CAss [. CHR Vol. 12, No. 50. CASS CITY, MICH., FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1917 8 PAGES

trict--yes 49, no 58. Maintenance of HELLER'S "FIXIN' UP" highways--yes 59, no 49. State to FOR SPRING SEASON STATEREWARD ROAD purchase railroads~yes 68, no 33. DR. WIgKWAR[ BEETROWERS TO SENATEIDOPIS WAR Absent voters yes 47, no 47. On Helter's Bakery and Ice Cream Par- ~.1~,~ :~d,..t_a t~c:kct, ~csu!d'ca= cnnd" lots haw: Oeen undcrg;om~ cnana'es lot T!LL POPULARdates recmved an average ox 1Z8 $] PERTOR the better the past few weeks and are TO G votes, Democrats 36 and Prohibition- reaching the end of a "fixin' up" pert- ists 7. od which adds more room and con- GRANT TOWNSHIP WILL BUILD Evergreen Township. HAS BEEN APPOINTED TO OF- APPEAL TO MANUFACTURERS veniences to the establishment. PRESIDENT IS GIVEN FULL 4½ MILES OF STATE ROAD The Republican ticket, the only one FICE OF SUPREME MEDI- NOT TO CUT U. S. FOOD SUP- The bake shop has been enlarged AUTHORITY TO USE MEN and made brighter by the removal of THIS SUMMER. in the field, was elected as follows: CAL EXAMINER. PLY RESPONSIBLE. AND MEANS. Supervisor, Chas. Severance; clerk, a stairway. Show cases in the store John A. Pringle; treasurer, Levi L. have been re-arranged which gives Holcomb; highway commissioner, Earl Grange Master Says Farmers Will more room for tables for ice cream ti~Iklamt, Greenleaf, Novesta and Elm- Will Probably Remain Resident of service and four more of these have HGuse Expected to Follow Lead Phetteplace; justice, Jas. J. Wallace; Meet Manufacturers More wood Will Add to Their Sys- memben~ of board of review, Geo. Par- Cass City and Continue Lo- been added to the equipment. A large of the Senate on Than Half Way. tem of Improved Highways. rott. cal Praetice. ice box has also been installed and Thursday. Novesta Township. decorators have brightened both shelving and walls. The ice cream Supervisor, Wm. B. Hicks; clerk~ Responding to the appeal of Gover- Dr. M. M. Wickware, proprietor of fountain will be on the job again to- Washington, April 4. The resolu- State reward roads are still popular Arthur Flynn; treasurer, Louis Holtz; nor Sleeper not to reduce the nation's the Pleasant Home Hospital at Cass morrow. tion declaring that a state of war with the taxpayers if one is to judge justice, Robt. Charlton; member of supply of sugar in the face of a war City and one of the most prominent exists between the United States and by the action taken by the voters of board of review, Chas. Kilgore; high- crisis, Michigan sugar manufacturers physicians in Tuscola county, received Germany was passed in the senate to- Etkland, Greenleaf, Grant and Noves- way commissioner, John Pringle. Thursday night agreed to meet the ta townships on election day Monday. a telegram Wednesday which an- ni~'ht by a vote of 82 to 6. Greenleaf Township. demands of the sugar bee¢ farmers, KELSEYIN JAPAN Grant township heads the list with nounced the confirmation of his ap- and Friday morning the Ford resolu- It goes to the house where debate Supervisor, Alexander McLellan; will begin tomorrow at 10 o'clock to the greatest number of miles to be pointment as supreme medical exam- tion calling for an investigation of Young Missionary Gives His Impres- continue until action is taken. constxucted this year. The taxpayexs, clerk, Frank E. Hutchinson; treasur- iner of the Ancient Order of Gleaners. the sugar "combine" in Michigan was oFulent citizens because of $7.00 er, Wm. Duffield; highway commis- Dr. Wickware succeeds the late Dr. tabled by the senate after a conference sions of Country and People. The resolution, drafted after con- beans, have arranged to build 4½ sioner, Wallace Gilbert; justice, John Sherman F. Chase, ~ioneer ~)hysician between Governor Sleeper a~d Sena- sultation ,with the state department, miIes of state reward highway. One Duffietd; member of board of review, in Tuscola county who has held that tors Mm'tha and Sculley. and already accepted by the house Rev. Spafford Kelsey writes his says the state of war thrust mile starts at the Beauley church go, Archie Gillies. ~oMtion since the organization of the The resolution was adopted by the parents as foItows from Yokohama, upon the United States by Ger- i~ west.. One-half mile is the last Grant Township. Gleaner fz~ternity. house Thursday with but one dissent- The appointment came e~tirely un- Japan: many is formally declared, and di- t0ortion of the road to Owendale in Supervisor, Bert Libkuman; clerk, ing vote. Sept. 12, 1916. Grant another mile is the solicited and under these circumstan- rects the President to employ the en- and half Henry Smith; treasurer, Twilton Her- Under the agreement of the sugar We arrived here yesterday (llth) tast portion of Grant center line on the ces it attests the high esteem in which tire military and naval forces and the on; highway commissioner, Martin manufacturers the fazzners wilt re- in the mornil~g and I have been busy road to Elkton. Another mile com- the local physician is held not only in resources of the government to carry McKenzie. ceive $6 a ton if sugar is five cents a seeing the sights of this wonderful mences on the town line at the Warn- his own community but abroad as on war and bring it to a successful pound, $7 if it is six cents, $8 if it is city. We leave to-morrow for Kobe, termination. e~ farm going south. Brookfield builds well. The position carries a salary of seven cents and so on. $3,000.00 a year which increases as Japan, and then stop at Nagasaka, The vote in the senate came just af- t~he second mile south and Grant takes Governor Sleeper was responsible so we have three stops in Japan. t~e third mite south. Another hal-f the society grows in membership. ter 11 o'clock at the close of a debate NBS, 8EOBBEBBAY for the speedy.adjustment of the diffi- The Orient is much the same in a mile of state road in Gray~,t starts at Offices for the medical examiner ~tre that had lasted continuously since 10 culty. He told the manufacturers great many things and I see much to ~e Grant cemetery and runs to the provided in the Gleaner Temple at o'clock this morning. The climax was Pioneer Residen~ Witnessed Many ttmt it was their duty as patriotic remind me of Palestine. Japan is a West Grant scAeol. Detroit; but Dr. Wickware is loath to reached late in the afternoon, when Marks of Progress. citizens to help increase the produc- much civilized country. It sometimes (}~e reason Grant citizens have un- Teave Cass Cit~ where the has a host Senator John Sharp Williams deo. tion of sugar in Michigan as he point- seems as you go along the streets that ~te~.~aken so much good roads wm'k of friends and has built up a larvae nounced a speech by Senator Lafol- i ed out that a long war might produce the people are all out in their bath ~is season is because so much gratui- practice and in all probability he will lette as more worthy of Herr yon Jane McChonachie was born in the same condition as now exists in robes. The gay colors are seen best tous work has been promised by peo- continue to reside here. His predeces- Bettmann-HoIlweg than of an Ameri- Aberdeen, Scotland, on June 15, 1832. some sections of Europe, where sugar of all on the children. The latter are I~le living along the highways to be At the early age of ten she came to sor followed a like course as Dr. Chase can senator. is parceled out by the tablespoon. so numerous that there is certainly i~proved. An example of this is giv- continued his residence in Ca ro while The passage of the resolution was Canada. This ~trip was carried through The governor insisted that the sugar no race suicide here. Many of the e~ in one mile of proposed state re- holding the office. Friends of Dr. not marked by any outburst from the with difficulties under pioneer condi- manufacturers now only pay the slid- men and women wear wooden sandals, ward road where the entire cost to tions. By canal boats the journey was Wickware and his estimable wife will galleries, and on the floor the sena- iDrg scale to the farmers who have not loosely attached to the feet so they the township is limited to the gradin~ made up the St. Laurence to Hamil- be glad to learn that they will con- tors then~selves were unusually grave signed, but extend the price to those make considerable racket as they and $220.00. The remaining cost of ton, then across country to Gwelph, tinue as residents of Cass City. and quiet. Many of them answered who have already contracted for acre- march along the street. this mile will be borne by people liv- Ontario. In those days Gwelph was a to their names in voices that quivered. age at the price formerly set by the The streets are very narrow. Thm'e ing along the road and in that imme- mere village in the woods but when with emotion. manufacturers. This the sugar men axe several lines of street cars here, diate neighborhood. h([rs. Gray left 37 years later it was also agreed to do. but most of the travel is by means of l~Iktand township, pioneer builder of considerable of a city. In 1851 she EXPRESSIONSOF ICOBDIALgY After the conference Governor rickashas~a two wheeled cart wit~ a state reward roads, again assumes two was united in marriage to Robt. Day Sleeper informed Master Ketcham of seat for one person. They have thills more miles for 1917. One mile is be- who died a few years later, leaving Given Roy. J. W. Hambtin at Annual SAVINGS[[D POTAT6ES the Michigan State Grange, who act- which are grasped firmly by a man tween sections 8 and 9, running past one son, James Day. In 1856 stie was Meeting of Presbyterians. ed for the beet growers, that it was the who trots along at a pretty good pace the Maxfield and Karr farms. The joined in marriage to George Gray t~y Using Cones with Eyes Three° patriotic duty of the farmers to in- and. draws you after him. They have other is the mile on the Greenleaf~ v;,ho died about 16 years ago. fom-ths of Flesh Can Be Used. R~v. J. W. Hamblin has completed crease their acreage as much as pos- pneumatic tires and it is a very agree- Etkland town line, on the east side of On Nov. 5, 1879, the family left the his fourth year as pastor of the Pres- sible. Both the governor and the mas- able way to travel. Yesterday we rode section 1, Elkland. Citizens of this home in Gwelph, Ont., and moved to terdan church at Cass City and at the ter of the state grange say that the about the city and got a good idea of township contemplate repeatin~ their the home near Cass City where she The cost of-seeding" Irish potatoes annual meeting of the society Tuesday new contracts will mean at least $t,- the homes of the people and native can be ~'±'eatlv reduce& the garden annual performance in 1918 in good resided to the day of her de~th. Du- evening there were quite a number of 2.50,000 more to the farmers of the specialists of the United States De- road building. A resolution wa~ her 38 years spent in Cass City stores. The homes are very small ring expressions of cordiality given by state. l~assed asking" the town board to have and vicinity she has seen many marks but neat and look interesting with Dartment of Agriculture point out, if, members of the society in his behalf. R, epresentative Sheridan Ford and their latticed doors. iustead of usin?: a who!e potato for surveyed the two miles--one east and of progress and development Wrought Representative Person, Welsh, Gettel The attendance was the best of any We went to several Budhist tem- planting, the gardener will cut out one west of the Bethel church pre- by the hands of men. :ft was her ex- and Merriman, who drafted the inves- annual meeting under the present pas- ples and in one there were a large from po1~toes cone-shaped pieces of paratory to making them state reward perience to see pioneer conditions in tigation resolution, hailed the settle- torate and Rev. Hamblin was voted an- number of worshippers. They sit down flesh, each containing an eye of the roads next season. two villages, finding" them as hamlets other increase in salary. At the close ment of the "strike" as a victory won Greenteaf township citizens voted on the floor and i~ot on chairs ac- potato. In this way only fzom one- in the forests but seeing them grow of the business session light refresh- less by the appeal to the patriotism of Monday to build two milch of state into busy centers of life and commer- i cording to regular Japanese fashion. fourth to one-fifth of the flesh of the ments were served and a general good the manufacturers than by their *'ear A great many candles were keDt burn- potato will be needed to provide seed road. One is the second mile south of cial enterprise. One daughter, Mrs. time enjoyed, of a state investigation. New Greenleaf between sections 16 Clara Bardwell died over 4 years ago. ing" and a Latin service and litany was antl the remainder of the potato can The treasurer reported all bills "We accomplished our purpose," be cooked for table use. These cones and 17 and the second is the mile On Wednesday evening', March 28, t chanted. The priest kept watch" over paid and ~ balance in the treasury, the said Representative Ford, who fa- ;. flame of fire. ~er saw a lot of Jap range from one-fifth to one-seventh of norta~ of Holbrook between sections 11 Mrs. Gray ended her life race almost ladies' aid raised over $1,100 during thered the resolution. "We have so- and 12. They also voted to re-surface in the ripe age of 85. There remain of i boys playine: soldiers with cigar boxes an ounce in weight, whereas, under the year, and the report of the Mis- cured for the farmers of Michigan one for knapsacks and the flag, strangely the usual methods, the sets range three miles of their present system of her family to honor the name and wor- sio.nary Society showed progress. The million extra dollars. state roads. enoue'h, they were using was our own from three-fourth to 2 ounces in thy influence of her good life--two school has improved in de- "John Ketcham, master of the state Novesta will build two more miles Sunday American flag. weight. A gardener, under ordinary sons, James Day, and George Gray, partments advised by organized S. grange, is entitled to the credit for this summer. One commences at the In the morning we took a street car conditions, will get best results by and one daughter, Mrs. Frank White. S. work. the victory. He forced the issue with Curtis farm one mile east of Deford and rode over to Tokyo, the capitol of usin~ 15 to 18 bushels or 900 to 1,080 Funeral services were held in the Jas. J. Spence, J. L. Cathcart and the companies." and runs one mite east. The second Japan. We got a rickshaw seven pounds of potatoes to the acre. This Presbyterian church Saturday after- H. D. Schiedel were elected elders for Ford, Person, Welsh, Gettel and improved highway starts at the Wm. hours for one yen and 30 sen (65c our method of preparing sets, therefore, noon, Rev. J. W. Hamblin, the pastor, terms of three years and A. E. Good- Merriman are not satisfied with the I(elley corner and runs east one mile. officiating. money) about 9c an hour. How would should make available for table use all and I. B. Auten trustees for like '.action of ~e senate T]mrsday in The highway amendment was carried some of our American men like to over 675 pounds of potato flesh, which, terms. tabling the resolution and further ac- in Novesta by two votes. work for that ? He took us to the Zoo, lunder ordinary conditions, would be tion by them is expected unless the Iplanted per acre. Elmwood township will probably GREENLEAF TWP. PIONEER a hugh statue of Budha, museum, the senate takes the resolution off the To plant a plot 50 to I00 feet, or build two miles of state road in 1917 PASSED AWAY MONDAY parks, the amusement center, Y. M. table and adopts it. l-pproximately one-ninth of an acre, though their location has not been de- WORKPBOGBES$1NB The governor's appeal to the sugar C.A., the ~reat TemMe of Shinto, Mausoleum for some of Japan's form- fat the same rate of seeding, would tided upon. This proposition is not Mrs. Stewart Nicoll died at her manufacturers was issued after he had voted on at the town meeting in er rulers, and the Imperial Palace, the for I 2-3 to 2 bushels of seed, home in Greenleaf township Monday Pouring of First Floor of Condensary received a request from the United I l " " this township. latter, a large beautifu{ white build- p anted in the ordinary way. The evening after an illness of brief dura- Will Be Done Monday. States government to do all in his Evergreen township voters turned ing. We could not get very near as Imethod of using the cones and eyes tiom power to increase Michigan's food for seed and cooking the remainder of down the state reward roads for this production during the coming year as it is surrounded b v.a moat three miles Mary Watson, daughter of Mr. and long and carefully guarded by sol- the flesh, therefore, becomes a worth- season at the town meeting Monday. Mrs. James Watson of Wickware, was All the foundation work for the a precautionary measure in the face diers. We thoughl~ of home when we while economy even when a small born in East Witliamston, Ontario, plant of the Hires Condensed Milk of impending war. Elkland Township. went into a moving picture show Of area is to be planted. October 18, 1851. and came with her Co. at Cass City has been completed The sugar manufacturers who came With but one ticke~ in the field, the American life and words all in our parents to Greenleaf township, in Oc- and a force of 30 workmen are busy to. Lansing were William Wallace, of voting was light in ElkIand tox~ms~ip own language. There were scenes in tober. 