - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) 85

101 Talpadar 160'66 439 (87) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) '102 Jhulenbar 516'78 484 (99) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) '·103 Pandripani 301'49 2b6 (51) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 104 Bankabianr 66085 795 (15:;)- P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 105 Bichhilibahal 16H1 288 (S5) \ P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

-:106 Dumerpadar 498'17 669 (161) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 107 Pandamunda 581'53 842 (173) P,M CHW W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5) 108 Bankibahai ,494'53 811 (132) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS 109 Thakpara 233'91 -465 (93) P - (-5) W~Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (5-) 110 Jogimunda 384'45- 4,315 (266) P,M,H 0 W,Tk.TW,R PO Tuesday BS

111 Nehenabandha 53!'02- 781 (150) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5·10) -(5-10) 112 iharbandh 100'77 415 (82) P -(10+) 'W,Tk,TW' - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 113 Balipata 941.30 1,756 (322) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk.TW,R PO - (-5) BS '114 Solbandh 28&'95 999 (204) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) - (-5) 115 Bileisathi 251-31 539 ('102) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) B5

116 Banjari 27).54 342 (63) . P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) B5 117 Batharla (Batarla) 281'26 1,018 (164) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) OS ~ 118 :.seherabandh 305·94 609 (122) .., P - (-5) W,Tk,TW, - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 119 'Chitadunguri 161·87. 134' .(23) (-5) - (-5) W,Tk' - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) .•120 Tendapadar 1,041'66 1,201P22) P,M - (-5) win PO - (-5) - (-5) 73


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i, e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) includln~ ,----______.A. ______"-' to (in Kms,) any village Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place ot gated irrigated waste available religious. by (including for historical'

5l,urc~ gaucha; culti~ation or and archaeo- grovt:~) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 :lC

Kit Patnagarh (14) EA Rice 8·09 7,29 102'79 729 8,09 PR Patnagarh (16) EA Rice 0·94 139'62 390'52 60'70 5827N-2,M-2,Temple KR Patnagarh (16) EA Rice 8'09 10'12 123'02 9,31 8'50 Temple KR Patnagarh (16) EA Rice 20,23 58·28 329'01 12'14 11'33 KR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice 40'47 3480 420·07 36'42 . 49,37 Temple

KR Patnagarh (6) EA Rice 40,47 12,95 157'02 2833 29'94 KR Patnagarh (5) Rice 3'64 1-62 8053 4,86 10,12 KR Patnagarh (5) EA Rice 0'40 20-64 385'67 1740 17'40 Temple,- PR Patnagarh (11) EA Rice 50·99 48'97 60·30 42·09 230,26 PR,KR. Patnagarh (5) EA Rice 16'19 15985 15055 2428 34,80

PR,KR Patnagarh (6) EA Rice 8'09 35,61 9065 12'14 1417 PR,KR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice 41·56 70,82 261-43 56'65 7932 TempIe-. KR Patnagarl'l (16) EA Rice 64'75 16'19 143-66 36 42 40'47 PR~KR Patnagarh (10) EA Rice 60'70 24,28 498·98 3642 40'47 ',- Temple· KR Patnagarh ('1) EA Rice 6'07 23·47 112'91 8-09 14,17 Temple·

KR Patnagarh (16) EA Rice' ..28'33 4573 375'14 28'33 20'64 Temple-~ PR,KR Patnagarh (16) EA Rice 3642 46'13 448,80 20·64 29'54 Temple· PR,KR Patnagarh (16) EA Rice 40'47 16'59 365'84 3764 33'99 PR,KR Patnagarh (16) EA Rice 14'Q7 16'19 167·94 1469 1012 PR Patnagarh (14) EA Rice 1942 80:53 229.05 42'90 12,S5' Teml?le-

/ KR Patnagarh (14) EA Rice 35' 21 4573 380-40 52,61 23'0" TempIe-. KR Patnagarh (10) EA Rice 0·81 84·18 9'71 6'07 Temple- PR Patnaghrh (10) EA Rice 1861 81'75 707'80 97,53 35'61 Temple- PR,KR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice 8'09 29'95 113'27 17'81 19'83 Temple- PR Patnagarh (6) EA Rice 28"73 188'58 13·36 '20'64

PR Patnagarh (5) EA Rice 16'19 26·71 199 51 16'99 12'14 PR Patnagarh (3) fA Ric.e 405 67,99 158'23 21,85 2914 PR,t


L.c. Name-of tne Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-1 No. Village area of the popUlation is shown In the column and next to it In brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (In hectares) households) nearest place where·the facility is available is gillen) r------A--______~ Educa- t-tedical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of 'cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus StoP. Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- wa),) 2 3 4 5 I; 7 6 9 10

12,1 Kusumkani 199.51 'Uninhabited 122 Ulba 351"27 1,544 (207) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) B S Kaudla 406'43 297 (63) 123 P ....:. (-5) W,Tk.R - (-5) - (-5) - (- 5) Barpadar 157'4t 384 124- $00) P - (-5) w;rpw PO - (-5). 8S 125 ,Apursagar 151·35 400 (68) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

12& Samalaisar 166'33 451 (101) P - (5~10) W,n,TW - (-5) - (-~) B~ 127 Kutmunda 557·56 1,424 (305) P,~ -:0-10) TW 'fJr PO -,(-51 B~ '128 Sunamudi 375'55 1,111 (2111 P(2),M,'H - (-5) W,Tk,R PO - (-5) - (-;-S) 129" Rugudlmunda 170"76 407 (~7) P" -{10+J W,n;TW - (-5) - (:_S) - (-:5}. 130 Barplta 164'5<4 Z60 (58) P -(5-10) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (- 5)

I 131' Diadumer 486·84 584 (119i p' -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (::"5) - (-5} 132 Nilktasar 221·36 346 ('80) I" - (-5) W,Tk.tW,R - (-~) - (-5) - (-5) 133 Chhelkhai 45.73 131 (22J - (-Sj" - (-5) W,Tk.R :_ (-5) - (-5) -(,-5). 192·23 359 (60) .,34' Tentelkhunti I' - (-5) W,Tk,rW.R - (-5) - (-5) - (-~) p. 135' Dhubalpara 366·24 816(W) - (-5) W,TI(,rw PO Tuesday I!S

136 randhanPhadl 322·13 38.4 (90) P: - C:-S) W,Tk~TW - (-S) - (-Sf BS ' Bandhanbahari).,. :3 137 R.,ngatasil 500 i9 (52 (135) P - h-5) W,Tk.1W - (-5) - (-5) - (,-S~ 196.70 298 (58) 138 Bhalupita , P. -~-5) w,n ~ (-5) -.(-5) - (-~) 139 Bhall,ljuri(BhalujoriJ 397·00 535 (106) l' -(5~10) w,n -(5.10) -(;·1()) -(S·lO} '40 'Mudghat 341·15 453 (69) P -(S-1() W.Tk,TW -(5·10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

141 Jhap~utJali 250·50 '~9 (29) II -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) - (5-10) 142 Ml)n~apala 25&·17 336 (66) P --;(5710) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) - (5-10) 10 Masi11achhapar 220·55 285 (~9) P -(5-10) W,Tk.TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 14<1 BhainsJ 1.232-67 3,231 (6H) P{J),~H: 0 W,n.TW PO,Phone Tuesday as Ghikundi(Ghikundhi) 74·06 S07 (108) - (-5) '<15 - (-~) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

1~6 5dFlTluhan 324·% 768 (16{)) ~ - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) [IS 1~7 'porh~.mund 113-31 124 (26) - (-5) - (-5) W,R '-(5·10) -~'i-1()J -(,.1(» 1<1S Jhankarpa Ii 288 9S 6~ (119) ? - (-5) W,Tk - (-51 - (-5) -(5-10) 1H Babejuri 33872 412 (SJ) P -(5-10) W,n.TW - (5-10) -(SolO) -(5.10) 150 Ratakhancli 344·79 246 (54) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-1r) -{S·IO) -15-10) 7?


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach DistaJlce C;upplv Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) includln~ ,..... ______.. .A______~ to (in Kms.l any VIllage Forest 'rri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious. by (including for historital source gauchar cultivation or and archaen- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 is 16 17 18 19 20

16·19 1740 122·62 28·33 14'97 PR,KR Patnagarh (5) EA Rice 4'8& 33'99 273'97 38·45 'Temple,Churcir KR Patnagarh (3) EA Rice 3399 55'04 17'40 femple PR Patnagarh (3) EA Rke 50'18 90·65 040 16'19 KR Patnagarh (3) EA ,RIce 121 19'43 11M7 12·14

PR Patnagarh (5) EA Rice 0'41 76'30 113·31 688 19'43 PR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice 116-15 347·63 46·94 . 46'94 Temple KR Patnagrrh (5) EA Rice 91'05 246'48 2'43 33·59 N-J,M-3,"'-" KR Patnagarh (6) EA Rice 29'54 130·31 10'93 Temple' KR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice 11"74 17·81 11776 28"73 8'50

KR Patnagarh (10) EA Pice 28·33 2631 352·48 31·16 48·56 M-2,T -,. PR,KR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice 15·38 184·13 4·85 17·00 N-2,M-1,Temple- KR Patnagarh (11) EA Rice 38·45 2.83 4.45 Temple PR,KR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice 7.29 153-78 6·07 2509 Temple PR,KR Patnagarh (10) EAg Rice 7001 22£·63 33·99 3561 Temple·

PR,KR Patnagarh (13) fA Rice 40·06 7.69 216·92 34·80 2266

1(R Patnagarh (13) EA Rice 48·97 2469 31565 55·44 55·44 Temple' KR Patnasarh (13) fA Rice 202 31·97 130·72 20·64 13·35 Temple- KR Patnagarh (13) EA Rice 5.26 6·47 323·75 40·07 21·45 Temple- KR Patnagarh (14) EA Rice 12·95 20·64 214·48 32·78 60·30 Temple-

KR Patnagarh ( 14) EA Rice 56-66 3521 76·48 41-68 40·47 Temple KR Patnagarh (10) EA ·Rice 18·62 22066 173·20 25.50 16.19 KR Patnagarh (10) EA Rice 1062 12·95 173·61 2428 809 I'R,KR Patnagarh (8) EAg Rice 1012 10926 927·14 74·4 .. 111·69 Templer KR Patna~arh (6) Rice 7042 3·64 Temple

PR,KR Patnagarh (6) EA Rice 40.07 250·90 9·31 24·68 Temple' KR Patnagarh (6) EA Rice ~3·48 10.12 971 KR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice 20·24 60.30 171.18 25.09 12·14 KR ~atnagarh (11) EA Ric!! 86·60 12.14 176:87 31.57 29.54 KR Patnagarh (10) EA Rice 89.'84 9·31 192·63 38.04 14.97 Temple 76

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police Station - PATNAGARH l.C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown in the column and ntxt to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms. in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms_ and 10+Kms. of the

(in- hectares) households) ,.--______nearest place where the-A- facility______is available is given) '""

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tiona I Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) -~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 151 Sialbandh 452·84 776 (160) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(HO) -(10+) 152 Jhankarpall 43&·25 552(111) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 153 Bhaludarh 443·94 609 (110) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 154 -Ranidarh 209·63 345 (72) P -(5-10) W.Tk.R - (-5) Wednesday BS 155 Chingerbandh 537·83 941 (206) P - (-S) W,Tk.TW - (-5) - (-S) - (-5)

156 Gangasagar 430·18 8B8 (182) P,M - (-51 W,Tk.TW,O PO Friday BS 157 Siletpara 284-49 400 (81) P -(5-10) W.TW - (-5) - (-5) as 158 Gailpita 99'1S 172 (35) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) Friday - (-5) '159 BichhiJibahal 77·30 1&1 '(35) P -(5-10) W,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 1&0 Chuladarh 435'44 606 (128) P -=(10+) W,Tk,TW,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

161 Kalangapali 141'64 328 (66) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) p 162 Kl'1alia 43180 483 (90) - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 163 Jambahal 48360 8821158) P -(-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Tuesday - (-5) 164 Mahkmunda 415-21 842 (159Y P - (-5) W.Tk.TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Nallkmunda) 165 Barbahal 311,20 726 (140) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk.TW PO - (-5) -(5-10)

166 Dhatuk 436'66 957 (204) P -(5-10) W,Tk.TW -(5-10) -(5·10) -(5-10) 167 Babejuri 468·22 613 (110) P -(5·10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) -168 Niljlbahal 254'95 248 (49) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) ~ 169 Turlamal 41S'S5_ 250 (47) P -(10+) W,lk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 170 Chakamal 318·B9 60S (138) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10.) -(5-10)

171 Salepali 509'50 502 (95) P -(5-101 W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 172 Rahenmal 273·16 310 (54) P W.Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk 173 Guhlramunda 310'80 400 (83) P - (-5) - (-5) BS .,74 Gadiajor 324'15 3&4 (M) - (-5) -(5-10) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 767 (tlN). -(5-10~ W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) 175 Baghalabandh 437·47 P BS

580 (93) p -(5-10) W.Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 176 Ghuchepali 407'52 248 ·(50) P -(5-10) W·.Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 177 Manaipad 288·54 512 (100) I' -(10+) W.Tk -(SolO) -(5-10) -(5-10) 178 Mundon.ahul 651·95 (31) P -(10+) W.Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 179 Gailmara 156·61 lSJ 291 (58) P -(10+) '11(, Tk -(5-10) -(!I-l0) -(5-10) 180 Kadalimunda 184'94 77


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i.;:e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in·hectares rounded:up to 2 decimal places) includiRg to (in Kms.) r------A----~------~ any -village ,Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (Including for historical source sauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical Interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice. 56·25 36.42 292·59 41·68 25.90 Temple KR Patnagarh (5) EA Rice 40·87 2469 237.55 72.44 60-70 Temple KR Patnagarh (3) EA Rice 36'42 4573 295·02 33'59 33·18 Temple' PR Patnaga"rh (5) EA Rice 31'16 17·81 114'53 20'23 25'90 KR Patnagarh (3) EA Rice 33'18 11857 303·11 29'95 53.02 Temple ... PR Patnagarh (3) EA iUce 15'78 43.30 26062 41'68 68'SO .\ PR Patnagarh (6) EA RIce '44-11 44·92 154'59 28'73 12-14 Temple ofR,KR Patnagarh (8) EA 'Rice 10·12 15'38 ('3'13 6'07 4·45 Temple KR Patnagarh (6) EA Rice 67·18 6'07 405 KR Patnagarh (6) EA Rice 60'70 , 33'99 277'61 44·52 I 18·62 Temple

KR Patnagarh (10) FA Rice 4"()5 36'02 86·20 9'71 566 KR Patnagarh '(13) EA RIce 48'56 15·38 303'11 36'42 28·33 Temple 'f'R,KR Patnagarh (16) EA Rice 24·28 46·54 369'07 28'33 15·38 Temple KR Patnagarh (19) EA Rice 8'09 1700 348·43 25"'50 16'19 Temple

KR Patnagarh (19) EA Rice 6.07 6·47 271·14 1538 12'14 Temple

KR Patnagarh (19) EA Rlee 18·21 18·62 356'12 2752 16019 KR Patnagarh (14) E.4, Rice 32-37 15-78 326·58 72·85 20·64 KR Patnagarh (14) EA Rice 80·94 9·71 116·55 2064 27·11 KR Patnagarh (14) EA Rice 84·98 21·85 23108 44'52 36·42 KR Patna garh (10) EA Rice 18·21 17·81 238·36 24·28 20·23

fR,KR Patnagarh (10) EA Rice 87·01 18·21 282·87 68·80 52·61 fR,KR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice 72·84 19·02 142·45 18'62 20·23 PR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice 56·66 27'52 157·42 44·52 24'68 KR Patnagarh (5) Rice 13'35 23'07 214'48 35·21 38004_ PR Patnagarh (6) EA Rice 2·43 70'01 312'01 17·00 36·02

KR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice 29'95 33-18 276·40 28'73 3!1'26 Temple KR Patnagarh (6) EA Rice 22·26 7.&9 213'27 27'11 18·21 KR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice 118·99 4'45 302'71 63-53 92'27 Temple KR Patnagarh (13) EA Rice 1'62 120'19 34·-40 040 KR Putnagarh (10) EA Rice 10'52 140'83 31·16 2·43 Temple 78


L C. Name or the Total Total Amenities avaiiable (if not available within the village,_ ~ dash (=) ~i.Uag_f rHea oj the poputario(l is shown t~the column and next to It in bratkets t the distance in . Village ; {Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5.. 10 Kms. and 1Q+Kms. of the- fatUity IS (In hectares) ~ 0 households} nearest place where tnt available is given)

Educa­ Medttal Orinking P~st Day or Communi·· tional Wat~r &. day~ of c.aticn (potable) Telegraph the (8us Stop Marketl RaUwa If Hat, StatJon, if any Water­ way) 7 8 9 10 1 2 ~ 4 5 6

PO Wednesday as 181 Kendurntmdi ~5S'32 929P86) f,M CHW W,lk~TW t-S) 182 Blndhanpathar 237·55 472 (112) p -(10+) W1Tk,TW, - (-5) - (:-:5) ~ -(5.. 10) - (-5) 183 Karlamal 605··01 590(104) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) p, -{S-10) .J.{5-1O) .... f-S} ~4 oPodhachha:pu 48'·17 436 (96) -(10+ 1 W,TkfTW 165 Twlasidunguri 537.02 429 (56) p -(10+) W,Tk - (~S~ - (-.5) -(-n

- (-5) 186 filldakupara 46~·6l 661 <133) p - (-5) W,TW - (-5) - (-5) 187 Maghamara 498'57 428 (80) P -(1(J+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5} 188 Dandarabahal 4"54,61 612 (112) P -(10+) W,Tk . -(S·10) ...... t6~10) -(5·10}, "'J . < 0 189 Amdarh 478·34 418 (94) P , .-(10+) .w,Tk . : -(5 .. 10) "'15 .. 10) -(5-10) 19.0 Seme Imunda 15818 312 (61) P ,,:,,(10+) W,Tk -(S·1(}) -(5·10) -(5.. 10)·

TQ'al ...

/ i 79


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i· e., area under different types of land Remarks loach Distance Supply Food including ,-______use in' hectares rounded A. up ______to 2 decimal places) -. to (in Kms.) any 'Village Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place of

gated irrigated w~ste available religious by (Including) for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 1& 17 18 19 20

PR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice 23·88 91'0& 280·85 53·01 10·5~ Temple KR Patnagarh (11) EA Rice 3&·42 40.47 95.91 I 54'23 10·52 PR,KR Patnagarh (11) EA Rice 165·92 4·45 352'48 52'61 29·55 Temple PR,KR Patnagarh (11) EA Rice 71'23 23·47 253·74 119'38 13'35 Temple KR Patnagarh (14) EA Rice 47'35 0·81 297.45 182.51 8.90

KR Patnagarh (8) EA Rice 4'05 46'13 320·92 87,82 9'71 KR Patnagarh (13) EA klce 95·50 21,85 265·88 106'()3 9·31 Temple KR Patnagarh (16) EA Rice 4'45 23'88 347·22 74,87 4'45 Temple KR Patnagarh (16) fA Rice 102,79 4·86 256'98 97'12 16·59 Templt. KR Patnagarh (22) EA Rice 13·36 23'88 107-24 3B,44 5,26

7,619·42 5,35'/·23 42,257·29 ',507'00 5,850'92 N-39, M-5t, C-2, T-5

------. ------



~ &

\>- 0 r_, ,._ I ,-- , .: ! ,.. , 0 • :;: ~ 1:1'4: @::, ;XI'''", ®~ .: I • •0 f ) I .-~ L .... ~ :;; l ~ .0 ...... , :S. ~ 'r. « 0 ~- ~ III l-'" i III z "8 ~ '1' 2 II: '" a '"I<."' ;; c ] o W g _g : ~ .., ;; II: '" .:E ~ -" Iii .n ~ ~ ~ ~ " Q .z ~ Po :> ~ ~ "" ~ ~ ~ " ""c ." l ~ ~ J '" '"

I ~ J .1



51. Name of the V iJlage l. C. SI. Name of the Village L. C. No. No. No. No. 2 3 2 3

1 Aenlabhata 59 46 Gohiriapadar 61 2 Ainlapall 80 47 Hukat 81 3 Amabanji 6 48 Jaharphatl1munda 83 20 {jharphatamunda} 4 Bagdor 49 lalia 87 51 5 Bagudar 50 Jamjuri 2 94 6 Bahabal 51 Jamkharl 52 38 7 Balikhamar 52 Jhankir ipali 27 8 Banamal 2& 53 Juba 43 9 Bangomundabah al 105 5'1 Kadall 15 14 10 Barbera 55 Kanut 70

11 Beheramunda 7 56 Kapan; (Khapani) 'l1 12 Belpara 56 57 Karlabahali 102 13 Bhalubahali_(Bhalubahal) 93 58 Kasakhutna (Kusakhunta) 25 14 Bhalukhal 60 'i9 KatapaJi 77 15 6haruamunda S4 60 Kenkeba 78 61 Khalrma·1 92 16 Bharuapali 68 76 62 Khaliapall 17 17 Bhatapara 63 Kha Jipa thar 42 18 Bhuliabandh(8huliagandh) 47 64 Khalkhali 82 19 Bhutungpara 69 65 l

26 Chhuinara 12 71 Malijhar 39 27 Chlkhili 4 72 Malpara 24 28 Dahimal 85 73 Malpdfa 9S 29 Dakra 104 74 Mandai 75 46 30 Darlg~rpaf a 75 Munapali 30

31 Dangartal 84 76 Mundagan 36 32 Darhamllnda 8 77 Mundapala 103 33 Oebripali 49 78 M undodarn (Mandodar) 41 34 Dhourakhaman 22 79 Muribahal 97 35 Dhumabhata 88 80 Nagphena 45 36 Dhungiamunda 13 81 Nunhar '57 37 Dudukamal 23 82 71 3 38 Dumerbahal 83 Palesira 34 39 Dumermunda 35 84 Pandarijor 100 43 Dungurigura 40 85 Pandkimal ", 1

41 Dunguripall 55 86 Parlimal 18 42 oungurlpall 64 87 PatrapaJi 37 43 Ghagara 5 88 Phulhni 63 44 Ghagrul 16 89 Raikhal 89 45 Gidhmal 101 90 Rarbahal 79 83


~I Name of the Village L. C. 51. Name of the Village L.c. No. No· No. No. 2 3 1 2 3

91 Rengali 19 99 Suanbahal 96 92 Sagunbhari 62 100 SulekeJa 90 93 Salandi 66 101 Taanla 71 94 Sargigura 53 102 Talbhata 21

95 Sarmuhan 58 103 Tara 9 96 Satchuan 48 104 Tentelmunda 50 97 Semelpali 73 105 Thoribahal 28 98 Sihinl 74 106 Uring 65 84

VILLAGe AMENITIES Polke Station-· BELP ARA l. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-I No. .Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets. the distance in Village (' (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of th~

E~uca- Medical Drinking Post Day or Com'tluni- tional Water lie. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl kailway Hat, St""tiorr, if any Water~ way)

1 ~ 2. 3 4 ..., 6 7 8 9 10

1 Pandkimal 339'94 345 (54) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 2 Ja'!ljuri 229'05 264 (50) P -(10+ ) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 3 Dumerbahal 171·18 246 (46) P -(10+) W,lk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 4 Chikhill 204.77 182 (35) P -(10+) f W,Tk -(S-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 5 Ghagara 531'35 739 (151) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

6 Amabanji 216·91 229 (47) P -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 7 Beheramunda 60662 516 (110) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) - (5-10) - (-S) 8 Darhamunda 6604S 561 (114) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-S) - ~-5) 9 Tara 78954 648 (12S) P -(10+ ) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-~0) -(5-10) 10 Budamunda 4S3·25 377 (75) P - (10+) W,Tk (-5) - (-S) - (-5)

11 Kapani (Khapani) 785·90 985 (210) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R PO Saturday as 12 ChhulOdra 42.168 4. .I.l (82) P -po+) w,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5} - (-5) 1j Dhunglamunda 452'Oj 484 (92) P -(10+) W,Tk,TVv -(5-1U) -(5-10) -\.)-10) 14 Balbera 22420 202. ~J9) P -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(SolO) -(10+) 15 Kadali 3l0'51 331 C70J P -(1U+) W,lk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

16 Ghagrul 6l4·03 1,464 (284) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R PO Tuesday -(5-10) 17 Khallapali H3'55 286 (37) P -(5-10) W,ll<,R - (-5) - (-5) - (5-10) 18 Paflimal 1,00484 1,294 (248) P -(10+) W,Tk,rW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 19 Rengali 50910 632 (124) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 20 Bagdor 559"68 522 (107) p -(10+) W,fk,IW PO -(10+) -(10+)

21 Talbhata 149.33 150 (31) p -(10+) w,n - (-5) -(10 .,_) -(10+) 22 Dhourakhaman 300.b!l 374 (86) p -(10+) w,n -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 23 Dudukamal :t.67·90 171 (38) p -(10+) W,Tk,K - (-5)1 -(10+) -(10+) 24 Malpara 171·18 297 (58) ? -(10+ ) W,R - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 25 Kasakhutna 186·16 162 (33) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) (Kusakhunta)

-(10+ ) -(10+) 26 Banamal 34843 431 (79) P,M - (10+) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) W,Tk -(SolO) -(5-10) -(10+) 27 Jhankiripali 330'22 790 (123} P -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) / 28 Thoribahal 513'95 B44 (171) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(10+) 29 Kumbharkhun 529'33 528 (107) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) (Kumbhakkhuan) -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 30 Munapall 356'12 587 (100) p -(10+) W,T_k,T.W,R US


App· Neares t town ar.d Power Staple Lar.d use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including

, ______~ ______.A. ______-_, to (in Kms.) any village Forest Irr j- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical Interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Kantaoanji (29) Rice 54.64 8jlO 223·39 37.1~ 15'78 KR Kantabanji (27) ~ice 16.59 1~8 23 23-47 30'76 ' KR Kantabanji (.!6) Rice. 688 140'02 1416 10.12 KR Kantabanji (26) Rice 5'~6 143.26 23.07 32.78 PR,KR Kantabanji (24) Rice 61'51 369·07 27.92 72-85 Tem'ple

KR Kantabanji (26) Rice 10.12 8'50 166'73 24'28 7·28 KR Patrtagl'l.rh (19) Rice 78'51 15-37 391.33 51.61 68'80 Temple KR Patnagarh (18) Rice 80.94 38·85 454'46 49'37 36'83 Temple KR Patnagarh (19) Rice. 170.;37 3·24 51071 70.82 34'40 Temple KR Patnagarh (18) Rice ~1.52 1'21 237.15 50-59 327!l

PR,KR Patnagarh (18) Rice 50.59 475'10 167.54 92·67 N-3,M-2,Temple KR Patnagarh (19) 'Rice 40:07 237'14 J 127.07 17·40 KR Kantabanji (21) Rice 47.75 265'47 46.54 9227 KR Kantabanji (21), Rife :6'88 113.31 I 31'97 72 04 KR Kat:ltabanji (24f Rice" 4A.S1 210'03 35'21 30-7b

PR,KR Kantabanji (22) ED,EAg Rice 188.58 1M.71 96'3. 174'42 N-8,M-2,Temple KR Patnagarh ('29)-ED,EAg , "Rice 106.84 7·28 1943 KR Kantabanji (24)' R'ce 76'08 629·69 128.69 170'38 Temple KR Kant~~anji (22) Rice 5463 6.88 :'\3'\ 06 6£1'37 48·16 Temple KR - Kantabanjl (16) '~ice 73'25 25.0Q 330'63 71·22 59.49 t ..

KR Kantaban ji (18) Rice "- 19.83 5'26 97·53 2226 4·45 KR Kantabanji (19) Rice . 72'85 8·90 167·54 44·92 647 N-1,M-l,Temple KR K~ntab.anli (16) Rice . 61'S1 6·07 148'92 4047 1093 Temple KR Kantabanjl (14) Rice 12·14 141-23 1295 486 M-1 ;: - (' - K~ KantaEianji (13) RiCe' 43'3U 9'31 98·7~ 26·31 8.50 - ) i.

KR Kantabanji (14) ED,EAg Rice 43.30 36'01 188'99 6637 1376 M-2,Temple KR Kan,tabanji (13)'''ED,EKg: Ric~'/ 5·26 260a1 , .. ;>0·23 44 52 M-1 KR Kanta~anji ( 16) EAg Rice 32·37 338·32 57'06 86 20 KR Kantabanji (16) Rice' ,I 65·97 14·57 363-00 ~ 71'63 14'16 1 {

KR Ka'ltQbah-ji (16)' ~ - ... ,gjCE! • 4~49 252'12 42-90 18'61 Tef!1ple

I ' 86

VILLAGt AMENITIES Police Station-BElPARA loc. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No, Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms" in broad ranges, Viz, -5 Kms,. 5-10 Kms· and 10i-Kms, of the (In hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------~---A------~ Educil- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

31 Burhabhata 284,49' 551 (93) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 32 Kharkhara 47834 678 (126) P -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 33 Chacherbeng 642'24 886 (173) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R,O -(5-10) -(S-10) -(5-10) 34- Palesira 30028 697 (140) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 35 Dumermunda 24160 400 (77) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

36 Mundagan 513'14 549 (111) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 37 Patrapali 317,27 598 (109) P - (5-10) W,Tk,TW -(S-10) -(5~10J -(5-10) 38 Balikhamar 557'25 318 (63) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 39 Malijhar 37676 340 (53) P -(10+ ) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 40 Dungurigura 37838 600 (103) p -( 10+) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)-

41 Mundodarh 308 37 636 (130) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5} (Mandodar) 42 Khalipathar 586'39 1,478 (270) P -(10+) w,Tk,TW PO - (5-10) - (-5), 43 Juba 67461 ',052 (218) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,TW PO -(5-10) BS 44 Bilaimara 13031 142 (2?) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 45 Nagphena 477'93 404 (85) p -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) - '-5~

46 Dingarpara 79,72 Uninhabited P W,Tk 47 6huliabandh 88,63 306 (59) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5)' (Bhuliagandh) 48 Satchuan 316'46 271 (56) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 49 Debrlpall 388'09 797 (157) P -(10+ ) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (5-10) - (-5)- SO Tentelmunda 551"lfr 1,121 (232) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) BS.

'51 Bagudar 64467 830 (159) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)- 52 Jamkharl 199 51 206 (46) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 53 Sargigura 28207 540 (123.1 P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 54 Bharuamunda 22824 619 (132) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-S) - (-5) - (-5) 55 Dungurlpa{l 379'19 756 (133) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5>

56 Belpara 1,286"50 4,901(1,007) P,M,H PHC,FPC W,Tk,TW PTO,Phone Sunday BS.

S7 Nunhar 657,21 1,686 (439) P - (-5) W,Tk.TW,R - (-5) Friday as. 58 Sarmuhan 6n85 1,157 (235) P,M -(5-10) W,TIc,TW,O PO - (-5) - (-5) 5,; Aenlabhata 312'01 462 (99) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) Go Bhalukhai 50424 634 (134) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 87


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land,use (i, e., area under different types of Ii\nd Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares roundec! up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------A------~ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious. by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical Interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Kantabanji (18) ... Rice 0'81 221'77 2347 38'44 Temple KR Kantabanji (10) EAg Rice 28·73 348'44 35'61 65'56 N-' KR Kantabanji (16) EAg Rice 11-74 483·20 87'41 59'89 N-S,M-S,C-3 KR KantabanJi (18) Rice 10·52 240·38 28'33 21'05 Temple KR KantabanJi (19) Rice 14'97 173'61 3238 2064 N-1,Temple

I(R Kantabanjl (19) Rice 43·71 281'26 95·50 9]'67 KR Patnagarh (20) Rice 19'02 220'96 3844 3885 Temple KR Kantabanjl (19) EAg Rice 35'61 48'56 310·40 100'36 62·32 Temple PR,KR Kant3banji (16) Rice 14'16 244·84 8903 2873 PR,KR KantabanJi (15) Riee 2.02 30999 4573 20'64

PR,KR Patnagarh (24) Rice 890 40'87 198·30 59.08 1'22

KR Patnaga rh (14) EAg Rice 4.05 65·96 39336 '11'69 11,33 M-l,Temple KR Patnagarh (12) Eq,EAg Rice 11,33 71'63 374·33 160'66 5666 M'-1 K~ Patnagarh ( 15) Rice 2-43 2·43 SO'53 44·11 081 KR Patnagarh (16) Rice 15.78 209·63 233.91 1861 Temple

Rice 1'21 61'92 13-76 2·83 KR Patnagarh (12) Rice 809 53'02 16'59 10·93 Temp1e

KR Patnagarh (16) Rice 2-43 19'02 235·12 4977 1012 M-1,T-1 KR Patnagarh (19) Rice 6'88 41·28 267'90 6515 6'88 Temple KR Patnagarh (24) EAg Rice 13'76 34'80 397·00 99.55 607 N-1

KR Patnagarh (16) EAg Rice 42'09 54·63 373'12 160:26 14·57 .~ KR Patnagarh (22) Ric~ 2'4~ 17'40 14002 36'02 3·64 KR Patnagarh (21 ) EAg ~ice 2'43 38·04 19789 32:38 1~;33 Temple KR Kantabanji (19) ED,EAg Rice 14'97 42'09 128'28 21'45 2145 .... KR Kantabanji (18)· ED;EAg Rice 5'67 182·51 9065 3116 69.20 ~

PR Kantabanji (18) EA Rice 38·85 292-59 57546 138'40 241'20 N-52,M-24,C-4, Temple PR Kantabanji (18) ED,EAg Rice 2)'07 51"93 32-78 89,43N-11;M-3, Temple PR,KR Kantabanjl (13) ED,EAg Rice 10'52 583'56 2873 5504 N-1,M-l,Temple i(R Kanta.banji (11) EAg Rice 20'64 21731 3l·16 I 42·90 KR Kantabanji (10) ED,EAg/ Rice 46'14 293'80 12545 38'85 88

VillAGE Al'-lIEN!TIES Police Station-BElPARA

Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) Villalle area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in, brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in·broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10·Kms. and 10+ Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where;the.facility is available is given - r------·---.A.------'""' Educa­ Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi­ tional Water lit days of cation (Potable) Telegraph tAe (Bus Stop, Market} Railway Hat, Stati on, if any Water­ way) 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 ( I 61 Guhiriapadar- 129.90 18 12) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk' -(5-10) -(5-10) -"-(S-10} 62 Sagunbhari 186'97 247 (A8) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) --l5-10) -(5-10) ~l. Phulkani 596'51 BB (158) P -(5 10) W,Tk (10+ ) -(5-10) -(10+) 64 Dunguripali 404'28, 608(115) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-l0) -(5-10) .L.. (-5) 65 Uring 216'10 527 (111) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-'-5)

66- Salandi 721.56 1,12i (227) P,M ":(5-10) w,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS 67 Kharbahali 184·13 321 (56) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 68 Bharuapali 85874 1,44~ (~82) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 69 Bhutungpara 22865 516 (107) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) ...... (-5) 70 Kanut 507.07 1,039 (214) P,M,H -(5--110) W,Tk,TW PO -(5-10) BS

71 Taanla 341.15 856 (180) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(10+) -(10 +) -(10+) 72 Padmapur 44758 927 (188) P;M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 73 Semelpali 21448 355 ,(57) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R,N - (5-10) -(5-10) -(S-10) 74 Sihini 700·92 1,243 (4-'16) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-,10) - (5-10) -(5-10) 75 Mandai 734.91 2,053 (407) P,M,H -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R PO Thursday BS

7(, Bhatapara 19O.2Q 431 (91) p -(5·10) W,1_;k,TW,R - (-~) - (-?) - (-5) 77 Katapali 20234 226 (4aJ P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5), - (-5) .~8 Kel}keba 2144,8 342 (68) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - {-5} !9 Ra,rbahal 68351 871 (180) P - (5-10) W,Tk.TW - (-5) - (-51 - (-5) .so Ainlapall 51.:,80 124 (30) P -(10+) W.Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

~1 Hatkat 2:>2.98 374 (62) p -(5-10) W;T~,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) .... (5-10) ~2 Khalkhali 116.55 240 (50) - P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) ...... (5-'ld) -(5-10) ,63 Jaharphatamunda 231-0B 336 [67) P :"'(5-10) w,n;tw,R -(5-ld) -(5-1d) - (-5) (Jharphatamunda) -64 Dangartal 19061 19~ (42) P -(5-10) .l.W,Tk, -(S-10) -(5-1J) BS. 65 t5ahimai 340 34 166 (32) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5)

66 Klirenb;h'ali 96.32 109 (22) p -(5-10) W,Tk,O -(5·10) -(5-10) .- (-5) (!


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (I. e., area unqer different types of land Remarks roach Distance Stlpply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------A------. any village Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical source g8uchar cultivation or and archaeo- 8roves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1& 19 20

KR Kant.tbanji (10) Rice 8.50 90'24, . 23-47 7.69 Temple Kit Kantabanji (8) Rice 159'04 8·50 19·43 -' KR KantabanJi (5) Rice 28·33 462·55 72'85 32'78 Temple KR Kantabanjl (5) ED,EAg Rice 23'47 309'59 30·35 40·87 KR Kantabanji (6) ED,EAg Rice 177'25 18·21 20'64 Temple

PR,KR Kantabanji (6) EA Rice 19.42 21·45 565-35 3521 80·13 Temple KR Kantabanji @ EAg Rice 10·12 151035 &.. 12·95 9·71 KR Kantab'lnji (10) EAg Rice- 40-47 703;34 48·16 66·77 Temple f'R,KR Kantabanji (10) EAg Rice 1·62 192.42 <- 15'78 19.83 N-1,M-2 PR Kantabanji (10) EA Rjce. 22-25 397.00 28.33 5949 N-9,M-5,C-1

KR Kantabanji (14) Rice 12·95 259·81 40.47 27.92 Temple KR Kant-lba.nji (19) EDJAg Rice 332.25 5&.25 59·08 N-4,M-2,C-1 KR Patnagarh (16) ED,EAg 'Rlce 164·30 :: 14.97 35·21 KR Kantabanji (.22) ED,EAg Rice 11.74 66·37 481·98 109.67 31.16 N-7,Temple KR Patnagclrh (22), EA Rice 8'()'J 155.00 405:09 99.55 67.18 N-5,M-3,Temple

KR Patnagarh (22) ED,EAg Rice 0·40 ~6.02 98·34 36.83 18.61 N-' KR Patnagarh ( 14) Rice 3·64 169.16 28·33 121 KR Patnagarh (22) ED,EAg Rice 29:'14 130.31 35.20 19·83 Temple KR Patnagarh (21) EA Rice 3.23 47..35 5l17.~5 72 84 1214 Temple KR P.l tnagarh (14) Rice 12.14 31.16 8-50

KR Patna~arh (16) ED,EAg Rice O·tlQ 6.48 177.66 36·42 2.02 Temple KR Pa-tnagarh (14) Rice 0.4q! 93·89 13.76 8.50 KR Kantabanji (20) Rice 0.40 2226 167.14 23·07 18·21 Temple

K~ Kant Ib lnji (16) Rice 3·64 8·90 76·49 31.57 70.01 KR Patnagarh (\6) Rice 104.00 10.52 161.07 51040 13-35

KR Kantabanji (18) Rice 2·43 70·42 21·04 2.43

KR Patnagarh (19) EAg Rice 11-33 40.07 287·73 88.22 3-6.42 Trmple KR Patnagarh ( EI) EA Rice 7.28 77·30 853·08 135·16 58·28 N-7,M-',Terrple KR Kantabanji (18) Rice 4.45 96.72 18·62 8·90 KR Kantabanji (10) ED,EAg Rice 0.81 185·75 407.52 125·45 .018.56 N-2,Temple 90'

Vlll·A"GE, AMiWlTIES Police Statlon""':SElPARA

L. C. Name of the Total Totar Amenities<-available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) No. ~ vl'lrige af~a:;of 'the 'popufa tlon is shoWn in the column and next to It In brackets, the distance in v}lIage (Number of Kms., hi broachanges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the

(iri hettates)" households) ne~re~t pra'ce -Where the-A- fatility______is available is given) ~ ,...- Educa- Medical Drinking Post' Day or Communi- tional( Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (8us Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station" if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -- - 91 Maphyapur 48077 1,429 (281) P -('10+) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5y -(5-10) 92 Khai,mal 605·01 1,078 (2iiJ >' p -(;9+) W,Tk,T~ PO -(10+) -(10+) 93 - Bhalubahali 203.96 291 (~8) P -'(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

(Bhalubahal) '1 94 Bahfbal 615.53 753 (151) P -(10+ ) W,Tk;R;N PO - (-5) - (-5) 95 Malpara 37029 516 (105) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Wednesday -,(-5), ;

96 Sual)bahal 290.56 381 (7'6) p -(5:'0) W,Tk,IW ...:. (-5) - (-5) - ('_5) 97 Muribahal 336.70... 330 (60)' P - ~-5) W,Tk,..TW - (-5) - (-5) , - (....,.5). 98 lathakend 446.31 888 (161) P ...!:(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) -(5·10) 99 Bichht.ifiihali 548.35 911 (168) p -(:;:10) W,l'~,R PO -"-(5·10) -(5-10) 100 Pandarijor 392.14 445 (80) P -(5-1(» W,Tk,TW,N .... (-5) -(5-10) -(5·10).

101 Gldhrrtal 456.49 376 (m p \ -(5-10) w,n -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)- lC2 Karlabahali 689.1g 862 (1S6) P _-(5-10) w,n - (-5) -(5-10) -(5·10) 103 Mund€pala 41278J 605 (1921

Total 43,85256 10,15' P,104 PHCIHC·1, (13,1188) M'I14 FPC.1, M':3 0-1

PATNAGARH f ,53,900·84 2,37,175 P-404, 0-&, TAHASIL (47.226) M.61, PHC/HC.3, A·U FPC-3, P~rtv'"CH -4, 0·10 91


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under diff_rent types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in·Kms.) ,..------_.:._----_ ...... _------any village Forest Irri- I Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (Including .for historical source gauchar cultivation or / and archaeo- groves logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Kantabanjl (14) ED,EAg Rice 081 27.11 36058 68.80 23-47 Temple KR Patnagarh (22) ED,EAg Rice 42.09 51·80 382·02 110.07 19.02 KR Kantabanji (10) ED,EAg Rice 4.Q5 1659 121.41 50.18 11·73

KR Kantabahji (10) ED,EAg Rice 43·30 477.93 41-28 5302 Temple KR Patnagarh (13) ED,EAg Rice 30B·37 13.76 48.16 Temple

KR Kantabanji ( 8) ED,EAg Rice , 16.59 223.80 19.42 3076 KR Ka"tabanji ( 8) Rice 20.64 21651 6394 35.61 KR Kantabanjl ( 5) Rice 16.99 367.46 28·33 33.59 Temple KR Kantabanji ( 5) _EAg Rice 21-45 449.21 36·02 41.68 Temple KR Kantabanji ( 6) Rice 2873 238.36 93·08 31.97

KR Kantabanji ( 6) EAg Rice 103-20 11·74 201·53 131.93 8·09 KR Kantabanji ( 6) ED.EAg Rice 17·40 51·40 439011 154·19 27.11 M-2, Temple KR Kantabanji (13) EAg Rice 18·62 14.16 290.56 66.37 23.07 KR Kantabanji (13) ED,EAS Rice 9.31 19.42 406.71 85.79 43.71 Temple KR Kantabanji (14) Rice 1.62 18·21 286·92 51.40 7.28 Temple KR KantabanJi (16) Rice 1-21 26.71 242.81 42.09 1·62

I 2,531.68 2,300·62 29,167.36 6,022.93 3,829·97 N-120,M.60. C-9, T.1

13,093·979,588·96 1,01,374·25 1~,453.78 13,389·88 N-220, M-157, C-20, T-U

_, Vi I@I ~21 ~ ::,~. = ai <£ ex: I @(j . :r: ~. J ..... z w <£ '"e( 5





.. I ! ~

z ..... A.,


~ of, (J I'~~ Q till! ...... L"i •o "I~ ! i~ ~.~ e ,..l., i~' a :••• i • f. ~ Qr lii" ! ~I i j il It: ..f f! ~ ! ; 'S " lii ~ J Jl 'i 1 !< ~ '" ~ I ]• ~ I : ~ ~ 1



51. Name of the VilIagt L.e 5'1. Name ot the VilJa,t' L.c. No. No, No. N(' 1 2 3 2 3

1 Andalpuri 87 46 Garga rbanal 128 2 Badabanki 37 47 Ghanamahul 105 3 Bagbahal 83 48 Ghantabahali 121 4 6aghuapara 14 49 Ghunes 30 5 Bahabal 10 50 Gurjibhata 4 27 -6 Bahadukl 115 51 Gurlaurar 52 Hadahada 127 7 Baloas 113 5 .a Bandhanpali 34 53 Halanbhata 54 Hial 49 9 Bandhanpali 106 38 .,0 8anjipali 42 55 Jamki 107 11 Baradakla 29 56 Jamutjhula 104 12 Bat ajura 117 S7 Jamutjari (Jamutjuri) 58 Jharni - 47 13 Bariali 9 66 14 Barkani 82 59 Jubamal 75 15 Bar-Ia 31 60 Jurabandh 61 Kadobera 32 '16 Beherensilat 96 62 Kamaimunda 53 17 Beniamal (U) 22 I 63 Kandel 67 18 Bhalukana, (lShalukuna) 64- Kandhabahal 90 19 Bharuakani II 1 ? 70 K,a rlabahali 57 20 Birna 93 65 21 Brahmani 116 66 Karuamunda 89 22 Burhibahal 23 67 Kasamal 108 23 Suromal (Burumal: 100 68 Khagasa 59 .24 Charpdnl 36 69 Kharli 1 Kha talumunda 48 "":!r Cha"tuanka -98- o ?9 -- - '" '"' -- _.... ,26 Chaulsul<.ha 110 71 Khujen 33 27 Cnhalrang 80 72 KhujenbahaJ 79 28 Dablri 95 73 Kuibahal 41 29 Damanichuan 12 74 Kukurahar 101 30 uangarnara 99 75 Kuliadara 91

31 Dangia 78 76 KurU 97 32 Debiriamunda 2 77 Kuspali 8 33 Degan 84 78 Lakhana 126 34 Dhamandanga 92 79 laljhara 26 35 Dholmandal 13 80 Larki 21 Dhumsu 103 .36 81 Magurjangal (Magurjanga) 16 Dhusamunda SO 37 82 Mahakhnda 73 38 Dumerchuan 94 83 Mahanilaha 18 Dumerpara 12! 39 84 Mahulbahali 44 FataOlunda (J) (Phatamunda) 68 40 85 Mahulpati 15 11 41 Gabhara B6 Malikdar 17 Gadiajora (Giriajor) 69 42 87 Malpamunda ,55 Gaendimal 6 43 88 Malpara 76 Gambhrlkhol (Gambarikhol) 119 44 89 Mandala 52 Gargarbdhal 25 45 90 Mankarchuan 58 97 ALll'HABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES OF KANTABANJI POLICE STATION

51· Name of- the Village l·e. S!. Name of the Village L.C No. N~· No. No. 2 3 1 2 3 " 9' Mul'ldakani 65' 110 Salepara. " 118 92 Mu'ribahal 120 1'1 Sarna rasinha 51 93 Murlbahala 35 112 Sanbanki 61 94 Naga~he'na' 28 113 Sandhibahal 62 ~5 Naktabahal 7 114 Sangamara 74

96 Nandol 72 115 Sardhapur 77 97 Nuap'ara 45 116 Sarglgura (Sargtguna) 86 98 Pakhanmunda 40 117 Sargul 88 99 Pakhanmunda 102 116 Semala 43 100 Pandaren 39 119 Siletpara 123

d, ~ q 1(\1 Pa~gania 111 120 S;man~~ral 112 101 Patimal 60 121 SindhpatL 124 J ,~a 10) Rahenbhata 54 122 Talchake I (Taltchake I) 81 104 R\ljamara 1~4 123 Tellpadi~ j 85 105 Ramor 19 124 Tentelkhunti 46

106 Rautmunda 20 '~5c Tentel~~.pntL, 12~ 167 R~ngali 109 1~~ T~ntul\~huntl 26 108 Sa'iemudgan '{S'a'emuru~g~) ._ 63 127 TlkarapAra 64 109 Safepara 61 )28 Tureke)a 24 98

VILLAGE AMENITIES Pollee 5tation-KANTA6ANJI loc. Name of the Total- Total Amenities av~lIable (if not available within thf! village, a dash C-I No· Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it In brackets, the olstance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms" 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (In hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Dayor Communi- tiona I Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop. , . Marketl RaIlway Hat, Station, if·any Water- way) :: 3 4 ·5 6 7 tl 9 10

1 Kharll 356·93 700 (196) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 2 Debiriamunda 199·92 447 (95) 'p - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 3 Bhalukana 401.85 645 (128) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (6halukuna) 4 GlIrjibhata 97·93 161 (28J P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5·10) 5 Halanbhata 15985 392 (76) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)-

6 Gaendimal 473·89 600(129) P.M -(5-10) W,Tk.TW - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10). 7 Naktabahal 67'99 73 (13) - (-5) -(5-10) W - (-5) -(5-10) -(5--10)- 8 Kuspali 37636 563 (110) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10). 9 Bariali 348'84 491 (88) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10). 10 Bahabal 37676 162 (26) P -(5-10) w,n - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

11 Gabhara 435·85 647 (127) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 12 Damanichuan 231-48 313 (58) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+)- 13 Dholmandal 390·52 578 (107) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO Tuesday -(10+) 14 Baghuapara 104·00 533 (107) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5}.- - (-5). 15 Mahulpati 1,009'29 l,11e (267) / P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5)

16 Magur janga I 33103 469 (92) - (-5) -(5·10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)- (Magur janga) 17 Malikdar 13314 66 (18) P -(5-10) W.TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)- 18 Mahanllaha 312 82 319 (77) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 19, Ramor 664·90 1,098 (271) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) Wednesday - (-5)"- 20 Rautmunda 214·89 373 (78) P -(5-10) W,Tk.TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

21 larki 59772 1,083 (256) ,P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS- 22 Beniamal (U) 255'36 1 (1) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 23 Burhibahal 23391 688 (131) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 24 Turekela 586·80 1,563 (341) P,M,H PHC.PHS, W,Tk,TW PTO,Phone Sunday BS· D,FPC 2') Gargarbahal 524'07 500 (96) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)-

26 Tentullkhuntl 202'34 244 (53) P -(10+) W,Tk PO -(5-10) -(10+)- 27 Gurlaurar 168'35 366 (71) P -(la+ ) w,n - (-5) (-5) -(10+) 28 Nagaphena 245'64 . 340 (64) P -("10+) W - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 29 Baradakla 634'55 1.C61 (254) P -(10+) W,Tk.TW PO - (-5) -(10+) 30 Ghunes 475'10 1159 (186) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) -(5-10) 99


App- Nearest town and Power· Staple land use (i, e., area under diffefent type5 of land Remarks ro~ch Distance Supply food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places including to (In Kms.) ,... ______.A.. ______'-"" any vilialle Forest Irri- Un- Culturabre Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, bv (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

,~ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Kantabanji (12) Rice 13,35 25.90 248·88 25'50 43·30 KR Kantabanji (22) Rice 13,35 2'83 14731 17'81 18'62 KR Kantabanji (20) Rice 728 '2226 288'54 40'47 43'30

KR Kantabanji (20) Rice 5'66 10,93 59'08 18'62 3'64 KR Kantabanji (23) Rice 6·88 8'50 108,05 12'14 2428 Temple

KR Kantabanji (17) Rice 15'78 28'73 333'06 55·44 40 88 Temple KR Kaniilbanjl ('25) Rice 11,74 34·80 11'33 10'12 '- KR Kantabanjl (2~) Rice 17'00 1578 216,51 42'90 84'17 KR Kantabanji (28) Rice 1()'93 6'47 232,29 67'99 31'16 KR Kantabanji (15) Rice 8,90 a·so 274'78 55'44 29'14

KR Kantabanji (~5) Rice 25'09 0·41 335'89 41'68 3278 Temple KR Kantabanji (16) Rice 31'57 149·33 27,92 22'66 KR Kantabanji (15) Rice 1983 1416 267'90 4047 48'16 ... KR Kantabanji (15) Rice 445 1,21 72'44 17'81 8,09 KR Kantabanji (15) ED,EAg Rice 76'49 34,80 615'12 171-59 111-29 Temple

KR Kant~banji (13) Rice 21'04 205,58 76,89 27,52 Temple

KR Kantabanji (12) Rice 21,04 42,09 29-14 40'87 KR Kantabanji (10) EO Rice 57'47 17442 52'20 28-73 Temple KR Kantabanji (8) ED,EAg Rice 60·70 59'89 405·50 72'84 65'97 Temple PR,KR Kantabanji (8) Rice 4'45 17,40 142.45 3157 19'02 l'R,KR Kantabanji (8) ED Rice 29-54 45,33 322-94 123-83 76-08 M-2,Temple FP KantabanJi (9) Rice 39-26 9834 105'62 12,14 KR -Kantabanji (10) Rice 14'57 8,90 15783 19,43 33·18 Temple PR,KR Kantabanji ( 12) ED,EO Rice 19'83 38,04 449,61 33-19 46,13 Temple

KR Kanrabanji (16) Rice 9227 14'16 335,89 59,09 2266 Temple

KR Kantabanji ( 16) Rice 25'90 0,81 136·78 7'28 31'57 Temple KR Kantabanji (18) Rice 31'57 115'33 16'59 4'86 Temple KR Kantabanjl ( 19) Rice 13'76 6,47 151,76 16'19 57·46 KR Kantcbanji (15) Rice 84,58 4'05 453-65 75-27 17,00 KR Kantabanji (17) Rice 9308 4'1l6 326'58 40'06 10'52 1 epple' 100.., VILLAGE AMENITIES Police Station-KANTABANll

L. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown in the column, and next·to ·it In brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms,,.ln broad ranges, Viz. -Sl

31 Barla ~92'55 ~~H (89) P -(10+) w,n _ (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 32 Kadobera 297'04 555 n95) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-~) -(10+) 33 Khujen 481·17 619 (1~9) P --(10+) W,n - (-5) -,(-?) -110+) 34 Bandhanpali 280'85 390 (~6) P -~O+) W - (-~) - (-5) -(10+) 35 Muribahala 544'30 981 (242) P,M -(10+) W,TK PO Tuesday -l10+)

36 Charpanl 441-92 646 (123) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 37 Badabanki 69282 ",025 (249) P,M -(10+) ~,Tk PQ W~d,nesd~y -(10+) 38 Jamki 297·04 428 '(104) P -(5-10) Y'J, Tk - (-~) - l-~) -(5-10) 39 Pandaren 212'46 291 l60) P -(5-10) W,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 40 Pakhanmunda 413'99 687 (125) P - (;-5) ~,Tk,O - (-5) - (-.5) - (-5)-

41 Kulbahal 504·24 877 (211) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO Saturday - (-5)- 42 Banjipali 259'00 380 (73) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 43 Semala 499·38 694 (1~6) P - (-5) W,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)·, 44 Mahulbahali 415·21 575 ("3) P PHS W,TI(,TW PO Thursday BS 45 Nuapara 121'41 170 (33) ~ P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - <,-5) BS.

116 Tentelkhunti 289·35 303 (60) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)· 47 lharni 474·29 1,162 (295) P,M -(5-10) W'Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 48 Khatalumunda 320·92 702 (139) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5). 49 Hial 410'35 619 (117..) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5). -(~-10) - (-5) 50 Dhusamunda 137-59 248 (,45) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(S-10)

51 Samarasinha 359'36 505 (9') P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 52 Mandala 332'65 415 (79) P -(5-10) W.Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5.10). 53 Kamaimunda 154'59 420 (76) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 54 Rahenbhata 123.43 148 (33) P -(5-10) W,O - (-5) - (-5) , -(10+). 55 Malpamunda 225'41 305 (65) P -(5-10) W.Tk - (-5J -(5-10) -(10+).

S6 laljhara 134.76 85 (17) P -(5-10) W,R - (-.5) -(5-10) -(104,). 57 Karlabahali 452'03 808 ~205) P -(5-10) W,TK,TW.O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10" 58 Mankarchuan 286.11 5311107) P.M -(5-10) W,n,TW,S - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 59. Khagasa 562.51 848 (224) P -(5.10) W,Tk,R PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 60 Patimal 149'33 322 (69) P -(10+) W,Tk,Io!,O - (-5) -(5.10) -(10+) 101

DIRECTORY AND LANDUSE ~ Tal1a5il-T1TLAGARH " App- Nearest~town and Power Stap'I,e Land use·(i. e., area ~nder different types of land Remarks roach Distance -Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places including ~o (in Kms.) ,..-_._------_...... _------.., any - vlila~e Forest Irri- Un- Cultur able Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious .. -by (iucluding for historical, sou~ce gauchar cultivation or and archaeo-· groves) logical interest

1'2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2fr

KR Kantabanjl- (14) Rice 5666 22-26 262'24 42'49 8-90 KR Kalnaban fi (15) Rice 3359 1578 17685 38'44 32·38 .4:_ KR Kintabanjl (15) ~ice H574 4'45 277"21 61-92- 21·85 Temp.le 'f(R Kantabanji (15) i!ic~ 89.44 1,21 145211 10'93 3399 KR (16) 73·65 389'71 67·18 12,95 Temple Kant~~anji ~icr 0'81 t·

KR Kantabanji (61 Rice 4S'l2 1'P6 31970 49'78 13-76 KR Kantabanji (15) Ilice 50·18 6'88 520'83 67'99 46'94 Temple· KR KantabanJI (7r Rice 118'17 1'02 137-'33 19,83 24'69 N:l KR Kantabanjl (17) Rice 59·(]8 8,50 96'32 35,61 12·95 Temple KR Kl1ntaqanjl (1~) Ri!=e 55'04 2;f893 76'08 63'94 'remple-

KR Kantabanjl (1S) Rice 28'73 1'62 J05·94 62'73 105·22 Temple- KR Kantabanjl ( 1~) Rice 14·57 8·10 189 19' 17·40 2954 KR KantabanJI (14) Rice 51'80 '·21 276'40 76,(18 93.89 PR,KR Kantabanll (16). Rice 8·50 16,59 26264 65'97 61,51 M·' PR,KR Kantabanji (14) Rice 7.69 "89'84 8·50 15-38

KR Kantabanji (7) ~!<;~ 3·64 17'00 206'39 35'~1 27'11 KR Kantabanji (7) I ED Rice 1·21 19'43 362·19 29'14 62'32 Tempte KR Kant~banji (5) Rice 13'76 4'86 -23~:74 31'18 3238 KR Kantabanjl (2) Rice 27.92 14·16 253-74 55,04 59-49 Temple- KR Kantabanji (6) ~i<;(! 8,50 1.21 70'01 34.80. 23.07

KR KantabanJi (6) Rice 18'61 236'34 63-54 40'87 Temple-, KR Kantabanji (6) Rice 57-06 4·86 17118 44·,1 5544 KR Kantabanji (6) Rice 19~92 72-84 34·40 28'33 Temple- KR Kantabanji (5) Rice -7·28 62·73, 2023 33·19 Temple- KR Kantaba,n ji (3) Rice 17.40 202 13,53 42"49 31'97_ Temple-

KR Kantabanjl (3) Rice 11.33 92'67 14'17 1659 KR Kantabanji (2) Rice 18'21 36098 25'49 47·35 Temple \(~ Kantabanji (3) Rice 9·71 1'61 210 B4 2833 3561 Temple· KR Kantabanji (5) Rice 27·52 351,27 113'31 70,41 Temple- KR Kantabanji (5) Rice 92.67 31"6 2550 Temple 102


L. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the vlltage, a da!h (-) No. Village area of the ,>opulation Is shown In the column and next to It in brackets, the distance In Village (Number of kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the .( In hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is av.allable is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi· tlonal Water ~ days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway ...._ Hat, Station, If any Water- way)

1 2 ~ ~ 5 (, 7 8 9 10

.&1 Salepara ~16'Of1 353 '(64) p -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 62 5anbanki 288'1<4 391 (77) P '~(10+) w,n - (-5) -(5-1{) -(10+) .63 Salemudg an ' 272"35 605(113) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,O PO - (-5) -(10+) (Salemurunga) p &4 Tikarapara 322.13 730 (150) -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(S-1{) -(5·10) 65 Mundakanl 191'42 387 (&9) P -(5-10) W,rk - (-s) -(5-10) -(5-10)

-6£, lubamal 346'01- S01 (78) P -(5 10) w,n - (-5) -(5-1Or ~(5·10} 67 Kandel 30U1 677 (137) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) ,(,8 Fatamunda (U) 117'76 Uninhabited (Pha tamunda) -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -69 Cadlajora (Clrlajor) 252.12 406 (81) P - (-5) -(5-10) (63) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5·10) -(5 10} 70 Bharuakanl 1!)1'35 291

P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) 71 Sandhlbahal 89.84 120 (271 - (-5) -(5'10) P -(5-\0) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) n Nandol 337·10 353 (70) 774 (214) P,M MCW,PHS W,Tk,R PG -(5-10) -(5·10) 73 Mahakhanda 440·70 )18.05 458.(92) P -(5·10) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 74 Sangamara 527 (99) P -(5-10) w,n -(S-10) -(5,10) -(5-10} 75 Jurabandh 150'57

127'45 419 (76) P ::"'(5.10) W,Tk,K - (-5) - (-5) -(S·1O) 76 Malpara 242 (40) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(S·10) 77 Sardhapur 175 &3 '165.52 326 (61) P --(5-10) W,R -(5-'0) -(5-10) -(5-10) 78 Da!1g ia 276'00 563 (101) P -(5·10) W -(5-10) -(5,10) -(5-10) 79 Khu jenbahal B54 (216) p -(10+) W,Tk,R -(SolO) -(5-10) -(5-1C) ao Chhatrang 33\'44 '\ 406 (64) \ 11 -(10+ ) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-"10) -81 Talchakel 254·95 (Taltchakel) 510 (95) P -(5·10) W,Tk,R -(5·10) -(5-10) ,-(s·1CJ) 82 Barkani 412.38 351 (72) P .....;(5·10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) - (5-~O) 83 Bagbahal 25859 128'29 234 (4) P ....:(5.10) W,R -(S-10) -(5·10) -(5·10) 84 Degan 231"08 400 (67) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-.5) ~) Telipadar

151'76 348 (65) p -(10+) W,TIc - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 86 Sargigura (5argjguna l . 247·26 43} (82) P -(5·10) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 87 Andalpurl 390'19 864 (211) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R PO Saturday -(5-1(1) 88 Sargul 284·09 423 (82) P -(S-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) . (5·10) -(5·'0) 89 Karuamunda 285.30 511 (96) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 90 Kandhabaha I ------103

DIRECTORY AND LANDUSE Tahasil-TITLACARH_- App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area-under different types of land Remarks roach distance Suppiy Food use in hectares rounded-A. up ______to 2 decimal places) -.. Inctuding to (in Kms.) r any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated Irrigated waste available religious, by (Including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves logical, Interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Kantabanji (14) Rice 15-38 364 142-86 112-50 41'68 Temple KR (9) Rice 97,53 3'64 10927 GO.70 17.00 Temple KR Kharlar (8) Rice 1M3 890 197.49 27-92 26-71

KR Kharlar (7) Rice 90'65 15864 40.47 32'37 KR Khariar (6) RiCe:! 19'02 6'48 137'59 20'64 7'69

KR Khariar (7) Rice 96'32 5'67 19870 43'30 2'02 Temple- KR Kharlar (7) Rice 24'69 15'38 216-91 21'04 25'09 19'02 70'82 lV52 '17'40

KR Khariar (6) Rice 8'09 15'78 187'77 26'31 14'17 KR Kharlar (8) Rice 2'83 20'64 102'39 20'23 5'26

KR Khariar (7) Rice 11'74 0-40 52'61 11'74 13-35 KR Kharlar (7) Rrce 110,48 25'49 150'95 42'90 7'28 Temple- KR Khariar (7) Rice 18'62 12'14 329'41 42'09 38'44 KR Kantabanji (13) Rice 2'02 76'08 2G8'41 76'31 5'26 KR Kantabanji (14) Rice 3'64 38'04 162'68 35'21 17'00

KR Kantabanjl (16) ED Rice 18'62 92'67 8'90 7-29 Temple- KR Kantabanji (26) Rice 890 35'61 114'93 12'95 3'24 Temple- KR Kantabanji (11) Rice 9'31 30'35 110'88 10'12 4'86 Temple- K~ Kantabanji (11) Rice 12'95 14'57 211'68 29'54 5'26 KR Khariar (16) Rice 15'79 0'81 ~80'04 31'16 3'64 Temple-

KR Khariar (11) Rice 42'90 5'66 163'90 34"40 8'09

KR Kantabatfjl (13) Rice "28'73 1'22 321'32 46'14 14'97 Temple- KR Kantabanjl (13) Rice ~b1 8'10 201,53 29'54 9'71 KR Kantabanji (13) Rice "'21 6'88 100'36 13'36 6'48 KR Kantabanji (8, _Rice '81 161'37 22'26 46'54 Temple-

KR Kantabanjl (8) Rice 4'05 9'71 99'15 16'19 22-66 Temple

KR KantabanJi (3) Rice .8,50 8'90 184,13 2266 23'0; Temple KR Kantabanrl (3) Ric'!! 4'86 22'26 :~13'23 18'21 37'63 Temple KR Kantabanji (6) Rice 10-93 231-48 8-11 23'47 Temple PI<.,KR Kantabanji (8) Rice 11'74 22~'~8 26'30 24'28 Temple 104

VILLAGE ~ ... _.. AMENITIES Pollee 5tation-KANTABANJI --_------. "l. C, Name of the Total Total Amenities oIvailable (if not available within the village, a dash (-) 'No' Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. ·-5 Kms" 5-10 Kms, and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) househol ds) nearest place where the facility is available Is given) ~ ______A ______~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop Marketl Railway Hat. Station. if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1C,

91 , Kuliadara 313'23 531 (99) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5,-10) - (-5) 92 Dhamandanga 653'16 1,190 (262) P,M MCW,PHS. W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) BS FPC 93 Birna 278.42 452 (97) P - (-5) W.Tk - (-5) - (-,5) - (-5) 94 Dumerchuan 330'2l, 881 (229) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 95 Dabiri 585'18 989 (236) P - (- 5) W,Tk',lW - (-5) - (-5) BS

96 6eherensila t 331'44 896 (237) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 97 Kurli 302'71 868 (205) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) 85 98 Chatuanka 332-25 1,466 (310) P,M - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) BS 99 Dangamara 245'24 413 (8S)' P -' (-5) W;Tk - (-5)" - (-5) - (-5) 100' Buromal (Burumal) 449'20 704l185) P ~ (- 5) W,TI<,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-S}

10' Kukurahar 717'9'1 2,001 (46"1) P - (-5) W,t~,TW pd - (-5) - (-5) 10;[ Pakhanmunda 145'69 310 (59) P ·-(5-10) W - (-5)' -(5 10) -(5-10) 1OJ"'Dhumsu 165'1' 46S (83) P -(5-10) W - (-5)' -(5"-"10) -<5':":10} ' 10 .... Jamutjori (jamutjuri)410'3? 525 (;01) p -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5j, -(5-10.~' -(5-10} 105" Ghanamahul 235'12 - 633 t'187)' p - (-5) vii. Tk - (-5) - (:!_5~ - (-5)

1W 8attdh anpali 167'14 355- (77) P .!...('S-10) W - (-5) -(5-10)- -(.5-'10) 107'> Jamtltjhula 69889' 1,157 (271) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) --.(5-10) -(5-10) 1()8., Ka samal 215'29 281 (65)' P r(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(S-10) .p 109" Re'ngali 343'58 426 (91) -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 110 Chaulsukha 1392'55 1 286 (112) P,M MCW,PHS W,Tk,R PO Wednesday -(10+)

111 I Panganla 230'17 439 (86), P - (-5) W,Tk,TW -(5-10~ - (-5) - (-5) 112._ Simanabahal 125,45 257 (55) P -(10+) W - (-5) -(1Q+) -(10+) 113 Baldas 284'49, 397 (7B) P -l5·10) W.Tk,TW - (-5) -(5,-10) -(5,)0) p 114< Raj®lara 455'68 824 ;216) -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10), -(5-1()') 115 Bahaduki 123'02 196 (31) - (-5) -(5-10) w:n -(5-10) - (-5) -' (-5)

116 Brahmani 492'50 712 (165) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) ,p 111 B'a'ra'jura 289'3~ 332 (661' -(5'.. 10~ W.Tk,TW -(5-10) - (-5) - ('-:'S) - (.!...5) '18" ~alepara 233'10 320 ~ 5'4) P - (-5) W.Tk.TW - (-'i) - (-5) 119!" Gambharikhol ;81'30 368 (74) P - (-5) W,Tk.'TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) l Gart,bar ikhol) , 12tr Mur iballa1' 399'83 l.bb~ (198) P,M,H- H.FPC w,n, 1 w pro Tuesday RS 105

DIRECTORY AND LANDUSE Tahasil-TITlAGARH ----- App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (I. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (In Kms,) ~-----~-----"------"-\ any village Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste avail~ble religious, by (Including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 '4 15 16 17 18 19 20 PR,KR Kantabanji (5) .'.. Rice 8.90 10'93 138'00 10·12 145'28 Temple PR ' Kantabani' (5) Rice 29,14 491'29 29·94 102'79 Temple

KR Kantabanj; (2) Rice 9·31 11'73 211'25 16'99 29'1~ Temple KR Kantabanji (2) Rice 14'97 3'64 24524 29·54 36'83 PR Kantabanjl (5) -! Rice 13'36 12,55 394'16 58'68 106'43

KR Kantabanji (3) Rice 1'21 30"35 246·46 21.85 31'57 Temple PR Kantabanji (3) Rice 12.95 2"43 223·39 3602 27'92 Temple PR Kantabanji (2) ED,EAg Rice 11,33 12'55 214,08 44·11 50'18 N-2,Temple KR KanUbanjl (6) Rice 5·67 7·28 191'82 21"85 1862 Temple KR Kantabanji (5)- Rice 11·74 17'40 358'55 25'90 35'61

r PR,KR Kantabanji (4) Rice 7.28 549·56 5<\·35 96'72 Temple KR Kant.lbanji (6) Rice 3'24 118'98 8.09 15·38 Temple KR Kantabanjl- (6) Rice '12.10 17·40 35'61 KR Kantabanji (6) Rice 247·26 65'96 97'13 Temple KR Kantabanji (2) ... Rice 7·69 18·21 169'97 11'33 27'92

KR Kantabanjl (6) Rice 7'29 10724 35'21 17·40 Temple KR Kantabanjl (6) Rice 45'32 443'94 136'38 73'25 N-1,Temple KR Kantabanii (6) Rice 6'88 153'78 30'75 23'88 Temple KR Kantabanji (10) Rice 12'55 220'15 35'61 75''1.7 KR. Kantabanji (10) Rice 271'95 63'94 56'66 Temple

KR Kantabal'lji (6) Rice,Wheat 27'92 150'14 19'83 32'38 Temple KR Kantabanji (10) Rice 4'86 73'65 15'78 31'16 KR Kantabanji (5) Rice 18'21 22'26 154'59 3642 53'01 Temple KR Kant~banji (8) Ricl' 2$'49 17'81 271'54 32'38 108'46 Temple (13) KR KantabanJi Rice,Wheat 6'07 18'21 78'10 8'09 12'55

Kantabanjl (8) KR Rice,Wheat 4'05 6'88 257'78 50·)9 173'20 Temple (16) KR Kantaban;1 Rice,Wheat 23'07 27'52 107'24 45"73 85"79 Kantabanji (16) Rlce,Wheat KR 17'81 6'47 153'78 30'35 24'69 Temple Kantabanjl (16) Rice,Wheat 5'67 KR 21'45 111'29 26')0 16'59 Temple PR,KR Kantabanji (16) fA Rice,Wheat 28'73 68'80 171'59 52'61 78'10 N-7,M-4 106


LC. Name of the Total' Total Amerdtles available (1f not ava-liable within the village, a dash (-~ No· Village area of the population is shown in the column and .xt to it in brackets, the distance In Village (Number of Kms. in broatl ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 1~+Kms. of the

(in hectares) households) ~ ______nea'rest place where tht> 4 facility ______is available is given) ~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Dayor Communl- tlonal Water and days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water­ way) 7 3 5 (, 7 8 c 10 ._------_. 121 Ghantabahali 265'88 515 (105) P,M - (-5) W;TkTW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 122 Dumerpara 272'35 448 (89) P -(5-10) W,Tk,'IW -(5-10) ThuFsday - (-5) 123 Siletpara 65'96 265 (55) p - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 124 Sindhpali 126'26 263 (51) P - (-5) \"',Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 125 Tentelkhunti 87"41 268 (51) P -(5-10) W;Tk,TW -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5)

126 lakhana 270'74 603 (111) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,O -(5-10) Thursday - (-5) 127 Hadahada 108'86 180 (36) P -(5-10) W.1'It,TW -(5·10) Thurs~y -(-5) 126 Gargarbahal 360'17 907 (214) p -(5-10) w,n -(5-10) - ('--5) -- (-5)

Total 40,292-14 70,721{15,293) P~t22, Do1,H-t, M.. n, MCW/MHf H-2 CWC-3. PHC/HC-1, FPC-3, PHS-Ij 107


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i, e" area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including (in Kms,) to r------~------~ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable .A.rea not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (Including for historical source 8aucher cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR,KR Kantabanji (16) Rice,Wheat 11'73 23"47 198'30 15'38 17'00 N-2,M.' PR,KR Kantabanji (7) Rlce,Wheat "62 31'97 163'09 30'75 44'92 KR KantabanJi (11) 1Uce,Wheat 2"43 4'05 46'94 4'45 S'09 KR KantabanJi (13) Rice,Wheat "21 93'08 8'50 23,47 KR Kantabanji (11) Rice,Wheat 12'54 56'25 5'67 12'95

KR Kantabanj; (22) Rlce,Wheat 31'97 189'80 27'92 21'05 Temple KR Kantabanji (26) Rice,Wheat U14 67'58 8'SO 20'64 Temple KR Kantabanji (22) Rice,Wheat 15'38 29'54 269'93 17'40 27'92 Temple

2,184'15 1,412'2.3 .,440'55 4:,194'32 4,610'29 "-13. 1\\-1

• •o Z. I.· .. . ,...._,

t~ () 1: ~ :''!- ri"' i IS ~ 0 oil " l ;;;"



-_" __' __ . ___ J I




SI. Name of the Village l. C. S! Name of the VUla.ge l, c., No. No. No_ Na. 1 2 3 2 3

1 Ainlabhata (Anlabhata) 35 47 Kanabira 53 2 Asurla 82 oW Kandakhal 60 3 Aiurmunda 65 49 Kandhabahal (Kandbahal) 9l 4 Badh:haka 87 50 Kandhenjhwla (Kandhenjhula) 31 5 Baladha 45 51 Kan~iI n 6 Bangomunda 26 52 Kapi labhata 46 7 8argamra 14 53 Katadungrl 62 8 Barkanl 39 54 Khaera 13 9 8arlabahali 84 55 Khairpadar 54 10 8artunda 81 56 Khapadara 28 11 Beherabahali 76 5"7 Kudobhata 27 12 Belpara 15 38 Kundabhatla 86 13 Berapara 19 59 Kuturabeda (Kuterabera)' 18 14 Bhairigubha 71 60 laripara 37 1S Bhalumunda 22 61 lImpara (Nimpara) 30 16 Bhirkapara 78 62 lukapara 12 17 Bholpara 59, 63 Milkhapali 7 18 Bhormunda 69 t·4 Malapara 50 19 81jghat 6 &5 Malibahal 9 20 Blripali 2(} &6 Malpa13 61 21' Borbahal 40 67 Mamgan 48 22 Budhipadar (Burhipadar) 70 68 Mundapadar 91 23 Chaulia 1 69 NanaJhar 49 24 Chitramunda 56 70 NangaJajuri ag 25 Chuliphunka 79 71 Nuapara 11 26 Dandara 3 72 Patrlpara' SO 't! Dangarpadll 4 73 Patlwpali 34 28 Debang 33 74 Phatamunda 67 29 Dhudukapara 64 75 Phugura 24 30 Dhundimahul 55 76 Phundelp.adar 32' '31 Dumermunda 61 77 Phumfulpadar 23 32· Oumerrnvnda 74 7S Pipalmunda 2 . 13 Oum,erpala 15 79 Sagunbhadl 77' 34 Dumerpara aa 80 Sahajot Sl 3~ Ganrlharabandha 41 81 Sahajpani a

36 Ganlabahatr ... 15 82 Salepara 10 37 Ganrel 66 83 Sandhlsar 8S 38 Gobindpur 9IJ 84 Sanmula 44 39 Godramunda 52 85 Saraspara 29- ~ Gohirapadar 38 86 Seletpara 68

41 Goimond' 72 8Y' Sindhbharl' 83 42 Curunda 58 88 Talbhata 47 43 Jaerpara 41 89 Tetelpara 17 ~4 Jamut 36 90 Tetelpara 42 4S janipara 5 91 Titisilat 75 46. Jhinkidungll 57 92 Tur~kela. 2T' ---"------_-- ---" 112


L. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets. the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the

(in hectares) households) ~ ______nearest plaLe where theA- facility______is available is given) ~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water ~ days of cation (Potable) relegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 2 3 4 !> 6 8 y 10

1 Chaulia 269.93 528·(131) P - (-5) W.Tk - (-5) - (- 5) - (-5) 2 Pipalmunda l50.'O 505 (128) P - (-5) W,lk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 3 Dandara 481.58 627 (136) P,M MeW W,Tk.TW - (-5) -(5-10) 85 4 Dangatpada 360.17 692 (193) P - (-5) W.Tk.TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 5 Janipara 104.00 151 (30) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

6 Bijghat 155.40 333 (62) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (- 5) - (-5) 7 Makhapali 112.91 255 (49) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) -8 SatJajpani 3B6.07 600 (HO) P - .-5) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 9 Malibahal 123.83 275 (,2) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 10 Salepara 157.83 217 (38) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

11 Nuapara 103.20 201 (39) - (-5) - (-5) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 12 Lukapara 219.74 435 (81) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 13 Khaera 584.77 973 (226) P - (-5) w,n PO - (-5) - (-5) 14 8argamra 216.91 318 (69) P (-5) W -(5,10) Wednesday - (-5) 15 Belpara 124.24 782 (191\ P,M - (-5) W,R PO Wednesday - (-5)

16 Ganjabahal 155.40 327 (57) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 17 Tetelpara 273.16 328 (65) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 18 Kuturabeda 149.33 348 (68) P -(5-10) W,Tk.R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (Kuterabera) 19 Berapara 251.71 629 (143) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-~) .lO 346.01 1,280 (287) P.M 0 W,Tk,TW,R PO Tuesday - (-~}

.21 Turekela 291.78 73b (187) P - (-05) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 22 Bhalumunda 263.86 1,529 (375) P,M H w,n PO Saturday as 13 Phundelpadar 164 71 319 (58) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 24 Phugura 229'86 401 (9J) P - (-5) W,rk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 2!J Dumerpara 232"69 409 (91J P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

26 Bangomunda ',102'36 3,780 (648) P,M(2),H 0 W.Tk,TW PTO,Phone Sunday BS

27 Kudobhata 129'90 169 (35) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) - (- 5) 2M (42) P '3 f(./:up3.:Llr.l 155·00 - (-5) w,n.R,N - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 29 S.raspa'i 132-119 426 (77) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (- 5) - 1-5) - (-5) 30 limp,Hi (Nimpara) 138·uu 710 (125) P - (-5) W,lk - (-5) - I 5) - (-5) 113


App- Nearest town and Powe~ Land use (I. e., area under different types of land Remarks ~ " ;4 ~I ~ S~~pl~ roach Oistiulce :~ Sup~~y Food ~~~ h:' hectares rounde'~ up ~o 2 ~eclmal places) including to (in'kin•• j r------.A.------.... any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious by (Including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 11 13 14 15 6 18 19 20 " 1 17 Kal}t~b~1)11 (~t· ED R~~ ,.21 36,83_. 20&.39 24.28 1.22 Temple ,K Kil~J~~a.~H (13~ ~~ ~.90 188:59 . 13.76 39.25 ~r~ ~~ Ka~ta~al}ji (~b ~~,Wheat 27.11 25·90 296;64 94.70 37.23 ~~ . Karita~allji (14~, ~ift!, Wheat ~2.95 10.93 196.27 114.12 25.90 Kit Kantabanjl (13) Rlce,Wheat 2.02 5.66 7()'42 15.38 1052

Kt·- Ka~tabanji (13) Rke,Wtieat 7.69 120.60 14.16 12.95 if' K~ Kantab,anj i (11) IlCe,Wheat 14.97 71·~3 5.26 21.45 KR Ka~tabanil (11):. Rice,Wheat 5.26 26.71 273:$' 52.20 28.33 K, - Kantabanji (13). RiCe,Wheat 5.66 5.26 9~:72 7.69 8.50 KR Kantabanji (13) IlCe,Wheat 8.10 10.52 411.69 16.19 11.33

~~ - Ka'lt~pi1.,!ji (7). RiGe,Wheat 2.43 2.02 82.96 8.50 7.29 K, Kamabanjl (14)· . ~Ic:e 4.86 27.11 161.07 13.35 13.35 K~ Kan~abpnji (1<),) \lice 16.49 401.(jl 52.&, 47.75 Temple ~~ Kanta~anji (1) , ~IC~ 31'97 165J1 16.19 3.64 (14) !'It Kantabanji Rice 10.12 95·10 1538 3·64 Temple

P~,K~ KantabaJ'ljl (19) , ~i!=e 33.59 104.82 8.90 8.09 ... , , K~ Karitabanjl (19) ~ice. '. , 53.82 161·47 27.11 30.76 Temple . Kharlar (10) KR Itice 7.69 36.01 86.20 10.12 931 Tef1lple ,; (8) Kit Kharlar Rice 35.61 180.49 23.88 11.73 Temple Kharlar (5) ED Rice Kit .. 82.96 236.74 22.26 4.05 M-1,Temple Khariar (10) ICIt ED 4·05 82.56 144.88 41.68 18.61 Temple (10) 'I~~ 'KR Kharlar ED ~ke GIl·30 1~3·73 15-38 4.45 Temple,N-l,M-l PK',KR Kharlar (10J ED Rice 23'88 '33'55 7'28 (11) PR;KR Kha-rlar ti~e 49'78 158'23 21·85 M-l Kit Khariar (12) Ice 12'14 185.75 19'42 15.38

PR Kantabanji (18) ED Rice 53'82 , , 811'61 1'0'00 125'05 Temple,N-40, M-20,C-2 (19) Kit, Kantabanji Rice,Wheat 12'14 91'05 14'16 12'55 P~,KR i Kantabanji (14) Rice, Wheat 4·86 124'64 12'55 12'95 kit . Kan;abanjl (16j Rice,Wheat 15'78 17'40 134'36 25'09 40'06 Kit Kantabanji (16) Ric~,Wheat 0'40 27'92 81'75 13-36 14'57 114

VILLAGE AMENITIES r'(llief' 5td.tlon-BANGOMUNDA ------_- L. C· Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village. a dash (-) ",p. Villa~e area of th'e population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., In·broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10·Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where-the;facility is available is given r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph title (Bus' Stop, Marketl Railwav Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ---- - .. _-._---_---- 31 Kandhenjhwla 9874 189 (38) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) (Kandhenjhula) l2 Phundelpadar 11088 138 (29) P -(5-10) w,n -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 33 Debang 265'07 814 (204) P.M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Thursday - (-5) 34 Patrapali 24038 897 (232) P FPC W,Tk PO - (-5) - (-5) 35 Ainlabhata 144'07 161 (32) P -(5-10) \IV, Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Anlabhata)

36 Jamut 52731 777 (193) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 37 laripara 76·19 91 (18) - (-5) - (-5) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 38 Gohirapadar 8701 1,045 (253) P - (-S) w,n - {-5) Sunday - (-5) 39 Barkani 11655 296 (54) P - (-s) W,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 40 Borbahal 329·01 669 (123) P - (-5) w,n - (-5) - (-S) - (-5)

4 Gandharabandha 25657 589 (104) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) .Sunday - (-5) 41. Tetelpara 95'91 261 (53) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 43 Jaerpara 28773 546 (122) P - (-S) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 44 Sanmula 305·94 694 (206) P,M -(5-10) W,rW,R -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 45 Baladha 32334 484 (94) P -(5-10) W.Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5~

46 Kapi labha ta 339'94 624 (119) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,O PO - (-5) - (-5) 47 faibhata 8620 180 (38) - (-5) -(5-10) W;Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 48 Manigan 214'48 337 (69) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 49 Nanajhar 72 84 122 (19) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk. - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 50 Patalpara 114'93 361 (72) I' - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

51 Sahajot 14771 270 (49) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 52 Godramunda 155.80 145 (29) - (-5) - (-5) w,n - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 53 Kanabira 225'01 365 (59) P - (-5) W - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 54 Khairpadar 114'53 88 (14) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 55 Dhundimahul 18170 516 (98) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5)

56 Chitramunda 23~ 50 398 (74) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 57 Jhinkidungri 158.23 31Q (68) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 58 Gurunda 231'48 591 (103) P - (-5J W.Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 59 IlhviparJ 206'39 690 (133) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R,N -(5-10) - (-5) -(5~10) 60 i(ilndakh


-~ ... -~-. ------_------_-- ... ------_- ~ App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i, e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food ,..-______use in hectares roundedA up______to 2 decimal places) -, including to (in Kms.) ;;.ny village Forest Irr;- Un- Culturable Area not place 01 gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical s(Jurce gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- grove~) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 '1.0

KR Kantabanji (7) Rice,Wheat 1'21 78'10 8'50 10'93

KR Kantabanji (11) Rlce,Wheat 2'43 2,'50 65'15 809 9'71 I(R Kantabanjl (19) Rice,Wheat 5.67 75'27 131'52 15'38 37·23 Temple- KR Kantabanji (21) Rice,Wheat 13'76 48'97 113'31 21'85 4249 To l,Temple KR Kantabanji (18) Rice,Wheat 7,29 27'11 SS'63 8'09 12'95 Temple

KR Kantabanji (16) Rlce,Wheat 2'43 31'57 391'74 55'44 46'13 Temple KR Kantabanji (16) Rice.Wheat 4'45 60·71 6'88 4'45 KR Kantabanjl (19) ED Pice 76'89 5'67 4'45 N-8,M-6 KR Kantabanjl (15) Rice 3,24 91'86 13 76 7,69 PR,KR Khariar (18) Rice 40'47 204'J7 26'71 5746

KR Kantabanji (13) Rice 1,21 33'99 195'06 25'50 0'81 Temple PR,KR Kantabanji (16) Rice 29'95 56'65 9'31 KR Kantabanji (16) Rice 0'81 54,23 213'67 14'16 4'86 Temple PR.KR Khariar (8) :ED Rice 1.62 70'82 179,68 40 06 13'76 Temple KR Khatiar (10) Rice 69'61 178'87 55'44 19'42

PR,KR Khatiar (12) Rice 3'64 100'77 208.41 27'12 Temple PR,KR Khariar (12) Rice 2·02 14·17 5544 14'57 KR Khariar (14) Rice 184'94 26·71 2'83 KR Khariar (15) Rice 15'38 48'56 8'90 Temple KR Kantabanjl (22) Rice 23'07 69.60 9'31 12·95

PR,KR Kanubanji (22) Rice 8'90 108'46 9·71 20'64 pa,KR Kantabanji (18) Rice 202 119'79 21'04 1295 PR Kantabanji (18) Rice 2,83 186·16 11'33 24·69 Temp~e KR Kantabanji (21) Rice 96.32 10-93 728 KR Kantabanji (14) Rice 0,41 12'95 139'21 14'16 14'97

KR KantabanF P9) Rice,Wheat 5,66 14'57 17402 11'33 27'92 KR Kantabanjl (19) Rlce,Wheat 2'43 27'92 98'74 13-36 1578 KR Kantabanji (19) Rice,Wheat 1·62 30'35 15985 20'23 19·43 Temp~ KR Kantabanjl (16) Rice,Wheat 20'31 135'97 19'83 24'28 Temple KR Titlagarh (18) Rice,Whe.lt 2'83 25,90 7810 850 2145 ------_."------...---- ._------_------116


l.C, Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown in the column and nEixt to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms. in broad ranges~ Viz, -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (In· hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is avallabl~ is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Dayor Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

61 Dumermunda 73'65 33 (6) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 62 Katadungri 152'97 245 (43) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 63 Malpara 430'18 873 (205) P -- (5-10) W,Tk,tW,O -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) \ 64 Dhudukapara 165'92 219 (40) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10~ - (-5) -(5-10) 65 Asurmunda 164'13 352 (71) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10)

66 Ganrei 38405 825 (202) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO Saturday -(5-10) 67 P~atamunda 126'26 490 (96) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 68 Seletpara 142'05 228 (42) P -(5.10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 69 Bhormunda 1578 47 (7) - (-5) -(5-10) ~"Tk -(5-10) - .(-5) -(~~10) 70 Budhipadar 92.27 257 (53j P -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R -(10+) - (-5) -(10+) lBurhipadar)

71 Bhairigubha 141'64 429 (86) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R -(10+) - (-5) -(10+} 72 Goimwnd 185'35 419 (81) P,M -(5-10, W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) -(10+) 73 Kansil 304'73 834 (233) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 74 Dumermunda 139"62 442 (75) P - (-5) W - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 75 Titisilat 25333 429 (76) P - (-5) W - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5)

76 Beherabahali 10f;'43 134 (20) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) -(5 10) - (-5) 77 Sagunbhadi 18737 428 (70) P - (-5) w.n - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 78 Bhirkapara 275'19 225 (45) P - (-5) w,n - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 79 Chuliphunka 35855 981 (245) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk PO Tuesday. -(5-10» Thursday 80 Malapara 53'42 110 (21) P FPC ~,O - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

81 Bartunda 270,33 456 (90) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10), tl2 Asurla 21084 607 (120) P -(5-10) W,T~"R -(5-10) - (-51 -(5-10) 83 Sindhbhari 229'86 478 (97) P -(5-10) W,TW,R -(5-10) - ,(-5) - (5-10) 84 Barlabahali 17361 227 (44) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 85 Sandhisar 82'15 297 (60) P -(5-10) W,D -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10)

R6 Kundabhatla 413 99, 942 (232) P,M - (-5) W,Tk PO - (-5) -(5-10) 87 Badichaka 163"90 320 (67) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 88 Dumerpara 251'31 504 (107) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 89 Nangatajuri 383,24 365 (82) P - (-5) W.Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 90 Gobindpur 32577 507 (99) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

------.~~----- ~--~--. 117


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (I. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------A------~-----~ any village Forest Irri- Un- CUlturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available relisious, by (including tor historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical Interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Titlagarll (18) Rice,Wheat 14·16 4654 4·05 8·90 KR Tltlagarh (18) Rlce,Wheat 4·45 21'04 105,22 10'52 11'74 KR Titlagarh (16) Rice,Wheat 16·18 2833 310·80 45'74 29'14 Temple KR Titl~garh (10) Rice/Wheat 4'(16 7'28 114·53 2023 19.02 KR Titlagarll (10) Rice/Wheat 2'S3 14731 10·52 2347

KR Titlagarh (10) Rice,Wheat 10'93 74'06 225'81 17·81 55'44 KR Tltlagarh (12) Rlce,Wheat 0'40 21'45 82'15 11'33 10'93 KR Titlagarh (20) Rlce,Wheat 31'57 80,13 13035 1700 KR Tltlagarh (18) Rice,WIleat 3'64 9,31 2'83 Temple KR Kantabanjl (22) Rice,Wheat 33'99 32'38 12·95 12'95 Temple

KR Titlagarh (21) Rice,Wheat 3'24 35,61 67·99 9,71 2509 KR Kantabanji (19) Rlc.e,Wheat 45'73 104·01 11'33 2428 KR Kantabanji (22) Rice 65'56 167'54 31·97 39'66 M-l KR Kantabanji (19) Rice 0'81 110·48 14'97 13'36 PR Kantaban)1 (19) Rice "&2 50'99 155'80 27'11 17'81 Temple

