INDEX INDEX A prestressing, 6 Roman, 1 Abrasion of flow surfaces, 634, 701, 707-709 shear, 579 Absorption, reservoir bottom, 423, 425, 449-450 slenderness coefficient, 580 Acceleration, attenuation of, 160, 375 static analysis, nonlinear, 503 Accelerators, concrete, 194 Areia Dam, 368, 371, 374, 382,410-411,413-414 Access, emergency, 779 cofferdam for, 234 Admixtures, concrete, 194, 208 Areia Dam spillway, 620, 622, 629-633, 653, 664 Aeration, 616, 620-634, 709 Asphalt Aerator grout, 331-332, 585 modeling, 630 membrane, 11 spacing, 633 Asphaltic concrete, 263 types, 625 Aswan Dam, 153 Aggregate, 193-194, 553-555 Aswan High Dam, 167, 724 Aggregate processing equipment, 554 Attenuation of ground acceleration, 160 Aggregates, RCC, 204 Auburn Dam, 119, 141 Air blows in outlets, 718 Automation of instrumentation, 773, 779 Air bulking, 633, 656 Avalanche, 739-740 Air-entraining agents, concrete, 194 Air entrainment mechanism, 625 Albuera de Feria Dam, 1 B Aldeadavila Dam, 624 Alicura Dam, 336 Backflow, spillway, 635 Alkali-aggregate reaction, 194, 525, 596-600 Bailey, R. D., Dam, 234 Almendralejo Dam, 1 Balderhead Dam, 270 Alto Anchicaya Dam, 368 Baldwin Hills Reservoir, 8-16, 57, 117, 125, 141 Ambiesta Dam, 507 Balsam Meadow Dam, 396, 397, 398 Ambursen dams, 3, 466, 470, 590 Bank storage, reservoir, 728 Amplitude suprema, 158 Batter pile, 472 Analysis of dam performance, 781 Bear Mountains fault, 119 Anchor Dam, 698 Beauharnois Project, 596-600 Anchor force, horizontal, 593 Bench mark installation, 752 Anchors, 591-596 Bennett, W. A. C., Dam,
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