1863. She was united in mar- in making forms and getting material Saginaw, representing the Michigan Monday. Only 148 citizens cast bM- current events and the Japs seem to ria.e'e to Stewart Nicoll October 21, ready for the cement work. Pouring Sugar company; C. M. McLean, of BUILDS THUMB POWER PLANT lots. The following officers will serve take the most interest in a game of 1871. Eleven children came to their of the first floor of the plant will Holland, representing the Holland and the township for. the coming year: Su- base ball. In the evening we attended home, eight of whom with the father, probably be commenced Monday or St. Louis Sugar company; E. Wilson pervisor, John A. Benkelman; clerk, a Japanese theatre. One thing that Detroit Edison Co. to Build $500,00{) survive. They are: Thomas, James A., Tuesday. Cressey, of Bay City representing the H. L. Hunt; treasurer, C. J. Striffier; struck us as being so queer, the wom- Plant at Port Huron. Mrs. Ernest Pelton of Wickware; Mrs. Freight shipments are slow and in German-American Sugar company, C. highway commissioner, Geo. Gulick; en all left their wooden shoes at the Frank Turo of Pontiac; John, William, order to hurry the building steel has N. Smith of Bay City representing justice, Isaac Cragg; overseer, P. A. outside door and claimed them when Margaret and Gladys, all at home. been ordered shipped by express from the Continental & West Bay City Sug- Preliminary work on a $500,000 Keepfgen; member of board of review, they went out. We went in the largest Her parents, four sisters, five broth- Youngstown, Ohio. ar companies, and B. E. Smith, of power plant has been started by work- John Profit; constables, Wm. Morris, store in Tokyo. It is something like ers and nine gTandchildren are also The company is advertising in the Owosso, representing the Owosso and men employed by the Detroit Edison C. D. Striffier, S. H. Brown and Angus left to mourn. Chronicle today for more carpenters. Lansing factories. With one excep- Marshall Field & Co. of Chicago. We Co. near Port Huron. Power for do- McGillvray. had to put rubber over our shoes be- The funeral services were conduct- tion every factory in the lower penin- mestic and industrial purposes will be fore we were allowed to enter. It was One hundred dollars were voted to ed Thursday afternoon at the Wick- sula was represented. Detroit Free provided for numerous villages and certainly a very beautiful place. To- repair the town hall, $4,700.00 for ware M. E. church and interment was EUROPEAN WAR VIEWS. Press. towns throughout St. Clair county, highway improvement, $1,000.00 for made in Elkland cemetery. morrow we go to Kobe. and adjoining counties of the Thumb road repair and $1,200.00 for the con- A stereopticon lecture illustrated district. NOTICE TO OWNERS tingerlt fund. Two hundred fifty dol- by "Keystone View" slides will be giv- MARRIAGE LICENSES. lars were voted to repair the high- W. C. T. U. TAKES UP en in the Presbyterian church Tues- OF AUTOMOBILES AND For Sale. way between sections 13 and 25 and REST ROOM PROJECT day evening April i0th. The views MOTOR VEHICLES Floyd Hall, 23, Watrousville; Glad- Bay mare wt. 1,300, five years old. $100.00 for a like purpose between deal with the "European War" and ys Crawford, 18, Mf~rlette. Terms given if desired. A. Rawson, sections 13 and 24. Lynn Union, W. C. T. U., will meet will be explained by Rev. Hamblin. Instructions have been issued by Milton Kauffman 23, Vassar; Mar- 4 3-4 mi. north of Cass City. Phone The votes cast on the amendments with Mrs. John Dickson, three miles The high school students and the the Secretary of State to the effect garet Hanet, 18, Alton. !40 P. 4-6-I were as follows: Drainage yes 83, south and one-half mile west of Cass Presbyterian Sunday School are co- that numerous automobiles and mo- Ferdinand Krause, 22, Gilford; Hod- no 46; absent voters--yes 83, no 39; City, on Wednesday, Apr. 11, at 2:00 operating in this entertainment. The tor vehicles are now being operated wig Bohr, 22, Gilford. For Sale. purchasing railroads--yes 107, no 30; p.m. An important business session proceeds will be divided equally and within the State and Tuscola county Clyde W. Mapes, 20, Millington; Two second-hand DeLaval separa- ~aighways--yes 59, no 73; increasing in the interest of the proposed rest will go toward the school lantern without displaying license plates on Helen Davenport, 22, Millington. tors and second-hand Empire separa- state officm~' salaries yes 52, no 79. equipment fund and the Sunday Frank Burk, 26, Colling; Jessie May tors in good condition. G. L. Hitch- room will be held. Every member is front and rear of such vehicle as re- cock. 4-6- On the state ticket, Republican can- requestd to be present and confer with School piano fund. The small charge quired by law, and asking that steps Thane, 18, Colling. didates received an average of 97 the visiting unions of Cass City, Wick- of 15c is admission~price. be taken to prosecute all offenders. Elisha Dodge, 40, Cass City; Edith votes, Democrats 37, and Prohibition- Franks, 36, Cass City. Driving" horse 6 years old, Wt. 1,000, ware and Deford. Notice is therefore hereby given for sale. J, J. Gallagher. 4-6- ists 6. Burke's Drug Store for wall paper that from and after April 16, 1917, Calvin Hiser, 21, Cass City; Mabel Cleaner--10c a can. Lounsbury, 18,. same. Ellington Township. Supper will be served at the Bap- steps will be t~ken to prosecute all Will sacrifice my two bay pacers persons driving automobiles and mo- Glen Stevens, 25, Vassar; Bell Rod- cheap. Wm. Kilo. Enquire G. A. Tin- Supervisor, Jas. Wilson, republican, tist church Wednesday, April I1. gets, 18, same. Price, 20 cents. Horse for sale. John MacKichan, tor vehicles upon the public highwgys dale. 4-6-2 116; Jas. B. Dietz, citizens, 70. Clerk, Phone 142 T. 4-6-2 of this county who neglect to pro- Adelbert Ostrander, c 93; Robt. Spav- Wanted--Farm Help. If you can't get good butter, try a vide themselves and display on such Milk for Sale. en, r 92. Treasurer, Ernest May, r Persons wanting milk in pints or Apply E. H. Halsey, clo Pontiac pound of our "Good Luck Oleo". It's Lost--A white cuff with blue cuff automobile and motor vehicles the li- 126; Theodore Turner, c 60. High- delicious. E. W. Jones. cense plate issued by the Secretary of quarts can buy same at L. E. Dickin- State Hospital, Pontiac, Mich. 4-6-1 button (hand painted). Leave at son's Grocery store; pints will sell for way com., Emory Cones, r 111; Chas. Chronicle office. Reward. 4-6-1p State for the year 1917. J. Schrader, c 76. Justice, Fred H. Window shades and Alabastine at ERASTUS C. BRAINARD, ~Ic, quarts at 7c. This milk will be New milch cow for sale. J. J. Spence furnished by Levi Bardwell. 4-6-tf 4-6-2 Orr, r 126; Alonzo Drehmer, c 59. Burke's Drug Store. For Sale. Sheriff, Tuscola county, Michigan. Votes on amendments to constitu- English Red Cap and White Wyan- ~Advertisement. "Held together by its own weight." ti0n~Salaries of state officers, yes 26, Wanted--Work by the hour or day. Just received car Cottonseed 1Heal. dotte eggs for hatching. G.W. Cog. Mueller One-Register Furnace. Bige- Mrs. N. Crafts. Phone 135-~3S. 4-6- no 85. Providing for drainage dis- Farm Produce Co. 3-30-2 4-6-3 Advertise it in a Chronicle liner. low. lp PAGE TWO. CASS CITY CHRONICLE, CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, APRIL 6, 1917. I II'l" • ...... - ~ff mmmm~ ...... lie! ii rl I

CASS CITY CHRONICLE BEAULEY. It is my plan to leave here Wednes- Ask for Published Weekly. day night for Home. I leave at 8 information Philip Moore pruchased a Ford car groin People You Know o'clock in .the evening mad at 9:30~in ~about this home. The Tri-County Chronicle and Cass last week. the morning should see the smiling G~ity Enterprise consolidated Apr. 20, H.F. Martin purchased a horse faces of those I love best of all. Not Cleveland, Ohio, 50 Alder Ave., perfect, iust like myself, yet they are Weren't They 1906. from Simon Welsh last week. NIarch 12, 1917. mine, all mine. All were well at home 3 Subscription price--One yr., $1.50; The friends of Mrs. W. J. Moore are Mrs.. P. Lang, Cass City, Mich. last Friday morning. Our milk check Right? 8 months, $1; 6 months, 75c; 4 rues., real pleased to know that she is home Dear Mother: fell below $60.00 a little last month The oid-time cabinet- a~ain much improved in health. I received your letters and was glad 50c. All past due subscriptions up to or) account of extreme cold and the makers selected woods and Feb. 1, 1917, will be figured at the old Miss Baskin Highland Park to hear from home again. I started off supply of wet beer .~rains Eva of made joints so carefully rate o! $1.00 per year. After that is spending the week at the C. E. to work Thursday oiling on a 1800 from the ration. Next month it will date the rate of $1.50 is effective. HartseI1 home. horse power cross compound Corliss be higher as we have cow No. 5 on that their work passes, Ea~adia~ subscriptions, $2.00 per yr. engine. It is a beauty. The crank the supply list now. We have 11 head like their, homes, from one Advertising rates made known on Andrew Barnes and family are mov~ i~ the Gro?~eh~ h~o~e this shaft is about 30 ft. long and 22 inches Of Holsteins all told and if a calf to generation to a~mther. The app!ica ~k~uo in di~meter'o There are three wheels Entered as second class rnaLber week whicii ...... ~.ey bare ren~ea.'" ~,',~," ~"~...... c~Ort is put ;~*~ on it. One is 22 feet in diameter and week is a bull we have bought No. 12. Apr. 27, 1906, at the posteffice at The report from election is that carries a belt four ft. wide, the other That is-fi~uring far enough ahead I ~ass City, Michigan, under the Act Bert Libkumin is elected supervisor two run side by side and each carries guess. We will fret one anyway some of Congress of March 3, 1879. by a majority 15 vot~:~. H. F. Lenzner, Publisher. of a 3% ft. belt. It rovers a spare about Where else, for the stock must be full The ladies' aid received a neat little 30 ft. square and is el1 fenced in like blood and registered if I have my way, sum from their dinner at E. Duffield's GAGETOWN. bird in a cage. All the helper and I and believe me so long as ole John election day. do is to walk around the outside of it Bull keeps the ginger in my bones I'm Virgina Ball, Paul Moore, Arthur about every five minutes te see that pretty near goin' to be Boss. W ODW RK A. J. Palmer spent the first of the Moore and Clare Hartsell are among the oil is running. When we shut down week in Detroit on business. those who are ill. we wipe up. If we don't shut down we SOUTH HOLBROOK SCHOOL' A baby boy came last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Moore returned don't do any wiping. It is certainly a Each piece is made to permanently -, ~ [][~] night as a welcome visitor at the Tom monster, I never saw one half as beautify a home. If you want lasting Friday afternoon: from a few days' This week's blackboard quotation~ Kelly home. All are doing well. large. It is rated for 1800 horse pow- satisfaction select this trade-marked, visit with their daughters, Mrs. Lu- ,Look for goodness, took for gladness, Mrs. J. Gill and daughter and Mrs. ther Carroll of Romeo and Mgs. Claude er but sometimes it carries a 3600 guaranteed woodwork. h. p. load. When the signal whistle You will find them all the while, %V. Laurie were in Bad Axe last week Hinman of Unionville. If you bring a smiling visage, In addition to the ~d~"~,~ Vgoo,- [~ end visiting their daughter and sister, blows we just press an electric button wor~K vce carry, we can show you a 300- The people were shocked when the on the wall and the engine stops. I To the glass, you meet a smile. Mrs. N. Mclntyre. news became known Friday morning ~Alice Cary. page catalog full of splendid designs L. C. Purdy returnext home the last worked there for Long Tom, as we call ~doors, windows, window and doer that Wilbur Hopkins had died that the engineer, Thursday. The following pupils have received of last week from his extended trip morning. He had had scarlet fever one hundred per rent in deportment frames, storm doors and windows, Friday they sent me over to the stairways, newels, sideboards, colon- south. but was thought much better and Central Boiler House to break in. I last week--Lulu Shagena, Leona Bird-[ F. Hemerick, C. P. Hunter, Floyd attended the fires in the night. Some sell, Ella Cleland, Emerson Brown, nade% bookcases, mantels, window- wish you could see it. We have the scats, wall panels, ceiling beams. ] Clark and brother made an auto trip time toward morning he told his same kind of stokers as they had at Charles Brown, Irene Brown, Charles 1 to Saginaw last Tuesday. Mr. Hem- mother that he had a severe pain be- Fairmount Pumping Station the time Simkins, Herbert Mann, Norman crick brought home with him a large tween his shoulders and was afraid it that Uncle Henry, Aunt Verta, Alex, Woodward, Ernest. B~own, Dauglas Cass City Lumber and Coal Company motor truck. was going to his heart." She did all you and I went over to see it. I don't Cleland, Bertha Miller. that she could do for him but about The following pupils received head Mrs. F. Burkholder and daughter remember whether Grace was there or e . • are spending-two weeks in Saginaw five o'clock he died. Wilbur was the not. There are 18 boilers, and I am marks in spelling, Lulu Shagena, Ella visiting her parents, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Hop- breaking in for water tender or head Cleland, Goldie Prier, Emerson Brown. kins. Besides his parents, he leaves Mrs. J. L. Purdy and daughter, Car- fireman. It would be a good job if No visitors last week. one sister, Titlie, and brother, An- olyn, spent over Sunday with the for- there was any thing to do. It is just Seventh grade arithmetic class are thony, to mourn his loss. The be- reef's sister, Mrs. Leipprant. about as hard as working for Long reviewing fractions. reaved ones have the heartfelt sym- Several children were neither absent Mrs. J. Dorman and daughter, Ka- Tom. Ever~hing is automatically i 5 ee d P o tat oe,s )], pathy of all at this time. There was a nor tardy this month. tie, went to Detroit Tuesday to visit controlled~the water, the coal, the short service at the house Sunday steam, everything else. Only one child tardy this week. ~r. Dorman, who is working in that forenoon and the remains were laid to The first grade had a new black- " We have just received tlhree hundred city. The coal is dumped into a pit under !i' rest in Elkland cemetery beside his the R. R, track. It • is then crushed board reading lesson last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bingharn left last bushels of choice round white seed ~:~ sister. fine about like Chestnut and smaller. So far, Ernest Brown has seen the Thursday for Muskegon where they Then-it is elevafA~d '%p"~o :the top Of most: robins. ' ~ .... potatoes, grown onsandy soflin south !:~ wilt visit their son, Boyd, and wife for First, second and third grade lan- C~AR RUN. the b6iIer house and dumped into large a few weeks. hoppers. One of these holds three guage classes had drills on verb forms west part of this county. There is ", Death again entered the home of and sentences last week. Mr. GoodaI1 is buzzing wood for the carloads of coal, the other two hold a Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart Tue,~- The •older children spend the inter- every indication that seed potatoes ::~' on farmers in this vicinity. carload each. These hoppers have day morning and tool: Mr. Stewart doors in the bottom. There are two mission in playing ball, and they will be very scarce and we advise our ~, who suffered frgm a second attack of E. J. Hendrick is on the sick list. coat manes which are hung" on tracks surely can play! pneumonia. James Stewart was born Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hall of Almer just under the hoppers. The cranes Next week we are going to clean customers to buy now when they can in Scotland, September, 1841, and died visited at Anthony Beutter Sunday. are run by electricity and are moved up our yard. !