KR Kantabanjl (26) Rice 7·28 76·08 10'12 12,95 KR Kantabanjl (19) Rice 5·67 13'76 140'83 11'33 15'78 Temple KR Kantabanji (21) Rice 8·09 30·35 203'56 15'38 17'81 KR Kantabanji (22) ED Rice 100·36 184'54 29'95 43'70 Temple

KR Kantabanji (23) ED Rice 17'40 20,23 6'48 9'31

KR Khariar (14) Rice 68-80 152'97 13'76 3480 KR Khariar (12) Rice 6'88 SO· 58 10846 9'31 35'61 KR Khariar (10) Rice 68'39 106,84 14'57 40'06 KR Khariar (10) Rice 46'94 76'89 20'64 29·14 KR Khariar (11) Rice 61'11 4'45 16'59

I(R Khariar (15) Rice 0,81 72'84 25090 36·83 52,61 Temple KR Khariar (16) Rice 33'59 105,62 12'95 11'74 KR Kantabanji (16) Rice 5'26 21'45 18616 16'59 2185 KR Kantabanji (2 t) ED Rice 62·32 269.12 33,18 18,62 KR Kantabanji (21) ED Rice 4'86 1·62 272'35 22'66 24.28 118


L. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No- Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) ,...------.... _------""' Educa- Medica. Orinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water­ way)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

91 Mundapadar 193.44 292 (60) P,M D W,Tk PO -(5-10) - (-5) 92 Kandhabahal 239·17 481 (92) P - (- 5) w,n - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) (Kandbahal)

Total 20,362·56 45,08t (9,7t7) P-8", D-3,H-t, M-1S, MCW/ H-t MHI ewe-t, FPC-2 ,._ .._--_-_ 119


App­ Nearest town and Power Staple Land·use (i. e., area under different types of litnd Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including r---- ______A ______""' to (in Kms.) any village forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo­ groves) logical interest

'1 12 13 14 15 16 17 . 18 19 20

PR,KR Kantabanjl (21) Rice 14'97 142'85 17'81 1761 N-l,M-l PR,KR Kantabanj; (22) Rice 4·86 19·02 177.25 22.26 15'78

239'17 2,766.41 13,650·09 1,919·41 1,787.48 N-51,M-31, C-2,T-t




o fI



." -!It

o RrPERI.:NcrS

I Doumteuy. PoliQe Stati5JD •• ~ _.t -...... viHase wila Location Codt number... L=---=-1:::I ..:ReJtrved ForeSt .0" AI

~.adqt!arter5 Police St8tion.~ .. Yillagt:s with population siu Below 2OQ.l 200· 499, 500 99'l &. I 000- 4 m. J 0.'•• r-'--"-'_'-' U:nio~abi\~ VilJll~S ~il.h locatioil C(}de" • ;__.2f»~_.J

lmponanl Metalled RoaCi ". ~ .Rivor anrl Stre!tm """ :=--_::::'s::::-..:: j'ost 0IIke, POSt &. Tdcgra?'h OtE

High Schoof .. 'i>

Primary Iklltt (:en: ~t;" I imp.:~rt.~i 'IIiiilllge f,l!.:rlrt t;H.\l "" ,t ,~~~~"",,, _____,,,,",, __ ..,..,..J



SI. Name of the Village L C. 51. Name of the Village l. C. No. No- No No 1 2 3 1 2 l ----_.- Adabar,al 46 46 lehgan 54 2 Ainlabh .. ta 49 47 Jadamundil 61 3 Alanda 64 '18 lamkani 34 .\ Arsrltula 60 49 Jamk hunta 79 5 Badapara Bi 50 Jampara 80

6 Badudar 38 51 Ja'lltar a 25 7 Bagal tlpara 14 52 Jhalap 74 8 Bagbahal 7 53 Jharial 17 9 Bahabill 12 54 Jhinkipara 85 10 Bah"lgabha 66 55 Kalkut 81

11 Bakagura 13 56 Kandara 101 12 Balbeng 59 57 Kirabahal (U) 3 13 Ba Ikhamar 19 58 Kurlubhata 55 14 Banjupadar 16 59 Kurlubhata 90 15 Ba rkani 26 60 Kursud 103

16 Barkani 83 61 Kurudiamunda 61 17 Elatharla 91 62 Kusakela 107 1B Beherabhata 24 63 Kutmara 97 19 Beher abhata 51 64 Lebada 47 20 Bh.1npur 71 65 Limpara 35

21 Bhatasar 62 Q6 Lohrapali 6 22 Bhursagura 95 67 Mahagan 52 23 Bhushlar 2 68 Makrlpara 40 24 Brahmanichapar(U) 33 69 Malkasada 21 25 Brahll ani para 43 70 Mamia 75

26 Budhipadar(Burhipada r) 11 71 Nimurla 104 27 Chandutara 96 72 Palaskhand 1 28 Chantipala 48 73 Pandripani 10 29 Chha tabha ta(Chatabha tal 57 74 Parasara 58 30 Chindagura 94 75 Pa ruabhadiCParubhadi) 76 31 Dabjhar 84 76 Phulbandha 20 32 Dedhgan 5 77 Pipalpadar 102 33 Deheli 63 78 65 34 Diatan 56 79 Pitapara 29 35 Digsira 106 80 Padapali 23

36 Dungrigura 32 81 Purniapali 73 37 DunglJrigure; 45 82 PudapaJi 4 38 Gandapadar 41 83 Putula talai(Putula tali) 9 39 Gandharla 89 84 Putupara 70 40 Ganjiapara '13 85 Ranipur 18 41 Gaudtula 105 86 Saiebarat 72 42 Ghantasada 44 7 8 Salebhata 30 43 Ghantasada <,9 88 Salemudanga 8 44 Charla 78 8<) Sale;.,udanga 8~ 45 Golabandh 2' 90 Salepara ----_--_---- -+- 36 --._----_._- - --~.----- .----.--~-- 123


~-.---~.- --_- ~-~------51. Name of the Village l. C. 51. Name of the Village L.c. No. No. No. No. Z 3 2 3 ------_ ------_------_.------91 Shundhimunda 88 100 Telsari(Telsarl) 69 92 Sialjhudungi 42 101 Tenwlipara 15 93 Silanda 53 102 Themara 27 94 Sindhekela 68 103 Titlsilat 92 95 Sriram 77 96 Sukunabhata 39 104 Tupaudar 37 97 Sukunabhata 98 105 Tureikela 86 98 Surda 50 106 Turukbhata 100 99 Tatopara(Totapar a) 31 107 Utkela(Utikela) 28 ------_ ------124

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police Station-SINDHEKElA loc. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown in the column and next.to It In brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms·, In broad ranges, Viz. -S Kms., S.10 Kms· and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tlonal Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) , 2 3 4 5 (, 7 8 9 1Q -- -- _------_- ---__.. - -- 1 Palaskhand 259'81 575 (118) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-s) -(10+) 2 8hushlar 225'82 1,221 (282) P,M FPC W - (-5) Saturday - (5-10) 3 Kirabahal (U) 357·34 22 (3) P,M -(S-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) Saturday -(5-10) 4 Pudapali 218·94 562 (101) P -(S-10) W - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 5 Dedhgan 798·45 949 (250) P (2) -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

6 lohrapali 89·84 202 (44) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 7 8agbahal 141·24 292 (60) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-~) - (-5) BS 8 Salemudanga 172-80 221 (45) P - (-5) w,n - (-5) - (-5) BS 9 Putula tal'li 290'16 521 (104) P - (-5) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Putulatali) 10 Pandripani 255·76 288 (61) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

11 Budhipadar 299'06 521 (107) P - (-5) W - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) (Burhipadar) 12 Bahabal 114,93 360 (79) p - ~-5) W - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 13 Bakagura 181"70 441 (84) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 14 Bagartipara 63·13 175 (401 P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(-5) -(5-10) 15 Tentulipara 8377 163 (31) - (-5) -(5-10) W,TIt,R - (-Sj -(5.10) -(5-10)

16 Banjupadar 64'75 193 (40) P -(5·10) W,K - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 17 Jha ria I 34034 576 (122) P,M FPC w,n PO Monday -(5.10) 18 Ranipur 13274 211 (43) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 19 Balkhamar 74'87 355 (64) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 20 Phulbandha 198'30 362 (63) P -(10+) W,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

21 Malkaada 124·&4 637 (117) p --(10+) W,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 22 Golabandh 179'28 327 (6'i) p -(10+) W,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 23 Podapali 104.81 2.52 (51) P -(10+ ) W -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+) 24 Beherabhata 157.Q2 324 (56) P -(10+ ) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 25 Jamtara 399.83 728 (141) P -(10+1 W,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+)

26 Barkani 316.87 607 (111) P -(10+) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 27 Themara 667.73 997 (244) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 28 Utkela (Utlkela) 137·59 252 (41 ) P -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+ ) 29 Pitapara 81.75 289 (60l P -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 3() Salebha ta 161·90 448 (83) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 125


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use,(i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places including Food ,-______.A.. ______""" to (in Kms.) any vi:iaee Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (iucluding fer historical source gauchar cult iva t ion or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

'1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Titlagarh (34) ED Rice 42'09 16592 17·81 33-99 N-35, Temple KR Titlagarh (30) ED Rice 729 17"40 157·02 12"14 3197 Temple KR Titlagarh (30) Rice 14,97 72'84 201,13 26'31 4209 N-3, Temple KR Titlagarh (48) ED Rice 1"22 182'51 16'59 18'62 Temple KR Titlagarh (48) Rice 48·97 383'24 53'42 312'82 Temple

KR Titlagarh (26) Rice 0'81 1052 54'63 5,26 18'62 PR,KR Titlagarh (27) ED Rice 1'62 4'05 104'81 5'26 2550 PR Titlagarh (30) ED Rice 2145 89·84 17'81 43,70 KR Titlagarh (23) ED Rice 33·99 215'70 1862 21·85

KR Titlagarh (26) Rice 28·33 171'99 2145 33'99

KR Kantabanji (24) ED Rice 2590 230'67 21-85 20'64 Temple

KR Titlagarh (21) ED Rice 7"28 85'39 10·93 11'33 KR Titlagarh (24) ED Rice 2'02 13,35 127·48 10'93 2792 KR Titlagarh (22) ED Rice 809 3399 10.12 10'93 KR Titlagarh (26) Rice 8'90 52'61 1214 10·12 Temple

KR Titlag~rh (26) Rice 4&13 769 10'91 Temple KR Titlagarh (2q) ED Rice 2·02 55·44 168'35 21"85 9268 N-1, M- I. Temple KR Titlagarh (26) ED Rice 364 33,19 5868 728 2995 Temple KR Tit'aRarh (27) ED Rice 2550 33'19 040 15,78 KR Titlagarh (29) Rice 37·~4 120'60 12'54 2752

,(R Titlagarh (2&) Rice 15·78 8094 8'09 19·83 KR Tit!agarh (15) Rice 5·26 33·19 102'3!1 13·35 25'09 KR Titlagarh (26) Rice 364 17,00 68,80 445 1092 KR Titlagarh (26) Ricfl 1173 10512 8,50 31-57 KR Titlagarh (21) Rice 4533 287.33 2023 46,94

KR Titlagarh (29) Rice 9,71 8·90 244,03 2792 26·31 KR Titlagarh (16) Rice 19·63 31.57 50626 30.35 7972 KR Titlagarh (16) Rice 116·95 4·45 16.19 KR Titlagarh (16) Rice,Wheat 14·16 54·23 4.05 9.31 KR Titlagarh (16) Rice,Wheat 20.24 114·12 14.97 14.57 126

VILLAGE AMENITfES I' )lic:~ Station -SINDHEKElA _------_ .. --_--._--- LC. Name of the Total Total Amenities ,Jvailable (if n:>t available within the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Viilage (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. ot the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------______-.A.____ -----.------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1(1

31 Tatopara 29137 806 (216) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) -(10+) (Totapara) 32 Dungrigura 138.00 3~1 (56) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 33 Brahmanichapar (U)302.71 Uninhabited Tk 34 Jamkani 348.03 561 (112) P -(10+) W,Tk.TW - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 35 Limpara 16916 266 (57) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(10+)

36 Salepara 145·69 209 (44) - (-5) -(10+ ) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 37 Tupaudar 14690 639 (1.29) P -(10+ ) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 38 Badudar 336.70 988 (252) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Sunday -(10+) 39 Sukunabha ta 11250 177 (31) - (-S) -('10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 40 Makripara 242.41 1,138 (272) P -(10+) W,1k,TW - (-5) Sunday -(10+)

41 Gandapadar 171.99 95 (21) - (-5) -(10+) W,lk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 42 Sial jhudungi 215.29 332 (62) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (5-10) - (-5) 43 Brahmanipara 182,11 405 (75) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 44 Ghantasada 313·&~ 358 (71) p -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (- 5) -(5-10) 45 Dungurigura 55·04 297 (50) P -(5-10) W.Tk,T - (-5) - (-5) -(5·10)

46 Adabahal 131'52 252 (43) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) -:5-10) 47 lebada 651'14 1,189 (287) P,M FPC W,Tk,TW PO Friday BS 48 Chantipala 116-15 499 (96) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R PO -(S-10) - (-5) 49 Ainlabhata 226'62 660 (131) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) SO Surda 381-62 979 (237) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R PO -(10+) - (-5)

51 Beherabhata 226·62 194 (32) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) - (-5) 52 Mahagan 410-76 691 (141) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(10+ , - (-5) 53 Sllanda 349'65 652 (124) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (5-10) Tuesday, -(5-10) Friday S4 Ichgan 570·61 865 (219) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) Tuesday as 5~ I(urlubhata 21044 432 (88) P -(5-10) W,Tk,r,R - (-5) - (5-10) -(5-10)

56 Diatan 343'17 820 (144) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) Thursday, OS Tuesday (93) 57 Chhatabhata 163'49 446 P PHC,FPC W,Tk,R -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) (Chatabhata) 58 Parasara 286-92 877(215) P,M M,H W,Tk,R PO - (-5) BS 59 Bdlbeng 31889 778 (150) P -(<;-10) w,n - (-5) -(5-10) 8S N6-68 891 (]20) P 60 Arsatula FPC W,Tk - (-5) - (-~) _-_-- -~ ~------_--.- as ---" -_ .._------_- 127


~-~~------Remarks App· Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land including roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) any to (in.Kms.) r------.---Jo.------~ place of village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including .for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaea- groves logical interest

20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

KR Titlagarh (16) Rice,Wheat 17.40 232·29 24,28 17.40

KR Titlagarh (16) Rice,Wheat 1.21 162 102.79 19,83 12·55 17.81 1S 78 21003 1862 4047 KR Tltlagarh (11) Rice,Wheat 17,40 17.40 245.24 31·57 36·42 KR Titlagarh (16) Rice,Wheat 13.36 1093 111.69 14·16 19·02

KR Titlagarh (1b) Rice,Wheat 1781 647 66·37 3035 2469 KR Titlagarh (H) Rice 19.02 9105 12.14 24·69 Temple KR Titlagarh (16) Rice,Wheat 4·86 44,92 23755 17.00 32·37 KR Titlagarh (10) Rice,Wheat 3.64 90·25 8,90 971 KR Titlagarh (16) RicE',Wheat 6·07 23.07 161.92 15·38 3197

KR Titlagarh (10) Rice,Wheat 1·21 15783 445 8·50 K~ Titlagarh (10) Rice 29.95 135·57 31.56 18·21 KR Titlagarh (10) Rice 23.88 109.67 2468 2388 KR Titlagarh (m Rice 34'80 22665 22'26 27·92 KR Titlagarh (22) Rice 1'21 1'62 19'38 19'38 12'55

KR Titlagarh (22) Rice 2'43 24·28 7810 8·90 17'81 . PR,KR Titlagarh (16) Rice,Wheat 2064 14'57 49088 21'85 103'20 Temple KR Titla~arh (19) Rice 1'62 3359 53-01 9-31 18'62 Temple KR Titlagarh (18) Rice 6'48 34·80 14&·90 15'78 22·66 Temple KR Titlagarh (16) Rice 0'40 87'01 220'15 3076 4330 Temple

KR Titlagarh (25) Rice 081 4087 150'14 13-76 21·04 KR Titlagarh (29) Rice 4-86 56·66 261·02 5382 3440 KR Titlagarh (22) Rice 1'21 38,04 237'96 29'54 42'90 M-1,Temple

PR Titlagarh (18) Rice 283 48·97 402'26 39·66 76·89 KR Titlagarh (14) Rice 24·28 8944 8'90 87'82

PR Titlagarh (16) Rice 0·81 31·97 210'26 12'95 67·18 Temple

KR Titlagarh (16) Rice 081 111"29 12'54 38·85

PR Titldgarh (19) Rice 18·62 19910 2145 4775 Temple PR Titlagarh (n) Rice ',21 78'10 1&4'71 16'19 58't8 Temple PR Titlagarh (27) Rice 040 44'52 112'50 1457 24'69 ----_-_. 128


.... C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) 1,;0. village area.of the population is shown In the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------.------A.------..... Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water at days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

61 Kurudiamunda 155·40 539 (91) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 62 Bhatasar 333'46 248 (54) P - (-5) W,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 63 Deheli 519'b2 323 (64) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 64 Alanda 370'29 811 (222) P,M FPC,O W,Tk PO -(5.10) -(5-10) 65 Pitamahul 69'61 177 (28) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(s-10~ -(5-10) -(5-10)

66 Bahalgabha 10G.03 198 (34) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 67 Jadamunda 86.20 124 (21) - (-5) - (~5) W,Tk -(5-10J - (-5) - (-5) 68 Sildhekela 719·94 3,572 (812) P,M,H PHC W,Tk,R PTO Wednesday BS

69 Telsarai (Telsari) 104.81 164 (38) P - (-5) W,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 70 Putupara 129.90 341 (68) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

71 Bhanpur 92.67 222 (41) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 72 5alebarat 320·11 677 (132) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 73 Purniapali 56.6& 21& (51) p -(5-10) W - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 74 Jhalap 433·01 997 (256) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 75 Mamia 267·09 62& (122) p -(5-10) W, Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

76 Paruabhadi 124.64 273 (53) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (P arubhadi) 77 Sriram 399·02 796 (155) P -(lC+) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) as 78 Gharla 131.52 258 (54) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -($-10) - (-5) 79 Jamkhunta 333·06 746 (146) P,M -(10+) W,n PO -(5-10) BS 80 Jampara 219.74 388 (63) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5)

81 Kalkut 134.36 356 (65) P ..... (10+) W,Tk,O -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) 82 Salemudanga 69.70 141 (25) p -(10+) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) 83 Barkani 31646 379 (62) P -(10+ ) W,Tk --(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) 84 Dabihar 106.84 138 (26) P -(10+) W,Tk,O -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) 85 Jhinkipara 409.54 622 (108) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

86 Tureikela 490.48 612 (113) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) Monday BS 87 Badapara 299.87 451 (81) P -(5-10) W,R - (5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 8tl Shundhimunda 15135 190 (37) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 89 Gandharla 380·00 1,190 (29J) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -;5-10) BS 90 Kurlubhata 43059 636 (141) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(SolO) 129

DIRECTORY AND LANDUSE Tahasil-TITLAGARH - -_ - App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use 0. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Stlpply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) ,------"------:------"""\ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo· groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 '8 19 20

\ KR T.Itlagarh (29) Rice 0'81 37'23 76·08, 16,59 2469 Temple KR Tltlagarh (51), Rice 0'40 117~n( 10'52 204'77

KR Titlagarh (25) "., I Rice 9·71 53.()1 10:*'82. 342'37 9'71 KR Titlagarh (22) ED Rice 0'81 25'90 160,'26,;. 142'04 41'28 Temple KR Titlagarh (29) Rice ~8·73 30'76 4"45 5-67

K'R Tlt lagarh (29) Rite 6.07 7o.B2 15-38 13,76 KR Tltlagarh (29) Rice 0'41 15.38 54.63· 4.45 11·33 P'R Titl~garh (29) ED Rice ~ 169.56 399-43 39·66 106·43 N-24, M-tl, T-1, Temple PR,KR Titlagarh (30) Rice 60.70 5.67 38·44 KR Titlagarh (32) Rice 3.64 44·92 45.73 9·31 26.30 Temple

i., _ J ~ KR Titlagdr'h (32) Ric~ 2.02 13-36 63.13 8·90 5.26 KR Titlas·rh (14) , Ri~.e . 1CLl2 50.58 172.80~ 23·07 63.;4 KR Titlagarh (3S) R,ke 4.86 42.99 5.66 4.05 KR Tittagarh (3.7) . ED., Ri~e 4.45 3~6.01. 33.59 48·'J6 Temple, Chulch KR Titlagarh (37) ED Rite 11.74 155.80 37·23 62-32 M-'

KR litlagarh (37) Rice 4.85 23.07 55·04 9.71 31,97 . PR Khariar (10) ED Rice 49.78 160·66 27.92 160.66 Temple, Church KR Khariar (12) Rice 26.31 60,70 16.59 27.92 Temple l PR,KR Khariar (10) ED Rice 10.12 33.59 218.13 2630 44Ci2 N-1 KR Khariar (15) Rice 7.69 5.66 118·57 57.47 3035

KR Khariar ( 15) Rice 6'47 80.13 23.88 2388 M-8 KR Khariar (16) Rice 2-43 47'35 11·73 7'69 KR Khariar (19) Rice 20.64 4,45 12221 151.35 1781 KR Kharia! (17) Rice 4·45 39.26 44'92 18'21 KR Khariar (15) Rice 23.,1J8 248·48 107.64 29.54

PR,KR Khariar (14) ED Rice 27012 21'85 Z8S'11 65'56 89,84 KR Khariar (14) Rice 135'~7 3'64 160'66 KR Khariar (14) Rice 17'4D 78'51 !.l·09 47·35 PR,KR Khariar (18) Rice 23'S8 O'O! 217'31 n'88 108'86 Church KR khariar (0) Rice 15.78 41-68 250'10 2752 55·'51

~-~~-----'" 130


LC. Name of the Total Total Amenities,available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to It in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms" In broad ranges, Viz. -S Kms" S-10 Kms, and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares} households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Dayor Communi- tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if·any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 II 9 10

91 Batharla 306'35 454 (89) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(S-10) 92 litisilat 418'8S 690 (136) P -(5-10) w,n PO -(S-10) -(5-10) 93 Canjiapara 267'09 559 (139) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(S-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 94 Chindagura 216'91 220 (S2) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 95 Bhursagura 313'63 867 (219) P -(5-10) W,Tk PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

96 Chandotara 411'16 1,053 (252) P,M FPC W,Tk,R PO - (-5) BS 97 Kutmara 143-66 399 (B4) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 98 Sukunabhata 193'04 301 (60) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 99 Chantasada 182·11 263 (47) P -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 100 Turukbhata 169.97 287 (&7) P - (-5) W,Tk -(S-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

101 Kandara 146·50 239 (45) P - (-5) W,Tk,R,O,N - (-5) - (-S) - (-5) 102 Pipalpadar 335·08 346 (71) P -(5-10) W,n,R,O - (-5) - (--S) - (-S) 103 Kursud 498·98 1,741 (410) P,M,H M,H W,Tk,TW,R PO Saturday as

104 Nimurla 535'80 947 (173) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 105 Caudtula 493'31 1,130 (254) P.M -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 106 Digslra 588'82 1,534 (365) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) Tuesday - (-5) 107 Kusakela 749'07 1,110 (201) P,M,H 0 W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) - (-5)

Total 28,184·78 58,488 (12,501) P-100, MCW/MH/ M-f3, CWC-2, H.3 PHC/HC·2, FPC·7, 0-2 131


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area-under different types of land Remarks roach distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 1 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------A------~ any village forest Irri- Un- Cultttrable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- sroves logical Interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Khariar (17) Rice 14'57 26'71 221·36 21-45 2226 Temple, Church KR Khariar (16) Rice 24'69 28-73 309'99 31'16 24·28 KR Kharlar (21) Rice 12.54 30·35 151'35 43-71 29'14 Temple KR Khariar (18) Rice 11'33 8'90 161'47 17.81 17040 KR Khariar (20) Rice 38085 242'41 11-73 20-64 Temple

PR Titlagarh (32) ED Rice 8·50 14·16 275'19 40'87 72-44 N-2, C-7 PR,KR Tltlagarh (32) Rice 6'88 100·76 8'50 27'52 N-2,M-1 KR Tltlagarh (34) Rice 9·31 6·88 130'31 lB'73 17'81 PR,KR Titlagarh (35) Rice 11·74 148·11 5·26 17·00 PR,KR Tltlagarh (38) Rice 0·81 29·14 105.62 12'14 22'26

KR T1tlagarh (30) Rice 2.43 96'72 13·36 33'99 Tf'mpJe PR Tltlagarh (29) Rice 64·34 216·51 3()'76 23-47 Temple PR,KR Tltlagarh (28) ED Rlce,Wheat 0'40 80'13 301'49 45'73 71-23 N-l,M-2, T -1, Temple KR Titlagarh (28) ED,EAg Rice 0·81 81·75 301·89 55'44 95'11 KR Titlagarh (27) ED,EAg Rice 71'63 341'15 19·83 60·70 Temple KR Titlagarh (12) Rice 0'41 33·99 425'33 33099 95'10 N-3,Temple KR Titlagarh (16) Rice 3,64 70-01 339·13 40'47 295.82 N-2,M-la, Temple

••S'83 2,Sf 7.83 t7, ••• ·35 2,'17·78 .,678'19 N-74,M-32, C-7,T-2


KllO~ETIlE~ I 0 I -J====;! I=t-~ i I~~ • '1 MIUS N N .,.



73 & 74 are und~,. Tltlag;trh Urban Aggll>m .. Tati;;:>fl .". I· Lo"tlo.

Baled upo~ Stuvey 01 India map with t 11 e p.rmissifJn 01 the Sl"Itveyor G.aeralol India



~I. Name of the Village L.c. 51. Name of the Village l. C. "'0. No. No. No. , 2 3 1 2 3

1 Amurla 136 46 GalTlbharimal 37 2 Antarla 120 47 Gandhrgala (Gandhargola) 116 3 Bachhajujha 108 48 Ghantabahall 134 4 Badpatrapall 84 49 Ghantbhall 46 5 Bagdar 125 50 Ghorar 121

6 Balapadar 79 51 Ghughurpala 67 7 Balpadar 138 52 Ghushurimal 99 8 Banabahal 1 53 Goerabiri 150 9 Bandupala 72 54 Gokhurung 61 10 Banjijhal 13 55 Gudeguda (Gudguda) 32

11 Banjipadar 96 56 Guhirapadar 151 12 Bankel 49 57 Culmi 7 13 Belapada 97 58 Gunchitara 56 14 Belpadar 75 59 CurJibhata 129 15 Shalegan 128 60 Haladi 21

16 Bhatipllra 74 61 jagua 110 17 Bhusalar 27 62 jamjor (U) 131 18 Bhutisadha (Bhurisara) 8 63 jampara 114 19 Bljepur 95 64 Jamuna 15 20 Sileikani 52 65 jubamal (U) 14

21 Binekela 137 66 Jugirata 20 67 Junaparia (Junapalra) 22 Bitabandh 44 113 68 Kanarla 23 Burabandh 146 146 69 Kandakhal 14 Burdlpara 71 SO 70 Kanljurf 101 25 Chandutara 62 71 Kapslbhata 16 Charbhata 89 38 72 Kapsibhata 27 Chlknibahali 26 124 73 Karlabahall (U) 12 28 Chillphapara 16 74 Karlapara 92 29 Chlnsermunda 55 75 Karlapita 10 36 Chltarol 109 76 Katarkela 104 31 Choramara 64 77 Kendumundl 32 Dangaban}1 9 106 127 78 Kermeia 2 33 Dangapa ta lDangaplta) 79 Khairkhunt 135 34 Dangarpara 29 Khalrmal 42 35 Dagarpara (Dangarpara) 13 eo 144 81 Kha juri para 57 36 Dangarpara 85 82 Khallakani (Khallkani) 19 37 Darlo 24 83 KhaUapara 86 38 Dengapadar 76 84 Khaliapara (Khalapara) 145 39 Deobhuln (Debhuin) 85 Kherat 48 .4() Desil IO. 22 86 Kharll 25 41 Desil ~ 82 87 Khulan (Kholan) 118 42 Deyuri (De jurI) .30 88 Kumra (Kumuda) 88 43 Dumduml S 89 Kumudipadar 103 44 Dumerbahal 54 90 Kuturakend 4 45 Dungurlgura 135


51· Name of the Village L·C· 51. Name of the Village L. C· No. No. No. No. 1 2 3 1 2 3

91 laltara 105 123 Rangabahali 70 92 lenjha 77 124 Rengali 45 93 Lesunbahali 147 125 Rlgdol 94 94 limpara 63 126 Salebhata 153 95 Limpara 143 127 Sanapatrapall 83

96 Ludhipara 142 128 Sargunamunda 133 3 97 luthurubandh 130 129 Satbahani 73 98 Mahada 132 130 5atlghat 131 123 99 Mahulpara 28 Serko 132 36 100 Malijhar 98 Shagadaghata 133 Shishakani (Ul 68 101 Mallslra 23 134 Sialjhudungi & 102 Manigan 58 135 Sihini 107 103 Marlar (Mariad) 139 136 Siker 34 104 Mathanpala 69 137 Sikuan 119 105 Minapali 111 39 140 106 Nanajhar 138 Siluan 112 91 107 Naren 139 Sinapali 18 157 108 Patamara 140 SirelkeJa 117 141 53 109 Patharla Sirol 35 110 Pratapall (Patrapall) 47 142 5uagapur 102 111 Pendrapadar 143 Sukunabhata 141 93 112 Pipaldani 144 Tankarupara 115 S9 113 Plpalpadar 145 Tarasingha 65 31 114 Plpilibandh 146 Tenta Ikhuntl 11 51 115 Pltapara 147 Tentulikhunti 41 116 Pitapara 100 117 Podhmund 81 148 Thalka 60 '18 Purapadar 126 149 Thuburing 66 119 Purisara 17 150 Tikirapara (Tikraaara) 40 '20 Putull 80 151 Timanbhari 149 121 Ranabandh 78 152 Turra 87 122 Ranclbhata 43 153 Udepur 122 136

VILLAGE AIVIENJTIES Police Station-TITLAGARH --- l· C Name of the Total Total Amenities';available (if not available within the village, a dash (-} N(), Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms·, in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms· and 1(j+l(ni's~ of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------~------~---~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water 8c days of c'ation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Wa ier- way)

1 2 3 4 5 ') 8 9 10

1 Banabahal· 261·02 3-1U (6e) I P - (-"5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 2 Kermela 78'10 Uninhabited 3 Satbahani, 71.63 159 (40? i P -(10'+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(10+) - (1ci+) 4 Kuturakend 152.97 171 (46¥ P -(10+,) W,Tk,TW,O -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 5 Dumerbahal 275.59 299 (62) P -(10+)W, Tk, TW ,R,ON -(10+) -(10+) _(10'+)

6 Sialjhudungi 136.78 291' (65) P -(5-10) w - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 7 Gulmi 239·57 557' (99) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) -(104) 8 Bhutisadha 105.22 221 (45} - (-5) - (-5) Tk -- (-5) -(5-10)' -(10+) (Bhurisara), , 9 Dangabanji 88·63 250 (41) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 10. Karlapita 157'83 252 (54) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

11 Tentalkhunti 484.81 629- (122) P - (-'5) W,Tk.TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 12 Karlabahali (U) 46·94 Uninhi1bited 1:l Dagarpara 281.66 444-(92) P - (-5) W,Tk;TW - (-5) - (-5)' - (-'-5) (Dangarpara) 14 jubamal (U) 40·47 Uninhabited 15' jamuna 271·54 438 (83): P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) ~(~5)' - (-'-5)

63'94 157" P - (-5) 16 Chiliphapara no1' W,Tk - (-5) - (-s{,', - (-5) 17· Purisara 296'23 232' (39) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) '13,. Patamara 130,71 494 (93)' P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (5-'10)" -(5-10) 19-- Kka.uaka-ru 124·04 92 (17)' P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,O -(5-10) - (":"5')' -(S·.i0) (Khalikani) 20 jugirata 267·50 427 (85) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

21 Haladi 68068 1,814 (396) P,M H'C W,Tk,TW,R PO Friday -(5-10) 22 Desi I 346·01 563 (111) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 23 Malisira 604·60 979 (209) P FPC W,n,TW PO - (-5) -(10+) 24 Dengapadar 193-84 410 (81) P - (-5) W,rk - (-S) -(5-10) -(10+) 25 KhrJli 212'87 409 (72) P -(5-10) w.rk -(5-10) --(5-10) -(10+)

26 Chiknibahali 27438 351 (63) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(10+) --(10+ ) 27 Bhusalar 492,91 861 (176) P - (5-10) W,TK - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 28 M::huipa,a 258i7 732 (147) I' -(:;-10) W,lk PO -:5-10) -(5-10) 29 D'in~drp lra 3Ed'OO 413 (AS) P -()-lOj W,lk - (--5) -CS-1O) --(10+ ) 1,,3 (10) 30 Dumou "i 3'!7'1l1 - (-5) -(.')-lU) W,rk - ( -5) '-\~-10) -( lOt-) 137

OIRECTORY ~ND lANDUSE Tahasjl-liTlAGARH ---_._-----"-" App- Nearest town and ?owt:'t Staple land use (i. e., area under ditferent types of land Remarks roch Distance Supply Fe·od use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including

to (in Kms.) r------.A.------__1 any villa~e Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place 0f gated irriga ted waste available religious b\i (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 l~ 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Titlaiarh (19) Rice,Wheat 29.14 38.04 120"60 27'11 46·13 28'83 29'54 18·21 2-02 KR Titlagarh (13) Rice,Ragi 4·45 .".66 45'73 11'74 405 KR Titlagarh (14) Rice,R,lgl 21'04 55'85 b434 11.74 KR Titlagil1h (16) Rice,Ragi 27.11 114'93 100.77 32'78

KR Titlagarh (10) Rice,Ragi 4·45 86'60 32'38 13·35 KR Titlagarh (11) ED Rice,Ragi 14"57 12·95 139.62 53.82 18·61 Mol,Temple KR Titlagarh ( 16) Rice, WfM!at 11.33 12·54 61'92 14.57 4.86

KR Titlagarh (19) Rice,Wheat 283 67'59 4.45 1376 KR Titlagarh (13) Rice,Wheat 20.64 9'31 71·23 16.59 40'06 Temple

KR Titlagarh (11) Rice,Wheat 47.35 29'54 240'79 54·23 112.90 Temple 1416 24.69 1'21 6'88 KR Titlagarh (19) Rice,Wheat 1700 151.76 75·67 37·23

24"28 7.69 11'50 KR Titlagarh (10) Rice,Wheat 21'45 42.09 128.69 27.11 5220 Temple

KR Titlagarh (10) Rice,Wheat 2·63 6.07 4371 2.43 890 KR Titlagarh (19) Rice,Wheat 17'80 23.88 195.06 32'78 2671 KR Titlagarh (19) Rice,Wheat 6·88 6.88 86'60 18'61 11-74 KR Titlagarh (16) Rlce,Wheat 11.33 95·!il 11 33 6.47

KR Titlagarh (16) Rice,Wheat 12.55 6.07 207-61 20.23 21·04

KR Titlagarh (13) EA Rice,Wheat 30.76 156·21 334.27 91.86 67'58 "M-l,Temple KR Titlagarh (ll) Rice,Wheat 57.87 10.93 201'94 53.01 2226 KR Titlagarh (11) EA Rice,Wheat 71'63 63'13 34803 69·61 52.20 KR Titlagarh (16) EA Rice,Wheat ~0'23 42·09 94'29 27"92 9·31 Temple KR Titlagarh (13) EA Rice,Wheat 27"11 31·16 103'20 27'52 23'88 Mol,Temple

KR Titlagarh (11) EA Rice,Wheat 2.01·69 6·47 173-21 58·68 11'33 KR Titlagarh (6) ED Rice,Ragi 24'28 8'SO 349'65 6718 43'30 Temple KR Titlagarh (5) ED,EAg !llce,Ragi 9·71 13'36 183-32 14·17 1821 Temple,M-l KR Titlagarh (6) Rice,Ra~i 17'40 28'33 65·56 14'57 23714 Temple KII Tltl'lgarh (8) Rice,Ragi 7487 72 44 31.1& 219'34 --- ~- ----.-~--~-----~------_- -_ - 138


-----, -- - --_.-- --~-~~ ------~~ 31 Pipilibandh 265·47 456 (95) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 32 Cudeguda 179·28 223 (48) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(10+ ) -(10i- ) (Cudguda) 33 Banjijhal 71'23 134 (31) P -(10+ ) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+ ) -(10+) 34 Siker 288·14 710 (167) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R,O PO -(10+) BS

35 Suagapur 71-63 68 (17) - (-5) -(10+) W,N - (-5) -(10+) -1-5)

36 Shagadaghat 397'40 686 (145) P M,H W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) BS 37 Cambharimal 144'07 151 (39) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) - (-5) 38 Kapsibhata 133'55 272 (59) P -(10+ ) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) - (-5) 39 Nanajhar 441'11 / 773 (207) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 40 Tikirapara 375·55 955(241) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) (Tikrapara)

41 Tentulikhunti 628'48 1,099 (224) P,M - (-5) W.Tk PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 42 Khairmal 105'22 321 (66) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 43 Ranabhata 17'81 473 (105) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 44 Bitabandh 146·90 683 (141) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) Monday -(10+) 45 Rengali 103.60 140 (27) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(10+ )

46 Chantbhali 314'44 434 (105) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW.R,O - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 47 Pratapali 234-72 1,006 (261) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (Patrapali) 48 Kherat 131'93 109 (27) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 49 Bankel 662'07 1,724 (412) P,M FPC W,Tk,TW,R PO Thursday -(10+ ) 50 Kandakhal 193·04 352 (65) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) - (5-10)

51 Pitapartl 63·13 178 (40) P - (-5) W,Tk -(5-10) Saturday -(5-10) 52 Bilelkani 7608 132 (26) - (-5) - (-5) W,N,R,O - (-5) -(10+ ) -(10+) 53 Sirol 583'15 1,520 (258) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) - (5-10) 54 Dungurigura 47,75 152 (26) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(') 10) 55 Chingermunda 5706 309 (58) P - (-5) W,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

56 Cunchitara 472'27 1,340 (320) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 57 Khajuripara 180'49 479 (110) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 58 Manigan 617'55 788 (158) P,M -:- (-5) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5) 59 Pipalpadar 347'63 432 (92) P - (-5) W,Tk.TW, - (-5) Saturday, BS Wednesday 60 Thalka 266·69 144 (26) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 139

DIRECTORY Ar"D lANDUSE Tahasi 1-· TlTlAGARH ------App- Nearest town and Power Staple I.;tnd use (i. "',' area under different types of land Remarks reach DistQ:1ce 5upp!'~ Fuod use in hectares,rounderl up to 2 decimal places) including trJ :h I(ms.) r-··------..-II..-·-··------··--~ any vill,lgf' Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religiou~ by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

" 12 13 14 15 16 '17 18 19 20

KR Titlagarh (18) ED Rice,Ragi 76'89 9·71 104·00 36·42 38·45 Temple PR,KR Titlagarh (18) Rice,Ragi 29'95 14'97 99'96 2023 14'17

PR,KR Titlagarh (10) Rice,Jawar 2'83 11'33 42'90 8·91 5·26 M-l PR Titlagarh (10) ED Rice, Wheat, 35·2' 2'02 141'64 5625 5302 Temple Ragi KR Titlagarh (10) Rice 16'59 2388 25·90 526

PR Titlagarh (8) ED Rice,Ragi 0,40 2'>88 222.98 8458 65·56 M-l KR Titlagarh (8) Rice,Ragi 16'59 12'14 65,96 27-12 22'26

PR,KR Titlagarh (6) ED I Rice,Ragi 8·00 7·29 8984 20'24 8'09 Temple PR,KR Titlagarh (3) ED Rice,Ragi 0·40 6·48 369·48 27'11 37,64 Temple KR Titlagarh (10) Rice,Wheat 5·26 49,47 236'74 33'19 5099

KR Titlagarh (11) Rice,Wheat 46,14 72'44 405,90 35'61 68'39 KR Titlagarh (10) Rice.Wheat 80·94 6'47 17·81 Temple KR Titlagarh (14) Rice,Wheat 14'98 283 Temple PR,KR Titlagarh (10) Rice/Wheat 4,86 13076 97'93 10'12 2023 KR Titlagarh (11 ) Rice, Wheat 4,45 14'16 70'01 5'67 9·31

PR,KR Titlagarh (11) Rice, Wheat 29·14 17'40 18292 3440 50'58 Temple KR Titlagarh (13) Rice, Wheat 9·71 44,11 95,51 12'9<; 72-44 M-l,Temple

KR Titlagarh (13) Rice, Wheat 10'93 31'56 62'73 16'59 10'12 Temple KR Titlagarh (13) Rice, Wheat 28·73 95,81 42371 34'40 79·32 Temple KK. Titlagarh (13) Rice, Whea.t 8·90 6·07 141·24 7'29 :.!9'S4 Temple

KR Titlagarh (16) Rice, Wheat 51'80 2·43 890 KR Titlagarh (13) Rice, Wheat 3,24 5544 5'26 1.2'14 PR,KR Titlagarh (8) EA Rice, Wheat 22-26 5382 413·59 23'47 )0'01 M-5,Temple KR Titlagarh (8) Rice, Wheat 3'64 28'73 9,31 607 KR Titlagarh (10) EA Rice, Wheat 48'97 3·24 4'85 Temple

PR,KR Titlagarh (2) EA Rice, Wheat 2·02 3-24 382'02 31'97 !)302 TemplE' PR,KR Titlagarh (2) EA Rice. Wheat 1'62 21,45 136,38 10'12 10'92 PR,KR Titlagarh (3) ED Rice, Ragi 23'47 17'80 371·91 9146 112'91 PR,KR Tltlagarh (5) ED Rice, Rdgi 18,21 69,20 176,44 40·07 4371

Kit Tltlagarh (8) Rice, Ragi 18.62 27'11 14123 50'59 29'14

-----~-----.-. --._____/ 140

VillAGE AMENfTrES Polic(' Station-TITLAGARH -_._--- L. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in Village (Number of Kms· in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) ntarest place;where the facility is available is given) ~- ______A ______~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water and days of cation (Potable) Telegrapn the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10

-~-~------'---- .. _------_ 61 Gokhurung 688·37 725 (205) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) - (-5) 62 Chandutara 162'68 133 (31) p -(10+ ) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) BS 6~ Limpara 135'97 87 (20) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(10+) BS 64 Chorarnara 243.62 499 (98) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(10+ ) BS 65 Tarasingha 418·85 950 (~05) P -(10+ ) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) BS

66 Thuburing 118.17 729 (147) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (10+) - (-5) 67 Ghughurpala 484·00 178 (32) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) - (-5) 68 Shishakani (U) 14164 112 (23) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(10+ ) -(10+) 69 Mathanpala 285·20 472 (89) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 70 Rangabahali 136·38 92 (18) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+ ) - (-5)

71 Burdipara 38567 1,102 «'86) P - (-5) w,n -(5-10) -(5-10) - (--5) 72 Bandupala 166·33 727(123) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS 73 Satighat Treated as an out growth of Titlagarh Town (N.A.C.) 74 Bhatipara Treated as an out growth of Titlagarh Town (N.A.C.) 75 Belpadar 235·93 712 (123) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

76 Deobhuin(Debhuin) 174·02 201 (37) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10, -(5-10) 77 Lenjha 40954 641 (182) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO -(5-10) -(5-"10) 78 Ranabandh 42168 393 (85) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-·5) -(5·10) -(5-10) 79 Balapadar 92-67 204 (38) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 80 Putuli 215·29 422 (82) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

81 Podhmund 82·56 213 (45) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) Sunday BS 82 Deyuri (Dejuri) 715·49 749 (203) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Saturday, as Sunday 83 Sanapatrapali 140·83 942 (193) P,M H W,Tk,TW,R,N - (-5) Thursday - (-5) 84 Badpatrapali 14650 242 (38) P -(5-10) W.Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 85 Darlo 441·51 1,316 (309) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) Saturday, - (-5) Wednesday

86 Khaliapara 4775 32 (7) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 87 Turla 33103 552 (119) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Saturday, BS Wednesday 88 KumIa (Kumuda) 301·09 882 (241) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) - (-5) 89 Charbhata 176.04 261 (55) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) as 90 Desil 47429 886 (208) P,M - (-51 W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) as 141


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area· under different types of land Ren1arks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including

.--~_, ______...-.A ______~ ______._-" to (in Kms.) any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste availablf.' religious, by (including tor historical source gaucher cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Titlagarh (10) Rice, Ragi ,746 19·83 452'84 74'06 84·18 Temple PR Titlagarh (16~ Rice, Ragi 63'94 0·81 15·78 38·04 44'11 Temple PR,KR Titlagarh (19) Rice, Ragi 13'35 10·93 83'37 14'16 14·14 PR Titlagarh (19) ED Rice, Ragi 19'83 10846 3197 8336 Temple PR,KR Titlagarh (8) ED Rice, Ragi 5544 0'81 290'16 17'81 54'63

KR Titlagarh (10) ED Rice, Ragi 1'62 2'02 99'96 14'57 KR Tltlagarh (10) Rice,Rag! 70·82 728 2BO·04 46·54 79·32 Temple KR Titlagarh (11) Rice,Ragi 7·69 1·62 9794 14·16 20·23 KR Titlagarh (14) Rice,Ragi 3197 2·02 5(1·99 76·89 123·43 Temple KR Titlagarh (11) Rice,Ragi 14·57 5·26 41·71 1457 5827

KR Tithgarh (3) Rice,Ragi 14·97 4411 23351 38·45 54·63 PR Titlagarh (2) ED Rice,Fagi 1052 13436 890 12 S5 under Titla~arh Urban Agglomeration under Titlagarh Urban Agglomeration KR Titlagarh (2) EA Rice,Wheat 040 16·19 187·37 14·97 1700

KR Titlagarh (5) Rice,Wheat 1-62 1498 130.31 526 21'85 KR Titlagarh (5) Rice,Wheat 162 3399 299·06 14·57 60·30 KR Titlagarh (10) Rice,Wheat 14·16 49·78 25738 24·28 76·08 KR Titlagarh (10) Rice,Wheat 2·83 8·91 61·51 3·64 1578 KR Titlagarh (8) Rice,Wheat 3·24 26·30 143·26 13-35 29·14

PR,KR Titlagarh (8) Rice,Wheat 2-43 65'16 688 809 KR Titlagarh (8) Rlce,Wheat 6·10 42·49 558.06 4856 5828

KR Titlagarh .(5) Rice 12·95 9631 12·55 1902 M-l,Temple KR Titldgarh (8) Rice 1'62 28) 12060 10·12 11·33 PR,KR Titlagarh (8) ED Rice 51.80 298-25 44·11 47·35 Temple

KR Titlagarh (8) Rice 2'()2 11·74 23·07 5·66 526 PR . Titlagarh (3) ED Rice 23·07 209-62 38·04 GO-30

KR Titlag.Hh (2) ED Rice 2·02 42·90 178·87 5-4·23 2307 M-1,Temple PR Tltlagarh (5) Rice 15'76 16·59 91·86 25,50 26·31 PR Titlagarh (3) Rice 11·33 5261 290·Q7 16·59 102-79 N-1 142


L.C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the villager a dash (-) No. Village area of the porul'ltian is s~owr. :n the column and nE:xt to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms. in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10-+ Kms, of the (in' hectares) househ(,lds) nearest place where the facility i, available i~ given) , -----_._- --_. __ ._. __ . __ ..... _------, Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potablt) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if -iny Water- way) 1 :: 3 4 5 (, 7 B 9 10

91 Sinapali 104·0() 99 (18) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) BS 92 Karlapara 92'27 152 (28) P -(5·10) W.Tk,R - (-5) - (5-10) - (-5) 93 Pipaldani 59'49 154 (29) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-101 -(5·10) - (-5) 94 Rigdol 354'10 830 (216) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) as 95 Bijepur 460'111 1,368 (283) P,M M,H W,Tk,TW,R PO -(10+) BS

96 Banjipadar 172· 40 482 (90) P -(5-10) W.Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 97 Belapada 217·72 281 (41) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 98 Malijhar 22865 527 (114) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) - (5-10) - (-5) 99 Ghushurinlal 138·81 155 (36 \ P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 100 Pitapara 50·:'9 57 (11) P -(10+) W -(10+ ) -(10+ ) -(10+ )

101 Kanijuri 159·04 433 (84) p -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 102 Pendrapadar 216'51 499 (96) P - (5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 103 Kumudipadar 119·38 431 (96) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 104 Katarkela 627·67 1,520 (301) P - (-5) W,Tk,R PO - (-5) -(;-10) 105 lait'lra 320.11 458 (91) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

106 I

111 Minapali 78'51 95 ( 21) P - (-5) W,R,N - (-5) - (-5) BS 112 Naren 663"69 1,555 (BO) P - (-5) W,Tk,R PO Thursday BS 113 Junapara 156,61 31 (8) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (junapaira) 114 Jampara 180·4' 264 (59) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 115 Tankarupara 166·35 318 (65) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

116 Gandhrgala 407·51 440 (q1) P - (-5) W.Tk,lW,R - (-5) - (-5) 85 (Gandhargola) 117 Patharla 307,56 1380 (166) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) BS 118 Khulan (Kholan) 433082 1,745 (361) P,M,H FPC,PHC W,Tk,TW,R PO Daily market BS 119 Sikuan 167'95 230 (44) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 120 Antarla 34560 778 (136) P - (- 5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

--~-- -.~.- ~ 143


------~---.~------~------App- Nearest town and Power <,taple Land use (i. e., ared under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------~------~ any village rorest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by ( including tor historical sour(€ gauchar cultivation 0' and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 1~ 15 16 17 18 19 20

------_------_ ~~ ~-- PR Titlagarh (1, ) Rice 29-95 ';·67 41·51 728 1659 KR Titlagarh (11) Rice 1-21 7446 486 11"74 KR Titlagarh (11) Rice 3'24 040 4978 6·07 PR Titlagarh (12) Rice 7'69 15'38 20234 36'42 92'27 PR Titlagarh (8) ED Rice 1064 10,93 33103 41'28 56·25 Temple

KR Titlagarh (11) ED Rice 2·03 151'35 7·69 1133 KR Titlagarh (10) Rice,Ragi 891 2'83 140'83 8,90 56'25 KR Titlaga rh (11) Rice,Ragi 1902 364 109,27 21·8~ 74'87 Temple· KR Titlagarh (9) Rice,Ragi 2'43 10805 10-93 17,40 Temple KR Titlagarh (5) Rice,Ragi 5'26 1·62 26'31 7'28 1012

PR,KR (5) Rice,Ragi 5-26 8·90 74,06 28'73 42'09 KR Titlagarh (5) Rice,Ragi 13'76 6'88 140·83 17'40 37'64 KR Titlagarh (5) Rice 445 16'19 65'56 16'59 16,59 Temple KR Titlagarh (8) ED Rice 9'71 56777 23-88 2631 N-l KR Titlagarh (5) Rice 2'02 58'28 209'22 17'81 3278

KR T1tlagarh (3) ED Rice 040 13,7(, 91·06 526 12·14 KR Titlagarh (5) ED Rice 1·21 55'44 254,95 41'28 48,16 M-1,Temple KR Tltlagarh (8) Rice 647 3683 567 8.50 KR Titlallarh (8' ED Rice 4'05 37·63 120'60 10'12 1902 PR Titlagarh (6) ED Rice 7·29 45·33 113'31 15'76 21,85 N-~

PR T!tlagarh (10) Rice 6232 729 8'90 Temple PR Titlallarh (9) ED,EAg Rice 25'09 995S 416'83 4816 74'06 Temple KR Titlagarh (11) Rice 4'04 3885 081 11291

KR Tltlagarh (12) Rice 1821 27'52 8782 16·59 30'35 KR Tltlagarh (13) Rice 109,67 19'02 3966

PR Tltlagarh (14) Rice 5'26 12·55 188-58 1376 187·37 Temple

PR Titlagarh (13) ED Rice 12,14 20113 31,97 62'32 PR Titlagarh (14) ED,EAg Rlce,Wheat 10'52 31·57 29137 1740 8296 N-6.M-3,C-l KR Tltlagarh (11) Rice,Ragi 21·45 8660 2226 37'64 Temple KR Tltlagarh (10) Rice 23'07 239·57 2914 5382 144


L.c. Name·of the Total Total Amenities available

121 Ghorar 658·42 1,432 (361) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 122 Udepur 591-65 1,445 (348) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,R,O -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) 123 Serko 283']8 395 (80) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 124 Kapsibhata 154·~9 523 (100) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-:') - (-5) -(10+ ) 125 Bagdor 202'34 304 (51) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-~) - (-5) -(10+)

126 Purapcsdar 147·71 356 (82) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -( 5) -(10+) 127 Dangapata 51'40 349 (79) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) (Dangapi tal :128 Bhalegan 497·36 957 (187) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 129 Gurjibhata 121'41 469 (89) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 130 luthurubandh 607·43 1859 (375) P,M,H 0 W,Tk,R PO Sunda} -(10+ ) ::

131 Jamjor (UI 101·17 Uninhabited 132 Mahada 283·28 659 (138) P- - (-51 W,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (10+) 133 Sargunamunda 121'41 359 (74) P - (-5) W,R,O - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 134 Ghantabahall 161'87 1,289 (242.Y P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+ ) 135 Khairkhunt 121.41 520 (102) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) .., .. 136 Amurla 303·51 573 (136) P :_(10+ ) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 955 (208) P,M W,Tk,R •.137 Binekela 303.51 " -(10+f PO -(10+) .-(10+) 138 Balpadar 36~.26 598.ni2) p F(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 139 Marlar (Marla d) 443.13 910 (191) P -(10+) W,Tk,R PO Friday -(10+) 140 Siluan 309.99 1,132 (209) P,M -(10+ ) W.Tk,R -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

141 Sukunabhata 279.23 448 (97) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (;-5) -(10+) -(10+) 142 Ludhipara 106·43 116 (28) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10-+ ) ~43 limpara 186·16 429 (90) P l' - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-'5) -(5-10) -(10+) 144 Dangarpara' 281-66 421 (87) P -(5-10J W,TW,R -(5-10) - (10+) -(10+ ) 145 "haliapara 175.63 174 (36) P . (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -~5-10) -(10+) ~Khalapara) t

1-46 Burabandh 279·6"- 443 (78) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 147 Lesunbahali 184,13 337 (71) p -(10+) .W,Tk,R - (-5) Friday -(1O+) ,'48' ,Kanarla 262.24 348 (80) p -(10+) W,Tk.R - ('-5) - (10+) -(10+) 149 Timanbhari 307.56 659 (~49) P -(10+) W,Tk.R - ~-5) Friday -(10+) 150 Goerabiri 101.17 '1.70 (54', P -(10+) W,Tk - ('--5) -( '0 ~ ) -(10+) --- 145


App- Nea'rest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply .Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------A.------.. any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturabte Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious by (including for historical source :gauchar cultivation- or and archaeo- groves) logical,- interest

11 - 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .

KR Titlagarh (13) ED. Rice 53'01 428·16 J 72,44 104·81 Temple KR. Titlagarh (6) - ED Rice 18'61 39b·19" 108·46 68.39 Temple KR Titlagarh (10) ED Rice 7.28 256·17 17'81 2.02 Temple KR Ti.!lagarh (6) Rice 8'90 120-&0 8·90 16'19 Temple

KR Kesinga (6) Rice 3"64 2·'83 165.52 J 10·52 19.83

KR Titlagarh (10) Rice , .. 3·24 132'74 8'09 3'64 Temple KR Kesinga (5) Rice 0'41 48·97 1-21 0.81

KR Titlagarh \14) ED Rice 2'02 5·26 270·33 96'72 123·03 KR Titlagarh (11) ED Rice 3'24 10S'46 9·71 KR Titlagarh (10) ED Rice,Wheat 8'09 6·07 347·22 82·56 163·49 Temple

0·S1 89.03 11.33 KR Titlagarh (11) Rice 1'21 254'14 21·86 6.07 Temple KR Titlagarh (11) Rice 111.91 8.50 Temple KR Titiagarh 111) ED Rice 11'73 138·81 11.33 KR Titlagarh (10) ED Rice 4.05 105.62 11-74

KR Titlagarh (2) Rice,Ragi 2.02 268.31 33.18 Temple KR Titlagarh (13) ED Rice 7.28 290.16 6·07 Temple KR Titlagarh (16) ED Rice 46.13 244.83 29.95 47·35 Temple ,/ KR Titlagarh (16) ED Rice 22.66 382·41 18·21 19.83 M-2 KR Titlagarh (10) ED Rice 21.45 228.65 22.26 37·63 Temple

KR Titlagarh (11) Rice 12·54 189·80 28.73 48·16 K~ TItiagarh (13) Rice 2.02 80.94 9·31 14.16 KR Titlagarh (13) Rice 2·83 2.02 116·15 26·71 38·45 Temple KR Titlagarh (13) Rice 17.00 151.76 75.67 37·23 KR TitJagarh (14) Rice 27.92 92.67 8090 46.14 Temple

KR Titlagarh (14) Rice 2.02 32·37 204·37 18:62 22·26 ((R Titlagarh (14) Rice 30.35 133.14 8.50 12.14 Temple KR Titlagarh (14) Rlce 2'()2 42.90 140.02 54.23 2}·07 Temple KR Titlagarh (8) Rice 21.04 6.07 263·86 15·38 1.11 PR,KR Titlagarh ( 16) 'R1ce 2.43 85.39 13.35 146


L. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities ..a'tailable _(If not av~llable-withiA the-village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown, ,jn:the column and next to it in brackets, the distance In Village (t:'umber of Kms., in brojid ranges, Viz, -.s K{Tls., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the

(In hectares) households) ,..______nearest place where the .A. facility ______IS available is given) ~

Educa· Medical Drinking Post Dayor Communi- tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '10

151 Guhlr:apadar 99.96 __122 (29) _- (-5) -{10+) - W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 152 5ireikela 300·28 801'(215) p -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10J -(10+) 153 Salebhata 140·02- 117 (23) - (-5) -(5-10) W,l;k,TW -(5·10) '__(S-10) -(10+)

Total 38,515.61 79,996 P .136, H-1, (17,843) M·13.H·1 MCWIMH{ CWC·2, PHC/HC-1, FPC-4, O-t 147


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i· e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in· hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including ,...--______--A- ______"'" to (in Kms.) any village Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious by (Including) for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Titlagarh (16) Rice 3.24 68.80 8.90 19.02 PR,KR Titlilgarh (16) Rice 6.48 185.35 3035 78·10 Temple KR Titlagarh (16) Rice 95,51 5.66 38.85

1,719'45 2,674'13 24,432'63 3,917'3. 5,702'01 N-14,M-19,C-1 l




SI. Name of the-Village LA::. SI. Name of ~the Village L. C. No. No. No. No. 1 2 3 1 2 3

30 1 Ambajharan 65 46 Dabjor 2 Ambapali 146 47 Dangabahal 153 3 Andaldarh 61 48 Dangarpara 37 4 Antarla 54 49 Dangarpara 45 5 BablOjuri 125 50 Degan 17

6 Babukelgan 90 51 Deng 101 7 Babuuluba 182 52 Derhel 171 8 Badipada 140 53 Deuli 170 9, Baghuabahal 19 54 Dhanphut 12 10, Bagjor (Bagdor) 33 55 Dharapgarh 157

11 Balikhaumar 117 56 Dhatukjori 64 12 Banaras 99 57 Dhumamal 21 13 Bandhpara 96 58 Dhumapall 8& 14 Bandupa la (Baunpa la) 72 59 Dhunkera 80 15 Bankel 128 60 Dukalghat 75

1& Baragan 151 61 Dukerchanchara 7 17 Barahmal 174 62 Dumermunda 107 18 Baramunda 163 63 Dumermunda 165 1Cl Barasaimara 60 64 Dungripali 148, 20 Barbandh 126 65 Dunguripali ~S

21 Barmal 161 66 Ekagurl 31 22 Barmunda 36 67 Gaelbhari 156 23 Belgaon 188 68 Gandpatrapali • 131 24 Belghati 4 69 Ghantamal 144 25, Bhadra 162 70 Ghantbahali 183

26 Bhandarbanji (Bandarbanji) 56 71 Ghunsar (Ghunser) 169 27 Bhatasar 132 72 Ghusuramunda 124 26 Bhayaudar (Bahyaudar) 25 73 Gobindpur 114 29J Bhejipadar 166 74 Godramunda 2 30 Bheruanbhata 145 75 Gorighat 68

31 Bhikabahall 186 76 Gurlamal 42 32, Bhurpara 184 n Ichhapara 57 33 Bibina 136 78- Jalntara 74 34,. Bijamal 116 79 Jalladara (jaliapadar) 41 35" Bijapadar 10l 80:. )amk'nunta 15&

.l6 Biratkanl 39 61 Jamlisar 113 37" Brahmanl 104 82. lampadar 138 311. Burda 102 8J: Jampadar 53 390 Burhabahal ~ 89 84 Jamtara 190 40. Chalkl 73 65 Jamunabahal 69 41 Chanabahal 120 66 Jharbahall 52 42, ,Chhanchada 109 67. lharbahall " 62 43 .Chanutmal 67 68 Jharkhamar 26 44:rChiiabahali ,179 89' Jhimanpali 77 045 Chltmara Jhlnkldungur i } '/. 150 90 50 152


SI· Name ot the Village L.·C. 51 Name of the Village L. C. No. No· No. No 2 3 --- 1 2 3

91 Jubarr>al 180 130 Mahagan 1~7 92 Jun~nimal 44 137 Makiri 159 93 Jurabandh 5 138 Malpara 88 94 Kaansar 166 139 Manmunda 35 95 Kachharbhadi 71 140 Mantribahal 16

96 Kadalimunda 11 141 Mayamunda 97 97 Kandhakelgan 4() 142 Merabahal 14 98 Kandhaulbd 181 143 Nagphena 112 99 Kangarlaga 134 144 Narahahali 178 100 Karamtula (Karamtala) 108 145 Nadkata 175

101 Karla m 127 146 Nuamul1da 8 102 Karlobahali 81 147 Nuamunlla 115 103 Karlakhunta (IJ) 155 148 Nuapara 172 104 Karlidhua (Kharlidhua) 43 149 Patamara 49 105 Katarlaga 18 150 Patnipita (Patnipata) 3 106 Kechhomuhan 167 151 Patrapali 66 107 Kendudar (Kenduudar) 29 152 Pendaramal 130 108 Kermela 84 153 Phapsi 160 109 Keunal (I(eumal) 6 154 Phatamunda 15 - 110 Khajurpara ~: ... 91 155 Piprut (Pip'ot) ... 177 111 Khaliara1i 59 156 Pudapali 119 112 Khamagada 1 157 Remanda 98 113 Kharibahal 93 158 Rengalbahal 78 114 Kharjuri 23 159 Rengall 24 11~ Kharlikani 46 160 Rengali 154

116 Kharselbanjl 9 161 Runimahul 34 117 Khasbahal 16-4 162 Saantaupher 141 118 Kodaslngha 13 163 Sagc:rpali 85 119 Kuanrgan 149 164 Saibandh 20 120 Kuikera 133 165 ~aimara 10 121 Kumbhali 105 166 Saintala 100 122 KUlTlbharl 123 167 Saledamak 32 123 Khmbhekela 106 168 Salepara 118 124 KurluDaha I 63 169 Samact,uan 176 125 Kushumal 147 170 Samara 85 126 Kusumel (Kusumal) 129 171 Samdasmunda 82 127 Kusumkhal 185 172 Sandhibahal 55 128 Kuturamunda 94 173 Sa rgipali 87 129 Lachut 83 174 Sargul 'D 130 lamkani 79 175 Satighat 70 131 Lapher 51 176 Sikapatrpali 152 / 132 lathakend 76 177 Sile'para 135 133 ledapadar 121 178 Siletpara 187 114 liakani 92 179 Sinakhaman 38 135 loharapali 17.1 180 Siskrda 189 153


~L f\jame of the Vinag,,? l.C 51. Name of the Villa,ze l.c. No. No. No. No. 3 2 3

181 Sukunapadar 122 186 Tengara 22 182 Suliamal 47 187 Tentulpadar 139 183 Surda 111 188 Tikarapada 28 184 Talbahal 48 189 Turchaupher (Turchauper) 143 185 Tendlipali 142 190 Tustapali 110 154


----"---~-.-.-~------, l.c. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown in the column and n~xt to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (In~hectares) households) nearest place where the facility Is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water 8< days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Khamagada 12505 224 (50) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+) 2 Godramunda 492.50 290 (58) P CHW W,Tk -(10+) - (-5) -(10+) 3 Pa tnipita(Patnipata) 248 07 179 (25) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 4 Belghati 201·13 66 (16) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10} - (-5) -(10+) 5 Jurabandh 319'30 344 (58) P CHW w,n -(10+) Monday -l10+)

6 Keunal (Keumal) 274'78 378 (67) P,M CHW w,n -(S-10) - (-5) -(10+) 7 Dukerchanchara 57911 740 (125) P -(5-10) W.Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -po+} 8 Nuamunda 472'67 535 (98) P -(5-10) w,n -(5-10) - (S-10) -(10+) 9 Kharselbanji 487.6S 307 (56) P CHW W,Tk - (-5) - (-S) -(10+) 10 Saimara 83·37 119 (20) P - (-Ii) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+)

11 Kadalimunda 417·23 188 (37) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 12 Dhanphut 66'37 Uninhabited 13 Kodaslngha 337.51 624 (134) P CHW W,Tk,R - (-5) - ,(-5) -(10+) 14 Merabahal 92.67 89 (15) -(5-10) -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 15 Phatamunda 367.46 491 (90) P - (-S) . W,Tk - (-5) Wednesday -(10+)

16 Mantribahal 102·39 Uninhabited 17 Degan 420·47 676 (116) P CHW W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 18 Katarlaga 304·73 435 (102) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 19 Baghuabahal 122.22 473 (97) P -(S-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+) 20 Saibandh 187.77 76 (14) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10, - (-5) -(10+)

21 Ohumamal 81·34 347 (59) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(S-1(1) - (-5) -(10+) 22 Tengara 3C1.09 467 (67) I' -(5-10) W,Tk -(5 10) - (-5) -(10+) 23 Kharjuri 22986 294 (5 ') P -(5-10) w,n -(5-10) - (-5) -{10+) 24 Rengali 18697 335 (59) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-S) -(10+) 25 Bhayaudar 429.37 199 (36) P - (5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+) (Baliyaudar)

26 Jharkhamar 11615 184 (39) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+) 27 Sargul 576.27 682 (151) !' - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 28 TikGlrvpada 941.70 2,060 (495) P,M,H PHS,D,CHW W,Tk,R PO Sunday 85 I.i Kendudar 600·96 730(127) P CHW W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+ I (KEnduudar) 30 Dabjor 1,8&9·07 761 (134) P -(10+> W,Tk,~ -(S-10) -(5-10) -(10+ ) t55


------,-.-~ .. Ap;:>- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance ",upply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kmc,.) .-- --.....- --_._ . ___,., ._-_ -"'"'-._._--_.- .. _---- .--- .'_ ----_._._ .... -.. any village forest Irri- lm- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including tor historical source gauchar cultivation (lr and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 _._-_------.--- --_.- -- --._--.- .._------KR Patnlgurn (26) Rice 8·50 10.12 63·13 27·92 15.38 Temple KR Patnagdfh (27) Rice 33-99 : 24 207,20 225. :1 22·66 KR Patnagarn (28) Rice 63'13 87·41 8,;-53 17·00 Temple KR Patnagarh (28) Rice 121'40 36'83 36 (i2 6'88 KR Patnagarh (18) Rice 10N t 162 159·85 31 57 21.85

KR Patnagarn (30) Rice 12'95 202-34 38'45 21'04 KR Patnagarh (32) kice 35·61 12·95 223' 39 272'35 34·81 Temple KR Patnagarh (24) Rice 31-'17 24'28 208'01 163'90 44'Sl M-1, Temple KR Patnagarh, (22) Rice 67.99 4.45 21003 184'13 1105 Temple KR Patnagarh (19) Rice 4'tJ6 69'61 3-64 5,26 l~mple

KR Patnagarh (19) Rice 44'92 174-42 174'01 2388 Temple 4·05 53.42 2-83 0'07 KR Pdtnagarh (19) R:ce 7'69 65·15 212'06 1457 3B 04 KR Patnagarh (1S) Rice 1·62 52'61 13'76 2468 KR Patnagarh (16) Rice 2'\'69 241·19 75'2/ 26'31 Temple

(l'0' 55.85 21·85 18.62 KR Patnagarh (16) Rice 3,64 61-11 272·35 2307 60'30 KR Titlagarh (24) Rice,Wheat 1,22 21'85 221.36 10.93 49·37 KR Titlagar h~ (26) Rice,Wheat 5.67 11.13 &:,a79 7.19 12·14 KR Titlagarh (32) Rice,Wheat 10-92 1·62 14l·45 20·64 1l·14 Temple

KR Kantabanji (22) Rice,Wheat 0'40 8.50 46.94 12·14 13.36 KR Kantabanji (20) Rice,Wheat 28'33 8·90 185.75 19'83 58 28 KR Kantabanjl (23) Rice,Wheat 14·9i' 9.71 13517 34.40 35.61 KR Kantabanji (30) Rice.Wheat 1L·55 1.62 131·93 29·54 11.33 KR Titlagarh (24) Rice,Wheat 31.16 3.64 271.36 86.60 35.61

Kit Titlagarh (24) Rice,Wheat 0-40 8.50 89.44 6.88 1093 Temple KR Tltlagarh (24) Rice,Wheat 12·14 57·46 41521 .38-04 53·42 Temple PR.I(R Patnagath (21) Rice 42.09 .c8·96 640.62 66·37 1.c3·66 M-2,Temple ~. KR I'atnagarh (24) Rice 36·41 8.90 387.69 110.89 57·06

KR Titldgarh (50) Rice 581.75 23.87 539,('04 418.(;4 32537 Te'1'ple 156

VILLAGE AMENITIES - Police Station-SAINTAlA L. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population / is shown in the column· and next to it ;n brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., In broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Orinking Post Dayor Communi- tional Water ~ days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl bilway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 } 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------~-.- 31 Ekaguri 227·84 171 (33) -(5-10) -(10+) W,R,N -(5-10) -(5-10) -(1G+) 32 Saledamak 369·07 299 (56) P -(10+) W,N -(!;-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 33 Bagjor (Bagdor) 401.85 192 (48) P -(5-'0) W,Tk,N -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 34 Runimahul 379.19 187 (36) P -r5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 35 Manmunda 115.34 73 (14) - (-5) -·(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

36 Barmunda 178.87 270 (52) P CHW W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 37 Dangarpara 78.10 93 (14) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 38 Sinakhaman 7001 125 (25) P -(10+ ) w,n - (-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 39 Biratkani 166.33 333 (70) P CHW w,n - (-5) -(104) -(5-10) 40 Kandhakelgan 573.85 1,218 (254) P,M PHS,CHW W,Tk PO -(10+) BS

41 ,aliadara 242.00 356 (74) P -(5-10) W,Tk,N - (-5) - (-5) BS (Jaliapadar) 42 Curlamal 9389 65 (13) -(5-10) -(5-10) W,R,N -(S-10) -(5-10) BS 43 Karlidhua 222.98 359 (&9) P -(5 10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS (Kharlidhua> 44 Junanimal 260.62 36 (7) - (-5) - (-5) W,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 45 Dangarpara 140'50 89 (22) P -(5-10) W,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

46 Kharlikani 124·24 162 (34) -(5-10) -(5-10) W,TW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 47 Suliamal 411·57 102 (21) -(5-10) -(5-10) W,N -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 48 Talbahal 253'33 321 (69) P CHW W,Tk,R,N -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 49 PatafTlara 64467 327 (63) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 50 Jhinkidunguri 23674 404 (85) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

51 Lapher 453"25 478 (104) P -(5-10) W,Tk.R -(5-10) - (5-10) -(10+) S' Jharbahali 509'90 816 (1~6) P CHW W,Tk,R - (-5) Wednesday -(10+) 53 Jampadar 9834 262 (58) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+} 54 Antarla 333-46 443 (86) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) S5 Sandhibahal 216·51 289 (61) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+)

56 Bh andar ban j i 121-41 372 (65) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (Bandarbanji) 57 lchhapara 446'37 615 (131) P,M MeW,fPC W , Tk, TW ,R,N PO - (-5) -(5-'0) S8 Sagarpali 33·18 152 (.i3) - (-5) -(5-10) W,T -(10+) - (-5) -(10+) 59 31849 246 (52) P - (-5) W,rk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 60 Barasaimara 35896 524 (104) P - (-5) W,Tk PO - (-5) -(10+) 157

DIRECTORY AND LANDUSE T.Jhasi/· - TIn AGAR,.., - _-----_. App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) includln~ to (in Kms.) ,------, any village Fores! Irfl- Un- Cuiturabie Area not place Of gated irrigated waste available religious. by (including for historical soulce gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- grove5) logical interest

.,.. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .....

KR Titlagarh (51) Rice 3197 2.43 7891 83.77 30·76 Church KR Titlagarh (54) Rice 48·56 485 159.45 130.31 25.90 Temple KR Balanglr (32) Rice 15499 2.83 91.46 97.53 55·04 PR,KR Bafanglr (32) Rice 4209 205·17 11;" 36 14·57 PR,KR Balangir (29) Rice 18·21 5·26 53·42 19.83 18·62

PR,KR Balangir (27) Rice 9.71 8.90 110.08 20·64 29.54 KR Balangir (45) Rice 5·66 41.68 21.45 9·31 KR Balangir (33) Rice 2·43 850 41·28 5.26 12.54 KR Balangir (35) Rice 12.95 2307 102.79 16·19 11.33 PR,KR Bafangir (0) ED Rice 30.35 25.90 446.78 43.30 27·52 N-3,Temp1e

PR,KR Balang!r (30) Rice 14.16 154·99 23.07 49,78 N-1

PR,KR Balangir (26) Rice 769 SO.89 21.45 13.76 PR,KR Balangir (29) Rlc~ 27'52 70'4l 91.05 20.64 13-35

KR Balangir (19) Rice 20RD1 12·95 27.92 11·74 KR Balangir (32) RicE' 9'71 6556 42·90 26'33 Temple

KR Balangir (32) Rice 8·50 67'58 3683 11'33 KR Titlagarh (62) Rice 17766 1'22 94·29 11938 19'02 KR Titlagarh (50) Rice 2671 10'92 130·71 5666 28·33 Temple KR Kantabdnjl (21) R.ice 3n'39 283 132'74 144'88 3683 Temple KR Kantabanji (19) Rice 931 9·71 159·85 2711 30·76 Temple

KR Kantabanji (14) Rice 43·71 2·02 25010 6(130 97'12 Temple KR Kantabanji (16) Fice 3035 390Gb 288'')4 7041 8094 Tempr'e KR Titlagarh (22) Rice,Wheat ... 10'52 7163 567 10·52 KR Titlagarh (27) Rice,Wheat 30·35 3804 13071 65·56 68·80 KR Kantabanji (35) Rice 1376 12·14 H2·86 23047 2428

KR Titlagarh (m Rice 648 .n85 66·77 18'21 8·10

KR Kantabanji (25) Rice 8·90 3076 301·49 37·23 67·99 N-1,M-1,Temple KR Kantabanji (26) Rice 17·00 12·54 3·64 KR Kantabanji (26) Rice 71'63 11'74 17320 5261 9·31 KR Kantabanji (14) Rice 17·81 4·05 220.55 83-37 33'18 Temple 158


~------L.C Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) N" Villa~e .... rea of the population is shown in the column and next to it In brackets, the distance in Viilal';t: (Nulllber of Kms.,'in broad ranges, Viz. -5KIOlS., 5<0 !

Ed',ca- Medical Drinking Post Day or Comrr,uni- tional Weter b. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph tf.le (8us' Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

61 And"ldarh 342'36 877 (169) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) Tuesday -(10+) 62 IhaTbanali 3S9·36 458 (95) P -(5-10) w.n - (5-10) - (-5) -(10+ ) (>3 Kurlubahal 60339 981 (177) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10),::~:.Saturday -(5-10) f>4 Dhatukjmi 352'08 557 (121) P -(5-10) W,Tk,IW -(5·10) - (-5) -(5-10) 65 Ambajnaran 118'17 136 (26) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+)

66 Patrapali 195·46 277 (54) P - (-5) \'\I,n,N,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 67 Chanutmal 387'28 292 (58) P,M - (-5) W,rk.R,N - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 68 Gorighat 420'06 1,097(181) P,M D W,Tk,TW PO Sunday -(10+) 69 hrnunabahal 337'51 563 (167) I' - (-5) W.Tk - (-5) Sunday -(10+) 70 Satighat 186 97 347 (52) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW.R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+ )

71 Kachha rbhadi 67·99 148 (26) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (10+) 72 Bandupala 501'00 725 (140) p - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) :Sunday -(10+) (Banupala) 73 Chalki 909'30 1,106 (214) P -(5-10) _W,Tk,TW,R -(5·10) - (- - 5) -(10+) 74 Jaint·' ra 481"3q 643 (137) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) - (-5) -(104) 75 Dukitlghat 375'95 363 (72) P CHW W,Tk,R -(5·10) -(5-10) -(10+)

76 Lathakend 95'91 50 ( 11) - (-5) -[10+) W,rW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -( 10+) 77 Jhimanpali 443"94 600(115) P CHW W,Tk,TW,R,N -(5-10) -(5-10) -(104) 78 Kengalbahal 766.07 396 (68) P -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+ ) 7'j Lamkani 361'38 343 (56) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+ ) all Uhunkera 233'91 2~1 (60) P -(5-10) W,Tk,N,O -(5.10) Monday -(5-10)

81 Karlabahali 137·59 40 ('J) - (-5) -coY W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-.5) 82 Samdasmunda 191'62 24~ (47) P - (-5) W,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 83 Lachut 21~'70 573 ( Ill) f' CHW W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 84 Kermela 214'89 275 (56) P CHW W.n.:,R - (-5) - (-5) BS 85 Sam.ua 327'39 786 (150) P CHW W,Tk - (-)) - (-5) B)

-8/, OhumJ pali 168·99 416 (8JI i-' -( S-IO) W,Tk,N - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 87 Sargipah 100'43 470 (lUO) ~ -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(1C+) -(5-10) 88 Malpara n·44 209 (.16) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 89 Burhabahal 3~'66 155 (22) i' CHW W.rk PO Monday -(5-10) 90 ihoiJkelgan 25l.5~ 460 (A~) f' CHW W,Tk,N -(-';1 Monday -(5-10) 159


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Lami·u;e (i. ~_, area under different types of Iilnd Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hec~3fes rounde,' 'Jp to 2 decimal places) Including to (in Kms_) r'_··----' .. --~--.--- ._- -~-., --~- -.----.---~-_."" a'1y village Furest Irr j- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irriga ted waste available religious, bv (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archal?o- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 1'-,) 1'-, '17 18 19 20

KR Kantabanji (11) Rice 5H,l 193'03 4(187 5585 Temple KR Kantabanjl (10) Rice 2145 26264 34'80 40'47 Temple KR Kant'lbanji (8) Rice 1457 17-81 418 4~ 8053 72 03 Temple KR Kantabanji (8) Rice 14·16 44,52 228,65 34·80 29,95 Temple KR Kantabanji (13) Rice 3,24 6'47 5666 11'33 4047 M-1,Temple

Kit Kantabanji (11) Rice 6,68 3-64 127,118 3(l·76 26·30 Church KR Kantabanji (13) Rice 139'21 B 50 12140 92-27 25'90 M-1 KR Kantabanii ( 16) Rice 76'08 20~"~ 77'29 63'54 Temple KR. Kantabanli (18) Rice 2'83 '20,64 287'33 76'71 Temple Kit Kantabanji (21) Rke 1659 3'04 11777 13'36 3561 Temple

KR Kantabanjl (21) Rice 10'52 45'73 4'45 7").9 Temple KR Kantabanjl '1(1) Il:ke 'Zsn 19,43 289'35 9267 70'82 Temple

K1 Kantabanji (22) Rice,Wheat 63"3 35,:2 561'51 n

I9 1983 KR Tit!agarh (53) Rlce,Wheat 22'26 18,21 254·95 67'1)9 8()''j3 Temple KR Tirlagarh (48) Rice,Wheat 19587 184'13 312'01 7406 KR Titlagarh (61) Rlce.Wheat 46,94 728 193'04 3642 77-70 KR Titlagarh (46] Rice,Wheat 12,54 21'45 131'93 44'11 23'88 Temple

KR 8alan'llr (35) Rice 9227 23'47 9'71 1214 PK,KR Balangir (34) Rice 12·95 9'71 10i-22 3561 2833 Temple PR,KR Balanglr (34) Rice '202- 172 ,eo 13,7(' 2712 TErT'pJe PR,KR Balan!!ir (30) Rice 19'42 1093 12748 36-04 19'()2 Temple PR,KR Balang!r (321 Rice 1'22 2023 251'31 14·57 40'06 N-2,M-1.T-1. Temple

KR Satangir (32J Rice 6'07 2J·47 124'64 10'12 2469 Temple- KR Balan!!ir (32) Rice 4,4S 1093 55'04 9'71 26,30 Temple KR Salangir 05) Rice 1"62 4-45 43.30 5'67 1740 KR 8alanglr (ll) Rice 2752 4,05 809 KR Satangir (35) ED Rice 7,6Q 21105 l' 00 1578 Temple ------_"----_. 160


L.C Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the t>opulation is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village ("umber of kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) househulds) nearest place where the facility is available is given) ,-______.A. ______~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water 8< days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if an+ Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

91 Khajurpara 160'26 379 (77) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) --(5-10) -(5-10) 92 Liakani 12586 282 (54) P CHW W,Tk -(5··10) -(10+ ) -(5-10) 93 Kharibahal 218'53 430 (79) P -(10+ ) W,Tk,N -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+ ) 94 Kuturamunda 250'10 356 (78) P -(10+) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 95 Dunguripali 93'08 329 (69) P CHW W,Tk -(5-10) Monday -(10+ )

p -(10+)/ 96 Bandhpara 72·03 202 (43) -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+ ) 97 Mayamunda 80'53 261 (57) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(104) -(5-10) 98 Remanda 386'48 1,066' (234) P -(5-10) W,R,N - (-5) Monday 99 Banaras 159·85 285 (64) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) BS,RS 100 Saintala 1,173·18 3,817 (743) P ,M,H PHC,FPC,RP W,Tk,TW,R PTO,Phone Monday

101 Deng 262-47 658 (128) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) BS 102 Burda 368·50 605 (107) P CHW W,Tk,rW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 103 Bijapadar 83·77 136 (31) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 104 Brahmani 325.77 819 (187) P CHW W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) 105 Kumbhari 662·47 1,423 (293) P,M CHW W,Tk,R PO Thursday BS

-(5-10) 106 Kurnbhekela 123·02 232 (44) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk,N,R -( -5) - (-5) \ W,Tk - (-5) -(5·10) 107 Dumermunda 363.61 503 (82) P CHW - (-5) 103 Karamtula 392·55 915 (183) P CHW W,Tk,R PO Saturday BS (Karamtala) 109 Chhanchada 777.00 1,820 (323) P,M FPC,CHW W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10) 110 Tustapali 346·41 656 (140) P CHW W,Tk,R -(10+)

111 Surda 161'07 84 (16) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10' -dO+) 112 Nagphena 129'50 135 (27) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) , -(5-1U) -(10+) 113 Jamlisar 113'72 123 (27) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk,R -(10+) - (-5) -(10+ ) 114 Goblndpur 85'79 46 (7) - (-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+) 115 Nuamunda 229'05 175 (37) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+)

116 Bijamal 169'16 216 (48) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+ ) 117 Balikhamar 20599 283 (61) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 118 Salepara 351'67 471 (80) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+) 119 Pudapali 205'18 240 (39) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 120 Chanabahal 300·28 560 (110) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) -61


App- Neare5t t(,wn ~nd Power Staple Land use ri. \!., ar~a under different t)pes of land ilernarks ro~ch Distance Supply ~Fo(!d use In hect

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

-- -~------KR Balangir (35) Rice 4·05 2792 92.27 15'78 20·24 I KR Salangir (37) Rice 9'71 8499 16·59 14·57 KR l:lalangir (38) Rice 2,83 1'21 176,85 17'81 19'83 \ I(R 8alangir (40) Rice 8'50 6'48 166,73 2954 38'85 Temple KR Salangir (38) Rice 17,40 5099 8'91 15,78 Temple

KR 8alangir (40) Rice 1·21 43,71 2·83 24,28 KR 8alangir (40) Rice 486 42'90 6'47 26'30 Kit Balangir (35) Rice 2,83 9.31 30797 21'04 45'33 N-3,Temple PR,KR 8alangir (34) Rice 0'40 119'38 16,19 23·88 PR Salangir (34) ED,EO Rice 76'89 81,34 849'03 118'91:' 46'94 N-27,M-l0,C-8, Temple,Church,

PR Titlagarh (45) ED Rice 9'31 42·90 104·41 37,63 88,22 Temple,Church KR Titlagarh (4&) Rice 25·49 25·90 20882 10360 2469 Temple KR Titlagarh (46) Rice 4-86 5·26 50'99 15·78 6·88 KR Titlagarh (46) Rice 31,57 2'83 169'56 54'63 67'18 KR Titlagarh (48) ED Rice 91·87 28'.n 335·48 176'44 30'35 N-6, Temple

KR Titlagarh (50) Rice :.!'02 7770 17'00 26'30 KR Titlagarh (56) Rice 60·70 47'75 159'04 78·51 17'81 PR,KR Titlagarh (53) ED,EO Rice 6·88 26'31 24969 73'25 36,42 N-1,Temple

KR Titlagarh (18) ED,EO Rice 69·61 40'47 392'54 192,23 82'15 N-4,M·5,C-l, Church KR Titlagarh (16) Rice '5'90 207'60 79'72 33'19 Temple

KR Patnagarh (27) Rice 35'61 890 33,19 19.43 6394 Temple KR Patnagarh (25) Rice 5,66 58,28 15,38 50,18 Temple KR Titlagarh (42) Rice, Wheat fl,48 4.05 &&.77 0'07 3035 Temple KR Titlagarh (33) lice, Wheat 5'66 22'66 52'6' 486 KR Kantabanji (21) Rice, Wheat 10.52 9'71 174,42 34 -40. Temple

KR Kantabanjl (18) Rice. Wheat 12'54 122'22 19,83 1457 Temple KR Kantabanjl (16) Rice, Wheat 16'59 10765 46'14 3561 Temp~e KR Kantabanji (13) Rice, Wheat 22'66 60'70 125'45 9591 4695 KR KantabanJI (14) Rice, Wheat 17·81 8256 8498 19'83 KR Kantabanji (10) 33.99 21),24 Rice. Whe"t 16916 4168 3521 ._---_._---Temple 162


L. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectare!) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A ----.------""" Educa- Medical Drinking Post Dayor Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railwa. Hat, Station, it any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

121 ledapadar 149'73 306 (71) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 122 5ukunapadar 16592 423 (86) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 123 Kumbhari 490'08 564 (119) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R PO - (-5) -(5-10) 124 Chusur amunda 72682 898 (185) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) I 125 Babejuri 300'28 411 (90) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

I 126 Barbandh 356·53 595 (133) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5·10) -(5-10) 127 Karla 333"46 432 (91) P -(10-1-) W,Tk,TW,R -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 128 Bankel 302'30 160 (35) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 129 Kusumel (Kusumal) 197'89 51 (9) p -(10+) W,R - (-5) -(10+) - (-5) 1JO Pendaramal '356'96 560 (120) P -(10+) W,R - (-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

131 Candpatrapali 499'38 1,257 (262) P,M PHC,CHW W,Tk PO Sunday BS 132 Bhatasar 223'39 290 (53) p -(10+) W,R - (-5) -(10;- ) - (-5) 133 Kuikera 307,97 326 (69) P CHW W,R - (-5) -(10;-) -(5-10) 134 Kangarlaga 33710 425 (91) P -(5-10) W,R PO -(5-10) BS 135 Siletpara 107'65 226 (44) P - (-5) W,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

136 Bibina 3'9'30 759 (137) P - (-5) W,R - (-5) Monday - (-5) 137 Mahagan 22177 283 (53) P CHW W,Tk,R - (-5) Saturday - (-5) 138 Jampadar 127·88 348 (65) P CHW W,R - (-5) Monday - (- 5) 139 Tentulpadar 9591 292 (57) P -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 140 Badipada 116·95 298 (56) - (-5) CHW W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

141 Saaotaupher 248·07 555 (113) P -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 142 Tendlipali 157'02 387 (91) P CHW W,Tk,R - (5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 143 Turchaupher 229·05 541 (118) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Turchauper) 144 Chantamal 641·43 997 (196) P CHW W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 145 Bheruanbhata 260·21 432 (95) P -(5-10) W',Tk,R -(5-,0) . -(5-10) -(5-10) J

146 Ambapali 456'49 795 (154) P,M CHW W,Tk,R - (-5) Monday -(5-10) 1,47 Kushumal 443·13 821(165) P -{5-10) W,Tk,R,1'I -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 1.8 Dungripa Ii 345'20 325 (68) P CHW W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 149 P,M PHC,CHW W,Tk,R PO < - (-5) -(10+) KU-inrgan 751'50 1,483 (226) ,i' 1,0 Chitmara 24524 402 (74) P CHW W,TK,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 163


~~------.--.-----. ---- ~---

~pp- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in heCtare5 rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------__ .A. _____ ------, any I village rurest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place 01 gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation I"or and archaeo- groves) logical inte~est~

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Kantabanjl (8) Rice, Wheat 35'61 84·58 11·33 18·21 Temple KR Kantabctnji (6) Rice, Wheat 4-45 133·14 12·55 15·i8 KR Kantabanji (11) Rice, Wheat 38·45 1i'81 306.35 78'91 48.56 KR Kantabanji (16) Rice, Wheat 104·82 29·54 38607 146·9Q 59·49 Temple KR Kantabanji (16) Rice, Wheat 1l·14 4·45 228,25 36.42 19.02

KR Kantabanji (16) Rice, Wheat 24-28 6·07 219.34 1)5.16 4'1·68 Temple KR Titlagarh (24) Rice 21-04 10.93 17766 70·82 53'01 Temple KR Titlagarh (40) Rice 97·53 91'46 44·92 68'39 Temple I(R Titlagarh (16) Rice 6556 7648 30'76 25·09 KR Titlagarh (20) Rice 9·31 41'28 236'74 32'78 38'85 Temple fR,KR Titlagarh (24) Rice 31.97 53·82 .36462 33·19 15'78 N-1,M-2,Temple KR Titlagarh (25) Rice 10'52 182·92 12·55 1]'40 Temple KR Titlagarh (25) Rice 21'85 971 217'32 3521 23'88 Temple PR Titlagarh (25) Rice 11"33 254·55 31·97 39·25 KR Titlagarh (35) Rice 84.58 8'SO 14·57

KR Balanglr (32) Rice 2'43 278'83 11'33 26·71 M-ll, Temple KR Titlagarh (34) Rice 4·8& 183·7:\ 16'59 1659 KR Titlagarh (38) Rice 0·40 91'46 12'95 23·07 Temple KR Tltlagarh (21) Rice 8377 4·05 8·09 Temple PR,KR Titlagarh (24) Rice 1·62 040 87'41 19'83 7'69

KR Balangir (34) Rice 6'88 26'71 H4"76 bl'11 18'&1 Temple KR Titlagarh (24) Rice 3·64 2·03 111·&9 26'71 12'95 Temple KR Balangir (34) Rice 9·71 15·78 147.71 38.85 17·00 Temple


"R Balangfr (40) It ice 6·07 11·33 297'04 110'OS 31'97 Temple PR Tltlagarh ("3) Rice 4·86 332065 9·71 95"91 Temple KII Balangir (38) Rice 23·07 27"91 192'23 48-16 53-82 Temple "R Titlagarh (38) Rice 16·59 541·47 125·45 67·99 Temple PR,KIt Titlagarh (19) Rice 73·2<; 607 109'27 35·'" 2104 164


l.c. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms. in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 19+Kms. of the (in h~tares) households} nearest place where thp facility is available is given) r------.----"------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communl- tional Water and days of cation (Pot able) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 1 3 4 5 to 7 8 'J 10

.-~--_... 151 Baragan 228·24 326 (60) P -(5-10) W,R - (-5) Friday as 152 Sikapatrapali 216'10 693 (137) P CHW W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) as 153 Dangabahal 188'18 265 (56) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 154 Rengali 37636 692 (143) P CHW W,Tk -(5-10) -(10+) - (-5) 155 Karlakhunta 23472 Uninhabited

156 Jamkhunta 156'61 328 (61) P CHW w,n - (-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 157 Dharapgarh 1,025'88 1,305 (275) P,M CHW W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 158 Caelbhari 259.00 37; (78) P - (-5) W,Tk PO -(10+) BS 159 Makiri 335'08 350 (65) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -cO+) BS 160 Phapsi 319·70 403 (67) P CHW W;Tk,TW -(5-10) -(10+) BS .

