16 Freuen in Di Ghettos: Leib Spizman, Ed
Noten INLEIDING: STRIJDBIJLEN 16 Freuen in di Ghettos: Leib Spizman, ed. Women in the Ghettos (New York: Pioneer Women’s Organization, 1946). Women in the Ghettos is a compilation of recollections, letters, and poems by and about Jewish women resisters, mainly from the Polish Labor Zionist movement, and includes excerpts of longer works. The text is in Yiddish and is intended for American Jews, though much of its content was originally published in Hebrew. The editor, Leib Spizman, escaped occupied Poland for Japan and then New York, where he became a historian of Labor Zionism. 18 Wat als Joodse verzetsdaad ‘telt’: For discussion on the definition of “resistance,” see, for instance: Brana Gurewitsch, ed. Mothers, Sisters, Resisters: Oral Histories of Women Who Survived the Holocaust (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1998), 221–22; Yehudit Kol- Inbar, “ ‘Not Even for Three Lines in History’: Jewish Women Underground Members and Partisans During the Holocaust,” in A Companion to Women’s Military History, ed. Barton Hacker and Margaret Vining (Leiden, Neth.: Brill, 2012), 513–46; Yitchak Mais, “Jewish Life in the Shadow of Destruction,” and Eva Fogelman, “On Blaming the Victim,” in Daring to Resist: Jewish Defiance in the Holocaust, ed. Yitzchak Mais (New York: Museum of Jewish Heritage, 2007), exhibition catalogue, 18–25 and 134–37; Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman, “Resistance and Rescue,” in Women in the Holocaust, ed. Dalia Ofer and Lenore J. Weitzman (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1998), 171–74; Gunnar S. Paulsson, Secret City: The Hidden Jews of Warsaw 1940–1945 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003), 7–15; Joan Ringelheim, “Women and the Holocaust: A Reconsideration of Research,” in Different Voices: Women and the Holocaust, ed.
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