~arch 27, 1917, age 75 years and sev- Mrs. Gill of Gagetown is caring for ahead or back by a little crank. The Just two more months until vaca- get them; even at the present high " en months. At the age of six years Mrs. Clark Bixby. Mrs. Bixby is gain- firemen just handle the cranes. They tion. he came with his parents to Canada ing very slowly. pull them up the hopper and open the A large boquet of pussy-willows price. They are put up in i and lived with an uncle until 1880. In Miss Eunice Hendrick returned to door. The coal runs into the hopper occupy a conspicuous place in our that year he was united in marriage Muskegon Heights Saturday, after vis- in the crane and when it is full they schoolroom. ~o Anna Waddel and they soon after iting her parents for one week. shut the door by means of an endless The third grade studied Rosa Bon- came to Michigan and have lived on chain and pulleys. They move the heaur's "The Horse Fair" in picture 2½ bushd sacks i their farm near Gagetown for a num- Mrs. Myrtle Hendrick and thr~ee study and have made booklets con- children of Cass City visited from crane from one stoker to anothe~ and ber of years. They had but one child, fill them up. They are sitting down sisting" of a short biography of Rosa Margaret, who was buried two weeks Tuesday until Friday at the home of Bonheur. They have mounted and Or~on Hendrick. half the time. I am responsible for at $7.00 per sack before her father. Funeral services the boilers. The firemen are Slavocks hung Up a large picture of "The Horse were held Thursday from M. P. church Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Spaven and and nice fellows too. I have just been Fair." and interment in Hillside cemetery. son, Watson, spent Sunday with Mrs. there two days, Friday and Saturday. For opening exercise the school ~ is Cotton Seed Meal, Bran, Unicorn Dairy Feed and He is survived by his wife. Spaven's aunt.. Mrs. C. O. Kerr, of This week I work nights so t wilt go listening" to the story of "Three Little Alexander Finkle, who died last Gagetown and Mr. and Mrs. Robert back with Long Tom. Next week it Peppers and How They Grew'." Middlings now on hand. week at the home of his daughter, Spares visited Mr. and Mrs. John wilt be days again and back to the The eighth grade are soon to begin Mrs. Case, was 89 years, 11 months Burse of Cars City Sunday. boiler house I go. the study of "Tubal Cain.'" old. He had been ailing for some time Miss Crai~ ~Jsited Saturday and Your son.~ The first and second grade had an Sunday at, the home of A. Beutler. interesting match in the addition com- past. Death was caused from a gen- HARRY LANG. eral decline which comes with old age. Calvin Hirer of this place and Miss binations Monday. He was born in Hastings township, Mable Lounsbury of Cass City were The seventh and eighth grade Tha Farm ProduceC0, Ontario, and was married in 1852 to married on Tuesday of last week at Hiram Willis of DeckervHte, who is l geography, class are making physical Sophia Waddell, and in 1860 came to Carp. Congratulations. visiting his daughter, Mrs. Catharine maps of Eurasia and also putting in the products of each country. Lapeer Co., Mich. In 1880 i.hey moved Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Wiles and lit- Yakes, recently reveixed the followin~ The eighth grade are reviewing for to Grant township Huron Co., and was tie sen, Floyd, of Carp, visited Mrs. letter from his son-in-law, John M. a veteran of the civil war. Six chil- Wiles' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hi- Nicholson, a former resident of Sani- examination. Cara Spatzel, Teacher. dren were born and are left to mourn set. on Monday and Tuesday of this )ae county near Deekerville: their loss, Gilbert of Pon~e, Gee. of week. Pittsburff, Fa, Feb. 18, 1917. ¢. Cars City, John of Canada, who died Crand Master Hiram: Trumbull's Washington. in February, Mrs. J. Martin of Mon- This is Sunday morning in Pitts- In the city hall of.Charleston, S. C., tana and Mrs. R. Case of this city. Fu- NEW GREENLEAF. burg. It probably is the same where neral services were held from M. P. you are also, but the sun is shining we gave our interest chiefly to the church Wednesday at 1:00 p. m. and N[onday was shipping day. Peter here which is not an every day af- wonderful portrait of Washington by Farmers interment was made i~ Grant ceme- Doerr received $1,257.50. Paid for car fair. If you were out at the steel Trumbull. It is strange that this > tery. bad $12,547.12. mills you would never suspect the should not be popularly reproduced as Township election, 229 votes hast Miss Irene Bardwell of Cass City name of the day for all days look alike the true portrait, for it shows Wash- > Supervisor, Nelson Perry 143, Alfred was a guest at the home of Christy to Bessemer. These works are se pon- ingles much more imaginably human > Sturg 78; clerk, Obadiah Rogers 97, McRae Thursday. derous that they could not shut down and probable than the wooden ~-isage~ Moses Freeman 125; Treasurer, William Miller and s0n. George, of if they wanted to, for by the time ttae imperishably expressive of the artifi- Let us equip you for your inerta was past in the operation it cial teeth of the greatest of Americans, Dwight Turner 77, Daniel McCarthy Pigeon visited his sister, Mrs. Andrew 0 142; Highway Com., Thomas Ottoway Hempton, Tuesday. would be Monday anyway. But with if not men--which the brush of Stuart 123, Joseph Bartholomy 100; Justice, me it is different. I am like Jee Piettes has perpetuated. Trumbull portrays Spring Campaign i Mrs° C. A. McRae is on the sick stallion, I am very gentle, any old har- him younger, in ff vigorous full length, Arthur Rocheleau 125, Thomas Jack- list. son 95; M. of B. of Review, Alvin Ev- ness will held me. I find I am not with deep set eyes and a look of energy ans 113, William Brown 105; Consta- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powell of Atwa- swinging into the thick of the figilt and life, and the mystery of his ex- bles Albert Palmer 3; Dan Mullein ter and Joseph and Add Karr of Gage- like I did years ago and that when haustless imtience and indomitable 214; Chas. Seekings 125, Eli Pine 88; town visited at the home of Mr. and there is anything" hard to do, a long will. W.D. Itowells in Harper's Mag- Mrs. Arisen Karr Sunday. We have a full line James Walters 119, Hiram Kelly 92. trip to make on a cold, stormy night I azine. > Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flint and look out of the window and let George family visited at the home of Mr. and do it. De you know I am getting very Changing a Name. The letters E. P. N. S. on silver plat- Mrs. Andrew Hempton Sunday. anxious to get away from this kind of The brother of Mme. de Pompadour ed teapots mean "electro plate on nickel work I have been doing for years. The [lad at first been created ,~[arquis de silver." Miss Mary McLellan spent Sunday of Implements E in Bad Axe. place where Carrie and I can sit un- Vandieres, a somewhat unfortunate Arthur Decker drives a Ford. der the vine and shadow of our own title for a man of such new nobility, ~0000000000000000000000000 fig tree does not seem so far away and 0 for he soon discovered to his profound 0 C it is like a pleasant visit we expect to annoyance that his enemies would per~ 0 0 make, the nearer we get to it the 0 SUNSHINE. sist in calling him the Macquis 0 0 greater the anticipated pleasure. .:*.,'-" Striffler & Patterson > ..7, d'Avant Hier (the Marquis of the Day 0 0 But it has ahvays been sc. From °o Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gerou, a the very beginniny. Hope, the beauti- Before Yesterday). O Farm For (3 daughter on March 25. ful soap bubble, btov:n in the pipe of Mine. de Pompadour, naturally sen- ¢'. Cass City ,~'~ O O ¢* > Mrs. Ryan of Lum, Mich., spent the more or less intense imagination, sitive in such nlatters, brought the af- o le Oo floating, whirling, transcendent in col O O week end with her son, Rev. D. Ryan. fair before the king and, as a title O O Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Pardo .spent last or, beckoning on, on way out of the more or less was a small matter to O O world where no erie ever lived before O Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. grant the lady who gr~si)ed so much, o 120 acres, known as the o° Sam Dean. and never vail again. A rosy existence after due forms her brother became O O of littleness where the discovery of James Hutchinson spent last week tile Marquis de Marivny.--From "Mine. o° "Bardwell" farm, 3 ~4 c°, eight ~ink fingers and two stubby Gaffrin." O visiting at the home of Howard Barri- thumbs'was a most wondrous thing" o miles of good state road ger in Fairgrove. O and later the l:eve!ation that at the o east of Cars City. All Hazel and Harold McCreedy spent other end of the system there were He Trusts Strangers. O O the Easter vacation with their grand- Our Cousin Joe has no confidence in o cleared ready for the o two objects wavin~ around, dimpled O ~ O parents here. and creased with fat and 10 more fun- anybody except strangers, if his own O o plow; good house, new o A number of the children in this ny wiggling thing's as ornaments fas- ln'odmr were in the jewelry business O tened on the end that somehow or oth- .ice wouldn't buy a pin or a lodge em- o bank barn, windmill. °o neighborhood are en~ertaining the O o whooping cough. er seemed just long: enough to .a'et in blem from him. If he needed anything o° Easy terms to the right pc our mouths, but first shade of disap- ,)f the kind he would purchase it from O pointment finds a mouth tee small to some perfectly reliable feIIow that he o man. With the.Con- Catarrhal Deafness C~neot Be Cured Swallow the whole desired lump. And had never seen l~efore and never ex- e O by local applicaLions, as they cannot reach so on through the years, bubb!es, pected to see again. [£ a good substan- o densed Milk Factory o the diseased portion of the ear. There is O only one way to cure catarrhal de~.fness, bubbles; some of them most desired tial citizen that Joe has known for o started at Cars City this ~nd that is by a e~nstitutional remedy. for we find later they were not wor%h twenty years should try to ahnost give Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in- O flamed condition of the mucous lining of while and then the others that seemed a lot on one of the best streets in o farm is going to be o° the ~ustaehian Tube. When this tube is so far away that there was no hope, the town Joe would laugh at him. O O inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im- Chevrolet Fo r- Ninety o valuable. Enquire at the o° perfect hearing, and when it is entirely yet work and thought and effort, di- "None of you sharpers can trick me," O- closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the "The Product of Experience" O O inflammation can be reduced and this tube rected, brought them to us. So there Joe would say, and then he would buy O O restored to its normal condition, hearing we go, foolish and wise, sober and a lot in the Rocky mountains from will be destroyed forever. Many cases of A better car this season with cantilever springs all deafness are caused by catarrh. ~which is joyous, laughing and weepmg, on and some one he had never seen or heard °0o Ca SS City Ba k o°0 an inflamed condition of the mucous sur- on until the end and happy is the of before.--Fort Worth Star-Telegram. around and four doors. Price $560.00. 0 0 f~Lees. Hall's Catarrh h{edicine acts thru 0 0 the blood on the mucous surfaces of the tired soul that ran look into the set- The Model Fern--Ninety is equipped with electric 0 0 system. ting sun and beyond the mists see the 0 0 "We will give One i-~undred Dollars for lighting and starting system and electric horn. 0 0 any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot last great Hope, shaped in the shades The first thing a climber wants is a 0 0 be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Cir- of evening', outlined dearly against a family tree.--Louisville Courier-Jour- 0 0 culars free. All Druggists, 75c. X. Waidley, Agent, Cass Cit~ F. ft. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. 00000000000000000000000000 background of Glory, Calvary. llal. CASS CITY CHRONICLE, CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, APRIL 6, 1917. PA6E T{IR]g]& i i i i i i , i r, Ir I r , IL . i • - ;~,ev ' i i I H.m ~ I I I I '1! I I

i milk in sight is giving the manage- are better now than ever• Get out{aim, do any lads ambitious toil o'er ment Considerable concern• As a re- your "sixes" and your "fours," and dusty tomes and burn the oil that sult, representatives of the company, scorch along the highway, enjoy the lights the way to fame ? Messrs. Chamberlain and Morris, vis- golden out-of-doors, exploring lane - [OCA •ited Deckervitle recently, looking over and byway. Though crops may fail, : We Wish to Announce sites with a view to establishing a con- be calm and cool, no tribulation show- Paradise Fish. . densary at that point at once. This ing, for fretting" will not change the There flourishes in Chinese rivers .~ that we have secured the assistance of Mr. Howard Bark- is the company that is at present rule that keeps the planets going. and lakes a small fish remarkable for 1 er as our baker. Mr. Barker comes to us highly recom- erecting the large condensary at Cass Midnight Oil. its brilliant coloring of crimson an~ City. blue. It is called the paradise fish. Ia ~ mended and with 12 years' experience. We wish to say Geo. Moon is employed as salesman When I was young, long years ago, at Jones' Grocery. ambitious boys I used to know, who the sunlight it shows in rainb6w hues. that if you will leave your orders the day before that he , yearned to scale the heights; by day The dorsal fin extends from near the Mrs. G. W. Ensley of Kingston was , COLWOOD. back of the head to the tail. The par- 7, will try to bake anything you wish. 9 a caller in town Wednesday. they plied the hoe or ax, until they ~i;,~M,~d Lh~h~ weary backs; ~hey w~ ~.~ brought ~o Franc~ -i ~o.u.uie in Satu~day arid see *~-'~" ': ...... ~- '" "' ~,,~,~c~, C• FraM: of" Ca~evi]!e was a guest x~z iax~,tx.~l~g=, OZ "~a,~ ~J~ tqy ~vz~a u studied books o' nights. They brave- ~vom China by hi. Simon in i869, haw at the home of P. P. VCebber Tuesday. Goods ever shown in Cass City. As a Sunday here with friends. ty burned the midnigkt oil, these ing been found in a brook near Ca.a- Miss Ida Johnson of Gagetown was Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy enter- tired, aspiring sons of toil, and haply ton. The most interesting thing about a guest of Miss Edythe Mead Mon- tained Tuesday night for supper Mr. they• would say, "We are determined this little fish is the nest made by the day. and Mrs. P. H. Muck and Miss Emma that we'll shine, as jurist, statesman male of glutinous bubbles below the Special for Satu rd ay i Miss Marcella Creguer is employed Muck. or divine, before our heads are gray." surface of the water and measuria~ "4 as clerk at the L. H. Wood Dept. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Andrews enter- And scores of men who won the game, up to six inches across. Here it places ' We will sell ¢, store. tained Saturday for dinner, Mrs. Chas. and climbed to honor, wealth and the eggs, some 200 in number, a~4 "4 ~P mounts guard over them during i~¢u- Mrs. A. Henry returned Fr:day Andrews and Mrs. Grace Jones, and fame, in idle hours would tell of how .~ ~I ~ batioa. from Oxford where she visited friends for supper Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coiling, through long cold night~ they wrou£'ht ~'~, CREAM PUFFS WITH REAL WHIPPED la few days. sr., Miss Geraldine Ki~g and Adaline to store their minds with gems of 35¢ -" Editor's Troubles. Neil McLarty of Novesta visited at Cross. thought, until the breakfast bell. Abe ~' CREAM FILLING, PER DOZEN ~. Lincoln thus learned how to score, and Penman--An editor must have many the home of John McLarty from Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCarthy and Garfield too, and hundreds more, to day to Monday. Pat}ick Sullivan visited Thursday eve- trials, mustn't he? ning with Mr: and Mrs John McCar- whom we point with pride; the world Wright--Well. ours has. He has been •~ Leave your order at once so as not to be disappointed..~'~ Miss Violet Gillies of Detroit is admires and loves the lad who rises spending the week with her mother, thy. hauled up three times for libel and six from surroundings bad, and hits the times for speeding.