161 Barmal 701·73 239 (41) P - (-5) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 162 Bhadra 318'89 796 (164) P,M CHW W,Tk PO - (-5) as. 163 Baramunda 116')5 224 (41) P CHW w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 164 Khasbahal 332'25 601 (131) P CHW W,Tk PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 165 Dumermunda 382.43 627 (105) P CHW W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

166 Kaansar 804,92 1,254 (271) P CHW W,Tk,R,N - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 167 KechhClmuhan 372-72 369 (79) P -(10+) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 168 Bhejipadar 354.91 533 (113) P CHW W,R ,-(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 169 Chunsar (Chunser) 800'87 1,881 (396) P,M,H PHC,CHW W,Tk,R,N PO Wednesday -(5-10) 170 Deuli 324,56 306 (62) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-'j) -(5-10}<

171 Derhel 269'12 234 (SO) P CHW W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 172 Nuapara 270.74 387 (85) P -(5-10) w,n -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)· 173 Loharapali 82.15 289 (60) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (- 5) - (-5) BS. 174 Bar.ahmal 743'00 584 (125) P CHW W.rk -(5~10) -(5-10) 8S "175 Narikata 142.45 164 (29) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10)

176 Samachuan 465;79 79 (20) - (-5) -(10+) <.; W,R -(~-10) :-(10+) .-(5-10), 177 Piprut (Pipr!)t) 43544 505 (91) P . -(10+) W,Tk . -(5~10) -(5-10J 85 17'Il Narabahali 88·63 345 (76) P ·CHW W,"k,TW,O -(5~rtO) -t:'-i10) B~ li9 Chilabahali 143-01) 158 (34) - (-'-5) (- 5) W,Tk -(5,10,) -, -(5-10) -(5 10) 18;) ]ubarnal 2ge·66 537 (111) P -(SolO) W -(5-10) -( 5·10) -rS-1O)" 165


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (I. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------A------~ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated Irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical source gaucher cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 1& 17 18 19 20

PR,KR Titlagarh (32) Rice 13 76 688 13759 4532 24'69 Temple PR,KR Titlagarh (27) Rice 7'29 3·64 165·92 18'21 21·04 Temple PR,KR Titlagarh (25) Rice 13'35 4'05 104'41 49'78 1659 N-5, Temple PR,KR Titlagarh (24) Rice 2509 32-38 235'53 47·75 35'61 N-15 43·71 128'28 35'21 27'52

KR Titlagarh (22) Rice 20·23 28·73 73'25 22.26 12.14 Temple KR Titlagaah (16) ED Rice 250 SO 14043 480'77 88.62 65.56 Temple PR,KR Titl.garh (14) Rice 28·73 18.62 13962 49.37 22.66 N-1 PR,KR Titlagarh' (16) Rke 3035 890 180'49 62.32 5302 Temple PR,KR Titlagarh (19) Rice 43'30 40.47 169.97 41.68 24'28

PR,KR Titlagarh (18) Rice 31·16 728 160.66 82'56 420'07 Temple IJR Titlagarh (26) Rice 17.40 25.90 219.75 2792 27.92 N-15,Temple PR,KR Titlagarh (29) Rice 5'26 3.24 82'15 1214 13'36 I(R Titlagarh (30) Rice 22·26 i1·33 176.44 69 =0 53.02 KR Titlagarh (45) Rice 3561 810 22096 101·17 16·59

KR Tltlagarh (43) Rice 43'30 9.71 547·14 99.96 104·81 KR Titlagarh (43) Rice 20'24 2509 21529 3359 78·51 KR Titlagarh (45) Rice 8·09 2·02 247.26 32'38 6516 Kil Titlagath (29) ED,EO Rice 22·66 45 33 477.53 48·56 206.79 Temple· KR Titlagarh (29) RiCe 6'07 16'59 215·70 44·52 4168

KR Titlagarh (29) Rice 22·26 16·19 18413 26·71 1983 Temple PR,KR Titla~arh (30) Rice 76·89 4.05 117·36 65·~6 6.88 Temple PR,KR Titlagarh (27) Rice 3.64 1052 42.90 11.33 13.76 Temple PR Tltlag.arh 132) Rice 67'99 15.38 284·90 80.53 294 .20 KR Titlagarh (16) Rice 1336 2·02 45.33 67·56 141&

KR Titlagarh (16) Rice 290'16 2509 13676 13·76 PR Titlagarh (22) Rice 28·33 13-35 27073 9389 29·14 PR Titlogarh (24) Rice 5·26 4'45 36·8' 2Y·54 1255 PR,KR Titlagarh (18) Rice 5·26 24·28 80·53 18·21 15·38 PR,KR Titlagarh (29) Rice 16·19 0·81 224·)0 33·18 24·28 166

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police Station -SAINT ALA l. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) "'0. Village area of the population is shown in the column and next·to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms·, in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms· iIIld 1O+Kms. of the (in hectares) househulds} nearest place where the facility Is available is given) ,-______A ______""

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water a. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, it any Water- W.1V) 2 3 4 5 (, 7 8 9 1{,

181 Kandhaulba 16147 723 (163) P CHW W,Tk.N,O - (5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 182 Babuuluba 748·48 479 (109) P - (-5) W,Tk,R,N -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 183 Ghantbahali 12586 491 (98) P CHW w,n -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 184 Bhurpara 14164 342 (62) P -(10+ ) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 185 Kusumkhal 59448 749 (137) P -(10+ ) W.R,N - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

186 Bhikabahali 28126 201 (39) P - (-5) W.Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) BS 187 Siletpara 13517 380 (82) P CHW W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) BS 188 Belgaon 579·11 1,806 (377) P,M PHS,CHW,D W,Tk,TW,R PO Tuesday 85

189 Siskela 444-75 2,124 (445) P CHW W,Tk,R PO - (-5) - (-5) 190 Jamtara 44~·56 236 (84) P -(5-10) W,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

Total 60,310·44 91,284 P·163, 0-2, (18,211) M-18, MCW/MHI H·3 CWC·1, PHC/HC-4, FPC-3, PHS-3. CHW·60, 0-1

TITLAGARH 1.87,665·53 3,45,530 P-605, D-6,H-3, TAHASIL (72,765) M.78, MCW/MHI H·tO CWC-g, PACIHC-8, FPC-19, PHS.8, CHW-60, 0·4 167


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks r::lach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places including , ______.A. ______--., to (in Kms.) , any viliage turest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (iucluding for historical source gauchar cul'lvation or and archaeo- groves) logical intere~t

~1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Titlagarh (27) Rice 1·21 15783 243 N-1, Temple KR Titlagarh (29) Rice 15·38 15823 4573 29·14 KR ritlagarh (29) Rice 4·86 2185 73·65 1295 1255 PR,KR Ti tlagarh· (18) Rice 3-64 13·35 ~6·32 13 36 14·97 Church PR,KR Titlagarh (19) Rice 65.15 16·59 :Bl·44 128·29 5301 Temple

PR Titlagarh (19) Rice 80·13 364 13436 30·76 3237 PR Titlagarh (19) Rice 1·21 6·07 88·63 1174 27·52 PR Titlagarh (34) ED,EO Rice ~3·59 5463 256·1.7 74·C6 16C·66 N-23,M-ll.C-6, Mosque, Temple PR,KR Titlagarh (32) Rice 4-45 46·35 2580 19 1012 12464 N-', Terryple KR Titlagarh (27) Rice,Wheat 26·30 104·41 7042 24443

6,281·90 2,735·63 33,402·46 10,069'45 7,821·00 N.110,M·47,. C·15,T-l

11,673·90 12,466·23 115,330'08 23,588 ·35' 24,606'97 N-262,M,136, C·25, T·4.




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J- C: hlkalba• h al "l" .a. MJlhlmund• PO,• S 0

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Sou ndazy J Tahasil. . • ••• . •• Police Station.. • .• s H eadqual"ters : Tahasil, Police Station. @ @ / Reser ved Forest. ... '" .•. l. Villages with population 1 DCX::). &; above U rbaD are~ with location code W~Y#~ S tate Hlgh1('TdY_ . • _. • •• ~2_ _ Important MetaJled Road Unmetalled and other Roads RS /VOl Rftilway line w~th Station; Broad Gauge ....iii' River and Stream . •. ;.. ..' • .• Post Office .- Post & Telegraph Office . _ PO , PT O .Hi~h School . •. .... •• 5 NcK.;- The T aha:il1. heJl dqUllrter , ls also the D h t rict: headqu~I".n. Hospital i Primary Health Centre.. DispensaTY E9~+ Maternity and Child WeUare Cenbe .... Importa nt vill~ge M arket/Hat .£

Based upon Survey of I ndia map w ith th e permission of tb~ Surveyor General of India. © Government of India copyright. 1985



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!ol Name of the Village l. C. 51 Name of the Village LC. No. No. No. No. 2 3 1 2 3

1 Afamara 94 46 Brahmanijor 43 2 Ainlapali 142 47 Brahmanipali (Brahamanlpall) 57 3 Amdahan CAmbadahan) 185 48 Brahmanlpali (Brahmanipal) 149 4 Amgaon 245 49 Budabahal (Budhabahal) 39 5 Amghat 103 50 Budelguma 161

6 Antarla 44 51 Budhakhaman 182 7 Arda 85 52 Buromal 176 8 Arjunpur 147 53 Chandanpali 156 9 Atgaon 200 54 Chandra pur 129 10 Babljor 134 55 Chantlmunda 12

11 Badangomunda 173 56 Chantlpadar 179 98 12 Badbahal 152 57 Chhataplpal 13 Badbandh 90 58 Chlkalbahal 21 157 14 Baddungripali 131 59 Chlnched 4 15 Badtarakmunda 192 60 Chipakani 113 16 Bagbahali 222 61 Chormara 110 17 Bagda 162 62 Dahimal 211 18 Bagdol 70 63 Dahimal 122 120 64 Dangapathar 19 Bahall 97 20 Bairaglpali 32 65 Dangarpara 186 21 Bakbahal 247 66 Demuhan 67 Deoga'," 126 22 Balarpali 137 36 71 68 Desanrlh (Desanda) 23 Bandhapall 163 99 69 Deseirnunda 24 Sandhapara 220 25 Sandhpara 66 70 Deulgudl 96 26 Banjibahall 116 71 Dhandamal 72 Dhanghara 204 27 Banjipali 54 241 28 Bankeda 18 73 Dhanpur 74 Dhauradadar 20' 29 Banklamunda 106 9 30 Bargaon 15 75 Dhodmahul 248: 76 Dudung 31 Barghatl 34 229 77 Dulikana 32 8arhakuna 153 108 33 Barlhamunda (Barhiamunda) 55 78 Durr.erjor 79 Dumerpita 5 34 Barkanl 132 221 35 Barla 165 80 Dungibahal 81 Dungripall 209 36 Belgaon 239 56 Bhalukund 104 82 Fatamunda 37 23 Bhatrapali 219 83 Fatkara 38 50 Bhimdungri 69 84 Gaddwar 39 83 40 Bhoigura (Bhualgura) 203 85 Galbahal 30 41 Shuapara 199 66 GaUpita 117 42 Bhutiarbahal 45 87 Gailpita 240 43 Bidighat 14 88 Gambhergura CGambhegura) 10S 44 8i1dspur 100 89 Gambhermal 224 45 Blramunda 188 90 Gangjiagava (Ganghiagova) 174


5.1. Name of the Village L. C. 51. Name of the Village L.(. No. No· No No 2 3 1 2 3

91 Gavarasa 249 136 Kuhimunda 76 92 Ghatul 101 137 Kukedmal 206 93 Ghatuldungri 107 138 Kukurkhai 136 94 Ghuchepali 81 139 Kuliabahal 133 95 Ghuna 230 140 Kulkusum 233

96 Gourgoth 151 141 Kultapara 144 '97 Gudbhela 226 142 Kumbharpadar 194 '98 Gudkhapala (Gudhkapala) 140 14) Kumuria 143 '99 Gudungamal 243 144 Kundeimal 139 100 GUnJmunda 228 145 Kundpani 29

101 Ha tisara 123 146 Kundpathar 27 102 I-lirlimal 64 147 Kurebhana 216 10l jalia 53 148 Kuthurla 88 / 104 jambhel 214 149 Kutur la 119 105 Jamjharan 65 150 lakharpadar 181

106 jalTlmunda 217 151 landapadar 112 107 Jamut 191 152 lartara 238 106 Janakpur 13 153 laxmanpur 38 109 jarasingha 130 154 likhirla 164 24 110 jhareibahali 155 Luhakhan 33 156 111 Jhinkermal 109 Luhurenpali 79 157 lukapara 112 jugimara 193 197 158 Lurki 113 jurlakani (julakani) 82 175 125 159 Madhekela 11'1 Kachharpali 198 160 Madhiapali 115 Kalijharan 17 155

116 Kamasingha 234 161 Madhupur 141 114 162 117 Kanakpur Madhupur 218 118 Kandhenbahali 158 163 Mahalei (Mahalai) 74 119 Kan'!r singha 237 164 Mahamadpur 77 120 Kapsila 208 165 Mahipur 177 121 Karlakhaman 195 166 Makundpur 62 122 Karuanjhar (Karuajhar) 115 167 Matupali 1 123 Katapali 72 168 Mundapala 145 124 Kendghat(Kendughat) 150 169 Mundapala 221 125 Kendpadar 201 170 Mursing 118 126 Khairgura 67 171 Nagaon 168 127 Khaisbahal 49 172 Naikenpali 11 128 Khaksikana 154 173 Naikensira 121 129 Khaliapali 37 174 Narasingpur 172 130 Kharda 167 175 Narayanpur 86- 131 Kharseldungri 80 176 Nimursingha 242 132 Kot 22 177 25 133 Kotgaon 223 178 Nuapali 75 114 Kubrimahul, 35 179 Nuapara 205 135 Kudasingha 47 180 Nuniadhipa 89 175

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES OF TUSHURA POLICE STATION , 51. Name of the Village L. C. 51. Name of the Village LC. No. No. No. No. 1 2 3 1 2 3

181 Padampur 58 216 Sarasbahal 124 182 Palsapadar 148 217 Sarasmal 92 183 Pandhel (Pandel> 135 218 Sargada 169 184 Paruabhadl 2 219 Sarglpall 138 185 Pendimunda 202 220 Sasanpall 180

186 Pllatimahul 7 221 Satlghat 6 187 Plpalmunda 1~9 222 Shlbtala 10 188 Plpalpadar 9S 223 Slaljor 42 189 Pratappur 19 224 Sikuan 84 190 Prataprudrapur '16 225 Siletkanl 91

191 Pulaskhand (Palaskhand> 93 226 Sindrabahall 17()' 192 Purnapanl 68 227 Slndurmunda 225 193 Rahenmal 189 228 Singhamunda 102 194 Ralpall .'" 52 229 Singhatlmal (Slngatimal) 146- 195 RaJamunda 46 230 Sirabahal 7~

196 Kajkel 196 231 Sirabahal 212 197 Rakslbhata 250 232 Siris 87 198 Ramchandrapur 31 233 Sirjapali 215 199 Ranlmal 231 234 Sunarljor S- 200 Ratakhandi 184 235 Talpall 28·

201 Ratanpur 51 236 Tandigaon 207 202 Rengall S9 237 Tangrupadar 3- 203 Rugudlpali 61 238 Tarsuguda 246· 171 204 Rugudlpali 111 239 Tebdamunda 240 Telaoali 63- 205 Rugudipali 213

206 Rusuda 160 241 Tentelkhuntl (Tentullkhunti) 21(). 207 Sagarpali 127 242 Tepren 4(). 208 Sahajbahal 26 243 Thalbandh 73 209 Salepall 166 244 Tiklrlpada 190 210 Samara 174 245 Tllkamal 2J6.

211 Sandangar 235 246 Tirchabahal 244 212 Sandhljor 41 247 Turla 183 213 Sandhlsara 187 248 Tushura 178 214 Santarakmunda 232 249 Udar 128 215 Sdntmunda 48 250 Uparjhar 60 176

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police statlon-TUSHURA /' L C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) " 0. village area.of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in , village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Market, Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Matupali 513.54 299 (62) P -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5·10) -(5-10) 2 Paruabhadi 28692 420 (93) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (5-10) -(5-10) 3 Tangrupadar 316.87 432 (89) P -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5·10) 4 Chlpakani 358·96 136 (34) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5·10) 5 Dumerpita 424.11 466 (102) P -(5-10) W,Tk·TW,N PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

6 Satighat 253-33 501 (105) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 7 Pilatimahul 201'94 385 (70) P,M -(S·l0) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 8 Sunarijor 237.55 160 (36) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 9 Dhodmahul 374·33 Uninhabited HC W,Tk PO 10 Shibtala 968.82 2,164 (452) P,M,H -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO Monday BS

11 Ndikenpall 176.85 235 (49) P -(10+ ) W,Tk -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+) p 12 Chantimunda 464·18 635 (111) -(10+) w,n -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+) 13 }anakpur 303.92 270 (58) P -(10+ ) W,Tk -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+) 14 Bidighat 308.78 860 (181) P -(10+) W,Tk,R PO Friday -(10+) 15 Bargaon 52407 597 (143) P -(10+ ) W,Tk PO -(5-10) -(10+)

16 Pra taprudrapur 365·43 179 (36) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+ ) -(5-10) -(10+) 17 Kalijharan 583·56 466 (93) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 18 Bankeda 251.71 220 (44) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(10+) -{10+} 19 Pratappur 271·14 220 (38) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+) 20 Dhaul adadar 239.98 104 (23) P -(10+) W,Tk,O -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+)

21 Chikalbahal 755.14 1,083 (208) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+) 22 Kot 129·50 138 (23) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) --(5-10) -(10+) 23 Fatkara 456'49 737 (137) ? -(10+) W,Tk PO -(5-10) -(10+) 24 Jhareibahali 222·58 321 (61) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(10+) -(5-10) - (5-10) 25 Nuapada 571'42 1,322 (247) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R pO -(5-10) - (-5)

26 Sahajbahal 301.09 962 (177) P,M,H -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10) 27 Kundpathar 307'16 525 (96) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(5-10) -(5,10) 28 Talpali 230·27 456 (87) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 29 Kundpani 778'62 362 (74} P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10) 30 Gailpita 1,019'81 268 (46) P -(5-10) Tk,R,N - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 177


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including r--______-A ______~ to (in Kms.) any village Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Patnagarh (10) Rice 237.95 5·26 19789 54·63 17·81 KR Patnagarh (11) Rice 25.50 25.90 187·77 31-56 1619 M-2 KR Patnagarh (14) Rice 80.53 17,00 16956 3278 17.00 KR Patnagarh (18) Rice 75.27 3.24 187.78 49·37 43.30 KR Patnagarh (19) Rice 38·04 31.16 285.30 45.33 2428 Temple

/ KR Patnagarh (16) Rice 6.88 14·97 171.99 4128 18·21 Temple KR Patnagarh (16) Rice 30.'36 127·88 22.66 ,2104 Temple KR Patnagarh (16) Rice 33.18 15.38 100 36 70.42 18.21 Tempte,Church 125·86 2·83 14245 40.87 6232 \ KR Batangir (J9) ED Rice 4·05 116.95 71022 47.35 90·25N-2,M-3, Temple, ChUrch

KR Balangir (26) ED Rice 8·90 2914 9146 29.14 1821 Church KR Balangir ( 19) Rice 10198 3481 252.12 44.92 30·35 Temple KR Balangir (19) Rice 8094 10·12 146.09 4492 2185 I(R Batangir ( 19) Rice 43·71 21044 27.52 27.11 Temple KR Balangir (14) Rice 87.01 40-47 294.20 78.51 23.88 Temple

KR Balangir (11) Rice 80.94 8.09 10198 142.45 3197 Temple KR Balangir ( 11) RIce 194·25 17.40 216·10 8lS6 73.25 KR Balangir (21) Rice 20.23 2.83 104.41 117.36 6.88 Temple KR Balangir ( 19) Rice 18.21 102-79 133.95 16.19 KR Balangir (21) Rice 61.51 118'17 37·64 22.66

KR Balangir (22) Rice . b313 48.15 407·01 86·20 90.65 Temple KR Balilngir (19) Rice 21-45 8377 8'U9 16'19 KR Balangir (21) Rice B09 107'65 25576 45.33 3966 Temple,Church- KR Balangir (22) Rice 10·52 35'61 134'76 21)'24 21'45. Temple KR Balangir (22) ED Rice 10'93 113'72 34884 4006 57'87 Temple

KR Balangir (22) Rice 405 57'B7 181'70 25'09 32'38 Temple KR Balangir (24) Rice 12'14 241'81 20·24 31'97 KR Balangir (24) Rice 31'97 2469 125'05 22·26 20'30 KR Balangir (24) Rice 275'19 567 291'78 141'13 64'75 Temple KR Balangir (19) Rice 575·06 11'33 304'32 63'13 6';'97 Temple 178

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police Station-TUSHURA loc. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is;'shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., In broad rangss, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility Is available is given) ~ ______-A ______~ _____--~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

31 Ramchandr apuT 612·29 309 (65) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 32 Balraglpall 4694 Uninhabited 33 luhakhan 499'79 304 (66) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) ·34 Barghatl 250'10 308 (65) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 35 Kubrimahul 4556B 437 (95) P -(5-10) W,R,N -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

36 Desandh (Desanlifa) 751'50 642 (117) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) Saturda .. BS 37 Khaliapali 764·05 338 (74) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 38 laxmanpur 1,01738 276 (5'5) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R,N -(5·10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 39 Budabahal 22703 460 (85) P HC W,Tk,R - (':""5) - (-5) BS (Budhabahal) 40 Tepren 311·20 499 (92) P HC W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

41 Sandhijor 566·16 492 (99) P(2) -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) Tuesday BS 42 Sialjor 210'03 195 (41) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk,O -(5·10) -l5-10) -(5-10) 43 Brahmanijor 585'58 762 (150) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R,N - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 44 Antarla 411'97 455 (98) P - (-5) W,Tk.~,O - (-5) Tuesday BS 45 Bhutiarbahal 660'85 1,317 (278) P,M,H -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R PO Wednesday BS

46 Rajarnunda 290'56 397 (73) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 47 Kudasingha 624'B4 1,559 (302) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R PO Friday BS 48 Santmunda 33184 360 (72) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(-5) 49 Khaisbahal 138'40 112 (29, p. -(10+ ) W,Tk PO - (-5) - (--5) 50 Gaddwar 182'92 174 (36) P -(5-10) W,Tk,N -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

51 Rataflpur 350'05 29B (54) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) BS 52 Raipali 290·56 288 (56) P -(5-10) W,Tk,N -(10+) -(10+) BS 53 Jalia 15297 247 (58) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(10+) -(10+) BS 54 I!anjipali 169'56 223 (50) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R,N -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 55 Barihamunda 65'15 Uninha bited (Barhiamunda)

56 Fatamunda 462'96 698 (139) P -(10+ ) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 57 Brahmanipali 14164 115 (24) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) (Brahamanipall) 58 Padampur 4)163 32.l (76) P -(10+) W,O -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 59 Rengall 134'76 268 (5B) P -(10+) W,O PO -(5-10) - (-5) 60 Uparjhar 665'3(\ 937 (198) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,TW PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 179


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under difh:rent types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in.Kms.) r------A------~ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including ,for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Patnagarh (14) Rice 297'04 31'97 193'44 6556 24'28 2"43 9"71 27·52 243 4'85 KR Patnagarh (11) Rice 242'41 16'59 178,87 45'73 16'19 Temple KR Patnagarh (14) Rice 5059 i~6 23 31'S7 9,71 KR Patnagarh (16) Rice 177'25 850 19182 6232 15·79

PR PatRagarh (16) Rice 259'81 28'73 34884 74'06 40·06 KR Patnagarh (16) Rice 509'91 3'64 146,09 9227 1214 KR Aalangir (27) Rice 680'28 162 192'63 129'50 1335 Temple PR Balangir (3B) Rice 10'93 15'3B 152'16 17'40 31·16

KR Balangir (38) ~ ice 2064 33·99 188·99 30'35 3723 Temple

PR,KR Balangir (29) Rice 160·6£, 14·17 26507 65'15 6111 KR Balangir (27) Rice 62'73 4·45 87'01 27'92 27'92 Temple KR Balangir (26) Rice 91'86 47·75 337'91 5909 48'97 Temple PR,KR Salanglr (29) Rice nB4 3'64 242'41 51,80 41'28 Temple KR Balangir (26) Rice 16'59 9'87 416'83 57,~6 11210 N-2,M-2,Temple

KR Ba langir (19) Rice 3'64 68·80 14& 90 39,25 3197 Temple KR Balangir (21) Rice 4'86 84'99 420'47 66-77 4775 M-5,Temple KR Salangir (21) Rice 21-45 177'&6 12019 12'54 KR Salang!r ( 16) Rice 59'08 "21 44'11 17'00 1700 KR l-lalangir (24) Rice 27'52 138'40 13'76 3'24

PR Balangir (14) Rice ~4'97 12'14 31080 7'69 4,45 Temple PR Balangir (14) Rice 57·06 8'90 188·18 21-45 14'97 Temple PR Balangir (13) Rice 16'59 7·28 78,51 14'40 10,19 KR Balallgir (16) Rice 48'97 8·90 85'79 18.62 7,28 16'1'3 3i'97 13'35 3·64

KR Balangir (16) Rice 160'66 32,78 206,79 46'14 1659 KR Balangir \ (18) Rice 17'00 8'09 74'46 35'61 6'48

KR Balangir (21) Rice 236,34 8·50 186·15 17'00 364 KR Balangir (]2) Rice 33·99 26·71 59'09 12'14 2'83 M-l,Temple KR Balangir (19) Rice 132'74 59'08 39'1'02 55'85 18·61 Temple 180

VILlAGE AMENITIES Police Station-TUSHURA l. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities·available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Klns" in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms· and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi· tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

61 Rugudipall 6O!H6 502 (105) P -(10+)' W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 62 Makundpur 195'87 234 (47) P -(10+) W,Tk -(5·10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 63 Telabali 20760 246 (58) P -(5-10) W,Tk,N -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 64 Hirlimal 159"45 253 (58) P -(5-10) W Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 65 Jamjharan 261'C2 328 (69) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

66 Bandhpara 99'15 248 (45) P -(10+) W,Tk PO - (-5) - (-5) 67 Khairgura 302'30 241 (55) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 68 Purnapani 304-73 358 (84) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) BS 69 Bhimdungri 193'04 312 (54) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 70 Bagdol 91'86 Uninhabited

71 Bandhapali 388'90 517 (106) P -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 72 Katapali 91'86 201 (43) - (-5) -(10+) W - (-5) -(5-10) -(S-10) 73 Thalbandh 169'56 319 (75) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (5-10) 74 MahaJei (Mahalal) 278'02 576 (113) P,M MCW W,Tk,R PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 75 Nuapali 388'50 645 (123) P -(10+) W,Tk,R,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

76 Kuhimunda 6596 66 (8) - (-5) - (5-10) W.O - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+ ) 77 Mahamadpur 11534 141 (18) - (-5) -(s-10) W - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 78 Sirabahal 399'43 635 (136) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(S-10) 79 Luhurenpali 167'95 304 (63) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 80 Kharseldungri 99'55 52 (10) - (-5) - (-5) W,lk,O - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

81 Ghurhepali 261-83 303 (54) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) SundilY BS 82 JurJalcani (Julakani) 191'82 128 (76) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (5·10) - (-5) 8) Galbahal 340'34 488 (107) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,R PO - (-~) - (-5) 84 Sikuan 431'80 1,125 (234) P -(5-10) W,TIc,TW,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5·10) 85 Arda 381'21 795 (166) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10}

86 Narayanpur 78'51 139 ('22) P -(10 t) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 87 Siris 89'03 171 (30) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5\ - (-5) - (-5) 88 Kuthurla 42!1·J7 1,050 (205) P -(10+) W ,Tk,1'W,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 89 Nuniadhipa 112'50 139 (22) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 90 Badbandh 327-80 1,075 (220) P,M -(5·10) W.TI<,1'W PO Sunday -(5-10) 181


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land Lise (I. e" area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms,) r------.A.------'"""" any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Balangir (21) Rice 8863 16'19 456'89 32'37 15'38 Temple KR Balangir (22) Rice 61'32 1,62 110'48 1740 4,05 Temple KR Balangir (24) Rice 15'78 9,31 164'71 1295 4·85 KR Balangir (29) Rice 4·05 23,07 114,53 3'64 14'16 KR Balangir (22) Rice 27'92 30·76 177'25 21'04 405

I KR Balangir (22) Rice 8'09 6880 6'88 15·38 Temple KR Balanglr (22) Rice 10603 144'88 11·33 40'06 Temple KR Ba langir (22) Rice 40'47 205'18 44'51 1457 Temple KR Balangir (14) Rice 29'14 36,04 101'98 19,83 4'05 25·90 50'18 8'50 7'28

KR Balangir (16) Rice 61'11 8'50 261'02 45'73 12'54 KR Balangir (13) Rice 0'81 86 20 3'64 1'21 Temple. KR Balangir (12) Rice 13'35 5'67 120'60 2711 2'83 Temple KR Balangir (19) ED Rice 6'48 20'23 20477 36,83 9·71 M-l,Temple KR 8alangir (19) Rice 11-74 26'71 253'33 82'56 14'16 Temple

KR BaJangir (19) Rice 1'62 9'71 4411 6'47 4'05 KR Balangir (21) Rice 6'47 83'37 11·74 13·76 KR Balangir . (19) Rice 3521 32,78 26386 29'54 38'04 M-l KR 8alangir (19) Rice 12'55 6'07 131'52 2'03 1578 KR Balangir (19) Rice 5'26 59'49 34'80

PR Balangir (18) Rice 36·02 10,52 191'42 13 3~ 10'52 PR Balangir (22) Rice 2023 4~'30 89'44 32'38 6·47 PR,KR Balangir (24) Rice 31'16 2388 25738 24·28 3'64 KR Balangir (29) Rice 607 120'59 223'79 30'76 50'59 N-l, Temple KR Balangir (26) Rice 11'33 113'31 220'55 12'55 23'47 N-l, temple

KR Balangir (19) Rice 5'26 7'69 50'18 2'63 12'55 Temple KR Balangir (19) Rice 1'62 22·26 4937 566 1002 KR Balangir (22) Rice 16'59 10967 235·53 16'19 5139 Temple KR Balangir (22) Rice 2·83 13'35 81'75 4'86 9'71 KR 8alanglr (22) Rice 29'95 83-77 178'47 35'61 N-8, M-3 132

VILLAGE AMENITIES I'olice Station-TUSHURA l. c· Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) N(' Villa~e area of the population is shown in the column and next to it In brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households} nearest place where the facility Is available is given)

,.-______~_.A. ______~

Ed'lca- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water a.. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus'Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way)

1 2 3 ~ 6 7 8 9 10

91 Siletkani 168'35 585(112) P - (5-10) W,Tk,R - (-p) -(5-10) - (-5) 92 Sarasmal 269'12 5~1 (110) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-S) 93 Pulaskhand 212'87 399 (73) P -(5-10) W,n,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Palaskhand) 94 Afamara 243'22 529 (100) P,M - (-5' W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 95 Pipalpadar 182'11 374 (67) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

96 Dhandamal 411'16 381 (86) P -(S-lO) W,Tk PO -(5-10) - (5-10) 97 Dangarpara 250'10 362 (80) P,M -(S-10) W,Tk,It - (-S) -(5-10) -(5-10) 98 Chhatapipal 160'66 304 (51) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-S) BS 99 6andhapara 307'56 544 (106) P,M HC W,Tk,R PO Saturday BS 100 6ilaspur 486'03 545 (103) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

101 Ghatul 176'04 238 (38) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R,N -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 107 Singhamunda 165'92 425 (93) P/,\ - (-5) W,Tk,R,N - (-5) - (-5) 65 103 Amghat 329'41 356 (70) P - (-5) W,Tk,R,N - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 104 Bhalukund 406'71 312 (65) P -(5-10) W,Tk.TW,R,N -(5-10) -(5.10) tl5 105 Gambhermal 373.53 704 (138) !',M -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(10+) BS

106 Bankiamunda 762,63 372 (63) P -(10+) w,n -(10+) -(10+) - (-5) 107 Ghatuldungri 711·84 250 (47) p -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) Saturday - (-5) 108 Dumerjor 1,314.83 399 (71) p --(10+) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) Tuesday -(5-10) 109 Jhinkermal 30230 443 (91) P -(10+) W,Tk,N - (-5) Tuesday -(10+) 110 Dahimal 299,06 309 (59) P -(10+ ) W,Tk - (-5) Tuesday -(10+)

111 Rugudipali 452.03 463 (95) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5r -(10+) -(10+) 'ill Landapathar 1,050.97 931 (193) P,M -(10+) win PO -(10+ ) -(10+J 113 Chormara 370'29 541 (103) p -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 114 Kanakpur 122.62 253 (49) P -(5-10) w,n - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 115 Karuanjhar 490.48 889 (176) P,M -(5-10) w,n - (-5) -- (10+) -(10+) (Karuajhar)

116 Ban jibahali 12383 166 (28) ~ (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 117 Gailplta 89,44 119 (26) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 118 Mursing 1,035-59 1,393 (276) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,R PO -(5-10) - (-5)

119 Kuturla 38D.OO 909 (181) P,M,H -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-S) -(5-10) - (-5) 120 Bahali 440.30 565 (123) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) 6S 183

DIRECTORY AND LANDUSE Tahasil-BAlANGIR I App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------.A.------, any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place ot gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical scurce gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- grove~) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lO

KR Balanglr (2B) Rice 607 136·38 8'09 17'81 M-2 KR Balanglr (24) Rice 18'62 19'83 187·77 9'31 33·59 Temple KR Balanglr (27) Rice 40'07 143'66 16'19 12'95

KR Balanglr (27) Rice 8'50 9'31 185'35 12·54 27·52 KR Balangir (27) Rice 2'02 44·92 99·55 22'26 13'36

KR Balanglr (32) Rice ,44'52 72'03 195'87 63.94 34·80 Temple, Church KR BalClngir (29) Rice 15'38 54'63 106'84 3561 37·64 T-2, Temple PR,KR Balangir (30) Rice 33·18 2'02 88'63 1781 1902 PR Balangir (37) Rice 27·11 24'28 165·52 47'75 42'90 M-l PR,KR Balangir (32) Rice 118'98 10.12 288'14 <49'37 19'42 I Temple

KR Balangir (46) Rice 22'26 19'43 92'67 19'02 22'66 Temple PR Patnagarh (21) Rice 9'71 11'74 102"79 21'04 20'64 M-1, T-' KR Patnagarh (21) Rice 8660 16'59 171 59 34'40 20'23 Temple PK,KR Patnagarh (20) Rice 161'47 10'12 161'47 ,48'97 24'68 KR Patnagarh (19) Rice 9227 14.97 188·59 50.99 26·71 N-1,M-1

KR Balangir (32) Rice 47955 11-33 176.85 81.34 13 76 KR Balangir (24) Rice 40347 10.12 196.27 68.39 33.99 KR Balangir (30) Rice 707.80 850 303·11 82·15 213·27 KR Balangir (28) Rice 91.46 13.76 147.71 27.11 2226 KR Balangir (32) Rice 9389 1·62 150.95 32.37 20.23

KR Balang!r (29) Rice 155·80 20·23 203·56 51.80 20·64 KR BalaLgir (33) Rice 445·56 17·81 455.68 101.57 30.15 M-1 KR Balangir (26) Rice 18.62 41.28 246·86 42.49 2104 KR Balangir (26) Rice 931 5.:'6 82.96 17.00 8.09 KR Balangir (29) Rice 61.51 66.77 286.92 54.64 20.64 M-l,Temple

KR Balangir (25) Rice 18.62 16.59 76·48 6.07 6·07 KR Balangir (29) Rice 11.74 67.18 8.09 2.43 KR Bal~ngir (27) Rice 80·94 119·38 456·89 163·09 215.29 N-5,Temple, , Church KR Balangir (22) Rice 14'16 37.64 28530 3561 7.29 N-1,M-2,Temple PR,KR " Balamdr (26) Rice 36.42 23·88 335.89 35.61 850 Temple 184

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police Station-TUSHURA loc. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown in the column· and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) ~ ______~ ____ A-______~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tiona I Water 8< days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl iailway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 'I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

121 Naikensira 373·93 768 (127) P -(5·10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5), BS 122 Dangapllthar 185·35 292 (56) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5) 123 Hatisara 275·19 774 (137) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) BS 124 Sarasbahal 268.71 369 (74) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) BS 125 Kachharpali 443·94 1,752 (327) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R -.(-5) - (-5) BS

126 Deogaon 246'05 1,523 (311) P(2),M,H PHC,FPC W,Tk,TW,R PTO,Phone Sunday RS,BS 127 Sagarpali 251'3' 504 (106) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) BS 128 Udar 360'17 803 (134) P - (-S) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 129 Chandrapur 154'59 479 (112) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) BS 130 Jarasingha 47186 2,087 (~2) P (3j, M,H -J-5) W,Tk,TW,R PO Thursday BS

131 Baddungr ipali 135'17 346 (79) P -(5·10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 132 Bar~ani 241'60 790 (140) P - (-5) W,Tk,N - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 133 Kuliabahal 427·35 643 (132) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 134 Babijor 480'03 537 (95) P -(5·10) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 135 Pandhel (Pandel) 322'13 569 (103) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5·10)

13(: Kukurkhai 210'84 360 (75) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (5-10) -(5-10) 137 Balarpali 205'58 336 (69) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R,N -, (-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 138 5argipali 64'75 174 (26) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk,R,N,O - (-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 139 Kundeimal 379'19 412 (69) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 140 Gudkhapala 658,42 859 (180) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (Gudhkapala)

141 Madhupur 108·05 144 (31) P -(10+) W - (-5) - (-5) -(10+ ) 142 Ainlapali 217'32 336 (75) P -(10+) W - (-5) - (-5) -(10+ ) 143 Kumuria 138.40 no (73) P -(10+ ) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 144 Kultapara 172'40 544 (92) P -(10+) W,Tk -'- (-5) - (-5) -(10+ ) 145 Mundapala 353-70 669 (146) P -(10+ ) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+)

146 Singhatimal 92·67 198 (47) P - (10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) (Singa t imalJ 147 Arjunpur 299·87 534 (124) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,R PO Saturday -(10+) 148 Palsapadar 94,29 282 (51) P -(10+) W,R - (-5) Saturday -(10+) 149 Sr a hmanipali 204·37 268 (55) - (-5) -(10+) W,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(l0+) ( 6rahmanipal) 150 Kendghat 178·47 227 (47) P -(10+) , W,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) (Kendughat) ,; 185


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) includin~ to (in Kms.) r------A ------., any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated Irrigated waste available religious by (including for historical source -gauchar cultivation or and archaeo· groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR Balangir (24) Rice 29.54 51·40 227.43 29.14 36·42 Temple PR,KR Balangir (26) EA Rice,Wheat 3·24 148.52 18.62 14.97 Temple PR Baiangir (22) Rice 203 57.06 168.35 17.40 30·35 Temple PR Salangir (22) Rice 7.69 23·88 182·51 44.92 9.71 N-l PR,KR Balangir (21) ED,EO Rice 2-43 129.50 267.49 34.40 1012 M-1,C-l,T-1, N-4, Temple

PR,KR Salangir (19) ED,EO Rice 0'81 12707 50'18 46'94 21'05 M-3,N-3, Temple PR Salangir (19) EAg Rice 12·95 19·43 207·20 9-71 2'02 N 2 KR Halangir (3) ED Rice 21'45 5746 227·03 9-31 4492 PR Salangir (21) Rice 40-87 88-]2 9'31 1619 N-3,M-3,C-1 PR Salangir (22) EA Rice 6'88 48'16 279'23 44'51 93'08 N-12,M-2

KR Salangir (24) ED Rice 46.54 b6.77 17.81 405 N'l,Temple KR Salangir (21) ED Rice 34-81 31.97 117·76 36·42 20.'4 KR Salangir (27) ED Rice 11.74 46.13 328·20 14.97 26.31 Temple KR Salangir (24) ED Rice 88·22 14.97 318.89 2995 3400 Temple KR Salangir (21) Rice 26.31 44·51 220.15 20.64 10.52 M-2

KR Salangir (12) Rice 7·69 9·31 152.57 28.73 12.54 Temple KR Salangir (19) Rice 7.69 - 20·23 12910 38.04 10·52 Temple KR Salangir (19) Rice 1·22 1578 35.21 10.52 2.02 Temple KR Balangir (19) Rice 12.50 17.40 193.44 4-1 11 11.74 KR lJalangir (20) ED Rice 182.92 351.26 54.23 70.01 N-1,Temple

KR Salangir (26) ED Rice 5.26 59.89 4.86 3M4 Temple KR Balangir (24) ED Rice 18·62 149·73 4-86 44.11 K~ Balan~ir (24) ED Rice 10.93 81.34 12.14 33.99 Temple KR Salangir (19) ED Rice 24.28 11493 24.69 8·50 Temple KR Balangir (26) ED Rice 27·93 235.12 41.68 48.97 T-1,Temple

KR Balangir (24) ED Rice 8.90 58.68 17.00 B.09 Temple

KR B~la~gir (21) ED Rice 18·61 249·29 15-78 16.19 Temple,M~1 KR Balangh' (22) ED Rice 3-64 74.46 4·86 11.33 KR Bl1arik\r (24) ED Rlce 10.52 111'29 6'88 75.68 Temple

kR Bal_nslt (22) ED iti~e 9.31 120·19 .,4.97 3400 186

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police 5tation-TUSHURA l.c. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the villa~e, a dash (-) No. Village area of the t>opulation is shown in the column and next to it In brackets, the distance in Village (!'lumber of kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the faCility Is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Rallwa) Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -----_0- 151 Gourgoth 672.18 1,660 (330) P,M. 0 W,Tk,TW.R PO -(5-10) -(10+) 152 Badbahal 435.85 1,063 (243) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 153 Barhakuna 55.85 :\28 (6&) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) .-(5-10) -(10+) 154 l

156 Chandanpali 52.20 217 (48) P,Ac(2) -(5-10) w,n - (-';) -(5-10) -(5-10) ~57 Chinched 264'2& 585 (111) P,Ac -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(S-10) 158 Kandhenbahall 204·77 460 (89) P,Ac - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 159 Pipalmunda 78·91 181 (35) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 160 Rusuda 343'98 804 (175) P,M,H,Ac(3) -(5-10) W.Tk PO -(5-10) - (-5)

161 Budelguma 18737 244 (51) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+ ) 162 Bagda 541,07 994 (200) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,N,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 163 Deseimunda 89'64 2<10 (52) P,Ac - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5·10) -( 5) 164 Likhiria 26912 739(135) P,M,Ac - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (- 5) -(5-10) - (-5) 165 Barla 25&·17 583 (119) P,Ac -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5·10) - (-5)

166 Salepali 448'80 1326 (236) r,M -(5-~0) W,Tk,R PO - (5-10) - (-5) 1&7 Kharda 180.09 443 (88) P,Ac(2) - (-5) W,Tk.R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 168 Nagaon 22582 38S (74) P,Ac(2) - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-S) -(S-10) - (-S) 169 Sargada 233·10 .448 (78) P,Ac(2) - (5·10) W,Tk.R - (-S) -(5-10) -(5-10) 170 Sindrabahali 13719 334 (68) P,Ac -(5-10) W,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

171 Tebdamunda 17199 604 (1~8) P,Ac -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) I -(5-10) -(5-10) 172 Narasingpur 159.04 47 (9) - (-5) -(SolO) W - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 173 Badangomunda 245.24 354 (71) P,Ac(2) -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 174 Samara 833.25 1,859 (350) P,M,H,Ac(6) 0 W,Tk PO -(5·10) (5-10} 175 lurki 232.69 495 (99) P,Ac -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(SolO)

176 Buromal 48.97 291 (54) P,Ar. - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5} 177 Mahipur 314.44 600 (128) P ,Ac(2) - (-5) W,T!< - (-5) _... (-5) - (-5) 178 Tushura 405.50 3,268 (616) P(5),N{2) D,H W,Tk,R PTO, Friday BS H(2),Ac(6),O Phone I 179 Chantipadar 380,00 804 (150) r,M - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) lRG Sas<.npali 224·20 297 (53) P.Ac - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 187


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land·use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in h.ectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------.A.------~ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste ·available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

--~--~-.. -.--- KR Balangir (30) ED Rice 37·53 50141 26.30 106·84 Temple KR Balangir (19) ED Rice 46-54 33144 26'95 27.92 KR Balangir (22) ED Rice 48'56 2'03 5.26 Temple KR Balangir (42) ED Rice 12'95 170.77 8-50 1619 N-2,M-2,Temple KR Balangi r (40) EA Rice,Wheat 10.93 205.58 10'52 2388 N-l,M-1,Temple

KR Balangir (38) ED Rice,Wheat 5·26 43.71 1·21 2'u2 Temple KR Balangir (40) ED Rice,Wheat 14'57 20760 17·00 25.09 KR Balangir (35) ED Rice,Wheat 3'24 165·11 8.C9 2833 KR Balangir (24) ED,EAg Rice,Wheat 6.47 4371 2'83 25'90 Temple KR Salangir (40) ED Rice,Wheat 4-45 298·66 13.76 27_11 N-2

KR Balangir (24) ED Rlce,Wheat 10.93 6.88 ljS'98 2630 7'28 KR Balangir (19) ED Ric.e,Wheat 42·90 57"47 424·52 10'92 5-26 Temple KR Balangir (37) ED Rice,Wheat 5'26 72.85 3·64 8'09 KR Salangir ( 19) ED,EAg Rice,Wheat 12.14 208·41 8'10 4047 Temple KR Ba langir (27) ED Rice,Wheat 13'76 1914l 10.93 40.(6

KR Salangir (26) Rice 2.B3 18'21 322'~4 18'62 8660 N-3 KR Balang!r (2) ED,EAg Rice,Wheat 11-74 118':;7 10 s2 39'26 C-1,Ternple KR Balangir (37) ED,EAg Rice,Wheat 0·40 97·53 45·33 8256 M-1,Temple KR Balangir (30) ED,EAg Rice,Wheat 37·63 12343 931 6273 KR Balangir (24) ED Rice,Wheat 081 112 '10 5·66 1862 Temple

KR Balangir (24) ED,EAg Rice,Wheat 1862 112'91 1254 2792 PR,KR B3-langir (24) ED Rice,Wheat 78·91 5504 16·19 8·90 PR Balangir (32) ED,EAg Rice,Wheat 56-06 12H3 36·02 28·31 N-2 KR Balangir (38) ED,EAg Rice,Wheat 15·19 70254 36-42 7810 N-5,M-1,Temple KR Balangir (40) ED,EAg Rice, Wheat 566 19020 20·64 16·19 Temple

PR,KR Balangir (32) ED Rice,Wheat 43·71 5·26 KR Salangir (32) ED Rice,Wheat 19·42 257,38 13 76 2388 Temple PR,KR Balangir (34) EA Rice,Wheat 4·05 313·23 2104 67·18 N-22,M-16,C-12, Temple KR Balangir (34) ED Rice,Wheat 20·23 254·14 1376 9187 KR Balangir (35) ED,EAg Rice,Wheat 567 124·~4 6.07 8782 Temple,Church 188


L. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., In broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (In hectares) households) nearest place where the facility Is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi· tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

181 lakharpa

186 Demuhan 358.55 468 (88) P.M -(10+) W,R - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 187 Sandhi sara 207.60 345 (71) P,Ac -(10+ ) W,Tk,TW,~ -(5-10) Tuesday, -(10+) Sunday, Thursday 188 Biramunda 41845 661(114) P,Ac -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) "":(5-10) -(10+ ) \ 189 Rahenmal 210·C3 319 (64) P,Ac -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 190 Tikiripada 137'19 239 (48) P,Ac -(5-10) W,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+)

191 Jamut 305'54 6'>5 (102) P,M,Ac -(5-10) W,TW,R PO Thursday -(10+) 192 Badtarakmunda 11938 313 (55) P,Ac -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 193 lugimara 107'24 259 (47) P,AC -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 194 Kumbharpadar 16835 228 (44) P,Ac -(5-10) W - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+ ) 195 Karla khaman 268'31 163 (35) P,Ac -(5-10) W,R PO -(5-10) -(10+)

196 Rajkel 409'54 626 (131) P,Ac -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 197 lukapara 220'55 353 (69) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R,O - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 198 Madhekela 121'41 504 (109) P,Ac(2) -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 199 Bhuapara 44435 682 (139) P,Ac -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 200 Atgaon 192'23 ~62(119) P,Ac -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(5 10) -l10+)

201 Kendpadar 257'38 354 (80) P,Ac -(5-10) W,O - (-5) Friday,Sun- -(10+) day,Tuesday 202 Pendimunda 32982 625 (136) P,Ac -(5-10~ W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 203 Bhoigura 157'42 291 (ft5) P,Ac - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-51 - (-5) -(5-10) (Bhuaigura) 204 Dhanghara 213'27 602 (138) P,Ac - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) ...... (-5) - (-5) 205 Nuapara 591'25 1,909 (370) P(2),M, - (-5) W,lk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5) Ac(2)

206 Kukedmal 242·00 459 (92) P,Ac(2) -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 207 Tandigaon 63010 949 (190) P,M,AC(2) -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 208 Kapsila 500 19 1,533 (311) P,M,Ac(2) - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R PO -(510) - (-5) 209 Dungripali 159'85 140 (23) P,Ac - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R PO ::- (-5) - (-5) 210 Tentelkhuntt 42128 702 (140) P,Ac -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Tentulikhunti) 189


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (I, e" area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in· hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) Including to (In Kms,) ~------~------~ any Village Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious by (Including) for historical source gauchar cultivation or I and archaeo- groves logical Interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Balangir (35) Rlce,Wheat 2307 6192 404 1740 KR Balangir (33) Rice,Wheat 1416 4573 12·95 9,31 KR Balangir (37) Rice,Wheat 43-71 134·76 23·07 6677 Temple KR Balangir (53) ED Rice,Wheat 23-88 251·31 33·19 104·00 M,1-T-1 KR Balangir (48) ED Rlce,Wheat 486 109·27 5·66 5413

KR Balanglr (51) Rice,Wheat 2145 233·10 32·37 71,63 KR Balangir (34) Rice,Wheat 16·59 123,83 12·55 54·63

KR 'Balangir (45) Rice,Wheat 18252 154,59 6394 1740 KR Balanglr (48) Rice,Wheat 101'17 6475 25'09 19,02 KR Balangir (59) Rice,III heat 2023 82·96 16'19 1781

KR Balanglr (59) Rice,Wheat 61'92 152'97 52'61 38'04 KR Balangir (50) Rice,Wheat 21'04 60·30 2640 1174 KR Balangir (45) Rice,Wheat 7'28 7487 16'19 8'90 Temple KR Balangir (45) Rice,Whpat 44 51 71'23 44'92 7'69 Temple KR Balangir (46) Rice,Wheat 96'72 9955 4978 22'~6

KR Balangir (43) Rice,Wheat 43'30 25860 48 56 5908 KR Balangir (42) Rice,Wheat 8'09 161'06 17'00 34'40 KR Balangir (4(.') Rice,Wheat 7'69 9591 4'86 1295 Temple KR Balangir (34) Rice,Wheat 7'28 313 23 5261 7123 Temple KR Balanglr (42) Rlch,Wheat 8'50 12060 10·52 52-61 Temple

KR Balangir (34) , Rice,Wheat 10,12 21731 16'19 1)-76 Temple

KR Balangir (40) Rice,Wheat 18'62 191'01 1416 106'03 Temple KR Balangir (38) Rice,Wheat 11533 6'48 35,61

PR Balangir (34) ED Rice,Wheat 132'24 8'09 72'44 KR Balangir (37) EA Rlce,Wheat 34·80 46863 28,23 59,09 N-l,M-5,C-l, Temple

KR Balangir (40) ED Rice,Wheat 2'02 16956 7'69 6273 KR Balangir (42) ED,EAg Rice,Wheat 4,86 45851 50'18 116'55 KR Balangir (37) ED Rice,Wheat 13'36 360'17 2185 104'81 Temple KR Balangir (32) Rice,Wheat 90'24 8'90 60,71 M-l,Temple KR Balangir (40) Rice,Wheat 12'54 320'92 28'33 59'49 M-1,Temple 190

VIllAGE AMENITIES Police Stati0n-TUSHURA l. C. Name of the Total Total Am,enities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) N('· Village area of the population is shown in:the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz, -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility IS available is given) r------A------~ Educa· Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tlonal Wilter Il< days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railwa,' Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10

211 Dahimal 223·39 406 (78) P,M,H,Ac -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO Tuesday -(5-10) 212 Sirabahal 127.48 386 (82) P,Ac (2) -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 213 RugudipaJi 99.55 175 (40) - (-5) -{5-10J W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 214 Jambhel 293.80, 450 (94) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 215 Sirjapali 133.55 382 (84) P,Ac -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

216 Kurebhana 198.30 482 (98) P,Ac -(10+ ) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(HO) -(5-10) 217 Jammunda 138.00 280 (58) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 218 Madhupur 42.49 120 (23) P,M -(10+) W,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5·10) 219 Bhatrapali 98.74 105 (23) - (-5) -(10+) W,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 220 Oeulgudi 91.05 760 (145) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk P,O -(5-10) -(10+ )

221 Dungibahal 272.35 941 (202) P,M,Ac -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 222 Bagbahali 211.25 355 (66) P,Ac -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (5-10) -(10+) 223 Kotgaon 357.34 372 (81) P,Ac -(5-10) W,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 224 Gangjiagava 68.80 Uninhabited (Ganghiagova) 225 Sindurmunda 79.72 165 (32) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+)

226 Gudbhela 442.32 1,251 (263) P(2),M, PHC 1 W,Tk,R PO,Phone Sunday -(10+) Ac (3) 227 Mundapala 239.17 272 (40) P,AC -(5-10) W - (-5) -(5-10) - (10+) 228 Gunimunda 214.89 421 (54) P - (-5) W,R - (-5) - (-5) -(.10+) 229 Dulikana 102.39 140 (28) P,Ac - (-5) W,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 230 Ghuna 135.17 404 (78) P,M 0 W,R PO - (-5) -(10+)

- (-5) -(10+) 231 Ranimal 75.27 214 (39) - (-5) - (-5) W,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 232 Santar akmunda 117.76 110 (27) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 233 Kulkusum 234·31 117 (26) P,Ac - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 234 Kamasingha 137'59 137 (28) - (-5) - (-5) W W,TW 5) -(5·10) -(10+) 235 Sandangar 208'8l 224 (50) P,Ac -(10+) -(

-(5-10) -(10+) 236 Tilkamal 160'26 178 (36) P,Ac -(10+ ) W,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 137 Kanersingha 246'45 249 (54) P,Ac -(10+) W,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 238 Lartara 280·45 316 (68) P,Ac -(10+) W,R - (-5) -(to+) -(10+) 239 Be\gaon 12~'(}2 1M (~4) P -,10+) W,Tk - <-5) W,R - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 240 Gambhergura 282·07 287 (56) P -(10+) (Gambhegural 191


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area·under',different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------A.------. any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious. by (Including for historical source gaucher cultivation or and archaeo· groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Balangir (38) Rice,Wheat 2.83 184·13 1984 16.59 N-2,Temple KR Balangir (42) Rice,Wheat 11.33 84.58 18·62 12·95 KR Balangir (43) Rice,Wheat 6.88 70.01 1()'52 12.14 KR Balangir (38) Rice,Wheat 8·90 249·69 10.93 24·28 Temple KR Balanglr (42) Rice,Wheat 111.69 8.91 1295 Temple

KR Balangir (43) Rice,Wheat 4.86 89.03 82.15 11.33 '1093 KR Balangir (36) Rke,Wheat 3.24 60.70 43.30 20.24 10.52 Temple KR Balangir (34) Rice,Wheat 4.05 13-76 17.40 2.02 5.26 Temple KR Balangir (56) Rice,Wheat 7&.49 14.97 7.28 Temple KR Balangir (59) Rice,Wheat 75.67 6·07 9·31 N-1,Temple

KR Balangir (42) Rice,Wheat 22.26 204.36 18.21 27.52 Temple KR Balangir (48) Rice,Wheat 19.43 150.54 30.76 10.52 N-1,Temple KR Balangir (43) Rice,Wheat 14.97 269·52 21.45 51.40 3.64 42.90 4.86 17.40

KR Balangir (48) Rice,Wheat 5.26 49.37 931 15.78

KR Balangir (53) Rice,Wheat 37.23 330.22 58.68 16.19 N-3,M-2.C-1 Temple' KR Balangir (58) Rice,Wheat 48.56 147·71 32.38 10.52 KR Balangir (54) Rice,Wheat 21.45 168.75 12.55 12.14 Temple KR Balangir (59) Rice,Wheat 688 70.82 2-03 22.66 KR Balangir (45) Rice,Wheat 11-74 7932 22.66 21.45

KR Balangir ( 48) Rice,Wheat 3.24 40.87 14.97 16.19 KR Balangir (4B) Rice,Wheat 13"~5 37.64 59·89 6.88 KR Balangir (SO) Rice,Wheat 103·60 86&0 36·83 7'28 KR Balang ir (50) Rice,Wheat 9'31 74'06 4087 13'35 KR Balangir (52) Rice,Wheat 10.93 100'36 71·23 26·30

KR Balangir (59) Rice,Wheat 36·85 80'53 21'86 19'02 Temple KR Baianglr (64) Rice,Wheat 44'11 149·33 32-37 2064 KR Balangir (66) Rice,Wheat 60'13 140·02 27,52 32'78 KR Balangir (66) Rice,Wheat 29'95 67'18 14'16 11·73 KR Balangir (64) Rice,Wheat 17·00 112'10 138'40 14·57 192

ViLLAGE AMENITIES Police Station-TUSHURA l. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in &rackets the distance in Village (Number of Kms- in broad ranges, Viz, -5 Kms-, 5-10 Kms_ and 10+Kms. of the '1

(in hectares) households) ~- ______nearest place:where the Afacility ______is available is given) ~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Dayor Communi- tional Water and days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water­ way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

241 Dhanpur 102·39 104 (21) P -(10+) W,R PO -(10+) -(10+) 242 Nimursingha 20558 115 (25) P - (5-10) W - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 243 Gudungamal 126'67 151 (29) p -(5-10) W,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 244 Tirchabahal 82,56 184 (33) P/Ac -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+1 245 Amgaon 150·54 176 (29j P,Ac -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

246 Tarsuguda 179'68 213 (51) P -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 247 Bakbahal 122'22 293 (64) P -(10+) W,R -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 248 Dudung 402'26 160 (35) P -(10+ ) W,S -:'(-5) -(10+) -(10+) 249 Gavarasa 53'42 78 (21) - (-5) -(10+) w - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 250 Raksibhata 186'56 213 (43) P,Ac -(10+ ) W,R - (-5) ...... (10+) -(10+)

Total 74,799'83 ','9,984 P-236" D-2,H-1, (23,892) M-«,H.11, MCW/MHI Ac-88, CWC-I, 0-1 PHC/HC·S, FPC-1,O·2 193


--~- _- App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including roch Distance Supply ,.-______A ______, to (in Kms.) any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious b" (including for historical sourc.e gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Batangir (69) Rice,Wheat 27·93 52"61 10'52 11·33 KR Balangir (51) Rice,Wheat 9·71 5908 7689 59'90 KR Balangir (53) Rice,Wheat 6'47 65'56 36"02 18·62 KR Balanglr (54) Rice,Wheat 081 57·87 6'48 1740 KR Balangir (53) Rice,~heat 8·90 85'79 '39'66 16,19

KK Balangir (59) Rice,Wheat 48·16 76'48 19'83 3S 21 KR Batangir (62) Rice,Wheat 10'52 64'35 32·07 24·28 KR Balangir (72) Rice,Wheat 401·85 041 f(R 8alangir (74) Rice,Wheat 3·64 33'99 10·12 5·67 KR Balangir (75) Rice,Wheat 77'70 80 94 17·00 10·12

13,047'164,019·74 42,684'23 7,742'10 7,306'60 N-92,M-70, Con,To&

---_._•.. _------_


I ! I I I I I


Ci.. " I ,. \ \



SI. Name of the Village L. C. SI. Name of the Village L. C. No. No. No. No. , 2 3 1 2 3

1 Adendungri 218 46 Belbahali 190 2 Aenlachuan 257 47 Belbahali 93 3 Aenlapali 237 48 8elpali 46 4 Ainlasari 109 49 8eniapaJi 65 5 Ainlasarl 96 50 Bhadra 10

6 Ambapall 9 51 8hadrapali 105 7 Amthimunda 235 52 Bhalnsapali 171 8 Ankriapadar 110 S3 8haler 227 9 Antapali 55 54 Bhanpur 265 10 Ar junda 173 S5 Bharatbahal 254

11 Asurdungri 266 56 Bhoipali 2 12 Atgaon 270 57 Bhundimuhan·(Bhundimohan) 143 13 Babja 27 58 BhlJrsipali 99 14 Badburkabahal 283 S9 BianrpaU 47 15 Badighor 130 60 Bichhupali 169

16 Badimunda 6 61 Bihibandh 277 17 Badipali 5 62 Bijabahali 193 18 Bad[elen 153 63 Bijapati 138 19 Bagbhadi 225 64 Bijlimunda 261 20 Bagdia 40 65 Bileikani 280 21 Bagdungrl 57 66 Bileisarda 79 22 Baghala 67 67 Birkel 14 23 Bahalpadar 101 68 Birmunda 127 24 Bahirasar (Bairasar) 176 69 Brahmanipali 197 25 Baidipali 220 70 Brahmanlpali 184 16 Balbuka 115 71 Brahmnidungri 136 27 Banabahal 172 72 Brahmnipali 37 28 Banchhorpali 56 73 Bubel 168 29 Bandanbahali 108 74 BUdabahal 52 30 Bandhanghor (Bhilndhanghore) ••. 63 75 Budh;sindhol 97 31 Bandhapara 183 76 Rurobhad! 112 31 Bandnakata 82 77 Buromunda 30 33 Banipali 26 78 Chandanbhati 68 34 Banjar; 12 79 Chandrapur 194 35 8arandabahal 282 80 Charbahali 1\6 81 Charelmara 36 8arapudgia 208 132 82 Charpali 37 Bargaon 100 188 83 Chhakodimal 38 Barkani 2:9 231 84 Chhatabahal 39 BoHkani 159 32 85 Chha tamakhna 40 Barkan; 133 72 86 Chhatapipa I 233 41 Barkani 20 87 Chhemtala 179 42 Barpita 210 88 Chichindapali (Chichinapali) 180 43 Basupali 267 89 Chrengabahali 121 44 Baxiudar 91 (Cherangabahali l 45 Beherapali 243 90 Chudapali 212 197


51. Name of the Village L.C 51. Name of the Village L.C. No. No. No. No 2 3 1 2 )

91 Dabkani 256 116 Jiratmal 214 92 Dahimal 275 137 Junhapadar (Junapadar) 116 93 Dandpani 48 138 Kadalipall 120 94 Dangaghat 215 139 Kagaon 69 95 Daspur 246 140 KaindapaJi 137

96 DaupaJi 213 141 Kakhal 142 97 Dhobaudar 128 142 Kallbhana 83 98 Dhulusar 211 143 Kalijharan 273', 99 Dhumamara 202 144 Kalsaipall 224'· 100 Duanpall 66 145 Kanakpur 263-

101 Dudukasira 158 146 Kandagad(Kandagard) 175 102 DUhel 281 147 Kandhpali (SankadhpaJi) 87 103 Dumerbahal 107 148 Kanheimunda 122 104 Dumerjharan 49 149 Kankara 141 105 Dumerpali 162 150 Kankria 98

106 Dumerpall 251 151 Kankria 249' 107 Dumerpita 151 152 Kapilbahal 53· 108 Dungripali (Dangripall) 59 153 Karlapita 148'; 109 Durgapali 74 154 Karlapita 219' 110 Fatabahal 34 155 Kasabahal 253'

111 Fatkara 181 156 K.asurupaJi 78 112 Fatkara 228 157 Katapall 36- 113 Fuljharan 204 158 Kermeli 209' 114 Gadramunda 242 159 Keserkela (Kaserkela) 114 115 Gadtiamunda 196 160 Khairmal 232

116 Gaintala 164 161 Khagsabahal 139 117 Gandhrel 201 162 Kharrpali 163 118 Garjan 144 163 Khaliapall 38- 119 Gedabanji 207 164 Khaliapali 177 120 Gerdl (Gerodi) 43 165 Khamarmunda 92

121 Ghun~i 42 166 Kharjhura 187 122 Ghusradungri 206 167 Kharlikani 222 123 Ghutu;>ali 149 166 KhujenpaJi 223- 124 Gondbahal 118 169 Khuntpali 155 125 Hardatal 156 170 Kulerbahali 119

126 Haripali 135 171 Kulthipali 80 127. jaljad 236 172 Kumiapali 54 128 Jaljadpali 240 173 kundamal 189 129 jamartia 35 174 Kund~igad 239 130 jamgaon 84 175 Kureibhana 192

131 jam Juri 21 176 Kurlupali 195 132 jamsar (jamsara) 90 177 Kurul 255 133 janipall 229 178 Kusang 13 134 jhankarpall 157 179 Kusmel 39 135 jharba langir 170 180 Kutenpall 279 198


51· Name of the Village L..c. 51. Name of the Village LC. No. No· No. No 1 2 3 1 2 3 154 181 Kutensilet (Kutunsilat) 226 Pipalkani 14& 182 Kutrapali 5 227 Plpil; 3:; 64 163 Kutumdola 228 Pipirda 7& 89 164 Laderbahal (Ladelbahal) 229 Podhmund (Podhmunda) 140 198 185 Lakhapali 230 Pudapali 226 41 186 Lankabahal 231 Pulntala 199 95 187 Lasta!a 232 Rabanguda 25 11 188 Latsar 233 Rabanguda 221 189 Lepta 230 234 Raghabpall 186 190 Lokapada 81 235 Raghupadar 1 191 Luchkibahal 8 236 Raksimund! n 161 192 Madhiapall 237 Randa 166 61 193 Magurbeda 238 Ranikata 75 239 194 Mahadebpali 2n Ranipali 44 4 195 Maharpali 240 Rdtakhandi 24 216 241 196 Mahimunda Rengali 51 165 197 Malmanda (Malmunda) 242 Rinbachan CRinabachanl 126 102 243 198 Manglamunda Sadeipali 160 185 244 Sadhupali 199 Mang'apall 3 268 245 200 Makadchuan Sakarbhuji (Sankarbhuji) 73 147 246 201 Mayabarha Salepali 131 191 202 Mehermunda 247 SanburkabahaJ 272 203 Mendhipali 276 248 Sanjhankarpali 22 MichhapalJ 178 249 204 Santelenpali 152 Mirdl1apali 70 250 205 Saraspita 217 20& Motijharia 111 251 Sargad 17 207 Mundapala 182 252 Sargadpall 150 208 Nagapali 174 253 Sauntpur 94 Naikenpali 247 209 254 Sialbahali 134 210 Narayanpur 2&0 255 Sikabahenga 123 211 Nililjipali 125 256 Sikachhida 262 212 Nuapali 117 257 Siletpara 250 Odiapali 252 213 258 Sindurbaha I 129 Padampur 167 214 259 Singhanimunda 16 Padiabahal 86 215 260 Sinkhaman 264 216 Pakhanchepa (Patharchepa) 203 261 Sirabahal 274 217 Palsamal n 262 Sunaripali 15 218 Palsapadar 284 263 Sundribhana 244 219 Pandrapita 258 264 Surda 248 220 Pankelbah/al 103 265 Tabalbanji 58

221 Pardhlapall 7 266 TaIga; 235 222 Pardhiapali 60 267 TaJiudar 31 223 Patharkhandi 62 268 Taljharan 205 224 Patharla 241 269 Taljuri SO 225 Pipalbaha Ii 124 270 Talpali 200 199


51· Name of the Village l·C· 51. Name of the Village L. C· No. Nil' No. No. 1 :% 3 1 :% 3

271 Talpali 285 279 Tusrabahal 21f> 272 landamunda (Tendamunda) 269 280 Uchbahal 145 273 Tendipall 245 281 UchhabapaJi 18 274 Thakarapali (Thakurpali) 28 282 Umria 8S. 275 Thapapall 106 276 Thelkomunda 104 283 Uparudar 29 2n Timapali 113 284 Upparbahal 19- 278 Tulandi (Tulundl) 71 285 Uttarbahal 234 200


L. C. Name·of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown In the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms, of the {in hectares) households) nearest place where·the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Raghupadar 322·53 456 (86) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10) 2 Bhoipali 196'27 347 (63) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10) 3 Sadhupali 50'59 175 (30) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 4 Maharpali 121·00 326 (58) P -(5·10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 5 I(utrapa Ii 285.30 736 (138) P(2),M -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

I 6 Badimunda 174·42 440 (94) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO Sunday BS 7 Pradhiapali 252·52 449 (85) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 8 luchkibahal 299·47 64J (125) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,O - (-5) Saturday - (-5) 9 Ambapali 142.05 442 (92) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 10 Bhadra 160'26 555 (97) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS

11 Latsar 81"75 69 (10) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 12 Banjari 267·90 664 (118) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 13 Kusang 601.36 2,209 (410) P(2),M,H H,PHC,D Tk,lW PO Saturday BS 14 Birkel 260.21 696 (120) P - (-5) W,lk,C - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 15 Sunaripali 18.21 8 (2) - (-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

16 Singhanimunda 360.98 678 (142) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 17 Sargad 625·24 2,255 (390) P,M,H -(5-10) W,n,TW PO Thursday B5 18 Uchhabapali 459·72 318 (66) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5.10) - (-5) -(5-10) 19 Upparbahal 372-72 1,126 (209) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,TW,C -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+) 20 Barkani 143·26 37 (7) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10)

21 Jamjuri 120'60 61 (13) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 22 Sanjhankarpali 339.94 223 (48) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) - (5-10) -(10+) 23 Palsamal 323-75 307 (66) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 24 Ratakhandi 140.02 387 (73) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) - (10+) 25 Rabanguda 116.15 Uninhabited

26 Banipali 464.58 622·{119) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 27 Babja 383.24 537 (107) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 28 Thakarapali 308·37 278 (46) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (Thakurpali) 29 Uparudar 324·56 616 (103) I' - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 30 Buromunda 289.76 1,069 (196) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Tuesday - (-5) BlG.26



App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks

roach Distance Supply Food ~ ______use in hectares roundedA up______to 2 decimal places) ~ includiJ'lg to (in Kms.) any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including tor historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Balanglr (16) Rice 5·26 16'59 216'51 46·54 37'63 KR Balangir (24) EO Rice 10·93 27·11 128069 10'12 19'42 Temple KR Balangir (24) Rice 2'43 6'07 31·57 2'02 8·50 Church PR,KR Balanglr (27) EO Rilce 3'24 24028 70"82 6'07 16·';9 Temple PR,KR Balangir (29) ED IUce 9'71 235'53 18'21 21'85 T'l,Temple, Churcti

PR,KR Balangir (24) ED Rice 040 148 12 16'59 9'31 KR 8alangir (22) Rice 0'81 5·26 215'29 10 12 2104 Temple KR 8a1angir (21) EO Rice 53'42 183·40 41'68 14'97 Temple KR Balangir (19) Rice 47'76 5706 22·66 1457 Temple PR,KR 8alangir (19) ED Rice 31'16 106'84 16'19 6'07

KR Balangir (19) Rice 4'86 63'13 8'09 5'67 KR Balangir (21) Rice 85·39 79'32 50'99 5220 Temple KR Balangir (19) ED,EAg Rice 138.81 384'04 70'01 8'50 Temple KR 8alangir (22) Rice 91'05 13112 29'54 850 KR Balangir (27) Rice 7'29 7'28 2.02 1'62

PR,KR Balangir (19) ED Rice 0'81 70'82 215'70 62'72 1093 Temple PR,KR Balangir (22) EO,ED Rice 11'33 92'27 449·61 34'40 3763 Temple KR Balangir (21) Rice 174.02 850 104.B1 5463 11776 N-2,Temple PR,KR 8alangir (26) EO Rice 21·04 104'01 191'82 14'17 4168 Temple KR Ba 'angir (22) Rice 20'24 61-51 30'35 31·16

PR,KR Balangir (27) Rice :14·80 12'55 2307 16'19 3399 Temple KR Balangir (./6) Rice 166·73 6'88 135·17 14·16 1700 Temple PR,KR Balanglr (24) Rice 77.70 20.64 144.47 44.52 36.42 Temple KR Balangir (32) Rice 2590 16.59 5140 21.85 2428 Temple 19.02 2.43 46.54 3642 11.74

KR Balangir (19) Rice 49.78 9.71 243·62 87·01 74.~6 Temple KR Balangir (24) Rice 50·59 23.88 184·5-4 4856 7567 Church KR Balanglr (24) Rice 22.26 17·81 96.72 131·52 40.06

KR Balanglr (22) Rice 36.83 78.91 145.28 48.16 15·38 Temple PR,KR Balanglr (19) ED Rice 83.77 177.66 23.07 5·26 Temple,Church 202


1. C. Name·of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown In the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Viilage (Number of kms. in broad ranges, Viz. -S Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given} r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communl- tional Water and days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, If any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

31 Taliudar 629.69 1,451 (283) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) 6S 32 Chhatabahal 407.11 741 (138) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

13 Pip iii 43666 1,044 (184) P - (-5) W,TIc,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 34 Fatabahal 39619 585 (1171 P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) 85 35 Jamartia 184.54 577 (116) P -(5-10) W,TW,R,N - (-5) - (5-10) -(5-10)

36 Katapali 121.00 134 (21) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Sunday, -(5-10) Monday, Saturday 37 Brahmnipali 218·53 -462 (88) P -(5-10) W,R - (-5) Sunday, -(5-10) Monday, .Tuesday 38 Khaliapali 151.35 175 (34) P -(5-10) W,R - (-5) Sunday, -(5-10) Monday, TUE'sday 39 Kusmel 814·63 1,629 (328) P,M MCW W,Tk,TW,R PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

40 Bagdia 341.56 384 (8a) P,M MeW W,Tk PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

41 Lankabahal 236·74 394 (75) P -(5-10) Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 42 Chungi 322.94 463 (89) P -(10+) TW,R -(5-10) -(10+ ) -(10+) 43 Cerdl (Cerod!) 305.94 419 (68) P,M -(10+) W,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 44 Ranipali 18575 185 (32) P -(10+) W,O -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 45 Badipali 10505 120 (22) p -(10+) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

46 Belpali 9591 64 (14) - (-5) -(10+) W,O -(5-'10) -(10+) -(10+) 47 Bianrpali 464.98 435 (76) P -(10+) W,Tk 0 -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 48 Dandpani 335.1'9 220 (42) p -(10+) W,Tk PO -(10+) -(10+) 49 DU'Tlerjharan 559·68 118 (24) P -(10+) w,n -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 50 Taljurl 65'1'54 1,021 (174) P,M -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+)

51 RengJIi 56373 886 (185) P -(10+ ) W,Tk PO -(10+ ) -(10+) .52 Budubahal 145.28 10-1 (19) - (-5) -(10+) W,R - (-5) -(10+) -00+) 53 K3pi!bahal 511· 12 614 (128) p -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(10+) -l10+) S4 Kumiapdi 3S7.~0 776 (167) P -(10+) W,R - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 55 Antapali 301·09 288 (61) P -(lOT) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+ ) 203


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use In hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (irl Kms.) r------A------~ any village Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 1:! 13 14 15 16 '17 18 19 20

PR,KR Balangir (16) ED Rice 133.55 32415 12707 4492 Temple KR Balangir (14) ED Rice 48·97 285·71 45.32 27.11 N-2, Tel"'pJe, Church KR Balangir (16) ED Ricl> 57·87 297.04 56.25 25.50 Temple PR,KR Balangir (13) ED Rice 3·24 59·0B 222·98 84.99 25·90 Temple KR Balangir (11) ED RIce 27·52 106.84 2347 26.71 Temple

KR Balanglr (11) Rice 19·43 64.75 29·54 7.28

KR Balanglr (11) Rice 35.61 10')062 51.40 2590 Temple

KR Balangir (13) Rice 10198 23·07 26·30

KR Balangir (16) ED Rice 122.22 474·29 138.40 79.72 M-1,C-1,T -1, Temple KR Balangir (22) Rice 6'07 61.11 7042 196.27 7·69

KR Balangir (22) Rice 20.23 36·42 104.41 57.06 18.62 KR 8alangir (18) EO Rice 4.86 21.B5 132·74 131.12 32·37 M-1,TempIE~ KR Balangir (19) Rice 46.54 23.B8 148.11 S7·B7 2954 KR Balangir (19) Rice 13.76 21.45 115.74 1B.21 1659 KR Balangir (19) Rice 2'43 1'22 59.89 40·(J6 4'45

KR Balangir (26) Rice 8·09 55.44 2631 6·07 KR Balangir (27) Rice 66·)7 23·88 175·63 1{>6·32 3278 Temple KR Baiangir (29) Rice 121.41 125·05 4856 40'87 KR Balangir (32) Rice 400·64 2·83 95·51 58·27 2'43 KR Balangir (30) Rice 215'70 9·71 270·73 7:':'84 82'59 Church

KR Balanglr (29) Rice 44.51 53·42 301·09 6475 99'96 Temple KR Balangir (~9) Rice 10·52 13.3& 80'94 21'04 19.42 KR Balangir (30) Rice 42·49 74·47 268·71 44.11 13134 M-1,Temple KR Balangir (29) Rice 32'37 26·33 241'19 38 45 57·06 KR Balanglr (26) Rice. 52.61 36'04 160'26 23·88 2630 Temple 204

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police Station-B.6.LANCIR l. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within thf! village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population Is shown in the column and next to It in brackets, the d1stance In Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges. Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communl- tional Water days of cation (Potable) Telegraph'" the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if·any Water- way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

56 Banchhorpall 43585 . 566 (103) p -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 57 8agdungri 424·92 330 (68) P -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 58 TablllbanJl 101·17 118 (22) P -(10+) W - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 59 Dungripa1i 485"62 831 (159) P,M -(10+) W,R PO -(10+) - (-5) (D.iOgripali) 60 Pardhiapali 161'47 292 (44) P -(5-10) 'W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5)

61 Magurbeda 278·83 399 (78) P -(5-10) W,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 62 Patharkhandl 210·44 663,110) P -(10+) W,Tk.R - (-5) Tuesday - (-5) 63 Bandhanghor 29380 471 (90) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) Tuesday -(5-10) ( Bhandhanghore) 64 Kutumdola 381'21 ',071 (16&) P,M,H MCW W,Tk,TW.R -(5-10) Tuesday -(5-10) 65 Benlapali 57·47 54 (6) - (-5) -(10+ ) W,Tk -(5·10) - (-5) -(5-10)

66 DUJopali 38607 612 (122) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 67 8aghala 413'59 . 859 (119) P - (-5) W,Tk.R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 68 Chanda nbha ti 217·72 2,047 (348) P,M,H FHC W,Tlc,TW,R PO Monday -(5-10) 69 Kagaon 286·52 862 (162) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW.R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 70 Mirdhapali 303'11 708 (123) P -(5-10) Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(10+)

71 Tulandi (TuJundi) 248'07 498 (92) P - (10+) WTk.R,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 72 Chhatam,khna 2C882 563 (106) P,M,H 0 W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) BS 73 Sakarbhuji 248'48 473 (77) P - (-5) Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Sankarbtiuji) 74 Durgapali 548·35 1,380 (176) P,M MeW W,Tk TW,R PO - (-5) - (-5) 75 Ranikata 77862 938 (167) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5J - (-5)

76 Pipirda 366·24 782 (145) P - (-S) W,Tk.TW,R PO - (-5) - (-5) 77 Raksimunda 248'88 548 (118) P,M,H - (-5) W,Tk.TW,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 78 Kasurupali 173.21 378 (66) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 79 Bilelsarda 640'62 1,420 (255) P,M,H CWC W,Tk,TW,R,O PO Monday -(5-10) 80 Kulthipali 18~ 18 668 (114) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

81 lokapada 373'53 ',575 (313) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 82 Bal1dnakata 313·63 673 (152) P - (-5) W.Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 83 Kalibhana 295·02 647 (112) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 84 Jamgaon 336·70 872 (172) P,M PHC,FPC W,Tk.TW PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 85 Umria 498'17 837 (169) P - (-5) W,O - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 205


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (I, e" area under different types of land Remarks roach distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms,) r------A.------__,_ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated Irrigated waste available religious, by (Including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves logic'" Interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Balangir (24) Rice 3642 26507 88· ...3 45·73 Temple KR Balangir (29) Rice 32·37 12,55 197'08 161·88 2104 Temple KR Balangir (26) Rice 7·28 0'40 36·83 52'61 4·05 KR Balanglr (22) Rice 22·26 5'66 296,23 9105 70.42 N-2, M-1, C-1, Temple KR Balangir (21) Rice 6'88 22·26 75'68 20·23 36·42

KR Balangir (22) Rice 12,14 27,52 130'31 44,51 6435 KR Balangir (19) Rice 647 7,69 12667 1821 51040 M-1' KR Balanglr (18) ED Rice 3'24 40·87 189,39 47'35 1295

Kit Balangir (18) ED Rice 4,05 87·41 183'32 62'73 43·70 N-1,M-1,Temple· KR Balangir (14) ED Rice 48·16 6.88 2·43

KR Balangir (14) ED Rice 5099 27·92 186.16 79·32 4168 Temple KR flalanglr (8) ED Rice 6,47 74,87 170'78 101'98 59'49 Temple KR BaJanair (11) ED Rice 2·43 3),99 118'98 31'97 3035 N-8,M-5,Temple KR B'Ilangir (8) ED Rice 2'02 50·18 171·18 34·81 28'33 Temple KR Balanglr (8) ED Rice 0,81 67'58 16835 42·49 23'88 Temple

KR Balangir (10) ED Rice 1'22 52'61 135'97 29'54 2873 Temple KR Balangir (10) EAg Rice 80'94 102,79 4'05 21'04 N-1,Temple PR,KR BalangJr (11) EAg Rice 3925 14650 5180 10·93

K~ Balangir (13) EAg Rice 59'08 392'55 7568 21-04 Temple KR Balangir (14) EAg Rice 112'50 59894 6516 2'02 M-1,Temple

PR,KR Balangir (16) EAg Rice 42'49 246'86 6880 809 Temple PR,KR Balangir (18) EAg Rice 1'21 34'80 15540 26·31 31·16 N-2,Temple KR Balangir (21) EAg Rice 6'07 27'92 111'29 1498 12'95 Temple PR,KR Balan~ir (21) EAg Rice 14488 385·66 1)3,54 46'54 N-3,Temple KR Balangir (22) EAg Rice 4'05 4088 121'00 8·09 14'16 Temple

PR,KR Balallgir (26) EAg Rice 1('279 240'39 12·14 18'21 N-l,Temple KR Balaogir (22) EAg Rice 116'15 156'21 27'11 14·16 T-l,Temple KR Balaogir (18) EAg Rice 52·61 22177 9'71 10.93 Temple KR Balanglr (19) EAg Rice 93'08 21125 19·42 12'95 ·N-7,Temple KR Balangir (16) EAg Rice 9'71 7689 372'72 2347 1538 Temple 206


Le. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown In the column and next to It in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -:-5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop. Marketl Rallwa\< Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10

86 eharbahali 81'75 345 (77) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 87 Kandhpali 18818 300 (63) P - (-5) W,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (Sankandhpali ) 88 Padiabahal 220·96 357 (65) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 89 Laderbahal 233'50 599 (108) P - (--5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Ladelbahal) 90 Jamsar (jamsara) 295-4'2 571 (96) P - (-5) W,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

91 Baxludar 19587 373 (13} P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 92 Khamarmunda 265'07 348 (60) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5} 93 Belbahali 65"56 153 (31) P - (-5) W,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 94 Sauntpur 466'60 1,445 (279) P,M,H MCW,CWe, W,Tk,O PO Friday - (-5) PHe 95 Lastala 153'78 588 (106) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

,96 Ainlasari 189'39 689 (124) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 97 Budhisindhol 541·07 1,332 (271) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 98 Kankria 160'66 299 (56) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 99 Bhursipali 291'37 572 (90) P - (-5) W,Tk.R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 100 Bargaon 297·44 SOB (105) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5)

101 Bahalpadar 444'35 837 (189) P(2) - (-5) W.Tk,TW PO -(5-10) - (-5) 102 Manglamunda 189'39 457 (98) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 10.1 Pankelbahal 232'69 471 (73) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 104 Thelkvmunda 37960 671 (131) P,M - (-5) W,Tk PO - (-5) - (-5) 105 Shadrapali 261·02 454 (79) P - (-5) W,R - (--5) - (-5) - (-5)

106 Thapapali 5747 116 (21) P - (-5) W,R,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 107 Dumerbahal 298-66 474 (91) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 108 Bandanbahal i 273·16 388 (74) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 109 Ainlasari 481'98 360 (71) P - (-5) W.Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 110 Ankriapadar 197'08 442 (94) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

111 Motijharia 207·20 290 (62) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 112 Burobhadi 119'42 333 (64) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 113 Timapali 7).25 196 (33) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 114 Keserkela 187'37 464 (96) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Kaserkela) 115 Balbuka 23359 393 (71) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (--5) 207


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places including ·0 (in Kms.) ,------."._------~ any vWage Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious. by (Iucluding for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

~, 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20"

KR Balanglr (13) EAg Rice 12'55 53-42 3'64 12.14 Temple KR Balangir (11) EAg Rice 77-70 97·12 162 11,74

PR,KR Balangir (11) EAg Rice 52'21 156"1 4'45 8,09 PR,KR Balanglr (10) EA.g Rice 69'20 152'57 4-45 7'28

KR Balangir (8) EAg Rice 5'66 65·56 201,13 10'93 12·14

PR,KR Balangir (6) ED Rice 45'73 126'67 19'02 4·45 Temple KR Balangir (6) EAg Rice 19'02 59-49 155·8:) 10'52 2024 KR Salangir (10) EAg Rice 60'71 7'02 2'83 KR Balangir (11) EAg Rice 4'45 136'78 299'47 1821 7,69 M-3,Tempie

KR Balangir (11) EAg Rice 3116 113'31 4'45 4'86 Temple

KR Balanglr (13) EAg Rice 21·04 134·76 14'57 19'02 Temple KR Balangir (13) EAg Rice 117·76 364·22 41'28 17'81 Temple KR Balangir ('6) EAg Rice 6192 7972 15'78 3'24 KR Balangir (16) EAg Rice 0·81 38'04 21043 28'33 13'76 KR Balangir (16) EAg Rice 1'21 17'81 23836 29'54 10'52

KR Balangir (16) EAg Rice 18858 19263 42'90 2024 KR Balangir (24) EAg Rice 33-59 132'73 1457 850 KR Balangir (27) EAg Rice 24'69 16794 11-33 28'73 KR Balangir (26) EAg Rice 45,73 280'04 2145 3238 Temple PR,KR Tarbha (3) EAg Rice 21'85 22'26 17199 10'12 34'80 Temple

KR Tarbha (6) Rice 4'45 33'59 10,93 8,50 PR.KR Balangir (14) ED,fAg Rice 21-45 217'32 15'38 4451 Mosque,Temple KR Balangir (22) Rice 4'05 12'54 211'25 27'92 17·40 Temple I

KR Balangir (11) EAg Rice 50'18 12869 17'40 1093 Temple PR,KII. Satangir (13) ED,Ei\g Rice 21'85 127,48 10'93 31'16 Temple PR,KR Balangir (13) EAg Rice 12,14 4249 6'07 12'55 PR,Ii.R Balangir (13) [Ag Rice 39,1)6 '11·69 11)'59 1!:143 Temple

PR,KR Balangir (11) EAg Rice 19'02 182'92 15'38 16'18 Temple 208


L. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-. No· Village area of the population is shown In the column and next to it In brackets, the distance In Village (Number of Kms. in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 1!l+Kms. of the (In hectares) households) ~_~ ______nearest place where thE" 4 facility ______is available is given) ~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Dayor Communl- tlonal Water and days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Market, Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 1 3 5 b 7 8 10 " ---,---- 116 Junhapadar 216'10 541 (110) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) (Jllnapadar) 117 Nuapali 301'90 265 (42) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 118 Gondbahal 441·51 874 (171) P - (-5) Tk,TW - \-5) - (-5) - (-5) 119 Kulerbahali 2'>2·12 449 (72) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 120 Kadalipali 79'32 77 (14) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

121 Chrengabahali) 84'18 196 (40) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Cherangabahali) 122 Kanhelmunda 150'14 264 (45) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 123 Sikabahenga 388'50 1,053 (187) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 124 Pipalbahali 193·84 396 (83) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 125 Niljlpali 84'98 202 (40) P - (-5) W,Tk -.(-5) - (-5) - (-5)

126 Rinbachan 38405 953 (171) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-Ii) -(5-10) - (-5) (R inabachan) 127 Birmunda 253-33 438 (73) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -·(5-10) - (-5) 128 Dhobaudar 200'32 340 (61) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 129 5indurbahal 369·07 677 (124) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 130 Badighor 237'55 350 (57) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

131 S:llepali 634·14 545 (100) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 132 Ch~relmara 121·41 149 (23) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 133 Barkani 250·10 330 (55) P -(10+ ) W,Tk - (-S) -(5-10) -(5-10) 134 Sialbahall 344·39 593 (118) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 135 Haripali 223·79 347 (57) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5)

136 Br ahmnldungri 278·02 387 (75) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 137 Kaindapali 318·49 516(106) P -(10+) W,R PO -(10+) - (-5) 138 Bijapati 168·35 163 (33) P -(10+) R - (-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 139 Khagsabahal 326·58 288 (63) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 140 Podhmund 105·62 252 (59) p -(10+) W,R - (-5) -(10+) -(10+ J (P~dhmunda)

141 Kankara 254·14 343 (76) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) Thursday - (-5) 142 Kakhal 142-45 275 (43) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 143 Bhundimuhan 318·89 548 (100) P -(10+ ) W,Tk PO -(5-10) - (-5) (Bhundimohan) 144 Garjan 359·36 794 (153) P,M --(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 145 Uchbahal 227·84 416 (82) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) - (5-10) -(10+ ) 209


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i, e., area under different types of land Remarks rOl.'ch Distance Supply Food use In hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places including ,-______..10.. ______._____ ""'\ to (In Kms,) any villa~e Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical Interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20

PR,KR Balangir (11) EAg Rice 38'45 152'97 8.09 16'59 N-1,Temple . , KR ~a'a"gir (13) EAg Rice 46'14 210:03 31'57 14·16 KR 8~I,mglr {8); Eftg Rice 104'00 26~'~3 2590 4H8 Temple KR 8;a.l~!lgir (H) E,~S ~f=e 3'24 45'32 1M?1 14,.97 23-88 KR lIaJil:03ir (8) EAe Rice 4-45 607 55'44 8'10 5'26

