On the Lambert W Function 329
On the Lambert W function 329 The text below is the same as that published in Advances in Computational Mathematics, Vol 5 (1996) 329 – 359, except for a minor correction after equation (1.1). The pagination matches the published version until the bibliography. On the Lambert W Function R. M. Corless1,G.H.Gonnet2,D.E.G.Hare3,D.J.Jeffrey1 andD.E.Knuth4 1Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, N6A 5B7 2Institut f¨ur Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, ETH Z¨urich, Switzerland 3Symbolic Computation Group, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, N2L 3G1 4Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA 94305-2140 Abstract The Lambert W function is defined to be the multivalued inverse of the function w → wew. It has many applications in pure and applied mathematics, some of which are briefly described here. We present a new discussion of the complex branches of W ,an asymptotic expansion valid for all branches, an efficient numerical procedure for evaluating the function to arbitrary precision, and a method for the symbolic integration of expressions containing W . 1. Introduction In 1758, Lambert solved the trinomial equation x = q +xm by giving a series develop- ment for x in powers of q. Later, he extended the series to give powers of x as well [48,49]. In [28], Euler transformed Lambert’s equation into the more symmetrical form xα − xβ =(α − β)vxα+β (1.1) by substituting x−β for x and setting m = α/β and q =(α − β)v. Euler’s version of Lambert’s series solution was thus n 1 2 x =1+nv + 2 n(n + α + β)v + 1 n(n + α +2β)(n +2α + β)v3 6 (1.2) 1 4 + 24 n(n + α +3β)(n +2α +2β)(n +3α + β)v +etc.
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