--St, Louis Pos~= Salt Rising Bread at all times. ,e" Mrs• Jane Gillies. Miss Adaline Cross spent Monday giant's stride. But in these times of Dispatch. l~Irs. Guy Watson of Wickware was in Caro visiting friends. motor cars, and sounding brass, and guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Pattison of Pat- movie stars, when fun's the end and Advertise it in the Chronicle. Jas. Watson Tuesday. tison Corners visited Sfinday with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. D. Sinclair of Green- and Mrs. C. D. Andrews. HELLE R 'S BAKE RY +@.° leaf spent Sunday at the home of Mr. q~ and Mrs. Win• Sinclair. ~.%~•~.~•~•~••~•~•~.~.~.•~•~•~•.~.~•~•~.•.•~•%~°~•~•~%.~•~ @ *I* Miss Margaret Stirton of Detroit 4..:. ":" is a guest at the home of her sister, ¢. eecl Time at Heller's *I* Mrs. R. N. McCullough. ~" Garden Seeds, bulk and package, Clover, Alsyke and -:* A. D• Mead went to Croswell ~;i The Poet Philosopher. i::i! *~ Timothy Seed, Millet Seed, Rape Seed and Seed Corn. ¢. Wednesday to visit his" brother-in-law, .:.: ".'. ¢- Bran, Middlings, Feed, Calf Meal, all kinds of Poul- *:. John Currie, who is very ill. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:o .:. try Feeds. We sell the best brands of Flour in town and * Miss Marie Gemmill visited from Open Confession. ¢o Sunday to Thursday with her sister, , PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR BUTTER FAT * I think Bill Shakespeare dry as Mrs. A. Moulton, of Wilmot. .:.*:" AND EGGS EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK, * dust; his books, untouched, stand on ¢. ¢- Miss Eva Brackenbury was a ~uest .*** $ the shelfi and I could take my pen, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U. G. ¢"¢. C.W. HELLER $ Parker at Owendale Tuesday. I trust, and write much better junk myself. Long o'er his pages I per- No~man McGillvray of Flint wf!,l spend the week-end with his parents, spired, and sickened 'neath the griev- Mr. and Mrs. Angus McGillvray. ous strain; his noisy bombast makes Miss Florence Smith of Gagetown me tired, his style obsure gives me a was a guest of Miss Frances McGill- pain. But when I'm in the social swim, vray~ from Thursday to Saturday. I do not dare to talk like this. The Ralph Woodcock, who has been vis- 'Avon bard! I worship him! To read iting his mother, Mrs. Sara Wood- him fills my soul with bliss! I hate the dismal horrid daubs Old Masters o Special BarEair s in Soap i cock, returned Tuesday to Galt, Ont. Mrs. P. Nye and Mrs. Corb of Lan- painted long ago; they look to me like .~ By purchasing a large lot Clean Easy Soap, we sing were guests Wednesday at the misfit jobs, the pigments spread with of home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watson. broom or hoe. At these old works I ~.. are in a position to give you the benefit of our early pur- Mrs. Norris Winslow of Owendale gaze and stare, and fail to find a pleas- ¢.~" chase. For this week we will sell you Elegance was a guest Thursday at the home, ing thing fat chez-~bs loafing here of A. A. Hitchcock and A. J. Knapp. and there, and cornfed angels on the ~, Like the highest priced cars on the Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Clark and son, wing. I tell the truth here in my den, Carroll, of Caro visited Sunday at the ®®-**o®*.®,.,..~.,®eo ®®. ®.,~. ®o..... market, Studebaker retains its beautifully where no rebuke can make me smart; homes of John Zinnecker and Lester but when I'm with my fellow men, I Bailey. distinctive lines, without faddish or freakish whoop it up for ancient Art. I'd like change. Simplicity and dignified elements Mrs• C. B. Gemmill and little son, to meet a man so bold that he would O ...... | Legrand Monroe, left Cass City Fri- say just what he thinks, hand out the have beefi perfected in the Studebaker body day morning for their home in Mon- truth, severe and cold, about the GOOD TIME TO BUY YOUR SUPPLY roe, Mich. owing to the constant refining and perfecb haloed, worshiped ginks. Alas, the OF SOAP FOR A YEAR Miss Helen *~IVlcGregory of Ann Ar- the man has not been born, who dares ing of good basic lines. bor will come Saturday to send a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. to hoot the golbrick sage, who has Save the Clean Easy wrappers and return to us; we .The lines are long, clean and sweep- McGregory. the nerve to laugh to scorn the will give you extra soap for them. Also will sell you ! chromos of a bygone age. Mrs. Margaret Patterson has ing. There is not a single thing to interfere 4 pkgs. Corn Flakes for ...... 25c opened her home o.n Main street after Distinction. with the smooth continuous flow of the spending the winter with her daugh- But little time has journeyed by, 4 lbs. No. 1 Rice for ...... 25c Studebaker body, from the tip of the ter, Mrs. Geo. Hall. since he who owned a motor car had 3 lbs. Best 40c Nibs Tea for ...... $1.00 Mrs. C. P. Miler and daughter, won distincton fair and high; we all 3 lbs. Best 35c Coffee for ...... $1.00 radiator to the rear of tonneau. Irene, of Detroit came Saturday to admired him from afar• We may have spend a week at the home of Mr. and said, when, in his pride, he followed 3 pkgs. Mince Meat for ...... 25c One of the first things you will Mrs J. F. Emmons. his triumphant way, that he was put- Seeded Raisins per pkg ...... 10c Mrs. Edw. Hoener and daughter, ring on more side than one frail mor- notice when you come in to see the Stude- 3 pkgs. any 10c Smoking Tobacco for ...... 25c Virginia, will come today (Friday) to tal should display. But we admired 3 plugs Red Cross Tobacco for ...... 25c baker is its rare elegance of finish. And the spend two weeks at the home of Mr. him, just the same, and raised our and Mrs. F. E. Kelsey. lid at his approach; for he had scaled strikingly original gun-metal gray finish of the heights of fame who owned so The West Side Club enjoyed a pleas- glittering a coach. But now the man the Studebaker will always look rich and ant evening at Doerr's Hall Thursday. who has no car creates excitement in Geo. C. Hooper The hostesses were Miss Anna Pettit, new. Twenty-five separate paint and varnish our town; he is unique so few there Miss Elizabeth Doerr and Misses Iva, are who do not hold their motors operations insure its permanency. Bernice and Elsie Kolb. -~'- ~-~-~ : :-- _ - .:-_ -- _ - C -- down. Men say of him, "I'll bet my P. P. Webber left Wednesday for lid he likes a car, as much as we; but Detroit where he will visit his sis- he would make a tinhorn bid for Striffier & Patterson ter, Mrs. Emma Jasmer. Before re- cheap john notoriety. He'll run for al- turning home Friday, he will make a derman this year, and try to get the YOU LEFT xl ) ( FOOTPRINTS~)}" Cass Cit~ business trip to Toledo. public vote, by claiming he's the one A Missouri editor refuses to pub- man here who doesn't own or drive a 50MET~N' lish obituaries of people who do not boat." The Tattoed Man has had his BCHiND A I take the paper. His view is that peo- day, the Bearded Lady's lost her goat, ple who do not take their home paper the Dog-faced Boy must now make YOU '~ST I N CTI ON y, are dead anyway, and their passing" way for him who doesn't own a boat. MIST~F~ has no news value• Change of Work. Mr• and Mrs. John Bartl left Mon- We do the same things, day by day; day for Chicago where they expect to and now and then we rise and say, make their home for some time. Mr. "Oh, chee, for something else to do, Bartl says that-they will probably re- some other calling" to pursue!" Some- ] turn to Cass City next spring and pur- times ! think like to try the doctor's chase a farm in this vicinity. job, and help folks die. Again I see the Mrs. J. D. Crosby, Mrs. G• A. Striff- banker stand with untold wealth in ler, Mrs. Chas. Wilsey, Mrs F. E. Kel- either hand, and w~sh that I might sey, Mrs. A. J. Knapp and Mrs. Por- have his task, and on a pile of green- ter left Thursday for Yale where they backs bask. When I behold the mjr- wilF attend the Woman's Home and chant prince, I feel the soul within me DAILEY SAYS: THE UNIVE~SAL CA~ wince~- It's hard to think that I must Foreign Missionary Society of the "You'll Feel Proud of Your Progress if Flint Presbytery. strive at my stale grind to keep alive, while he rules o'er a hive of trade, Your Feet Are Well Clad." Mrs. Lillian Bussie of Spokane, where every brand of wealth is made. Washington, was a guest at the home But when I walk around the block, And what DAILEY says is so. of John McLarty from Friday to Mon- Never before has the demand for and meet the good old village doc, I day. Wednesday she left for Leland, notice that his face is sad, as glum as Ford cars been as heavy as it is now. Michigan, to visit relatives for a week any in the grad. The banker's hair before returning to her home in Spo- il THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS To become such a necessity the Ford above the ears, is white, although he's kane. young in years; his face is drawn Men's Dress Shoes, black, English last, all car must have proved to be a univer- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Geml;nill with haggard lines, as though he wor- sizes, $5.00 value ...... $3.99 moved to Monroe, Mich., last week ries and repines. The merchant prince sal economy, serving and saving ev- where Clifford has received a satis- has said to me he never is from Men's strong Work Shoes, Waterproof, guar- erybody. Through its reliable service factory position in the Palace Barber trouble free, and often, with a spirit anteed, black or tan, $4.00 value ...... $3.24 Shop. About three weeks ago the sore, the whole night long he'll walk business has been increased and ex- Ladies' Boots, 12 inch top, new shades, black three leading barbers met Clifford the floor. So, peradventure and may- and white, browns, grays, etc., $5 value. . $3.69 penses reduced. Low purchase price with open arms, but he could only fill hap, I'm after all a lucky chap. one place at a time. Unappreciated. )C~)C Misses' Gun Metal Shoes, lace or button, all and small cost for maintenance as- Here's another sign that spring has For weeks and weeks, the skies were sizes, $3.00 vaue ...... $2.19 sured. Touring Car $360, Runabout arrived. J• B. Cootes is talking base blue, a winter sun was shining; the Boys' School Shoes, a fine finish leather, lace ball not the fat and lean variety~for $345, f. o. b. Detroit. Let us have roads were fine, as good as new, yet V~ or button ...... $1.75 J. B• says there's nothing to that con- people were repining. "We need nine your order today° test any more. He wants a contest kinds of rain and snow," they made BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF EASTER NOVELTIES. SUMMER where it will require more of an ef- their wail together; "the whea~ will DRESS MATERIALS, AND SHOES fort for "his side" to win. "Pick out die, it has no show, in this unseemly your team," says Jim, "and I'll go out weather. If groans o:° mine would All in the above named lines for your Easter. in the country and get one that will bring a rain, I'd do somb bitter howl- GARDEN SEEDS OF ALL KINDS, THE SAME OLD PRICE-- Auten & Tindale trim you right." Yes, we can feel the ing, but human grief is-=all in vain--~ merry sunshine and hear the robins twon t start the thunder: growling. I sing when Jim begins talking base might go weeping" down the street, but Two pNgs. 5c ball in earnest. all my noisy sorrow, won/t save the The shipment of milk to the Ubly smallest patch of wheat, ~or bring a condensary from Deckerville has in- shower tomorrow. And so ff pen some Dailey Cash Bargain Store creased to such proportions, says the sprightly odes, enjoyin~ the endeav- The Store that Saves You Money. Recorder, that the handling of all the or, insisting that the cou;~try roads PAGE FOUR...... CASS CITY CHRONICLE, CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, APRIL 6, 1917. 'l~ q'~ I I I III I - _ - - _ -..... ~ ...... - • _ . ~ ...... - _ , ! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::H:agh McColl is on the sick list. Sixteen friends and neighbors 0£ His Regular Position. i ;~::::::~::~:~:::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::~:::~:::~:~::::::::::::::::::~::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~:::::.:.:::::~:~.:.%.::::::::i.::v..~...e..:..~,~5::;:$ In an eastern state years ago the~ Lyle Koepfgen drives a Buick Six. Mr. and Mrs. M. Fournier met at their l home in Novesta township to spend was a prominent citizen who cut quite ?.:: Mrs. I. A. Fritz, who has been ill, !!I Loca tems !ii it.he evening Monday. Games and mu- a swath in state affairs, but who was [1 :::: $i is convalescent. i:i: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: mc furnished entertainment and Fe- believed to be quite extensively hen- B. L. Middleton was in Detroit M:on- pecked in the privacy of his domestic :i:! freshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. -.-. Mrs. Levi Mun~z is very sick. day on business. Fommier are moving to the Wm. Ak- life. After figuring for many yc~ars as ' :.:. Ward Benkelman drives a Dodge erman farm north of town. a factor in his political organization, %% Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Auten are spend- !::::!ii:: %-. touring" car. ing a few days in Detroit. he came out finally as a candidate for :::: the gubernatorial nomination and .... Mirs. Josephine Welsh was in' De- Abram Abramovitch left Thursday Not all "Pipeless Furnaces" are :.:. -.-. made an active canvass. i :::: ,:-: troit Monday. for Detroit to spend the Passover. Muellers. See Bigelow. k:: But the powers that were decided on o. H. Miekle of Dallas, Texas, is m A daughter was born to Mr. and another man for the head of the ticket. :::: zov,:n on r)us:ne~7, :i:iz wee::. Mr. and Mrs. C. Nolty have moved 2. your seeds early while ~he S~ocK ~s :nomination for lieutenant governor complete. E. W. Jones. 3-16-1 to their farm south of town. Miss Minnie Kinnai~ 1 entertained upon him. From the convention hall a -.-. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sehwaderer en- the Priscitlas at supper Tuesday eve- (:olnmittee went to his headquarters to ..% For Sale. •.%%-o ning. break the news to him and to urge :::: tertained the Friendship club Tues- Light delivery wagon, good :snow; upon him the advisability of accepting %-. day. Wilbert Bruce spent Sunday at the light pair bob sleighs. S. Champion, second honor, since he could not have Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Striffler and son, home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bruce at Phone 45---3. 12--22- Deford. first. :::: Irvine, were callers in Caro Wednes- -o.. Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Wiekware were "the old gentleman took the tidings day. i00 folding chairs for sale cheap. B. }} in Detroit Thursday and Friday on very calmly. .%- Mary Cummings of taro was a L. Middleton. 3-9- "Gentlemen." he said, when their guest of Belva Tibbals from Thursday business. :.:. ~////////// ~////Z~/2A ~///,#~, ~///////////~ ~/~///~, ~/~//,d~#$. k:: spokesman had concluded. "I had ex- :i:i ~ ~. ~ ,, :~: to Monday. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Les- For Rent. pected something else, but i owe a F. J. hash, st., left Friday for Peer- lie Walters is very sick with bronchial Eighty-acre farm one mile from duty to my party, and I will consent to less, Alta., where he will go on his pneumonia. city limits. Good house, barn and out- become your lieutenant governor. It is ~:.~ buildings. G. A. Tindale. 3-9- homestead. Misses Mable and Mary Willerton a post for which I deem myself to be ::k spent Sunday at their parental home peculiarly fitte~l by long experience. I B. H. MeComb, county school com- Beaconlight coffee 35c lb. at Jones.' missioner, was a ca:;er in town Iast at Argyle. have been holding down that job at Got that Fitted .o-. Boy ~Mrs. J. W. Schell of Detroit is a home for thirty-five years !"--Saturday :::: Wednesday. House on Houghton $4. for sale :::: :i:~ Mrs. George Carolan of Gagetown guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. cheap. Enquire at Chronicle office. 2- Evening Post. was a guest of Miss Emma Lenzner a Walter Schell. 