KR Balanglr (10) EAg Rice 21'85 45'73 8'10 8·50

KR Salang!r (10) EAg Rice 3238 99·15 8.09 1052 PR,KR Balangir (8) EAg Rice 14'57 121'41 171'59 36,42 44'51 Temple KR Balangir (8) EAg, Rice 4'45 39'25 11979 1416 16'19 Temple KR Balilngir (10) EAg Rice 6'07 64·34 6'813 7-69

KR 8alangir (5) ED Rice 971 41·66 268·31 64'35 N-6,Temple

PR,KR Balangir (6) ED Rice 0·40 36'83 154'18 50·59 11'33 M-l,Temple PR,K~ Balangir (6) ED Rice 44'52 118-57 33'99 3'24 Temple KR Balangir (5) ED Rice 5'26 67'99 215·70 67'98 12'14 N-l,M-l.Temple KR Balangir (8) ED Rice 1740 14'17 144'47 5l'b1 8'50

KR Balangir (10) ED Rice 151-35 7163 167·54 186·S6 56·66 Terrple

KR Bal"nt.:ir (13) ED Rice 1700 2·02 69·20 17·00 16·19 KR Balangir (14) ED Rice 4·05 24,28 151-35 14·17 56·25 KR 6alangir ( 14) ED Rice 14·57 4573 220 S6 40·47 22·66 Temple KR 8alangir (18) ED Rice 33,59 2165 123·43 30,35 14·57 Temple

KR Salangir (21) Rice 20·2) 1659 17725 4452 19·43 Terrple KR Balangir (21) Rice 38·45 20·2) 175-63 56'66 2n2 Ten,ple KR Balangir (26) Rice 10·52 110·06 25-09 2266 KR Balangir ( 19) Rice 26·30 23·07 149,73 81·75 45·73 Mosque KR Balangir (29) Rice 27·92 46·16 12 14 1740 Temple

PR,KR Salangir (22) ED Rice 728 48·97 137·59 29·14 31·16 Temple KR Patnagctrh (16) ED RI!;;e 10·52 1214 8660 6·B8 2631 KR Patnagarh (14) ED. Rice 10,52 56·66 201,94 14·16 3536

KR Patnagarh (14) ED Rice 20,23 76·48 20].56 10·93 48,16 Temple KR Balang!r (30) Rice 12,14 15·38 159045 14'.6 26·71 210


L. C. Name of the Tutal Total Ar.nenities available (if not available within the villa!te, a dash (-) No. Village area of the ,lopulation is shown in the column and next to It in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of "ms., in broad ranges, Viz, -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility Is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water lie. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

146 Pipalkani 1BO·09 223 (46) P -(5·10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 147 Mayabarha 409·54 1150 (202) P - (-5) W.Tk,R PO Friday -(5-10) 148 Karlapita H557 186 (34) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 149 Ghutupali 200·72 305 (57) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Tuesday, -(5·10) Thursday, Friday 150 Sargadpali 252·93 228 (49) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (5-10)

151 Dumerpita 117,36 Uninhabited P W,Tk 152 Santelenpall 127·48 513 (94) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 153 Badtelen 214'89 376 (67) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 154 Kutensilet 8,'75 209 (j8) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) (Kutunsiiat) 155 Khuntpali 547'95 802 (160) P,M,H - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5)

156 Harda tal 647'09 563 (106) P,M - (-5) W,Tk - (-~) Saturday BS 157 Jhankarpali 508·69 555 (112) P -(5-10) W,Tk PO -(5-10) BS 158 Dudukaslra 499'79 475 (98) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 159 Barkani 3~7'63 536 (95) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 16~ 5Iadeipali 439,49 1,356 (242) P,M FPC W,Tk PO - (-5) - (-5)

161 Madhlapali 264'26 952 (175) P,M - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) ib2 Dumerpali 64'75 239 (39) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 163 Khairpali 126'67 197 (34) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - C-5} 164 Gaintala 504'24 1,756 (312) r,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5) 165 Malmanda 485'62 1,494 (309) P,M CWC W,Tk PO Saturday - (-5) (Malmunda)

166 Randa 408'33 1,(58 (708) p - (-5) W,Tk,R PO - (-5) BS 167 Padampur 1-43"66 242 (44) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 168 Bubel 507'48 990 (176) P,M eWC,FPC W,Tk.TW,R PO Tuesday 85 169 Bichhupali 2~9'46 29 (7) - (-5) - (-5) Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 170 Jharbalangir 278·02 449 (91) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

171 Bhainsdpali 237'15 317 (75) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 172 Banabahal 148'93 209 (48) P - (-5) W,Tk,R.O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 173 Arjunda 307'16 811 (160) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,R PO - (-5) - (-5) 174 Nagapali 17'40 Uninhabited 175 Kandagad 158·64 360 (64) p - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) (Kandagard) 211


."00- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (I. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including ~ ______--A.- ______~ to (in Kms.) any Yillage Furest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste anilable religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical inte~est

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Palangir (18) ED Rice 12·95 23·88 8499 2428 3399 KR Balanglr (18) ED Rice 6·88 72084 26547 20 :l4 44,11 KR Patna~arh (14) ED Rice 3,24 3,24 11372 647 8·90 KR Balangir (30) ED Rice 16,19 27·92 10967 25,90 2104

Kl!. Balangir (32) ED Rice 24·28 20·64 108·80 3035 6880 Temple

607 15·78 74,87 1376 6 B8 KR Balangir (26) ED Rice 4·05 30·35 64·35 607 2266 KR Balangir (29) ED Rice 3·24 25'90 139·62 12,14 3399 Temple PR,KR Balangir (18) ED Rice 4·05 5261 809 17'('0

PR,KR Balangir (16) ED Rice 44'92 42,90 311'61 90·65 5787 N-l, Temple

PR Balanglr 114) ED Rice 184'54 63·94 180'08 99'15 119'38 M-1 PR,KR Balangir (11) ED Rice 95'91 100·77 121'41 16106 29'54 Temple PR,KR Balangir (10) ED Rice 101·17 36'42 133'55 121'1n 10£> 84 KR Balangir (5) ED Rice 11·74 46·13 20113 78'11 1052 KR Balanglr (2J ED Rice 040 91,46 164·71 101'17 8175 N-1,M-2,Temple

I'R Balangir (6) ED Rice 15'78 890 191,01 12,95 3562 N-l,M-1,Temple KR Balangir (6) ED Rice 1133 43'71 0'40 931 KR 8aJangir (6) ED RIce 7'28 If)2'29 10'12 648 PR,KR Balangir (3) EAg Rice 5'26 154·99 26305 23·88 57'lJ6 M-l, Temple KR Balanglr (6) EAg Rice 26·71 150'54 231,89 2711 49'37 N 2, M-l. T I, Temple

PR,KR Balangir (8) EAg Rice 18·.!1 58,68 275·19 1254 43'71 Temple PR,KR Balangir (10) EAg Rice 0'40 19'43 92·67 14'1& 1700 Temple KR Balangir (11 ) EAg Rice 19'43 38'45 369·07 22"66 57'87 Temple KR Balangir (13) EAg Rice 6·88 61'92 120',9 8 SO 31 57 PR,KR 6alangir ( 13) EAg Rice 21'45 40'47 168'75 10,93 '16'42

KF Tarbha (6) EAg Rice 17'61 30% 11857 .. 937 2064 Temple KR Tarbha ( 3) EAg Rice 15·38 29'54 56·66 7'69 3966 Temple KR Tarbha (3) EAg Rice 18'62 84'58 131·52 10'52 619l C-1, Temple 5'26 769 0,81 3·64 KR Tarbha (2) EAg Rice 7'29 63'54 57'87 2·83 27·11 N-8,M-l,Temple 212


l. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) . No Village area of the population is shown in the column ana next to it In brackets the distance in Village (Number of Kms· in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the

(in hectares) households) ~ ______nearest place~where tht' Afacility ______is available is given) ~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water and days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (8us Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

176 Bahirasar (Balrasar) 22.26 646 (12S) P CWC W,Tk,TW PO SU!1ciay BS 177 Khaliapali 4330 364 (67) P -(-S) Tk,TW - (-S) - (-5) - (-5) 178 Michhapali 169'16 353 (74) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 179 Chh~mtala 25495 586 (130) P - (-5) W,Tk.TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 180 Chichindapali 297'85 363 (76) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (Chlchinapali)

181 Fatkara 96'32 505 (103) P - (-5) W PO - (-5) -(5-10) 182 Mundapala 174,82 231 (481 P --' (-5) 'W - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 181 ,Bandhapara 305'54 561 (118) P,M -'" (-5) W;Tk PO - (-5) -(5-10) 184 BranmanipaJi 177'25 261 (54) P - (-5) W;'rk,R - (-S) - (~5) -(5';10) 185 Manglapali 144'47 212 (SO) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5·10)

186 Raghabpali 96,32 239 (50) P - (-5) W,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 187 Khar jhura 411.16 523 (113) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) -(5-10) 188 Charpali 21489 320 (68) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-S) -(5-10) 189 Kundamal 270.74 ", ... '208 (34) P - (-S) W - (--5) - (-5) -(5-10) 190 Belbahali 33589 657 (126) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

191 Mehermunda 40064 768 (161) P,M 0 W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 192 Kureibhana 281'26 567 (114) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(S-10} 193 Bijabahali 11169 149 (29) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 194 Chandrapur 6839 134 e23} - (-5) -'- (-5) Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 195 Kurlupali 177.25 308 (57) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

196 Gadtiamunda 116'95 Uninhabited 197 Brahmanipaii 326'99 637 (139) P - (-5) W - (-5) -( -5) - (-5) 198 lakhapali 12707 336 (66) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 199 Puintala 429'37 1,791 (323) P - (-5) Tk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5) 200 Talpali 28"73 Uninhabited

201 Gandhrel 27'-"'35 585 (144) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 202 Dhumamara 236'34 371 (84) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5.10) -(5."1Ci) -(5 10) 203 Pakhanchepa 247'26 225 (51) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Patharchepa) 204 Fuljharan 109'57 254 (52) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10)' -(5-10) -(5-10) 205 Taljharan 144'07 194 (40) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10) 213


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i, e~, area under different types of land Remarks use In hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) roach Oistante Supply Food ,.---______.A. ______...... Including to (in Kms.) any village Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious by (including for historical source .gauchar cultivation or and archaeo, groves) logkal Interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Tarbha (8) EAg Rice 1336 0·81 8'09 N-4, C-2 Kit Tatbha (2) EAg Rice 0·41 14'16 8·09 2'02 1862 KR Tarbha (2) fAg Rice 8,90 42·09 8115 6,07 30·35 KR Tarbtia (2) EAg RICe 11,33 38·85 158,63 10'12 3602 M-2 KR Tarbha (3) fAg Rice 25,09 70·()1 155,40 13,36 3399 Temple

KR Tarbha (3) EAg Rice 0'81 74·06 6·88 14·57 Temple KR Tarbha (5) EAg Rice 10·12 17'40 12100 7·28 19'02 KR Tarbha (6) EAg Rice 21,85 56,25 17402 51'80 162 Temple KR Tarbha (5) ED.EAg Rice 38·85 101,17 1457 2266 Temple· KR Tarbha (5) EAg Rice 1133 15·38 94·70 5·26 17·80

KR Tarbha (5) ED Rice 5·26 31·97 43'1 3·24 12,14 KR Tarbha (5) EAg Rice 19·02 79·32 252'12 56·25 4·45 Temple KR Balangir (13) ED,EAg Rice 11-33 49·37 117'77 14'6 22·26 T"!mple KR Balangir (10) EAg Rice 48,16 179·28 1497 28·33 Temple KR Balanglr (13) EAg Rice 19,43 33'18 238'77 14.97 29,54

KR Balallgir (10) EAg Rice 15-38 40,47 283.28 2509 36'42 Temple KR Balangir (8) fAg Rice 58,68 147'71 61.92 1295 Temple KR Balangir (5) Rice 24'69 56'65 1052 19'83 KR SaJangir (8) Rice 5'26 49'37 7'69 6'07 KR Balangir (4) RicE' 37'63 11C'48 15·38 13'76

40'87 5,.80 14'97 9'31 KR Balangir (5) Rice 4·86 91-86 172'40 1497 42'90 PR,KR Balangir (5) EAg Rice 26'31 8498 7'28 8'50 PR,KR Balangir (3) EAg Rice 22'26 151·35 18211 1619 57'46 Temple 0'40 6'07 890 567 7'69

KR Balanglr (4) ED Rice 14'97 57·04 80'94 40'87 78'51 Church. Temple PR Balangir (5) ED Rice 18'21 24,69 121'41 3237 39£6 Temple PR Balangir (8) ED Rice 26'71 1'21 72'84 121'41 25'09

PR Balanglr (10) ED Rice 10'12 45'33 33'99 20'23 KR Balangir (10) Rice 28'73 0·40 5666 51'40 688 214

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police Station-BAlANGIR t. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility Is available is given) r------~------~~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

206 Ghusramunda 136'38 155 (33) p -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 207 Cedabanji 120·60 189 (43) , P -(10+) W,Tk. • -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 208 8arapudgia 841·75 825 (173) P,M - (-5) W,Tk PO -(5-10) - (-5) 209 Kerrr>eli 343·17 469 (86) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-!i) -(10+) - (-5) 210 Barpita 225"41 435 (72) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) - (-5)

211 Dhulusar 403·07 n8 (152) p - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 212 Chudapali 542·28 2,005 (384) P,M,H PHC, FPC W,Tk,R PTO Tuesday BS

213 Daupali 13395 173 (37) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 214 Jiratmal 183-73 385 (69) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 215 Dangaghat 258·19 555 (100) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5)

216 Tusrabahal 52731 873 (158) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - l-5) 217 Saraspita 356'53 434 (79) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10' - (-5) 218 Adendungri 532·16 324 (65) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 219 Karlapita 448·80 651 (124) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 220 Baidipali 40307 435 (91) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

221 Rabanguda 71.23 Uninhabited 222 Khatlikani 379.60 541 (136) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 223 Khujenpali 914.59 1,149 (244) P,M MeW,FPC W,Tk,R PO - (-5) - (-5) 224 Kalsaipali 50.59 283 (51) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-51 - (-5) - (-5) 225 Bagbhadi 126·67 394 (80) P - (-5) W.Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

226 Pudapali 298·25 509 (116) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 227 Bhaler 510.43 1,391 (271) P,M MCW,CWO W,Tk PO - (-5) - (-5) 228 Fatkara 388.09 508 (104) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 229 Janipali 153.78 118 (21) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 230 Lepta 311-61 576 (118) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-SJ - (-5) -(5-10)

231 Chhakodimal 149.73 146 (30) P - (-5) W,ik,R - (-5) - (- 51 -(5-10) 232 Khairmal 176·85 230 (39) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 233 Chhatapipal 348.03 884 (172) P,M D W,Tk,TW PO -(5-10) -(10+) 234 Uttarbahal 22177 252 (49) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 235 Amthimunda 143.66 260 (61) P - (-5) W,R,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 215


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i· e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in' hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including r---- ______.)1.. ______""\ to (in Kms.) any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious by (including) for historica~ source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves logical interest

'1 12 13 14 15 1& 17 18 19 20

I(R Balangir (13) Rice 39·25 4'05 36·42 4lN7 16'19 PR,KR Balangir (13) ED Rice 40·47 24'28 48·56 7'29 PR,KR Balang!r (6) ED Rice 331'84 103-60 163"49 17604 6678 M-l, Temple KR Balangir (18) ED Rice 97"3 33"59 140·13 38'44 33'18 PR,KR Balangir (19) ED Rice 44·51 33'19 114'12 26'31 7·28

PR,KR Balanglr (21) ED Rice 13·76 25·50 28166 30'3~ 51'80 M-l, Temple PR Balanglr (29) ED Rice 10'52 115'34 31485 46'13 5544 N-15,M-S, Temple PR,KR Patnagarh (16) ED Rice 4·05 8·50 95'91 809 17'40 N-1 PR,KR Patn

PR,KR Balangir (24) ED Rice 1214 82·56 329'82 33,59 6920 Temple PR,KR Ba/angir (21) ED Rice 41'28 33'59 150'95 78'91 51'80 KR Balangir (26) Rice 109·27 9-71 286'92 4856 77,70 Temple KR Balangir (19) ED Rice 486 33.99 267.90 6475 77.30 KR Balangir (11) Rice 70·82 17.81 202.34 80.94 31.16

27·52 16.19 12·14 15·38 PR.KR Balangir ( 8) Rice 121·81 1417 150.54 8.50 84 58 KR Balangir ( 3) ED Rice 74.06 53·42 485.62 242.81 58.68 KR Balangir (5) ED Rice 2.02 3966 081 8.10 N-4,M-1,Temple KR Salangir (5) ED Rice 2,83 2792 77.30 8.10 10.52 Temple

KR Balangir (5) EAg Rice 5.67 6475 165.11 21,04 41.68 I(R Balangir ( 5) fAg Rice '14·17 115.74 313.63 29·54 47·35 M-l.T-2,Temple KR Salangir (8) EAg Rice 26.30 4776 268.71 15.78 29.54 KR Sa langir (11 ) fAg Rice 16.19 112.50 10·52 14.57 KR Balangir (6) fAg Rice 8.90 28·33 219.34 17·00 3S.04

KR Salangir (13) Rice 49.37 69.20 16·59 14·57 KR Balangir (10) Rice 38.04 110·08 13.76 14.97 Temple KR Balangir (11) tAg Rice 14·16 92.6B 182·51 1619 42.49 Temple KR Balangir (14) Rice 4.86 60·70 122.21 8.50 2550 Temple KR Balangir (16) Rice 2·83 39.66 BO,94 13.76 6.47 Temple 216


l. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) N('· . Village area of the population is shown~ In~the column'al'\d n~xt to It In brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz, -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 1D+Kms. of the

(in hectares) households) ~ ______nearest place where the Afacility ______IS available is given) ~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 236 Jaljad 251,71 537 (110) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 237 Aenlapali 185.35 1~1 (38) P - (-5) W,lk - (--:5) -(5-10) --::(;'0+) 238 Talgilj 3(lQ·28 616 (132) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (,-5) -(5·~.10) -:(1'0+) 239 Kundeigad 85,7~ 1,37. (24) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -:(5~~O) -(10+) 240 Jaljadpali 100.77 2~5, (54) P, - (-5) W - (-,5) -(5 '10) -:(10+ )

241 Patharla 238'77 675 (145) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 242 Gadramunda 8539 2i8 (41) P - (-5) W.Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 243 Beherapall 242-41 458 (96) P - (-5) W,T~,R - (,-5) -(5'7'0) -.qO+) 244 Sundribhana 11482 222 (36) P - (-5) J' W.T~,~ - (-:5) -(5;-:'0) -:(10+) 245 Tendipall 56:66 306. (61) P - (-5) W.Tk.R,N 10 -(10+) ,', - (:-:-5) -(5'7. ) .". !

246 Daspur 54754 1.119 (220) P,M MeW W,Tk,R PO -(5-10) -(10+) 247 Naikenpali 133·55 414 (91) P - (-5) Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 248 Surda 299·87 670 (132) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 249' Kankria 90"25 372 (72) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 250 Siletpara 30211 922(164) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+)

251 Dumerpali 127·07 340 (68) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (5-10) 252 Odiapalj 211·25 543 (110) P - (--5) W,Tk,R - (-5) Thursday -(5-10) 253 Kasabahal 44·92 162 (31} P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) Thursday -15-10) 254 Bharatbahal, 13192 500 (96) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) Thursday -(5-10) 255 Kurul 515·98 1,236' (220) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) -(5-10)

256 Dabkani 22379 361 (74) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (5-10) -(5-10) 27 Aenlachuan 14407 403 (79) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5·10) -(5-10) 258 Pandrapha 399·83 476 (103) P -(5-10) W,Tk (5-10) -(5-10) - (5-10) 259 Barkani 346 34 492 (91) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 260 Narayanpur 20437 148 (31) P,M,H -('10+ ) W,Tk -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

261 8ijlimunda 190·70 78 (20) - (-5) -(5-10) Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 262 Sikachhida 83446 330 (74) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10) 163 Kanakpur -. lsa'09 157 (18) P -(10+) W,rk -(10+ ) -(10+ ) -(10+) 264 Sinkhaman 234'72 213. (44) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(10+) -(5-10) - (-5) 265 Bhanpur 336'29 226 (62) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(S-.10) -(10+) BlG • .2



App- Nearest town and Pewer Staple Land IJse (i. e., area·under~different types of land Remarks roath [lJi'st."'Cit! SUpply Food use in hectares rOlinded up to 1 decimal places) including ,...-______--A ______~ to (itt tern •.. ) any vlll'age Forest lui- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irri!ated waste available religious, by (including tor historical source gaucher cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

'1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .20

1(ft 6ai1t~1r {i~ lA.g Rice 4.05 56.25 12&.66 17.40 47.35 Temple KR SalJmglr '(16J .•. Rice 9·71 13.36 123.43 ')2.95 25·90 1CR :ealMtgir (H~ EAg Rice 3.24 25·90 184·94 27.11 59·09 KR talahgir '(16) ID fUee 12.14 47·75 11.33 14.57 XR Balangir ('14) lice 16·59 4937 14.98 19.83

KR Balangir (13) EAg Rice 82·15 87·82 1&·19 52·61 KR Ba~~r (3) EAog 41.ic:e 3·24 64·35 5·66 12·14 l(-R Balangir (13) ED,EAg Rice 6·88 46·94 14043 15-78 3238 KR Balangir (H) EAg Rice 0·81 31-97 116·95 7·1;9 " 40 KR &Iangir (11.) EAIl Rice 9-71 3966 0·81 6·48 Temple

KR Balangir (13) EAg Rice 210'44 237·95 44·11 55·04 Temple KR Balangir (11) EAg 'Rice 52·i" 40·87 14·57 25·90 ... KR Balangir (11) EAg Rit'e 13·76 9105 140·4~ 16·~9 3804 Temple KR Balangir (10) EAg Rice 6'07 &7·99 S,bY 1052 KR 'Balangir ( 11) EAS ~ice 40·87 208.42 12·14 41·28 Temple

KR l3a-langir (10) EAg ~ice 10·12 4775 43·71 445 21·04 Temple KR flalan-gir (10) EA~ Rice 3440 127·48 2428 25·09 Temple ~,1(1<. aa'IBrtgir (10~ fAg Rice 36·42 364 486 PR,I(R flalangir (~ EA:g Rice 324 105·62 7-69 1497 PR,KR Balartgir (6) EAg Rice 2509 111·29 306·i5 1983 5302 N·)

KR Balangir (6) ED Rice 809 U76 1&066 16·19 25·09 Temple KR Balangir (8) Rice 729 12019 6·07 1050l Temple KR Balangir (b) Rice 21:04 182·11 111 III 7487 Temple KR Balangir (6) ED Rice SO 1B 11·33 16916 4(> 13 6354 KR ada-nair (13) ED Rice '80·94 202 3440 44·52 42 4~

PR,KR Balangir (8) ED Rice 75·6B 36·42 37·87 2023 PR,KR Balangir (14) Rice 55604 8·09 159·85 5787 5261 KR Balangir (14) Rice 4·05 2.02 42·49 80.94 50'59 PR.KR Balan-gir (11) Rice 84.17 4.05 67·99 40.47 38.04 PR,KR Balangir (10) Rice 97.11 10.52 69.20 72.84 86.60 218

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police 5tatlon-BALANGIR t. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) 1'-0. village area~of the population is shown in the column and next to It in brackets, the distance In village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the

(in hectares) households) nearest place where the-A- facility______Is available is given) ~ ,--- Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

266 Asurdungrl 179·28 33 (9) P -;-(10+) w,n -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+) 267 Basupllii 99·55 38 (9) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+) 268 Makadchuan 490·88 374 (8" P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 269 Tandamunda 340·75 6(,6 (111) P - (-5) W,Tk.R - (-5) - (-5) -(S-10) (Tendamunda) 270 Atgaon 432·61 1,30B (249) P(2),M,H 0 W,Tk,TW,R PO Thursday -(5-10)

271 Mahadebpali 99·15 308 (61) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Thursday - (5-10) 272 Sanburkabahal 222·,7 439 (76) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 273 Kalijharan 180·49 230 (44) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) ~74 Sirabahal 166'15 338 (56) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 275 Dahimal 170'37 223 (42) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

976 Mahlmunda 649·'2 2,015 (393) P(2),M,H CWS W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) -(5-10) l77 Bihibandh 199·11 592 (107) P - (-5) W,n,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 278 Mendhipali 152·16 348 (77) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 279 Kutenpall 361·38 848 (154) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 280 Bileikani 343·5B 574 (132) P,M - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) Tuesday -(10+)

281 Duhel 34·20 625 (132) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 282 Barandabahal 203·15 229 (45) P - (-5) W,Tk.N - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 283 Badburkabahal 143·66 321 (64) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 284 Palsapadar 84·58 406 (92) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 285 TalpaU 163·90 602 (127) P.M - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+)

Total 78,.18·5. 1,48,229 P-274, D-S,H-1, (28,362) M-45,H-13 MCWfMHI CWC-15, PHC/HC·4, FPC-6 219


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land·use (i. e., area under different types of hmd Remarks Distance Supply Food use In hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) Including roach ,.-______.A. ______..... to (in Kms.) any village Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste ·available religious, by (including for hlstorical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ------KR Salangir ( 8) Riel! 93.48 1.22 29.54 2873 26.31 KR Balangir (16) Rice 283 4.05 12·14 .31.97 48.56 KR Salangir (10) Rice 50.99 23·87 1&3.09 132.33 120 &0 KR Balangir (18) fAg Rice 4.86 32-78 159·04 121-41 22.66 N-1,Temple

PR,KR 8alangir (10) ED,EAg Rice 5.2& 27.52 273.16 22.2& 104·41 N-2,Temple

PR,KR 8alangir (11) ED,EAg Rice 18·21 58.&8 10.12 12.14 Temple KR 8alangir (13) EAg Rice 4·45 32.38 120.19 8·90 56.25 Temple KR Salangir (14) EAg Rice 11.33 27.93 96.72 24·28 20·23 KR Balanglr (14) EAg Rice 17·00 80.13 1.62 17.40 KR Salangir (19) ED,EAg Rice 0·40 15.38 131.93 7·28 15·38 Temple

KR Salangir (14) EAg Rice 12.14 176.85 334-07 75.68 49·78 N-6,M-1, Temple KR Balangir (14) EAg Rice 62.73 98.78 1'.33 2631 Temple KR Balangir (14) ED Rice 14·97 109.27 12.14 15.78 KR Salangir (1&) fAg Rice 74.8& 18&·56 !l8·bS 41·28 Temple KR Balangir (24) ED Rice 6.48 53.82 190.20 35·61 57.42 Temple,Churct.

KR Balangir (16) ED Rice 4·45 70·82 160.66 64·75 10·52 KR Salangir (10) ED Rice 10·12 98.34 17·40 77·29 J(R Balangir (19) ED Rice 9.31 19·14 65.15 6·07 33.99 KR Balangir (19) ED Rice 40.47 24·68 10·12 9.31 KR Balangir (21) EAg Rice 4.05 21-45 107·24 7.28 23.88 Temple

5,903·18 11,452.30 42,483·69 "0,124.39 8,455'09 N-77.M-35, C-5,T-6

,,, "'£; 'B "a'" z .. .. .q ] c vi at: , C) :::~ ~ £L z ~


'" j <, -a ] "" r ~-l I ::, , ' ! + • !go.' "" ~ ,~ @ • lor' . ® <4l ! I 1 IXI2:i '" I:; • , i I, 0 • 0 I • $. -! ~ I i..-:<...J '1I: , .. ~ g -4 }j ,.,"' ",_...., ~ (J g § I ~ ~ . ~ . l' § . l . .A '" is II '" "8 0 (~ '!! " l:la: § g 5 'Ii ! 8 ~ ~ ] ,;; ~ "- ] . ~ u . ~ 1> c ~ j ~ -s a on ~ I .1 ~ g E ;! ~ ~ . 'g .; Jl " -" '" vi :r: :Jl i ] . & " ~ ~ t ~ • ~ ~ ." 8 '" d II ~ ill ;; c ""~ z il ~ :; ~ ~ ] !;; 4 ~ -"'" '" E ] ~.



51. Name of the Village LC. 51. Name of the Village L.(' Nc. No. No. No. 1 2 3 2 3

1 Adendungri 93 46 Dhodmahul (Bhodmahul) 133 2 Aenlapali 11 47 Duduka 53 3 Agalapall 138 48 Dudukamunda 12 4 Agalpur 25 49 Dumdumi 118 5 Amamunda 151 50 Dumerpali lOS

6 Amaramunda 45 51 Dungripall 66

7 Ambajharan 80 52 Fasad '" 161 8 Asurmunda 63 53 Fasad (San) 5S 9 8abupaJi 11 54 Fatamunda 31 10 Babufasad 20 5.~ Fatamunda 126

11 Badlbahal 109 56 Ghusramunda 112 12 BadipaJi 42 57 Gondpali 2 13 Badkhaliapali 103 58 Gondpali 85 14 Baghapali 152 59 Gopalpur 142 15 8agjhola 27 bO Ghuchepali (Guchepall) 18

16 Baigankhari 16 61 Gudimunda 26 17 Bakti 71 62 Guhiramunda 6 18 Bandabahal 28 63 Guhirapadar 43 1~ Bangabahal 64 64 Gundrumunda 41 20 Banjipali (Banipali) 21 65 Gurjibhata 136

21 Banjipali 115 66 Haldipadar 10 22 Budol 146 67 Harbhanga 67 23 Badtika 95 68 Hirapur 162 24 Bendra 101 69 Ingsa 24 25 Bhainsa 128 70 Jemapali 39

26 Bhalia'llunda 137 71 Jhankarpali 47 27 Bhalupali 50 72 Jharnipali 90 28 Bhalupa~' 108 73 Jharbandhali 74 29 Bharsuja 44 74 Jharbandhli (Jharbandhali) 22 30 Bhoipali ... 4 75 Jharmunda 125 31 Bindhapali 38 76 Jogisarda 1" 32 Budelbahali 131 77 Kadalipali 107 33 Budhipadar 113 78 Kajharan 77 34 Budla 9 79 Kallsar 34 35 Burda 116 80 Kandajuri 121

36 Burobhadi 96 81 Kan~hipali 14 37 Buromunda B 82 Karanpali 100 38 Chhelbahal .139 83 Karkachia 122 39 Chhelkhai 37 84 Kar la jnaran 78 40 Chungldadar 81 85 Karlipat 149

41 Danipali 73 86 Kendumundi 88 42 Darlipali 84 87 Keseipaii 52 43 Dengiuri {Dengjori \ 23 88 Keutipali 141 44 Dhamanasar 153 89 Khairpali 127 45 Dhauradadar 7b 90 Khaliapali 61 223


51. Name of the Village LC. 51. Name of the Village L. C. No. No. No. No. 1 2 3 2 3

91 Khaliapall 82 127 Patuapall 70 92 Khaliapali 154 121 Pipilipali 102 93 Kharmunda 144 129 Podhpali 89 94 Khuntlimunda 104 130 Pudapadar 3 95 Kirabahal 157 131 Rabanguda 72

96 Kudopali 92 132 Rafakhal sa 97 Kutasingha 69 133 Rampur 54 98 Kutenpali ," 134 Rampur 7S 99 Kutrapali 159 135 Ramslngha 155 100 Lakhanpali 83 136 Rangdlhl 49

101 Larambhamunda 79 '37 Ranlpali 158 102 latsar 19 138 Rengali 7 103 lolslnga 134 139 Rinbachan 29 104 Luhuramunda 57 140 Roth (Roat) 35 105 Luhurapali 135 141 Saha jchhapar 94

106 Mahakhand 5 142 Sakma 160 107 Maharpali 140 143 Salebhata 60 108 Mahulpall 32 144 Saledungri 91 109 Mandlapadar (Mandlpadar) 150 145 Salt~rpali 110 110 Manhira 130 '146 Sankhua 56

111 Mansapall 124 147 Sansa 40 112 Manupall 36 1<48 Santlka 97 113 Manupali 59 149 Saradhapall 86 114 Mundapall 1 1SO Sarasmunda 148 115 Mursund 62 151 Semelmunda 147

116 Nagaon 13 152 Semelmunda (Similimunda) 65 117 Nagaon 114 153 Semelia 156 118 Neglpall 99 154 Sialbahall 117 119 Nuapali 33 155 Sujla 132 120 Nuniapali 48 156 Tebhadungrl 145

121 Pandesara 46 157 Telenpall 15 122 Pandkital 123 158 Tentelkhunti 98 123 Pandranl 120 159 Tentelgaon (Tentuligaon) is 124 Pandrldungrl 106 160 Tentelkhunti (Tentullkhuntl) 129 125 Panesara 143 161 Uchbilhal (Uchabahall) 30 126 Patharmunda 87 162 Uparbahal 51 224


L· C, Name of the Total Total Amenities'·available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown In the column and next to It in brackets, the distance in Viffage (Nttmber ef Kms·, in bread ranges., Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms· and 10+Kms. of the

(in hectares) hduseholdS) ~ _____nearest~_- place______where the -A- facility______is available is given) ~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Oayor Communi- tional Water at days of €ation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 2 3 ~ 5 (, 7 8 9 10

t Mundapali 267'90 468 (89) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 2 Gomlpali 157'02 210 (4~) P - (-'-5) W,Tk - (-5) .... (':";_5) - ('-5) 3 Pudapadar 278'42 352 ,(61) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-'5} - ("-5) 4 Bholpali 161'87 270 (42) P -(5-1t)) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5,,'0' -(,S"'O) 5 Mahakhand 374.74 itO (147) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,C - (-5) ~(5"1O. as

6 Guhiramunda 175'23 31. (56) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) , Rengall 518'81 1,274 (244.) ?,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO -=- ~ ':':5) - t-5) 8 BUlomunda 193_84 308 (64) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) -t~;.'10) -(5-10) '9 Budla 373'12 918 (178) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk PO ':':(5-10) -tS"10) '0 Haldipadar 265·07 372 (76) P,M - (-'5) W,Tk,R 'Po - t,;;.;S) -l'-5)

11 Aenlapali 233·50 392 (71~ P -(5-19) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 12 Dudukamunda 264.66 483 (~2) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) ~.~ Nagaon 543'49 1,26612(14) P',M,H -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R PO Saturday as

1'4 Kanthipali 123'02 :279 (47) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 15 Telenpali 171.59 482 (78) P -(5-1'0) W,Tk,R - (-5) - '(-5) - (-5)

1'6 Baigankhari 200,72 697 (148) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) '17 617096 1,148 (205) P -(5-'10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 18 Ghuchepali 243·62 552 (99) P - (5-10) W,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (GuchepaJi) 19 latsar 142'45 181 (54) r -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 20 Babufclsad 356'12 818 (167) r,M -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (--5) - (-5) -(5-10)

21 Banjipali (Banipali) 291·37 499 (~OO)' P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,N - (-5) - '(-5) - (-5) 22 1harbandhli 'tM,'6~ 306 (57) P - (- 5) W,Tk,~',N - (-5) - '(-5) - (-5) (Jharbandhali) 23 Dengjuri 115.'97 171 (34) P -(5-10) W,R -'(-5) -(5-1e, - (-5) (Dengjori) 24 Ingsa 6CT4'60 1,625 (3231 l'iM - (--5) W,n,TW;R,N --(-5) - (-5) - {-5~ 25 Agalpur 699·70 2,815 (561) P,M,H MCW,PHC, W,Tk,TW,R,S PTO Wednesday as D,FPC

26 Gudimunda 196'68 420 (71) P - (-5) W,Tk,N,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 27 Baglhola 64'75 285 (58) P - (-5) W,Tk,R,C,O,N - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 28 Bandabahal 121,81 338 (85) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 29 Rinbachan 384'05 842 (177) P - (-5) W,Tk,R,C - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 30 lJchbahai 293'80 976 (172) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - \-5) - (-5) (uchabahali) 225


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 1 decimal places) ~ ______A ______~ including to

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Padmapur (34) Rice 17'81 196.27 49'77 4.05 KR Padmapur (24) Rice 081 108·46 4047 728 KR Padmapur (30) ED Rice 890 22339 40'47 5.66 KR Balangir (59) Rice 121 136.78 17·00 6,B8 KR Balanglr (58) Rice 323"75 42.90 809

KR Balangir (56) Rice 4'05 121.41 16.59 3318 Temple KR Bal,mgir (54) ED Rice 461.34 50·18 729 Temple KR Balangir (58) Rice 157'82 26·71 9'31 KR Balangir (56) ED Rice 4·45 30594 5059 12'14 Temple KR Padmapur (22) ED Rice 567 20841 42·49 850

KR Padmapur (34) Rice 0'40 193.84 2833 10.93 KR Padmapur (34) Rice 2.43 225,41 21.04 15.i8 KR Padmapur (34) F.Ag Rice 467·01 56'65 19,83 N-3,M-3.C- 3, Temple PR,KR Balangir (25) Rice 9672 16'19 10'1 Temple PR,KR Padmapur (35) Rice 3'24 13112 2145 15,78 Temple

KR Balangir (54) ED Rice 163"90 25·09 1173 Temple KR Salangir (54) ED Rice 549.57 6394 4,45 Temple KR Balangir (40) Rice 0'40 211·25 20.23 11.74 Temple

KR Balangir (40) II ice 102'79 2509 14'57 KR Balangir (42) ED Rice 297·85 42'08 16'19 Temple

KR Balangir (52) ED Rice 4.05 210'03 bO.70 1659 KR Balangir (51) ED Rice 11857 1174 931

KR Balangir (50) ED Rice 607 99'55 19'42 10,93

KR Balanglr (56) ED Rice 041 528·92 5868 16·.~9 N-3,M-l, Temple KR Balangir (50) EAg Rice 0'81 79'72 42614 17806 1497 N-30,M-2,C-l, Temple

KR Salangir (51) Rice 2,83 15661 29 14 810 KR Balangir (51) Rice 162 21'05 21·04 11·33 971 KR Balangir (51) ED Rice 21'85 58,27 29'95 11'74 KR Balangir (45) ED Rice 152"97 183-32 4128 6'~8 Temple KR Balanglr (48) ED Rice 164·71 !j6·20 31'56 11'33 M ... 1 226


L.c. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown in the column· and next to It in brackets, the distance In Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kmso and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility Is available is given) r------~----A------~ Educa- Medical Orinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

31 Fatamunda 10279 1,176 (228) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 32 Mabulpali 16147 363 (69) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) BS 33 Nuapali 212.06 449 (92) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 34 Kalasar 4087 145 (29) P -(5-10) W,Tk PO - (-5) - (-5) 35 Roth (Roat) 76890 1,611 (325) P,M,H -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,O PO Friday - (-5)

36 Manupali 116·73 465 (95) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R,C - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 37 Chhelkhai 13921 421 (60) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 38 Bindhapali 248·48 355 (65) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 39 Jemapali 102'39 258 (56) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 40 Sansa 144·07 223 (48) P - 1-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

41 Gundrumunaa 100'77 220 (47) P - (-5) W,Tk,R -(5-10) Saturday -(5-10) 4:! Badipali 7649 157 (34) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 43 Guhirapadar 19546 400 (84) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 44 Bharsuja 477'93 1,656 (310) P,M,H 'RP W,Tk,TW PO' - (-5) BS 45 Amaramunda 122'22 355 (74) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

46 Pandesara 216'10 644 (124) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5) 47 Jhankarpali 96'72 315 (65) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 48 Nuniapali 420'87 966 (152) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

49 Rangdihl 114'12 Uninhabited 50 Bhalupali 112'50 166 (32) P - (-5) .W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

51 Uparbahal 574·25 1,162 (229) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5) 52 Keseipali 426'54 729 (134) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 53 Duduka 898·00 2,263 (487) P,M,H H,D,O W,Tk,TW,R,O PTO -(5-10) BS

54 Rampur 1,;4·00 250 (55) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) S5 Fasad (San) 229'46 417 (84) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) BS

56 Sankhua 246·45 571 (112) P - (_. 5) W,Tk,TW,C - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 57 luhuramunda 271·14 648 (136) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW,C - (-5\ - (-5) - (-5) ~8 Rafakhal 25252 505 (107 ) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,C,O - (-5) Monday - (-5) 59 Manupali 251'31 87 (13) - (-5) - (-5) W,C,O - (-5) Monday - (-5) 60 Salebhata 290'31 2,669 (542) P,M,H H,O W.Tk..TW,R.S PTO Monday BS

-~----.------.--- 227


----_- App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (I. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including r--______-A ______~ to (in Kms,) any village Forest lrrl- Un- Culturabfe Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Balangir (45) Rice 2'43 17'81 68·39 5,25 8'90 PR,KR Ba langir (48) EA Rice 125·45 7.69 28'33 Temple KR Balangir (48) EA Rice 164,71 31'57 15'78 M-2,Temple KR Balangir (48) Rice 31'57 647 2'83 KR Balangir (48) EA Rice 12·95 594'49 45·32 116,14 N-3,Temple

KR Balanglr (40) EA Rice 1'21 119'38 2509 2105 N-2 KR Balangir (40) ED Rice 3'&4 114"93 6'48 14·15 Temple PR Balangir (40) Rice 5·26 34,40 181-30 8'09 19'43 KR 8alangir (43) Rice 49'78 4(1-47 1214 KR Balangir (45) Rice 2·43 9'31 9308 2023 1902

KR Balangir (46) Rice 2'02 8'09 72,44 10'12 8'10 KR Balangir (42) Rice 1,62 2"43 63,13 6'07 324 KR Balangir (40) Rice 0'40 1578 157'83 16,19 5-26 KR Balangir (38) EA Rice 3'64 63·54 346·00 40'47 24'28 N-9,M-3, Temple KR Balangir (38) ED Rice 1-62 10·52 9389 1012 6·07

KR Balangir (48) ED Rice 0,81 18251 1415 11\'62 N-2 KR Balangir (48) EA Rice 85'39 7·69 3'64 N·1,Temple KR Balangir (48) EA Rice 19·02 34},98 33'19 2469 N-1.M-l, Temple 8984 1861 5'67 KR Balangir (SOl ED Rice 0·81 96,31 10·12 5-26

KR Balangir (50) ED Rice 504·:4 37·63 32·38 N-1,Temple KR Balangir (SO) Rice 5585 234'72 117'76 18'21 Temple PR,KR Balangir (40) EA 'Rice,Wheat 84'98 570'61 141·24 101,17 N-8,M-3.T-1, Temple,Church KR Balangir (40) Rice 60'70 0'40 42.90 Temple KR Balangir (35) Rice 24·28 116·~5 44-92 43'71 Temple

KR Balangir (32) Rice 42·90 141·64 42'89 19'02 KR Balangir (34) ED Rice 2883 171·99 55'85 14'97 KR BaJangir (32) ED Rice 11'74 12626 11'73 102'79 PR,KR Balangir (30) Rice 80'53 94'70 66·77 9·31 PR 8alangir (32) EA Rice 46'94 22-26 542'28 141·24 137'59 N-13,M .. 4,C·3, T-2,Temple __.-..... 228


L. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population Is shown in the column and next·to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water 8< days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Market, Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way)

'\ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

61 Khaliapali 23431 348 (73) P - (-5) W,Tk.TW - (-5) Monday RS 62 Mursund 43140 1,467 (277) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) - (-5) 63 Asurmunda 212'06 270 (49) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 64 Bangabahal 25050 3&4 (59) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 65 Semelmunda 34237 505 (103) P -(5-10) w,Tk,TW -(5-10) -{5-10) -(5-10) (Similimunda)

66 Dungripali 339 13 942 (199) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 67 Harbhanga 36219 814l174) P - (-5) W,Tk,lW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 68 Tentelgaon 18535 530 (118) P -(5-10) WTk,lW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Tentul igaon) 69 Kutasingha 1,017'79 2,214 (459) P,M,H -(5-10) W,Tk, TW PO - (5-10) -(5-10) 70 Patuapali 367'05 814 (180) P,M 0 W,Tk,TW PO Saturday -(5-10)

71 Bakti 627'26 1825 (355) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,O PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 72 Rabanguda 6677 Uninhabited 73 Danipali 187'37 405 (78) P - (-5) W,lk,O - (-5) Monday - (-5) 74 Jharbandhali 35248 512 (97) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 75 Rampur 40185 905 (183) P.M - (-5) W,Tk.TW PO Friday BS

76 Dhauradadar 353-29 549 (106) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 77 Ka jharan 46'13 Uninhabited 78 Karlajharan 96'72 Uninhabited 79 larambhamunda 35370 410 (80) P - (-5) W,rk.TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 80 Ambajharan 14'i 26 140 (30) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

81 Chungidadar 175'23 246 (52) P - (-5) W,Tk - (:-5) - (-5) - (-5) 8Z Khaliapali 88'22 125 (22) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 83 lakhanpali 102,79 221 (43) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 84 Darlipali 172'40 347 (71) P - (-5) W,lk,O - (-5) - (-5) BS 85 Gondpali 21327 442 (89) P - (-5) W,Tk,R,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

B6 Saradhapali 46'54 80 (18) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 87 Patharmunda 15540 282 (;6) P - (- 5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 88 Kendumundi 27541 413 (85) P - (-5) W,Tk.TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 89 Podhpali 65'56 105 (19) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 90 Jharnipali 24484 702 (146) P.M - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO Monday 'BS 229


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i, e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------·.A.------~ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious. by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR,KR Balangir (32) ED Rice Not available KR Balangir (35) EA Rice 7·69 22987 4249 81·35 N-1.M-l,Temple KR Balangir (38) Rice 4533 11574 42'49 850 Temple KR Balangir (40) EA Rice 41'68 149'73 40,47 18'62 KR Balangir (38) Rice 38'85 192'63 29·55 81-34 Temple

KR Balangir (41) EA Rice 971 218·94 38·45 72'03 Temple KR 8atangir (38) EA Rice 25,09 250'50 2064 65'96 Temple KR Balangir (41) EA Rice .. , 132'10 7'28 65'97 Temple.

KR 8alangir (43) EA Rice 125'86 44·11 546·33 168'75 132'74 Temple KR Balangir (24) EA Rice 38'04 247'66 67'18 14·16 N-l,Temple

KR Balangir (32) EA Rice 47·35 44'11 441'11 44'92 49·77 Temple 13-76 31'57 13'35 8'09 PR,KR Balangir (30) Rice 21'45 121'51 21'04 23'47 PR Baliingir (27) EA Rice 23·07 226·22 7365 29·54 Temple PR Balangir (27) EA Rice .Wheat 3844 37'23 278'02 27'52 20'64 N-l

KR Balangir (30) Rice 27·52 37·64 22581 2023 42·09 2·43 19·83 16'18 7,69 3221 0'40 43'30 8'50 9'31 KR Balangir (30) Rice 12667 36'42 145·28 1659 2874 Temple KR Batangir (32) Rice 31'16 6'88 53·42 36,42 15'38

KR Balangir (38) EA Rice 8,90 13'76 121,41 1619 14'97 Temple KR Balangir (40) EA Rice 4'45 1'22 63·94 8.09 1052 M-l KR Batangir (37) EA Rice 405 688 82,115 5066 4,05 KR Batangir (38) EA Rice 466 13'76 127,88 12'14 13076 M-l KR Satanglr (40) Rice 2'43 1·21 161·18 24,28 23'47

KR Balangir (38) Rice 2'02 1·62 3440 3'64 4'86 KR Balangir (35) Rice 3·24 8·90 121'41 12·14 971 KR Bnlangir (34) Rice 8'09 5827 13).55 16'19 9,31 KR Baldn~ir (35) EA Rice 3'24 6'47 47·75 3'24 4·86 KR Balangir (34) EA Rice 688 12'55 198·30 12-14 14,97 N-2, Tempt e. 230


LC. Name of the Total Total Amenities dvallable (if not available within the village, a dash (-} No· Village area of the population is~shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water lit days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Market/ Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1()

91 Saledungri 124·&4 196 (44) 0 -(5-10) W,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 92 Kudopali 34·80 35 (6) P -(5-10) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 93 Adendungri 282·07 S67 (114) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS 94 Saha jchhapar 182·51 477 (90) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) Monday - (-5) 95 Badtika 1,049·35 1,331 (256) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

% Burobhadi 135'97 318 (54) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) '97 ~antlka 342'27 1,081 (193) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) '98 Tentelkhunti 201'13 530 ( 100) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 99 Negipali 32173 642 (126) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 100 Karanpall 80'53 Uninhabited

101 Bendra 454·87 1,003 (213) P,M,H D W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5)

102 Pipilipali 29056 390 (77) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 103 Badkallapali 11615 538 (89) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Saturday, -(5·10) Monday 104 Khuntlimunda 34560 &57 (122) p - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Saturday - (-5) 105 Dumerpali 333'87 757 (138) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Saturday -(5-10)

106 Pandridungri 307'56 613 (118) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-51 -(10+) -(5-10)

107 Kadalipali 453·25 446 (89) P -(10+) W.Tk,TW -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10) 108 Bhalupali 462·56 459 (95) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 109 Badibahal 665'30 1,794 (317J P,M -(5-10) W.Tk.TvV PO -(5-10) - (-5) 110 Saltarpali 84'58 204 (42) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5)

111 Jogisarda 479'55 2,017 (404) P,M,H -(5-10) W,Tk PO - (-5) - (-5) 112 Ghusr amunda 269'93 569 (103) P -(5-10) W.Tk,TW -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 113 Budhipadar 288·95 771 (184) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Friday BS 114 Nagaon 516'38 1,845 (346) P,M,H - (-5) W,Tk,TW,O PO Frida" -1-5) 115 Banjipali 148'93 387 (75) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

116 Burda 628'48 2,066 (398) P,M - (-5) W.Tk,TW PO - (-5) as 117 Sialbahali 71·23 74 (18) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 118 Dumdumi 459·72 ,942 (17B) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) - (- 5) 119 Kutenpali 182.11 541 (109) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS 120 Pandrani 751·91 1,284 (305) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS 231


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including roach Distance Supply ,,-______.A. ______-, to (in Kms.) any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place ot gated Irrigated waste available religious. by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- grove,) logical interest

'1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 :I.e

KR Balangir (32) Rice 0·40 2·02 9146 1700 13'76 KR Balangir (32) EA Rice 0'40 27·11 3'24 4'05 KR Balangir (32) EA Rice 8 ~o 27'92 191·82 3359 20'24 KR 8alangir (30) EA Rice 13·76 21"85 110'88 11'33 24'69 KR Balangir (29) EA Rice 88'22 144·88 58113 91·05 144·07 Temple

KR Balangir (29) EA Rice 162 1·21 103'19 13'76 1619 KR 8alangir (24) EA Rice 2185 84'99 18858 13·36 3399 Church KR Balangir (29) Rice 10'52 6'88 155·40 8·50 19'83 KR Salangir (30) Rice 8'09 40-47 217'72 14'17 4128 Temple 4·8& 4411 8'90 22'66

KR 8alangir (29) EA Rice 1902 300'68 13'76 121'41 N-3,M-1,T -1, Temple KR Balangir (24) Rice 58·27 18575 30·35 16·19 Temple KR Ilalangir (24) ED Rice 104,41 2'03 9·71 Temple

KR 8alangir (29) Rice 27·11 240'79 53'42 24·28 KR Balangir (32) Rice 14-97 243'22 40'47 35'21 Temple

KR Salangir (32) ED Rice 3885 199·11 30'35 39·75 M-l,C-1,T-1, Temple KR Balangir (32) Rice 39'25 7891 161'07 34'00 140'02 KR Balangir 126) ED Rice 23'47 45'32 211"25 51,40 131·12 N-2,Temple KR Balangir (24) EO Rice 44.51 10360 42492 2671 6S·S6N-1,M-1, Temple KR Balangir (24) Rice 1'62 34.80 18'21 4'86 25'09

KR 8alangir (24) ED Rice 210'44 188.18 19·02 61.9~ N-6, Temple PR,KR Balangir (24) ED Rice Not available N-4,Temple PR Batangir (22) EO Rice,Wheat 6,88 95.10 142·45 11 33 33·19 T-1 KR Balangir (24) EA Rice 3·N 16471 25697 36'47 55'04 N-2,Temple PR,KR Balangir (21) ED Rice 7'69 45'32 76·06 6·48 13-36

PR Balangir (21) ED Rice 38,85 186·5& 309·58 23.1l8 69·61 KR Balangir (22) Rice 2·02 15·38 3683 4,45 12·55 KR Balangir (24) ED Rice 169'16 201,13 5'261 36.82 Temple PR.,KR 8alangic ('241 ED Rice 54.23 86·60 20'24 21'04 Temple PR,KR Balangir (19) ED Rlce,Wheat 2'02 243·22 314·44 161-88 3035 M-1,Church 232


L. C· Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) .N". Villa~e area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -S Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms. of the (In hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A.______""'" Ed'lca- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water 3< days of cation (Potable) Telegraph ti-le (Bus'5top, Marketl Railwav Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

111 Kandajuri 740·58 1,473 (310) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,C,O PO -(5-10) BS 122 Karkachia 197·89 327 (53) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) BS 123 Pandkital 161'87 315 (60) P -(5-10) W'Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 124 Mansapali 81'75 163 (36) P - (5-10) W - (5-10) -(5-10) BS 125 Jharmunda 745'43 1,395 (305) P,M - (5-10) W,Tk,TW PO -(5-10) BS

126 Fatamunda 450'82 235 (52) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) B5 127 Khajrpali 170·37 110 (23) P -(5-10) W,C,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 128 Bhalnsa 257·79 481 (94) P -(10+ ) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 129 Tentelkhunti 105·22 317 (56) P -(5-10) W,Tk,C,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Tentulikhunti) 130 Manhira 754'74 1,926 (387) P,M,H -(10+) W,Tk,TW PO Thursday -(5-10)

131 Budelbahali 135·~7 531 (108) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) Teusday -(5-10) 132 Sujia 548·35 1,194 (236) P - (-5) W,Tk.TW,R,C - (-5) - (-5) - l-5) 133 Dhodmahul 10360 323 (67) - (-5) - (-5) W,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Bhodmahul) 134 loisinga 615·93 4,313 (912) P,M,H PHC,D,FPC W, Tk,TW,O PTO,Phone Daily. BS,RS Tuesday 135 luhurapali 147·31 432 (73) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,C - (-5) - (-5) BS

136 Gurjibhata 135·57 600 (117) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS 137 Bhaliamunda 226·22 586 (109) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) Saturuay BS 138 i\galapali 194·65 706 (151) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,O PO - (-5) - (-5) 139 Chhelbahal 253·33 617 (126) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 140 Maharpali 5787 129 (34) - (-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5)

- ( ___ 5) 141 Keutipali 21287 689 (144) P,M -(5·10) W,Tk,TW,C -(5-10) - (-5) 142 Gopalpur 159·85 599 (113) P -(5-10) W,Tk,C,O -(5-10) -. (-5) - (-5) 143 Panesar a 112·91 550 (105) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,C - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 144 Kharmunda 30,76 28 (6) - (-5) - (-5) W,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 145 Tebhadungri 181-71 432 (79) P - (-5) R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

146 Bardol 13800 451 (93) P - (-,5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 147 . Seme Imunda 91-46 552 (110) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,C - (-5) - (-5) - (-5\ 148 . Sara~munda 64·35 104 (21) - (-5) - (-5) W,TW,C,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 149 Karilpat 84·98 295 (60) P - (-:5) W,Tk,TW,.C - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 150 'Mari'diapadar 218-13 620 (107 ) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) ( Mandipadar) 233 , OIRECTORY ANfj LANDUSE Tahasil-BALANGIR

App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under diff.rent typ~s of land Remarks roach Distarice Supply Food use In hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) indudina to (In·Kms.) r------A.-----:------~ any village Forest 'rri- Un- Cultur.ble Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including .for historical source Bauchar cultivation or and archaeo- Broves logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

"," ~ KR BAlangir (19) ED Rice 25·50 594·08 ~94 4O'C6 N-1,~ernple KR BIllanglr (29) EA Rke 10·52 283 160.26 1+16 10.12 Church KR I)alangir (29) ilce 12·55 13·35 116'95 6'47 12·55 KR Balang" (29) R,ice 0.41 7.2!J 6151 Q.()9 4'45 KR Balanglr (29) ED Rice 4330 601'77 ,,0.70 39·66 N-4.M~1,T-~, Tempe

KR Balanglr (19) fA Rice 373·52 4·86 72'44 Chvrch kR S~lllnglr (21) Rlci! 5·26 131·12 17'80 16·19 KR Balanglr (21) ED f(lce 17·81 55"44 128.29 2(}'23 36·02 Temple 'Kl Blliangir (21) Rice 87·82 9·31 6'09

KR Balanglr (19) ED RIce 117'36 532'97 33.99 70·42 N-6, Temple, Church

KR Balangir (24) Rice 0·40 1~:~ 97·93 12·14;, .11·74 Church KR Balangir (22) ED Rice 87·41 376·36 44·11 40·47 Teri1ple,Church PR,KR Balangir (12) ED Rice 32·38 50.99 5-26 14·97 N-42,M-a,C-9

PR,KR Balangir (19) ED Ri<.e,Wheat 163-49 27195 30·76 149·73 N·40,M-8,C·9, Temple ~ PR,KR Balangir (21) ED Rice 5·66 46.54 74·87 5·67 14·57 Temple,Church

PR,KR Balangir (19) ED Rice 5·66 46·54 61·92 5·67 15·28 PR,KR Balanglr (29) ED Rice 3·64 60·30 126·67 971 2590 TelTlple kit Baliingir (29) ED Rii:~e 14.f6 39066 124·24 0·40 16·19 Temple KR Salangir (29) Rice 45·33 165·92 1·21 40·87 KR Salangir (29) Rice 2·43 3·64 47·35 2·43 2·02

KR Balangir (29) ED Rice 364 43·71 115·34 1012 40·06 KR Balangir (19) Rice 3·64 37·23 89·03 5·26 24·69 Temple PR,KR Balangir (22) ED Rice 0·81 59·89 27·12 6·8a 18·21 KR Balangir (19) Rice 12·55 14·97 3·24 KR Bali::l1gir (19) Rice 55-44 67·58 0·41 58·28 Temple

KR Balanglr (19) Rice 5·26 95·10 3·24 34·40 KR Balangir (19) ED Rice 27·92 53·02 2·02 a·50 PR,KR Balangir (19) Rice 50·99 2·()3 11-33 PR,KR Balangir (19) Rice 4·45 4·45 64·34 4·136 6·88 PR,KR 8alanglr (19) EO Rice 6·07 29·54 157.02 6·07 19·43 M-1 234

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police Station-lOISINCA l.C. Name·of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash {-} No. Village area of the population Is shown In the column and next to It In brackets, the distance in Village (Number. of Kms., In broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms· and 10+Kms· of the

(In hectares) households) ~ ______nearest place where·the facilityA--- ______15 available is given) ~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water -" days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

151 Amamunda 42775 628 (121) P -(10+) W;Tk,TW -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 152 8aghapali 457·70 828 (160) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (~5) - (-5) -(5-10) 153 Dhamanasar 131·52 263 (47) P PHC W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 154 Khaliapali 229.86 762 (119) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 155 Ramslngha 186.56 322 (67) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 156 Semella 20234 214 (41) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

157 Kirabahal 156.21 349 (71) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 158 Ranlpali 237·96 622 (118) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 159 Kutrapali 218.94 . 540 (100) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 160 Sakma 352.48 1,141 (218) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R PO -(10+) - (-5) 161 Fasad 24969 1,120 (204). p -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R,O - (-5) i....(1O+) - (-5) 162 Hirapur 465.39 721 (126) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

Total 45,383.54 105,965 P-U9, D-5,1i-2, (20,926) M.S7. MCWIMHI H·n,O-1 CWC-1, PHC/HC-3, FPC.2,0.3

BALANGIR 1,98.601·93 3,7.,178 P-6S', D-12,H-.,- TAHASIL (73,taO) M-126. MCW/MH/ H·36. CWC-17, Ac.88,O-2 PHCI HC-12, FPC-9,O-5 235


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roch Distance Supply Food ,-______use in hectares rounded.A. up ______to 2 decimal places) --"" including to (in Kms.) any village forest Ini- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious b ... (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 1b 17 18 19 20

KR Balangir (19) ED Rice,Wheat 72-84 30270 1093 4128 Temple,Church KR Balangir (13) ED Rice 8·50 98·75 16349 5625 Bon Temple KR Balangir (13) ED Rice 84.17 2l-sa 23.47 KR BaJangir (13) ED Rice 53.82 147.71 11.33 17.0C Temple KR Balangir (13) ED Rice 27.92 114.93 9.31 34.40 KR Balangir (10) ED Rice 28.33 127.07 6.88 40.06

KR Balangir (10) ED Rice 18.21 96.72 2.43 3885 Temple KR Balangir (10) ED Rice 68.80 122.62 2.02 44.52 Ttmple KR Balanglr (18) ED Rice 76.49 103.19 14.57 24.69 Temple KR Balangir 04) ED Rice 98.34 181·70 19.43 53.01 T-l,Temple PR Balangir (14) ED Rice 16.59 171.18 5.26 5666 PR,KR Balanglr (19) ED Rice 1861 101.58 259.81 17.40 67.99 N-l,Temple

1,791·51 4,538·96 29,231.28 4,475.41 4,842·14 .' N-193,M-42, C-26,T-8

20,741.8520,011.001,14,399.11 22,341.90 20,603.83 N-362,M-147 • C-48,T-20

[ i J

ff ! .1 j_~1 _,__ ,__ "

'" .. I "" 5 ..., f, \~ .. -? I j



® f.. ...

!U:::~/~;,):S'll:H=:Y.L='II=::===== ____ 4-


I. DUNGURIPALI P. S. (Portion) 2. BINIKA P. S.


\ () P,5, \




51. Name of the Village L. C. SI. Name of the Village L. C. No. No- No. No. 2 "3 1 2 3

1 Ainlasari (Alnlasira) 62 46 Gajrnal (Gujmal) 85 2 Amamunda 10 47 Gambharipall 69 3 Amal"Qunda 110 48 Gandapali 65 4 Andharbiangijungle 52 I 49 Gidhmal 61 5 AndharibanjJ 53 50 Gulihapadar 24

6 Anganadi (Aflganandi) 130 51 Haldl 88 1 Antapali 2J 52 lehhapur 81 8 8abupali 132 53 JampaJi 89 '3 Badkarle 9 54 libandadar 17 10 Badnuapali 90 55 Munda 106 94 11 Badphatamunda 56 Kaiskanda 103 12 ~!ld~a.tl:'pali (8adbahalupall) .2 44 57 Killipall {Kliilliapifi} 14 13 Baghandi 58 K.. lsalpali (Kazalpali) 109 14 8ahubasa 19 67 59 Kandagarh 43 .1S Baidupali 60 Kankarajuri 75 16 Bairagimunda 45 17 Balenpabl i (Balanpablli) 1S 61 KaplI.sira 102 18 Bandhapali 70 62 ~arlajurl 84 19 Bankipall 6J itatapali 7 71 64 Kendumun~a 80 20 Barpadar • 65 Kendupall 59 21 Bausunibahal 118 22 Beheramal 20 66 Khuntpali 32 13 Bhatbahall (Bhatbhali) 101 67 Khurdiabahal 111 24 Bilaibahali 105 68 I(udharilcata 35 25 Brahmanipall 58 69 Kuhibahal 11£ 70 Kusadal:la-r 57 .26 Brahamanipali jungle 60 (Bramhanipalijungle) 71 Kusamal 91 95 27 Chamarpur 72 Lari.bahal 68 77 28 Champaduli 73 Lingmarni 1 50 29 Chanabeda 74 Ludukibeda 22 49 .30 Chandili 75 Mahada 134 133 31 Chaukamal 76 Mahadhjungle CMahadajungle) 117 92 32 Cherupali 77 Mahubahali 107 76 33 Chhanchani 31 78 Mahulpali 18 34 Chindajuri 7q Mahulpall 8& 33 35 Chingerkata 80 Majhimunda 73 23 3(; Chitkelbandhli 81 Mayabarha (Chhitkelb.ndhali) 13 82 Naikenpali 12 37 Dahukbud(Dahukabuda) 99 83 Naktamunda 119 38 Dhanbasa 3 84 Nangalkata 39 Dhatkipall 42 36 85 -40 Digsira 98 Padhanpall 113

41 Dumerpali 83 86 Padhanpali jungle 114 42 Dury.gripali 21 87 Pandakital 11 43 o ungu ri pa Ii 34 88 Pandarapali 46 44 Gadhapal (Gadhapali) 97 89 Panke I 41 45 Gajbandh 56 90 Patharkhandi 28 241


SI. Name of the Village L. C. 51 Name ,of the Village l.L No. No. No. No 2 3 1 2 ~

91 Pa tharkhandi 104 108 Sannuapali 30 92 Phatamunda 82 109 Sarasmal 5 93 Pipilipali 39 110 Sargul 74 94 Poind 93 111 Sialbahali 72 95 Rabangudajungle 25 '12 Siali 120

96 Rampur 6 113 Sialinali 48 97 Rangpur 108 114 SialinaliJungle 47 98 Ravanguda 26 115 Sialjuri 15 99 Sadhapali 36 116 Sukha 87 100 Sahajbahal 79 117 Sulahi 51

101 Sahajbahal 4 118 Sunapali 96 102 Sahala 66 119 Tamamura 100 103 Salepali 37 120 Tangarkarle (Tangerkarle) 8 104 Salepali 55 121 Thenganal 40 105 Salepalijungle 54 122 Tilelmal 78 106 Samarchipa 112 123 Titerkund (Titerkud) 29 107 Samla ichuan 63 124 Tuniamunda 64 242

VILLACE AMENITIES Police Station-DUNGURIP ALI (Portion) l..C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to It In brackets, the d"astance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms, of the (In hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------~------~ fduca- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water days of cation (Potable) Telegraph'" the (Bus Stop, Market, Railway Hat, Station, if·any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Lingmarni 317'27 622 (163) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O PO - (-5) -(5-10) 2 Badvalupall 385'67 579 (120) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Badba ha lupa II) 3 Dhanbasa 212·06 591 (124) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 4 Sdhajbahal 430'18 913 (174) P -(5-10) w,n,c,o - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 5 Sarasmal 514'36 1,471 (313) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,O PO - (-5) - (-5)

6 Rampur 808·16 3,605 (807) P(2),M,H,C D,RP W,Tk,C,O PTO,Phone Tuesday BS

7 Katapali 11019 303 (74) P - (-5) WTk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 8 Tangarklirle ;:222'58 855 (184) P - (-5) w,n,o - (-5) -(S-10) - (-S) (Tangerkarle) 9 Badkarle 460·13 2,362 (486) P,M - (-5)

11 Pandakltal 23553 625 (163) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) BS 12 Naikenpali 31201 1,297 (273) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

13 Mayabarha 176'44 626 (133) P,M - (-5) w,n,c,o PO -(5-10) - (-5) 14 Kallapali 187·77 634 (127) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) (Khaliapali) lS Balenpabll 40671 804 (173) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) B5 (Balanpabili)

16 Bal'lklpali 356·93 1,174 (245) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,C,O - (-5) -(5-10) . B5 17 Jibandadar 28935 693 (121) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 18 Mahulpali 77·70 172 (38) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(10+) - (-5) 19 Bahubasa 186· 16 323 (78) P -(5-10) W,lk,O - (-5, -(5-10) - (-5) 20 Beheramal 403'07 1.671 (386J P,M,H -(5-10) W,Tk,TW.C,O PO -(5-10) - (-5)

21 Dunguripali 271'14 112 (18) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O -(5 10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 22 Ludukibeda 24241 584 (123) P -(10+) Vv.Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) -(S-10) 23 Chitkelbandhll 108'46 293 (69) P -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Chhitkelbandhall) 24 Cu1ihapadar 97'13 456 (90) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 25 Rabanguda jungle 22,26 Uninhabited W,O 243


. App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e" area under different types of land Remarks roach distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------A------~ any villa~e Forest Irri- Un- Cutturable Area not place of gated Irrigated waste available religious, by (Including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves loglnl interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Sarapali (13) Rice 100'43 196'68 10'12 4'04 Temple KR Balanglr (65) Rice 35'21 79,32 1679S 32'37 7012

KR Balangir (65) Rice 2·43 157'42 11'74 971 30'76 KR Balangir (60) ED Rice 12,95 188'99 113'54 4'05 90'65 N·1 KR Balangir (60) Rice 17,40 281'26 97'13 11857 M-1,Temple

PR,KR Salang!r (79) EA Rice 65155 67'58 55"44 3359 N-9,M-5,C-1, T-3,Temple KR Salangir (79) Rice 0·81 10360 12'14 1,21 2"43 M-2 KR Salanglr (79) Rice 159·04 2388 27·11 12 S5 M-l,Temple

PR,KR Balangir (79) EA Rice 311·20 67'18 43·30 38'45 Temple KR Balangir (60) Rice 5747 445 3'24 1'.21 Temple

PR,KR Balangir (55) ED Rice 7,28 118'98 6556 7·29 3642 N-2,M·l,Temple KR Balangir (65) !lice 202,75 55'84 33·59 19·83 N-2, Temple, Church PR,KR Balangir (62) ED Rice 7'28 95·91 36'02 8'90 2B'33 N-2,M-3 KR Ba.angir (63) Rice 931 125'85 16·,9 1214 2428 Temple

KR Balangtr (55) Rice 29'95 299.47 1012 22'66 44'51 N-1

PR,KR Balangir t55) ED Rice 281'66 3561 15'38 24·28 M-2,Temple KR Balangir (70) Rict: 19·42 172'80 2671 22'26 4816 T-1,Temple KR Balangir (66) Rice 62-73 1'62 526 B'09 KR Batangir (66) Rice 16,19 128'69 18,62 6'47 1619 M-1 PR,KR Balangir (50) ED Rice 318,89 2469 2266 36'83 N-2,M-3, T -2, Ten'plt

KR 8arapali (14) Rice 22420 0'40 2'02 44'52 KR (14) Rice 18,62 131,52 56·66 2,43 33·18 C-1 KR Barapall (13) Rice 4'85 8'50 67'18 4'05 2.1'88 Temple

PR,KR Barapali (13) Rice 49,37 19,83 3'2-1 2469 22'26 244

VlllAGt: AMENITIES Police Station-DUNCURIPALI (Portion)

L. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the viliage, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to It in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms. in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 'I!l+Kms. of the (in hectares) households} nearest place where thp facility is available is given) ~------______-A ______~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tlonal Water and days of cation CPotable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 '} 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 ---~------26 Ravanguda 6718 55 (12) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-S) - (-5) 27 Antapall 95'10 131 (30) P -(S-10) W,Tk,C,O -(S-10) - (-S) -(5-10) 28 Patharkhandl 84'58 261 (66) P -(5-10) W,Tk,C,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 29 Titerkund 172·80 637 (120) P -(5-10) W,Tk C,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Titerkud) 30 Sannuapali 314"04 829 (143) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,C,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-S)

31 Chindajuri 106-43 427 (92) P -(5-10) W.rk,C,O -(5-10) -(5-10) BS 32 Khuntpali 404,69 1,240 (266) P - (-5) W, Tk, TW ,C,O - (-5) - (-5) BS

33 Chingerkata 338'32 762(160) P - (-S) W,Tk.O - (-5) - (-5) -( S) 34 Dunguripali 25900 2,877(596) P(2},M,H H,PHC, W ,Tk,rw ,C,O PTO,Phone Thursday BS,RS FPC,RP 35 Kudharikata ,188'18 581 (121) P - (-S) W,Tk.O - (-5) Thursday - (-5)

36 Sadhapali 95,91 426 (85) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) BS 37 Salcpali 200.72 408 (81) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) BS 38 Nangalkata 273 S7 1,031 (212) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-S) -(5-10) - (-5) 39 Pipilipali 25859 631 (137) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) BS 40 Thenganal 258'59 547 (115) r -(5-10) W,Tk.O - (-5) -(5.10) - (-5)

41 Panket 271·14 620 (136) P -(10+) W,Tk.O -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 42 Dhatkipali 288'95 459 (97) P -(10+) W,Tk,O -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10) 43 Kandagarh 29340 906 (180) P -(10+) W,Tk,O -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 44 Baghandi 319'30 686 (142) P -(10+) W,~k,O -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 45 Bairagimunda 214,b9 611(125) P -(10+) W,Tk,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

46 Pandarapali 197·89 465 (10Z) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-.5) -(10+) -(10+} 47 SialiOalijungle 28004 142 (29) - (-5) -(10+) W - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 48 Sialinali 46984 183 (37) P -(10+) W,Tk,C,O - (-5) -(S-10) -(5-10) 49 Chandili 31808 641 (132) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 50 Chanabeda 199'92 284 (53) P -(5-10) W,lk,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

51 Sulahi 236·74 566 (115) p -(10+) W.Tk,O -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 52 Andharibangijungle 3804 Uninhabited W 53 Andharibanji 17078 514 (108) P -(10+) W,Tk,O -(10+) -(10+) -(10+~ 54 Salepali jungle 17240 Uninhabited W 55 Salepali 384'05 76~ (lb7) P -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) ------_ 245


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e" area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) includil'lg to (in Kms,) r------A------~ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including tor historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2fr

KK Balangir (48) Rice 30'35 29'54 1,62 5'67 KR Balangir (51) Rice 47,75 30'35 4'05 12'95 KR BarapalJ (16) Rice 40'47 14'57 3,24 26'30 M-l, T-1 KR Barapali ( (6) Rice 144,88 404 2'43 21'45

PR,KR BarapalJ (11) Rice 240,79 20'23 4'05 48'97

PR BarapalJ (11) EA Ricp 58,27 22-66 3'24 22'26 N-2,M-2,C-1,T-1 PR Barapali (14) ED Rice 25252 53'02 1983 7932 N-4, M-2,T-2, Temple KR Barapali (19) Rice 77'30 213'67 3,24 44'11 Church I'R Balangir (16) EA Rice 153,78 2428 10'93 70·01 N-18,M-11,C-6, Temple PR,KR Balangir (43) Rice 152'57 12·55 2,02 2104 T-l,Temple

PR Barapali (16) Rice 65'96 1 !'33 "n 17'40 N-1,T-1 PR Barapali (19) Rice 91046 14 57 80'1~ 14'57 KR Balangir (50) Rice 20882 1578 1497 3400 PR Balangir (48) Rice 2,02 207,60 6'88 971 32·38 Temple KR Balangir (45) Rice 205'98 1781 9,71 25,09 M-1, Temple

KR Balangir (40) Rice 226'22 1700 23,47 4'45 Temple KR Balangir (60) Rice 165'92 86'60 15,38 21,05 T-1,Temple KR Balangir (55) Rice 9,31 231'48 6'48 9'71 36'42 M-l,T-1,Church KR. Balangir (55) Rice 283 223'39 38'85 17'81 36,42 N·1 KR Balangir (60) Rice 15,38 152,97 6,47 11'74 28·33 T-1

KR Balangir (53) Rice 10·52 143'66 4,45 8'91 30,35 KR Balangir (6S) Rice 28'33 13'55 205'99 3237 KR Baldngir (56) Rice 55'44 141'24 44'11 122'62 106'43 PR,KR Ba langir (50) Rice 222'58 5'67 45'32 44'51 Temple KR Balangir (48) Rice 13395 25'09 16'60 24'28 T-l,Temple

KR Balangir (48) Rice 186'56 7,28 22'66 20'24 M-l 14'57 6,07 17,40 KR Balan sir (51) Rice 84'18 8'09 7649 2'02 N-l,M-3 60'70 1012 32'38 69'20 KR Balangir (51) Rice 162'88 89'03 75'68 56'66 M-3,T-1 246


SO Gajbandh 624'03 1,893 (411) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,O PO -(10+) -(10+)

57 Kusadadar 127'BS 305 (m p -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 58 Brahmanipall 373'53 546 (131) P -(10+) W,lk,O -(5-10) -(10+ ) -(10+) 59 Kendupali 16B'75 361 (57) P -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(10+ ) -(10+) 60 Brahamanipalljungle 37-64 129 (32) - (-5) -(10+) w - (-5) -(10+ ) -(10+) (Bramhanipalljungle)

61 Gidhmal 31223 760 (156) P -(10+) W,lk,O -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 62 Ainlasari(Alnlasira) 437,06 1,013 (205) P -(10+) W,lk,O - (-5) -(10+) - (-5) 63 Samlaichuan 456·08 1,321 (272) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) B5 fl4 Tuniamunda 309'07 970 (195) P - (-5) W,lk,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) flS Gandapali 99·96 430 (91) P -(5-10) W,Tk,C,O -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

66 Sahala 67987 2,623 (522) P,M - (-5) W,lk,TWC,O PO - (-5) - (-5)

67 Baidupali 267'09 1,185 (235) P - (-5) W,lk,O - (-5) - (-5) BS 68 Lariabahal 199'11 867 (161) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-3) - (-5) fl9 Gambharipali 415'61 892 (176) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 70 Bandhapali 356'53 1,012 (200) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,C,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-51

-(5-10) W,lk,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 71 Barpadar 86'60 212 (42) P n Sialbahali 271'14 621 (130) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 73 Majhimunda 334'68 873 (185) P P,M - (-5) W,lk,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 74 Sargul 38fl'88 1,613 (326) -(5-10) W,Tk,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 75 Kankarajuri 99'96 136 (26) - (-5)

658 (123) P -(5-10) W,lk,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 76 Chhanchanl 221'77 P -(5-10) W,Tk,O -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 77 Champadull 217'32 545 (117) 292 (57) P -(5-10) W,lk,O -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 78 Tlteimal 163-90 614 (123) P -(10+) W,Tk,R,C,O -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) 79 Sahajbahal 181'70 680 (150) P -(10+) W,lk,R,C,O - (-5) -(10+J -(10+) 80 Kendumunda 253'33

P,M,H -(10+) W,Tk,O PO - (-5) 81 lchhapur 384-45 1,308 (274) as 404 (90) P -(10+) W,lk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 82 Phatamunda 167'54 935(191) P -(10+) W,Tk,C,O PO - (-5) BS 63 Dumerpali 212'46 -(10+) W,lk,O - (-5) - (-5) 84 Karlajuri 543-90 1,807 (397) P,M BS - (-5) -(5-10) 85 Cajmal (Gujmal) 122'62 245 (46) P -(10+) W.Tk,O - (-5) 247


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (I. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places including (in Kms.) to r------~------~ any vl:lage Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (iucluding for historical source gauchar cul~ivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ·20

KR Balangir (43) Rice 479'56 81'34 40'47 22,66 N-2, T -3,M-3, C-1, Temple KR Balangir (48) Rice 120'19 5,67 2,02 KR Balangir (51) Rice 300'68 38·45 34'40 Temple KR Balangir (51) Rice 1'21 127'88 6,07 5·26 2833 T-1 KR Balangir (66) Rice 8'10 2'02 8'10 19'42

KR Balangir (48) Rice 285'71 19'42 4'86 3'24 KR Balangir (40) Rice 343'17 72'03 1~ 38 6'48 M-l.Temple PR,KR Balangir (43) Rice 364'22 25'50 8·09 5827 M-1,Temple KR Balangir (45) Rice 308·78 41'51 8,09 7,69 Temple PR,KR Balanglr (43) Rice 83'37 6'07 3'24 7'28 Temple

PR,KR 8alanglr (40) ED Rice 509,91 3-1,80 28'73 106·43 N-1,M-3,T-1, Temple PR Balangir (37) Rice 202'75 54'63 8'09 1'62 Temple KR Balangir (40) Rice 165'11 7'29 7'69 19'02 M-2 KR Balangir (40) Rice 324'56 39'25 1'21 SO'59 Temple PR,KR Barapali (19) ED Rice 252'12 50'99 3-24 50'lB

KR Balangir (45) Rice 33-99 8'10 17'40 27'11 KR Barapali (19) Rice 227'84 283 20·23 20,24 Temple KR Balangir (46) Rice 274'38 6,07 23'88 30'35 M-l,Temple KR Balangir (42) Rice 290'Qr 19-42 40'47 36,02 N-1,M-1,T.l KR Balangir (43) Rice 8013 081 8·90 1012

KR Balanglr (44) Rice 180·90 3,64 12,14 2509 KR Balangir (42) Rice 165,52 7·28 4452 KR Balangir (38) Rice 13598 5·67 8'09 1416 KR Balangir (40) ED Rice 15580 1'62 18,21 6,07 M-1 KR Balangir (40) ED Rice 117·76 110'08 17,40 8,09 Temple

PR.KR Balangir (40) ED Rice 335'49 12,95 20·23 15·78 M-4,T-1,Temple KR Balanglr (39) .. Rice 14407 9'71 8'09 5&7 PR,KR Balangir (38) ED Rice 18413 1781 10'52 T-1,Temple PR Baldngir (45) Rice 462,15 31·57 3642 13'76 KR Balanglr (46) Rice 102-19 11'74 8'09 248

VltlAGf AMENITIES Police 5tation- DUNG URI PAll (Portion) l, C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No, Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms" in broad ranges. Viz. -5 Kms" 5-10 Kms, and 10+Kms, of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Dayor Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop. Marketl Railway Hat, Station. if any Water· way) 1 '] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

86 Mahulpali 304'73 731(181) P -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) 85 87 Sukha 1,042'07 4,235 (809) P,M,H -(10+) W,Tk,R,C,O PO,Phone Daily market BS

88 Haldi 255'36 1,119 (195) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW,C,O - (-5) -(10+) BS 89 Jampali 156,61 Uninhabited W,Tk,O 90 8adnuapali 197·08 964 (169) P - (-5) W,Tk,C,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

91 Kusamal 197"08 574 (111) P - (-5) W,Tk,C,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 92 Cherupali 260'21 1,639 (318) P,M,H - (-5) W,Tk,O ' PO - (-5) as

93 Poind 413.~ 1.188 (245) P.M -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-3) - (5-10) 8S 94 8adpha tamunda 413'99 826 (149) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 95 Chamarpur 123'43 340 (61) P -(5-10) W,Tk,C,O - (- 5) -(5-10) - (-5)

96 Sunapali 297'44 1,008 (198) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 97 Gadhapal 38S'09 1,203 (237) P -(10+) W,U,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Gadhapali) 98 Digsira 698'08 3,167 (602) P,M,H -(10+) W,Tk,R,C,O PO Wednesday - (-5)

99 Dahukbud 303'92 614 (131) P -(10+) W,Tk,R,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) (Dahukabuda) 100 Tamamura 410'76 1,380 (275) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(10+) -(10H

101 Bhatbahali 417'64 935 (193) P -(10+) W,Tk,O -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) (Bhatbhali) 102 Kapasira 611.89 1,787 (36B) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,R,O -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 103 Kaiskanda 135·57 235 (52) P -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(10+ ) -(10+) 104 Pa lharkhandi 249'29 59B (128) P -(10+) W.Tk,O -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10) 105 Bilaibahali 107'65 164 (26) P -(10+) W,Tk,O -(10+ J - (-5) -(10+)

106 Julunda 312'01 1,195 (266) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,C,O - (-5) Saturday -(10+) 107 Mahubahali 125'86 126 (23) P -(10+) W,Tk,O -(10+ ) -(10+) --(10+) 108 Rangpur 99·96 191 (37) P -(10+) W,Tk,O -(10+ ) -(10+) -(10+) 109 Kalsaipali 137,59 262 (48) P -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(10+ ) -(10+) (Kazaipali} 110 Amamunda 348'03 816 (175) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(10+)

111 Khurdiabahal 20113 416 (93) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 11l Samarchipa 106·84 337 (65) P,H -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 113 Padhanpali 369.07 695 (142) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 114 PadhanpalJ jungle 92,27 51 (9) - (-5) -(10+) W - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 115 Sialjuri 64.75 85 (16) - (-5) -(10+) Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 'l49


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (I. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Sllpply Food use In hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (In Kms.) ~------~------~ any village Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated Irrigated waste available religious by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 '17 18 19 20

KR Balangir (42) Rice 236'34 22·26 1861 27'52 PR,KR Balenglr (40) ED Rice 769·31 72'03 105'22 95'51 N-3,M-3,C-2, TEimple PR,KR Balangir (37) ED Rice 216'51 5'26 17"40 16'19 N-2,Temple 139'61 8·50 8'50 PR,KR Balengir l38) Rice 159"45 22"66 1497

PR,KR Balangir (35) Rice 158'64 27'92 6'07 4'45 1'R,KR Balangir (34) EA Rice 178'47 78'10 3'64 N-8,M":1,T -1, Temple n,kR Batangii' /(35) ED 'RiCe 309~58 98-34 4·05 2·02 Temple P*,l<:R Balanglr (35) ittce 201'13 211'6~ 0'81 0'40 T.:.1 KR Balangir (49) ltice 83'77 27;52 8,09 405

KR Balangir (37) Rice 22901fti 53,!J2 8'09 6'47 M-2,T-4 KR Balangir (40) Rice ... 299,87 75.27 4'86 8'09 Temple

PR,KR Balangir (38) EA Rice :tI71-46 197'49 22'66 6,47 N-9,M-4,C':'1,T~2 Temple KR Balangir (40) Rice 221-77 65'56 10'12 6'47

KR Balangir (48) Rice 318'89 74'06 1'62 16·19 Temple

KR Balangir (40) Rice 334'27 59'09 16·19 8'09

KR Balangir (42) Rice 44070 140'83 20,24 10'12 T-1 KR Balangir (90) Rice 102'39 19,42 728 6'.018 KR Balangir (50) Rice '20437 2468 10'93 9'31 N-l,Temple K~ Balangir (50) Rice SO· 13 23'47 2'43 1-62 T-1

KR Balanglr (50) Rice,Wheat 144,07 138'81 485 24'28 Temple KR Sana pur (46) Rice 3·24 95'10 23"47 2·83 1'22 KR Balanglr (43) Rice 53'01 32'78 10·12 4.05 KR Balangir (45) Rice 82'56 50'58 2'83 1.62

KR Sonapur (45) Rice 214"08 124'64 9.31

KR Sonapur (40) Rice 151.35 46·14 3.&4 KR Balanglr (53) Rice 76.08 22-26 8.50 N-2 KR Sonapur (37) Rice 240.79 121.00 7·28 KR Sonapur (37) Rice 84·98 405 3.24 KR Sonapur (37) Rice 37.23 26·31 1.21 Temple 250


Le. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the viJla~e, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to It In brackets, the distance in Village (Number of kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 K01S. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the faCility Is available is given) r------~-r------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tiona I Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water­ way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 W

116 Kuhibahal 384.45 1,371 (295) P,M,H -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 117 Mahadh jungle 58·28 Uninhabited (Mahada jungle) 118 Bausunibahal 131.12 Uninhabited '19 Naktamunda 97·93 389 (78) P -(10+ ) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 120 Siali 352.89 796 (162) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+)

130 Anganadi 764.86 (Anganandl) 132 Bahupali 349.24 932 (210) P -(10+) W,Tk,O ,- (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 133 Chaukamal 18251 .387 (75) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 134 Mahada 465.39 1117 (249) P,M -(10+) W,R PO - (-5) -(10+)

Total 34,085.95 98,227 P-114,M-24, D-1,H-1, (19,796) H-9,C-1 PHC/HC-1, FPC-1,O-2

i -.'. 251


App· Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (I· e., area under different types of land Remarks' roach Distance Supply Food ,...-use_ In·______hectares rounded--Jl-. up______to 2 decimal places)___,_ including to (in Kms.) any village Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious by (including) for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Sonapur (37) Rice 289 35 82.96 12·14 N-1.Temple 30.35 27.93

KR 56.66 73·25 1·21 KR Sonapur (43) Rice 3.64 75.27 19.02 KR Sonapur (43) Rice c 247.26 65.16 40·47 N·1

Not available '" KR Sonapur (42) Rice 265·88 47·75 )5·61 N-1

KR Sonapur (38) Rice 146.09 27.92 8.50 KR Sonapur (38) Rice,Wheat 318.08 89.84 57·47 N-2,M-1, Temple-

3GI·9' 22,82G.24 5,G80.20 1,111.95 3,032.12 N.'1,M·67,C.t3, T.3S


\) KILOMETRES 1- 1 J I 0 , , I ¢t' I i I 0 1 MiLlS




Boundary, Police Station. .

Headquarter~: Police Stat ron @ Reservtd Forcs( .• RF

Villtlge" wilh populatiun Size l3el(IW200,} ~ 200-499, 500 ~~!)99, & I 000--4999. o •• _-_-_-J: U'ntnh

Important ~ktulled Road', . Unmetalled allJ other Rvad'l.

Ri'ver and Stream . Post Office, Post & T elc!S, "'ph 0f'IWe_ PO,PTO High School •. 5 ·Hospital ... Dispensary \11+ ,Maternity and Child Welfare Centre lmportant vil1ase Mark,-,tfHat ..•

9 ,\u

Iucd "peR Su~y m 1_ map with the permlssK'n o( _the Surveyor General of JDdia.




