Genealogical and Personal Record, Scranton and Dunmore. 438 Z
4> GENEALOGICAL AND PERSONAL RECORD, SCRANTON AND DUNMORE. 438 Z J. M. Acker, Belleviie, Hyde Park, superintendent of the Bellevue Morgan Bowen, residence Chestnut street, Hyde Park, inside fore- mines (formerly a plasterer), was born in Kockport, Pa., November man in the School Fund Association's mines, was born in Llangonyd, Knd, 1831, and married Margaret Ridall, of Wilkcs-Barro. Glamorganshire, South Wales, April 2Tth, 182.S, and married Margaret Williams, of Bryn Mawr, Breconshire, South Wales. He was formerly a Byron F. Akerly, attorney (office Fecond National Bank building-, miner, and has served as common councilman. Scranton; residence 10th street, Hyde Park), was born April 2nd, 1814, in South Abington township, where he was formerly a farmer, and mar- .1. C. Bowman, Providence, formerly engineer, now foreman of Ca- ried Sarah Clark. .\-uga mines, was born in Sentzburg, Switzerland May 2Sth, 18.38, and married Jennie Coal, of Falmouth, England. I. H. Allen, stationary engineer, Hyde Park, was born in Blossburg, Pa., December 3d, 1841, and married Maria Smith, of Carbondalo. Dur- Daniel B. Brainard, proprietor of the St. Charles Hotel, Scranton, ing- the Rebellion heserved three years—in Company 1 132nd Pennsylva- was burn in Boston, March 1.5th, 182.5, and married Ann Rafter, of Car- nia volunteers nine months and in the signal corps twenty-seven bondale. Mr. Brainard was superintendent of the Lackawanna Iron and months. Coal Company's rolling mills for twenty years. Fred J. Amsden, Scranton.son of ,Toel Amsden, architect and civil William Bright, carriage manufacturer and blacksmith. Providence, engineer, and for seven yonrs city surveyor, was born in Rome, N.
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