16- !!!! up for Easter Yet? few days last week. Miss Frances McGillvray enter- The Only Way to Be Happy. Hey, you with the downcast eye, .:.: H. P. Woolman of Port Huron came tained a few friends at a dinne~" party Ask your grocer for home made Remember, he appreciates new clothing just as flour and take no other kind. Red Rose And you with the glistening tear, += Wednesday to visit at the home of Mr. Thursday evening. And you with the faint, regretful sigh, you do, and he needs it too, undoubtedly. The hard ~Vm. Mattoon of Pontiac spent the for bread and Tnscola for pastry; you and Mrs. T. Lounsbury. will be pleased with them. Elkland And you with the icy sneer[ grinding wear that he's given his winter suits has left week-end at the home of his mother, Don't you know that the sky is smiling, iiii Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kitchen have Milling Co. 1-12- Though the flowers are not in bloom, i!i! them in such shape that you almost have to be ashamed moved into Mrs. C. E. McCue's house Mrs. J. H. Mattoon. And the world is bent on beguiling %-. on Seeder street south. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wright and Fancy lettuce, celery and green Each heart from the haunts of gloom? of him before company. Wm. Lawson of Argyle spent the family of Pigeon were guests at the onions at Jones.' iii! We make a specialty of outfitting the youngster. Robt. MeConkey home Sunday. And you with the bitter word week-end at the home of ~:r. and "Good Luck Oleo" at Jones.' AIore bitter perhaps if wise-- And we have a line of ~he newest Spring togs for him IV[rs. Herbert Houghton. Mrs. Travis Sehenck left Wednes- Ilow many a mind is to envy stirred iiil day for Chisholm, Minn., where she By your fortunes, which you despise. at prices that are mighty gratifying these "high-cost- Miss Grace Young" of McBain is Splendid line wall paper at ii!i will visit her son, Stanley Sehenck. of Thero is always some chap whose grieving, spending the week with her parents, Burke's Drug Store. All tLe latest If his grief were only known, of-living" times. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Johnson of .%- "::! Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Young'. patterns at low prices. Would bid you tO its relieving ::1: And help you forget your own. James Schwaderer, who has been Birmingham visited Tuesday at the visiting relatives in this vicinity, re- home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watson. Formaldehyde for treating grain at Best Ever Suits, Smart, Burke's Drug Store. Kind Treatment Needed. ,5.00 !:~: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill of Ponti- %urned Saturday to Pontiac. o~.~ The editor of the correspondence eoi- Dressy Garments0 up from o:.: Miss Adah Catdwell of Bay City ac came Saturday to vI~ at the Two incubators; one new and one %% came Wednesday to visit her parents, homes of Frank Pitcher and John second-hand, for sale. G. L. Hitch- umns had a very busy day--: very -..o Ball. cock, 4-6 busy day indeed. So busy. in fact, that +: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ~Jaldwell. he had to enlist tile services of the Miss Lela Gemmill returned Tues- English cut, Rubber Sole :5: Miss Cora Leach and Guy Leach of For Sale. "sub" to read out the correspondence. :.> day from Wilmot where she visited ,3, 0 ->: Ubly were guests at the home of Mr. '%Vhat is the next query?" he asked, $? at the home of her sister, Mrs. O. W. One registered Morgan stallion and o... Shoes for Boys at - - :::: n-. :+ and Mrs. Robt. Cleland Wednesday. one registered brood mare in f0al. G. when he had gone half way through -g. Moulton. %-.. tVliss Mable See~er, who has been W. Goff. 4-6-3 the pile of letters. -.... visiting" her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Eli Dodge and Mrs. Edith Franks "Oh" replied the "sub." "a ~eader I~ i!i' Sector, returned Saturday to Detroit. were married at Caro Wednesday, "Good Luck Oleo" at Jones." South Africa wan~s to know how to, New Persian Neckwear for Easter Mar. 28. Probate Judge Hill performed k:: %-. Miss Mable Cleland, who is visiting prevent the hairs in his mustache from. the ceremony. Wanted--Girls and Women. Steac~y falling ~,ut. What shall I pu't down; AND EVERY KIND OF BOYS' FURNISHINGS IS %-. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cle- -~.. work. $1.00 a day to beginners, with >:- 4::: Miss Margaret Striffier, who teach- sir ?" ~... 1and, Will return Saturday to Detroit. ....- READY AT THIS STORE. es at Manton, came Saturday to visit advancement. We pay as high as $2.00 "WelU' answered; the. editor, with a ' r:::: :+ Mrs. Chas. Osborne of Deford and to $2.50 a day according to ability. her parents, Mr. and Mrs.: J. H. sigh, "just put down. 'The best way t(> .:.:. 34 YEARS IN ONE SPOT. Mrs. Geo. Clothier of Marlette were Room and board, with a,~' modern con- :::: prevent hairs fr~ falling out is to~ Striffier, during the Easter vacation. veniences at the Company's boarding -.-.. guests of Mrs. Jas. Dorman Thursday. %.. Wm. Dodge received a telegram house at $3.00 a week. For inf0rma- brush them lightly ~part an4 keep Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenleaf of Cure- Tuesday that his nephew, Harry tion write Western Knitting Mills,. them from, quarrelm~.:" ~ ' " --Lon4on,, Tit - ber were guests Wednesday at the Greenleaf, son of Norman Greenleaf, Rochester, Michigan. I-5-26p Bi~s. :ili! ,, home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Greenleaf. Cr o S b y & S o n died Tuesday morning at Cleveland, "Slse.~y7 ~ ~ii ~ Cass Cit~y s• Shoe and Clothing Men. iii Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weldon and Ohio. ,Bring' in your" grocery orders and: & Kis~ Grace returned Tuesday from Detroit .• let Jones figure on them before send- "No," ~,id she, "'I~--I~ ca~ only be a, where they have been visiting rela- Geo, V~rolverton writes from Sagi- ing elsewhere. We can save You~ sister to, you." tives. naw that Mrs. Wotverton is a patient money the same as we l~ave others.g: . ~Ve-y well;" said: t~e. °'I' mus:~ be go- at the Woman's Hospital in that city 2-7 ling. I ~afl exoeeted a different an- Bernicc Hitchcock and ThMma where she recently underwent two Agar spent the Easter vacation at the s-wet from. you, but--well, good night!" operations and is critically ill. For Sale. "George;" she faltered, as. he, started home of Mrs. J. H. Dawson at Mar- Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Morris and chil- lette. Eight-room house and barn in a out into the-night~ "George!? dren visited friends in Harbor Beach very desirable location. Apply to G. "What is-it?" he, asked, very crossly. ! The Missionary society of the Pres- Sunday and Monday. Mrs. L. J. A. Striffier. I1-17- "Aren'~ you, going to, kiss. your sister byterian church will meet Thursday, Sebille, who has been their guest, re- .April 12, at the home of Mrs. C. D. "Cellar the ~mttest ptace in th:e: good nigh.t?" He ~d~ not go them--Ex,- PreparBtlnsss for Easier turned to Harbor Beach with them. Striffier. house?" Then it isn't a Mueller Pipe'-f change" Mrs. C. E. MeCue has received no- less. Ask Bigelow. Mrs. Rachel Best, who has been tice of the death of her cousin, Mrs. Easter Preparedness is featured here this year as staying with ]~&'s. J~s. Dorman this I Card of Thanks, Edw. Hornibrook, at Marinette, Wis- Hold your hand on the outside jack- I wish to thank the S;habbona So- it has neve been featured before. From the Coat or Suit winter, returned Saturday to her home consin. Deceased was formerly Miss et of the Mueller One-Register Fur-!cial Club for the, beautifixi flbwers and' in Detroit. Fanny Campbell and lived at Gage- ~aee. No spoiled fruit or vegetables;, i the fruN sent me. during my illness. down to the smallest detail, nothing is lacking to give The men's supper given at the town. Bigelow's sell it. iMay God bless your good wori4. Mrs. Andrew: Lorent~en;- ~' the word Preparedness its deepest and broadest meaning. Me&o&st church Wednescay eve- Miss Mable Willerton of ArgyIe and ..... I ning" was well attended. The proceeds Isaac Walker of Monta Vista were To Rent. 1 -- ~£ were $43.00. Good 80-acre fkrm near Wilmot on I Card of Thanks. married Saturday at the home of the shares or money rent, apply to P. S': l Mr. m~d Mrs~ Geo. Gray and rela- i Nits. John Clothier ~teturned bride's uncle, John Witlerton. Mr. and ! McGregory, Cass (7~ty, or Robe,!tires wish to thank friends and nMgh- ~ Beautiful Coats in New New Shapes and Colors Wednesday to her home at Koylton Mrs. Walker wilt make their home in Hawkins, Wilmot. ~uther E. Karr~ I bors f~:r their Kdhdness and floral of- after spending" a week with her sister, Cass City. 1~6 Windemere Ave., Detroit, MicIt I fering'~ at thei!r late bereavement. t Shades. in Separate Collars. hrs. Jas. Dorman. Miss Alison Spence, who attends the Mrs. Bruce Brown was thrown U. of M., is expected home Saturday t Card of Thanks. IX Stylish Separate Skirts. from a buggy' Friday evening when to spend the Easter vacation with her Dynamite for saIe at Geo. L. Hi~e~ [ I herby wish to th~nk the fi-iends,[ Silk Hose to match her horse became frightened. She pare~nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Spenee. coc s. " "1 [~ Shoes or Gown...... flowe~-and eatlS and sympathy wh~ e, Handsome Crepe and escaped with slight injuries. Miss Selma Russell of Ann Arbor will ...... Ieum b- -ard and I at the hospita~ 0 5K Schneider 4~ .1~ spend the week with ?~iss Spence at , and ±z It. nno ~ Y Y ...... ,Ol.,. ,t~ ~ir. and Mrs. Wilfred Mi£tdaugh linoleum rugs at G. L. Hitehcoek~s- "- '" ~- Georgette Waists. were called to C!ifford Tuesday by the Cass City. New Fancy Hair Orna- serious illness of Mr. Middaugh's "Merchant of Venice Up-to-date" l~es~dence• on ": " ' NOTfCE O~F HEARING ~i. New Changeable Silk ments. mother who died Wednesday morning, given by students of the high sehooi e~sy terms. M. Seeder. 2-23 CLAIMS BEFORE COURT ,, l~irs. Fred Reid and son, Etwin, re-tWednesday evening drew a crowded { Petticoats. For Sale. S~te of Michigan, The Probate turned Thurodavo to



PANAMA CANAL 0UTDUG. WANTS TO SEE $t,lO BEANS Miners Of West Virginia De Bigger President of Bean Jobbers' Associa- In the opening of Job of Excavating. tion Sees Good Year Ahead. i , I I)o you know that the coal miners of West Virginia have actually outdug the J A Perfect Lemon Pie J excavators of the Panama canal? The At a recent meeting of the Michi: fan Bean Jobbers' Association Presi- The New Store big canal has been advertised in a hun- dred ways. says the Coal Age Not a dent W. J. Orr said: word has been said about the even t "Personally, I would like to see the the merchaneise featured will be of good quality. more wonderful feat of the miners. following schedule of prices main- That's why you don't know that in the tained: beans, $6.00 a bushel, potatoes ,'./v~:x ;~,:'.r:~ v:!z'!c ('.'." "r::-!- ~,-r:~!qef! R150- wheat..~2.tF)Or corn .~1.00 in or- f~ _11_ . V

A POPULAR VERDICT For the first time during the twenty ELKLAND-ELMWOOD NEWS FROMTHE years in which it has been submitted TOWN LINE ,,HOE B/scu/Ea Based on 'Evidence of Cass City to successive sessions of the legisla- : People. ture, the Torrens system of land Miss Edith Evans sewed at the M. transfers has been passed by the Carolan home last week. Grateful thousands tell it~ STATE CAPITOLhouse. In 1901 the bill for this sys- Of weak backs made strong'- tem passed the senate. Its supporters Miss Mildred McConkey of Cass Of weak kidneys made well~ . declare that it will again pass the City visited her cousin, Leola Bins- Urinary disorders corrected. ham, last week. Cass City people add their testi- upper house and this time go on the mony. 0ur Special 0rrespandenl tt statute books. It has the support of A. Livingston called on his brother, They praise Dean's Kidney Pills. the st&re Grange, the NIiehigan Asso- C.M., in Owendale one days last Cass City evidence is now complete. Lansing Relates ciation of Farmers' Clubs, the Detroit week. Cuss City testimony is confirmed. l~eal Estate board and other real Arthur Ewald of Detroit spent Sun- Reports of early rMief substantiat- estate boards in the state. ReDre- day with his parents. ed. @slo,oro ~ntativ~ of ~.}~e~- bodie'~ h~ve b~en a,~r. and su~r~. C. Hiser are home Merit doubly proved by test of time. here working for the bill, while repre- Let a Cass City woman speak. from a short wedding trip. And what's so deliciously good. Hot biscuits with sentatives of abstracters, who would Mrs. C. A. Sherman, Church St., WILL ADJOURN ON APRIL 20, Little Leona Davenport is quite ill. be hard hit by its passage, are here that pleasing brownness to the crust and under that Cass City, gave the following state- sick. ment on September 13, 1911: "I take opposing. The bill in the Michigan a flaky texture that fairly melts in your mouth. Dean's Kidney Pills whenever I feei Equal Suffrage and Prohibition Bills legislature makes the Torre~ns system Mr. and Mrs. C. Bingham visited at any weakness of my kidneys or when Have Caused Long and Strenuous optional with the buyer of real estate Chas. Seeking's home Sunday. STOTT'S my back gets painful or lame. This is Sessions--Culver Military Bills Are to receive a Torrens certificate or an Misses Edith Evans and Marie An- usually the ease after I catch cold or Given Immediate Effect on Account abstract under the present system. ker were callers at the Hiser home attempt to do too much wo~'k. When. of Critical Situation With Germany. Monday. ever I have these spells, Dean's Kid- The bill passed with a bare majority. Diamond Flour ney Pills without fail take away the The Culver military bills, calculated pains and other symptoms. They al- By Lewis W. Bailey. to harmonize the state's militia sys- makes bread, roils and biscuits that are so relieve the pains in my head and Lansing, Mich., April 4.--%Vith date tem with the federal militia law were ~CEDAR RUN NO. 1. palatable and of, great food value, and dizzy spells." for adjournment set for April 20, the given immediate effec, because of the where can you get food so economically Dean's Always Effective. critical situation with Germany. with more nutriment per ounce than in Over five years later, or on October legislature this week enters on the Mr. and Mrs. Bay Crane and daugh- !: I9, 1916, Mrs. Sherman said: "Dean's last lap of its nearly four months Rep. McAl'thur's bill amending the ter, Katherine, visited at Loren Diamond Flour ? Kidney Pills have never failed to do session. The past week saw long and teachers' pension law to make it op- Brown's Sunday. Be sure to specify Stott's Diamond me good whenever I have had occa- strenuous sessions and much of the tional with teachers to contribute to Henry Dodge of Carp and son, Lau- Flour today when the grocery list is sion to take a medicine to relieve important legislation acted on in one the pension fund and come under the rence Dodge, of Detroit called at made out. backache or regulate the action of my house or the other. Among these provisions of the act was another James Belknap's Saturday. kidneys." basis for lively debate in which Rep. equal suffrage, the prohibition bills, Mrs. Guy Ferrister of Tawas spent Price 50c, at all dealers. Don% Charles Flowers, who was the father David S[ot[ Flour Mills simply ask for a kidney remedy~ge~ the Torrens system of land transfers, a few days this week at the homes of Dean's Kidney Pills~the same tha~ the amendment to the teachers' pen- of the teachers' pension law, was the P. W. Stone and I~'s. Lila Hendrick. De~roi~ Mich. sion law to make the system optional, principal protester against an amend- Mrs. Sherman has twice publicly rec- Mrs. Win. Shay of Cass City, who measures to strengthen the national merit which he declared would vir- ommended. Foster-Milburn Co., Props has spent the past three months with Buffalo, N. Y.~Adv 10. guard of the state, the codification of tually kill it. The bill passed the house by a vote of 62 to ~4, but its Mr. and Mrs. James Belknap, has re- StoWs Diamond Flour sold by E. W. JONES, Cuss City. the insurance laws: the increase ~n turned to her home. Sparkproof. railroad fares and a great many lesser fate in the senate is uncertain, with "Don't you think Boggles is aw.fully measures. odds against the amendment. A hear- Mrs. Gill of Gagetown is caring for dense? He doesn't seem to have a Besides this, a resolution intro- ing on the bill will be held in the sea- Mrs. Clark Bixby this week. Mrs. Bix: by is some better at this writing. spark of intelligence." duced by Rep. Sheridan Ford, of ate chamber the evening of April 10 "Spark! How could a spark get, Detroit, at the instigation of officials and it is expected it will be one of The two children of Mr. and Mrs. through a fireproof skull and an asbeso of the Michigan Grange, was one of the largest hearings ever held in the Wesley Waiters are both ill with the The Exchange Bank t~ brainT'~Cleveland Plain Dealer. the crowning achievements of the state house. whooping cough; also NeiI Peddle and baby, Maxine Hendrick. session in its results in that it pro- Prohibition Bills. OF Eo H. PINNEY & SON Advertise it in a Chronicle liner. cured for Michigan sugar beet grow- All prohibition bills are now in the ers an estimated million and a half hands of the sena,te. The Wiley bill, dollars for this year's beets over what Fin~e~ Pr[nt~ which was the measure originally the 1,700,000,000 peopIe m the CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $50,~0o00 Director ?. they would have received otherwise. fathered by the Anti-Saloon league The Ford resolution provided for a world no two have, gnger prints exact- and which provides the machinery for ly ~like. The lines, on the feet and commission to be appointed by Gov- the regulation of the sale 0f liquor for DR. IRA D. McCOY hands have been handed down from ernor Sleeper to investigate the sugar the purposes sanctioned by the pro- Pays 4 per cent. on time deposg~s from date o.f deposit-- University of Michigan graduate. beet industry of the state, determine ancestors of countless thousand~ of ~esidence and office I~A blocks sou~h hibition amendment was passed by a if there existed any agreement among years and do not cha.