'il. Name of the Village L. c. 51. Name of the Village l.c. No. No. No. No. 1 2 3 1 2 3

Adakasa 47 45 liranadi 13 2 Adakashajungle 37 46 Kadalipali 27 3 Ainlamunda 2 47 Kadalipali 38 4 Akhidadar 20 48 Kaintara 73 5 Anganadi 85 49 Kamira 42

6 Antarda 29 50 Kartang 84 7 Antardajungle 28 51 Katapali 74 8 Arigaon 21 52 Kaudiamunda 58 9 Asurgarh 6 53 Khairmal 8 10 BabupalJ 10 54 Khaliapali 11

11 Bagbahall 59 55 Kukudajholl 15 12 Bagbahalijungle 57 56 Kulthipali 49 13 Bagdia 5 57 Kulthipalljungle 48 14 Balaranga 18 58 Mahadevpali 82 15 Banjipali 56 59 Mahulpali 34

16 Bankighiridi 14 60 Manigaon 22: 17 Sansuni 72 61 MeghaJa 54 18 Bausuni jungle 77 62 Nagapall 80 19 Shabanipali 1 63 Nandanmal 51 20 Bhamarpalijungle 69 64 Padhanpall 81

21 Shandar 35 65 Padhlpali 65 22 Bhlkabahali 78 66 Paisa pall 7 23 Bhlmtikra 52 67 Pandarlmal 19 24 Sisalpali 26 68 Pandkital 88 25 Charda 62 69 Papl 40

26 Cha rda jungle 63 70 Pitelpall. 33 rt Cherupall 23 71 Pujadungirl - 45 28 Chulimal 36 72 Ra tnash'lgasanplir 39 29 Oendupadar 9 73 Sahajbahal 5S 30 Oharapall 30 74 Sahajbahal 67

31 fabsl 76 7S Sakma 79 32 Fulchangudldunglrl 46 76 Sanbhalupali 43- 33 Fulmuthi 66 77 Sankara 64 34 Gadgadbahal 68 78 Sansamura Sf. 35 Gajbandh 32 79 Sanvalupall 44

!6 Ganeshpur 25 80 Sarguna 17 37 Ganla - 50 81 Seledi 70 38 Garlapall 83 82 Silati 61 39 Ghantopall (Ghontopali) 7S 83 Silatijungle 60 .4() Ghodadhar 87 54 Sindurpur 24

.. 1 Gulunda 31 85 Singhijuba 41 ..2 Hutuma 12 86 Talmunda .. .u lampall 16 87 Tlleimal 3 .... Jasha~ur 53 88 Tulundupall 71 .2-56


1..C, Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) No, village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it In brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., In b!._oad rall~!~!~iz._:::-_5 Kms., 5..:}O_~rnS. and 10+Kms. of the

(lnihectares) households) ~ ______nearest place where the-A facility______is available is given) ~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Itailway .Bat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 6 9 10

1 6habanipali 183-32 788 (184) P,M - (-5) W.Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 2 Ainlamunda 167.77 809 (154) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - ( .....5) - (--5) 3 Tileimal 144'07 290 (&4) P - (-5) W,TW - (-5) ... { ..... S) - (-'5) 4 Talmunda 152'57 729 (163) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - ('-5) 5 8agdia 265.07 554 (107) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - ('"-5) - ( .... 5)

6 Asurgarh 235'53 897 (177) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-.";) - (-5) 7 Palsapali 176.44 783 (163) P - (-5) W,Tk,rW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 8 Khairmal 16875 751 (1~6) P - (-5) w,Tk,rW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 9 Dendupoidar 266·28 790 (168) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(10+> -pO+) - (-5) 10 8abupali 621·19 1,724 (373) P,M -(5·10) W,Tk.TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

11 KhaliapaJi 38'04 207 (43) P -(5·10) Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 12 Hutuma 466·20 1,085 (223) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) - (5.'10) 13 Jiranadi 132'33 Uninhabited 1'4 Bankighiridl 798·45 1,801 (3§9) P,M NH,O W,Tk,TW PO Friday '-(501010)

1S Kukudajholi 150.54 372 (86) P -(10+) W,TW -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

1& JampaJi 296.64 b09 (1~'1) P -(10+) W,Tk,lW -(10+) -(1Q+ ) BS 17 Sarguna 396·59 562 ("9) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(10+) -(10+) - (-5)

18 Balaranga 41723 971,(211) P -(10of'~ W,Tk,TW -(10+) -(10+) ..... (""5)

Pandarimal 556·04 1,062 (225) P -(10H W,TW,R - (-5) -(10+) .....i(10 ... ) l'2f) Akhidadar 325'37 ual{~) P -(10H W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) .'!!'" ( ..... 5) ...... (.....:s)

21 Arigaon 484·81 927 (215) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 22 Maniga..,n 235·93 634 (147) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(10+) -(5-10) 21 Cherupali 328·61 500 (105) P - \-i) W.Tk,TW - (-5) -(~+) • ...a(5 ... 'O) 2(1 Sindurpur 303·11 1.066 (234) P,hj\,H MCW,NH,D W,Tk,TW PO -(5-'0) ..... ("'5) 25 Ganeshpur 404·69 912 (208) ~,M - (-$) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10.) - (...s)

26 Bisalpali 427,35 782 (1St) P -(S·10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(~-1(» - (-5) -(9a) p -(5-10) ...... (.;..0;5) 2' Kadalipall 24lo00 346 W,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) 21 AntardaJungle 2226 Unlnha!»ted ..... Antarda 318·49 846 (180~ P - (-~) . W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-!I...... ("'-16) 2t ._ 3t Dharapali 32·37 Un inl'\4li!it!l


DIRECTORY .-" • "" ~... ~. ',' ~ '.j. J, , AND LANDUSE Tahasil-RAMPUR

41lP- Neare~t to~tI, and Power land u~e (I. e., area u~der different types of land Remarks • J', S~.pl~ roach Dlst~nce Supply Food use in hectares r~unded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) ,...------_..... _------.... any village F0rest Irri- Un- Cutu;r4ble Area not place of gatel irrigated waste avall

11 12 13 14 15 16 -& 18 19 io , ",' KR Baig_arh (35), R,i~e, Wheat 15-0.14 2.83 20.23 10·12 ~R (35)" ~ii:e,Wheat 1~1.35 6·88 23·88 5.66 N.1,T-1,Temple I\R B,!r.g,arh (31) ~ice,Wheat 113 72 6·4~ 21,85 2.02 N-l, T.emptC'! KR Bargarh (38), RIs;e, Whea t 140.83 9·31 1·22 1·21 M-1,T-l,Temple KR Bargarh (42) RIce,Wheat 4·45 251.72 0:81 809

I\~ Bargarh (38) Rice,Wheat 20801 18,21 6·07 3.24 M-1,T-2,Temple Kit Batgarh (35) Rice,Wheat 0·41 15297 20.23 2.02 081 Tel11pl~ KR Bargarh (4\) Rice,Wheat 4·05 152.97 8.0' 2'83 0'81 N-l,T-l,Tel11ple KR Bargarh (48) ED Itlce,Wheat 4.05 216,62 23;47 10'12 202 M-l,T -:1' KR Bargarh (45) ED Rlce,Wheat 16,19 567.71 11·74 1942 6.07 Mo 2,T 2,Temple

KR Bargarh (35) Rice,Wheat 31·57 3.64 2'43 040 KR Bargarh (29) ED Rlce,Wheat 16'19 359'36 8013 5-66 4·86 N-l,Temple

~~, _.. 133.33 KR Bargarh (48) EA Rlce,Wheat 16·19 710'22 2833 405 39.66 N-2,M~2,T -2, Temple KR Bargarh (48) Rlce,Wheat 0·81 12'·40 23·47 0.81 4·05

KR Bargarh (64) ED Rice,Wheat 2·02 250.91 19·83 12'14 11'74 N-3,M-1, Temple KR Bargarh (48) ED Rice,Wheat 127'48 174.01 10·52 3683 47·75 N-l,M-1,T-1, Temple KR Sc>napur (48) Rice 25'49 286·52 12.54 48-97 43.71 N-1,M-1,T-1, Temple KR Sonapur (48) ED Rice 26·71 350·05 28·33 .58·28 9267 M-1,T-2,Temple KR Sonapur (42) EA Rlce,Wheat 262.24 1052 24'69 27-92 M-l,Temple

KR Sonapur (42) EA Rlce,Wheat 353'~9 81'75 15.78 33'99 M-5,Temple KR Sonapur (40) ED Rice.Wheat 191.01 13'36 7·28 2428 Ten!ple KR Sonapur (45) ED Rlte,Wheat 5·26 225·01 121.4 45·33 4C·87 Temple KR Sonapur (32) EA Rice,Wheat 216·51 24·69 33,99 27·92 N-2,Temple KR Sonapur (32) EA Rice,Wheat 27681 18·62 9·71 9955

KR Sonapur (35) Rice,Wheat 44'92 26(l·28 10,52 41·28 64·35 T-1 KR Sonapur (34) Rlte,Wheat SO·J8 10400 5302 1983 14·97 809 14·17 KR Sonapur (32) fA Rlce,Wheat 19·42 199·92 31-57 2226 45·32 Temple 25·90 1·21 364 162 258


I Police Station-BINIKA

L. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown in the column ana next to it in brackets the distance in Village (Number of Kms· in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place,where the facility is available is given) A ------, r------Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi tional Water and days of cation (Potable) Telegrapn the (Bus Stop, Mi\fket/ Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

31 Gulunda 39619 1,006 (209) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5') 32 Gajbandh 1~6·90 183 (38) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5) 33 Piteipali 78·91 303 (69) P - (-5) W,rk -'(-5) - (-5) - (-5) 34 Mahulpali 219·34 544 (117) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 35 Bhandar 49615 1,278 (267) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

36 Chulimal 401·04 412 (92) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5.10) 37 Adakasha Jungle 71·23 Uninhabited W 38 Kadalipali 320·92 570 (130) P -(10+) W,Tk,O -(5-10) -(5·10) -(5-10) 39 Ra tnasingasanpur 55,44 Uninhabited 40 Papi 426·54 997 (228) P - (-5) Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5)

41 Singhijuba 38971 910 (208) P,M MCW,NH.O W,Tk.TW PO - f-5) as 42 Kamira 639,40 1,477 (310) P,M - (-5) W,TW - (-5) - (-5) B5 43 Sanbhalupali 2266 Uninhabited 44 Sanvalupa Ii 411·57 481 (111) P -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 45 Pujadungirl 96.72 Uninhabited W

46 Fulchangadidungiri 39.25 Uninhabited / W 47 Adakasa 404.£-9 690 (151) p -(5-10) w,n,c,o -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 48 Kulihipalijungle 40.87 Uninhabited W 49 Kuthipali 161.47 319 ()2) P , - (5-10) W,Tk.C,O -(5-10) -(5·1O) -(5 10) 50 Gania 17806 656 (U3) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5.10) -(5-10)

51 Nandanmal 421.28 1,160 (217) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (10+) -(10+) 52 Bhimtikra 257.79 1,034 (223) P,M,H -(10+) W,Tk.O PO -(10+ ) -(1()+ 1 53 Jashapur 19384 432 (84) P -(10+) W,TW - (-5) -(10+) BS 54 Meghala 39659 1,324 (296) P,M -(10+) W,rk PO -(10+ ) - (-5) 55 Sahajbahal 141.64 564 (101) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5)

56 Banjipali 208.82 532 (120) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5). 57 Bagbahali jungle 206.79 85 (25) - (-5) - (10+) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 58 Kaudiamunda 378.79 1.127 (250) P MCW,NH,O W,Tk,TW - (-5) Wednesday BS

59 Bagbahali S7.0n Uninhabited 60 Silati jungle 167.54 Uninhabited 259

DIRECTORY AND LANDUSE Tailasil-RAMPUR _---- App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------~-~_-__ A------~------~ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious by (including for historical source .gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 1~ 16 17 18 19 20

KR Balangir (67) EA Rice,Wheat 34·81 196·27 7527 2873 61·11 T-l,Temple KR Balangir (72) Rice 85·39 6·88 607 48·56 Temple KR Balangir (72) ED Rice 63·54 283 121 11·33 Temple Kil Sonapur (40) ED Rice 35·61 135·97 041 23·88 23·47 KR Sonapur (40) EA Rice,Wheat 78·91 309·99 1659 31·57 59·09 M-1,C-l,T-2, Temple

KR Sonapur (40) Rice 6839 231·08 6·47 64·34 30·76 71·23 KR Sonapur (48) Rice 26·31 174·02 5220 2792 40·47 Temple 4·05 14·97 3·24 32·37 0·81 KR Sonapur (38) Rice 229·86 137·59 18 6~ 40·47

KR Sonapur (47) EA Rice,Wheat 12'14 299·06 32·37 5·67 40·47 N-2,T-1,Temple KR Balangir (64) ED Rice,Wheat 8'09 48562 97'13 1214 36'42 M-l 22'66 KR Balangir (67) Rice 20'23 186'16 127'88 30'76 46'54 N-2,Temple 9612

Not available KR Balangir (66) Rice 12.14 287.33 93.08 4.05 8.09 Not available KR Balangir (64) Rice 10117 26.31 27.11 688 T-1 KR Balangir (56) Rice 123.83 23.47 1862 12.14 C-1

KR Balangir (53) Rice 303.92 65.97 14.97 36.42 N·2,M-l KR Balangir (48) Rice 176.45 51.80 17.40 12.14 N-2,Temple KR Balangir (50) Rice 154·59 23.47 7.28 8.50 M·4,C-l,Temple KR Balangir (51) EA Rlce,Wheat 324096 51.40 8.09 12.14 N-',Temple KR Sonapur (34) Rice 87.01 44.52 2.02 8.09 Temple

KR Sonapur (34) Rice 147.71 3B85 6·07 16.19 Temple KR Sonapur (34) Rice 201·13 5.26 0.40 KR Sonapur (34) EA Rice,Wheit 358-15 9.71 10.12 0.81 N-3,M-3,T -1, Temple 14.16 38.04 0.81 4.05 151.35 16.19 260

VILLAGE AMENITlES Police Station-BINIKA l. C. Name of the Total - Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) N,,· Village area of 'the population is showni in!the column'and next to It In brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz, -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility IS available is given) "....---_,______A ______~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tiona I Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railwav Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 Ij 6 7 8 9 10

61 Silati 561.70 2,383 (462) P,M,H NH,O W,Tk,TW PO -(10+) -(10+ ) 62 Charda 634.55 1,489 (317) P,M - (-5) T,W,tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 63 Charda Jungle 3440 11 ( 1) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 64 5ankara 50545 2,252 (477) P,M,H ° W,Tk PO - (-5) B5 65 Padhipali 38.04 97 (20) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

66 Fulmuthi 555.63 1,790 (394) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS 67 Sahajbahal 114'93 334 (65) P,O -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 66 Gadgadbahal 390·52 686 (158) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) OS 69 Bhamarpalijungle 51'80 52 (12) - (-5) -(5-10) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 70 Seledi 526'50 1,482 (334) r,M FPC,NH W,Tk,TW PO -(S-10) BS

71 Tulundupali 468'22 1,347 (293) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(5-10) BS 72 Bansuni i21'96 1,690 (342) P,M,H -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,O PO Sunday - (-5) 73 Kaintara 46053 1,171 (255) P,M -(10+ ) W,Tk,TW,C - (-5) Thursda y - (-5) 74 Katapali 37150 528 (113) P -(10+) W,TW,C - (-5) Thursday -(5-10) 7S Ghantopali 563·32 862 (182) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW,C - (-5) Thursday - (-5) (Ghontopali)

76 Fabsi 171'59 616 (150) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 77 Bausuni jungle 85'80 Uninhabited 76 Bhikabahali 125'46 279 (51) P - (-5) W,C - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 79 Sakma 827'99 997 (219) P - ("'::5) W,Tk,TW,C - (-i) Thursday BS 80 I'>'agapali 1~8·23 181 (39) P - (-5) W,TW - (-5) -(10+) - (-5)

81 Padhanpali 82 S6 386 (99) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+ ) - (-5) tl2 Mahadevpali 121'41 517 (111) P,M 0 W,TW PO -(5-10) BS 83 Gariapali 3804 150 (28) P - (-5) W -,(-5) -(10+) - (-5) 84 Kaftang 407.11 1,049 (232) P,M,H - (-5) W,Tk,C PO Thursday 85 85 Anganadi 41561 Uninha~jted 261


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e .• area under different types of land Remarks rO".ch Distance Supply Food use In hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places Including to (in Kms.) r------A------~ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Are. not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (Including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Sonapur (40) EA Rice,Wheat 409.95 102.38 9.71 39·66 M-2,T-l,Temple KR Sonapur (34) EA Rice,Wheat 527·71 97.93 6.48 2.43 N-1,Temple KR Sonapur (34) Rice 34.40 KR Balangir (64) EA Rice,Wheat 454.46 35.61 1457 0·81 N-1,M-2, T-1, Temple KR Balangir (63) Rice 36.02 2.02

KR Batangir (62) ED Rice.Wheat 448.80 69.61 11·73 2549 N-l,Temple KR Balanglr (59) Rice,Wheat 106'8,4 3·64 3·24 1·21 Temple KR Balanglr (59) ED Rice 323-34 56·25 9·71 122 N-2,T-l,Temple KR Balangir (59) Rice 24·28 27·52 KR Bal4nglr (59) EA Rice,Wheat 508'69 13·36 202 2·43 N-S,M-l,T-l. Temple

KR Sonapur (18) ED Rice 402·66 60·30 0·40 4'86 N-3,Temple· KR Sonapur (19) ED Rice,Wheat 59489 114·93 6·07 6'07 N-3.Temple KR Sonapur ( 18) ED Rice 412'78 44·11 3·64 N-l,Temple· KR Sonapur (18) ED Rice 193·04 146·09 12·14 20·23 N-2,Temple KR Sonapur (18) ED Rice 333·87 196'27 12'95 20·23 Temple

KR Sonapur (45) ED Rice 141·64 13·76 7·29 8·90

( ... 8580 KR Sonapur (18) ED Rice 114'93 4'86 4.45 1'2'l Temple KR Sonapur (18) ED Rice 424·52 398'61 0·81 4·C5 Temple KR Sonapur (18) ED Rice 15783 0·40 Temple

KR Sonapur (18) Rice 69'20 8'09 1·22 4'05 PR,KR Sonapur (18) EA Rice,Wheat 101-17 810 5·26 6'88 N-3,M-l KR Sonapur (18) ED Rice,Wheat 37M 0·40 PR,KR Sonapur (18) fA Rice,Wheat 239'17 155-80 4·05 8·09 N-2,T-l,Temple EA Not available 262


L· C Name of the Total Total Amenities·available (if not available within the village, a dash (-} No· Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to It in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms· and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ ~duca- Medical Drinking Post Day or Commum- tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station. if any Water­ way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

86 Sansamura 258'19 699 (146) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,C - (-5) Thursday BS 87 Ghodadhar 240·3B 639 (133) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Thursday BS 88 Pandkital 89'03 186 (47) P - (-5) W,TW,R,C - (-5) -(10+) - (-5~

Total 25,225'69 59,563 P-71, D-2, (12,750) M-fO,H-6 MCW/MH/ CWC-3, FPC-1, 0-11

Ramp ... , Total 5,9311·64 155,790 P-185, D-3, Tahasil (32,546) M-44, H-1, H-1S, MCWIMHf C-1 CWC-3, PHC/HC-1, t=PC-2. 0-13 263


App- Nearest town· and Power Staple land use (i, e" area-underi.different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares round,ed up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms,) ,------"------.... any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious. by (including for historical source gaucher cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR.KR Sonapur (18) EA Rice,Wheat 252'52 0'41 324 2,02 T-2,Temple PR,KR Sonapur (18) EA Rice,Wheat 230_67 5'66 4,05 N-2,M-1,Temple KR Sonapur (18) EA Rice 85'39 081 0-81 2-02

1,1590317.837-37 3,13672 1,022'23 1,574'61 N-50,M-33, C-3,T-28

1,469'0140,757-61 8,196'92 3,020'18 4,607-33 N-131,M-100, C-16,T-63

•. _-" _.... _------_._------.....,

·1 ~ ~ 1 ! I I


@ f i "-



p u ORISSA SHINDHOL P.S. 01 STR I CT BALANG I R / KILOMETRES I Q I 1 J rk H :===71 I 0 HIUIS Renrved ForVlt r' ... .,'\,A, \.... },.} "



from SImko




Important Metailed. Road, Unmetalled and other Roads, • Rivel and Stream. Post Office.

High S{:hool. • ~ ~

Hospitc:ll Primary Health Centre ,Dispensary ~ Maternity and Child Weli;n:e C(;;uh:::: .. Important village Malktt{Hat .. .,. •.• £

Baaed upon Survey of India map with the permission of tllp SurveY?l 'General of India. © .Goverrunen! "f India copyriqh~ 1985.



51. Name of the Village L.·C. 51. Name of the Village l. C. No. No. No. No. 1 2 3 2 3

1 Ainlachhat 48 46 Jagannathpali 90 2 Amurda 106 47 }ampali 93 3 Badali 85 48 Jaunrabhounra 39 4 Badamal 86 49 Jharabahali 69 5 Badmal 47 50 Jharabahalijungle 70

& Badmaljungle 49 51 Kalipur 67 7 Bagharmunda 50 52 Kamalkata 8 8 Baidapali 107 53 Kapasira 3 9 Balabasapur (Balabasapi) 97 54 Kapasira 89 10 Barigoan 99 55 Keutipali 14

11 Barpadar 77 56 Khaliapali 95 12 Beheramal 4 57 Kharapura 27 13 Beheramaljungle 5 58 Kharapurajungle 28 14 Brahmanipali 24 59 Khemaloi 72 15 Budhi jharan 13 60 Krushanapurjungle 29

16 Budhljharanjunsle 12 61 Kukia 96 17 Chadeigudi 33 62 Kusumpal 21 18 Chadeipank 46 63 Kuta;:>ali 6 19 Chadeipank jungle 45 64 Kutmenda 64 20 Dabapali 25 65 Kutmendajungle 65

21 Dakhinipali 41 66 Lambakani 91 22 Dakhinipali jungle 40 67 Lambtul 20 23 Daltangar 51 68 lamtuljungle 19 24 Dasarajpurpandfal 105 6'J lastala 78 25 Dasarajpurpandiafa' 104 70 Mahanadi (Ka) 101 (Dasar a jpurpandiapal) 71 Manamal 100 26 Dejharan 7 72 Mankadabahal 68 27 Dengurdar 23 73 Manpur 44 28 Dhanbahali 2 74 Maraloi (Moraloi) 94 29 Dhanbahalljungle 1 75 Matikhai 83 30 Dhelei 53 76 Matupali 42 31 Dhourabhuin 58 n Maulimal 79 32 Dhuldhula 92 78 Meghanad (Neghanad) 56 33 Didimal 88 79 Meghanadjungle 54 34 Dipapali 52 80 Mentakani 60 35 Edepadar (Udepadar) 109 81 Mundomahul 16 Gailmura 84 36 82 Nakadein 75 37 Gandabahal (Gandabahali) 80 83 Nimna 103 Ganjachhapar 36 38 84 Panchamahala 98 Ganjachhaparjungle 38 39 85 Pandakltal 71 40 Gaurgoan 108 41 G;ndilamal 22 86 Pardiapali 34 55 42 Guja 32 87 Paru~pall 11_ 4~ Hatimunda 59 88 Patrapali 44 Hatipahul 35 89 Patrapall 66 45 Hud 15 90 PatrapaliJungle 9 269


51. Name of the Village L.c. 51. Name of the Village L. C. ~G. No. No. No 1 2 3 1 2 3

91 Pipalikani (Pipilikani) 110 101 Shindhol 17 92 Pipalkata 73 102 Shindholjungle 18 93 Pipalka ta jungle 74 103 Sindriabahal 76 94 Pipalkuda 87 104 Singhapali 62 95 PutuTupaJi 81 105 5lnghapalijungJe 63

96 Rgdhanagar 37 106 Sulia 30 97 Rengali 61 107 Sulia jungle 31 98 Sahanidiha 43 108 Telenda 102 99 Salepali 10 109 Tentulikhole (Tentulikhol) 57 100 Sarmundapal (Sarmunda) 26 110 Ullunda 82 '1:7lJ

VILLAGE AMENlrlES Police Statlon-SI4INDHOL l. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) , o. village area of the population Is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in village (Number of i

1 Dhanbahali jungle 38.4S Uninhabited 2 Dhanbahali 3278 Uninhabited 3 Kapasira 166.33 16& (41) P -(10+ ) W,Tk,TW,R - (-S) -(10+ ) as 4 Beheramdl 138 (JO 118 (26) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(10+) as 5 Beheramal jungle 64·75 Uninhabited

6 Kutapali 175.63 17& (4&) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(5-10) B5 7 Dejharan 22'26 19 (5) -(5-10) -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+ ) -(5-10) 8 Kamalkata 8.50 6 (2) -(S-10) -(10+) Tk . - (-S) -(10+ ) - (-5) 9 Patrapalijungle 26.71 6 (2) - (-5) -(10+) 0 - (-5) -(10+) -(-o+) 10 Saiepali 78.91 Jninhabited

11 Patrapali 201.13 136 (41) P -(10+) W,Tk,R PO -(10+ ) BS 12 Budhi jharanjungle 2347 Uninhabited 13 Budhijharan 36·02 Uninha bited 14 Keutipali 5·26 114 (26) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) -(10+ ) BS 15 Hud 139.21 462 (-127) - (-5) -(10+ ) W,Tk,R - (-S) -(10+) 85

16 Mundomahul 219.34 351 (80) P -(104) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) ,-(10+) BS 17 Shindhol 301.90 1,079 (229) P,M,H MCW W,Tk,TW,R PO Daily market BS 18 Shindholjungle 94029 Uninhabited 19 Lamtul jungle 44.52 Uninhabited 20 Lambtul 34.80 6 (2) - (-5) -(5-10) -- (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

21 Kusumpal 38·04 Uninhabited 12 Gindilamal 94.29 6 (1) -(5-10) -(10+) W~O -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) 23 Dengurdar 65'56 Uninhabited 24 Brahmanipal i 203·56 287 (76) P -(10+) W,Tk,O -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10) 25 Dabapali 67·58 Uninhabited

26 Sarmundapal 34'80 Uninhabited .I- (Sarmunda) , 27 Kharapura 168'75 114 (29) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW,O -(10+ ) -(10+) -(10+) 28 Kharapurajungle 27·92 Uninhabited 29 Krushanapur jungle 43·71 59 (14) - (-5) -(10+) w -(5-10) - (5-10) -(10+) 30 Sulia 179·b8 216 (55) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(S-10) -(5-10) -(10+) ..~~ _------_._------_--- 271


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land-use (I. e., area under different types of I;md Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) Including ,.. ______A ______~ to (In Kms.) any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste -available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

37'64 0-81 10'93 1983 0'40 1'62 PR,KR Sambalpur (48) ED Rice 38'85 21'45 83-37 121 2145 Temple PR,KR Sambalpur (47) ED Rice 29-14 28':'\3 56'65 1012 13'76 Temple 64'75

PR Sambalpur (45) Rice 23'47 4087 7851 17·81 14'97 Temple· KR Sambalpur (51) Rice 6'48 14 16 1'62 KR Sambalpur (51) Rice 0'81 728 0·41 FP Sambalpur (50) Rice 2671 33'25 3'64 19'02 11'74 526

PR,KR Sambalpur (SO) Rice 19'83 27·92 126'67 12,1~ 14'57 Temple 2347 12'95 4'45 10''13 3'24 4'45 PR,KR Sambalpur (5D) fAg,EO Rice 486 0·40 Temple PR,KR Sambalpur (53) EAg,ED Rice 13'76 28·33 79'32 930 8.50 Temple

PR,KR Sambalpur (55) fAg,ED Rice 3561 39.66 93·89 18'61 31'57 PR Sambalpur (45) EAg,ED Rice 10'93 30,3; 191·82 41'28 2752 N-1,M-1,Temple 9429 4452 KR Sambalpur ~48) Rice 607 22'66 1.62 4'85

1'21 31'16 0'41 5']6 KR Sambalpur (38) Rice 28'33 4371 12'54 9·71 081 39'25 17,00 8'50 KR Sonapur (37) Rice 52'20 1457 11129 122 24'28 12,54 51,40 040 3'24

31,1.6 3,64

KR Sambalpur (37) RicE' 42·'0 16·59 97·53 1·21 1052 279'l KR Sambalpur (38) Rice 43,71 KR Sambalpur (39) Rice 48,l1i 29·95 91'86 324 6·47 272

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police Station - SHINDHOl l.c. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) Nt-· Village area of the population is shown in the c-:>Iumn·and next to It in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., In broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5~10 kms. and 10+Kms. of the (In hectares) households) nearest place where the facility Is available Is given) r------~----A------~ Educa~ Medical Orinklng Post Da y or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

31 Sullajungle 38'45 Uninhabited 32 Guja 51'20 23 (4) - \-5) -(10+) W -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+) 33 Chadeigudi 74'87 2 (1) - (-5) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 34 Pardlapall 71'63 Uninhabited 35 Hatipahul 171'99 166 (35) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

36 Ganjachhapar 53·B2 100 (19) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+) 37 Radhanagar 128'29 172 (41) P -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(10+) -(10+) 38 GanJdchhapar- 225'82 Uninhabited jungle 39 Jaunrabh0unra 322'13 391 (79) P -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(5.10) -(10+) -(S-1O) .w Dakhinlpalijungle 106'43 Uninhabited

..1 Dakhinlpall 280,85 330 (73) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 42 Matupali 339·94 465 (115) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS 43 Sahanidiha 125'45 75 (11) - (-5) -(10+) W - (-5) - (-S) BS 44 Manpur 74"87 189 (39) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(10+) - (-5) 45 Chadeipankjungle 23'50 187 (42) - (-5) -(10+) W,lk,O - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5)

46 Chadelpank 303'92 1,520 (296) P,M MeW W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) BS 47 Badmal 211'65 221 (45) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 48 Alnlachhat 248'48 493(126) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) BS ...9 Badmaljungle 52'20 S& (13) - (-5) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(5-10) - (--5) 'so Bagharmunda 73'25 88 (21) P -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

51 Daltangar 36·83 16 (2) - (-5) -(10+) TW -(5-10) -(10+> - (-5) 52 Dipapall 347'63 208 (58) p -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) , -(10+) -(5-10) 53 Dhelel 232'29 216 (46) P,M -(10+) W -(5 10) -(10+) - (-5) 54 Meghanadlungle 121'00 Uninhabited S5 Paruapall 43'49 Uninhabited

56 Meahanad 138'40 147 (35) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) (Neghanad) 57 Tentulilthole 19223 148 (33) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - ~-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Tentulikhol) 58 Dhourabhuin 10'52 Uninhabited 59 Hatimunda 74'87 Uninhabited flO Mentakani 33'59 Uninhabited 273


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i, e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including ,... ______.A. ______~'"" to (in Kms.) any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place ot ... gated irrigated waste available religious. by (Including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

38'45 KR Sonapur (35) Rice 26.30 1-62 18,i2 1.21 4,45 KR Sonapur (25) Rice 74.87 '" 33·19 2185 12.95 364 KR Sonapur (31) Rice 2550 2307 nO,88 9,71 283

KR Sonapur (0) Rice 6,07 2·43 34.40 9,30 1-62 Temple KR Sonapur (31) Rice 17.81 11'73 89,44 6,88 2·43 22582

KR Sonapur (29) Rice 67'99 32,37 193-44 20,64 7,69 Temple 106,43

KR Sonapur (32\ EA Rice 21,85 63'13 141'24 2630 2833 KR Sonapur (31) fA Rice 72-04 40,87 17685 1781 32.37 Temple KR Sonapur (27) Rice 24'28 12·95 69061 1052 8,09 KR Sonapur (27) EA Rice 9·72 17·40 31·97 4·45 11'33 KR Sonapur (28) Rice 25'50

KR Sonapur (26) EA Rice 33'99 59'90 181'30 3·64 25'09 Temple KR S,onapur (30) EA Rice 9'71 38'04 123,02 17'81 23'07 PR,KR Sonapur (29) EA Rice 17.81 58'68 124,64 22'26 25'09 Temple KR Sonapur (30) Rice 50'99 1-21 KR Sonapur (29) EA Rice 29'95 8'09 29'54 2'43 ]'24

KR Sonapur (48) Rice 0'S1 35'21 0'41 0·40 KR Sonapur (78) Rice 160·66 33'19 112'10 6'07 3561 Temple Kit Sonapur (27) Rice 75'27 31·16 87'41 2590 12'55 Temple 12100 .. , 25,50 2'02 11"j3 3-24 0'40

KR S(.napur (37) Rice 36'02 . 10'52 79'32 6.47 6'07 Temple

KR Sor,apur (32) Rice 8'91 20'64 140002 12'14 1052 Temple

'·62 ,.8-90 34'80 3'64 26·71 0'41 9'31 10'93 4'45 10'52 0-41 7'28 - 274-


l.c. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population i(shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., In broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- MedIcal Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (B",s Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

61 Rengali 10'93 Uninhabited 62 SinghapaJi 107'65 Uninhabited 63 Si nghapali jungle 30'42 Uninhabited 64 Kutmenda 394'97 544 (123) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(10+) BS 65 Kutmenda jungle 25'90 Uninhabited

66 Patrapali n03 122 (22) P -(10+) W,Tk.R -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10) 67 Kalipur 45.73 Uninhabited 68 Mankadabahal 212.46 173 (37) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 69 Jharabahali 322.94 446 (102) P PHC,CHW W,Tk -(5-10) - (5-10) - (-5) 70 Jharabahali jungle 27.52 Uninhabited

71 Pandakital 108.05 87 (17) P -(5-10) W.Tk -(5-10) - (-5) BS 72 Khemaloi 1.27.03 417 (101) P,M PHC,CHW W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 73 Pipalkata 158.64 328 (77) P -(5-10) W"rk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 74 Pipalkatajungle 38.85 Uninhabited 75 Nakadein 359.36 559 (120) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

76 Sindriabahal 181.70 482 (100) P CHW W,rk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 77 Barapadar 5220 63 (9) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 78 lastoJla 32496 862(188) P CHW W,rk - (-5) - (-5) - (--5) 79 Maulimal 180.09 247 (57) P - (-5) Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 80 Gandabahal 16390 580 (128) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) BS (Gandabahali)

81 Puturupali 5382 213 (49) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 82 Ullunda 317·27 1,139 (265) P,M,H FPC,H,D,PHC W,Tk,TW PO,Phone Monday, B5 Friday 83 Matikhai 181.70 296 (52) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) -(5-10) 84 Gailmura 227.84 343 (69) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) - (-S) 85 Badali 26507 437 (99) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

86 Badamal 118.17 102 (29) P -(5-10) W.Tk,R -(5-10) -(S-10) -(5-10) 87 Pipalkuda 151.35 153 (40) PI -(5-10) W,Tk,C - (5-10) -(5-10) -(510) 88 Didimal 99.55 156 (33) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) - (5-10) -(5-10) 89 Kapasira 256.57 321 (66) P -(5-10) W.Tk,R -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10) 90 Jagannathpali 11094 168 ('B) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 21.5


App­ Nearest:town'and ,Power, Staple Land use (I. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distante' - Stlpply , Food use in hectares rounded up tq 2 decimal places) , Including to (in Kms.) any village ',Forest' Irri- Un- , Cutt,..rabJe Area not place of gated irrigated ' waste available religiOUS, by (including for historical source gaucha, cultivation or and archaeo­ groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 ~ :' 15 16 17 18 19 20

...... (. \ -4'80 .~ .... 6'.07 .r! 'j ..... 50':ta 0-4.1 51'eo 1'62 3·64 .•. ' .. L 36'42 ... KR Sonap.,r (26) EA ~ice 60'30 1~O2 245'24, 42·49 27·92

, '" ' .' 'IJ. •. ,25'90 .•. ... , .. KR Sonapur (19)' .• 'Rice 16'99 8'50 29'14) 11'74 5'66 ... - 45·73 .•. '1~ t ••• .K:R Sanapur (17~ . ~ice 71.63 2)"2~ ' . 91.05 19.83 7.69 - KR Sonapur (21) EA ire' 23,47 120.6d· . 133.14 . 6.07 39.66 .", f <'J <, .. , ~ ..., r .... , 2752 f ,,\'Ir , -

KR Sonapur (19) Rice 25.90 1tt;61 44.:11 Its.50 .10.93 , f

KR Sonapur (16) EA Rice 4.45 47.75 93·48 15.38 20.64 N-1,Temple KR Sana pur (14) ED Rice 1.21 24.69 21.04 0.40 4.86 ~ -",' KR Sonapur (14) EA Rh:e 8.09 121.41 156.21 6·47 32.78 N-4,Temple K,R Sonapur (19) EA Rice 2·02 50·59 104:41 "'tl1.74 11.33 KR Sonapur (16) Rice 0.41 27:92 .10.37 13.76 11.74 N-S,M-2, Temple

KR Sonapur (18) EA Rice 5·26 2.43 33.59 10.52 2·02 Temple PR,KR Sonapur (16) EA Rice 7.28 71.63 193.44 16.19 28.73 N-24,M-5,c-2, . " T-1,Temple KR Sonapur (17) EA Rice 10.12 . 43.30 89.43. 23.07 15.78 Temple KR Sonapur (18) EA Rice ,7.69 39.25 146·90 20.24 13.76 Temple KR Sonapur (16) EA Rice 2.43 63·13 167.54 7.69 24.28

KR Sonapur (18) fA ' Rice 12.54 . 83.77 . -17·8" 4.05 KR ~onapur (18) EA Rice 12.14 97.Q3 30.76 1052 KR Sonapur ( 18) EA Rice 12·95 68.80 10.11 7.69 KR Sonapur (18) Rice 12.14 169·16 5099 2-128 N-1 KR Sonapur (18) EA Rice 67.18 4·05 9.71 Police .StatioA-SNtfIIOHOL

L. C. Name of the 't'Otal Jotar AmeaJtie5 avaUable (If .. av...... wlthin, the YilIap. & tlash (~) No. Viii_Be ~Qf'" pop_ujatJon. lJ,lhewnin,.the column aN next·,,,k In brack... " the, distance m Villase .iNumlMr of . "ms·,In-broad ,.n,85, Vir. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms~_1P ... Kms. of the "'" hectUe$ -household.) near.est ptace where the... facMlty Is available i. liven) ,,------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communl- tional. Water -" days of cation (Potable) Telesraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, If any Water- way) l' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

91 Lambakanl 125.86 )36. (78).· P -(5~10) ,W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -~:-10) 92' Ohuldhula 123.02 301 (.1) P,M. ..;..• .10) .w.n - (-5) - (-5) -.(:-5) 93 JampaU 78·51 127 (24) P ..".f5;.-10) W,lk,TW -- (-5) - (-5) - (~5) , 94' Mara101 (MoralOf) 199.92 159 (/J1) P ..... "...,.5) '! W - (-5) -,"'";~ -~5) 95 Khallapall 76.49 244 (531 P .... t-5) ,W,Tk -(-5) - (~5) - .(:-5)

96 Kukla 251.31 400 69.l}l , ~-10) ~,tk - (-5) - (;:-~~ -(~~;10) 97. Balabasclpur 27·92 Uninhabited (Balab.saplr) 98 Panchamahala 264.26 540 (';l9~ P,M,H MC,.W W,lk,1W PO -(5-10) -(!-'IO) 99 Barigoan (Barisaon) 163.49 293 (76 '<'P ~'(..:.S) "~W~Tk -(-5) ~LIjo) -~<'10) 100 Manamal 56·66 133 (32) P .:.. (":"5) W,Tk,R -(-5) -(5-10) -('.;.10)

10\ Mahanadi (Ka;) 3,732.42' "ninhabile.d . : 102 Telenda 23229 491 (1~)~ .. -(-5) W,Tk..W,R - (-5), -(?~1p~ -(5-10) 10) Nltrina 115.34 1,046(22D~ ll,M ... t:---5) w,tk..JW,R - (-5) D~lly ~,.k~t -~~10) 104- Oasarajpur- 100.36 347 (77) P _ 1-5) W,n,R -(-5) -F5) -(5-10) .eay!1iaJ,4J (basar a jpurpandlapal) 105 Oasarajpurpandafal 116.95 217 (49) P - (-5) W,Tk,R,C - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (pasar II:jpurpandlaphal) , 106 Amurda 302.30' 691 (1~ P - (,-5) W+., ...TW - (-s) - (-~) -(~-10) 107 Baldapali 34.40. :lInlnhabited 108 Gaurgoaa 44880 842 ("90) Pj,~ .,... ,(-5) .)tI,Tk ~ (-5) - ,(-5) - (-5) 109 Edepadar 266.28 522 (122) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) BS (Udepadar) 110 Pipalikanl 180.09 (42) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Piplllkanl) "5

Total' 18,688.02 23,846 P-8t,M.'O, D-t,H-t, (5,342, 1!l-:3! MCwtfifH( Cwe-3, PHC/HC·3, FPC-f, CHW-4 277


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (I. e., area under dlff.rent types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food ,--______use In hectares rounded-A-. up______to 2 decimal places)"'""'""' Indud!n, to (In·Kms.) any village Forest Irri- Un. Culturable Area not place of sated Irrlsated waste available rellslous, by (lncludlna for historical source lauch... cultivation or and archaeo- povet losleal Interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 19 20

KR Sonapur (16) EA Rice 100.36 8.10 17·40 Kl Sonapur (14) EA Rice 86.20 1497 21.85 KR Sonapur (16) EA Rice 14-16 25.90 22.66 6.048 9.31 let Sonapur (14) E,\ Rice 12-95 89.84 31.57 22.66 42-90 Kit Sonapur (13) EA Rice 63.94 1.62 10.93

KR Sonapur (11) EA Rice 198·30 17.80 35.21 N-1,Temple- 16.19 7·69 4-0.- KR Sonapur (10) EA lice ... 227.84 11.33 2509 N-8,M-l, Temple KR Sonapur (1'1) EA Rice 125'45 12·14 25·90 No 2,Temple- Kit Sonapur (10) Rice 44·52 5·26 6.88 Temple

3,732·42 Kit 50napur (8) EA Rice 11-33 125.05 6273 33-18 Temple KI Sonapur (8) EA Rice 8-10 89·84 2.83 14·57 No l,Temple KR Sonapur (8) EA Rice ,.·57 56.66 17.80 11.33

KI Son_pur (8) fA Rice 8.09 71111 14·97 15.78 Temple-

Kit Sonapur f8J EA Rice 243-22 12.54 46.54 Temple 23.88 1.21 9·31 KR Sonapur (16) EA Rice 346.82 21.33 73-65 Temple Kit Sonapur (13) EA Rice 44052 175.63 23.87 22-26

KR Sonapur (13) EA Rice 148.52 13.36 18·21

2,754.3. t,II7.42 7,87t·91 t,lIl.7t 5,045.57 N•• ',M.10,. C-2,T-'

. "! a......

z:c..... _- ___

., zi

... .,


.0. <> <




I 1 / .. 0



, 51 Name of the Village LC. 51. Name of the Villa(lE' L.c. No. No. No. No 2 3 1 2 :1

1 Achanda 76 46 Basudevpur 182 2 Achyutpali 228 47 Bejpali 233 3 Adal 130 48 Bhajabalpur (Bhajalbalpur) 249 4 Akhabhanganal 189 49 Bhaliapadar 287 5 Amarpali 30 50 Bhaludungurl 33 64 6 Amatpall 72 51 Bhaludungurljungle 7 Anlsarbhata 167 52 Bhangamunda 269 152 8 Amulyamanlranipur 193 53 Bhatapadar 230 9 180 54 Bhejimal 55 Bhudabar 265 10 Anantapall 220 56 Bhutiapall 122 11 Apatnuagarh 266 57 &idurpali 223 12 Asutnali·· 57 58 Bijepur 246 13 8abupall 199 59 Blkalpur 143 14 Badankaria (Badanklra) 218 60 Birsinghapur ' 109 15 Badhila 234 61 Bhalpali 59 16 Badkhamar 176 ()2 Bisipara 225 17 Badkirasira 38 63 Brahmaillpali 14 18 Badkirasirajungle 48 64 Brahmanlpall 254 19 lIadmal 67 65 Budelbahali 43 20 Badmaljungle 28 21 Badpur 108 66 Bunthipadar (Banthipadar) 136 22 Bagabahali 82 67 Burbuda 58 23 Bagabahah jungle 84 68 Burbuda Jungle 54 24 Bagbar 294 69 ~uroghat 278 2S Bagchhera (Bakchhera) 2(jf 70 Borpanga 253 241 26 Baghalpur 71 Butukhaman 42 192 27 Baghamari 72 Champamal 283 99 28 Baghapall 73 ChandaH 175 7S 29 Baghartaila 74 Chandipur 133 77 30 Baghartailajungle 75 ChauhanpLir or Malidador 162 (Baghar ataila jungle) 76 Chauka 127 Bahalpadar 29 31 77 Chingranali 60 Bairagipali 78 ~2 78 Chubukadadar(Chubukadabar) SO Bairagipalijungle 83 33 79 Dadarpali 27 34 Balarampur 144 80 Dadarpall jungle 26 35 Balimal 63 81 Dahanipali 271 Balipali 114 36 ,82 Daldaba 221 37 Ballabhapali 101 83 Daldabajungle 222 38 Bamaraj 111 84 Dantapali 273 39 Bandhapall 205 85 Deuli 290 40 Bankla 126 288 41 Baraghat 129 86 Deulmunda 5 42 Baraghatdadar 85 87 Dhauradadar (, 43 Barajhula 118 88 Dhauradad.rjungle 88 44 Barapadar 139 89 Dlanapali 242 45 Bardakata 61 90 Dudupali 281


<,1· !'-lamE: of the Village l. C, 51. Name·of the Village L.c. No. No- Na. No. 2 3 2 3

91 Duhulpali (Duhulipali) lBB 136 JagannathpaJi 100 92 Dule5a~jungle 163 137 }aloi 203 93 Duleswar 161 138 Jaloijungle 213 94 Dunguri 179 139 Jambhalipali 195 95 164 140 Jamgaon 211 141 96 Durgadebipali 148 Janakpur 141 142 97 Durjantaila 19 Jatesingha 297 143 98 Our jantailajungle 18 Jatiapali 69 99 Ektal 177 144 Jayapur 196 100 Gagankhalai 209 145 lharkumunda 286 146 Jogigumpha 239 101 Gailgudi 106 147 Joyapur jungle 110 102 Gandpali 263 148 Kadalipali 115 103 Gania 20 149 Kadodar 107 104 Gania jungle 21 150 Kairajhuli 202 105 Gargadabahal (Cargadagaha\) 104 151 Kalapathar 200 106 Cariamunda 158 152 Kamalpur 276 107 Cariamundajungle '157 153 Kamira 168 108 Ghamldiapali 262 154 Kanpur 272 109 Ghantopali 123 155 Kapileswarbhumi 229 110 Ghichapali (Chichapali) 62 156 Kardapal 120 111 Ghikundi 210 156 Kasa Ipur 153 112 Gobindapali 231 158 Kelgodfl 173 113 Godhaneswar 178 159 Kendupali 1') 114 Goghat 86 160 KenjhiriapaJi 70 115 Golabandha 93 161 Kenjhiriapali jungle 66 116 Gllpalpur 227 162 Kesalgaon 68 117 GopapaJi 121 163 Kesalpura 215 118 Goudgad 23 164 Kesa Ipura jungle 216 119 Goudgud jungle 22 165 Keutipali 298 (Goudga, djungle) 120 Goudkela 279 166 Khairrnal i4 Khairmal jungle i3 121 Govindapur 174 167 168 Kha jaria pal i :235 122 Gudguda 31 169 Khajuriapali 1 123 Gudguda jungle 32 170 Khambeswaripali 277 124 GudipaJi 134 125 Gumurdula (Gumardula) 25B 171 Khandahata 132 172 Khandanatajung!e 51 126 Gunjipali 212 tKhanbahata jungle) 127 Halhalpur 236 173 Khapuripur 260 12B Hariharjor 295 174 Khirpur 2(;6 129 Harinapali 102 175 Khunralapali 90 130 Hatilimunda 55 176 Khun,tulapali jungle 89 l Khuntulalati jungle) 139 Helamura 142 177 Kotsamalai 92 132 Hikudi 238 178 Kotsamalai jungle 91 133 'tIilungpatharghat 191 (Kotsmulaijungle) 134 Hlngama 252 179 Krushnanagar 103 135 Hirapali 71 180 Krushn~pali 284 282


51· Name of the Village l·C· 51. Name of the Village L. C· No. N",· No. No. 1 2 3 1 2 3

181 Kudapada 97 226 Nuapali 37 182 Kudapada 181 227 Nuapali 198 183 Kudapada (Kalapathar) 204 228 Padhanpall 197 184 Kudapada jungle 296 229 Paikpali 255 185 Kuhidadar 25 230 Palash 232

180 Kylbasa 105 211 Paligoan 259 187 Kumarkell 264 232 Pandiapall 268 188 Kumursingha 291 233 Pandua 137 (Kumarslngha) 234 Parbatlpur 256 189 Kundapal (Kundapall) 34 235 Patrapall 56 190 Kunjamahul 160 236 Patrapall 250 191 Kunjapali 87 237 Phulchara 293 192 Kusadadar 53 238 Pitamahul 165 193 Kusacladar (Kusapadarjungle) 52 239 Pltamahuljungle 155 145 194 Lakhani 240 Podamal 4 195 Lankabaha! 246 241 Puipani 35 195 Laturpet 281 242 Pu!eswar 113 197 Lehedi 251 243 Purastampali 125 198 Limbapall 214 244 Radhiapali 208 199 Litipali 80 245 Rajanpali 140 200 Litipalijungle 81 246 Ra jbahadurpall 151 119 201 Ludumunda 247 Raksa 243 10 102 Luhakhandi 248 Rambhipali 135 Lumurjena (LUmburujena) 289 .l03 249 Ranapall 282 bS 204 Luturpanka 250 Ranipali 96 205 Madhupur 146 251 Rathapur 267 186 206 Mddhupur 252 Rathartaila 154 257 207 Mahada 253 Redam 94 172 208 Mahanadi (Ga) 254 Redamjungle (Redumjungle) 95 11 209 Mahukhandi 255 Ri jheidadar (Rljhaidadar) 7 210 Malidadar 24 256 Ri jheidadarjungle 8 2'\1 Manikpur 190 {R ijhaldadarjungle} 212 Markhapur 240 257 -RijulTlunda 131 213 Masinapali 12 258 Rugudipall 112 214 Masina pa Ii jungle 13 259 Saga juri 9 215 Mendamal 194 260 Sahajlatha 36 216 Mendilipali 124 261 Saharapali 207 217 Mrusundhi 165 262 ~anankaria (Sananklra) 217 218 Mundidamak 1B4 263 Sanbardakata 150 l19 Mundoghat 247 264 Sandha 285 220 Naikapada 224 265 Sangrampur 149

221 Naikapali 98 266 Sankirasira 39 222 Naikpali 274 267 Sankirasirajungle 47 223 Nuagad 292 268 Sansanpur 22& 224 Nuagoan 237 269 Sarasdadar 2 'l25 Nuapada 171 270 Sarkaridadar 219 283


Name of the ViUage L. C. ~i, Name of the Village t.c. 51. No. No. No· No. 2 3 1 2 3

271 SauripaJi 244 285 Tentulimahada 167 272 Sergeda (Seregede) 147 286 Thakurpur 159 273 Sripura 245 287 Thakurpurjunsle 15& 274 170 288 Tikuda 261 275 Suliadadar 41 289 THeimal 45

276 SU/lapali 3 290 Tlleimaljungle 40 277 Sunariberni (Sunariberna) 138 291 Tlthipali 275 278 Surdhapali 17 292 Tulaslpur 49 279 Sutdhapalijungle 16 293 Ufula (Birmaharajpur) 280 280 Surubali jore ..., 169 294 U(lladeipali 79

281 Tamkiadadar (Tamkiapadar) 44 295 Yubarajpur 4& 282 Tebhapadar 166 296 Yubaranisitapur 128 283 Telipali 117 297 Yudhisthirpur (Vudhistipur) 183 284 Telipalljungle 116 298 Yamapali 270 284


------LC. Name of the Total Total Amenities aVililable (If not available within the village, a dash (-) zoo Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households.! nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Dayor Communi- tional Water at days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Khajuriapali 91-46 41 (9) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 2 Sarasdadar 5504 45 (8) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 3 Sunapali 76·49 96 (23) P -(10+ ) W,Tk -(5-10) -(10+ ) -(10+) 4 Podamal 20·23 Uninhabited 5 Ohaurada:lar 16309 Uninhabited

6 Ohauradadarjungle 7365 Uninhabited 7 Rijheidadar 18737 45 (10) - (-5) -(10+) w,n -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) (Rt jhaidadar) 8 Rijheidadarjungle 64·75 Uninhabited (Ri jhaidadar jungle) 9 Sagajuri 518·00 939 (182) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,F -(10+) - (-5) -(10+) 10 lUhakhandi 63·54 359 (83) - (-5) -(10+ ) W,Tk,TW,F - l-5) -(10+) -(10+)

11 Mahukhandi 45·32 Uninhabited 12 Masinapafi 178·87 164 (39) - (-5) -(104) W,Tk -(10+) - (-5) -(10+) 13 Masindpalijungle 15095 Uninhabited 14 Brah'l.anipali 5949 B1 (16) P -(10+) W -(10+) - (-5) -(10+) 15 Kendupali 10522 110 (15) p -(10+) W,Tk,TW -(10+) - (-5) -(10+)

16 Surdhapcllijungle 190·20 Uninhabi ted 17 Surdhapali 108e6 Uninhabi ted 18 Our jant aila jungle 18980 Uninhabited 19 Ourjantaila 134·36 500 (78) - (-5) -(10+1 W -(10+) - (-5) -(10+) 20 Cania 11938 186 (44) P -(10+) W -(10+) - (-5) -(10+)

21 Caniajungle 6556 Uninhabited 22 Coudgadjungle 58·28 Uninhabited !(Goudgardjungle) 23 Coudgad 291'78 46& (101) r -(10+ ) Tk,TW -(10+) -(5-10) - (-5) 24 Ma1idadar 99'96 68 (17) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk -(10+ ) - (5-10) - (-5) 25 Kuhidadar 42'49 34 (7) - (-51 -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

26 Oadarpalijungle 43'71 Uninhabited 27 Dadarpali 128.69 234 (~8) p -(10+) W,Tk -(10+) -(5-10) -(10+) 28 Badmaljungle 129'90 Uninhabited 29 Bahalpadar 316'46 437 (95) P MCW Tk -(10+ ) -(5-10) BS 30 AmarpaJi 316-87 555 (109) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,TW PO -(10+) as 285


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including (in Kms.) A any to r------· ------...... village Forest IrrJ- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated Irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Sonapur (27) Rice 6758 2307 0·B1 Temple KR Sonapur (27) RIce 4897 5·67 0·40 KR Sonapur (27) Rice 71·63 4·45 041 2·02 040 17·00 040 0·41 73·65 81·34 7·&9 0·41

7365 KR Sonapur (32) Rice 2428 5·26 131 12 1619 10-52


KR Sonapur (32) Rice 32·38 53-82 39255 14·16 2509 Temple KR Sonapur (29) ED Rice 50·18 13·36 M-1

42·89 2-43 KR Sonapur (40) Rice 8·90 040 124·24 1012 35·21 150·95 KR Sonapur (38) Rice 101'2 6·07 35·61 4·86 283 KR Sonapur (34) Rice 809 6·88 77·30 607 668

190·20 8·09 6·46 7042 728 1659 168 ')8 '·22 KR Sonapur (40) Rice 12·14 4·05 10320 809 6·88 N-2,M-5 KR Sonapur (32) Rice 10·12 12·95 8:1·15 7·26 688

/ 6475 0·61 5828

KR Sonapur (40) Rice 12·14 64'75 19020 1012 14'57 Temple· KR Sonapur (38) Rice 10'12 688 69'61 8·09 S'26 KR Sonapur (35) Rice 6'47 0·81 25'50 7'28 243

43·71 KR Sonapur (35) Rice 12·14 16'59 7972 10'12 10'12 177'47 2'43 KR Sonapur (38) Rice 809 27'52 24969 12·14 19'02 M-1,Temple KR Sonapur (27) Rice 14"17 94'29 103'60 12'14 9267 286


L. C, Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) "''''. VlJlalCe area of the population is shown in the column and next to It In brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms" in broad ranges, Viz, -5 Kms" 5-10 Kms, and 10+Kms. of the (In~hectares) households) ,... ______nearest place where the --A. facility ___;, ______Is available is given) . __....

Ed:!ca- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph tAe (Bust Stop, Market, Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 ; I) 7 8 9 10

31 Gudguda 153-78 191 (43) P -(10+) Tk - (-5) -(10+ ) - (-5) 32 Gudgudajungle 57'87 Uninhabited 33 Bhaludungurl 190-&1 401 (82) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 34 Kundapal (Kundapall) 42,90 13 (2) - (-5) -(10+) w -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 35 PUipani 19.02 7 (2) - (-5) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

36 Sahajlatha 140'43 160 (2ft) p -(10+) W,Tk,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 37 Nuapali 65·56 82 (15) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) :i8 Badkirasira . 178'Oi 341 (70) p -(10+) W,Tk,O -(5-10) - (-S) -(S-10) 39 Sanklra~lra 186'97 292 (66) p -(10+) W,lk,O -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 40 Teleimaljungle 152'92 Uninhabited

41 Suliadadar 34,40 10 (3) p -(10+) W,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 42 Butukhaman 78'10 11 (3) - (-5) -(10+) W -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+) 43. BUdelbahali 227'43 Uninhabited 44 Tamkiadadar 84'18 57 (14) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-S) -(5-10) (Tamk iapadar) 4S Tilelmal 62'32 119 (24) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

46 Yubarajpur 155·40 273 (53) P -(10+ ) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 47 Sankiraslrajungle 21·45 Uninhabited 48 Badkirasirajungle 45'73 Uninhabl ted 49 Tulasipur 33,99 51 (12) - (-5) -(10+) W - (-5) -(10+) -(5-10) SO Chubukadadar 77'70 113 (21) - (-5) -(10+ ) W.Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) (Chubukadabar)

51 Khand ahata jungle 20'64 Uninhabited l Khanbahatajung Ie) S2 Kusadadar jun&le 40'06 Uninhabited (Kusapadar jungle) 53 Kusadadar 469·84 219 (41) p -(10+ ) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) S4 6urbuda jungle 143·66 Uninhabited S5 Hatillmunda 44'52 61 dO) - (-5) -(10+) W -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10)

56 Patrapali 58·68 77 (16) - (-5) -(10+) W - (-5) -(-5) - (-5) 57 Asurnali 63013 Uninhabited 58 Burbuda 268'31 361 (92) p -('0+ ) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 59 liisalpall 81·34 197 (41) P -(10+) W - (-S) - (-5) - (-5) 60 Chingranali 102'39 74 (18) - (-5) -(10+) W - (-5) - (-S) - (-5) 287


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) includiAg to (in Kms.) r------A------~ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (Including tor historical source gaudar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical Interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20'

KR Sonapur ,(40) Rice 8'09 40·06 84'99 1214 8'50 Temple 1"62 56'25 KR 50napur (27) Rice 11'74 28'73 127,88 12'14 10,12 Temple KR Sonapur (37) Rice 14'57 23'47 4'05 0'81 KR 50napur (SO) Rice 405 0,81 1093 1'21 2'02

KR Sonapur (34) Rice 51,80 6'07 61,92 8'50 12'14 KR Sonapur (32) Rice 6'48 1'62 55'04 0'40 2'02 KR Sonapur (32) Rice 5'26 146'90 17,40 8'50 KR Sonapur (34) Rice 0'81 27'12 124'64 18'21 16'19 Temple 150'54 2'43

KR Sonapur (35) Rice 28'33 4'86 0'40 0'81 Temple KR Sonapur (40) Rice 40'47 28'33 8'09 1'21 203'96 1.62 17'00 0·40 4'45 KR Sonapur (40) Rice 5'26 13'36 44'92 8'50 12'14 Temple KR Sonapur (35) Rice 0'41 2·83 5099 52& 283

KR Sonapur (35) Rice 041 6·48 14366 040 4,45 2104 0,41 45·73 KR Sonapur (19) Rice,Wheat 1·21 1'21 24·28 405 324 KR Sonapur (32) Rice 23'47 7'69 38'04 1·22 728

"- 2064

39'25 0'81

KR Sonapur (35) Rice 280'85 6'07 126'26 3481 2185 143'66 ... KR Sonapur (37) Rice,Wheat 8·09 8'91 18·21 4'86 445

KR Sonapur (39) Rice,Wheat 728 607 4128 4'05 S'09 8,90 38'85 4'05 3'\24 I(R Sonapur (35) Rice,Wheat 14,16 45·73 186'97 10'12 1133 KR Sonapur (35) Rlce,Wheat 8,09 12'55 49'37 6'07 5'26 ItR Sonapur (35) Rice,Wheat 8·09 8'50 75'27 486 5,67 288


L, C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-J No· Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to It in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms. in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms, and 19+Kms. of the (in hectares)' households} nearest place where thl" facility is availalJle is given) ~------~------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water and days of cation (Pot able) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Market/ Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10

61 Sardakata 427,75 599 (135) p -(10+) W - (-5) - (- 5) - (-5) &2 Ghichapali 205·58 430 (85) P -(10+) w - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Chicnapali) 63 Balimal 34·80 Uninhabited 64 Bhaludungurijungle 558,87 Uninhabited 65 luturpanka 485,22 835 (173) P,M,H -(10+ ) W,Tk PO - (-5) - (-5)

66 Kenjhiriapalijungle 12910 17 (4) - (-5) - (10+) w - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 67 6udmal 320'51 233 (46) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 68 Kesalgaon 129'10 83 (17) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 69 Jatiapa II 5949 149 (33) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -{S-10) - (-5) 70 Kenjhiriapa Ii 466'60 685 (139) P.M MeW W,Tk,TW,O PO - (-5) - (-5)

71 Hirapali 110'88 151 (31) - (-5) - (--5) W.Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 72 Amatpali 16026 179 (40) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 73 Khairmaljungle 356'93 Uninhabited 74 Khairmal 323'34 361 (84) P - (-5) W,Tk/O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 75 Bagharta ila 18980 215 (46) P - (-5) W.Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

76 Achanda 301·09 408 (85) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 77 Baghartaila jungle 77'30 Uninhabited (Baharataila jungle) 78 Bairagipali 281'66 157 (35) p -(10+) W,Tk/O -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 79 Umadeipali 85·79 33 (8) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) W Litipali 175·23 Uninhabited

Sl Litipalijungle 197'49 Uninhabited 82 6agabahali 99'96 49 (12) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 83 Bairagipali jungle 5666 Uninhabited 84 Bagabahalijungle 53'01 Uninhabited 85 6araghatdadar 131'93 lGt (16) P -( 10+) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10)

86 Goghat 93'08 111 (25} - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk,F - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 87 Kunjapali 255'36 353 (85) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 88 Dianapali 32'37 49 (6) - (-5) -(5-10) 0 - (-5) -(5-'0) -(10+) 89 Khuntulapalijungle 40,87 Uninhabited 90 Khuntalapali 262'24 571 1122) ? -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+ ) -(10+) 289

tJlRECTORY ~ND LANDUSE Tahasil - BIRMAHARAJPUR "------App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roch Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including ,..-______.A ______-, to (in Kms.) any village F,Hest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious b" (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Sonapur (35) EA Rice,Wheat 16·19 126-67 243'21 14-16 27·52 N-1,T -1/ Temple KR Sonapur (35) Rice,Wheat 8'09 72.04 10481 10'12 10·52 Temple

18'21 16·59 558'47 0'4u KR 50napur (32) EA Rice/Wheat 157'02 279-23 24.28 24'69 N-2,M-2,Temple

KR \50napur (28) Rice 125'05 4'05 KR 50napur (30) Rice/Wheat 45'33 33·18 171'59 7·28 63'13 KR Sonapur (32) Rice,Wheat 8'09 25'09 79·32 10·12 6'48 KR Sonapur (32) Rice/Wheat 6'48 15'78 28·33 6'07 2·83 KR Sonapur (28) ED,EO Rice,Wheat 13·36 11'33 394'97 2428 22'66 Temple

KR Sonapur (27) Rice,Wheat 728 24'28 70-42 4·85 4'05 KR S0ndpur (32) Rice,Wheat 4'86 19'42 117'36 10'12 8-50 356.93 KR Sonapur (40) Rice/Wheat 12.14 73'25 169·16 20"23 48'56 Temple KR Snnapur (38) Rice/Wheat 16'19 31'16 121'41 10·52 1052

KR Sonapur (29) Rice,Wheat 12'14 72'44 187·37 14·17 1497 Temple 7 ;-:;10

KR Sonapur (21) Rice 74'87 13·35 161'87 18'62 12'95 KR Sonapur (20) Rice n'65 10'93 121 Temple 33'50 5-67 121·41 7'28 728

197.49 KR Sonapur (21) Rice 24'68 6'88 56·66 850 324 Temple 56'66 5301 KR Sonapur (37) Rice 15'38 16'59 87·01 7'28 567

/ KR Sonapur (27) Rice,Wheat 7·28 10·93 6435 (,47 405 KR Sonapur (27) Rice,Wheat 52.20 26'71 160·26 10'12 6·07 Temple KR Sonapur (25) Jitlce 29·14 2·02 1·21 4087 KR <;onapur (22) Rice,Wheat 40·88 364 209'22 445 405 Tempi e 290

VlllAGt AMENITIES, Polh::e Station- BIRMAHARAJPUR l.C Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-, :-Jo Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms" in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+lcms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r·------___A ______..... Eduea- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop. Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 :> 4 5 6 8 9 10

91 Kotsamalafjungle' 44'92 Uninhabited (Kotsmulaijungle) 92 Kotsamalai 560·90 1,052 (234) P,M MCW W,Tk,TW,S PO Tuesday "7(10+ ) 93 Golabandha 79'72 144 (27) p -(10+) W,Tk - (- 5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 94 Redam 95'91 185 (39) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 95 Reda,njungle 3035 Uninhabited (Redumjungle)

101 Ballabhapali 22'26 Uninhabited 102 Harinapall 456'49 442 (liO) P -(5,,10) w.n PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 103 Krushnanagar 50,18 41 (7) - (-5) -(5-10) w,n -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 104 Gargadabahal 180'09 116 (20) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Gar gada gahal) 105 Kulbasa 9834 43 (11) - (-5) -(5-10) , W - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) \

106 Gailgudi 235'53 138 (29) P -(5-10) W,Tk,S - (-5) -(5-10) -(5 10) 107 Kadodar 247·67 577 (133) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,S PO -(5-10) -~10+ ) 108 Badpur 78'51 7 (1) - (-5) -(10+) Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 1C9 Birsinghapur 176·44 182 (38) P -pO+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 110 Joyapurjungle 7770 Uninhabited

111 Bamaraj 203,96 3P2 (80) P - (-5) W,Tk.S,O - (-5) - (-5) - (- 5) 112 Rugudipali 210.03 181 (35) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 113 Puleswar 442.73 369 (96) P --(5-10) W,Tk,R,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 114 Balipali 17968 203 (49) - (--5) - (-5) W,Tk,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 115 Kac!alipali 147.31 236 (49) P - (-5) w,n -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+ )

'116 Telipalijungle 27.92 Uninhabited 117 Telipali 33,.87 434 (96) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 118 Barajhula 192.63 272 lbO) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 119 Ludumunda 18575 159 (33) P -- (10+) W - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 120 Kardapal 232.69 375 (72) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) Thursday 5S 291


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r-.------~--.------""" any \I iilage Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Alea not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (Including for ·historical source gaucher cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 "\4 1S 16 17 "\8 "\9 20


PR,KR Sonapur (26) £D Rice 526 21368 265'48 29'54 4694 N-3.Temple KR Sonapur (26) Rice 7467 465 Temple KR Sonapur (24) Rice 94.70 0'40 0'81 Temple Rice 30'35

KR Sonapur (24) Rice 120'19 20'24 2-02 Temple 91'46 1'62 040 4128 4'05 41-27 2'43 364 KR Sonapur (24) 11210 6'47 3.24 Temple PR,KR Sonapur (24) Rice 4168 2'43 1'21 Temple

... 21'45 041 040 KR Sonapur (13) EA Rice 431"40 14·97 10'12 N-4,Tempfe K~ Sonapur (16) Rice 39·26 1052 040 KR Sonapur (16) Rice 16471 12'55 2.83 Temple

KR Sonapur (14) Rice 83'37 14'57 0'40

PR,KR Sonapur (16) Rice 199'51 35'61 041 Temple PR.KR Sonapur (21 ) EA Rice 23310 12 r;5 202 N-1.Temple KR Sonapur (13) Rice 20·64 4613 1052 122 KR Sonapur (13) Rice 16551 850 2·43 77'70

PR,KR Sonapur (14) EA Rice 17887 21.45 364 Temple KR Sonapur (l6) Rice,Wheat 2.43 3723 144·07 16.18 1012 KR Sonapur (19) ED Rlce,Wheat 4.86 53.82 34520 14·16 24.69 Temple KR Sonapur (23) Rice,Wheat 4.86 16.19 13678 1714 9·71 Temple KR Sonapur (26) Rice,Wheat 4.8& 3359 8660 10.12 12.14 Temple

5·26. 9.71 12.95 KR Sonapur (24) ED Rice 6.07 11.33 288·14 12.14 1619 KR Sonapur (26) ED,EO Rice 6·07 23.47 14043 12·14 1052 Temple KR ~onapur (27) ED Rice 19·43 14528 12.14 8·90 Temple KR Sonapur (27) ED Rice 32·76 183.32 10.12 6'47 Temple 292


L.c. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown in the column ana next to it in brackets the distance in Village (Number of Kms· in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place:where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi tional Water and days of cation (Potable) Telegrapl> the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10

121 Gopapali 23431 432 (100) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) BS 122 Bhutiapali 18980 296 (65) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) BS 123 Ghantopali 17'i·23 227 (53) , P -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) Thursday - (-5) 124 Mendilipali 183.73 371 (87) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) BS 125 Purastampali 84·18 104 (26) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

126 Bankla 187·77 300 (68) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 127 Chauka 311 20 382 (95) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 128 Yuba ranisitapur 110.48 127 (27) - (-5) -(10+ ) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 129 Baraghat 2950Z 442 (95) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 130 Adal 423.30 602 (139) P -(10+) W.Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

131 Rijumunda 154.19 176 (42) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 132 Khandahata 525·69 947 (219) P,M MCW W,Tk PO Friday, -(5-10) Tuesda} 133 Chandipur 2064 Uninha bited 134 Gudipali 133·15 190 (47) P -(10+) w,n - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10' 135 Rambhipali 81.34 235 (56) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

136 Bunthipaddf 150.54 250 (51) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (Banthipadar) 137 Pandua 203·56 256 (58) P -(10+) Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 136 Sunariberni 116.55 151 (35) p -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (Sunar iberna) 139 Barapadar 87.82 82 (20) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 140 Rajanpali 15.38 26 (6) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

141 Janakpur 171.99 293 170) P -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) -(10+ ) 142 Helamura 16026 Uninhabited 143 Bikalpur 21287 451 (103) p -(10+) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 144 Balara'llpur 114·53 63 (15) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk.O - (-5) -(5-10) -(~-10) 145 Lakhani 21529 419 (103) P -(1(,)+) W,Tk ~(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

146 Madhupur 33.99 87 (22) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk -(5·10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 147 Sergeda (Seregede) 18130 256 (58) P - (-5) w,n ~(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 148 Durgadebipali 10.52 52 (10) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 149 Sangrampur 195.46 577 (115) P,M MCW W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 150 Sanbardakata 77·30 184 (42) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-1Uj

-~-.. --._---- 293


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (I. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (ill Kms.) r------~------~ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated Irrigated waste available religious by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 1:' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Sonapur (26) ED Rice 42·49 171·18 6048 14.16 Temple KR Sonapur (26) Rice 38.45 132.74 809 10.52 Temple KR Sonapur (27) Rice 33.18 131·12 6.07 4.86 Temple KR Sonapur (34) Rice 65.97 9591 1214 9.71 Temple KR Sonapur (34) Rice 2550 37·64 1052 1052

KR Sonapur (29) ED Rice 33.99 12383 12·14 17.81 Temple KR Sonapur (29) ED Rice 60.70 196.68 1416 3966 Temple- KR Sonapur (27) Rice 1821 8215 567 4.45 KR Sonapur (35) ED II ice 2712 193·84 50·18 23-88 Temple KR Sonapur (35) ED Rice 35·21 319·70 2671 41.68

KR Sonapur (38) Rice 10.12 19·42 10563 1012 8-90 Temple KR Sonapur (32) ED Rice 8·09 9591 35329 2914 3926 N-2,M-1,T-l~ Temple 4·86 14·~7 1·21 KR Sonapur (311 Rice 12·54 100.77 5.67 14.57 KR Sonapur (37) ED Rice 14·16 54·23 -H5 8·50

I KR Sonapur (30) ED Rice 8·50 102.79 18.61 20.64

KR Sonapur (43) ED Rice 37·64 133.95 10·52 2"45 Temple KR Sonapur (35) Rice 10·52 85.39 13.35 7·29 Temple

KR Sonapur (35) Rice 5.26 65·56 7·29 9.71 KR Sonapur (35) Rice 4·B6 B.50 2·02

KR Sonapur (34) Rice 19·43 104·00 34·40 14·16 1.21 9.31 12019 1862 10.93 KR Baudh (19) Rice 4·86 43·70 135·17 16.19 12·95 Temple KR Baudh (19) Rice 25·56 22·26 2347 24·68 18·6'2 KR Baudh (30) Rice 48.56 137.19 13.35 16.19 Temple

KR Baudh (17) Rice 8.90 2104 - 1·22 2.83 Kit Ba.udh ( 18) Rice 13.76 55.85 80.13 6·47 2509 KR Baudh (18) Rice 688 2.43 1.21 KR Ba'IJdh (13) Rice 68·80 9793 9·71 1902 N-6,Temple KR Baudh (13) Rice 19·83 46·14 6 B8 4·45 Temple 294


L· C. Name of the Total Total Amenities·available {if not available within the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to It in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Klns·, in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water at days of cation ,Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Market! Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 S I) 7 I) 9 10

151 Ra jbanadurpali 8]37 51 (12) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-101 -(5-10) 152 Bhatapadar 33.59 190 (42) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 153 Kasalpur 10805 122 (25) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 154 Rathartaila 271.95 Uninhabited 155 Pi tama hul jungle 205'18 Uninhabited

156 Thakurpur jungle 148'12 Uninhabited 157 Gariamundd jungle 31'97 Uninhabited 158 59'89 120 (21) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (5-10) -(10+) 159 ThakurplJr 14326 175 (38) P -(10+ ) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+) 160 Kunjamahul 54·63 166 (32) P -(10+) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) NW

161 Duleswar 15054 377 {77) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) NW 1()2 Chauhanpur or 39-15 20 (4) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) Malidadar 163 Dulesar jungle 5342 Uninhabited 164 Durdura 70-8l 115 (21) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 165 Pitamahul 52892 838 (197) P,M -(5-10) W.Tk,R PO - (-5) - (-5)

166 Tebhapadar 305'94 834 (168) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW.R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 167 Am5arbhata 165-92 669 (141) F - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) Daily market - (-5) 168 Kamira 416'25 855 (204) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 169 5urubalijore 305-54 Uninhabi ted 170 5ubalaya 33022 3,088 (626) _ P,M,H D W,Tk.R,O PO Daily market BS

171 Nuapada 24038 190 (33) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 171 Mahanadi (Ga) 4,229'78 Uninhabited 173 Kelgoan 6418 239 (41) p - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) NW 171 Govindapur 148'12 313 (67) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) 85 175 Chandali 2594J 521 (112) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10)

176 Badkhall1ar 57587 930 (175) P,M,O -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) Saturday -(5-10) 177 Ektal 34.18 84 (U) P - (-5) W,R - (-5) -( -5) BS 178 Godhanc sw a r 'B8.! 181 (40) - (-5) _.:. (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) as 179 Dunguri 36181 860 (193) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 180 Anandapur 26021 280 (70) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 295


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area·under~different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms,) r------A.------~ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including tor historical source gaucher cultivation or 'and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Baudh (13) Rice 38.04 3076 7·69 6.B8 KR Baudh (13) Rice 7·29 22·66 081 283 Temple KR Baudh (17) Rice 10.93 22·26 5382 6.07 14.97 Temple 264,26 0'41 7,2~ 193·44 11·74

143·26 4,B& 28'33 3·64 KR Baudh (6) Rice,Wheat 2,02 4'05 43,71 1'21 8,90 Temple KR Baudh (6) Rice,Wheat 1295 10279 14'17 13'35 Temple KK Baudh (6) Rice,Wheat 1'62 44'51 4'86 3'64

PR,KR Baudh (6) Rice,Wheat 14'42 7'28 103'00 607 14'17 PR,KR Baudh (6) Rlce,Wheat 12'95 3"1;4 14'57 "62 6'47 53'02 O··!O KR Baudh (fO) Rice,Wheat 5'26 4'86 52,20 6'07 2'43 Temple KR Baudh (10) ED Rice 33'1B 7163 365'03 11'33 47'75 Temple

KR Baudh (13) ED Rice 9'71 76'89 182'11 9.31 27'92 N-2, Temple KR Sonapur (29) ED Rice 72'03 60'70 8'50 24'69 Temple

KR Sonapur (29) ED Rice 142'45 20B'G1 25'49 60'30 Temple 305.54 KR Sonapur (32) ED, EO Rice 40'47 230'15 38'44 48'16 N-30,M-4, Temple

KR Sonapur (30) ED Rice 8·09 207'20 931 1578 Temple 4,229'78 KR Sonapur (27) ED Rice 32"38 38'85 405 890 Temple KR Sonapur (29) ED Rice 73'66 43'30 19'83 11'33 N.l,Temple KR Sonapur (29) ED Rice 8·90 12829 76'08 20'23 25'90 Temple

KR 'ionapur (26) ED Rice 13'76 144'88 300,28 50'58 66'37 Temple KR Sonapur (27) ED Rice 10'12 64'75 6'88 2'43 KR Sonapur (27) ED Rice 12·14 3278 :'.66 3'24 Temple KR Sonapur (25) ED Rice 0.40 146'50 142·45 40'47 3399 Temple KR Sonapur (25) ED Rice 93·08 132'33 17·81 16'99 296

VILLAGE AMENITIES Police Station-BIRMAHARAJPUR l. C. Name·of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown In the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms· and 10+Kms' of the lin hectares) households) nearest place where·the facility is available is given) ~ ___ ~ ______A ______~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water lit . days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

181 Kudapada 260·21 377 (77) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 182 Basudevpur 70·42 134 (30) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 183 Vudhisthirpur 193'44 348 (78) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) (Yudhistipur) 184' Mundidamak 74·06. 103 (22) - (-5) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 185 Mrusundhi 861.58 1,433 (327) P,M,H MCW W,Tk,TW,R PO - (-5) -(5-10)

186 Madhupur 51.80 71 (18) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 187 Tentulimaharfa 218·13 570 (115) P - (-5) W.Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 188 Duhulpali 146'90 292 (61) P - (-5) W,Tk,K - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Dhulipali) 189 Akhabhanganal 6'88 Uninhabited 190 Manikpur 417·64 775 (166) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

191 Hilungpatharghat 575'87 944 (187) P -(5-10) W,Tk PO - (-5) -(5-10) 192 Baghamari 154·19 ;)99 (85) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 193 Amulyamanir ani pur 381.21 281 (SJ) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 194 Mendamal 921-47 1,202 (260) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (5-10) 195 Jambhalipali 253-33 472 (88) P - (-5) W,Tk,S - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

196 Jayapur 164·30 161 (35) P - (-5) W,Tk,S - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 197 Padhanpali 92.67 172 (36) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 198 NuapaJi 189·80 411 (8l) P - (-5) W/Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 199 Babupali 135·57 286 (59) P - (-S) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 200 Kalapathar 833·65 1,840(410) P,M,H - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5)

201 Bagchhera 195·4& 320 (71) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Bakchhera) 202 Kairajhuli 7365 '06 (47) P - (-5) W,Tk -- (-5) ";' (-5) - (-5) 203 Jaloi 604·60 1,681 (378) P,M,H H,RP W,Tk,TW PO Sunday BS 204 Kudapada 123·02 303 (68) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Kalapa thar) 205 Bandhapali 18·21 Uninhabited

206 Khirpur 16228 269 (54) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,S - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 207 Saharapali 154.59 451 (95) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,S - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 208 Radhiapali 9591 138 (3D) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5·10) - (-5) 209 Gagankhalai 36·42 42 (8) - (-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5·10) --:' (-5) 210 Ghikundi 154'19 86 (21) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5--:0) - (-5) BlC.38



App- Nearest town 'and Power Staple hand use"l. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach ,Distance Supply Food USe in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal p!aces) including to (in'Kins.) ,,_.------~------~ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable ,Area not place of gated irri~ated waste available religious by (Including for historica, source .gauchar cultivation or and .rchaeo- groves) logical Interest

"1 12 13 1-4 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Sonapur (22) 'R'lce '0'40 SO.59 1~U2 13'35 29·95 Kit Sonapur (22) , 'itic:e 22026 3"7.64 ·4'45 607 1e"1ple KR sonapur (22) .·'",ce 47·35 117.76 2.... 28 4.05

, KR SO,Ji&p.IJr (29) .;1lice ;12.95 46'94 8'91 S'26 KR sonapur' (24) ED,EO Rice 152'97 597'32 6192 49.37 C...,

, KR sOQapur (24) ,Rice 4'05 •.,.(/8 '·24 2'83 KR Son a pur (27) Rice 28.33 1S'7.01 20'24 12-SS ,;KR Sori_pur (19) ,JUce ,15.38 113'72 526 12.54

: ",88 .f(R Sonapur. (22) 'f{lce ~.52 3,J9.70 2914 24'28 Temple

, KR Son;apur (19) ED Rice 112·91 410'35 14.57 3804 M-l,Temple KR Sonapur (18) ED 'Rice 36.02 104'41 2-t3 1133 KR SOllapur (19) ED Rice 60'70 '12.90 201;13 172'84 3·64 N-2,M-1 . KR Sonapur (21) ED Rice 169'97 642'24 38085 70'41 Temple PR,KR Sonapur (16) ED 'Rice 28'73 165·11 7'29 52.20 Tell)ple

PR,KR Sonap... , (14) Rice 37'23 14.16 60'70 47.35 4.86 Temple KR sonapur (14) Rice 16'59 65·56 202 8.50 Temple KR Sonapur (14) 'Rice 42'90 ,99.55 25'90 21'45 Temple KR Sonapur (14) Rice 43·71 6920 1416 850 Temple KR Sonapur (14) EA Rice 32334 33063 81.75 9793 Te~ple

KR Sonapur (10) Rice 71.22 9753 7·69 1902 Temple

KR Sonapur (9) Rice 62.32 405 7.28 Pl,KR Sonapur (10) EA Rice 232·29 ~76.81 27.92 67.58 N-12, Temple KR Sonapur (11) Rice 4.86 4370 -4573 12.95 15.78

1335 486

PR,KR Sonapur ( 11) Rice 1-40.02 1943 2.83 Temple (10) PR,KR Sonapur ED ·Rice 14286 890 283 Temple KR Sonapur (11) Rke 8296 12.14 0·81 Temple KR sonapur (11) Rice 29.54 6.88 KR Sonapur (14' RI~e 12788 2509 ., 22 i, I 1 Ie 298


L.c. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if 'not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown in the column and n~xt to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms. in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 1O+Kms. of the (in· hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) ,.--______--'-____A. ______"""

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water a. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Market/' Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

211 Jamga:Jn 307·97 372 (78) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 212 GunJipali 149·33 294 (61) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 213 lalol jungle S9·08 251 (51) - (-5) - (-5) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 214 Limbapali 79·32 187 (43) P - (-5) W,Tk,S - (-5) - (-5) BS 215 Kesalpura 44070 477 (115) P - (5-10) W,Tk,TW,S - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

216 Kesalpurajungle 96·32 Uninhabited 217 Sanankaria 12181 311 (79) P,(2) M -(5-10) W,Tk,S - (-5) -(5·10) - (-5) \Sanankira) 218 Badankaria 206,79 199 (57) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Badankira) -(5-10) W,Tk,S - (-5) - (5-10) -(5-10) 219 Sarkaridadar 30·76 71 (17) P , 220 Anantapali 80'13 142 (32) P -(5-10) w,n,s -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10)

221 Daldaba 531·76 677 (151) P(2) RP W,Tk - (-5) _. (-5) - (-5) 122 Daldabajungle 3237 Uninhabited 123 Bidurpali 8094 171 (41) P - (-5) w,n -:- (-5) - (-5) 85 224 Naikapada 2&7·50 640 (159) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,S PO -(5-10) !IS 225 Bisipara 29825 599 (129) P(2},M -(S-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) BS n6 San~anpur 80-13 174 (C\8) - (-5) -(5 10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) as 227 Gopalpur 11372 191 (50) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 228 Achyutpali 364 Uninhabited 229 Kapileswarbhumi 1-21 Uninhabited 230 Bhejimal 486 28 (7) - (-5) -(5-10) W.Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5)

231 Gobindapali 2,}·95 154 (40) P -(5-10) W,Tk,~ - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 232 Palash 30918 749 (159) P{2J,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5} 233 Bejpali 7082 164 (42) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-s} 234 Badhila 225-00 277 (67) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R,S - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 235 Kha jariapali 34·80 82 (16) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk.R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5)

236 Halhalpur 4654 Uninhabited 237 Nuago~.n 7972 141 - (32) P (-5-10) W,Tk,R,S -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 238 Hikudi 16066 474 (96) P - (-5) W,Tk,R,S PO -(10+) - (-5) 239 logigumpha 9429 Uninhabited 240 Marichapur 71-63 213 (44) P -, - (5·10) W,Tk,S -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 299


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remark~ us!.' in hectilres rounded up to 2 decimal places including ro3ch Distance Supply Food ,-______- ____ .A. ______..., to (In Kms.) any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable AreA not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, " - by (including for historical . source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 1& 17 18 19 20

KR Sonapur (13) EA Rice 280.45 22.66 4.86 KR Sonapur (11) Rice 13193 14"16 3'24 KR ,Sonapur (10) Rice 5908 PR,KR Sonapur ( 8) EA Rice 7851 0·41 0.40 Temple PR,KR Sonapur (10) EA Rice 19.83 113·72 24726 n'35 46.54 .Temple

96·32 PR,KR Sonapur (11) EA Rice 106·84 13.35 162

KR Sonapur (11) EA Rice 176.85 25·09 4.85

PR.KR Sonapur ( 11) EA Rice 29_54 0.81 0·41 PR,KR Sonapur (13) Rice 0'40 20·64 51040 162 6·07 ...

KR Sonapur (13) EA Rice 430·99 41·68 59·02 Temple 31.16 1·21 PR,KR Sonapur (10) EA Rice 25·09 40·87 607 8·91 Temple PR,KR Sonapur (8) EA Rice 208·42 1578 43·30 N-l,M-2,C-l, T-1 PR,KR Sonapu~ (8) EA Rice 244·83 17·(:0 3&-42 N-3

PR,KR Sonapur (8) EA Rice 68·80 6·07 5·26 N-2 KR Sonapur (5) EA Rice 78·51 11·33 2)088 N-4,Temple 364 '\22 KR Sonapur (10) EA Rice 4·45 0·41

PR,KR Sonapur (10) EA Rice 27·52 0·41 202 KR Sonapur (11) EA Rice 265·07 1-21 4290 Temple KR Sonapur (10) Rice 56·25 8·90 5·67 Temple PR,KR Sonapur (4) EA Rice 11-33 146·09 38·R5 2873 Temple KR Sonapur (4) EA Rice 2·02 28·13 2·83 '·22 Temple

4·05 34-80 3·24 4·45 PR,KR Sonapur (3) EAg R.ice 10·12 54·63 14·97 PR,KR Sonapur (2) EA Rice 17·00 109·27 2023 14·16 Temple 66·::17 12·95 14·97 PR,KR Sonapur (4) Rice 62·32 3·64 5·67 300


L. C. Name ohhe Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown In the column· and next to It In brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., In broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms •• 5-10 Kmso and 10+Kms. of the (In hectares) households) ,...-______nearest place where '--.....--.A-- the facility______Is available is given) "'"

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Da y or Communl- tlonal Wate, days of cation (Potable) Telegraph'" the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station. If any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 (, 7 a 9 10

241 Baghalpur 151·35 311 (83) P -(5-10) W,Tk,S. - (..,.5) -(5-10) BS 242 Dudupall 63·94 119 (30) - (-5) -(5-10) W"Tk,S - (-5) -(5-10) BS 243 Raksa 415·61 758 (173) P - (-5) W,1ik.lIW.S PTO -(5-10) - (-5) 244 Sauripali 8660 14S (35) P -(5-10) W,Tk,S - (-5) - (-5) - ( ..... 5) 245 Sripura 92.27 274 (59) P - (-5) Vi,Tk,S PO -(5-10) IS

246 Bljepur 83.37 180 (46) P - (-5) W,Tt,R,S - (-5) -(5-10) - (-S) 247 Mundoghat 12869 245' (-58) P,M,H -(5-10) W"TIc,R,S PO -(5-10) BS 248 Lankabahal 80·53 :m (SO) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(S-10) - (-5) 249 BhaJabalpur 146.09 413 (92) P -(5-10) W,Tk,S - (-5) -'-(5-10) 85 (Bha jalbalpur) 250 Patrapall 100·77 141 (32). P -(5-10) W,TIe,R,S - (-5) -(S-10) - (-5)

251 lehedl 19142 3B7 (92) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,S -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 252 Hingama 590·44 1,297 (269) P,M -(S-10) W,Tk - (-5) -'5-10) - (-S) 253 Burpanga 78.10 241 (57) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,S - (-S) -(5-10) - (-5) 254 Brahmanipall 156 21 329 (70) P -(5-10) W,tk,R,S - (-S) -(5-10) - (-5) 255 Palkpali 186.56 191 (40) P -(S-10) W,Tk - (-S) .... (5.. 10) - (-5)

256 Parbatlpur 75.27 241 (45) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(S-10J - (-5) 257 Mahada 175.23 594 (123) P,M -(5·10) W,rk PO -(5-10) BS. 258 Gumurdula 157.42 191 (40) P -(5-10) W,rk,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-S) (Gumardula) 259 Paligoan . 255.36 708(146) P -(5-10) W,lk,TW,S - ~-5) -(5-10) - (-S) 260 Khapurlpur 53.8.2 20 (4) - (-5) -(10+) w,n - (-5) - (-!I) - (-5)

261 likuda 464·18 480 (122) P -(5-10) W,n,TW - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 262 Ghamadiapii Ii 72.44 Uninhabited 263 Gandpall 144·47 294 (60) P -(10+) W,n,TW,S - (-5) -(5·10) - (-5) 264 Kumarkeli 59529 1,072 (234) P,M -(5-10) W,lk,TW,S FO -(5-10) - (-5) 265 Bhudobar 161.07 738 (144) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,S - (-5) -(5-10) BS

266 Apatnuagarh 163'49 328 (62) P -(S-10) W,Tk,TW,S - (-5) -(5-10) BS 267 Rathapur 33225 413 (111) P -(5-10) w,n - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 268 Pandiapali 136'38 200 (36) P -(5-10) W,rk -(5-10) - (-5) 85 269 Bhangamunda 128'69 49 (8) - (-5) -(5-10) W,rk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-S) _ 270 Yamapali 88·22 234 (52) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5.-10) - (-5) 301


App- Nearest-t.owru.nd Paws Sta.ple_ L~!lc:I_.u,e_ (i. e., area under different types of IlInd Remarks Including roach Distance. Supply Food ,...-'-u.se______in.lJ.ec:tares rounded A up______tD 2 decimal places) .... to (in Kms.)· any vil(age. Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste ·avallable religious, by (Including for hlstorica'

so~rce gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical Interest

11' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

2145 P-~ Sc>napw- (4. ED. ll.ce. .~..!- 12019 9·71 PR.,KR Sonapur tfJl ED, Rice 4.'·2" 850 14·16 N-1 PIt,KR Sonapur (6) EQo Rice 3~82. 43.3,0 4:'49 Temple PIt,KIt Sopapur (2) ED Rice ~·32 19.~~ 4·45 Temple- PIt,KR Sonapur (3) ED Rice 7001. 8.09 14·17 Temple-

PR,KR Sonapur (2) EA Rice 59.09 10·12 1416 PR,KR Sonapur (2) EA Rice 93·48 18·62 16·59 N-l,Temple- PR,KR Sana pur (3) EA Rice 1Q·12 5099 1052 8·90 PR,KR Sonapur (3) EA Rice 16·19 91·86 2752 10·52 Temple-

PR,KR Sonapur (3) Rice n70 10.12 12·95

PR,KR Sonapur (2) ED Rice 12100 3966 30·76 C-l, Temple KR Sonapur (7) ED Rite,Wheat 12.95 473·89 41.68 61.92 M-l,Temple· PR,KR Sonapur (6) ED Rice 64-34 4.8& 8.90 Temple PR,KR Sonapur (8) EA Rice 131.12 4.11D 2023 Temple- KR Sonapur (8) EA Rice 131.52 33.5~ 21·45

KR Sonapur (6) EA Rice 16-19 43·30 15.78 Tempi" KR Sonapur (.6) EA !lice 13436 2.2.26 18.61 Temple KR Sonapur (6} EA Rice 110.07 28.33 19.02 Temple·

PR,KR Sonapur (6) EA Rice 131.52 15.38 108·46 KR Sonapur (6) EA Rice 33·59 15-78 4.45

KR Sonapur (8) EA Rice 37555 38.04 SO.59 Temple- 63.94 0.41 809 PR,KR Sonapur (6) EA Rice,Wheat 103.19 17.40 23·88 PR,KR Sonapur (8) EA Rice,Wheat 306.75 176.44 39.66 72.44 N-l,Temple- PR,KR Sonapur (8) EA Rice 8·10 12626 14'57 12'14 Temple

PR,KR Sonapur (8) EA Rice 124·24 11'73 27'52 KR Sonapur ( 13) Rice 5HO 191·42 5908 3035 Temple· PR,KR Sonapur (8) Rice 41'68 59'49 17·40 17'81 KR Sonapur_ (14) EA Rice 22'26 9267 405 971 KR )onapur (14,) EA Rice 0'81 12·95 65.15 1'62 7.69 N-1, Temple 302


Le. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) "'0. village area of ·the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance-in village (Number of i

271 Dahanlpali 120'19 232 (53) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) 272 Kanpur 274·78 540 (110) P ,- (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) BS 273 Dantapali 27·52 79 (16) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 274 Naikpali 50,59 104 (20) - (-S) -(5-10) w,n -(5-10) - (-5) - ·i-5) 275 Tithipali 201·53 472 (104) P -(5·10) W,Tk -(5-10) . - (-5) - (-5)

276 Kamalpur 260'21 1,255 (254) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO Dailymarket - (-5) 277 Khambeswaripali 59·49 373 (73) P - (-5) R - (-5) - (-5) NW 278 Buroghat 105'62 1,767 (328) P -(5-10) W.Tk,R -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) 279 Goudkela 128'69 150 (33) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) .280 Ufula 316'0!; 1,365 (2BO) P,M,H,C PHC,FPC W,Tk,TW,R PTO Wednesday liS (Birmaharajpur)

281 laturpet 18'1·75 336 (88) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 282 Ranapali 57·87 121 (25) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 283 Champamal 324'56 1,155 (242) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 284 KrusHnapali 113·72 233 (58) f' - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 285 Sandha 238'77 670 (164) P -(5-10) w,n -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10)

286 lharkumunda 187·37 1,293 (265) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -: (-5) - (-5)

287 Bhaliapadar 161·47 300 (56) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 288 Deulmunda 15661 388 (79) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (~5) 289 Lumurjena 15904 368 l8S) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Lumburujena) 290 Deuli 144·47 391 (87) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R --(5-10) - (-5) NW

291 Kumursingha - 289·76 361 (80) P -(S-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) - (-5) NW (Kumarsingha) 292 Nuagad 317.68 564 (117) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) - (-5) NW 293 Phulchard 176.85 272 (56) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R,O - (5-10) Tuesday NW 294 Bagbar 430·18 577 (132) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO -'(-5) B5 295 Hariharjor 623.62 Uninhabited 303


"OP- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------~------~ I any .",illage Furest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste avail.Jble religious, by (including for historical source gauchar ·cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical inte~esL

11 12 13 J4 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Sonapur (14) Rice 30'35 64'75 0'81 2428 PR,KR Sonapur (14) ED Rice 111'29 10845 29'14 25'90 KR Sonapur (14) ED Rice '607 15.38 2'83 3'24 KR S()napur (14) ED i Rice 21'85 22'66 405 2'03 Temple KR Sonapur (14) ED Rice 36'4,1 134.76 1093 19'42 N-2.Temple

KR Sonapur (14) EA RiCe 139·21 6192 20'23 38'85 N-5,C-1,Temple KR Sonapur (16) ED,EAg Rice 3'24 43'30 S'26 7,69 KR Sonapur (16) ED,EAg Rice 31·57 51·39 7'28 1538 Temple KR Sonapur (14) Rice 53"42 4937 9'31 1659 PR,KR Sonapur (14) EA Rice, Wheat '40.83 110'07 2631 3885 N-12,M-4, Temple

KR Sonapur (14) ED,EAg Rice 63'54 51'39 1295 57·87 N 4 KR Sonapur (14) ED Rice 1861 30·76 364 486 N-4,M-2 KR Sonapur (14) ED Rice 10319 167,95 20·64 32'78N-3,M-4,Ternple KR Sonapur (14) ED Rice 35'61 50·59 1012 17'40 Temple KR Sonapur (16) ED Rice 145'69 5301 1174 2833 N-3,Temple

KR Sonapur (14) ED Rice 92,27 8417 1012 081 N-7,M-1,C-3, Temple KR Sonapur (18) ED Rice 6111 8013 9.71 1052 N-2 KR Sonapur (16) ED Rice 84.98 48.16 040 2?o.07 KR Sonapur (1b) ED Rice 46.94 94·70 931 8.90 N-1 KR Sonapur ( 18) ED Rice 3480 91.05 688 11·74

KR Sonapur (19) ED,EAg Rice 1,1089 13233 13.76 32.78 N-t KR Sonapur (21) ED,EAg Rice 37.23 241-19 1295 16.31 M-2,Temple KR Sonapur (19) Rice 25.09 120.19 9.31 22.26 Temple PR,KR Sonapur (19) ED,EO Rice 134·35 233.91 26.71 35.21 N-6,Temple 12·14 1.21 610·27 ------304


;L.C. Name of the Total' Total Amenities available (If not available within the "'IIage, a dash (-) Nt'· Village area of,'the population is showni In:the column:and next to It In brackets, the distance In Village (Number of Kms., In broad ranges, Viz, -51(1115., 5-10 Km5. and 10+ Km5. of the (In hectares) households) ~ ______nearest place where the Afacility ______15 available is given) ~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Dayor Communl- tional Water at days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the CBus Stop. Marketl Railway Hat, Station, If any Water­ way) 1 1 3 4 . s -(, 7 '-8 9 10

296 I(udapadajungle 28.33 Uninhabited Z97 ~Ja1!eslngha "43.94 1,073 (225) p -(5-10) W,Tk,"YW,R PO , BS 298 'Keutipall 103.20 73 t17) 'P .... (5-10) :i~,R' '- (.....t5) ':NW

Total 5.,43.· .. 14,157 P-,", D-',H-t, (11,291) M-30,H-5, MCWIMH/ C-t cwe-., PHCfHC-t, FPC-t,O-2

a rfiM kll A RAJ- t5,t27.2t t,0I,703 P..a.n, D-Z,H-2, PUR'TAHASIL (Z3,134) M-40,H-8, MCW/MH/ C-t CWC-', PHC/HC-4, FPC-!, 'CHW-4,O-2 Ble.39



App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including ,-__ - ______..4. ______--"'\ to (in Kms.) any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves logical· interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

28'33 PR,KR Sonapur (24) ED Rice,Wheat 18170 200·73 22.66 38.85 KR 50napur (25) ED,EAg Rice 11.74 75-68 890 6.88 Temple

2,897.137,817,8' 30,264,06 6,257.65 9,202·54 N-132,M-32, C-7,T-3

5,651·479.a05.23 38,136.04 7,286.36 14,248.11 N-180,M-42, C-9,T-4


KILOMETRES H 2e---:eJ I MI". R ,. (J

.. }

(J .,





REFF,RENCE."l Bo",ndary, T",h.. ,,;l. . l'ohcG Shli,-,D. _ H_dCju .. rters ,Tah"-'lll , Pol,ee 8t",1100.

v,nages "",th populAtion 1 000 & "nov.. _ Baidy:nath

U,b",u .. 1<'" wIth joc:annn ("'od", . ___ ~ Import"",1 MC-la)led Road. Unmeldll"""" 'HId Olr'E'l HOdds

Po~1 Ofile<:>. Post & T"I<:gYdph OH'e<-' PO, "TO H''1h Sro!l<,ol • D"oJ''''''' Col]eg£: PnmilTV H .... [lh C"nlre,D,sp""'SiHV,Hoopita! ~+ffi Mdl"rnity .. nd Chtlrl Wella ..- .. C",nh" ....._ Jmporlllnt vill"ge Mdrket;Ha' .&



I '~\ ~' fiI \ 0 I:, 0.

• /

, ~ f J:



.. ]





51. Name of the Village l.c. 51. Name of the Village l. C. Nv. No. No. No. 2 3 2 3

1 Ainlapall 31 39 Khairtikira 9 2 Arjunpur 25 40 Khameswaripali 34 3 Babupali - 18 (Kuameswaripali) 4 Badajhinki 6«; 41 KhMjhura 47 5 8agduli 50 42 Kharjhurajangal 46 43 Kirtipur 6 6 Baidyanath 54 44. Kirtlpur jangal 7 7 Baiganjuri 64 45 Kulipali 26- B Baldapali 72 46 Kustapali n 9 55 Baljuri 47 lakarma 56 10 Banbija (Bankbija) 20 48 Madhupur 2f 11 Bisimunda 30 49 Mahanadi (Kha) 76· 12 8urumunda 32 50 Mahule 42 13 Chhatapipal 51 51 Mahulojangal 41, 14 Dahaja 57 52 Majhifabsi 43: 15 Deuli 40 53 Majhimunda 24

16 Dhaurakhamana 12 54 Mallikmunda 35 17 Dhubabahali 67 55 Mayurudan 5 18 Dhubamunda 60 56 Medinipali 39 1~ Dungur ipali 33 57 Nagapali (or)Thapapali 11 20 Dunguripali 75 sa Nandanmdl '. 13- 15 21 Gadia 38 59 Nandanmal jangal ... - 60 Narsinggarh 52 22 Gailberna 37 oj. 23 Gandabahall (Glandabahali) 58 61 Pansta Ii (Pansiali) 59 24 Gatarkela (Gutarkela) 70 62 Pipilipali 19 25 Haldipali 74 63 Pratappur 64 RugudipaU 3 26 Hardkhol 28 65 Rupapali (or) Chhepapali 53 27 J~anathpali 36 66 Sahajpita 27 28 Jampali 21 67 Samiabhag 49 29 Janmura 69 68 Sanjhinki 66 30 Jharpada 14 69 Sanphabsi (5anphapsi) 29 31 Kabattalai 17 70 Saradhapali 1& 32 Kadalibhag 48 71 Sargunamunda 10 33 Kainful 1 72 Sargunarnundagangangal n 34 Kalapathar 62 (Sargunamundajangal)

35 Kala pathar jan gal 61 73 Sialijhul\i 45 36 Kar lakhaman 4 74 Singhari 68 ~7 Kasurpali 2 75 Telnadi (Kha) [Telendi (Kha)] 73 38 Kendumunaa 3 76 Uparifabsi 44 312


L C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within thl! village, a dash (-) No· Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to It in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz, -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households} OIItarest place where the facility is available is given) ,------______..A..-______--.

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Dayor Communl- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if,anr Water- way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

, Kalnful 181'70 121 (27) P - (-5) W.Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 2 Kasurpall 174·42 370 (82) P - (-5) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 3 Kendumunda 191'01 339 (71) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 4 K.ulakhaman 108'86 203 (39) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

5 Mayurudan 486,03 652 (146) P,M - (-5) W,Tk ~PO - (-5) - (-5)

6 Klrt'pur 73693 548 (133) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 7 Kirtipurjungle 7B'lO U.1inhabited 8 Rugudipali 41318 607 (144) P - (-5) W,Tk,1t - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 9 Khairtikira 330-63 456 (95) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - ('-5) - (-5) 10 Sargunamunda 351,27 586 (118) P - (-5} W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

11 Nagpaali (or) 199'92 229 (60) P - (-5) W,lk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) Thapapali 12 Dhaurakhamana 13152 311 (59) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 13 Nandan."ai 256'17 439 (82) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 14 Jharpada 96·32 Uninhabited 15 Nandanmaljangle 281'26 Uninhabited

W,Tk,R BS 16 Saradhapali 209'22 422 (89) P -(5-10) - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) - (-5) 17 Kabattalai 124'64 248 (55) P - (-5) 18 Babupali 252'93 400 (85) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk -(5-10) - (-5) 19 Pratappur 301·09 195 (34) P - (-5) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 20 Banbija (Bankbija) 198-30 292 (58) \ - (S-10) w,n - (-5) -(S-10) - (-5) 21 Mudhupur 6313 43 (13) - (-51 - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 22 jampali 138'00 137 (35) 23 Sar gunamunda- 21"45 Uninhabited ganga I (Sargunamundajangal) (70) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 24 MajhimUnda 120-19 331 P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 25 Arjunpur 116·15 218 (44)

399 (87) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 26 Kulipali 11580 201 (45) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 27 Sahajpita 101·58 517 (123) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) 85 28 Hardkhol 19223 254 (SO) P - (-,5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 29 Sanphabsi 19992 (Sanphapsi) 464 (99) P,M FPC,MCW W,n,TW PO - (-5) BS 30 Bislmunda 194·25 313


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (I. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to :I decimal places including ,-______A ______~ to (in Kms.) any v,,'age Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religiOUS, by (Iucludlng for historical source gauchar cult-Ivation or and archaeo- groves) logical. interest

., 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20

KR Sonapur (24) IUee 41·68 16,59 98·74 10·64 4'05 Temple KR Sonapur (12) Rice 3238 51'40 66·77 1578 809 Temple KR Sonapur (22) Rice 10·93 51'39 101'57 23'07 4'05 KR Sonapur (19) Rice 3.24 14·16 77·70 11-33 2·43 N-1,M-I,T-l. Temple KR Sonapur (19) Rice 17·00 139,21 23877 76'89 14·16 Temple

KR Sonapur (19) Rice 145,28 76·08 3&5·53 135'17 14·97 Temple 77,29 061 KR Sonapur (14) Rice 24·68 57'46 204'37 111'29 15'38 Temple KR Sonapur (13) RIce 12'55 84·17 ;'>02·/5 25,09 607 KR 'ionapur (13) ED Rice 74·87 218'13 52'1,1 5'66 M-2'

KR Sonapur (11) Rice 27'92 40,47 91'87 34'40 5·26 M-.

KR Sonapur ( 11) Rice )'24 20.64 74'05 29'14 4·45 M-6 KR Sonapur (10) Rice 0'81 63'94 136·?8 48,56 6·48 N-2 20'64 70'01 567 25981 7·29 11·33 2'63

KR Sonapur (8) Rice 18.21 13516 44·92 10·93 Temple KR Sonapur (6J EAg Ri«:t!! 37·64 f,8'39 10'52 8'09 KR Sonapur (3) ED,EAg Rice 31'57 161'47 52·20 7'69 Tempre. KR Sonapur (5) ED,EAg Rice 86·60 3(>'42 129·50 45·33 3·24 Temple- KR,PR Sonapur (8) Rice 1·21 38'45 127'48 28,33 2'83

KR Sonapur (10) Rice 10·12 42'09 971 1·21 PR,KR Sonapur (8) Rice 14·57 17·81 7891 2509 1·62 21'45

KR Sonapur ( 11) Rice 8'90 44'92 42'49 17'81 6'07 KR Sonapur (8) RIGe 9'31 14'97 74·46 14'17 3'24 .. ,

KR Sonapur (13) Rice 18'62 40'06 70'-:12 20'23 6'47 PR,KR Spnapur (14) Riee b 07 30-76 3399 26·31 445 PR,KR Sonapur (13) Rice 65'16 104'41 14'57 8·09 Temple KR Sonapur (t3) Rice 2·83 54·23 99"5 40,47 3'24 (14) PR,KR 5()napur ED Rice SO'66 74'0& 57·87 5'66 ""·2,Tempte ------~------314


1..e. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown In the column and next to it In brackets, the distance in Village (Numbe, of Kms. in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the <'n hectares) households) ~ ______nearest place where the-A- facility______Is available Is given) ~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Dayor Communl- tlo"al Water and days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the CRus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, If any Water- way) .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

31 Alnlapali 142'85 159 (41) P,M - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 32 Buromunda 26386 653 (155) P - (-5) W,Tk PO - (-5) - (-5) 33 Dunguripall 159·04 437 (92) P,M,H - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 34 Khameswaripall 108'05 398 (94) - (-5) D W,Tk - (-5) Thursday BS. (Kuameswaripall) 35 Mallikmunda 448·80 2,135 (391) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

36 Jaganathpall 113'72 37 (7) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 37 Gailberna 59'49 85 (14) - (-5) - (:-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 38 Gadia 275'19 365 (80) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 39 Medinipali 174·42 384 (74) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 40 Deull 78·91 85 (17) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

41 Mahulojangal 168'35 Uninhabited 42 Mahule 233'10 449 (93) P - (-5) W,Tk,N - (-5) - (-5) - (-5} 43 Majhlfabsi 110'88 189 (39) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 44 Uparifabsl 140'02 341 (66) P - (-5) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 4S Sialijhull 53-42 19 (5) - (-5 -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) as.

46 Kharjhurajangal .48·16 . Uninhabited 47 Kharjhura 411'16 1,273 (2(6) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk.R - (-5) - (-5) - (-S)

48 Kadalibhag 31'16 Uninhabited 49 Simiabhag 37·64 Uninhabited 50 Bagdull 117'76 356 (74) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-S) - (-5) - (-5)

S1 Chhatapipal 371'10 939 (220) P - (-5) R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 52 Narsinggarl

56 lakarma 189·80 317 (68) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-51 -(5-10)· 57 Dahaja 67'99 62 (14) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 58 Gandabahali 35'61 Uninhabited ... (Gi a!,daba hall) 59 PlpiJipali 105·22 257 (55) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 60 Dhubamunda· 118'98 56 (12) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 315


App- Nearest town and Powe, Staple land use (I, e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance S.pply food u'se in hectares rounded up 2 decimal places) Including ,-__. ______--A.- ______'0 ~ to (in Kms.) any village Forest Inl- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (Including for historical source lauchar cultivation or and archaeo- ,roves) logical Interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PR,KIt Sonapur (13) ED Rice 47'75 60'30 30·35 4'45 Temple PR,KR Sonapur (14) ED,EAg Rice '·22 101·58 12NlO 31'97 8'09 Temple PR,KR Sonapur (16) ED Rice 0·40 75.27 SO'59 24'69 8'09 N-',Temple PR,KIt Sonapur (16) ED Rice SO·53 1376 8·09 5·67 Temple

PR,KR Sonaput (18) ED,EAg Rice 31'16 61·51 214'89 129.10 12.14 C-l,M-l,N-6, Temple

KR Sonapur (18) Rice 20'23 5666 136'42 0,41 KR Sonapnr (18) Rice 5·26 14'97 31·57 6'07 1·62 KR Sonapur (19) ED,EAg Rice 37'64 70'82 132'33 26·71 769 Temple PR,KR 50napur (18) Rice 79,32 7284 19·83 2'43 KR 50napur l19) Rice 15·38 11·33 46'13 4·86 1,21

138,81 6·07 202 21-45 PIt,KR Sonapur (19) ED Rice 9031 58'68 127·07 2347 1457 N-l,Temple KR Sonapur (19) Rice 2·02 27·92 59·49 17'40 4'()5 KR Sonapur (19) Rice 11'74 57"06 41·68 23'88 5'66 PR Sonapur (19) EO Rice 6'47 6'88 29'95 9'31 081

47·35 0'81 PR,KR Sonapur (22) EO Rice 7'28 121,41 193'44 76'89 12'14 N-1,M-l,T-', Temple 29'95 0'81 0'40 25'50 10'93 1'21 PR.KR Sonapur (16) W Rice 77,XJ 26'30 769 "47 N-',Temple

KR Sonapur (16) Eo,EAs Rice 152'16 164,71 39'66 1457 N-3 42·49 4,45 2'84 0'81 PIt,KIt Sonapur (16) ED Rice 42-49 11().88 26'31 9'71 Temple

Kit 50napur (16) EO,EA. Rice 87'41 230'67 73-65· 12'55 N-4,Temple PR,KIt 50napur (13) Rice 18'62 95,10 10'93 4'55 Temple

PR,KIt Sonapur (11) Rice 3'64 20,24 144047 1133 10'12 Temple KR 50napur {8) Rke 17·40 6'88 14'17 27'11 2'43 - 191)2 13'36 2-83 ()'40 KR 50napur (6) Rke 5'67 22'16 65'96 769 3'64 PR,1a Son.pur (of) 'Uee 1'62 10'12 97'93 648 283 316


------~~-- ~-----~--~ loc. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) ~o· Village area of the· population is~shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Viilage (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. ,....5 Kms., 5-10~Kms. ilnd 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water Ik days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

61 Kalapatha rja.lgal 72'84 Uninhabited 62 Kalapathar 2g7·44 344 (72) p. - (-5) W,Tk PO - (-5) - (-5) I 63 Panstali (Pansiali) 140'02 160 (40) P - (-5) W,1k,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 64 Baiganjuri 70'01 116 (21) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 65 Badajhinki 110-48 '282 (60) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) \ , 66 Sanjhinki 56·66 158 (43) p - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 67 Dhubabahali 25·50 91 (17) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 68 ~inghari 127'07 1.73 (43) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 69 Janmura 171-99 426 (90) P - (_:5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - ('7"5) - (-5) 70. Gatarkela 156'61 218 (51) P - (-5) W,1 k - (-5) - (- 5) - (-5) (Gutarkela)

71 Kustapali 86.20 21 (4) - (-5) - (-5) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 72 Baldapa Ii 91'46 189 (38) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 73 Telnadi (Kha) 717-91 Uninhabited (Telendi)-(Kha) 74 Haldipali 153.78 261 (56) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 75 Dungurirali 63-54 147- (30) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 76 Mahanadi (Kha) 1,195'04 Uninhabited .-

Total 14,780·79 22,5;13 (4,758) P·47, 0·1, M-7, MCW/MH/ 1-1·1 CWC-1, PHC/HC·1, FPC-1 317


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectare~ rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.) r------______A ______------~ a.ny village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place at gated irrigated waste available religious. by (including for historicat s(lurct- gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2C

69·20 0'81 2'83 PR,KR Sonapur (3) ED Rice 67·99 29'94 117·36 7527 6'88 PR,KR Sonapur (2) ED,EAg RiCE! 1'21 13 36 93·48 25'90 6'07 PR,KR Sonapur n) Rice 1'21 55'04 10·93 2'83 PK,KR Sonapur (3) Rice 26'30 46·94 30·76 6·48

PR,KIt Sonapur (3) Rice 8-50 37'23 7'69 3'24 PR,KR Sonapur (2) Rice 1'21 6·48 13'36 3·24 1'21 Temple KR Sonapur (5) Rice 19·02 87'82 15·78 4·45 PR,KR Sonapur (3) Rice 1'22 78'10 68'39 18'21 6'07 KR Sonapur (5) Rice 27·92 97·93 24'69 6'07

KR Sonapur (5) Rice 17'40 66·37 2'43 KR Sonapur (3) Rice 27·92 44'11 17·00 2'43 Not available

KR Sonapar r3) Rice 3683 97'53 14·97 4.45 KR Sonapur (3) Rice 6'07 12'54 37'64 4·86 2'43 Temple Not available

1,216.49 2,946'92 6,340'23 1,957'93 406·27 N-28,M-15, C·1, T·2

~ ~ ! s- j I ~~. I 15 1 o>. : <3 t'.


"- " :t


0: '"

0 '" I- z :> '"

\ () p.S. \






SI Name of the Village L.e SI. Name of the Village l.c. No. No. No. N(,. 1 2 3 2

1 Asurmunda 146 26 GovindpurjlJflgle 176 2 Asurmundajungle 145 27 CurandipaJi 136 3 Badipadla 152 28 Jamkhol 169 4 Bajikhol 170 29 JamkholJungle 172 5 Balpur 121 30 Jhankarpall 158 31 Jhllirrunda 159 6 Balapur jungle 122 32 Khaliapali 139 7 Banktentull 140 33 Khemundiamunda 160 8 Baseswarpali (Biseswarpali) 129 34 Kudadera 167 9 Baslat 154 35 Kudopali 138 10 Bhursapali 135 36 Kudopalijungle 141 11 Bisalpal i 148 37 lai::hhlpur 131 12 8isalpali jungle 162 38 luhurapali 163 13 8isesarpalijungle 128 39 luhurapalijllRgle 143 40 14 Chahatakhol 156 Luparsingha 137 15 Chandra pur 171 41 Majhlmunda 149 42 Matlapall 1~6 16 Chaur as jpur 147 43 Matlapall (Matlapalljungle) 125 17 Chhakormal 151 44 Paridaklta I' 173 18 Chhokarmaljungle 153 45 Pandkhafjuh8\e 168 19 Dabapali 144 20 Dablang 150 46 Plpillea1i 161 47 Ralpali 174 21 DablongJungle 127 48 RengaJi 142 22 Dablongjungle 155 49 Rengall jUttgle 166 23 Dumerkhol 157 50 Saharllpati 164 24 Gindladadar 165 51 Singlia jUti jurisle 124 25 Govindapur 175 52 SlnghJtlf' .. 1t~ 322


L.c. Name of the Total Total Amenitie~ available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village Olrea of the population Is shown In the column and next·to It In brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms·, In broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the

(ft1 hectares) households) ~ ______nearest place where theA facility ______is available is given) ~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Market, Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1P

121 Balptrr 569.80 977 (221) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 122 Ba lapur jungle 155.40 Uninhabited 123 Singh juri 69·61 Uninhabited 124 Singhajurijungle 29·54 Uninhabited 125 Matlapall 30109 Uninhabited (Matiapalijungle)

126 Matlapali 369·48 8B6 (180) P,M - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 127 Dablongjungle 5<..04 Oninhablted 128 Bisesarpalijungle 40·06 Uninhabited 129 Baseswarpall 146·90 322 (67) P - (-5) W,R,O - (-5) - (-5) ...:. (-5) (Biseswarpali) 131 lachhipur 356·53 1,927 (389) P,M,H MeW,PHS W,Tk,R PO Monday BS

135 Bhursapali 461.75 , 543 (119) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 136 Gurandipall 27.52 .6 (1) - (-5) - (-S' - (-5) - (-S) - (-OJ) - (-5) 137 Luparsingha 468.22 '" .1,~.3 (267) P,M 0 W,Tk.R PO - (-5) - (-5) 138 Kudopali 455.68 448 (97) P - (-S) W,Tk,R - (-5) Friday - (-5) 139 Khallapall 468·22 1,240 (272) P,M MCW,PHS W,Tk PO Friday BS

140 Banktentuli 218.53 485 (111) P - (-5) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 141 KudopalijungJe 110.48 Uninhabited 142 Rengali 518.40 382 (86)· P - (-5) w,n PO - (-5) - (-) 143 Luhurapal; jungle 244.84 134 (34) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-S) - (-5) - (-5) 144 Dabapali 242.00 277 (55) P - (-;) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (- 5)

145 Asurmundajungle 55.04 Uninhabited 146 Asurmunda 348.43 721 (152) P - (-5) W, Tie - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

147 Chauraslpur 101·58 183 (46) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 148 Bisalpllii 91·86 353 (73) P - (-5) ·W - (-S) - (-5) - (-5) 149 Majhlmunda 166.33 158 (29) P - (-5) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

150 Dablang 692.82 1,304 (280) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 151 Chhakormal 1S1.35 230 (43) P - (-5) w.n -(5·10) - (5-10) -(5-10) 152 Badipadia 121.41 190 (45) - (-5) -(5-10) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 153 Chhokarmaljungle 132·74 Uninhabited 154 Basla t 235.12 411 (81) P -(5-10) w.n -(S-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) ------.----_.. 323


"-~----.~----.. ----- ~-.----"----- App- Nealest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under difh:rent types of land Remarks use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) roach Distance Supply Food ,-______.A.- ___.______---" inciudin!! to (in·Kms.) any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves logical- interest

11 12 ) 13 14 15 16 ·17 18 19 2Q

KR Sonapur (43) Rice 148.52 349·65 48.56 23.07 155·40 9.71 19·43 40·06 0·41 2833 1.21 301.09

KR Sonapur (43) Rice 31-16 125.45 162·,78 42·09 8·50 55·04 40.06 KR Sonapur (40) Rice 2.43 28·73 ~1 05 18·62 6·07

KR Tarbha (24) ED,tAg Rice 80·13 209.63 53.42 13·35 N-12.M-1, Temple

KR Sonapur (32) ED Rice 37.23 89.44 217·03 97·53 10·52 N-l FP Sonapur (32) Rice 9·31 10·93 6·88 0·40 KR Sonapul (29) ED Rice 1.22 125.45 2&7.09 63.13 11.33 M-l,N-12,Temple KR Sonapur (24) ED Rice 20·23 71063 282·88 71.63 9·31 KR Sonapur (40) ED Rice 161.()6 236·74 52·61 17.81 N-8.M-l.C-l, Temple,Mosque

KR Balangir (24) Rice 80·13 98.74 28.33 11.33 '·'1 1og.27 1-21 KR Balangir (24) Rice 85.39 59.08 263.04 101.58 9.31 KR 8alangir (24) Rice 244.84 . KIL Tarbha (24) Rice 5.67 4(,·13 121041 60-70 8-09

53-42 1.62 KR Tarbha (21) ED Rice 16.19 79·]2 206·79- 34.40- 11.33 N-2,M-2,C-1, T-3. Temple KR Balangir (24) Rice 11033 29.S4 35.21 19.43 6.07 KR Tarbha (24) Rice 17·-40 2.43 56·6(, 12·54 2.83 KR Taroha (24) Rice 2.83 37.23 79.32 .0·71 324 Temple-

Kit Balangir (19) ED Rice 65.56 155.40 3#39 107.24 20:23 KR Tarbha (21) Rice 10.92 7-28 119·79 1()·12 3-24 KR Tarbha (22) Rice 41.28 21.45 51.40 H6~1I,.,1.02 117·77 1-4.97 Kit Tarbha (19) Rice 36.8l 27.52 13~.97 28-33 "'''7 N-l 324


l. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village. a dash (-) No. Village area of the tlopu,lation is shown in the column and next to it in brackets. the distance in Village (Number of kms., In broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility Is available is given) r------A------~----, Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water· way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

-~----~-.---.--~ ~--- 155 Dablongjungle 243·22 129 (4') - (-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 156 Chaha takhol 210·44 194 (37) P -(5-10) W - (5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 157 Dumerkhol 244.43 284 (65) P -(5-10) W.Tk -(5,.10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 156 lhankarpall 74,06 136 (30) P -(5-10) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 159 Jhilimunda 8903 51 (12) - (-5) - (-5) W - {-51 -( 5) - (-5)

160 Khemundiamunda 148.12 154 (31) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) . -(5-10) -(5·10) 161 Pipilipali 9389 64 (23) P -(5-101 W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(510) 162 Bisalpalijungle 21.04 Uninhabited 163 luhurapali 221.77 311 (50) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-51 - (-5) 164 Saharapall 141.24 131 (25) P - (-~) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-!i}

165 Gindladadar 11007 Uninhabited 166 Rengalijungle 21·45 Uninhabited 167 Kudadera 152·57 235 (49) P -(5-10) W,rk - (-5) Friday - (5-10} 168 Pandkltal jungle 41·68 Uninhabited 169 Jamkhol 213·27 209 (45) P -(5-10) W.rk -(5-10) Friday -(5-10}

170 Bajikhol 126.67 101 (21) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) Friday -{5-10} 171 Chandra pur 229·05 195 (41) P -(5-10) W.Tk -(5-10) Friday -C5-10} 172 Jamkholjungle 10562 Uninhabited 173 Pandakital 53904 524 (110) P -.(5-10) W.Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5' 174 Raipali 496·95 651 (146) P -(S-10) W,Tk - (-5) Friday - (-5} 175 Govindapur 312042 423 (82) P -l-S) W,rk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 176 Govindapurjungle 292.18 Uninhabited

Total :It,533.98. 16.-Z42 P -3t,M-4, D.'.• JI!ICWI l ••• (3.456) H-1 MHICWC-2, PHS·2 325


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (I· e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in·hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in Kms.l r-,------~------~ any village Forest Irrl- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious by (including) for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

KR Tarbha (19) Rice 243.22 KR Tarbha (19) Rice 52.21 3480 101,17 18,21 4.05 KR Balangir (32) Rice 91.46 31.16 90·24 2752 4.05 Temple KR Tarbha (22) Rice 15.38 29.54 17.81 6.88 4.45 KR Tarbha (24) Rice 13.35 26.30 3238 13.76 3.24

KR Balangir (24) Rice 40.06 37·64 SO. 59 16.59 3·24 KR Tarbha (22) Rice 3.64 19.83 63.54 5.26 162 19.83 1.21 KR Tarbha (24) Rice 15·78 61.92 96'72 4371 3.64 KR Tarbha (24) Rice 3683 26.30 64·35 9·31 4.45

55.04 7.28 38.04 9·71 21·45 KR Sonapur (22) Rice 2954 27.52 71·2] 17.40 688 41.68 KR Sonapur (27) Rice 17·00 61.92 79·72 40·87 13.76

KR Sana pur (26) Rice 31.57 27·52 50.59 9.71 7.28 KR Sonapur (26) Rice 40.87 34'00 108.86 40.87 4.45 104.41 '·21 KR Sonapur (2') Rice 73·25 84.98 316.06 50.18 14.57 KR Sonapur (24) Rice 32·78 116.55 272-35 63·13 12.14 N-4.Temple· KR S0napur (19) Rice 48.16 182·92 75.27 6.07 Temple· 287.73 4·45

1,757.97 2,070.78 5,006·00 1,394·55 304·70 N.40,M-6,C.Z, T-3


... :




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---- "I. Name of the Village L. C. 51. Name 01 the Village L. C. ~o. No. No. No. 1 2 3 1 2 3

Ainlapali, 204 46 Budelmunda jungle 93 2 Ainlapalijungle 205 47 Budhakhaman 187 3 Arakhpadar 59 48 Chadeipall 81 4 Anda 8 49 ChandanpaJi 102 5 Arda 169 50 Charaniapali 190

6 Ardajungle 185 51 Charbhata 193 7 Atasingha 80 52 Charbha ta jungle 191 8 Babajima thadungri 128 53 Chheliadungri (Chhelia jungle) 155 9 Badamunda 189 54 Chlrbahal 178 10 Badbahali 29 55 Chirgunmuhan 64

11 Badbhainro 88 56 Chuhanpali 30 12 Badjor 150 57 Dahiberna 134 13 Badjor lBO 58 Dahimal 15 14 Badkadalipali 41 59 Daitpur 72 15 Badmal 146 60 Dangajor 160

16 Badfatamunda 161 61 ' Debandh 175 17 Badtenda 182 62 Deogaon 83 18 Bagbahali 34 63 DeulpJdar 14 19 Baghia 142 64 Dheramunda 17 20 Baghiabahali 67 65 Dilkhuspur 50

21 Baghiamunda 108 66 Oubula 147 22 Bahirkhaman 58 67 Dubulajungle 148 13 Bahirmuhan 133 68 Oumerpali 143 24 Bahir amuhanjungle 132 69 Dungripali 210 26 25 Baladl 33 70 Ounguripali 47 26 Baladifungl" 32 71 Fakiramunda 27 Balikhamar 201 72 Fatamunda 4 18 Balipata (Balpata) 181 73 Fatamunda jungle 3 29 Balmunda 106 74 Garamahul 71 30 Bandhakhol 121 75 Gar a mahul jungle 69 76 31 Bandhapali 57 76 Garja 52 32 Bandhpali 131 77 Ghatkaintara 126 33 Bankeda 99 78 Guhiraghat 100 34 8arahmani (Brahmani) 129 79 Gunjlmunda 167 35 Barkani 87 80 Hafriaberna 73 36 Basasankar 209 81 H'Jlidapali (Hardapa) 37 Shalubahali (Bhalubahal) 49 82 Jadapali 177 2:: 38 BhaJudungri 85 83 lamdadar 39 Shalupatdungri 1:!4 84 lamjhar 135 40 Sheluapadar B6 85 lamkan! 149 41 8hurad 130 86 Jamlcanljunste 151 42 Bljapadar 63 ff7 Jampali 136 43 Bilaiberna 199 88 Janilkpur "'4 44 Brahmnipali 13 89 larajaring "IS 45 Budelmunda 94 90 JhaTbahali 21, __ .. . .. -- _- .--.~---.--~' __ __ ._- 3)0


51. Name of the Village L.·C. 51. Name of the Village l.C. ''In. Nv. t~(). Nv. 1 2 3 2 3 .._-- _------,--- 91 Jharmunda 119 136 Maraduguchha 98 92 jhartarbha 74 137 Mar aduguchhajungle 95 93 Jhilimunda 194 138 Matikod 40 94 judamunda (Jadamunda) 75 139 Menda 9 95 junani 183 140 Nadhara 113

96 Jurabandh 110 141 Naikenpalli 39 97 Kamsara 115 142 Naktikana 122 98 Karnsara jungle 152 143 Narayanpur 21 99 Kandhapali 5 144 Narda 112 100 Kandhapall 11 145 Nuamunda 137

101 Kankeda 60 14f> Nuapali 70 102 Karlamuh"n 198 147 Nuapali 158 103 Karlamuhanjungle 197 148 Padmapur 78 104 Katapali 68 149 Paikbahal 16 105 Katapali 117 150 Paikbahaljungle 19

106 Kekatpali 43 151 Palsapadar "6 107 I

111 Khamanjungle 184 156 Panimurajungle 91 112 Khari 56 157 Pat;jyatpaJi 25 113 Khuntbandh 139 158 Patharteka 145 114 Kirasira 127 15Y Polbandh 159 115 Koyapadar 114 160 Pua 44

116 Kukunuapur (Makundapur) 27 161 Pudugpathor 125 117 Kulthiapadar 165 162 Purunapani 141 118 Ku Ithiapadar jungle 166 163 PutkipaJi 20() 119 Kumarpall 97 164 Putukipali 173 120 Kumbharmunda 163 165 Raikeda 157

121 Kumunda 1 166 Rajapali 12 122 Kumundajangal 2 167 Rambhasindhol 51 123 Kutsira 35 168 Rangapur 48 124 Kutsira 111 169 Ranisarda 7 125 Laxmiunda 101 170 Ranisardajungle 6

126 lembupali 154 171 Rengalibahali 196 127 ludrlamunda 103 17,Z Rengalibahalijungle 195 128 Lukapall 174 173 Rengsa 186 129 Mahulkhunt 61 174 Rengsa Jungle 168 jJO Mahulpali 153 175 Rugudipall 96

1.,1 M"jhipali 26 176 Rygudipali 138 132 Makadchuan 84 1" Runjphatamunda 162 133 Malisirgidi 36 178 Sagarpali 172 134 Malpada 208 179 Sagarp"n Jungle 170 135· Manhira 79 180 Saiduli 19'2 331


SI· Name of the Village l-C SI. Name of the Village L.C No. Na· No_ No. 2 3 1 2 3

181 Salepali 31 197 Sukhilasar 206 182 Sanbhainro 89 198 Sukhilasarjungle 207 183 Sandhijore (Sindhijore) 203 199 Suktelnadi 53 184 Sankadalipali 20 200 Surjamunda 120 185 Sankchol 24 201 Takarla 42

186 Sankhacholjungle 23 187 Sardliapali 14<1 202 TaJpadar 140 188 Sargaj 109 203 Taraikela 54 Telnadl (Ka) 189 Sargi jharla 82 204 179 Tentulikhunti 190 Satrupali (Satarapali) 65 205 107 206 Tentuliamunda 104 191 Sibtula 77 192 Silatimunda 105 207 Thakapali 55 193 Sindhbahali (Singbahali) 38 208 Tilaimal 18 194 Sindhol 202 209 Tilesara 46 195 Singhari 171 210 Tithipali 176 19& Sudelbahali (8udelbahali) 37 211 Tulunda 118 332


L. C· Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village. a dash (-)' Nf'. IVillage area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., In broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms •• 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given)

,-______~ __ A. ______. ...,

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tiona I Water II< days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus' Stop, Marketl Railway Hat. Station, if any Water­ way) , 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Kumunda 254'14 999 (226) P,M - (-5) W,Tk.R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 2 Kumundajangal 38'04 Uninhabited 3 Fatamundajangal 92'27 Uninhabited 4 Fatamunda 33'59 Uninhabited 5 Kandhapali 62'32 53 (10) P - (-5) o - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

6 Ranlsardajungle 27-11 Uninhabited 7 Ranisarda 50829 1,253 (293) P,M - (-5) W,Tk.TW PO - (-5) - (- 5) 8 Arda 467'01 1.062 (210) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 9 Mend .. 515 17 2.996 (601) P(2),M,H.O - (-5) T.W,Tk,R PO,Phone Wednesday BS

10 Khagsakana 142"85 353 (75) p -- (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5)·

11 Kandhapali 110.07 28 (6) p - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5} 12 Rajapali 193'84 190 (36) p - (-5) W.rk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5} 13 Brahmnipali 23189 723 (152) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5~ 14 Deulpadar 530'14 2,036 (390) P,M - (-5) W.Tk,TW.R PO - (-5) - (-5} 15 Dahimal 214'48 393 (68) P - (-5) W.Tk.TW - (- 5) - (-5) BS

16 Paikbahal 39457 841 (183) P,M - (-5) W,Tk.TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 17 Dheramunda 58'28 Uninha bited 18 Tilaimal 72'03 107 (27) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) BS 19 Paikbahaljungle 109'67 Uninhabited 20 Sankadalipall &3'94 189 (3&) p - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

21 Narayanpur 651'14 1.682 (368) P,M.H - (-5) W,Tk PO Saturday -(5-10) 22 Jamdadar 92'27 7 (1) - (-5) - (-~) W - (-5) - (-5) -(S-10) 23 Sankhacholjun~le 12869 Uninhabited 24 Sankchol 135'17 144 06) - (-5) - (-5) TW - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 25 Patayatpah 76'49 Uninhabited

26 Dungurlpall 149'33 225 (44) - (-5) - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 27 Kukundapur 15904 112 (23) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (Makundapur) 28 Majhipall 93'08 7& (13) - (-5) -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 29 Badbahali 240'79 348 (65) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 30 Chuhanpali 37-64 81 (13) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 333


------_ -- - - -~ -.----_---- , ------.------App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (I. eo, area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) includiAg A to (in Kms,) r------.------..... any villa ~e Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (Including tor historical sourcp gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) lop,ical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20"

------_-- - KR Balal'lgir (24) ED Rice 88·22 121'41 37'23 7·28 Temple 37'64 0'40 8'50 8'50 51,40 8~09 15,78 32,78 0'S1 FP Tarbha (19) Rice 15'78 12'95 23'07 8'09 2,43

24'28 2'83 KR Tarbha ( 19) ED Rice 4·05 207'75 2'4'95 25'50 21'04 N-1,Temple· KR Salangir (24) Rice 13'76 157·43 223-79 44'11 27'92 N-2,Temple· KR Tatbha (25) ED Rice 182'11 248'07 66'78 18'21 N-18,M-3,C.', Temple PR,KR Tarbha (22) ED Rice 2,02 63,94 38,85 30·76 7'28

KR Tarbha (23) Rice 21'45 16'99 48,97 16,59 6'07 Temple KR Tarbha , f20l 11 ice "'33 66·77 74.87 3237 8,50 M-1,Temple KR Tarbha (20) Rite 2'43 89'03 97'13 31'78 10'52 Temple KR Tarbha (16) R1ce 199'91 21570 93'89 2064 N-3,M-1,Temole KR Tarbha (14) Rice 14'17 104'00 49'37 41'68 5'26 Temple

KR Tarbha (13) ED Rice 567 141'64 177,66 46'94 2266 N-2,M-3, Temple' 9'71 11,33 31,16 4'86 ,·22 KR Tarbha (14) Rice 30'75 4'45 30·35 4'05 2'43 109'27 0,40 KR Tarbha (14) Rice 5,26 20'64 23·B8 12'54 1'62 Temple

KR Tarbha (11) Rice 5'26 220'15 308'37 97'13 20.23 Temple,Mosque- KR Tarbha (10) Rice 8'09 70,42 11'74 2'02 12869 KR Tarbha (10) Rice 24'28 31,16 56·66 1983 3'24 11-33 11,74 52'61 0'81

KR Tarbha (14) Rice 13-35 41'68 58·68 31'57 4,05 Temple- KR Tarbha (14) Rice 9'71 28'73 100·77 15-78 4'05 Temple

KR Tarbha (10) R\ce 14,16 10·12 6"11 7'69 KR Tarbha (11) Rice 2105 42,49 152,97 19'02 5,26 Temple KR Tarbha (10) Rice 19'02 10'12 7'69 0'81 334


Le. Name 01 the Total Total Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) No, Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ~anges, Viz, -5 Kms" 5-10 Kms, and 10+Kms, of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) r------~------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water $< days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railwa) Hat, Station, if any Water way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

31 Salepali 115·74 196 (41) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 32 Baladijungle 65'15 Uninha!:'li ted 33 Baladi 488,05 1,359 (316) P,M - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) 34 Bagbahali 131'52 416 (75) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) - (-5) 35 Kutsira 238'36 624 (130) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-3) -(5-10) - (-5)

36 M~ lisirgidi 30351 647 (135) P -: (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 37 Sudelbahali 141.24 306 (62) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) (Budelbahal) 38 51ndhbahali 143'26 225 (57) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10) ( Singbahali) 39 Naike:npalli 252'12 510 (113) P,M =FPC,PHC w,n - (-5) - (-.-5) -(5-10) 40 Matikod 223'79 751 (142) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(5-10)

41 Badakadallpur 178·47 429 (90) P - (-'» W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 42 Takarla 45851 636 (155) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW,R -l5-10) - (5-10) -(5-10) 43 Kekatpali 240·38 319 (64) P -(5-10) W,TW,O -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 44 Pua 659,23 1,134 (225) P,M -(5-10) W,Tk,TW PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 45 Jarajaring 235'93 669 (130) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

46 Tilesara 170'78 362 (74) P -(~-'10) W,Tk.TW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 47 Faklramunda 205'99 167 (41) P -(5-10) W.Tk.TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5·10) 48 Rangapur 107,24 297 (63) P -(5-10) W,Tk,TW -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 49 Bha lubahali 207'20 437 (101) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) Sunday - (-5) (Bhalubahal) 50 DlIkhuspur 84,98 49 (11) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

892 (186) ~1 Rambhasindhol 435·05 P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) Sunday - (-5) S2 Ghatakaintara 459·72 1,074 (245) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) Sunday 85 53 Suktelnadi 490·88 Uninhabited 54 Taraikela 390'12 1,056 (204) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R - (-S) -(5-10) - (-5) '55 Thakapali 238'77 320 (72) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-~) - (-5)

56 Khari 231.08 692 (150) P,M,H -(5-10) W,Tk,R PO -(5-10) OS 57 Bandhapali 55·85 88 (19) P.M -(10+) W,Tk PO - (-5) - (-5) 486 (102) 58 6ahirkhaman 317-27 P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 59 Arakhpadar 85·79 143 (34) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 368 (B6) 60 Kanked~ 194'25 P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 335


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. eo, area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance - <;upply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including ,... ______A.______~ to (in Kmso) any village Forest Irri- un- Culturable Area not place of gated irriga ted waste available religious, bl' (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 1(.... 17 18 19 20

KR Tarbha (10: Rice 19'42 82·56 12014 1°62 Temple 65°15 KR Tarbha (6) Rice 159°45 267°90 3!1°6& 2104 N-2,M-1 PR,KR Tarbha (6) Rice 27°52 8~096 16·99 4'05 Temple KR Tarbha (6) -Rice 0·40 32'78 156'61 44052 4°05 N-3,M-1,Temple

KR Tarbha (6) Rice 59'08 184'13 51080 8'50 Temple KR Tarbha (8) llice 41'28 74'87 18°62 6'47 M-1, Temple-

KR Tarbha (9) Rice 18°45 !l8'22 12'14 4'45

KR Balangir (32) Rice 7'28 82'96 124'64 24'69 1255 KR Balanglr (32) Rice 51'39 126'67 38'45 7'28 Temple

KR Tarbha (18) ED Rice 17'81 139'21 21'45 N-1,Temple KR Tarbha (20) Rice 10~·CO 24362 97°13 13% Temple- KR Tarbha (19) Rice 74'46 117'76 41'28 668 KR Tarbha (14) ED Rice 149'73 362"60 127'(J7 19'83 Temple- KR Tarbha (10) ED Rice 6879 125'0:' 29'14 12'95 Temple

KR Tarbha (8) II Ice 46'54 90'65 72'26 11·33 Temple- KR Tarbha (8) Rice 42'90 137·59 13°76 11·74 Temple KR Tarbha (8) Rice 26·71 57'47 16'59 6·47 Temple- KR Tarbha (3) ED Rice 62°32 89°84 43'30 1174 Temple

KR Tarbha (4) Rice 3'24 61°91 16059 324

KR Tarbha (6) ED Rice 74'06 271'14 82·15 8.50 Temple PR,KR Tarbha (5) ED Rice 115'33 270·33 63·54 10,52 Temple 49088 PR,KR Balanglr (24) Rice 97'13 198·70 80 13 14·16 N-2, Temple- PR,KR Balanglr (22) ED Rice 60·30 116·15 51·80 10·52 Temple

PR,KR Balanglr (24) ED Rice 7285 127,07 2104 1012 N·3,M-2: KR Tarbha (8) Rice 2'43 18'21 26,31 7'28 1·62 KR Balang;r (27) Rice 8.()9 31,16 237,96 32'37 7'69 N-1 KR Balangir (30) to Rice 9·71 68·80 4·04 324 _-_.KR Ballngir (29) ED Rice 45-32 114·93 24·69 9'31 336


l. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms· and 10+Kms' of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where-the facility is available is given) ,.... ______.A. ______~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water &. days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

------61 Mahulkhunt 51·"0 159 (33) - (-5) -(10+ ) W,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 62 Khaliapali 91·46 129 (28) - (-5) -(10+) W.R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 63 Bijapadar 199·92 330 (66) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 64 Chirgunmuhan 101'17 160 (34) - (-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 65 Sauupali (Satarapa\i) 72'44 75 (14) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

66 Pandkimal 122'22 164 (38) P -(5-10) W -(5-1(1) -(5-10) -(5-10) 67 Baghiabahali 96·32 159 (34) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5.10) -(5-10) 68 Katapali 129·10 160 (37) P - (-5) W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) -69 Garamahuljungle 46·94 Uninhabited 70 Nuapali 271·14 479 (99) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

71 Garamahul 242..()() 227 (49) P - (5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) n Daitpur 66·37 35 (8) - (-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5·10) 73 Haridapali 130·31 40 (10) - (-5) -(5-10) W -(5·10) -(5-10) -(5-10) (Hardapa) 74 Jhartarbha 42087 1,265 (268) P,M -(SolO) W,Tk,TW,R -(5-10) -(5-10) - (-5) 75 Judamunda 83·37 116 (26) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) (Jadamunda)

76 Carja 177·66 717 (138) P - (-5) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 77 Sibtula 221·77 770 (164) P,M - (-5) W,Tk,O PO - (-5) as 78 Padmapur 94·70 178 (32) P - (-5) W.Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 79 Manhira 140·83 257 (55) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5) .ao Atasingha 201·94 427 (81) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

-81 Chadheipali 11·33 Uninhabited 82 Sargijharia 101·51l 116 (25) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 83 Deogaon 232·29 299 (61) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 84 Makadchuan 151·35 186 (41) P - (-5) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 85 Bhaludungri 141·64 132 (29) - (-5) - (-5, W - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)

8& Bheluapadar 19·83 Uninhabited 87 Barkanl 136·78 178 (32) P - (- 5) w,n - (-5) - (-5) - (-5) 88 Badbhainro 39862 523 (88) P,M,O - (-5) W,Tk,TW PO - (-5) - (-5) -89 Sanbhainro 191.42 219 (49) P -(5-10) W - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 90 lCendumunda 116.95 126 (31) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -:- (-5) -(SolO) -(5-10) 337


App- Nearest town and Power Staple Land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarb rod' Di$tance Supplv r0ClC use in hectares rounded up to 2 decirral places) includinJ to (in Kms.) r------..-~~----.- --.----.-- .-_ ...... w~ any villaJ!e Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious b~ (including for historical sourc.e gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

11 12 13 !/~ 15 16 17 1B 19 20

KR Balangir (24) . Rice 12·14 31·16 6·48 1'62 Temple KR Balangir (29) Rice 11"74 63'94 12·95 2'83 KR Balangir (30) ED Rice 22'26 149,74 21'85 6'()7 Temple KR Balangir (34) ED Rice 6'88 12'55 65'!l6 12'95 2.83 0'81 KR Balangir (35) Rice 17'81 41·28 12·54 /

KR Balangir (38) Rice 20'24 364 86·60 7'69 4'05 KR Balanglr (IS) ED Rice 2"83 13-36 68·39 6·48 5·2& KR Balangir (32) ED RIce 3·64 30·35 80·94 9·3i 4·86 46·94 KR Balangir (38) ED Rice 55·04 178'4(' 26·71 1093

KR Balanglr (34) ED Rice 3-&4 50·18 144·07 40·0& 4·05 KR ToHbha (6) ED Rice 1·52 14·57 41·68 567 283 KR Talbha (5) ED Rice 24·28 97.12 5·&7 3·24

KR Tarbha (2) ED Rice 1·21 95·10 261·43 48·97 14·'6 KR Tarbha (2l ED Rice 24·69 39·6& 14·97 405

PR,KR Tarbha (2) ED Rlce 67·58 69·20 32·38 8·50 Temple PR,KR T;ubha. (2) ED, Rice 81·75 88·22 43·71 8·09 N-4,M-1 KR Tarblla. (2) ED Rice 31. 18 33-59 2!i·50 2·43 N-1 PR,KR rarbh" m. ED Rice 49·37 6105J 2~.50 4·45 PR.,KR T\irbha (2) ED Ric;e 7001 88·22 38,45 5·2& N.1,Tempie

'·6). 7·:«1, '·62 0·81 KR Jarbha (3) ED Rice 38·85 34·40 :B 88 4·45 KR Tatbha (3) EO R~ce 25·09 72003 79·32 43·30 1255 KR Tarbha (3) Rice 3602 100·77. 8·90. ~·66 KR Tarbtja (4) .•. Ri<;~ 42~49 6~ 92, 31·16 6·07

... 5·26 9-31, 4·05 1·21 K~ Tiiltbha (3) ED Rice 55-44 60·70_ 17·76 6-88 PR.KR Tarbha (~J EO Rice 99·55 227:03 56·&6 15·38 Temple KR Tarbha (3) EQ .. Rice l21 2HG 145.69 14.97 7.29 Temple KR Tarb/la (5) EO, Rice 12.14 29.54 60.70 {O.93 3.f:4 338

VlllA(~..: AMENITIES Polke Station TARBHA ------L.c. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-, No. Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) ,.-______.. _.Ao ______"""\

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, jf any Water- way) ;: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

91 Panimurajungle 32·78 Uninhabited 92 Panimura 22946 500 (103) P,O -(10+) W,TW.R - (-5) -(10+) - (10+) 93 Bude'lmunda Jungle 2B.73 Uninhabited 94 Budelmunda 136.78 19B (45) P -(10+) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 9S MaraduguchhaJungle 53.01 Uninhabited

96 Rugudipali 15B.23 351 (25) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)· 97 Kumarpali 5625 Uninhabited 98 Ma raduguchha 387.28 900 (185) P -(10+) W,R PO -(10+) -(10+) .99 Bankeda 196.68 534 (113) P -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 100 Gunjimunda 157.42 113 (12) - (-5) -(10+) W,Tk,R - (-5) -(10+) -(10+)

101 laxmiunda 361.38 670 (142) P -(5-10) W,Tk,O - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 102 Chandanpali 126·26 166 (45) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-lO) -(5-10)· 103 ludrlamunda 55.44 Uninhabited 104 Tentuliamunda 96·72 168 (30) P -'-(5-10) W,R - (- 5) -(5-10) - (5-10) lOS Silatirnunda 169.97 263 (64) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (- 5) -(5-10)

106 Balmunda 54.6'\ 148 (34) P - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) - (-5)' 107 Tentulikhuntl 278.83 359 (74) P -($-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5·10) -(5-10)' 108 Baghiamunda 210·44 242 (50) P -(5-10) W,Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 109 Silrgaj 220.55 946 (190) P,M,H - (-5) W,Tk,TW,R PO,Phone - (-5) - (-5) 110 lurabandh 198.30 471 (98) P -(5-10) W,Tk.TW,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)·

, 111 Kutslra 113·72 19B .(43) P -(5-10) W,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)· 112 N.arda 212.06 425 (B5) P -(5-10) W,R - (-5) -(5-10) -(S-10) 113 Nadhara 159·45 224 (50) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5-10) -(5-10) . -(5-10" 114 Koyapadar 8458 20B (26) P -(10+) W,R - (-5) -(10+) -(10+)· 115 Kamsara 486·03 1,587 (342) P,M,H 0,0 W,Tk,TW PO -(10+ ) -(10+)·

116 Palsapadar 36·02 107 (20) P -(10+) Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 117 Katapali 108.05 74 (:,0) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+), 118 '-u\unda 349.24 1,105 (241) . P,M -(10+) W,O - (-5) -(10+1 -(10+). 119 Iharmunda 194.25 331 (62) P -(10+) W,Tk - (--5) -(10+) -(10+), 120 Surjamunda 120·60 352 (65) P -(10+ ) W - (-5) -(10+) -(10+), - I 339


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarb roach Distance Supply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) includinb to (in Kms.) / ,------.--- -", <.lny village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including tor historicai source gaucher cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interesl

11 12 n 14 15 1b 17 18 19 .W

0.6t 121 30·76 PR,KR Tarbha (6) ELJ Rice 1.21 40.06 173.21 7.29 7.u9 Temple 28.73 KR Tarbha (8) Rice 19.02 19·83 87.01 6.47 445 53001

KR Tarbha (6) Rice 30.)5 104·81 1174 11.33 Temple 4.86 46.13 405 1.21 KR larbha (10) ED Rice 53.82 275.19 5370 14.57 N-l,Ternple KR Tarbha ( to) Rice 65.56 99.96 23·47 7.69 KR Tarbha (10) Rice 6.09 33.99 97.93 12.55 4.86

KR Tarbha (5) EO Rice 4.45 76.08 237.14 22.66 21.45 Temple KR Tarbha (8) Rice 6.48 27.11 68.80 14.16 9.71 13 76 041 27.11 8.90 ~.26 KR Tarbha ,4) 3·(>4 19.02 52.21 14.97 6.88 KR Tarbha (5) ED Rice 37.64 95.10 25.90 11.33 Tempie

KR Tarbha (2) ED Rice 24.69 21·85 6.47 1.&2 KR Tarbha (5) ED Rice 48.1& 180.89 3&.02 13.)& Temple KR Tarbha (7) ED Rice 36.8, 140.83 18·21 14·57 KR Tarbha (3) ED Rice 81.75 9105 26.71 21.04 N-4,Temple KR Tarbha {6; ED Rice 72.44 6880 52-20 4·86 Temple

KR Tarbha (6) ED R.ice 31.57 574& 10.93 13.7& I lemple KR Tarbha (7) ED Rice 2Edl 139.b2 27.11 19.02 KR Tarbha (6) Rice 57.87 62.73 32.78 6.07 KR Tarbha (8) ED Rice 16.19 46.54 15.78 b.07 PR,KR Tarbha (11) m Rice 21.45 135·57 241.60 47.75 39.66 LN-6.Temple

KR Tarbha (10) Rice 0·81 13,76 15.38 3,64 2.43 KR Tarbha (8) Rice 10.12 44·92 40·06 8·50 4.45 KR Tarbha (6) ED Rice 13·76 129.90 151.35 34·80 19·43 N-3.C-l,Tempie KR Tarbha (11) Rice 15.78 43.30 110·48 12.55 12·14 Temple KR Tarbha (11) Pice 32·78 59·09 1295 15.78 Temple 340


I.. C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets the distance in Village (Number of Kms· in ,broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms·, 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the

(in hectares) households) ~ ______n£:arest place",where th£' A- facility______is available is given) ~

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi tlonal Water and days of cation (Potable) Telegrapl> the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way) 2 l 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

121 Bandhakhol 87.82 58 (10) - (-5) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 122 Nakt;kana 232.29 474 (98) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 123 Pandaropita 135·17 178 (37) P -(10+) W,O - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 124 Bhalupatdungri 4087 Uninhabited 125 Pudugpa thor 175·63 85 (17) - (-5) -cO+) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

126 Guhiraghat 14'i·28 201 (44) p -(10+) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+.) 127 Kirasira 99·15 87 (21) p -(10+) W - (-5) -(10+) - (10+) 128 Baba jimathadungri 36·83 1 (1) - (-5) -(10+) - (-5), - (-5) -(10+) .... (10+ ) 129 Barahmani 329.82 1,005 (221) ?,M -(10+) W,TW,R PO Friday -(10+) ( i) 130 Bhurad 286.11 451 (102) P -(10+) W,TW,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+)

131 Bandhpali 50.99 231 {56) P - (10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 132 Bahiramuhanjungle 40.87 Uninhabited 133 Bahirmuhan 136·78 212 (41) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+} 134 Dahiberna 35·61 Uninhabited 135 Jamjhar 3521 Uninhabited

136 Jampali 38 85 Uninhabited 137 Nuamunda 13395 254 (50) P -(10+) 'w - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 138 'Rugudipali 20679 300 (59) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+ ) -(10+) 139 Khuntbandh 34560 476 (98) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 140 Talpadar 239'57 304 (62) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+)

141 Purunapani 207·20 273 (56) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 142 Baghia 169.16 606 (124) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 143 Dumerpali 12748 202 (44) P -(10+) W,Tk - (--.. ) -(10+) -:-(10 +) 144 Sardhapali 25171 456 (97) P -'(10+ ) W,Tk - (-·5) -(10+) -(to+} 145 Patharteka 123·43 235 (45) P -(10+) ,W,Tk - (-5) -(10+ ) -(10+)

146 Badmal 166·33 204 (42) P -(10+) W - (-5) -(10+) -(10+ ) 147 Dubula 372-31 669 (146) P ~(10+ ) W,Tk PO -(10+) -(10+) 148 Dubula jungle 5828 10 (1) - (-5) -(10+) '0 - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 149 Jamkani 186·i6 246 (50) P - (-5) W - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 15"0 fladJor ;259·40 594 (121) P - (-5) w,n - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) ---- / 341


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e" area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Suppiy FQod use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including

,--______.. .A. ______. ____ ... _~ to (in Kms.) any villa~e Forest Irr! - Un· Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious by (including for historical source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical Interest

11 12 13 14 15 '!> 17 18 19 20

--~ ~ -~-.------KR Tarbha (11) Pice 23.07 46·94 1417 3.64 KR Tarbha (8) Rice 9·31 64.34 113.31 3076 14.57 M-2,Temple KR Tarbha (10) Rice 163 29.54 71·22 20.64 1214 40,67 KR Tarbha ( S) Rice 2·63 44·11 94.70 22.66 11·~3 Temple

KR Tarbha (5) Rice 324 27,11 9793 1255 4.45 KR Tarbha «(,) Rice 613-\ 1255 526 FP Tarbha (6) Rice 36.83 KR Tarbha (10) ED Rice 6718 201.94 4856 1214 M-2,C-1, Temple

KR Tarbha (19) Rice 11.33 5261 167.94 4616 6·07

KR Tarbha (20) Rice 18.61 2509 5.67 1.62 4087 KR Tarbha (22) Rice 19'42 20'23 82'56 10'52 4'05 {I'88 5·26 12'55 10·52 0'40 2'43 31·97 0·41 0'40

6'90 27-92 1·22 081 KR Tarbha (18) Rice 5'26 34.40 79'72 690 5'67 KR Tarbha (18) Rice 0.41 40'67 130·71 2792 668 KR Tarbha (18) Rice 69.61 21691 40'87 18'21 KR Tarbha (13) Rice 36'82 143 66 3683 22'26

KR Tarbha (11) Rice 51'39 121'41 1902 15'~8 KR Tarbha (13) Rice 4'05 58·68 7487 16'61 12'95 KR Tarbha (14' Rice 35·61 74'06 12'95 486 KR Tarbha ( 14) Rice 37'23 185'35 16·59 12.54 Temple- KR Tarbha (16) Rice 1983 9146 567 6·47

KR Tarbha (11) Rice 20'64 124'64 8,50 12·55 KR Tarbha (10) Rice 14'16 113·72 188·99 18,21 37'23 FP Tarbha (11) Rice 58·28 KR Tarbha (13) Rice 19'83 2347 122·22 9·71 1093 KR Tarbha (13) Rice 34'80 56·25 140,43 19·42 850 342


L. C, Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-:) No· Village area of the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms· and 10+Kms. of the (in hectolres) households) nearest place where the facility is available is given) ,..-______A ______......

Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation ,Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop. Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water- way)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------~ - -- -~------_"_ ------1~1 jamkanijungle 123·43 Uninhabited 152 Kamsar a jungle 20a Uninhabited 153 Mahulpali 65·:6 47 (10) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 1~4 lembupali 159·:;-1 166 (34) P - (-5) w,n - (-5) -(10+: -(10+ ) 155 Chhei!adungri 37·64 , Uninhabi ted (Chhella jungle)

156 Pandakimal 57'47 165 (36j P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 157 Raikeda 167'54 391 ,84) P - (-5) W,lk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 158 Nuapali 103,20 166 (34) P -(5-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+) 159 Polbandh 141'64 234 (36) P -(S-10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+ ) 160 Danga jor 82'96 1J6 (34) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+ ) -(10+)

161 Badpha tamunda 1.:11.93 191 (42) P - (-5) w,n, - (-5) Friday -( 10+) 162 Runjphatamunda 137'H 235 (5(1) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 1b2 Kumbharmunda 180'09 351 (74) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) Friday -(10+) 164 Jan~kpur 50'59 146 (35) P -(5-10) W -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+) 165 Kulthiapadar 152'16 182 (46) P -(5.10) W,Tk -(5-10) -(10+) -(10+)

166 Kulthiapadar jungle 183'32 Uninhdbited 167 Hafriaberna 44,92 63 (13) - \-5) -(10+) W,Tk -'(-5) -(10+) -(10+) 168 Rengsa jungle 44'37 Uninhabited 169 Arda 197"89 443 (Q8) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) -(10+) -(10+) 170 Sagarpali jungle .19"83 Uninhabited

171 Singnari 26628 586 (117) P,M -(10+) W,Tk,TW PO Thursday -(10+) 172 Sagarpali 7~ 32 178 (32) p -(10+) W - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 173 Putukipali 57'06 147 (30) P -(10+) W,Tk,O - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 174 lukapdli 91·86 1-11 (29) P -(10+) W,O - (-5) - (-5) --(10+ ) 175 Debandh 67'99 103 1(22) p -(10+) W - (-5) - (--5) -(10+)

176 Tithipall 13233 3~4 (57) p -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 177 Jcldapali 62"32 100 (19) - (-5) -(10+) W,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 1)8 Chirbahal 53,82 41 (11) - (-5) -(10+) W,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 179 Telnldi (Ka) 850-25 Uninh"bited 180 Badjor 159'40 113 (30) p -(10+) W - (--5) - (-5) -(10+) 343


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (i. e., area under different types of land Remarks 'oach Distance :;upply Food use in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including ,..... ______.A. ______~ ______, to

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

123 43 20·23 ... KR Torbha (14) Rice 18·21 3885 2.83 5 (:7 KR Balangir (34} Rice 2.83 32'78 66·37 46·54 1052 3764

KR Tarbha (14) Rice 1·~' 1 1902 24'69 324 931 KR Tarbha (14) R.ice 7'29 4006 9995 13'36 688 KR Tarbha (14) Rice S'26 :.:712 60·)(! 4'45 607 KR Balangir (19) Rice 1578 4006 62·32 12·55 10.93 Temple· KR Balangir (24) Rice 1457 23'47 31>'42 4'45 4'05

KR Balangir (24) Rice 1174 2064 84'9B 6·48 8'09 Temple- KR Balangir (16) Rice 2''''v_ 30'35 82'22 11'74 486 KR Tarbha (14) Rice 26·71 43'71 8539 1214 12'14 Temple KR Tarbha (16) Rice 9'31 8'90 :'8'73 162 2'03 Temple KR Tarbha (17) Rice 3561 37·64 64.75 8'.53 5'66 Temple

183-32 KR Tarbha (19) Rice 15·78 2347 4'45 1'22 4937 KR Tarbha (13) Rice 18'62 5099 11048 11'33 6·47 Temple· 19,43 0'40

KR Tarbha (11) Rice 8'50 70'82 157"42 19·83 971 N-t. KR Tarbha (30) Rice 1·21 2145 50.59 3'64 2'43 KR Tarbha (321 Rice ]'24 17·40 34'40 0'40 1-62 I KR Tarbha (32) Rice 1012 12,54 57·4(, 7·69 405 KR Tarbha (32) Rice 7'69 19'02 3561 3'64 203

KR Tarbha (19) Rice 40'06 35,21 46'54 6'07 445 KR Tarbha (22) Rice 27'92 567 25,09 162 2'02 KR Tarbha (24) Rice 22-66 526 19·02 5'26 1'62 Temple 850'24 KR Tarbha (22) Rice 20.23 133'55 65'15 40·47 ~".-- _._-- .. _-- . ~----~~ ~---- 344


L.C. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) No. Village area of the population is shown in the column and n(,'xt to it in brackets, the distance in Village (Number of Kms. in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the households) (in~hectares) ,... _____nearest, ______place where the-A- facility______is available is given) ......

Educa- Medical Drinking Post . Day or Communi- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, , if any Water­ way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

181 8alipata (Balpata) 10646 255 (45) P -(10+) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 182 Badtenda 4897 42 (7) - (-5) -(10+) R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 183 lunani 73"65 54 (10) P -(10+) W - (- 5) - (-5) -(10+) 184 Khamanjungle 5747 Uninhabited 185 Ardajungle 3602 Uninhabited

186 Rengsa 150·14 341 (66) j> -(10+) 'W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 1R7 Badhakhaman 184'13 340 (66) P - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 188 Khairbhadi 101'17 405 (82) P,O - (-5) W,Tk - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 189 Badamunda 88·22 223 (48) - (-5) - (-5) Tk - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) 190 Charaniapali 63·94 169 (36) P - (-5) W - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+)

191 Ch Hbhatajungle 140,43 Uninhabited 192 Saidup 30·35 54 (13) - (-5) - (-5) W - (-S) -(10+) -(10+) 193. Charbhata 302'71 884.(176) P,M,H D W,Tk PO -(10+) -(10+) 194 Jhillmunda 161·87 239 (52) P - (-5) W - (-5) -(10+) -(10+)

195 F.engalibahalijungle 39·25 Uninhabited

196 Rengallbahali 89'84 Uninhabited 197 Karlamuhanjungle 29'95 Uninhabited Karlamuhal;! 521P02) P,M -(5-10) 1518 1~2~68 W"Tk,TW,R -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+ ) Bilaiberna 82,• .56 164 (35) P -(5-10) 199 W -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+) 200 Putkipdli 81l·b) 124 (22) P -(5-10) W,Tk,R -(5.,.10) - (-5) -(10+ ) /

Balikhamar 199-92 923 (189) P - (-5) 201 W,Tk,TW - (-5) -(5-10) -(10+) Sindhol 235·53 676 (145) P -(5-10) 202 W(T~,TW,R -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+) 116 203 SandhiJore 119·79 (27) P - (-5) W - (-5) Sindhijore - (-:5) -(10+) Ainlapali 234.31 397 (8B) P - (-5) 20J1 W,O - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 205 Ainlapalijungle 36·~2 Uninhabited 345


.App­ Nearest town and Power Staple Lan;! use (I. e., area under different types of land Remarks roach Distance Supply Food use In hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including to (in KfTlS.) r------A.------~ any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historical source gauchar ·cultlvation or and archaeo­ groves) logical inte~est

-, ,1 12 13 15 Of, 17 ~8 19 20

KR Tarbha (22) Rice 22'66 1538 S9'4~ 8'90 2,03 KR Tarbha (20) Jtl~~ 3·64 40'07 3'64 1'62 KR Tarbha (20) Rice 24'28 14'16 30·35 1·62 3'24 57,47 33'!t9 1'6; 0·41

KR Tarbha (19) Rice 20'23 8'50 80'94 20,23 20·24 KR Tarbha (19) Rice 15'78 35'~1 111'69 ;6'19 5·26 KR Tarbha (32) Rice 34·80 44·92 17,81 3'64 Temple KR Tarbha (32) Rice 1'21 21·04 56·66 ~'67 3'64 M-1,Temple KR Tarbha (30) Rice 2'83 10·12 ·46·U 3·24 1'62 Temple

Rice 139'62 0·81 KR Tarbha (34) Rice 3-24 2,02 24.26 0'41 Q'4O Temple KR Tarbha (30) Rice 14'98 93'.046 149'33 26·71 18·21 N-2,M-3,C·l KR Tarbha (32) Rice 24'26 21'85 9"46 18·21 6·07 Temple, Mosque, Church 39·25

10,92 16'19 54,23 7'69 0'81 23'88 2,01 4'05 KR Tarbha (38) Rice 57'06 80,94 18·21 6'47 Temple KR Tarbha (38) Rice 17,81 10·12 42·90 10·52 1·21 Temple KR Tarbha (37) Rice 25·90 52'21 8050 2·02

\ KR Tarbha (37) Rice 8.50 62,73 102·79 19·42 6·48 Temple KR Tarbha (37) Rice 11,74 36·83 164'71 15.78 6·47 KR Tarbha (35) Rice 21,86 9·71 77,70 8'90 1'62 Temple

KR Tarbha (35) Rice 46'94 41'28 134'36 6·47 5'26 3<: 21 l"n 346

VILLAGE AMENITIES Pollee statlon-TARBHA t c. Name of the Total Total Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) village area of ·the population is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in village (Number of Kms., in broad ranges, Viz. -5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+Kms. of the (in hectares) households) nearest place where the facility Is available is given) r------A------~ Educa- Medical Drinking Post Day or Communl- tional Water & days of cation (Potable) Telegraph the (Bus Stop, Marketl Railway Hat, Station, if any Water­ way) 1 2 3 4 5 £» 7 8 9 10

206 Sukhilasar 95'10 296 (60) P - (-5) W,Tk,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 207 Sukhilasarjungle 25'90 Uninhabited 208 Malpada 27·92 39 (9) - (-5) - (-5) W,TIc,R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 209 Basasankar 89'84 141 (33) P - (-5) R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 210 Dungrlpali 62·32 13 (5) - (-5) - (-5) R - (-5) - (-5) -(10+) 211 Jharbahall 61.92 25 (9) - (--5) -(5-10) R -(5-10) - (-5) -(10+)

Total 34,981'92 65,747 P-147, D-2, (13,676) M-22, PHC/H.C·1, H-6,0-4 FPC-1,0-1

Sonapur Tahasil 61,296.69 1,04,512 P-225, 0-4, (11,890) M-33, MCW/MHI H-B,O-4 CWC-3, PHCjHC-2, PHS-2, FPC-2, 0-1 347


App- Nearest town and Power Staple land use (L e., area under different types of land Remarks rOild, Distance Supply food use In hectilres rounded up to 2 decimal places including to (an Kms.) r------.A.------"'" any village Forest Irri- Un- Culturable Area not place of gated irrigated waste available religious, by (including for historica I source gauchar cultivation or and archaeo- groves) logical interest

12 13 14 15 11i 17 1B 19 20

------.-----~.- KR Tarbha (37) Rice 17·80 '16'19 53·42 4·86 2'83 2590 KR Tarbha (35) Rice 1·62 3'64 20 24 1-21 1.21 Temple KR TiHbha (38) Rice 0.81 11'73 63'54 9-31 4'45 Temple KR Tarbha (34) Rice 10·12 6·88 39·66 4·04 1'62 Temple KR Tarbha (34) Rice 13-76 6.48 32·78 i'07 2'83

2,844·207,80B·79 17,743'91 3,993'49 2,?91'S3 N-61,M-22, C-4

6,618'6612,826·4729,090·14 7,345.97 3,502·50 N-129,M-43, C-7,T-5


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';i 0 N M ...,. z .... APPENDIX-II

Land utilisation data in respect of non-municipal towns (Census Towns)

LANDUSE (I. e. area under different types of land use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) r------A------~ Sl. Name of Town Total Forest Irrigated by Unirrigated Culturable waste Area not No. and Tahasil area source (including gauchar available for within brackets and groves) cultivation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 355


TahasiIJP.S. wise list of villages where no amenity, other than the drinking water facility is available. ------"- Tahasll/P.S. L.c. Name of the TahasilfP.S. loc. Name of the No. village No. village 2 3 1 2 3 ---_. PATNAGARH 93 Pipaldani TAHASll 113 Junapara (Junapair a) 151 Guhirapadar Khaprakhol p. S. , Mahulpali 153 Salebhata 3 Nuapali 35 Chitakhutna (Chitakutna) Sainlola P.S. 1 Khamagada Patnagcarh P. S. 67 Kadalijharan 14 Merabahal 79 Chitikamal 20 Saibandh 97 Barhama,a 31 Ek .• guri 145 Ghikundi (Ghikundhi) 35 Manmunda 174 Gadiajor 42 Gurlamal 44 junanimal Selpara P. S. 61 Guhiridpadar 46 Kharlikani 47 Suliamal 58 Sagarpali TITLAGARH 65 Ambdjharan TAHASIL 76 Lathakend 81 Karlabahali K •. ntabanji P. S. 7 Naktabahal 88 Malpara 14 Baghuapara 99 Banaras 16 Magur jangal (Magur janga) 106 Kumbhekela 22 Beniamal (U) 111 Sulda 115 Bahaduki 113 jamlisar 114 Gobindpur Bilngomunda 11 Nuapara 115 Nuamunda p. s. 37 Laripara 119 Pudapali 47 Talbhata 140 8adjpada 49 Nanajhar 176 Samachuan 52 Godramunda 179 Chilabahali 54 Khairpadar 69 Bhormunda 76 Behtrabahali BALANGIR TAHASIL Sindhekela p.::;. I) Lohrapali 15 Tentulipara Tusbu:a P.s. 8 Sunarijor 36 Salepara 42 Sialjor Sukunabhata 39 57 Brahmanipali 41 Gandapadar (Brahamanipali) 67 Jadamunda 72 KatapaH 88 Shundhimunda 76 Kuhimunda 77 Mahamadpur Titlagarh P.S· 8 Bhutisadha (8hurisara) 80 Kharseldungri 30 Dumdumi 116 Banjibahali 35 Suagapur 138 Sargipall 45 Rengali 182 8udhakhaman 52 Bileikani 213 Rugudipali 54 Dungurigura 219 Bhatrapali 68 Shishakan; (U) 231 Ranimal ------.-~~--~-~-~~.----. 356



Tahasll/P·S. L. C. Name of the Tahasil/P.S. L. C. Name of the No. Village No. village 1 2 3 1 2 3

232 Santarakmunda 12 Masinapali 234 Kamaslngha 19 Durjantaila 249 Gavarasa 24 Malidadar 25 Kuhidadar Balangir P.S. 11 Latsar 34 Kundapal (Kundapali) 15 Sunaripali 35 Puipani 21 Jamjuri 42 Butukhaman 4& Belpali 44 Tamkladadar (Tamkiapadar) 52 Budabahal 45 Tileimal 194 Chandrapur 49 Tulasipur 50 Chubukadadar Loisinga P.S. 59 Manupali (Chubukadabar) 86 Saradhapali 55 Hatilimunda 117 Sialbahali 56 Patrapali 140 Maharpali 60 Chingranali 144 Kharmunda 66 Kenjhlrlapalljungle 148 Sarasmunda 69 jatiapali 71 Hirapali RAMPUR 79 Umadeipali TAHASIL 82 8agabahali Dunguripali P. S. 47 Sialinali jungle 86 Goghat (Portion) 60 Brahamanipalijungle B8 Dianapall (Hramhanipalijungle) 103 Krushnanagar 75 Kankarajuri 105 Kulbasa 114 Padhanpalijungle 108 Badpur 115 Sial juri 112 Rugudlpall 8inika P·S 57 Bagbahali jungle 114 BalipaJi 63 Chardajungle 128 Yubaranisitapur 65 Padhipali 140 Rajanpall 69 Bhamarpalijungle 144 Balarampur 146 Madhupur SIRIIIAHARAJ- 148 Durgadeblpall PURTAHASIL 150 Sanbarda kata 151 Rajbahadurpali Shindhol P. S. 7 Dejharan 162 Chauharpur or Malldadar 8 Kamalkata 164 Durdura 9 Patrapalijungle 182 Basudevpur 20 Lambtul 184 Mundldamak 22 Glndilamal 186 Madhupur 29 Krushanapur jungle 209 Ga gankhalai 32 Guja 213 jaloijungle 33 Chadeigudi 233 Bejpall 36 Ganjachhapar 279 Goudkela 43 Sahanldiha 45 Chadeipankjungle 49 Badma Ijungle SONAPUR 51 Daltangar TAHASIL

Birmaharajpur , Khajuriapali Sonapur P. S. 21 Madhupur p. S. 2 Sarasdadar 22 jampali 7 Rijheidar (Rijhaidadar) 26 KulipaU 357



Tahasil/P.S. L.C. Name of the TahasIl/P.S. LC. Name ot We No. village No. village 1 2 3 1 2 3

36 lagana thpa II 28 Majhipali 37 Cailberna 30 Chuhanpali 40 Deuli 50 Dilkhuspur 43 Majhifabsi 61 Mahulkhunt 57 Dahaja 62 Khaliapali 60 Dhubamunda 85 Bhaludungri 64 Baiganjuri 100 Cunjimunda 67 Dhubabahali 121 Bandhakhol 68 Singhari 125 Pudugpathor 71 Kustapali 128 Babajimathadungri 72 Baldapali 148 Dubula jungle 153 Mahulpali Dunguripali P.S. 136 Curandipclli 167 Hafriaberna (Portion) 143 luhurapalijungle 177 ladapali 152 Badipadla 178 Chirbahal 155 Dablongjungle 182 Badtenda 159 Jhllimunda 189 Badamunda 192 Saiduli Tarbha P. S. 22 Jamdadar 208 Malpada 24 Sankchol 210 Dungripali 26 Dunguripall 211 Jharbahali 358

APPENDIX-IV List of villages according to the proportioo of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges.

A-Sche duled Caste s

Range of l. C. Name of Range of l. C. Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 1 2 3 2 3


Khaprakhol P. S. 92 lathur 96 Bender Kandrabhata 0-5. 2 99 I3haruamunda 5 Chhanchanbahali 101 Kurlumal (Kurumal) 18 Golamunda 104 Udiapali (Uriapali) 23 Dudungdar ha 106 Baijalsagar 29 Sapmund 10B Matikhai 30 Beherapani 111 Godbhanga 36 lahadunguri (Gorabhanga) 38 Bartia 112 Malpara 47 Banjipali 113 Durlipali 60 Bandepadar 115 Karlakutna 75 Bheluakhol 120 Kandhenjhula Badgurjibhata 77 11-15 Mahulpali Jamchuan 86 4 Nandupala Nuapa Ii 7 Jha!lkatpali f>-10 3 6 Turla 9 Brahmani 12 Buromal 11 Jaliabahal 16 putldmahul 13 Ao1kamar ~ (Anakarnara) 17 S~lepali 14 Kendubhala 19 Tambipadar 15 Madabhata 20 Sargipali 24 Bagjharan 21 Maharapadar 27 Jamunapali 25 Junanibahal 32 Rengali '28 Khuripa.1i 33 A .. babahali 31 Nagdera 34 Sindhbahali (Sindibahali) 35 Coitakhulna (Chitakutna) 41 Poi rapali 39 Sunamudi 44 Tankapani 40 Budhachhapar 45 Sangur jibha ta (Burhachhapar) 51 Kulihamunda 42 Sareibahal 54 Karlamal 50 Ghuchapali 56 Chaulbanji 53 TelenfJali (Chaulbanjid) 55 Dudukipadar 57 BanamaJ 59 Bankera 61 Banjipali 70 Dedarha 64 Baduden 73 8udhibahal 71. Dhanda'11unda (Burnibahal) 76 khaprakhol 74 Gundurupali 84 Sdhajpani 78 Ghumsar (Ghunsar) 87 Phuljhar 79 Putkelchuan 90 Karuanjhar 80 Pingalmunda (Koruanjhar) 81 Pulkimunda 93 Pipalbahal 89 Ihalialiti 94 Kandeithhapar 359


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of L.C. Name of Range of L.C. Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village ( Percentage) (Percentage) , :2 3 1 2 3

95 Chahkapara 45 C.humer 100 Jhankarlpali 83 Changharia 102 Mahurundi 100 Maruan 103 Kapsipali 113 Balipata 105 Karlabahall 114 ~olbandh 107 Bharuamunda 126 Samalaisar 109 Kindrital 133 Chhelkhai 110 Gambhari 139 Bhalujuri (Bhalujori) 119 Sargimunda 166 Dhatuk 121 Kansapala 6-10 7 Khuripani 16-20 8 Danamal 10 Zarambha 10 Bhanpur 21 Ghasian 22 Kuthurla 24 Khursel 37 Bharuamunda 26 Debhuin 49 Chancharabhata 35 Kechhobaha I 52 Andalmundi 38 luhaslngha (Luaslnha) 63 Malpara 39 HirIi 69 Padiabahal 42 Gaelpeta (Gaelplta) (Pariabaha I) 46 Ainlalunga 71 Pacher 47 Fatamunda 82 Bagdla 49 Pandesara 83 Suliabahal 54 Bharatbahal 85 Malpara 55 Champasar 118 Bahabal 56 Mudalsar 58 Dabkani 21-30 46 Masina 64 Luhakhan 48 Jhalbahal 65 Laksimimimunda 58 Damnimal (Lakshimunda) 66 Sanuden 69 Kirabdhal 67 Kanga 73 Baliabhata 68 Pa trapali 75 Kuhabaunsa 97 Badimal (Kuabauns) 114 Bhaludunguri 77 Puthhbahal 117 Admunda 82 Rengaljuri (Rengdlruri~ (Armunda) 86 Khutnapani (Khuntnapdni) 31+ 26 Baliabahal 87 Baneimunda 43 Chormunda 89 Gargadchhapar 65 Lachhimal 90 Kalangapali 88 Jalpankel 92 lamian 91 Chauldia 93 Bhatpali 96 Bijamagur Patnagar P. S. 105 Bic~hllibahal 107 Pandamunda 0-5 • 14 Gunchadihl 106 Bankibahal 15 Theikochhapar 111 Nahenabandha 28 Khe,la 112 Jharbannh 40 Bagmunda 115 Bileisathi 360

APPENDIX-IV A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of L.C. Name of Range of l.C. Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the population village population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

117 Bathar la (Batarla) 63 Dundel 120 Tendapadar 70 Goudpali 122 Ulba 71 Salepali 127 Kutmunda 74 AinlapaJi 128 Sunamudi 78 Dhunradadar 131 Diadumer (Dhauradadar} 134 Tentelkhhnti 81 Padhel 135 Ohubalpara· 84 Barhamunda 143 Masinachhapar 85 Phulmunda 145 Ghikundi (C,hikundhU 103 Pandripani 146 Sarmuhan 106 Dumerpadar 148 Jhankarpali 109 Thakpara 151 Sialbandh 123 Kaudia 153 Bhaludarh 125 Apursagar 155 Chingerbandh 129 Rugudimunda 159 Bichhllibahal 136 Bandhabhadi 161 Kalanapali (Bandhanbahari) 138 162 Khalia Bhalupita 141 16l Jambahal Jhaptupali 144 164 Mi1likmunda Bhainsa (Nalikmunda) 149 8abejuri 169 Turlamal 150 Ratakhandi 174 Gadiajor 152 lhankarpali 175 Baghalabandh 154 Ranidarh 176 Ghuchepali 156 Gangasagar 1B1 Kendumundi 160 Chuladarh 186 Fandakupara 167 Babe;uri 189 Amdarha 170 Chakamal 173 Guhiramunda 182 Bindhanpathar 11-15 2 Sarathimunda 185 Tulasidunguri 3 Pandripani 1B7 Maghamara 5 ehhua liuda, 18B Dandarabahal 9 Brahmanipali (Bramhanipali) Suliamal 12 16-20 1 OamklpaJi Gadlajol 13 4 Gavara 17 Sldhimunda 11 Oangbahal Kuturla 19 20 Jalpali Indpur 23 32 Ghagara 29 Kadopani 44 Gandamel Nagenmal 30 51 Pudapadar 34 Tengrapa thar 76 Kerbeda Oameipali 36 79 Chitikamal 37 Juria 80 Banjljhal 41 Gerda 88 Oaldall Maral 43 91 Gahirpali DhDdmahul 59 94 Gh unghut ipa Ij Khuntsamalai 60 95 Oeulgaon - 62 Kusabahali 98 Rakhiudar BLG.46



A-S-:hed:11 ed C3stes (Contd.)