~ge during the of Sheridan Hotel, Cass City. Office vote of 96 to 0. The McArthur bill, three to twelve months. the factories as to what prices they life of the individual. The lines are d~ys~Wednesday, 9.00 a. m. to 4:(}0 which in addition prohibits and pen- p. m, Saturday, 1:00 to 5:00 p. m. could afford to pay to the farmers and, due to ridges of littte ~apillae i~r ~he a!izes use of liquor for uses other underlying skin, which; contains the how the industry could be benefited than named in the constitution and DR. M. M. WICKWARE, both from the viewpoint of the famner sensory nerves and blood vessels, forbids possession and transportation These ridges are reproduced by the Office in Pleasant Home Hospital. and of the sugar manufacturers, i of liquor except for the purposes outer skin. 9:%e outer skin: is constant- Daily office hours: 1:00 to 3:30 p. m. On the day that the resolution was named, passed 87 to 12, some of the * ) Phone, office 22--3R; residence 22-,~. passed by the house, Governor Sleep~ ly being wor~ away, but ae it renew~ members feeling that the recently itself the llnes: are rene~.e~ wi~h, it... Read the Chromcle s Liner Columns. or, in conference with the sugar man- enacted nationaI Iaw as to shipment F. L. MORRIS, M. D. ufacturers, won from them an agree- into dry states made the McA~thur Phone 62. ment to pay the farmers what they bilI urmecessary. The Lewis bill re- ask for their beets, and to pay it not organizing the state dairy and food only to the farmers who had not yet department to give it authority to The Largest Conservatory of Music in the World DENTISTRY. signed contracts for the sale of this I. A. Fritz, Resident Dentist. e~force the prohibition law as repre- season's crop, but to those who had sented by the Wiley measure passed Equipped Entirely With SCHILLE PIANOS. Office over Treadgold's drug store. signed at a lower price than~ that 88 ~o" 10. Opponerrts of this measure We solicit your patronage when hn whicb the others were holding out. Of the 800 l:zianos I have, sold, mestl$ in K~on C0,, ~ver 500~ are the celebrated Schiller makel $ of ~ttese ~eed of dental work. held that the present police, authori- customers being piano ~uners, and 46 m~sic teae~r.s; of'-~hor~ 3~ a~e graduates, of musical eonserva~o~ies~ Th~ for. ties of the state could effectively Schiller piano ha:s the endor~m~ent of musical ax~ists of Europe ~nel America, piano ttmk is: second ~t~er As agreed, ali the beet growers in administe:r a~y prohibition legisIatiom a ~o no P. A. Schenck, D. D. S., Michigan will receive $6 a ton for make in value, tone quati~y, durability, and: artiatie case: design, gMew are a fe~ names f~.~k space w.ill: permN e~. Dentist. The sen~ate has Idlled a bfI~ extend- beets making 5-cent sugar, $7 a ton well known people' to whom g have so~d:: pianos: Graduate of the University of Michi- for beets making 6-cent sugar and $8. ing the recall to schooI officers. It i~an. Office over Wilsey & Cathcart's a ton for beets making 7-cent sugar.' passed a measure giving admin, istra- BAD AXE~ Jas. Baldwin Rev. West SEBEWAING~ Miss Wood glare, Cass City, Mich. tior~ of tke feder~I grant for agricul- Churches & Schoo~, ~ Prof. ~f~Kay Rove. Cash C.F. Liken A. NcKim The beet growers have been getting Masons and Stars~ 2 Prof. Doyle , Roy. Seeley~ 2 Chas. Liken: Roy. Fee $5.54 a ton. tural and vocationaI schooI purposes A. J. Knapp, Funeral Director to the, sulJerinte~d'ent of p~bKe in- Rapson Family, 3: Dr: Cornell Rev. Lyman Henry Likeaa Roy. Weaecr and Licensed Embalmer. Mrs. Knapp, Suffrage Amendment Passes House. strueti0m the president of tke sta~e Judge Hall, 3 'W: H. Sparling Rev. Campbell Roy. Geese Roy. Schwei~zer l~,ady Assistant with License, Night The equal suffrage amendment, John Ryan, 2 Mrs. I~antey Rev. McWH]iams. T. Hadwin Miss McGregor board of education and the presidents Dr. McDonnell, 2: ShortS McAula~ R~ev: Li~e Fred Bach E. McKim and day calls receive prompt atton- which had been introduced by Rep, of the University of Michigan and the ~on. City Phone. Charles Flowers, of Detroit, created a KMghts of Colum~ .Mrs. H:. Simp~a: PORT • AUSTIN-- Theodore Bach Benkelman, 3 Michigan Agricultural college. Urger Dr. Herrington C. Graves Y~ of Pine~ Hoge~ Alfred Bac~ H.F. Lenzner lively debate but went through by a the federM grant, any public set~oo;l: Chas. Thompson S. Grages F.W. Hubbard, 2 J. SchluchJer ELKTON~PIG]~ON,-- vote of 71 to 21. It must still run the which provides suft~rble b~ffdings fo.r C. F. Hey Pr. Pfaff H.G. Snorer High School " Ed. Leipprandt REAL ESTATE gauntlet of the senate. The oldest instruction, in agrieultural:~ industriM ~ Gee. Whitney Dr: Cc~per Wallace Famil,y, 3 G. Everingham Gwinn Family, 5 members of the house were the cham- or home, economic subjects a,~d, Robert Buckley W. T. Bope ~. Clair ]Family,. 3; R. Kaercl~er Oscar Rogers pions of the measure. Rep. Flowers Gee. Clark Jas. Burgess J. Cartwrigtit J.R. Sch~alm, 2 Miss Campbell If you want to buy or sell, farm or priates orre,hal'f the amount a.Hotted: A. L. Wright John ~ywood~ Baptist Church Otis Pengra R.H. Grandy is 71 years of age and Rep. H. ~rirt I by the federal government for pay- Archie CIark Newkirke, of Ann Arbor, who spoke C. Co~e Mrs•. Phi!hps- John Po~anz, 3 F. ~errick residence property call and see us. ment of instructors in such scho,at Jos. Fremont H. Bartley J.S. Ayre~: Rhinholt H. Goutd eloquently in behalf of the measure/ may receive the federal ~ a~d:. J:~s. Rankin Wm. ~ankin N.:. Taylor CASS CYI'Y~ Dr. @~rnell is 63. Flowers has introduced an A. E. Sleeper O. E. Kewley Miss Clary Fo Lenzner Editor Trumbu~i ~ FRITZ & WAIDLEY equal suffrage resolution in two pro -~ Many' A,pp:ropriati:o~.. J:as. Clark Rev. Chrmichaet ~' Miss Styc~ki~ Mrs. Ba~-dwell •Hal~ vious legislatures. Rep. Newkirke Indications are, that the appropri~t- Prof. Sawyer Office with I. A. Fritz, Delltist. introduced years ago the bill which: tions for state institutions tkis sos, sion will not exceed $Z3,,000,00@ in- The Drake U}.~iversity, a~ter usi~ig 28 Sch~ter pian~s~ for m,a~y years, d'~scarded alp others ~ud put i~, an en- gave women the right to vote on: able equipment of' gi Schitler ~pianos ~ecause 02' their tone, quality and dura&ility. Indictor l~tvsiCal Journal. school matters. And by the way,! cluding: the $800,900 fern state office, Senator Damon, who introduced the building, as against $16,000,000, i~ :t915, The Schiller pianos ha~e, gained~ an envi~bte repudiation f0r' Lone quali~:y, durabili~? and a~istic eas~ desi~ bill which has passed the senate to' and $14,000,000 in 1913. All of the and many distinc~ve, features whic!4~ place t~em in ttie front. Their acknowledged ~e~iability and special advan- i" A uchoneer" give women a vote in the presidential! larger appropriations have been: re- tage in price ma~,e them p~&nos in ~l~ich the ~ dealer ~nd custon~er have the utmost confidence. The patent press- } elections, is 67 years of age. t ported out by the house ways and er bar and recta~gular bac~. found only in ScIiitter pianos are giving thent prestige. The Schiller is o~e of ~e, R.N. McCultough .~! Iargest plants ih,: the Unit~ed States~ Commercial and financiM: standing~ of the highest.--Buyers Guide, 1915. ~: ': "]?he opponents to Rep. Flowers's, means committee a~d all that liave. Terms reasonable. Best of !i suffrage resolution were Reps. Bosch, ! been passed have gm~e through as Schiller Piano Co: When we bought our ~atch of pianos of you last fail it was because We '£ound those we were, assistance furnished for large Copley, Culver, Daprato, Edwards,: recommended~ Apprepriation~ thus using had a pret~Lier tone and action and stood the wear bette~ than may of the other 9 makes we had thus far used°. :f sales whenever required. Make ?i Sheridan Ford, Glaspie, Hal'ris, I far reported out are" making" them by far the populhr make we had w,~th the students. Tha~ we made., a good choice in buying Schil~ ~ your date Wldl the Chromcte ~ Jerome, Lamphere, Leveque, Nelson,Y ! Farm colony for the e~ffepties~ lers again is proved by th~ demand there is for them by the p~pils for pr, aetice. W~e,find them to possess a beauti- $230,580; school for blind, $14i,2507:, ful action and t,~ne quality, and at the same time unusual endurance. I th~k if any Fianos ha~ a fair test it woul@ Quintel, Milton II. Smith, Samuel J.~ be those used in, a school i:~ke this. We hope to be able to buy another batch of them from ycu next Sept, Smith, Stevenson, Taube, Wagner,! deficits for tubercu[osis sanitorium, F. E, BURROWS, Director of Simp,~:on College, Iowa. ~Veissert, V¢ood, Woodruff. i $8,508.54; western state normal N. B.2--Simpson College has 31 Schiller pianos. The program as to raih'oad legisla- $352,500; state tub~rculosks sanitor- 7)%~ED (M:;° LIFE tion is mapped out, and while the bill ium, $128,075; industrial home for Schiller Piano, Co. It gives me pleasure t~ speak p~ablicly cm~cerning the pianos we bought ed~ you. I& seems to~ me they have ripened and improved i:n tone quality. ~e are b~ding a ne~ wing and~ shah wa~t 30 more pianos a.~d I giving the railroads the right ;to girls,. $10,000; pubKe domain commis- sion, $285,000; general expense, of hope we shall~ be able to:. afford Schillers. charge 2% cents in the lower penin- F. HOWARD, Dea~ of Drake: University. su!a and 3 cents in the upper penin- state government, $2,898,305; i~dex- Drake is the largest c~nservato,ry of muMc in the, world. and ~&eumat~sm sula passed the senate, it will not go ing compiled laws, $3,000; b~.dgeg through the house as there adopted. system, $7,500;. Ngiehiga~a reformatory Naples, Itali~~, June 1907. • ~'oiev ~:idncy PiI~ flzed up Texas brakema~ and upper peninsula prison, $!94,000 - To the Sehi~ier Piano Co., Oregon, Ill. Rep. Nelson, of Gogebie, has intro, Dear Sirs:-~We have~ receive4 our last order of pianos and are pleased to state that we: find them artistic, ~ns~u- So }~e~s gocc~ a~ ever. dueed a substitute bill for a rate several: hospitals, $2,833,660.12;, indus- 2f~:r:ost do~-n nnd OUt with kidney merits in a~eery respect. The ione is fM1, round," and of t~ne quality, ~he action~ ~s light ajnd elastic? quick to ~esti~e[ tr(,uklz. Ylheumatism so bad he could investigation commission to report to trial school for boys, deficit, $~4,500; and pleasing to the ear. We are hoping that your pianos shall have a grea;~, success ~n Italy and in ~he Or~t, scarcc!y g,'-t uP when ho sat down. the next legislature. One member • of. ~'Y[ackinac park, $II,00ff; schoc~[ for the countries~ where we, have the~ honor, to represe~-t such re:H:able instruments. ~ack ached ali the time. deaf, $228,!35:; college o~ mi~es, Believe ~ dear si~:s, yours very truly, ~'o wonder Z~r. F.'A. ~ooley, brake- the' commission, by the terms of theli x'nan op. the road from Dallas to Jack- bill, is to be appointed from the. house!l $157,X49; inspector oi apiaries, $6,000; • i" " ~ < . ~..... ~ Cav. Giov. ~e Meglio~ & F. glie. ~on, ~exas, "was tired of living." by Speaker Rice and one from thel! Ionia state hospital, $19,723~73; North- "! saw Foley l~idney Pills adver- er~ state rmrmal, $x72,893.(14;* Jackson The, Schiller Piano Co. is justly proud over their, new player piano, something a surprise for the ~ade, an in- tised," he said, "I took some and after senate by Lieut. Governor Dickinson.!! strume,nt of remarkable ~ossibilit%s, simp~:e and durable in construction, easy to operate and securing the daint'ie~ a short time I was thoroughly cured The pay of thes, e men is to be fixedl prison, sl~ecial, $211,200; erection of and am having no more trouble. musical effects. In this player there are exclusive ~eatures nog found in, any othe~ player. No jumpi.~,g or jerkin~, by the state beard of auditors and ! armories, $60,000; federal a~d of ~-o~.~r kidney ills wiI1 disappear~ " the accentuating effects very expressive,, the expression full with a del.~d~acy and ~ynamic effects as desired. It is and with them the b~ekache and rheu- the third member of the commission,} roads, $450,000" Pontiac state hospi- matism, by the use of Foley's ~_idney tal, $5.,000" s~tdiers' home, $2,500; trulF an instrument of infinite possibilities.~From. Piano Tra~e Journa% 1915. Pills. Once your kidneys become tile attorney general, is t(~ serve with- strol~g and active, ac] es and pains out extra compensaiion. The comJ I state library special, $20,000; Kalama- will disappear like magic. mission is to report not later than' ',zoo sIate hospital, $6•4,256; Industrial Why you can Eat a Better Value in Schiller Pianos than other makes of the highest Grade: There's nothing" to equal the genu- home for girls, $204,836; psyeopathie ine. Will help any case of kidney or bladder January 1, 1918, and if it finds an ' Twenty-five years ago ~he company purchased the ~ock river power at Oregon, IE. After- developing i~ "{;e a Lrouble not beyond the reach of mediciaos, increase in railroad passenger rates: hospital, $27,000" sail survey, $90,000; 0on~ain no harmful drugs. Try them, point where they furnished light and power for 9 cities, they sold it to a public uti!it, y company for a large s~m, ~ustifiable, the governor is to call a central Michigan normM, $214,650; L. I. Wood & Co. G.H. Burke special session of the legislature to Newberry state hospital, ~54,000; Mich- contracting with them to furnish the Schiller Co., with electricity to run all machinery and lighting free. It was act. igan reformatory, $3~600; purchase of the ambition of the Schiller Co. to build a monument to that name by making a piamo second in value to no o~he~ There are those in the house, in- ~public school lots, $1; armory in piano in the world, to be sold at fhe right p~ce. How welt they have succeeded is indicated by the popularity of the eluding Rep. Frank A. Smith, of Muskegon, $15,000; industrial school piano. No trust of state agencies giving one house exclusive control of trade and prices to shut out competition t® Luther, chairman of the railroad com- for boys, $315,258; highway depart- get extortionate profits. No traveling solicitors or expensive advertising, no honorary salaries, every officer going mittee, who believe the senate bil! merit, $70,000; deficits of board of an active worker in flhe business, no consignment of pianos, which means 1-3 less on wholesale prices. Schiller should be passed with a referendum corrections and charities, $804.96; pianos are sold on merit direct from factory to customer at the least possible cost and open tO competition. There Spanish American soldiers, etc., attached, a procedure which Senator are over 57,000 in use, used in more academies, colleges and schools of music than any other make. At Dunster'a $45,674.25; State Normal college, Koehler tried vainly for in the senate. music store, Bad Axe, you will find besides the Schiller samples of 5 or 6 other makes, medium to high grade. Voting against the increased fare in $473,000; state board of fish commis- Store open 9 to 12 A. M. 2 ~o 6 P. N, Will be there personally Saturdays. the senate were Senators, Bryant, moners, $126,493. Covert, Damon, Forrester, Kqehler, GEO. DUN~TEI~, Bad Axe. Martin, MeRae, Miller, Scully, Willi. snubbing the kaiser's peace prop- son, ~'~r ood. The vote was 20 to II osInition doubtless the allies overlooked CAUTION Senator Gannser still being absent I lhe fact that Turkey has yet a strong A Chicago firm has recently put out a cheap piano called th~ Schilling. Care shoud be taken not to confuse with his regiment of the national icard to play--mobilization of. the this stencil with the well known and reliable Schiller piano of Oregon, Ill ~From..the Presto Buyers G~ide, 1914, guard. ~ashibazouks. SEE SCHILLER PIANOS AT LENzNER'S FURNITURE STORE " CANS C~Y CHRONICLE, CANS CITY, MICHIGAN, APRIL 6, 1917. PAGE SEVEN.