-~ - --_.__ --- Range of L· C. Name of Range of L. C. Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

104 Bankabianr 17 Khaliapali 110 jogimunda 34 Palesira 118 Beherabandh 47 Bhuliabandh 137 Rengatasil (Bhuliagandh) 157 Siletpara 48 Satchuan 168 Niljibahal 52 jamkhari 177 Manaipad 55 Dunguripali 179 Gailmara 73 Semelpali 184 Podhachhapar 78 Kenkeba 83 jaharphatamunda 21-30 6 Kanheital (Kandeital) (jhMpl atamunda) 94 8 Chandanjori Bahabal (Chandanjuri) 100 Pandarijor 22 Rengali 27 Luhure t 6-10 3 Durnerbahal 31 Gaonbhatali 8 Darhamunda (Ganbhatli) 9 Tara 33 Bhatali 11 Kapani (!Chapani) 48 Ladangabhata 12 Chhu;narh 61 Daitarimunda 15 Kadali 68 D?ngiabahal 18 Parlimal 99 Ganjaudar 20 Bagdor 101 Talpadar 21 I albhata 10'2 jhulenbar 31 Burhabhata 116 Banjar. 33 Chacherbeng 124 Barpadar 35 Dumermunda 140 Mudghat 36 Mundagan 142 Mundapala 39 Malijhar 165 Barbahal 40 Oungur igura 171 <;alepali 42 Khalipa thar 172 Rah~nmal 43 Juba 178 Mundomahul 50 Tentelmunda 180 Kadalimunda 53 Sargigura 183 Karlamal 56 Belpara 57 Nunhar 31+ 18 Burdabahal 58 Sarmuhan 50 Barabhaga 66 5alandi 52 Guniabahal 67 Kharbahali 97 Barhamara 68 Bharuapali 130 Barpita 70 Kanut 147 Porhamund (Porhmund) 71 Taanla 158 Gailpita n Padmapur 190 Sem(lmunda 79 Rarbahal Belpara p. S. 82 Khalkhali 84 Oangartal 0-5 .. 2 Jamjuri 87 Jalia 5 Ghagara 88 Ohumabhata 10 Budamunda 89 Raikhal 13 Ohungiamunda 92 Khairmal ~------.---~ ... ---.--... -~-- __ .- 362


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of L.C. Name of Range of l.c. Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the .Populatlon village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

101 Gidhmal 16-20 7 Beneramunda 102 Karlabahali 14 Barbera 104 Dakra 19 Rengali 105 Bangomundabahal 28 Thoribahal 30 Munapali 11-15 6 Amabanji 64 Dunguripali 16 Ghagrut 69 Bhu tungpara 22 Dhourakhaman 74 Sihini 24 Malpara 93 Bhalubahail ( Bhalubahalj 26 Banamal 95 Malpara 29 Kumbharkhun ( Kumbhakkhuan) 99 Bichhubaha Ii 32 Kharkhara 37 Patrapali 21-30 4 Chikhili 41 Mundodarh 2J Dudukamal (Mandodar) 25 KaSdkhutna 49 Debripali (Kusakhunta) 5! Bagudar 27 Jhankiripali 54 Bharuamunda 44 Bilaimara 59 Aenlabhata 4S Nagphena 6D Bhalukhai 62 Sagunbhari 63 Phulkani \ 76 Bhatapara 75 Mandai 77 Katapali BO Ainlapali 81 Hiltkat 90 Sulekela 97 Muribahal 91 Madhyapur 96 Suanbahal 31+ 1 Pandkimal 98 lathakend 6S Uring 106 Chandrapur 1m Mundapala


Kantabanii p. S. 67 Kander 69 Gadia jNa(Giriajor) 0-5. 12 Damanichuan 78 Dangia 15 Mahulpati 86 Sargigura (Sargiguna) 45 Nuapara 87 Andalpuri 80 Chhatrang 104 Jamutjori (jamutjuri) 110 Chaulsukha 6 Gaendimal 6-10 112 Simanabahal 7 Naktabahal 113 Baldas 10 Bahabal 116 Brahmani 23 Burhibahal 117 Barajura 31 Barla 123 Siletpara 36 Charpani 128 Gargarbahal 40 Pakhanmunda 52 Mandala 11-15 2 Debirlamunda 55 Malpamunda 9 Bariali 58 Mankarchuan ~1 Gabhara 3f)3


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of L. C. Name of Range of L. C. Name oj :J::heduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

13 Dholmandal 108 Rasamal 16 Mag ur jan ga I 114 Rajamara (Magurjanga) 118 Salepara 20 Rau,munda 119 Gambharikhol 24 Tur",kela (Gambharekhol) 27 GUllaurar 121 Ghantabahali 29 Baradakla 122 Dumerpara 30 Ghunes 37 Badabanki 21-30 1 Kharll 39 Pandaren 5 Halanbhata 43 Semala 14 Baghuapara 47 Jharni 25 Gargarbahal 48 Khatalumunda 26 Tentulikhunti 53 Kamaimunda 28 Nagaphena 54 Rahenbhata, 38 Jarnki &5 Mundakani 41 Kuibahal 66 Jubamal 50 Dhusamunda 75 Jurabandh 60 Patimal 76 Malpara 61 Salepara 81 Ga lchakel(Taltchakel} 63 Sakmudgan 88 Sargul (Salemurunga) 94 Dumerchuan 72 Nandol 97 Kurli 73 Mahakhanda 100 Buromal (Burumal) 82 Barkani 102 Pakha nmunda 89 Karuamunda 120 Muribahal 95 Dabiri 96 Beherensilat 16-20 3 Bhalukona 101 Kukurahar 8 Kuspali(Bhalukuna) 103 Dhumsu 18 Mahanilaha 107 1amutjhula 19 Ramor 124 Sindhpali 21 larki 125 Tentelkhunti )5 Muribahala 126 Lakhana 42 Banjipali 44 Mahulblhali 46 Tentelkhunti 31+ 4 Gurjibhata 49 Hlal 17 Malikdar 59 Khagasa 32 Kadobera 62 Sanbal,ki 33 Khujen 64 Tikarapara 31 Samarasinhd 79 Khu jenbahal 57 Karlabahali 84 Degan 70 Bharuakam 85 Telipadar 74 Sangamara 90 Kandhabahal 77 Sardhapur 91 Kuliadara 83 Bagbahal 99 Dangamara 92 Dhamandanga 105 Ghanamahul 93 Blrna 106 Bllndhanpali 98 Chatuanka

~~------364 APPENDIX-IV

A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of LC. Name of Range of l.C. Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled C~stes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

~-- - - - __ - ~~~-- 109 Rel1gali 34 Patrapali 111 Panganla 50 Patalpara 115 Bahadukl 58 Gurunda 127 Hadabada &0 Kandakhal 68 Seletpara Bangomunda P. S. 70 Budhipadar (Burhipadar) 0-5 .. 10 Salepara 79 Cl\uliphunka 12 Lukapara 83 Sindhabhari 37 Laripara 85 Sandhisar 57 Jhinkidungri 65 Asurmunda 21-30 3 Dandara Phatamunda 67 8 Sahajpani 6-10 5 Janipara 9 Malibahal 15 Belpara 14 Bargamara 20 Biripali 18 Kuturabeda (Kuterabera) 22 Bhalumunda Phugura 33 Debang 24 Kudobhata 35 Ainlabhata 27 (Anlabhala) 36 Jamut 38 Gohirapadar 41 Gandharabandha 51 Sahajot 42 Tetelpara 52 Godramunda 44 Sanmula 59 Bhoipara 45 Baladha 63 Malpara 46 Kapilabhata n Sagunbhadl !;5 Dhundimahul 81 Bartunda 56 Chitramunda 61 Katadungri 11-15 7 MakhapaJi 64 Dhudukapara 25 Dumerpara 66 Ganrei 40 Borbahiil 82 Asurla 43 Jaerpara 88 Dumerpara 47 Talbhata 90 Gobindpur 69 Bhormunda 91 Mundapadar 72 Goimund 73 Kansil 31+ 2 Pipalmunda 8G Malapara 19 6erapara 87 Badichaka 23 Phundelpadar 29 Saraspara 16·20 1 Chaulia 30 Limpara (Nimpara) 4 Dangarpada 31 Kandhenjhwla 6 Bljghat (Kandhenjhula) 13 Khaera 39 Barkani 16 Ganjabahal 48 Manigan 17 Tetelpara 53 Kanabira 21 Turekela 54 Khairpadar 26 Bangomunda 71 Bhairigubha 26 Khapadara 74 Dumermunda 32 Phundelpadar 75 Titisilat 365


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of l C· Name of Range of L.C. Name of Scheduled Castes No· the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Pe rcenta ge) 1 2 3 1 2 3

76 Beherabahali 16-20 2 Bhushlar 78 Bhirkapara 17 Jharial 84 Barlabaha Ii 18 Ranipur 86 Kundabhatla 20 Phulbandha 89 Nangalajuri 21 Podapali 92 Kandhabahal 35 limpara (Kandbaha}) 59 Balbeng 61 Kurudiamunda Sindhekela p. S. 62 Bhausar 0-5. , Palaskhand 64 Alanda 19 Balkhamar 67 Jadamunda 29 Pi tapara 74 lhalap ('9 Telsarai (Telsarl) 79 Jamkhunta 76 Paruabhadi (Parubhadi) 98 Sukunabhata 80 Jampara 99 Ghantasada Kursud 6-10 14 Ba ga r t ipa r a 103 25 Jamtara 21-30 5 Dedhgan 26 Barkani 6 LohrapaJi 31 Tatopara (Totapara) 10 Pandripani 32 Dungrlgura 11 Budh ipadar (Burhlpadar Sukunabhata 39 12 Bahabal 52 Mahagan 13 Bakagura 54 Ichgan Badudar 71 Bhanpur 38 42 Slaljhudungi 81 Kalkut 47 Lebeda 95 Bhursagura Chantipala 105 Gaudtula 48 Silanda 106 Digsira 53 55 Kurlabhata 8 '1-15 Salemudanga 56 Dlatan 9 Putulatalai(Putulataln 58 Parasara 1'; Tentulipara 70 putupara 24 8eharabhata 72 Salebarat 27 Themara 78 Gharla 28 Utkela (Utikela) 85 Jhinkipara 30 Salebhata 87 8adapara 34 Jamkani 89 Gandharla 40 Makripara 94 Chindagura 49 Ainlabhata 97 Kutmara 50 Surda 102 Pipalpadar 51 Beherabhata 104 Nimurla 60 Arsatula 68 Sindhekela 31+ 4 Pudapali 73 Purniapali 7 Bagbahal 77 Srlram 16 Banjupadar 86 Tureikela 21 Malkasada 92 Titlsilat 22 Golabandh 93 Ganjiapa ra 37 Tupaudar 96 Chandotara 41 Gandapadar 366

APPEND'X_'V A-Scheduled Castes (Contd)

Range of L. C· Name of Range of L. C. Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No· the population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage)

43 Brahmanipar a 31 Pipilibandh 44 Ghantasada 40 Tikirapara (Tikrapara) 45 Dungurigura 42 Khairmal 46 Adabahal 46 Ghantbhali 57 Chhatabhata 49 Bankel (eha tabha tal 52 Bileikani 63 Deheli 65 Tarasingha 75 Mamia 66 Ihuburing 82 Sa lernudanga 81 Podhmund 90 Kurlubhata 84 Badpa tr apali 100 Turukbhata 9S Bijepur 101 Kaodara 97 Belapada 107 Kusakela 98 Malijhar 103 Kumudipadar Titlagarh P.S- 106 Kendumundi 117 Patharla


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of l. c. Name of Range ot L. C· Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Caste~ ['0. the Population village population village ( Percentage) Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

121- Udepur 139 Marlar (Marlad) 138 Balpadar 142 ludhipara 150 Goerabiri 148 Kanarla 151 Guhirapadar 21-30 17 Purisara 152 Sireikela 19 i\ halidkani (Khalikani) 20 Jugirata Sainll"P.S. 28 Mahulpara 0-5. 3 Patnipita (Patnipata) 29 Dangarpara 21 DhUl;.arnal 39 Nanajhar 23 Kharjuri 44 Bitabandh 31 Ekagur 48 Kherat 78 Renga Ibahal 53 Si,d 91 Kha jurpara 55 Chingermunda 101 Deng 58 Manigan 103 Bijapadar 72 Bandupala 106 Kunlbhekela ,6 Deoblluin (Debhuin) 107 Dumer.nunda 85 O"rlo 132 Bhatasar 88 Kumr6 BanJipadar 6-10 2 Godram.mda 99 Ghushurimal 11 Kadalimunda 110 Jagua 13 Kodasingha 116 Gandhrgala 17 Degan (Gandhargola) 37 Dangarpara 121 Ghorar 40 Kandhakolgan U3 Serko 74 laintara 126 Purapadar 75 Dukalghat 132 Mahada 77 Jhimanpall 133 Sargunamunda 79 Lamkanl 135 Khairkhunt 87 Sargipali 141 Sukunabhata 88 Malpara 144 Dangarpara 92 Uakani 146 Burabandh 97 Moyamunda 149 Timanbhari 100 Salntala 109 Chhancha':!a 31+ 43 Ranabhata 110 Tu


A-~,cheduled Castes (Contd.) ---- Range of L.c. Name of Range of LC. Name of Scheduled C~stes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

179 Chilabahali 169 Ghunsar (Ghunser) 182 Babuuluba la() Jubamal 183 Ghantbahali 185 Kusumkhal 186 8hikaballali 190 Jamtara 187 Siletpara 189 Sishla 16-20 6 Keuna 1 (Keumal) 14 Merabahal 15 Phatamunda 11-15 5 Jurabandh 18 Katarlaga 8 Nuamunda 24 Rengali 9 Kharselbanji 30 Dabjor 22 Tengara 35 Barn,unda 26 Jharkhamar 311 Sinakharr,an 27 Sargul 411 Talbahal 211 Tikarapdda 58 Jhinkidunguri 29 Kendudar(Kenduuda0 54 Antarla 32 'ialeddmak 63 Kurlubahal 41 Jaliadara (Jaliapadar) 70 43 Karlidhua (Kharlidhua) Satighat 73 Chalki 49 Patamara 102 Burda 52. Jharbanali 111 Surda 55 Sandhibahal 119 Pudapali 56 Bhanddrbanji (Bandar banj i) 120 Chanabahal 61 Andaldarh 121 Ledapadar 62 1l1arbahali 118 Bankel 82 Sarndasmunda 134 Kan~arlaga 83 lachut 135 Siletpara 84 Kermela 144 Ghantamal 85 Samara 149 Kuanrgan 86 Dllumapali 150 Chitmara 90 Sabukelgan 152 Sikapatrapafj 106 Karamtula 158 Gaelbhari (Karamtala) 161 Bhadra r 114 Gobindpu 163 Ilaramunda 122 Sukunapadar Dukerchanchara 123 Kumbhari 21-30 7 125 Babeju.i 19 8aghuabahal 126 Barbandh 25 Bhavaudar (Bahyaudar) 127 Karla 33 BagjDr (Bagdor) 130 Pendaramal 39 Biratkani ,\1 -131 C.1 ndpatrapali Lapher 133 Kuikera 57 Ichhapara 141 Saantaupher 59 Kha liapall 145 Ilheruanbha ta 64 DhatukJori 148 Dungripali 66 GJrlghat 159 Makiri 69 Jamunabahaf 72 8andupala (Banupala} 160 Phapsi Dhunkera 164 Khasbahal 80 Kar!abahall 16(, Kaansar 81 369


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of l·C. Name of Range of l.C. Name of ;cheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village (percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

-~--~~ 89 Burhabahal 31+ 1 Khamagada 94 Kuturamunda 34 Runimahul 98 Remanda 35 Manmunda 104 Brahmani 42 Gurlamal 105 Kumbhari S8 Sagarpali 117 lSalikhamar 60 Barasaimara 136 Bibina 67 Chanutmal 137 Mahagan 71 Kachharbhadl 139 Tentulpadar 93 Kharib.:lhal 140 8adipada 146 Ambapali 96 Bandhpara 112 147 Kushumal :-Jagphena 118 Salepara 154 Rengali 157 Dharapgarh 138 Jampadar 151 170 Deuli Baragan 177 Piprut (Piprot) 161 Barmal 171 178 Narabahali Derhel 181 Kandhaulba 173 loharapali 184 188 8elgaon Bhurpara


Tushura P. S. 213 Rugudipali 125 Sindurmunda 0-5 • 6 Satighat 2::15 Sandangar 10 Shibtala 243 Gudungamal 12 Chantimunda 245 Amgaon 13 Janakpur 248 Dudung 18 Bankeda 6-10 1 Matupali 30 Gailpita 3 Tangrupadar 31 Ramchandrapur 4 Chipakani 34 Barghati 14 Bidighat 44 Antarla 15 Bargaon 48 Salltmunda 23 Fatkara 69 Bhimdungri 25 Nuapada 86 Narayanpur 26 Saha jbahal 91 Siletkani 3S Kubrimahul 96 Dhandamal 36 Desandh (Desanda) 120 BahaB 37 Kna li.lpali 122 Dangapa thar 39 8udabahal 164 likhiria CBudhabahaf) 166 Sa1epdli 58 Padampur 171 Tebdamunda 60 Uparjhar 175 Lurki 61 Rugudipali 180 Sasanpali 75 Nuapali 185 Amdahan 78 Sirabahal (Ambadahan) 115 Arda 193 Juglmara 102 Singhamunda 202 Pendimunda 10{' Bankiamunda -_ ~~------370


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of L. C. Name of Range of l. C. Name of Scheduled Castes No· the Scheduled Castes No. the Population Village Population village ( Percentage) (Percentage) I 2 3 1 2 3

110 Oahimal 100 Bllaspur 118 Mursing 103 Amghat 121 Naikensira '04 Bhalukund 131 Baddungripali 105 Gambhermal 135 Pandhel (Pandel) 107 Ghatuldungri li8 Sargipali 111 Rugudipali 139 Kundeimal 112 Landapathar 145 Mundapala 115 Karuanjhar (Karuajhar) 149 8rahmanipali 125 Kachharpali (Brahmanipal) 126 Decgaon 160 Rusuda 127 Sagarpali 174 Samara 130 Jarasingha 177 Mahipur 132 Barkani 179 Chantipadar 140 Gudkhapala 184 Ratakhandi 142 Ainlapall 190 Tikiripada 151 Gourgoth 195 Karlakhaman 152 Badbahal 201 Kendpadar 154 Khaksikana 20<; Nuapara 162 Bagda 208 Kapsila 167 Kharda 209 Ollngripali 168 Nagaon 211 Oahlmal 188 Biramunda 215 Sir japali 192 Badtarakmunda 126 Cudbhela 196 Rajkel 229 Dulikana 197 LukalJara 2'6 Tilkamal 1~8 Madhekela 240 Cambherguda 200 Atgaon (Carnbhegura) 203 Bhuigura (Bhuaigura) 250 Raksibhata 204 Dhanghara 11-15 2 Paruabhadi 206 Kukedmal 5 Dumerpita 207 Tandlgaon 17 Kalljharan 214 )ambhel 21 Chikalbdhal 216 Kurebhana Kundpathar 27 218 Madhupur 28 Talpali 219 Bhatrapali 38 Laxmanpur 232 Santar akmunda 40 Tepren 239 Belgaon 43 Brahmani jor 246 Tarsuguda 46 Rajamunda 249 Gavarasa 47 Kudasingha 51 Ratanpur 16-20 16 Prataprudrapur 64 Hirlimal 22 Kot 74 Mahalei (Mahalal) 24 Jhareibahali 79 Luhurenpall 33 Luhakhan 81 Ghuchepali 41 Sandhi jar 83 Ga ibahal 50 Gaddwar 87 Siris 52 Raipali 90 Badbandh 72 Katilpali 92 Sdrasmal 82 lurlakani (julakanil 371


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of L.C· Name of Range of l. C· Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

84 Sikuan 128 Udar 88 Kuthurla 133 Kuliabahal 94 Afamara 137 Balarpali 98 Chhatapipal 146 Singhatimal (Singa timal) 101 Chatul 147 Ar junpur 116 Banjibahali 153 Balhakuna 1 \9 Kuturla 156 Chandanpali 123 Hatisara 157 Chinched 134 Babi jor lfl9 Pipalmunda' 144 Kultapara 165 155 \.Iadhiapali B"rJa 173 158 Kandhenbahali B~drlngomunda 183 161 Iludelguma Turla 169 Sargada 189 Rahenmal 170 Si ndr a bahali 1'"1 Jamut 178 Tushura 217 Jammunda .86 Demuhan 220 Deulgudi 194 Kumbharpadar 223 Kotgaon 199 Bhuapara 237 Kdnersingha 210 Tentelkhunti 247 Bdkbahal (Tentulik hunti) 221 Dungibahal 31+ 42 Sialjor 228 Gunimunda 54 Benjipali 230 Chuna 56 Fatamunda 231 Ranimal 73 Thalbandh 23B Lartara SO Kha rseldungri 242 Nimursingha 117 Gailpita 119 Chandrapur 21-30 20 Dhauradadar 136 Kukurkhai 29 Kundpani 141 Madhupur 45 Bhutiarbahal 143 Kumuria 53 Jalia 148 Palsapadar Rengali 59 150 Kendghat(Kendughat} Makundpur &2 176 Buromr I Telabali 63 167 Sandhisala 65 Jdmjharan ;12 Sirabahal Bandhpara 66 222 Bagbahali Kh'l.irgura 67 227 Mundapala &8 J'urnapani 234 Ka"Tlasingha Bandhapali 71 244 Tirchabahal 69 Nuniadhipa 95 Pipalpadar Baiangiri P. S, 97 Dangarpara 99 Bandhapara 0-5 • 1 Raghupadar 108 Dumerjor 5 Ku rapali 109 JhinkermaJ 7 Pardhiapali 113 Chormara 23 Palsamal ,\\4 Kanakpuf 30 Buromunda 124 Sarasbahal 32 Chhatabahal 372


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of LC. Name of Range of l. C. Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

41 lankabahal 91 Baxiudar 44 'Ranlpali 92 Khamarmunda 50 Taljuri 98 Kankria 51 Rengali 101 Bahalpadar 53 I{apilbahal 105 Bhadrapali 57 Bagdungri 111 Motijharia 59 Dungripali (Dangripali) 115 Balbuka 61 Magurbeda 116 Junhapadar 79 Bileisarda (junapadar) 9\ Belbahali 117 Nuapali 125 Niljipali 119 KUlerbahali 133 Barl

-.--~--- 373


A-Scheduled Caste. CContd.)

Range of L.C. Name of Range of L·C. Name of Scl1eduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

34 Fatabahal 6 Singhanimunda 39 Kusmel 24 Ratakhandi 43 Cerdi (Gerodi) 28 Tha karapali 58 Tabalbanjl (Thakuapall) 60 Pardhiapali 29 Uparudar 62_ Patharkhandi 35 jamartia 66 Duanpali 55 Antapall 67 Baghala 71 Tulandi (Tulundl) 69 Kagaon 72 Chha tamakhna Mirdhapall 73 Sakarbhuji 70 (SankMblluji) 80 Kulthipali 76 I'ipirda 83 Kalibhana 77 Raksimunda 96 Ainlasari 78 Kasurupali 102 Manglamunda 90 jamsar (jamsara) 108 Bandanbahall 94 Sauntpur 113 TimapaJi 95 lastala 121 Chrengabahali (Cherangabahall) 97 Budhisindhol 124 Plpalbahall 99 Bhursipali 131 Salepali 100 Barl.laon 136 Brahmnidungri 109 Ainlasari 139 Khagsabahal 114 Keserkela (Kaserkela~' 150 Sargadpali 123 Sikabahenga 153 Badtelen 126 Rinbachan (R ina bach an) 154 Kutensilet (KutunsHet) 132 Chareimara 155 Khuntpali 134 Sialbahali 1~8 Dudukasira 148 Karlaplta 160 Sadeipali Bubel 189 Kundamal 168 190 Belbahali 172 Banabahal 198 lakhapali 176 Bahirasar (Bairasar} 209 Kermeli 180 Chiclhndapall 213 Daupali (Chichinapali) 225 Bagbhadi 182 Mundapala 229 janipali 183 Bandhapara 230 lepta 185 ManglapaJi 237 Aenlapali 188 Charpali 250 Siletpara 197 Brahmanipall 25& Dabakani 202 Dhumamara 261 Bijlimunda 223 Khujenpali 271 Mahadebpali 227 Bhaler 274 Sirabahal 232 Khairmal 275 Dahimal 233 Chhatapipal 276 Mahimunda 236 jal jad 280 Bileikani 239 Kundeigad 284 Palsapadar 240 j~ljadpali 16-10 3 Sadhupali 242 Gac!ramunda 4 Maharpall 244 Sundribhana 10 Bhadra 246 Daspur 374


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of l.C. Name of Range of L.c. Name c>. Scheduled Cas' es No. the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

254 Bharatbahai 279 Kutenpali 259 Barkani 281 Duhel ,B2 Barandabahal 285 Talpali

21-30 27 Babja 31+ 20 Barkani 74 Durgapali 22 Sanjhankarpali 81 LOkapada 38 Khaliapali 82 Bandnakata 40 Sagoia 88 Padiabahal 45 Badipali 103 Pankelbahal 65 Beniapali Thelkomunda 87 i


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd·)

Range of L.c. Name of Range of L.c. Name of Scheduled Castes No the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

93 Adendungri 139 Chhelbahal 120 Pandrani 152 Baghapali 126 Fatamunda 1':i3 Dhamanasar 130 Manhira 131 Budelbahali 11-15 16 Baigankhari 132 SUjia 20 Babufasad 133 Dhodmahul(Bhodmahul) 29 Rinbachan 150 Mandiapadar 34 Kalasar (Mandipadar) 43 Guhlrapadar 151 Amamunda 44 Bharsuja 48 Nunidpall 6-10 Mundapall 50 Bhalupali 2 Gondpali 52 Keseipali 8 Buromunda 62 Mursund 9 Budla 67 Harbhanga 13 Nagaon 68 Tentelgaon 17 Babupali (Tentuligaon) 18 Ghuchepali(Guchepa II) 71 Bakti 19 Latsar 91 Salpdungri 21 Bdn j ipa Ii (8anipali) 96 Burobhadi 22 Jharbandhli 97 Santika (Jharbandhali) 107 Kadalipali 23 Dengjuri(Dengjori) 108 Bhalupali 2~ Agalpur 109 Baclibahal 30 Uchbaha I(Uchabaha Ii) 111 Jogisarda 31 Fatamunda 112 Ghusramunda 32 Mahuipali 114 Nagaon 33 Nuapali 136 Gurjibhata 36 Manupali 142 Gopalpur 37 Chhelkhai 145 Tebhndungri 38 Bindhapali 147 Semelmunda 39 Jemapali 149 Karlipat 40 Sansa 161 Fasad 41 Gundrumunda 1&2 Hirapur 45 Amaramunda 53 Duduka 16-20 5 Mahakhanda 55 Fasad(San) 7 Rengali 65 5emelmunda 10 Haldipadar 69 Kutasingha 14 Kanthipali 75 Rampur 24 Ingsa 79 La rambhamunda 27 Bagjhola 80 Ambj jh"ran 51 UparbahaJ 94 Saha jchhapar 60 Salebhata 95 Badtika 76 Dhauradadar 98 Tentelkbunti 88 Kendumundi 110 ~altarpali 90 Jharnipali 121 Kandajud 101 !lendra 125 Jharmunda ,02 Pipilipali 128 Bhaillsa 104 Khuntlimunda 376

APPENDIX-IV A-Sell.dllied Castes (Contd.)

Range of l.C. Name of Range of l.C. Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the population village population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

116 Burda 105 Dumerpali 118 Dumdumi 106 Pandridungri 123 Pandkital 113 Budhipadar 134 Loisinga 119 Kutenpafi 138 Agalapali 135 Luhu. apali 143 Panesara 137 BhaliamuRda 148 Sarasmunda 155 Ramsingha 154 Khaliapall 156 Semelia 160 Sakma 157 Kirabahal 159 Kutrapa 11 21-30 £, Guhiramunda 28 Bandabahal 31 + 58 Rafakhal 35 Roth (Roat) 61 Khallapali 46 Pandesara 63 Asurmunda 56 Sankhua 64 8angabahal 57 Luhuramunda 66 Dungripali 59 Mallupali 74 Jhatbandhali 70 Pa tuapa Ii 92 Kudopali 73 Danlpali 115 . Banjipali 81 Chlmgidadar 140 Maharpali 89 Podhpall 141 Keutipali 99 Negipali 146 Sardel 103 Sadkhd liapali 158 Ranipali

RAMPUR TANASIL Dunguripali P. S. (P""tion) 83 Dumerpali 93 Poind



A-Sch eduled Castes (Contd.)

Name of Range of L.C. Name of --- Range of l.C. Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village ( Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

68 lariabahal 21-30 6 Rampur 74 Sargul 7 Katapali 76 Chhanchani 20 Beheramal 81 Ichhapur 27 Antapali 82 Phatamunda 31 Chindajuri 84 Karlajuri 32 Khuntpali 87 Sukha 4& Pandarapall 91 Kusamal 53 Andharibanji 102 Kapasira 64 Tuniamunda 108 Rangpur 77 Champaduli 110 Amamunda 88 Haldi 112 Samarchipa 90 8adnuapali 120 Siali 96 Sunapali 133 Chaukamal 107 Mahubahali 114 Padhanpali jungle Kuhlbahal 1&-20 2 Badvalupali 11& (Badbaha lupaJl) 12 Naikenpali 31+ 19 BJhubasa Bankipali 23 Chitkelband"'li 16 (ehh itke Ibandhali) 18 Mahulpali Sialina Ii jungle 26 Ravanguda 47 Brahmanipali 34 Dunguripali 58 60 Brahamanipalijungle 35 Kudhar ikata (BramhanipaIiJungle ) 37 Salepali n Sialbahali 38 Nangalkata 104 Patharkhandl 39 Plpilipall 105 Bilaibahali 55 Salepali 56 Cajbandh 59 Kendupali Binika P. S. &1 Cidhmal 27 Kadalipali 6': Ainlasari (Ainlasira) 0-5 '" 6S Candapali 6-10 1S Kukudajholi 67 Baidupali 20 Akhidadar 69 Gambharipali 67 Sahajbahal 71 8arpadar 72 Bansuni 73 Majhimunda 73 Kalntara 7S Kankarajuri 82 ¥ahadevpali 86 Mahulpah 88 Pandkital 92 Cherupali 94 8adphatamunda 1 Bhabanipall 98 Di.gsira 11-15 '2 Alnlamunda 99 Dahukbud Tileimal (Dahukalbuda) 3 Hutuma 100 Tamamuril 12 Bankighiridi 101 Bhatbaha Ii( Bha tbhali) 1'4 Ganeshpur 103 Kaiskanda 25 Chulimal 109 kals~ipali (Kazaipali) ~ 111 khurdiabahal 44 SanvalupaJi 113 Padhanpali 47 Adakasa 378


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of L· C. Name of Range of L. C. Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the Population Yillage Population Yillage (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3 _._------49 Kulthipali 7 Palsapali 51 Nandanmal 10 Balupali 52 Bhimtikra 16 Jampali 53 Jashapur 18 Balarang.. 54 Meghala 19 Pandarimal 56 Banjipali 21 Arigaon 57 Bagbaha Ii jun gle 22 Manigaon 61 Silati 24 Sindurpur 62 Charda 26 Bisalpali 65 Padhipali 31 Gulunda 75 Ghantopali 34 Mahulpali (Ghontopali) 35 Bhandar 79 Sakma SO Gania 16-20 5 Bagdia 58 Kaudiamunda 6 Khairmal 70 Seledi 17 Sarguna 71 Tulundupali 23 Cherupali 78 Bhikabahall 38 Kadalipali 86 Sansamura 40 Papi B7 Ghudadhar 41 Singhi juba 42 Kamira 55 Saha jbahal 31+ 9 Dendupadar 64 Sankara 11 Khaliapali 66 Fulmuthi 29 Antarda 74 Katapali 33 Piteip.. 1i Fabsi 76 68 Gadgadbahal 84 Kartang 69 Bhamarpa Ii jungle 21-30 4 Talmunda 80 Nagapall 6 Asuq~arh 81 Padhanpali

BIRMAHARAJPUR TAHASIL Shindhol P. S. 11-15 3~ Hatipahul 37 Radhanagar o-s • 11 Patrapall 41 Dakhimpali 47 Badmal 42 Matupali 57 Tentulikhole (Tentulikhol) 43 Sahanldiha 56 Meghanad (Neghanad) 103 "'Imna 75 Nakadeln 84 Gailmura 6·10 46 Chadeipank 96 Kukia 68 Mankadabahal 106 Amurda 82 Ullunda 16-20 (> Kutapali 83 Matikhai 17 Shindhol 86 Badamal 30 Sulia 87 Pipalkuda. 36 Canjachhapar 88 Didimal 39 Jaunrabhounra 109 Edepadar (Udepadar) 79 Maulimal 379

APPENDIX-IV A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of l.C. Name of Range of LC. Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

98 Panchamahala 138 Sunariberni 99 Barigoan (Sunariberna) 100 Manamal 258 Gumurdula 110 Pipalikani (Pipilikani) ( Gumardula) 278 Buroghat 21-30 3 Kapasira 293 Phulchara 4 Beheramal 6-10 16 Mundomahul 14 Brahmanipali 23 44 Manpur Goudgad 29 45 Chadeipankjungle Bahalpadar 48 Ainlachhat 30 Amarpali 64 Kutmenda 75 Baghartaila 69 Jharabahali 79 Umadf'ipali 72 Khemaloi 103 Krushnanagar 73 Pipalka,a 132 Khandahata 76 Sindriabahal 164 Durdura 85 Badall 166 Tebhapadar 89 Kapasira 170 Sl.Ibalaya 102 Telenda 174 Govindapur 108 Caurgoan 175 Chanda Ii 178 Godhaneswar 31+ 8 Kamalkata 182 Basudevpur 9 Pa trapalijungle 188 Duhulpali (Duhulipali) 15 Hud 193 Amulyamaniranipur 52 Dlpapali 196 Jayapur 53 Dhelei 198 Nuapali 66 Patrapdli 204 Kudapada 78 lastala 217 Sanankaria (Sanank ira) 80 Gandabahal fGandabahali) 254 Brahmdnipali 90 Jagannathpali 257 Mahada 91 lambakani 271 Dahanipali 92 Dhuldhula 276 Kamalpur 93 Jampall 282 Ranapali 94 Maraloi (Moraloi) 286 Jharkumunda 105 Dasarajpurpandafal 11 15 (Dasara jpurpandiaphal) 9 Sagajuri 24 Malidadar Birmaharajpur P. S. 27 Dadarpali 36 S.lhajla tha 0-5 • 12 Masinapall 46 Yubarajpur 15 Kendupali 61 Bardakata 20 Gania 67 Badmal 39 "ankirasira 74 Kha;rmal 68 Kesalga... n 90 i( hunt a la pali 71 Hlrapali 92 K()tsamalai 120 Kardapal 111 Bamaraj 12: Purastampali 117 Telipali U8 Yubaranisitapur 129 Bara~bat 131 Rijumunda 140 Rajanpali 380 APPENDIX-IV

A- Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of L.C. Name of Range 0 1 L.C. Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled C~stes No. the population village Population village (percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

147 Sergeda (Seregde) 290 Oeuli 161 Ouleswar 292 Nuagad 168 Kamira 294 Bagbar 176 Badkhamar 179 Ounguri 21-30 19 Our jantaila 184 Mundidamak 25 Kuhidadar 185 Mrusundhi 31 Gudguda 187 Tentulimahada 33 Bhaludunguri 199 Babupali 62 Ghichapali 215 Kesalpura (Chkhapa1i) 219 Sarkaridadar 65 luturpanka 221 Daldaba 69 Jatiapali 240 Marichapur 76 Achanda 255 Paikpali 78 Bairagipali 256 Parbatipur 87 Kunjapali 259 Paligoan 93 Golabandha 261 Tikuda 94 Redam 273 Dantapali 99 Baghapali 277 Khambeswaripal i 102 Harinapall 280 Ufula 107 Kadodar (Birmaharajpur) 118 Barajhula 283 Champamal 119 ludumunda 285 Sandha 121 Gopapall 289 Lumurjena 124 Mendllipali (Lumburujena) 126 Bankia 297 Jatesingha 130 Adal 16·20 10 Luhakhandi 134 Gudipali 53 Kusadadar 136 Bunthipada r ( Banthipadar) 70 Kp.njhiriapali 115 Kadalipall 139 8arapadar 122 Bhutiapali 141 Janakpur 8ikalpur 123 Ghantopall 143 145 Lakhani 127 Chauka 146 Madhupur 137 Pandua 159 Thakurpur 149 Sangrampur 17j Kf Igoan 165 Pitamahul 1n Ektal 167 Amsarbhata 181 Kudapada 180 Anandapur 183 Yudhisthir pur 195 Jambhalipali (Yudhistlpur) 200 Kalapa thar 191 Hilungpathargha t 208 Radhiapali 192 Baghamari 232 Palash 197 Padhanpali 238 Hikudi 201 6agchhera 252 Hingama (Bakchhera) 253 Burpanga 203 Jaloi 265 Bhudobar 206 Khirpur 275 Tithipali 211 Jamgaon 288 Deulmunda 211 Gunjlpali 381


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of L·C· Name of Range of L.C. Name of Scheduled Castes No· the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

218 Badankaria 135 Rambhipall (Badankira \ 150 Sanbardakata. 224 Naikapada 152 Bhatapadar 226 Sansanpur 186 Madhupur 233 Bejpali 190 Manikpur 234 Badhila 194 ~endamal 243 Raksa 202 Kairajhuli 244 Sauripali 209 Gagankhalai 246 Bijepur 210 Ghikundi 250 Patrapali 213 Jaloijungle 251 Lehedi 225 Bisipara 264 Kumarkeli 227 Gopalpur 207 Rathapur 230 Bhejimal 272 Kanpur 231 Gobindapali 241 Baghalpur 242 Dudupali 31+ 38 Badkir asira 245 Sripura 56 Patrapali 247 Mundoghat 58 8urbuda 248 Lankabahal 59 Bisalpali 249 Bhajabalpur 72 Amatplli (Bhajalbalpur) 86 Goghat 166 Apatnuagarh 96 Ranlpali 270 Y"mapall 100 Jaganna thpall 279 Goudkela 104 Gargadabahal 281 Laturpet (Gargadagahal) 284 Krushnapali 112 Rugudipall 287 Bhaliapadar 113 Puleswar 291 Kumurslngha 114 Ballpali (Kumar singha)


Sonapur P.S. 11-15 2 Kasurpali Mayurudan 0-5 • 4 Karl .. khaman 5 Khairtikira 75 Dunguripali 9 12 Dhaurakhamana 6-10 10 Sargunamunda 16 53radhapali 11 Nagapali (or) Thapapali 18 Babupali 13 Nandanmal 22 Jampali 19 Pratappur 35 Mallikmunda 28 Hardkhol 37 Gallberna 31 AinlapaJi 47 Kharjhura 42 Mahule 56 lakarma 54 Baidyanath 74 Haldipali 62 Kalapathar 67 Dhubabahali 16-20 6 Kirtipur 70 Gatarkela 8 Rugudipali (Gutarkela) 33 Dunguripali 72 Baldapali 38 Gadia 382


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd )

Range of l. C· Name of Range of L. C. Name of Scheduled Ca 5 tes No. the Scheduled Castes No- the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

39 Medinipali 139 Kha Jiapali 55 Baljuri 142 Rengali 59 Pipilipali 1~6 Asurmunda 65 Badajhinki 152 Badipadia 158 Jhankarpali 21-30 3 Kendumunda 160 Khemundiamunda 25 Arjunpur 161 Pipilipali 26 Kulipali 173 Pandakital 29 Sanphabsi (Sanphapsi) 34 Kharneswaripal i 16-20 138 (Kuameswar ipaJ i) Kudopali 43 Majhifiibsi 151 Chhakorma! Baslat 44 Uparifabsi 154 50 Bagduli 169 Jamkhol 51 Chha tapipal 21-30 131 lacchipur 66 Sanjhinki 140 Banktentuli 71 Kustapali 150 Oab!ang 31+ 17 Kabatta!al 156 Chaha takhol 20 Banbija (Bankbija) 163 luhurapali 24 Majhimunda 164 Saharapali 27 Saha jpita 175 Gobindapur 30 Bisimunda 32 BurolllUnda 31 + 143 luhurapali jungle 36 Jagand thpal i 144 Dabapali 45 Sialijhuli 147 Chaurasipur 53 Rupapali (or) 155 Oablong jungle Chhepapali Dahaja 57 Tarbha P. S. 60 Ohubamunda 63 Panstali (Pansiali) 0·5 * 26 Dunguripali 64 Baiganjuri 27 Kukundapur 68 Singhari (Makundapur) 69 Janmura '1.9 Badbahali 34 Hagbahali 48 Rangapur Ounguripali P. S. (Portion) 54 Taraikela <0-5 * 167 Kudadera 63 Bijapadar 66 Pandkimal {,-10 135 Bhursapali 176 lithipali 137 Luparsingha 180 Badjor 148 Bisalpali 202 Sindhol 149 Majhimunda 209 Bdsasankar 157 Dumerkhol 171 Chandrilpur 6-10 36 Malisirgidi Raipdli 174 39 Na ike 1'1 pa iii 74 Jhartarbha 11·15 121 Balpur 126 Matiapali 76 Garla 129 Baseswarpali 83 Deogaon (Biseswarpali) 118 Badbhainro ------.~~------~.- 383


A-Scheduled Castes (Contd.)

Range of l. C. Name ot Range of l. C. Name ot icheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Castes No. the Population village Population village (Pe rcentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

114 Koyapadar 130 Bhurad 131 Bandhpali 163 Kumbharmumda 139 Khumbandh 188 Khairbhadi 154 lembupali 190 Charaniapali 189 Badamunda 201 Balikhamar 21-30 10 Khagsakana 206 Sukhilasar 13 Brahmanipali 14 Deulpadar 11-15 5 Kandhapali 33 Baladi 9 Menda 38 Sindhbahali 15 Dahimal (Slngbahal) 20 Sankadalipali 40 Matikod 24 Sa nkchol 43 Kekatpali 37 Sudelbahali 44 Pua (Budelnahal) 45 lara jaring 41 Badkadalipall 49 Bha lubaha Ii 42 Takarla (Bhalubahal) 58 Bahirkhaman 51 Rambhasindhol 62 Khaliapali 64 Cirgunmuhan 84 Makarlchuan 67 Baghiabahali 87 Barkani 70 Nuapali 99 Bankeda 71 Garamahul 105 Silatimunda 89 Sanbhainro 109 Sargaj 90 Kendumunda 110 Jurabandh 98 Maraduguchha' 120 SUrjamunda 107 Tentulikhunti 138 Rugudipali 112 Narda 142 Baghia 113 Nadhara 143 Dumerpali 115 Kamsara 144 Sardhapali 118 Tulunda 149 Jamkani 119 Jharmunda 186 Rengsa 137 Nuamunda 198 Karlamuhan 141 Purunapani 204 Ainlapali 145 Patharteka 147 Pudula 16-20 8 Arda 159 Polbdndh 16 Paikbahal 160 Dangajor 21 Narayanpur 164 Jhanakpur 35 Kutsira 165 Kulthiapadar 56 Khari 171 Singhari 77 Sibtula 172 Sagarpali 78 Padmapuf 181 Balipata (Balpata) 92 Panimura 187 Budhakhaman 94 Budelmunda 193 Charbhata 96 Rugudipali 199 Bilaiberna 111 Kutsira 125 Pudugpathor 31+ 1 Kumunda 127 Kirasira 7 Ranisarda 129 Barahmani 12 Rajapali 384


A -Scheduled Castes (Concld.)

Range of L. C. Name of Range of l. C· Name of Scheduled Castes No. the Scheduled Ca5te~ No. the Population village Population village ( Percentage) ( Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

28 MajhipaJi 122 Naktikana 31 Salepali 123 Pandaroplta 46 T.lesara 126 Guhiraghat 47 Fakiramunda 133 Bahirmuhan 52 Ghatkaintara 140 Talpadar 55 Thakapall 146 Badmal 59 Arakhpadhar 156 Pandakimal 60 Kankeda 157 Raikeda 72 Daitpur 158 Nuapali 73 Harida pali(Hardapa) 162 Runjphatamunda 75 Judamunda(Jadamunda) 167 Hafr iaberna 79 Manhira 169 Arda 80 Atasingha 173 Putukipali 82 Sargi jharia 174 lUkapali 101 Laxmiunda 175 Debandh 102 Chandanpali 183 lunani 1;)4 Tentuliamunda 194 Jhilmunda 106 Balmunda 203 Sandhi jore (Sindhijore) 108 Baghiamunda 211 Jharbahali 116 Palsapadar

• Excludes villages with no Schedule Castes Population. 385


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of L.C. Name of Range of L.C. Name of Scheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled fribes No. the , Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3


Kh aprakh ol"P. S. 9 Brahmani 15 Matiabhata 0-5 • 31 Nagdera 16 Putlamahul 47 8anamal 17 Salepali 60 Bandepadar 20 Sargipali 68 Patrapali 26 Baliabahal 99 Bharuamunda 32 Rengali 111 Gedbhanga (Gevabhanga) 42 Sareibahal 43 Chormunda 6-15 73 Budhibahal f4 Baduden (Burhibahal) 70 Dedarha 74 GundurupaJi 78 Ghumsar (Ghunsr) 88 J.alpankel 79 Putkelchuan 91 Chauldia 83 SUliabahal 92 Lather 84 Sahajpani lOS Karlabahali 90 Karuanjhar 114 Bhaludunguri ( (oruanjharl ~ Bender 16·25 14 Kendubhata 100 Jhankaripali 23 Dudungdarha 101 Kurlumal (Kurumal) 34 Sindhbdhali 102 Mahurundi (Sindibahali) 104 Udiapali (Uriapali) 41 Patrapali 106 Baig?lsagar S4 Karlamal lOB Matikhari 55 Dudukipadar 61 Banjipali 514 Mahulpall 69 Parliabahal Kandrabhata (Paviabahall 2 3 Nuape Ii 71 Pacher 5 Chhanchanbahall 72 Dhandamunda 12 8uromal 76 Khaprakhol 13 Ankamara (Anak::mara) 93 Pipalbahal 18 Golamunda 94 Kandeichhapar 19 Tambipadar 103 Kapsipali 21 Maharapadar 26-35 8 Danamal 22 Kuthurla 10 Bhanpur 24 Bagjharan 11 Jaliabahal 25 Junanibahal 44 TankapJni 27 Jamunapali 63 .Malpara 28 Khuripani 66 Sanuden 29 5apmund 67 Kanga 30 Beherapani 77 Badgur jibha ta 33 Ambabahali 86 Jamchuan 35 Chitakhutna 110 Gambhari (Chitakutna) 36 lahadunguri 36-50 4 Nandupala 37 Bharuamunda I) Turla 38 Bartia 7 J.. ankal pali 39 Sunamudi 386

APPENDIX-IV B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of l.C. Name of Range of l.C. Name of Scheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the population village population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

40 B.udhachhapar 20 Jalpali (Burhachhapar) 22. Rengali 45 Sangurjibhata 37 luria 46 Masina 45 Ghumer 47 Banjipali 52 Guniabahal 48 Jhalbahal 81 Padhel Chancharabhata 49 90 KalangapaJi 50 Chuchapali 91 Gahirpali 52 Andalmundi 101 Talpadar .">3 Telenpali 110 Jogimunda 56 Chaulbanji (Chaulbanjid) 115 Bileisathi 59 Bankera 117 Batharla (Batarla) 75 Bheluakhoi 122 Ulba 80 Pingalmunda 125 Apursagar 81 Phulkimunda 126 Samalaisar 82 Bagdia 134 Tentelkhunti 85 Malpara 135 Dhubalpara 87 Phuljhar 156 Gangasagar 89 Jhalialiti 161 Kalangapali 95 Chahakapara 162 Khalia 97 Badimai lbb Dhatuk 98 Bhaluchuan 16-25 Damakipali 107 Bharuamunda 4 Cava a 109 Kindrital 12 Sullamal 112 Malpara 19 Kuturla 113 . Darlipali 27 luhuret 115 r


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of l·C. Name of Range of LC. Name of kheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tr ibes No. the Population village Population village (percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

-~---~ 26-35 21 Gha5ian 13 Gadia jor 23 Indpur 24 Khursel 26 Debl1uin 25 Bandhanmal 33 Bhatali (Bandanal) 39 Hirli 28 Khola 40 Bagmunda 31 Gaonbhdtali (Ganbahatla) 41 Cerda 34 Tengrapathar 47 Fatamunda 54 Bharatbahal 50 Barabhaga 60 Khuntsamalai 59 Dhodmahul 62 Kusabahali 61 Daita, imunda 83 Changharia 63 Dundel 85 Phulmunda 67 Kadalijl:Jaran 87 Baneimunda 69 Kirabahal 89 Gargadchhapar 71 Sclepali 94 Ghunghutipali 73 baliabhata 97 Barhamara 74 Ainlapah 100 Maruan 79 Chitikamal 102 Jhulenbar 82 Rengaljuri (Rengalguri) 104 Elankabianr 93 Bhatpali 106 Dumerpadar 96 Bijamagur 113 Balipata 107 Pandamunda 128 Sunamudi 108 Banklbahal 132 Naktasar 112 Jharbandh 133 Chhe1khai 114 Solbandh 136 Bandhanbhadi 118 Beherabandh (Bandhanbahari) 127 Kutmunda 150 Rdtakhandi 129 Rugudimunda 152 Jhankarpali 131 Diadumer 154 Ranldarh 137 Rengatasil "\59 Bichhilibahai 140 Mudghat 164 Malikmunda 145 Ghikundi '(Ghikundhi) (Nalikrnunda) 146 Sarmuhan 167 Babejuri 148 Jhankarpali 1.70 Chakdmal 151 Sialbandh 173 Guhiramunda 153 Bhaludarh 186 Fdndakupora 155 Chingerbandh 157 Sile~para 51 + ., Brahmanipali 171 Salepali (Sr amha nlpa Ii) 15 Thelkochhapar 181 Kendumundi 1(, 182 Bindhanpathar laher juri 190 Semelmunda 29 K.s-dopani '0 Nagenmal / 36-50 3 Pandripani 35 Kechhobahal 6 Kanheital (Kandeital> 42 (.aiipita (Gaelpita) 7 Khuripani 44 Gandamel 8 Chandanjori 51 Bar jhula (Chandanjuri) 55 Chdmpasar 10 larambha 57 Bagbahali

-~-"~- -~~.-----~------.--~-- ---~----.--- 388


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of L.C. Name of Range of L·C. Name of Scheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

58 Dabkani 56 Belpara 64 luhakhan 64 Dunguripali 65 laksimimunda 72 Padmapur (lakshimunda) 74 Sihini 6F; Dabmal 75 Mandai 76 Kerbeda 88 Dhumabhata 77 Putishbahal 78 Dhunradadar 16-25 6 Amabanji (Dhauradadar) 18 Parllmal Banjijhal 80 20 8agdor Barhamunda 84 26 Banamal 8& Khutnapanl (Khimtnapani) 67 Kharbahali 99 Ganjaudar 76 Bhatapara 103 Pandripanl 85 Dahimal 105 Bithh ilibaha I 89 Raikhal 111 Nehenabandha 102 Karlabahall 119 Chitadunguri 26-35 2 Jamjuri 138 Bhalupita 41 Mundodarh 139 Bhalujuri (Bhalujori) (Mandodar) 142 Mundapala 42 Khalipathar 143 Masinachhapar 51 Bagudar 16') Chuladarh 54 Bharuamunda '68 Niljibahal 57 Nunhar 169 Turlamal 58 Sarmuhan 172 Rahenmal 68 Bharuapall 174 Gadlajor 70 Kanut 17~ Baghalabandh 77 Katapali 176 Ghuchepali 96 Suanbahal 177 Manaipad 97 Muribahal 178 Mundomahul 98 lathakend 179 Gailmara 184 Podhachhapar 36-50 1 Pandkimal 185 Tulsidunguri 4 Chikhili 187 Maghamara 11 Kapani (Khapani) 188 Danda r abahal 14 Barbera 189 Amdarha 19 Rengali 21 Talbhata Belpara P.S. 22 Dhourakhaman 27 Thankiripali 0-5 • 17 Khaliapali 55 Dunguripali 30 Munapali 90 Sulekela 33 Chachl'rbeng 101 Gidhmal 37 Patrapali 105 Bangomundabahal 39 Malijhar 43 Juba 6-15 16 Ghagrul 47 Bhuliabandh 31 Burhabhata (Bhulial!andh) 34 Palesira 50 Tentelmunda 35 Dumermunda 63 Phulkani 389


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of LC. Name of Range of L. C. Name of Scheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 , 2 3

66 Salalldi 40 Dungurigura 71 Taanla 44 Bilaimara 79 Parbahal 45 Nagphena 91 Madhyapur 48 Satchuan 93 Bhalubahali 49 Debripali (Bhalubahal) 52 Jamkhari 94 Bahabal 59 Aenlabhata 106 Chandrapur 60 Bhalukhai 61 Guhiriapadar 51+ 3 Dumerbahal 62 Sagunbhari 5 Ghagara 65 Uring 7 Beheramuncla 69 Bhutungpara 8 Darhamunda 78 Kenkeba 9 Tara 80 Ainlapali 10 Budamunda Bl Hatkat 12 Chhuinara 82 Khalkhali 13 Dhungiamunda 83 Jaharphatamunda 15 Kadall (Jharphatamunda) 23 Dudukamal 84 Dangartal 24 Malpara 86 lCurenbahali (Kurenbahal) 25 KasakilUtna ( Kusakhunta) 87 Jalla 28 Thoribahal 92 Khairmal 29 Kumbharkhun 95 Malpara ( Kumbhakkhuan) 99 Bichhubahall 32 Kharkhara 100 Pandarijor 36 Mundagan 103 Mundapala 38 Balikhamar 104 Dakra


Kantabanji P. S. 61 Salepara 0·5 • 63 Salemudgan 64 Tikarapara (Sa lemurunga) 67 Kandei 74 Sangamara 69 Gadiajola (Giriajor) 86 Sargigura (Sargiguna) 70 Bharuakanl 97 Kurli 71 Sandhibahal 99 Dangamara 72 N"ndol 111 Pangania 73 Mahakhanda 117 Barajura 75 Jurabandh 123 Silatpara 76 Malpara 128 Gargarbahal 78 Dangla 6-15 1 Kharli 81 Talchakel (Taltchakel) 18 Mahanilaha 82 Sarkani 21 Larki 84 Degan 27 Curlanrar 90 Kandhabahal 39 Pandaren 114 Rai"mara 50 Dhusamunda 115 Bahaduki 390


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of l.C· Name of Range of L. C· Name of Scheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) , 2 3 1 2 3

119 Gambharikhol 51+ 2 Debiriamunda Gambarikhol 7 Nak tabahal 121 Ghantabahali 9 Bariali 122 Dumerpara 10 Bahabal 11 Gabhara 3 Bhalukana (Bhalukuna) 16-25 12 Darnanichuan 4 Gurjibhata 13 Dholmandal Halanbhata 5 14 Baghuapara Gaendimal 6 16 Magurjangal 31 Barla (Magurjangal 35 Muribahala 23 Burhibahal 41 Kutobahal ~5 GHgarbahal 47 Jharni 26 Tentulikhunti 77 Sardhapur 28 NagaphE:na 79 Khujenbahal 29 tlaradakla 88 Sargul 38 Jamki 98 Chatuanka 40 Pakhanmunda 100 Buromal (Bururnal) 42 Banjipali 110 Chaulsukha 49 Hial 116 Brahmani 52 Mandala 120 Muribahal 53 Kamaimunda 54 Rahenbhata .26·35 19 Ramor 55 Malpdmunda 20 Rautmunda 56 laljhara 24 Turekela 58 Mankarchuan 30 Ghunes 80 Chhatrang 46 Tentelkhunti 85 Telipadar 57 Karlabahali 87 Andalpuri 62 Sanbanki B9 Karuamunda 65 Mundakani Dhamandanga 66 Jubamal 92 93 Birna 83 Bagbahal Pakhanmunda 126 lakhana 102 103 Dhumsu 36-50 8 Kuspali 104 )amutjori (Jamutjuri) 15 Mahulpati 105 Ghanarnahul 32 Kadobera 106 Bandhanpali 33 KhuJen 107 Jamutjhula Bandhanpa Ii 34 108 Kasamal Badab'nki 37 109 Rengali Sernala 43 112 Simanabahal Mahulbahali 44 113 Baldas Nuapara 45 124 Sindhpali 48 Khatalumunda 51 . Samarasinha Bangomunda P. S. 59 Khagasa 94 Dumerchuan 0-5. 15 Belpard. 95 Oabiri 17 Tetelpara 96 B~herensilat 21 Turekela 101 Kukurahar 22 Bhalumunda - _--- 391


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of l·C· Name of Range of L.C. Name of Scheduled Tribes No· the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2. 3

41 Gandharabandha 50 Patalpara 42 Tetelpara 65 Asurmunda 45 Baladha n Kansil 47 Talbhata 80 Malapara 51 Sahajot 86 Kundabhatla 53 Kanabira 82 Asurla 26-35 8 Sahajpani 83 Sindnbhari 13 Khaera 92 Kandhabahal 24 Phugura (Kandbahal) 48 Maniagan 57 Jhinkidungri 6-15 3 Dandara 70 Budhipadar 10 Salepara (Burh ipadar] 16 Ganjabahal 81 Bartunda 1S Kuturabeda 90 Gobindpur (Kuterabera) 36-50 25 Dumerpara 19 Berapara 28 Khapadara 20 Biripali 35 Ainlabhata 26 Bangornunda (Anla bhata) 30 limpara (Nimpara) 43 Jaerpara 34 Pauapali 63 Malpara 38 Gohirapadar 72 Golmund 46 Kapilabhata 75 Titisilat 55 Dhundim~hul 89 Nangala juri 56 Chi ramunda 91 Mundapadar 58 Gurunda 59 Bhuipara 51+ 2 Pipalmunda 60 Kandakhal 4 Oangarpada 66 Ganrei 6 Bijghat 68 5eletpara 9 Malibahal 11 71 Bhairi>ubha Nuapara 74 Dumermunda 12 lukapara 76 Beherabahali 14 Bargamra 78 Bhirkapara 32 Phundelpadar 79 Chuliphunka 37 laripara Godramunda 84 Barlabahali 52 54 Khairpadar 69 Bhormunda 16-25 1 Chaulia 85 Sandhisar 5 Janipara Makhapali 7 Sindheke'a P.S. 27 Kudobhata 29 Saraspara 0-5. 11 Budhipadar 31 Kandhenjhwla (Burh ipada r) (Kandhenjhula) 12 Bahabal 33 Debang 16 Banjupadar ~ Jamut 21 Malkasada 39 Barkanl 23 Podapali 40 Borbahal 31 Tatopara (Totapara) 44 Sanmula 43 Brahmanipara

--_._. __ ._--- -~-- 392 APPENDIX-IV

B- Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of L.C. Name of Range 0 1 L.C. Name of Scheduled Tribes No. the ScheduledlTibes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

48 Chantipala 75 Mamia 49 Ainlabhata 80 Jampara 53 Silanda 90 Kurlubhata 55 Kurlubhata 96 Sukunabhata 61 Kurudiamunda 99 Ghantasada 73 Purnlapall 100 Turukbhata 66 Shundhlmunda 103 Kursud

26-35 9 Putulatalai (Putula tall) 6-15 2 Bhushlar 4 Pudapali 28 Utkela (Utikela) 35 limpara 5 Dedhgan 36 5alepara 19 Balkhamar 39 Sukunabhata 2S Jamtara 50 Surda 26 Barkani 52 Mahagan 30 Salebhata 54 Ichgan 34 Jamkan; 67 Jadamunda 37 Tupaudar 76 Paruabhadi (Parubhadi) 40 Makripara 79 Jamkhunta 42 Sialjhudungl 81 Kalkut 58 Parasara 86 Turelkela 64 Alanda 87 8adapara 65 Pltamahul 93 Canjiapara Sindhekela 66 101 Kandara Salebarat 72 102 Pipalpadar Thalap 74 104 Nimurla Sriram 77 107 Kusakela 82 Salemudanga 89 Gandharla 3&-50 6 loharapali 94 Chindagura 17 Jharial 95 Bhursagura 44 Ghantasada 96 Chandotara 46 Adabahal 97 Kutmara 59 Balbeng 105 Gaudtula 63 Deheli 106 Digsira 66 Bahalgabha 78 Charla 16-25 1 Palaskhanda 85 )hinkipara 8 Salemudanga 92 Titisilat 10 Pandripani 51 oj- 18 Ranipur 20 Phulbandha 51 Beherabhata 22 Golabandh 83 Barkani 24 Beherabhata 84 27 Themara Dabjhar 91 Batharla 38 Badudar 47 Lebada Tlt1agarh p. s· 56 Diatan 60 Arsatula 0-5 * 18 Patamara 62 Bhatasar 27 Bhusalar 70 Putupara 45 Rengali ------_ ------_-_----- 393


a-Scheduled Tri bes (Contd,)

Range of L. c. Name of Range of L. C· Name of Scheduled Tribes No, the Scheduled Trtbe~ 1\)0. the Population village Population village t Percentage) ( Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

83 Sanapanapali 29 Dangarpara 93 Pipaldani 30 Dumdumi 97 Belapada 49 Bankel 127 Dan~apata 51 Pltapara (Dangapita) 5l Bileikani 136 Amurla b4 Choramara 147 Lesunbahali 68 Shisakani (U) 71 Burdipara 6-15 3 Satbahani 72 Bandupala Jamuna' 15 75 Belpadar 22 Desil 76 Deobhuin (Debhuin) 38 Kapsibhata 78 Ranabandh 39 Nanajhar 81 Podhmund 40 Tikirapara Deyuri (Dejuri) ( Tlkrapara) 82 Kumra (Kumuda) 41 Tentulikhunti !S8 43 Rjlnabhata &9 Charbhata 44 Bitabandh 90 Desil .47 Pratapall 92 Karlapara (,Patrapall) 94 Rigdol 54 Oungurigura 98 Malijhar 57 Kba juripara 101 Kanijuri 5f.J Pipalpadar 104 Ka tarkela 77 Lenjha 107 Sihini 80 Putuli 108 Bachhajujha 9S Bijepur 110 Jagua 100 Pitapara 117 Patharla 102 Pendrapadar 121 Ghorar 103 Kumudi~adar 122 Udepur 105 Laitara 124 Kapsibhata 109 Chitarol 125 Bagdor 112 Naren 129 Gurjibhata 115 Tanakarupara 130 luthur ubandh 118 Khulan lKholan) 139 Marlar (Marlad) 113 Serko 144 Oangarpara 126 Purapadar 149 Timanbhari 133 Sar~unamunda 151 Guhirapadar 134 Ghantabahali 136 Balpadar 26-35 23 Malisira Siker 140 Siluan 34 Shagadaghat 145 Khaliapara 36 (Khalapara) 42 KhalrlT'al 146 Burabandh 46 C hantbhali 152 Sireikela ,,5 Chmgermunda 56 Gunebitara 16-25 11 Tentalkhunti 58 Manigan 16 Chillphapara 60 Thalka 17 Purisara 63 limpara 21 Ala'di 65 Tarasingha 28 Mahulpara 66 Thuburing 394


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.) ------Range of L.C. Name of Range of l.c. Name of icheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village ( Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

69 Mathanpala 111 Minapall 70 Rangabahall 113 Junapara (junapaira) 85 Darlo 119 Sikuan 87 Turla 135 Khairkhunt 96 Banjipadar 142 ludhipara 106 Kendumundl 114 lampara Saintala P. S. 116 Gandhargala 0-5 ... (Gandhargola) 28 Tikarapada 120 Antarla 39 Birajkani 128 8halegan 66 Patrapali 137 Blnekala 90 Babukelgan 141 Sukunabhata 92 liakani 108 Karam tula (Karamtala) 109 Chhanchada 36·50 5 Ournerbahal 110 Tustapali 13 Oagarpara (Oangarpara) 120 Chanabahal 24 Oengapadar 127 Karla 25 Khrali 13.l Candpa trapali 35 Suagapur 135 Siletpara 50 Kandakhal 140 Badipada 99 Ghushurimal 156 Jamkhunta 132 Mahada 164 Khasbahal 143 limapara 180 Jubamal 148 Kanarla 6-15 13 Kodasingha 153 Salebhata 21 Ohumam~1 41 Jaliadara (jaliapadar) 51+ 1 Banabahal 42 GurlamaJ 4 Kuturakend 53 Jampadar 6 Sialjhudungi 78 Rangalbahal 7 Gulmi 83 lachut 8 Bhutisadha (Bhurisara) 85 Samara 9 Dangabanji 87 Sargipal i 10 Karlapita 88 Malpara 19 Khaliakani (Khalikani) - 94 Kuturamunda 20 Jugirata 98 Remanda 26 Chiknibahali 104 Brahmani 31 Pipilibandh 105 Kumbhari 32 Gudeguda(Gudguda) 106 Kumbhekela 33 Banji jhal 107 Dumermunda 37 Gambharimal 111 Surda 53 Sirol 112 Nagphena 61 Cokhurung 118 ~alepara 62 Chandutara 132 Bhatasar 1,7 Ghughurpala 138 Jampadar 84 Badpatrapali 143 Turchaupher B6 Khaliapara (Turchauper) 91 Sinapali 158 Gaelbhari 395


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd·)

Range of L.C. Name of Range of l.C. Name 01 Sched~led Tri bes No the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

160 Phapsi 58 Sagari'al! 165 Dumermunda 70 Satighat 167 Kechhomuhan 77 Jhimanpali 172 Nuapara 79 lamkani 173 Loharapali 80 Dhunkera 181 Kandhaulba 86 Dhumapali 184 Shurpara 113 Jamlisar 123 Kumbhari 16-25 7 Dukerchanchar a 1.10 Pendaramal 44 Junanimal 136 Blblna 51 Lapher 144 Ghantamal 52 Jharbahali 145 Bheruanbhata 57 Ichhap,ua 146 Ambapali S9 Khaliapali 1-47 Kushumal 02 jharbahali 168 Bhejipadar 68 Gorighat 170 Deull 75 Dukalghat 171 Derhel 76 lathakend 84 Kermela 36-SO 1 Khamagada 96 8andhpara 6 Keunal (Keumal> 100 Saintala 15 Phatamunda 101 Deng 17 Degan 102 Burda 23 Kharjuri 117 Ballkhamar 31 Ekaguri 121 Lf'dapadar 36 Barmund.a 137 Mahagan -40 Kandhakelgan 139 Tentulpadar Karlidhua (Kharlidhua). 141 Saantaupher 43 48 Talbahal 149 Kuanrgan 49 Patamara 154 Rengali '>5 Sandhibahal 157 Dharapgarh blJ '63 Baramunda Barasaimara 166 Kaansar 64 Dhatukjori 67 169 Ghunsar (Chunser) Chanulmal 183 Chantbahali 72 Bandupala (8anupala) 73 Chalki 185 Ku~umkhal 188 Belgaon 74 Jaintara 1.&9 Siskela 82 Samdasmunda 9l Kharibahal 116 Sijamal 26-35 14 Merabah.tl (Merabahali) 114 Ghusuramunda 22 Tengara 133 Kuikera 24 Rengali 148 Dungripali 29 I


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of L. C. Name of Range of L. C. Name of Scheduled Tribes No· the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

51+ 2 Godramunda 61 Andaldarh 3 Patniipta (Patnipatal 63 Kurlubahal 4 Belghati 69 Jamunabahal 5 Juiabandha 81 Karlabahati 8 Nuamunda '114 Gdbiniipur 9 Kharselbanji 115 Nuamunda 10 Salmara 115 Babejurl 11 Kadalimunda 126 Barbandh 18 Katarlaga 128 Bankel 19 Baghuabahal 129 Kusuml?l (Kusumal) 20 Saibandh 134 Kangulaga 25 Bhayaudar 151 Baragan (Il.ahyaudar) 153 Dangabahal 26 Jharkhamar 159 Makiri 27 Sa!gul 161 Sarmal 33 Bagjor (Bagdor) 175 NiHlkata 45 Dangarpara 176 Samachuan 46 Kharlikanl 179 ' Chilabahali 56 BhaCidarbanji 187 SHetpara


Tushura P. S. 159 Pipalmunda 0-5 • 25 Nuapada 167, Kharda 41 Sandhejor 185 Amdahan (Ambadahan> 43 Brahmanijor 189 Rahenmal 45 Bhutlarbahal 2C9 Dungripali 46 Rajamunda 212 Sirabahal 59 Rengali 220 Deulgudl 72 Katapilli 74 Mahalel (Mahalai) 83 Gaibahal 6-15 19 Pratappur 88 Kuthurlil 38 laxmanpur 93 Pulaskhand 39 Budabahal Palaskhand (I!udhabahal) 94 Afamara 40 Jepren 102 Singhamimda 47 Kudasingha 52 Raipali 124 Sdrasba~al 126 Deogaon 56 Fatamunda 128 Udar 60 Uparjhar 130 Jarasingha 62 Makundpur 136 Kukurkha'j 63 Telaball 139 Kundeimal 65 Jamjharan 142 Ainlapali 66 Bandhpara Thalbandh 144 Kultapara 73 75 Nuapali 145 Mundapala 146 Singhatimal 80 KharselGungri (Singatimal) 84 Sikuan 158 Kandhenbahali 90 Badbandh . 397


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of L.C. Name of Range of LC. Narne ". Scheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 2 3 1 2 3

91 SlIetkani 120 Bahali 95 Pipalpadar 123 Hatiura 97 Dangarpara 132 BOlrkani 99 8al'ldhapara 134 Babijor 113 Chormara ',40 Gudkhapalia 115 Karuanjhar (Karua jhar) (Gucfhkapala) 116 8anjibahall 141 Madhupur 121 Naikenslra 155 Madhiapali 125 Kachharpali 171 Tebdamunda 147 Arjunpur 174 Samara 175 lurk! .1rtB Palsapadar Chantlpadar 8rahmanipali 179 '"9 (Brahmanipal) 180 Sa san pall 151 Go_urgoth 184 Ra takhandl 152 Badbahal 188 Siramunda 157 Chinched .190 Tlkiripada 166 5aJepaJi - 192 Badtarakmunda 178 Tushura 194 Kumbharpadar 181 lakharpadar 200 Atgaon 191 Jamut 202 Pendlmllnda 199 8huapara 206 Kukedmal 204 Dhanghara 241 Dhanpur 208 Kapsila 215 Sir japali Pilatimahul 216 Kurebhana 26-35 7 Sunarijor 217 Jammunda 8 Shibtala 221 Dungibahal 10 226 Cudbhela 13 Janakpur Ramchandrapur 227 Mundapala 31 Desandh (Desanda} 131 Ranimal 36 61 Rugudipall 16-25 11 Naikenpa,j 67 Khairgura 18 Bankeda 68 Purnapani 24 Jhareibahali 69 Bhimdungri 26 Sahajbahal 92 Sarasmal 33 luhakhan ·96 Dhandamal 54 Banjipali 109 Jhinkermal 57 8rahmanipali 112 Landapathar (Brahamanipall) 127 Sagarpali 64 Hirlimal 129 Chandrapur 71 Bandh.pali 131 Baddungipali 78 Sirabahal 135 Pandhel (Pandel) 82 Jurlakani (Julakani) 143 Kumuria 85 Arda 154 Khaksikana 87 ~iris 168 Nagaon 100 Bilaspur 173 Badangomunda 111 Rugudipali 1B2 Budhakhaman 118 Mursing 197 lukapara 119 Kuturla 205 Nuapat-a 398


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of L. C. Name of Range of L. C. Name 01 Scheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population 'Village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) , 2 3 1 2 3

)6·50 12 Chantimunda 49 Khaisbahal 16 Prataprudrapur 50 Gaddwar 21 Chikalbahal 51 Ratanpur 22 Kot 77 Mahamadpul 23 Fatkara 79 luhurenpali 27 Kundpathar 81 Ghuchepali 28 Talpali 86 Narayanpur 48 Santmunda 104 Bhalukund 53 Jalia 108 Dumerjor 58 Padampur 122 Oangapa thar 101 Ghatul 137 Balarpali 103 Amshat 1bO RU5uda 105 Gambhermal 164 Ukhiria 106 8ankiamunda 1&5 Barla 107 Ghatuldungri 172 Naraslngpur 110 Dahimal 177 Mahlpur 133 Kuliabahal 183 Turla 150 Kendghat (Kendughat) 193 Juglmara 161 Budelguma 195 Karlakhaman 162 Bagda 196 Rajkel 170 Sindrabahali 201 Kendpadar '76 Buromal 213 Rugudlpali 186 Demuhan 218 Madhupur 187 Sandhlsara 219 Bhatrapali 207 Tandigaan 223 "otgaon 210 Tentelkhunti 229 Dulikana (Tentulikhunti) 230 Chuna 211 Dahimal 232 Santarakmunda 214 Jambhel 233 Kulkusum 225 Sindurmunda 234 Kamasingha 228 Gunimunda 235 Sandangar 247 Bakbahal 236 Tilkamal 237 Kanersingha Matupaii 51+ 1 :;:38 Lartara Paruabhadi 2 239 Belgaon 3 Tangrupadar 240 Cambhergura Chlpakani (Garnbegura) "5 Dumerpita 742 Nimursingha 6 Sal ighat 243 Gudungamal 1" 8idlghat 244 Trichabahal 15 8a,gaon 145 Amgaan 17 Kalijharacn 246 Tar~uguda 20 Dhauradadar 248 Dudung 29 Kundpani 249 Cavarasa 30 Gailpita 250 Raksibhata Ba,ghati 34 Balangiri P. S. 35 Kubrirnah~1 37 Khaliapali 0-5. 1 Raghupadar 2 8aoipali 44 AnUria 399


8-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of L· C. Name of Range of L. C. Name of Scheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

6 luchkibahal 258 Pandrapita 31 1 aliadar 271 Mahadebpali 33 Piplli 273 Kalijharan 40 Bagdia 274 Sirabahal 43 Gerdi (Gerodl) 277 Bihibandh 59 Dungripali (Dangripall) 279 Kutenpali 62 Patharkhandi 280 Bileikani &7 Baghala 281 Duhel 68 Chandanbhati 284 Palsapadar 73 Sakarbhuji 285 TalpaJi (Sankarbhuii) 75 Ranikata 6-15 5 Kutrapali 81 lokapada 9 Ambapall 84 Jamgaon 10 Bhadra 91 Baxiudar 12 Banj.Hi 94 Sauntpur 13 Kusang 95 las ta la 16 Singhanimunda 97 BlIdhisindhol 17 Sargad 101 Bdhalpadar 29 Uparudar 104 Thelkomunda 3c:J 8uromunda 111 Motijharia 34 Fatabahal 114 Keserkela ( Keserkela) 3& Katapali 116 Junhapadar 39 Kusmel (Junapadar) 42 Chungi 127 Birmunda 51 Rengali '28 Dhobaudar 58 Tabalbanji 129 Sindurbahal 60 Pardhiapali 130 Badighor &1 Magurbeda 132 Chareimara 63 Bandhanghor 140 Podhmund (Bhandhanghore) (Podhmunda) 69 Kagaon 1411 I


B-Scheduled Tribe. (Contd·)

Range of l. C. Name of Range of L.C. Name of :Scheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No· the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

----~ 144 Garjan 64 Kutumdola 147 Mayabarha 70 Mirdhapali 152 Santelenpali 71 Tulandi CTulundi} 155 Khuntpali 83 K.libhana 157 Jhankarpall 92 Khamarmunda 159 Barkani 96 Ainlasari 161 Madhiapali 121 Chrengabahali 16j Malmanda (Malmunda) {Cherangabaha1i} 166 Randa 135 Haripali 171} Jharbalangir 136 BrahmaAidungri 17B Michhapali 137 Kaindapali 181 Fatkara 142 kakhal 182 Mundapala 145 Uchbahal 188 Charpali 160 Sadeipali 192 Kureibhana 168 Bubel 195 Kurlupali 187 Kharjhura 199 Puintala 20t Gandhrel 209 Kermeli 202 Dhumamara 213 Oaupali 205 Jaejharan 225 Bagbhadi 215 Dangaghat 216 Pudapali 118 Adendungrl 227 Shaler 223 Khujenpali 226 fatkara 244 Sundribhana 233 Chhatapipal 247 Nalkenpali 235 Amthimunda 248 Surda 236 Jaljad 254 Bharatbahal 237 Aenlapali 257 Aenlachuan 238 Talgaj 270 Atgaon 245 Tendipali ~81 8arandabahal 249 Kankria 250 Siletpara 26-35 4 Maharpali 251 Dumerpali 7 Pardhiapali 255 Kurul 21 Jamjuri 262 5ikachhida 27 Babja 204 5inkhaman 32 Chhatabahal 269 Tandamunda 35 Jamartia (T endamunda) 41 Lamkabahal 276 Manimunda SO Taljuri 283 Badburkabahal 54 Kumiapali 57 Bagdungri 134 Sialbahali 16-25 14 Birkel 143 Bhundimuhan 18 Uchhabapali ( Bhundimohan) 19 upparbahal 146 Pipalkani 22 San jhankarpali 149 Ghutupali 38 Khaliapali 154 Kutensilet (Kutunsilat) 49 Dumer jharan 156 Hardatal 55 Antapdli 198 lakhapali S6 Ilanchhorpali 110 Barpita 401

APPENDIX-IV B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd. )

Range of L.C. Name of Range of L.C. Name of Scheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 , 2 3

212 Chudapall 217 Saraspita 219 Klrlaplta 229 Janipa Ii 220 Baidipali ~66 Asurdungri 234 Uttarbahal Loisinga P. S. 261 8ijlimunda 263 Kanakpur 0-5. 7 Rengall 265 Bhanpur 11 Aenlapali 27l Sanburkabahal 18 Ghuchepali (Guchupali) 30 Uchbahal(Uchabahan) 36·50 6 8adimunda 31 Fatamunda 20 Barkani 36 Manupali 23 Palsamal 17 Chhelkhal 26 flanipaU 40 Sansa 37 Brahmnlpall 41 Gundrumunda 52 Budabahal 43 Guhlrapadar 53 I(apilbahal 44 Bharsuja 118 Bijapatl 45 Amaramunda 139 Khagsabahal 47 Jhankarpa Ii 150 Sargadpali 62 Mursunel 162 lJull'erpali 64. Bangabahal 197 ,"ahmanipali 66 Dungripali 20B Bar"pudgia M Harbhanga 2'11 Dhulusar i.8 Tentelgaon 214 Jlratmal ( r entull gaon) 216 Tusrabahal 69 Kutasingha 222 Kharlekani 70 Patuapali 230 lepta 71 Bakti 232 Khairmal 1I4 Darlipali 259 Barkani "02 PipilipaU 260 N!lrayanpur 106 Pandr idungr. 267 6asupali 111 Jogisarda 268 Makadchuan 116 Burda 128 Bhainsa 136 C.urjibhata 51+ 24 Ratakhandi 139 Chhelbahal 44 Ranipali '42 Gopalpur -15 Badirali 150 Mandiapadar 46 8elpali (Mandlpadar) 47 Bianrpali 157 Kirabahal 48 Dandapani 158 Ranipali 66 Duanpall 159 Kutrapali 131 Salepali 160 Sakma 141 Kankara 162 Hirapur 1,3 Badtel"n ; 156 Dudukasira 6-15 1 Mundapall 203 Pakhanchepa ... Bhoipali IPatharchepa) 5 Mahakhand 204 Fuljha,an 9 Budla 20' Bed,banjl 10 Haldipadar 402


B- Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of L.C. Name of Range 0' L.C. Name of kheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No, the Population village Population village ( t>ercentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

...___~--- 13 Nagaon 133 Dhodmahul 16 Baigankhari ( Bhodrrahui) 24 Ingsa 134 Loi~inga 25 Agalpur 141 Keutipali 26 Gudimunda 148 Sarasmunda 27 Bagjhola 26-35 17 Babupali 28 Bandabahal 22 Jharbandh Ii 29 Rinbachan (Jharbandhali) 32 Mahulpali 61 Khaliapali 35 Roth (Roat) 73 Danipali 46 Pilndesara 79 Lar ambhamunda 50 Bhalupali 82 Khaliapali 51 Uparbahal 87 Patharmunda 52 Keseipali 94 Sahajchhapar 53 Duduka 98 Tentelkhunti 55 Fasad (San) 105 !?umerpa1j 57 Luhurarnunda 118 Dumdumi 60 Salebhata no Pandrani 63 Asurmunda 123 Pandkital 90 Jharnipali 13.0 Manhira 97 Santika 137 Bhaliamunda 101 Bendra 149 Karlipat 104 Khuntlimunda 153 Dhamanasar 108 Bha lupali 112 Ghusramunda 36-50 23 Dengjuri(Dengjori) 113 Budhipadar 75 Rampur 114 Nagaon 76 Dhauradadar 129 Tentelkhunti 80 Ambdjharan (Tentulikhunti) 93 Adendungri 13.5 LuhurapaJi 96 Burobhadi 138 Agalapali 107 Kadalipali 155 Ram,ingha 119 Kutenpali 122 Karkac hia 124 Mansapali 16-25 3 Pudapadar 125 Jharmunda 12 Dudukamunda 131 8udelbahali 1') Liltsar 145 Jebhadungri 20 Babu(asad 151 Amamunda 21 8~njipali (Banipali) 152 Baghapali 48 N.uniapali 1. Condpali 56 Sankhua 51 + 83 Lakhanpali 65 Semelmunda (Si.nilo munda) 91 Saledungri 74 Jharbandhli 91. Kudopali 81 Chungidadar 110 5~ltarpali 95 Badtika 117 Sialbahali 99 Ne gi~ ali 127 Kll!llrpali 109 Badibahiil 132 Sujia 121 Kandajuri 147 Sen't'lmunda

"~ .. '. 403


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of L.C. Nan"e of Range of L.C. Name of kheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) !Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3



Dungur!pali p. S. (Porticn) 43 Kandagarh 47 Sia lina Ii jungle 0-5 • 2 Badvalupali (Badbahalupali) 51 Sulahi 8 Tangarkarle S3 Andharibanji ( Tangerkarle) 55 Salepali 9 Badkarle 61 Gidhmal 11 Pandakital 64 Tuniamunda 14 Kaliapali 65 Gandapali (Khal iapali) 66 Sil.hala 15 Halenpabli (Balanpabili) 67 Ba idupali 74 18 Mahulpall Sargul 23 Chitkelbandhli 79 Sahajbahal ( Chhitkelbandhali) 81 Duamerpali 36 Sadhapali 88 Haldi 39 Pipilipali 90 Badnuapali 46 Pandarapali 94 Badphatamunda 68 Lariabahal 96 Sunapali 75 Ka"kara juri 1m Tarnamura 78 Tileimal 1, ,1 Bhatbahali 84 Karla jUri (Bhatbhali) 86 Mahulpali 102 Kapasira 106 91 Kusamal Julunda ,09 92 Cherupali Kalsaioali (Kazaipali) 93 Poind 98 Digsira 16-25 5 Sarasmal 104 Patharkhandi 20 Beheramal 110 Arnamunda 31 Chinda juri 115 Sial juri 32 Khuntpali 116 Kuhibahal 37 Salepali 42 Dhatkipali 44 Baghandi Lingmarni 6-15 1 56 Brahmanipall Saha jbahal 4 59 Kendupali Rall'pur 6 62 Ainlasari (Ainlasira) Katapali 7 69 Gambharipali Naikenpali 12 70 Bandhapali 13 Mayabarha 72 Sialbahali Bankipali lb 73 Ma jhirnunda 17 Jioandadar 81 Ichhapur 22 Zudukibeda 87 Sukha 29 Titerkund (nterkud) 95 Charnarpur 30 Sannuapali 97 Gadhapal (GlldhapaH) 33 Chingerkata 99 Dahukbud 34 Dunguripali (Dahukabuda) 35 Kudharikata 110 Siall 38 Nangalkata 132 Babupali 40 Thengamal 134 Mahada 40-+


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of l. C. Name of Range of L. C. Name of Scheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

26-35 24 Gulihapadar 26 Bisalpa Ii .56 Gajbandh 34 Mahulpali 76 Chhanchani '+2 Kalllira 107 Mahubahali 49 Kulthipali 51 Nandanmal 36-50 27 Antapali 52 Bhimtikra 41 Pankel 53 jashapur 45 Bairagimunda 58 Kaudiamunda 49 Chandili 61 Silati 60 Brahamanipali jung Ie &6 Fulmuthi (Bramhanipali jungle) 71 Bansuni 63 Samlaichuan 74 Katapali 82 Phat"munda 7:' Ghantopali lOB Rangpur 66 Sansamura 114 Padhanpali jungle 119 Naktamunda 16-25 11 Khaliapali 133 Chaukamal 19 Pandarimal 24 Sindurpur 10 Amamunda 51+ 25 Ganeshpur Dunguripali 21 29 Antarda 26 Ravanguda 3S Bhandar Patharkhandi 28 38 Kadalipali 50 Chanabeda 41 Singhijuba 57 Kusadadar 47 Adakasa 50 Gania Bhlika P. S. 54 Meghala 56 Bilnjipali 0-5. 2 Ainlamunda 57 Bagbahalijungle 4 Talmunda 64 Sa.,kara 6 Asurgarh b5 Padr,ipali 7 Palsapali 70 Seledi 16 Jampali 73 Kaintara 18 Balaranga 76 fabsi 31 Gulunda 81 Padhanpali 33 Piteipali 82 Mahadevpall 62 Chard a 67 Saha jba hali 26-35 3 Tileimal 71 Tulundupali 1S Kukudajholi 78 Bhikabahal 36 Chulimal 79 Sakma 40 Papi SO Nagapali 44 Sanbhalupali 69 Bhamarpalijungle 6-15 , Bhabanipali 8 Khairmal 36-50 S Bagdia 9 Dendupadar 20 Akhidadar 10 Babupall 23 Cherupali 12 Hutuma 5S Sahajbahal 14 Bankighiridi 21 Arigaon 51 + 27 Kadalipali 22 Manigoan 63 Chardajungle 405


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of l.C. Name of Range of L·C. Name of Scheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (Percenta ge) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

BIRMAHARAdPUR TAHASIL Sindhol P. S. 36-50 16 Mundomahul 30 Sulia Sindhol 0-5 * 17 42 Matupali 44 Manpur 46 Chadeipank 51+ 7 Dejharan 52 Dipapali 20 Lambtul 78 lastala 24 Brahmanipali 79 Maulimal 27 Kharapura 80 Gandabahal 29 Krushanapur jungle 82 Ullunda 32 Guja 91 lambakani 35 Ha' ipahul 93 Jampali 37 Radhanagar 98 Panchamahala 49 Badmal jungle 103 Nimna 50 Bagharmunda 106 Amurda 57 Tentulikhole 108 Gaurgoan (Tentulikhol) Birmaharajpur P. S. 6-15 41 Oakhinipali 48 Ainlachhat 0-5 * 30 Amarpali 66 Patrapali 38 Badkirasira 69 Iharaballali 39 Sankirasira 72 Khemalol 59 Ilisalpa Ii 75 Nakadein 70 Kenjhiriapali 76 S indr iabahal 74 Khairmal 87 Pioalkuda 82 Bagabahali 90 Jagannathpali B6 Goghat 94 Maralai (Moralol) 90 Khuntalapali 95 Khaliapali 92 Kotsamalai 10<; Oasa rajporpandafal 94 Redam 99 Baghapall 16-25 8 Kamalkata 109 Birsinghapur 9 Patrapali jungle 113 Puleswar 11 Patrapali 120 Kardapal 39 Jaunrabhounra 123 Chantopall 47 Badmal 126 Bankia 64 Kutmenda 132 Khandahata 71 Pandakital 147 Sergeda (Seregeda) Pipalkata 7J 168 Kamira 81 Puturupali 170 Subalaya 83 Matikhai 174 Goyindapur 96 Kukia 176 Badkhamar 185 Mrusundhi 26-35 3 Kapasira 190 Manikpur 6 Kutapali 191 Hilungpatharghat 68 Mankadabahal 194 Mendamal 109 Edepadar (Udepadar) 200 Kalapathar 406


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of l.C· Name of Range of L. C· Name of Scheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

201 Bagchhera 208 Radhiapali {Sakchhera) 272 Kanpur 202 Kairajhuli 279 Goudkela 2('3 laloi 280 Ufula 204 Kudapada (Kalapather) 281 laturpet 2C6 Khirpur 282 Ranapali 2~2 Palash 16·25 10 Luhakhandi 234 Sadhila 20 Gania 237 Nuagoan 25 Kuhidada r 238 Hikudi 31 Gudguda 254 Brahmanipali 44 Tamkiadadar 255 Paikpali (Tamkiapadar) 259 Paligoan 102 Harinapali Ghikundi 264 Kumarkell 210 276 Kamalpur 221 Daldaba 283 Champamal 26-35 9 Sagajuri 286 Jharkumunda 12 Masimapali 288 Deulmunda 37 Nuapali 289 Lumurjena 61 Bardakata 6-15 19 Durjantaila 68 Kesalgaon 23 Goudgad 104 Ga rgadabahal 27 Dadarpali CGargadagahal) 217 Sanankaria 29 Bahalpadar Bhaludunguri 33 36-50 106 Gailgudi 50 Chubukadadar 1~9 Thakurpur Patrapali 56 186 Madhupur 65 Luturpanka 71 Hirapali 51+ 1 Khajuriapali 75 Baghdftai la 2 Sarasdadar 78 Balragipali 3 Sunapali 88 Dianapali 7 Rajheidadar 100 Jaganna r hpali (Rijhaidallar) 111 Bamaraj 55 Hatilimunda 127 Chauka 60 Chingranali 160 Khunjamahul 87 Kunjapali 167 Amsarbhata 105 Kulbaga 193 Amulyamaniranipur 108 Badpur 197 Padhanpali 158 Gariamunda 207 Saharapali 164 Durdura


Sonapur P. S. 17 Kabattalai, 27 Sahajpita 0-5 • 3 Kendumunda 28 Ha,dkhol 4 Karlakhaman 32 Bur


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of L·C. Name of Range of L.C. Name of lcheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

47 Kha rjhura 163 Lohurapali 54 Ba idyanath 173 Pandakital Sf Lakarma 175 Govindapur 68 Singhari 69 Janmura 16-25 129 Baseswarpali 70 Ca tarkela ( l3iseswarpali) (Gutarkelal 147, Chaurasipur 72 Baldapali 149 Majhimunda 74 Haldipali 151 Chhakormal 156 Cha ha takhol 6-15 6 Kirtipur 164 Saharapali 8 Rugudipali 26-35 146 10 Sargunamunda Asurmunda jampali n 36-50 142 Renga Ii 26 Kulipali 160 Khemundiamunda 38 Cadia 174 Raipali 50 8agduli 51 Chhatapipal 51+ 1~6 Gurandii)ali 53 Rupapali [or) 152 Badipadia Chhepapali 158 Jhanka rpali 59 Pipilipali 159 Jhilimunda 16-25 43 Majhifabsi 167 Kudadera 169 Jamkhol 26-35 44 Uparifabsi 170 Bajikhol 62 Kalapathar Tarbha P. ~. 36-50 39 Medinipali 71 KU5tapaii 0-5 • 1 Knmunda 7 Ranisarda 51+ 4(J Df'uli 9 Menda 57 Dahaja 14 . Deulpadar 66 Sanjl,inki 16 Pa,kbahal 33 Baladi Dunguripali P. S. (Portion) 36 Malisirgidi 37 Sudelbahali 0-5 • 126 Matiapali (Budelbahall 139 Khaliapali 41 Badkadalipali 143 Luhurapalijungle 42 Takarla 161 Pipilipali 44 Pua 67 Baghiabahali 6-15 121 Bal~ur 68 «atapali 135 Bhursapali 70 Nuapali 137 Lu'parsingha 71 Caramahul 138 Kudopali '7L CiHja 144 Dabapali 77 Sibtula 148 Bisalpali 82 5,; rgi jharia 150 Dablang 92 p'ani'nura 154 Baslat 96 Rugudipali 157 Dumerkhol 98 Maraduguchha 408


B-Scheduled Tribes (Contd.)

Range of L·C· Name of Range of L.C. Name of Scheduled Tribes No· the Scheduled Tribes No. the Population village Population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 }. 3

99 Bankeda 115 Kamsara 100 Glinjimunda 116 Palsapadar 101 Laxmiunda 118 TUlunda 104 Tentuliamunda 119 Jharmunda 108 Saghiamunda 122 Naktikana 109 Sargaj 123 Pandaropita ,,0 Jurabandh 125 PUdugpathor 113 Nadhara 126 Guhiraghat 114 Koyapadar 130 8hurad 120 Surjamunda 133 Bahirmuhan 127 Kirasira 139 Khuntbandh 129 Barahmani 144 Sardhapali (8rahmani) 146 Badmal Nuamunda 137 157 Raikeda 138 Rugudipali 161 ~adphatamunda Talpadar 140 162 Runjphatamunda Purunapani 141 163 Kumbharmunda Baghia 142 164 ]anakpur Badjor 150 173 Putukipali NuaF,aIi 158 188 Khalrbhadi 169 Mda 190 Charaniapall Bila ipali (Bilaiberna, 199 193 Charbhata Ballkhamar 201 209 Basasankar 203 SandhlJore (Sindhi lore) 16-25 10 Khagsakana 204 Ainlapali 13 Brahmnipali 206 Sukhilasar 20 Sankada Iipall 63 Bljapadar 6-15 8 Mda 154 lembupali 15 Dahimal 171 Singhari 21 Narayanpur 181 Balipata (Balpata) 19 Badbahali 187 Budhakhaman 38 Sindhbahall 189 Badamunda (Singbahall) 202 Sindhol 39 Naikenpalli 54 Taraikela 26·35 111 J( utsira Khari 56 121 Baudhakhol 58 Bahirkhamau 131 Bandhpali Kankeda 60 145 Patharteka Khaliapali 62 147 Dubula P.mdkimaf t\6 174 lukapali Manhira 19 180 Badjor 83 Degaon 186 Rengsa 85 Bhaludungri 194 Jhllimunda 88 Badbhainro 208 Malpada &9 Sanbhainro 105 si.llu imunda 36-50 27 Kukundapul 107 Tentulikhunti (MakundapurJ 112 Narda 28 Milijhipali BLC.52


APPENDIX-IV B-Scheduled Tribes (ConcJd.)

Range of LC. Name of Range of LC. Name of ~cheduled Tribes No. the Scheduled Tribes No. the population village population village (Percentage) (Percentage) 1 2 3 1 2 3

65 Satrupali (SatarapalJ 117 Katapali 90 Kendumunda 148 Dubula jun81e 143 Dumerpali 153 Mahulpall 149 )amkani 160 Dangajor 165 Kulthiapadar 172 SagarpaJi 175 Debandh 182 Badtend. 51+ S Kandhapali 183 Junanrl 11 Kandhapali 192 Saiduli 18 Tilalmal 210 DURgripali 57 Bandhapali

• Excludes Villages with no Scheduled Tribe Population.


Codes used in the Town Directory


Status and growth history: Civic and other Amenities ; Col. 2-Class, name and civic administration Col. 6_Road length (in kms.) status. Information under this column has been Class has been introduced to facilitate obtained from the officer in-charge of the analysis on town directory data at State and concerned urban local body. There are cases all-India levels. It has been presented according where the municipalitiesJnotilied area council to 1981 Census population of the core town in maintain their ro~ds accounts sep~rately. following ranges by the classification noted Pucca roads and kutcha roads available in the against each. town have been presented under the

POPULATION CLASS abbreviation 'PR & KR' respectively.

1,00,000 and above I 50,000-99,999 II Col. 7 _System of sewerage: 20,000-49,999 III The sewerage system is implied the net' 10,000-19,999 IV work of mains and branches of underground 5,000- 9,999 V conduits for the conveyance of sewerage to the Below 5,000 VI point of disposal in the town. For the towns which are not provided with such underground 'The name of the town has been shown in sewerage system, availability of open surface this column, with the correct spelling as drain or box drain etc. have been mentioned. adopted in the official record. Regarding the The various type of sewerage/drainage system civic administration status, -the town as it stuod have been indicated upto two places in the' in 1980 has been indicated by the following abbreviations: town under the follOWing codes:

Municipality M Sewer S Notified Area Council NAC Open Surface Drains OSD Census Town CT Box Surface Drains BSD

Sylk Drains SD

STATEMENT-II Cesspool method CD

Pit system Pt Physical aspects and location of towns.