&:::-ccc_%-_:~---~- --r_--z ~- ...... Lyle and Clare Patch of Detroit ing "denominate numbers" in arith- KINGSTON-NOVF~TA ELMWOOD. ! SHABBONA. spent the week-end with relatives and metic. TOWN LINE friends in this vicinity. Primary Room~Visitors this week Howard Brock has gone to Fair- were: Eldon Watkins, Mildred D'Ar- Mrs. E. Travis is ill at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bruce and son, grove where he expects to work the cy, Willie McCain, Dollie Ross, Muriel Miss Norma Retherford entertained coming summer. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brow~ and son, Clinton. of Card s~ent the week-end Daunt, and Hollis Johnson. Miss Beatrice Kelley of Card Thurs- James, of Cumber spent Sunday with Gee. Holt of Scotland, Ont., was a at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Mrs. John Malory and son, Ellis, of The third graders have learned day and Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lorentzen. guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Malcolm Bruce. Card have moved to Dorr Perry's "The Buebird.' Thursday and Friday. I Miss Myrtle Kregor returned Satur- where Ellis expects to work this sum- Wm. Meredith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jenereaux re- Some pictures were taken of the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 3ohnson of Ca- day night from Card where she has mar. his sister, Mrs. Hawksworth, of Cum- turned Saturday from Rochester school Friday. had employment for the past few ber. She is very sick. re visited Thursday at the home of where they have been employed du- We are sorry to lose Earl Hicks Miss Fe~'n Wright has returned to Mr. and Mrs. B. Myers. ring the winter. weeks her home in Card after spending her Florence Fullmer ~:sited her par- from the second grade. ents near Argyle Sunday. The Deford Grain Co., is unloading Witbert Dorman of Ellington was a Beatrice M. Pierce, Reporter. George Cooper was in Kingston Sat- Easter vacation with her father, Wil- a car of western oats, the first ever a'uest at the home of Mrs. Wm. Balch Vernon Everett, Teacher. ] urday. liam Wright, of E!mwood, Aft. and Mrs. S. Mudge are on "the sick list. shipped to Deford. from Thursday to Saturday. 1 Misses Ruth and Evelyn Retherford Mrs. M. G. Brock is visiting her ~Labb,,u Sv~i:d mc~ w~h Mrs. Ge~ie ;%chm~hl wit] have lhe ~Jrs. !!. ~. ~ierriman, who ha~ bec~ ~ne~ T'hursctav an(~ Fe~,3a~, with rel- ~:cm. Waltey,, ~ Vassar. Tl.~ ~ivb ~"- Years Ago in Dcford. Mrs. Edw. Phetteplace Tuesday. opening of her millinery stock Friday visiting friends and relatives in Al- atives at Marietta. Ray Rondo has returned from the and Saturday at her home opposite The following Deford items are ta- Bertha Cook is spending her Easter ma, Mt. Pleasant, Detroit, Durand and ken from the Cass City Enterprise of Frank Thomas of Lansing is visit- North where he has been working. th~ M. E. church. ing at his home here. vacation at her home here~ Pontiac, returned Saturday. Apr. 15, 1892: Charles Wright of Card visited at The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church Gtadys Baleh returned to Cass City Girl baby at James Harrington's. ~Mrs. George Cooper spent Friday William Wright's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Har~'iman and held a bazaar and served droner at So- children of Snover spent Sunday at Sunday after spending a week with Our mill is making shingles at with her mother at Shabbona. Ray Rondo expects to work for Wil- ciety Hall Monday. The proceeds Gee. H. Jones'. her mother, Mrs. Wm. Balch. present. Fred Cooper is drawing his pressed liam Jackson this summer. were about forty dollars. Avis Dorman of Ellington spent Retherford boys and Clark Courliss hay to Deford. David Philpot, who underwent an Mrs. O. Kelley, who has been a Thursday at the home of his aunt, are building a legal line fence. Harry Thomas left the last of the operation for appendicitis, is doing ~ruest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Mrs. Wm. Balch. Norman Retherford continues to be week to visit his parents at Lansing. ELLINGTON. nicely now. Myers, returned to her home at Sagi- Mr. and Mrs. John McCracken are troubled with a tumor on his limb. Mrs. Burt Loucks left last Tuesday naw Tuesday. Mr. Thick cf Lum visited Friday spending a few days at the home of Elmer Lewis is working the up- and Saturday of last week at R. Mc- Carl Fish has gone to Flint where for Detroit to care for her aunt who Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nesbitt have Mrs. Wm. McCracken. right to his house to the point of fin- Connelt's and H. Dodge's. he will be employed. is sick with pneumonia. moved from the Wm. Jenereaux farm ish. Mrs. C. Russell, who has been visit- Mr. and Mrs. John McCracken spent Evans Rose has a Ford automobile. Mrs. Gee. Agar of McHugh visited to their own place. ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Jesse Sole is preparing for a fam- with IKrs. F. McGregory Monday. ine. He has built a granary two a few days the first of the week width Herman Oesterle is building" an ad- Wilbert Bruce of Cuss City was a Hack, returned to her home at De- dition to his house. Ed. Smith is attending jury at San- sizes larger than his barn. Mrs. Francis McCracken at Deford. ~uest of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bruce troit Tuesday. Mrs. McCracken has not been able to dusky. Sunday. An aged man by the name of Per- Mr. and Mrs. Urvan Cross and son Oscar Valentine left Monday for kins who lived on the county line east be out of the house before for three spent Sunday with the tatter's par- Mrs. D. Lindsay has returned home Mr. and Mrs. Nail Kennedy were Frankenmuth where he will be em- months. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Turner. after spending the winter with rela- guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. of here died last week. His remains ployed. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Miss Ruth tives in Canada. L. Bruce at Caro Saturday. were sent to Armada for interment. Mrs. Samuel Farmer and children Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Johnson and Don't insist that the entire Demo- Smith and Mark Smith of Shelby v~s- spent Friday with Mrs. Peter Bell. Margaret Clark returned home S. Sherk is employed at Cass City. daughter° Hollis, of Card spent Fri- ited Howazd Retherford and family cratic ticket was elected in Kngston. Miss Elfleda Willet is working for Tuesday for her Easter vacation from over the week end. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. No, the people thought that Demo- Mrs. Urvan Cross. Sandusky high school where she is Myers. The Leek Ladies' Aid Society will teaching. Mortgage Sale. crats would do well enough for every Bert Seekings has moved on the Mrs. Gee. Clothier of Martette is hold their next regular meeting Default having been made, in the office but clerk and there they Barney Turner farm where he will Doris Brown of Pontiac is visiting Thursday, April 12, at the home of condition of a certain mortgage, giv- visiting at the home of her daughter, knocked in a Republican. work the coming year. her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen- en by John E. Covey, single, of Ak- Mrs. Chas. Osborne. Mrs. Wfn. Wood. ry Atfietd. Mr. and l~h's. Amos Fadie and Mr. ron, Tuscola County, Michigan, to Mrs. A. Onbomme returned home and Mrs. Hartley of Caro called at The M. E. Ladies' Aid will meet Olin Pengra, of Sebewaing, Huron NOVESTA. Saturday night from Detroit She ra- County, Michigan, dated December The Ladies' Aid dinner and bazaar the home of A. Fadie Sunday. with Mrs. Gee. Smith Wednesday~ which was held in Society Hall Mon- pports her daughter, Mrs. Sarah Cm- Apr. 1l. Everybody welcome. 23rd, 1918, and recorded December, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pierce of Card day netted them the nice sum of ov- thier, very low. Mrs. R. Makey of Elmwood spent 26£h., 1913, in the Office of the Register are visiting at the home of their Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Philpot are Preaching service at the Leek Monday with Mrs. Edgar Balch. of Deeds, for Tuscola County, Micl~i- er $33. daughter, Mrs. Stanley Warner. spending a couple of weeks with their gun, in Liber 74 of mortgages, on page .~[r. and Mrs. Neit Kennedy were schoolhouse ~-ill be held next Sun- daughter, Mrs. Edw. Smith. 541, on whihh mortgage there is due Mrs. John Dixon and little daugh- day morning at 11:30, preceded by callers in Gagetown Sund~y. Wm, Caok lost a horse one day last at this date the sum of twenty-one ter, Roberta, who have been on the Sunday school at 10:30. Everybody NOVESTA CORNERS. Dan Cole visited part of last week week. hundred ($2100) dollars, ti~e principal sick list, are some better at this writ- elcome. bein~ dectared due by reason of non- with his daughter, Mrs. Martin Keil- ing. Harry Pen'y is home from Detroit Anna Robinson returned last week itz in Ettington. lJayment, of two hundred and twenty- Mrs. Lillia~ Buffv visited at the for a few days. to her home at Cumber. ni~e ($229) dollars mtereat due. Clare and Lyle Patch of Detroit home of William Li'ttle a few days Archie McLeish is working a few Mrs. Loren Churchill of Novesta is Said mortgage will be foreclosed MeHUGH. spent over the week end with friends this week. days for Fred Palma teer. visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Travis. under the power of sale, contained in here. the said mortgage, by sale of said Mr. and Mrs. Allen Warner and Clara Auslander h~s been on the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perry returned Amy Travis returned to Cass City Frank and J. Wells Spencer were in p~emises, at public auction, at %he family spent Sunday at the home of sick list Tuesday from Detroit where they have Tuesday. front door of the Court House, in the Cass City Tuesday on business. been employed the past few months. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stone. Mr. and Mrs. David Harris and son, Village of Card, County of Tuscola, We will have two miles of gravel Mrs. Robt. Campbell visited last Earl, visited at Chas. Severance's Sun- Miss Iva Biddle spent Friday after- and State of Michigan, on the 16th road built again this summer. noon at the home of Miss Lena Went- STONE SCHOOL. day May, 1917, at o'clock in week in Clifford returnh~g Monday. day° of one the Geo. Spencer is buzzing wood for worth. afternoon, to satisfy the amount due, Misses Esther and Melissa Coulter Mrs. George Darling and daughter, We are very glad to see so many of with six (6) per cent interest, from D. McArthur, N. Phillips, John Elly, are visiting in Detroit this week. Bessie, called on :3ae format's broth- Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLarty are l sr., and John Etly, jr., this Week. visiting the latter's paren¢,~, Mr. and! °ur whooping cough people back this date, expenses, and attorney fee, Mrs. Walter Quick is the purchaser er, Thurston Wells, on Wednesday. • again. provided for in the said mortgage. Mrs. Geo. Walker was called to of a new Ford. Mrs. Robt. Craig caked on Mrs. R. Mrs. George Collins. 1 Earnest Barnes and Rev. Martin vis- Said premises being the east thirty Dryden again to help care for her • Mrs. Wm. Johnson of Rochester lited us one day last week. The latter (30) acres, of the southwest quarter Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Knoblet and son, Coulter on Monday af~ernecr. brother, Elmer Lewis. spent a few days at her farm home i gave us a talk which was enjoyed very ( V¢ ) of the southwest quarter (¼) of Rhinard, was called to Ubly Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clay Poole and little Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin and here. ! much by all. section ten (10), and the northwest to attend the funeral of Mrs. Knob- daughter called cn Eld. Douglas on daughters, Evelyn and Ilene, of Wil- quarter of the northwest quarter (M~), let's brother, who was brought from Friday. Miss Pearl Jenereaux spent Sunday For morning exercises we are read- mot visited Sunday at Wm. Parks'. ]with Miss Lena Wentworth. ~iinz "Hepsy Burke" by F. N. Wescott. of' section fifteen (15), all in Town- New Haven. Mrs. Geo. Agar was :- Shabbona vis- ship fourteen (14), north of range Mrs. Franklin and children remained " " "n f ~ Seventh grade agrriculture are Mrs. Robert Warner and Mrs. Dugal itor on Friday. Wm. Flemmg ~s spen&_g a ew[ eight (8) east in the township of Ak- until Tuesday. !dax~s in Detroit l studymg seeds and seed testing. Livingston spent Tuesday with Mrs. On Monday Da~e Nutt began his ron, Tuscola County, Michigan. Mrs. C. McArthur visited Mrs. R. ~ • " • t The second grade have completed Dated Sebewaing, Michigan, Febru- ~v[argaret Livingston of Deford. duties as Chas. Severance's right hand Miss Winme McLe~sh spent Sunday ...... Kennedy Monday. •., , , ~. ~, ,~ ,,. ,~nelr secon(1 DOOK and commenced in ary 12, A. D. 1917o man for the summer° lab Lne home el lynss tsana 15OIllnS. ] ...... Baby Meredith spent Sunday at the Ivlr. and ±Vlrs. henry tdazier and son ~. . , ", , , OTIS PENGRA, Executor. Grandma Connel ~s very ill at the I~ 1" ~ ~ ~%-¢ Tnhn ~"o " x~n ~ J flrs~ ann second, grade language Otis Pengra, Attorney. Business ~d- home of Win. Bentley. FERGUSON SCHOOL. ,13o..a.(!, ±Y!~. an...i'Ll. ~ ...... w~nE\. ~r~.., ~ ...... home of her son, Jonn Gonnel. bne t , a.-- • .. , ,~ , . .. are making i~as~;er (lecoraElons dress, Sebewaing, Michigan. 2-16-13 Mr. and Mrs. John Clark visited and cnuaren vialed ~unaay a~ mr. t ~" ~" o " " o. 7. • has been a helpless cripple for years. ] ~ nx._ ~..,~... ~ ..... ,~ ~lx~n grade, language are Slmdylng Report for month ending March 23, Sunday at Howard Silverthorn's. : 1917. Number of pupils enrolled 31. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bidwell of Noves- the puex~ ±no r~ag. Mrs. Delbert Martin spent Satur- Total days attendance 458. Days of ta were guests at the Israel Hall I -- The seventh grade geography are day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ] Advertise it in the Chronicle. studying" Europe at present. school 20. Average daily attendance home Friday. Neff Martin. A New Way 22.9. Per cent of attendance 70.64. The second and fourth ~rades have Church Calendar. completed their' Baldwin Readers and to Heat Your The order of services for Sunday have begun the "Young & Field Liter- next will be as follows: Leek school- ary Readers." °g / WhdeHouse house. Sunday School, 10:00; Preaeh- Archie Van Allen is absent from You don't need to depend on stoves in.~, 11:00. WHmot, Sunday School, school on account of sickness. any longer. VTe are handling a new 1:30; Preaching, 2:30. Deford, Sun- Our new library books have arrived kind of furnace that can be put day School, 10:00; PreacMng, 7:30. and we are enjoying them very much. into any home where stoves are Don't forget the Men's Booster Bi- The contest between the north and now u,se~ and will give you much ble class at Deford. Every man in the south sides ended Friday in favor of better, more even heat, beside'~ community is invited to be present. the south side. An arithmetic match saving troUble you and labor. On Sunday evening" a program will was enjoyed in which the south side be given by the scholars at the Deford was victorious. Then a peanut race Muel er church: "The Central Miracle of and hunt and also popcorn was atso Christianity." enjoyed. Pipdes Furnace You will be made welcome at any of Vernon Ferguson has been elected ~the above mentioned services. You librarian and Eva Mudge assistant. Heats every room in the house from one Real rubber-none of that puttyfied, near-rub- register and keeps the air pure and whole- come! The following" pupils have been some. Easily installed no matter hove } JOHN MEREDITH, Pastor. neither tardy nor absent for ber look to Savage Tires. small your cellar is. No flues--No Dipes. No alterations or tearing up walls lo put month ending" March 23, 1917: Grace it in. No lost heat. Keeps house warm Wagg, Harlem Wagg, Ernest Fergu- The tough, grips-the-road tread--the resilient, and cellar cooL Easy to run and regu- Deford SchoM Notes. late. Burns wood, coal or coke. A son, A. J. Ferguson and Roy and Alice shock-absorbing cushion- the strong, yet flexi- new High Room~Organist this week is idea in furnace building that we've taken Montgomery. hold of because the maker has convinced Irene Roberts. ble, never-crack sidewall- us that just the for homes Visitors this month were Eleanor it's thing Visitors this week were: Eldon Wat- tlmt are now using stoves exclusive- Wagg and Mrs. Colin Ferguson. Every rubber part of SavageTires is made of live ly. Price is very reasonable, and it kins, Mural Roberts, Dollie Ross, is wonderfully economical ot fuel. Eva Mudge, Reporter. rubber, the .finest for the purpose that money Gladys Balch, Clinton Bruce, Velma M. Belle Livingston, Teacher. Now's the time to Warner, and Gwenivere Kelley. can buy. talk it over with us Eighth grade is beginning "square root" in arithmetic. Stock always fresh. Sold from factory to you Sixth and seventh grades are work- through our own distributors--the middleman's profit put into higher quality. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

fill the ladies of Deford and i!ii

ii::! vicinity that I have "iii iii~i opened a parlor Mil- i::i:: linery and have every- i! ii!i !3 ::!::i thing in ii!! :::: ..% H np mileage! ii::::-.-. NEWEST CREATIONS ::i::i ::ii! FOR HEAD WEAR i::ii !i!i ::::...- •:-: .:.; Fo Ao BLISS }ii at very reasonaNe :':" Tires ~nd Accessories \ city, Mi h ...... 7Z .-.-!i!i NE WOBLBSGBEATEST ~EW[~ ~A~,t~!~.~ !ii! Easter Open ng iilii

i!i! l:ridayApril Sa6 and rgay 7 iliii!!! :::: All are cordiaUy invited iiiii '$flgou want either ~ Vibrating Nhuttle, gotar~ Nhuttle or a,Single Thread [Chair~ Nti$chl , Sewing Machine wri.t6~o ii? ,o i!i ~gR~FINITE TIJB£.~ THE BEW HONE SEWING MA(~HI~E G~IMPMI~ The o=ly robes that Imve graphito Orange, Ma~. ;}! Mrs. Bessie Sc~muhl, ii~ ~i¢~ni~ed intO, ~ suHace, Pro. ve~t~£, friction l~any sewing machines are made to sell regardless o~ and ~da[. Ma~es ~ps~ae ua. quality, but the ~e%~," ~, ~:o~aI~e ~s made to wear. i::i:: Deford, Michigan ::i!i I | I " mm~. Leugtheas the life Otlr guaranty never rlll%S Ollt. ,~old by ~tl*.,h~rized dealers on!$~ iiii o,o ,to,, i;il FOR .qALE BY C. D. STRIFFLER, Agt., C~u Oty, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 'PAGE EIGHT. CASS ,' CITY CHRONICLE, CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, APRIL 6, 1917. i II il rlll i ' I . I ii i irl I' i | ...... ]1 ...... i I I li I i i i i i i I ilH i _ IIIIII I • ...... : : I _ -- ~ [ I III II I , III 'l I I 111 Ill I roll , i L~L~ stood amazed at the wonderful perfec- l natural fitness, wiI1 gravitate to .~e- OF LOCAL INTEREST EDUCATE MORE FARMERS. WHATWE READ lion of the German military machine,, t professions, ,e~o~agh to: keep their 0wosso odd'-F~ws arertaTr~ng ' It is coming" to be recoenized as But the cause •behind ~: was as sim- / ranks recruited. As a matter of fac~ elabo,~ate plans for the elate " Nr urann"inn a mos~ obvious fact that if we as a ple as A. B. C. Every German youf.h"these same professions couidsPare had been educated and trained as a half of their present members and of the grand encampment of Michi- ' 13 ~Fllg.3 ~Hli ~0eople are to a~in put our country gan on May 14, 15 and 16. The event • &~ /l~|@l|g I|~U soldier first of all--after that for a not suffe~" in the least. on an emdtable livin~ ba,qis we must vocation, i Educate farmers! The farms arc will be one of the largest of a frater- educate more fmvners. Not educate nal nature in Owosso's history. More -- ' But in time war will cease. The arts suffering for them, and the professiona more farmer boys for professions, but of peace will again demand the atten-and trades are overbur~e~ned wi~ than 2,000 visitors are expected. •i OLD FILES OF CASS CITY EN educate more boys for farmers. The last issue the Bad Axe Tri-. -E .... - " lion and energies of the world, and i them.-Ex. • of . T. I T RPRISE~--- REPRINTED FOR bune devoted some space ~o ~ne ex- I .... ,r,, ...... • From the incipiency of the oublic ~among them there is none to compare I travagance of the last congress. In I ~au~ ur tuuAi. school u)o to within the last decade the with the great art of coaxing from its Class. the list there was no mention of the t ,...... entire trend of education has been Mother Earth her golden harvests. "'Here's a funny story abont getting pork barrel appropriation for thel _ .' ._ ~t,.,,. away from the farm and toward the But, you may ask, if all of the boys a seat in a crowded ear." vrofes~ioos. Even the manual train- postoffice buildings in small towns.~ I .... Apru in, i~z: are educated to a farmer's life, what "That's a standing j 0 Re. ~ ~Exchang~' grove t,~ ~s~ure the estab}ishment, of Pig'eo,', P~-o_~resso i Harry ~inn~ inas purchased a Su- of the professions? a farmers' elevator at that point. Earl F. Fisher of Caro has joined [nal safety bicycle.. ~ranks of the mechanical trades at the There will always be some who, by Advel-tise it in the Chronicle. expense of the farms. Deckervitle has hopes of a kraut the U. S. Navy and will aid in waxd- 1 H. Stewart is assisting in the post ing of the foes of the nation if occa- t office at present~ No nation can achieve permanent factory, t~]edges have been signed prosperity without a great and pros- 00000000000000000000000000 000.00000000000000000000000 sion comes. • [ S. R. Markham has Opened a real for growing over.~00 acres o~, cabbage perous • farmin~ class. When the ~farm 0 0 in Wheatland township this~ year if testate office in De~roit. o o decays the nation deterioi-ates. Our o o the factory is built at that point. HOSPITAL NOTES. i Britton Predmore ~as purchased o o fa~ms are the very life and heart of o o Capt. Hobson who is working in the from A1 Hayes, a store building, barn our country• o @ o interest of a national dry campaign, Mrs. Frank McCaslin, Mrs. Walter and piece of:land, located at Wick- Some, though, may ask how we are o spoke before a packed opera house at ware• to educator more farmers. o ;iSchell and Miss Ruby Nesbitt under- @ Marlette recently and delivered a re- Prof. Conlon and John Gordon were Very simple. Make every free school i.went operations Monday and are do- io @ markable lecture. At the close of the ing nicely. in Caro last Friday evening and be- in the land primarily an agricultural Carpenters Wanled for $1,114.19 were subscribed to o meeting t Wm. Gibbard of Cumber is a Patient came members of the Caro Chapter,,SChOOt, and a literary school as a sec, o carry on the fight for national prohi- at the hospital and la slowly improv- R. A.M. t ondary matter• Belles letters is not o bition. The amount is payabie with- ,o ing W. D• Fra z ee of Ohoi is" now[ the crowning. necessity of existence" " o in five years. c-shier in the Cass r~it- Bank 0 K IBre~d and meat are. Educate the Dr. Harvey Morris of Vassar, one of ~...,~ ~_,~ ~..~.~.~ ~;~',~,~r~lyouth of the land first toward that Censtroction Work o o Stonehenge. o the most prominent physicians in Tus- there yesterday. I which is most mtally.~, necessary to our o cola county, died at Miami, Florida, Stonehenge, like "Hamlet," remains • • - .~ 'national life, and when this is accom- @ Frank DHlman, son of James Dill Wednesday morning, March 28, of a mystery so far as its actual builders • - ~)lished. if there be leisure and means o o o pernicious anaemia. He had fought are concerned or the actual purpose for man, living two miles west of town, for adding the frills, let them be add- had his arm fractured in two places o the progress of the disease for five which it was erected. ~Phe famous ed. o o last Friday, by being run over by a years and made a most heoric struggle Nine out of every ten high school o stones that stand on Salisbury plains. wagon• He had started to drive to o to overcome it in the face of his pro- pupils on emerging from that school o in England, are the remnants of some towm, riding on the reach, when the o fessional knowledge that it was in- enter the ranks of the toilers, in Some sort of structure supposed to have team became unmanageable andhe o o curable. department or other. If in their edu- o @ been built about the year 44() or 450 in was thrown to the ground. o A record business is being done by cation the farm has not only been @ Lm-ge crowds are in attendance at o rat catchers and sparrow hunters in memory of the Britons who were tour- made attractive to them, but they o HIRES' CONBENSAP,Y @ the vicinity of Sandusky and some of dered by Hengist the Saxon. T-hey the union meetings held every evening have been given a thorough and prac- o ~! .the boys are making good money. The are probably the remains of a 'druid in the rink this week. Rev. Wills is a tical knowled~e of its workings, then o tr~,~ ~ t~=~,, records of the county clerk's office temple or inclosure, About the drtiids plain but forcible speaker, and does ta large per cent of them will as a mat- ~ b~ b~ / shows that for the year 1916 and the we know very little excePt timt they not hesitate to "speak his mind" re-lter of course choose that as their oc- o -- :O three months of 1917, the sum of were the plSests of the Celtic peoples Ig ardless of who may be concerned. I cupation in life. o° . .~ $822.95 has been paid out i~ bounties of Great Britain and France in ~heear, t ' : ~ { When war broke out between the o for rat heads. The Penny bill allows Iy pre~Roman times.--NewYork AmerL } Advertise it ia the Chrol~icle. [allies and the central powers the world ~ooooooooooooooooooooooooo 00000000000000000000000060 a bounty of five cents apiece for rat can. ~ [ ~__~__~____~__~___ ...... ~ ...... ~ ...... :~ ...... heads and 16,459 rats have been put out of business and the-money collect- ed for their heads. Unless Bay City makes some sub- abot~t the toothsome scallop? The lit- t~1~ , - , • " • • ]~t tantial progress toward the erection a~ ~na ~its o~ white ~t ~ ~ty I LLf • • ]~[ of a modern high school both of its the hearts of bivalves. In oth.e~ words, / ~1 . " ' - - ' [~iI schools will be taken from .the "uni- the only edible part of a ~allop is the l:l~! versity list" at the end of the present .... D tt nh0ier, Shoes i0r eith S 0es [or year, and graduates from Bay City

public schools will not have the privi- scallop is derivtdfrom the.fluted shape I~t ...... • , -~ ___ ...... ~,: ~. ~=,~. ~.,, , lege of entering the colleges of what o~ the creatures shell. ~hese are very l~i m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ f~ ~ ~ ~ ~-- . ]ti iS known as the North Central asso- thin. In fact, the ,'eight of the scallop ~" ~ I~ I ~ ~B~~ ~ ~[~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~]~ ~ ~ ~~,~ [~ ciation, including the University of is so near that of an equal volume of ~ /~ ~ ' ~ ~~~~.~ ~!~'~ ~k ' ~ ~. ~ ~ ~~ [~i Michigan, without taking a prelimin- ary examination a privilege which water' that it floats by the very slight }8t ~m m m ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~'~ ~ ~• has been enjoyed for years and which propulsive force givenby the opening tc~l ! -~ ~ ~ ' ~~~~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~~ , ~ . , is extended to the high school gradu- andcl°sing°'theshe'l;~encesca'l°Ps t~l "" "-- ~--''" " -- ' " ' " ~~*~:~L ates of every other city in the state, so have the reputation of a shellfish that ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ¢ far as is known. swims: in scoop nets F6~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r ~~~ ~ ~[ One of the largest live stock trans- as tim5 noa~ mon~ with the tide. [ ~ [ , actions that Imlay City has known Lanterns In Chln~, I X I ' took place Tuesday when Pritzel, Rid- There has long existed among the [~{" and ~ ley & Worthy purchased a bunch of Chinese a passion for fireworks and [~] " -~ till 3-year-old steers from Ed. Donovan lanterns. Travelers have called China [~ ~~ ~ ~ _~.~ ~ ~ ~, ]~} of South Irnlay. There were 68 head in the herd, the total weight being the land of lanterns, ~nd the term is 1,~t ~.~ hOeS ~OU ~~~ ~ t~ 85,870 pounds, an average of 1,263 apposite, in every city, at every port [~i pounds. The cattle filled cars, there and on every rive]" and canal as soon being one car of Durhams, a car of as night c(~mes on lanterns make their Herfords and a car of blackface. They appearance. They are hung at the the Price You Want e went to the New York market, being door of eve~'y dwelling; they swing as shipped to the Nagle Packing Co. :of pendants from the angles of pagodas; Hoboken City, N.Y. The steers were they form the fiery crown of every in prime condition, the most of them l Ladies' shop front: they clnster round the Spring having' been fed by Mr. Donovan for houses of the rich and light up the two winters. The past season they Footwear hovels of the poor; they are borne with $2.50 to $6 were fed ensilage, hay and corn. The the carriages of travelers, and they check in payment for the herd amount- swing from the yards and the masts ed to the tidy sum of $8,672.87. Who uf vessels. says there is no money in farming ?-- Comfort Shoes and Slippers at $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 Imlay City Times. Philate|io Philosophy. "Do thoughts that came to you In the REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. long ago ever return ?" asked the origi- Misses' Shoes, sizes to 2 $1,50 to $2.50 nator of silly questions. Henry Rowe and wife to George Ev- "Not ~less I inclose stamps," an- ans, jr., the w 95 acres of ne ~A sec. swered the literary party.--Chicago Children's Shoes, to 11 $1.75 to $2.25 lion24, Arbela $1.00. :News. George Evans and wife to Henry Rowe and wife, the w 95 acres of ne Advertise it in a ChrOnicle liner. $1.35 to $2.00 ~4 section 24 Arbela $1. Child's Shoes, to 8 Lawson Pardee and wife to Peter Parddee, pt. e b~ of nw ~4 section 18 @ Reese $3000. Infants' Shoes with heels, 3 to 6 75c to $1.50 James Dasser and wife to Robert e FULL LINE OF * Kirk, s % of n % of ne 1A section 9 Fairgrove $2000. • BICYCLES AND @ Infants' Shoes without heels, 1 to 4 65c to $1.25 Wm. James and wife to Alonzo • BICYCLE SUNDRIES Rayl and wife, n ½ of nw ~ section 36 Akron $3800. ".~ BICYCLE TIRES AND Boys'-Shoes,-1 to 6 $1.75 to $3.75 *2 Wm. Hopkins and wife to Pearl e AUTOMOBILE TIRES Fuller and wife, sw ~ of ne ¼ and se aA of nw ~/& and pt of ne ¼ of ne ~ ALSO ROOFING AND and pt. nw ~ of ne ¼ section 30, Fre- Youths' Shoes, 13½ to 2 $2.00 and $2.50 mont $1. • BARB WIRE Ray Hardy and wife to Frank Golis, f lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 in blk 2 May- Little Gents, 9 to $2.00 to $2.75 ville $200. G.W. Goff Frank Stamits and wife to Elmer Cole, se ~A of section 22 Ellington $8,- i~ Cass City } 000. Men's Fine Shoes $2.75 to $7.50 Trustees of tent No. 183, K. O. T. M., to Trustees of Lodge No. 394, ~I. WINTER COUGHS mean weak O. O. F. lot 6, blk 1 Village Reese, • • • • ® • $2.75 to $7.00 $1,000. bronchial tubes, possibly weak Men's Work Shoes Samuel Coler and wife to Nellie lungs. Stop them promptly with Stewart, sw ~ of sw ¼ section 24, Fairgrove $1. Foley's Honey and Tar, a stan- -and we will be pleased to show you. Sylvester Jinkins and wife to Thom- dard family medicine for chil- as Neal and wife, s ~.& of se ~ section dren and grown-ups. Best for L .t...L2.. - _ - - - | 5 Koylton $L coughs, colds, croup, etc. _ _

@ SHOES CLOTHING Pastime Theatre Pa-ogram * WEDNESDAY, APRIL ll-- QUALITY David Higgins in "His Last Dolhr." FRIDAY, APRIL 13-- ' New Woolwear Suits ior Boys ~ Fourth Episode in Crimson Stain Mystery entitled .i lde Shirts and COllars l "Mysterious Disappearance." .,~ Michaeis Stern Suits i SATURDAY, APRIL 14--- :i Valli Valli in "Her Debt of Honor." ~?.