,Col. 12_The name of the navigable river/ Col. 11_Method of disposal of night soil: canal which is situa ted within a distance of 10 kms. has been shown under this column with Informati.on in this regard has been obtainea distance from the .referrent town. After the from the local body and the prevalent method nam,e. of the river/canal 'R' for river and 'C' fur of disposal of night soil has been presented canal has been given in brackets to denot e with the toll owing codes upto two places in whether it is a river or canal as illustrated order of the'if importance in the town. The below: objective of providing such data is to collect info(mation which could help Government tC' Ma!:J.nadi (R)_S provide a programme of stopping the practice of 414 removal of night soil as head loads and also been included in these data, which have been minimising the use of human labour in the restricted to the i nstituticos run/aided by process of disposal. Governmentl Semi-Government! local bodiesl Charitable institutionsl 'Social service agencies. Hl Head loads The various types of institutions have been Baskets B presented under the following codes Wheel Barrows WB Septic Tank latrines ST Hospital H Sewerage S Dispensary D Health Centre HC Col. 12 & f3_Protected water supply: The information collected from the local Family Planning Centre Fe offices has been incorporated in these columns, T. B. Clinic TB in some casEtS such data had to be obtained from the State Public Health Engineering Nursing Home NH Department. The information on sources of Others 0 water supply has been indicated in Col. 12 as against the system of storage with capacity in titres (in brackets) which has been presented in For places where medical facilities are not Col. 13. The: same has been presented under available, the name of the nearest place in the same district or nearest district, if in the same following codes : State or other State and its distance from the Over Head Tank OHT town where the facility is available has been Service Reservoir ... SR indica ted. All types of hospitals/dispensaries River infiltration gallery IG etc. whether allopathic. ayurvedic or homoeopathic have been covered. These are Bote Well Pumping sys tem... BWP further distinguished by providing additional Pressure tank PT codes: Tubewell Water Wo. TW Tap water ... T A_Ayurvedic Well water W U-Unani Tank water Tk Hom-Homoeopa thic The first five codes started above relate to the system of storage Whereas the In case of allopathic, no separate code remaining four codes represent the different has been given. .ources of water supply. Col. 6 to 9-Educational facilities:

Information in this rE'gard has been STATEMENT-V collected from the local officials and to the Medical, Educational. Recreational and extent p(Jssible have been checked up with the cultural facilities. informotion available in the office of the Director of Public Instructions of the State. Col. 4 & 5-Medical facifities- Hospitals/ For the place where more than one institutions' Dispensaries Bf!d beds available: of each type is available, the number thereof Information in this regard ha~ been has been given against each in brackets. Th. 'coUect ~d from the local offices. However, codes used f or different institutions are as the in&titut:ons run by prIvate doctors have not follows: 415

Arts only A Information in this regard has been. Science only S collected from the local authority and presented under the following codes; Arts and Science only AS Commerce only C Primary School P Arts and Commerce only... AC Junior Secondary or Nliddle !>chool M Combined of all categories Arts, Science Md triculation or Secondary... H and Commerce ASC Higher Secon'-':lIYI law l Intermediatel Prl;!-Universityl Junior C.ohegej '10+2' system whether held in Col. 10-Recognised shorthand, typewriting Schools or Colleges. PUC and vocationaJ training institutes: If educational facility is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place in the Infor mation has been collected from the same district or name of the nearest district local authorities. Here "recognised" means in the lIame State or other State with its the institution recognised by statutory authority distance from the town where the facility is. like Education Department Commerce Depart­ available has been indicated. ment or labour Department of the Government or semi-Government or autonomous bodies. Col. 17 to 20_Number of recreational and The institution of each type has been presented cultural facilities: under the following codes : Inlci mation in this respect has been Shorthand Sh obtained trom the local authority. Touring, Typewriting Type cinema has been ellO •• na ·pd from our purview Shorthand and and only permanent cinema/theaters have been, Typewriting Sh. Type included. Community hall~, auditorium have Others o been added in this column as the same are becoming a common feature of the urban land­ Col. 1'-'4-Higher Secondary} Intermediate/ scape. Information on Public libraries ;ncluding PUC (Pre University College)1 reading rooms has been collected from the local Junior College Level, Secondary/ authority and presented under the following. Matriculation, Junior Secondary/ codes: Middle Schools and Primary Public library PL Schools: Reading Room RR


STATEMENT Status and

51. Class, name and civic location Name Area Number of Population and growth .... No. administration status Code of in house holds ,------of town No. Tahasil (Sq. Including 1901 1911 1921 kms.) houseless households (in 1981 Census) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 II Balanglr lM) 9/1V Balangir 31·08 10,215 '-

2 IV Bmika (N.A.C.) 9/V Rampur 21·42 2,380 4,130 3,597 ( -12·91)

3 IV ~antabanji (N.A.C.) 9/11 Titlagarh 7·77 2.871

4 IV Patnagarh (N A.C.) 911 Patnagdfh 18·26 2,591 L ..

5 IV Sonapur (M) 91VI Sonapur 15'13 2,241 8,887 8,638 7,680 (-2·80) (-1109)

6 V Tarbha (N A-C·) 9/VlI Sonapur 12'QS ',379

7 111 Titlagarh (N.A.C.) See Titlagarh Urban Agglomeration /Titlagarh Urban 1'itldgarh 1534 4.262 Agg lomer a tion

(i) III Titlagarh * (N A.C.) 9/1.1 Titlagarh 15'34 4,262

• The t"wn having out-growth. 419

-I Growth History

rate of the town at the censuses of Density Sex ratio ______A ______-, , ___-A- _____-, (1981 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 Census) 1961 1971 1981 Census Census Census

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

6,473 11,105 13,646 18,663 35,748 54,943 1,768 900 913 922 (+71'56) ( +22'88) (+3677) (+91 54) ( +53'70)

3,326 3,825 11,004 514 963 (-7.54) (+15'00)

7,741 8,863 10.489 14,818 1,907 925 927 920 (+ 14'49) (+ 18'35) (+4127)

5,900 7,592 10,085 13,597 745 941 945 952 (+28'68) ( +32·84) ( +34'32)

8,506 9,065 7,356 7,100 8,084 10,451 691 990 943 931 (+ 10·76) (+6.57) (-18'85) (-3'37) (+13-73) ( +29'~8)

6,417 6,926 535 947 1,000 ( +7'93)

See Titlagarh Urban Agglomeration 5,652 6.050 7,433 15,840 21,486 1,401 899 908 907 ( +7·04) ( +22.86) (+ 113'10) (+3564)

5,652 6,050 7.433 15,840 21,486 1,401 899 908 907 (+7.04) ( +22·86) ( +113-10) (+35·64) 420

0'. N 'T ~ ... ~ g :c :c '"c '"c: ..c'" -'='" e; ~'" ~'" :=. c: -'= § III GJ III ... § ::::I ...... 0 ~ tl.O cc ::::I '" ::> • ftI ... 0.­ ..c ~ '"c: '"C "'co: III ... c::: of! :..: 0.. o GJ '" VII- I-'" ..... o... GO '"a...... ""... :5 '00 .;' c00 c c ::> ~ o iii'" cc a:J'"

~­ c =t; 0;;; GO '"tl.O 00I'tI o I '" ~ ..c -'= .5'" '"c to VII-::::I '" to ra U 0.. c...... o "C ...... C ·00 ·00 to c c ",­ ...I/) - ..... -co"' ..... u cc~"' ..... cc"'~ ...... c.Q) I/) / ..c « ... ~ '";;:: o '~ ~. CiO ~ c: I . ...::> I/) .c'" ..... o >­ ::> ...... 00 .c -,=0 c 0.. CD~ "> ..c '"c <:'...... ~ .... GJ .c l- •



...... c ... c: ... ..c• ·00 .c '"00 5 tV'" a. ..c co c: ... .c'" '" .!:! C .5'" c: .!!! o'" ;:0 ... CD'" :..:'" D..'" VI I- i= = > =


..0,.... o.n R

,....U'I g... co..,. ...

co ~... f c: ~ M III U ... > c: § III u In ...o


1t­ Z w U'I ~ ,.... w '" t­ .....- III III .. 8 E be

..0 ....

~-5 :: ..0.... o 00 .!. o::J 00 t.! U u c: <: <: .( i > :i Z ..c"' c: ..c: ;: ~ o ... t­ .. .=I os 00 a> '" C. .c: .c: .5 "'c: -e ...... o ... D.. VI I- * = > > = ...: ci VIZ 422

STATEMENT Civic and other

:,1. Class and Civic Population S.C. and S. T. Road System Number of No. Name of admini- Population length uf Latrines Town stration ,_--.J\__~ (in Kms.) Sewerage ,--___.A. ____ -.. Status S.c. S.T. Water Service Otherc (in 1980) Borne

1 2 3 4 5 (a) 5 (b) 6 7 8 9 10

1 II Balangir M 54,943 6,605 2,400 PR(23l, OSD),pt. 983 1,523 KR (107)

2 IV Binika N.A.C 11.004 2,119 687 PR(7), 90 150 KR(44)

3 IV Kantabanji N.A. C· 14,818 2,064 540 PR(16), OSD 200 540 KR(25)

4 IV Patnagarh N· A. C. 13,597 1,222 1,547 PR(1?), OSD 381 180 KR( 19)

'S IV Sonapur M 10,451 1,791 158 PR(19), OSD 32 1,159 32 KR(11)

6 V Tarbha N· A.C. 6,926 656 66 PR(-), OSD 16 66 29 KR(20)

7 III Titlagarh !'l·A·C. See Titlagarh Urban Agg I omera t ion Titlagarh Urban 21,48& 2,822 1,151 PRe2S), OSD 1&4 40& Agglomeration KR(16)

(i) III Titlagarh .. N. A. C. 21,486 2,822 1,1S1 PR(25). OSD 1&4 406 KR(16) • The Town having Out-growth· 423

-IV Amenities, 1979

Method of Protected Water Fire fighting Electrification (Number of Connections) disposal of Supply service r------A------~ night soli r-----_,.,__----.. Domestic Industrial Commercial Road lighting Others Source System of (Points) of storage supply with capa- city in liues (in brackets)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19

HL,ST T OHT Yes 2,611 147 1,066 1,061 100 (45,460)

WB,ST TW C;onapur 277 12 97 63 (37Kms.)

6,WB T,W BWP Balangir 398 54 403 193 17 (27i,765) (80Kms.)

B W Salangir 350 13 169 127 22 (38Kms.)

HL,ST W,Tk Yes 453 7 230 223

S,ST T IG Balangir 203 14 163 104 (2,'27,304) (21Kms.)

See Titlagarh Urban Agglomeration. HL,ST T,TW SWP Salangir 1,191 69 218 436 3 (81,829) (b7Kms.)

HL,ST T,TW BWP Salangir 1,191 69 218 436 3 (81,829) (67I

STATEMENT Medical, Educational, Recreational and

MEDICAL FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL r"'----A---~ r------,-:::..._------a--- SI. Class and name • Population Hospira)sj Beds in ArtsjScience! Medical Engineering No. of town Disp~~s~rjesj medical Commerce colleges colleges T. B.·clinics . institutions colleges etc. noted in (of degree column 4 level and above)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 II Balangir 54,943 H(6)TB, 143 ASC, A(2) , Burla, (Sambalpur) NH,FC (127 Kms.)

2 IV Blnika 11.004 H,FC 6 Rampur 8alangir 6urla, (Sambalpur) (19 Kms.) (77 Km's.) (128'Kms.)

3 IV Kantabanji 14,818 H,D,Fe 16 Titlagarh Balanglr Burla, (Saml1lllpur) (58 Kms:) (80 Kms.) (207 Kms.)

Burla, (Sambalpur) 4 IV Patnagarh 13,597 H,F!= 6 AS Balangir (38 Kms.) (165 Kms.)

5 IV Sonapur 10,451 H,FC 52 AS Batangtr Burta, (Sambalpur) (48 ~ms.) (175 Kms.) /

6 V Tarbha 6,976 H,FC 6 Batangir 6alanglr Surla, (Sambalpur) '(21 Kms.) (21 Kms.) (148 Kms.)

7 III Titlagarh See Tittagarh Urban Aggtomeration

Titlagarh Urban 21,486 H, 50 ASC Salangir Burla. (5ambalpur) Agglomeratian D(Hom-2), (67 Kms.) (194 Kms.) FC

(i) III Titlagarh * 21,486 H, 50 ASC Satang!r Burla, (Sambalpur) D(Hom-2), (67 Kms·) (194 Kms.) FC * The Town having Out-growth. BlC.54

42.5 -v Cultural Facilities, 1979

FACILlTIE,5 NUMBER OF RECREATIONAL AND CUL TURAL FACILITIES ------~------~ Poly tech- Recognised Higher Seco- Junior Primary Adult Working r------A------~ nics shorthand, Secondary/ ndary/' Secon- Schools literacy women's Stadia Cinema Audito- Public type-writing Intermediate Matrl- dary Classes/ hostels rial libra- and vocational PUC (Pre- culatlon and Centres with Dramat ries training University Middle others number Commu- including institutions ·College)/ Schools (specify) of sea ts nity reading Junior halls rooms College level 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Hirakud Sh· Type Nabarangapur 6 6 111 N.A. 1 1 3 PL (2), (Sambalpur () RR (2) (141 Kms·) (229 Kms.)

Hirakud Salangir 1 2 13 N.A. (Sambalpur)(77 Kms·) () (142 Kms·) (283 Kms)

Hirakud Titlagarh Nabarangapur 2 2 7 N·A. PL, RR (Sambalpur)(58 Kms·) (Koraput) (221 Kms.) (286 Kms.)

Hirakud Balangir Nabarangapur 3 11 N.A. PL, KR (Sambalpur)(38 Kms.) (I(oraput) (179 Kms.) (267 Kms.)

Hirakud ~alang,!r Asika. 3 3 7 N.A. 1 PL (5), (Sambalpur)(48 Kim.) (Ganjam) RR (189 Kms·) (246 Ktns.)

Hirakud Balangir Nabarangapur 2 2 9 1 2 PL (2), ('iarpbalpur)i21 Kms·) (Koraput) RR (2) (162 Kms.) (250 Kms·)

See Titlagarh Urban Agglomeration

Hir "kud Type Nabarangapur. 3 3 11 N.A. 2 (SJ\mbalpur). ( Koraput) (208 Kms.) (228 Kms·)

H!rakud Type Nabatangapur. 3 3 11 N.A. 2 (S~rT;Ibalpur) (Koraput) (2?8,Kms.) (228 Kms·) 426

:u C .rl 0 ,....N E C ::s- Z 0

~ !Il .rl_ ... E 0 ::s Z'

GI.. .rl - .... E 0 c

Z::s - (~ ;;g..r:.° ..c-c E ~ Iff" 'E :5 .... 0 =

I GI o '" 'z -c g en -o..r:. ;;g 3! E ~ ... 0-0 c' ... !Il !Il'" o ;) "0 (~ ..r:.'" ....0 =!Il .... c:: I ..... :1:'"'" ItS o:c::::;) E 3:c:: CO :'<:u o > 1 00 > QO ... I .... :5 C W . >. j:: 8 a. -0 -0 GI -c CI> .", E -0 ~ GI C .~ -0 u o GI lIS ." J( Q u :.<: Co. '" Co.'" ~

~ ...::s .c CI> .. (-0 .., C '"OJ I- I~ .: -c o u C '" D . !Il ~ .. :~ l) ~ III '" o Q ~ C CI> -E: -0 i o QJ0-o r u .g ~ I U QJ E Q) ra ..r:. 1-0 ~ '" ...... c Eo ';:: lIS g .rl ~ :a QD ;: - u &. ~ ::s CI> I- o i Co. ° iio ~ c .5 '" I ZOo'" 0 o QJ ;:.­ QD lIS ..!!! QO I o '" =~( C ::s .5 o VI U 3: (5 ." "> L~ ..c'" c :: I-° ... ..cGI ::s ..c .... N a. .c'" c • '"o ;; '" I- = > > = M ;;;z'0 427


Towns showing their out-growths with Population

51. Na'lle (If the town Population of Out-growth Population of No. with location code core town out-growth

1 2 3 4 5

1 TitJagarh (9/111) 19,820 D· A. V· College ~rea 1,666



ANNEXURE Dist._Bafangir Code_9 Name of C. D. Bfock_Bafangir

Code ~N~a=m:e~o~f~----=-~~~------Name of Code 51. Name of Code 51. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No· No· the No. Tahasil/P.S. Village TahasilfP .5. Village ______1 2 3 ~ 4 ______~5 1 2 3 4 5 ------~------~ BALANGIR 10 47 Barkani 133 TAHASIL 48 • Sialbal'iali 134 Tushura P S· 9 1 Dhodrnahul 9 49 HaripaJi 135 2 Shibtala 10 50 Brahmnidungri 136 3 Naikenpa!i " 51 Khagsabahal 139 4 Chantimunda 12 52 Kankara 141 5 Janakpur 13 53 Kakhal 142 I) Bidighat 14 54 Bhundimuhan 143 (Bhundimohan) 7 Bargaon 15 55 I Garjan 144- 8 Prataprudr;il.pur 16 56 Pipalkani 146 9 Kalijharan 17 57 Mayabarha 147 10 Bankeda 18 58 Karlapita 148 11 Pratappur 19 59 Ghutupali 149 12 Dhaur adadar 20 60 sargadpa Ii 150 13 Chikalbahal 21 61 Dumerpita 151 14 Kot 22 62 Santelenpali 152 15 Fatkara 23 63 Badtelen 153 16 Jhareibah ali 24 64 Kutensilet (Kutunsllat) 154- Nuapada 25 17 65 Khuntpali 155 18 Sahajbahal 76 66 Hardatal 15& 19 IWndpathar 27 67 JhankarpaJi 157 Kundpani 29 20 68 Dudukasira 158· Bhutiarbaha I 4S 21 69 Barkani 159 Rajamunda 46 22 70 sadeipali 160 47 23 Kudasi~gha 71 Madhlapali 161, Santrnunda 48 24 72 Dumerpali 162 Khaisbahal 49 25 73 Khairpali 163 Narayanpur 86 26 74 Talpali 200, 87 27 Siris 75 Gandhrel 201 Kuthurla 88 28 76 Dhumamara 202 Nuniadhipa 89 29 77 Pakhanchepa 20'}' (Patharchepa) Bolangir P.S. 10 30 Bandhanghor 63 (Bhandhanghore) 78 Fuljharan 204 31 Kutumdola 64 79 Taljharan 205 32 Benlapali 65 80 Ghusradungri 2tJ6· 33 Duanp_li 66 81 Geclabanji 207 208 34 Baghala 67 82 Barapudgia 83 i


Qj~t.;Ba~~i.r Code_9 Name of C. D. Blppk-Ba!angir

-Name of Code 51· Name of Code Name of Code ~I. ' Name of Code I' the No. No· the No· the No· No· the No. r iahasil/P.S. Village Tahasil(P .S Village 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4

I 10 10 95 Rabanguda 221 111 Basupali 267 96 Kha.r IJkan i, 222 112 Makadchl!an 268 97 Khuj~npali 223 98 Kalsaipali 224 Loisinga P. S. 11113 B~ainsa 128 99 Bagbhadi 225 114 Manhira 130 100 Dabkani 256 115 Am~munda 151 101 Aenlachuan 257 116 BaghapalL 152 1(12. ..f.andrapita 258' 117 Dhamanasar 153 103 Barkani 259 • 11B Khaliapal~ 154 104 N~rayanpur 260 119 Ramsingha 155 105, BijlimlJnda, 261 120 Semelia 156· 106 Sik\lchhidi8 262 121 ~!r~bahal 157 107 ,Kanakpur c 263 122 Ranipali 158 108 ~ink{l!lman~ 264 123 KutrapaU 159 109, ~ha!1~ur 265 124 Sakma 160 1,0 Asurqungrl; 266 125 Fasad 1&1 B lG.SS



Dist~_Balangir Code-9 Name of C. D. Block_Puintara

Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code 51. NalT'e of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No. the No. Tahasil{P.S. Village Tahasil/p.S. Village 1 2 3 4 5 , :2 3 4 5 ------BALANGIR 10 48 Kadalipali 120 TAHASIL 49 Chrengabahall 121 (Cherangabakali) BalangirP. S.10 1 Chhatamakhna 72 50 Kanheirnunda 122 2 Sakarbhuji (Sankarbhuli) 73 5' Sikabahenga 123 3 Durgapali 74 52 Pipalbahali 124 4 Ranikata 75 53 Niljipali 125 5 PiPlrda 76 54 Gaintala 164 6 Raksimunda 77 55 Malmanda (Malmunda) 165 7 Kasurupali 78 56 Randa 166 8 Bileisarda 79 57 Padampur 167 9 K-ulthipali 80 ~8 Bubel 168 10 Lokapada 81 59 Bichhupali 169 11 Bandnakata 82 60 lharbalangir 170 1:?- Kalibhana 83 61 Bhainsapali 171 13 Jamgaon 84 62 Banabahal 172 14 Umria 85 63 Arjunda 173 15 Charbahati 86 64 NagapaJi 174 16 Kandhpali (Sankandhpali) 87 65 Kandagad 175 1'? Padiabahal 88 (Kandagard) 18 eaderbah~1 (ladelbahal) 89 6y 13ahirasar (Bairasar) 176 19 .]amsar (jar.nsara) 90 67 Khaliapali 177 20 Khamarmunda 92 68 Michhapali 178 21 Belbahali 93 69 Chhemtala 179 22 Sauntpur 94 70 Chichindapali 180 23 lastala 95 (Chichinapali) 24 Ainlasari 96 71 Fatkafa 181 25 Budhisindhol 97 72 Mundapala 182 26 Kankria 98 73 Bandhapara 183 27 Shursipali 99 74 Brahmanlpali 184 28 Sargaon 100 75 Manglapali 185 29 Bahalpadar 101 76 Raghabpali 186 30 Manglamunda 102 77 Kharjhura 187 31 Pankelbahal 103 78 Charpali 188 32 The Ikomuncia 104 79 Kundamal 189 33 Bhadrapali 105 80 Belbahali 190 34 Thapapali 106 81 Mehermunda 191 35 Dumerbahal 107 82 Kureibhana 192 36 Bandanbahali 108 83 Bijabahali 193 37 Ainlasari 109 84 ChamJr apur 194 38 Ankriapadar 110 85 KurlupaJi 195 39 M0tijharia 111 86 Gadtiamunda 196 40 Burobhadi 112 87 BrahmanipaJi 197 41 Timapali 113 S5 Lakhapd Ii 198 42 Keserkela (Kaserkela) 114 89 Puintala 199 43 Balbuka 115 90 Pudapali 226 44 Junhapadar (Junapadar) 116 91 Bhaler 227 45 Nuapali 117 92 Fatkara 228 46 Gondbahal 118 93 Janipali 229 47 Kulerbahali 119 94 lepta 230 434

ANNEXURE Dist._Balangir Code_9 Name of C. D. Block-Puintala

Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code Sl. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No. the No. Tahasil/p.S. Village Tahasil/P.S. Village , 2 3 4 5 , 2 3 4 5

10 95 Chhakodimat 231 10 '17 Kasabahal 253 96 Khairmal 232 118 8haratbahal 254 97 Chhli tapipal 233 119 Kurul 255 98 Uttarbahal 234 120 Tandamunda 269 99 Amthlmunda 235 (Tendamunda) 100 Jaljad 236 121 Atgaon 270 101 AenlapaJi 237 122 Mahadebpali 238 271 102 Taiga j 123 Sanburk·abahal 272 103 Kundeigad 239 124 Kalijharan 273 240 104 Jaljadpali 125 Sirabahal 274 Patharla 241 105 126 Oahimal 275 106 Gadramunda 242 127 Mahimunda 27& 107 8eherapali 243 128 81hlbllndh 177 108 Sundribhana 244 129 Mendhipall 27B 109 Tendipall 245 110 Daspur 246 130 Kutenpali 279 111 NaikenpaJi 247 131 8ileikanl 280 112 5urda 248 132 Ouhel 281 113 Kankria 249 133 Barandabahal 282 114 Siletpara 2~0 134 Badburkabahal 283 115 Oumerpali 251 135 Palaspadar 284 '16 Odiapall 252 136 TalpaJl 285 ·435


Dist._Balangir Code-9 Name of C. D. Bfock_Loisinga

'Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code SI. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No. the No. fahasil[P·5. Village TahasilfP·S. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

BAlANGIR 10 47 Bianrpali 47 TAHASll 48 Dandpani 48 49 Dumer jharan 49 Balangir P.S-10 1 Raghupadar 1 50 Taljuri 50 2 Bhoipall 2 51 Rengali 51 3 Sadhupali 3 52 Budabahal 52 4 Maharpali 4 53 Kapilbahal 53 5 Kutrapali 5 54 Kumlapali 54 6 Badlmunda 6 55 Antapali 55 7 Pardhiapali 7 56 Banchhorpali 56 8 Luchkibahal 8 57 Bagdungrl 57 9 Ambapali 9 58 Tabdlbanji 58 10 Bhadra 10 59 Dungripali (Dangripall) 59 11 Latsar 11 60 Pardhlapali 60 12 Banjari 12 61 Magurbeda 61 13 Kusanga 13 62 Patharkl'>andi 62 14 Birkel 14 63 Kaindapall 137 15 Sunaripali 15 64- Bijapati 138 16 Singhanimunda 16 65 Podhmund (Podhmunda) 140 17 Sargad 17 66 Uchbahal 145 18 Uchhabapali 18 19 Upparbahal 19 20 Barkani 20 Loisinga P.S. 11 67 Fatamunda 31 21 Jamjuri 21 68 Negipali 99 22 Sanlhankarpali 22 69 Pipilipali 102 23 Paisa mal 23 70 Kadalipali 107 24 Ratakhandl 24 71 Bhalupali 108 25 Rabanguda 25 7l Badibahal 109 Banipali 26 26 73 ~altarpali 110 27 Babja 27 74 Jogisarda 111 28 Thakarapali (Thakurpali) 28 75 Chusramunda 112 29 Uparudar 29 76 Budhlpadar "3 30 Buromunda 30 77 Banjipali 115 31 Taliudar 31 78 Burda 116 Chhatabahal 32 32 79 Sialbahali 117 33 Pipill 33 80 Dumdumi 118 34 Fatabahal 34 81 Kutenpali 119 35 Jamartia 35 82 Pandranl 120 36 Katapa.1i 36 63 Kandajuri 121 37 Brahmnipali 37 84 .Jv1ansapaJi 174 38 Khaliapali 31' 85 Jharmunda 125 39 Kusumel 39 86 Khalrpali 127 Bagdia 40 40 87 Tentelkhunti 129 41 Lankabahal 41 (1 en tulikhunti) 42 Chungi 42 88 Budplbahali 131 43 Cerdi (Cerodl) 43 89 Sujia 131 44 Ranipal 44 9o. Dhodmahul (Bhodmahul) 133 45 Badipali 45 91 Loi inga 134 46 Belpali 46 9l Luhurapali 135 ,~36

')\NNEX URE Dist._Barangir Code_9 Name of C. D-.-Bro9k-lqisjoga

Name of Code 51· Nam~ o{ Code Name of Code 51. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No. "- the No. Tahasil[P.5. Village ') Tahasil{P.S· Village

1 2 3 4 :. 5 1 2 3 4 5 - H 101 144 11 93 Gurjibhata 136 Kharmunda 102 145 94 Baha!iarnunda 137 Tebhadungri 103 146 95 Agdlapali 138 Bardo! 104 147 96 Chelbahal 139 Semelmuntla 97 Maharpali 140 105 Sarasmunda 148 98 KeutipaJi 141 1P6 Karlipat 149 107 Mandiapadar 150 9~ Gopalpui 142 .,Mandipadar) 100 Panesara 143 Hi8 Hlfapur 162 431


Dist.-Balangir Code _9 Name of C. D. Block-Agalpur

'lame of Code SI. Name of Code Name of Code 51· Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No the No. Tahasil/P.S Village Tahasil/P.S. Village 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 ------SALANGIR 11 47 Nuniapali 48 TAHASIL 48 Rangdihi 49 49 BhaJupali 50 Loislnga p·S. 11 1 Mundapali )0 Uparbahal 51 2 Gondapali 2 51 Kes eipali 52 3 Pudapadar 3 52 Duduka 53 4 Bhoipali 4 53 Rampur 54 5 Mahokhand 5 54 Fasad (San) 55 6 Guhiramunda 6 55 Sankhua 56 7 Rengali 7 56 Luhuramunda 57 8 Buromunda 8 57 Rafakhal 58 9 Budla 9 58 Manupali 59 10 Haldipadar 10 59 Salebhata 60 11 Aenlapali 11 60 Khali pali 61 12 Dudukamunda 12 61 MUTsund 62 13 Nagaon 13 62 Asurmunda 63 14 Kanthipall 14 63 Bangabaha I 64 15 Telenpali 15 64 Semelmunda (Slmilimunda)65 16 Baigankhari 16 65 Dungripali 66 17 Babupa\i 17 66 Harbhanga 67 18 11\ Ghuchepali (Guchepali) 67 Tentl'lgaoo (Tentuligaon) 68- 19 latsar 19 68 Kutasingha 69 20 Babufasad 20 69 Patuapali 70 21 Banjipali (Banipali) 21 70 Bakti 71 22 Jharbandhli 22 Uharbandhali) 71 Rabanguda 72 23 Dengjuri (Dengjc1ri) 23 72 Danipali 73 24 Ingsa 24 73 Jharbandhali 74 25 Agalpur 25 74 Rampur 75 26 Gudimunda 26 75 Dhauradadar 76 27 (Jagjhola 27 76 Ka jharan 77 28 Bandabahal 28 77 Karla jharan 78 29 Rinbachan 29 78 La ra mbhamunda 79 30 Uchbaha' (JchabahaJi) 30 79 Amba jhar,ln 8D- 31 Mahulpali 32 80 Chun~idadar 81 32 Nuapali 33 81 Khaliapali 82 33 Kalasar 34 82 Lakhallpali 83- 34 Roth (Roat) 35 83 Darhpali 84 35 Manupali 36 84 Gondpali 85- 36 Chhelkhai 37 85 Saradh" pali 86 37 Bindhapali 38 86 Patharmunda 87 38 Jemapdli 39 87 Kendumundi 88 39 Sansa 40 8a Podhpali 89 40 Gundrumunda 41 89 Jharnipali 90 41 Badipali 42 90 Saledungri 91 42 Guhlrapadar 43 91 Kudopali 92 43 Bharsu ja 44 92 Adendungri 93 44 Amaramunda 4, 93 Sdhajchhapar 94 45 Pandesara 46 94 Badt ika 95 --- 46 Jhankarpali 47 95 BUTobhadi 96 438


Dist_Balangir Code_9 Name of C. D. Block_Agalpur

Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code 51· Name of Code the No· No· the No. the No. No. the No· iahas\I/P·S. Village Tahasil/P·S. Village , 2 3 4 5 1, 2 3 4 5

tt 96 Santika 97 11 102 Dumerpali 105 97 Tentelkhunti 98 103 Pandridungrl 106 98 Karanpali 100 104 Nagaon 114 99 Bendra 101 105 Karkachia 122 100 Badkhallapali 103 106 Pandkital 123 101 Khuntlimunda 104 107 Fatamunda 126 439


Dist._Balangir Code_9 Name of C. D. Block-Tentelkhunti

Name uf Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code 51. Name of Code the. No. No. the No. the No. No. the No. Tahasll/P .S Village Tahasil/P.5. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

BALANGIR 9 47 Nuapara 20S TAHASIL 48 Kukedmal 206 49 Tandlgaon '107 Tushura P.S. 9 1 Dangapathar 122 50 Kapsila 208 2 Madhapali 155 51 Dungripali 209 3 Chand .npall 156 52 Tentelkhuntl 210 4 Chlnched 157 (Tentullkhuntl) 5 Kandhenbahali 158 53 Oahimal 211 6 Pipalmunda 159 54 Sirabahal 212 7 Rusuda 160 55 Rugudipali 21l 8 Deseimunda 163 56 Jambhel 214 9 likhiria 164 57 Sir japa Ii 215 10 Barla 165 58 Kurebhana 216- 11 Kharda 167 59 Jammunda 217 12 Nagaon 168 60 Madhupur 2'8- 13 Sargada 169 61 Bhatrapali 219 14 Sindrabahali 170 62 Deulgudi 22(} 15 Tebdamunda 171 t>3 Dungibahal 221 16 Narasingpur 172 64 Bagbahal 222' 17 Badangomunda 173 65 Kotgaon 223- 174 1~ Samara 66 Cangjiagava 2241 19 lurki 175 (Ganghiagova) 20 8uromal 176 67 Sindurnlunda 225· 21 Mahipur 177 68 Gudbhela 226- 22 Tushura 178 69 Mundapala 227 23 Chantipadar 179 70 tunimunda 228- 24 5asanpali 180 71 Dulikana 229- 25 lakha rpadar 181 72 Ghuna 230 26 Budhakhaman 182 73 Ranimal 231 27 Turla 183 74 Santarakmunda 232 28 Demuhan 186 75 Kulkusum 233 29 Sandhisara 187 76 Kamaslngha 234 30 Biramunda 188 77 5andangar 235 31 Rahenmal 189 78 Tllkamal 236 32 Tikirlpada • 190 79 Kanerslngha 237 33 Jamut 191 80 Lartara 238 34 Badtarakmunda 192 81 Belgaon 239 35 Juglmara 193 82 Gambhergura 240 36 Kumbharpadar 194 (Gambhegura) 37 Karlakhaman 195 83 Dhanpur 241 38 Rajkel 196 84 Mmursingha 242 39 Lukapara 197 85 Gudungamal 243 40 Madhekela 198 8& Tirchabahal 244 41 Bhuapara 199 87 Amgaon 245 42 Atgaon 200 88 Tarsuguda 246 43 Kendpadar 201 89 Bakbahal 2d7 44 Pendi, unda 202 90 Dudung 248 45 Bhoigura (Bhuaigura) 203 91 Gavarasa 249 46 Dhanghara 204 92 Raksibhata 250 440


Di~t._Ba'angir Codo_9 Name of C. D. B{ock_Deogaon

---~- Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code SI. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No· No. the No· Tahasil/P.S. Village TahasiI/P.S. Village 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

BALANGIR 9 46 Bandhapali 71 TAHASIL 47 Katapali 72 48 Thalbandh 73 Tushura P. S. 9 M


Codo_9 Name of C. D. Block_Deogaon Dist.~Balangir Code Name of Code 51. Name vf 51. Name of Code No. Name of Code No. No. the the No. the the No. No. Village Village Tahasil/P.S. Tahasil/P .5. 5 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Kumuria 143 125 9 113 9 95 Kachharpall Kul tapara 144 126 114 96 Deogaon Mundapala 14') 127 115 97 Sagarpali Singhatimal{Singatimal) 146 128 116 98 Udar Arjunapur 147 129 117 99 Chandrapur Palspadar 148 130 118 100 Jaras ingha 119 Brahmanipali 149 101 Baddungripali 131 (Brahmanipal) 102 Barkan i 132 120 Kendghat{Kendughat) 150 103 lCaliabahal 133 121 Gourgoth 151 104 Babijor 134 122 Badbahal 152 135 105 Pandhe !(Pandel) 123 Barhakuna 153 1e6 Kukurkhai 136 ;24 Khaksikana 154 137 107 Balarpali 125 Budelguma 161 136 108 Sargipali 126 Bagda 162 109 Kundeimal 139 127 Salepali 166 110 Gudkhapala(Gudhkapala)140 128 Ratakhandi 184 111 Madhupur 141 129 Amdahan (Ambadahan) 185 112 Ainlapali 142 442


Dist. -Balangir Code_9 Name of C. D. Brock_Sonapur

Name of Code SI. Name of Code Name 01' C<)de SI. Name of Code the No" No· the No. the No. No· the No· Tahasil[P·S· Village Tahasll[P.S. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

RAMPUR 42 Mahulojangal 41 TAHASIL 43 Mahule 42 44 Majhifabsi 43 Dungripali p. S· 12 Anganadi (Anganandl) 130 45 Uparitabsi 44 ('orti

ANNEXURE Dist._Balangir Code_9 Name of C. D. Brock_Sonapur

Name of Code SI. Name of Code Name of Code Sl. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No. the No. fahasilfP .5. Village rahasil/P.S. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

17 88 Bhursapali 135 17 120 Kudadera 167 89 Gurandipali 136 121 Pandkitaljungle 168 90 luparsingha 137 122 Jamkhol 169 91 Kudopali 138 123 Bajikhol 170 92 Khaliapali 139 124 Chandrapur 171 93 Banktentuli 140 125 lamkholjungle 172 94 Kudopalijungle 141 126 Pandakital 173 95 Rengali 142 127 Raipali 174 96 luhurapalijungle 143 128 Govindapur 175 97 Dabapali 144 129 Govindpur jungle 176 9B Asurmunda jungle 145 99 Asurmunda 146 Tarbha P.S· 18 130 SankadalipaJi 20 100 Chaurasipur 147 131 Narayanpur 21 101 Bisalpali 148 132 Jamdadar 22 102 Majhimunda 149 133 Sankhacholjungie 23 103 Dablang 150 134. Sankchol 24 104 Chhakormal 151 135 Patayatpali 25 105 8adlpadla 152 136 Dunguripali 26 106 Chhokarmaljungle 153 137 KukundapUI 27 (Makundapur) 107 Daslat 154 138 Majhipali 28 108 Dablongjungle 155 139 Badbahali 29 109 Chahatakhol 156 140 Chuhanpali 30 110 Dumerkhol 157 1l1' Salepali 31 111 Jhankarpali 185 142 8aladijungle 32 112 Jhillmunda 159 143 Baladi 33 113 Khemumundlamunda 160 144 Bagbahali 34 114 Pipilipali 161 Kutsira 35 115 Bisalpalijungle 162 1"5 146 Malisirgidi 36 116 luhurapall 163 147 Sudelbahali 37 117 Saharapali 164 (Budelbahal) Gindladadar 165 118 148 Sindhbahall 38 119 Rengali jungle 166 (SingbahaJi) { 444


Dist._Ba1angir Code-9 Name of C. D. Block_Tarbha

Name of Code 51. Name of Code· Name of Code 51. Name of Code No. the No. No. the No· the No· No. the lahasil/P·S. village Tahasil/P .5· village , 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

SONAPUR 18 47 Pandkirrtal 66 ~HASIL 18 Bagh labahali 67 49 Katapali 68 Tarbha P. S. 18 1 Kurnunda 1 50 Garamahuljungle 69 2 Kurii'undajangal 2 51 Nuapali 70 3 Fa tamundajangal 3 52 Garamahul 71 4 Fatainunda 4 53 Daltput 72 5 Kandhapall 5 54 Haridapali (Hardapa) 73 6 I<.anisard .. jungle 6 55 Jhartarbha 74 7 Ranisarda 7 56 Judamunda (Jadamunda) 75 8 Arda 8 57 Garja 76 9 M.n·da g- 58 Sibtula 77 10 Khagsakana 10 59 Padmapur 78 11 Kandhapa.li 11 60 Manhira 79 12 Rajapali 12 61 Atasingha 80 13 Brahmnipali 13 &2 Chadheipall B1 14 Deulpadar 14 &3 Sargijharia 82 15 Dahimal 15 64 Deogaun 83 16 Palkbahal 16 65 Makadchuan 84 17 Dheramunda 17 66 Bhaludungri 85 18 Til~imal 18 67 Bheluapadar 86 19 Paikbdhaljungle 19 68 Barkani 87 20 Naikenpalli 39 69 Badbhainro 88 21 Matikod 40 70 Sanbhainro 89 22 Badkada)lpali 41 71 Kendumunda 90 23 Takarla 9 72 Panimura jungle 91 24 Kekatpali 43 73 Panimura 92 25 ,.Pua 44 74 Bude Imunda jungle 93 26 Jarajaring 45 75 Budelmunda 94 27 Tilesara 410 76 Maraduguchha jungle 95 .8 Fakiramunda 47 77 Rugudipali 96 29 Rangapur 48 78 Kumarpali 97 30 Bhalubahali (B-halubahal) 49" 79 Maraduguchha 98 31 Dilkhuspur 50 80 Bankeda 99 32 Rambhasindhol 51 81 Gunjimunda 100 33 Gha kaintara 51 82 Laxmiunda 101 34 Sukteln~di 53 83 Chandanpali 102 35 Taraikela 54 84 Ludriamunda 103 36 Thakapall 55 85 Tentuliamunda 104 37 Khari 56 86 Slla timunda 105 38 Bandhap.lli 57 87 Balmunda 106 39 Bahirkhaman -58_ 86 Temulikhunti 107 40 , Ararhpadar 59 89 Baghiamunda 1C8 41 Kankeda 60 90 Sargaj 109 42 Mahulkhunt 61 91 Jurabandh 110 43 Khaliapall 62 92 Kutsira 111 44 BijaparJar 61 93 Narda 112 45 Chirgunmuhan 64 94 Nadhara 113 46 5atrupali (Satarapali) 65 95 Koyapadar 114 ,445


o ist._Ba Iangit Code-9 Name of C. O. Block_",Ja!,bha , -----_- _ Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code 51. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No· No. the No. <, TahasiI/P.S. Vlllage Tahasil/P.5. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

18 96 Kamsara 115 18 144 Kumbharmunda 163 97 Palsapadar 116 145 Janakpur 164 98 Katapali 117 146 Kulthiapadar 165 99 Tulunda 118 147 Kul thiapadarjungle 166- 100 Jharmunda 119 148 Hafriaberna lfJ7 101 5urjamunda 120 149 Rengsajungle "\68 102 Bandhakhol 121 150 Arda 169 103 Naktikana 122 151 Sagarpalijungle 170 104 Pandilropita 12) 152 Singhari 171 105 Bhalupatdungri 124 153 Sagarpali 172 106 Pudugpa thor 125 154 Putuk ipali ln 107 Guhiraghat 126 155 lukapali 174 106 Kirasira 127 1"6 Debandh 175 109 Babajimathadungri 126 157 Tithipali 176 110 Barahmari (Brahmani) 129 158 Jadapali 177 111 Bhurad 130 159 Chirbahal 178 112 Bandhpali 131 160 Telnadi (Ka) 179 113 Bahiramuhanjungle 132 161 Bad jor 180 114 Bahirmuhan 133 162 Balipata (Balpata) 181 115 Dahiberna 134 163 Badtenda 182 116 lamjhar 135 164 Junani 183 117 )ampali, 136 165 Khamanlungle 1B4 118 Nuamunda 137 166 Ardhajuhgle 185 119 Rugudipali 138 167 Rengsa 186 120 Khuntbandh 139 168 Bydhakhaman 187 121 Talpadar 140 169 'khairbhddi 188- 122 Purunapani 141 170 Badamunda 189' 123 Baghia 142 171 ' haraniap31i 19o. 124 Dumerpali 143 172 Charbha ta jungle 191 125 5ardhapali 144 173 Saiduli 192 126 Patharteka 145 174 Charbhata 193 127 Badmal 146 175 Ihilimunda 194 '128 Dubula 147 176 Rengalibahali jungle 195 129 Dubulajungle 148 177 Rengalibahali 196- 130 Jamkani 149 178 Karlamuhanjungl~ 197 131 Badjor 150 179 Karlamuhan 198 132 lamkani jungle 151 180 Bil"iberna 199 133 Karnsarajungle 152 181 Putukipali 200 134 Mahulpali 153 182 Balikhamar 201 135 Lembupali 154 183 Sindhc I 202 136 Chheliadungri 155 184 Sandhi jo re (Sindhi jure) 203 lChhelia jungle) "\85 Ainlapali 204 117 Pandkimal 156 18& Ainlapalijungle 205 138 Raikeda 157 187 Sukhilasar 206 139- Nuapali 158 188' Sukhilasarjungle 207 140 Polbandh '159 189 Malpada 208 141 Dangdjor 160 190 Basasankar 209 1~2 Badpha tamunda 161 191 Dungripali 210 14,)' Runjpnatamunda 162 192 Jharbah_ali 2J1 446

ANNEXURE '" DTht: ...... Balangii Code_9 Name of.C. D. Block_Binika

Name of Code 51· Name of Code Name of Code 51· Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No. the No. TahasJl{P .5. Village TahasllfP.S. Village 1 2 3 -4 S 1 2 3 4 5

RAMPUR 13 46 Kadalipali 27 TAHASIL 47 Antard?Jungle 28 48 Antarda 29 104 Dungurlpali 1 Patharkhandi 49 Dharapall 30 105 P.S. (Portlon)t2 2 Bilaibahali • 50 Gulunda 31 106 3 Julunda 51 Gajbandh 32 107 4 Mahubahall 52 Piteipali 33 Rangpur 106 5 53 Mahulpali 34 6 Kalsalpali 109 (Kazalpali) 54 Bhandar 35 7 Amamunda 110 55 Chulimal 36 39 8 Khurdlabahal 111 56 Ratnaslngasanpur 40 9 Padhanpali 113 57 Papi 10 Padh a npalijungle 114 58 Singhijuba 41 11 Sia) juri 115 59 Kamira 42 60 Sanbhalupali 43 12 Kuhibahal 116 61 Nandanmal 51 13 Mahadhjungle 117 (Mahada jungle) 62 Jashapur 53 14 Sausunibahal 118 63 Meghala S4 15 Naktamunda 119 64 Sahajbahal 55 16 Siali 120 65 Sanjipali 56 17 BabupaJi 132 66 Bagbahall jungle 57 16 Chaukamal 133 67 Kaudiamunda 58 19 Mahada 134 68 Bagbahali 59 69 Silatl jungle 60 1 Binika P. S. t3 20 Bhabanlpall 70 'SJlati 61 2 21 Alnlamunda 71 Charda 62 3 22 Tileimal 72 Chardajungle 63 23 Talmunda 4" 73 Sankara 5' 64 24 Bagdla 74 Padhipall 65 6 25 Asorgarh 75 Fulmuthi 66 7 26 Palsapali 76 Sahajbahal 67 8 27 I".hairmal 77 Gadgadbahal 68 9 28 Oendupadar 78 Bhamarpalljungle 69 10 29 Babupali 79 Seledl 70 11 30 Khaliapoli 80 Tulundupall 71 12 31 Hutuma 81 Sansuni 72 13 32 Jiranadl 82 Kaintara 73 14 33 Sanklghiridi 83 Katapali 74 15 34 Kukudajhull 84 Ghantopali 75 35 Jampall 16 (Ghontopall) 36 Sarguna 17 85 Fabsi 76 37 Balaranga 18 86 Bausunilungle 77 38 Pandarimal 19 87 8hlkabahali 78 66 Sa~ma 79 39 Akhidadar 20 69 Nagapali 60 40 Arigaon 21 90 Padhanpali 81 41 Manigaon 22 91 Mahadevpall 82 92 Garlapali 83 42 Cherupali 23 93 Kartang 84 43 Sindurpur 24 94 Anganadi 85 Ganeshpur 25 95 Sansamura 86 44 96 Chodadhar 87 45 Bisalpali 26 97 Pandkital 88 447


Dist._Bafangir Code-9 Name of C. D. B fock_Dunguri pali

Name·of Code SI. Name of Code Name of Code SI. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No. the No. Tahasil/P .5. Village TahasllfP.S. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

RAMPUR 12 45 Sa iragimunda 45 TAHASIL 46 Pandarapali 46 47 Sia !ina Ii jungle 47 Dunguripali P.S. 48 Sialinali 48 (Portion) 12 1 lIngmarni 1 49 Chandili 49 2 8advalupa Ii 2 50 Chanabeda 50 3 Dhoanbasa 3 51 Sulahi 51 4 Sahajbahal 4 52 Andharibangijungle 52 5 Sarasmal 5 53 Andharibanji 53 6 Rainpur 6 54 Salepali jungle 54 7 Katapali 7 55 SalepaJi 55 8 Tangarkarle 8 56 Gajbandh 56 (Tangerkarle) 57 Kusadadar 57 9 Badkarle 9 58 Brahamanip,,1i 58 10 Amamunda 10 59 KendupaJi 59 11 Pandakital 11 60 Brdha",anipali jungle 60 12 Naikenpali 12 (Bramhanipalijungle) 13 Mayabarha 13 61 Gidhmal 61 14 Kaliapali (Khaliapall) 14 62 Ainlasari (Ainlasira) 6~ 15 Balenpabli (Balanpabill) 15 63 Samlaichuan 63 16 .Sankipali 16 64 Tuniamunda 64 17 Jibandadar 17 65 Gandapali 65 18 MahuJpali 18 66 Sahala 66 19 Bahubasa 19 67 Baidupa Ii 67 20 Beheramal 20 68 larlabahal 68 21 Dunguripali 21 69 Gambhar ipaii 69 22 ludukibeda 22 70 Bandhapali 70 23 Chitkelbandhli 23 71 Barpadar 71 (Chhitkelbandhali) 72 5lillbah'lli 72 24 Gulihapddar 24 73 Majhimunda 73 25 Rabanguda jungle 25 74 Sargul 74 26 Ravanguda .26 75 Kankarajuri 7S 27 Antapali 27 76 Chhanchani 76 28 Patharkhandi 28 77 Champaduli 77 29 Titerkund (Titerkud) 29 78 Tileimal 78 30 Sannuapali 30 79 Sahajbahal 79 31 Chindajuri 31 80 Kendumunda 80 32 Khuntpali 32 81 Ichhapur 81 33 Chingerkata 33 82 Phatarr unda 82 34 Dunguripdli 34 83 Dumerpali 8l 35 Kudharikata 35 84 Karlajuri 84 36 Sadhapali 36 85 Gajmal (Gujmal) 8'i- 37 Salepali 37 8& MahulpaJi 86 38 Nangalkata 38 87 Sukha 87 39 Pipllipali 39 88 Haldl 88 40 Thenganal 40 89 Jampall 89 41 Pankel 41 90 8adnuapaJi 90 42 Dohatkipall 42 91 Kusamal 91 43 Kandagarh 43 92 Cherupall 92 4l Baghandi 44 93 Pcind <), ANNEXURE\

CodeJ Name of C. D. Block_Dungur.ipaJi

Name of Code' ·SI. Name of COm! Name of Code 51. Nama of Code . the No. No. the No: the No. No. the No. TahasiJ/P. S. Village .>~ 1 ahasill P .5. Village , '. 1 2 3 4 ': :: 5' f: 2 3 4 5

94 U 94 Badphatamunda Binika p·S. 13105 Adakashajungle 37 __ ~5 9S Chamarpur 106 Kadalipali 38 '96 Sunapali 96 107 5anvalupali· 44 97 Gadliapal (Gadhapali) 97 10~ Pujadungiri 45) 98 Dlgslra 98 109 Ful5=hangudldungirl 46 Dahukbu~'~Dahukabuda) 99 99 110 Adakasa 47 Tamamura 100 100 111 KUltbipall)ungle -48 101 Bhatbahap (Bhatbhali) 101 1;2 Kulthlpali 49 102 , ,~O2 Kapasira 113 Gania 50 103 '103 Kalskanda 114 Bhimtikra 52 104 Samarchlpa 112 449


Dist._Bafangir Code-9 Name of C. D. Block-Birmaharajpur

Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of CGde 51. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No. the No. iahasiJ/P.S. Village TahasiIIP·S. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

BIRMAHARAJPUR 15 43 Kusadadar 53 TAHASIL 44 Burbuda jungle 54 ,45 Hatilimunda 55 B irmaharajpur 1 Sagajuri 9 4& Patrapali 56 P. S· 15 2 Masinapali 12 47 Asurnali '57 3 Masinapa I i jungle 13 48 Burl:>uda 58 4 Brahmanipali 14 49 Bisalpali 59 5 Kendupali 15 50 Chingranali 60 6 Surdhapalijungle 16 51' Bardakata 61 7 Surdhapali 17 52 Ghichapali (Chlchapali) 62 8 Durjantailajungle 18 53 Balimal 63 9 Dur jantaila 19 54 Hha ludungur i jungle 64 10 Gania 20 55 Luturpanka 65 11 Gania jungle 21 56 Kenjhir iapa Ii jungle 66 12 Goudgadjungle 22 57 Badmal 67 (Goudgard jungle) 58' Kesalgaon 68 13 Guudgad 23 59 Jatlapali 69 14 Malidadar 24 60 Kenjhiriapali 70 15 Kuhidadar 25 61 1 Hirapali 71 16 Dadarpalijungle 26 62 Amatpali 72 17 Dadarpali 27 6'3 . Khairma I jungle 73 18 Badmaljungle 28 64 Khairmal 74 19 Bahalpadar 29 65 Baghartaila 75 20 Amarpali 30 &6 Achanda 76 21 Gudguda 31 67 Baghar tai lajungle 77 22 Gudgudajungle 32 60- Baraghatdadar 85 23 Bhaludunguri 33 69 Goghat 86 24 Kundapal (Kundapall) 34 70 Kunjapali 87 25 Puipani 35 71 Rugudipali 112 26 5ahajlatha 36 72 Puleswar 113 27 Nuapali 37 .73- Balipali 114 28 Badkir asira 38 74' Kadalipa)i 115 29 Sankirasira 39 • 75 Telipalijungle "6 30 Tileimaljungle 40 76 Telipali 117 31 Suliadadar 41 77 Barajhula 118 32 Butukhaman 42 76 ludumunda 119 33 Budelbahali 43 79 Kardapal 120 34 Tamkiadadar 44 (Tamriapadar) 80 G<'papa Ii 121 35 Tileimal 45 81 Bhutiapali 122 36 Yubarajpur 46 82 Ghantopali 123 37 Sankir asira jungle 47 83 Mendillpali 124 38 Badkirasira jungle 4B B4 Purastampali 125 39 Tulasipur 49 85 Bankia 126 40 Chubukadadar 50 86 Chauka 127 (Chubutadabar) ffl Yubaranisi tapur 128 41 Khandahatd jungle 51 86 Baraghat 129 (Khanbahata jungle) Adal 130 42 Kusa dadar jungle 52 8' 90 Rijumunda 131 (Kusapadarjungle) ------450

ANNEXURE Dlst._Balangir Code_9 Name of C. D. Block-Birmaharajpur

Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code Sf. Name of Code the No· No' the No· the No· No· the No. TahasIl/P.S· Village TahasJl/P'S, Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

15 91 Khandahata 132 15 137 Godhaneswar 178 92 Chandipur 133 138 Dunguri 17!1 93 Gudipafi 134 139 Anandapur 180 94 RambhipaJl 135 140 Kudapada 181 95 Bunrhipadar 136 141 Basudevpur 182 (Banthlpadar) 142 Yudhlsthlrpur 183 96 Pandua 137 (Yudhistfpur) 97 Sunar lbernl 138 143 Mundidamak 184 (Sunarlberna) 144 Mrusundhl 185 98 Barapadar 139 145 Madhupur 186 99 Rajar,pali 140 146 Ten tullmahada 187 100 Janakpur 141 147 Duhulpall (Duhullpa Ii) 188 101 Helamura 142 148 Akhabhanganal 189 102 Bikalpur 143 149 Manlkpur 190 103 Balarampur 144 150 Hilungpatharghat 191 104 Lakhani 145 151 Baghamarl 192 105 Madhupur 146 152 Amulyamanlranipur 193 106 Sergeda (Seregede) 147 153 Mendamal 194 107 Durgadebipa II 148 154 Rathapur ')67 108 Sangrampur 149 155 Pandiapa Ii 268 109 Sanbardaka t a 150 156 Dahanlpali 271 110 Rajbahadurpali 151 157 Kanpur 272 111 Bhatapadar 152 158 Dantapali 273 112 Kasalpur 153 15~ Naikpali 274 113 Rathartaila 154 16


Dist._Balangir Name of C. D. Block_Ullunda

Name of Code 51. Na"le of Code Name of Code 51. Name of Code the No. No. the No· the No. No. the No. fahasil/P.S. Village Tahasil/P.S. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

BIRMAHARAJPUR 14 47 Badmai 47 TAHASIL 48 Ainlachhat 48 49 Badmaljungle 49 Shindhol P.S. 14 1 Dhanbahalijungle 1 .50 Bagharmunda 50 2 2 Dhanbahali 51 Daltangar 51 3 Kapasira 3 52 Dipapali 52 4 Beheramal 4 53 Dhe1ei 53 5 Beherama Ijungle 5 54 Meghanadjungle , 54 6 Kutapali 6 55 Paruapali 55 7 Dejharan 7 56 Meghanad (Neghanad) 56 8 Kamalkata 8 57 Tentulikhole' Tentulikhol) 57 9 9 Patrapalijungle 58 Dhourabhuin 58 10 Salepali 10 59 Hatlmunda 59 11 Patrapali 11 60 Mentakani 60 12 Budhi j.haranjungle 12 61 Rengali 61 13 Budhijharan 13 62 Singhapali 62 14 Keutipali 14 63 ~inghapalijungle 63 15 Hud 15 64 Kutmenda 64 16 16 Mundomahul Kut menda jungle 65 17 - Shindhol 17 '5 66 Patrapalli 66 18 Shindhol jungle 18 67 Kalipur 67 19 Lamtuljungle 19 68 Mankad>bahal 68 20 lambtul 20 69 Jharabahali 69 21 Kusumpal 21 70 Jharaba hali jungle 70 22 Gindilamal 22 71 Pandakital 71 23 Dengurdar 23 72 Khemaloi 72 24 Bf ahmanipal i 24 73 Pipalkata 73 25 Dabapali 25 74 7~ Pipa Ika tajungle 26 Sarmundapali (Sarmunda) 26 75 Nakadein 75 27 Kharapura 27 76 Sindriabahal 76 28 Kharapura jungle 28 77 Barpadar 77 29 Krushanapurjungle 29 78 Lastala 78 30 Sulia 30 Mauiimal 79 31 Suliajungle 31 79 Gandabdhal (Gandabahali)80 32 Cuja 32 80 puturupali 81 33 Chadeigudi ::13 81 Ullunda 8l 34 Pardiapali 34 82 Matikhai 83 35 Hatipahul 35 83 84 Gailmura 84 36 Ganjachhapar 36 85 Badali 85 37 Radhanagar 37 Badama' 86 38 Ganjachhaparjungle 38 86 Pipa,kuda 87 39 Jaunrabhounra 39 87 Didimal 88 40 Dakhinipalijungle 40 88 89 Kapasira 89 41 Dakhinlpail 41 90 90 Jaganl'lathpali 42 Matupali 42 91 91 Lambakani 43 Sahanidiha 43 92 92 Dhuldhula 44 Manpur 44 93 45 Chadeipank jungle 45 93 Jampali Marllloi lMoraloi) 94 46 Chadeipank 46 94 452


Dist._Balangir Code-9 Name of C. D. Block_Ullunda

Name of Code 51· Name of Code Name of Code SI. Name of Code the No. No. the No· the No. No. the No. TahasllfP .5· Village Ta hasi liP .5· Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ~~------~------14 95 Khaliapali 95 15 138 Naikapali 98 96 Kukia 96 139 Baghapali 99 97 Balabasapur {Balabasapir)97 140 Jagannathpali 100 96 Panchamahala 98 141 Ballabhapali 101 99 Barlgoan 99 142 Harinapa Ii 102 100 Manarn~ 100 143 Krushnanagar 103 101 Mahanadi (Ka) 101 144 Gargadabahal 104 102 Telenda 102 (Gargadagahal) 103 Nimna 103 145 Kulbasa 105 104 D a sarajpurpandiaf al 104 146 Gailgudi 106 (Dasarajpurpandiapal) 147 Kadodar 107 105 Oasarajpurpanda fal 105 148 Badpur 108 (Oa sar J.jpurpandiaphal) 149 Birsinghapur 109 106 106 Amurda 150 Joyapur jungle 110 107 107 Baidapall 151 Bamaraj 111 108 le8 Gdurgoao 152 Jambhalipali 195 109 Edepadar (Udepadar) lOY 153 Jayapur 196 Pipalikani (Pipilikani) 110 110 154 Padhanpall 197 155 Nuapali 198 Birmaharajpur 111 Kha juriapali 1 156 Babupali 199 P. S.15 112 Sarasdadar 2 157 Ka lapathar 20A 113 SunapaJr 3 lSB Bagchhera (Bakchhera) '}"f 114 Podamal:' . 4 159 KairajhuJi 202 115 Dhauradadar 5 160 Jaloi 203 '1& Dhauradadar jungle 6 161 Kudapada (Kalapathar) 204 117 Ri jheidadar (Ri jhaidadar) 7 162 Bandhapali 205 118 Rijheidadar jungle 8 163 Khlrpur 206 (Ri IhJ id?dar Jungle) 164 Saharapali 207 ~19 Luhakhardi 10 165 Radhiapali 208 120 Mahukhandi 11 166 Gagankhalai 209 121 l:'airagipa 1i 78 167 Ghlkundi 210 122 Umadeipali 79 168 Jamgaon 211 123 lltipall 80 169 Gunjipali 212 124 litipaiJjl!ngle 81 170 jaloijungle 213 125 Bagabahali 82 171 lImbapali 214 126 Bairagipa,li jungle 83 172 Kesalpura 215 127 Bagabdhalijungle 84 173 Kesalpurajungle 216 128 Dlanapali 88 174 Sanankaria (Sananklra) 217 129 Khuntula pa Ii jungle 89 (Khuntu lala ti Jungle) 175 Badankaria (Badankira) 218 176 Sarkaridadar 219 130 Khuntalapali 90 177 Anantapali 220 131 K:>tsamai~ I jungle 91 (Kotsmulaijungle) 178 Oaldaba 221 132 KotsafTlalai 92 179 Daldaba jungle 222 131 G"Idbandha 93 180 Bidurpali 223 134 Redam ! 94 181 Naikapada 224 135 l1edamj~n~le 9'> 162 Bisipara 225 IRedum jungle) 163 Sansanpur 226 136 Ranipali % 184 Gopalpur 227 137 Kudapada 97 185 Achyutpali 228 453


Oist._Balangir "cOd6_9 Name of C.D. Block-lJllunaa

Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code 51. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No. the No TahasillP·S. Village TahasiIIP.S. Village 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

15 1B6 KaplleswarbllUmi 229 '5206 Bhajabalpur 249 (Bh


Dist.-Balangir Cod8-9 Name of C. D. Block-Titlagarh

Code Name of Code 51. Name of Name of Code 51. Name 0# Code No. the No. No. the the No. No. the No. TahasilfP.5. Village Tahasil/P.S. Village .4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 -« 5

TITLAGARH 7 45 Nanajhar 39 TAHASIL 4b Manigan 58 47 Pipalpadar 59 Sindhekela P.S. IS 1 Sialjhudungi 42 48 Thalka 60 2 Brahmanipara 43 49 Gokhurung 61 3 Ghantasada 44 50 Chandutara 62 4 Dungurigura 45 51 limpara 63 5 Adabahal 46 52 Choramara 64 6 Chantipala .. 8 53 Taraslngha 65 7 Ainlabhata 49 54 Thuburing 66 8 Surda 50 55 Ghughurpala 67 9 Beherabhata 51 56 Shisha kani (U) 68 10 Mahagan 52 57 Matkaopala 69 11 Silanda 53 58 Rangabahali 70 12 Icngan 54 S9 Burdipara 71 13 Kurlubhata 55 60 BandupaJa 72 14 Diatan ' 56 61 Sanapatrapall 83 15 Chhatabhata(Chatabhata)57 62 Badpatrapall 84 ~6 Parasara 58 63 Darlo 85 17 Kutmara 97 64 Khaliapara 86 18 Sukuoabhata 98 65 Turla 87 19 Ghantasada 99 66 Kumra (KumudaJ 88 20 Turukbhata 100 67 Charbhata 69 21 Kandara 101 68 Desil 90 22 Pip,dpadar 102 69 Sinapali 91 23 Kursud 103 70 KarJapara 92 14 Nimurla 104 71 Pipaldani 93 25 Gaudtula 105 72 Rigdol 94 26 Digsira 106 73 Bijepur 95 27 Kusakela 107 74 Banjipadar 96 75 8elapada 97 76 Titlagarh P.S. 1 23 Satbanani 3 Malijhar 98 29 Kuturakend 4 77 Ghushurimal 99 30 Oumerbahal 5 78 Pitapara 100 31 Sialjhudungi 6 79 Kanijuri 101 32 Gulmi 7 80 I'endrapadar 102 33 Bhusalar 27 81 Kumudipadar 103 34 Mahulpara 26 82 Katarkela 104 35 Dangarpara 29 83 laitara 105 36 Dumdumi 30 84 Kendumundi 106 37 Pipi liba.ldh 31 65 Sihini 107 38 Gudeguda(Gudguda) 32 86 Bachhajujha 108 87 Chitarol 39 Banjijhal 33 109 41) 5iker 34 88 Jagua 110 89 Minapali 41 Suagapur 35 1'1 42 Shagadaghat 36 90 Naren 112 91 )unapara (junapaira) 43 Gambnarimal 37 113 44 Kapsibhata 38 92 Jampara 114 455


Dist._Balangir Code_9 Name of C. D. Block_Titlagarha

Name of Code 51 Name of Code Name of Code 51. Name of Code tlte No. No. the No. the No· No. the No· TahasllIP'S, Village Tahasil/P.S. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

7 93 Tankarupara 115 7 112 Chantabahali 134 94 Gandhrgala 116 113 Khairkhunt 135 (Candhargola) 114 Amurla 136 95 Patharla 117 115 Binekela 137 96 Khulan (Kholan) 118 116 Balpadar 138 97 Sikuan 119 117 Marlar (Marlad) 139 120 98 Antarla 11B 5iluan 140 121 99 Chorar 119 Sukunabhata 141 122 100 Udepur 120 Ludhipara 142 101 Serko 123 121 LimpHa 143 102 Kapsibhata 124 122 Dangarpara 144 1m Bagdor 125 123 Khallapara (Khalapara) 145 104 Purapadar 116 124 Burabandh 146 105 Oangapa ta (Oangaplta) 127 125 Lesunbahall 147 106 Bhalegan 128 126 Kanarla 148 107 Gurjibhata 129 127 Timanbharl 149 108 Luthurubandh 130 128 Goerabiri 150 109 Jamjar (U) 131 129 Guhirapadar 151 110 Mahada 132 130 Sirl:'ikela 152 111 Sargunamunda 133 131 5alebhata 153 456


Dist._Balangir Code_9 Name of C. D. Block-Saintafa

Name of Code 51· Name of Code Name of Code 51. Name of Code the No· No· the No. the No. No· the No· Tahasll/P.S. Village Tahasil/P.S Village 1 2 3 4 5 _----1 2 3 4 5 TITLAGARH 8 46 Rengalbahal 78 TAHASIL 47 lamkani 79 48 Dhunkera 80 Salntala p. S. 8 1 Khamagada 1 49 Karlabahali 81 2 Godramunda 2 50 Samdasrl]unda 82 3 Patnipita (Patnipata) 3 51 lachut 83 4 Belghati 4 52 Kermela 84 5 Jurabandh 5 53 Samara 85 6 Keunal (Keumal) 6 54 Dhuonapali 86 7 Dukerchanchara 7 55 5argipali 87 8 Nuamunda 8 56 MaJpara 88 9 Kharselbanji 9 57 Burhabahal 89 10 5aimara 10 58 Babukelgan 90 11 Kadalimunda 11 59 Khajurpara 91 12 Dhanphut 12 60 liaka ni 92 13 Kodasingha 13 61 Kharibahal 93 14 Merabahal 14 62 Kuturamunda 94 15 Phatamunda 15 63 Dung uripaJi 95 16 Mantribahal 16 64 Bandhpara 96 17 Degan 17 65 Mayamunda 97 18 Tikarapada 28 66 Remanda 98 19 Kendudar (Kenduudar) 29 67 Banaras 99 20 Dabjor 30 68 5aintala 100 21 Ekaguri 31 69 Deng 101 22 SaJedamak 32 70 Burda 102 23 Bagior (Bagdor) 33 71 Bijapadar 103 24 Runimahul 34 72 Brahmani 104 25 Manimunda 35 73 Kumbhari 105 26 Barmunda 36 74 Kumbhekela 106 27 Dangarpara 37 75 Dumermunda 107 28 5inakhaman 38 76 Karamtula (Karamtala) 108 29 Biratxani 39 77 Chhanchada 109 30 Kandhakelgan 40 7B Tustapali 110 31 Jaliadara (laliapadar) 41 79 Surda 111 32 Gurlamal 42 80 Nagphena 112 33 Karlidhua (Kharlidhua) 43 81 Kusumel·{Kusumal) 129 34 Junanimal 44 8Z Pendaramal 130 35 Dangarpara 45 83 Gandpatrapali 131 36 Kharlikani 46 84 8hatasar 132 37 Suliamal 47 85 Kuikera 133 38 Talbahal 48 8& Kangarlaga 134 39 Patamara 49 87 Siletpara 135 40 lhinkldungurl 50 88 Bibina 136 41 Lapher 51 89 Mahagan 137 42 Iharbaha Ii 52 90 Jampadar 138 43 Dukalghat 75 91 Tentulpadar 139 44 Lathakend 76 92 Badipada 140 45 Jhimanpali 77 93 Saantaupher 141 457


Dist._Balangir Code~9 Name of C. D. Block_Saint"ala

Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code 51. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No· No- the No. Tahasil/P .5. Village Tahasll/P .5. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

8 94 Tendlipali 142- 8 118 Kaansar 166 95 Turchaupher 143 119 Kechhomuhan 161' (Turchauper) 120 Bhejipadar lb8 96 Ghantamal 144 121 Ghunsar (Ghunser) 169 97 Bheruanbhata 145 122 Deuli 170 146 98 AmbapaJi 123 Derhel 171 99 Kushumal 147 12'1 Nuapara 172 100 Dungripall 148 125., loharapali 173 Kuanrgan 149 101 12~ Barahmal 174 102 Chitmara 150 127 Narikata 175 103 Baragan 151 128 Samachuari 176 104 5ikapatrapali 152 129 Piprut (Piprot) 177 105 Dangabahal 153 130 Narabahali 178 lOb Rengali 154 131 Chilabahali 179 107 Karlakhunta (U) 155 132 Jubamal 11'0 108 Jamkhunta 156 133- Kandhaulba 181 109 Dharapgarh 157 134 Babuuluba 182 110 Gaelbhari 158 135 Ghantbaha Ii 183 111 Makiri 159 136, Bhurpara 184 112 Phapsi 160 '13] KustJmkhal lBS 113 Barmal 161 138 Bhlkabahall 186 114 Bha'Cfra 162 139i Siletpara 187 115 -Baramunda 163 140 Belgaon 188 116 Khasbahal 164 141. Siskela 189 117' Dumermunda 165 142 Jamtara 190 45B


Dist._Balangir Code_9 Name of C. D. Block_Turekela

Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code 51. Nama of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No. the No. TahasillP. S. Village lahasiI/P.S. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

TITLAGARH 4 47 Jharni 47 TAHASIL 48 Khatalumanda 48 49 Hlal 49 Kantabanji 4 1 Kharli 1 50 Dhusamunda 50 P.S. 2 Debiriamunda 2 51 5amarasinha 51 3 Bhalukana (Bhalukulla) 3 52 Mandala 52 4 Gurjibhata 4 53 Kamalmunda 53 5 Halanbhata 5 54 Rahenbhata 54 6 Gaendimal 6 55 Malpamunda 55 7 Naktabahal 7 56 Laljhara 56 8 Kuspali 8 57 Karlabaha Ii 57 9 Bariali 9 58 Mankarchuan 58 10 Bahabal 10 59 KtJagasa 59 11 Gabhara 11 60 Patima! 60 12 1! D manichu"n 61 Salepara 61 13 Dholmandal 13 62 Sanbanki 62 14 Baghuapara 14 63 Salemudgan 63 15 Mahulpati 15 (Selernurunga) 16 Magurjangal 16 64 Tikarapara 64 (Magur janga) 65 Mundakanl 65 17 Malikdar 17 66 Jubamal 66 18 Mahanilaha 18 67 Kandei 67 19 19 Ramor 68 Fat.tmunda (U) 68 20 Rautmunda 20 (Phatamunda) 21 Larki 21 69 Cadia jora (Ciriajor) 69 22 Beniamal (U) 22 70 Bharuakani 70 23 Burhibah,I( 23 71 Sandhibahal 71 24 Tu ektla 24 72 Nandol 72 25 Gargarbahal 2~ 73 Mahakhanda 73 26 Teutulikhunti 26 74 Sarglgura (Sargiguna) 56 27 Lourl.lUrar 27 75 Ancla'puri 87 28 Nagaphena 28 76 Sargul 88 77 KlIruamunda 89 29 Baradakla 29 78 Kandhabahal 90 30 Ghune, 30 79 K(,Iliadara 91 31 Barla 31 80 Dhamandanga 92 81 Birna 93 32 Kadobera 32 82 Dumerchuan 94 33 Khujen 33 83 Dabiri 95 84 Beherensilat 96 34 ~dndhanpali 34 85 KurU 97 35 Muribahala 35 86 Chatuanka 98 36 C.hdrpani 36 87 Dangan,ara 99 88 BUfQrnal (Burumal) 100 37 Badabdnki 37 89 Kukurahar 101 38 J1mki 38 90 Pakhanmunda 102 103 39 Ronddfen 39 91 Dhumsu 92 Jamutjori (Jamutjuri) 104 40 Pak.hanmunda 40 93 Ghanamahul 105 41 Kulbah,'1 41 94 Bandha npa Ii 106 95 Jamutjhula 107 42 Banjipali 42 96 Kdsamal 108 43 Sell.ala 44 97 Rengali 109 110 44 Mdhulbahal i 44 98 Chauhukha 99 Simanabahal 112 45 Nuapara 45 100 BatddS 113 46 Tentel khunti 46 101 Roljamara 114 459


Dist._Barangir Code_9 Name of C. D. Brock_Bangomunda

Name of Code SI. Name of Code Name of Code SI. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No. the No. Tahasil[P.S. Village TahasiljP .s. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

TITLAGARH 5 46 Khairpadar 54 TAHASIL 47 Dhundimahul 5, 48 Kansil 73 Kantabanj i 1 Sangamara 74 49 Dumermllnda 74 P.S. 4 2 Jurabandh 75 50 lltisilat 75 3 Malpara 76 51 Beherabahali 76 4 Sardhapur 77 52 ·Sagunbhadi 77 5 Dangia 78 53 Bhirkapara 78 {, Khujenbahal 79 54 Chuliphunka 79 7 Chhatrang 80 55 Malapara 8() 8 Talchdkel (Taltchakel) 81 56 Bartunda 81 9 Barkani 82 57 Asurla 82 10 Bagbahal 83 58 Sinclhbhari 83 11 Degan 84 59 Barlabahall 84 12 Telipadar 85 60 Sandhisar 85 61- Kundabhatla 86 sangomunda 5 13 Chaulia 1 62 Badlchaka 87 P.S· 14 Pipalmunda ·2 63 Dumerpara 88 1S Lukapara 12 64 Nangalajuri 89 16 K)1aera 13 65 C;obindpur 90 17 8argamra 14 66 Mundapadar 91 18 8elpara 15 67 Kandhabahal (Kandbahal) 92 19 Ganjabahal 16 20 Tetelpara 17 Sindhekela 6 6a Polaskhand 1 21 Kuturabeda (Kuterabera) 18 P.S. 69 Bhushlar :2 22 Berapara 19 70 Kirabahal (U) 3 23 Biripali 20 71 Pudapali 4 24 Turekela 21 72 Dedhgan 5 25 Bhalumunda 22 73 Lohrapali 6 26 Phundelpadar 23 74 8agbahal 7 27 Phugura 24 7S Sa lemudanga 8 28 Dumerpara 25 76 Putulatalai (Putulatali) 9 29 Bangomunda 26 77 Pandripani 10 30 Guhirapadar 38 78 Budhipadar (8urhipadar) 11 31 Barkani 39 79 Bahabal 12 32 Borbahal 40 80 Bakagura 13 33 Candhar a bandha 41 81 Bagartipara 14 34 Tetelpara 42 82 Tentulipara 15 35 Jaerpara 43 83 Bonjupadar 16 36 Sanmula 44 84 Jharial 17 37 8aladha 45 85 Ranipur 18 38 Kapilabhata 46 86 Balkhamar 19 39 Talbhata 47 fl7 Phulbandha 20 40 Manigan 48 88 Malkasada 21 41 Nanajhar 49 89 Colabandh 22 42 Patalpara 50 90 Podapali 23 43 Sahajot 51 91 Beherabhata 24 44 Godramunda 52 92 Jamtara 25 45 Kanabira 53 93 Barkanl 26 46U

ANNEXURE J Dist._Balangir Code-9 Name of C. D. Block_Bangomunda

~- ---- Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code 51. Name of Code the No. No. the No· the No· No. the No. lahasll/P·S. village Tahasil/P .5· village 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

6 94 Themara 27 6 114 Sriram 77 95 Utkela (Utikela) 28 115 Gharla 78 96 Balbeng 59 11& Jamkhunta 79 97 Arsatu!a 60 117 Jampara 60 98 Kurudiamunda 61 118 Kalkut 81 99 Bh~ tasar 62 119 Sa lemudanga 82 100 Debeli 63 120 Ba rkani 83 101 Alanda 64 121 Dabjhar 84 102 Pitamdhul 65 122 Jhinkipara 85 103 Bahalgabha 66 123 Tureikela 86 104 Jadamunda 67 124 Badapara 87 105 Sindhekela 68 125 Shundhimun.da B8 106 Telsarai (Telsari) 69 126 Gandharla 89 107 Putupara 70 127 Kurlubhata 90 108 Bhanpur 71 128 BathdTla 91 109 Salebarat 72 129 Titisilat 92 110 Purniapali 73 130 Ganjiapara 93 111 Jhalap 74 H1 Chindagura 94 112 Mamia 75 132 Bhursagura 95 113 Paruabhadl (Parubhadi) 76 133 Chandotara 96 461


Dist._Ba1angir Code-9 Name of C. D. B1ock_Muribahal

-_._._ ------~-~~ Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code 51. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No· No. the No. TahasilIP.5. Village Tahasil/P.S. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

TITLAGARH 5 44 Dhudukapara 64 TAHASIL 45 Asurmunda 65 46 Ganrei 66 Kantabanji 4 1 Pangania 111 47 Phatamunda 67 p. S· 2 Bahaduki 115 48 Seletpara 68- 3 Brahmani 116 49 Bhormunda 69 4 Barajura 117 56" Budhipadar (Burhipadar) 7(} 5 Salepara 118 51 Bhairigubha 71 6 Gambharikhol 119 52 Goimund 72 (Gambarikhol) 7 Muribahal 120 Sindhekela 6 53 Pitapara 29 8 Ghantabahali 121 P.S. 54 Salebhata 3()O 9 Dumerpara 122 55 Tatopara (Totapara) 31 10 Siletpara 123 56 Dungrigura 32 11 Sindhpali 124 57 Brahmanichapar (U) 33 12 Tentelkhunti 125 58 Jamkani 34 13 Lakhana 126 59 Limpara 35, 14 Hadahada 127 60 Salepua 36 15 :Cargarbahal 128 61 Tup.udar 37 62 Badudar 38- Bangomunda 5 16 Dandara 3 63 Sukunabhata 39- p ·S· 17 Dangarpada 4 64 Makripara 40 18 Janipara 5 65 Gandapadar 41. 19 Bijghat 6 66 Lebada 47 20 Makhapali 7 Titlagarh 7 67 Banabahal 'Jl 21 Sahajpani 8 P.S. 68 Kermela 2 22 'Malibahal 9 69 Bhutisadha (Bhurisara) a. 2'3 Salepara 10 70 Dangabanji 9 24 Nuapara 11 71 Karlapita 1(). 25 Kudobhata 27 72 Tentalkhunti 11 26 Khapadara 28 73 Karlabahali (U) 12 27 Saraspara 29 13 28 limpara (Nimpara) 30 74 Dagarpara (Dangarpara) Jubamal (U) 14 29 KandhenJhwla 31 75 (Kandhenjhula) 76 Jamuna 15· 30 Phundelpadar J2 77 Chlliphapara 16 31 Debang 33 78 Purisara 17 32 Pal rapali 34 79 Patamara 18- 33 Ainlabhata (Anlabhata) 35 SO Khaliakani (Khalikanl) 19- 34 Jamut 36 B1 Jugira ta 2() 35 Laripara 37 82 Haladi 21 36 Chitramunda 56 83 Desil 22 37 Jhinkidungri 57 84 Malisira 23 38 Gurunda 58 85 Dengapadar 24 39 Bf>oipara 59 86 Khrali 25 40 Kandakhal ~O 87 Chiknibahali 26 41 Dumermunda 61 8B Tikirapara (Tikrapara) 40 42 Katadungri 62 89 Tentulikhunti 41 43 Malpara 63 90 Khairmal 42 - 462


Oist._ Balangir Code-9 Name of C. D. Block_Muribahal

Name· of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code 51. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No. the No. TahasillP .S. Village Tahasil/P.S. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

7 91 Ranabhata 43 8 126 Sanahibahal 55 92 Bitabandh 44 127 Bhandarbanji 56 ( [landarbanji) 93 Rengali 45 128 lchhapara 57 94 Ghantbhali 46 129 5agarpali 58 95 Pratapali (Patrapali) 47 130 Khaliapali 59 96 Kherat 48 131 Ba rasa imar a 60 97 Bankel 49 132 Andaldarh 61 98 Kandakhal 50 113 Jharbahali 62 99 Pltapara 51 134 Kurlubahal 63 100 8i1eikanl 52 135 Dhatukjori 64 101 Sirol 53 136 Ambajharan 65 102 Duns;:urigura S4 137 Patrapali 66 Chingermunda 55 103 138 Chanutmal 67 Gunchitara- S6 104 139 Gorighat 68 Khajuripara 57 105 140 Jamunabahal 69 Belpadar 75 106 141 5atighat 70 Deobhuin (Debhuin) 76 107 142 Kachharbhadi 71 77 108 lenjha 143 Bandupala (Banupala) 72 Ranabandh 78 109 144 Chalki 73 Balapadar 79 110 145 Jaintara 74 Putuli 80 111 146 Jamlisar 113 Podhmund 81 112 147 Gobindpur 114 Deyuri (DeJuri) 82 113 148 Nuamunda 115 149 BiJamal 116 18 150 Balikhamar 117 Saintala 8 114 Katarlaga 19 151 Salepara 118 p. S· 115 Baghuabahal 2(}1' 152 Pudapali 119 116 Saiba'1dh 153 Chanabahal 120 117 Dhumamal 21 154 ledapadar 121 118 Tengara 22 155 Sukunapadar 122 119 Kharjuri 23 156 Kumbhari 123 120 Rengali 24 157 Ghusuramunda 124 121 Bhayaudar(Bahyaudar) 25 158 Babejuri 125 127 Jharkhamar 26 159 Barbandh 126 123 Sargul 27 160 Karla 127 124 Jampader 53 54 161 Bankel 128 125 Antarla 463


Dist._Balangir Code_9 Name of C. D. Block_Patnagarh

Name of Code 51. Name 01 Code Name of Code 51. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No. the No. Tahasil/P .5. Village Tahasil/P .5. Village 1 2 3 4 S 1 2 3 4 S

PATNAGARH 2 45 Khuntsamalai 60 TAHASIL 4b Daitarimunda 61 , 47 Kusabahali 62 Patnagarh 2 1 Damkipali 4S Laksmimunda 65 P.S. 2 5arathimunda 2 (La ksh imunda) 3 Pandripani 3 49 Dabmal 66 4 Gavara 4 50 Baliabhata 73 5 Chhualiudar 5 51 Ainlapali 74 6 Kanhei tal (Kandeital) 6 52 Kuhabaunsa(Kuabauns) 7S 7 Khuripani 7 53 Kerbeda 76 8 <;:handanjori 8 S4 Putishbahal 77 (Chandan Juri) 55 Dhunradadar 7() 9 Brahmanipali 9 (Dhauradadar) (Bramhanipa\i) 56 Chitikamal 79 10 larambha 10 57 Banjijhal 80 11 Dangbahal 11 58 Padhel 81 12 5uliamai 12 59 Barhamunda 84 13 Gadiajor 13 60 Phulmunda 85 14 Gunchadihi 14 61 Khutnapani (Khuntnapani)86 1S Thelkochh

ANNEXURE Dist._Balangir Code_9 Name of C. D. Block_Patnagarh ------Name of Code 51· Name of Code Name of Code 51· Name of Code the No. ,",,0. the No. the No. No. the No. Tahasil/P.S. Village Tahasil/P.S. Village 1 ~ 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

2 92 Batharla (Batarla) 117 2 129 Ranidarh 154 93 Beherabandh 118 130 Chinge{bandh 155 94 Chitadunguri 119 131 Ganga~agar 156 95 Tendapadar 120 132 5i1etpara 157 96 Ku~umkani 121 133 Gailplta 158 97 Ulba 222 134 Bichhilibahal 159 98 Kaudia 123 135 Chuladarh 160 99 Barpadar 124 136 Kalangapali 161 100 Apursagar 125 137 Khalia 162 101 5amalaisar 126 138 Jambahal 163 102 Kutmunda 127 139 MaJikmunda 164 103 Sunamudi 128 (Nalikmundd) 104 Rugudimunda 129 140 Barbahal 165 105 Barpita 130 141 Dhatuk 166 106 Diadumer 131 142 Babejurl 167 107 Naktasar 132 143 Nlijibahal 168 108 Chhelkhai 133 144 Turldmal 169 109 Tentelkhunti 134 145 Chakamal 170 110 Dhubalpara 135 146 Salepali 171 111 Bandhanbhadi 136 147 Rahenmal 172 (Bandhanbahari) 148 Guhiramunda 173 '12 Rengatasil 137 149 Gadiajor 174 113 Bhalupita 138 150 Baghalabandh 175 114 Bhalujuri (Bhalujorl) 139 151 Ghuchepall 176 115 Mudghat 140 152 Manaipad 177 116 Jhaptupali 141 153 Mundomahul 178 117 Mundapala 142 154 Gailmara 179 118 Masinachhapar 143 155 Kadalimunda 180 119 Bhainsa 144 156 Kendumundi 181 120 Ghikundi (Ghikundhi) 145 157 Bindhanpathar 182 121 5armuhan 146 15B Karlamal 18} 122 Porhamund (Porhmund) 147 159 Podhachhapar 184 123 Jhankarpali 14B 160 Tulasidunguri 185 124 Babe juri 149 161 Fandakupara 186 125 Ratakhandi 15G 162 Maghamara 187 126 Sialbandh 151 163 Dandarabahal 188 127 JhankarpaJi 152 164 Amdarha 189 128 Bhaludarh 153 165 Semelmunda 190 465


Oist._Bafangir COd8_9 Name of C. D. Block-Khaprakhof ------Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code 51. Name of Code the No. No. the No. the No. No. the No. Tahasll/P.5 Village Tahasil/P.5. ViII~ge 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 S

PATANAGAR 1 45 Sangurjibhata 45 TAHASIL 46 Masina 46 4] BanjipaJi 47 Khaprakhol 1 Mahulpali 1 48 jholbahal 48 P.S.1 2 Kandrabhata 2 49 Chancharabhata 49 3 Nuapall 3 50 Chuchdpali 50 4 Nandupala 4 51 Kulihamunda 51 5 Chhanchanbahali 5 52 Andalmundi 52 6 Turla 6 53 Telenpali 53 7 Jhankarpali 7 54 Karlamal 54 8 Danamal 8 55 Dudukipadar 55 9 Brahman! 9 56 Chaulbanji 56 10 Bhanpur 10 (Chaulbanjd) 11 jaliabahal 11 57 Banamal 57 12 Buromal 12 58 Damnimal 58 13 Ankamara (Anakamara) 13 59 Bankera 59 14 Kendubhata 14 60 Bandepadar 60 15 Matlabhata 15 61 Ban;ipali 61 16 Putlamaf:lul 16 62 Tilelbahal 62 17 5alepall 17 63 Malpara 63 18 Golamunda 18 64 Baduden 64 19 Tambipadar 19 65 lachhimal 65 20 5argipali 20 66 Sanuden 66 21 Maharapadar 21 67 Kanga 61 22 Kuthurla 22 68 Patrapali 68 23 Dudungdarha 23 69 Padiabahal (Parlabahal) 69 24 Bagjharan 24 7() Dedarha 70 25 junanibahal 25 71 Pacl">er 71 26 Baliabahal 26 72 Dhandamunda 12 27 Jamunapali 27 73 Budhibahal (Burhibahal) 73 28 Khuripani 28 74 Cundurupali 74 29 Sap'l1und 29 75 Bheluakhol 75 30 Beherapani 30 76 Khaprakl">ol 76 31 Nagdera 31 n Badgurjibhata 77 32 Rengali 32 78 Chumsar (Chunsar) 78 33 Ambabahali 33 79 Putkelcl'luan 79 34 Sindhbahali 34 80 Plngalmunda 80 (5indibahali) 81 Phulkimunda 81 35 Chitakhutna (Chitakutna) 35 82 Bagdia 82 36 lahadunguri 36 83 Sulial:>ahal 83 37 Bharuamunda 37 84 Sahajpani 84 38 Bartia 38 85 Malpara 85 39 Sunamudi 39 86 Jamchuan 86 40 Budhachhapar 40 87 PhulJhar 87 (Burhachhapar) 88 jalpankel 88 41 Patrapali 41 89 ]h"lialiti 69 42 Sareibahal 42 90 Karu~njhar (Koruanjhar) 90 43 Chormunda 43 91 Chauldia 91 44 Tankapani 44 92 lathor 92 466 .- , ANNEXURE

Dist._Balangir Code_9 Name of C. D. Block-Khaprakhol

Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code ~t. Name of C~de• r the No. No. the No. the No. No. the No. TahasiIIP.S. V!liage Tahasil/P .5. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 '4 5

1 93 Plpalbahal 93 2 111 Nagenmal 30 94 Kandel!=hhapar 94 112 Gaonbhatali (Ganbhatli) 31 85 qahakapara 95 113 Chagara 32 90 Bender. 96 114 Bhatall 33 97 ,Badimal 97 115 Tengrapathar 34 ~B B~~lud}l.lan 9B 116 Kechhobahal 3S 99 BharuaQ1unda 99 117 Dameipall 36 100 jhankaripali 100 .118 juria 37 101 Kurlumal (Kurumal) 101 119 lUhaslngha (luasinha) 38 102 Mahurllndl 102 120 Hirll 39 103 Kapsipali 103 121 Bagmunda 40 104 Udi~pall (Uriapali) 104 Ul Dundel 63 105 Bhaludungurl 114 123 luhakhan 64 106 Karlakutna 115 124 Kadalijharan 67 125 Danglabahal 6i 126 Klrabahal 69 Patnagarh 107 Bandhanmal 25 :127.. Goudpall 70 P.S.2 (Bandanmalj 128 Salepali 71 108 Luhuret 27 129 Kusamkanl 72 109 Khola 28 130 Rengaljuri (Renltalgurl) 82 110 Kadopanl 29 131 Changharla 83 ·iOP 467. ,J.I\.)V.!f"i/" ANNEXURE t - , Dist._Balangir Code-9 Name of C. D. Block_Belpara

(,rl' Name of Code ,51. Name" of Code Name of Code'S!. Na1TIe of Code the No. No. the 'No. the No. 'No. the No. ra~asIl/P'S, Village Tahasil/P'S, Village 1 2 ,3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

I ~ATANAGARH 3 44 Kumbhar,khun 29 ci


Dist_Balangir Co," Name of C. D. Block_Berpara

Name of Code 51. Name of Code Name of Code 51· Name of Code the No· No· the No. the No. No. the No· Tahasil[P·5. Village Tahasil/P·S. Village 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

3 91 Bhatapara 76 3 106 Madhyapur 91 92 Katapali 77 107 Khairmal 92 93 Kenkeba 78 108 Bha lubaha Ii 93 94 Rarbahal 79 (Bhalubahal) 95 Ainlapali 80 109 Bahabal 94 96 Hatkat 81 110 Malpara 95 111 5uanbahal 97 Khalkhali 82 96 112 Muribahal 96 Jaharphatamunda 63 97 (Jharpha tamunda) 113 Lathakend 98 99 Dangartal 84 114 Blchhubaha Ii 99 100 Dahimal 85 115 Pandarijor 100 101 Kurenb~hall 86 116 Gidhmal 101 (KurenbahalJ 117 Karlabahali 102 102 Jalia 87 118 Mundapala 103 103 Dhumabhata 88 119 Dakra 104 104 Raikhal 89 120 Ban gomundabahal 105 105 Sulekela 90,.. 121 Chandrapur 106